Size of the Hunting, Shooting and Self-Defense Market
Size of the Hunting, Shooting and Self-Defense Market
2014 Size of the Hunting, Shooting and Self-Defense Market Detailed Report This report provides a detailed report of market size information recently produced by Southwick Associates, including sales in retail dollars and units by type, brand, gauge/caliber for commonly purchased hunting, shooting, and self-defense products. Provided by: Produced by: The Southwick Associates’ name indicates all research is based on extensively researched quantification methods incorporating proven data sources and followed with scientific statistical checks to verify and approve all results. . Table of Contents Page Background and Methods .................................... 3 Firearms (type, purpose) ...................................... 4 Handguns (type, purpose, brand, caliber) ......... 5 Rifles (type, purpose) ......................................... 7 MSR/tactical Rifles (brand, caliber)............... 8 Traditional Rifles (brand, caliber) ................ 10 Shotguns (type, purpose, brand, gauge).......... 12 Muzzleloader (type, purpose) .......................... 14 Ammunition (type) ............................................ 15 Rifle Ammunition (caliber, brand) ................... 15 Handgun Ammunition (caliber, brand) ............ 17 Shotgun Ammunition (caliber, brand) ............. 18 Hunting Apparel (type)....................................... 19 Shirts (pattern brand, brand) ........................... 19 Pants (pattern brand, brand) ........................... 21 Jackets (pattern brand, brand) ........................ 23 Vests (pattern brand, brand) ........................... 25 Boots (brand) ................................................... 27 Backpacks (brand) ............................................ 28 Optics (type, purpose) ........................................ 29 Scopes (brand) ................................................. 31 Binoculars (brand) ............................................ 32 Spotting Scopes (brand) ................................... 33 Handheld Laser Rangefinder (brand) ............... 33 Laser Sight (brand) ........................................... 34 Reflex/Red Dot Sight (brand) ........................... 34 Red Dot/Tactical Magnifiers (brand) ............... 35 Night Vision/Thermal Imaging (brand) ............ 35 Hunting Gear and Supplies (type) ....................... 36 Game Calls (type, brand).................................. 36 Blinds (type, brand) .......................................... 38 Decoys (type, brand) ........................................ 39 Game Feeders (type, brand) ............................ 40 Game Feed (type, brand) ................................. 41 Two-Way Radio (purpose, brand) .................... 42 Hunting Knives/Multi-tools (type, brand) ........ 42 Page Cover Scent (brand) ......................................... 44 Lure Scent (brand)............................................ 44 Odor Eliminator (brand) ................................... 44 Game Cooler (brand) ....................................... 45 GPS (brand) ...................................................... 45 Food Plot Seed (brand) .................................... 46 Trail Cameras (brand)....................................... 46 Tree Stands (brand).......................................... 47 Firearm Parts/Accessories (type, reason for purchase) .................................................... 48 Barrels (brand) ................................................. 49 Bipods (brand).................................................. 50 Bolts/Carriers/Bolt Parts (brand) ..................... 50 Caliber Conversion Kits (brand) ....................... 51 Grips (pistol and forward) and Buttstocks (brand) ............................................................. 52 Hand Guard (brand) ......................................... 53 Receivers (brand) ............................................. 54 Magazines (brand) ........................................... 55 Sling (brand) ..................................................... 56 Triggers (brand)................................................ 57 Recoil Reduction (brand) ................................. 57 Muzzle Device/Suppressors (brand) ................ 58 Firearm Storage and Cleaning (type) .................. 59 Gun Cases or Sleeves (type, brand) ................. 59 Gun Safes (brand) ............................................ 60 Shooting Gear and Supplies (type) ..................... 62 Holsters and Ammunition Belts (type, brand) ............................................................... 62 Benches and Rests (brand)............................... 63 Clay/Clay Pigeons (brand) ................................ 