How to be a Successful 21st Century Teacher


How to be a Successful 21st Century Teacher
2011 Professional
Saturday, March 19
MEA Headquarters
1216 Kendale Blvd.
East Lansing, Michigan
How to be a
21st Century
2011 Student Michigan Education Association
Saturday, March 19, 2011
MEA Headquarters
East Lansing
8–8:30 a.m.. . . . . . . . . . . Conference Registration
Light Continental Breakfast
8:30–9 a.m.. . . . . . . . . . . Welcome
Gary Scott, 2010-11 SMEA Chairperson
Speeches from nominees for election
9–9:15 a.m. . . . . . . . . . . Break–Member voting begins*
9:15–10:30 a.m.. . . . . . . Sessions/100 Series
10:30–10:45 a.m. . . . . . . Break–Member voting continues*
10:45 a.m.–noon. .. . . . . Sessions/200 Series
Noon–12:45 p.m. . . . . . Lunch/final chance for member voting
Display tables open
12:45–1:15 p.m. . . . . . . . Keynote Speaker
Manuel V. Scott
1:15–1:30 p.m. . . . . . . . . Break
1:30–2:45 p.m. . . . . . . . . Sessions/300 Series
2:45–3 p.m.. . . . . . . . . . . Break
3–3:45 p.m. . . . . . . . . . . Closing Session
Announcement of election results & raffle
* O
nly members of Student MEA may vote for a 2011-12 student
chairperson, vice chairperson and student delegates. You must
present valid picture identification to be allowed to vote.
1216 Kendale Blvd.
East Lansing, MI 48826-2573
800-292-1934 • 517-332-6551
How to be a
21st Century
General session keynote:
Manuel V. Scott
One of the Original Freedom Writers
Manuel Scott’s unique message is one that has inspired, educated,
and empowered almost a million people, helping them make the most
of their lives.
At the age of fourteen, Manuel dropped out of school, and his English
grammar was so poor that he was classified as an English as a Second
Language student (ESL). At an early age, he began using drugs and
alcohol. By the age of 16, he had already lived in 26 different places.
However, due to an amazing transformation, Manuel has defied all
the odds stacked against him. Scott says, “I was once dismissed as
‘unreachable’ and ‘unteachable,’ but something special happened, and
I love sharing that message with others.” The high school drop-out
now holds degrees from the University of California at Berkeley and
Trinity International University. He is currently working on his Ph.D in
Chicago, IL.
He has spoken for the Department of Education, the National
Education Association, and hundreds of organizations and schools
all over the world. He has become the speaker of choice for
Conferences, Conventions, Banquets, Teacher In-Service/Institute
Days, School-Wide Assemblies, Back to School Kick-offs, and Parent
Outreach Events.
His is an against-the-odds story of immeasurable courage, strength
and determination to overcome extreme adversity. His message
leaves audiences not only awed and inspired, but also moved towards
change. No one who hears Manuel’s incredible story will ever be the
“I do not share my story to impress people,” Scott explains, “but
to impress upon them some invaluable lessons that could literally
change the quality of their lives forever. When I speak, I am absolutely
committed to making sure audiences are crystal clear about how
to transform their lives, organizations, departments, or classrooms.
Whether I’m in Houston or Hong Kong, Kansas City or Cairo, Los
Angeles or London, I carry the torchlight of inspiration into the
recesses of dormant potential, and show the gems that are sparkling
there.” Manuel Scott is changing lives all over the globe.
100 Series 9:15–10:30 a.m.
200 Series
10:45 a.m.–Noon
101 Reach Them to Teach Them
201 Working Successfully with all Generations
Have you ever wondered how some teachers get really
tough kids to behave and learn? What is their secret?
Take away love and logic strategies for immediate
application Monday morning.
Generation X? Generation Y? Millennials? In this
session, you learn about the differences between
generations and how to work collaboratively side by
side with one another.
