Volume 196 · 2014 S1 ISSN 0940-9602 Ann. Anat. 196(2014)S1 pp.xx-xxx 1 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • ABSTRACTS THE18thCONGRESSOFTHEINTERNATIONALFEDERATIONOF ASSOCIATIONSOFANATOMISTS BEIJINGCHINA08Ͳ10AUGUST2014 EditedbyYunqingLi,ChangmanZhou OrganizationCommittee˖ BernardMoxhamB.Sc.,B.D.S.,PhD,FHEA,FSB,FAS EmeritusProfessorofAnatomy PresidentoftheInternationalFederationofAssociationsof Anatomists(IFAA) CardiffSchoolofBiosciences UnitedKingdom;HeadDept.Anatomy;FAU ErlangenErlangenIUniversitätsstr.Germany SecretaryGeneralofIFAA RichardL.Drake,Ph.D.,DirectorofAnatomy,Professorof SurgeryClevelandClinicLernerCollegeofMedicine.USA TreasurerofIFAA YunqingLiMD.Ph.D Professor,ChairmanofDepartmentofAnatomy,Histology andEmbryology,TheFourthMilitaryMedicalUniversity Xi’anChina. PresidentofChineseSocietyofAnatomicalSciences(CSAS). ChangmanZhouMD.Ph.DProfessorinDepartmentof AnatomyandHistologyatPekingUniversityHealthScience Center,China.CurrentlyViceͲPresidentandGeneral SecretaryofCSAS. MingZhangMB,MMed,PhDClinicalAnatomist, DepartmentofAnatomy,UniversityofOtago NewZealand. LocalSicentificCommittee˖ QunyuanXu;Prof.CapitalMedical University,BeijingChina ShaoxiangZhang;Prof.3thMilitary MedicalUniversity,ChongqingChina YuanshanZeng;Prof.SUNYATͲSEN Univeristy,GuangzhouChina YunqingLi;Prof.4thMilitary MedicalUniversityXianChina ChunhuaZhao;Prof.PekingUnion MedicalCollege,BeijingChina WenlongDing;Prof.Shanghai JiaotongUniversity,ShanghaiChina ChangmanZhou;Prof.Peking University,BeijingChina WeiAn;Prof.CapitalMedical University,BeijingChina HouqiLiu;Prof.2thMilitaryMedical University,ShanghaiChina HuanjiuXi;Prof.LiaoningUniversity, JinzhouChina ShungenGuo;Prof.Chinese MeidcineUniversity,BeijingChina ShuweiLiu;Prof.Shandong University,JinaChina XiaosongGu;Prof.Nantong University,NantongChina ShulingBai;Prof.ChineseMedical University,ShenyangChina ChuandaXu;Prof.NanfangMedical Univeristy,GuangzhouChina HeLi;Prof.HuadongUniverisity, WuhanChina FuluGao;Prof.HebeiUniveristy HebeiChina HongquanZhang;Prof.Peking University,BeijingChina GuominZhou;Prof.FudanUniversity, ShanghaiChina YaJing;Prof.ShanxiMedical University,ShanxiChina ChaoMaProf.PekingUnionMedical College,BeijingChina Content Foreword Abstract Authors index 2 3-285 286-xxx The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 2 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• Foreword The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists (IFAA) is scheduled for August 8-10, 2014 in Beijing, China. On behalf of the organizing committee and the Chinese Society for Anatomical Sciences (CSAS), I would welcome you to attend this Congress. The congress will be hosted by the CSAS and will take place at the Beijing International Conference Centre, Beijing Continental Grand Hotel, Beijing, China. The conference centre and hotel are located in the Beijing Olympic Park. A wide range of accommodations are available around the Park, from budget accommodation up to 7 stars hotels to suit all tastes and requirements. The theme of the Congress will be Anatomy, from gross to molecular and digital. This IFAA Congress, as always, aims to bring together anatomists and other scientists from around the globe to present and debate the latest and best research on anatomy, histology, morphology, cell biology, developmental biology, anthropology and digitized morphology during the coming 4 years. It will provide an opportunity for networking for all delegates. Beijing, as the Capital of China with an over 5,000 years civilization history, has countless historic and scenic spots, such as the Great Wall, Forbidden City, Summer Palace, Temple of Heaven, etc. You may have had a glimpse of her breathtaking beauty during the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. The 2014 IFAA Congress will provide you an unforgettable opportunity to experience it by yourself. We will organize a wide range of a half day or one day tours for your family during the conference. We will also arrange pre-/post-conference tours for you and your family to visit various tourist attractions around China. We look forward to the pleasure of greeting you at what promises to be an exciting and fruitful meeting. See you in Beijing! See you in 2014! Professor Yunqing Li, MD, PhD. President of Chinese Society for Anatomical Sciences Professor of Anatomy Head of Department of Anatomy, The Fourth Military Medical University, Xi’an, PR China Email: The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 3 histology teaching as well as various uses of apps in iPad to teach clinical anatomy and the production of ibooks using ibook author will be presented as a convincing way of integrating education and information technologies into the academic environment. IFAA2014-1-001 Central neural pathways for nociceptive information modulation Yunqing Li IFAA2014-1-003 Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology, K. K. Leung Brain Research Centre, The Fourth Military Medical University, No.169, West Changle Road, Xi'an 710032, China. * How clinical anatomy studies can be inspired by clinical challenges Stephen W. Carmichael1, Marios Louka2, R. Shane Tubbs3 In the central nervous system (CNS), many long and short neural pathways constituted by axonal processes are structural bases for neural signal transmission and modulation. The short neural pathway is also called local circuit. Recently, we have investigated some neural pathways and local circuits involved in the nociceptive information transmission and modulation: (1) In the superficial laminae of the spinal dorsal horn (SDH), the primary afferent fibers which are nociceptive in nature made synaptic connections with GABA- and glycine-containing neurons, suggest that at the SDH, nociceptive information might be regulated by inhibitory interneurons; (2) In the midbrain periaqueductal gray (PAG), endomorphin-immunoreactive (EM-ir) terminals originating from hypothalamus formed synapses with GABA/mu-opioid receptor (MOR) co-localized neurons, the latter one, in turn, formed synapses with 5-HT-ergic neurons, suggesting that EM-ir terminals might inhibit the activity of the GABA-ir neurons, and finally resulted in antinociceptive effects through disinhibiting 5-HT-ir neurons; (3) Neurons in deeper layers of the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) projected directly to the superficial laminae of the SDH; the excitation of these ACC-SDH projection neurons by nociceptive inputs could facilitate the activity of the noxious specific neurons in the SDH, indicating that this descending projection might directly modulate the noxious information transmission. IFAA2014-1-002 Technology enhanced learning in medical school with special reference to anatomy P. Gopalakrishnakone 1 Stephen W. Carmichael, Emeritus Center, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA; 2Marios Loukas, Department of Anatomy, St. George's University, St. George's, Grenada 3 R. Shane Tubbs, Department of Pediatric Neurosurgery, University of Alabama Birmingham, Birmingham, AL, USA * We have found that the clinical setting presents numerous opportunities that inspire studies in the anatomy lab that lead to improvement in health care delivery to patients. We summarize a few examples of studies that illustrate this concept. The sagittal suture has been used as an external landmark for the superior sagittal sinus. In 30 cadavers the superior sagittal sinus was located to the right of the sagittal suture in the majority of cases, but never more than 11 mm. In order to determine a convenient autologous source of bone for cranioplasty, we explored the use of the scapular spine. An average size of 9 by 12 cm by 9 mm thick was available for harvest with no interference with the glenohumeral joint and no injuries detected in the peri-scapular region. We investigated using a portion of the clavicle for anterior cervical discectomy/corpectomy fusion procedures. The middle third of the clavicle provided adequate bone to fuse one or two cervical segments, up to 5 cm and the patient remains supine during harvest and fusion. In order to keep the patient prone during a posterior interlumbar fusion procedure, we determined that the scapular spine could be used. We conclude that challenges that occur in health care delivery, especially in the operating room, can sometimes be solved with appropriate anatomic study. The only limitation to these opportunities is the imagination of the investigators. IFAA2014-1-004 Department of Anatomy,YLL School of Medicine, National University of Singapore &National University Health System, Singapore. * Withdraw. IFAA2014-1-005 Medicine is a vast and rapidly expanding field. With knowledge explosion it is very difficult to cope with the updates as well as difficult to determine the reliability of information available in public domain. Many technologies based on computers, laptops as well as mobile technologies using iPad, Android and available numerous medical apps are being used. In collaboration with many members across various disciplines, we have developed self-directed learning modules with e-learning components such as multimedia (audio, video, annotations, and animations) interactivity, quizzes, and feedback and discussion forums. The experience of “Technology Enhanced Teaching and Learning in Medical School with special reference to Anatomy” will be presented. The production of multimedia material, 3D reconstruction of virtual human body using CT scan data, use of camtasia in Variations in normal anatomical shapes, and symmtry of the maxillary sinus using computerized tomography from sokoto northwestern nigeria. Aliu AbdulHameed1, Abdullahi D. Zagga1, Ma'aji M. Sadisu2, Abubakar Bello1, Bello S. Sirajo1, Jibrin D Usman1, Musa, M. Awwal1, AbdulAzeez Tadros1 1 Department of Anatomy, College of Health Sciences Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto; 2Department of Radiology, Usmanu Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital, Sokoto. * The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 4 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• The maxillary sinus is a pneumatic cavity, pyramidal in shape, with considerable variations in sizes and shapes. Computerized Tomography has improved the quality and quantity of available information of the maxillary sinus allowing easy access to all walls and surfaces. The aim was to determine the normal variations in shapes and symmetry of the maxillary sinus using Computerized Tomography. 130 subjects (79 males and 51 females), between 20 - 80 years, with normal maxillary sinus CT anatomy, from head CT scans carried out at the Radiology Department of the Usmanu Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital Sokoto, were studied. Head CT Scans were obtained from the local data base of the CT machine and the CT library. Images were taken with Neusoft Dual Slide Helical CT machine, and films were viewed on the computer monitor. Variations in shapes of the maxillary sinus were identified on axial slides and classified based on their resemblance to known shapes of solids. In this study, five distinct shapes of the maxillary sinus were identified. These were Irregular in 2(0.77%) of subjects, Oval in 3(1.15%), Quadrangular in 3(1.15%), Spherical in 61(23.46%) and Triangular 191(73.46%). Shapes were symmetrical in 85.38%, and asymmetrical in 14.62% of subjects. IFAA2014-1-006 Identification and description of the humeral head of the brachial biceps muscle in the UniFOA anatomy laboratory Marcos G. S. Cunha, Paulo C. S. Azizi, Igor S. Menezes, Pedro S. Rondinelli Anatomy, UniFOA, Volta Redonda, Brazil * Cases that differ from the normal range and do not create damage to the function are called anatomical variations. The identification of such structures due to their variations facilitate learning and record the differences between individuals of the same species. This research aims to identify and describe the humeral head of the biceps brachial muscle in one anatomical piece of the UniFOA’s laboratory. The biceps is a bi articulate muscle, has two heads with different proximal insertions and one distal insertion. However, there is a variation of this muscle that describes a monoarticular third head with isolated proximal insertion located in the humerus, receiving the name of the humeral head. We analyze all anatomic peaces of muscles of the upper limbs in the UniFOA’s laboratory, totaling 15 There were different genders of the bodies. With identification, the piece was photographed and described the relationship with other structures in the region of the humeral head. This study was approved by the Ethics and Human Research. We found one piece with the humeral head of the biceps brachial, equivalent to 6.67% of the samples, below the 21% found in the South America. The proximal insertion humeral head of the biceps muscle was located laterally the distal insertion of the coracobrachial muscle. We conclused that was found in the Laboratory one humeral head of the biceps muscle, and its proximal insertion was located in the medial aspect of the middle third of the humerus, above the distal insertion of the coracobrachial muscle. IFAA2014-1-007 The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists Identification and description of a celiac trunk anatomical variation in the unifoa’ anatomy laboratory Marcos G. S. Cunha, Paulo C. S. Azizi, Igor M. Santos, Pedro S. Rondinelli Anatomy, UniFOA, Volta Redonda, Brazil * This work aims to describe the finding of a right hepatic artery originated from the celiac trunk in an anatomic specimen in the UniFOA's University Anatomy Laboratory. In a female body dissected for visceral vascularization an anatomical variation was observed. Visual analysis of the anatomical specimen was performed, from the celiac artery until the right and left hepatic arteries penetrate the liver. The anatomical specimen presents the celiac trunk with one proximal branch, the left gastric artery and three distal branches: splenic artery curving to the left, common hepatic artery and right hepatic artery, both to the right side. The common hepatic artery dichotomized itself in the gastroduodenal artery and proper hepatic artery that turned left hepatic artery, directing itself to the left lobe of the liver. The right hepatic artery is directed to the right lobe of the liver and the Cystic artery toward the gallbladder. Based on this research we concluded that the body studied presents an anatomical variation of the liver irrigation being characterized by anomalous the origin of the right hepatic artery from the celiac trunk and the left hepatic artery was a sequence of proper hepatic artery without dichotomization. IFAA2014-1-008 The eponyms vessels of wearn and vessels of thebesius are essential terms to describe the heart's vasculature Brett Snodgrass * The eponym “vessels of Wearn” is the pronoun that refers to the normal connections between the coronary arteries and heart chambers. The eponym “vessels of Wearn” should be used to refer to all connections between the coronary arteries and heart chambers that encompasses the arterioluminal vessels, arteriosinusoidal vessels, and arteriocapillary connections.[1] Their clinical significance was highlighted in 2013 by Ahmed et al.[2] The eponym ”vessels of Thebesius” is the pronoun that is used exclusively for communications between the coronary veins and heart chambers.[3] Since the term fistula indicates an abnormal connection, it should probably not be applied to many cases that presumably characterize the vessels of Wearn.[1,4] Ǐ 1 ǐ Snodgrass BT. Vessels described by Thebesius and Pratt are distinct from those described by Vieussens and Wearn. The American Journal of Cardiology. 2012;110(1):160. Ǐ2ǐ Ahmed AA, Snodgrass BT, Kaine S. Pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum and right ventricular dependent coronary circulation through the "vessels of Wearn". Cardiovascular Pathology 2013;22(4):298-302. Ǐ3ǐ Singhal S, Khoury S. Images in clinical medicine. Imaging of Thebesian venous system. The New England Journal of Medicine. 2008;359(7):e8. Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 5 Ǐ4ǐ Grollman JH, Jr. Re: three major coronary artery-to-left ventricular shunts. IFAA2014-1-010 Art and anatomy - A potted history Bernard J Moxham Cardiff School of Biosciences, Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kingdom * Art has played a crucial role in developing both the scientific and the cultural status Anatomy. In the pre-Vesalian period, visual representation of human anatomy was inaccurate and crude (scientifically and artistically), the primary aim being to enforce existing knowledge, and spiritual/mystical elements were frequently incorporated. At the Renaissance, with increased confidence placed in direct observation, anatomists used new artistic modes to demonstrate new knowledge. Vesalius employed a skilled artist to promulgate his discoveries and earlier Leonardo da Vinci depicted in realist terms his observations that, if published, would have made him the father of anatomy! From the Renaissance until recent times, as our knowledge of anatomy became more established, artists were used less for depicting new knowledge but instead for illustrating existing discoveries as learning tools. Consequently, images became less realistic and more didactic and simplified. As a consequence, anatomy became a topic of diminishing interest to fine artists so that, since the 20th century, with the decline of life drawing within Art Schools, depiction of the body remains important for the Nude but of little value for anatomy. As a result, while the science of anatomy remained unaffected, the culture of anatomy was greatly weakened. However, in most recent times, there was been a resurgence of interest, relating to funding of Sci-Art projects, to postmodernist concerns, and to using anatomy symbolically (e.g. dealing with issues relating to mortality). Anatomists themselves should not neglect this trend but should embrace it to further the esteem of our discipline. IFAA2014-1-011 Branching pattern of inferior mesentric artery in Indian population and a superior rectal artery. In second, the same gave a common trunk after 2mm tetrafurcating into left colic artery and three sigmoid arteries and main artery as superior rectal artery. In third, it trifurcated into left colic artery, common trunk and superior rectal artery. In fourth, Inferior Mesentric Artery bifurcated into common trunk and main atery bifurcated into superior rectal and sigmoid arteries. In fifth, the same trifurcated into sigmoid, rectosigmoid and superior rectal arteries. Left colic artery arose from superior mesenteric artery. These branching patterns of Inferior Mesentric Artery are unique and new. An angiographic study to delineate pathophysiology complications related to these variants of inferior mesenteric artery in this region is recommended. IFAA2014-1-012 Distances of palmar flexion creases (haustra digiti) and digital formulae in rigth and left handed people Rengin Kosif1, Murat diramali1, Seda Sertel2 1 Department of Anatomy, Medical Faculty, Abant Izzet Baysal University, Bolu, Turkey 2kemal Demir School Of Physical Therapy And Rehabilitation, Abant Izzet Baysal University, Bolu, Turkey * Digital flexion creases are one of the external anatomical landmarks in the hand. In this study, we measured and compared the distances between the digital skin creases (haustra digiti) in the fingers of right-handed and left-handed individuals. We also recorded the digital formulae. No significant difference was detected between left and righthanded females and left and right handed males on distance of skin creases (p>0.05). No difference was detected on haustra digiti of the right handed females their own hands. Females who use their left hand had a significantly longer (p=0.48) distal haustra digiti segment on their second finger than that of their right hand. However, no significant difference was detected between male individuals on their left and right hand all haustra digiti segments. The rate of hand digital formulae of 3>4>2>5>1 was 78.12% in lefthanded females, 66.7% in left-handed males, 54.54%% in right-handed females, and 78.57% in right-handed males. IFAA2014-1-013 Rajani Singh Morphometry of the spinal cord in fetuses Anatomy, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Rishikesh, India * Susana N. Biasutto, Belia Altamirano, Jose Manuel Zurita, Diego E. Trefilio Branching pattern of inferior mesenteric artery plays very important role in vascular supply to the left colon and rectosigmoid areas having vascular “weak points” susceptible to ischemic colitis subjected to colorectal surgery. Additionally, very scanty literature is available on the branching pattern of inferior mesenteric artery therefore; the study has been carried out on seven formalin-embalmed cadaveric dissections. The length, branching pattern, and diameter of this artery were observed. Out of seven cases, two normal pattern and five cadavers contained variant patterns of Inferior Mesentric Artery. In first, this artery gave a common trunk bifurcating into left colic artery and sigmoid artery and main artery trifurcated into two sigmoid arteries Institute and Chair of Normal Anatomy, Faculty of Medical Sciences, National Univesity of Cordoba, Cordoba, Argentina. * Spinal cord (SC) measures in adults are well known. The SC in fetuses rises inside the spinal canal due by their different evolution. We studied 35 fetuses between 13 and 20 weeks of gestation. Mostly of them were male (77%). The SC was dissected and measured. The different parameters were associated with the vertebral level and compared with the fetal age. Length of the spinal cord varied from 59 to 108.69mm (CC=0.7898). The location of the medullary cone, cervical and lumbosacral enlargements were determined. and The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 6 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• related to the gestational age. Cervical enlargement was found between C1 and D1, and the lumbosacral enlargement between D12 and L4, depending on the fetus age. Anteroposterior and transversal diameters were measured in the bigger portions of the different segments of the cord. Both diameters increased simultaneously only in the thoracic part. Transversal diameters increased in a better relation with gestational age than anterior-posterior diameters. We could not observe any relation among the SC length and segmental diameters. The SC was well formed in cervical and thoracic segments but its structure was not so well determined in the lumbosacral part. Material was sent for histological study. IFAA2014-1-014 Fetal lobes of the kidney Susana N. Biasutto, Jose Manuel Zurita, Belia Altamirano Institute and Chair of Normal Anatomy, Faculty of Medical Sciences, National University of Cordoba, Cordoba, Argentina. * Kidney lobes are well determined in the fetal age and disappear in adult age. They have been considered as indicative of the degree of fetal development and are associated to certain congenital syndromes (e.g.: BardetBiedl syndrome) with clinical implications in children and adults. The kidney lobes were studied in number, location, variations and relation with the calyx system. We dissected 30 fetuses between 10 and 24 weeks of gestation, mostly female (53%). The retroperitoneum was approached by the anterior via. In the dissected kidney the lobes were counted and then it was cut from the lateral border to the medial one, to study the relation with the calices. The usual number of lobes was eight, varying from 7 to 9. There was one horseshoe kidney with the usual number of lobes instead of the different position. The superior pole was formed by 2 lobes in most of the cases. In 13% of the kidneys there were no lobes and 7% of the cases had small accessory lobes. Instead of the differences, the calyx structure and distribution was conserved and directly related to the lobes when they were evident. IFAA2014-1-015 Anatomical variability of the medial pterygopalatine fossa Georgy A. Polev1, Sergey S. Dydykin2 1 Department of Rhinology, Federal State Scientific-Clinical ENT Center, Moscow, Russian Federation; 2Department of Topographic Anatomy and Operative Surgery, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow, Russia * To describe the anatomical variability of the medial pterygopalatine fossa (PPF) structures during cadaveric dissection via endoscopic endonasal approach. 20 noninjected fresh cadaveric specimens are dissected bilaterally via the endonasal endoscopic approach. 40 medial PPF regions are described. The distances between the vidian canal (VC) and palatovaginal canal (PVC) orifices are measured The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists and the mean length of the PVC is estimated. The distances between VC orifice and foramen rotundum (FR) are measured. The mean distance between PVC and VC orifices equaled 2.6 mm and the mean length of the PVC was 6.4 mm. The mean length of the palatine bone sphenoid process is 7.2 mm, which is equal to the distance between the greater palatine neurovascular bundle and the PVC cranial orifice. The mean distance between the VC orifice and FR is 4.6 mm. Moreover in 11 out of 40 cases no bony ridge was found between these two structures. There is a growing interest in pterygopalatine fossa anatomical variability among endoscopic sinus and skull base surgeons. Vidian nerve (nerve of pterygoid canal) is currently known as a stable anatomical landmark to petrous portion of internal carotid artery. During the past decade new endoscopic transpterygoid approach to the sphenoid sinus lateral recess, cavernous sinus, petrous apex and Meckel’s cave is described. The anatomical variability of PPF structures must be considered during these skull base procedures. IFAA2014-1-016 Body donation in Europe Beat M. Riederer Plateform of Morphology, Faculty of Biology and Medicine, University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland * In recent years, the practice of body donations across Europe has been summarized by the TEPARG (Eur.J.Anat. 8:1-24, 2008 & 16:1-33, 2012). Such practice differs and is influenced by legal cultural and religious aspects as well as by tradition. In many medical faculties dissection of human bodies is considered essential to obtain specific anatomical knowledge during propaedeutic education, but also to acquire the mental strength to approach a human body and to deal with death. Cadavers are also important for postgraduate training, surgical master classes, to learn radiological techniques, or to test and validate novel surgical procedures, devices and prosthesis. In several universities donations have increased to a level that donations have to be refused because of lacking storage space. This requires a rethinking how to use bodies and to honor the act of donation. In Switzerland and other EU countries an exchange of cadavers and body parts is common at national level. Yet, bodies could be exported to other countries where body donations are sparse or are restricted by law; requiring specific legal conditions to avoid commercial abuse and to define responsibilities for bodies or body parts. Thus at international level an exchange of cadavers for anatomical teaching and medical research may need a better regulation. IFAA2014-1-017 Morphofunctional study of local, sex- and agerelated peculiarities of human normal kidney’s blood vessels Maia Dgebuadze1, Dudana Gachechiladze2, Dimitri Kordzaia3 1 Department of Human Normal Anatomy of Tbilisi State Medical University, Tbilisi Georgia; 2Research Institute of Clinical Medicine, Tbilisi, Georgia;3Department of Clinical Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 7 Anatomy and Operative Surgery. * strain distribution and functional demands of the growing immature mandible. In the present study using injection, histological, histochemical and morphometric methods the investigation of blood vessels of 58 autopsic kidneys of healthy people of both sexes at I and II periods of maturity (from 21 to 60 years of age) was performed. Using Doppler renal investigation of arteries in color duplex scan mode and multislice computed tomographic angiography vital study of 98 kidneys of patients without renal diseases at the same age periods were also conducted. Original data about number, size, course and branching of the renal arteries were obtained. By comparison of the results of study of right and left renal blood flow in kidneys with a single renal artery statistically significant differences were not determined; no differences were found in the morphological structure and quantitative parameters of hemodynamics of different renal segments. In segments with aberrant renal artery certain peculiarities of the angioarchitectonics and evidence of hypovascularity were detected. Increasing with aging structural changes of blood vessels were often observed in male autopsic kidneys; these changes have mosaic character. By intravital investigation sex-related peculiarities of age involution of renal vasculature were not revealed. IFAA2014-1-018 Changes in the bony architecture of the mental region of the immature human mandible Erin F. Hutchinson1, Beverley Kramer1, Jules A. Kieser2 IFAA2014-1-019 An enlarged model of intestinal villosity in papiermaché by Jérome Auzoux, 19th century Patrice P. Le Floch-Prigent1, Jean-Baptiste, A Gllot2, Patrick J. Barbet3 1 Versailles university, UFR S3V, Department of Anatomy, Montigny le Bretonneux, France; 2Librairie scientifique Alain Brieux/Gillot, rue Jacob, Paris 6ème, France; 3 Université Paris Descartes, Scool of Medicine, Department of anatomy. * An enlarged anatomical model of an intestinal villosity had been realized in papier-maché by a french, medical doctor Jérome AUZOUX (19th century) who was specialized in human, animal and vegetal models of anatomy in this uncommon material which were enlarged and dismantled. The villosity was about 30 cm high and was fixed on a rectangular, black, wooden basis with the label of Auzoux. Two main vessels : a small artery and a vein of the same cabler structured the sample on each side of a villosity shaped as a half cone. The sagittal plane was bordered by the drawing of the cells. Between the artery and the vein, numerous transverse anastomoses were represented. This model was quite simple in the production of Auzoux but it was a successful assay to represent a structure quite at an histological level of enlargement. 1 School of Anatomical Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa; 2Sir John Walsh Research Institute, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. * IFAA2014-1-020 Pyramidalis muscle (abdominal) exceptional case of a colombian population sample. the longest in the word reported. While the macroscopic development of the mental region in age estimation of juveniles has been extensively studied, few studies have focused on describing its morphology. Because of the importance of knowledge of growth in this region to an understanding of the phylogenetic development of the chin, as well as to clinical orthodontics, our aim was to describe the internal and external architecture of the mental region in immature mandibles. Our sample consisted of 60 paediatric mandibles ranging in age from 20-40 gestational weeks, 01yr, 1-2yrs, 2-3yrs and 3-4yrs sourced from the Johannesburg Forensic Paediatric Collection and Raymond A. Dart Collection of Human Skeletons. Mandibles were scanned using a Nikon XTH 225 ST Micro-focus x-ray tomography system (100Kv and 100ma), with a slice thickness of 30 microns. Scans were analyzed using VG studio max v2.2. Measurements assessed the height and depth of the basal bone relative to the dental crypt. The density and trabecular arrangement were documented across the mental interforaminal width of the mandible. Quantitative assessments included the geometric mean (ANOVA) and linear correlation analyses. Higher bone densities were identified along the lingual surface of the mandible and inferior border of dental crypt with a corresponding uniform trabecular arrangement in these areas. Bone density and trabecular arrangement provided valuable insights into the Jorge Eduardo Duque Parra, Jhon Barco Ríos, Jose Fernando Marín Ciencias Básicas, Universidad de Caldas, Manizales, Colombia. * The pyramidalis muscle in humans is inconstant, its topographically between the adomen and pelvis; lower region from the pubis to the linea alba. Although it is an inconstant muscle, is important in the surgical field, especially during anterior adomino-pelvic pelvic incisions. To assess the length of the pyramidalis muscle of the abdomen in a Colombian population sample. 35 bodies were dissected incising the abdominal and pelvic region, dissecting the sheath of the rectus abdominis muscle. Then the existence of the pyramidal muscle of the abdomen was observed and proceeded to measure its length. Results: the average value of the length of the pyramidalis muscle was on the right side 7.0 cm and on the left side 7.12 cm. Exception was found in an individual with two pyramidal muscles of the abdomen of equal length (13.0 cm), outstanding for its great anatomical variation that exceeds the maximum length referenced in the literature. Conclusion: the pyramidal muscle of abdomen longer reported in the literature was observed in this population sample with a measurement of 13.0 cm. The pyramidalis The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 8 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• muscle of the abdomen should be considered in abdominopelvic surgery wall, as it helps to strengthen the integrity of the anterior portion of this region, that can be altered during the course of supra- pubic incision. IFAA2014-1-021 Hora Hora Sathyamurthy B, Balakrishna, Pavan Sisodia * was probably prepared late in the 19th century. The CT-scan was a Siemens Somatom definition AS one with 64 bars. The acquisition was performed with an helicoidal mode, then reconstructions of the cross-sections were obtained in the horizontal (orbito-meatal = Frankfurt’s plane) : 259 ; frontal : 364 and sagittal planes : 212. External view under several incidences : 14 were also reconstructed. The two pieces were tied by a vegetal rope allowing an aperture of 30 degrees. The teeth were tied at their collar by a thin string. Each tooth was entire and present in its place. The anatomical, topographical and architectural data were very numerous. We acknowledge Mrs Domenica Scalisi and Mr Alain Piffault. No word. IFAA2014-1-024 IFAA2014-1-022 An adult osseous head in the hippopotamus : Seriated, frontal ct-scan and reconstructions Body donation in Africa Amadi O. Ihunwo Anatomical Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa * Dissection of the human cadaver remains an essential part of most curricular in anatomical sciences. However, several factors have been associated cadaver acquisition depending on the location of the medical school. Within the African continent, with 54 countries, there are several challenges as you interact with an anatomy department. In most countries a formal body donor or bequest programme does not exist except in South Africa. Unclaimed bodies are received by Anatomy departments by an act of Ministries of Health which provide the legal framework that predominate the acquisition and dissection of human cadavers. From my experiences, lack of cadavers is influenced by religious beliefs especially in some Medical schools located in predominantly Moslem environment. This is true from West Africa to East Africa (Uganda, Kenya). The peculiar experiences of a country could also affect body donation such as Rwanda after the genocide. In South Africa, the multi-ethnic nature of the population seems to have provided an advantage in its body donation. At Wits Medical School, our body donation programme remains successful especially from South Africans of European origin, hence the continued emphasis on dissection in our anatomy curriculum. A review of reports from some other African countries is also discussed. IFAA2014-1-023 A gorilla’s adult head skeleton : seriated ct-scan and reconstructions Patrice P. Le Floch-Prigent1, Stéphane Verdeille2, Jeanaptiste Gillot3 1 Anatomy LURA, Université deVersailles, UFR S3V, Montigny Le Bretonneux, FRANCE; 2CIMOP, Radiology, Clinique du Val d'Or, Saint Cloud, France; 3Librairie scientifique Alain Brieux/Gillot, Paris, 6ème, FRANCE * One osseous head of a gorilla (tied cranium and mandible) were CT-scanned every 1 mm in the frontal plane. The osseous head was 28,4 cm long. The adulte male specimen The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists Patrice P. Le Floch-Prigent1, Stéphane Verdeille2, JeanBaptiste Gillot3 1 Anatomy LURA, Université de Versailles, UFR S3V, Montigny Le Bretonneux, FRANCE; 2CIMOP, Radiology, Clinique du Val d'Or, Saint Cloud, France; 3Librairie scientifique Alain Brieux/Gillot, Paris, 6ème, FRANCE * The cranium and the mandible of an hippopotamus were separately CT-scanned every 1 mm in the frontal plane. The CT-scan was a Siemens Somatom definition AS one with 64 bars. The acquisition was performed by an helicoidal mode. 628 cross-sections were obtained for the cranium and 669 for the mandible. About 20 reconstructions were realized. They brougth several external views under numerous incidences some of which would had been difficult to get from the dry bones as they were very large and voluminous. The morphological data were very numerous especially for the study of the dental apparatus and of the intra-cranial cavity. IFAA2014-1-025 An ancient, anatomical manikin of a pregnant woman in ivory by stefan Zick (1639-1715) Patrice P. Le Floh-Prigent1, Jean-Baptiste Gillot2 1 Anatomy, Versailles University, Montigny Le Bretonneux, FRANCE; 2Librairie scientifique Alain Brieux/Gillot, Paris 6ème, France .* An ancient sample of a pregnant woman made in ivory belonging to the scientific library Alain Brieux/Gillot (Paris 6th) was studied. It was compared to a similar manikin from the National Academy of Medicine in Paris. It was smaller (12 cm long) and anatomically less precise than the academy’s one with an absence of intestinal shield and uterus and a lack of any vascular representation. The hair, the rendering of the upper limbs with a small horizontal axis of rotation, the lower limbs and the fœtus were very similar. A flat pillow with a finely worked border and a wooden basis with four ivory legs on which a lid in the shape of a sarcophagus were noticeable differences. It could be possibly attributed to Stefan Zick (1639-1715) from Nuremberg or to his workshop. Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 9 IFAA2014-1-026 1 Anatomy : LURA, Université de Versailles - Saint Quentin, UFR S3V, Montigny Le Bretonneux, FRANCE; 2Librairie scientifique Alain Brieux/Gillot, Paris 6ème, France * Osseous head in canis canis (bulldog): seriated CTscan and reconstructions Patrice P. Le Floh-Prigent1, Stéphane Verdeille2 1 Université de Versailles - Saint Quentin, UFR S3V, Montigny Le Bretonneux, FRANCE; 2CIMOP, radiology, Clinique du Val d'Or, Saint Cloud, FRANCE * The osseous head of an adult bulldog (Canis canis) was CTscan in the frontal plane (Siemens, 64 bars). The cranium was laid on the table of examination with its longitudinal axis superimposed to the table's one; the orbito-meatal (Frankfurt) plane was parallel to the table's horizontal plane. The head was 15,4 cm long. Several reconstructions were realized from the native cross-sections with an average density. The crosssections in the three planes were then reconstructed with a high resolution, a thickness of 0,75 mm and an interval of 0,6 mm. 257 cross-sections were obtained in the frontal plane, 132 in the para-sagittal plane, and 158 in the horizontal plane. The cross-sections were analyzed. The seriated CT-scans of the entire and connected cranium and mandible in the dog in the three planes of the space brought a great accuracy in he analysis of the shape of the bones, of their achitecture of their volumes and of their relationships. This method is now unvaluable in the osseous morphological studies of the complex structures in every field of gross-anatomy. IFAA2014-1-027 Adult dog : CT-scan and reconstructions of an osseous cranium Patrice P. Le Floh-Prigent1, Stéphane Verdeille2 1 Anatomy : LURA, Université de Versailles, UFR S3V, Montigny Le Bretonneux; 2CIMOP, radiology, Clinique du Val d'Or, Saint Cloud, FRANCE * The osseous cranium of a dog of unknown age and race had been systematically CT-scanned in the frontal plane. The cranium was laid on the apparatus’ table, its longitudinal axis aligned with the table’s one and the orbito-meatal plane parallel to the plane’s table. The length of the cranium was 18,5 cm. Several reconstructions were obtained from the native crosss-sections with an average density. The crosssections in the three planes : frontal, para-sagittal and horizontal ones were reconstructed from the frontal, native cross-sections using an high resolution with a thickness of 0,75 mm and an interval of 0,6 mm. 308 frontal, 170 parasagittal, and 125 horizontal cross-sections were analyzed. The seriated CT-scan of an entire cranium in the dog, in the three planes of the space gave great possiblities of analysis in all the kind of bones, for the architectural rendering, their volumes and relationships. This method is now unvaluable in the morphological analysis of the complicated, osseous structures. IFAA2014-1-028 An anatomical model in plaster of the trunk : BIAS of the middle of the 20th century Patrice P. Le Floch-Prigent1, Jean-Baptiste Gillot2 A polychromic plaster represented the main viscera of the trunk, the visceral axis of the neck and the arterial and venous structures of the proximal part of the limbs. the superficial vessels of the scalp mainly the veins were represented. The anatomical structures were well represented but in a quite simple manner; so probably this object was made for the secondary schools more than for an use in the schools of medicine. the dimensions of the basis were 94 x 48,5 x1,4 cm and the model was 88 cm high. The manufacturer was BIAS in France probably on the middle of the 19th century IFAA2014-1-029 Gross anatomy of pronator quadratus muscle in Saguinus leucopus Jorge Eduardo Duque Parra, Vélez García Juan Fernando, Verónica Duque Quintero * The white-footed tamarin (Saguinus leucopus) is a neotropical primate, endemic and monotypic of Colombia, whose body posture and quadrupedal locomotion let him get around mainly with jumps and also, let him adhere to branches and trunks of trees. These primates depend of fruits and thus must climb, as well as to explore their various recesses, requiring behaviors and position to manipulate, and eating food and escape of potential predators, behaviors that are the final result of the integration of muscle contractions. Therefore, the study of animal locomotion is essential for the understanding of its adaptation, which is derived from locomotor system, which includes support forearm bone, thereby characterizing anatomy of pronator quadratus muscle can provide relevant information for understanding the primates in the diverse and complex ways to understand their relationship with the function of pronation that it is necessary in locomotion. IFAA2014-1-030 Pre-clinical testing of a novel root - form implant for use as a minimally invasive approach to replacing teeth LA Opperman1, ED Kontogiorgos2, P Gharpure1, EO Iheanacho3, CJ Gonzales3 1 Department of Biomedical Sciences, Texas A&M University Baylor College of Dentistry, Dallas, Texas; 2Department of Restorative Sciences, Texas A&M University Baylor College of Dentistry, Dallas, Texas; 3Dental Student, Texas A&M University Baylor College of Dentistry, Dallas, Texas * To obtain in-vivo proof of concept that using a Marylandtype bridge as a splint provides stability for a root-form implant and allows it to integrate similar to a control device. Methods: Six beagle dogs were subjected to a cone beam scan and silicone impressions were taken. Impressions and radiographs were used to custom-make root-form The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 10 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• REPLICATE™ Tooth implants and crowns (RTI). Molars (P4) in the mandible and premolars (P3) in the maxilla were extracted and 24 RTI immediately placed in extraction sockets. Splint extensions of the crowns were bonded to mesial and distal teeth. As controls, twelve mandibular M2 molars were extracted and 3X8.5 mm DENTSPLY XiVE® implants (DXI) were immediately placed. Animals were placed on a soft diet post-surgery. Weekly intra-oral photos and radiographs were taken, calcein (C) and alizarin red (AR) flurochrome labels were injected intraperitoneally at 35 (C), 21 (AR) and 7 (C) days prior to sacrifice at 4 months. Measurements included clinical implant stability, vertical pull-out forces, loss of vertical bone height, bone-to-implant contact (BIC) percentage and mineral apposition rates (MAR) from undecalcified sections. Results: Pull-out forces were 366.7+182.8 N for RTI. Average vertical bone loss, BIC and MAR were not significantly different between groups. Conclusion: 100% of RTI with intact splints showed clinically successful integration similar to DXI, and are ready for clinical testing. This research was sponsored by an unrestricted grant from Natural Dental Implants, Inc., Dallas, TX. IFAA2014-1-031 * In this research was studied the density of localization of lymphoid cells in human trachea in postnatal ontogenesis. Objects of research were lymphoid structures of wall of trachea obtained from 72 corpses of both sexes. Results have shown that the density of localization of lymphoid cells at upper third of tracheal wall is maximal at early children's age. Further this index in comparison with early childhood at teenagers decreases in 1.14 times in 1st period of mature age - in 1.24 times, at senile age - in 2.08 times. At middle third of tracheal wall the density of localization of cells of the diffuse lymphoid tissue in early childhood in 1.46 times is more, than at newborns. This index in comparison with early childhood at teenage age decreases in 1.02 times, in 1st period of mature age - in 1.33 times, at senile age - in 2.66 times. At inferior third of tracheal wall this index in the early childhood in 1.55 times is more in comparison with newborns. In comparison with the period of early childhood this index at teenagers decreases in 1.14 times, in 1st period of mature age - in 1.26 times, at senile age - in 3.52 times. IFAA2014-1-033 Anatomy in multidisciplinary research teams Sexual distinctions of the craniometrical indexes of the infraorbital foramen in human orbit LA Opperman Vagif Bilas Shadlinsky, Nigar Adil Mustafayeva Department of Biomedical Sciences, Texas A&M University Baylor College of Dentistry, Dallas, Texas * Department of Human Anatomy, Azerbaijan Medical University, Baku, Azerbaijan. * To demonstrate how multidisciplinary research teams including anatomists work with small businesses to develop new devices and drugs. Three examples of companies working with faculty members at Texas A&M University Baylor College of Dentistry (TAMBCD) are given: Periosciences, LLC testing AOProvantage gel, Primus Consulting testing Quickset as a new endodontic material, and Natural Dental Implants LLC (NDI) testing a new Replicate™ Tooth implant. The Periosciences sponsored a research team comprised a chemist, a periodontal surgeon, an anatomist specializing in gingival soft tissues and an anatomist specializing in bone development and repair. The Primus Research team comprises several endodontists, a chemist, a molecular biologist/physiologist, and an anatomist specializing in bone development and repair. The research has been funded through SBIR Phase I and Phase II subcontracts. The NDI sponsored research team comprises 2 restorative dentists, an anatomist specializing in bone biomechanics, and an anatomist specializing in bone development and repair. Conclusion: Dental Schools are fertile environments for doing preclinical research with direct commercialization potential. Anatomists are key members of these multidisciplinary research teams. In this work the sexual features of the dimensional indexes of the infraorbital foramen on human orbit were studied. As material for research were served 31 human skulls of mature age. Results of research have shown that this distance at men more than at women at the right on 15.2% and at the left on 13,9 %. At women - the distance on the right is 6.7±0,2 mm, on the left – 6.8±0.2 mm. Distance between the infraorbital foramen and nasolateral point at men more than at women at the right on 15.3% and at the left on 4.8%. Distance between the infraorbital foramen and supraorbital notch ¬ at men more than at women at the right on 4.2% (1.8 mm), at the left on 4.8% (2.1 mm). At men the distance size on the right is on the average 41.6±0.3 mm, on the left – 43.7±0.3 mm; at women - on the right 40.8±0.4 mm, on the left – 41.6±0.3 mm. Distance between the infraorbital foramen and the base¬ of the alveolar process at men more than at women at the right on 0.3 mm (1.7%), at the left on 0.4 mm (2.3%). On the average distance at men 17.5±0,5 mm on the right and 17.7±0.4 mm on the left; at women - on the right 17.2±0.6 mm, on the left 17.3±0.6 mm. The distance between the infraorbital and zygomaticofacial foramens on the right varies from 12.2 mm to 30.0 mm, is on the average 24.3±0.2 mm, on the left varies from 9.5 mm to 30.0 mm, on the average – 26.9±0.3 mm. IFAA2014-1-032 Density of the localization of lymphoid cells in various parts of the trachea at humans of different age Balakishi Mamedali Huseynov Department of Human Anatomy, Azerbaijan Medical University, Baku, Azerbaijan. The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists IFAA2014-1-034 Comparative study of the ramification patterns of the subclavian branches as the subclavian artery passes in front or behind the scalenus anterior muscle Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 11 Mamoru Uemura1, Fumihiko Suwa1, Akimichi Takemura1, Isumi Toda1, Ayaka Morishita1, Hiroichi Orihara1, Yi-Ru Fang2 quantity maintenance of lymphoid cells in their structure and in diffuse lymph tissue increases maximum at the age of 1-3 years. Then the gradual involution the lymphoid tissue occurs. During the all postnatal ontogenesis the quantity of lymphoid cells, the length, width and area of the lymphoid nodules increase in the upper-lower direction. After the course influence with the bituminoid and iodine-bromine baths the structural characteristics of lymphoid tissue progress, but after the strong sulphidic baths regress. 1 Department of Anatomy, Osaka Dental University, 8-1 Kuzuhahanazono-cho Hirakata-shi Osaka 573-1121 Japan 2 Department of Oriental Medicine, Osaka Dental University, 8-1 Kuzuhahanazono-cho Hirakata-shi Osaka 573-1121 Japan .* IFAA2014-1-036 We investigated the ramification patterns of four subclavian branches (i.e., vertebral artery, internal thoracic artery, thyrocervical trunk, and costocervical trunk) as the subclavian artery passes in front or behind the scalenus anterior muscle. The investigation was carried out on 56 cadavers (112 cases) during student dissection practice sessions at Osaka Dental University. In 110 of the 112 cases, the subclavian artery passed behind the scalenus anterior muscle. The pattern of ramification of the subclavian branches in these cases was classified into six types (types A–F). In the remaining two cases (two cadavers), the subclavian artery passed in front of the scalenus anterior muscle. In both of these latter cases, the pattern of ramification of the subclavian branches differed from the six pattern types observed as the subclavian artery passed behind the scalenus anterior muscle: the first branch was the vertebral artery; the second, the costocervical trunk; the third, the thyrocervical trunk; the fourth, the internal thoracic artery. This same pattern of ramification was observed in three previously reported cases (two cadavers) in which the subclavian artery passed in front of the scalenus anterior muscle. Taken together, these observations indicate that the ramification pattern reported here and in a previous investigation for the subclavian artery passing in front of the scalenus anterior muscle is characteristic of this anatomical condition. IFAA2014-1-035 Microanatomical features the lymphoid structures of the urinary bladder Vagif Bilas Shadlinsky, Gulgiz Agahasan Huseynova Department of Human Anatomy, Azerbaijan Medical University, Baku, Azerbaijan. * Morpho-functional features of vascular-stromal complex of thyroid gland at euthyreoid goiter Vagif Bilas Shadlinsky, Guney Musa Ganieva Department of Human Anatomy, Azerbaijan Medical University, Baku, Azerbaijan. * Results of investigation have shown that histological features of thyroid gland at euthyrosis consist of hyperplasia of structurally-stromal components. At nodal goiter there is expressed heterogenic structure of stroma. In some cases microfollicular structures, branching stretch, directed to follicle lumen are formed. Local lymphoid infiltration without germinative centres is characteristic. Capillary network is thickly, especially in areas of lymphoid infiltration it is closely contact to lymphoid cells. Electronic microscopy has shown that in euthyroid pathological form of thyroid gland the both the ultrastructural components of stroma and parenchyme change. Connective tissue stroma of thyroid gland in interfollicular trabecules was particularly or completely hyalinized. Separate fibrills of collagen fibres are thick, particularly or completely lose structure, homogenized and break up. Their structure in some places is saved, though interfibrillar spaces are dilated. Studying of thyroid gland at various forms of activity of organ distinctive relations of parenchyme and stroma have revealed. In formation of these relations a certain role has microcirculatory bed. It is possible that the stimulation fact of angiogenesis and formations of stroma. For nodal euthyroid and other forms of goiter are characteristic high degree of angiogenesis with formation of vessels of closing type, fibrosis and hyalinosis of stroma. IFAA2014-1-037 The aim of the research is studying of structural characteristics and morphogenesis of lymphoid structures of the urinary bladder at the human in postnatal ontogenesis and in experiment at action various balneal factors. Lymphoid structures have been investigated by macro-microscopical methods at 82 humans, by the microscopical method at 86 humans. Experimentally-morphological part of work carried out on genitally mature pedigreed 60 white rats-males 3-4 monthly ages (30 rats – experiment, 30 rats – control), weight 180-200 gr. The rats received iodide-bromine, weakmineralized bituminoid and strong sulfide baths. As a result of complex morphological research of lymphoid structures of the urinary bladder in different sex and age humans, have been revealed laws of their morphogenesis, features of the anatomy of these formations are described. Their structural transformations in postnatal ontogenesis, regional and individual structural characteristics are analyzed. The quantity and the sizes of lymphoid nodules, the absolute About regional variability of the area of a holes excretory duct pharyngeal glands in human Vagif Bilas Shadlinsky, Tarana Mubariz Gasimova Department of Human Anatomy, Azerbaijan Medical University, Baku, Azerbaijan. * We had been investigated the regional variability of area of a excretory duct holes of pharyngeal glands as a whole, on its cross-section cut in walls of different parts at human of various age. The data was received using the macromicroscopical method by Sinelnikov and other histological methods. Results of researches have shown that the given parameter at newborns children in walls of the top third parts in 1.1 times is less, than an average third of this organ, and in 1.2 times it is less, than in the lower third parts. At early children's age this parameter at glands in walls of the top The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 12 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• third parts in 1.3 times is less, than at glands located in walls of its lower third. At teenagers of a area of excretory duct holes of pharyngeal glands at the top third parts to similarly its value in an average third of wall and in 1.1 times is less than, excretory duct in comparison with distal third of this organ. In the first period of mature age the considered indicator at glands excretory duct in the top third parts in 1.1 times is less, than in its average third, and in comparison with the lower third of this organ, in 1.2 times it is less. At senile age the pharyngeal area at the top third parts it is almost similar to its value in average and lower thirds of this organ. IFAA2014-1-038 Several similarities with a dismantabled temporal bone and signed by an american manufacturer : CLAY-ADAMS allowed to attribute the osseous model to this craftman with a quite certitude. The date of creation was estimated between 1930 and 1960. IFAA2014-1-040 Features of vascularization and angioarchitectonics of medullary and solid forms of the mammary gland cancer at human Elchin Akbar Khidirov Change features of microcirculation of ɫardiomyocytes and skeletal muscles at single physical loading Department of Human Anatomy, Azerbaijan Medical University, Baku, Azerbaijan. * Agasamid Babasamid Isayev Result of research is revealed that for medullary forms of cancer with considerable quantity of loose stroma diversity of vascular drawing is characteristic. Basically there are neogenic vessels chaotically scattered among the conglomerates and stretching, consisting of cancer cells in tumor. The caliber of these vessels widely varies. Together with big sinusoid capillaries, the capillaries of small caliber are found also. Endothelial covering of them is presented by the cuboidal cells containing round nuclei. In separate fields the infiltration of tumor cells into a vascular lumen is marked. The angioarchitectonics of solid forms of cancer basically is similar to angioarchitectonics of medullary tumor forms. It is necessary to consider that in solid forms of cancer there are more neogenic vessels like capillaries, with rarely big dimension which wall is formed by cancer cells. It is observed the intensive proliferation of endotheliocytes which display the expression of the marker of angiogenesis - ɋD31. It is not enough or absent the avascular fields in tumor. There are few number of non-forming vessels in tumour, but if are found they are in stage of destruction and elimination. Thus, the character, degree of vascularization and angioarchitectonics of cancer depend (and can and are defined) from a tumor histogenesis (lobular, ductular) and from the histological form of cancer. Department of Human Anatomy, Azerbaijan Medical University, Baku, Azerbaijan. * Results of the ultrastructural analysis of ɫardiomyocytes have shown that the research of microcirculatory bed of myocardium at single long-swiming has revealed a variegation of changes at animals of preadolescent and senile age. The acute oedema of cytoplasm in endotheliocytes of vessels, narrowing of lumen and desolate of capillaries was marked. Endothelial cells of vessels were swelled, bulked up, contacts between them are relaxed. Significant disorders of microcirculation at single-maximal loading were observed also in soleus muscle. The lumen of small arteries and veins in places has been dilated, in places is narrowed. The lumen of capillaries is overlaped by erythrocytes or oedematous endotheliocytes, especially by perinuclear field. By research it is revealed that foregoing is accompanied by increases of percent of the amount of "light" endothelial cells in 4.48 times at p<0,001 (2.1±0.05% in control, 9.4±2.3% in experiment). Decreasing of energy potential of endotheliocytes and transferring of some endothelial cells after the hypertrophy to the rest state. It confirms by quantitative analysis according to which the statistically authentic decreases of quantity of "dark" endothelial cells from total number of endotheliocytes in a section (2.7±0.08 % in control and 1.5±0.07 % in experiment). IFAA2014-1-039 A dismantabled , osseous head of regional presentations: CLAY-ADAMS, in the middle of the 20th century Patrice P. Le Floch-Prigent1, Jean-Baptiste Gillot2 1 Anatomy : LURA, Université de Versailles - Saint Quentin, UFR S3V, Montigny Le Bretonneux, FRANCE; 2Librairie scientifique Alain Brieux/Gillot, Paris 6ème, France * A dismantabled, osseous head presented the maxillary, mandibular, frontal and temporal regions artificially prepared to expone their different elements. The main vascular elements inside the cranial vault and basis were also represented. The set constituted a very unusual preparation. The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists IFAA2014-1-041 A half-écorché by Jules TALRICH (1826-1904): an anatomical model in plaster in anterior view Patrice P. Le Floch-Prigent1, Jean-Bernard Gillot2 1 Anatomy : LURA, Université de Versailles - Saint Quentin, UFR S3V, Montigny Le Bretonneux, FRANCE; 2Librairie scientifique Alain Brieux/Gillot, Paris 6ème, France * An anatomical model in plaster represented a half-écorché on its anterior aspect. The sample measured 97 x 37 x 18 cm for its plaster basis and 87 x 34 x 11,5 cm for the anatomical part: this was about the half-size. The anatomical representation was the anterior aspect of an adult male in a supine position. The head, neck, trunk, lower and inferior limbs were represented with their muscles dissected. The dissection was asymmetrical, especially at the level of the limbs. This model was very descriptive with an aesthetical rendering. A metallic label was sticked in the plaster at the level of the right knee with the name of Talrich. The plaster Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 13 was colored in brown with some nuances. The anatomical production in plaster and wax of Jules Talrich (1826-1904) was abundant and noticeable. It was frequently dramatic and interested not only the anatomical field but also the historical and forensic ones. IFAA2014-1-042 The use of a digital site (Vizua) in the teaching of the gross-anatomy by the students of the School of Medicine S3V (University of Versailles) Patrice P. Le Floch-Prigent1, Chloé Vaniet2, Omar Bouhelal2, Sylvain Ordureau2 1 A half-écorché by Jules TALRICH (1826-1904): An anatomical model in plaster in posterior view Anatomy LURA, Université de Versailles, UFR S3V, Montigny Le Bretonneux, FRANCE; 2Vizua, CUSP, 45 rue des Saints Pères, Paris 6ème, France * Patrice P. Le Floch-Prigent1, Jean-Bernard Gillot2 1 Anatomy : LURA, Université de Versailles - Saint Quentin, UFR S3V, Montigny Le Bretonneux, FRANCE; 2Librairie scientifique Alain Brieux/Gillot, Paris 6ème, France * An anatomical model in plaster represented a half-écorché on its posterior aspect. The sample measured 97 x 37 x 14 cm for its plaster basis: this was about the half-size. The anatomical representation was the posterior aspect of an adult male in a prone position with the left hand laid on the cranium. The head, neck, trunk, lower and inferior limbs were represented with their muscles dissected. The dissection was asymmetrical, especially at the level of the limbs. This model was very descriptive with an aesthetical rendering. A metallic label was sticked in the plaster at the level of the left hip with the name of Talrich. The plaster was colored in brown with some nuances. The anatomical production in plaster and wax of Jules Talrich (1826-1904) was abundant and noticeable. It was frequently dramatic and interested not only the anatomical field but also the historical and forensic ones. We thanks Mrs Domenica Scalisi and Mr Alain Piffault. IFAA2014-1-043 3D printing (Vizua) in the teaching of grossanatomy Patrice P. Le Floch-Prigent1, Chloé Vaniet2, Omar Bouhelal2, Sylvain Ordureau2 1 Anatomy : LURA, Université de Versailles - Saint Quentin, UFR S3V, Montigny Le Bretonneux, France; 2Vizua: 45 rue des Saints Pères, Paris 6ème, France * The creation of gross-anatomical models has always presented two major difficulties : the veracity and the material. Nowadays the 3D printing is quite easy to got and this two pitfalls can be successfully avoided as the anatomical models can be realized from series of joined CT-scanned cross-sections of real anatomical objects : bones, vascular injections, real organs or from normal CT-scans from radiological examinations. By theses means are performed samples in resin for the oral surgical training where the arteries can be figured in red. The isolated or connected bones can be reproduced in life size but also at any choosen size: enlarged for the isolated bones of the head or of the face, or reduced for the pelvic girdle, for instance. The heart can be reproduced with its real coronary vascularisation. The applications are very numerous in human and in comparative gross-anatomy. The only limit is the imagination. Since four years, the students in gross-anatomy of the S3V School of Medicine (Versailles university) followed an initiation on a digital site (Vizua) during their dissections’ laboratories. This short course was done in small groups (15 students). The site included numerous demonstrations of digitalized reconstructions of isolated organs, regions (thorax, abdomen, pelvis) and of cerebral vascularization. Osseous reconstructions were available. After registration, all the data were in free access for man and for some other vertebrates as well. The students of the school of medicine were well interested and regularly used the site on the web ( in the following years noticing the new contributions. IFAA2014-1-045 CT-scan of a naturalized turtle Patrice P. Le Floch-Prigent1, Stéphane Verdeille2, JeanBernard Gillot3 1 Anatomy LURA, Université de Versailles, UFR S3V, Montigny Le Bretonneux, France; 2Radiology CIMOP, Clinique Bizet, Paris 16ème, France; 3Librairie scientifique Alain Brieux/Gillot, Paris, 6ème, France * One naturalized turtle belonged from 50 years to the scientific library Gillot-Brieux (Paris 6ème). It was examined by one high resolution CT-scan (CIMOP-Bizet, Paris). Several reconstructions were performed. Only the visceral cavity had been emptied; the neck, head and legs had been preserved in their whole. The dorsal shell did not belonged to the naturalized specimen as it was larger than the true one, underneath and laid sligthly desaxed on the highest part of the true specimen which was only preserved. This strange set was discovered just before the CT-scan with the cut of two iron wires which fixed the apparent dorsal shell. The CT-scan afforded a lot of morphological data on the remnant natural parts of this chelonian. IFAA2014-1-046 The anatomical relationship of Asterion and Transverse-Sigmoid venous junction from 100 cadavers Sawaschai Lim, Ake Hansasuta Division of Neurosurgery, Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand . * IFAA2014-1-044 The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 14 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• To study the anatomical relationship of Asterion and Transverse-Sigmoid venous junction. 