What Is Quality? An Integrative Framework of Processes and States WEB APPENDIX
What Is Quality? An Integrative Framework of Processes and States WEB APPENDIX
WEB APPENDIX What Is Quality? An Integrative Framework of Processes and States Peter N. Golder, Debanjan Mitra, & Christine Moorman Web Appendix A. Attribute Typology with Examples from Airline Context Unambiguous Ambiguous Measurement Ambiguity Customer Preference Heterogeneous Homogeneous Attribute Type: Preference Attributes Attribute Type: Universal Attributes Airline example: Arrival and departure times, meal cuisine type, cabin temperature, location of exits and lavatories, seating configuration, seat material (cloth or leather). Attribute Type: Idiosyncratic Attributes Airline Example: Aesthetics of an airline lounge, physical appearance of agents and flight attendants, interactions with fellow passengers. 1 Airline example: Flight delay incidence, legroom, seat width, cabin noise, flight attendant response time, airline safety record, baggage handling time, baggage mishandling rate. Higher-level construals (e.g., helpfulness) of multiple attributes. See the Quality Experience Process section for a discussion of this point. Web Appendix B. Categorizing Quality Research Published in the Journal of Marketing and Management Science (1988-2010) Framework Feature Process or Linka The Quality Experience Process The Three Quality Processes Links Between Three Quality Processesa Journal of Marketing Management Science Cronin Jr. and Taylor 1992, 1994; Hennig-Thurau et al. 2006; Price et al. 1995; Barron and Barrett 1996; Ferran and Watts 2008; Guo 2009; Lynch et al. 1994; Teas 1993, 1994. Overby and Jap 2009. Aaker and Keller 1990; Anderson et al. 1994; Argo et al. 2010; Bolton et al. Karmarkar and Pitbladdo 1997. 2008; Brady and Cronin 2001; Brown and Swartz 1989; De Wulf et al. 2001; Fornell 1992; Fornell et al. 1996; Grewal et al. 1998; Han et al. 2010; Homburg The Quality et al. 2008; Klein et al. 1998; Lambert-Pandraud and Laurent 2010; Moon et al. Evaluation Process 2010; Oliva et al. 1992; Palmatier 2008; Palmatier et al. 2006; Parasuraman et al. 1994; Price and Arnould 1999; Van Doorn and Verhoef 2008; Völckner and Sattler 2006; Yorkston et al. 2010; Zeithaml 1988; Zeithaml et al. 1988; Zeithaml et al. 1996. Cannon and Homburg 2001; Singh 2000. Baiman et al. 2000; Balachandran and Radhakrishnan 2005; Banciu et al. 2010; Bassok and Akella 1991; Benjaafar et al. 2007; Cheng and Nault 2007; Choo et al. 2007; Gal-Or 1995; Gans 2002; Gokpinar et al. 2010; Hwang et al. 2006; Kaijie et al. The Quality 2007; Li and Rajagopalan 1998; Marcellus and Dada 1991; Mukhopadhyay et al. Production Process 1997; Naveh and Erez 2004; Peters et al. 1988; Prasad et al. 2010; Reyniers and Tapiero 1995; Ren and Zhou 2008; Tagaras and Lee 1996; Terweisch and Xu 2008; Tucker et al. 2007; Wang et al. 2010; Zhu et al. 2007. Marinova et al. 2008; Sarin and Mahajan 2001; Sethi 2000. Ballou et al. 1998; Berk and Moinzadeh 1998; Diwas and Terweisch 2009; Harter et al. 2000; Krishnan et al. 2000; Pang and Whitt 2009; Parssian et al. 2004; Ramdas CL1 and Randall 2008; Reyniers and Tapiero 1995; Roth and Jackson 1995; Soteriou and Zenios 1999. Bolton and Drew 1991; Huang et al. 2009; Ostrom and Iacobucci 1995; Price Balachander 2001; Bolton et al. 2006; Ferran and Watts 2008 ; Porter and Donthu Contempora2008; Rhee 1996 ; Simonsohn and Ariely 2008. neous CL2 and Arnould 1999; Price et al. 1995; Richardson et al. 1994; Rust et al. 1995; Stremersch et al. 2007; Tellis and Gaeth 1990; Ulaga and Eggert 2006. Links (CL) Bendapudi and Leone 200; Bitner 1990; Bitner et al. 1994; Crosby et al. 1990; Chen 2001; MacDuffie et al. 1996; Oliva and Sterman 2001. DeKinder and Kohli 2008; Fuchs et al. 2010; Hartline and Ferrell 1996; Keh CL3 and Pang 2010; Ostrom and Iacobucci 1995; Marinova et al. 2008; Meuter et al. 2000. Berry et al. 2002; Bhattacharya and Sen 2003; Bloch 1995; Chan et al. 2010; Bhandari et al. 2008; Bharadwaj et al. 2008; Diwas and Terweisch 2009; Hopp et al. DL1 Chitturi et al. 2008; Henderson et al. 2004; Schau et al. 2009; Vargo and Lusch 2007; Kellogg and Chase 1995; Ren and Zhou 2008. 