Karen and Mark Wagnon
Teaching Our Youth
Jean Robinson, Fifth-Grade Teacher Miller
Elementary, SMEA Liaison
102 ABCs of Investment Options for School Employees
202 Looking at Autism Spectrum Disorder Differently
The classroom work can be made easier if your money
is working for you outside the classroom. Attending
this session will provide you with details of your
investment options. You will leave with financial and
retirement information you want to learn about early
in your career. You will receive the MEA Financial
Services “Top Ten Financial Questions for New
This workshop will provide a perspective of ASD
that enhances understanding and programming
for students across all grade levels. Strategies
will emphasize universal supports and proactive
strategies for channeling ASD preoccupations in a
productive manner, in a sense, using the ASD for the
student rather than against them.
Damon A. Wilson, CEBS
MEA Financial Services Eastern Region Manager
Session 103: Dealing with the Equal Opportunity
Every day we come in contact with people who seem
to enjoy making our lives or our work difficult. These
“difficult people” present a challenge when we try
to deal with them and their behavior. We’ll learn how
to recognize these equal opportunity offenders and
explore the ways we can manage difficult people
through better communication.
Rosemary Carey, MEA Communications Consultant
104 Overview of the Laws That Impact Teaching
Teaching is a heavily regulated profession, and many
new teachers have only the vaguest idea of the various
laws that impact them in the workplace. This session
looks at the rights and responsibilities of teachers in
the classroom and as professionals on issues ranging
from child safety to personal liability to free speech
and more. This is information all new teachers need to
Jeff Murphy, MEA Staff Attorney
Kelly Dunlap, Psy.S.
Autism Education Center
Grand Valley State University
203 Bringing the Outside World into the Classroom
Our students bring a rich variety of music, travel,
theatre, artistic, food, volunteer, sports, and
technological experiences to the classroom.
This session briefly outlines examples of how pop
music, backyard field trips, Hollywood film, concept
sketches, food, service learning projects, and games
can serve as powerful motivators for student learning.
Mark Francek
Professor of Geography
Central Michigan University
204–304 D
rawing Connections: Intersections of Race,
Gender, and Sexual Orientation
This is a two-part session. 10:45 a.m. – 2:45 p.m.
This workshop, designed for all school personnel,
explores the relationship and commonalities between
gender, race and GLBT issues, with an emphasis
on enhancing race and gender awareness when
addressing GLBT issues in schools.
Frank Burger, Teacher
Carman-Ainsworth Community Schools
Tracy Hobbs, Retired school psychologist, Lake Orion
Community Schools
300 Series 1:30–2:45 p.m.
301 Michigan Online Resources for Educators (MORE)
Find thousands of free resources such as lesson plans,
videos, podcasts and interactive Web sites using the
Michigan Online Resources for Educators (MORE) in
the Michigan eLibrary ( Even more exciting
– these resources are aligned to and searchable by
Michigan’s Grade Level Content Expectations (GLCEs)
as well as the High School Content Expectations
MORE users can also submit, rate and review resources and check employment opportunities in education
all in one convenient place. The Michigan eLibrary
also contains vetted materials such as practice tests
and tutorials, full-text articles, maps, art images and
much more all freely accessible by teachers, students
and parents to enhance learning. The Michigan Online
Resources for Educators is a project of the Library of
Michigan, the Michigan Department of Education and
Wayne State University.
Deb Biggs Thomas, MA, AMLS
Michigan eLibrary Coordinator
Library of Michigan
302 “It’s All About You” – Cover Letter and Resumes
Use cover letters, resumes and portfolios as marketing
tools to capture your dream teaching position. Cover
letters and resumes are more than information—they
are a way to market yourself. Use these tools to “strut
your stuff.” Create your own personal marketing campaign. This time it is “All About You.”
Pam DeGryse
MEA Board Member
Staff Member - Learning Academy for Faculty & Staff Grand Rapids Community College
303 What You Need to Know about Your Teacher
Certificate but Did Not Know to Ask
This open exchange format will explore the most current standards regarding certification. Participants will
learn how certificates are issued and what must be
done to keep them valid. Time will be allowed for questions and answers.
