How to deploy the Learn360 Silverlight desktop player Support Center Knowledgebase SEARCH


How to deploy the Learn360 Silverlight desktop player Support Center Knowledgebase SEARCH
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How to deploy the Learn360 Silverlight desktop player
La st upda te d o n 10 Aug ust 20 12 0 1:0 0 PM
Learn36 0 Silverlight Player is an Out-Of-Bro wser Silverlight applicatio n and hence requires no "Administrato r Privileges" to install o n End-Users' PCs'.
Micro so ft Silverlight versio n 4+ is a pre-requisite fo r end-users to play video s in Learn36 0 Silverlight player.
Silverlight 4.0 can be pushed/installed in end-user machines using Gro up Po licy.
Please find attached Silverlight 4.0 Deployment Guide for administrators.
Learn36 0 Silverlight Player can be installed by (no n-admin ro le) End-Users when they visit www.Learn36 0 .co m and try to view a video title in windo ws media fo rmat.
Video titles which require Learn36 0 Silverlight player will display a "Install Player" butto n right belo w the video player.
Users can install the player by simply clicking the "Install Player" butto n.
Administrato rs can also push o r Install Learn36 0 Silverlight Player after installing Micro so ft Silverlight by launching a co mmand line executable "SLLauncher.exe."
This launcher executable is available at "<primary windo ws drive>\Pro gram Files\Micro so ft Silverlight\sllauncher.exe"
Co mmand - "c:\Pro gram Files\Micro so ft Silverlight\sllauncher.exe" http://www.learn36 0 .co m/clientbin/buydrmkeyo splayertemplate.xapwill install the Learn36 0 Player in end-user
pro file.
Fo r so me versio ns o f windo ws the administrato r may need to be mo re specific abo ut the destinatio n and o rigin o f the so urce player.
Two co m m o n variat io n are sho wn be lo w:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Silverlight> sllauncher.exe /install:e:\buydrmkeyo splayertemplate.xap /o rigin:http://www.learn36 0 .co m/clientbin/buydrmkeyo splayertemplate.xap
/sho rtcut:deskto p+startmenu /o verwrite
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Silverlight> sllauncher.exe /install:e:\buydrmkeyo splayertemplate.xap /o rigin:"http://www.learn36 0 .co m/clientbin/buydrmkeyo splayertemplate.xap"
No te that SLLauncher.exe co mmand need to be run fo r each user o n the PC. A po licy o r a co mmand to auto matically execute o n next user lo gin can actually install Learn36 0 player in
end-user PC by an administrato r.
Attached Deplo yment Guide is very useful fo r IT administrato rs to plan and deplo y Silverlight.
silverlight_deplo (40 1.31 KB)
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