100 adult formalineprepared cadavers were dissected. Each skull was studied by drilling at Asterion on both sides. The skull entry, from inside the skull, were measured related to lower border of transverse sinus groove (as X-coordinate) and the line perpendicularly which pass the transverse-sigmoid junction (as Y-coordinate). The transverse sinus width was also measured. The locations of entry to skull were divided into 5 areas (posterior fossa, on transverse sinus, above transverse sinus, on transverse sigmoid complex, and above transverse sigmoid complex). For the left side, 35% of entries were located on posterior fossa, 55% on and 3% above transverse sinus while 6% on and 1% above transverse sigmoid complex. For the right side, 39% of entries were located on posterior fossa, 48% on and 2% above transverse sinus while 8% on and 3% above transverse sigmoid complex. And for left and right sides, the mean distance from entry to transverse sigmoid junction were 7.66mm.(SD 6.96) and 5.57mm. (SD 6.86) respectively. IFAA2014-1-047 Sirenomelia : A Case Report Pavan kumar Sisodia, Balakrishna , Sathyamurthy B * Sirenomelia is also known as Mermaid syndrome. Sirenomelia is a very rare fatal congenital anomaly of sirenomelia sequence with fusion and atrophy of lower limbs, giving an appearance of human head and upper body with tail of a fish. The associated malformation comprises of anorectal, vertebral, urological, genital, and lower limb anomalies. This condition is found approximately in 1:1,00,000 live births with unknown etiology. Depending on the degree of fusion of lower limb and development of feet sirenomelia is distinguished in 3 forms- , sympus monopus, sympus dipus and sympus apus. Here we present a case of sympus monopus born to a 30 year old woman. The live baby was delivered at 34 weeks of gestation with fused lower limbs. The neonate did not survive this lethal abnormality and died after four and half hours of life. We examined the fetus in light of available data from medical literature and discuss the embryological origin of such severe form of caudal dysgenesis. IFAA2014-1-048 Continuation of great cardiac vein as coronary sinus. Pavan kumar SIsodia, Balakrishna , Sathyamurthy B * Less attention has been paid to the anatomy of coronary venous system as compared to the coronary arterial system. In the present scenario, therapeutic options are available for arrhythmia and heart failure that the use of coronary venous system to access target areas. The venous system is also a useful conduit for delivery of Percutaneous Transcatheter treatment. The present report deals with the incidental finding of the continuation of great cardiac vein as coronary sinus during routine dissection of the heart in an adult male cadaver. Tributaries such as middle cardiac vein, Small The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists cardiac vein, and Oblique vein of left atrium are directly entering in the Coronary sinus. IFAA2014-1-049 On anatomy of density of localization of cystic duct glands in human at postnatal ontogenesis Mubariz Gasim Allahverdiyev, Shohrat Ibrahim Gasimov, Sadagat Mahyaddin Rustamova Department of Human Anatomy, Azerbaijan Medical University, Baku, Azerbaijan. * We have been investigated density of localization of cystic duct glands, obtained from 116 corpses with the macromicroscopical and histological methods. The density of localization of glands in the wall of cystic duct restrain on the same level (5.0-5.7) until juvenile age, decreases next. In comparison with newborns (5.0 glands on 0.25 mm2 of area), value of this index decreases in 1.09 times (p>0.05), at senile age - in 1.78 times (p>0.05), at old age - in 4.16 times (p<0.05), at long-lived also in 4.16 times (p<0.05). Minimal individual value of this index for cystic duct does not change during up newborns till juvenile, next decreases, till one gland on 0.25 mm2 of area in the walls of organ. Maximal personal value of this glands index is 6.0-8.0 on unit of area of walls organ during up newborns till first period of mature age, next decreases till four glands on unit of area of cystic duct. Interruption between the extreme individual values of this index in newborns less than in adults. IFAA2014-1-050 L-carnitine protect against cyclophosphamide induced skeletal and neural tube malformations in rat embryos Mahmood Khaksary Mahabady1, Hossein Najafzadeh Varzi2, Saeede Zaryan Jahromi3 1 Department of Anatomy and Embryology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran; 2Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran; 3Graduated from Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Shahid Chamran University, Ahvaz, Iran. * Cyclophosphamide is a mustard alkylating agent used in the treatment of a number of neoplastic diseases and as an immunosuppressant for the prevention of xenograft rejection. There are many reports that the teratogenic effects of cyclophosphamide can be prevented by application of antioxidant drugs and stimulation of the maternal immune system. Also, there is some evidence that L-carnitine is antioxidant. Therefore, in this study, the prophylactic effect of L-carnitine on teratogenic effects of CP was evaluated. Pregnant rats were divided into five groups. Control group received normal saline and test groups received L-carnitine (500 mg/kg), CP (15 mg/kg), CP (15 mg/kg) plus L-carnitine (250 mg/kg) and CP (15 mg/kg) plus L-carnitine (500 mg/kg) intraperitonealy at 9th day of gestation. Fetuses were collected at 20th day of gestation and after determination of weight and length; they were stained by Alizarin red-Alcian Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 15 blue method. Cleft palate, spina bifida and exencephaly incidence were 55.55%, 33.34% and 27.77% in fetuses of rat that received only CP. Cleft palate, spina bifida, and exencephaly incidence were 21.42%, 4.76% and 9.52% in group which received CP plus L-carnitine (250 mg/kg). However, cleft palate, spina bifida and exencephaly incidence were 8%, 0% and 8% in group which received CP plus Lcarnitine (500 mg/kg), respectively. In addition, skeletal anomalies incidence including limbs, vertebrae, and sternum defects were decreased by L-carnitine. The mean of weight and length of animals' fetuses that received L-carnitine, were significantly greater than those received only CP. It is concluded; L-carnitine significantly decreased teratogenicity induced by CP; but this subject needs more detailed evaluation. IFAA2014-1-051 Definition of the to be named ligament and vertebrodural ligament and their possible effects on the circulation of CSF Shengbo Yu1, Hongin Sui1, Nan Zheng1, Xiaoying Yuan1, Yunfei Li2, Yanyan Chi1, Haibin Gao3, Xin Zhao4, John Sharkey5 1 Department of Anatomy, College of Basic Medicine, Dalian Medical University, Dalian, China; 2Department of Anatomy, Zhongshan College of Dalian Medical University, Dalian, China; 3Dalian Hoffen Bio-Technique Co. Ltd., Dalian, China; 4School of Art, , Dalian Medical University, Dalian, China; 5National Training Centre, University of Chester, Dublin, Ireland. * Structural organization of human cardiac conduction system with regard to cardiac structure Human anatomy department. * By applying generally accepted morphological methods to 501 heart specimens of 12- to 32-week gestation fetuses, infants, children and adults of both sexes and different ages, we studied the position, size and configuration of the atrioventricular node (AV node), AV bundle and its branches with regard to the structure of cardiac ventricles and portions of the interventricular septum. In fetal and postnatal ontogenesis have the identical structural variations of the cardiac ventricles with certain quantitative correlations of linear dimensions of inflow and drainage portions and properties of the interventricular septum (IVS) portions. Every structural variation of the cardiac ventricles corresponds to a set of certain properties of the AV node, the AV bundle and its branches, reflecting the changed angles of their position, linear dimensions and shape. The IVS sinus portion and the AV bundle form a correlative pair. The variability of linear dimensions and shape of the IVS sinus portion determines the different length and the angle of the AV bundle position. The variations of anatomical correspondence of the CCS and the heart are formed during antenatal life. IFAA2014-1-053 A case of accessory left hepatic artery forming an arterial quadrangle around the caudate lobe of liver Ashwini L S, Mohandas Rao, Somayaji S N, Sapna Marpalli The purpose of this study was to examine the presence of a connection between the dura mater and the posterior wall of spinal canal at the level of C1-C2 and to examine its course and composition. Gross dissection was performed on the suboccipital regions in10 cadavers. Ten head-neck specimens were sliced having been treated with the P45 plastination method.Within all 10 specimens a dense fibrous band was clearly identified in the nuchal ligament. It arose from the tissue of the posterior border of the nuchal ligament and then projected anterosuperiorly to enter the atlantoaxial interspace. It was termed as to be named ligament(TBNL). In all specimens the existence of a fibrous connection was found between the dura mater and the posterior wall of the spinal canal at the level of C1-C2. It was identified as vertebrodural ligament(VDL). The VDL was subdivided into three parts. Five variations of the VDL were identified according to the anatomical differences of each part of the VDL.TheTBNL and VDL firmly link the posterior aspect of cervical dura mater to the rear of C1-C2 and the nuchal region. According to these findings, the authors speculate that the movements of the head and neck are likely to affect the shape of the cervical dural sleeve via the TBNL and VDL in some manner. Based on the continuity of the connective tissues concerned this speculation seems to be reasonable. It is hypothesized that the muscles-VDL-dural sleeve complex, in the suboccipital region, may work as a pump to provide a important force required to actively move the CSF in the spinal canal. IFAA2014-1-052 Spirina Galina Anatomy, Melaka Manipal Medical College, Manipal, India * Liver is supplied by right and left hepatic arteries which are normally the branches of hepatic artery proper. Left gastric artery which is a branch of coeliac trunk, normally gives gastric branches along the lesser curvature of stomach and oesophageal branches from its looping part. During routine cadaveric dissection, we encountered an accessory hepatic artery in a male cadaver of about 60-years of age. The accessory hepatic artery was arising from the looping part of left gastric artery. It then passed through the fissure for ligamentum teres to enter into the liver tissue at the posterior end of the fissure. As a result of this peculiar course of this accessary hepatic artery, an arterial quadrangle is formed around the caudate lobe by it along with left gastric, common hepatic and proper hepatic arteries. The accessary artery of the liver was supplying the left anatomical lobe of the liver. In the same cadaver, it was also noted that the left hepatic artery was narrower in its calibre when compared to normal cases. Knowledge of course and branching pattern of normal and accessary hepatic arteries is of considerable importance in liver transplants, radiological interventions and penetrating abdominal injuries. IFAA2014-1-054 Neurosurgical anatomy: A pediatric perspective R. Shane Tubbs The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 16 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• Pediatric Neurosurgery, Birmingham, AL USA * Neurosurgical issues in the pediatric patient often include anatomy that is not seen in adult neurosurgical patients. Often, such issues are congenital in nature. The author will review anatomical nuances from a large institutional experience. Examples of the variable neurosurgical anatomy seen in children will include imaging, videos, and surgical photographs. The goal of the presentation is to give the attendee a small sample of the wide range of anatomy that is seen in a pediatric neurosurgical practice. IFAA2014-1-055 20 years of reverse translational research in clinical anatom R. Shane Tubbs Pediatric Neurosurgery, Children's of Alabama, USA * Often, basic science research does not have a direct influence on clinical practice. Translational research has attempted to bridge the gap between clinical practice and basic science research. However, these attempts do not have a direct influence on medical practice and when they do, take long periods of time. Our paradigm of reverse translational research expedites this process by addressing problems in the clinical realm with solutions identified after study in the anatomy laboratory. The speaker will highlight examples of this method of study by reviewing an over two decade experience with this type of methodology. Following the presentation, the attendee will have an improved knowledge of the concept of reverse translational research in the anatomical sciences. IFAA2014-1-056 Visible Korean: Improved sectioned images of the whole female body, diverse applicability Jin Seo Park Dept. of Anatomy, Dongguk University School of Medicine, Gyeongju, Republic of Korea. * The aim of this study was to present high-quality sectioned images of a whole female body which would be helpful in creating an atlas, virtual dissection, and various applications for medical education and clinical trial. In addition, the authors sought to demonstrate the applicabilities of sectioned images. In order to achieve these aims, high-quality sectioned images of the whole adult female body were taken (intervals, 0.2 mm (upper body) or 1 mm (lower body); pixel size, 0.1 mm; color depth, 48 bit color). In the images obtained, very small and complicated structures could be identified in color of living body. Surface models of 27 structures were constructed using the sectioned and the segmented images. In order to ascertain the applicability of the images, the browsing software including sectioned and segmented images and the PDF file including surface models were produced. The authors hope that the sectioned images and surface models produced during this research will prove to be a The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists useful source for medical software. All data generated during this study is available free of charge at anatomy. dongguk. IFAA2014-1-057 Improved sectioned images and surface models of the whole dog body yong-wook Jung, Jin Seo Park Department of Anatomy, Dongguk University School of Medicine, Gyeongju, Republic of Korea * The aim of this study was to present high-quality sectioned images of a whole dog which can be used to create sectional anatomy atlases and surface models. A female beagle (A year old) was sacrificed and frozen. The frozen dog was then serially ground using a cryomacrotome and photographed using a digital camera. As a result, 3,555 sectioned images of whole dog body (intervals, 0.2 mm; pixel size, 0.1 mm; 48 bit color) were created. In Photoshop, segmentation of the sectioned images were performed to make segmented images of 16 structures. Sectioned and segmented images were stored in browsing software to allow easy access. Segmented images were reconstructed to make surface models of 16 structures using Mimics software and stored in portable document format (PDF) using Adobe 3D Reviewer software. In this research, state-of-art sectioned images and surface models were produced for the dog. The authors hope that the sectioned images produced will become a useful source of software for basic and clinical veterinary medicine, and therefore, are distributing the sectioned images and surface models through browsing software and PDF file available free of charge. IFAA2014-1-058 Information and knowledge representation:Terminology to ontology Paul E. Neumann Department of Medical Neuroscience, Faculty of Medicine, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada * Terminologia Anatomica is still essentially a nineteenth century document despite several revisions of its content. The present challenge is to adapt TA to the requirements of the computer age. IFAA has a strong record of response to advances in biomedical sciences and to the needs of medicine and other health professions. Now similar efforts should be made with respect to neuroscience, biomedical informatics and indices of the biomedical literature. The following goals for the next revision of TA have been proposed: 1. To merge Terminologia Anatomica and Terminologia Histologica, 2. To conservatively revise the terminology to ensure uniqueness and clarity of terms, 3. To revise the hierarchical structure of TA with explicit relationships between terms, 4. To develop definitions of the terms, and 5. To promote use of TA's Latin terms and equivalent terms in other languages by encouraging and facilitating involvement of the regional and national Member Societies, and by collaborating with other organizations. Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 17 environment, which can be viewed in a small theater-like classroom similar to watching a 3D movie. Reconstructed 3D virtual models can be presented in multiple views in 360 degrees, with flexibility of rotating, enlarging, and zooming in and zooming out. These models also provide a good venue to view internal anatomic structures. Individual structures can also be manipulated, disassembled and reassembled. Many schools have reduced lecture hours and lab hours, and are looking for more efficient teaching techniques, the new 3D clinically relevant anatomical virtual models with its novel approaches will provide students a new opportunity to visualize three dimensional anatomical variations and abnormal images based on their various learning styles. It will also help students better learn normal anatomy, its variations and clinical applications. IFAA2014-1-059 3D topography of the young adult anal sphincter complex reconstructed from undeformed serial anatomical sections Yi Wu1, Noshir Dabhoiwala2, Jaco Hagoort3, Jinlu Shan, Liwen Tan, Binji Fang, Shaoxiang Zhang, Wouter Lamers 1 Institute of Computing Medicine, Third Military Medical University, Chongqing, China; 2Tytgat Institute for Liver and Intestinal Research, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands; 3Deptartment of Anatomy & Embryology, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. * IFAA2014-1-061 Thus far, pelvic-floor topography was studied by dissection, which is artifact-prone, or MRI, which requires prior anatomical knowledge. Method: The anal-sphincter complex (ASC) was mapped in 4 females and 2 males (21-35y) of the Chinese Visible Human database. Results: Using tendinous septa and muscle-fiber orientation as segmentation guides, the ASC comprised the subcutaneous external anal sphincter (EAS) and U-shaped puborectal muscle, a part of the levator ani muscle (LAM). The LAM had a common anterior attachment to the pubic bone, but separated posteriorly into puborectal and “pubovisceral” muscles. This pubovisceral muscle was bilayered: its internal layer attached to the conjoint longitudinal muscle of the rectum and the rectococcygeal fascia, while its outer, patchy layer reinforced the inner layer. Contraction of the ASC makes the ano-rectal bend more acute and lifts the pelvic floor. Extensions of the rectal longitudinal smooth muscle to the coccygeal bone (rectococcygeal), perineal body (rectoperineal), and endopelvic fascia (conjoint longitudinal and pubovisceral muscles) created a “diaphragm” at the inferior boundary of the mesorectum. Contraction should straighten the anorectal bend. Conclusion: Based on our serial-section approach, the topographic anatomy of the true pelvis is updated and made widely accessible via an interactive 3D-pdf. IFAA2014-1-060 Building 3D virtual models of common anatomic variants and pathologic conditions of the head and neck for teaching clinical anatomy Sex differences in anogenital distances and digit ratios in wild David’s rock squirrels Dapeng Zhao1, Zhuoyue Chen1, Baoguo Li2 1 Tianjin Key Laboratory of Animal and Plant Resistance, College of Life Sciences, Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin, China; 2College of Life Sciences, Northwest University, Xi'an, China. * The prenatal hormonal environment plays an important role in organizing sex differences in the morphology, physiology and behavior of humans as well as other vertebrates. It is often impractical or unethical to manipulate intrauterine sex hormones when exploring the developmental influences of sex hormones on various traits, and thus, the anogenital distance (AGD) and digit ratios are useful to be considered retrospective markers. Currently all related research on rodents has focused on Myomorpha. This study for the first time presents the information on a member of the Sciuromorpha. We investigate sex differences in the AGD and the ratio of the second to the fourth digit length (2D:4D) from 44 wild David’s Rock squirrels (Sciurotamias davidianus) captured from the Qinling Mountains, China. The AGD as well as body mass are sexually dimorphic. There are no sex differences or lateral asymmetry in 2D:4D. Significant correlation was not found between AGD and 2D:4D for any paw. The findings indicate that 2D:4D may not be fixed by the prenatal steroidal environment in David’s rock squirrels. IFAA2014-1-062 Dongmei Cui1, Jian Chen1, Tracy C. Marchant2, John T. Mccarty2, Anson L. Thaggard2, Andrew D. Smith2 Morphological variations of the lungs seen in the cadavers of south Indian region 1 Neurobiology & Anatomical Sciences, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson MS, United States 2 Radiology, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson MS, United States. * Bincy M George, Satheesha B Nayak, Sapna Marpalli In recent years, virtual images and computer-assisted 3D models have been widely used in many medical and dental schools for anatomy education. However, these 3D models are often limited to normal anatomy, flat screen-based imaging and online use. We developed clinically relevant anatomical variations and abnormal head and neck virtual models for anatomical education and clinical training. These models can be displayed in a stereoscopic system in a virtual Awareness of anatomical variations in lungs is essential for performing segmental resections of lungs. Morphological variations of fissures, lobes and hilar structures were studied in 65 right and 73 left isolated lungs from cadavers in dissection hall. Two right lungs showed absence and 23 showed incomplete horizontal fissures. Three right lungs showed three fissures and 4 lobes. All 65 right lungs showed Department Of Anatomy, Melaka Manipal Medical College, Manipal, India. * The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 18 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• two major veins, but arteries in hilum varied. Two lungs had 3 arteries, 44 had 2 arteries and 19 had 1 artery in the hilum. 64 of them showed 2 bronchi in the hilum, but only one of them showed 3 bronchi in the hilum. 11 left lungs showed incomplete oblique fissure. Two of them showed 2 fissures and 3 lobes. All of them showed 2 major veins in the hilum. Four of them showed 2 arteries and 69 of them had only 1 artery in the hilum. 16 left lungs had 2 bronchi and 57 had only one bronchus in the hilum. The knowledge of variations in the lobar and hilar of the lung anatomy presented in this study is clinically important while interpreting the radiological images and performing surgical procedures. IFAA2014-1-063 A rare combination of multiple venous convergences to the left renal vein and renal venous collar around the abdominal aorta Sapna Marpalli, Mohandas KG Rao, Somayaji SN, Ashwini LS Department of Anatomy, Melaka Manipal Medical College, Manipal, India. * The left renal vein is one of the direct tributaries of the inferior vena cava and it crosses in front of the abdominal aorta to drain into it. Normally, the left renal vein receives the left suprarenal and left gonadal veins as its tributaries along with the veins from the left kidney. During routine dissection, in about 60-year-old male cadaver we observed a rare variation of double left renal veins; a superficial and a deep, which were forming a venous collar around the abdominal aorta. The superficial left renal vein passed anterior to the abdominal aorta and received multiple veins in radiating pattern. In addition to its normal tributaries, superficial left renal vein also received inferior phrenic vein, a long slender vein from the posterior abdominal wall. Deep left renal vein passed posterior to abdominal aorta and drained into the inferior vena cava about 2 inches below the termination of the superficial left renal vein. The coexistence of venous collar and the additional tributaries to the left renal vein is rare. These variations should be kept in mind during preoperative planning for full or partial nephrectomy, living donor nephrectomy and abdominal aortic aneurysm surgery. IFAA2014-1-064 Are the nasal parameters and nose types of Malay population different from other races? San S. Thwin1, Tahamida Yesmin2, Mar M. Wai3, Fazlin Zaini4, Myo Than5, Khairil Azwan6, Soe Lwin7, Maung Myint8 1 San San Thwin, Anatomy Department,UniKL-Royal College Of Medicine Perak, Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia; 2Tahamida Yesmin, Anatomy Department,UniKL-Royal College Of Medicine Perak, Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia; 3Mar Mar Wai, Anatomy Department,UniKL-Royal College Of Medicine Perak, Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia; 4Fazlin Zaini , Anatomy Department,UniKL-Royal College Of Medicine Perak, Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia; 5Myo Than, Anatomy Department,UniKLRoyal College Of Medicine Perak, Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia 6 Khairil Azwan, Anatomy Department,UniKL-Royal College The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists of Medicine Perak, Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia; 7Soe Lwin, Anatomy Department,UniKL-Royal College of Medicine Perak, Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia; 8Maung Myint, Surgery Department, UniKL-Royal College of Medicine Perak, Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia. * Human nose can be found in many shapes and sizes and racial, ethnic and environmental influences can result in different appearances of the nose. Nasal parameters such as nasal height (n-sn), nasal width( al-al), nasal index were investigated in the Malay population, using convenient sampling methods. Study sample consisted of 80 young Malay adults ( 40 males , 40 females) aged 19-30 years. The Malay males and females have a mean and SD value of nasal height as 52.2 ± 5.3 and 50.4 ± 9.6 respectively and a mean value of nasal width as 39.6 ± 2.9 and 36.7 ± 3.1. Mean nasal index in male and female are 76.66 and 74.55 respectively. The classification of nose types in both Malay male and female were found to be predominantly mesorrhine type or medium nose with a percentage of 67.5% and 70% respectively. The second most common type in Malay male and female is leptorrhine or fine type of nose which was found in 20% and 18.5% respectively. These values and types were comparable with those of other Asian races such as Malaysian Indian, Chinese and Other Indians as recorded in previous studies. Other studies revealed that common nose types found in Caucasian as leptorrhine type or fine nose and Australian, Aboriginal tribe and Africans as platyrrhine type or flat nose . The result of this study may contribute to satisfactory results of cosmetic and reconstructive rhinoplastic surgery, anthropology, and forensic medicine in the Malay population. IFAA2014-1-065 Variations in the thoracoabdominal veins on CT Jonathan D Spratt Dept of Radiology, University Hospital of North Durham (CDDFT) Durham UK. * Multiplanar CT demonstration of commoner variations of the thoracoabdominal veins including SVC, azygos system, brachiocepahalic and pulmonary veins with clinical application e.g. central line placement, cardiac pacing and chest radiographic interpretation. Commoner variants of the IVC, renal, portal and hepatic veins also demonstrated by radiological imaging with reference to applications in surgery and radiodiagnosis. Includes discussion on the emphasis variant anatomy teaching is currently achieving at all levels from medical student to speciality training. IFAA2014-1-066 Research/teaching integration as a hallmark of the ethos of anatomy departments Ming Zhang Department of Anatomy, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. * Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 19 All teaching should be research-informed and the discipline of anatomy should have at its base a vigorous research ethos driven by end-user’s needs. This presentation will outline the importance of research in all branches of anatomy, including modern anatomical technology. Only in this way is it possible to provide students at all levels with teaching that is informed by up-to-date research information and concepts by staff intimately involved in relevant research programs. Using the research program of the connective tissue patterning of the human body as an example, the presentation will demonstrate how to integrate up-to-date research information with undergraduate and postgraduate teaching, and medical professional and non-professional teaching and how to introduce the modern anatomical technology which has been developed in the research program to various levels of anatomy teaching. IFAA2014-1-067 Anatomy of the nasal complex and surgical approaches Ming Zhang Department of Anatomy, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand .* Minimally invasive operative techniques are central to “Fast Track Surgery” which was introduced in the early 1990s, uses multimodal perioperative rehabilitation programs and aims to facilitate an early discharge from the hospital and more rapid resumption of normal activities of daily living after surgery. A successful minimally invasive surgery is established on precise anatomical knowledge of the operative area. The nasal complex provides a popular surgical gateway to approach the central skull base where some important structures, e.g. pituitary gland, the 2nd to 6th cranial nerves, and internal carotid arteries, are compacted in a very limited space between rigid dura and cranial bones. Recently, we reported that a large adipose fascial network zone and a dumbbell-shaped fascial network zone are located medial and lateral to the internal carotid artery, respectively. However, a number of questions remain to be investigated. For example, what is the spatial relationship between the medial and lateral adipose zones? Whether these zones large enough to be used as an operative corridor to manipulate lesions in the central skull base? How are these zones approached from the nasal complex? Are there multiple types of fascial support networks (e.g. a fibrous or an adipose network) in the skull base? This presentation will address these questions and reveal the anatomical relationship between the nasal complex and anterior and middle cranial fossae. IFAA2014-1-069 An anatomical model of the brain in wax by tramond (circa 1900): A fleschsig cross-section and an inferior view of the basis Patrice P. Le Floch-Prigent1, Alain Piffault2, JeanBernard Gillot2 1 Anatomy, LURA, Université de Versailles, UFR S3V, Montigny Le Bretonneux, FRANCE; 2Libraire scientifique Alain Brieux/Gillot, rue Jacob. * A brain model in wax represented in two different parts : a Flechsig's cross-section (17,5 x 12,5 cm) and an inferior view of the basis of the brain. The two parts were anatomically relevant. The inferior view was remarkably fine with the representation of the cranial nerves on each side, except the XII on the left side in order to make place to the left posteroinferior cerebellar artery. On the inferior aspect, the representation of the arteries on the basis was extremely accurate. The two wax pieces laid on a black, circular basis in wood (diameter: 37,5 cm) and were protected by a half-dome shaped lid in glass. Two labels in paper laid on the upper side : one (ovoid: 35 x 20 mm) for the affiliation "Mson Tramond, Pr Et Fr Des Facultés, 9 Rue De L'ecole De Medecine, Paris" and the other (87 x 35,6 mm), rectangular one for the anatomical description: " 1° Base du cerveau: nerfs, artères 2° Coupe de Fleschsing (sic) montrant Capsules internes, noyaux gris, Ventricules, avant-mur. etc ". The first label was also stuck under the basis but enlarged and with a more detailed sentence. The Tramond's factory in Paris was active between1878 and 1910 succeeding to the Vasseur's factory and followed by Rouppert's factory. It was one of the most noticeable anatomical maker of wax anatomical models. Tramond was both an anatomist and a medical doctor. Since this date, not any model was produced in such a detailed manner in this material. IFAA2014-1-070 An anomalous communication between nerve to mylohyoid and the lingual nerves and its clinical implications – a case report Huban R Thomas, Prasanna L C, Kumar M R Bhat, Antony S D’souza. Department of Anatomy, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal University, Manipal, India. * The mandibular nerve is the largest of the three branches of the trigeminal nerve. The inferior alveolar nerve also called as inferior dental nerve is a branch of the posterior division of the mandibular nerve.Before traversing the mandibular foramen, it first gives off the nerve to the mylohyoid, a motor nerve supplying the mylohyoid and the anterior belly of the digastric muscles.The lingual nerve is a branch of the posterior division mandibular nerve, which supplies sensory innervations to the oral part of the tongue. During routine dissection in the Department of Anatomy, we found the presence of an anomalous communication between the nerve to mylohyoid and lingual nerves in an adult male formalin fixed cadaver.Variations in the course of nerve to mylohyoid and its communication with the lingual nerve, have not been satisfactorily described in the anatomical or surgical literature.Variant branching pattern of the mandibular nerve are of great clinical importance since these variations can cause failure to obtain adequate local anesthesia in oral and dental procedures. We assume that this anomalous communication may contain sensory fibers from the inferior alveolar nerve entering in to the lingual nerve through nerve to mylohyoid or some fibres of the motor root of the trigeminal nerve passing through the lingual nerve to reach the nerve to mylohyoid. IFAA2014-1-071 The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 20 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• The 3D microstructure of the human annulus fibrosus using DTI followed by fiber tracking Dan Stein1, Yaniv Assaf2,3, Gali Dar4, Haim Cohen1,5, Bahaa Medlej1,6, Israel Hershkovits1 1 Department of Anatomy and Anthropology, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel; 2 Department of Neurobiology, Faculty of Life Sciences, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel; 3Sagol School of Neuroscience, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel 4 Department of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Social Welfare & Health Studies, Haifa University, Haifa, Israel; 5 Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, RappaportTechnion Faculty of Medicine, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel; 6The National Center of Forensic Medicine, Ben Zvi 67, Tel Aviv, Israel * Low back pain (LBP) is among the most prevailing health conditions with the intervertebral disc (IVD) playing a key role. However, the structural model of the IVD and the annulus fibrosus (AF) in particular, is still incomplete. In this work we explore the 3D architecture of the AF via Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) followed by fiber tracking in order to provide qualitative as well as quantitative information regarding its structure. Eight segments of the AF taken from human lumbar cadavers were scanned on a 7T\30 MRI scanner followed by fiber tracking. The data was than quantitatively analyzed and the structure is presented three dimensionally. The mean fractional anisotropy (FA) and mean diffusivity (MD) for the fibers were respectively in the range of 0.35-0.58/ 1.3±0.7 ( /sec). Mean fiber density for all samples was 84 fibers/ . Mean length found was 2.6mm ±1.9mm and the mean interlamellar angle was in the range of 28-61ͼ. We believe this novel demonstration of the 3D structure and the quantitative characteristics of the AF using DTI and fiber tracking will enhance the understanding of the structures’ frequent failure. IFAA2014-1-072 The Gantzer’s muscle: an anatomical and US study Bahaa Medlej1,2, Tatiana Sella Tunis1, Haim Cohen1,3, Dan Stein 1, Julia Abramov1, Israel Hershkovitz1 1 Department of Anatomy and Anthropology, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel; 2The National Center of Forensic Medicine, Tel Aviv, Ben Zvi 67, Israel; 3Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Rappaport-Technion Faculty of Medicine, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel. * Muscular variation in the forearm flexors is well known. Gantzer‘s muscle (the accessory head of flexor pollicis longus) is among the more common phenomenon and may play an important role in clinical syndromes (e.g., pronator syndrome), Due to its immediate association with the median and anterior interosseous nerves it may change the function of the flexors compartment, and induce pathology in the forehand and hand. To carry out in-depth study of the clinical importance of the Gantzer‘s muscle and its association with The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists forehand and hand pathology using dissection and ultrasound approaches. 31 cadavers of elderly individuals were studied (18 females and 13 males) at the Department of Anatomy and Anthropology, Sackler Medical School, Tel Aviv University. 62 forearms were dissected carefully to detect an accessory head for the flexor pollicis longus (AFPL) and digitorum profundus (AFDP) muscles. Additionally, an US study will be carried out to gain insight on the function of this muscles and the compression it implies on the median nerve. 42% of the female individuals dissected manifested AFPL (23% bilateral; 6% right forearm; 13% left forearm); AFDP was much less common (12%): 6% were bilateral and 6% was shown on the left side and none in the right side. Males manifest lower rate of AFPL (19%):13% bilateral, 6% only on the right side and none on the left side. AFDP was present in 9% of the males: 3% bilateral, 6% on the left side and none in the right side. Gantzer’s muscle is a common phenomenon and should be considered in upper limb syndromes. Our forthcoming US study will help understanding the way this muscle function and its effect on the surrounding tissues. IFAA2014-1-073 The effects of sacral inclination on lumbar vertebrate height, wedging and lumbar lordosis. Einat Kedar1, Dan Stein1, Gali Dar2, bahaa medlej1,3, Israel Hershkovitz1 1 Department of Anatomy and Anthropology, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel; 2 Department of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Social Welfare & Health Studies, Haifa University, Haifa, Israel; 3The National Center of Forensic Medicine, Ben Zvi 67, Tel Aviv, Israel. * Understanding the lumbar spines architecture (e.g. degree of lordosis) is of clinical importance as it is among the central risk factors for disc herniation. Vertebral wedging is strongly associated with lumbar lordosis, yet, what dictates the degree of lordosis and how it is developed is still a controversial issue. We hypothesized, following Hueter–Volkmann’s principle, that sacral inclination dictates lordotic angle via differential growth of the posterior part of the vertebral body relative to the anterior, i.e. producing a wedged-shape vertebrae. For the current study we used human lumbar T2 FSE MRI scans collected from 295 random individuals ages 18-89. Measurements of lordotic angle, sacral inclination, vertebrae and intervertebral disc height, width and area were taken using an in-house Matlab program (Mathworks Inc). Subjects were divided by sex and age. Statistical analysis was carried out using SPSS 21.0. Significant correlations were found between sacral angle size and the metrical features of the lumbar vertebrae and intervertebral discs. A strong correlation between sacral inclination and lumbar lordosis (0.89, p<0.01) was also found. Sex differences were observed. We concluded that though sacral inclination plays a role in the development of lordosis angle, the HueterVolkmann’s principle is not the predominant factor. IFAA2014-1-075 Anatomy down the ages: Lessons for the future. Helen D Nicholson, Natasha AMS Flack Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 21 1 Department of Anatomy, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. * Faculty of Medicine, Universidad de La Frontera, Chile Universidad Mayor, Temuco, Chile;3Universidad Autónoma de Chile, Sede Talca. * 2 Historically anatomy schools and departments were established to assist in the training of medical students, although even in the 19th century there was a public interest in the subject. Over the last 2 centuries the discipline of anatomy has grown to encompass a wide range of areas including embryology, neuroanatomy, gross and clinical anatomy to name but a few. The functions of anatomy departments or units have also changed. Many departments now teach into a wide range of courses both in science and health sciences as well as the arts. Some departments have significant research activities and many also engage in public outreach. The history of some of these departments will be explored and the characteristics of successful units analyzed. This information will be discussed to see what lessons can be learnt to help develop anatomy into a strong and relevant discipline for the 21st and subsequent centuries. IFAA2014-1-076 Maxillofacial and orbital anatomy of surgical procedures George J. Dias Department of Anatomy, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. * IFAA2014-1-079 Symposium: Developments of Terminologies Rehabilitation of major defects in the craniomaxillofacial region is critical in providing improved quality of life for affected patients. In the surgical management of these conditions, comprehensive understanding of the surgical anatomy is paramount. This presentation is focused on the “Surgical Anatomy” in relation to surgical approaches to the following traumatic fractures in the mid-facial region. 1) Mandibular subcondyler fractures (open reduction). This is the most common site of all mandibular fractures. These are defined as fractures below the level of the most inferior point sigmoid notch. 2) Orbital Fractures. Management of these fractures remains challenging, due to the complexity of orbital anatomy, where various vital structures and organs are bundled into a small space. a) Orbito-zygomatico-maxillary complex (outer orbital frame) fractures. b) Naso-orbitoethmoid (medial orbital frame) fractures. c) Internal orbit fractures. 3) Zygomatico-maxillary complex fractures, which are the second most common of all facial fractures. 4) Nasoorbito-ethmoid fractures. Shape of the eyes and the middle third of the face play an important role in face recognition. Therefore, even minor shortcomings in the surgical outcome are very conspicuous. 5) Frontal sinus fractures. These require complex surgical management due there close proximity to vital structures including the brain and the eyes. Speaker in Symp. 3B, in 16:00-16:30, Aug.8 IFAA2014-1-078 Weight of the heart, lungs, liver, spleen and kidneys regard to ethnic groups, age, sex and body mass index in 775 autopsies of Chilean individuals E. Olave1, J.C Torrez1, N. Riquelme2, L. Ibacache2, O. Binvignat3 Several factors can influence the weight of the thoracic and / or abdominal viscera . In order to know the average weight of the heart, lung, liver, kidney and spleen of Chilean individuals, the information in these organs from 775 necropsies on fresh cadavers between 2009-2013 was obtained, considering her ethnicity (Mapuche and nonMapuche), age, sex and body mass index. Data of bodies without apparent injury or disease of these viscera were studied. In non-Mapuche group, the heart had an average weight of 391.2 g and 300 g, in men and women, respectively; in men, the weight of the right lung and the left were 575 g and 503.2 g, respectively and in women the right lung and left were 449.4 g and 386.3 g, respectively; the liver weighed 1,787 g on average in men and 1,569 g in women; spleen weighed 135.2 g and 123.7 g in men and women, respectively. In men, the kidney weight was 153.5 g the right and 157.6 g, the left and in women were 124 g and 126.5 g, respectively. In Mapuche group, the data are slightly lower. This parameter was calculated and related to various age groups according to body mass index and ethnic background. These results are compared with other population groups in the world and are a contribution to morphological knowledge of the abdominal and thoracic viscera. Pierre Sprumont Anatomy-University of Fribourg, Switzerland * Since more than one century, terminologies have adapted to changes occurring in medical and clinical sciences by (1) unifying the terms identifying anatomical objects whatever their nature and dimensions, (2) widening the scope of the domain that they covered and, more recently, (3) adding to the official Latin terms their English equivalents and thus favouring exact translations of the name lists into several modern languages. The name lists were published as books (6 editions of NA, then TA, TH and TE) initially by one anatomical society and later by ad hoc committees. However, the expansion of the Internet allowed for introducing more efficient and expeditious methods for reviewing and publishing terminologies. After the last Anatomical Congress (Cape Town 2009), the three terminologies were posted as PDF facsimile copies on the website in order to increase their accessibility. TA, and partly TH, were recently hierarchically re-classified and simple hierarchical relations between terms were made explicit. The purpose was to augment their direct readability by computers. This is necessary to accelerate their continuous adaptation, to improve their accuracy and to facilitate their use by larger circles of users. Moreover, input from IFAA Member Societies could be made easier and the approved changes in, or additions to, terminologies would be immediately applicable and become accessible to all. Finally, Knowledge Bases based on official terminologies and including all synonyms and vernacular equivalents would greatly improve the dissemination of accurate The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 22 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• IFAA2014-1-080 The Illusional and Elusive Gender Differences in Lumbar Lordosis Hay Ori1, Dar Gali2, Stein Dan1, Masharawi Yossef 3 , Slon Viviane1, Peled Nathan 4, Hershkovitz Israel 1 1 Department of Anatomy and Anthropology, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University, Ramat-Aviv, Israel 2 Department of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Social Welfare & Health Studies, Haifa University, Haifa, Israel; 3 Department of Physical Therapy, Tel-Aviv University, Ramat-Aviv, Israel; 4Department of Radiology, Carmel Medical Center, Haifa, Israel. * Whether differences exist in male and female posture has been debated by researchers who are divided as to the nature of variations in the spinal curve, their origin, reasoning, and implications from a morphological, functional and evolutionary perspective. The aim of the current study was to illustrate the spinal lumbar curve in males and females and address its biomechanical significance. A new automated method utilizing CT imaging has been devised to model spinal curvatures in males and females. The curves extracted from 158 individuals were based on the spinal canal, thus avoiding traditional pitfalls of using bone features for curve estimation. The model analysis was carried out on the entire curve, whereby both local and global descriptors were examined in a single framework. Principal findings: Compared to males, the female spine manifested statistically significant greater curvedness, inferiorly located lordotic peak, and greater cranial peak height. As caudal peak height is similar for males and females, the illusion of deeper lordosis among females is due partially to the fact that the superior part of the female lumbar curve is positioned more dorsally and to a more anterior invagination of the female spine into the thorax and abdomen. These morphological characteristics of the female spine were probably developed to reduce stress on the vertebral elements during pregnancy and nursing. Males and females manifest different lumbar curve shape, yet similar lordosis. IFAA2014-1-081 Role of eponyms in anatomy David Kachlik, Tereza Stepankova, Vaclav Baca Department of Anatomy, Third Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic * Eponymic terms are an inseparable part of the medical terminology with deep roots and disputable relevance. Although the eponyms were excluded from the Latin anatomical nomenclature as early as 1955 (PNA), they still survive both among both anatomist and clinicians. Nevertheless, the last revisions of the nomenclature, the TA 1998, TH 2007 and TE 2012 brought a list of some eponyms with their official Latin equivalents. Several website exist serving as databases of the eponymous personalities and their eponyms. But the situation still remains unclear, especially for the teachers, how to approach this question, mainly due to the local and interdisciplinary differences in usage and favor The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists of eponyms. The authors propose a simple classification of eponyms into three groups: A for every student and physician, useful and necessary in the whole study, scientific and medical life (e.g. Falloppian tube or Wirsung’s duct); B for specialist in one specific field (e.g.Weitbrecht’s retinacula or Onodi’s cell) and C for archaic, obsolete and abundant terms (e.g. torcular Herophyli or vein of Lichaceva). The task for future is to complete all eponyms from groups A and B with their official Latin terms, if missing. Supported by CharlesUniversityGrant 236028/IRP/2013 and IRP/2014. IFAA2014-1-082 Morphing and changing while keeping the core: The new model of anatomical education. Jeffrey T Laitman Center for Anatomy and Functional Morphology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, USA * Anatomy has always been the bedrock of medical education. Yet as curricula, technology, and student learning preferences change, so too has the presentation of material. The last decade has seen major change in curricular time throughout the basic sciences in general, and the anatomical sciences in particular, with the “2-year” Pre-Clinical model often disappearing. Accordingly, traditional time-frames and pacing have altered. Here we report our approach to dealing with realities while incorporating new and dynamic modalities. Our new course, called “Structures,” is attempting to integrate anatomy from gross, histological, embryological, radiological and clinical perspectives in order to give a more “holistic” appreciation of human form. We emphasize incorporating concepts and educational principles of lifelong physician learning: professional behavior; communication skills; team skills; individual responsibility of time and stress management; and self and group assessments. Our Course also relies both in organization and teaching on a robust cohort of medical student Teaching Assistants who learn as they share and mentor. This type of integrated approach has necessitated a very different organizational “mind-set” but one that we trust will offer both the traditional excellence and spirit of anatomy cognizant of the realities and organizational imperatives of medical education in today’s environment. IFAA2014-1-083 Perimeter of heart valves in relation to ethnicity, sex, age and body mass index in individuals Chilean Mapuche and non-Mapuche. Juan Torrez1, Enrique Olave1, Nubia Riquelme2, Francisco Torrez2, Nilton Alves1 1 Faculty of Medicine, Universidad de La Frontera, Temuco, Chile; 2Faculty of Medicine, Universidad Mayor, Temuco, Chile. * Knowledge of the perimeter of the valves of the heart is very important for replacement surgeries them. Because of this, this variable was studied in the right and left ventricular valves and the aortic and pulmonary valves, considering sex, ethnic and age groups and body mass index. This research Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 23 was conducted in 1,166 hearts of fresh cadavers of Chilean individuals Mapuche (344) and no Mapuche (822) of IX Region, Chile, between 2009 and 2013. In the group Chilean Mapuche between 20 and 29 years, regardless of sex, the average perimeter of the right and left ventricular valves was 121 mm (SD 11) and 97.5 mm (SD 10.4), respectively; the perimeter aortic and pulmonary valves was 68.6 mm (SD 8.8) mm and 73.1 (SD 11.6), respectively. In non-Mapuche individuals between 20 and 29 years without regard to sex, the perimeter of the right and left ventricular valves was 112.1 mm (SD 11.9) and 93.6 mm (SD 9.9), respectively; the perimeter of the aortic and pulmonary valves was 64.2 mm (SD 8.7) and 65.8 mm (SD 9.5), respectively. This variable was also studied by sex and other age groups, between 30 and 39, between 40 and 49 and between 50 and 59 years. The data obtained are useful for the surgical anatomy of the heart and a contribution to knowledge of heart valve anatomy of the Chilean population. IFAA2014-1-084 Osteon directions in compact bone of distal part of the human fibula; Morphological and biomechanical aspects Jiri Marvan1, Zdenek Horak2, Radek Bartoska1, David Kachlik3, Valer Dzupa1,4, Vaclav Baca3,4 The human anatomy describes the body structure as it is often observed in the most common pattern. However the cases that differ from this pattern are called anatomic variations. It’s known that the ligaments are formed of fibrous tissue and function as limiters excessive movements of the joints. Among the greatest knee stabilizers we have the tibial and fibular collateral ligaments, which are found medially and laterally in the knees. So the first articulates femur to the tibia, and the second the femur to the fibula. However we found a few anatomical specimens in which the fibular collateral ligament emits bundles for both the fibula and tibia. This study was approved by the Ethics Committee of UniFOA, CAAE: 19532513.7.0000.5237. It was made a research of the knee parts in the laboratory of human anatomy of the UniFOA, where 44 pieces were used, being 20 of right knee and left knee 24. Of this total 9% were excluded. Parts that show the variation above the left knee represent 34.7% and 11.7% in the right knee. The oblique popliteal ligament: An anatomic and MRI investigation Department of Orthopaedy and Traumatology, Third Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague and FNKV Prague, Czech Republic; 2Department of Mechanics and Mechatronics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, CTU, Prague, Czech Republic; 3Department of Anatomy, Third Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic; 4Center for Integrated Study of Pelvis, Third Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague and FNKV, Czech Republic. * Stephanie J. Woodley1, Liam McRedmond1, Grant R. Meikle2, Mark D. Stringer1, Mandy Hedderwick1 1 Department of Anatomy, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand; 2Radiology Department, Dunedin Hospital, Dunedin, New Zealand. * The objective of this study was to make a distinction between the lamellar and Haversian structure of the cortical bone, and in the Haversian bone to determine the course of the central vascular canals and as a result, also the course of osteons in individual parts of the distal fibular end; and subsequently to identify a possible correlation with the course of the typical fracture lines of fibular fractures. The aim of the computational analysis was to answer the question whether distribution of the principal stresses of the FEM model corresponds to the occurrence and course of osteons. The bone in 5 dry specimens of the distal fibula from collections of the Department of Anatomy was grounded and subsequently evaluated. The bones were not specified in terms of age or gender. Only bones of adult individuals, where epiphyseal plates were no longer observed, were used. The depicted courses of osteons were compared with the course of individual typical fracture lines of the most common classifications of fibular fractures. For a biomechanical analysis the FEM method was applied. In our preliminary study the systems of osteons in cortical bone of the distal fibula in principle correspond to the distribution of surface tensions showed by the biomechanical model. Identification and description of anatomical variations of fibular collateral ligament in the human anatomy laboratory of UniFOA Anatomy, UniFOA, Volta Redonda, Brazil * IFAA2014-1-086 1 IFAA2014-1-085 Marcos G. S. Cunha, Paulo C. S. Azizi, Pedro S. Rondinelli, Igor M. Santos, Luara O. Pires Despite being the largest ligament on the posterior aspect of the knee, relatively little is known about the normal anatomy of the oblique popliteal ligament (OPL). The purpose of this study was to investigate the detailed morphology of the OPL using several techniques: cadaver dissection (13 males, 8 females; mean age 75.9 [SD 9.6] years) and histology (samples from eight knees, randomly selected); and MRI scans in healthy volunteers (10 males, 3 females; mean age 23.6 [SD 3.2] years). The OPL is an expansion of the semimembranosus tendon, composed of transverse layers of collagen with minimal elastin; it typically consists of two bands defined by the location of a penetrating neurovascular bundle (15/21 specimens). It courses superolaterally, blending with the posterior capsule, and inserts into the lateral femoral condyle or fabella, and posterolateral capsule. The mean mediolateral width of the OPL was significantly greater (p < 0.001) measured on MRI in healthy individuals (53.8 [SD 3.4] mm) compared to cadaver dissections (43.6 [SD 6.2] mm). Mean height of the OPL at its medial and lateral insertions was 10.7 (SD 4.3) mm and 12.5 (SD 3.9) mm, respectively. No significant differences existed between sexes in any of the dissection measures. This study provides unique data on the OPL that may enhance our understanding of its function and possible role in posterior knee injury. IFAA2014-1-087 The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 24 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• p62 Attenuated proteasome inhibitor MG132induced cell death in 3T3-L1 cells Yan Fang1, Shuling Bai2 1 Department of Human Anatomy, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Liaoning Medical University, Jinzhou, 121001, PR China; 2Department of Tissue Engineering, College of Basic Medical Sciences, China Medical University, Shenyang, 110001, PR China. * Abnormal adipose differentiation is closely associated with some metabolic syndromes such as obesity, type II diabetes, adiposis hepatica, etc. Proteasome inhibitors are emerging as a new class of differentiation agents, but the mechanisms of regulating adipose differentiation are still unclear. Recently, p62 is regarded as a key molecule in regulating and removing ubiquitinated protein. To explore the role of p62 in proteasome inhibitor MG132-induced 3T3-L1 cell death, the function of p62 in 3T3L-1 cells were modulated with genetic methods. We found that MG132-induced 3T3-L1 cell death was dependent on p62, which required C-terminus UBA domain of p62 to attenuate the proteasome inhibitor’s cytotoxcity. Moreover, caspase-8 activation promoted by proteasome inhibition increased with the deletion of UBA domain which was required for binding and conveying ubiquitinated protein to proteasome. Given collocation of autophagic marker molecules LC3 and p62, inhibition of autophagy promoted MG132-induced cell death with high level of p62 and active caspase-8 while induction of autophagy manifested the opposite effect, it suggested that p62 was a potential contributor to mediate caspase-8 apoptotic pathway in 3T3-L1 cells with the deficit of proteolytic activity. IFAA2014-1-088 Zinc sulfate inhibited abdominal aortic aneurysm in the rat by induction of Zinc finger protein a20 suppressing activity of nuclear factor țB Shuling Bai Department of Tissue Engineering, College of Basic Medical Sciences, China Medical University, Shenyang 110001; PR China. * Chronic inflammation primarily contributes to the abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA). The nuclear factor (NF)–țB regulated the inflammation. We hypothesized that zinc induces zinc finger protein A20 in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) and A20 binds to tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-receptor associated factor, then suppresses activity of NF–țB. AAA was induced by 0.5M CaCl2. Zinc sulfate (ZS) group were administrated with 6 mg/kg/day intraperitoneal ZS for 4 weeks. The abdominal aortic segments were collected at 4 weeks after surgery. We also conducted liposome-mediated gene delivery in primary rat VSMCs. Orcein staining, immunohistochemistry and western blotting were performed to detect A20 and IKKȕ/NF–țB signaling changes. Comparing with surgery group, dilation of arterial diameter of ZS group were less obvious, less serious inflammatory cell infiltration, lower IKKȕ/NF–țB signaling The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists but increased A20 protein expression. ZS-administration can promote the A20 protein expression and reduce simultaneously IKKȕ/NF–țB signaling, which suggest that zinc sulfate is potentially useful in suppressing AAA. IFAA2014-1-089 Effect of zinc finger protein a20 on TNF-Į mediated monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 expression and apoptosis and the molecular mechanisms in vascular smooth muscle cells Shuling Bai Department of Tissue Engineering, College of Basic Medical Sciences, China Medical University, Shenyang 110001; PR China. * Excessive apoptosis of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) is an important factor of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) formation. Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1(MCP-1) plays an important role in the progress of AAA, which suggest that suppression of MCP-1 expression and excessive apoptosis in VSMCs may have great therapeutic potential for AAA. We conducted these experiments to examine the effect of A20 on MCP-1 expression and apoptosis in VSMCs and elucidated the related molecular mechanisms. Primary VSMCs were obtained from the abdominal aorta of Wistar rats, the purity and identity was verified using a a-actin antibody against smooth muscle. TNF-Į group were added with 10ng/ml TNFĮ, zinc sulfate (ZS) group, besides equal TNF-Į, were administrated with 20uM ZS.These cells were harvested at 48h. Western blot was performed to determine the A20, MCP-1, caspase-3 and nuclear NF-KBp65 expression. ZS markedly increased A20 expression, inhibited TNF-Įinduced MCP-1 production, downregulated the nuclear NFkBp65 and caspase-3expression. ZS-administration can promote the A20 protein expression and inhibits TNF-Įinduced MCP-1 and VSMCs apoptosis by suppressing the NF-kB and caspase-3, which suggest theoretically that ZS can reverse AAA. IFAA2014-1-090 Effect of curcumin on the expression of VEGF and Tsp-1 in aortic aneurysm Shuling Bai, Xiaohong Tian, Weijian Hou, Hao Tong, Yawei Yan Department of Tissue Engineering, College of Basic Medical Sciences, China Medical University, Shenyang, 110001, PR China. * Angiogenesis is an important process in the pathogenesis of aortic aneurysm. We aimed to study the angiogeneic balance in thoracic aortic aneurysm by evaluating the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and thrombospondin-1 (TSP-1). We sought to investigate whether curcumin can modulate the expression of VEGF and TSP-1 in thoracic aortic aneurysms. Human TAA samples showed increased VEGF expression and neovascularization compared with normal aortic wallsˈwhile the expression level of TSP- Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 25 1 was weaker than that of the normal. Rat TAA models were treated with curcumin or phosphate-buffered saline and sacrificed 4 weeks after the operation. Treatment with curcumin resulted in reduced aneurysm size, restored wavy structure of the elastic lamellae. Interestingly, curcumin decreased the expression of VEGF and enhanced TSP-1 expression. At the same time, curcumin attenuated MMP-9 expressions in periaortic tissue of TAA. VEGF was increased and TSP-1 was decreased in the aortic wall of TAA. Treatment with curcumin inhibited TAA development in rats, in association with suppression of the expression of VEGF and upregulation of theTSP-1. IFAA2014-1-091 examined the role of the activated microglia in the development of neuropathic pain. We first examined the effect of LPS-stimulated BV2 cells (conditioned media) on induced ER stress in SH-SY5Y cells. Next, we investigated ER stress in the spinal nerve ligation (SNL). The conditioned media increased Bip expression, cleaved ATF6 from and XBP1 splicing in the SH-SY5Y cells. We also found that results in the spinal nerve ligation induced neuropathic pain models. In other words that two UPR branches, the IRE1– XBP1 pathway and the ATF6 pathway were activated by activated microglia. These results suggest that the activated microglia play a role in pain maintain in the neuropathic pain through ER stress. RhoGDI2 controls for migration of astrocytes following an excitotoxic lesion in the mouse hippocampus IFAA2014-1-093 Min-Hee Yi1, Kisang Kwon2, Enji Zhang1, Hyunjung Baek1, Se Na Kim1, Young Ho Lee1, Dong Woon Kim1 Byung-Pil Cho, Min-Ho Jung, Byung-Young Choi, JiYong Lee, Chang-Sung Han, Jin-Suk Lee, Won-Gil Cho, Young-Chul Yang Types of articular facets of the clinical subtalar joint 1 Department of Anatomy, Brain Research Institute, Chungnam National University School of Medicine, Daejeon, South Korea; 2Department of Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, Chungnam National University Hospital, Daejeon, Korea * Department of Anatomy, Yonsei University Wonju College of medicine, Republic of Korea. * RhoGDI (Rho GDP-dissociation inhibitor) was identified as a down-regulator of Rho family GTPases typified by its ability to prevent nucleotide exchange and membrane association. Although RhoGDI2 was shown to function as a metastasis regulator, little is known about PDK1 changes in glial cells under neuropathological conditions. In current report, RhoGDI2 was monitored specially on astrocyte migration, following the induction of an excitotoxic lesion in mouse brain by using kainic acid administration. In injured hippocampal CA3 region, RhoGDI2 was increased from 1 day until 3 day2 post-injection. Double immunohistochemistry further evaluated that these RhoGDI2 were localized in astrocytes not other cells. RhoGDI2 overexpression leads to inhibit phosphorylation of Protein kinase B (PKB/Akt). In conclusion, our results suggested for the first time that RhoGDI2 is required for control of astrocyte migration via PKB signaling in KA-mediated excitotoxic lesion in mouse brain IFAA2014-1-092 Regulation of endoplasmic reticulum stress on autophagy in neuropathic pain Types of articular facets of the clinical subtalar joint were analyzed using 120 (right 58, left 62) paired talus and calcaneus from 68 Korean adult cadavers (male 42, female 26). The three articular facets were classified as follows: type A, all the three facets are separated; type B, anterior and middle facets are partially connected; type C, anterior and middle facets are fused to form a single facet. The continuity between anterior and middle facets was represented by the degree of separation (DS). DS of type A was determined as 2.0, type C as 1.0, and DS of type B was marked between 1.0 and 2.0 according to the ratio of separation. In the calcaneus, type A (38.7%) was the most common, and type B was 32.8%, type C 28.6%. On the other hand, in the talus, type B (46.2%) showed the highest frequency, and was followed by type C (42.9%) and type A (10.9%). The DS and frequency of each combination (paired calcaneus-talus) of types of articular facets were as follows: type A-A, DS 2.0-2.0, 10.9%; type A-B, DS 2.0-1.5, 27.7%; type B-B, DS 1.5-1.4, 18.5%; type B-C, DS 1.4-1.0, 14.3%; type C-C, DS 1.0-1.0, 28.6%. These findings indicate that types of articular facets of the calcaneus and talus are not congruent over 40% of people and that anterior and middle facets of the talus tend to be fused compared with those of the calcaneus. IFAA2014-1-094 Enji Zhang1, Min-Hee Yi1, Se na Kim1, Hyun Jung Beak1, Wonhyung Lee2, Dong Woon Kim1 Clonninger’s temperament and character inventory profiles of anatomists:Is there a relation with specialty choise? 1 Department of Anatomy Chungnam National Univ. of Medicine deajeon korea; 2Department of Anesthesiology of Pain Medicine Chungnam National Univ. Hospital deajeon korea. * Rengin Kosif1, Numan Konuk2 1 Neuropathic pain is a chronic pain condition that occurs after nerve damage, such as that induced by bone compression in cancer, diabetes, infection, autoimmune disease, or physical injury. Following peripheral nerve injury, spinal microglia undergo activation, characterized by changes in cell morphology, protein expression and function. This study M.D. Assistant Professor Abant Izzet Baysal University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Anatomy, Bolu, Turkey 2 M.D., Professor, Istanbul University, Cerrahpaúa Medical Faculty, Department of Psychiatry, Istanbul, Turkey * Career psychologists have argued that career choice and personality are interfere with each other. There has been lots The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 26 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• of investigations that seeking the relationships among career interests and personality characteristics. There is limited knowledge of the personality profiles of the anatomists and its relations with their specialty choices. In this research we aimed to explore the relationship between personality and career interest of anatomist. Among 279 anatomists who are asked to complete the survey via e-mail including three questionnaires. Seventy nine of them (53 male, 26 female) responded in the present study. Personality was assessed using the Cloninger’s Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI). Career interest was determined by Holland’s Theme Codes. The order of high frequency Holland’s Codes was social (44.3%), realistic (35.4%), investigative (27.8%), conventional (19.0%), artistic (7.6%) and enterprising (5.1%). With regard to temperament components of the TCI was: Novelty seeking (mean=17.7±4.7), harm avoidance (mean=13.9±6.1), reward dependence (mean=13.2±3.4), persistence (mean=5.4±2.1). Character profiles are as follows: Self-directedness (mean =33.1±6.3), selftranscendence (mean=17.9±7.6), cooperativeness (mean=30.6±5.9). According to the last questionnaire the most important cause in choosing anatomy is the interest in anatomy since medical study time. These results in part support Holland’s theory, which takes the career as a function of personality. IFAA2014-1-095 Ulnar artery anatomy for clinical approaches David Kachlik1,2, Marek Konarik1, Helena Mensikova1, Miroslav Brtko3, Vaclav Baca1,2 1 Department of Anatomy, Third Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic; 2Department of Health Care Studies, College of Polytechnics Jihlava, Czech Republic; 3Department of of Cardiac Surgery, University Hospital, Hradec Králové, Czech Republic * Upper limb arteries are nowadays the method of choice for cardiological interventions, used as a graft for cardiosurgery, pedicle vessels of flaps for plastic surgery and a site for vascular shunt placement for dialysis. The ulnar artery is a possible alternative for the cardiological intervention via radial artery, although the intimate relationship of the ulnar nerve and deeper location of the bone for compression may be threatening conditions. Cadaver study of 255 dissected upper limbs and radiodiagnostic study of 30 catheterization videos of ulnar artery have been performed. The diameter of ulnar artery 1 cm proximally to the styloid process of ulna was 2.5 mm in average and that of the brachioulnar artery ranged from 1.9 to 2.9 mm. 23% of specimens featured an arterial variation (brachioradial artery -14%, superficial brachial artery - 5%, median artery of hand - 3%, accessory brachial artery - 0.5%). Those related to ulnar artery (superficial brachioulnar artery - 4% and brachioulnar artery 0.5%) were less frequent. Duplication or absence of ulnar artery or superficial ulnar artery was not recorded but the tortuosities of both main arteries were registered in the extent 0-17 cm proximal to the styloid process. IFAA2014-1-096 The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists The effects of kolaviron (a methanolic extract of garcinia kola seeds) on hypothalamo-pituitarygonadal axis in female wistar rats Sunday A. Ajayi1, Polycarp U Nwoha2, Onyemaechi O. Azu1 1 Discipline of Clinical Anatomy, Nelson R. Mandela School of Medicine, University of Kwazulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa; 2Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, College of Health Sciences, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria. * This research work accessed the effects of kolaviron on microantomy of gonad, hypothalamus and anterior pituitary. A total of sixty adult female Wistar rats were used for this experiment. The animals were randomly divided into six groups: A-F. Group A, were control; Group B were given kolaviron (200 mg/kg body weight) once daily; Group C were given kolaviron (100 mg/kg) twice daily; Group D were given clomiphene citrate; Group E were given kolaviron (200 mg/kg) once daily with clomiphene citrate; Group F were given kolaviron (100 mg/kg) with clomiphene citrate. kolaviron was administered for fourteen day orally while clomiphene citrate was administered for five days orally. Five (5) animals in all the groups were mated with viable males for morphological analysis. At the end of the experimental period, thirty of the animals (five from each group) were anaesthesized by chloroform inhalation. The ovary, fallopian tube, uterus, pituitary gland and brain were removed and fixed for light microscopy. The results showed that average weight of litters, relative gonads and brain weights, significantly difference (P<0.05) across the groups. The histoarchitechture of the ovary showed reduction in the number of growing follicles, inflammed uterus and fallopian tube, recovery pituicytes distortion but recovered with intake of clomiphene citrate without posing any adverse effect on the hypothalamus. Conclusively, kolaviron blocked ovulation resulting into infertility in female wistar rats with the advantage of reversibility. IFAA2014-1-097 Surface EMG activity of ulnar flexo extensor muscles of the wrist during ulnar deviation Josefa Carrascosa-Sánchez, Soledad AguadoHenche, Pía Spottorno-Rubio, Asunción BoschMartín, Ana Slocker-Arce Department of Surgery, medical social and sciences.University of Alcala.Alcala de Henares.Madrid. Spain. * The hand is a tool used for pressure, strength and work related activities of daily life. Overload and repetitive strain may alter normal functioning, leading to injuries and disabilities. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the elctromiografic behavior of Extensor Carpi Ulnaris y Flexor Carpi Ulnaris muscles during ulnar deviation at 60º/s y 180º/s isokinetic velocity. 24 young subjects, without any prior wrist pathologies were asked to carry out an ulnar and radial deviation in a Biodex System 3PRO isokinetic dynamometer Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 27 while electromiografic activity was registered with surface electrodes by ME6000 electromyography synchronized with video. Each muscle presents a similar activity rate standardized with the isometric contraction during ulnar deviation in every isokinetic speed studied. For the two studied muscles, an increase of isokinetic velocity reduces the level of muscle activity with statistically significant differences (p0.05). Both muscles behave similarly as isokinetic muscular strength. IFAA2014-1-098 Isokinetic dinamometry evaluation of the wrist radial and ulnar deviators muscles Ana M. Slocker-de Arce, Maria P. SpottornoRubio, Asuncion Bosch-Marin, Mauricio HernandezFernandez, Josefa Carrascosa-Sanchez players. Seventy multisport male athletes, twenty-nine multisport female athletes and twenty-six handball male players participated in the study. The anthropometric variables studied were the size; height, weight and percent body fat, and the isokinetic variable studied were the work. The higher relationships were found in multisport female athletes, followed by multisport male athletes and lowest relationships were found in handball players. Handball player group results may indicate that the greater number of hours of training lower correlation of anthropometric variables with the work. Similarly, strength training for the recruitment of large motor units, which made the handball players, could also be the cause of lowest relationships between the work and the anthropometric variables studied. IFAA2014-1-100 Princeps pollicis artery – fake or reality? David Kachlik1,2, Jakub Miletin1, Vaclav Baca1,2 Departament of Surgery and Medical social science. Human Aratomy Ares. Faculty of medicine. University of Alcala. Madrid.Spain. * 1 Muscle strength measurement of the wrist flexor extensors using isokinetic dynamometry has been often studied. However, little data exists on wrist ulnar and radial deviators muscles. These muscles are extremely important in active hand movements and have also a significant impact in case of injury. The purpose of this study was to determine muscular strength values during ulnar and radial deviation at 60º/s y 180º/s. Thirty-one healthy male subjects in the age range of 18 to 20 years old were analyzed. Thirty-one right hands were studied. Peak isokinetic torque value for radial deviators and ulnar deviators were measured at 60º/s y 180º/s. The average values for peak torque at 60 º/s were 15, 03 Nm for radial deviation and 17, 03 Nm for ulnar deviation. The average values for peak torque at 180 º/s were 12, 16 Nm for radial deviation and 14, 7 Nm for ulnar deviation. The standardization of simple objective parameters are necessary when interpreting results carried out in the functional evaluation of the wrist for its practical application in hospitals, rehabilitation and expert reports. IFAA2014-1-099 Relationship of anthropometric measures and isokinetic work in the shoulder rotation Ana M. Slocker-de Arce1, Juan C. ZapardielCortes2, David Valades-Cerrato2, Josefa CarrascosaSanchez1 Department of Anatomy, Third Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic; 2Department of Health Care Studies, College of Polytechnics Jihlava, Czech Republic. * The arterial supply of thumb is of clinical relevance mainly in plastic surgery. Although the term princeps pollicis artery (arteria princeps pollicis) is a long-time used term and mentioned in BNA 1895, TA 1998 (A12.2.09.036) and in the Hand Terminology for Hand Surgery, it is not one morphological structure. The term princeps pollicis artery describes a thick short artery, a terminal branch from the radial artery, supplying majority of the thumb. But this theoretical definition does not match the reality in majority of cases. After performing detailed analysis of anatomical and surgical literature and own anatomical research in cadavers (250 hands) and ultrasound in volunteers (100 hands), the results led us to propose deletion of this term from Terminologia Anatomica and everyday use. The thumb is supplied dominantly by one source in 85% of cases: in 66% by deep system (deep palmar arch or first palmar metacarpal artery), in 13% by superficial system (superficial palmar arch or superficial branch of radial artery) and in 16% by dorsal system (first dorsal metacarpal artery). Based on these results, the term princeps pollices artery can be applied to the specific patient vessel only (it is a functional unit with interindividual difference). IFAA2014-1-101 Consequences of compromised mechanical coupling in desmoglein 2-mutant mice for cardiomyocyte function and survival 1 Departament of Surgery and Medical social science. Human Aratomy Ares. Faculty of medicine. University of Alcala. Madrid. Spain; 2Department of Biomedical Science. Fhysical and sport training. Faculty of medicine. Universiti of Alacal. Madrid. Spain. * Sebastian Kant, Claudia A. Krusche, Rudolf E. Leube The relationship between isokinetic work and anthropometric measures is an area of particular interest to a number of coaches. The aim of this study was to compare the relationship between several anthropometric measures and isokinetic work generated in the rotational motion of the shoulder joint complex in three groups of athletes: multisport female athletes, multisport male athletes and handball male Institute of Molecular and Cellular Anatomy, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany. * Cardiomyocytes are attached to each other by multicomponent junctions at the intercalated disk. The resulting robust mechanical and functional coupling supports coordinated and highly adjustable cardiac contractility during the entire life time. Disturbance of desmosomes, which are The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 28 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• part of the intercalated disk structure, has been implicated in arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC). To examine the underlying pathomechanisms, we prepared mice with mutant and conditionally null alleles of the desmosomal cadherin desmoglein 2 by homologous recombination. Homozygous mutant animals replicate key symptoms of the human disease. They develop pronounced fibrotic lesions as a result of necrotic cardiomyocyte death and dilation during postnatal growth. This acute phase, which occurs in most but not all animals, is followed by a chronic phase with interstitial fibrosis and slow disease progression. We pursue the hypothesis that the adhesion-incompetent desmoglein 2 mutants and the absence of desmoglein 2 both result in reduced adhesion, which decompensates upon increasing demands on cardiac output and contractility. We present morphological evidence for disturbed adhesion and local induction of cellular stress responses to altered tissue mechanics. Underlying molecular mechanisms will be discussed. These data indicate that the initial adhesion dysfunctions induce subsequent signaling events with consecutive secondary changes. The supratrochlear and infratrochlear triangles are identified between the oculomotor, trochlear and ophthalmic nerves at the lateral wall of the lateral sellar compartment (cavernous sinus). These triangles are used as surgical corridors for approaches to the tumoral lesions, internal carotid aneurysms and fistulas. The morphometry of these triangles are quite varied among studies. We aimed to investigate the variative course of the trochlear nerve and its possible effect on the anatomy of these triangles. Dissections were carried out under 3x to 25x magnification of a surgical microscope on 15 cadavers. The lengths of the sides and the areas of the triangles were measured with ImageJ software. The average areas for supra and infra-trochlear triangles were 22.6±14.9 mm2 and 76±32.1 mm2, respectively. The frequencies for triangle types were 36.7% for Type A, 20% for Type B, 20% for Type C and 23.3% for Type D. As representing surgical corridors for gaining access to the cavernous portion of the internal carotid artery, the meningohypophysial trunk and the postero-inferior venous space, these triangles are of importance for neurosurgical procedures. IFAA2014-1-104 IFAA2014-1-102 Anatomy of the first extensor compartment and its importance in de quervain disease. Ilke a. Gurses, Osman Coskun, Ozcan Gayretli, Aysin Kale, Adnan Ozturk Anatomy, Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of MedÕcÕne, Istanbul, Turkey. * De Quervain disease is the stenosing tenovaginitis of the first extensor compartment. It is diagnosed with a history of pain at the radial aspect of the wrist and a positive Finkelstein test. Although anatomic variations, such as a septum within the compartment, are considered as risk factors, bony anatomy of distal radius is studied scarcely in the literature. We dissected 50 wrists of 26 cadavers. Presence and location of a septum within the compartment was evaluated. At the distal radius, we classified distinct two grooves as Type 1, a distinct single groove as Type 2 and an indistinct single groove as Type 3. The septum was absent in 23 sides (46%). A septum was present in 27 (54%) sides (15 incomplete 30%, 12 complete 24%). Distal radius was observed as Type 1 in 28 (54%), as Type 2 in 14 (28%) and as Type 3 in 8 (16%) sides. We investigated the bony structures of the compartment along with its content and we believe our results might guide clinicians who diagnose and treat de Quervain tenovaginitis. IFAA2014-1-103 The course of the trochlear nerve at the lateral wall of the lateral sellar compartment and variable morphometry of the infratrochlear and supratrochlear triangles Ilke a. Gurses, Osman Coskun, Ozcan Gayretli, Aysin Kale, Adnan Ozturk Anatomy, Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey. * The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists A review of the isomorphic feature described in human hyoid bone Lorenzo M. Hernández-Fernández1, Roberto Fernández-Baillo2, Soledad Aguado-Henche1, Rosa Rodríguez-Torres1, Ana Slocker de Arce1 1 Department of Surgery and Medical and Social Sciences, Area of Anatomy and Human Embriology, Universidad de Alcalá, Alcalá de Henares, Spain; 2Department of Basic Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Biomedical Sciences, European University of Madrid. * Classically the hyoid bone is described as symmetric, horseshoe shaped or U shaped (Testut, Gray, Bouchet Cuilleret). However, there is no morphological classification widely accepted by the scientific community. Material and Methods: A set of 62 samples were analyzed, 31 males and 31 females. The hyoids were classified based on a set of morphological features: isomorphic - anisomorphic, symmetric – asymmetric and isometric - anisometric. Results: The results based of the isomorphic–anisomorphic aspect show that, considering the whole sample (62 specimens), the isomorphism was recognized in 42 cases, 23 males (37.1%) and 19 females (30.6%). Considering the symmetric– asymmetric feature, 47 hyoids of the sample were described as asymmetrical shape, 23 males (37.1%) and 24 females (38.7%). Finally, the isometric - anisometric condition were analyzed, identifying anisometric features in 39 bones (62.9%), 22 males (35.5%) and 17 females (27.4%). Conclusion: As a conclusion, the analysis of our sample allows question the generally assumption that hyoid is an isomorphic bone. These results should been take in consideration in futures reviews about the hyoid. Also, these results could have a forensic application. IFAA2014-1-105 Vertebral hemangiomas and their association with spinal anatomy and pathology Viviane Slon1, Nathan Peled2, Israel Hershkovitz1 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 29 1 Department of Anatomy and Anthropology, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University, Israel; 2Department of Radiology, Carmel Medical Center, Haifa, Israel * IFAA2014-1-107 Social network analysis: Concepts and applications in anatomy education. Vertebral hemangiomas (VHs) are the most common form of benign tumors in the vertebral column, albeit their etiology is still unclear. We aimed to characterize VHs from an anatomical viewpoint by studying their pattern of distribution along the spine and vertebral body; to detect differences in spinal and vertebral architecture between individuals with and without VHs; and to examine whether VHs are associated with other spinal and generalized pathologies. This retrospective study was carried out on 196 adults, based on clinical data gathered from CT scans and medical records. VHs were present in 26% of individuals. VHs are sexindependent but age-dependent, may appear in all vertebral levels, and are usually found at mid-height of the vertebral body or higher. We found that VHs have no effect on vertebral body size and shape, which argues against a causal relationship between mechanical stress and VHs. The significantly smaller basivertebral canal opening in individuals with VH suggests that changes in blood pressure in the micro-vasculature of the vertebral body may account for the development of VHs. The pattern of diseases related to VHs supports the theory that they are due to a disruption of minute vascular flow within the vertebral body. IFAA2014-1-106 Anomalous patterns of the carotid arterial system. Andrea Kolkenbeck - Ruh, Carol Hartmann, Erin Hutchinson School of Anatomical Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa. * Knowledge of the anatomical variations of the carotid arteries is essential in vascular procedures. Currently, little is known about anatomical variations of this arterial complex within the South African population. Thus we investigated the anatomical variation of the carotid arterial complex and the incidence of atheroma within a South African population. The carotid arterial systems were exposed bilaterally using standard dissection techniques in seventy-eight adult cadavers (male=44; female=34). The level of bifurcation, incidence of looping and occurrence of common trunks were recorded. Data was analyzed using frequency and contingency tables. The carotid bifurcation commonly occurred at the junction of C3 and C4 vertebrae (66.02%). No significant differences were observed in the level of the bifurcation between sexes or sides (all p>0.05). Looping was observed more frequently in the common carotid artery (68.6%). A higher incidence of looping of the internal carotid artery was observed in males (40.4%) (p<0.05). Atheroma was observed most frequently at the point of bifurcation of the common carotid artery. South African populations exhibit similarities with regards to the level of the carotid bifurcation when compared to other populations. However, significant differences exist in the looping of the arteries between the sexes, which may be attributable to hormonal influences. These variations may influence the dynamics of blood flow within the arteries and are therefore important in understanding the aetiology of atheroma. Wojciech Pawlina1, Frederic Hafferty2 1 Department of Anatomy, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA; 2Program in Professionalism and Ethics, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA. * Social network analysis (SNA) has been applied to issues of health care environment evaluating relationship of patients, health care providers and their communities. In medical education most of the attention is directed toward evaluating individual students with very little emphasis placed on understanding the architecture, dynamics or impact of the “networked” life of medical school. In the last two decades many medical schools have undergone various types of curricular reform that resulted in changes of basic science courses including anatomy. There are many studies that evaluate impact of didactic hours, types of laboratory exercises, or effectiveness of various pedagogical methods by assessing knowledge acquisition and retention by individual students. However, there are a very few attempts to capture and analyze the dynamics of relationships between students. During the Anatomy course at Mayo Medical School studies were initiated to analyze the structure of the students’ class network and correlate these findings with academic performance data obtained from the course. Also students’ perception of the professionalism role model status was evaluated and correlated with the network structure. The results indicate that students developed dynamic social networks between the formal groups assigned by instructors and informal networks that have more to do with social factors than academic performance. Network structure, as well as class perception of professionalism role models evolved over the duration of the course. IFAA2014-1-108 Common origin of arteria carotis communis sinistra and truncus brachiocephalicus Juluja Zhivadinovik, Dobrila TosovskaLazarova, Marija Papazova, Ace Dodevski, Niki Matveeva Institute of Anatomy, Medical Faculty, Skopje, R. Macedonia * The most frequent variation of the origin of a. carotis communis sinistra is its common trunk with truncus brachiocephalicus, or as a branch arising from the truncus. The aim of this study was to present the variation of the origin of a. carotis communis sinistra from the aortic arch. The examination was made on 110 unselected human hearts without pathoanatomical changes, obtained after autopsy of newborns, fixed in 10% formaldehyde, at the Institute of Anatomy, Medical Faculty, Skopje. The hearts were taken with the aortic arch, proximal part of thoracic aorta and lig. arteriosum. Standard anatomical methods, inspection and dissection, were used for analyzing the origin of a. carotis communis sinistra from the aortic arch. The examinations The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 30 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• showed that 4 (3.6%) of the cases had atypical origin of a. carotis communis sinistra from common trunk with truncus brachiocephalicus, and reduction of the aortic arch branches in two. The awareness of vascular variations is imperative in diagnostic procedures and in planning surgical interventions during clinical practice. IFAA2014-1-109 Anatomy of the posterior cerebral artery Ace Dodevski1, Dobrila Tosovska-Lazarova1, Julija Zhivadinovik1, Marija Papazova1, Menka Lazareska2 1 Institute of Anatomy, Medical Faculty, “Ss. Cyril and Methodius University”, Skopje, R. Macedonia; 2University Clinic of Radiology, Skopje, R. Macedonia * With the introduction of new techniques in diagnostic and interventional radiology and progress in micro neurosurgery, accurate knowledge of the brain blood vessels is essential in daily clinical work. The aim of this study was to describe the different types of PCA origin, its diameter, and to emphasize their clinical significance. In this study we examined 53 patients who had CT angiography undertaken for a variety of clinical reasons, performed as a part of their medical treatment. This study included 24 females and 29 males, ranging in age from 32 to 73 years; mean age 55.3±11.5 years. The results showed that the diameter of the posterior cerebral artery was 1.74 ± 0.317 mm on the right side and 1.98 ± 0.408 mm on the left side. The adult configuration was present in 37 (69.81%); fetal configuration was present in 12 (22.64%) and transitional configuration was present in 4 (7.54%) of the patients. We found two patients with bilateral fetal type and ten with unilateral fetal type (six on the right side and four on the left side). Through knowledge of the anatomy of the intracranial vessels is important to clinicians as well as basic scientists who deal with problems related to intracranial vasculature in daily basis. IFAA2014-1-110 Plastination with silicon and epoxy resin: new technique and its importance in the study of anatomy Nicolás E. Ottone1, Ramón Fuentes Fernandez1, Homero F. Bianchi2, Rubén D. Algieri2, Vanina Cirigliano2, Daniela Caamaño2, Lucero Oloriz2, Maximiliano Lo Tartaro2 1 Plastination at J.J. Naón Morphology Institute, School of Medicine, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, we have developed a Plastination at Room Temperature technique with silicones and with epoxy resins (sheet plastination), including several changes to the original plastination technique. Pertinent preparations, whole upper limbs, heart and head-neck have been kept with silicone. With the epoxy resin technique, we have obtained slices of 3-5 mm of thickness of knee and head- neck, which have been correlated to computerized tomography and magnetic resonance scans. The obtained specimen is much more stable than a specimen that has been frozen, dehydrated or paraffined. It keeps the original relief of its surface, as well as the cellular identity up to the microscopic level, resulting in safe, toxicity-free anatomical preparations with great application in the practice of health sciences. IFAA2014-1-111 Believe or not, the osteocyte, instead of osteoblast, builds and maintains mineralization in bone Jerry (Jian) Feng Biomedical Sciences, TX A&M University Baylor College of Dentistry. * For over a century, osteoblasts have been viewed as the cells responsible for bone formation, whereas the role of the osteocyte, the most abundant bone cell with a half-life of decades remains speculative, despite being ideally placed to initiate and maintain mineralization. Ironically, our understanding of Ocys is very limited, due to little biological interest in it, few animal models, and technical difficulties in handling mineralized tissues. In this work, we developed a state of the art techniques, including a combination of acid etched scanning electron microscope, FITC-Imaris and micro-CT approaches. With these unique approaches, we demonstrated that osteocyte maturation is directly linked to a slow mineralization process and that minerals are constantly “pumped” via their dendrites not only to the surrounding matrix, but to the bone surface as well. When osteoblast failed to differentiate into osteocytes in Dmp1-null or Hyp mice during development, osteomalacia occurred. Furthermore, abnormalities in blood vessel morphology and bone matrices developed when osteocytes failed to maintain their shape, dendrite number and size under estrogendeficiency conditions, resulting in osteoporotic changes in compact bone. (This research was supported by DE018486 and Amgen grants). Plastination Center, Odontology School, University of La Frontera, Temuco, Chile; 2Laboratory of Plastination, J.J. Naón Morphology Institute, School of Medicine, University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina. * IFAA2014-1-112 Plastination is an anatomical technique of microscopic preservation of biological material developed by Prof. Gunther von Hagens in Heidelberg, Germany, in 1977. In this process, the water and lipids in biological tissues are replaced by plastic polymers (silicon, epoxic resins, or polyester), obtaining dry, odorless and highly durable specimens. At the Plastination Center of the Odontology School, University of La Frontera/Temuco/Chile and at the Laboratory of 1 The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists Biometry of the ossicles of the middle ear in humans O. Binvignat1, P. Lizana2, A. Almagia2, J.C. Torrez3, E. Olave3 Universidad Autónoma de Chile, Chile; 2Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile; 3Universidad de la Frontera, Chile. * The growth and development of the ossicles of the middle ear do not show large variations after birth. New technologies in Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 31 implant surgery, correction and treatment of diseases of the middle ear need increasingly larger biometric knowledge of these ossicles. Therefore, we studied 21 Malleus, 13 Incus and 3 Estapes of male adult individuals, from dry corpses, and, one Malleus, one Incus and one Stapes belonging to a fetus of seven months, male, all Chilean individuals of the Central Region, Chile. These bones were analyzed and photographed with a model OPMI Microscope tilting binocular tube with stereoscopic 3D image. Metric data were obtained with the Carnoy’s software. The malleus had an average length of head to handle of 8.1 mm, the anterior process had a length of 0.6 mm, the lateral process had a length of 1.1 mm; the long limb of the incus was an average length of 3.2 mm and the short limb 2.7 mm, the base of the stapes measured 2.8 mm. In the fetus studied, the length of the malleus handle-head reached to 6.4 mm and the length of the handle to the anterior process is 4.1 mm. The results of the different bones are very similar to each other and despite not knowing the respective ages between different specimens, they do not vary greatly. The results are a contribution to the knowledge of the bony elements of the ear of the Chilean population. Reflected ligament: Anatomical and surgical considerations The reconstruction of thumbopposition function using pectoralis minor taking along flap: Applied anatomic study Rubén D. Algieri, Eduardo Pro, Maria S. Ferrante, María de las M. Bernadou, Juan S. Ugartemendia Yongqing Zhuang, Hon-tao Xiong, Qiang Fu Department of Hand˂Microsurgery, Shenzhen People's Hospital, The Second Clinical College of Jinan University,Shenzhen city,China. * Anatomy Department. School of Medicine, University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina . * To provide anatomic data for reconstructing thumb opposition function by transplanting partial pectoralis minor taking along lateral thoracic skin flap. On 20 sides of 10 adult cadaveric thoracic specimens, the incidence, bilateral variations of cutaneous and muscular branches of pectoralis minor originated from lateral thoracic artery were investigated. Cutaneous and muscular branches of lateral thoracic artery were sent out permanently (with the incidence of 80%) to supply lateral thoracic skin and pectoralis minor. There was no difference of incidence between left and right sides. The outer diameter of lateral thoracic artery was about (1.53±0.34) mm, and the length about (4.88±1.20) cm. The outer diameter of cutaneous branches was about (1.06 0.21) mm at its starting point and the length˄3.65±0.61˅cm. The outer diameter of muscular branch was about (1.15±0.20) mm at its starting point, the length (2.94±0.78)cm, while it was followed by accompanying veins. It is possible to reconstruct thumb opposition function by transplanting pectoralis minor taking along lateral thoracic skin flap. Anatomic study of the volar approach of endoscopic carpal tunnel release Yongqing Zhuang, Ruihong Wei, Hongtao Xiong Department of Hand˂Microsurgery, Shenzhen People's Hospital, The Second Clinical College of Jinan University,Dongmen North Road 1017,Shenzhen To select 16 specimens of fresh adult upper limb randomly to observe and measure the anatomical structure in the carpal tunnel and palm. To select 6 specimens of fresh adult upper limb randomly to take the operation that cutting off the transverse carpal ligament and releasing the median nerve of ECTR by one-point technique in palm. To observe and measure the structure susceptible to be damagedˈsuch as the recurrent branch of median nerve. The best entrance point in palm of ECTR: take a parallel line along the thumb abduction to the ulnar side, and take a axis from midpoint of the middle finger and the ring finger to Tendon palmaris longusˈmark the intersection of the lines,and then take a incision in the ulnar about 1cm away from the intersection.Operational level is in the lacunar between superficial fascia and palmar aponeursis. It’s conductive for the surgeon to take the operation of ECTR and avoid damagement in cutting off the transverse carpal ligament and releasing the median nerve under endoscope. IFAA2014-1-115 IFAA2014-1-113 IFAA2014-1-114 518020,Guangdong Province,China. * Anatomy of the inguinal region is well described in literature, but there is lack of information related to the reflected ligament and a dichotomy regarding to its medial insertion. Observational analysis, through dissections, of the insertion of the reflected ligament of the external oblique muscle at the linea alba. 30 formalized corpses were used, on which the reflected ligament was dissected to its insertion into the linea alba. Of the 30 bodies, we found the reflected ligament in 25 (83.3 %), 16 (64 %) male and 9 (36 %) female , but only in 2 (8 %) of them, its insertion interdigitated with the contralateral. In 5 (16.6%) cases, 3 (60%) female and 2 (40 %) male, the absence of that ligament was found. The reflected ligament was identified in most of our specimens. Being part of the posterior limit of the superficial inguinal ring, it is important its anatomical knowledge for the surgical repair of inguinal hernias with prosthetic placement, using anterior access. IFAA2014-1-116 Bonedoc ACL- allowing surgeons to evaluate the impact of tunnel placement. Phil Blyth1, Stewart Walsh2 1 Faculty of Medicine, University of Otago, Dunedin, New zealand; 2Unisports Sports Medicine, Auckland, New zealand. * Successful Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) graft reconstruction relies on correct anatomical placement of the The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 32 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• tibail and femoral graft tunnels. Current controversies include medial portal vs transtibial drilling of the femoral tunnel, and the effect of femoral insertion point on the subsequent tunnel length. Incorporation of these concepts into clinical practice can be improved by allowing surgeons and trainees to experiment with different surgical techniques and objectively evaluating the outcome. Simulated surgery provides this opportunity with less risk to patients. The Bonedoc ACL surgical simulation app was developed for this purpose. 3D Datasets of Human Knee were obtained from the The datasets were obtained from manually segmented MRIs of cadaveric knees. Available data included the center of the footprint of the cruciate ligaments, and positional data during range of motion. These datasets were then incorporated into the Bonedoc surgical simulator app. This iOS based virtual reality simulator allows the user to perform key steps in arthroscopic ACL reconstruction, using arthroscopic and surgical views, virtual tibial and femoral tunnels are drilled, the graft and interlocking screws are placed. Feedback at the conclusion of the operation includes exact position of the insertions, graft isometry, tunnel lengths and the ability to identify impingement. The Bonedoc ACL app allows orthopaedic trainees to practice a procedure more commonly performed post fellowship, and surgeons to try out approaches from the literature outside the operating room. 1 Department of Anatomy, Istanbul University, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey; 2department of Radiology, Dr Munif Islamoglu State Hospital, Kastamonu, Turkey * IFAA2014-1-117 IFAA2014-1-119 Bilateral variations of the mental foramen: a case report Lymphoid tissue of anorectal zone of human rectum in prenatal ontogenesis Sudirman Sudirman1, Nur Rahman Ahmad Seno Aji1, Annis Syarifah1, Sri Larnani2 Gulzira K. Sagimova1, Yakov Ya. Maul1, Boris B. Baryshev2, Marina K. Zhanalieva1, Ashim B. Aubakirov1 1 Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia; 2Department of Dental Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. * Mental foramen, which located on the anterior part of the external surface of the body of mandible, is an important anatomical landmark in oral and maxillofacial surgery as it serves as the passage way for mental nerve. In the previous reports, the most common location of the mental foramen is below the apex of the second premolar followed by location between the apex of the first and second premolar. In our dried mandible, we found a rare location of the mental foramen which is bilaterally located below the apex of the first molar. This anatomical variation has not been reported in Indonesia before. The understanding of this anatomical variation becomes crucial for clinicians to achieve higher successful rate in mental nerve block anesthesia and to prevent mental nerve injury during oral and maxillofacial surgical procedures. IFAA2014-1-118 Morphometric and morphologic anatomy of spinoglenoid notch Osman Coskun1, Ilke A. Gurses1, Ozcan Gayretli1, Aysin Kale1, Adnan kina2, Ahmet Usta1, Kayihan Sahinoglu1, Adnan Ozturk1 The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists Spinoglenoid notch (SGN) is the second most frequent zone where suprascapular nerve is compressed. We aimed to investigate the morphology and morphometry of SGN. Fifty (25 right, 25 left) scapulae were investigated. Width and depth of SGN was measured and area under SGN was calculated in reconstructed CT scans. Manually, width of SGN was measured as 16.9 ± 2.04 mm and 17.4 ± 2.3 mm for right and left sides, respectively. The width of SGN was measured as 17.6 ± 1.6 mm and 17.8 ± 2.3 mm on CT scans for right and left sides, respectively. Manually, depth of SGN was determined as 17.2 ± 2.04 mm and 17.7 ± 2.02 mm for right and left sides, respectively. The depth of SGN was determined as 17.2 ± 2.02 mm and 16.7 ± 1.7 mm on CT scans for right and left sides, respectively. Area under SGN was calculated as 278.04 ± 46.05 mm2, and 286.04 ± 63.9 mm2 for right and left sides, respectively. This study is the first to evaluate morphology and morphometry of SGN. Further studies should be planned for evaluating relations of this notch with neurovascular structures. 1 Department of Human Anatomy with Operative Surgery, Medical University Astana, Astana city, Kazakhstan 2 Department of Histology, Cytology and Embryology, Medical University Astana, Astana city, Kazakhstan * Lymphoid formations of anorectal zone are the important components of the system of realization of immune protection. The objective of our research is the studying of the development of lymphoid tissue of the anal canal in the prenatal ontogenesis. Materials and methods: the work was done on 93 samples of the rectum of human fetuses obtained in the result of medical abortions in term of 12-36 weeks. The research was approved by the Ethical Committee. Macropreparations of mucous membrane on Hellmah’s method were prepared. Histological sections stained by hematoxylin-eozin and on Van-Gieson’s method were prepared. Suspension of intestinal cells was studied by flow cytometry for determination of lymphocytes populations. Research results: On the 13-14th weeks we observed high endothelial postcapillary veins in lamina propria of mucous membrane. On the 16th week lymphoid infiltration appears around veins. On the 18-20th weeks pre-lymphoid nodules are formed in the upper part of anorectal zone which is covered by simple cylindrical epithelium and on the 28–34th weeks there are lymphoid nodules. T-lymphocytes appeared first, on the 16th week the number of T-lymphocytes are more for 3 times than B-cells. On the 20th week the number of B-lymphocytes increases and their quantity is a bit more than T-cells. On the 28-34th weeks the number of T and Bcells significantly increases, their ratio is 2:1 respectively. Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 33 Conclusion. We consider that after 16 weeks of embryonal development lymphoid formations of anorectal zone are the part of peripheral immune system. 68%). According to the relation of suprascapular nerve, artery and vein during their course with STSL, we defined four different types and investigated the frequency of each group. We believe that our data about the suprascapular nerve regarding its relations with the adjacent vascular structures will be advisor for surgical treatment of SN entrapment. IFAA2014-1-120 Anatomic correlation of fibular nerve palsy after short-leg casts. 1 2 IFAA2014-1-122 The determination of vascular cell adhesion molecule-vcam and intercellular adhesion molecules–icam in the patients with coronary atherosclerosis 2 Fatih Dikici , Ozcan Gayretli , Ilke A. Gurses , Aysin Kale2, Mehmet Erdil3, Adnan Ozturk2, Ahmet Usta2, Osman Coskun2 1 department of Orthopedics And Trumatology, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey 2department of Anatomy, Istanbul Faculty Of Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey 3 department of Orthopedics And Trumatology, Bezmialem University Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey * Nandin G1, Purevjargal L1, Khaliun N2, Erdenebayar N2, Avirmed A1, Lkhagvasuren Z3, Enebish S1, Munkhzol M4, Uranchimeg D1, Amgalanbaatar D1 1 Short-leg casts are routine applications in orthopedic practice. After encountering two patients with transient fibular nerve palsy due to short-leg casts, we aimed to investigate the courses of the common (CFN), deep (DFN) and superficial (SFN) fibular nerves near the fibular neck. We dissected 50 lower extremities of 26 cadavers. The point where CFN or DFN and SFN crossed over fibular neck, where the nerves are at risk between fibula and cast, was investigated in regard to fibular length. The average fibular length was 356.9 ± 26.4 mm. The CFN did not cross fibular neck in any specimen. The average distance from the tip of fibular head to DFN and SFN were 42.9 ± 6.5 mm and 52 ± 6.3 mm, respectively. The ratio of fibular length to given crossing points of DFN and SFN were found to be 8.5 ± 1.2 and 7 ± 0.8, respectively. Given the frequent application of below-knee casts, it is important to determine a safe upper border for CFN, DFN and SFN. In conclusion, we recommend that the upper border of short-led casts should not exceed the upper 1/7th of the fibula length of the patient in order to avoid fibular nerve palsy. IFAA2014-1-121 The relationship of the suprascapular nerve and vessels to the superior transvers scapular ligament, regarding superior entrapment syndrome. Osman Coskun1, Ilke A. Gurses1, Ozcan Gayretli1, Aysin Kale1, Adnan Kina2, Ahmet Usta1, Kayihan Sahinoglu1, Adnan Ozturk1 1 Department of Anatomy, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey; 2department of Radiology, Dr Munif Islamoglu State Hospital, Kastamonu, Turkey. * The suprascapular nerve (SN) is mostly entrapped within the suprascapular notch. In this study, our aim is to examine the morphological features of the superior transvers scapular ligament (STSL), the relationship of SN with this ligament and the adjacent vascular structures and any other structures that may cause the entrapment syndrome. Fifty sides of 26 formaldehyde fixed cadavers (25 right, 25 left) were dissected. SN beginning from its origin, STSL, and the vascular structures passing over or under this ligament were investigated. Morphologically STSL was classified in two groups; fan shaped (12 cases, 24%), band shaped (34 cases, Department of Anatomy, Health Sciences University of Mongolia, Ulanbator, Mongolia; 2Administration, National blood transfusion and research center, Ulanbator, Mongolia 3 Department of Radiology, Third central hospital, Ulanbator, Mongolia; 4Department of Pathophysiology, Health Science University of Mongolia, Ulanbator, Mongolia. * In our study, three hundred fifty four people (N=354) aged from 21-74 were involved. People were tested by angiography, considered as a case group (n=181), and nontested control group (n=173). Both group was divided in three groups of age. Blood serum of the surveyed people was examined by ELISA test. There are significant differences (p<0.1) in the expression of ICAM-1 between the case and control groups. The result of the control group were constant, and not correlated with the age groups. The result of the case group was as follows: 2993,5±51,9pg/ml (21-35 ages) 2819,5±56 pg/ml (36-55 ages), 2531,1±73,1 pg/m (56-74 ages), and it was negative correlated with the ages. There are significant evidence (p<0.001) in the expression of VCAM-1 in the case group that concentration was negative correlated with the ages, determined as follows: 1328,7±7,9 (21-35 ages), 1305,1±5,6 pg/m (36-55 ages) and 1305,1±5,6 pg/m (56-74 ages). it is clear that the serum concentration of VCAM-1 in the case group was higher than control group, and it was negative correlated with the ages. There are significant differences (p<0.1) of the occlusion level and the number of injured vessels of coronary artery between the case and control groups.Conclusion 1. We found that the ICAM-1 concentration in the patients with coronary atherosclerosis was higher than in the control group, and number of molecules tend to increase with ages. Also, higher concentration of VCAM-1 in case group. 2. There are significant negative correlation between VCAM-1 concentration and occlusion level of coronary artery. IFAA2014-1-123 The morbidity of the dorsal spine of 1-st year students of astana medical university and measures of its prophylaxis Dana Anasheva, Gulnar Gabdullina * Anasheva D.T., Gabdullina G.S. Medical University Astana Astana, Kazakhstan The morbidity of the dorsal spine of 1-st The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 34 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• year students of Astana Medical University and measures of its prophylaxis Topicality According to the published information prevalence rates of spinal deformities, in different age groups surveyed, varies widely. Taking into account the analyzed literature, disease and spinal deformity among students becomes an urgent problem. The purpose of the research project The study of the spine problem among 1st year students of Astana Medical University and the development of activities on its prevention. Objectives of the study. 1. Study the literature data and conduct a comparative analysis of spinal disease. 2. To study the patterns of distribution of spinal diseases among Kazakh students. 3. To analyze the data studied local population and to develop recommendations for the prevention of spinal disorders. Material and methods. The research is based on the survey of 250 students of Astana Medical University by questionnairing. Questionnaire survey is based on a specialized questionnaire SRS - 24 survey of patients with spinal disorders. The results of the study. Among the population of Kazakhstan spinal deformities have been reported in 0.29% - 0.23% of the population. Scoliosis among students is 1.75% - 1.38%. The indicator of primary disease of adolescents was the highest compared with other population groups and has made 656,0 ± 104,50 / 0000 (95% CI = 451,2-860,80 / 0000). Conclusion. The number of sick students decrease if prophylactic measures will be organized to prevent diseases of the spine, students will be under the supervision of tutors, pediatricians, orthopedic trauma. The information about the axillary nerve (AN) is essential for the surgical anastomosis with radial branches for the restoration of the deltoid after brachial plexus injury. Forty arms were dissected to study the AN. AN was divided into anterior and posterior divisions before entering the quadrangular space. The posterior division innervated the teres minor via 1.6 (1-3) branches and also innervated the spinous part of deltoid in 65%. The length of teres minor branch was 39 mm. The clavicular and acromial parts of deltoid were always innervated by the anterior division of AN. The spinous part was innervated by the anterior and posterior divisions in 50%, by the anterior division in 35%, or by the posterior division in 15%. The number of branches to spinous part was 2 (1-4), and its diameter was 1.2mm. The diameter of spinous branch from posterior division was larger than one from anterior division. The number of branches to the acromial and clavicular parts were 4.6 (2-9) and 4.5 (1-8), respectively. Running length of clavicular branches from the anterior division was shorter than acromial and spinous branches. Entry points of deltoid branches were between 28.1% and 46.6% of length of deltoid from its superior end. IFAA2014-1-126 IFAA2014-1-124 A giant right head and neck: an anatomical model by Auzoux in papier maché 1 Patrice P. Le Floch-Prigente , Jean-Bernard Gilllot2, Patrick Barbet3 1 Anatomy : LURA, Université de Versailles - Saint Quentin, UFR S3V, Montigny Le Bretonneux, FRANCE; 2Librairie scientifique Alain Brieux/Gillot, Paris 6ème, France 3 Departement d' Histologie, Faculté de Médecine Paris Descartes. * A giant, anatomical model of head and neck by Auzoux in papier maché belonged to the scientific library Alain Brieux/Gillot in Paris. The total heigh was 44 cm. It represented the right part of a human lower head and its corresponding mid-sagittal section plus the neck. The rendering and the anatomical accuracy were good. The dimanstabled parts were few on this right half. There were quite few anatomical details. So one could consider that this enlarged model was mainly made for the teaching to the secondary schools and not for the students in anatomy of the medical schools. The condition of the model as its colors were good. The datation of this model was between 1900 and 1910 according to an inscription by hand-written inscription. We thanks Mr Alain Piffault. IFAA2014-1-125 Anatomy of axillary nerve for nerve transfer Jong-Ho Bang1,2, Jae-Ho Lee1, Bong-Gil Baek1, HeeJun Yang3, Hye-Yeon Lee1 The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 1 Department of Anatomy, Yonsei University Medical College, Seoul, korea; 2 brain Korea 21 Project for Medical Science, Yonsei University, Seoul, korea; 3Department of Anatomy, Gachon University, Incheon, Korea. * Morphology of diaphragmatic crura and its classification Bong-Gil Baek1, Jae-Ho Lee1, Jong-Ho Bang1,2, HyeYeon Lee1, Hee-Jun Yang3 1 Department of Anatomy, Yonsei University Medical College, Seoul; 2Brain Korea 21 Project for Medical Science, Yonsei University, Seoul; 3Department of Anatomy, Gachon University Medical College, Korea. * The Hiatus of diaphragm influence the function of descending aorta and esophagus. To investigate the morphology of the crura and hiatuses, diaphragms of 21 cadavers were examined and classified. The fibers forming the esophageal hiatus crossed over the aortic hiatus (13/21) or not (8/21). The medial and lateral parts of the crura overlapped with each other (11/21) or did not (10/21). The most common shape of aortic hiatus was a triangle leaning to left side (10/21), which was 36.8 mm wide and 34.4 mm high. Others were a triangle leaning to right side or an arch leaning to left side. The most common type of diaphragm was that has left crus crossing over the aorta, has the crura overlapped with each other, and has an aortic hiatus of leftside-leaning triangle shape (33.3% 7/21). In conclusion, the patterns formation of diaphragmatic crura, aortic hiatus and esophageal hiatus were the keys to group diaphragms into several types. Their clinical relevance has to be further investigated. IFAA2014-1-127 Recovery with plastination technique of formalin fixed anatomical specimens for teaching in higher education morphology Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 35 articulation and suggests this be included in contemporary anatomy texts and atlases. Andres Fernandez, Jairo Orbes, Ricardo Jimenez Ciencias Basicas, Facultad de Medicina, Fundacion Universitaria Autonoma de las Americas, Pereira, Colombia * IFAA2014-1-129 The morphology courses taught at Colombia frequently use specimens and bodies that have been conserved for more than 10 years (this due to the lack of availability of cadavers and human organs and the traditional preserving techniques using formalin). The high costs of simulators and alternative techniques (for fixing and preserving bodies) impedes their implementation in higher academic education. In the pursuit of intervening this problem, 5 specimens (aimed for incineration) were fixed with formaldehyde, immersed in regular water for a week and, a week later, in saline solution 0.9 %; afterwards the plastination technique was performed as follows: specimens were dehydrated with isopropyl alcohol for 12weeks , cleared with methylene chloride, impregnated with silicon Bioudur S10 ( debris of silicon were following removed with absorbent paper and curing gas biodur S3)- this all using the protocol by the university of Murcia . All the 5 specimens were recovered demonstrating a significant improving in coloration , appearance and maintenance of morphological characteristics. Nowadays the specimens are being used in the academic practices of Medical and Dentistry students. Brion Benninger, Adam Burch Anatomy of the temporomandibular joint and a novel subcondylar fracture classification system IFAA2014-1-128 Anatomy of scapulothoracic articulation, dyskinesis and diagnosis relative to scapulohumeral rhythm Brion Benninger Medical Anatomy Center, Medical Anatomical Sciences, Neuromuscular Medicine, Family Practice, Western University of Health Sciences, COMP–Northwest, Lebanon, OR. USA. * The Shoulder girdle is comprised of a group of joints and is arguably the primary function to preserve day-to-day activities and autonomy. Many shoulder injuries are not due to acute trauma. Understanding anatomy causing chronic should pain is paramount. Scapulothoracic (ST) rhythm is recognized among shoulder specialists but less familiar with anatomists and general physicians. This study investigated the clinical anatomy of the ST region. Literature search was conducted regarding ST anatomy and clinical use. Forty cadavers were dissected identifying the ST region. Healthy individuals (20) were observed abducting their arms from their waist to the overhead position. Literature search revealed the term and anatomy of ST region in shoulder and sports medicine journals, but not highlighted in contemporary anatomy texts or atlases. Dissection demonstrated ST region with a clear fluid interface. Twenty individuals had ST movement during bilateral abduction from waist to head. Chronic shoulder pain is a common and serious complaint with debilitating consequences. It is important to assess the ST region during a comprehensive shoulder examination with coracopectoral sign. Altered ST rhythm may result in scapular dyskinesis. Teaching ST region anatomy is important for healthcare providers assessing chronic shoulder pain. This study revealed the clinical importance of ST Medical Anatomy Center, Medical Anatomical Sciences, Neuromuscular Medicine, Family Practice, Western University of Health Sciences, COMP–Northwest, Lebanon, OR. USA. * The temporomandibular joint (TMJ), craniomandibular or squamomandibular is the most commonly used joint in the body. It is an atypical synovial bicondylar joint separated into upper and lower cavities. Half of the adult population will suffer from at least one TMJ dysfunction symptom. Soft tissue injuries often involve the disk. Fractures are often classified with subcondylar fractures (SCF). There are multiple classifications of SCF with no standardization. Objective of this study was to identify clinically relevant soft tissue imaging anatomy of the TMJ joint and create a universal SCF classification system. Literature search was conducted regarding common soft tissue TMJ imaging anatomy and SCF classifications. Forty human TMJ joints were dissected. SCF were analyzed and quantified against a human mandible. A new SCF system was developed. Literature search revealed TMJ soft tissue imaging difficulties. At least 6 SCF classification systems were identified. TMJ dissections demonstrated common soft tissue anatomy not readily seen on most imaging modalities. TMJ dysfunction is reaching pandemic proportions. Twenty five percent of the adult population will suffer from severe symptoms of TMJ dysfunction. There are multiple SCF classification systems. None integrate logical anatomy with clinical presentations. This study combined anatomy and clinical conditions to create a universal SCF classification system. This study revealed common TMJ soft tissue anatomy with imaging and suggests a novel universal SCF classification IFAA2014-1-130 An anatomical model of ear in plaster (gillot-brieux) of the 20th century Patrice P. Le-Floch-Prigent Anatomy: LURA, Université de Versailles, UFR S3V, Montigny Le Bretonneux. * A very enlarged anatomical model of ear in plaster belonged to the