2004. DL2 Dawar and Parker 1994; Erdem et al. 2006; Hoch and Deighton 1989; Kirmani Conlon et al. 2001. and Rao 2000; Li et al. 2009. Dynamic Day 1994; Donavan et al. 2004; Green and Srinivasan 1990; Hartline et al. Arora et al. 2006; Ata and Van Miegham 2009; Banker et al. 1998; Bassok and Links (DL) 2000; Hartline and Ferrell 1996; Jaworski and Kohli 1993; Joshi 2010; Kohli Akella 1991; Benson et al. 1991; Bhandari et al. 2008; Chen 2001; Choudhary et al. and Jaworski 1990; Koenigsberg et al. 2010; Marinova et al. 2008; Narver and 2005; Das and Chen 2007; Gans 2002; Hosanagar et al. 2005; Ittner et al. 2001; Jiang et al. 2007; Jouini et al. 2008; Kim and Chhajed 2002; Li and Rajagopalan 1998; DL3 Slater 1990; Slater and Narver 1994, 1995. Marcellus and Dada 1991; Melumad and Ziv 2004; Mukherjee and Lapre 1998; Oliva and Sterman 2001; Parlar and Sharafali 2008; Plambeck and Wang 2009; Ren and Zhou 2008; Rhee 1996; Jerath et al. 2010; Tomlin and Wang 2008; Xu 2009. a See Figure 2 for the location of each Contemporaneous Link (CL) and Dynamic Link (DL) in our framework. Construct labels do not always match those used by other authors. When a paper focuses on relationships between more than two variables, we classify it by the primary relationship examined in the paper. 2 Web Appendix B (contd.) Framework Feature Additional Links Examined in the Quality Literature Process or Link Journal of Marketing Management Science The Effect of Competitor Marketing Mix Variables on Customers‟ Quality Evaluations Biehal and Sheinin 2007; Morgan and Rego 2009; Sivakumar and Raj 1997. Chambers et al. 2006; Ho and Zheng 2004. The Effect of Firm Non-Quality Marketing Mix Variables on Customers‟ Quality Evaluations Biehal and Sheinin 2007; Bolton and Myers 2003; Chandon et al. 2000; Curry and Riesz 1988; Grewal et al. 1998; Hite and Fraser 1988; Kirmani and Rao 2000; Luo and Bhattacharya 2006; Mentzer et al. 2001; Srinivasan et al. 2009; Morgan and Rego 2009; Richardson et al. 1994; Sivakumar and Raj 1997; Tellis and Gaeth 1990. Balachander and Srinivasan 1994; Shoemaker et al. 2003; Stiving 2000. Anderson et al. 1994; Fornell et al. 2006; Luo and Bhattacharya 2006; Mantrala et al. 2007; Morgan and Rego 2009; Rust et al. 2004; Rust et al. 2002; Rust et al. 1995; Srinivasan et al. 2009. Bohlmann et al. 2002; Hendricks and Singhal 1996, 1997, 2001; Karmarkar and Pitbladdo 1997; Roth and Jackson 1995; Sterman and Repenning 1997. Anderson et al. 1994; Binken and Stremersch 2009; Day 1994; Donavan et al. 2004; Homburg et al. 2008; Jaworski and Kohli 1993; Kohli and Jaworski 1990; Kumar et al. 2008; Kumar et al. 2010; Mittal et al. 2004; Morgan and Rego 2009; Narver and Slater 1990; Palmatier 2008; Slater and Narver 1994, 1995; Voss et al. 2010; Wübben and Wangenheim 2008. Bohlmann et al. 2002 ; Chen 2001; Gao et al. 2010; Oliva and Sterman 2001; Rhee 1996. Rust et al. 2002. Baiman et al. 2000; Bhargava and Choudhury 2008; Bhaskaran and Krishnan 2009; Chao et al. 2009; Chambers et al. 2006; Demirhan et al. 2007; Fisher and Ittner 1999; Guo and Zipkin 2007; Gurvich et al. 2008; Harter and Slaughter 2003; Haefliger et al. 2008; Ittner and Larcker 1997; Moinzadeh and Klastorin 1995; Nandakumar et al. 1993; Soteriou and Zenios 1999; Sterman and Repenning 1997; Tomlin and Wang 2008; Zhu et al. 2007. Desai et al. 2008; Hellofs and Jacobson 1999. Bolton et al. 2004; Dellarocas 2003; Shane and Cable 2002. The Effect of Customers‟ Quality Evaluations on Firm Financial Performance The Effect of Customers‟ Quality Evaluations on Firm Product-Market Performance The Effect of the Quality Production Process on Firm Financial Performance The Effect of Firm Product-Market Performance on Customers‟ Quality Evaluations 3 Web Appendix C. 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