63 Ear Protection (brand) ..................................... 64 Shooting Glasses (brand) ................................. 65 Targets (brand)................................................. 65 Traps/Target Throwing Devices (brand) .......... 66 2 Background and Methods Southwick Associates was hired by the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) to help NSSF members answer the following questions: - How big is the market niche I’m operating in? Where might new opportunities lie for my company? This report estimates total U.S. retail sales (units and dollars) for products used for hunting, shooting and/or self-defense. Only new product sales are reported. Sales of used products are excluded, except where explicitly stated in firearms table on page 4. All dollar figures report consumer purchases (retail sales) and not wholesale activity. The average amount spent per purchase has also been presented for each item. Southwick Associates estimates dollar sales and units sold using multiple approaches, with the specific approach dependent on the product under study. A balanced general population study of U.S. residents age 18 or older was conducted using several online panels to identify purchases made specifically for hunting, shooting and/or self-defense in the previous 12 months (Q4 2013 – Q3 2014). These surveys collected responses from October 9, 2014 to November 7, 2014. Statistical tests were run to test the surveys’ response balance and accuracy, and to find any required adjustments to ensure the full U.S. population was represented as best as possible. Retail market sizes were then estimated using proprietary Southwick Associates’ research methods combined with additional data sources including FBI and U.S. Treasury data. This report differs from previously issued market size estimates. Southwick Associates has made a concerted effort to remove the bias commonly introduced into all forms of survey research by avid participants and to provide detail for categories previously too small to accurately measure. Also, for the first time, results now include purchases made for self-defense reasons. This is a sample of Southwick Associates’ full market report, including sales and units by brands, firearm and ammo sales and units by caliber and gauge, self-defense sales compared to hunting and target shooting, plus greater breakouts for many categories of accessories. This sample report provides the layout and general information included in the full market report. Contact John DePalma at with purchasing inquiries. Southwick Associates also provides confidential, custom research to businesses wanting to know more about specific markets, to learn more about your customers or your competitors’ customers, to learn what consumers really want in new products, and more. To learn about Southwick Associates’ custom research options, please contact Nancy Bacon at 3 Firearms Firearms by Type Total New Firearms Retail Market Size Handgun MSR rifle Muzzleloader Shotgun Traditional rifle Total Used Firearms Retail Market Size Handgun MSR rifle Muzzleloader Shotgun Traditional rifle Total Firearms Retail Market Size Firearms by Purpose (Retail dollars) Handgun MSR rifle Muzzleloader Shotgun Traditional rifle Total Firearms Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Hunting Shooting Self Defense Units Other Avg. Price Total 4 Firearms by Purpose (Units) Handgun MSR rifle Muzzleloader Shotgun Traditional rifle Total Firearms Retail Market Size Hunting Shooting Handguns by Type Break action Revolver Semi-automatic Other Total Handgun Retail Market Size Handguns by Purpose (Retail dollars) Break action Revolver Semi-automatic Other Total Handgun Retail Market Size Handguns by Purpose (Units) Break action Revolver Semi-automatic Other Total Handgun Retail Market Size Handguns by Brand Astra Beretta Bersa Browning Charter Arms Chiappa Cobra Colt CZ EAA Self Defense Retail Dollars Other Units Total Avg. Price Hunting Shooting Self Defense Other Total Hunting Shooting Self Defense Other Total Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price 5 FMK FNH Freedom Arms Glock GSG H&R Heckler & Koch (H&K) Heritage High Point Kahr Kel-tec Kimber North American Arms PARA Remington Rossi Ruger/Sturm Ruger SCCY SIG Arms/Sig Sauer Smith & Wesson Springfield Taurus Thompson Center Uberti Walther Other Not sure Total Handgun Retail Market Size Handguns by Caliber 22 cal 32 cal 357 cal 38 special 380 auto/ 380 ACP 40 S&W 44 cal 45 auto 9mm Not sure Other Total Handgun Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price 6 Rifles by Type MSR/tactical rifles AK AR SKS Other Not sure Traditional rifle Bolt action Break action Lever action Semi-automatic Other Total Rifle Retail Market Size