Gillot-Brieux bookstore in Paris (47 rue Jacob). This model was probably designed and built in Europe at the beginning of the 20th century. Neither trade, nor date were found on the model. It laid on a black painted basis in wood which measured 48x41x4,4 cm. The model width was 41 cm and the pavilion of the ear measured 24x14 cm. It was fixed on the basis by two bolted stems. Not any part of the sample was dismantabled. The three parts of the ear (external, middle and internal) were represented on a frontal cross- section with a very good representation of all the elements: particularly The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 36 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• the cochlea and one of the semi-circular canal presented on a cross-section with a 25 mm diameter. The ossicles had vanished except the stapes. The internal carotid artery was represented in red and cross-sectionned at its two points of penetration through the cranium (endo- and exo-cranial ones). The parotid gland was represented in yellow with small embossments; its diameter was 30 mm. The vestibulocochlear cranial nerve (VIII) was represented with its two components from the organs of reception. The anatomical rendering was accurate with a fair representation of the osseous structures accessory nerve (XI), the thyro-cervical artery and its branches. In the antero-inferior angle, the lower parts of the internal and external jugular veins were represented. Several damages through the model proved that it was hollowed with a thickness of less than one centimeter. It was obtained from a mould. Each dissected element was painted in the usual colors of the anatomy IFAA2014-1-131 Patrice P. Le Floch-Prigente Gorilla gorilla: An anatomical, dismantable, real sized model in papier mache of the 19th century of the auzoux factory Patrice P. Le Floch-Prigente1, Jean-Bernard Gillot2, J. Patrick Barbet3 1 Anatomy: LURA, Université de Versailles, UFR S3V, Montigny Le Bretonneux; 2Librairie scientifique Alain Brieux/Gillot, Paris 6ème, France; 3Departement of Histology, Faculté de Médecine Paris Descartes * The anatomy of the Gorilla is poorly studied and published, most often in a partial or incomplete manner. In the second half of the19th century, AUZOUX a french physician built anatomical models in papier-maché which were internationally spread. He realized a real-sized model of a female Gorilla after a dissection of its own. He chose aesthetic aspects as the grasping of branches and a muscular representation on the lefts side versus an osseous one on the left. This model is really a scientific document as it recorded the name, function and innervation of the muscles on their hidden parts. These data remains unique. This model was non colored; several known other ones were colored. The production was probably very limited. IFAA2014-1-132 Dissection of the supra-clavicular region, a plaster of the b. cuneo's collection Patrice P. Le Floch-Prigente Anatomy: LURA, Université de Versailles, UFR S3V, Montigny Le Bretonneux. * The anatomical veracity of an anatomical model of the B. CUNEO collection (#9 series) was studied. It belonged to the teaching collection of the René Descartes University. It represented the upper part of the trunk with the right shoulder, neck and head. The sagittal, median aspect was plane and painted in black as two other smaller, plane areas on the head : an horizontal one (with the lines: "Collection B. CUNEO/série n°9) and a coronal, posterior one. The dissection represented exclusively the right, supra-clavicular triangle. Its limits were the sterno-cleido-mastoid muscle, the trapezius muscle and the middle third of the clavicle. The omo-hyoid muscle was represented as partially resected. The content of the region was the scalene muscles, some elements of the brachial and superficial cervical plexuses, the The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists IFAA2014-1-133 An enlarged anatomical model of the eye in papier mache by the doctor auzoux Anatomy: LURA, Université de Versailles, UFR S3V, Montigny Le Bretonneux. * An enlarged, anatomical model of eye in papier-maché belonged to the scientific bookstore GILLOT-BRIEUX (48 rue Jacob, PARIS 6ème). The model measured 40x40x30 cm. It represented the adult, human eye in two halves separated by an horizontal plane, in order to expone the internal structures with the transparent components which were removable. The vascular rendering was very detailed. The orbital cavity was represented only in its inferior half. The muscles of the orbit and the arteries were represented and also the infra-orbital and nasal parts of the adjacent face. This model was one of the very first in the production of Doctor AUZOUX (19th century) in its village of Saint Aubin d'Escroville in Normandy (LEMIRE, 1990). It was recently reproduced by its successors. The anatomical models of AUZOUX were very accurate and could be compared during the 19th century, only with composite models of TRAMOND. IFAA2014-1-134 Great coelomic cavity : An anatomical model in papier mache, 20th century Patrice P. Le Floch-Prigente Anatomy: LURA, Université de Versailles, UFR S3V, Montigny Le Bretonneux. * A real sized, anatomical model in papier-maché of the great celomic cavity in an adult belonged to the GILLOT/BRIEUX scientific bookstore (48 rue Jacob, PARIS 6ème). It was probably designed and built in the first half of the 20th century in Europe. Neither trade mark, nor date were found. It laid on a huge basis in wood (45x90 cm) painted in black on the visible aspects. A cloth surrounded the inferior part of the trunk. The anterior aspect of a complete dissection of the thorax, abdomen and pelvis was represented. The right lung was frontally cross-sectionned and the main mediastinal vessels were represented. At the abdominal level, the emphasis was on the retro-peritoneal region with the urinary system (kidneys, ureters) and the adrenal glands. The muscles of the (thoracic and abdominal) walls were detailed on frontal cross- sections. Quite certainly, the purpose of this model was the teaching in the universities (medical schools). IFAA2014-1-135 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 37 CT-scan of an osseous head in a ram: cross-sections and reconstruction Patrice P. Le Floch-Prigente Anatomy: LURA, Université de Versailles, UFR S3V, Montigny Le Bretonneux. * An osseous head of a ram with horizontal horns of unknown age and origin was CT-scanned (CIMOP, Siemens 64 bars) in a systematical manner. The encumbrancy measurements were 25,5 cm long, 13 cm width and 15 cm deep. The horn’s lengths were 47 cm. The para-sagittal cross-sections (476) were these of the plane of acquisition. The cross-sections in the two other perpendicular planes were reconstructed ones. They were 402 for the frontal ones. The horizontal plane of reference had been chosen as the orbito-meatal one. The views were interesting on the descriptive and topographical aspects. The nine reconstructions brougth interesting details and also the possibility to move the sample without any hand manipulation. Two measurements of density on the horn gave 177 Hounsfield Unities near the bone (1490 UH) and 219 HU more distally on the horn. IFAA2014-1-136 Osseous head in a roebuck (Capreolus capreolus) : seriated CT-scan in the 3 planes and reconstructions Patrice P. Le Floch-Prigent1, Stéphane Verdeille2 1 Anatomy: LURA, Université de Versailles, UFR S3V, Montigny Le Bretonneux; 2CIMOP, radiology, Clinique du Val d'Or, Saint Cloud, France. * An osseous head of a roebuck (without the mandible) probably 3 year old, of unknown origin, was CT-scanned (CIMOP, Siemens 64 bars) in a systematical manner. The encumbrancy measurements were 19 cm long, 9 cm wide and 9 cm high. The cross-sections were in the three perpendicular planes. The horizontal plane of reference had been chosen as the orbito-meatal one. The plane of acquisition was the frontal one The views were interesting on the descriptive and topographical aspects. The reconstructions brougth interesting details and also the possibility to move the sample without any hand manipulation. Some measurements of density were performed on the vertical horns (19 cm long). IFAA2014-1-137 A human, left temporal bone: a complex anatomical model of the middle stage of the basis of the cranium with aperture of the middle ear cavity and vascular representations It was mounted on a wooden basis (9 x 9x 1,8 cm) by a metallic stem; a label « Clay Adams Co Skeletons. Anatomical And Biological Models 25 East 26th New York » was sticked on its superior face. Its maximal dimensions were 10 cm long, 9 cm high and 6 cm wide. It belonged to the scientific, Alain Brieux Library in Paris. Several (arteries and veins) vascular representations were figured. The bone had been sawed along its longitudinal axis in order to expone the middle ear. A window had been hollowed on the superior face of the temporal bone to expone the semi-circular canals; another one had been removed from the external face of the mastoid process showing its cavities. The simplicity of the mounting of this model made from real bones was only apparent and the manufacture could have been delicate. This model had been probably produced in the years 1940 (Carline Zanon). We thanks Mr Alexandre Piffault. IFAA2014-1-138 Orfila museum in Paris "Booklet of the museum of normal anatomy", masson, 1865 Patrice P. Le Floch-Prigent 1 Anatomy: LURA, Université de Versailles, UFR S3V, Montigny Le Bretonneux. * A "Booklet of the Museum of Normal Anatomy", was published by Victor Masson and son(s) in 1865 in Paris. It was a repertoir of the samples of the Orfila's museum in Paris, very probably finished in the beginning of 1863 (as authentified by the preface by J. MMaissiat, the curator and certainly the main author). It was reduced in size (12,3 x 18,7 cm) and short (123 pages). It was divided in four parts : organs of the external life (relation), of the internal life (organical), of the generation, development of the organs. It will be followed by the catalogue of Charles Houel in 1880, Paris, Masson; and the catalogue of "Surgical and Radiological Anatomy" in 1995, Springer Verlag. The Orfila's museum vanished from Paris in 2009. This booklet is very interesting as the authors of the models were noticed when they were known. IFAA2014-1-139 An entire, isolated liver in papier maché by Auzoux Patrice P. Le Floch-Prigent, Jean-Bernard Gillot Anatomy: LURA, Université de Versailles, UFR S3V, Montigny Le Bretonneux. * A complete, isolated liver in papier maché made by Auzoux was studied. It was of natural size. Very realistic and painted with natural colors, this anatomical model was very representative of the production by Dr Auzoux during the 19th century in Paris. It can not be dated with certainty and it belonged very probably to the "real-size human model", an iconic collection. The numbers inscribed on the model were identified. The anatomical veracity was excellent. Patrice P. Le Floch-Prigent, Jean-Bernard Gillot Anatomy: LURA, Université de Versailles, UFR S3V, Montigny Le Bretonneux. * IFAA2014-1-140 A left temporal bone with somme elements of the adjacent sphenoid and occipital bones, exponed the exo and endocranial aspects of the middle floor of the basis of the cranium. CT-scan of the cranium of René descartes The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 38 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• Patrice P. Le Floch-Prigent1, Stéphane Verdeille2, Alain Froment3 1 Anatomy: LURA, Université de Versailles, UFR S3V, Montigny Le Bretonneux, FRANCE; 2CIMOP, radiology, Clinique du Val d'Or, Saint Cloud, France; 3Musée de l'Homme, Laboratoire d'Anthropologie, MNHN, Paris, France. * The CT-scan of the René Descartes cranium (collection of the Museum d’Histoire Naturelle in Paris) was performed on a Siemens sensation 64 apparatus. The acquisition was realized in the orbito-metal horizontal planes. Then the frontal and sagittal planes were reconstructed.Dental and panoramic dental CT-scan, osseous reconstructions and intra-cranial reconstructions were performed. The intracranial capacity was between 1413 and 1431 cc depending of the plane. The main interest of the CT-scan was to perform a complete and accurate study without any damage to this rare historical sample. IFAA2014-1-141 Head and neck dissection: a non-colored anatomical model in plaster of the Nicolas-Augier-Roux collection Patrice P. Le Floch-Prigent Anatomy: LURA, Université de Versailles, UFR S3V, Montigny Le Bretonneux, France. * The aim of the study was to appreciate the anatomical veracity of a non-colored, plaster sample of the NicolasAugier-Roux (beginning of the 20th century in Paris). The sample belonged to the teaching collection of the department of anatomy, 45 rue des Saints Pères, Paris 6ème. It was studied and photographed to determine its technics of presentation and of fabrication. We observed the sample after cleaning and measuring. It was similar to another model belonging to the department of anatomy in Brussels (ULB) which head was CT-scanned: Pr LOURYAN. These cheap models were teaching tools which can still be useful in the departments of anatomy as they are very anatomically accurate. IFAA2014-1-142 Dissection of a female perineum: A colored anatomical model in plaster of the middle of the 20th century Patrice P. le Floch-Prigent Anatomy: LURA, Université de Versailles, UFR S3V, Montigny Le Bretonneux, FRANCE * The aim of the study was to analyze the anatomical veracity of an anatomical model of the dissection of a female perineum, realized in plaster by the factory: "Sciences and Medecine", in Paris, in the middle of the 20th century. It was a colored representation of a dissection which was different on each side. The teaching model belonged to the collections The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists of the department of anatomy, 45 rue des Saints Pères, Paris 6ème. We determined its technics of presentation and fabrication. The sample was observed after cleaning and measuring. At least we performed photographies with a numerical camera under several angles of view. The anatomical veracity was good and this types of teaching models could be still useful in the departments of anatomy. IFAA2014-1-143 The nerves of the face : An anatomical model of head in wax by Tramond, observation and photographical three-dimensional reconstruction Patrice P. Le Floch-Prigent, Farida Drifi Anatomy, LURA, Université de Versailles, UFR S3V, Montigny Le Bretonneux, FRANCE * The aim of the study was to check the anatomical veracity of the model of wax N°262, from the Orfila’s Museum (Paris) made by Tramond, entitled « nerves of the face ». We successively took several numerical photographs with several view angles; anatomically described the nerves of the face as they were represented on this model; correlated the anatomical veracity of this representation with the classical textbook’s data; approached the technical bases of fabrication; and collected several successive photographs of the specimen every 5°, all along 180°, thus allowing animated rotation on computer, using the Quick Time Virtual reality program. The oversize of the model excluded a set on a real human skeleton. The building technique of the model was deduced from known data but could not be completely reported. The anatomical veracity of the model was excellent. The difficulties of realization in wax of an oversized model of the nerves of the human face were solved in the late 19th century, in Paris, by Tramond’s factory. They remain unequalled. The work of numerisation and its free disposal on the internet permit to make available for everybody this sample of the collection of the Orfila’s museum which was evacuated on december 2009, after its closure. IFAA2014-1-144 Anatomical model in wax of the sympathetic nervous system: observation and numerical photography in rotation Patrice P. Le Floch-Prigent, Isabelle Darnaud Anatomy, LURA, Université de Versailles, UFR S3V, Montigny Le Bretonneux, FRANCE * An anatomical model in wax of the right sympathetic nervous system was mounted on a real skeleton with the osseous elements in connection. The sample belonged to the Spitzner collection from the Orfila’s museum (Paris), which closed and evacuated in December, 2009. Its number was #1232 (Surgical and Radiological Anatomy catalog, 1995, suppl.1). It was photographed in rotation every 5 degrees on 360 degrees in its whole and on its three main, vertical, stages in order to get a 3-dimensional numerical reconstruction and to deliver it freely on the net for every interested public. A numerical D-40 Nikon camera was used and a rotational Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 39 device made of two thick, circular, identical marble disks assembled by a ball-bearing. The upper disk was graduated on its periphery. The attentive observation of the sample alllowed to appreciate its excellent anatomical veracity. IFAA2014-1-145 Anatomical model in wax of the « heart, lungs, posterior view » : Observation and numerical photography in rotation Patrice P. Le Floch-Prigent1, M. Chevalier2 the model which represented the external carotid artery with its terminal bifurcation, several collateral branches specially the posterior auricular artery at the two extermities of the carotid canal. The cochleo-vestibular and facial nerves as well as other elements of small caliber were exactly figured and labelled by a number.The middle ear components were disassembled. The ossicles of the middle ear and the peritoneal tympanic membrane were dismountable as a whole.This kind of rare model can be dated at the earliest : 1835. IFAA2014-1-147 Ear : Observation of an enlarged, dismantable anatomical model of the middle of the 20th century 1 Anatomy, LURA, Université de Versailles, UFR S3V, Montigny Le Bretonneux, FRANCE; 2Anatomy, Faculté de médecine Paris Descartes. * Patrice P. Le Floch-Prigent1, Patrick Barbet2 The aim of the study was to appreciate the anatomical veracity of an anatomical wax representing the heart and the lungs from a posterior view, and to realize a numerical, photographical tri-dimensional series of photographs. The free diffusion on the internet allowed to realize a work of memory. We used a numerical photographical series (7.2 mega-pixels) and a rotational device made of two identical superimposed marble disks linked by a ball bearing. The upper one was graduated on its periphery. The anatomical specimen was carefully laid and centered on the upper disk. The pictures were shot every 5° on more than 180°. The observation of the sample allowed the identification of the main anatomical structures (heart, mediastinum, lungs), to measure it and to observe the way of fabrication.The numerical examination (with a stop on the picture) allowed to study more in detail the relationship between the different organs, the structures crossing the mediastinum and their positions in the space as well.This study emphasized the quality of this work of ceroplasty realized in the end of the 19th century and also offered the veracity of the relationships existing between the different structures of the sample. The rotational acquisition of the pictures allowed to deliver them freely to every interested public. IFAA2014-1-146 An enlarged dismantable anatomical model of ear in papier maché by auzoux, observation and photographical three-dimensional reconstruction Patrice P. Le Floch-Prigent1, Jean-Bernard Gillot2, Jean-François Uhl3 1 Anatomy, LURA, Université de Versailles, UFR S3V, Montigny Le Bretonneux, France; 2Libraire scientifique Alain Brieux/Gillot, rue Jacob; 3Anatomie, Faculté de Médecine Paris Descartes. * 1 Anatomy, LURA, Université de Versailles, UFR S3V, Montigny Le Bretonneux, FRANCE; 2Histology and Embryology, Faculté de Médecine Paris Descartes * The aim of the study was to study the anatomical accuracy of a teaching model of an ear made in the midth of the 20th century. The anatomical model of an enlarged ear (square wooden base of 48 cm side; length of encombrance : 47 cm ; total length : 35 cm ; height of encombrance : 50 cm) with a dismantable cartilaginous pavillion, as well as the upper part of the petrous pyramid, and separation in two main frontal parts (“chantourné” plane through the middle ear) by a simple partial translation of the base, has been studied morphologically as a whole and following the separation of its five components, and photographied. The label of the manufacturer could be found under the base : Sciences et Pédagogie, 35 rue des petits champs, Paris 1er. The anatomy of all the components of this specimen was accurate. The tympanic membrane and the ossicles of the middle ear were fixed. The vestibulo-cochlear apparatus was dismantable as well as the upper part of the cochlea.The nerves were all clearly represented but the vascular components were restricted to the arteries internal carotid and middle meningeal (the external carotid artery wass not represented). With its quasi-photographical precision and its composition (smoothed plaster) together with its bright colours, this frequent model had lost the warmth and the charm of the similar models made during the 19th century, such as the “papier maché” model manufactured by Dr Auzoux (1835). It was probably designed both for secondary school and for medical students. IFAA2014-1-148 Head of a lama : An anatomical study by ct-scan and nmr The aim of the study was to determine the accuracy of a 19th century anatomical model of ear by Auzoux (a french manufacturer). It was 63 cm long, 43 cm wide and 37 cm high. The disassembled parts were studied on the morphological aspect in its whole and after removing of its components : external ear (43x23x15 cm), tympanic drum and middle ear ossicles, cochleo-vestibular apparatus. The main dimensions of each part were recorded. The arterial vascularisation of the three components of the ear and its sensitive and sensorial nervous system were established on Patrice P. Le Floch-Prigent, Juan Cuba, C Figueira, J Matino-Luyo Anatomy, LURA, Université de Versailles, UFR S3V, Montigny Le Bretonneux, France * The head of a lama (Cuzco, Peru) was studied by CT-scan and NMR. The head had been taken from a recently dead lama. It was 30 cm long and weighed 3.24 kg. The entire head without any preparation was CT-scanned and studied by The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 40 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• NMR (CEREMA, avenida Javer Prado in Lima) with crosssections from the front to the back (vertical plane) every 5 mm with 5mm cross-section slices and then reconstructed in the two other planes (sagittal and horizontal). The systematical analysis of the views permitted the description of the muscular, osseous and encephalic relationships between them and also their isolated aspect in serial anatomy. The lama is an auchenidae which lives exclusively in South America. IFAA2014-1-149 Dissection of the neck: A wax anatomical model from the spitzner collection in the orfila museum of anatomy: An observation and photographic tridimensional reconstruction Patrice P. Le Floch-Prigent, Karen Martinello Anatomy, LURA, Université de Versailles, UFR S3V, Montigny Le Bretonneux, France * An anatomical model of dissection of the human neck with its supra-clavicular and sub-mandibular regions was studied in order to determine its anatomical accuracy. The model was made of brightly colored wax and was of female appearance. Formerly it belonged to the collection of Dr Spitzner (18331896), and was labelled as #23. It was 36 cm wide and 27 cm high. The model’s primary views were photographed at 5° increments in alignment with a 270 degree vertical axis, in order to obtain a tri-dimensional photographic reconstruction. The arterial and venous vessels were enhanced as well as the thyroid and sub-mandibular glands. The musculo-cutaneous frames were limited to five main regions of dissection. The nerves and lymphatics were not represented. IFAA2014-1-150 Left hemicranium : Cranial nerves, an anatomical model in wax by tramond (orfila museum, paris): study and reconstruction by photography in rotation Stanislas Paravey, Patrice P. Le Floch-Prigent Anatomy, LURA, Université de Versailles, UFR S3V, Montigny Le Bretonneux, France * An anatomical model in wax by Tramond (middle of the 19th century) represented the cranial nerves of a left hemicranium. The aim of the study was to verify its anatomical accuracy, to realize a tri-dimensional visualization by computer and finaly to digitize them. It belonged to the Orfila museum (Paris). It represented the last cranial nerves, especially the facial nerve and its branches. To perform the photographic rotation every 5° along 360°, we used a special device made of two identical, superimposed, marble disks linked by a ball bearing. A numerical camera and the Quick Time Virtual Reality software were used. 72 pictures were shot. This wax was realized with a great morphological accuracy from a true cranium as a support for the cranial nerves. The Orfila museum was closed and evacuated on December, 2009. IFAA2014-1-151 The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists CT-scan of the entire head of an oystrich (struthio camelus) Patrice P. Le Foch-Prigent1, Bernard Senecail2, Jean François Uhl3 1 Anatomy, LURA, Université de Versailles, UFR S3V, Montigny Le Bretonneux, France 2 Hôpital Morvan, Brest; 3Anatomie, Faculté de Médecine Paris Descartes. * The entire head of an oystrich Struthio camelus was studied. It was an adult female. The dimensions were : 175 mm long, 70 mm wide, 75 mm high. This running ratite is the greatest living bird and is unable to fly. The CT-scan was perform in the department of radiology of the Morvan Hospital in Brest (Finistère). The methods consisted in the conservation by freezing, the injection of the ocular, dehydrated bulbs. The head was laid on the radiographical table with superimposition of the longitudinal axes. A radiographical mode was chosen for sagittal cross-sections and the acquisition was helicoïdal in the frontal plane. The results were: 31 levels of cross-section, kept every 5 mm. The nasal fossae were a dense, circular mazl. The ocular bulbs were 28,2 mm in diameter. The brain was retro-ocular with a transversal diameter of 36 mm. An important pneumatisation of the vault and of the basis of the vault was noticed. As a conclusion, the CT-scan of this vertebrate, sauropsid, paleognathic bird showed a complex osseous cranium. This method afford morphological and topographical details difficult to obtain by any other non-invasive one. We acknowledge: Mr Guy Lebec (Oystrichs’ farm in Scaer and Guidel, Finistère), Mr Robert Josset (Pont Aven), Mr Bruno Delamain, Pr. Patrick Barbet (Faculté de Médecine Paris Descartes). Key-Words : Oystrich, Struthio camelus, head, CT-scan IFAA2014-1-152 Head of a squale (prionace glauca): Seriated ct-scan Patrice P. Le Foch-Prigent1, Stéphane Verdeille2 1 Anatomy, LURA, Université de Versailles, UFR S3V, Montigny Le Bretonneux, France; 2CIMOP, Radiology, Clinique du Val d'Or, Saint Cloud, France * The head of a squale (Prionace glauca) from the Oléron’s island was well-preserved by freezing after fishing. It was CT-scanned in the frontal plane with joined, thin slices by a Somaton sensitive Siemens (64 elements) CT-scan. The horizontal and sagittal plane slices were reconstructed from the frontal ones. The main interest of the CT-scan was to perform a complete and accurate study without any damage to this rare sample. We acknowledge Pr J. Patrick Barbet (Histology, Faculté de Médecine Paris Descartes). IFAA2014-1-153 Anatomy of circle of circulus arteriosus cerebri Willis Marija Papazova, Dobrila Tosovska-Lazarova, Julija Zhivadinovik, Ace Dodevski Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 41 Institute of Anatomy, Medical Faculty, Skopje, R. Macedonia * IFAA2014-1-155 Circulus arteriosus cerebri - Willis is one of the most important parts of the collateral system of the brain with huge functional and clinical meaning. The aim of this study was to determinate the morphological and topographic characteristics of the circulus arteriosus cerebri - Willis. The macroscopic examination was made of the circulus arteriosus cerebri was made on 100 specimens of human brains fixed in 10% formaldehyde. Standard anatomical methods inspection, dissection and injection were used. Position, diameter, and length of the components were examined, including the number and type of the branches of each component. The average values of the dimensions (length ant external diameter of the component of the circulus) were used as criteria for the determination of the typical polygons and their variations. Maximal and minimal values of the length and diameter of the components of the circulus arteriosus cerebri and the calculated coefficient of variation are presented in tables. A. communicans anterior showed the largest variation in its length, and the left a. communicans posterior had the largest variation in its diameter. IFAA2014-1-154 An anatomical model of head in wax, made by zumbo (year 1700) : Observation and photographical tri-dimensional reconstruction The discovery of the pulmonary circulation by Ibn Al Nafis during the 13th century: An anatomical approach Patrice P. Le Foch-Prigent, Dominique Delaval Anatomy, LURA, Université de Versailles, UFR S3V, Montigny Le Bretonneux, France * Usually William Harvey is credited for the discovery of the pulmonary circulation. However Al-Tatawi in his medical thesis in (Frankfurt) assumed that Ibn-Al-Nafis in Cairo was the true discoverer circa 1280. Meyerhoff, 1935, Chéhaddé, 1955, Chadli et al. 2005 confirmed that « the commentaries of the anatomy of the Avicenne’s canon » by Ibn-Al-Nafis contained the description of the pulmonary circulation. By an attentive reading of the few pages (translation by Chadli from arabic to french) a convergence of proofs made us completely sure that Ibn Al Nafis performed several and possibly a lot of dissection of human hearts completing its wide knowledge in clinical concerns and physiological deductions. The merits of William Harvey in the beginning of the 17th century remained huge but he was aware of the Works of Ibn-AlNafis by Albano who certainly possessed its works. IFAA2014-1-156 Expression of TRPC6 in perifornical area and its regulation of food intake activity in rat Patrice P. Le Foch-Prigent1, Jean-François Uhl2, Christian Prévoteau2, Vincent Delmas2, Emmanuel Cabanis3 Xiaohang Jin1, Lin Zhao2, Longbiao Cui1, Juan Shi1 1 Anatomy, LURA, Université de Versailles, UFR S3V, Montigny Le Bretonneux, France; 2Anatomy, Faculté de médecine Paris Descartes, France 3Académie Nationale de Médecine, Paris, France. * To observe by modern technics, an ancient anatomical model; to validate the feasability and the pertinence of a new photographical method; to computerize these results and to diffuse these specific results to the scientific community and to the great public. An anatomical head and neck wax had been made in 1700 par Gaetano Zumbo. It belonged to the Delmas, Orfila et Rouvière’s Museum. It was a composite sample: over-molded skeleton and wax. The photographs were made with a digitalized camera, the shots were performed with an horizontal rotation every 5 degrees. Three incidences were performed along the obliquity on the horizontal plane: parallel, 25 degrees and 50 degrees. This method looked good for the acquisition and for the results. It multiplicated the incidences and thus the possibilities of description of the model without the presence of the sample. It multiplicated the possibilities of comparison. By a possible free diffusion on the net, it made accessible to everybody: specialists and large public, the images of historical, unique and fragile samples which access was confidential, and which manipulation could only be exceptionnal. This method completed personnal works of description and radiology (Le Floch-Prigent: 1999; Le Floch-Prigent, Guerini, Chevrot: 2006). The CT-scan proved the composite nature of the sample. The medical imaging showed its detailed structure and construction, the anatomical statement of the skeleton and the probable sex quit certainly female. 1 Department of Anatomy and Histology and Embryology, School of Basic Medicine,The Fourth Military Medical University. Xi’an 710032, P.R. China; 2Department of Human anatomyˈMedical College of Yan’an University, Yan’an 716000, P.R.China. * The orexin system in hypothalamus is involved in the dynamic regulation of food intake, but so far, the molecular mechanism underlying is unclear. Our study showed that TRPC6 channel was highly expressed in perifornical area (PFA) and shared more than 80% of double labeling with orexin-A in neurons. The expression intensity of TRPC6 in PFA was between cerebellum and substantia nigra area. Except for the exprssion in the neurons of PFA, strong TRPC6 immunoreactivity (IR) also appeared in astrocytes in this area. Nevertheless, the subcellular distribution of TRPC6 IR in neurons was condensed in the perinuclear region and subcytomembrane area, while that in astrocytes showed evenly distributed properties. Intraperitoneal injection of 2DG could induce activation of TRPC6 expressing in neurons and its redistribution to subcytoplasmic membrane area, evidenced by Fos expression. Moreover, the amount of food intake was significantly reduced when the non-specific (SKF 96365) or specific (ML-9) blockers of TRPC6 was stereotaxically applied to PFA, with the latter’s effect more potent than the former. These results suggest that the expression of TRPC6 in PFA is dynamically changed with varied pathophysiological stimuli and TRPC6 is intensively involved in the regulation of food intake activity. This study The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 42 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• was financially supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 30871004 and 31071012). IFAA2014-1-157 Unilateral variation of pterion: A case report Annis Syarifah1, Sudirman1, Nur Rahman Ahmad Seno Aji1, Sri Larnani2 1 Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta Indonesia; 2Department of Dental Biomedical Sciences Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta Indonesia. * Pterion isan important anatomical landmark where frontal, sphenoid,parietal, and temporal bonemet in lateral aspect of the skull. Several type of pterion has beenidentified in previous reports. Thetypes of pterionare sphenoparietal, frontotemporal, stellate,and epipteric.We foundan unilateralvariation of pterion type in the right side of a dried skull with sphenoparietal type interrupted by asutural bonein the distal portion of sphenoparietal suture while the left pterion shows epipteric type. The sufficient understanding of pterion variation is paramount as its role as the landmark on surgery of the anterior branch of middle meningeal artery, guidance in age and sex determination,also to avoid misinterpretation as a fracture on the lateral side of the skull. IFAA2014-1-158 Prediction of musculoskeletal injuries D. Tosovic, E. Ghebremedhin, J.M.M. Brown School of Biomedical Science, University of Queensland, Australia. * This study aims to determine whether Mechanomyography (MMG) has utility in the prediction of musculoskeletal injuries. MMG is a non-invasive technique able to determine a muscle’s contraction dynamics. These contraction dynamics are altered by muscle fatigue- a known factor causing muscle injury. Thus, it is hypothesised that muscle contraction dynamics would be significantly affected before/in the event of an injury. 12 semi-professional soccer players (18-30y/o) were monitored fortnightly throughout a soccer season. MMG measures were for observed for the rectus and biceps femoris muscles in both limbs. Contraction dynamics measured included: contraction time (Tc), relaxation time, ½ relaxation time and maximal displacement. Results: Although not found to be statistically significant (P>0.05), Tc measures appeared to worsen towards the middle of the season and improve towards the end of the season for both muscles. One injury was observed, showing a slowing of Tc post-injury and a progressive return to normal during recovery. The observed Tc trend may reflect the effect of fatigue towards the middle of the season, and adaptation to training towards the end of the season. This data shows that MMG can detect changes in muscle condition and thus possibly be used as a tool in injury prediction. Data collected from the injured player shows MMG has capability in quantifying muscle injury. IFAA2014-1-159 The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists The suspension bridge: A novel approach for transmission electron microscopy (TEM) of myodural bridges UBaran Kasirga1, Mustafa F Sargon1, F Pinar Turkmenoglu2 1 Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey 2Department of Pharmaceutical Botany, Faculty of Pharmacy, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey The myodural bridge (MDB) is a small ligament connecting suboccipital muscles to the covering tissue of spinal cord, called dura mater.Suboccipitalmuscles, including obliquescapitis inferior (OCI), rectus capitis posterior major(RCPMa)and rectus capitis posterior minor (RCPMi) are located at the base of cranium,so that MDBs can twist, pull or shorten the dura mater and can cause an abnormal tension which is called MDB dysfunction or cervicogeniccephalalgia.Ten heads of fresh frozen cadavers were obtained from Hacettepe University. All dissections made with conventional techniques which are assisted by a dissection microscope. Dissection was performed at the posterior mid-saggital line,between atlas and axis and region was extracted intact with bone, muscles and dura. MDBs are recognized under microscope and samples were taken including dura and muscle from bridges. Samples were fixed in 2,5% glutaraldehyde and run TEM examination.MDBs were recognized between dura and RCPMa, RCPMi and OCI muscles. However, all MDBs are contributed to what appeared to be a single atlantoaxialmyodural bridge.Musculature of sub-occipital triangle contributes to fine movement of atlantooccipital joint and attached to the protective dura via soft fibrous tissue bridges, suspending outer coverage. MDBs can serve to monitor dural tension in case including proprioceptive fibers that were visualized in our study. A3547 Study of epimedium-containing serum on the growth and development of the femur of neonatal SD rat jian Li, Fan Wang Chengdu medical collegeˈSichuan universityˈChina Epimedium-containing serum was made by the seropharmacology of the traditional Chinese medicine. Femur in neonatal SD rat were organ culture in Epimediumcontaining serum and normal serum and applied to detect the alkaline phosphatase(ALP) activity, bone mineral density(BMD), the expression of transforming growth factorbeta(TGF-ȕ) and PCNA. The BMD of Epimediumcontaining serum group was significantly higher than that in the calf serum group (P<0.05). The ALP activity of high-dose and low-dose of Epimedium-containing serum groups are higher than those of the calf serum group (P<0.01). The markedly expression of TGF-ȕ was observed following the treatment with the Epimedium-containing serum. We found that Epimedium-containing serum can induce the expression of PCNA in osteoblast within 5 days. After the fifth day the Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 43 PCNA expression of the Epimedium-containing serum group was beginning to decrease. While at the same time, the expression of TGF-ȕ1 was still at a high level. These data suggest that Epimedium-containing serum have influence on proliferation and differentiation of osteoblasts, and may have important implications for the understanding of the effect of Epimedium on bone formation. A3561 Developing a photographic atlas of fetal anatomy Xiazhi Zeng, Chris Hubbard Department of Anatomy, Medical College, Jiaxing University, Jiaxing 314001, Zhejiang, PR China; Department of Biological Science, Northern Illinois University, Dekulb 60115, IL, USA. Most fetal Anatomy is illustrated with drawings that leave the true anatomical pictures to the student's imagination. Because fetal material, by nature, difficult to obtain, anatomy students will likely never see or be able to dissect a real fetal specimen. The purpose of this study is to develop a photographic atlas of fetal anatomy. Dissections were performed on the fetuses between 22-26 weeks of age. They were photographed using a digital camera with a 35 mm macro lens or by mounting the camera on a dissecting scope. Histological analysis of selected tissue samples was also performed. This study attempts to focus on unique structures presenting in the fetuses that appear different than those in an adult. Such an atlas should be of use to students, teachers and physicians and be of particular value in intrauterine surgery and fetal imaging examination. A3565 Longitudinal discussion of the history of chinese and western anatomy,and the important position of anatomy in the development of medicine Jie Liu Tongren Polytechnic College,Tongren Guizhou 554300,China After The Renaissance,western Anatomy and medicine caught up with and surpass the Chinese Medicine gradually,and turned into the mainstream medicine on earth. ccording to the order of historical development,the essay will introduce the general situation of the History of Chinese and Western anatomy in turn,attempt to make the horizontal comparison of them,searching the similarities and differences between them,to find out the deep-seated reasons why Chinese anatomy evolved slowly in the past two thousand years,proving the primacy and importance of Anatomy in the medical development. A3592 Applied anatomy of the reconstruction of pelvic ring and ischial tubercle in situ with autograft after hindquarter amputation Ming Ni1,2,3, Jiong Mei2, Wenxin Niu2,3 1 Department of Orthopedics,Pudong New Area People’s Hospital, Shanghai 200065 China; 2 Tongji Hospital, Tongji University School of Medicine, Shanghai 201200 China 3 Shanghai Key Laboratory of Orthopaedic Implants, Shanghai 200001 China The objective of this study was to provide anatomic basis for the reconstruction of pelvic ring and ischial tubercle with autograft after hindquarter amputation. Ten pelvic and lowerextremity specimens were measured. The vertical distance from ischial tubercle to median sagittal plane and coronal plane through auricular surface center was 4.52 cm and 3.31 cm respectively. The average distance from ischial tubercle to ipsilateral and symphysis pubis was 11.75 and 15.72 cm. The oblique diameter of femoral condyle was 7.93 and 6.83 cm. The left and right oblique diameter of tibial plateau was 6.79 and 6.43 cm. As a conclusion, it is impossible to reconstruct the ischial tubercle in situ and pelvis with single femur or tibia. The femur combined with tibia can reconstruct the ischial tubercle in situ while restoring pelvic ring. A3607 The effects of GHRP on PI3K/Akt/Caspase-9 pathway in heart failure rats Liqiang Chen, Guozhong Tian, Yu Yang, Meixiu Li Department of Anatomy, College of Basic Medical Sciences, Jiamusi University, Jiamusi, Heilongjiang, China. 154007 Growth hormone releasing peptide (GHRP) is a kind of artificial synthetic releasing peptide. The heart-failure rats were produced by ligation of ramus descendens anterior of left coronary artery of SD rats. Observe the expression of PI3K, Akt and Caspase-9 in cardiac muscle cells after three weeks of intravenous injection of GHRP (100ug/kg, 1time/day) by the methods of immunohistochemistry, FCM and electron microscopy. The results showed that GFRP can inhibit activation of Caspase-9 by activating PI3K/Akt signal pathway. GHRP can inhibit apoptosis of intracellular mitochondria and reduce apoptosis of cardiac muscle cells during the development of heart failure. GHRP can protect cardiac muscle cells during heart failure.(Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.81370342) A3612 Effects of sericin pretreatment on the expression of NPY and leptin in hypophysis of type 2 diabetes rats Xiumei Fu, Zhihong Chen, Jingfeng Xue Chengde Medical College, Hebei, Chengde 067000ˈChina To investigate the effects of sericin pretreatment on the expression of NPY and leptin in hypophysis of type 2 diabetes rats. Thirty six SD rats were randomly divided into 3 groups: normal group, model group and sericin pretreatment group. Model group and sericin pretreatment group were established by intraperitoneally injection of streptozotocin (STZ). Blood glucose(BG)16.7 mmol/L was taken as the standard of successful modelization. The rats in sericin pretreatment group were lavaged with sericin for 35 days before injecting STZ. The enzymic method was used to measure the BG. Immunohistochemical staining and RT-PCR The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 44 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• were used to observe the expression of NPY and leptin protein and mRNA in hypophysis . Compared with model rats, the BG, NPY and leptin protein and mRNA expression in hypophysis in sericin pretreatment group decreased obviously (P < 0.01). Sericin pretreatment can downregulation the high expression of NPY and leptin protein and mRNA, So sericin has satisfactory apotropaic effects on hypophysis injury of type 2 diabetes rats. A3623 Preventively protective effects of 3-n-butylphthalide pretreatment against cerebral ischemia reperfusion injury in rats d, some pinealocytes degenerated in stress group. The most significant change is that there is plenty of swelling mitochondrion with crista broken in pinealocyte cytoplasm. These results suggest that the pinealocytes of rats degenerate under chronic stress, especially on mitochondrion. That may cause dysfunction of melatonin synthesized and released by the pineal gland. A3634 A natural bone defect of the lumbar vertebra: The basivertebral vein foramen Chunming Ma, Xiaowen Wang Hairu Ji, Lingwei Kong, Wei Kong, Shumin Zhao, Xiangyu Kong, Jian Wu Department of Anatomy, Weifang Medical University, Weifang, 261053, China Laboratory of Spinal Cord Injury and Rehabilitation, Chengde Medical University, Chengde 067000,China There is an area of bone defect named basivertebral vein foramen (BVF) in the back wall of the vertebral body. BVF is not mentioned in textbooks and reported rarely in literature. In this study, 115 dry adult lumbar vertebras were studied on the BVF about the number, area and the shortest distances to the superior and inferior borders of the vertebral body and to the lumbar pedicles, and the morphology of the BVF in 13 adult cadavers was observed. Results showed BVF was oval and round, and the distribution was concentrated in the central, the average number was 2.6, and area was 0.52 cm2, the shortest distances to the superior and inferior borders of the vertebral body and to lumbar pedicles were different in different lumbar vertebras (p<0.05). The cortical bone around BVF showed no obvious thickening. We concluded BVF shows a natural bone defect which cannot bear much pressure and easily causes bone fracture. The anatomical data we obtained enriches the content of anatomy and provides important help to clinicians and surgeons. To investigate preventively protective effects of 3-nbutylphthalide (NBP) pretreatment on cerebral ischemia reperfusion injury (CIRI) in rats ˊ 36 male SD rats were randomly divided into sham operation group(n=12), CIRI group(n=12) and NBP pretreatment group(n=12), the permeability of blood brain barrier(BBB) was evaluated based on the leakage of Evans blue, The expression of MMP9 and TIMP-1 was measured by Real time PCR. Results Compared to sham operated groupˈthe content of water and EB, the expression of MMP-9 protein was in brain tissue in CIRI group increased markedly(P<0.01),the expression of TIMP-1 protein had no changes. Compared to CIRI group, the content of water and EB, the expression of MMP-9 protein was in brain tissue in NBP pretreatment group significantly reduced(P<0.01), the expression of TIMP-1 protein was largely increased(P<0.01). Conclusion NBP has preventively protective effect on rats with cerebral ischemia reperfusion injury may be by decreasing the content of water and permeability of BBB,and accommodating the expression of MMP-9/TIMP-1. A3627 Ultrastructure alternation of rat pineal gland under chronic stress. Yubing Fan Department of Anatomy, Bethune Medical NCO School of PLA, Shijiazhuang 050081, China Stress will activate two systems that serve to normalize the disturbed functions: the sympatho-adrenomedullar system and the hypothalamo–pituitary–adrenocortical (HPA) axis. There is anatomical crossroad among the retinohypothalamic-pineal (RHP) axis, sympatho-adrenomedullar system and HPA system. The pineal gland may play a role in stress by its secretary product of melatonin, the hand of the biological clock. To explore the ultrastructural alternations of rat pineal gland under chronic stress, stress animal model was made with electric shock and noise. After 7 d, 20 d and 40 d, the pineal gland of were studied by transmission electron microscope. After 7 d and 20 d, there is no histological difference between stress group and control group. After 40 The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists A3639 Observation of clinical anatomy of ilioinguinal approach Yongwei Wang, Xiangyu Kong, Shubin Zhang Department of anatomy Chengde Medical university, To provide applied anatomic data for preventing the operation in the ilioinguinal approach of pelvic fracture. observing and measurement morphologic features of lateral femoral cutaneous nerve (LFCN), ilioinguinal nerve (IE), in 15 adult cadaveric specimens(male 9, female 6). LFCN in the medial of anterior superior iliac spine through the inguinal ligament were 96.67%, (20.01 ± 0.32)mm, LFCN in the fascial sheath formed by the deep fascia were 46.67%. The distance between the point of IE passes through the obliquus internus abdominis and the center of the anterior superior iliac spine was (5.41 ± 0.50) mm, The distance between the point of IE penetrate from the aponeurosis of oblique externus abdominis and the center point of pubic tubercle was (18.04 ± 0.21) mm. The LFCN must be protected In the exposure of the medial side of ilium wing and sacroiliac joint, Preventive release of the tensor fascia and inguinal ligament . To prevent the injury the IE, You should start from the medial or lateral of inguinal ligament at the top of 5mm to incision the aponeurosis of oblique externus abdominis. Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 45 A3747 Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology, Luzhou Medical College, Luzhou 646000 Research on three-dimensional path of the frontal branch of facial nerve, visualization and application in cosmetology Li Hong, Gao Anˆ Department of Anatomy, University of South China, Hengyang, China Face lift hitherto had been a complicated and elaborate procedure. Regarding frontal area rhytidectomy, there is a strong trend toward less aggressive operative techniques and especially protecting the frontal branch of facial nerve. There is controversy regarding the description of the different regions of the face of the superficial musculoaponeurotic system (SMAS) and its relationship with frontal branch of facial nerve. To the frontal branch of facial nerve, most macroscopic and microscopic (histological section) studies were only limited to two-dimensional cross sectional imaging. The samples used in the study were from 10 female cadavers who are perfused with a 5% formalin solution. From Superficial to deep, the skin, hypodermic fat, SMAS, the frontal branch of facial nerve, the blood vessel, the neighboring mimetic muscles and bone were exposed. By CT and magnetic resonance scanning, the image data were imported into Mimics13.0 software, and then the digital 3D model of all structures were obtained. These will supply the morphological reference for diminishing risks in clinic. A3751 The Anatomy research and clinical application which the approach for punch that sympathetic ganglion Xiuqin Yue, Hongyan Gong,Hongwei Zhang, Xiaofang Li, Kai Zhang, Xiaoran Zhang, Guoze Liu, Jun Liu, Department of Anesthesiology, Xinxiang Medical University First Affiliated Hospital, Weihui 453100, Henan, China Research the source of nutrient artery for superior cervical ganglia and Cervical sympathetic ganglion and the its distribution.research the morphological characteristics , position , the contiguity and locating method by anatomical landmark of superior cervical ganglia, middle cervical ganglion block (MCGB) and Cervical sympathetic ganglion. The locating method by anatomical landmark of superior cervical ganglia is the nodical of Beside the collarbone midline 24.18±2.35 mm and above clavicle sternal end 22.38±3.97 mm or the nodical of beside the collarbone midline 24.21±3.79mm and below the carotid nodules 37.14±5.86mm.this is the punch sit. Punch vertically to 32.48±2.54mm is the stellate ganglion.the primary cause of motor complications is variation of the beginning segment of vertebral artery which injure to vertebral artery in Cervical sympathetic ganglion block. A3758 To provide anatomical data for echocardiography diagnosis and surgical treatment of false tendons. Prevalence, attachments, lengths and diameters of biventricular false tendons were observed and measured on 44 adult Chinese heart specimens. False tendons were found in 33 left ventricles and 29 right ventricles, and there were 21 specimens which had false tendons in biventricle and 5 specimens which had not false tendons in biventricle. False tendons mainly located between the interventricular septum and papillary muscle, and the papillary muscle and papillary muscle. The lengths of false tendons of left ventricle and right ventricle were 14.62±7.29mm and 13.33±6.52mm respectively, and the diameters of false tendons of left ventricle and right ventricle were 0.69±0.64mm and 0.86±0.75mm separately. False tendons are common anatomical structure of heart. A3774 Applications of the root canal system anatomy in root canal therapy Zhenyu Bi, Weidong Zhao, Yuchao Yang, Jun Ouyang* Department of Anatomy, Guangdong Provincial Medical Biomechanical Key Laboratory, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou 510515 The purpose of the study is to analyze the number, shape and normal situation of root canal system in order to improve the success rate of root canal treatment. In Pubmed, CNKI, MeSH are root canal, root canal system, root canal treatment indications, root canal treatment failure, and root canal surgery. A retrospective analysis is complied about the relationship between the root canal anatomy and root canal therapy. The big, long, curved root can keep the stability of teeth, but the characteristics of root canal are more complicated. Lateral accessory canals strengthen the relationship between pulp chamber, root canal and periodontal tissue, but these accessory canals can cause endodontic infections or periodontal infection. The root canals of deciduous and young permanent are coarse, and apical foramen large, but they are smaller and thinner by the physiological and pathological stimuli and even root canal atresia. The key factor of the root canal treatment is the anatomy of root canal system. A3782 Expression of MuRF1 and MAFbx in donor and recipient muscles after musculocutaneous nerve transection and partial pectoralis major muscle transfer for reconstruction of elbow flexion in rats Shengbo Yang, Ning Yue Biventricular false tendons of adult Chinese heart specimens: an anatomical study Department of Anatomy, Zunyi Medical College, Zunyi, Guizhou,China Chaoxian Yang, Zhaoming Zeng, Guangqiang Hu, Xiongbin Xian, Kanrong Li The expression of MuRF1 and MAFbx in the recipient and donor muscles after muscle transfer for reconstruction of joint function has not been sufficiently investigated. FortyThe 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 46 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• two adult Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into 7 groups: normal, 1 w post-, 2 w post-, and 4 w post-musculocutaneous nerve transection; and 1 w post-, 2 w post-, and 4 w postreconstruction of elbow flexion. Muscle wet weights were assessed, and MuRF1 and MAFbx mRNA expressions were detected by PCR. The muscle wet weight and the wet weight retention rate of the biceps brachii continued to decline after musculocutaneous nerve transection and a gradual increase was noted after the oblique part of the pectoralis major was transferred for reconstruction of elbow flexion. The oblique part of the pectoralis major showed a decrease of only 2–6%. The upregulated expression of MuRF1 and MAFbx in the biceps brachii reached a peak 2 w after denervation and 1 w after elbow flexion reconstruction, with an increase of 15% and 4%, respectively. This was followed by downregulation; however, the expression had not normalized at postoperative 4 w. The increased expression of MuRF1 (17%) and MAFbx (1%) in the oblique part of the pectoralis major at postoperative 1 w had decreased to below normal levels at postoperative 4 w. The transfer of the oblique part of the pectoralis major for elbow flexion reconstruction after musculocutaneous nerve transection can downregulate the expression of MuRF1 and MAFbx in the recipient muscle. Department of Anatomy and HistoembryologyˈTianjin Medical UniversityˈQi xiang tai Road, No.22, Heping District ,Tianjin 300070ˈChina Early assessment of a novel nano silver dressing on the third degree skin burn wound infection antibacterial efficiency A great progress has been made in non-motor function research of cerebellar, such as, cognition, learning and neural- regulation. Most of these research points to the internal structure of cerebellar, therefore accurate analysis of the internal spatial structure of cerebellar became a crucial factor. In this study, we select 8 males and 8 females formalin-fixed adult cerebellar specimens, these specimens were tinted and embedded by celloidin and performed 16 groups successive horizontal and coronal sections with the thickness of 250μm. These sections were observed through stereoscope, and select qualified slices using HD digital camera capture images continuously, format of jpg. Each group was processed by Photoshop, every group was rotated, moved for registration based on the outline contour of each image. Then import images to Amira, each group of cerebellar nuclei and nerve fibers were selected, colored and 3d-reconstructed, it can show the three-dimensional spatial position and forms of internal structure of the cerebellar. The distance, surface area and volume can be accurately measured for individual differences contradistinction. This study provides accurate anatomical data for further studies on cerebellar functions. Moreover the related methodology also may be used in precise locating and measuring of other micro organs and tissues. Yuchao Yang, Zhenyu Bi, Jun Ouyang* A3837 A3808 Department of Anatomy, Guangdong Provincial Tissue Construction and Inspection Key Laboratory, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou 510515 This study is designed to evaluate the antibacterial effect of a novel silver dressing in the treatments of the third degree burn wound infection in rats. To establish a mouse model of the third degree skin burn wound infection by metal scald apparatus and the bacteria liquid of standard strains of Staphylococcus aureus ATCC25923. The wounds were covered with nano silver dressing, no nano silver dressing and alginate dressing, respectively. The wound inflammation and burn wound healing were observed by HE staining, Masson Trichrome staining, immunohistochemistry on day 1,5,10 post inoculation and determine the skin bacteria load. The scalded wound covered with nano silver dressings inflammatory responses significantly reduced and the rate of wound healing were better than other controls. A novel nano silver dressing has good antibacterial efficiency and wound healing effect on the third degree burn wound infection. Keyword: nano silver; burn wound; Staphylococcus aureus; infection model of BALB/c mice. A3813 Action-oriented teaching anatomy theory teaching platform of theatrical applications discussed in this paper Bingrui Wu Yulin city of guangxi zhuang autonomous region, China 124 meilin street Use of secondary vocational students thinking more active and sensitive, easy to be full of the characteristics of dynamic things attract, combined with the feature of anatomy teaching intuitive is strong, to explore anatomical theatrical theory teaching platform design teaching effect.Teaching, the reasonable use corresponding background music, lights, pictures, especially modern multimedia tools and courseware, anatomy model human living, such as teaching resources, under the teacher's "director", action-oriented teaching between teachers and students do together with the stage show in the form of teaching activities.Through activities to attract students' attention, tightly grasp the rhythm of the students to accept knowledge, achieve students' classroom lively and vivid image, keep up with the effect of teaching to grasp knowledge and deepen their memory. 3-D reconstruction and measuring research of human cerebellar based on celloidin embedding technology A3859 Xiaoyang Zhang, Xianfeng Wei, Lu He, Dandan Wang, Yunsheng Li Licai Zhang*, He liu, Fang Zhou, Xianfu Lu, Tong Wu, Siyuan Song,et al. The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists The discovery and research of cerebrospinal fluidcontacting nucleus in rat brain Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 47 Jiangsu Province Key Laboratory of Anesthesiology, Xuzhou Medical College, Xuzhou 221002, PR China This study aimed to confirm the existence of cerebrospinal fluid-contacting system and to explore its functions. The cerebrospinal fluid-contacting neurons (CSF-CNs) were labeled by the cholera toxin subunit B conjugated with horseradish peroxidase (CB-HRP) reliably. Fluorescence double staining identified the distribution of neurotransmitter, receptor and ion channels in CSF-CNs, and CSF-CNs-related functions were detected through Quantitative behavioral tests. 1. We confirmed that the CSF-CNs distributed in all ventricular walls, especially in the third ventricular. And their soma contact with cerebrospinal fluid, while the neurite stretch into the brain parenchyma; 2. There was an area with clusters of CSF-contacting neurons, We named ‘cerebrospinal fluid-contacting nucleus (CSF-contacting nucleus )’, locating in the specific part of brain stem, while their neurite reach into cerebrospinal fluid; 3. The spatial structure and stereotaxic location of CSF- contacting nucleus in rats were identified; 4. The CSF- contacting nucleus have the same ultra-structural features as secretory cells; 5. We identified the synaptic contact between CSF- contacting nucleus and other neurons in brain; 6. The CSF- contacting nucleus are also associated with the brain blood vessels; 7. We found that more than 10 kinds of neuroactive substances expressed in CSF- contacting nucleus , including Fos, nNOS, GABA ,5-HT and its receptor, SP, p38MAPK, ERK, JNK and TRPM8; 8. In order to explore the ‘CSF- contacting nucleus ’ functions, some animal models such as visceral pain, neuropathic pain, noise stress, and morphine dependent/withdrawal were produced, and behavioral tests were performed in CSF- contacting nucleus and CSFcontacting nucleus animals respectively. The study revealed that the CSF- contacting nucleus have the structure and material basis to carry out the bidirectional information transmission ,and may be involved in regulating the vital activities such as visceral pain, neuropathic pain, noise, stress, and morphine dependent/ withdrawal. extensor carpi ulnaris and the extensor digitorum communis. This study demonstrates that the posterior interosseous artery has two main clusters of perforators in the middle and distal one-fifth of the forearm, which can be used for repairing hand defects with posterior interosseous artery pedicle cutaneous branches-chain perforator flaps. A3907 The surgical anatomy of upper thoracic sympathectomy Xianzhong Shi1 Yanguo Liu2 Chunhua Chen1 Weiguang Zhang1 Duo Jina, Jing Zhao1 Shengyong Liu1 Changman Zhou1* 1 Department of Anatomy, Peking University Health Science Center, Beijing, China 2epartment of Thoracic surgery & Center of Minimal-invasive Thoracic surgery, People’s Hospital of Peking University, Beijing, China The purpose of this study was to clearly delineate the microanatomy of the upper thoracic sympathetic trunk and its syntopy in order to establish the optimal secure approach. Rami from T1 intercostal nerve entered the stellate ganglion above the upper border of the second rib in all cases.The distance between the rami and the upper border of the second rib was 5.1 ± 1.4 mm. The incidence that T2~T5 ganglions located at the corresponding intercostal space was 92.7ˁǃ 85.5 ˁ ǃ 40.0 ˁ and 36.4 ˁ ,respectively. The rami communicantes were classified into 3 types (type a, b and c) according to the anatomical relationship between the thoracic sympathetic ganglia and the intercostal nerves. Sympathectomy performed at rib level should be the ideal choice for clinical surgical treatment of palmar or craniofacial hyperhidrosiswith less denervation scope to achieve more definite therapeutic effect. A3932 Microanatomy and angiography control observation of the intracranial artery A3865 A anatomical study of posterior interosseous artery pedicle cutaneous branches-chain perforator flap Xueqiang Yue, Pei Li, Shengqi Fu * Zihai Ding, Chao Sun,Yulong Wang, Peng Liu, Hongliang Lee, Anmin Jin Xinxiang Medical University, Xinxiang 453003, China Anatomical Institute of Minimally Invasive Surgery, Southern Medical University,china To provide anatomical information for the repair of small tissue defects in the hands with posterior interosseous artery pedicle cutaneous branches-chain perforator flaps. Fourteen posterior interosseous artery pedicle cutaneous brancheschain perforator flaps taken from human cadavers were studied by the latex perfusion for microanatomy analysis, denture material and vinyl chloride mixed packing for cast analysis. There are two main clusters of perforators at a relative distance of 21.2 percent and 47.8 percent along ulnar head-to-lateral epicondyle interval.two clinically significant perforators are located 6.1cm proximal to head of ulna and 10.3cm distal to lateral epicondyle of the humerus, with diameters of 0.5mm and 0.6mm and pedicle lengths of 16.8 mm and 21.2 mm, respectively. At the two main clusters of perforator-intensive sites, vessel chains formed by adjacent perforators were parallel to the intermuscular septum of To provide anatomical basis for selecting the types and the placing parts of vascular stent. 