What is the Significance of Glycemic Index (GI)?


What is the Significance of Glycemic Index (GI)?
Vol.1.06 –- January
Helping the Student With
Diabetes Succeed: A Guide for
School Personnel Now Available
From the National Diabetes
Education Program
This comprehensive guide provides school
personnel, parents, and students with a
framework for managing diabetes
effectively in the school setting. The guide
helps to ensure that students with diabetes
are medically safe and have access to all
educational opportunities and activities.
Developed by the US Department of Health
and Human Services’ National Diabetes
Education Program, the guide includes
user-friendly tools such as a diabetes
primer and glossary, sample medical
management and emergency action plans,
and a review of federal laws pertaining to
students with diabetes. To obtain a free
copy of the guide, call 1-800-438-5383 or
visit the National Diabetes Education
Program Web site at :
Arc. Pediatr.Adoles. Med. 2006;160:45.
Helping Students with Diabetes Succeed:
The Glycemic Index
Tourette Syndrome
The Alaska Health Education Library
Project (AHELP)
Know Your Child
Tobogganing Safety
Around the Country: CEC Supports…
Law Review: New CEC Board of …
Development Assets
Identifying Behaviors
Reactive Attachment Disorders vs …
Assistive Technology TIPS
Prevention & Intervention of Writing
Difficulties for Students with Disabilities
Save the Day
What is the Significance of Glycemic
Index (GI)?
◦ Low GI means a smaller rise in blood glucose
levels after meals.
◦ Low GI diets can help people lose weight.
◦ Low GI diets can improve the body's sensitivity to
◦ High GI foods help re-fuel carbohydrate stores
after exercise.
◦ Low GI can improve diabetes control.
◦ Low GI foods keep you fuller for longer.
◦ Low GI can prolong physical endurance.
What is Glycemic Load (GL)?
◦ Glycemic load builds on the GI to provide a
measure of total glycemic response to a food or
◦ Glycemic load = GI (%) x grams of carbohydrate
per serving
◦ One unit of GL ~ glycemic effect of 1 gram
◦ You can sum the GL of all the foods in a meal, for
the whole day or even longer.
◦ A typical diet has ~ 100 GL units per day (range
60 - 180).
◦ The GI database gives both GI & GL values
How to Switch to a Low GI Diet
◦ Use breakfast cereals based on oats, barley and
◦ Use "grainy" breads made with whole seeds
◦ Reduce the amount of potatoes you eat
◦ Enjoy all types of fruit and vegetables (except
◦ Eat plenty of salad
vegetables with
Tourette Syndrome
Gilles de la Tourette syndrome (Tourette
Syndrome or TS) is a neurological disorder
which becomes evident in early childhood or
adolescence between the ages of 2 and 15.
Tourette syndrome is defined by multiple
motor and vocal tics lasting for more than
one year. Many people have only motor tics
or only vocal tics. The first symptoms usually
are involuntary movements (tics) of the face,
arms, limbs or trunk. These tics are
frequent, repetitive and rapid. The most
common first symptom is a facial tic (eye
blink, nose twitch, grimace), and is replaced
or added to by other tics of the neck, trunk,
and limbs.
The Student with Diaetes Succeed
These involuntary (outside the patient's
control) tics may also be complicated,
involving the entire body, such as kicking and
stamping. Many people report what are
described as premonitory urges -- the urge
to perform a motor activity. Other symptoms
such as touching, repetitive thoughts and
movements and compulsions can occur.
There are also verbal tics. These verbal tics
(vocalizations) usually occur with the
movements; later they may replace one or
more motor tics. These vocalizations include
grunting, throat clearing, shouting and
barking. The verbal tics may be expressed
as coprolalia (the involuntary use of obscene
words or socially inappropriate words and
phrases) or copropraxia (obscene gestures).
Despite widespread publicity, coprolalia or
copropraxia is uncommon with tic disorders.
Neither echolalia (echo speech), coprolalia or
copropraxia is necessary for the diagnosis of
Tourette syndrome. All patients have
involuntary movements and some have
vocalizations. Echo phenomena are also
reported, although less frequently. These
may include repeating word of others
(echolalia), repeating ones own words
(palilalia), and repeating movements of
Although the symptoms of TS vary from
person to person and range from very mild to
severe, the majority of cases fall into the mild
category. Associated conditions can include
attentional problems (ADHD/ADD,
impulsiveness (and oppositional defiant
disorder), obsessive compulsive behavior,
and learning disabilities. There is usually a
family history of tics, Tourette Syndrome,
ADHD, or OCD. Tourette Syndrome and other
tic disorders occur in all ethnic groups. Males
are affected 3 to 4 times more often than
Looking for Health Education Resources?
Get Help from AHELP!