Rifles by Purpose (Retail dollars) MSR/tactical rifles AK AR SKS Other Not sure Traditional rifle Bolt action Break action Lever action Semi-automatic Other Total Rifle Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Hunting Shooting Self-defense Units Other Avg. Price Total 7 Rifles by Purpose (Units) MSR/tactical rifles AK AR SKS Other Not sure Traditional rifle Bolt action Break action Lever action Semi-automatic Other Total Rifle Retail Market Size MSR/Tactical Rifles by Brand Armalite Arsenal Beretta Browning Bushmaster Century Christensen Arms Colt Crickett Custom CVA CZ-USA Double Star DPMS Enfield FNH H&R Heckler & Koch (H&K) Henry Hi-Point Howa Interarms Kel Tec Marlin Mossberg Nornico Olympic Arms Palmetto State Armory Remington Rock River Arms Hunting Shooting Self-defense Retail Dollars Other Units Total Avg. Price 8 Rossi Ruger/Sturm Ruger Saiga Sig Sauer SKS Smith & Wesson Spikes Tactical Springfield Armory Stag Weatherby Winchester Windham Weaponry Other Not sure Total MSR/Tactical Rifle Market Size MSR/Tactical Rifles by Caliber 17 cal 204 Ruger 22 cal 22-250 cal 223 cal 243 cal 270 Winchester 270 WSM 30 Carbine 30-06 Springfield 30-30 cal 300 Rem Magnum 300 Rem Ultra Magnum 300 Savage 300 Win Mag 300 WSM 303 British 308 cal 35 Remington 375 H&H Magnum 44 Rem 7 62x39 Soviet 7 mm Mauser 7 mm-08 7mm Remington Mag 8 mm Mauser not sure other Total MSR/Tactical Rifle Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price 9 Traditional Rifles by Brand Armalite Arsenal Beretta Browning Bushmaster Century Colt Crickett CVA CZ-USA Double Star DPMS Enfield FNH H&R Heckler & Koch (H&K) Henry Hi-Point Howa Interarms Ithaca IWI Kimber Marlin Mauser Mossberg Olympic Arms Palmetto State Armory Remington Rossi Ruger/Sturm Ruger Sako Savage SKS Smith & Wesson Springfield Armory Stag Tikka Uberti Weatherby Other Not sure Total Traditional Rifle Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price 10 Traditional Rifles by Caliber 17 cal 204 Ruger 22 cal 22-250 cal 223 cal 243 cal 270 Winchester 270 WSM 30 Carbine 30-06 Springfield 30-30 cal 300 Rem Magnum 300 Rem Ultra Magnum 300 Savage 300 Weatherby Magnum 300 Win Mag 300 WSM 303 British 308 cal 35 Remington 375 H&H Magnum 44 Rem 7 62x39 Soviet 7 mm Mauser 7mm Remington Mag 8 mm Mauser not sure other Total Traditional Rifle Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price 11 Shotguns by Type Over/under Pump action Semi-automatic Side by side Single shot Other Total Shotgun Retail Market Size Shotguns by Purpose (Retail dollars) Over/under Pump action Semi-automatic Side by side Single shot Other Total Shotgun Retail Market Size Shotguns by Purpose (Units) Over/under Pump action Semi-automatic Side by side Single shot Other Total Shotgun Retail Market Size Shotguns by Brand Baikal Benelli Beretta Browning Charles Daily CZ-USA Fox Franchi H&R High Standard Ithaca Iver Johnson JC Higgins Krieghoff Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price Hunting Shooting Self Defense Other Total Hunting Shooting Self Defense Other Total Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price 12 Marlin Mossberg Perazzi Remington Rossi Ruger/Sturm Ruger Saiga Savage (Stevens) Smith & Wesson Stoeger Tristar Weatherby Winchester Yildiz Other Not sure Total Shotgun Retail Market Size Shotguns by Gauge 12 gauge 16 gauge 20 gauge 28 gauge 410 gauge Not sure Total Shotgun Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price 13 Muzzleloaders by Type Flint lock Inline Standard Other Total New Muzzleloader Retail Market Size Muzzleloaders by Purpose (Retail dollars) Flint lock Inline Standard Other Total Muzzleloader Retail Market Size Muzzleloaders by Purpose (Units) Flint lock Inline Standard Other Total Muzzleloader Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price Hunting Shooting Self Defense Other Total Hunting Shooting Self Defense Other Total 14 Ammunition Ammunition by Type (units are in number of boxes) Handgun ammunition Rifle ammunition Shotgun ammunition Total Ammunition Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price Rifle Ammunition by Caliber 17 cal 204 Ruger 22 cal 22-250 cal 243 cal 270 Winchester 270 WSM 280 cal 30 Carbine 30-06 Springfield 30-30 cal 300 Rem Magnum 300 Savage 300 Weatherby Magnum 300 Win Mag 300 WSM 303 British 32 Win Special 35 Remington 375 H&H Magnum 44 Rem 5.56/223 Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price 15 7.62X39/308 7 mm WSM 7 mm-08 7mm Remington Mag 8 mm Mausar 9 mm not sure other Total Rifle Ammunition Retail Market Size Rifle Ammunition by Brand American Eagle Aquila Barnes Black Hills Blazer CCI Eley Federal (including Fusion) Fiocchi Fusion Herter’s Hornady Lapua Magtech Nosler PMC PPU/Prvi Partizan Remington Sierra Tul Ammo Weatherby Winchester (including