Athens Canine Rescue How to Add a New Dog Post 1. t


Athens Canine Rescue How to Add a New Dog Post 1. t
Athens Canine Rescue
How to Add a New Dog Post
Log into the account at using your username and password
This opens the Wordpress dashboard
As an editor, you will be able to add posts and related images for each
dog on the website; please do not make any modifications under the
submenus ‘Appearances’, ‘Settings’ or ‘WSD Security’.
From the menu on the left side of the screen, select the ‘Posts’ submenu
to display all the posts for the website. Each dog for the website has
his/her own post. This allows us the ability to write the content and add
images in one place [post] and yet have their information appear in
several areas of the website.
With the ‘Posts’ submenu open, select ‘Add New’
This will open the ‘add new post’ screen.
Enter the name of the dog in the ‘Enter title here’ box and press return
This will automatically generate a permalink (i.e. the unique URL address
for this dog’s webpage). Note the url is the same as the dog’s name
except in all lower case letters.
Beneath the permalink you will see upload/insert and to the right
visual/html editors.
Be sure you are working in the visual editor. To select it, simply click on
‘visual’. The visual editor will display your text similar to how it will
appear on the website and one that I recommend you use for editing
The Visual editor provides two rows of functions, or “toolbars”. Passing
your cursor over any icon will display its name.
Athens Canine Resuce
How to add a new dog post
Athens Canine Rescue
How to Add a New Dog Post
To display both rows of functions, you may have to click on the icon
‘kitchen sink’ [see image below]
To enter or edit text in the visual editor, simply place your cursor inside
the white box beneath the toolbars and start typing, just as you would in
any word processing program. When you use the return button on your
keyboard, a new paragraph starts, just as it would in any other word
processing program.
If you want to copy and paste into WordPress, be sure to use the
“Paste from Word” button. You would copy from Word and then press
the “Paste from Word” button. This will open the plain text editor which
will strip the code from the text. Paste the copied text and press the
‘Insert’ button. Do not copy/paste directly from Word.
Athens Canine Resuce
How to add a new dog post
Athens Canine Rescue
How to Add a New Dog Post
After your last line of text in the white box, press the return key then
copy and paste the following text using the ‘Paste from Word’ button:
Would you like to find out more about adopting me? Click here to find out how!
If you can't adopt me, would you like to be my virtual foster? Click here for more
Press the ‘Paste from Word’ button and paste the copied text.
Press insert to add the text to the post.
Scroll past the text box, to ‘ET Settings’. This is where you can add the
text for the stats. Note: if you do not have information, leave the field(s)
blank since this information cannot be removed once added, only
Place your cursor within the box for the stats and type as you would in
any word processing program.
Scroll down the ‘ET Settings’ box to find the section that allows you to
add or remove images. (Detailed directions are covered this document.
Scroll back to the top of the post and go to the blue box on the right
labeled ‘Categories”.
Each dog needs to be listed as adoptable and assigned a size (large,
medium, small or puppy). To do this, click in the box beside ‘Adoptables’
and the box beside the appropriate size for the dog. Be sure to deselect
the ‘uncategorized’ box by clicking in the box next to ‘Uncategorized’.
Scroll back to the top of the screen and in the blue ‘Publish’ box, click on
the ‘Preview’ button to double check your work.
If you haven’t finished with your edits, click on the ‘Save Draft’ button.
To reopen the draft, select the ‘Posts’ submenu to display all the posts
for the website. With the ‘Posts’ submenu open, from the list of dogs
under the ‘Title’, click on the name of the dog you want to edit.
Athens Canine Resuce
How to add a new dog post
Athens Canine Rescue
How to Add a New Dog Post
Once you are happy with your edits, press ‘Publish’.
Once you have completed all your edits for the website, be sure to log
out which is located under your username in the upper right corner.
Athens Canine Resuce
How to add a new dog post