Science Magazine's September 2004 Article
The Alaska
Education Library
Project (AHELP)
is an electronic clearinghouse of current health
Scientific Advisory Board Co-Chair
promotion and health education resources that are
specific to and available in Alaska. It contains
information on health promotion programs, projects and
materials and more.
AHELP is designed to serve professionals in the
field of health promotion and health education, as well
as other public health professionals. It is intended to
assist the professional in their everyday job and
promote sharing, networking and collaboration by
providing one central clearinghouse for finding health
promotion information.
Topic areas include Tobacco, Alcohol and
Substance Abuse, Cancer, Cardiovascular Health
Diabetes, Environmental Health, Health Promotion and
Education, HIV/STD, Injury Prevention, Maternal Child
and Family Health, Mental Health, Nutrition, Oral
Health, Other Chronic Disease and Disabling
Conditions, Physical Activity, Preventive Health
Services, and others.
Website: http://www.ahelp.org
Know Your Child
Do you know what makes your child angry?
Do you know who your child’s best friend is?
What color would your child like his room to be?
Who is your child’s hero?
What is your child’s favorite color?
What most embarrasses your child?
What is your child most afraid of, and what other fears does she have?
What is your child’s favorite subject in school? Why?
How does your child feel other people see him?
If your child could afford to buy anything in the world, what would it be?
What is your child’s favorite television show?
What books does he like to read?
What would your child most like to change about her family?
What accomplishments is your child most proud of?
What are the biggest disappointments in your child’s life?
What are your child’s favorite things to do on weekends and holidays?
Does your child feel too big or too small for his age?
What gift does your child most cherish?
What person outside of your own family has had the most
influence over your child’s life?
• What is your child’s favorite time to do homework?
• Does your child feel that she is treated fairly at home?
• What about you would your child most like to change?
Always Practice Winter Safety!
Ensure that children wear a helmet - Parents should too.
Check the hill before you go down to ensure it is safe and free from trees, rocks, fences or other obstacles.
Never Toboggan on or onto a roadway or parking lot.
Check that the toboggan or sled is in good condition and there are no sharp edges or broken parts.
Don't Toboggan at night or dusk as visibility is reduced.
Maintain control and look for a clear path before you go.
If a slope is beyond your ability or conditions become unsafe don't go down the hill.
Never toboggan near or onto a lake, river or other ice.
Toboggan on snow - avoid icy hills that can cause excessive speed.
Teach children to sit forward, not backwards, head- first or lying down, to get out of the way at the
bottom of the
hill and to roll off the toboggan if heading for danger.
Avoid scarves, loose clothing and tie up long hair that can get caught.
Teach children to slide down the middle of the hill and climb up the sides.
Obey age limits for snow racers.
Children under 5 should not go down the hill alone - get a toboggan
that is large enough for an adult to go down with the child.
CEC Supports Supreme Court Decision
in Schaffer v. Weast
ARLINGTON, VA, NOVEMBER 17, 2005 - The Council for Exceptional
Children (CEC) agrees with the Supreme Court decision in Schaffer v.
Weast, which places the burden of proof on the party challenging the
effectiveness of a student's Individualized Education Program (IEP). The
High Court's 6-2 decision settles the burden of proof issue, which has split
lower courts across the country and was not addressed in the Individuals
with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
While in this case the burden of proof was on the Schaffers (on behalf of
their son Brian), the "rules applies with equal effect to school districts," said
Justice Sandra Day O'Connor in the court's opinion.
The highly controversial case raised several issues, such as whether
schools have a "natural advantage" in information and expertise. The court
said Congress "addressed this when it obliged schools to safeguard the
procedural rights of parents and share information with them."
O'Connor further stated that the plaintiffs in this case were asking "the Court
to assume that every IEP is invalid until the school district demonstrates
that it is not. The (IDEA) Act does not support this conclusion. IDEA relies
heavily upon the expertise of school districts to meet its goals."
The opinion also said the new provisions in IDEA give parents additional
recourse when they disagree with a student's IEP. Those provisions include
requiring school districts to answer a parent who has a complaint in writing,
provide parents with the reasoning behind the disputed IEP, and provide
information about other options the IEP team considered and why they were
"This case highlights the need for schools and parents to work together,"
says CEC's Associate Director for Policy and Communications Deb Ziegler.
"For the benefit of the children we all serve, schools and parents need to
work collaboratively, both to develop the IEP and to overcome areas of
CEC worked to enhance the mediation provisions in IDEA 2004 and believes
schools and parents should make every effort to resolve differences
amicably. CEC hopes these new processes will enable schools and parents
to not only avoid litigation, but also develop educational programs that best
meet the child's needs. The Council for Exceptional Children is the leading
association for special educators. CEC works to improve the educational
success of individuals with disabilities and/or gifts.
