What is Intraglot ?


What is Intraglot ?
“Anywhere in the world, on any computer”
What is Intraglot ?
Intraglot translates words,
expressions and proverbs
from and to Dutch, English,
German, French, Spanish
and Italian. For each word
or expression synonyms and
grammar tools are available.
Specialised dictionaries with
Financial, Legal, IT, Medical,
Chemical and Technical
terms are available.
Automatically integrates
with your company network
Has a time-out
function of 15 minutes for
efficient use of licences
Based on the TCP-IP
Protocol which makes
Intraglot platform independent
Everybody with access to the
webserver can use Intraglot
This includes employees
working at external locations
Intraglot helps you with your
The prices for Intraglot are the same as
international communication. Our vast thesaurus with
the prices for Euroglot Professional. Both
synonyms, expressions, proverbs and grammar tools
versions have their own pro-and cons.
always provides you with the best translation in each
For example, Intraglot has a time-out function
situation. You can easily switch the languages, lookup
whereas Euroglot Professional has a word link
the grammar of a word, or find a synonym. Intraglot
and Intraglot does not.
directly shows you all the meanings of a words so
you will quickly find the word you were looking for.
Intraglot is a webapplication based on the TCP .
IP protocol. Once installed on the webserver the
program is accessible through the local Intranet.
The system works with concurrent use, and has
wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis
exerci tation ullamcorper cipit
a time-out function of 15 minutes for optimal use of
the available licences.
Linguistic Systems BV | Bijleveldsingel 58 | 6524 AE NIJMEGEN | +31 24 322 63 02 | info@euroglot.nl
Product / Datasheet
“Anywhere in the world, on any computer”
What is new in Intraglot
Sometimes it can be difficult to choose the right preposition behind a verb. An example in Dutch, is it
“bezorgd zijn om iets”, “..voor iets”, or “...over iets”? In your motherlanguage this can be hard, but it
becomes difficult when you are busy translating a text to a foreign language. The German expression “ böse
sein mit” is in Dutch “boos zijn op”, as you can see a different preposition has to be used here. Version 7.5
helps you to solve translation problems like this.
Euroglot Chemical
Available in: DU/EN/GE/FR/SP/IT
Euroglot Technical
Available in: DU/EN/GE/FR
Euroglot Legal
Available in: DU/EN/GE/FR
Euroglot IT
Available in: DU/EN/GE/FR/SP/IT
Euroglot Medical
Available in: DU/EN/GE
Euroglot Financial
Available in: DU/EN/GE/FR
Linguistic Systems B.V.
Bijleveldsingel 58
6524 AE Nijmegen
Postbus 1186
6501 BD Nijmegen
Product characteristics:
contains the languages English, Dutch, German, French, Spanish, Italian.
module "Proverbs"
for each word a link with "Google" and"Wikipedia"
approximately 420.000 words, expressions and synonyms per language pair.
contains all 6 specialised dictionaries
translation survey with all meanings of a word
thesaurus with related words
all conjugations of verbs
all declensions of nouns and adjectives
screenlanguage can be adjusted to each of the purchased languages
platform independent
works with concurrent use
E-mail: info@euroglot.nl,
For more information or to
purchase Euroglot products visit
our website: www.euroglot.nl
Linguistic Systems BV | Bijleveldsingel 58 | 6524 AE NIJMEGEN | +31 24 322 63 02 | info@euroglot.nl
Product / Datasheet