SuperX, Supreme, USA) Wolf Other Not sure Total Rifle Ammunition Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price 16 Handgun Ammunition by Caliber 22 cal 32 cal 357 cal 38 cal 380 cal 40 S&W 44 cal 45 auto 9mm Not sure Other Total Handgun Ammunition Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price Handgun Ammunition by Brand American Eagle Aquila Black Hills Blazer CCI CorBon Federal (including Fusion) Fiocchi Hornady Magtech PMC Remington RWS Sellier and Belloit Speer Ultramax Winchester (including SuperX, Supreme, USA) Wolf Other Not sure Total Handgun Ammunition Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price 17 Shotgun Ammunition by Gauge 12 gauge 16 gauge 20 gauge 28 gauge 410 gauge Not sure Other Total Shotgun Ammunition Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price Shotgun Ammunition by Brand Bismuth Estate Federal Fiocchi Fusion Hevi-Shot Kent PMC Remington RIO Winchester Wolf Other Not sure Total Shotgun Ammunition Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price 18 Hunting Apparel Hunting Apparel by Type Boots Backpack/waist pack/duffle Pants Shirts Vests Jackets/coats Total Hunting Apparel Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price Shirts by Pattern Brand* Badlands Cabela’s brand CamoWest Delta Farmland Kings Mossy Oak MultiCam Naked North Natural Gear Predator Realtree Vertigo W L Gore/OptiFade Other Not sure Total Shirts Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price *Respondents may have had difficulty determining the difference between the camo pattern brand and the apparel item brand. 19 Shirts by Brand* Badlands Bass Pro/Redhead Boyt Browning Buckmasters Cabela’s CamoWest Columbia Delta Duluth Farmland Filson Game Winner Gamehide Gander Mountain Kings L L Bean Mossy Oak MultiCam Predator Primos Remington Under Armour Walls Other Not sure Total Shirts Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price *Respondents may have had difficulty determining the difference between the camo pattern brand and the apparel item brand. 20 Pants by Pattern Brand* Ameristep Badlands Cabela’s brand CamoWest Delta Farmland Kings Mossy Oak MultiCam Naked North Natural Gear Predator Realtree True Timber W L Gore/OptiFade Other Not sure Total Pants Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price *Respondents may have had difficulty determining the difference between the camo pattern brand and the apparel item brand. 21 Pants by Brand* Badlands Bass Pro/Redhead Boyt Browning Buckmasters Cabela’s CamoWest Columbia Delta Duluth Farmland Filson Game Winner Gamehide Gander Mountain Kings L L Bean Mossy Oak MultiCam Naked North Orvis Predator Primos Remington Under Armour Walls Other Not sure Total Pants Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price *Respondents may have had difficulty determining the difference between the camo pattern brand and the apparel item brand. 22 Jackets by Pattern Brand Badlands Cabela’s brand CamoWest Delta Farmland Kings Mossy Oak MultiCam Natural Gear Predator Realtree True Timber Other Not sure Total Jacket Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price 23 Jackets by Brand Badlands Bass Pro/Redhead Boyt Browning Buckmasters Cabela’s CamoWest Columbia Delta Duluth Farmland Filson Game Winner Gamehide Gander Mountain Kings L L Bean Mossy Oak Naked North Natural Gear Orvis Predator Remington True Timber Under Armour Vertigo Walls Other Not sure Total Jacket Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price 24 Vest by Pattern Brand Ameristep Badlands Cabela’s brand CamoWest Delta Farmland Kings Mossy Oak MultiCam Natural Gear Predator Realtree True Timber Other Not sure Total Vest Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price 25 Vest by Brand Badlands Bass Pro/Redhead Boyt Browning Buckmasters Cabela’s CamoWest Columbia Delta Duluth Farmland Filson Game Winner Gamehide Gander Mountain Kings L L Bean Mossy Oak Naked North Orvis Predator Remington True Timber Under Armour Vertigo Other Not sure Total Vest Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price 26 Boots by Brand Bogs Brahma Browning Cabela’s Columbia Dan Post Danner Field & Stream Golden Retriever Guide Gear Herman Survivors Irish Setter ITASCA Justin Keen Kenetrek Lacrosse LL Bean Magnum Merrell Muck Red Wing Redhead Rocky Timberland Under Armour Wolverine Other Not sure Total Boots Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price 27 Backpacks by Brand Alps Avery Badlands Blacks Creek Browning Cabela’s CamelBak Eberlestock Fieldline Game Guard Horn Hunter Hunters Specialties Osprey R E I brand RedHead/Bass Pro Sitka Timber Ridge Trekker Under Armour Other Not sure Total Backpack Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price 28 Optics Optics by