Document 6518466
Document 6518466
1/26/11 Sex Addic)on Treatment & Assessment Elana Clark‐Fowler, LCSW, CSAT‐S What is Sex Addic)on? • Sexual behavior clearly works as a mood enhancer and mood alterator. • Closely resembles the paEerns of alcoholics and drug‐addicted clients. • PaEerns are: 1) a loss of control; 2) a con)nua)on of the behavior despite adverse consequences such as arrests, broken marriages, & financial problems; 3)an obsession or preoccupa)on with obtaining, using, or recovering from the behaviors (Carnes & Schneider, 2000). 10 Criteria Loss of Control : Clear behavior in which you do more than you intend or want. Compulsive Behavior: A paEern of out of control behavior over )me. Efforts to Stop: Repeated specific aEempts to stop the behavior which fail. Loss of Time: Significant amounts of )me lost doing and/or recovering from the behavior. 1 1/26/11 Cont. Criteria Preoccupa)on: Obsessing about or because of the behavior. Inability to Fulfill Obliga)ons: The behavior interferes with work, school, family and friends. Con)nua)on Despite Consequences: Failure to stop the behavior even though you have problems because of it (social, legal, financial, physical & etc.) Cont. Criteria Escala)on: Need to make behavior more intense, more frequent, or more risky. Losses: Losing, limi)ng, or sacrificing valued parts of life such as hobbies, family, rela)onships and work. Withdrawal: Stopping behavior causes considerable distress, anxiety, restlessness, irritability, or physical discomfort. Examples of Sex Addic)on Excessive viewing of porn and internet sex sites (webcam, virtual worlds, chat rooms, and etc.) Chronic masturba)on (can include self injury) Bathhouses, pros)tu)on, massage parlors, sex clubs, sex in public, anonymous, and causal sex Excessive objec)fica)on and fantasy Having sex outside commiEed rela)onships 2 1/26/11 Signs of Sex Addic)on Lying Spending excessive amounts of money and )me Cruising for hours Injuring or pu]ng one self at risk Aliena)ng and isola)ng Rituals and rou)nes Unable to complete tasks or preoccupied Shame & guilt a_er par)cipa)ng in act Levels of Sex Addic)on (1983, Carnes) Level 1: Society has a higher tolerance, culturally accepted or is a public nuisance (masturba)on, porn, strip clubs, pros)tu)on, and anonymous sex). Level 2: Behaviors are intrusive to others and have s)ff legal sanc)ons (exhibi)onism, voyeurism, and indecent calls) Level 3: More significant boundary viola)ons/ sexual abuse (molesta)on, incest, and rape). 10 Types of Sexual Behavior Emerged from a Sex Addic)on Survey by Carnes Fantasy Sex Seduc)ve Role Sex Voyeuris)c Sex Exhibi)onis)c Sex Paying for Sex Trading Sex 3 1/26/11 10 Types Con)nue Intrusive Sex Anonymous Sex Pain Exchange Exploi)ve Sex Origins of 10 Types A total of 10 “types” of sexually compulsive behavior emerged in the sex addicts surveyed by Patrick Carnes, Ph.D. Addic)on Cycle 4 1/26/11 Sex Addic)on Assessment Tools A Useful Tool for Self-Assessment: IsSAAForYou/SelfAssessment/ The Sexual Addiction Screening Test (SAST), HBI: Hypersexual Behavior Inventory, Internet Sex Screening Test, & Women’s Sexual Addiction Screening Test (WSAST): Sexual Dependency Inventory (SDI) Sexual Addiction Screening Test – Revised (SAST-R) available on What is Love Addic)on? Overwhelming desire for another person, to the detriment of other aspects of one’s life (work, money, family & etc) Excessively cap)vated with feelings of romance, intensity and sexual desire AEach their reality to lover’s iden)ty and base their self‐worth by lover’s reac)ons Difficulty iden)fying individuality and act without boundaries (extreme neediness or needless/wantless behaviors) Examples of Love Addic)on Affairs Destruc)ve or numerous failed rela)onships Having excessive brief rela)onships that end a_er the “honeymoon stage” has worn