Lots of factors influence how our
kids grow up and the choices they make,
New Council for Exceptional
Children Board of Directors
Congratulations to our newly elected/appointed
members of the CEC Board of Directors who will
begin their term of office January 1, 2006:
President Elect: Mary Ruth Coleman;
Members-at-Large: Elizabeth Drame, Beverly
McCoun, and Jim Siders; Member-at-Large
Classroom Ranks: Carol Eisenbise; Member-atLarge Diverse, Ethnic and Multicultural Groups:
Roberta Unger; Student Member: Caroline
Lynn Cain was also elected as Student
Representative to the Representative Assembly.
CEC was fortunate to have had an exemplary
slate of candidates for our membership-wide
election. Each candidate displayed a sincere
commitment to the future of our organizations
and the advancement of special education.
including whether they use alcohol. When life gets
complicated, it can be easy to forget the basics—
the foundation that helps kids make positive choices in
many areas of life. Search Institute’s widely used
framework of Developmental Assets offers a practical,
positive strategy for making a difference.
What are Developmental Assets?
Grounded in scientific research, Developmental Assets
are 40 essential building blocks of healthy development.
Think of assets as the “good stuff” that young people
need in their lives to help them grow up healthy,
caring, and responsible. As a parent, you play a vital
role in building these assets—both in how you relate
to your child and how you connect your child with
other caring people and places in your family and community.
Why do Developmental Assets matter?
Research shows that the more Developmental Assets young
people experience, the less likely they are to engage in a wide
Thanks for the Service!
range of high-risk behaviors including underage drinking,
Many thanks go to our outgoing Board members
who have contributed their valuable time and
talents on behalf of CEC and the field. Their
dedication to advancing the Council's work is
highly commendable.
They are: Marci
Brauchie, Jacqueline Mault Suzanne Martin,
Dave Roels, Kay Wright Rush, and Azure Dee
disorders and school truancy. Just as important, the more
violence, illicit drug use, sexual activity, gambling, eating
assets they experience, the more likely they are to engage in
positive or thriving behaviors, such as succeeding in school,
helping others, maintaining good health and overcoming
adversity. Taking a positive, asset-building approach to
parenting isn’t glamorous or a “miracle cure.” It doesn’t take
away all the irritations and frustrations that are inevitable in
parenting. And it doesn’t guarantee that nothing will go wrong.
Reactive Attachment D isorder: Attachment
Attachment issues are not the same thing as reactive
attachment disorder. Whenever a child moves to a
new home or is confronted with a new set of
parents, he will grieve for the loss of the familiar. He
will do this even when the previous environment
was abusive. This is normal, and should be
anticipated even when the new home is a major
improvement on the old.
Even without a diagnosis of attachment disorder, it
can take a year or more for a child who has been
removed from one family to become attached to
another. By understanding this natural resistance to
attachment, parents will be in a better position to
ease the transition and to facilitate bonding than
will those who expect it to happen easily and
Attachment issues stem not from any one
But building assets does increase the odds that your child will
grow up well. It affirms the many ways you are already making a
difference. It encourages you when you’re wondering if anything
is getting through. And it reminds you that the little stuff does, in
the end, add up to make a big difference.
Getting Started as an Asset-Building Parent
• Tips for Dads
• Tips for Moms
• Tips for All Parents
Identifying Behaviors
If you are in pursuit of well-behaved, welladjusted children, you need to understand
how your behavior is connected to your
child's behavior.
Identifying Behaviors to Improve [article]
If you are in pursuit of well-behaved, well-adjusted children, you need to
How how
to Raise
your behavior
is connected
to your
child's behavior. Behavior
does...How to Behave so Your Children Will Too! By Sal Severe
If you are in pursuit of well-behaved, well-adjusted children, you need to understand how
your behavior is connected to your child's behavior. Behavior does not occur by magic. It is not
inherited. A well-behaved child is not the result of luck. Be encouraged -- children learn behavior,
and they can learn to change behavior too.
Children learn by copying, or modeling -- they listen, observe and imitate. Therefore, you have a
powerful influence on them, so think carefully about what you say and do in front of your kids. If you tell
the telemarketer on the phone that your husband is not home when he is, you teach your children that
lying is okay. If you argue, yell or call people names, you teach your children that these things are okay
too. If you get angry at your children, you can expect them to get angry at others.
It's just as true that if you speak in a calm voice even when you are angry, you teach your children
how to stay calm when provoked. When you apologize for using bad language, you teach your children to
take responsibility for mistakes. When you share, you teach your children to share. Modeling is such a
simple lesson that we sometimes forget to make use of it. As you are observing your children and making
a plan for improving their behavior, according to Dr. Severe, you must make three promises to yourself:
1. Promise to have courage to be open and to accept new ideas. If what you are doing is
working, stick with it. If not, try something new.