Type Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price Binoculars Reflex/red dot sights Laser sights Red dot/tactical magnifier Mounts, rings, and bases* Night vision/thermal imaging Handheld laser rangefinders Scopes Spotting scopes Total Optics Retail Market Size *Estimate of mounts, rings and bases is expected to be lower than the total market because a consumer may receive these items included as part of a scope purchase or mounting service. Optics by Purpose (Retail dollars)* Reflex/red dot sights Laser sights Red dot/tactical magnifier Mounts, rings, and bases Night vision/thermal imaging Handheld laser rangefinders Scopes Spotting scopes Total Optics Retail Market Size Hunting Shooting Self-defense Other Total *Purpose of purchase was not asked for binoculars. 29 Optics by Purpose (Units)* Reflex/red dot sights Laser sights Red dot/tactical magnifier Mounts, rings, and bases Night vision/thermal imaging Handheld laser rangefinders Scopes Spotting scopes Total Optics Retail Market Size Hunting Shooting Self-defense Other Total *Purpose of purchase was not asked for binoculars. 30 Scopes by Brand Aeon Alpen Barnett Barska Burris Bushnell Cabela’s Center Point Crickett/Keystone EOTech Excalibur Hawke Hi-Lux Huskemaw Konus Leapers Leupold Mueller Nikon Pentax Redfield Redhead Simmons Swarovski Swift Tasco TruGlo Vortex* Weaver Zeiss Other Not sure Total Scope Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price * Vortex is likely underrepresented in our sample. 31 Binoculars by Brand Alpen Barska Bass Pro/RedHead Brunton Burris Bushnell Cabela’s Emerson Field & Stream Konus Leica Leupold Nikon Pentax Redfield Sightron Simmons Steiner Swarovski Tasco Vanguard Vortex* Weaver Zeiss Other Not sure Total Binocular Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price *Vortex is likely underrepresented in our sample. 32 Spotting Scopes by Brand AIM Alpen Barska BSA Burris Bushnell Cabela’s Celestron Hawke Kowa Leupold Minox NcSTAR Nightforce Nikon Optolyth Pentax Simmons Swarovski Tasco Vanguard Vortex Zeiss Not sure Total Spotting Scope Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price Handheld Laser Rangefinder by Brand Bushnell Cabela’s* Gunwerks/G7 Laser Technology (LTI) Leica Leupold Nikon Opti-Logic Redfield Simmons Steiner Vortex Wildgame Innovations/Halo Not sure Total Handheld Laser Rangefinder Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price *Cabela’s is not a rangefinder brand. This result is likely due to buyers not recognizing the brand they purchased. 33 Laser Sight by Brand Aimpoint Aimshot ArmaLaser Barska Beamshot BSA Centerpoint Crimson Trace Firefield LaserLyte LaserMax NcSTAR Sightmark Streamlight TruGlo UTG Other Not sure Total Range Finder Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price Reflex/Red Dot Sight by Brand Aimpoint Barska Bering Optics Browning BSA Burris Bushnell EOTech Leupold NcSTAR Redfield Sightmark Tasco Trijicon TruGlo Ultra Dot Vortex Other Not sure Total Reflex/Red Dot Sight Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price 34 Red Dot/Tactical Magnifiers by Brand Aimpoint Barska Burris EO Tech Firefield Leapers/UTG NcSTAR Sightmark Vortex Other Not sure Total Red Dot/Tactical Magnifier Retail Market Size Night Vision/Thermal Imaging by Brand Armasight ATN* Bering Optics Bushnell Carson EOtech FLIR iGen ITT Morovision Night Owl Nights Optics OPMOD Sightmark Yukon Other Not sure Total Night Vision/Thermal Imaging Retail Market Size *ATN is likely underrepresented in our sample. Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price 35 Hunting Gear and Supplies Hunting Gear and Supplies by Type Blinds Cover scent Decoys Game calls Game cleaning supplies Game coolers (specialized for meat/game) Game feed Game feeder GPS device Hunting knives/multi-tools Lure scent Odor eliminator Food plot seed Two-way radio Electronic insect repellent Trail cameras Tree stands, ladders, towers Total Hunting Gear and Supplies Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price Game Calls by Type Accessories Big game Predator Small game Turkey Upland game Waterfowl Other Total Game Call Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price 36 Game Calls by Brand Big River Buck Gardner Cass Creek Custom/Handmade Down N Dirty Duck Commander E L K , Inc Echo Expedite Extreme Dimension Faulks Flextone Fox Pro Gooserbat H S Strut Haydel Hunters Specialties ICOtech Johnny Stewart Knight & Hale MAD Nature’s Voice Primos Redhead Rich n Tone Toxic Other Not sure Total Game Call Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price 37 Blinds by Type Blind accessories (stakes, bow holder, lights, etc.) Blind material (burlap, cloth, mesh, etc.) Box blind Ground blind Layout/waterfowl blind Other Total Blind Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price