off Stalking Obsession Fantasy Intoxica)ng rela)onships 5 1/26/11 Signs of Love Addic)on Excessive fantasy and roman)c intensity to distract from emo)ons and daily ac)vi)es Consumed with thoughts and ac)ons related to partner Difficulty being alone Using sex, seduc)on, and manipula)on to hold onto partner Lying or chea)ng Sexualizing conversa)ons and flir)ng Excessive )me spent on the internet or emailing qualifier Defining sexual experiences and roman)c intensity as love Assessment Tools for Love Addic)on Love Addiction Self-Test: Sexual Anorexia (Sexual Aversion Disorder) An aversion and disgust of being sexual with another person or a loss of “appe)te” for sexual interac)on Extreme discomfort when talking about sex or being touched Finds themselves having difficulty focusing during sex o_en distracted by thoughts and emo)ons Difficulty trus)ng or having others close Preoccupa)on of others being sexual Lacks pleasure and may have problems with performance 6 1/26/11 Assessment The four W’s (Where, When, What, & Who) & How What is the client’s boEom line behavior? What images are exci)ng? Who is the qualifier? What is the arousal template? Where does he act out? Triggers? Determine “slippery” behavior How severe? Has there been injuries or high risk behavior? Obtaining a sex history Assign the Sexual Dependency Inventory (SDI) Determine proper level of treatment (i.e., inpa)ent, outpa)ent, increased sessions or addi)onal referrals) Interven)ons Assigning reading and use of educa)onal material for both the individual and partner Cogni)ve‐Behavioral Treatment Mo)va)onal Interviewing Partner/Family Support Group Treatment 12‐step mee)ngs Later, trauma treatment techniques (EMDR, Soma)c Experiencing, and Post‐Induc)on Treatment) Things to Remember Accountability Support Boundaries Confidence Educa)on Curiosity Assessment Structure/Plan Level of Care Keep in mind culture, sexual orienta)on, gender, ethnicity, age, and history 7 1/26/11 Suggested Reading List • Carnes, Patrick & Moriarity, Joseph Sexual Anorexia: Overcoming Sexual Self-Hatred. HCI Publishing, 199 • Carnes, Patrick & Adams, Kenneth Clinical Management of Sex Addiction. New York, NY: Brunner-Routledge, 2002. • Carnes, Patrick Don’t Call It Love: Recovery from Sexual Addiction. New York, NY: Bantam Books, 1991. • Carnes, Patrick Out of the Shadows: Understanding Sexual Addiction, 3rd Edition. Center City, MN: Hazelden, 1994. • Kasl, Charlotte D. Women, Sex, and Addiction: The Search for Love and Power. San Francisco, CA: Harper San Francisco, 1990. • Mellody, Pia Facing Love Addiction: Giving Yourself the Power to Change the Way You Love. New York, NY: Harper Collins, NY, 1992. Suggested Reading List • Mellody, Pia The Intimacy Factor: The Ground Rules for Overcoming the Obstacles to Truth, Respect, and Lasting Love. San Francisco, CA: Harper San Francisco, 2004. • Schaeffer, Brenda. Is It Love or Is It Addiction? San Francisco, CA: Harper San Francisco, 1987. • Weinhold, Barry. Breaking Free of Addictive Family Relationships. Dallas, TX: Stillpoint, 1991. • Weiss, Robert & Schneider, Jennifer. Untangling the Web: Sex, Porn, & Fantasy Obsession in the Internet Age. Alyson Publications, 2005. • Weiss, Robert. Cruise Control: Understanding Sex Addiction in Gay Men. Alyson Publications, 2005. Websites Survivors of Incest Anonymous • Love Addicts Anonymous (LAA) • Sexaholics Anonymous (SA) • Sex Addicts Anonymous (SAA) • Sexual Compulsives Anonymous (SCA) 8 1/26/11 Websites Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous (SLAA) • Sexual Recovery Anonymous (SRA) • S-Anon • COSA • Recovery Couples Anonymous • Incest Survivors Anonymous Treatment Centers Sexual Recovery Institute The Meadows Del Amo Hospital Life Healing Center Sierra Tucson Treatment Center Center for Healthy Sex ElanaClark-Faler, LCSW, CSAT-S 9