Moving Day Columbus How to Register as an


Moving Day Columbus How to Register as an
Moving Day Columbus
How to Register as an
Individual Walker
Pg 2: How to Register
Pg 9: Your Personal Fundraising Page
Pg 15: Soliciting/Entering Donations
Kelly Katherine, Programs & Events Coordinator
Moving Day Registration – Part 1
How to Register
Step One: go to
Click Join as a New Participant if
you’ve never registered for a Moving
Day walk.
If you walked in past years, enter your
previous User Name and Password
under Returning User. If you’ve
forgotten your login information, click
on Email me my login information or
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You can change your personal
fundraising goal here.
It is FREE to register for Moving Day.
If you would like to make a donation
and kickstart your fundraising, please
select a donation amount or enter one
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If you are a New User, complete the
registration form.
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Create your user name and password.
This will allow you access into your
Participant Center.
Please answer the 8 additional
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Your name should appear here at the
top of the page.
Read the waiver. When you’re done,
check the box at the bottom.
If you made a donation as part of your
registration it will show up here.
Do you want to register another team
member? If so, fill out their info here,
then click Register Team Member.
You’ll then repeat all the steps we did
If you are done (no additional team
members to register) click on
Complete Registration.
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If you made a donation make sure
your billing information is correct.
To proceed with payment, verify your
personal information.
Click Process, to make the payment and register.
Yay! You’ve registered yourself for
Moving Day!
That wasn’t so hard, was it? Now go check your email inbox (the one you registered with).
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You should’ve just received an email
titled “Thank You for Registering”
with lots of information. Please save
You should’ve also received an email
titled “Asking for Your Support.”
Details explained in Part 3: Soliciting
Donations on page 20.
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Moving Day Registration – Part 2
Your Personal Fundraising Page
So you registered yourself for Moving Day, now what?
Take a look at that email you received when you registered:
Click on the Participant Center link.
The NPF website will ask you for your
Moving Day username and password.
Click Submit.
If, by chance, you don’t have access to that email, you can always go to and enter your username and password here:
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So here’s your Participant Fundraising Center.
Let’s go over the HOME screen:
If you made a donation
upon registering it will
show up here. Any
additional donations you
receive will also show up on
your Progress Bar.
Important links
Take a look at these links
to learn more about the
Prize Incentive Program.
Customize a T-Shirt at the
NPF Team Store.
Here are your fundraising
prize incentives. For more
information, go to:
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There’s a lot of information on the Home page, please take a few minutes to read through it all.
Ready to move on? Okay, let’s start by editing your Personal Fundraising Page.
You can either click here on Personal Page or over here on Edit Personal Page.
Now you’re able to edit your Personal Fundraising Page.
Step One: Make yourself an easy URL. Click on URL Settings.
Enter your name into the box (no spaces). You can set whether your personal page is private or
public here.
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Hit Save, then your screen should look like this:
Copy your new URL down someplace where you’ll remember it. This is an easy way to send people
to your Personal Fundraising Page.
Now, let’s continue editing your Personal Fundraising Page.
You can change the title
and all the accompanying
text. Talk about why you
are doing this walk – is
there someone in particular
in your life with Pd?
Don’t forget to click SAVE
when you’re done.
If you want to see your Personal Fundraising Page after making your changes you can either click
on the View Personal Page (up there at the top where it says “Edit Your Personal Fundraising
Page”) or you can type in your custom URL that we created in the last step.
Let’s make your Personal Fundraising Page a bit more personal by adding a photo and/or video.
Click on Photos/Videos over on the right side of your screen.
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If you want to upload a photo, click the button next to Photo (for video, click Video). Then, choose
a file from your computer to upload (smaller is better). Add a caption if you want, then click
Once it’s uploaded you can view your live page by clicking on Content. And then the View Personal
Page (up there at the top where it says “Edit Your Personal
Fundraising Page”) or you can type
in your custom URL that you created.
Either way, you’ll have a page that looks similar to this:
Your new title/text shows
up here.
This is where your picture
or video will appear with a
caption below.
Do you want to add a personal blog to your Personal Fundraising Page? If so, click on Personal
Blog, then check the box next to Enable Personal Blog (don’t forget to hit Save).
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To create a blog post, go to your live Personal Fundraising Page (use that custom URL), then click
on Post a New Topic.
Enter a Subject and Message.
Enter the code then click Post Your Topic.
And now your post is live, just go back to your Personal Fundraising Page to view it.
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Moving Day Registration – Part 3
Soliciting/Entering Donations
Once you have your fundraising pages set up, it’s time to start soliciting donations. Remember that
email you received when you registered - the one titled “Asking for your support”?
The easiest way to send emails to your friends/family/coworkers to solicit donations
is to forward this email (be sure to delete the few lines at the top that pertain to you). It has all the
important links on how they can donate, a link to your personal fundraising page, etc.
Deleted up to the “Dear Family
and Friends” paragraph
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On your Personal Fundraising
Page, have your friends click
here to donate to you!
You can also send emails via your Personal Fundraising Page.
Here we are at your Home screen. To send an email, click on Email at the top, or Send Email over
on the right.
Add the email address
here. You can import
contacts from your
computer too.
Add a personal message
and include your Team
Fundraising’s Page
custom URL!! The
recipient can then use
that URL to get
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That’s it!
Of course, you can always solicit donations just by talking to your friends, family & neighbors.
If you know of people who aren’t on the internet, or don’t feel comfortable making an online
donation you can collect cash or checks.
Please make checks payable to:
The National Parkinson Foundation Central & SE Ohio
If you receive offline donations (that is donations NOT online with a credit card), such as cash or
checks, you can enter them into your account via your Participant Center. Once you enter them,
they will show up on your thermometer immediately.
So, from your Participant Center Home Page, click on Enter New Gift over there on the right side.
Click on Enter New Gift
Fill in the information about the donation
you received and click Add.
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The following screen shows up which is your PROGRESS Page (see that Progress tab at the top?).
See how that offline donation you
donations are listed at the bottom of
just entered now appears on your Progress Bar? All of your
the page.
You can also download a personal donation list. This is a .csv file that you can open in Excel which
shows all your donations and the contact info for each donor. Perfect if you want to write thank
Once you have entered your checks into your Participant Center, please mail them to:
National Parkinson Foundation
Moving Day Columbus, Attn: Kelly Katherine
2800 Corporate Exchange Dr., Suite 265
Columbus, OH 43231
Please include a note with any donations sent into the office to let us know
the name of the walker to whom the donation should be credited.
We do not recommend you mail cash donations. Please call Kelly Katherine @ (614)890.1901 to
arrange a time to drop off any cash donations. Alternatively, you can turn in your Moving Day
donations on the day of the event.
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