Blinds by Brand Allen Company Ameristep Avery Barronett Big Game Treestand Cabela’s Camo Flex Final Approach Ghostblind Guide Gear Hunter’s Specialty KillZone Primos Rhino RigEm Right Sports Afield Timber Ridge Other Not sure Total Blind Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price 38 Decoys by Type Big game Predator Small game Turkey Upland game (including crow) Waterfowl Other Total Decoy Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price Decoys by Brand Avery Bass Pro Shops/Redhead Big Foot Cabela’s Carry-Lite Dakota Edge Featherlite Final Approach Flambeau Flextone Greenhead Hard Core Higdon Hunters Specialties Mojo Primos Other Not sure Total Decoy Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price 39 Game Feeders by Type Accessories Hanging feeder Standing feeder Timer (kit or parts) Not Sure Total Game Feeder Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price Game Feeders by Brand Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price American Hunter/Feeder Max Big Game Feeder Boss Buck Cabela’s* Gander Mountain Moultrie On Time Primos Wildgame Innovations Other Not sure Total Game Feeder Retail Market Size *Cabela’s is not a game feeder brand. This result is likely due to buyers not recognizing the brand they purchased. 40 Game Feed by Type Blocks/mineral licks Liquid Mass (corn, soybean, etc.) Pellets Powder Other Total Game Feed Retail Market Size Game Feed by Brand Acorn Rage Antler King Big & J Buck Jam CMere Deer Deer Cane Evolved Habitats Evolved Harvest Hunters Specialties Imperial Whitetail Mossy Oak Rack Up Feed RedHead/Bass Pro Sportsmans Choice Wildgame Innovations Other Not sure Total Game Feeder Retail Market Size *Respondents may confuse this option with food plot seed. Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price 41 Two-way Radio by Purpose of Purchase Hunting Shooting Self-defense Other Total Two-way Radio Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price Two-way Radio by Brand Bushnell Cabela’s Cobra Garmin Kenwood Lowrance Midland Motorola Oregon Scientific Uniden Other Not sure Total Two-way Radio Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price Hunting Knives/Multi-tools by Type Fixed blade Folding Multi-tool Pocket knife Total Hunting Knife/Multi-tool Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price 42 Hunting Knives/Multi-tool by Brand Al Mar Bark River Bass Pro Shops / Redhead Benchmade Broker Browning Buck Cabela’s Camillus Case Cold Steel Columbia River/CRKT Condor Custom made Cutco Elk Ridge Frost Gerber Havalon K-Bar Kershaw Kimber Knives of Alaska Leatherman Lone Wolf Mossy Oak Outdoor Edge Puma Rapala Remington Schrade Smith & Wesson SOG SpyderCO Swiss Army United Cutlery Western Winchester Other Not sure Total Hunting Knives/Multi-tool Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price 43 Cover Scent by Brand BuckStop Code Blue Prime Time (Hunter Specialties Brand) Scent Shield Tinks Wildlife Research Center Other Not sure Total Cover Scent Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price Lure Scent by Brand Buck Bomb Buck Magic BuckStop Code Blue ConQuest/Border Crossing Scents Harmons Prime Time (Hunter Specialties Brand) Scent Shield Smokey’s Tinks Wildgame Innovations Wildlife Research Center Other Not sure Total Lure Scent Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price Odor Eliminator by Brand Dead Downwind Primo Silver Scent Killer (Wildlife Research Center) Scent Shield Scent-A-Way (Hunter Specialties Brand) Tinks Other Not sure Total Odor Eliminator Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price 44 Game Cooler by Brand Brute Coleman Drake Engel Esky Grizzly Hunt Valley Icey-Tek Igloo Mossy Oak Rubbermaid Stanley Yeti Yukon Other Total Game Cooler Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price GPS by Brand Apisphere Cobra Garmin Lowrance Magellan (including Explorist) Motorola Navman Oregon Scientific Panasonic TomTom Other Total GPS Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price 45 Food Plot Seed by Brand Antler King Cabela’s Custom Blend Deer Creek Seed Evolved Harvest Frigid Forage Hunters Specialty L B Wannamaker Local Store Seed Mossy Oak Biologic Outfitters Choice Plot Spike Tecomate Wild Game Innovations Other Not sure Total Food Plot Seed Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price *Whitetail Institute was omitted from the brand list in the survey tool. Trail Cameras by Brand Browning BuckEye Bushnell Cabela’s Covert Cuddeback Guide Gear Hunten Outdoors Lil Acorn Moultrie Plot Watcher Primos Reconyx Remington Stealth Tasco Wildgame Innovations Wildview Other Not sure Total Trail Camera Retail Market Size 46 Tree Stands by Brand Advanced Game Technologies Ambush Ameristep API Grand Slam Big Dog Big Game Cabela’s* Comfort Zone Cougar Dicks Sporting Goods brand Field & Stream Gander Mountain Guide Gear Hunters Specialty Lone Wolf Primos Rivers Edge Sniper Summit Trekker Other Not sure Total Tree Stand Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price *Cabela’s is not a tree stand brand. This result is likely due to buyers not recognizing the brand they purchased. 