20 head specimens were selected and measured the basilar artery, middle cerebral artery and its branches, perforators respectively. 100 angiography images with no diseases were selected, the course, branches and the opening parts of its perforators were observed. It were 28.52±3.45 mm, 4.52±0.24 mm and 13.14±3.62 mm, 3.41±0.38 mm in the length and diameter of the microanatomy, 25.47±3.65 mm, 3.46±0.46 mm and 10.65±5.61 mm, 2.30±0.35 mm in the length and diameter of the angiography of basilar artery and middle cerebral artery separately, there were significant difference in the length and diameter between the microanatomy and angiography. There were significant difference in the length and diameter between the male and female of angiography of the basilar artery, middle cerebral artery respectively, the male than that of the female were long and coarse. It has an important clinical significance for selecting the types and the placing The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 48 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• parts of vascular stent, avoiding obstruction the opening parts of perforators. A3966 Make the coronary artery readily visualized for accurate ligation to establish rat model of myocardial infarction Changan Yu1, Yanxiang Gao1, Lin Pan2, Jingang Zheng1, Yong Wang1 1 2 Department of Cardiology and Institute of Clinical Medical Sciences, China-Japan Friendship Hospital, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100029, China The aim of our study was to provide an optimized surgical procedure and a detailed description of the key techniques to perform rat model of myocardial infarction(MI). The noninvasive method was used in the endotracheal intubation in Wistar rats. A power light with flexible horns was used to illuminate the heart under correct lighting.Histopathological examination showed degrees of infarction at 14 days after MI in each heart of the experimental rats. The survival rate of the rats following the procedure was 93%, the average volume of infarction was 42%, the variability between rats was below 10%. Making the coronary artery readily visualized can ensure accurate ligation of the coronary artery and minimize the experimental variability. A3969 The construction of a three-dimensional brain atlas for image guided neurosurgery using thin serial sectional images Yuchun Tang1, Bo Sun2, Xiangtao Lin2, Haitao Ge1, Shuwei Liu1 Xiuping Zhang1Ъ, Zhaoyi Lin1Ъ, Ting Luo1, Xiaodan Guo2, Xiangqun Yang2* 1 Company5 of Student Brigade, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433, China. 2Department of Anatomy, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433, China. ЪThese authors contributed equally to this study, * corresponding authors. Toreduce bleeding and nerve injury during the pelvicendoscopicseminal vesicles resection,therelatedvessels and nervesof the maleseminal vesicles (SVs)werestudied.The course and distribution of the arteryto seminal vesicles (ASVs) were observed, while the distance between the prostatic plexus and the median sulcus of prostate (MSP) was measuredin 20 male pelvis.TheASVs originatedfrom inferior vesical artery, after passed through the prostaticplexus,then distributed to the SVs by 4 types.The ASVs goingto theSVsby 1 branch directly was 55%, andrunning between theSVsand the ampulla of ductus deferens with 1 branch was 15%, which gave off small branches to the SVs. The ASVs running downward by 2 branches was 25%, among which one went to the SVsdirectly, the other ran between the SVs and the ampulla of ductus deferens.Other typeswere5%.The distance between the prostaticplexustothe MSP was 2.85±0.178cm. In conclusion,the surgeonsshould pay attention to 4 types of the ASVs, and perform the operation in less than 2.8 cm lateral toMSP to reduce the vessels and nerves injuries A4012 Quantitative and positioning anatomic study of human cavernous nerves Zijun Huang1, Xiaodan Guo2, Huilong Huang2, Xiangqun Yang2* 1 Research Center for Sectional and Imaging Anatomy, Shandong University School of Medicine, Jinan, Shandong 250012, China˗2 Shandong Medical Imaging Research Institute, Jinan, Shandong 250021, China We construct a novel brain atlas for neurosurgery guidance using high quality thin serial sectional images and wellvalidated image processing techniques. One human brain specimen was sliced into 0.1mm serial sections along AC-PC line using digital freezing milling technique, and the successive cross-sections were photographed with highresolution digital camera. After image processing, a 3D brain volume was reconstructed with a total of 1506 images, we registered the brain volume to the Chinese_56 brain atlas we created before using nonlinear transformation to get a brain atlas based on serial sectional data. Semi-automatic method was used to segment the basal nucleus and an atlas of basal nucleus was built. This atlas not only has detailed anatomical structure information and histological information, but also has the spatial character of MRI brain template, so it will be a precise reference for computational brain studies and image guided neurosurgery. A4011 Clinical anatomic studyof the arteries and nerves of the seminal vesicles The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 1 Company 3 of Clinical Medicine, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433, China. 2Department of Anatomy, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433, China. * corresponding author. The injury of cavernous nerves (CNs) is a main reason for the postoperative impotence among the patients undergoing radical prostatectomy. Previous studies paid less attention to quantitative measurement of the CNs related to radical prostatectomy. In the present study, eighteen male pelves fixed with formalin were dissected and some quantitative data of CNs was measured. The CNs were formed by 5~8 nerve fibers from the prostatic plexus, and ran towards the apex of prostate along both sides with 1~3 branches, then penetrating the deep perineal space with 1~4 branches 3 mm lateral to the apex of prostate. The penetrating point were at the 3~4 o'clock position on the right and at the 7~9 o'clock position on the left. The start point of CNs was 31.98 ± 4.65 mm from the bladder neck plane and 34.09 ± 7.88 mm from the plane of prostate apex, while the penetrating point was 38.45 ± 4.00 mm from the bladder neck, and 33.83 ± 4.58 mm from the puboprostatic ligament. In conclusion, this study enriches the quantitative and positioning data of human CNs, and provides more accurate safe distance for nervesparing radical prostatectomy. Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 49 transferring the tendons of semitendinosus and gracilis in surgery, we should observe array pattern of tendon carefully in order to avoid injuring the tendon of sartorius. A4022 Improvement of the fasciatomy: from the anatomical view A4030 Yang Liu, Rui Yang, Ye Yuan, Xiaodan Guo, Fang Liuᇞ The neurovascular relationships and the pathological changes of cistemal segment of Chinese abducent nerve in hypertension Department of Anatomy, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433 To pick out the easiest damaged tissues in forearms and shanks, define the location of them and determine an optimal pathway to avoid the injuries during fasciatomy. Totally more than 60 bodies were dissected according to the minimal invasive and maximal decompressive concept. The length, depth, width and distances of or between some key structures like bones, vessels and nerves in the forearm and shank were observed and measured. The relative positions of those key structures above were located by bony landmarks. Some “safe areas” were designed both in the forearm and shank, such as the middle part of the anterior shank between fibula and tibia, the narrow area posterior to the line from capitulum fibulae to lateral malleolus and the area around the most medial tendon of flexor digitorum sublimis, which avoid the high density of vessels and nerves relatively. Some net-like small incisions surrounding the main incision are reommended for less usage of tension sutures and dermatoplasty during the fasciatiomy. A4029 The arrangement type of tendons in pes anserinus in chinese population: a research for improving harvest method Zekun Feng1†, Miao Wang2†, Zixuan Lu2, Rui Zhou2, Xiaotong Li3, Xiaodan Guo3, Xi Zhang3*, Chuansen Zhang3* Wei Wang, Lei Liu, Xiao Chang, Aiqun Wu, Huilong Huang, XiaoDan Guo Department of Anatomy, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433, China To study the neurovascular relationships and the pathological changes of cistemal segment of Chinese abducent nerve in hypertension. Recording the abducent nerve’s vascular passage and the relation between its surrounding vessels and itself, along with the measure of the segments in abducent nerve by dissecting 25 (50 sides) heads injected with red latex. Anterior inferior cerebellar, posterior inferior cerebellar, labyrinthine, pontine artery, vertebral artery, basilar artery are included in the surrounding vessels of the pons’ segments. The abducent nerve contacts with AICI the most of all ( 47.8% touching, 13.8% pressing) and the heaviest press for it comes from vertebral artery. The abducent nerve became bending and thinner squeezed by the curved artery in fourteen specimens(28%). The neurovascular relation between the cistemal segment of abducent nerve is discovered intricate, and abducent nerve may become bending and thinner squeezed by the curved artery, which may help to explicate the problem of abducent nerve palsy patients with unknown causes. A4034 Application of chinese visible human in digital medicine 1 . Brigade of Postgraduate Administration, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433. 2. The 4th Team of Student Brigade, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433. 3. Regenerative Medicine Core, Second Military Medicine University, Shanghai 200433. † These authors contributed equally to this study, * Corresponding authors Shaoxiang Zhang, Liwen Tan Institute of Digital Medicine, Third Military Medical University, Chongqing 400038, China The tendons of semitendinosus, gracilis, and sartorius were investigated about their end location and positional relationship. The purpose is to provide detailed data of anatomy for harvesting the tendons as transplant donors in surgery. Sixty-nine lower extremities from fixed cadavers were dissected to expose the pes anserinus. The end location and array pattern of tendons of insertions of sartorius, semitendinosus, and gracilis were observed and measured. Three types of array pattern of the tendons in pes anserinus were found. The lowest bound of tendons in pes anserinus located 17.65±7.59mm below the transverse plane of tibial tuberosity. And the average length from the end point of semitendinosus, gracilis, and sartorius to the inner edge of tibial crest is 15.50±5.57mm, 13.76±5.51mm, and 12.94±6.29mm, respectively. When harvesting the tendons in pes anserinus, the incision site for pes anserinus tendons should be 17.65±7.59mm below the tibial tuberosity and 14.06± 5.99mm medial to the tibial crest. In addition, the three types of the tendon array pattern suggest that when Chinese Visible Human (CVH) has been widely applied to digital medicine. We have carried out series of research on its application, especially in the following areas: Ultrasonography: We have developed a digital human and ultrasound image matching system, which helps to simulate the section images provided by ultrasonography based on the digital human model, to assist clinicians in identifying the images of patients’ body structures. Radiotherapy: We have built a simulation system for radiotherapy, which can accurately locate the foci, applicable to conformal and intensity modulated radiotherapy.Orthopedic surgery: We have simulated screw fixation in vertebral arch surgery. CVH simulation can confirm the appropriate position of the pedicle screw and thus prevent nerve or vessel injuries. Interventional diagnosis and treatment: We have simulated the process of coronary angiography and coronary stent implantation, and are working on virtual interventional surgery training system. Teaching: We have established the Digital Anatomy Teaching System, which is applied to teaching and learning of human anatomy.With in-depth research and advanced The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 50 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• techniques, CVH will be applied more widely in digital medicine. Variation of proper hepatic artery absence report of 1 cases A4039 Meiling Huang, Peifeng Yang, An Huang, Changchu Wu, Minghua Hu. Human abducent nerve showed on 3d-space MRI with corresponding sectional anatomy Chao Li, Shuwei Liu Research Center for Sectional and Imaging Anatomy, Shandong University Abducent nerves had been studied for a long time, but they were rarely observed by MRI combined with corpse specimen. In this study, we explored the course and adjacent relationships of abducent nerve in order to provide the morphological basis for the imaging diagnosis and surgery of abducent nerve lesions.34 adults were recruited to scan for the MRI images using 3D-SPACE sequence.36, 18, 15 cases of adult head specimens were respectively made into serial transverse sections, sagittal sections and coronal sections by the electric band saw using freezing microtomy. The MRI characteristics of the abducent nerve and the anatomical features were analyzed through specific sections. Our results revealed that on transverse section, the detectable rate for cisternal segment and Dorello canal segment of abducent nerves were 97.06% and 94.12%; on sagittal section, the cisternal segment was 51.50% and the cavernous sinus segment was 42.60% on coronal section. So abducent nerves are well observed by 3D-SPACE sequences combining sectional images on corpse specimen. A4055 Applied anatomic study of the ulnar nerve and its blood supply at the elbow region Meixiu Li, Tianhong Peng, Zhonglin Hu Laboratory of Clinical Anatomy,University of south China, Hengyang, 421001, China. To provide anatomic basis for treating cubital tunnel syndrome(CTS) through anterior transposition of the ulnar nerve involving blood supply. We detected the ulnar nerve and its blood supply in the elbow region(ER) of adult cadavers upper limbs which were injected with red-colored latex(n=30), other 6 fresh adult cadavers upper limbs were injected with modifed gelatin-lead oxide, taken radiographs after dissociated the ulner nerve and blood vessels. The clinical surgical procedure was simulating on adult cadaver upper limbs(n=30). We found that three major arteries supply the ulnar nerve in ER, the average length of the vessels accompanying the ulnar nerve was 15.7cm, 5.0cm and 5.9cm respectively. The distance between the origination of artery and medial epicondyle of humerus was 15.0cm, 4.5cm and 5.0cm respectively. The antelocation range of the nerve at the tension-free state was 1.8cm averagely. Our data shows procedure of preserving the blood supply in anterior transposition of the ulnar nerve is feasible for CTS. Supported by Educational Commission of Hunan Province key program˄12A119˅ A4069 The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists Changsha Medical University, Changsha, 410219, Hunan China In the production of human anatomy, found a case of adult male proper hepatic artery variation specimen,adopt the measure method of observation investigation found that the cases of specimens of celiac artery dry level branches did not see abnormalities, the hepatic artery two branches were left hepatic artery, right hepatic artery and gastroduodenal artery, but not proper hepatic artery, examination revealed right gastric artery originated from the gastroduodenal artery. Analysis of the reference anatomical data, the starting point and the variations of the branches of proper hepatic artery in form, but the absence of proper hepatic artery, hepatic artery branch by directly for variation of left, right hepatic artery is rare, because has the important guiding sense distribution of hepatic blood vessels in the image anatomy study and clinical diagnosis and treatment of application. The report for reference. (Corresponding: HU Ming-hua). A4111 A case of right femur atrophy Changchu Wu, Li Pan, Xianglian He, Wang Yan, Zhao Pin, Guanlan Liu, Jianming Li Changsha Medical University, Changsha, 410219, Hunan China A case of right femur atrophy was found in the anatomical specimen library. The specimen was adult male. In the transverse section of the middle portion of right thigh, sagittal diameter was 154mm (165mm in the normal control group), the transverse diameter was 124mm (135mm in the normal control group), and the girth was 440mm (463.80mm in the normal control group). In the transverse section, various muscle group of thigh underwent atrophy and were replaced by adipose tissue. The compact bone of corpus femoris became thinner, sagittal diameter of corpus femoris was 12mm (26.28mm in the normal control group), transverse diameter was 15.2mm (28.09mm in the normal control group), and the thickness of compact bone of corpus femoris was 2.8mm (4.89±0.98mm in the normal control group). According to the references, this specimen belonged to Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. It was a kind of sex linked genetic inheritance disease, usually occurred in male. A4115 Variation of double proper hepatic artery report of 1 cases Peifeng Yang, A Hang n, Zheng Liu, Yaling Liu, Jun Li, Changchu Wu, Minghua Hu Changsha Medical University, Changsha, 410219, Hunan China Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 51 Data sources and sample room, for adult males, hepatic portal area and the structure clear display. Measurement of non observation of hepatic artery divides into 2 branches of proper hepatic artery. The right hepatic artery is thick and short, is located in the common bile duct after 25.00mm left ascending branches into 2, right main branch of right hepatic artery, with portal vein into the liver, the left is fine for middle hepatic artery, upward into the left hepatic lobe cleft fissure direction. The left proper hepatic artery is more slender, with middle hepatic artery into the left hepatic lobe cleft fissure direction. No abnormal portal vein. On the basis of the above study results, the specimens for double hepatic artery variation. Discussion: the variation of hepatic artery to see more with the Michel type, but does not contain doubl-e proper hepatic artery variation. Therefore, the specimens have reference value for clinical diagnosis and treatment of hepatobiliary diseases(Corresponding author: Hu Ming-hua). abdominal aortic renal artery into the door to the issued two types of 12.57 ±0.61%. This example specimens of the renal pelvis, classification of renal appearance on imaging accounted for about 4.11%. Establish classification of renal pelvis, familiar with the form of the renal pelvis, will improve the diagnostic accuracy. A4118 A case of the fourth lumbar separation was found. The upper and lower edges of cuniform lumbar had lip-shaped hyperosteogeny with bony spur. Annulus fibrosis of intervertebral disc underwent calcification. Posterior edge of Calcified annulus fibrosis had a ruptured incision. Around the incision, Schormal nodule protruded into the canalis vertebralis. Foramina nutricium became larger without connection of bone bridges. The result showed that it was a deformity specimen of vertebral compression with hyperosteogeny. The forward compression of lumbar lead nucleus pulposus to move backward and nucleus pulposus protrude into canalis vertebralis and then calcification occurred. Vertebral compression and hyperosteogeny have been well reported. Intervertebral disc calcification usually occurred with severe degeneration changes. Middle herniation of intervertebral disc is rarely seen, besides this specimen may cause the spinal canal stenosis, which can provide some useful information for clinic diagnosis and treatment.( Corresponding: Qiliang Zhou). The right renal malformations with multiple renal vascular variations: A case report Xinyi Huang, Lunli Xie, An Huang, Xiangjiang Xu, Changchu Wu Changsha Medical University, Changsha, 410219, Hunan China. One case of female baby with right renal malformation was found in anatomy library. The measurement of non observation: right kidney was located under liver, equivalent to the edge of L1 to L3 vertebral levels, surface lobulated, clear renal ditch. The front ilum of the kidney misses a lot, the renal pelvis and renal vessels bare visible; renal artery elongated, 3 branch into the kidney, it equivalents to the level of the inferior mesenteric artery. Inside the lower right kidney visible two accessory renal arteries which from the upper right side of the common iliac artery: 1 adrenal vein of the Kidney inside the lower was about 40 degree upward into the inferior vena cava. Results: the case was congenital deformity of right kidney naive, with multiple renal vascular variation. In view of the renal arteries from common iliac artery was rarely reported. The data for in-depth study of the case of kidney embryogenesis and clinical application has a good reference value (Corresponding author, WU Chang-chu). A4124 A hyperosteogeny case of lumbar compression with intervertebral disc calcification Xiaodong Zhang, Hu Jie, Zhenhao Fang, Zhao Pin, Changchu Wu, Qiliang Zhou. Changsha Medical University, Changsha, 410219, Hunan China A4126 Double upper wisdom teeth FuSheng and mandibular wisdom tooth missing such as deformed image anatomy in 1 case Peng Ke, Jinyong Lin, Yiping Yi, Zhiyi Zhouˈ Yongmei Huang, Changchu Wu Changsha Medical UniversityˈChangsha 410219ˈHunan China A4123 Bilateral renal artery in two, and a large renal pelvis specimens Sunjian Yong, Lunli Xie, Changchu Wu Changsha Medical University, Changsha, 410219, Hunan China Abdominal aorta issued four renal artery and double renal pelvis were found after the anatomy of a mature male specimens, height 166 cm. Methods: using metric scale and vernier caliper (0.02 mm) measured, using a digital camera taking pictures records. Results: Triangular double renal pelvis after the observation, and was bigger than normal people. Abdominal aorta of left and right edge respectively from upper and lower two branches: upper and lower branch (16.64 mm and 53.98 mm) long; Upper and lower (24.86 mm and 44.42 mm) long. Discussion: on one side of the Information is from Changsha central hospital dental, ID: 2013120800004, male, 32 years old. On top is X-ray slice observation:lower teeth sequence on each side - 1-7, in all 28, complete tooth shadow. Teeth shadow show maxillary wide jaw, have dislocation occlusion and micro movable phenomenon. Finding outside maxillary second molars of lateral root above each have an ambush wisdom teeth shadow, resistancing the second molar lateral root, and chin isn’t see wisdom teeth. On the basis of analysis, the cases of image data for the upper wisdom teeth FuSheng and mandibular wisdom tooth missing as dislocation with teeth and movable deformities. Discussion: referring to data, generally men are around the age of 22 to 28 should appear, and late-onset wisdom teeth maxillary more can be found in the jaw, combined with the cases of mandibular third molar is absent, illustrating to researching occurrence and The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 52 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• development, has reference author, WU Chang-chu). significance(Corresponding A4135 Mutation analysis of the CYP1B1 gene in primary congenital glaucoma patients Jin Zhou The Department of Anatomy, Anhui Medical College, Hefei, Anhui,China To undertake mutation screen of cytochrome P4501B1 gene (CYP1B1) in Chinese patients with primary congenital glaucoma (PCG). Thirteen Chinese patients were collected with PCG from Ophthalmic of XiangYa hospital. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and restrict fragment length polymorphism was performed that a novel CYP1B1 mutation (hotorozygous L107V) was found in one PCG patient (7.7%); Additionally, 4 reported single nucleotide polymorphisms (R48W, A119S, V432L, D449D) were identified in the CYP1B1 gene in our patients. These findings suggest that the novel CYP1B1 gene mutation (L107V) may be the cause for PCG. A4159 Three-dimensional reconstruction of blood vessel and nerve in the upper limb Tianhong Peng, Meixiu Li, Qiong He Department of Anatomy, University of South China, Hengyang, 421001, China To reconstruct the processes of the blood vessels and nerves in the upper limb by three-dimensional(3D), and explore an method for 3D reconstruction about blood vessels and nerves. We perfused the adult fresh cadaver specimen with lead oxide-gelatine mixture, dissected and dissociated the main branches of brachial plexus and major arteries of the upper limb. The surface of nerve was painted repeatedly and uniformly with 40% lead nitrate cream and then took pictures by CT scanning. These images were digitally analyzed by Amira 3.1 software, and the arteries or the branches of brachial plexus were reconstructed with these data. These reconstructed models could rotating in every direction to display the spatial relationship of the main arteries and the major branches of brachial plexus. Suggested digitized images about the blood vessels and nerves in the upper limb can offer section by section insights into their anatomies; 3D reconstruction can be used in clinical training, pre-operative designing and virtual operation procedures. Supported by Educational Commission of Hunan Province key program˄ 12A119˅ A4174 Sectional anatomy and MRI of intracranial segment of the oculomotor nerve Min Xiao1, Xiaohong Wang1, Yuchun Tang1, Linlin Yang2, Xiangtao Lin2, Shuwei Liu1* The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 1 Research Center for Sectional and Imaging Anatomy, Shandong University; 2Shandong Medical Imaging Research Institute To describe the anatomical features and MRI of the oculomotor nerve and provide anatomy data for the imaging diagnosis and surgery in oculomotor nerve lesions. 34 healthy volunteers were examined by a conventional T2WI sequence and a 3D-SPACE sequence on a 3.0T Magnetic resonance system;69 sets of adult heads were sectioned into serial transverse(36 sets), sagittal(18 sets) and coronal(15 sets) sections. The transverse section of cisternal oculomotor nerve was shaped like an up side down “V”. From the paramedian sagittal plane, the nerve ran inferior to posterior cerebral artery and superior to superior cerebellar artery. The posterior cerebral artery or superior cerebellar artery could oppress the oculomotor nerve to different degrees. The transverse, sagittal and coronal section can demonstrate the recognization of the course and the relations to surrounding tissues of the oculomotor nerve. A4205 An Anatomic Study of Interconnections between the Flexor Hallucis Longus tendon and Flexor Digitorum Longus Tendons in Asians Haijiao Mao1, Zengyuan Shi1, Dachuan Xu2 1 Department of orthopedics,the Affiliated Hospital of Medical School of Ningbo University,Ningbo,China; 2Department of Anatomy, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, China * Tendon transfer of the flexor hallucis longus tendon (FHL) or the flexor digitorum longus tendon (FDL) into the Achilles tendon is carried out in patients with Achilles tendon rupture or tendinitis. FDL and FHL are connected in the region of the knot of Henry. Several investigators have reported their anatomic variations of in the region of the knot of Henry. However, they reported 3 different types basis on small sample cases. There have been no such anatomic studies in Asia to date.Sixty cadaver legs were dissected, and the relationship of the FHL tendon with the FDL tendon was analyzed. Only two different configurations were found. In type 1, a tendinous slip branched from the FHL to the FDL (58 of 60 feet). In type 2, a slip branched from the FHL to the FDL and another from the FDL to FHL (2 of 60). The tendinous ship connection from the FHL to the FDL in the foot may be more frequent than previously reported. Only two configurations of the anatomical relationship of the distal FDL to FHL tendons were found in this study with large sample. Based on these results, to preserve the function of great toe after transfer of the proximal FHL tendon, routine tenodesis should be done. A4220 The effects of treadmill exercise on the white matter changes in female APP/PS1 transgenic AD mouse Chunni Zhou, Lin Jiang, Yi Zhang, Lei Zhang, Fenglei Chao, Yun Xiu, Yuan Gao, Chunxia Huang, Jin Ma, Sanrong Wang, Yong Tang* Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 53 Departmentof Histology and Embryology, Chongqing Medical University, P. R. China Department of Histology and Embryology, Chongqing Medical University, P. R. China Whether exercise can delay the process of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is still controversial. To address this issue, 6month-old female APP / PS1 transgenic mice were divided into control group and exercise group. Exercised mice ran for four months. We found that when compared to control group, the escape latency in the Morris water maze was significantly shortened, and the white matter volume of exercised group was significantly increased. The quantitative information of the myelinated fibers in the white matter is being collected with the new stereological methods. Our preliminary data indicated that exercise could delay the decline in the cognitive function and white matter volume of female AD mice. These data together with the coming results of the myelinated fibers in the white matter might provide an important scientific basis for understanding the mechanism for the fact that running exercise could delay AD progress. Postmenopausal women will accelerate the process of agerelated cognitive decline. Estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) could improve the learning and spatial memory capacity and protect the white matter structures in postmenopausal women. However, the relationship between ERT and the myelin sheaths of the myelinated fibers in the aged white matter has not been studied. In this study, we found that when compared to the control rats, the escape latency in the Morris water maze of ERT rats was significantly shortened, and the total volume of the myelin sheaths and the difference between the inner perimeter and the outer perimeter of the myelin sheaths in the ERT rats were significantly increased. The present results suggested that ERT had positive protective effects on the learning and spatial memory capacity and the myelin sheaths of the myelinated fibers in the white matter of middle-aged ovariectomized rats. A4227 A4288 Applied anatomy of mandibular canal and inferior alveolar nerve Triptolide (T10), a Chinese herb extract inhibites neuroglia cell activation and proliferation in the hippocampus of dtg APP/PS1 mice model of Alzheimers’ disea Wenhao Feng1, Nengrui Yang1Ƒ, Rongming Ji2, Huilong Huang2, Xinnan Zhao1, Yunjie Shi1, Shaohai Wang 3, Fang Liu2#, Jiajun Xu2Ƹ Jianming Li1,2,, Deliang Lei1 1 Department of Anatomy, 2. Clinical Group 9 of Students' Brigade, 3. Department of Stomatology, Changhai Hospital, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433, China 1 Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology, Xiangya School of Medicine, Central South University, Changsha, Hunan 410013, China; 2Department of Anatomy ,Changsha Medical University, Changsha, Hunan 410219, China The aim of this study is to provide the anatomical data for protecting the inferior alveolar nerve (IAN) in clinic dentures implantation.The distance of mandibular canal to the alveolar border, the distance between the exterior margin of the mandibular canal and the buccal side or the lingual side of the mandibular plate were measured. The distance from the mandibular canal to the dental root of different teeth was as follows: 12.57 mm to central incisor, 10.06 mm to lateral incisor, 9.28 mm to cuspid teeth, 8.04 mm to second premolar, and 7.59 mm to second molar. The lengths of the IAN outside and inside of the mandibular canal were 25.93 mm and 67.97 mm respectively.The width and thickness of the IAN at inferior dental foramen were 2.58 mm and 1.86 mm respectively. The distance of the inferior alveolar margin to the mandibular canal in the alveolar resorption was smaller than that of the alveolar unabsorbed. The distance from the mandibular canal to the alveolar border of different teeth was as follows: 11.98 mm to central incisor, 10.79 mm to lateral incisor, 11.49 mm to cuspid teeth, 10.38 mm to second premolar, and 8.99 mm to second molar. A4277 The effects of estrogen replacement therapy on the white matter and myelin sheaths in the white matter of middle-aged ovariectomized rats Qi He, Yanmin Luo, Fulin Lv, Qian Xiao, Fenglei Chao, Xuan Qiu, Lei Zhang, Yuan Gao, Yun Xiu, Chunxia Huang, Yong Tang* Alzheimer's disease (AD) is an age-related neurological disease . The principal pathological feature of the disease is the extracellular deposition of fibrillar beta- amyloid (Aȕ) protein and its compaction into senile plaques (SPs). These focal deposits or SPs is the focus of a complex inflammatory cellular reaction involving the activation of both microglia and astrocytes adjacent to the amyloid plaque. The transgenic murine expression of amyloid precursor protein (APPswe) and presenilin 1 (PS1¨E9) human mutations cloned from patients with familial AD results in the deposition of mutant Aȕ protein and the formation of SPs with activation of microglia and astrocytes . The present study is to assess the effects of T10ˈa Chinese herb extract on neuralgia within the hippocampus of dtg APP/PS1 mice. Our data suggests that T10 inhibited neuroglia cell activation and proliferation in a concentration dependent manner . A4295 Polysaccharide extracted from morinda officinalis how intragastric administration improves reproduc tive repair in rats with experimental varicocele Zhu Zhu, Wei Wang Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology, Fujian Medical University, Fuzhou, Fujian Province (350004), China Fifty-six male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly assigned to 7 groups: Control group, sham-operated group, VC group, three polysaccharide-treated VC groups (25 mg/kg.d, 50 The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 54 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• mg/kg.d, 100 mg/kg.d respectively), and saline-treated VC group. Experimental varicocele was induced by partial ligation of the left renal vein. Polysaccharides or saline intragastric administration were performed daily for 6 weeks after operation. Compared with VC group or saline-treated group, there were increases in sperm counts, and decreases in teratosperm rates in the polysaccharide-treated groups(P<0.05); serum testosterone, LH, FSH levels also increased(P<0.05), and dose-effect curve could be established. Obvious damage of spermatogenic cell was observed in the VC group, while the abnormalities were attenuated by polysaccharide treatments. After polysaccharide treatment, FSH receptor in testes of polysaccharide-treated groups increased(P<0.05), meanwhile, androgen receptor in hypothalamus increased(P<0.05). Expression of GnRH in hypothalamus increased in 50 mg/kg.d and 100 mg/kg.d polysaccharide-treated VC groups(P<0.05). Our study demonstrated that polysaccharide extracted from MOP may exert therapeutical effects on reversal of testicular lesions through improving secretory activity of hypothalamus,in varicocele. A4312 Inhalation of hydrogen alleviated the hepatic injury by reducing the expression of UCP2 protein Chunhua Chen, Jianwei Wang, Lihua Qin, Li Zheng, Zhiyuan Wang, and Weiguang Zhang* Radiology, Affiliated Hospital of Medical College, Qingdao University; 3 Department of Epidemiology, Qingdao Municipal Central for Disease Control and Prevention The default mode network (DMN) has been considered as one of the most intriguing puzzles in cognitive neuroscience. Previous studies have found that the key regions within the DMN are highly interconnected and causally interacted. However, it remains unclear how genetic control over the causal information flow within the DMN during resting state. Using recent advances in dynamic causal modeling (DCM), we investigated the importance of genetic effects on the DMN by examining the effective connectivity among 46 pairs of twin subjects. Model comparison procedures favored a full-connected model. Heritability for the effective connectivity of the DMN was 0.54. Establishing the heritability of default-mode effective connectivity authorizes the use of resting-state networks as endophenotypes or intermediate phenotypes in the search for the genetic roots of psychiatric or neurological illnesses. A4325 A report of elongated styloid process connected with the hyoid in Chinese Han people Mingxu Sun, Fang Gu*, Xiaoyu Feng, Yunlong Zheng, Rui Liu, Fanglong Li Qingdao university medical collegeˈShangdong China Department of Anatomy and EmbryologyˈPeking University Health Science Centerˈ38 Xueyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100191,China This study aimed to examine the influence of hydrogen inhalation ˄ 3%H2 ˅ on hepatic steatosis and explore the mechanism of hydrogen effect by observing the expression of UCP2 .Thirty male Wistar rats were randomly divided into and control group, hydrogen group,CCl4 group CCl4+hydrogn group. Blood samples were collected for serum alanine transaminase(ALT)level detection. The hepatic tissues were stained with HE and oil red O. The expression of UCP2 protein was shown by IHC and western blot. The serum ALT decreased significantly in the hydrogen treatment group compared with the CCl4 group (p ˘ 0.05),and was similar to the level of control and hydrogen group. After hydrogen treatment, the vacuolar structures disappeared in the cytoplasm and the amount of red droplets reduced apparently. The expression of UCP2 protein found in the cytoplasm increased obviously in the hydrogen group than the control and CCl4 group. Inhalation of hydrogen could alleviate hepatic injury combined with the increased UCP2 expression in the hepatic tissues which might relate to the decrease of the inteacelluar oxidative stress. A4323 Genetic control the dynamics of default mode network Junhai Xu1, Yuchun Tang1, Wenjian Xu2, Zengchang Pang2, Shuwei Liu1 1 Research Center for Sectional and Imaging Anatomy, Shandong University School of Medicine; 2 Department of The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists We found that both sides styloid process were structural abnormalities when we dissected a specimen. Special reports were as the following: the specimen is male,Pingdu Shandong province China,56 years old, 176 cm height, 156 pounds weight, died 5 years ago because of the disease, volunteering to donate his body for anatomy teaching. The left styloid process was rougher and longer. It went upwards to lower surface of temporal bone, downwards to the lesser horn of hyoid, 80 mm at length, and there are two thickening structure look like the joints in the middle of them, 9 mm at its widest point, small range of activities available and well enveloped; While the right part was a little thinner and shorter, about 58 mm at length, connected not directly with the hyoid bone, and well envelope. A4336 A innovative method to imitate human cerebellum specimens Xueyan Cai Department of Anatomy,Guangdong Medical College,China Background:The human cerebellum specimens are easy to damage in practice for teaching of gross anatomy.It is thriftless for simple teaching purposes.Methods:In the experiment,the human cerebellum specimen was imitated with tofu stuff.Step 1 the fixed cerebellum specimen was crued to get an original model.Step 2 made a silicone mold of the human cerebellum specimen by brushing way,then made a outer mold with gypsum,remove the cerebellum specimen,get a compound mold.Step 3 prepared the soft tofu that obtained by mixing with hot(over 90ć)solution(added Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 55 with appropriate amount coffee powder and burnt sienna gouache colour) and instant soft tofu powder(180ml:192g), kept in still position for 15 minutes.Step 4 broke and pressed the soft tofu into the compound mold quickly through an accessorial funnel,the operation quicker,the bonding easyer, the texture harder,the colour darker.Step 5 slowly and carefully remove the compound mold.Results:The artificial cerebellum model made of tofu was lifelike,flexible,wet,easy to damage just like the human cerebellum specimens,but it is total grey, there was no colour contrast between grey and white matter, it can be revealed from the cross section of pendunculus cerebellaris medius clearly. The artificial cerebellum model can be duplicated recurringly, economically, it has more proximater texture. It is more like real specimens than cerebellar models mode of rubber, plastic,gypsum.In one ward, it is a nice surrogate of human cerebellum specimens for the teaching of gross anatomy. A4350 Three-dimensional reconstruction of mesorectum in Chinese children Wenrui Li1, ᇞLequn Zhou1, Xing Zhang2, Long tian1, Yingjiang Ye2, Shan Wang2, and * Weiguang Zhang1 Ƹ Department of Anatomy and Embryology, Peking University Health Science Center, 38Xueyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100191, China 2Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery, Peking University People’s Hospital, Beijing, China The 3D digitizing establish of cerebellar veins and its tributaries by SWI in adults Urogenital dysfunction after rectal and pelvic surgery was significantly decreased with the introduction of nervepreserving dissection and total mesorectal excision (TME). However, there is little report about the accurate border of mesorectum, as well as the specific anatomical structures of nerves and lymph nodes around the mesorectum, focused on Chinese people. In this study, serial histological sections were made from four human children (two female), with each section 20 to 60ȝm. They were stained with hematoxylin and eosin, Sirius red, masson's trichrome and immunohistochemical reagents to reveal different structure and also two sorts of nerves. All sections were then digitalized and reconstructed in three dimensions (3D). Computer-assisted anatomical dissection (CAAD) was used. We located the mesorectum, the fascia and nerves around the mesorectum, the lymph nodes in the mesorectum in 3D. Above all, this study has revealed visualizations of optimal planes for rectal surgery with nerve preservation. The results also provide apparent combinations between the histological examinations and the surgery findings. Compared to foetal 3D reconstruction, the result of children histological section was easier extrapolated to adults. Inhalation of hydrogen gas ameliorate the expression of S6K1 in CCl4 -injured spermatogenic cells of rats Zhiyuan Wang1, ƸJinghua Tian2, Changwen Zhou2, Jianwei Wang1, Ke Wang1, Changman Zhou1, and * Weiguang Zhang1 Ƹ 1 Department of Anatomy and Embryology, Peking University Health Science Center, 38Xueyuan Road, Haidian District, The 70-kDa ribosomal protein S6 kinase 1 (S6K1) act to control mRNA translation and regulate proliferation among cells. In the present study, we investigated the role of S6K1 following testis spermatogenic injuries induced by carbon tetrachloride (CCl4). Thirty male SD rats were randomly divided into 3 groups: sham, CCl4-4w, CCl4-4w+H2 (inhaled 3% H2 gas for 1 week). An established rat testis injury model was prepared by subcutaneously injecting the mixture of CCl4˄60%˅and oil˄40%˅by 3ml/kg body weight twice a week. Epididymal sperm density, HE staining, immunohistochemistry and western blot of P70S6K1 and PCNA in the spermatogenic cells of testis were examined. CCl4 exposure significantly reduced sperm density in rats. P70S6K1 and PCNA decreased in spermatogonium. In the H2 gas inhalation group, H2 gas significantly increased the sperm density and improved the expressions of S6K1 and PCNA in spermatogonium (P<0.05). In conclusion, our study suggests that S6K1 plays a significant role in spermatogenic cells of testis injuries induced by carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) and H2 inhalation maybe protect the male animals from CCl4 induced reproductive damage. A4412 1 A4393 Beijing 100191, China; 2Department of Anatomy, Heze Medical College, Shandong China Xiaofen Zhang, Huihuang Qiao, Chuangen Ren, Zhongxiao Lin, Ming Cai, Zhongxiao Chen, Jianwu Zheng, Chengchun Chen Wenzhou Medical University , Wenzhou, Zhejiang 325035, China Until now the normal anatomical data of the cerebellar veins are very scarce. Susceptibility weighted imaging(SWI) is a 3Dˈhigh resolution and gradient-echo imaging technique, which can detect less than an individual element of the venule (200~300ȝm).The research is to carry out data acquisition of 200 healthy participants by using minimum Intensity Projection (mIP) and Multiplanar reconstruction of post-processing technology for 3D digitizing reconstruction, so as to establish a detailed database of the cerebellar veins and its tributaries and explore the constructing method of small veins less than 100ȝm in the area of cerebellar cortex and medulla.The study will promote cerebellar veins related diseases and tumor diagosis and treatment of early regeneration capillaries. A4413 The 3D visual research in venous network of basal ganglia region Huihuang Qiao, Xiaofen Zhang, Chuangen Ren, Ming Cai, Xindong Yang, Zhongxiao Lin, Zhongxiao Chen, Chengchun Chen Wenzhou Medical University, Wenzhou, Zhejiang, China This study is to obtain image data and to explore discipline of distribution, drainage and coincide in Venous network of basal ganglia region via SWI. We apply various MR The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 56 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• sequences to obtain data which is compared with SWI, then reconstruct image and take all data into statistical analysis such as amount, spatial position, diameter, length, reflux position, reflux angle and so on. The final result reveal that SWI can develop venule reaching 200ȝm and develop the 3level branches clearly. And we find that there are many microvascular anastomosis between arteries and veins in this region and the venous network distribution is relatively concentrated. It comes to a conclusion that SWI which has been a significant mean of detecting venule will obviously increase the detection rate of venule, insidious cerebrovascular disease and early tumor. It will be extremely helpful to increase the efficiency and quality in the clinical diagnosis and treatment via completing various data in venous network of basal ganglia region. A4439 MRI study on morphology in human brain striatum Guiqin Bai Department of Anatomy, North Sichuan Medical University,Sichuan637000,China Generally considered that Parkinson's disease and other neuropsychiatric diseases may cause changes in striatal morphology. Many scholars had in-depth discussions on the relevance of the morphological change of corpus striatum. However, due to the different object of study, research methods, the results are not consistent.So, the application of the research results in the practice of clinical diagnosis and treatment has been limited. Based on this, in this study, through the acquisition of healthy adult living donor striatum magnetic resonance images, the data about the striatum volume, area, linear indicators was measured, which based on sectional anatomy studies of the corpus striatum. Then comparatived studies the cross sections and the MRI observation data, and discussed the changed rule in sections and MRI of the corpus striatum, to provide valuable information for healthy adults in striatal morphology data standards, and improve their application in clinical diagnosis on related diseases. Meanwhile, this study also use voxelbased morphology the measurement (VBM) method for calculating the volume of brain tissue, to lay the foundation for exploring the striatum cognitive functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). A4465 The teaching content reform of the anatomy of the nervous system in nursing Fuxiang Liu, Xu He Teaching and research section of human anatomy to explore the major characteristic of building the teaching content of the anatomy of the nervous system in nursing. communicating with nursing specialist, we set out survey content and investigated further the clinical nursing for frontline. spinal cord location, brainstem function and its appearance, cerebellum function in central nervous system must be mastered, and the content of internal capsule should be familiar, while teaching requirements of other teaching content in central nervous system only being understood. The The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists teaching requirements of the peripheral nervous system was as follows: radial nerve, intercostal nerve, subcostal nerve, olfactory nerve , oculomotor nerve, trochlear nerve, facial nerve, vestibular cochlear nerve should be acquainted, while other teaching content only being understood; all conduction paths was required to understand except the pupillary light reflex should be familiar. The teaching requirements of anatomy of the nervous system in nursing should be lowered and the teaching content could be simplified. A4471 Analysis of a survey of human specimen’s impact on medical students Peng Liu1, Shimin Xu2, Haiping Huang2, Xiaoli Gong2, Liyan Wei2, Rong Wang2 1 Department of Anatomy, Guangxi Medical University, Nanning, Guangxi, People’s Republic of China;2Guangxi Medical University, Nanning, Guangxi, People’s Republic of China To investigate the factors of medical students’ anxiety in the process of studying systematic anatomy. The students were selected by stratified sampling and were tested with State Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) to estimate their psychological health status. They were grouped according to being only children or not, gender, age, origin and attending time. The STAI scores were analyzed by SPSS16.0. In T-AI, differences were found between the only children and nononly children˄39.97±8.10˚38.29±8.87˅, while in S-AI, none of those factors made significant difference. The nononly children are easier to be anxious, we should do more psychological counseling for them, so to reasonably release their negative emotion. A4472 The measurment of the aortomesenteric angle and the diameter of left renal vein on normal adult with CT Peng Liu1, Chunyan li2 1 Department of Anatomy, Guangxi Medical University, Nanning, China; 2Department of Radiology, the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangxi Medical University, Nanning, China To investigate the influence of the aortomesenteric angle to the pressure of left renal vein on normal adult. Select 260 cases of normal adult CT enhance scanned images. Measure the aortomesenteric angle, the diameter of left renal vein before and after the anglerespectively. The aortomesenteric angle ranged from 19°to 112°, with an average of 59.0°± 21.3°, the transverse diameter of the left renal vein before and after the angle was 0.94cm ± 0.13cm and 0.50cm ± 0.11cm respectively, wich ratio was 2.06 ± 0.61, and the ratio has weak correlation with the aortomesenteric angle (r=0.425). The compression of the left renal vein correlates on the size of the aortomesenteric angle, the distance from the angle, and the other vessels in paralleled with. A4487 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 57 The clinical applied anatomy of spinous process of thoracic vertebra Xiaohong Wang, Shuwei Liu, Yujun Xia, Haiwei Meng, Lei Feng, Xiuquan He, Fengxia Wu Daowen Si, Yitong Jia, Guozhu Hou, Yuxi Zhang Department of anatomy, medical college of Qing Dao University; 2Research Center for Sectional and Imaging Anatomy, Shandong University School of Medicine, 250012 Jinan, Shandong, China College of Basic Medicine, Hebei United University Address: No.57, Jianshenan Road, Tangshan 063000, Hebei Province, China. The aim of the study is to provide anatomical basis for clinical applied anatomy by measuring thoracic spinous process and its gap, and to accumulate data for investigation on physical fitness of Chinese people. Spinous process spacing, length, width and thickness of T1-T12 segments were measured in 20 intact formalin-fixed specimens. The results showed that spinous process tip spacing T3-4 was the largest, and T9-10 was the smallest. Spinous process length of central border T8 was the largest, and T12 was the smallest. Spinous process width T12 was the largest, and T1 was the smallest. Spinous process thickness of central border T12 was the largest, and T7 was the smallest. In conclusion, thoracic spinous spacing is tip > central > root, and appears to be a wedge-shaped structure from high to low in the sagittal plane; thoracic spinous width is roughly root > central > tip; thoracic spinous thickness is lower > central> upper, and it becomes thicker first, then becomes thinner from T1-12. Gait deficits are important clinical symptoms of Parkinson’s disease (PD). We evaluated gait changes in the methyl-4phenyl-1,2,3,6- tetrahydropyridine (MPTP)-induced C57BL /6 murine model of PD by using a computer-assisted CatWalk system. The gait readouts, including walking duration, variation of walking speed, step cycle, duty cycle, stance, initial dual stance, terminal dual stance, three- and four-point supports, and the base of support between hind limbs was noted to increase significantly one week after MPTP injection. In contrast, values of the stride length, cadence, swing speed, and diagonal dual support decreased substantially following MPTP treatment. All of these changes lasted for three weeks. Except for the stance in fore limbs and the swing speed in the hind limbs, the gait variability in PD mice showed a closer correlation with the protein levels of TH in SN than the walking distances in the conventional open field test. A4538 Effects of ginsenoside Rg1 on promoting sciatic nerve regeneration in rat model of nerve transected injury A4496 Anatomical measurement of three-dimensional reconstruction of adult talus and its significance for individualized treatment Xin Fang, Peng Zhou, Xusheng Yan, Zanjun Yang Yirong Liu, Yandong Zhang Baotou Medical College,Donghe District,Jianshe road No.31, Bao Tou, Inner Mongolia Department of anatomy, Hebei Union University, Tangshan , Hebei , China To establish digital three-dimensional computer model of the talus, and to measure the relevant anatomical data to provide anatomical parameters for clinical treatment. Sixty normal adult volunteers containing 30 males and 30 females were treated with CT scan. Scan slice thickness and pitch was 1.25mm, slice thickness was 0.625mm, reconstruction spacing was 0.625mm, Fov 30×30mm, matrix was 512×512dpi, tube voltage was 150kv and current was 260 mA. The original scan data were introduced into PC computer with the form of DICOM. Three-dimensional reconstruction software was used for post-processing and measurement. The digital and virtual reconstruction model of talus could be observed and measured from multi-plane. Measurements of the length, width, heigth of the talus; the anterior width , the posterior width, the height, the length of trochlea of talus; the length of medial and lateral malleolar facet in the male were larger than those in the female. Anatomical data from measurement have an important impact on talus diseases. the design of surgical instruments and the formulation of individualized treatment programs. To study effects of ginsenosides Rg1 on sciatic nerve after injury. Sixty SD rats were assigned into treated group and control group randomly. Ginsenosides Rg1 (40mg/kg) was administered by intraperitoneal injection to rats in treated group for 12 weeks. Expression of NGF was tested by immunohistochemistry method after 4 weeks. Sciatic nerve function index (SFI), electrophysiological index of nerve, morphologic alteration of never and muscles and weight recovery rate of gastrocnemius were studied to evaluate recovery of sciatic never after injury. The denervated changes of rats from the test group in the muscle atrophy, stretch and ascend action of paw is better than those of control group. There was more expression of NGF in treated group in 4 weeks (P<0.05). After treated with ginsenosides Rg1 for 4 to 12 weeks, SFI, nerve conduction velocity, counts of axon and weight recovery rate of gastrocnemius, indicated that there were statistically important difference between two groups( P<0.05). Ginsenosides Rg1 can promote repair, regeneration and function recovery of never after injury. A4551 A4512 Anatomical measurement of adamkiewicz artery and its supply for anterior spinal artery Quantitative assessment of gait and neurochemical correlation in a classical murine model of Parkinson’s disease Guanyu Zhang1,2, Lei Yue1,2, Xiaokun Zuo1,2, Xiaodan Guo1 and Jiajun Xu1 The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 58 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• 1 Department of Anatomy, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai, 200433, PR China; 2 Company 2, Cadet Brigade, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai, 200433, PR China To investigate the importance of Adamkiewicz artery for blood supply of spinal cord, and provide the anatomical basis to reduce postoperative complications of abdominal aneurysm and intraspinal tumors, we observed and measured course and diameter of Adamkiewicz artery as well as the diameter change of anterior spinal artery before and after anastomosing with Adamkiewicz artery in 24 adult speciemens. 70.8% Adamkiewicz arteries were located at left side between T9 and T12 level, and there was a significant change in the diameter of anterior spinal artery before and after anastomosing with Adamkiewicz artery. However, some variations appeared like two or more Adamkiewicz arteries, absence of Adamkiewicz artery and no obvious variation of the diameter of anterior spinal artery in nearly 30% specimens. All results suggest that Adamkiewicz artery be crucial for the blood supply of spinal cord in the most adults, but could be complemented or replaced by other arteries in about 30% people. A4552 Tailoring transection of MHV for Right-lobe LDLT, complex asymmetry of the MHV ramification pattern is well established, but poorly understood. Thirty-three livers removed from adult cadavers were used. The MHV branches of S4 are named as follows: inferior part is V4a, superior part is V4b, between S4a and S4b is V4a-4b. Total 343 MHV branches were encountered. There were 107 branches draining left liver, 85 branches draining both right and left liver, 151 branches draining right liver, including V4b, 2(0.6%); V4a-4b, 25(7.3%); V4a, 77(22.4%), V4a-5, 32(9.33%); V4b-8v, 19(5.54%); V4a-8v, 34(9.91%). Venous drainage pattern of S4 were MHV dominant (MHV: LHV=104:59). Pure V4b branches were very rare (MHV: LHV=2:4). V4a were most common (MHV: LHV=77:35). V4a-V4b were less common (MHV: LHV=25:20).Identifying the specific V4 vessels of the areas of the left medial segment and supply anatomical information from both sides of the liver for donor safety and graft function. A4582 An applied anatomical study on the external laryngeal nerve loop and the superior thyroid artery in the neck surgical region Applied anatomy for lumbar puncture Weitian Lu, Juan Huang, Yuan Zhong, Shanquan Sun Lei Yue1,2, Guanyu Zhang1,2, Xiaokun Zuo1,2, Xiaodan Guo1 and Jiajun Xu1* Institute of Neuroscience, Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing, China, 400016 1 Department of Anatomy, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai, 200433, PR China; 2Company 2, Cadet Brigade, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai, 200433, PR China To provide anatomical data for lumbar puncture, we measured the distance from skin to ligamenta flava, the thickness of ligamenta flava, the distance from skin to spinal dura mata, the distance from ligamenta flava to spinal dura mata, and the anteroposterior diameter of subarachnoid space through intervertebral space between L2-L3, L3-L4 and L4L5 levels in the median and paramedian approach on 20 adult specimens. There were some variations and degenerations, including ligament calcification, hyperostosis, and absence of anastomoses of ligamenta flava, in 30% of all the specimens. The measured parameters above showed no significantly differences between different levels, while the distance from ligamenta flava to spinal dura mata in median approach was obviously longer than that in the paramedian approach. Meanwhile, there existed an negative correlation between the distance from ligamenta flava to spinal dura mata and the thickness of ligamenta flava. Our results provide a reliable anatomical basis for lumbar puncture in clinic, and suggest that design of the current lumbar puncture needles need to be improved. A4568 Anatomical study of middle hepatic vein branches with segment 4 using cadaveric livers To investigate the morphology of the external laryngeal nerve (ELN) loop and its topographical relation to the superior thyroid artery (STA), so as to provide anatomical basis for protecting ELN during surgery. 48 human cadavers were dissected and analyzed. Among the low-position ELN loops, the neurovascular relationships of the STA and the nerve were classified into four types: a. the artery overlapped the nerve; b. the artery passed through the ELN loop; c. the muscular branch of ELN loop and the laryngeal branch of STA coursed together; d. the branches of the ELN loop and the STA were interlaced. (1) The patterns of ELN loop and STA branching are so complicated that none of the papers could statistically define them, which should be kept in mind to protect the nerve from injury. (2) Because of the variable morphology of the ELN loop and its complex topographic relations to the STA, the vessels should be individually isolated and then ligated during thyroidectomy. (3) During the processing of laryngeal branch ligation of STA in larynx surgery, special attention should be paid to avoid damaging muscular branch of ELN/ELN loop. A4619 Teenagers-transverse process the cervical hook hole spacing of the age change and clinical significance Xing Wang 1,3, Jun Shi 2, Shaojie Zhang 1,3, Zhijun Li 1,3ˆ , Yuanzhi Zhang 3, Jianwei Wang 1, Shang Gao1, Zhiqiang Wang1 1 Zhewu Jin, Dongyuan Xu, Xiangdan Li Department of Anatomy, Yanbian University Medical College, Yanji China The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists Department of Anatomy, Inner Mongolia Medical University, Huhhot 010059,China; 2Department of Physiology;3Digital Medical Center Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 59 Explore the uncinate-transverse hole spacing developmental patterns and aging characteristics. Select the 66 adolescents without receiving trauma and the problems of nervous system .Then these young people do thin spiral CT scan,˄0.625̚ 1.25mm.