2. Promise to have patience. If your son is 12 years old, he has had 12 years to develop his
behavior patterns. Give him time to change.
3. Promise to practice. Every parent must practice -- even me. Just as your children learn
behaviors, parenting behavior is also learned. Good parenting skills do not appear suddenly and
instinctively. But they will become more natural the more you practice them.
Establishing A Goal for Your Child’s Behavior
Dr. Severe asks… how would you like things to be? What changes do you want to see in your children? He
recommends that you select a goal that offers a high chance of success, as that will encourage more
success down the road. If possible, select a goal that contributes to the well-being of the whole family.
That will encourage a positive family climate.
Example of a goal: Siblings Danny and Allison will get along with each other.
How to do it: Make a list of three behaviors that you want to increase or decrease that will directly
affect the success of your goal. In the case of Danny and Allison, the list might look this:
1. Danny and Allison will argue less.
2. Danny and Allison will tease each other less.
3. Danny and Allison will share each other's toys more.
Collecting Data: Observe and keep a record for five days. Count the number of times the behaviors
occur each day. But do not do anything to change them. Simply observe and keep a record.
These records are very important; over time, they will tell you if your plan is working. If you do not keep
written records, you may not be aware of the improvements. With some children, improvements come
slowly. And some improvements are not easily detected. At the start of this plan, Danny and Allison are
arguing an average of six times a day. Suppose that after two weeks, they are arguing five times a day.
This is a small improvement -- but it is progress.
What to do: For more information on Dr. Sal Severe’s strategies and resources available, go to:
Dr. Sal Severe - author of How to Behave so Your Children Will Too!
Assistive Technology TIPS
. What is Adapted Computing?
Adapted computing is making any change to the computer through software or
hardware that makes the computer more accessible.
Software that enlarges the image on the screen.
Alternate keyboards or mouse-type devices.
Software that reads back to the user (screen readers).
Software that lets the user dictate to the computer.
Cannot physically access a computer or find that the keyboard or mouse is difficult to use.
Cannot easily see the computer screen or keyboard.
Have difficulty with language, auditory, or visual processing.
Cannot access online information because of a disability.
Have pain or discomfort when computing.
Have difficulty taking notes in class or with the written assignments.
Prevention and Intervention of Writing Difficulties for
Students with Learning Disabilities (LD)
Six principles designed to prevent writing difficulties as well as to build writing skills:
(1) providing effective writing instruction,
(2) tailoring instruction to meet the individual needs,
(3) intervening early,
(4) expecting that each child will learn to write,
(5) identifying and addressing roadblocks to writing, and
(6) employing technologies.
Many students with LD experience difficulties mastering the process of writing. How can educators help these
children become skilled writer? Six principles designed to prevent as well as alleviate writing difficulties are
included in this entertaining and interesting paper by Steve Graham, Karen R. Harris, and Lynn Larsen of
University of Maryland. Find out about what constitutes effective writing instruction. Learn how to tailor
instruction to your child’s needs. Explore why early intervention is so important and much more!.
To learn more about this article
visit the URL below and just
In a conversation with his friend Linus, Charlie Brown asks, "Do
you know why English teachers go to college for four years?" Linus
thinks for a minute and answers, "No." Charlie Brown already has
an answer for his own question, however, as he screams out: "So
they can make little kids write stupid essays on what they did all
stupid summer!!"
Learning Disabilities Research & Practice, 16(2), 7484 ©2001, The Division for Learning Disabilities of the
Council for Exceptional Children
Steve Graham, Karen R. Harris, and Lynn Larsen
University of Maryland
Learning Disabilities Research & Practice, 16(2), 74-84
For details of events shown on these calendars got to: http://www.asdk12.org/AFD/
For details of events shown on this calendar go to:
Sustaining Our Systems of Care: Alaska’s Rural Health
WHAT: 2006 Alaska Rural Health Conference
WHEN: February 15-17, 2006 (Pre-conference events Feb. 14th)
WHERE: Anchorage, AK Marriott Downtown Hotel
Workforce Development
Optimizing Systems
Quality Improvement
Content will target policymakers from: primary, dental, and behavioral health
clinics; hospital management and administration; health care clinical
professionals and other personnel working in village clinics, community health
centers, and rural hospitals; federal, state, and local government representatives;
and all interested others.
For additional information not currently offered on this website please contact:
Shari Showalter
Events Coordinator
The Coordinator’s Inc
Phone (907) 646-9000
Fax (907) 646-9001
Maisie Knoell
Registration and Logistics
The Coordinator’s Inc
Phone (907) 646-9000
Fax (907) 646-9001
Vol.3.05 - December 2005
5530 E. Northern Lights
Anchorage, Alaska 99504
Office: 907-742-3972