47 Firearm Parts/Accessories Firearm Parts/Accessories by Type (for all types of firearms) Barrels Bipod Bolts/carriers/bolt parts Caliber conversion kits Grips (pistol and forward) and buttstocks Hand guard Magazines Muzzle devices (suppressors) Receiver Recoil reduction Slings Trigger assemblies/trigger guards Total Firearm Parts/Accessories Retail Market Size + Firearm Parts/Accessories by Reason for Purchase (Retail dollars) Additional Part Barrels Bolts/carriers/bolt parts Caliber conversion kits Grips (pistol and forward) and buttstocks Hand guard Magazines Muzzle devices (suppressors) Receiver Recoil reduction Slings Trigger assemblies/trigger guards Total Firearm Parts/Accessories Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Upgrade Units Replacement Avg. Price Total *Bipod purpose of purchase was not asked in survey tool. 48 Firearm Parts/Accessories by Reason for Purchase (Units) Barrels Bolts/carriers/bolt parts Caliber conversion kits Grips (pistol and forward) and buttstocks Hand guard Magazines Muzzle devices (suppressors) Receiver Recoil reduction Slings Trigger assemblies/trigger guards Total Firearm Parts/Accessories Retail Market Size Additional Part Upgrade Replacement Total *Bipod purpose of purchase was not asked in survey tool. Barrels by Brand BCM (Bravo Company) Benelli Beretta Bushmaster CMMG Daniel Defense DPMS JP Enterprises Marlin Mossberg Noveske Ruger Savage Spikes Tactical Yankee Hill Other Not sure Total Barrel Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price *Remington was omitted from this brand list in the survey tool 49 Bipods by Brand Accu-Shot Allen Armstac BCM (Bravo Company) Blackhawk Bog Gear Cabela’s Caldwell Command Arms (CAA) Gander Mountain Gorilla Harris Hunters Specialties Leapers Lion Gears Shooters Ridge UTG Vanguard Versa-Pod Winchester Other Not sure Total Bipod Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price *Primos was omitted from this brand list in the survey tool. Bolts/Carriers/Bolt Parts by Brand BCM (Bravo company) Black Rain Centurion CMMG CMT Daniel Defense Double Star Fail Zero Hi-Standard JP Enterprises LMT Palmetto State Armory Rock River Arms Spikes Tactical Other Not sure Total Bolts/Carriers/Bolt Parts Retail Market Size 50 Caliber Conversion Kit by Brand Advantage Arms Beretta Ciener CMMG Colt CZ Dillon Glock Hogue IWI Kimber MGI Ruger Saiga Sig Sauer Tactical Solutions Other Not sure Total Caliber Conversion Kit Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price 51 Grips (pistol and forward) and Buttstocks by Brand B5 Systems BCM (Bravo Company) Blackhawk Bushmaster Bushnell Command Arms (CAA) Daniel Defense DPMS Fortis Herrett Grips Hi-Standard Hogue JP Enterprises LaRue Limbsaver Magpul Mission First Tactical Tacstar Tapco The Mako Group Timbersmith Troy Industries Yankee Hill Other Not sure Total Grips (pistol and forward) and Buttstocks Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price 52 Hand Guards by Brand Action Arms BCM (Bravo company) Beretta Bushmaster Command Arms (CAA) FN Hi-Standard JP Enterprises Magpul Mauser Mosin Nagant Noveske Ruger Sabre Defense Sigarms SKS Springfield Tapco Yankee Hill Other Not sure Total Hand Guard Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price 53 Receivers by Brand AAC BCM (Bravo Company) Bushmaster CMMG Colt Daniel Defense Del-ton Inc DPMS DRD Fallout15 Hi-Standard JP Enterprises LaRue Noveske Rainier Arms Rock River Arms Sabre Defense Smith & Wesson Spikes Tactical Stag Arms Other Not sure Total Receiver Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price 54 Magazines by Brand 1911 AR-Stone Armalite Astra Baikal Beretta Bernardelli Bersa Briley Brownell Browning Bushmaster Butler Creek Cabela’s Check Mate Chip McCormick CMMG Coast to Coast Colt Command Arms (CAA) Cotter & Co CZ E-Lander Glock GSG Heckler & Koch (HK) Hi-Point High Standard HotLips Interarms Kahr Kimber Magpul Marlin Mec-Gar Mossberg ProMag Remington Ruger Savage Sigarms SigSauer Smith & Wesson Springfield Armory Surplus Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price 55 Tapco Taurus Thermold Walther Wilson Other Not sure Total Magazine Retail Market Size Slings by Brand Action Arms Allen AR ATI Barska Blackhawk Blue Force Gear Command Arms (CAA) Emdom Ergo Heckler & Koch Hogue Madsen Magpul Mauser Mosin Nagant Mossy Oak Remington Sabre Defense Tapco Thompson Troy Industries US