˅the range is C1-T1 . Then the original data in the form of DICOM are put into three-dimensional software to do the relevant measurement. Then conduct statistical analysis according to gender and age. There are no significant differences between The cervical hook-transverse process hole spacing between gender and side don't And these differences are not influenced by age and gender. Overall, the physical development of human increases gradually with age and has some significant differences. There exists a close relationship between distance between The cervical hook transverse process and vertebral artery type, hole spacing and the incidence of cervical spondylosis of nerve root type. control (group A) was given normal saline from gestational days 1-21. After parturition, the litters in each group were weighed and sacrificed by euthanized on postnatal day 35. The brain was weighed and the prefrontal cortices were excised, fixed in formol calcium and processed. Tissue sections were stained with: Feulgen reaction for DNA substances and Cresyl Fast Violet for Nissl substance. Using CFV, there was partial loss of Nissl substances in the litters exposed to bitter leaf on E8-E14 and E1-21 while there was more DNA loss in the litters exposed to bitter leaf on E8-E14 and E1-21. The above findings suggest that prenatal exposure of young Wistar rats to oral bitter leaf at 400 mg/kg is associated with loss of protein and DNA in the prefrontal cortex. IFAA2014-2-002 Distribution of intermediate filaments in the testis and epididymis of wild cane rat (thryonomys swinderiamus) A4620 Observational study on the activities of air sacs in the celom-opened chicken Wahabu H. Kimaro, Maulilio J. Kipanyula, Vincent Stephen, Amos Kaongoye Jinlong Zhang Department of Veterinary Anatomy, Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro, Tanzania. * College of Veterinary MedicineˈYangzhou University, Yangzhou, Jiangsu 225009ˈChina How the avian air sacs participate in the respiration is a fundamental but poorly understood problem. We observed the activities of the air sacs during respiration after the celom was opened in the anesthetized chicken. Here we showed that the initiatively outspread or constriction of the lateral thoracic wall, the horizontal septum and the oblique septum during inspiration or expiration made the cranial and the caudal thoracic air sacs expand or contract. Therefore, the cranial and the caudal thoracic air sacs expanded or contracted initiatively to draw or expel the gas into or out them via the lungs from or into the respiratory tract and the cervical, the clavicular and the abdominal air sacs during inspiration, causing usually the cervical, the clavicular and the abdominal air sacs to contract or expand. The cranial and the caudal thoracic air sacs act as bellows ventilating the lung. wasiu balogun, ansa cobham, joseph olajide, azeez ishola, aminu imam, khadeejah adeyemo, ufuoma enaibe Intermediate filaments form an essential component of the cytoskeleton. Their distribution in the testis and epididymis shows variation between species. Little is known on the distribution of intermediate filaments in the male reproductive organs of the Cane rat. This study reports the distribution of vimentin and neurofilaments in the testis and epididymis of the wild cane rat during breeding season. Five wild cane rats were captured at Uluguru Mountains during rain season. Testicular and epididymal samples were fixed in 10% buffered formalin and immunostained for vimentin and neurofilaments using an LSAB+ kit. In the epididymis, no vimentin immunoreaction was observed in the epithelial cells. Vimentin immunoreaction was observed in the cytoplasm of fibroblasts and endothelial cells in the connective tissue. Neurofilament staining was observed in nerve fibres in the connective tissue. In the testis, vimentin was observed in the cytoplasm of sertoli cells. Vimentin immunoreaction was also observed in the cytoplasm of endothelial cells and fibroblasts. Neuralfilament immunostaining was observed in the tunica albuginea and in the connective tissue between rete testis. Based on the present study, the distribution pattern of vimentin and neurofilaments in the testes and epididymis of the cane rat is similar to that of the mice. * IFAA2014-2-003 IFAA2014-2-001 Prenatal exposure to oral bitter leaf results in protein and DNA loss in the prefrontal cortex in Wistar rats Bitter leaf is widely consumed by pregnant women in Africa for the treatment of many diseases during the various phases of pregnancy. But whether this treatment is deleterious to developing prefrontal cortex requires clarification. This study investigated some histological effects of prenatal exposure of aqueous bitter leaf extract on the developing prefrontal cortex. Twenty-five pregnant Wistar rats with an average weight of 200g were randomly divided into five groups (n=5). The experimental groups were administered bitter leaf (400mg/kg) on the gestational days 1-7 (group B), 8-14 (group C), 15-21 (group D) and 1-21 (group E) while the Immunodetection of N-glycolyl GM3 ganglioside in lung carcinoma by immunohistochemistry: A technical study using frozen and formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded tissues. Rancés Blanco1, Charles E. Rengifo2, Mercedes Cedeño1, Milagros Frómeta1, Tays Hernández3, Adriana Carr4, Enrique Rengifo1 1 Laboratory of Recognition and Biological Activity Assays, Department of Quality Control, Center of Molecular The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 60 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• Immunology, Havana, Cuba; 2Department of Pathology, Manuel Fajardo General Hospital, Havana, Cuba. 3Research and Development Direction, Center of Molecular Immunology, Havana, Cuba; 4Innovation Managing Direction, Center of Molecular Immunology, Havana, Cuba. * N-glycolyl GM3 ganglioside (NeuGcGM3) expression in lung carcinomas using formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded (FFPE) samples has been recently demonstrated. In the present work, it was confirmed the tissue expression of NeuGcGM3 in lung carcinomas by mean of two different mAbs, P3 (anti-NeuGc-containing gangliosides and sulfated glycolipids) and 14F7 (a highly specific for NeuGcGM3) using FFPE samples. In addition, it was reported the tissue expression of NeuGcGM3 in frozen lung carcinoma sections, also supported by the chemical extraction of this ganglioside with organic solvents such as: ethanol, methanol and chloroform/methanol. Moreover, the murine, chimeric and humanized versions of 14F7 mAb showed a similar pattern of immunostaining in this kind of samples. It was also demonstrated that formalin fixation prevent the damage and/or extraction of the antigenic determinant recognized by 14F7 mAb. Consequently, the detection of NeuGcGM3 in frozen samples and their FFPE counterparts was comparable. Our data seems to be in agreement with the potential use of chimeric and/or humanized versions of 14F7 mAb for the passive immunotherapy of lung carcinoma expressing NeuGcGM3. The reactivity of 14F7 murine mAb in FFPE tissues permits to consider it as a useful tool in the selection of patients for specific therapies. IFAA2014-2-004 Morphometric study of neurons and myelinated nerve fibers in the rat spinal ganglia. light and electron microscopic observation Eldar Gasimov1, Aygun Aliyarbayova1, Shahla Huseynova1, Rafie Ghaffarzadagan2 1 Histology, Embryology and Cytology; 2Zürich Medical Services, Zurich, Switzerland. * The spinal ganglion plays an important role in transmitting all forms sense information to the brain; however, our knowledge about its cyto- and myeloarchitectonics organization is still limited. In 20 albino rats under deep anesthesia, the dorsal roots, spinal ganglia and sciatic nerves were removed and then processed using standard TEM (JEM 1400). Usually neurons of spinal ganglia were divided into "small dark" and "large light" groups. However, the light and dark neurons detected among the neurons with diameter 2050 ȝm, even in one the same section. Morphometric analysis showed that in the spinal ganglia and sciatic nerve has 3 groups myelinated nerve fibers: small; medium and large. Taking into account the presence of the close correlation (r=0,99) between the indicated groups of myelinated nerve fibres and diameters of neurons spinal ganglia, the last were also divided into 3 subgroups: small (to 30 μm); medium (3050 μm) and large (more than 50 μm). In conclusion, should be noted that the division of neurons only into "small dark" and "large light" don’t have any morphological basis. At the analysis of functional capability of structural elements of The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists spinal ganglion must be taken in mind the species-specific features of their cyto-and myeloarchitectonics. IFAA2014-2-005 Histomorphometric studies of the impact of telfairia occidentalis on alcohol-induced alterations in testis Edidiong N Akang1, Ademola A Oremosu2, Abraham A Osinubi2, Olufunke O Dosumu2, Sunday A Adelakun2, Millicent L Umara3 1 Anatomy, Benue state University, Makurdi, Nigeria Anatomy, University of Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria; 3 Pharmacology and Toxicology, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria. * 2 This study is designed to determine the effects of Telfairia occidentalis leaves on alcohol-induced cyto-architectural changes in the testis. Aqueous leaf extract of Telfairia occidentalis (T.O.) was administered by gastric gavage at a dose of 250 mg/kg and 500 mg/kg body weight daily, while 2 g/kg body weight of ethanol at 30% v/v was administered daily to mature male Sprague-Dawley rats for a period of 4 and 8 weeks. After 4 weeks, Group B (alcohol only) significantly decreased in sperm count and sperm motility compared to group A, there were slight depletions in the germinal epithelium of group B compared to group A (controls). Significant increase of germinal epithelium was observed between groups C (250 mg/kg of T.O.), D (500 mg/kg of T.O.), E (30%v/v of alcohol and 250 mg/kg of T.O.) and F (30%v/v of alcohol and 500 mg/kg of T.O.) when compared with A and B. After the 8 weeks study, the germinal epithelium of groups C, D and E increased significantly compared to group B. The lumen decreased significantly in groups D and E compared with group B. In conclusion, Telfairia occidentalis promotes semen parameters, reduces oxidative stress and effectively ameliorates the cyto-architecture of the testis IFAA2014-2-006 Electroacupuncture promotes differentiation of transplanted bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells overexpressing TrkC into oligodendrocyte-like cells and remyelination in demyelinated spinal cord of rat Ying Ding1, Bing He1, Yuan S Zeng1 1 Department of Histology and Embryology, Zhongshan School of Medicine, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510080, China. * Our previous study indicated that electroacupuncture (EA) treatment could promote neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) expression and increase the number of endogenous oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPCs) in the demyelinated spinal cord. However, the number of oligodendrocytes differentiated from the endogenous OPCs is limited. It is known that NT-3 promotes the survival and differentiation of the cells by preferential binding to its tyrosine receptor kinase C (TrkC). Here we attempted to transplant TrkC gene modified bone Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 61 marrow mesenchymal stem cells (TrkC-MSCs) into the demyelinated spinal cord, and then performed EA treatment to increase endogenous NT-3 level and further enhance TrkC-MSCs to differentiate into oligodendrocytes, remyelination and functional recovery in the demyelinated spinal cord. We found EA could promote TrkC-MSCs to differentiate OPCs and APC-positive oligodendrocyte-like cells. Moreover, TrkC-MSCs+EA combination therapy increased the number of newly formed myelins and MBP protein expression, and promoted Kv1.2 to cluster in the myelinated axons but non-typic shape. Finally, the combination therapy promoted recovery of behavioural function and cortical motor evoked potentials. In conclusion, our results suggest that EA treatment increases NT-3 expression, and may promote the differentiation of TrkCMSCs into oligodendrocyte-like cells, remyelination and functional improvement in the demyelinated spinal cord. (SMG), sublingual (SLG) glands of young (8 weeks old) and old (8 months old) male C57BL/6 mouse. In PG, PAC1R was localized in the striated duct. In SMG, PAC1R was detected in the tall columnar epithelial cells in granular ducts and some of the cells in the striated ducts. In SLG, PAC1R was localized in the striated duct. No apparent difference of PAC1R was detected between young and old mice glands. In SLG of old mice, granular epithelial cells are detected in the striated duct. Furthermore, massive infiltrations of CD3positive or B220-positive lymphocytes were detected in old PG and SMG. These results suggested that PACAP regulated the saliva secretion by modulating the activity of striated duct and that lymphoid infiltration in PG and SMG but not in SLM might give the useful information for the etiology of autoimmune disease of salivary gland. IFAA2014-2-009 Interconnection of polyplody, multinuclearity and periodical rejuvenation of liver cells. IFAA2014-2-007 The ultrasrtuctural and morphometrical characteristics of the intraocular part of white rat optic nerve Asomidin Sadriddinov, Nilufar Isaeva Department of Histology, Tashkent pediatric medical institute, Tashkent, Uzbekistan. * Mushfig Teyyub Orujov Department of Human Anatomy, Azerbaijan Medical University, Baku, Azerbaijan. * IFAA2014-2-008 Polyplody and multinuclearity are typical sign of hepatic cells, but the interconnection of these phenomena are not open to the end. The aim of study to research the interconnection of binuclear cells withpolyplody and significance of nucleolus in this process. The material was the liver of pubertal rabbits with weight from 2.5 to 3.5 kg, histological sections were analyzed under microscope model N800M after coloring hematoxylin eosin. The results of analyses for hepatocytes nucleus’ state showed that sometimes from middle or large polyploid nuclei of hepatocytes the more enlarged nucleoli move to nuclear membrane, and, penetrating it, go out to cytoplasma. The going out nucleolus gains even contours, gradually increasing in volume, and, reaching maternity nucleus size, it appears near it, in such way the binuclears are formed. Thus, apparently, from polyploidy nuclei the diploid binuclears are formed. In some cases after nucleolus going out the maternity nucleus is undergone to decomposition, and, separating nucleolus turns into new nucleus, in such way the young (“rejuvenated”) cells arise. Thus, appearently occurs not only periodical rejuvenation of cells, but, and, at repeated selfconstruction of nuclear material the genetic material’s breakages are removed, and, the cells’ longevity is apparently connected with it. Localization of PACAP receptors in mouse major salivary glands with aging IFAA2014-2-010 The aim of investigation is the study of the ultrasrtuctural and morphometrical characteristics of the intraocular part of white rat optic nerve. Intraocular parts of optic nerve of 6 white laboratory rats were fixed using intravenous infusing the mixed solution of 4% paraformaldehyde and 0.5% glutaraldehyde in 0.1M phosphate buffer (pH – 7.4). Then specimens were embedded in Epon-Araldite; ultrathin sections from these resin blocs were examined in JEOL-100S and Hitachi-12E electron microscopes. The data of investigation showed that the optic nerve in this part is formed by unmyelinated nerve fibers. The diameter of these fibers is 0.4-2.3 mkm. In comparison with other parts of optic nerve, the glial cell count is considerably less. Regardless of any increase in the morphological parameters of prelaminar vascular elements, the volume and perimeter of the optic nerve trunk decreases as it comes closer to the retina. We have concluded that this is dependant on the decrease of the macroglial cell count and the absence of the myelin sheath around the optic nerve fibers in the prelaminar region. Naoko Nonaka, Masanori Nakamura Immunohistochemistrical and molecular changes in lamb articular cartilage induced by enrofloxacin Department of Oral Anatomy and Developmental Biology, Showa University School of Dentistry, Tokyo, Japan * Kaveh Khazaeil1, Yazdan Mazaheri1, Mahmoud Hashemi Tabar2, Hossein Najafzadeh3, Hassan Morovvati3, Alireza Ghadrdan4 Pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP) is now recognized as the multi-functional neuropeptide in various organs. We have examined the effect of PACAP for saliva secretion. In this study, we compared the parenchymal structure and the distribution of PACAP receptor, PAC1R, in three major salivary glands; parotid (PG), submandibular 1 Department of Basic Sciences, Faculty of veterinary Medicine, Shahid Chamran University, Ahvaz, Iran; 2 Cellular and molecular research center, Faculty of Medicine, Jundi-shapour University of Medical Sciences, Ahvaz, Iran 3 Department of Basic Sciences, Faculty of veterinary The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 62 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• Medicine, Shahid Chamran University, Ahvaz, Iran 4 Department of Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Shahid Chamran University, Ahvaz, Iran * Fluoroquinolones changes in the articular cartilage especially with high doses and more than two weeks use. So, due to relatively excessive use of enrofloxacin in the sheep flocks, this study was done to investigate the effects of enrofloxacin on cellular and molecular changes in growing lamb articular cartilage to evaluate some possible mechanisms involved these changes. Twelve ,2 month – old male lambs divided in three groups: control group received only normal saline; therapeutic group received 5mg/kg enrofloxacin subcutaneously, daily, for 15 days and toxic group received 35 mg/kg enrofloxacin as the same manner as therapeutic group. Twenty four hours after the last dose, the animals were euthanaized and their stifle joints were dissected. Sampling from distal femoral and proximal tibial exterimities were done quickly for further histological and molecular studies. Collagen-ɩ content was studied with avidin- biotin immunohistochemistry method in different groups. Expression of Sox9 and caspase-3 was evaluated by Real – time PCR. Immunohistochemistrical changes were included decreases of matrix proteoglycans, carbohydrates and Collagen-ɩ in toxic group. Some of these changes were observed in therapeutic group with less intensity in comparison to toxic group. Enrofloxacin were significantly decreased (P 0.05) Sox9 expression in therapeutic and toxic groups compared to control group. But caspase -3 expression in toxic group significantly increased (P=0.0001) with comparison to other groups, while between control and therapeutic groups, there were no significant differences. So, it can be concluded that enrofloxacin increases apoptosis in chondrocytes and decreases their numbers. Enrofloxacin use in growing lambs even at recommended therapeutic dose, is not completely safe on articular cartilage. moreover higher doses of enrofloxacin induce sever changes in lamb articular cartilage. IFAA2014-2-012 Ameliorative effect of ginkgo biloba on neurodegeneration caused by fluoride R Jetti1, C.V Raghuveer2, M.R Chamallamudi3, S.N Somayaji1, P.B Billakanti4 1 Department of Anatomy, Melaka Manipal Medical college, Manipal University, Manipal, India; 2Department of Pathology, Yenepoya Medical College, Yenepoya University, Mangalore, India; 3Department of Pharmacology, Manipal college of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Manipal University, Manipal, India; 4Department of Anatomy, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal University, Manipal, India * IFAA2014-2-011 Excessive consumption of fluoride through drinking water or other sources leads to skeletal and dental fluorosis. In addition to bones and teeth soft tissues and major organs are also affected by fluoride toxicity.In the present study we attempted to investigate the structural changes in hippocampus followed by fluoride exposure and to explore the ameliorative effect of Ginkgo biloba against neurotoxicity caused by fluoride.Animals were randomly divided into four groups (n=6 in each group), Control, Fluoride, Fluoride+Vehicle (F+V), Fluoride+Ginkgo biloba (F+GB). Control animals received plain tap water; all the other groups received 100ppm fluoridated water for 30 days, later F+V, F+GB groups received 100mg/kg body weight of gum acacia and Ginkgo biloba respectively for 15 days. After the experimental period animals were euthanized brain tissue was processed and stained with cresyl violet staining, well stained sections free from artefacts were selected for counting the mean number of viable neurons. The fluoride group showed reduction in the mean number of viable neurons compared to control, whereas more viable neurons were found in Ginkgo biloba treated group in comparison to fluoride group. Hence the Ginkgo biloba may be an alternate therapeutic strategy to treat fluorosis victims. The Histopathologic appearance of the pancreatic islet in hyperglicaemia IFAA2014-2-013 Eryati Darwin, Muhamad Farid, Delmi sulastri 3D scanning of unsectioned adult optic nerve axon with a CLARITY method by laser scanning confocal microscopy Departemnt Histology, Faculty of Medicine Andalas University, Padang-Indonesia. * Sen Lin, Bingyin Su Hyperglycemia is a crucial factor in the development of diabetic nephropathy because of its effects on glomerular and might cause renal damage. To determine the effect of hyperglycemia on pancreatic islet, we examined the pancreatic tissues from the four groups of male Swiss Albino mice, induced by different doses of glucose. Morphometric analysis on Haematoxilin-eosin stained pancreatic sections showed that the area and diameter of islet were higher in group G1 but lower in group G2 and G3 (p<0.05). The islet cells count was higher in group G2 and G3 (p<0.05). However, there was no significant difference on islet cells count between Kontrol group and group G1 (p>0.05). Islet density was slightly higher in all treated group (p<0.05). The result suggest that hyperglycemia caused significant changes in histopathological features of mice pancreatic islet. The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists Dept.of Anatomy and Histo-Embryology, Development and Regeneration Key Lab of Sichuan Province, Chengdu Medical College, Chengdu, China. * Studying axon in the central nervous system(CNS) is hampered by current histological and imaging techniques because they provide only partial information about axonal reactions. The optic nerve(ON) crush model is considered to be a classic model for studying CNS. In brief, adult WT C57BL/6 mice were anesthetized and the ON was crushed for 5s to observe a clear cut, however do not destroy dura. Animals with permanent ischemia were excluded. We began by embedding ON in hydrogel monomers, formaldehyde and thermally triggered initiators into tissue at 4ºC. Next, Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 63 polymerization of the biomolecule-conjugated monomers into a hydrogel mesh was thermally initiated by incubating infused tissue at 37ºC for 24h, at which point the tissue and hydrogel became a hybrid construct. Importantly, lipids and biomolecules lacking functional groups for conjugation remain unbound and therefore can be removed from the hybrid. To extract lipids efficiently, we developed an electrical ionic extraction technique to remove the unbound lipids. Several days later the transparent ON were obtained followed by PBST rinsing for 1day. The ONs were labeled with immunofluorescent antibodies by routine immunofluorescence method and the labeled axons were finally observed by a laser scanning confocal microscopy. IFAA2014-2-014 Visualization and significance of myofibroblast and vascular density in the invasive front of colorectal cancer Vesna Janevska, Liljana Spasevska, Vlado Janevski, Slavica Kostadinova-Kunovska, Blagica Dukova Institute of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Skopje, Macedonia. * Ccolorectal cancer prognosis predominantly depends on the disease stage, but new prognostic factors are investigated in order to determine disease progression and highlight the mechanism of disease spreading. The aim of this study was to investigate the myofibroblast and vascular density in the invasive front of the tumor tissue and their relation to: grade of differentiation (G), disease stage, T and N parameters from pTNM classification. Methods: Specimens of invasive front of colorectal cancer of 82 patients were immunohistochemically stained for smooth muscle actin (SMA) and CD34 by using immunoperoxidaseLSAB+System. The quantity of positive stained cells was determined and the results were correlated with the pathologic parameters. Results: Density of SMA positive myofibroblasts was higher in patients with higher tumor grade (p<0.016), with lymph node metastasis (p<0.018) and advanced stage of the disease (p<0,037). Density of CD34 positive vascular channels in the invasive tumor front was higher in patients with lymph node metastasis (p<0.032) and advanced stage of the disease (p<0,027). Conclusion: The density of myofibroblasts and CD 34 positive vascular channels in the invasive front of colorectal cancer is a useful indicator for disease progression in patients with colorectal cancer. The visualization of the cells with SMA and CD34 using immunoperoxidase-LSAB+System was sufficient for making the differentiation between the myofibroblasts and fibroblasts and for labeling neovasculature and its density. IFAA2014-2-015 Osteointegration of porous tantalum cylinders implanted in human subjects: interim results Celia Clemente de Arriba1, Miguel Angel Alobera Gracia2, Soledad Aguado Henche1, Kim Bradbury3, Hai Bo Wen3 1 University of Alcala; 2University of León; 3Zimmer Dental Inc. * We analysed the ability of osteointegration of Trabecular Metal ™* porous tantalum cylinders when placed in human jaw. (* Trabecular Metal Material ™ is a trademark of Zimmer Holdings, Inc.). This clinical study was approved by the institutional review board of the University of Leon, Spain. 23 healthy subjects were used. Each of them received one or two cylinders of porous tantalum, 3x5 mm, next to a conventional dental implant in the same surgical time. Subjects were assigned to 1 of 4 groups (6 cylinders per group) designated for cylinder explanation at 2, 3, 6 or 12 weeks. At the designated retrieval time, cylinders were explanted with 5.0mm trephines and marked to indicate orientation at placement. The samples were buffered in 10% formaldehyde and histologically processed in University of Alcala. With the sectioning system EXAKT, histological and histomorphometric studies were performed to analyse the quality and quantity of bone tissue formed inside and around the cylinders. Intense angiogenic activity with little osteoclastic activity was found in all groups, especially in shorter times. New bone formation was observed inside the pores (ingrowth) and in direct contact with the external surface (ongrowth) of all samples at 12 weeks. 14.9% of bone density area was achieved in the 12-week group. IFAA2014-2-016 Validation of an osteoporotic animal model Soledad Aguado-Henche, Celia Clemente de Arriba, Josefa Carrascosa-Sanchez, Mauricio Hernández-Fernández, Rosa Rodríguez-Torres Department of Surgery and Medical Social Sciences. Area of Human Anatomy and Embriology. School of Medicine. University of Alcalá. Alcalá de Henares (Madrid). Spain * The aim of the present study was to characterize an experimental model of osteoporosis (OP) in rabbits induced by a combination of two experimental interventions, bilateral ovariectomy (OVX) and a low-calcium diet. Eighty female New Zealand rabbits, each 6 months old and weighing 4 to 4.5 kg, were used in this study. The animals were anesthetized, and an in vivo densitometric analysis was performed by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) to measure bone mineral density (BMD) in the calvaria, cervical spine, and right tibia. To achieve experimental osteoporosis bilateral ovariectomy was made followed by hypocalcic diet (0.07% calcium) for eight weeks. After this period, new densitometric measurements were carried out. Two-way analysis of variance was used for statistical evaluation. Pvalues of less than 0.5 were considered to be significant. Ovariectomy and a low-calcium diet were able to induce a decrease in BMD, as measured at 8 weeks by DXA. This decrease was statistically significant in the tibia (P < .001) and the cervical spine (P < 0.5) but not in calvaria. Ovariectomy and a low-calcium diet are able to induce experimental osteoporosis in rabbits in a short period of time. IFAA2014-2-017 The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 64 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• Ulcer healing effects of crude berberis vulgaris leaf extract in ethanol-induced gastric mucosal injury in rats. Marina Y. Kapitonova1, Renad N. Alyautdin1, Ibrahim A.A. Ibrahim2, Azhar Ahmad1, Alexey V. Smirnov3, Yury Khlebnikov3, Ahmad R. Salehuddin1, Nafeeza M Ismail1 1 Faculty of Medicine, UiTM, Shah Alam, Malaysia; 2Umm Al-Qura University, Makkah, Saudi Arabia; 3Pathology Department, Volgograd State Medical University, Volgograd, Russia. * Ineffectiveness of long term gastric ulcer drug treatment or even resistance to it have promoted searches of anti-ulcer agents from natural sources. Berberis vulgaris (BV) was known for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anticholinergic action, while the effect of its crude leaf extract on gastric ulcer was not considered before. The objective of the study was to evaluate the effect of crude BV leaf extract on ethanol- induced gastric mucosal ulceration in rats. The effect of crude extract of BV (10 or 50 mg/kg) and atropine (50 mg/kg) on severity of ethanol-induced gastric ulcerations was compared in 24 Sprague-Dawley rats using semi-quantitative scale (Wong, 2002) and histological evaluation of gastric mucosa with image analysis. Severe haemorragic necrosis of the gastric mucosa was observed in untreated animals (negative control group). In rats treated with BV gross gastric lesions were significantly less severe, gastric mucosa was flattened compared to the negative control group (MannWhitney test, p<0.05). Histological evaluation showed significantly reduced ulcer area with less pronounced edema and leukocyte infiltration in BV-treated rats in a dosedependent manner compared to the negative control group. The effect was comparable with positive control group (atropine treatment). Thus, crude leaf extract of Berberis vulgaris was able to protect gastric mucosa from ethanolinduced ulcer by reducing haemorrhagic necrosis of the mucosa, edema, neutrophil infiltration of the mucosa and submucosa, and gastric motility. IFAA2014-2-018 Expression of mismatch repair proteins and correlation with survivin in colon lesions Marian Adamkov1, Martina Furjelová1, Slavka Drahošová2, Marián Benþat2, Ivan Varga3, Luboš Danišoviþ4 1 Department of Histology and Embryology, Jessenius Faculty of Medicine in Martin, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia; 2Department of Pathology, Alpha Medical, Martin, Slovakia; 3Department of Histology and Embryology, Medical Faculty, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia; 4Department of Biology, Medical Faculty, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia * Primary role of mismatch repair proteins (MMRP) is to repair mismatched nucleotides during DNA replication. Protein survivin functions in inhibition of apoptosis, regulation of The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists cell division, and it enhances angiogenesis. This study was designed to determine the relationship between MMRP and survivin in colon lesions. The immunohistochemical study included 113 cases of colon carcinoma (70 grade 1 and 43 grade 2) and 51 cases of colon polyp. In carcinomas, immunoreaction was detected in 100/113 samples for MLH1 (88.5%), 112/113 samples for MSH2 (99.1%), 110/113 for MSH6 samples (97.3%) and 103/113 for PMS2 samples (91.2%). Survivin was shown in 47/113 samples (41.6%). Statistically, there is a significant correlation between the expression of MMRP and survivin (p<0.001), in the intensity of MMRP and survivin immunoreactivity (p<0.001), and in percentage of MMRP and survivin labeled cells (p<0.001). In polyps, all samples were positive for each of MMRP (100%). Survivin was found in 8/51 samples only (15.7%). The correlation was found between MMRP and survivin (p<0.001). These results support the hypothesis that MMRP may suppress the antiapoptotic function of survivin in low grade colon carcinomas and polyps. This work was supported by project VEGA 1/0050/11. IFAA2014-2-019 Morphological characteristics of atrial myocardium in patients with atrial fibrillation and sinus rhythm Natalia Smorodinova1, Lucie Lantová1, Martin Bláha2, VojtČch Melenovský2, Jan Hanzelka1, Josef Kautzner2, Jan Pirk3, Tomáš Kuþera1 1 Institute of Histology and Embryology, The First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic; 2Institute for Clinical and Experimental MedicineIKEM, Department of Cardiology, Prague, Czech Republic 3 Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine-IKEM, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Prague, Czech Republic. * The goal of this study was to characterize morphologically and functionally endomysium of both the left and the right atrium in patients with AF or in sinus rhythm (SR) undergoing open heart surgery. Patient population consisted of 46 subjects (19 with AF, and 27 in SR) undergoing coronary bypass or valve surgery. Peroperative bioptic samples of the left and the right atrial tissue were examined using immunohistochemistry. The volume fraction of endomysial elastin, collagen I, and collagen III in atrial tissue was similar in AF and SR groups. However, the right atrium was more than twofold more abundant in elastin as compared with the left atrium. Similar but smaller difference was found for collagen I and III. The right atrium showed also higher VEGF expression and lower microvascular density as compared to the left atrium. We found significant regional differences between the right and the left atrium including differences in extracellular matrix content, microvascular density and angiogenic signaling. Furthermore, the results show that in patients undergoing open heart surgery, either in SR or in AF, no significant quantitative differences can be demonstrated. This work was supported by the Research Program of Charles University – PRVOUK P25/LF1/2. IFAA2014-2-020 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 65 Crosstalk between the hypothalamo-hypophyseoadrenal and thyroid axes in chronic stress at early age. Vladimir V. Khlebnikov1, Maria V. Sharaevskaya1, Alexei M. Agrytskov1, Zoya C. Morozova2, Alexei A. Ryadnov2, Muzammil Ullah3, Sergei P. Gupalo4, Azhar Ahmad4, Marina Y. Kapitonova4 1 Volgograd State Medical University, Volgograd, Russia; Volgograd State Agricultural University, Volgograd, Russia 3 UiTM, Faculty of Dentistry, Shah Alam, Malaysia; 4UiTM, Faculty of Medicine, Sungai Buloh, Malaysia * 2 Endocrine system undergoes significant developmental changes until puberty, therefore in the growing body exposed to stress, onthogenetic modulations of the neuroendocrine axes are superimpoised by stress-related adaptational changes, and as a result the latter may become disadaptational or even fatal. The objective of the study was to evaluate stress-related changes of the hypothalamohypophyseo-adrenocortical and thyroid axes in chronic stress in peripubertal rats. Total of 48 Sprague Dawley male rats of the late infant (45 days) and juvenile (60 days) age period were exposed to mild (Santos, 2000) or severe (Takagi, 1964) chronic stress, with 8 animals per each experimental and agematched control group. Histological and immunohistochemical evaluation of the hypothalamus (CRF), pituitary (TSH, ACTH), adrenal (cortico-medullary ratio) and thyroid (thyroglobulin, activation index, height of thyrocytes, accumulation of colloid) glands was complemented by image analysis using Image Pro Plus 7.0 software. Higher level of the central (secondary) hypothyroidism was discovered in severe stress group in juvenile animals compared to the infant rats (p<0.01), while primary hypothyroidism was more pronounced in the infant animals of both stress groups. Negative correlation was discovered between expression of CRF and TSH in the juvenile animals exposed to severe stress (r=-0.63; p<0.05) while in the other experimental groups it was not significant demonstrating the ontogenetic patterns of crosstalk between the IFAA2014-2-021 Distribution of schwann cells in human appendix Marina Y. Kapitonova1, Yahya M. Aripin1, Ahmad R. Yusoff1, Abdul H.A. Rashid1, Sergei P. Gupalo1, Muzammil Ullah2, Alexei V. Smirnov3, Yury Khlebnikov3, Sergei Kuznetsov4 1 UiTM, Faculty of Medicine, Sungai Buloh, Malaysia; UiTM, Faculty of Dentistry, Shah Alam, Malaysia; 3 Volgograd State Medical University; 1st State Medical University named after I.M.Sechenov, Moscow, Russia * 2 Chronic pains in the right lower quadrant of the abdomen (RLQA) in patients without manifestations of acute appendicitis remain a challenging problem. Investigations were undertaken to explain pathogenesis and justify diagnose of neurogenic appendicopathy using neuronal markers (Cajal cells, S-100 protein, synaptophysin, etc), none of which proved to be enough sensitive or specific. Most of investigation were performed on limited number of cases not allowing to get significant results. The objective of this study was to compare distribution of the Schwann cells in appendices of patients with acute appendicitis and chronic pains in the RLQA. Routine histological and immunohistochemical staining for S-100 protein complemented by image analysis using Image Pro Plus 7.0 was applied to evaluate distribution of the Schwann cells in the surgically removed appendices from 49 children aged 1-7 years with acute appendicitis (1st group, 27 patients) and chronic pains in the RLQA with minimal histological changes in the appendix (2nd group, 22 patients). It was shown that the volume density and numeric density of the immunopositive cells was significantly higher in patients of the 2nd group compared to the 1st group (p<0.05). There was no correlation between the level of inflammatory changes and distribution of the immunopositive cells in the appendices of the patients of the 1st group. These data provide information on the possible role of the appendicular neural component as a prerequisite for the development of the syndrome of chronic pains in the RLQA in children. IFAA2014-2-022 Transmission electron microscopic findings of the liver tissue of female sprague dawley rats following subacute dose of mitragyna speciosa korth crude extract Srijit Das1, Rani Sakaran1, Faizah Othman1, Ibrahim Jantan2, Zar Thent1 1 Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Jalan Raja Muda Abdul Aziz, 50300 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 2Faculty of Pharmacy, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Jalan Raja Muda Abdul Aziz, 50300 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. * Mitragyna speciosa Korth (MS) herb has been widely used traditionally as a remedy for many diseases and also misused as an addictive agent. Research related to its subacute toxicity changes are rare. The present study observed the histological changes following acute and subacute toxicity of MS crude extract in the liver of female Sprague Dawley rats using transmission electron microscope (TEM). Thirty two female rats (150-200 g) were divided into four groups i.e. control acute (CA); control subacute (CS); experimental acute (EA) and experimental subacute (ES). CA and CS groups and they were administered only 15% Tween-80. Regarding the EA group, MS methanol extract was administered in a single dose of 1000 mg/kg for 14 days. Group ES rats were administered daily doses of 500 mg/kg MS methanol extract for a period of 28 days. The hepatocytes of ES group were severely distorted in their nucleus shape with indistinct nucleolus margin. The membranes of the organelles were also poorly defined. In summary, subacute dose of MS crude extract induced significant morphologic changes in the liver tissue. Thus in future, knowledge of the subacute dose toxicity would be useful in proper treatment. IFAA2014-2-023 Correlation between glycoprotein in extracellular matrix and lung volume in different body weight rat The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 66 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• Ria Margiana1, Isabella Kurnia Liem1, Jeanne Adiwinata Pawitan2 1 Departement of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia; 2Departement of Histology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia. * Many diseases lead to alveolar disturbance and serious sign and symptom. Recently, glycoprotein was believed to be a potential agent that cause many pathological changes in lungs. Glycoprotein can be found in many structures including extracellular matrix. To investigate the correlation between glycoprotein in extracellular matrix and lung volume. 21 Sprague dawley rats weighing <100g (group 1), 200-350g (group 2) and >450g (group 3) were used in the study. To investigate the glycoprotein in extracellular matrix we used PAS staining. Lung volume was measured with water displacement method. The data was analyzed using Spearman Correlation test in SpSS 17. The lung volume mean in group 1 is 519±38, 7 μl and glycoprotein in extracellular matrix median is 1 (range 1 - 2). In group 2, the lung volume mean is 2728±202 μl and glycoprotein in extracellular median is 3 (range 2 - 3). In group 3, the lung volume mean is 6985±987 μl and glycoprotein in extracellular matrix median is 3 (range 2 - 3).The lung volume and glycoprotein in extracellular matrix has a correlation with r: 0,817, p <0.05. There is a strong correlation between glycoprotein in extracellular matrix and lung volume. There is an increasing trend in glycoprotein in extracellular matrix and lung volume. Keyword: glycoprotein, extracellular matrix, lung volume. IFAA2014-2-024 Effect of simulated weightlessness on ghrelin expression in rat serum and gastric mucosa Jinshan Zhang, Jie Zhao, Zhen Li * Anorexia and weight loss induced by weightlessness of astronauts is a crucial issue in modern aeromedical research. Ghrelin is an endogenous ligand for the growth hormone secretagogue receptor (GHS-R) originally identified in rat and human gastric mucosa. Ghrelin has been shown to have gastroprotective effects. The present study was designed to explore the alterations of ghrelin in serum and gastric mucosa of rats following simulated weightlessness, and provide experimental evidence for further studying the mechanism of spaceflight weightless enviroment on digestive system function disturbance. The Sprague-Dawley rats were exposed to 4 week simulated weightlessness by using hindlimb unloading(HU) rat model. We found that the serum ghrelin level were significantly decreased by simulated weightlessness, and the integral optical density of ghrelin immunoreactive cells of gastric mucosa in the simulated weightlessness rats were also decreased. Our data suggest that simulated weightless environment can reduce the level of ghrelin in serum and gastric mucosa. ghrelin might be involved in the regulation of digestive system function in simulated weightless environment. This work was supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China. The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists IFAA2014-2-027 Comparative analysis of macrophages and dendritic cells in thymuses of children with sudden infant death syndrome and with congenital heart defects Ivan Varga1, Hana Gergisakova2, Lubos Danisovic3, Veronika Mestanova4, Katarina Tesliarova1, Marian Adamkov4, Michak Miko1 1 Institute of Histology and Embryology, Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia; 2Institute of Forensic Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia; 3Institute of Medical Biology, Genetics and Clinical Genetics, Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia; 4 Institute of Histology and Embryology, Jessenius Faculty of Medicine in Martin, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia * Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) represents a distinctive subgroup of unexpected infant deaths occurring during the first months of life. According to some authors SIDS is associated with developmental anomalies, immaturity or hyperplasia of several organs such as the thyroid, parathyroid gland, adenohypophysis or carotid body. Nowadays, in PubMed, there are 84 literature references, which relate sudden infant death syndrome to thymus somehow. Those are largely studies of Russian authors of older data. Our group consisted of thymus tissue of 19 children deceased of SIDS (SIDS+) from different parts of Slovakia. The samples were from the period 2006 to 2011. Average age at time of death in this group was 3.1 months. As a control group we used tissue from the thymuses of 14 newborns, who underwent surgery because of various congenital heart defects and thus part of the thymus had to be removed. The specimens were fixed in formalin for 24 h, embedded in paraffin and 5ȝm thick sections were used for histology and immunohistochemistry (anti-CD68 and antiS100 antibodies). The final reaction product was visualized with diaminobenzidine as chromogen in brown. Comparing thymuses from children with congenital heart disease with SIDS+ thymic tissue, we observed higher activity of macrophages and fewer dendritic cells (antigen presenting cells) in the medulla of the latter. Based on our findings, we assume that in SIDS+ thymuses depletion of lymphocytopoesis occurs, which also reminds us a pattern of acute thymic involution. Supported by Grant VEGA No. 1/0253/14. IFAA2014-2-028 Ameliorative potentials of hibiscus sabdariffa in animal model of stz diabetes – induced renal damage: a morphological and biochemical study David O1, Victor O2, Efere M3, Stephen O1 1 Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile Ife, Nigeria; 2Department of Anatomy, Ekiti State University, Ado Ekiti, Nigeria 3 Department of Biochemistry, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile Ife, Nigeria. * Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 67 The anti-nephrototoxic activities of Polyphenol-rich fraction of methanolic extract of Hibiscus sabdariffa L. calyx was evaluated after its oral administration to STZ-induced diabetic Wistar rats. Diabetes Mellitus was induced in Wistar rats by a single i.p injection of 80 mg/kg b.w. STZ dissolved in 0.1 M citrate buffer (pH 6.3). The ameliorative effects of the extract on STZ-diabetes induced renal damage was evident from the histopathological analysis and the biochemical parameters evaluated in the serum and kidney homogenates. Reduced levels of GSH, CAT and SOD in the kidney of diabetic rats were restored to a near normal level in the H. sabdariffa -treated rats. Elevated concentrations of urea and creatinin in the serum of untreated diabetic rats were also restored in the H. sabdariffa -treated rats. Examination of stained kidney sections revealed hydropic glomerular and tubular degenerations, Bowman space diminution, glomerular and tubular basement membrane thickening as well as excessive deposition of glycogen and collagen in the renal interstitium.These pathological changes were ameliorated in the extract-treated rats. The ameliorative effects of the extract on STZ-diabetes induced renal damage could be partly related to its antioxidant activity. carcinoma. The expression of ACRBP was detected in 45 colorectal cacinoma tissues and paired adjacent noncancerous tissues by RT-PCT and immunohistochemistry, respectively. The relationship between the expression of ACRBP and clinicopathologic parameters was also analyzed. The ACRBP mRNA was expressed in 71.1% (32/45) of colorectal carcinoma tissues and in 53.3% (24/45) of adjacent non-cancerous tissues, respectively. The expression of ACRBP protein was present in 48.9%˄22/45˅of colorectal cancinoma tissues, which was not detectable in adjacent noncancerous tissues. Statistical analysis revealed that there was significant differences between the expression of ACRBP protein and the depth of tumor invasion ˈ tumor differentiation. However, no correlation between the expression of ACRBP and most of the clinicopathologic parameters, such as patient gender, age, tumor size, tumor location, lymph node metastasis, distant metastasis, TNM stage, histological type were also observed. ACRBP protein frequently expressed in coloreatal carcinoma relating to t its invasion and differentiation. ACRBP may have potential applications in immunotherapy and prognosis for colorectal carcinoma. IFAA2014-2-031 IFAA2014-2-029 Expression of caspase-12 mRNA in hippocampus in posttraumatic stress disorder rat Change in expression of calreticulin in medial prefrontal cortex of rats with posttraumtic stress disorder Liu Hong, Han Fang, Shi Y Xiu Lili Wen, Yuxiu Shi, Fan Han * * To observe changes of caspase-12 mRNA expression in hippocampus in rat model of posttraumatic stress disorder(PTSD). We built rat PTSD model using Single prolonged stress (SPS)-method ˊ Male Wistar rats were randomly divided into 7 days group after exposure to SPS (SPS 7d group) and a normal control group. The expression of caspase-12 mRNA was detected by using RT-PCR. Compared with the normal control group, the expression of caspase-12 mRNA significantly increased in the SPS 7d group. Apoptosis induced by SPS was accompanied by an increase of caspase-12 mRNA level. And the endoplasmic reticulum stress pathway was involved in the process of SPS induced apoptosis. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a common anxiety disorder developed following exposure to life-threatening trauma,which cause psychiatric and medical morbidity ,severe psychosocial distress and occupational disability.PTSD has a high prevalence rate ,but the mechanism of the PTSD is not clear.Calreticulin , one of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) chaperones ,is also important in the functions of ER ,such as protein folding,calcium storage,and intracellular signaling,Studies had also shown that depletion of calcium ,which may be induced by SPS( an established animal model for PTSD), regulated expression of calreticulin .Our previous study had reported that there is dysfunction of calcium in PTSD rats . We suspect that the changs of CRT in SPS rats may contribute to the further mechanism of PTSD. IFAA2014-2-030 Cancer testis antigen ACRBP in in colorectal carcinoma: Expression frequence and its correlation with clinical parameters IFAA2014-2-032 Immunolocalization of cytoskeletal proteins and laminin in the epididymis of the black-backed jackal (canis mesomelas) Bin Luo1, Jun Fu1, Xiang Yun2, Rong Fan3, Yongda Lin1, Shujia He1, Qingmei Zhang1, Farong Mo1, Guorong Luo1, Xiaoxun Xie1 Mary-Cathrine N Madekurozwa 1 Department of Histology and Embryology, Guangxi Medical University, Nanning 530021, China; 2The First Affiliated Hospital, Guangxi Medical University, Nanning 530021, China; 3Department of Histology and Embryology, Guangxi Traditional ChineseMedical College, Nanning 530001, China * To investigate the expression of acrosin binding protein (ACRBP) and its clinical significance in colorectal Department of Anatomy and Physiology, Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Pretoria, South Africa * The jackal is a vector of the rabies virus and a predator of farm animals. Fertility control is regarded as a humane method to manage the jackal population. There is currently a lack of information on the reproductive biology of the jackal. The objective of the present study was to describe changes in The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 68 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• the immunoexpression of cytoskeletal proteins and laminin in the epididymis of the jackal. Epididymal tissue was collected from a total of 24 jackals: eight juveniles; five adult males with regressing testes; six adult males with inactive testes, and five adult males with active testes. The immunostaining technique was performed using a LSAB kit (DakoCytomation, Denmark). Antibodies against cytokeratin, laminin, smooth muscle actin (SMA) and vimentin were used at dilutions of 1:50, 1:100, 1:50 and 1:25 respectively. Epididymal epithelial cells were cytokeratin immunopositive. Laminin was immunolocalized in basal laminae associated with periductal smooth muscle cells. SMA was demonstrated in periductal smooth muscle cells. Epithelial vimentin immunostaining was dependent on the functional state of the epididymis. The results of the study have established that a variability exists in the distribution of cytokeratin, laminin, SMA and vimentin in the epididymis of the jackal. IFAA2014-2-033 The localization of vascular endothelial growth factor and its receptors on testis and epididymis of rabbit Nilgün Antepli1, Feyzullah Beyaz2 1 Institute of Food, Agriculture and Livestock , Kayseri, Turkey; 2Erciyes University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Histology and Embryology, Kayseri, Turkey * The aim of study to exhibit localization of VEGF and its receptors VEGFR1 and VEGFR2 on rabbit testis and epididymis. VEGF was found in Sertoli cells, spermatogonia and primary spermatocytes at all spermatogenic stages, in acrosome of spermatids at stages V, VI, VII, and VIII in seminiferous tubule, in Leydig cells or vascular endothelium in interstitium and in the apical and basal cytoplasm of principle cells and apical cells lining ductus epididymis in initial segment, caput, corpus and cauda epididymis. VEGFR1 was determined in Sertoli cells and spermatogonia in seminiferous tubules containing all stages from I to VIII, in Leydig cells in the interstitium and in epithelial cells lining ductus epididymis, peritubuler cells surrounding ducts and vascular endothelium in epididymis. VEGFR2 was found in Sertoli cells and spermatogonia in seminiferous tubules containing all stages from I to VIII, in acrosome of spermatids in stages V, VI, VII, and VIII, Leydig cells or vascular endothelium in the interstitium and in the cytoplasm of principle cells, apical and basal cells lining ductus epididymis and peritubular cells surrounding ducts. The spesific localization of VEGF, VEGFR1 and VEGFR2 in testis and epididymis indicate they may affects the spermatogonial differentation, acrosomal development of spermatids, steroidiogenesis in Leydig cells and sperm maturation and the supporting to blood-epididymis barrier in epididymis. IFAA2014-2-034 Internalization of gap junctions in the granulose cells of rat ovary: An ultrastructural study Shirley H Elmaasarany The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists Department of Human Anatomy and Embryology, Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University, Alexandria, EGYPT * The surface gap junction SGJ directly connects the cytoplasm of two cells, allowing various molecules and ions to pass freely between the cells. In granulose cells GC the SGJ allow the passage of the oocyte meiotic inhibitor OMI to arrest the division in the prophase stage. An increase in the number of the SGJ between the GC was reported to be affected by the level of the FSH. Aim: The present work aimed to study the granulose cell junctions at the different staged of follicular development. Twenty adult female Sprague- Dawley rats (300-400g) were used. The phases of the cycle were determined by daily examination of the vaginal smear. The anaesthetized animals were perfused with 4% paraformaldehyde /2%glutaraldehyde in cacodylate buffer (pH 7.4) and processed for electron microscopy. The results indicated that no tight junctions were detected between GCs, whereas macular desmosomes were present in all stages of follicular growth. SGJ increased dramatically from primary to secondary to antral follicles. Internalization of the SGJ was detected in mature antral follicles with internalization in preovulatory follicles forming annular gap junctions AGJ. These findings contribute to the understanding of GC function in oocyte maturation. IFAA2014-2-035 Thymic myoid cells in thymuses of children with congenital heart defects Ivan Varga1, Veronika Mestanova2, Michal Miko1, Marian Adamkov2, Katarina Tesliarova1, Lubos Danisovic3, Stefan Polak1 1 Institute of Histology and Embryology, Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia; 2Institute of Histology and Embryology, Jessenius Faculty of Medicine in Martin, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia; 3 Institute of Medical Biology, Genetics and Clinical Genetics, Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia . * The thymic myoid cells were first noted in 1888 by Mayer, who saw them in the frog thymus; they were described as long, spindle-shaped cells showing distinct striations. In human, the myoid cells are rare and located mainly in the medulla and are most abundant in fetal development. The biological role of myoid cells is not yet clear. Raviola & Raviola (1967) suggest that myoid cells played a mechanical role in facilitating lymphocyte passage through the thymus. Tamiolakis et al. (2004) demonstrate that a myoid cells are involved in the formation of an appropriate microenvironment for proliferation of erythropoietic cells in fetal thymuses. Mesnard-Rouller et al. (2004) suggest that myoid cells contribute to the mechanisms involved in the induction and maintenance of immune tolerance. Myoid cells have surface receptors for acetylcholine. Thereby, it is presumable that this cell type can play an initial role in pathogenesis of myasthenia gravis. Wakkach et al. (1999) demonstrate the excessive production of TNF-alfa and IL-8, which presumably protect thymocytes from apoptosis. Our immunohistochemical study is focused on description of Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 69 localization of the markers of myoid cells (desmin, alfa-actin, troponin T) in thymic medulla in infants thymuses removed during surgery performed for various congenital heart defects was described. We look for the relationship between abundance of myoid cells and type of congenital heart defect (a possible common embryonic basis of myoid cells and spiral septum of developing heart – the neural crest cells). Supported by the Grant VEGA 1/0253/14. IFAA2014-2-036 The effects of virgin sesame oil (sesamum indicum linn) to destroyed hepatocyte induced by carbon tetrachloride (CCL4). subjected to standard histological procedure by paraffin wax embedding method. Sections (5-7 P thick) were cut and examined under light microscope after staining with Haemotoxylin and Eosin stain. Histomorphological changes were observed in Group B and C in the form of tubular dilation, glomerular hypercellularity, renal tubular hypertrophy, interstitium lymphocyte infiltration, increased vascularity and interstitial oedema. These changes are suggestive of glomerulonephritis, tubular necrosis and interstitial nephritis progressing to Chronic renal failure warranting its cautious use. B3551 Expression of Bcl-2 and Bax proteins in the developing digestive tract of human embryos Pik Siong, Endang Listyaningsih Suparyanti, Bhisma Murti Yong Zhang, Xuehong Liu Histology, Medical Faculty of Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia. * Department of Histology and Embryology, School of Medicine, Shaoxing University, Shaoxing City 312000 , China Sesame seed that rich of natural antioxidants can repair even reduce the injury. The aim of the research is for observing the difference liver histologis structure between mices those were Virgin Sesame Oil (VSO) without or after given CCl4. Material and methode:The subjects were 32 mices strain Swiss webster. X2 and X3 Group were VSO for 10 days, 0,1 ml/20 g BB mice and 0,2 ml/ 20 g BB mice each. (X0) Group were palm oil fed in the 8th day but the others were CCl4 that soluted with palm oil. The mices were killed and taken the livers. Than it made histological preparat with HE painting. We have counted change hepatocyte nucleus. Data analyze by One Way ANOVA then LSD. The result showed significience differences (F0 > Ft) among 4 groups. The result of LSD showed significience difference (p < 0.05) among 4 groups for both, Cariolisis and cariorecsis group. There is no significience difference (p < 0,05) only between X0 and X2 for picnotic group. The conclution is 0,1 ml/ 20 g mice or 0,2 ml/ 20 g mice Virgin Sesame Oil can reduce destroyed hepatocyte caused by 0,55 mg/ 20 g mice CCl4. To explore the rule of cell proliferation, apoptosis and expression significance of involved gene and protein as Bcl2(B-cell lymphoma/leukemia-2) and Bax(Bcl-associate X protein) in human embryonic digestive tract of developmental stages. Immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization were used to detect the expressions of Bcl-2 and Bax proteins and genes in the embryonic esophagus, stomach and small and large intestines of fetuses with 2, 3 and 4 month gestational age(n=16). In the 2nd, 3rd and 4th months of gestation, Bcl2 positive cells were found in the intermuscular and submucous nerve plexus in the esophagus, stomach and intestines. Bax weakly positive cells were observed in the mucous layer of the human embryonic esophagus, and Bax positive expression in the simple columnar epithelium cells of the human embryonic gastrointestinal mucous layer. Conclusion Bcl-2 and Bax proteins are closely related to the growth and development of cells and tissues in the digestive tract muscle and mucous layers of human embryo. B3553 IFAA2014-2-037 Expression of cell proliferation and apotosis genes in human embryonic esophagus and intestine Chronic toxicity induced by chlorpyrifos- A histomorphological study Xuehong Liu, Yong Zhang Reeha Mahajan, Anita Tuli Department of Histology and Embryology, School of Medicine, Shaoxing University, Shaoxing City 312000, China Lady Hardinge Medical College, New Delhi, india * Chlorpyrifos is an organophosphate pesticide extensively used to protect agricultural products and livestocks. Nephrotoxicity is one of the toxic manifestations of Chlorpyrifos. Paucity of literature on histomorphological changes in kidney following its exposure prompted us to initiate this study. The present study was conducted on 45 Wistar albino rats (145-165 grams) procured from central animal house of Government medical college, Jammu after ethical clearance. The rats were divided into 3 groups. Group A (n=10) served as control group. Group B (n=10) and C (n=10) were administered Chlorpyrifos orally at a dose of 5 mg and 10mg/kg body weight respectively, daily. Five rats from each group were sacrificed at 6th and 8th week after initiation of the experiment. Kidneys were dissection out and To explore the expression rule of PCNA, C-fos and apoptosis genes in human embryonic esophageal and intestinal tissues. Immunohistochemistry and TUNEL methods were used to detect the expressions of cell proliferation and apotosis in the embryonic esophagus and intestine of fetuses with 2, 3 and 4 month gestational age(n=16). At the second to fourth month of gestation, PCNA positive cells distributed in each layer of the esophagus and intestine, with the increase in fetal age, the positive cell number and average intensity (AI) of PCNA protein increased gradually(P<0.01). The AI of C-fos protein rose initially and then dropped in the esophagus (P<0.01), while it stably increased in the intestine(P<0.01). TUNEL positive cells distributed in each layer of the esophagus and intestine, with the increase in fetal age, the AI of TUNEL positive cells showed a tendency of decrease following The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 70 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• increase (P<0.01). PCNA, C-fos and apoptosis gene participate in adjusting the growth and development of human embryonic esophagus and intestine. B3588 Influence of cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor NS-398 in proliferation and apoptosis of hepatocellular carcinoma cells SMMC-7721 Yaling Qi Liqiang Chen School of Basic Medical Sciences, Jiamusi University, Heilongjiang, China (154007) The SMMC-7721 cells were treated with different doses of NS-398(0, 25, 50, 75, 100 and 150 ȝmol·L-1 ) in various groups for 24, 48, 72h. The inhibitory rates of proliferation of hepatocellular carcinoma cells SMMC-7721 cells were detected by MTT assay, and the changes of cell cycle and apoptotic rates were detected by flow cytometry. Results After treated with 25, 50, 75,100,and150 ȝmol·L-1 NS-398 compared with normal control group, the ratios of SMMC7721 cells in G0/G1 phase were reduced, and the ratios of SMMC-7721 cells in G2/M phase were increased in the other groups. No apoptotic peak was observed in normal control group. The apoptotic peak was observed in 50 ȝmol·L-1 NS398 group after treated for 24h, and the level of apoptosis was increasde significantly 72 hafter treatment. The inhibitory rates of proliferation had a concentration-and timedependant trend in varioue groups. Conclusion the NS-398 can repress the proliferation of SMMC-7721 cells and induce apoptosis; The process is time-and dose-dependant.