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IMPRESSION: a characteristic, trait, or feature resulting from some influence, a telling
image impressed on the senses or the mind
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How to Make a Lasting Impression
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Part 1
UXL, July 2012
In order to learn how to pump up the impression you leave with others, it is
essential to accept a certain set of truths. Firstly, you are in control of your own
story and the story that you tell yourself. No one is ruining your life, bogging you
down, or stopping your from being successful except yourself. Conversely, you and
your choices are to thank for your own success, dedication, and happiness.
The thing that I like most about the topic of making a lasting impression is that it
deals with a lot of small changes with big impact. And these changes are all
changes that any person is capable of making. Often, it can even be as simple as
changing your perspective or your approach to a routine experience. A major
challenge to making a lasting impression can often be the way we deal with the
unpredictable lumps and bumps--how we can learn from these experiences, help
How You (Yes You!)
Can Get Creative at
others along the way, and be even more fulfilled.
When I present to a group of professionals on this topic, I like to offer 15 different
components that add to the power of your impression. This month I'll present the
first 8, and I hope you'll have the courage to choose a few of them to devote a little
genuine thought to in the coming month.
The Elements of a Lasting Impression (1 - 8)
1. Know Yourself: Gain insight into your strengths and weaknesses through
personal assessments and conversations. Investigate the way you come off
to others, what others appreciate about you, and where you have room for
Interested in learning to
ignite your own creativity
and start embracing
challenges and creating
new ideas? Many people
believe that we’re either
born with creativity, or
we’re out of luck—we’re
2. Be Curious: Always take the opportunity to ask questions that demonstrate
support, confirm expectations, offer help, or gain clarity.
3. Be Present: Being half engaged means lost time and opportunities. Pay
attention, focus on others, turn off your phone, and actively listen.
4. Stay Healthy: Take care of yourself by taking opportunities to move, such as
walking, standing up, visiting people in their offices instead of emailing.
5. Be Brave: Always stand up for what you believe in and demonstrate
courage by making decisions based on your values.
6. Be Positive: Never give anyone else any ammo to use against you--
we’re out of luck—we’re
“uncreative” people. This
way of thinking about
creativity is downright
wrong, and it limits
potential. Read More
The Key to Business
Success is All Around
Solutions are the result of flexibility, resilience, and an open mind.
7. Be Consistent: This deals with your personal brand. The more consistent
you are, the stronger your brand. If you perform differently, you dilute this
8. Connect with Others: Network internally and externally, regardless of the
state of your career. Meet new people by volunteering or getting involved
with the right activities.
For elements 9-15, look to August's newsletter.
Now's the time to decide where your change will begin. Whether you choose to
focus on being more Brave, Connect with someone new, or make Healthier choices
this month, I know you'll be happy with the results.
Have a wonderful rest of July.
A recent article reveals a
key to business success:
building the perfect team.
Does it sound like a great
solution? Sure. Does it
sound like an
easy solution? If you’ve
ever worked on a team,
then your answer is
probably a little less
definitive. Read More
The Danger of Sitting
- Why and How to
Margaret Smith
Give your Chair a
Founder, UXL: Creating Successful Leaders
At work, it’s easy to get
sucked into the seated,
screen-staring position for
Ready to discover your gifts and the gifts of others? Contact me to see
positive change through an Insights Discovery Assessment!
hours on end. It may
seem counterintuitive, but
sticking it out all day at
your chair can actually be
a huge loss to your
productivity and creativity
—not to mention a threat
to your health! Lucky for
you, I've got some great
ideas for adding more
movement to your day.
Read More
Your Tools
Summer Leadership
Margaret Smith
One-on-One Coaching
Series Seminars
St. Kates University,
St. Paul
The Summer Leadership
believes in the bench
Discover the support,
wisdom, and positive
energy you need!
Insights Discovery
Learn how Insights
Discovery can reveal
your strengths and
put them to work!
UXL Workshops
Develop new
techniques and best
practices. Walk away
with tools that result
in greater life
Series returns with six
outstanding leadership
development seminars.
Each session is a standalone learning
experience; all are
connected by their focus
on core leadership
competencies. Thursdays
through August
23rd: 7:30 - 9:30 a.m.,
$20 per session. Click
Here to Learn More
strength of your
Learn how to harness
this strength to create
executives & business
Margaret is an
experienced career
coach, licensed
Insights Discovery
practitioner, Profitbuilder
Network consultant,
adjunct professor at St.
Kate's University, and
has 27 yrs experience as
a Senior Leader for 3M.
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UXL: Creating Successful Leaders
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