Military Vanguard Viking Tactics Winchester Other Not sure Total Sling Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price 56 Triggers by Brand CMC CMMG Elftmann Giessele JP Enterprises Knights Armaments Magpul Molon Labe Princeton Rock River Arms Timney Wilson Combat Other Not sure Total Trigger Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price Recoil Reduction by Brand American Arms Bell & Carlson Benelli Beretta Browning Buffer Technology Butler Creek Charles Daly Choate DPM Ed Brown Franchi Kassnar KBI Limbsaver Marlin McMillan Mossberg Remington Ruger Savage Western Field Winchester Other Not sure Total Recoil Reduction Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price 57 Muzzle Device/Suppressor by Brand Advanced Armament BattleComp BCM (Bravo Company) Beavercreek Armory Bowers Brownells Bushmaster CMMG Daniel Defense Griffin Huntertown LANTAC Liberty Noveske OSS PWS Silencerco Spikes Tactical SureFire Tactical Solutions Tapco Thompson Thunder Beast Other Not sure Total Muzzle Device/Suppressor Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price 58 Firearm Storage and Cleaning Firearm Storage and Cleaning by Type Gun case or sleeve Gun cleaning Gun safes Total Firearm Storage and Cleaning Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price Gun Case or Sleeve by Type Hard sided case Soft sided case Other Total Gun Case or Sleeve Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price Units Avg. Price Gun Cases or Sleeves by Brand 5.11 Ace Allen Armortek Bass Pro Shops / Redhead Beretta Black Hawk Boyt Browning Bulldog Cabela’s Doskocil Drake Elite Flambeau Gander Mountain Kolpin Midway Plano (including GunGuard) Remington Ruger Uncle Mike UTG Winchester Other Not sure Total Gun Case or Sleeves Retail Market Size Retail Dollars 59 Gun Safes by Brand AMSEC Bass Pro Shops / Redhead Bighorn Browning Cabela’s Cannon Field & Stream Gun Vault Liberty Patriot Remington Sentinel Sentry Stack-on Winchester Other Not sure Total Gun Safe Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price 60 Gun Cleaning by Brand Ballistol Barnes Birchwood Casey Blue Wonder Bore Snake Bore Tech Break Free Brownells Butchs Cabela’s brand Dewey Frog Lube Gunslick Gunzilla Hoppes Kleen-Bore Kroil M-pro 7 Otis Outers Pro Shot Remington/Rem Oil Shooters Choice Sinclair Tetra Winchester Other Not sure Total Cleaning Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price 61 Shooting Gear and Supplies Shooting Gear and Supplies by Type Benches and rests Clays/clay pigeons Ear protection Holsters/ammo belts Shooting glasses Targets Traps/target throwing Total Shooting Gear and Supplies Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price Holsters and Ammunition Belts by Type Ammunition belt Holster Total Holsters/Ammo Belts Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price Holsters/Ammo Belts by Brand Bianchi Blackhawk Blade-Tech Bob Allen Bulldog Comp-Tac Crossbreed Fobus Foxx Galco Garrett Hunter Company Kirkpatrick N82 Tactical Old Faithful Raven concealment Remora Ruger Safariland Soft Armor Triple-K Uncle Mikes Other Not sure Total Holster/Ammo Belt Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price 62 Benches and Rests by Brand Benchmaster Cabela’s Caldwell Do-All Harris Hoppes Hyskore MTM Protektor RCBS Remington San Angelo Sinclair Uncle Buds Vanguard Other Not sure Total Bench and Rest Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price Clay/Clay Pigeons by Brand Champion Midwest Northwest Remington White Flyer Other Not sure Total Clay/Clay Pigeons Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price 63 Ear Protection by Brand 3M Allen Bass Pro Shops / Redhead Beretta Browning Caldwell Champion Decot EAR Howard Leight Midway USA Oakley Peltor PROEAR Radian Randolph Remington Sport Ear Surefire Walker Wiley X Winchester Other Not sure Total Ear Protection Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price 64 Shooting Glasses by Brand 3M Allen Bass Pro Shops / Redhead Beretta Browning Caldwell Champion Decot EAR Howard Leight Midway USA Oakley Peltor PROEAR Radian Randolph Remington Surefire Walker Wiley X Winchester Other Not sure Total Shooting Glasses Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price Targets by Brand Action Allen Birchwood Casey(other than Shoot-N-C) Caldwell Champion Daisy EZ target Gamo Hoppes Kleen-Bore Primos Rinehart Shoot-N-C TargDots Thompson Other Not sure Total Target Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price 65 Traps/Target Throwing Devices by Brand Champion Clay Master Do-All Hoppes Laporte Remington Sportrap Trius Western Traps Winchester Other Not sure Total Trap/Target Throwing Device Retail Market Size Retail Dollars Units Avg. Price 66
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