˄Project supported by Heilongjiang Province Department of Education No.11551509˅ Effect of taurine on the neural cell apoptosis induced by retinoic acid Yongzhen Ma Shandong Medical College, Linyi,China 276000 Retinoic acid(RA) is a metabolite of Vitamin A. Our previous studies had shown that over-dose retinoic acid could lead to neural tube defects(NTDs), and the reason was associated with retinoic acid causing excessive apoptosis of nerve cells. Recently, our nerve cell culture with retinoic acid study revealed that RA could significantly inhibited nerve cell proliferation ( ˬ ˘ 0.05), and lowed the Bcl-2 protein expression in the nerve cells, enhanced the expression of Bax and Caspase-3 protein (ˬ˘0.05). Some studies confirmed that taurine played an important role for development and survival of nerve cells,and taurine had protective effect on damaged nerve cells. This study confirmed that the different concentration of taurine on RA damage of nerve cells had obvious protective effect, with the increase of concentration, increased cell proliferation ability. Taurine could make abnormal expression of Bcl-2, Bax and Caspase 3 protein nerve cells was rebuilt. We concluded that taurine for the protection of nerve cell apoptosis induced by RA are closely related with the expression of Bax, Bcl-2 and Caspase-3. B3610 Introduction of a rapid paraffin embedding procedure for delicate tissue specimens with tetrahydrofuran Wenjie Bi1, Xiang Zheng2 1 B3599 Myosarcoma animal modeling and expression of vascular endothelial growth factor Lijie Yao1 , Hongwang Qiao2, Lei Shen 1 Department of Anatomy;2.Second Affiliated Hospital,QiqiHar Medical University,China,161006 Tumor carneus is frequent malignant tumor clinically.the major route of tumor cell transfer pass lymph vessel and blood vessel in tela.Getting Sanitation Kunming mouse with the S-180 cancerous ascites,S-180 sarcoma cell lines in vitro,cells in culture after the bottle is full of single-layer to collect cells,made of cell suspension.Use of stable 4-5 cell,planted in hip muscle of mice at the same parts,build myosarcoma animal modeling in situ cultivation models,observing the growth of tumors.Mice were put to death in the different time after 1 week.Cut the tumors and detect volume and weight of tumors.Open chest and abdomen to observe condition of neoplasm metastasis and the realation of tumor vessel and the growth of lymphatic and tumor metastatic.Get the tissue of tumor for embedding and slicing.Use the method of immunohistochemisty and Western blot,detect the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor. B3600 The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists Department of Anatomy, Chengdu Medical Colledge, Chengdu 610500; 2 Laboratory of Preclinical Medicine, West China School of Preclinical Medicine, Sichuan University, Chendu China 610041 The traditional paraffin embedding for delicate tissue specimens of animal follows the ethanol-chloroform procedure. This procedure is time-consuming, and specimens inevitably shrink in absolute alcohol and chloroform. We tested some other dehydrating agents and found that tetrahydrofuran is the best one as a single agent for both dehydration and clearing. Specimens were fixed in neutralbuffered formalin or alcoholic fixatives, then transferred to 70% ethanol. 1 or 2 h later, specimens were moved to the mixed liquor of 70% ethanol – tetrahydrofuran 1:1 (v/v) for 1 h. The primary tissue block should be carefully trimmed after this step, and thoroughly dehydrated in 3 changes of pure tetrahydrofuran, each for 1 h. The following embedding process is the same as the traditional method. Tissue processed follow the tetrahydrofuran procedure can utmostly avoid shrinkage or other artifacts, and is fine for making section. In addition, the entire procedure costs only 8 h for a standard block with thickness of 5 mm. B3629 Expression and significance of PCNA and Caspase3 in pancreatic islet cell of mice with spontaneous type 2 diabetes mellitus Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 71 Xudong Zhang1, Lei Zhang2 1 Department of histology and embryology, 1changzhi medical college, changzhi 046000; 2 hebei medical university, Shijiazhuang 050017 china Animals were C57bl/Ksj-db/+m mutant diabetic mice imported from Japan. The pure zygote offspring that is db/db mouse displays obesity and high blood glucose beyond 10mmol/L. The test group (DM group) selected 3,5,8,10 and 12 month-old db/db mice. The age-matched db/+m mice were as the control group. The tails of pancreas were excised at 3,5,8,10 and 12 months , and PCNA and Caspase-3 were semi-quantitatively analyzed by using SP immunohistochemical staining. The results showed that the positive rate of Caspase-3 took the significant increasing tendency as the disease progressed in DW group˄p<0.05), and was significantly higher in each age phase of DM group than that in the control group ˄ p<0.05), and a series of related research suggested that major apoptotic cells were B cells in insular cells of db/db mice too; The positive rate of PCNA took no changes in DM groups and the control groups (P˚0.05). These results suggest that insular B cells in db/db mice were varying as the disease progressed. B cell apoptosis increasing and quantities decreasing played an important role in causing T2DM. B3688 Influence of chemotherapy on iumbar disc tissue and expression of fasl and fas Lu Yue Department of Histology and Embryology, Medical College of Dalian University, Dalian China, 116622 The data of lumbar disc tissue injury induced by chemotherapy is quite scarce. In this experiment, the lumbar disc tissue injury model was established on rats through imitating clinical chemotherapy. Then we observed whether chemotherapy of cisplatin and cyclophosphamidum(Cy) would deteriorate the injury on rats’ lumbar disc tissue. Determines the expressions of fasl and fas through immunohistochemistry, thus discuss the influence of chemotherapy sequence on lumbar disc tissue injury, and provide theoretical basis for the clinical diagnose. The result showed that the normal group has no marked positive expression of fasl and fas protein, Compared to normal group, the lumbar disc tissue in experimental groups had various changes and there was significant difference in statistics. It proved that chemotherapy truly have side effect and toxic effect on lumbar disc tissue. gene was cloned and induced to its Prokaryotic expression, then the collected proteins were purified and analyzed. GAGE-1 segment was amplified and cloned into pGEX-6p-1 to construct the expression plasmid pGEX-6p-1-GAGE-1. The recombinant vector was transformed to E.coli BL21 and was expressed by IPTG. The sequence of 5 ‘terminal 251bp GAGE-1 was amplified and identical with the published in Gene- Bank.The BL21(DE3) containing the the PGEX-6p -1GAGE-1 expressed a Mr 35.7KD GST-GAGE-1 fusion protein. The recombinant expression vector PGEX-6p-1GAGE-1 was constructed successfully, which laiding the foundation for further in-depth study of GAGE protein. B3710 The role of ginsenoside-Rg1 on the expression of the P-glycoprotein in ischemia and reperfusion brain in rats Jie Li1, Li Yang2, zhixiong Li3, jianyun Yu 4, Zeyun Guo * Department of Anatomy and Histology (1,2), Department of Forensics(3,4), Kunming Medical University, Kunming 650500, China. * To explore the effect of Ginsenoside-Rg1 on the expression of the P-glycoprotein(P-gp) in ischemia and reperfusion brain in rats. Focal cerebral ischemia of the SD rats was induced by blocking middle cerebral artery for 90min using the intraluminal filament technique following reperfusion 1d, 3d and 7d. The change of P-gp and P-gp mRNA in ischemic cerebral cortex and striatum capillary were analyzed by immunohistochemistry, western-blot and real-time q-PCR technique in. normal control group, ischemia group, sham operation group, saline group and ginsenoside-Rg1 treatment groups. The results showed the positive micro vessel density of P-gp and the expression of mRNA in ischemic cortex and corpus striatum were decreased significantly in ginsenosideRg1 treatment group than that in control group (P<0.01). These findings suggest that Ginsenoside-Rg1 can downregulate the expression of P-gp in ischemia brain, which may be as a promising inhibitor of P-gp and it provide data for treatment of the stroke. B3743 Alteration of apoptosis and Akt/mTOR signal pathway in hippocampal neurons of rat with posttraumatic stress disorder Zhuxin Sui, Haitao Wang. Department of Histology and Embryolgy, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Hebei United University, Tangshan 063000, China. B3708 Recombinantion,Expression and Purification of Cancer Testis Antigen GAGE-1 Feilan Zhao, Guozhen He, Rong Fan, Yanhui Cen, Rongshi Huang. Department of Histology and Embryology, Guangxi University of Chinese medicine,Nanning 530001 In order to investigate the efficacy of clinical specific cancer immnotherapy induced by cancer testis antigen, the GAGE-1 We divided sixty male adult SD rats into control group and PTSD model group to observe the changes of apoptosis and Akt/mTOR signal pathway in hippocampal neurons of rat with post-straumatic stress disorder and investigate the mechanism of PTSD. The PTSD animal model was established by giving the rats single-prolonged stress followed by a single inescapable electric foot shock (SPS&S). The neuronal apoptosis of hiappocampus was detected by flow cytometry (FCM). The expressions of PTEN, p-Akt, and The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 72 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• p-mTOR protein were carried out by Western blotting. The results showed that the apoptotic cell rate in PTSD 1d, 4d, 7d and 14d rats was higher than that in control rats (P<0.05); the expression level of PTEN in PTSD 1d, 4d, 7d and 14drats was higher, while the expression levels of p-Akt and pmTOR were lower, than those in control rats (P<0.05). Based on these results, the Akt/mTOR signal pathway was activated in hippocampal neurons of PTSD rats, which was involved in neuronal apoptosis. B3750 The protective effects of valproic acid on acute spinal cord injury in rats Xinzhi Li, Jianjun Chen Department of Anatomy and Histo-Embryology, Chengdu Medical College, Chengdu, China The present studyinvestigated whether valproic acid(VPA) reduces spinal cord damage and improves functional outcome in a acute spinal cord injury model in rats. Fortyfour adult rats were randomly divided into three groups: sham operation group, the injury group and the VPA treated group. The rats were killed at 6h, 24h, 48h, 72h after injury. The BBB score was significantly higher in the VPA treated group than in the injury group at 48h, 72h. The TUNEL- positive cells and the expression of HSP70 were both seen in the injury group and the VPA treated group. Compared with the injury group, the TUNEL-positive cells were significantly decreased while the expression of HSP70 were significantly elevated in the VPA treated group at 6h, 24h,48h, 72h after SCI. Altogether, our results demonstrate that VPA is neuroprotective in the acute spinal cord injury model and suggest that the protection mechanisms may involve apoptosis inhibition and HSP induction. B3759 Bmi1 plays a critical role in preventing bone aging by inhibiting oxidative stress Qian Wang1, Rong Wang1, Jianliang Jin1, David Goltzman2, and Dengshun Miao1 1 The Research Center for Bone and Stem Cells, Nanjing Medical University, China; 2Department of Medicine, McGill University, Canada This study we examined whether the premature osteoporosis caused by Bmi1 deficiency was associated with oxidative stress-induced bone aging. We treated Bmi1-/- mice with the antioxidant N-acetylcysteine , and compared their phenotype with the untreated Bmi1-/- and WT mice. NAC supplementation of Bmi1-/- mice resulted in a longer lifespan ,increased body weight , BMD, cortical and trabecular bone volume, osteoblast numbers, ALP and type I collagen positive areas , MAR, total antioxidant capacity, glutathione concentration, and SOD level, whereas a reduced number of bone marrow adipocytes, the percentages of 8hydroxy-2´-deoxyguanosine positive or ȕ-galactosidase positive osteocytes , the protein expression levels of PPARȖ, Ȗ-H2AX and p16INK4a, H2O2 concentration and MDA content . Simultaneously, ROS levels were reduced, whereas the gene expression levels of antioxidant enzymes were up-regulated The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists in bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell ex vivo cultures from NAC-treated Bmi1-/- mice. These studies therefore indicate that Bmi1 plays a critical role in preventing bone aging by inhibiting oxidative stress. B3760 IL-13a1receptor in hodgkin lymphoma and its significance Xionglin Chen, Xiaoming Cao Jiujiang University,Jiangxi 332000,China To investigate interleukin-13a1 receptor (IL-13Ra1) in Hodgkin lymphoma and its significance. Immunohistochemistry SP (streptavidin-perosidase) method detected IL-13Ra1 Hodgkin's lymphoma in 24 cases and 15 cases of anaplastic large cell lymphoma expression. There was the absence of IL-13Ra1 expression in 15 cases of anaplastic large cell lymphoma, where 24 cases of Hodgkin's lymphoma, 20 cases (positive rate 83.3%) the expression of IL-13Ra1 existed, significant difference between them (P <0.05). Hodgkin's lymphoma in the presence of high expression of IL-13Ra1, and IL-13Ra1 may be used as Hodgkin lymphoma and anaplastic large cell lymphoma, the basis for the differential diagnosis. B3785 Calcitonin gene-related peptide prevents bloodbrain barrier injury and brain edema induced by focal cerebral ischemia reperfusion Zhen Liu1, Guixiang Liu2, Zhenzhong Li1 1 Department of Anatomy, Shandong University School of Medicine, Jinan 250012, China; 2Department of Histology and Embryology, Binzhou Medical College, Binzhou, 256603, China. * Cerebral ischemia is one of the diseases that most compromise the human species. Therapeutic recovery of blood-brain barrier (BBB) disruption represents a novel promising approach to reduce brain injury after stroke. To determine the effects of calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) on the BBB participate in stroke progression, transient middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) cerebral ischemia reperfusion injury rat model was used to evlauate the effects of CGRP on BBB improvement. The result showed that CGRP could reduce arterial blood pressure, infarct volume, cerebral edema, BBB permeability, AQP4 mRNA expression and AQP4 protein expression. Furthermore, CGRP treatment improved ultrastructural damage of capillary endothelium cells and decreased the loss of the tight junction observed by transmission electronic microscopy after reperfusion. Our findings showed that CGRP significantly reduced postischemic increase of brain edema with a 2-hour therapeutic window in the transient model of focal cerebral ischemia. Moreover, it seems that at least part of the anti-edematous effects of CGRP is due to decrease of BBB disruption by improving ultrastructural damage of capillary endothelium cells, enhancing basal membrane, and inhibiting AQP4 over-expression. The data of Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 73 the present study provide a new possible approach for acute stroke therapy by administration of CGRP. Identification of small ligands recognizing NEP 1-35 by screening phage display libraries to neutralize CNS myelin inhibition B3809 Qiyue Deng, Shurong Li, Bingyin Su* Expression of cancer testis antigen CT37 protein in hepatic carcinoma tissues and cell lines Development and Regeneration Key Lab of Sichuan Province, Chengdu Medical College, China; *Corresponding author. Rong Fan1, Wei Huang1, Bin Luo2, Qingmei Zhang1, Fang Chen2, Chengxiao Chen2, Shaowen Xiao2, Xiaoxun Xie2 1 Department of Histology & Embryology, School of Preclinical Medicine, Guangxi Chinese Medicine University, Nanning 530001;2 Department of Histology & Embryology, School of Pre-clinical Medicine, Guangxi Medical University, Nanning 530021, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China. Protein expression level of CT37 was analyzed by immunohistochemistry in the normal hepatic cell line HL7702, four HC cell lines (QGY7701, SMMC7721, Bel7404 and HepG2), a normal hepatic tissue and 30 cases of HC tissues. CT37 protein expression was found in the HC cell line QGY7701 and 26.67% (8/30) of HC tissues, but absent in other HC cell lines, the normal hepatic cell line HL7702 as well as the normal normal hepatic tissue. Some of HC tissues presented stronger immunostaining intensity and majority showed the heterogeneity of protein distribution. There was no statistically significant correlation found between CT37 expression and any other clinicopathological traits such as sex, age, tumor size and pathological grade. This finding suggests that CT37 might be an attractive target for immunotherapy for HC. To investigate whether blocking the two regions with specific small ligands could neutralize the inhibition of Nogo-66, two phage display peptide libraries were applied to screen small peptides that might bind the two regions with high affinity. NEP1-35 containing 1-33 residues of Nogo-66 was taken as the target for panning. Phage-borne peptides with stronger affinity to NEP1-35 contained a relatively conserved motif, RRXXXXXXXRRX. Afterwards one identified peptide, NH2-RRQTLSHQMRRP-COOH was synthesized and tested in neurite outgrowth assay, in which this small molecule showed moderate ability to neutralize CNS myelin inhibition. Our results demonstrated that short peptides could act as adaptors to Nogo-66 and neutralize CNS myelin inhibition in vitro. Additionally, the results also suggested that phage display could help to discover novel small molecules with high affinity to CNS regrowth inhibitors, which might promote CNS regeneration with fewer side effects. This work was supported by NSFC (NO: 31371215; 81241019) B3819 Small Nogo-66-binding peptide promotes neurite outgrowth through RhoA inhibition after spinal cord injury Qiyue Deng, Shurong Li, Bingyin Su* B3817 The prevention of DA neuron degeneration induced by colchicine viaTLR3-TRIF signaling pathway Development and Regeneration Key Lab of Sichuan Province, Chengdu Medical College, China; *Corresponding author. Hongli Zhou, Sen Lin, Minghui Shan, Shurong Li*, Bingyin Su* Nogo-A is a myelin inhibitor in the mammalian central nervous system (CNS). To investigate the effects of two small peptides on Nogo-66/NgR signalling pathway, we investigated RhoA mRNA levels in a neurite outgrowth assay and tested the two peptides in a rat spinal cord hemi-section injury (SCI) model. PepIV was a selected Nogo-66 binding peptide and PepII was taken as a potential NgR antagonist. Our results showed that PepIV and PepII decrease the mRNA levels of RhoA and partially neutralize CNS myelin inhibition to cultured cerebellar granule cells (CGCs). Treatment with both peptides was propitious to maintaining residual axons after SCI. Enhanced neurite outgrowth might reflect a decrease in RhoA expression. PepIV induced lower RhoA mRNA level, which indicated PepIV could block Nogo-66/NgR signalling and then contribute to neuronal survival and axonal regrowth. Furthermore, PepIVmight cover some unknown active site, which could be potential targets for improving regeneration after injury. This work was supported by NSFC (NO: 31371215; 81241019) Development and Regeneration Key Lab of Sichuan Province, Chengdu Medical College, Chengdu, 610500, PR China It was found that the Trif deficiency aggravated DA and DOPAC release in striatum in a colchicine injection model, however, no significant difference was found in SNc between WT and Trif-/- groups. It was also found that the TH staining was more positive in WT group than that in Trif-/- group, however no significant difference was found in SNc region, which were in accordant with the results found in HPLC experiments. The results above indicated that the TRIF adaptor which is the sole downstream adaptor of TLR3, may play protective role in a DA neuron and/or neural microenvironment. It was found that TLR3 antagonist poly I:C rescued the TH staining, which was more positive than control group as well as the experiment performed in a MN9D in vitro, which is a DA like neuron. In sum, the present results preliminarily demonstrated the protection of TLR3-TRIF signaling pathway, in vivo and in vitro. This work was supported by NSFC (NO:31371215; 81241019) B3818 B3821 Osteoinduction of calcium phosphate bioceramics in rabbits by histology Lijia Cheng, Peiling Cai The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 74 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• Medical and Nursing School, Chengdu University, Chengdu, People’s Republic of China, 610106 There were few reports about blood circulation and osteogenic factors can promote bone-formation of Calcium Phosphate (Ca-P) bioceramics in rabbits. Forty rabbits are prepared, with the animals under general intraperitoneal anesthesia, six Ca-P ceramic rods were implanted into back muscles of rabbits, respectively. Every ten rabbits were sacrificed on months 3, 6, 9, 12 after implantation, the ceramics, heart, liver, spleen, lung, kidney were harvested and were analyzed by macroscopy, histology, histomorphometry, immunohistochemistry, PCR, western blot, image analysis and statistical analyses.Three months after operation, new bone tissue appeared, and massive new bone and marrow tissues were observed after 12 months. The ceramics have almost been replaced by the new bone tissues at 12 months, and there were no tumors and other complications in the organs and tissues after such a long time. We found the osteoinduction phenomenon in rabbits under the effects of blood circulation and ostogenic factors, which has great significance for application of Ca-P bioceramics. B3852 Effect of honokiol on acute liver injury of mice induced by carbon tetrachloride Xichao Xia1, Guosheng Huang2, Changhai Liu2, Gaixia Gui1, Jiang Xiao1ˈLei Wang 2, Rongzhi Liu1* 1 Basic medical department, Nanyang Medical College, Nanyang 473061, China; 2Clinical laboratory, the first affiliated hospital, Nanyang Medical University, Nanyang 473058, China The honokiol, the predominant compound of Magnoliaofficinalis Rehderet Wilson, has a potential role in developing a new medicine. By using an animal model of acute liver injury of mice induced by carbon tetrachloride (CCl4), we investigate the effects of honokiol on acute liver injury in the current study. Histopathological examination of liver sections of normal animals showed normal cellular architecture with distinct hepatic cells. The liver sections of the rats of CCl4 control group showed disarrangement of normal hepatic cell with high degree damage characterized by the centrilobular necrosis, focal necrosis and bile duct proliferation. The sections of rats treated with different concentrations of honokiol exhibited less centrilobular necrosis and bile duct proliferation compared with that of CCl4 control group. Dose dependent results were observed and high dose showed better activity. The studies suggest that honokiol has a protecting-role on liver injury CCl4 induced in mice. B3879 Effect of weak magnetic stimulation on the expression of Fos protein in spinal cord neurons of the pigeon Yuan Shi1, Xiyun Cui2, Fangming Wei2, Fei Jia2, Shanshan Liu2, 1 Department of Biology ,Qilu Normal Universityˈ Jinan250013ˈChina 2College of Life Science, Shandong Normal University ,Jinan250014, China We studied the effect of weak magnetic stimulation on the expression of Fos protein in neurons of pigeon chest spinal cord . The ordinary pigeons were divided into four groups randomly, there were arms and legs of animal bounded group, bounded and the chest stimulated by the magnetic group, bounded and the tail stimulated by the magnetic group, and as control (free activity, untreated magnetic) group respectivly(4 pigeons/ group). Part stimulated of animal were sustained for 1 hour in 0.41Gs magnetic agglomeration areas of outside a steady magnetic field. Pigeons were sacrificed by intraperitoneal injection of overdose anesthetics . Fos protein -Immunohistochemical Reaction(Fos-IR)results show the numbers of Fos-IR positive neurons(FPN) in the chest spinal cord,there the group of receive magnetic stimulation is much more than the group stimulated without the magnetic. The number of FPN in the spinal cord, intermediate zone and posterior horn is more than the anterior horn. The results show that weak magnetic stimulation can induce Fos protein expression enhanced in the spinal cord neurons of pigeon.It suggests that weak magnetic stimulation can induce the neuron activities increase.Acknowledgement: This work was supported by grant (31101643) from the National Natural Science Foundation of China. B3881 Effect of the magnetic stimulation from permanent magnet on the expression of Fos protein in spinal cord neurons of the pigeon Ning Li1, Yuan Shi2, Xiyun Cui1 1 College of Life Science, Shandong Normal University ,Jinan250014, China 2Department of Biology ,Qilu Normal UniversityˈJinan250013ˈChina . We studied the effect of magnetic stimulation from permanent magnet on the expression of Fos protein in neurons of pigeon chest spinal cord. The pigeons were randomly divided into carried a bag of corn which weighed 6g on the back , carried the permanent magnet(which the intensity of the applied magnetic field is 200mT,weigt 6g) on the back and not receive any treatment group . Each group has 4 pigeons.Then, all animals were survive for 1 h in the waking and ambulatory state. Fos protein – Immunohistochemical Reaction(Fos-IR)results showed that the number of Fos-IR positive neurons(FPN) in the chest spinal cord of group that received magnetic stimulation was significantly increased as compared to groups without magnetic stimulation (p<0.05).The number of FPN in posterior horn and intermediate zone is much more than that of the anterior horn. The present results indicated that magnetic stimulation from permanent magnet could induce enhanced Fos protein expression in the neuron of pigeons spinal cord. It suggested that magnetic stimulation from permanent magnet can induce the neuron activities increase. Acknowledgement: This work was supported by grant ( 31101643) from the National Natural Science Foundation of China. B3957 The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 75 Expression and significance of HGF during hepatocarcinogenesis in rats B4057 Expression of TFEB and its downstream autophagy-related gene Beclin1 in the hippocampus of ALS transgenic mice Li X.Y, Qu H.L, Wang D, Liu T.S, Bai X.Y Department of Introduction to Basic Medicine, Binzhou Medical College, 346 Guan Hai Road, Yantai, Shandong 264003, China Linlin Jie, Yingjun Guan*, Yanchun Chen, Caixia Zhang, Fenghua Zhou, Hongmei Du, Haoyun Zhang Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) was reported to have mitogenic, motogenic, morphogenic, and anti-apoptotic activities in various cell types. The purpose of this study has been to investigate the expression and significance of HGF during hepatocarcinogenesis. Experimental hepatocellular carcinomas were induced with the administration of diethylnitrosamine in rats. The serum level of HGF was detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Immunohistochemical staining method was used for measuring the expressions of HGF in liver tissues in the carcinogenic successive stages. We found that during the carcinogenesis and development of hepatoma, the serum HGF was increased when the hepatic lesion occured, and decreased when hepatocytes were excessively proliferated or cirrhotic, but increased again when the hepatic carcinoma were formed. The HGF positive reaction was found in cytoplasm of degenerative hepatocytes. The expression of HGF in hepatocellular carcinoma was lower than those in pericarcinomatour tissue, hyperplastic nodules and atypical hyperplastic nodules. During over proliferation and cirrhosis, weak expression of HGF was observed. Our results suggest that HGF might be related to continuous proliferation and malignant transformation of hepatocytes during hepatocarcinogenesis. Department of Histology and Embryology, Weifang Medical College Our aim was to examine the changes in expression of transcription factor EB (TFEB) and its downstream autophagy-related gene Beclin1 in the hippocampus of adult amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) transgenic mice. The expression of TFEB and Beclin1 in the hippocampus at the age of 95d, 108d and 122d were detected with RT-PCR, western blotting and immunofluorescence labeling. Compared with the wild-type mice, TFEB mRNA and protein were increased at 95d, but decreased at 108d and 122d (P<0.05). Immunofluorescence results showed a stong immunoreactivity of TFEB at 95d, but weak at 108d and 122d compared with wild-type mice. The expression of Beclin1 was similar to that of TFEB. The changes of autophagy regulated by TFEB and Beclin1 which were significantly in the hippocampus of ALS transgenic mice may be associated with the pathogenesis of ALS. B4084 Distribution of immune cells in rat intestine Yanyan Ke, Linglong Chen Xianmen Medical College, Xiamen361008;Fujian College of Medical technolgy , Fuzhou 350101 B4002 Osmotic behavior of murine immature ovaries to design vitrification protocols Hongyan Wang, Huaiqing Han The department of AnatomyˈNingxia Medical University, Yinchuan,750004ˈ China Suitable osmotic equilibrium time achieving optimal dehydrant status is critical for successful vitrification freezing to preserve the viability of specimen. This study aimed to investigate the osmotic behavior to design vitrification protocols. Eight ovaries respectively obtained from 10-dayold mice and newborn rats were all immersed in EG5.5/30 solution. Photographs of the ovaries were taken to calculate their surface areas at different exposure time. Follicular viability was assessed after vitrification. Onset of estrous cycle was observed by allotransplanting under the kidney capsule of ovariectomized female recipients. Then osmotic shrinkage was continued in pre-equilibration medium for 15 minutes and until 26.7% of juvenile mouse ovarian dehydration for 4 minutes and 23% of newborn rat ovarian dehydration for 3 minutes in EG5.5/30 solution was shown. Vitrified-warmed ovaries shown lower percentage of viable follicles than that of fresh groups (P< 0.05). No signi¿cant differences were found in rate of restore estrous cycle between cryopserved and fresh allotransplanted groups. So our permeability parameters would help to design the optimal cell-type or species speci¿c vitrification protocols. In order to investigate the rodent intestinal digestive function and mucosal immune function, six adult rats were studied, intestinal epithelial lymphocytes and goblet cells, intestinal mast cell distribution characteristics by means of histological techniques. Results: larger lymphoid nodules were found in the duodenum and colon, while many lamina propria lymphocytes were scattered in other intestine. Intestinal epithelial lymphocytes in the overall trend was decreasing, while the jejunum was the most. The number of goblet cells in the overall trend was increasing, but the jejunum was the least. Mast cells were distributed in each segment of the bowel with the cell shape and size various. Conclusion: The type of guinea pig intestinal structure, the distribution of immune cells and the number, provide morphological evidences for physiology and diagnosis of intestinal diseases. B4091 Distribution and developmental changes of orexin-A in the duodenum of African ostrich Kemei Peng, Chunyan Jin, Liu Hui, Huazhen Song, Daiyun Zhu, Xinting Zheng College of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China The African ostrich, Struthio camelus, is the largest flightless bird native to Africa, the only living member of the genus struthio, which is in the ratite family. Ostrich farming is very The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 76 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• important for production of feather, meat, skin and eggs. The aim of the present study was to investigate the presence and distribution of orexin-A in the duodenum of African ostrich by immunohisto-chemistry.Orexin-A-positive cells was identified in the duodenal epithelium and the intestinal glands, while a large amount of positive particles were located in the lamina propria, especially at 45d. In duodenum, the IOD of orexin-A was changed with the age: from one-day-old to adulthood, it was first increased and then decreased, and the peak value appeared in 45 day-old. These results of the present study demonstrate that the distribution of orexin-A changes with the age in African ostrich duodenum from postnatal one-day-old to adulthood; orexin-A may play a vital role in duodenum development. B4173 Roles of microRNA-433 and integrin Į4ȕ1 in lymphangiogenesis, lymphatic metastasis, and prognosis in colon cancer Xiaohong Lv, Xiangchen Wang, Xuemei Li, Yafang Zhang Department of Anatomy, Harbin Medical University, Harbin, China We combined microRNA-433 and VEGF-C/VEGFR pathway for exploring changes in pathway members and their influence on lymphangiogenesis and clinicopathological features.Expression of microRNA-433, integrin Į4ȕ1, VEGF-C, and VEGFR-3 was evaluated by real-time qPCR, western blot and immunohistochemistry in 147 colon cancer patients who were followed up for 5 years.Compare to normal colonic tissues, lymphatic vessel density was significantly higher in colon cancer tissues. The expression of microRNA-433 was negatively correlated with lymphatic vessel count, Į4ȕ1 and VEGF-C expression. The expression of Į4ȕ1 and VEGF-C was positively correlated with lymphatic vessel count. Analysis using the Kaplan-Meier method indicated that patients with Į4ȕ1-positive tumors had significantly shorter overall survival and tumor-free survival time than those with Į4ȕ1-negative tumors. Patients with higher expression of microRNA-433 had significantly longer overall survival and tumor-free survival time than those with lower expression of microRNA-433.MicroRNA-433 and integrin Į4ȕ1 are both involved in lymphangiogenesis and lymphatic metastasis. The expression of microRNA-433 and Į4ȕ1 may be useful indicators for prognostic evaluation in colon cancer patients. B4175 The changes in expression of Sox2 and Sox9 in the spinal cord of ALS transgenic mice Caixia Zhang, Yingjun Guan*, Yanchun Chen, Linlin Jie, Fenghua Zhou Department of Histology and Embryology, Weifang Medical University To observe the changes in expression of Sox2 and Sox9 in the spinal cord of adult amyotrophic lateral sclerosis(ALS) transgenic mice. The expression of Sox2 and Sox9 in the spinal cord of ALS transgenic mice at the age of 95d, 108d The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists and 122d were detected with immunohistochemistry technique, RT-PCR and Western blotting. Compared with wild type mice, immunofluorescence results showed that Sox2 and Sox9 positive cells were mainly distributed in the gray matter and central canal of the spinal cord of ALS transgenic mice. Compared with the wild-type mice, Sox2 mRNA and protein were increased at 95d,108d and 122d (P< 0.05). Sox9 mRNA and protein were decreased at 95dˈbut increased at 108d and 122d (P< 0.05). The expression of Sox2 and Sox9 were changed in the spinal cord of ALS transgenic mice, which may be associated with pathogenesis of ALS. B4185 Expression of MTR1 in the human breast tissue and its clinical significance Rongke Di, Liping Chen, Jian Zeng, Miao Chen School of Medical Science and Laboratory Medical, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu, 212013, China To determine the clinical significance of difference expression of Melatonin Receptor 1(MTR1) in the normal breast tissue and breast cancer. 140 samples were divided into 2 groups normal breast and breast cancer, 70 cases for each group. Deferent expression of MTR1 was examined in two groups by western blot and SP immunohistochemical staining. Integrated assessment of positive results of breast cancer and normal breast were 4.26±1.82, 1.80±1.19 (t = 9.48, P=0.00). The positive rate of expression of MTR1 was 81.4% in the breast cancer and 64.3% in the normal breast(x2=5.20, P=0.02). The detection results of western blot of MTR1were accompanied SP with˄2.81±0.44˅in breast cancer wereand ˄1.11±0.15 ˅in normal breast˄t=11.56, P=0.00˅. The MTR1 was expressed both in the tissues of breast cancer and normal breast. The over expression of MTR1 receptor in the tissue of breast cancer which can be used as one of the molecular mark for diagnosis of breast cancer and potential targets for breast cancer therapy. B4196 Upregulation of HO-1 by EGB via the MAPKs pathway in C2C12 myoblasts Haiying Chu, Ying Zhang, Meiling Luo Department of Histology and Embryology, Dalian Medical University Although Ginkgo biloba extract (EGb) is known to possess antioxidant functions and potent cytoprotective effects, its protective mechanism on ethanol-induced oxidative damage in C2C12 myoblasts remains unclear . In this study, we investigated the cytoprotective mechanisms of EGB against alcohol-derived oxidative stress in mouse C2C12 myoblasts. Challenge with alcohol (100mM) caused an increase in intracellular reactive oxygen species in mouse C2C12 myoblasts, which was not alleviated by treatment with EGB. These results indicate that EGb does not seem to act as an ROS scavenger in this experimental model. Additionally, EGb produced activation of ERK and JNK [two major mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs)] and upregulation of heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1, a stress-responsive Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 77 protein with antioxidant function). Pretreatment with inhibitors of MAPKs PD98059 (a specific inhibitor of ERK), SP600125 (a specific inhibitor of JNK) abolished EGBinduced HO-1 up-regulation. We conclude that EGB confers cytoprotective effects from oxidative stress induced by alcohol in mouse C2C12 myoblasts depend on HO-1 by EGB via the MAPKs pathway. saturated fats could elevate cholesterol and affect BACE1 protein expression in lipid rafts and non-lipid rafts. B4215 Effect of caffeic acid phenethyl ester on gaseous transmitter of hepatic fibrosis rat Yan Shi, Tongshen Liu, Yanna Li, Xianyong Bai B4197 Effects of captopril on blood-brain barrier permeability after photothrombotic cerebral ischemia in rats Department of Histology and Embryology, Binzhou Medical College, Yantai 264003,China Haiying Chu, Yingna Wang Department of Histology and Embryology, Dalian Medical University Ischemic cerebrovascular disease is one of the most common disease. Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor captopril is one of the antihypertensive drugs. To investigate effects of captopril on cerebral ischemia reperfusion injury , we established a middle cerebral artery occlusion model by intraluminal suture method. Blood-brain barrier(BBB) permeability was evaluated by measuring the content of the extravascular exudation of Evan's blue (EB). Activity of MMP-9 and MMP-2 were assessed by gelatin zymography. The results showed the contents of EB was the highest at the first day and decreased with prolongation of drug administration time, but a slight increase in the 7 to 9 days after cerebral ischemia reperfusion. EB contents of brain tissues followed the same trend as MMP-9 expression, but no time correlation with the expression of MMP-2. These findings demonstrate that after cerebral ischemia reperfusion the blood-brain barrier permeability has a kind of time correlation with the expression of MMP-9, which suggested that captopril play a part in cerebral ischemia reperfusion injury by blood-brain barrier damage via MMP-9 . B4198 The effect of palmitic acid on expression of ȕsecretase in the cell of Neuro-2a/App695 Haiying Chu, Qiong Wu Department of Histology and Embryology, Dalian Medical University To investigate the effect of palmitic acid on expression of ȕsecretase in the cell of Neuro-2a, we established a N2a-based cell line stably expressing APP695 as a cell model.We found that cholesterol concentration increased as the PA concentration increased between 0 and 0.4 mmol/L. BACE1 expression level was gradually increased with the increase of PA concentration, and 0.4 mmol/L PA concentration group has reached maximum expression level. BACE1 protein expression level was positively correlated with cholesterol concentration within a certain scope. The identified results of the dot blot indicated that lipid rafts in all groups were distributed between 4 and 6 layers, and the rest were nonlipid rafts part. The results of BACE1 protein expression in lipid rafts as a percentage of non-lipid rafts showed that the percentage in PA group was significantly more than the control group. However, the percentage in mȕCD group was significantly less than the control group. We conclude that This study was designed to investigate the anti-hepatic fibrosis mechanism of caffeic acid phenethyl ester(CAPE) against carbon tetrachloride(CCL4)-induced hepatic fibrosis rat. And discuss if it can be realized through gaseous transmitter. We observed changes of NO and H2S in serum of hepatic fibrosis rats. Enzyme-linked immunosorbnent assay were used to test optical density value of iNOS and CSE in serum of each group. And the expressions of iNOS and CSE protein in the liver were also detected by immunohistochemistry. Therefore, we found that compared with the model group, the expression of NO and iNOS of CAPE group obviously decreased and the level of H2S and CSE was increased. These findings indicate that CAPE has the effect of anti-hepatic fibrosis, which can be realized through adjusting the expression level of gaseous transmitter of iNOS and CSE. B4249 PNAS4 knockout does not induce obviously neurocytes apoptosis and abnormal development in mice brain Peiling Cai1, 2, Ting Wang1, Xiaoqiang Xia2, Fanghua Li2, Yiyuan Cui2, Qiaona Yang2, Mina Chen2 1 School of Medicine and Nursing, Chengdu University, Chengdu, Sichuan; 2State Key Laboratory of Biotherapy, West China Hospital, West China Medical School, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan Apoptosis is a kind of programmed cell death and contributes to development of a variety of organs such as brain. PNAS4 has been reported as a novel apoptosis-related gene. Overexpression and knocking down of PNAS4 would cause zebrafish and Xenopus lavis developmental abnormalities. But its function and apoptotic mechanism in mammals are still unknown. We established PNAS4 CKO (conditional knock out) mice using recombineering method and prepared its polyclonal antibodies which recognized both myc-PNAS4 over-expression protein and WT and CKO mice brain tissue and MEFS cells with high titer and specificity. We further detected that PNAS4 was highly expressed in the embryonic period. However, we observed neither neural structural abnormality nor apoptosis signal in PNAS4 CKO mice brain. Data suggested that PNAS4 was not involved in mice brain development and apoptosis. B4263 Effects of total flavone of hawthorn leaf (TFHL) on the expression of c-fos and Bcl-2 in the brain of focal cerebral ischemia rats The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 78 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• Nana Cao, Rongfang Tan, Xiaoguang Wu, Mengmeng Li, Tiange Zhang Chengde Medical College, Chengde 067000, Hebei, China To investigate the therapeutic effect and mechanism of the TFHL on the focal cerebral ischemia rats. Male SD rats were randomly divided into sham group, model group, TFHL group and ginkgo-leaf group. Suture method was used to prepare focal cerebral ischemia model. The expression of cfos and Bcl-2 was measured separately by immunohistochemistry and Western blot. Moreover. spectrophotometry was used to detect content of Ca2+. TFHL could significantly inhibit the expression of c-fos (p<0.01), increase the expression of Bcl-2 (p<0.05), and decrease content of Ca2+ (p<0.05). The protective effect of TFHL on focal cerebral ischemia was associated with its inhibition of neurons apoptosis. The mechanism of its anti-apoptosis might be associated with up-regulating expression of Bcl-2, downregulating expression of c-fos and the reduction of Ca2+ content in brain. B4296 Mechanism and effect of down-regulation of thioredoxin on neuro 2a cells apoptosis induced by advanced glycation end products Xiang Ren, Hui Qi, Haiying Ma, Heyuan Lu, Li Kong* Basic Medical College, Dalian Medical University, Dalian 116044, Liaoning Province, China Thioredoxin (Trx), a 12kDa protein, has different forms depending on the different environment and plays an important role in anti-oxidative, anti-apoptosis and regulating transcription factors. Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) as a heterogeneous group of irreversible adducts from glucose–protein condensation reactions are considered crucial to diabetic nephropathy, retinopathy, neurodegeneration and atherosclerosis. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect and mechanism of downregulation of thioredoxin on Neuro 2a cells apoptosis induced by AGEs. RNAi method and inhibitor of Trx are used in the study. The Neuro 2a cells were cultured in vitro and treated with different conditions. The apoptosis of Neuro 2a cells was detected by DNA-Ladder and Flow cytometry. The proliferation of Neuro 2a cells was detected by CCK8.The mitochondrial membrane potential was detected by Rho 123. The ROS was detected by DCFH-DA. The expression of protein and gene were detected by Western blot and real-time PCR. The caspase3 activity was detected by micro-plate reader. We found down-regulation of thioredoxin accelerate the apoptosis process of Neuro 2a cells induced by AGEs. The underlying mechanism may be considered that downregulation of thioredoxin stimulate up-regulating the expression of ASK1, p-JNK, PTEN ˈ Txnip, and downregulating the expression of p-Akt, increasing ROS level and caspase3 activity. B4302 Distribution of the ȕ-Endorphin Immunoreactive Cells in Gstric Carcinoma Tissues Mingguan Song, Junxu Ren, Yang Lv The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists Basic Medical College of Hebei North University, Zhangjiakou 075000, P.R.China ȕ-Endorphin(ȕ-EP) is one of important bioactive substances,which extensively regulates body functions.The purpose of this paper to explore the distribution of the ȕ-EP in gastric carcinoma by immunohistochemical assay in tissue from 48 cases patients with gastric carcinoma,32 cases of gastric ulcer,12 cases of normal gastric mucosa as control group.Antral mucosa from surgically removed were fixed by 4% paraformaldehyde solution,embedded in paraffin as usual and sectioned at 6ȝm in thickness,serial section were stained with immunohistochemical and in situ hybridization.The Grey and Area of the cells were measured with image analysis system,and then counting the Gray Density (R, R=G/A). The result from each group were compares with ttest statistical analysis.The results showed that adult antral mucosa contained ȕ-EP.Specific immunoreaction cells were discovered to be mainly located in the midzone of the antral mucosa.The R of the gastric carcinoma and gastric ulcer group were higher than that of normal gastric mucosaˈthere were statistical difference between the three groups(p<0.01,0.05 respectively).It indicates that the amount of ȕ–EP in ȕ–EP positive cells decreased.Our previous demonstration by RIA found that a increase immunoreactive ȕ–EP in antral mucosa of patients with duodenal ulcer and gastric ulcer gastric carcinoma,so we think that the ȕ–EP positive cells in the gastrointestinal may participated in the regulatory function during self-healing of gastric mucosa.By increasing the section of ȕ–EP,it can inhibit the section of gastric endocrine cell and suggest that ȕ-EP may be involed in the healing process of gastric mucosa. B4333 Ultrastructure of dendritic cells pulsed by lipopolysaccharide combined with tumor lysated cells Xia Wei, Chengying Fu Department of Histology and Embryology in China Three Gorges University, Hubei, 443003ˈChina The ultrastructure and light microstructure of mature dentritic cells (DCs) were observed. DCs were pulsed by LPS only or combined with tumor lysate cells. Dendritic cells and their progenitors from murine bone-marrow were collected according to common method and induced in vitro by both rmGM -CSF and rmIL -4 for 6 days. Then stimulated them by lipopolysaccharide(LPS) and freeze-lysated colon cancer CT26 cell only or together, but control group without any stimulation. Continue cultured CT26 cell 24 hours, ,after observed by light microscope, then collected DCs, centrifuge, making ultra thin section by conventional method. Observe by transmission electron microscopy. We found DCs in experimental group (namely mature DCs) appeared abundant secondary lysosome, pinosome and multivescular body that were formed by secondary lysosome confluenced one another and some of them were near to the cell membrane comparing with. Immature DCs (blank group). LPS combined with freeze-lysated CT26 cell line antigen could induced DCs to be matured both in microstructure and ultrastructure. Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 79 Effects of BNIP3 in cell death of pre-myelinating oligodendrocyte after hypoxia and stroke in rats T2DM. The apoptosis of photoreceptor cells may be related to the down-regulation of p-Erk1/2/Nrf2/Trx pathway and subsequently activating downstream ASK1.The expression of these proteins can be rectified by Liraglutide. Ruirui Li, Hao Zeng, Junhui Li, Shuo Wang, Hao Ji, Lan Xiao, Chengren Li B4386 B4376 Expression pattern of PRRC2B protein in developing rat brains Department of Histology and Embryology, Third Military Medical University, Chongqing, China, 400038 Yunlai Liu, Lei Xiao, Jungen Li Beside neurons, pre-myelinating oligodendrocytes (preOLs) have been shown to be vulnerable to excitoxic, oxidative and inflammatory forms of injury caused by hypoxic or ischemic events, whereas the underlying mechanism is still unclear. Our previous study demonstrated that BINP3 induced a caspase-independent neuronal cell death in stroke. In this study, we investigated the role of BNIP3 in cell death of preOLs induced by hypoxia or ischemia. Using oxygenglucose deprivation (OGD) in primary OPCs culture, we found that OPCs exposure in OGD results in cell death accompanied by a time-dependant up-regulation of BNIP3. Meanwhile, we also observed a significant increase in BNIP3 expression in white matter of neonatal hypoxia-ischemia rat model and adult MCAO mouse model. Furthermore, BNIP3 knockout mice exhibited less dead preOLs in whiter matter after ischemia-reperfusion damage. The results demonstrate an unique role of BNIP3 in mediating preOLs cell death induced by hypoxia or ischemia, and also provide a new insight into the way of manipulating oligodendroglia protection. B4379 The protective mechanism of liraglutide on the retinal photoreceptor cells of the type 2 diabetic mice Chen Li, Zhizhou Wang, Yunpeng Ji, Yuzhen Fu, Chenghong Zhang, Li Kong* Department of Histology & Embryology, Third Military Medical University 400038 The prrc2b gene is conservative in the genomes of most vertebrates whose function and expression pattern remains unknown. This study describes the spatio-temporal expression patterns of the PRRC2B protein in the rat brain with a view to inferring its function. The expression of PRRC2B protein were determined at embryonic day 18 (E18), postnatal day 1 (P1), postnatal day 7 (P7), postnatal day 15 (P15) and adulthood rats by Western blotting and immunohistochemical staining. Results showed that the PRRC2B was located in the plasma and neurites of neurons with big size. The PRRC2B positive neurons widely distributed in most brain regions, including olfactory bulb, cerebral cortex, cerebellar cortex, hippocampus, thalamus etc. At P1 and P7 the protein highly expressed in the neuronic prominences and branches; while at P15 and adulthood, it only weakly expressed in the plasma. Above findings comprehensively revealed the expression pattern of PRRC2B protein in the whole rat brain at various stages for the first time, which should benefit to explore its function. B4401 Localization and involvement of RANTES in regulating luminal acidication in rat epididymis Z. Li, X. Feng, P Cheng, J. Zhao Basic Medical College, Dalian Medical University, Dalian 116023, Liaoning Province, China Diabetic retinopathy(DR) is one of the major complications of diabetes. Liraglutide is recognized as a new medicine for type 2 diabetes mellitus(T2DM). Our study aimed to investigate the pathogenesis of DR and the protective mechanism of Liraglutide in type 2 diabetic mice model induced by high-fat diet with streptozotocin(STZ). Male BABL/c mice were randomly divided into control and Diabetes-induced groups (T2DM models) which were simultaneously composed of T2DM and T2DM treated with Liraglutide(0.6mg/kg, 1.2mg/kg, and 1.8mg/kg respectively for 10 days). At every 5 days after STZ injection, eyeballs of each mouse were separately performed to hematoxylineosin(HE) stain for Out Nuclear Layer(ONL) counts and retinal preparation for vessel observation. And relative gene and protein expression were assessed by real-time PCR, western blot and immunochemistry. The results indicated that ONL counts of T2DM at the 15th day after STZ injection began to reduce and generally degrade while retinal blood vessels remained normal throughout the experiment. Expression of Trx, p-Erk1/2, Nrf2 were down-regulated and ASK1 was up-regulated in T2DM mice while the corresponding proteins in T2DM treated with Liraglutide were reversed. These data suggested that neurodegeneration of retina occurred earlier than retinal vascular disease in The Fourth Military Medical University, Department of Human Anatomy, Histology and Embryology, 710032 Xi’an, China, 169 Changle West Road Concerted interactions between different cell types take place in the epididymis for the fine control of an optimum environment that is critical for sperm maturation and storage. Basal cells sense the ANG II and secrete NO, which diffuses out to stimulate proton secretion in clear cells. To explore the potential role of RANTES in regulating the activity of basal cell, this study first examined the expression of RANTES and its receptors in rat epididymis, and then established rat vasectomy to alter the luminal PH in the epididymis. RIA was used to measure the tissue homogenate ANG II concentration. Real time-PCR and western blot were used to detect the expression levels of AGTR2, RANTES, CCR1, CCR5 and iNOs in rat epididymis. The results showed that RANTES co-localized with its receptor CCR1 and CCR5 in the basal cells of rat epididymis. The concentration of the ANG II was significantly reduced following vasectomy. The expression levels of AGTR2, RANTES, CCR1, CCR5 and iNOs were also significantly reduced in rat epididymis following vasectomy. Our data suggest that activation of AGTR2 in basal cells by luminal ANG II may stimulate The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 80 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• RANTES to induce the production of NO, which increases proton secretion by adjacent clear cells. B4406 The preparation of RGD-modified poly (İcaprolactone)/poly (trimethylene-carbonate) electrospun scaffolds Tao Jiang, Guoquan Zhang, Hui Li College of clinical medical, Logistics University of Chinese People’s Armed Police Forces, Tianjin China The biodegradable poly (İ-caprolactone)/poly (trimethylenecarbonate)has received considerable attention for tissue engineering. The major limitation of PCL/PTMC electrospun scaffold, however, is that it does not provide a desired environment for cell adhesion due to the lack of biological recognition sites and its intrinsic hydrophobicity. For the modification of PCL/PTMC electrospun scaffold, a aminolysis procedure was followed by immersed into a 10% w/v solution of 1,6-hexanediamine. The distribution of the created amine groups in the scaffold was detected by the ninhydrin staining. For conjugation of RGDC peptides to the surface of aminated scaffold, 500 mL (4 mg/mL) of the sulfoSMCC solution was pipetted onto aminated scaffolds and incubated for 1 h at room temperature. 500 mL ˄ 0.125 mg/mL˅of the RGDC peptide solution was applied onto the sulfo-SMCC-treated scaffolds and incubated overnight at 4°C. The scaffolds was measured by amino acid analysis using HPLC. The results demonstrated that RGDC peptide was successfully immobilized on the surface of PCL scaffold and could improves the final cell–biomaterial interaction. B4414 B4418 Primary study of MicroRNA controlling arteriogenesis induced by elevated fluid shear stress in rat hind limb Yinglu Guan1, Xiaoqiong Wu2, Ying Zhang1, Xieling He1, Lihua Liu1, Weijun Cai1 1 Department of Histology & Embryology, School of Basic Medicine, Central South University, Changsha, Hunan, China, 2Department of Anatomy & Neurobiology, School of Basic Medicine, Central South University, Changsha, Hunan, China Fluid shear stress (FSS) is the main physical force as primary stimuli for arteriogenesis. However the underlying mechanism remains unclear. MicroRNA (miRNA) is small noncoding RNA, acts as negative regulator. Using miRNA microarray, we explored miRNA expression profile in arteriogenesis by elevated FSS by an arteriovenous-shunt between the distal stump of occluded femoral artery and vein in rat hind limbs. We found 91 differential miRNAs (2-fold) compared with the simply ligation of femoral artery. By qPCR we verified several miRNAs whose functions are unknown, for example miR-434-3p and miR-300-5p. We identified 5 and 9 mRNAs with each miRNA target site predicted by bioinformatic algorithms (TargetScan, miRanda and miRDB), involve important signal pathways, such as CYP26B1. It is highly expected that the outcome of this project will add valuable information to our knowledge in understanding of the role of increasing FSS in arteriogenesis. sample Sample sample sample sample sample sample sample sample Sample sample sample sample sample sample sample B4456 The effect of CD68 positive cells and serum interleukin-12 changes on type 1 diabetes mice Preparation and characterization of a novel hybrid hydrogel composed of Bombyx mori fibroin and poly (N-isopropylacrylamide) Rongrong Li, Wenmei Liang, Pu Zhang Ting Wang1,2, Linglei Zhang2, Xiaojia He2 Department of Histology an Embryology, Guiyang Medical college, Guiyang 550004 In order to explore the morphology and function changes of macrophage on type 1 diabetes (T1D) mice, we observed the changes of CD68 positive cells in islets and serum interleukin-12 (IL-12) on T1D mice. We established diabetes model in C57BL/6J mice by low-dose streptozotocin injection. Serum and pancreas tails removed on the 3, 7, 10, 14, 21 and 28days. Tissues were assessed by immunohistochemical SABC and ELISA. CD68 expresses on most of the membrane of macrophages. The number and area of islets on T1D mice decreased, but numerical density on area (NA) of CD68 positive cells increased on peak at the 3th day and 21th day. IL-12 in serum increased since the 7th day, then maintained at a high level during the study. These results showed that CD68 positive cells migrated to islets at early and later stage. The increasing tendency of CD68 positive cells and IL-12 on T1D mice were not correspond, still suggesting that activated macrophages around the body produced inflammatory cytokines, like IL-12 to promote diabetes. The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 1 School of Medicine and Nursing, Chengdu University, Chengdu, China; 2Institute of Ecology and Environment, State Key Laboratory of Hydraulics and Mountain River Engineering, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China A novel hybrid hydrogel was prepared and investigated based on silkworm silk fibroin and poly N-isopropylacrylamide (PNIPAAm). PNIPAAm was introduced to silk fibroin and resultant composite hydrogel was examined, and freeze-dried SF/PNIPAAm scaffold were analyzed using LB-550 dynamic light scattering particle-size analysizer, Circular dichroism (CD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Our results suggested that the hybrid hydrogels owned the porous sponge-like structures, and gelation time of SF/PNIPAAm hybrids decreased with increase in temperature and concentration of each polymer. Results of rheological analysis suggested that the rehological property of resultant SF/PNIPAAm gel depended on the concentration combinations as well as the aging time, which elapsed after mixing of the two polymers. Results of CD spectra demonstrated that pH showed little influence to the secondary structure of silk fibroin, and significant changes of G’, G’’, Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 81 and G* as surrounding increase temperature above the lower critical solution temperature (LCST). B4457 B4483 Roles and significances of dendritic cells in the occurrence and development of colorectal cancer Molecular mechanisms of RADA16-1 peptide on fast stop bleeding in rat models Jingbo Wei, Hui Xie Liu, Hu Zhao, Yine Qu Ting Wang, Peiling Cai Department of Histology and Embryology Hebei United University, Office of Hebei United University, Chengde Cancer Hospital, China School of Medicine and Nursing, Chengdu University, Chengdu, China Ionic self-assembly of the peptide RADARADARADAR ADA (RADA16-1) may form a well-defined nanofiber and eventually a hydrogel scaffold, with a water content of over 99.5%. This leads to the establishment of a nanofiber barrier that can be used to achieve complete hemostasis in less than 20s in multiple tissues and in a variety of different wounds. In the present study, the nanofiber scaffolds of RADA16-1 peptide were sonicated into smaller fragments to identify possible molecular mechanisms underlying the rapid cessation of bleeding associated with these materials. Atomic force microscopy (AFM), circular dichroism (CD), and rheometry were also used to evaluate the re-assembly kinetics of this peptide. A bleeding control experiment was performed in animal models to uncover the molecular mechanisms underlying this fast hemostasis. In this way, these sonicated fragments not only quickly reassembled into nanofibers indistinguishable from the original material, but the degree of reassembly was also correlated with an increase in the rigidity of the scaffold and increased as the time required for hemostasis increased. To explore the roles and significances of dendritic cells (DCs) in the occurrence and development of colorectal cancer (CRC). 