Frank Ciloski
MEA Professional Development Consultant
304 Walking the Talk: Classroom Strategies for
Addressing Bias
Continuation of Session 204
305 Classroom Management
Effective Management: Putting the Pieces Together
Effective classroom management is essential if you
are going to be a successful teacher. This session
will give a broad overview of the topic as well as
some specific strategies to consider as you work with
Alycia Meriweather, Detroit Public Schools, Interim
Director, DPS Math/Science Center
Registration Fee:Preregistration On-site registration
(Postmarked on or before March 11)
SMEA Members
* N
onmembers can receive the member registration price by joining the Student MEA prior to
the conference ($27 annual fee). To download an SMEA application, go to
or e-mail
Other Information:
• All persons attending the conference or any part of it must register.
• Preregistration deadline is March 11, 2011.
• N
o registration will be processed without full payment. Payment in full must accompany registration form(s).
• Conference fee includes continental breakfast, lunch, afternoon refreshments, and conference materials.
• A
ll cancellations must be in writing. No refunds will be made for cancellations postmarked after
March 11, 2011.
• On the registration form, please indicate your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd session choices.
Make check or money order payable to
Michigan Education Association and mail to:
Accounting Department
Michigan Education Association
1350 Kendale Blvd.
P.O. Box 2573
East Lansing, MI 48826-2573
For further information contact:
Christina Canfield, Conference Coordinator, or
Sue Vollmuth, Conference Assistant
Michigan Education Association
1216 Kendale Blvd.
P.O. Box 2573, East Lansing, MI 48826-2573
800-292-1934 or 517-332-6551, ext. 3371
(Form may be reproduced)
2011 Student Michigan Education Association Conference
March 19, 2011 • MEA Headquarters, East Lansing, Michigan
Registration Deadline—March 11, 2011
Home phone
Home address
School phone
1. Freshman
Indicate most appropriate number.
2. Sophomore
Classification: _______
1. Student MEA Member
Member Information: _______
3. Junior
2. Nonmember
4. Senior
5. Graduate Student
6. Faculty/Sponsor
Amount enclosed
 Member $_______
 Nonmember $_______
Breakfast _______
First choice
Second choice
Lunch _______
Third choice
Would you like to participate in a mock interview?
 Yes
Special Needs
 No If yes, we will schedule a 15 minute
session sometime during the conference.
Physical handicap (Please be specific)
Dietary needs (Please be specific)
Registration FeePreregistration On-site registration
SMEA Member
(Postmarked no later than March 11)
* N
onmembers can receive the member registration price by joining the Student MEA prior to the conference ($27 annual fee). To request an
SMEA membership application, contact Sue Vollmuth at 800-292-1934, ext. 3371, or by e-mail at
ALL payment information for conference must accompany this registration form.
Amount Enclosed: $ ______________ Mail Form and Payment to: Number of forms included with payment ___________ of ____________
Payment Method: ■ C
heck (payable to MEA)
Check # _______________
Received from____________________________________
Accounting Department
Michigan Education Association
1350 Kendale Blvd.
P.O. Box 2573
East Lansing, MI 48826-2573
Christina Canfield, Conference Coordinator
Sue Vollmuth, SMEA Conference Assistant
For Accounting Use Only
■ MasterCard
Card Number
Expiration Date
Printed Name of Authorized Signer
Authorized Signature
2010-2011 Student MEA Advisory Committee
Gary Scott, Chairperson
University Member Representatives
Jenn Shory, Baker College-Auburn Hills
Jeanette Grove, CMU
Sarrah Gani, MSU
Amber Dundas, Oakland University
Anthony DeSalvio, SVSU
Heather Hawrylak, U-M Dearborn
Ashley Sidaway, U-M Flint
Angela Skrip, WSU
Student Advisory Committee Liaisons
Pam DeGryse, MEA Board, Region 9
Richard Hosking, MEA Retired
Jean Robinson, MEA Board, Region 2
Christina Canfield, SMEA Staff Liaison and Conference Coordinator
Sue Vollmuth, SMEA Conference Assistant
1216 Kendale Blvd, P.O. Box 2573, East Lansing, MI 48826-2573
Iris K. Salters, President
Steven B. Cook, Vice President
517-332-6551 or 800-292-1934
Peggy McLellan, Secretary-Treasurer
The mission of the MEA is to ensure that the education of our students and
the working environments of our members are of the highest quality.
Lu Battaglieri, Executive Director