General Information on KUSS in English What is KUSS?


General Information on KUSS in English What is KUSS?
General Information on KUSS in English
What is KUSS?
KUSS (Kultursommer Südhessen) e.V. is a collaboration of five southern regions of Hesse (Bergstraße,
Darmstadt-Dieburg, Groß-Gerau, Odenwald, Offenbach) and the city of Darmstadt (City of Science) to
create and promote cultural events within the area. Each year, KUSS publishes a calendar of events
(2011 Edition: 45,000 copies) for the months of June through September. KUSS also highlights many
event series such as “Tage der offenen Ateliers“ (Art Studios’ Open Days) , „Kleinkunst auf dem Land“
(Cabaret in the Countryside) as well as the “Domorganisten an Südhessens Orgeln“ (Cathedral
Organists Play the Pipe Organs of South Hesse). KUSS is especially active in creating events aimed at
children and youth including the annual MUSICCAMP in Ernsthofen.
How did the KUSS come about?
The first Summer of Culture in South-Hesse took place in 1994. It was organized by the
Kulturförderkreis Südhessen (the association to promote cultural events in South Hesse) which
included the regions of Bergstraße, Darmstadt-Dieburg and the Odenwald. The initiative came from
the Minister for Arts and Sciences at the time, Prof. Dr. Evelies Mayer, and the former Council
President Dr. Horst Daum, setting a landmark in the cultural policies of South Hesse.
In 1995 the region of Offenbach joined the original three regions in organizing the Kultursommer
Südhessen. In September 1997 the non-profit association „Kultursommer Südhessen e.V.“ was
founded, and the region of Groß-Gerau and the city of Darmstadt (City of Science) were granted full
Who is part of the Committee?
the Bergstraße region
the Darmstadt-Dieburg region
the Groß-Gerau region
the Odenwald region
the Offenbach region
Darmstadt (City of Science)
The current head of each regional authority and the mayor of Darmstadt (City of Science) are the
representatives on the committee. The president of Darmstadt’s Regional Council is also on the
committee as an advisory member.
Who is the Chairman of the Board?
The chairman of the board is the Bergtraße Region Administrator Matthias Wilkes. DarmstadtDieburg Region Administrator Klaus Peter Schellhaas and Offenbach Region Administrator Oliver
Quilling deputize for the chairman when he is unable to attend.
Who else takes part in KUSS?
The cities of Dieburg and Erbach as well as the municipality of Fischbachtal also act as supporting
participants of KUSS.
Are there any honorary members?
Horst Schnur is our honorary member. He is a former Odenwald region administrator who was an
active participant in founding the association and had served as chairman of the board for several
Is there a Board of Trustees?
There has been a Board of Trustees in place since 2000 in order to support the ideals of the
Kultursommer Südhessen and, at times, to support projects materially. The members of the Board of
Trustees include:
Iris Bachmann
Michael Böddeker
Hans-Joachim Dumeier
Prof. Dr. Friedrich Eckstein
Dieter Emig
Dr. Brian Fera
Albert Filbert
Günter Haas
Gustav Halberstadt
Ursula Hammann
Karlheinz Ihrig
Alexander Kaffenberger
Norbert Kleinle
Karl Hermann Klotz
Brigitte Lindscheid
Walter Metzger
Manfred Neßler
Eberhard Petri
Franz Preuschoff
Graf Raimund zu Erbach-Fürstenau
Eckhardt Redmann
Jürgen Schüdde
Georg Sellner
Michael Siebel
Frank Sürmann
Dr. Eric Tjarks
Karin Wolff
Dr. Marie-Luise Wolff-Hertwig
Dr. Thomas Wurzel
Hans-Günter Zach
How is the Kultursommer Südhessen e. V. organized?
From each of the participating regions and the city of Darmstadt (City od Science), one or two
employees work for KUSS - in addition to their usual tasks - and form a working group that meets
approximately every six weeks. This is where the KUSS program is developed and then submitted to
the Board of Trustees for approval. The working group is chaired by the managing director who is
seconded to KUSS by the Darmstadt Regional Council at no extra cost to KUSS. The Darmstadt
Regional Council also provides office space and equipment free of charge to KUSS. All contact
persons are listed in the annual program by name and telephone number. Christine Ihl is the current
managing director.
Is KUSS a part of the „Voluntary Social Year in Culture”?
Since September 1st 2009 the main office of KUSS employs a volunteer in his/her social year (FSJ
Kultur). This initiative allows youth to take a look behind the scenes of KUSS and have the
opportunity to actively participate in cultural activities, to discover their own potential and to acquire
new competencies. For more information go to:
How does KUSS work?
KUSS has particular interest in promoting projects with well-known regional, national and
international artists that are of interest not just for the local population.
KUSS encourages:
cultural groups to come together for a common project
single projects that are performed in a number of places throughout South Hesse
cross sector and other artistic encounters at various levels
the raising of the artistic level of events through financial support
future activities, giving them a boost through financial support
KUSS does not support exclusively theoretical projects or events such as scientific conferences and
symposia or annually recurring internal events in the same location with the same artist following the
same program such as anniversaries of clubs, festivals or charity events.
The requirements for promoting events stipulate that all criteria need to be met and the project
application form submitted on time. A complete and detailed description of the planned project
(type and content, place and date and, if necessary, the fact that it is an open-air event) should be
included on the application form. There should also be a detailed and accurate plan of costs and
finances, including details on estimated revenue and expenditure. Applications in writing need to be
sent to the region in which the event will take place.
Projects which fulfill the aforementioned criteria are eligible to receive aid from KUSS for up to 30
percent of costs as long as sufficient funds are available. Projects initiated by KUSS and managed by
local organizers could be granted a higher subsidy. There is, however, the possibility to be included in
the calendar of events even if the project does not receive financial support.
Artists, who wish to participate in the Open Studios’ Days, need to fill out the separate registration
form and send it to the region in which the studio is located by the due date.
What does KUSS provide for artists and organizers?
 Listing in the Calendar of Events
 Free posters with space to add information about a specific event. Posters are also available for
the Open Studios’ Days
 Assistance with press and public relations
 Financial support for projects
How is the Kultursommer Südhessen e. V. financed?
It is financed through:
state funding provided by the Hesse Ministry for Science and Art
donations made by the Sparkassen-Kulturstiftung Hessen-Thüringen
membership fees and
miscellaneous donations, contributions and advertisements from sponsors with ad features in the
Calendar of Events
The Darmstadt Regional Council supports the Kultursommer by paying the expenses for the
managing director and her office.
What is the goal of „KUSS“?
The goal of KUSS is to promote the diverse cultural resources of the region and, in doing so, creating
a more welcoming atmosphere for local artists in South Hesse. Many characteristic features of South
Hesse have been taken into account, namely the numerous historical monuments in the area, most
of which are located in a natural setting. Here visitors are offered an array of cultural events such as
concerts, theater, lectures and readings. Our sponsored events present an opportunity for regionally
and nationally renowned artists to have their skills recognized and acknowledged. Further guest
appearances by non-local groups can stimulate discussion and open the door to new ideas. The
promotion of regional initiatives and encouragement of young talent is a top priority of KUSS.
Our wide spectrum gives the general public many opportunities to participate in the cultural diversity
of the region. As the original idea was, and remains, to encourage more cultural events in the entire
region, only a small part of funding is distributed to the city of Darmstadt (City of Science).
Kultursommer Südhessen e. V.
Geschäftsstelle beim
Regierungspräsidium Darmstadt
Luisenplatz 2
64283 Darmstadt
Tel: 06151 124396
Fax: 06151 124397