20 cases of pathological diagnosised CRC and 22 adenoma specimens were chosen as experimental group, other 20 cases of corresponding para-cancerous tissues were chosen as control group. Immunohistochemical straining and western blot were used to detect the positive expressions of CD1a and CD83. The results of immunohistochemical straining showed CD1a+ immature DCs were round or oval and CD83+ mature DCs were irregular and multiple branching; The results of immunohistochemical straining and western blot all showed that CD1a increased gradually from para-cancerous group to adenoma group and CRC group, there was significantly difference between any two groups (P<0.01); CD83 decreased gradually from adenoma group to para-cancerous group and CRC group, and the difference between groups was statisticly significant respectively (P<0.01). The changes of DCs in structures, numbers and phenotypes may play important roles in the occurrence and development of CRC. B4484 Single-prolonged stress induced changes in behavior and the expression of Bcl-2 and Bax in the rat hippocampus B4482 Proteomic identification of proteins differentially expressed by melatonin in gastric cancer cells Aijun Xu Jun Song, Saijun Ma, Hui Zhang, Rixiong Wang, Hui Liu and Ruixiang Zhou* Department of Histology and Embryology,College of Basic Medical Sciences,Hebei United University,Tangshan 063000,China Department of Cell Biology and Genetics, Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education for Gastrointestinal Cancer, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Fujian Medical University, Fuzhou, Fujian, People’s Republic of China MLT(melatonin, MLT ˅ is a small organic molecule produced mainly by the pineal gland. MLT exerts obvious oncostatic effects. Previously studies have demonstrated that MLT has the inhibitory action to the gastric cancer both in cell studies and animal experiments. Whereas its molecular mechanisms of anticancer are unclear. In this study, we identified specific proteins that were differentially expressed by melatonin treatment in gastric cancer cells SGC-7901, MGC-803 and AGS. Proteins that were differentially expressed were detected using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Differentially expressed proteins can be divided into three groups. First group included chaperones and cytoskeleton proteins, such as HSPA8, CCT3, KRT8; Second group proteins were enzymes related to cell metabolism, such as LDH-B, IDH1; Third group proteins were enzymes related to antioxidant activity, such as GSTP1, PRDX6. Further study is needed on the effect of differentially expressed proteins to mechanisms of MLT anticancer. The aim of this study was to observe the behavior change and the expression of Bcl-2 and Bax in the hippocampus of rats after treated with single-prolonged stress. Wistar rats were divided randomly into control group and stress group, and the stress rats were treated with single-prolonged stress. The behavior changes of rats were observed with openfield test; reject grip test and Morries water mace test. Hydrocortisone level in rats’ blood serum was determined with chemiluminescence. Immunohistochemistry was used to detect the expressions of Bax and Bal-2 in the hippocampal neurons. Our results showed that escape latency of the stress group was significantly higher than the control group. Hydrocortisone level of the stress group was significantly lower than the control group. The ratio of Bcl-2 /Bax increased. The results indicate that the neuronal apoptosis in hippocampus may play a role in posttraumatic stress disorder. The increasing of Bcl-2 and Bax protein and the change of Bcl-2 /Bax ratio may be the mechanism during singleprolonged stress. B4489 Microglia activation is involved in the pathogenesis of retinitis pigmentosa The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 82 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• Shuai Zhang, Kai Xiong, Li Zhu, Qiong Liu, Guomin Zhou Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology, Shanghai Medical College, Fudan University, Shanghai 200032, R.P.China Retinal degeneration (RD) is found in many different forms of retinal diseases including retinitis pigmentosa (RP), diabetic retinopathy, cataracts and so on. Although several genetic and biochemical factors are associated with the pathogenesis of RD, it has yet to be determined how these different impairments could cause similar degenerative phenotypes. As immune cells of central nervous system, microglia played an important role in retina diseases. Our study was to investigate the relationship between the migration and activation of retinal microglia and the apoptosis of photoreceptors in acute retina injury rat model, which was induced by N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU) in Sprague-Dawley rats, and the chronic retina injury RCS rat model. In the study, microglia activation and photoreceptor cells apoptosis were found in both of rat models. In addition, it was also found that microglia immigrated from inner retinal layer to ONL and retina thickness decreased. Our research implied that microglia activation could be involved in photoreceptor cells apoptosis, which may be related to cytotoxic molecules secreted by microglia. B4508 Role of C-KIT receptor in the development of colorectal cancer Jun Tan, Shu Yang, Ping Shen, Haimei Sun, Deshan Zhou Department of Histology and Embryology, Capital Medical University, Beijing, P.R. China C-KIT receptor, which belongs to type III receptor tyrosine kinase, plays an important role in the development of multiple tumors. However, its role in colorectal cancer (CRC) remains controversial: some researchers considered C-KIT may contribute to the proliferation and invasion of CRC, while others hold an opposite view. To address this question, we investigated the C-KIT receptor and its downstream signaling pathways by the use of CRC mouse model (Wads-/-) deficient in C-KIT receptor induced by AOM+DSS and human CRC cell line (HCT116). We found that the tumors collected from Wads-/- mice showed less mucilage cavities and lower degree of malignant than those from wide type (WT) mice. We also observed decreased ETV4 expression in Wads-/- mice, accompanied by much milder tumor growth and invasion. Likewise, after treatment with Imatinib, the inhibitor of C-KIT, the proliferation, migration and invasion of HCT116 cells were significantly suppressed, probably due to stabilize ETV4, through MEK/ERK signaling pathway. In conclusion, our findings reveal a key role of C-KIT receptor/ETV4 signaling in the development of CRC. B4517 Effects of heroin dependence on the expression of MOR ,PKA and CREB in VTA regions of rat brain The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists Yan Hong, Wenmei Liang Department of Histology and Embryology, Guiyang Medical College, Guiyang, 550004, China To investigate the effect of heroin dependence on the expression of ȝ- opioid receptor (MOR), PKAand CREB in the VTA. Adulthood 63 male SD rats were randomly divided into two groups: normal control group (NCG)and experiment group (EG). To make the heroin dependence model of rats by subcutaneous injection of herion, and excise brain tissues each on 10th ,17th,24th ,and 31st day. MOR,PKA and CREB at protein level were quantitated by Western blotting and at mRNA levels of these corresponding encoding proteins by employing Real-time quantitative PCR. As compared with NCG , expression of PKA and CREB at protein and mRNA levels up-regulated. Expression of PKA, no significant difference was at different time points in EG. And expression of CREB advanced gradually during the heroin dependence period. Compared with NCG, Expression of MOR declined from17 to24 days, and enhanced at 31days. Our study suggests that it maybe through activate CREB signaling pathway which produce rewarding effect in heroin-dependent rats' VTA. B4518 Effects of curcumin on acute lung injury in rats TGF-ȕ1/smads signaling pathway Yangyang Zhu, Yinsheng Li, Zhigang Guo, Suying Lei, Department of histology and embryology of Xinxiang Medical University, Department of Respiratory Medicine, the Third Affiliated Hospital of Xinxiang Medical University,Xinxiang 453000 To investigate the effect of early application of curcumin on TGF-ȕ1/smads signaling pathway in acute lung injury in rats. The healthy male SD rats(36) were randomly divided into normal control group, model group and curcumin group.By bleomycin endotracheal one-time drip model, building 2 days curcumin group was given 100 mg/kg/d to fill the stomach, Sham group, model group with an equal volume of saline , Medication 3 days, 7 days the rats were sacrificed in batches, Collect specimens observed in the lung tissue TGF-ȕ1 and intracellular signal transduction proteins Smads (smad2/3,7) of the expression by immunohistochemistry and Western Blotting method. In Curcumin group,The expression of TGF-ȕ1 and smad2/3 was decreased and the expression of smad7 was significantly enhanced. Curcumin on early intervention and treatment of acute lung injury may be through upregulation smad2 / 3 protein and down smad7 protein, thereby affecting TGF-ȕ1/smads signaling pathways. B4524 4-PBA ameliorates traumatic brain injury in rats By reducing endoplasmic reticulum stress Yanxia Tian1, Junling Gao1, Jianzhong Cui2, Ran Li1, Xiaohua Jiang1, Manman Zhao 1, Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 83 1 School of Basic Medical Sciences, Hebei United University, Tangshan 063000; 2Department of Neurosurgery, Tangshan Workers’ Hospital, Tangshan 063000 To investigate the expression of the endoplasmic reticulum stress (ERS)-associated proteins GRP78, p-PERK and CHOP after TBI in rats, and determine the underlying mechanisms of 4-PBA on neuronal injury by reducing ERS after TBI. 114 Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into 3 groups, including sham group, TBI group, TBI plus 4-PBA group. Rat model of diffuse brain injury was established according to Marmarou’s falling model. The expression of GRP78, pPERK and CHOP were by means of immunohistochemistry and western blotting. Compared with sham group, GRP78, pPERK and CHOP were significantly increased in TBI group. At the corresponding time, compared with TBI group, the expression of GRP78, p-PERK and CHOP decreased remarkably in 4-PBA group. The scores of behavioral test were significantly increased in 4-PBA group. ERS was started after TBI in rats. Our results indicate 4-PBA has a protective effect on TBI, which may be related to inhibition of ERS-induced PERK/CHOP pathway. B4529 Expression of LC-3 and Beclin-1 in alveolar macrophages of silicosis rats model of silicosis. On the 12th hours, injections of BMSCs, CM or control medium were administered. The lungs were evaluated using hematoxylin/eosin staining following 14 d. The levels of TNF-Į, IL-1, IL-6 or IL-10 in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and lung tissues were measured by ELISA and Western blot. Additionally, we also examined collagen content and the expression of MMPs in damage lung tissues. ELISA indicated that BMSCs secreted different cytokines into CM, such as VEGF, IL-1RA and TIMP. BMSCs and CM therapy significantly downregulated the proinflammatory cytokines while up-regulated the antiinflammatory cytokines. Meanwhile, our data demonstrated that BMSCs and CM could reduce collagen deposition and increase MMPs expression compared to silica alone. CM therapies may offer a new alternative strategy for lung diseases, allowing for the avoidance of cell transplantations. B4533 Dynamic expression of autophagy-related proteins LC-3 and Beclin-1 in rat model of silicosis Manman Zhao1, Junling Gao1, Jianzhong Cui 2, Huixing Zhu1, Yanxia Tian1, Ran Li1 1 School of Basic Medical Sciences, Hebei United University, Tangshan 063000; 2Department of Neurosurgery, Tangshan Workers’ Hospital, Tangshan 063000 Junling Gao1, Juan Zhang1, Jianzhong Cui2, Huixing Zhu1, Manman Zhao1, Yanxia Tian1, Quan Kan1 1 School of Basic Medical Sciences, Hebei United University, Tangshan 063000; 2Department of Neurosurgery, Tangshan Workers’ Hospital, Tangshan 063000 To observe expression of LC-3 and Becline-1 in alveolar macrophages (AMs) in rat models of silicosis. The silicosis model of rats were made by one-time infusion of silica dust suspension. We performed bronchoalveolar lavage and collected AMs. The morphological changes of AMs were observed by HE staining; The expression of LC-3 and Beclin1 were detected by immunocytochemistry and Western blotting. Compared with the control group, AMs were largerˈ cytoplasm were richer. Particles were found in some AMs in the model group. The expression of LC-3 and Beclin-1 were increased at all time points in model group. Both LC-3 and Beclin-1 began to increase at the 1st day, and peaked at the 14th day, decreased at the 28th day, but still higher than basal expression. Autophagy was activated in AMs of the silicosis model and the presence of autophagy in AMs was involved in the pathological process of silicosis. B4530 To investigate expression of autophagy-related proteins LC-3 and Beclin-1 in the silicosis model of rats. Ninety male SD rats were randomly divided into three groups: control group, model group and autophagy inhibitor (3-MA) group. The silicosis model of rats were made by one-time infusion of silica dust suspension method and given the 3-MA injection. The morphological changes of lung tissue were observed by HE staining and Masson staining; The expression of LC-3 and Beclin-1 were detected by immunohistochemistry and Western blotting. There were alveolitis change, silicosis nodules formation and collagen deposition in the model group. The intensities of immunohistochemical positive reaction for LC-3, Beclin-1 were increased at all time points in model group(P<0.05). Compared with the model group, these changs were decreased at all time points in 3-MA group (P<0.05). Autophagy involved in the pathological process of silicosis in rats, and played an important role in the occurrence and development of silicosis. B4534 Inhibition of autophagy reduces expression of TNFĮ and TGF-ȕ in silica induced alveolar macrophages injury in vitro Protective effects of BMSC–conditioned medium in silica induced lung injury in rats Junling Gao1, Huixing Zhu 1, Jianzhong Cui 2, Manman Zhao1, Yanxia Tian1, Ran Li1 Junling Gao1, Manman Zhao1, Jianzhong Cui 2, Huixing Zhu1, Yanxia Tian1, Quan Kan1 1 School of Basic Medical Sciences, Hebei United University, Tangshan 063000; 2Department of Neurosurgery, Tangshan Workers’ Hospital, Tangshan 063000 1 School of Basic Medical Sciences, Hebei United University, Tangshan 063000; 2Department of Neurosurgery, Tangshan Workers’ Hospital, Tangshan 063000 The aim of present study is to investigate therapeutic potential of BMSC-conditioned medium (CM) on silicosis. Animals were exposed to silica to establish experimental To observe the efffects of autophagy on expression of TNF-Į and TGF-ȕ in silica induced alveolar macrophages (AMs) injury in vitro. AMs collected from bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of SD rats were randomly divided into three groups: control group, model group and 3-MA group. AMs were exposed slica to establish cell model in vitro. AMs were The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 84 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• incubated with 3-MA on the 1st day of slica treatment. AMs in each group were trypsinized and collected on the 1, 7, 14 and 28 day. The morphological changes of AMs were tested by HE staining; The expression of LC-3, TNF-Į and TGF-ȕ in AMs were detected by immunocytochemistry and Western blotting respectively. 3-MA treatment significantly inhibited autophagy activity, and decreased TNF-Į and TGF-ȕ expression in AMs campared with model group. Inhibition of autophagy may suppress production TNF-Į and TGF-ȕ in AMs, and further promote inflammatory injury repair. B4556 IGF-1/IGF-1R may involve in the development of diabetic gastroparesis Guoquan Zhang1,Shu Yang2, Tao Jiang1, Deshan Zhou2 1 Department of Histology and Embryology, Logistics University of Chinese People's Armed Police Force, Tianjin 300162, China; 2 Department of Histology and Embryology, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100069, China * IGF-1/IGF-1R plays an important role in the survival of neurons and interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) in mouse gastrointestinal tract. To investigate the role of IGF-1/IGF-1R in diabetic gastroparesis, we detected IGF-1R, ChAT, SCF and c-Kit in gastric tunica muscularis of diabetic mice. Results showed that IGF-IR was generally expressed in smooth muscles and enteric neurons but not in ICC. Gastric emptying was delayed at the 4th diabetic week, accompanied by decreased IGF-1R expression and cholinergic neuron number. Then, SCF was reduced at the 6th diabetic week, followed by decreased c-Kit expression and ICC number at the 8th diabetic week. This data suggested that impaired IGF1/IGF-1R is responsible for the loss of cholinergic neurons in early diabetes, and contributes to the reduction of SCF, which further leads to the depletion of ICC and facilitates the progression of gastroparesis in later diabetes. B4603 Role of Keap1 in the invasion and metastasis of NSCLC Bo Wu, Haimei Sun, Lie Xu, Yurong Wang, Deshan Zhou* Department of Histology and Embryology, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Capital Medical University, Beijing, 100069, China. The tumor suppressor of Keap1 has significantly low expression in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). However, the molecular mechanism of this low expression remains unclear. For the first time, our study demonstrated that the promoter of Keap1 is highly methylated, which could impede transcription factor Sp1 from binding to Keap1 in A549 cells. We further explored the role of Keap1 in the invasion and metastasis of NSCLC. Overexpression of Keap1 in A549 could stable the cytoskeleton and regulate focal adhesion distribution by mediating RhoA activity, thereby restrain the motility and invasion in A549. Then, tumor xenografts models were established to further explore the role of Keap1 in vivo. From which we found the similar regulation that the The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists tumor xenograft had smaller size and less metastasis in Keap1 overexpression mice than the control group. The above studies both demonstrated that Keap1 can suppress the tumor development and metastasis, which could provide new explanation for the mechanism of metastasis in NSCLC. B4612 Correlation study on distribution of thymocytes and expression of iNOS after experimental vagus injury Yufang Zhao1, Ke Dong2 1 Department of Histology and Embryology, HeBei United University˗2 Affiliated hospitalˈHeBei United University. Tangshan 063000 P.R. China The effects of nitric oxide on mechanism of vagus in regulating the migration of thymocytes in rat thymus was discussed. Experiment to the right cervical vagotomy, immunohistochemical and enzyme histochemical doublelabeling method, flow cytometry and western blot were used. CD4 and CD8 labeled cells were located at the corticomedullary junctions and medullas. After monolateral vagotomy, both the area and the percent of the CD4/CD8 double positive stained cells were decreasing by immunohistochemical and enzyme histochemical doublelabeling method, while the percent of the mature thymocytes were increasing by flow cytometric detection. Showed the western blot, the expression of iNOS decreased after transient elevation. Vagus nerve promote T cell development and output, which NO plays an important role in the process. B4617 C-type natriuretic peptide ameliorates ischemia/reperfusion-induced acute kidney injury Dongyuan XuˈXiunan Jin, Youchen Zhang, Xiangdan Li Department of Anatomy, Medical College of Yanbian University, Yanji, Jilin 133000 Atrial natriuretic peptide has been shown to attenuate ischemia-reperfusion (IR)-induced kidney injury. However, the effect of natriuretic peptide receptor (NPR)-B activation on IR-induced acute kidney injury is not well documented. The purpose of the present study was to identify the effects of C-type natriuretic peptide (CNP), a selective activator of NPR-B, on the IR-induced acute renal injury and its mechanisms involved. Unilaterally nephrectomized rats were insulted by IR in the remaining kidney. CNP was administered intravenously beginning with the start of 45-min renal ischemia for 2 h. Blood samples were collected for the measurement of the levels of BUN and creatinine. Histological and chemical changes were also observed. Treatment with CNP significantly attenuated the IR-induced increase in serum BUN and creatinine, apoptotic changes and oxidative stress, and histopathological alterations. Furthermore, CNP restored the suppressed renal cGMP levels caused by IR insult. These findings suggest that CNP ameliorates IR-induced acute kidney injury through inhibition of apoptotic and oxidative stress pathways possibly via NPR-B-cGMP signaling. Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 85 for accurate localization of compression site of suprascapular nerve (SN) and safe decompression of the nerve. IFAA2014-3-001 Morphological and surgical anatomy of coronary sinus, its tributaries and relation to the mitral valve annulus 1 IFAA2014-3-003 Brain metabolism and paleoneurology: from blood to form 1 Shashi Raheja , Lalit Mehra , Sneh Agarwal1, Kulwinder Kaur1, Yashoda Rani2, Anita Tuli1 Emiliano Bruner1,2,3, José Manuel de la Cuétara1,4 1 Anatomy,Lady hardinge Medical College, New Delhi, INDIA Forensic Medicine,Lady hardinge Medical College, New Delhi, INDIA. * 2 To study morphology of coronary sinus (CS) and its tributaries i.e. great cardiac vein (GCV), middle cardiac vein (MCV), posterior vein of the left ventricle (PVLV) and small cardiac vein (SCV): their course, length and diameter, and relation of GCV and CS to mitral valve annulus (MVA). CS , its tributaries were studied in 40 adult cadaveric formalin fixed human hearts: length, diameter, course . Relation of GCV and CS to MVA was studied in six longitudinal sections (named section 1-6). Length (range) of CS, GCV, MCV, PVLV and SCV was 20.89-44, 52.38-147, 54.2388.57, 52.25-89.98 and 23.03-32.67 mm respectively. The Diameter (range) of CS, GCV, MCV, PVLV and SCV was 7.34-16.52, 3.95-7.64, 3.41-7.46, 1.23-5.93 and 1.79-3.13mm respectively. In 37 hearts, venous channel in section 2 was widely separated from MVA compared to the two ends and the distances of GCV and CS from MVA in section 1, 2, 3, and 4 were significantly longer than Sections 5 and 6 (p<0.001). An irregular pattern was seen in 3 hearts. The length, diameter and course of CS and its tributaries will be helpful for successful catheterization. Relation of GCV/CS with MVA will help in designing mitral annuloplasty devices. IFAA2014-3-002 Variational Anatomy of Suprascapular notch: Implication for Suprascapular nerve entrapment. Oladayo S Oyedun, Modupeola O Bolaji, Chioma L Kanu 1 Paleobiology Group, National Research Centre for Human Evolution, Burgos, Spain; 2Italian Institute of Anthropology, Rome, Italy; 3Center for Cognitive Archaeology, Colorado University, Colorado Springs, USA; 4Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain. * One of the mayor determinants of human evolution is encephalization. Changes in brain size and shape involved relevant variations in brain metabolism and thermoregulation. Fossils can provide two sources of information in this sense: the vascular traces of the vessels, and the endocranial form. Vascular traces display partial information on the venous sinuses, middle meningeal artery, and diploic channels. There is evidence suggesting that only modern humans evolved complex vascular networks, independently upon the changes in brain volume or cranial geometry. In vivo analyses of these vessels present elusive functions and require more investigations in biomedical fields. At the same time brain form can give quantitative information on the heat distribution patters. Although size is the main factor involved in heat production, localized shape changes can increase or decrease the sensitivity of specific cortical and subcortical areas to thermal stress. As a matter of fact, higher metabolic loads have been described in cortical areas strictly associated with the evolution of modern humans, like the precuneus. The same areas suffer metabolic impairments at early stages of the Alzheimer’s disease, a pathology strictly associated with our species. Despite the endocranial vessels and form can give only a partial perspective of the brain metabolic processes, they represent the only information available from fossils on this issue, and should be carefully considered in terms of human evolution and biomedical relevance. IFAA2014-3-004 Department of Anatomy,University of Ibadan,Ibadan, Nigeria. * An integrated analysis of external geometry and internal microstructure The morphological variations of suprascapular notch have been associated with suprascapular nerve entrapment syndromes. The study aimed at describing the shapes and the dimensions of suprascapular notch. The suprascapular notch was classified into six types in 44 dried human scapulae based on relative dimensions of transverse length (TL) and maximum depth (MD) of suprascapular notch (SSN) and presence of ossified superior transverse scapular ligament (STSL) (Modified Natsis classification). The SSN was present in 43 (97.7%) scapulae. TL was greater than MD in 34 (77.3%) scapulae, less than MD in 4 (9.1%) scapulae and equal to MD in 4 (9.1%) scapulae. The most prevalent shape was “U” seen in 34 (77.3%) scapulae while “V” was the least prevalent shape observed in 1 (2.3%) scapula. It has been hypothesized that the risk of suprascapular nerve entrapment syndrome (SNES) increases with absence of notch, ossification of STSL, “V” shaped notch and reduction in MD. Knowledge of variation in shape and dimension is necessary Huayue Chen1, Kin-ya Kubo2, Takao Senda1 1 Department of Anatomy, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine; 2Seijoh University Graduate School of Health Care Studies. * The external and internal morphology of the vertebral body is important for maintaining bone strength. This study is to identify the changes of vertebral dimension, cortical and trabecular microstructure at the human lumbar vertebrae with age and gender. We used 56 third lumbar vertebrae of 28 women and men (56-98 years of age) from a Japanese population. Both women and men were divided into middle, old, and elderly groups. Vertebral bodies were examined using micro-CT system. Vertebral body height, width, depth and cross-sectional area (CSA) were measured. Cortical and trabecular microstructure was analyzed with bone analysis The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 86 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• software. Vertebral height decreased, while width, depth and CSA increased with age. The ratio of width/height significantly increased with age. As compared with women, men had larger vertebral size. Trabecular bone volume (BV/TV) decreased with age. BV/TV of vertical oriented bone was almost twice that of horizontal one. Age-related loss of vertical trabeculae was slower than that of horizontal ones. Vertebral cortical porosity increased and cortical thickness tended to decrease with age. Our findings indicate that age-related changes of vertebral geometry correlated with changes of internal microstructure. Vertebral width/height ratio may represent as a new indicator of vertebral strength. IFAA2014-3-005 Mesoscopic study of the musculature of the human uterine tube Jorge A. Henriquez, Marlis A. Bernales Facultad de Medicina. Universidad de La Frontera. Temuco. Chile. * The uterine tube becomes relevant in the nineteenth century because ectopic pregnancies, so, various authors had made investigations about their morphological characteristcs. This research was carried out to analyze the mesoscopic human uterine tube with emphasis on the provision of smooth muscle portion thereof. Ten oviducts were fixed in formaldehyde solution, dissected, worked with the Semper paraffin method and were dissected under the stereo microscope. We observed that the tubes isthmus have two layers, the most superficial, oblique to the axis of the tube and parallel to each other; the deepest, double spiral from right to left and from left to right, which ended as oblique fibers reaching the loops that forms the mucosa at the center of this organ. The ampulla had a different layout with annular fibers at the junction of isthmus-ampulla and infunfibulum ampulla, where these fibers are also thinner and lose at the center of the ampulla, it could be seen an irregular arrangement of fibers which formed a very intricate network with oblique, longitudinal and spiral fibers. The superficial muscle fibers are thin and oblique but longitudinal arrangement. The deep layer have a spiral disposition, which reach the mucosa. The ampulla fibers forming an intricate network. IFAA2014-3-006 IRF6, RYK and PAX9 role in facial tissue of children with clefts Liene Smane1, Mara Pilmane1, Ilze Avota2 1 Department of Morphology, Riga Stradins University, Riga, Latvia; 2Institute of Stomatology, Riga Stradins University, Riga, Latvia. * Cleft lip and palate (CLP) is among the most common congenital anomalies that arise in early development. The genes interferon regulatory factor 6 (IRF6), receptor-like tyrosine kinase (RYK) and paired box gene 9 (PAX9) are essential for normal development and morphogenesis of The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists craniofacial structures. Nineteen CLP patients and 7 unaffected subjects were enrolled in this study. The intensity of immunostaining was graded semi-quantitatively. The Mann-Whitney test for comparison of study groups was conducted. Moderate to abundant numbers of IRF6 immunoreactive structures were observed in the connective tissue of all CLP patients. IRF6-positive oral epithelial cells were significantly increased in the control group when compared with the CLP group (p=0.01). Of note, only sporadic expression of RYK was observed in oral epithelium from four CLP patients. The appearance of PAX9-positive epithelial cells varied from occasional to numerous in the visual field of samples from children with clefts. We observed an abundant number of PAX9 positive cells in oral epithelium, especially in the basal cell layer in all specimens of the control group. There was significant difference in mean between the study groups (p<0.001). IRF6 is main connective tissue cells regulatory factor in CLP tissue. Scarce expression of IRF6 in CLP affected oral epithelium indicates a potential decrease of epitheliocytes differentiation potential. Scarce expression of PAX9, RYX2 suggests their possible role in decreased cell migration and remodelation of cleft morphopathogenesis. IFAA2014-3-007 Effects of total flavone of hawthorn leaf (TFHL) on neural cell apoptosis in rats with cerebral ischemia Mengjie Liu, Xiaoguang Wu, Mengmeng Li, Nana Cao, Tiange Zhang Chengde Medical College, Sichuan China * Total Flavone of Hawthorn Leaf;Bcl-2;Bax; Chronic cerebral ischemia; western blot To investigate effects of TFHL on the expression of Bax and Bcl-2 in brain tissue of cerebral ischemia rats. 48 male SD rats were randomly divided into sham group, model group and TFHL group. Chronic cerebral ischemia rat model was prepared by bilateral carotid artery ligation. TFHL group was given 140 mg/kg hawthorn leaves flavonoids to lavage. The number of neuronal apoptosis was assessed by TUNEL. The protein expression of Bax and Bcl2 were detected by western blot. Compared with model group, the protein expression of Bcl-2 in TFHL group were significantly increased (P<0.05) and that of Bax were down regulated (P<0.05). In addition, the quantity of positive TUNEL cells in TFHL group was lower than that of model group (P< 0.05). TFHL can decrease brain apoptosis in cerebral ischemia rats, whose effect may be related to decreased expression of Bax and increased expression of Bcl2. IFAA2014-3-008 The anatomy and morphometry of the meniscoids of the lateral atlantoaxial joints Scott F Farrell1, Peter G Osmotherly1, Jon Cornwall2,3, Darren A Rivett1 1 School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Health and Medicine, The University of Newcastle, Newcastle, Australia; 2Faculty of Law, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand; Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 87 3 Department of Anatomy, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. * Despite being suggested as potential sources of neck pain, the normal anatomy of the lateral atlantoaxial joint meniscoids has not been extensively examined. This study explores the morphology and morphometry of these structures to further elucidate their form. One lateral atlantoaxial joint from each of 12 cadaveric cervical spines (6 female; 6 left; mean 81.5 years) was dissected. Meniscoids were identified and measures made of their protrusion length and surface area. Joint cartilage degeneration was rated. Meniscoids were then sectioned, processed (haematoxylin and eosin), and examined using light microscopy. Data were analysed descriptively and with non-parametric techniques (significance p<0.05). Meniscoids were found at the ventral and dorsal aspects of each joint and were classified as adipose (32%), fibrous (41%) and fibroadipose (27%) types. Adipose meniscoids were mostly located ventrally (6 of 7) and fibrous meniscoids mostly dorsally (7 of 9); cartilage degeneration was associated with fibrous meniscoids and intact cartilage with adipose meniscoids. Meniscoid length was greater than in males than females (p<0.04). No significant associations were found between meniscoid length or surface area and age, composition, cartilage degeneration, or location in joint. Atlantoaxial joint meniscoid morphology demonstrates distinct patterns. Studies are required to examine these structures over larger age-spans and in populations with neck pain to further clarify their morphology and potential clinical importance. IFAA2014-3-009 Ossification of the superior transverse ligament in a South African scapula: A factor to be considered in the diagnosis of suprascapular nerve entrapment Anatomía. Ciencias Básicas Universidad de La Frontera.Temuco.Chile; 2Biología.Ciencias Básicas. Universidad de La Frontera. Temuco.Chile; 3Odontología. Universidad de La Frontera. Temuco.Chile. * Ossification of the superior transverse scapular ligament is one of the factors considered in the classification of the suprascapular notch based on shape. Variation in morphology of the superior transverse scapular ligament is always considered a critical factor in the diagnosis of suprascapular nerve entrapment syndrome. This study reports the complete ossification of the superior transverse scapular ligament in a South African scapula and a note on its clinical anatomy. Hila May1,2, Tania Sella Tunis1, Haim Cohen1, Dan Stein1, Bahaa Medlej1, Hershkovitz Israel1 1 Department of Anatomy and Anthropology, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv Univeristy. * The therapeutic effect of ultrasound at the neurofibrils level on rat sciatic nerve 1 Clinical Anatomy, Nelson R Mandela School of Medicine, Durban, South Africa. * What femoral mid-shaft morphology tell us about early farmers at the advent of agriculture? IFAA2014-3-011 Fernando Matamala1, Ricardo Cornejo2, Nilton Alves3 Onyemaechi O. Azu, David O Ofusori, Edwin C.S Naidu, Jesse S. Naidu IFAA2014-3-010 One of the key questions accompanying the discussion around the impact of agriculture revolution on humans' way of life relates to the changes in the amplitude and pattern of physical stress witnessed by early farmers compared to their preceding hunters. The Neolithic revolution (10,500 - 4,300 BCE) in the southern Levant was one of the most significant cultural processes in human history. Through the study of the femoral bone cross-sections geometry we aimed to get information on the physical stress and activity pattern among the first farming communities in the Levant. 130 femora (30 Natufian, 83 Neolithic and 18 Modern) housed at TAU underwent a high resolution CT scan. Dedicated computer software was developed and utilized to measure 22 parameters of the femoral cross-sectional area. Natufians' femoral cortical bone was significantly thicker compared to Neolithic and Modern femora. Coefficient of cortical area variation was significantly higher in the Neolithic populations. No significant differences were found in bone rigidity parameters. The Neolithic femoral cross-section shape was more rounded compared to the Natufian. In both Natufian and Modern femora, the cortex was thicker on the lateral side compared to the medial, opposed to the Neolithic femora. To conclude, the significant decrease in bone robusticity with the transition to farming activities reflects a more sedentary way of life in these populations, whereas the greater variability in their bone thickness suggest a more heterogeneous physical activities (division of labor) in early farming communities. To measure by TEM on rat sciatic nerve the number of surviving damage neurofilaments by neuropraxia and their later recovery by way of ultrasound therapy. 21 Sprague Dawley rats weighing 300 grm were employed and divided into three groups: A) Control with healthy nerve B) Injured nerve C) Injured nerves and later therapy by irradiation with intensity of 1 W/cm2. Specimens were anesthetized to later proceed at their surgically nerve isolation. The right sciatic nerve was compressed by a controlled pressure clamp, for 3 minutes with a constant force 40 N .Rats from group C were irradiated at 24 hours post injury with US (ultrasound continued )intensity of 1W/cm2 , for 10 consecutive days in a daily dose of 1 minute per session. Subsequently the specimens of Groups A, B and C; were euthanized. Their nerves were collected and processed for TEM. The number of surviving neurofibrils per ȝm 2 area was measured from micrographies according to the reticle technique. The statistical analysis performed by the Shapiro-Wilck test between control specimens from groups A,B and the irradiated animals from group C determined a significant difference in the number of their neurofibrils. Specimens A) 133,6 neurofibrils x ȝm2 area . SD 21,0 B) 103,0 neurofibrils x ȝm2 area . SD 8,0 C) 145,5 neurofibrils x ȝm2 area . SD 22,8 Therapeutic ultrasound irradiation increases the number The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 88 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• of neurofibrils x ȝm2 area between injured by neuropraxia and control nerve IFAA2014-3-012 Fibre types in human suboccipital muscles Jon Cornwall1,2, Philip Sheard3 1 Faculty of Law, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand Department of Anatomy, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand; 3Department of Physiology, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. * 2 The suboccipital muscles (SOM) rectus capitis posterior major (PMa), rectus capitis posterior minor (PMi), inferior oblique (IO), and superior oblique (SO) attach posteriorly between C1, C2 and the occiput. They are said to be ‘postural’, though little data exists to support this claim. Data on SOM fibre types would further determine their function and guide therapeutic interventions. This study aims to improve knowledge of SOM function through an examining their muscle fibre types. 96 individual SOM were removed bilaterally from 12 elderly cadavers (mean 73 yrs, 6 males). Sections of each muscle (midpoint) were processed, paraffin embedded, sectioned, and fibres identified (types I, II) using immunohistochemistry. Stereology (random systematic sampling) determined fibre proportions from whole muscle sections. Data were analysed by ANOVA (p<0.05) and descriptive statistics. Preliminary results (6 cadavers, 48 muscles) showed significant differences in fibre proportions (ratio type I / II) between SO and IO; PMi and IO. Average type I proportions were 54.7% (SO), 66.9% (IO), 56.6% (PMa), and 54.2% (PMi). No difference existed between side or cadaver. Further results are pending. Findings indicate possible differences in the function of the individual SOM muscles, suggesting some of these muscles are not strictly postural in function given their relatively low percentage of type I fibres compared to other ‘postural’ muscles. Further investigations are required to clarify their precise function. IFAA2014-3-013 Morphological characteristics of testis lobule micrangium in yak˄Bos grunniens˅ Ligang Yuan College of Veterinary Medicine,Gansu Agricultural University,Lanzhou,China. * The mammals adapt to the high altitude plateau environment has its own unique mechanism.To study the architecture of the testis lobule micrangium and its functional relationship in adult yak ˄ Bos grunniens ˅ by vascular proplasm, Inkgelatinum paraffin section, replica scanning electron microscopic methods and routine paraffin sections The results show that the interstitial capillary along the longitudinal wall of the seminiferous tubule formed ladderlike capillary network, it gives branches interconnected each other to form peritubular capillaries. Otherwise, the initial of peritubular capillaries also form interstitial capillary plexus around the Leydig cells. Moreover, the broad and different The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists level communications were found in microvasculature around the seminiferous tubules of the testis lobule. There were obvious imprints of the endothelial nuclei on the surface of the casts of the interstitial arteriole and the precapillary arteriole as well. From the above,the testis lobule micrangium structural features in yak as a result of their living in loweroxygen on Qingzang Plateau from generation to generation. IFAA2014-3-014 Fibre type composition of human longus capitis and longus colli Alexandra N Miller1, Stephanie J Woodley1, Jon Cornwall2 1 Department of Anatomy, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand; 2Faculty of Law, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. * Effective management of neck pain requires a detailed understanding of cervical muscle function. However, such information is sparse. The aim of this study was to investigate the fibre type composition of the pre-cervical muscles, longus capitis (LCa) and longus colli (LCo), to further elucidate their function. Tissue blocks were harvested unilaterally from LCa (C2-C7) and LCo (C3, C6, T1) in seven female cadavers (mean age 86±9 years). Immunohistochemistry was used to identify type I and type II fibres, and stereology (random systematic sampling) used to count type I/II fibre numbers. Data were assessed using descriptive statistics and one-way ANOVA (significance p<0.05). 52 sections were assessed (82,785 fibres; mean 1592±927 per section). LCa had a significantly greater proportion of type I fibres than LCo (64.33% vs 55.70%, p=0.011). The percentage of fibre types also varied significantly between individuals in LCa but not LCo. No significant difference was found in the proportion of type I fibres between cervical levels for either LCa or LCo. Conclusion: Based on fibre type composition, LCa and LCo appear to be functionally different, with LCa likely to have a more postural function than LCo. Fibre types were homogenous throughout each muscle, across multiple vertebral levels, indicating similar function across the whole muscle. Further studies across a larger age-span, and in males are required to determine whether these results are representative of other population sub-groups. IFAA2014-3-015 Analysis of cellular death in the experimental bone tissue regarding the biomaterial implantation Jolanta Vamze1, Mara Pilmane2, Andrejs Skagers3 1 Doctoral Degree Study Programme, Riga Stradins University, Dzirciema str.16, LV-1007, Riga, Latvia; 2 Institute of Anatomy and Anthropology, Riga Stradins University; Kronvalda blvd.9, LV-1010, Riga, Latvia 3 Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Riga Stradins University; Dzirciema str.16, LV-1007, Riga, Latvia * Investigation of the appearance of cell apoptosis in the lower jaw of rabbits after the implantation of calcium phosphatetype and polymer implants. Methods: Material was obtained Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 89 from the lower jaw tissue of Californian rabbits after three, six and eight month of the implantation of hydroxyapatite/tricalcium phosphate, tricalcium phosphate, hydroxyapatite, hydroxyapatite/polycaprolacton and polymethylmethacrylate. Study protocol was approved by the Animal Ethics Committee of Food and Veterinary Administration of Latvia. Bone tissue was processed for morphological study of apoptosis by use of TUNEL kit and antibody to caspase. Quantification of positive osteocytes was done using semi – quantitative evaluation method. Statistical analysis was performed using IBM SPSS Statistics 20. Results: Regarding the implantation time, study showed variability of the amount of apoptotic cells in experimental tissue using calcium phosphate-type implants. Compared to control tissue, no statistically significant difference was detected between experimental and control groups (z=1,76; p=0,08). Apoptotic cells in bone tissue with polymer implants were not observed at all. Conclusions: Cell apoptosis expresses the individual variations in tissue surrounding biomaterials three, six and eight months after the implantation of biomaterials. But, it is compensated response of tissue, recovered in normality after three months period. IFAA2014-3-016 The typical Ductular reaction (DR) develops on 2nd/3rd days after common bile duct ligation (CBDL). Our study shows that the increase in number of DPs occurs at 6th hour after CBDL, before cholangiocytes become mitotically active. 6 male Wistar rats (150-200gr) were subjected to CBDL, 6 rats - control group (CG). At 6th hour of CBDL liver tissues of 4 rats from both groups were studied histologically and immunohistochemically. The corrosion casts of vascular and biliary tracts of 2 animals were studied by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The majority of “new” DPs were located across the portal vein while several were revealed intralobullarly. DPs were CK19+ and Ki67-. Histological and SEM data confirm: “new” DPs represent the sections of the branches of periportal biliary plexus and intralobullar ductuli (including Herring’s ductuli). In normal condition these biliary branches are invisible. Biliary hypertension makes them widened and clearly evident. Cholangiocytes nuclei are light, oval or spindle-shaped. They are larger than in norm (CG–24,93r1,44; CBDL-6h; p<0,001). Thus, “preproliferative” step of early DR is mediated by widening of the existed biliary ramifications and increasing in size of cholangiocytes nuclei and is not associated with proliferative activities. Morphological changes of dog liver preserved by different methods IFAA2014-3-018 Morphometric analysis of intervillous fibrinoid deposition in complicated pregnancies Nodar G. Khodeli1, Zurab A. Chkhaidze2, Dimitri J. Kordzaia1 Vesna Janevska, Gordana Petrusevska, Aneta T. Zrmanovska, Ivan Domazetovski 1 Institute of Morphology, Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi, Georgia; 2Department of Clinical Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi, Georgia * The aim of the study was to compare the morphological changes in dog liver, preserved in standard solution with same, preserved by normothermic blood perfusion provided by original Non-Traditional Perfusion System (NTPS). 1st group (N4) - after washing out of blood vessels, liver graft was placed the UW solution at 3-40C. 2nd group (N4) - liver graft was placed in saline at 380C and using NTPS it was supplied by non-oxygenated blood through portal vain canula, and with oxygenated pulsing blood through arterial canula. After 3hr liver tissue samples were taken and processed by rutine histological technics. Liver tissue assessed on H&E stained slides (30 areas of each biopsy sample) by modified Banff- and Suzuki Criteria (grades 1-4): frequency of ballooning degeneration and necrosis of hepatocytes, blood stasis in sinusoids and central veins, structural disorganization of hepatic lobules. The degree of liver tissue damage in the 1st group was (1,15 ±0,24) significantly higher (p0,05) than in 2nd group (0,65 ±0,18). The obtained results confirm the advantage of liver graft conservation by native blood perfusion with physiological parameters and selective blood flow provided by NTPS. IFAA2014-3-017 Pre-proliferative step of typical ductular reaction Manana Kakabadze, Mtvarisa Kordzaia, Mikheil Jangavadze1, Dimitri Kordzaia Aleqsandre Natishvili Institute of Morphology, TSU * Institute of Pathology, Medical Faculty, University "Ss. Cyril and Methodius" - Skopje, Macedonia * We quantified placental intervillous fibrinoid deposition (IVFD) in order to evaluate their involvement in the pathogenesis of pregnancies complicated with intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR). Placentas from 53 singleton fullterm (37-42ga) IUGR foetuses were analysed. 38 of them were from pregnancies complicated by normotensive IUGR and 15 were from pregnancies complicated by preeclampsia/toxaemia. 17 placentas from full-term uncomplicated pregnancies served as control group. Standardized tissue blocks were routinely processed and slides were stained with H.E, PAS and Weigert stain for fibrin. Quantification of IVFD was achieved using commercial Image Analysing Software LUCIA M. Results from morphometric analysis of IVFD (measure area 2,78189e+006P2). 37-42ga. No. Min. Mean Max. p n.IUGR 38 1,308e+006 3,156e+006 5,559e+006 <0,001 PE/T 15 0.568e+006 1,326e+006 2,158+006 <0,01 Control 17 10,995.00 25,324.00 40,505.00 The highest values of IVFD were found in pregnancies complicated by normotensive IUGR and were significantly different (p<0,001) from those of the control group and from pregnancies complicated by PE/T. The values of IVFD in pregnancies complicated by PE/T were also significantly higher (p<0.01) from the control group. The results demonstrated that the amount of IVFD correlates with pregnancies complicated by IUGR, and may influence their pathogenesis or consequences. IVFD has a higher percentage of recurrence in these pregnancies and should be prevented. The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 90 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• IFAA2014-3-019 Anatomo-radiologic study of the vascular supply of the pancreas interrelated with resective surgery Veronica Macchi1, Edgardo Enrico Edoardo Picardi1, Andrea Porzionato1, Aldo Morra2, Carla Stecco1, Romeo Bardini3, Raffaele De Caro1 1 Institute of Human Anatomy, Department of Molecular Medicine, University of Padova, Italy; 2Section of Radiology, Euganea Medica Group, Albignasego, Padova, Ital 3 General Surgery Unit, Department of Surgical, Oncological and Gastroenterological Sciences, University of Padova, Italy. * Postoperative pancreatic fistula is still regarded as a major complication. The aim of the study was to describe the pancreatic vascular architecture and to evaluate if it can predict the risk of postoperative complications. 9 specimens of duodenum, pancreas and spleen, were injected with acrylic resins to obtain vascular casts. 30 computed tomography angiographies (CT angiography) of subjects without pancreatic pathology were analyzed. At the level of the pancreatic neck a paucivascular area was appreciable in all vascular casts. The transverse artery (PT) is the only artery, linking the cervicocephalic segment with the somatocaudal one. High risk vascular patterns are the presence of: a splenic artery with intrapancreatic course (33.3%); an inferior duodenopancreatic (DP) artery originating from the DPjejunal trunk (28.6%); dorsal pancreatic artery originating from superior mesenteric artery (AMS) (3.8%) or a PT originating from AMS (26.9%). At the level of the pancreatic neck the paucivascular area corresponds to an area of microcirculation of the parenchyma due to the absence of vessels with significant caliber. It can facilitate the resection of the pancreatic head, but it makes the body-tail stump vulnerable to postoperative ischemic insults. Great attention to the preoperative study of patients undergoing pancreatoduodenectomy should be paid. IFAA2014-3-019 Reasons for not authorizing the necropsy examination at Hospital Universitário Regional Norte do Paraná/ UEL between 2001 and 2011. Allan James de Castro Bussmann1,2,3, Kazuhiro Ito1, Caroline Braz2 1 Laboratório de Anatomia Patologica, Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Londrina, Brasil; 2Anatomia Humana, UNIFIL, Londrina, Brazil; 3Departamento de Pós Graduação, Instituto Dimensão, Maringá, Brasil * The necropsy is an intern examination done on the corpse to determine the cause of death through a sequence of exploratory procedures carried out on the body. The necropsy can be classified into two categories: the forensic necropsy and anatomopathological-clinic, the first has a judicial cleat, and the second has a clinical objective. The clinic necropsy was a procedure highly valued as a means of diagnosis until de decade of 1960’s, however the examination is declining in the world nowadays, at Hospital Univesitário Regional Norte The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists do Paraná – Univesidade Estadual de Londrina (HURNP/UEL), it's not different, were recorded between the years 2001 and 2011, 7.270 deaths, with only 15.5 percent request of necropsy, and in only10.1 percent of the cases the necropsy was realized. Thus, the objective of this study was to investigate the reasons alleged by the legal guardians of the patients, to disbelieve the necropsy. To this end, it was used the methodology of documentary research, with analysis of the files by the Social Service Division of the HUNRP/UEL. The number of deaths had been raised, the amount of requested necropsies, the authorized, unauthorized and the alleged motives given for the not authorization. The answers were listed in nine categories. The three main claims were: "family doesn't want to touch the body", with 26.7 percent, followed by "family finds unnecessary" with 23.9 percent, and "delay in the release of the body", with 20.6 percent. The results allow inferring that there is a misinformation about the examination, leading those responsible for the patients not to authorize their achievement, collaborating to the decline of this procedure as a method of clinical research. Further studies are needed to better understand this panorama. IFAA2014-3-021 On the suitability of thiel cadavers for natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery (notes) – surgical training, feasibility studies and anatomical education Andrea Porzionato1, Lino Polese2, Emanuele Lezoche3, Veronica Macchi1, Gloria Sarasin 1, Edgardo Enrico Edoardo Picardi1, Giovanni Lezoche4, Gianfranco Da Dalt2, Carla Stecco1, Lorenzo Norberto2, Stefano Merigliano2, Raffaele De Caro1 1 Institute of Human Anatomy, Department of Molecular Medicine, University of Padova, Italy; 2Department of Surgical-Oncological and Gastroenterological Sciences, University of Padova, Italy; 3Department of General Surgery, Surgical Specialities and Organ Transplantation Paride Stefanini, University of Rome, Italy;4Department of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, Polytechnic University of Marche, Ancona, Italy. * Surgical training is essential for minimally invasive surgery. Thiel cadavers are suitable for laparoscopy, but there are few data about the use of embalmed (Tuscht method) and slightly embalmed (Thiel method) cadavers in procedures of Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery (NOTES). The aim of this study was to assess the use of these cadavers for NOTES approaches. The following surgical procedures were evaluated: transanal total mesorectal excision, transanal ileorectal by-pass and transvaginal appendectomy. The Thiel method ensured tissue flexibility and consistency suitable for performing the above surgical procedures with good results and without complications, with only a small increase in rigidity with respect to fresh specimens. Cadavers embalmed with higher formalin concentrations (Tuscht method) were more difficult to use, due to high tissue rigidity and resistance of the abdominal wall to pneumoperitoneum, although NOTES accesses were possible. Thiel cadavers are suitable for transanal/transrectal and transvaginal NOTES approaches, for training surgical residents/specialists and also for surgical Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 91 research. In minimally invasive surgery (and particularly in NOTES), integration between cadaver (fresh frozen and/or Thiel) and animal models would represent the gold standard. NOTES approaches to human cadavers may also be proposed for the anatomical education of medical students. IFAA2014-3-022 ROle of the fasciae in the morton’s neuroma NAA/Cr ratio, was significantly increased in the SPS groups compared with the control group. Our findings examined loss of neuronal and glial cells within the hippocampus of SPS rats in vivo and in vitro, which is related with hippocampal dysfunction and abnormal morphology in the PTSD. It suggested that neurons and glial cells are likely to play a major role in pathological changes in the brain after PTSD. IFAA2014-3-024 Carla Stecco1, Veronica Macchi1, Andrea Porzionato1, Ilaria Fantoni1, Carlo Biz2, Raffaele De Caro1 Withdraw. IFAA2014-3-025 Morphological changes in human salivary glands in type 2 diabetic status 1 stitute of Human Anatomy, Department of Molecular Medicine, University of Padova, Italy; 2Orthopedic Clinic, Department of Surgical-Oncological and Gastroenterological Sciences, University of Padova, Italy * Maria Alberta Lilliu, Paola Solinas, Margherita Cossu, Francesco Loy, Raffaella Isola, Michela Isola Morton's disease is a benign neuroma of an intermetatarsal plantar nerve, which may cause extreme pain and disability. Microscopically, the affected nerve presents extensive concentric perineural fibrosis. The treatment is generally the neurectomy, but recently, some surgeons have suggested that it is sufficient to cut the deep transverse metatarsal ligament (DTML) that connects the 3rd and 4th metatarsals in order to splay the webspace. Also some rehabilitation techniques affirm that modifying the perineural connective tissue improves the symptoms of the patients. We have dissected 15 feet and analyzed 30 MRI to evaluate the relationships of the nerve with the DTML and with the deep fasciae of the foot. The data confirms that the bifurcation of the common digital nerve of the foot in the second and third webspace is always distal to the DTML. Around the nerve, concentric layers of fibrous and loose connective tissue create a protection for the nerve. This arrangement of the perineural tissue may be compared to a "telescope" and may allow compliance between nerve and foot during walking. Clinically, a thickening of fibrosis of the perineural connective tissue could decrease this "sliding system", exposing the nerve to mechanical effects of load during walking and causing the symptoms. IFAA2014-3-023 Loss of neurons and glial cells of the hippocampus in a rat model of post-traumatic stress disorder Fang Han, Yuxiu Shi PTSD laboratory, Department of Histology and Embryology,China Medical University,Shenyang city, China * Department of Biomedical Sciences, Section of Cytomorphology , University of Cagliari * In diabetic subjects with controlled glycemia and no signs of sialadenosis, salivary flow and composition are normal, and a normal histology of salivary glands is expected. Previous studies suggested that both morphological and functional changes occur even in these cases, but data on this topic are scanty and conflicting. This study is based on the evaluation of morphological changes in salivary glands of patients with well controlled diabetes and without evident salivary malfunctions. Submandibular and parotid pieces from diabetics and non-diabetics were processed for light (LM), electron transmission (TEM) and scanning (HRSEM) microscopy. In TEM and LM images the dimension of serous acini, secretory granules, mitochondria was recorded. In HRSEM images, the density (number/μm2) of microvilli, microbuds, and protrusions in the cytoplasmic side of membrane was calculated. Evaluation of LM and TEM images revealed an enlargement of serous acini and granules, and a reduction of mitochondrial size in submandibular gland. Evaluation of HRSEM images revealed that diabetics submadibular and parotid glands had a significantly increased density of protrusions, and a reduction of microvilli. Our results show that diabetes causes significant changes in human glands even when glycemia is well controlled and clinical signs of gland malfunctions are absent. The differences between parotid and submandibular possibly reflect slightly different metabolic activities and different responsiveness to circulating substances such as glucose. IFAA2014-3-026 Previous study has shown that PTSD is associated with abnormal hippocampus activation. Nevertheless, progressive ‘real-time’ changes in vivo induced by SPS remain underexplored. In the present study, The neurometabolite change occurring in the hippocampus were investigated using in vivo proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H MRS). Change of neurons and glial cells was examined by immunofluorescence histochemistry, western blotting and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The significant reductions in N-acetylaspartate (NAA), creatine (Cr), and choline-containing compounds (Cho) in the hippocampus of SPS rats were found. Also, the Cho/Cr ratio, but not the Hair shaft alterations in the loose anagen hair syndrome: An ultra-structural study F. Pinar Turkmenoglu1*, U. Baran Kasirga2, H. Hamdi Celik 2 1 . Hacettepe University, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutical Botany, Turkey 2Hacettepe University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Anatomy, Turkey Loose anagen hair syndrome (LAHS) is a genetic disorder and characterized by morphologically abnormal anagen hairs. Hair is thinned in appearance and typically does not grow The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 92 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• beyond the nape of the neck and characteristically can easily and painlessly be pulled or plucked out of the scalp. LAHS primarily affects children but occurrence in adults has also been reported. Although the pathogenesis of LAHS has not been completely identified yet, the main defect is presumed to be abnormal adhesion between the cuticle of the inner root sheath and the cuticle of the hair shaft. Mutations in keratin K6hf of the companion layer of the hair follicle have been found in only some patients with LAHS, suggesting that mutations of other keratins of the inner root sheet may play a role. The aim of this study is determining ultra-structural changes of the hairs that obtained from the patients with LAHS by light and scanning electron microscope (SEM). The hair specimens obtained from three children diagnosed LAHS and aged between 3 to 6. Set of 12 hairs specimen from each patient was examined. Those various abnormal structural changes detected in this study might broaden the phenotypic spectrum of LAHS and that may be correlated with variations in molecular mutations. IFAA2014-3-027 Brush strokes only can reveal it? Defining certain ultra-structural alterations in hairs of Friedreich’s Ataxia patients as a promising pre-diagnostic approach. F. Pinar Turkmenoglu1*, U. Baran Kasirga 2 1 Hacettepe University, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutical Botany, Turkey 2Hacettepe University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Anatomy, Turkey Friedreich's ataxia (FRDA) is an autosomal recessive inherited disorder that causes progressive damage to the nervous system resulting in symptoms ranging from gait disturbance and speech problems to heart disease and diabetes. FRDA, although rare, is the most prevalent inherited ataxia, affecting about 1 in every 50,000-125,000 people in Western European populations. The majority of FRDA cases are caused by an expansion mutation of (GAA)n trinucleotide repeats within the first intron of the FXN gene which encodes the mitochondrial protein frataxin. Literature survey revealed that, structural changes in the hair of patients with FRDA was not demonstrated before. In this study, as a part of our ongoing studies on FRDA, light and scanning electron microscopic (SEM) features of hair of 4 FRDA patients in different stage of the ataxia were examined and discussed. A set of 12 scalp hairs specimen from each patient was collected during 2011 and 2014. According to our results, certain ulta-structural hair alterations were differentiated by the time along with increasing neurologic symptoms in that 3 years period. Consequently, ultrastructural hair alterations recognized in this study indicate that FRDA might affect the hair structure and SEM examination of those hairs can be considered as a very effective and specific, perhaps a pre-diagnostic tool for FRDA. C3554 Morphological structural changes in umbilical vessels of fetus in patients with pregnancy induced hypertension The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists Lan Yh1, Yang Z1, Huang Mm2, Qi Yl3, Niu Hy1* 1 Morphological Laboratory, 2Gynecological department of Affiliated Hospital,3Department of Histology and Embryology, Hainan Medical College, Haikou, 571199, China. * To study morphological structural changes for different segment umbilical vessels of fetus in patients with pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH), and explore relationship between PIH and umbilical vessels. 36 umbilical cords from fetus of pregnant women without and with PIH (17 cases, 19 controls) were collected, and take umbilical cord of placental, middle, and fetal segment to routine dehydration, embedding, section and stain. In the cases 9 women had mild preeclampsia, 6 had severe preeclampsia and 4 had eclampsia. Microscope images were obtained by digital microscope, and lumen diameter, wall thickness and wallluminal ratio of different segment umbilical vein and arteries were tested by computer image analysis software. The test results were analyzed and compared. From the placental end to the fetal end, the lumen diameter and wall-luminal ratio gradually decreased, and wall thickness gradually increased in the umbilical vein and arteries (P<0.05). Compared to normal pregnant women, the lumen diameter and wallluminal ratio decreased, and wall thickness increased in patients with PIH, and the above changes aggravated by disease severity (P<0.05). PIH is associated with structural changes in the umbilical vessels. These changes are more predominant in the vein than in the artery and most obvious in the fetal end. C3567 The role of an inwardly rectifying K+ channel (Kir4.1) in the inner ear Jing Chen Department of Morphology, Medical College of China Three Gorges University, Yichang, Hubei, P.R.China, 443002 The KCNJ10 gene which encodes an inwardly rectifying K+ channel Kir4.1 subunit plays an essential role in the inner ear and hearing.Mutations or knockout of KCNJ10 abolish endocochlear potential (EP) leading to deafness. Kir4.1 is found strongly expressed on the apical membrane of intermediate cells in the stria vascularis and in the satellite cells of cochlear ganglia. Functionally, Kir4.1 has critical roles in the cochlear development and hearing through two distinct aspects of extracellular K+ homeostasis: First, it participates in the generation and maintenance of EP and high K+ concentration in the endolymph inside the scala media. Second, Kir4.1 is the major K+channel in glial cells surrounding spiral ganglion neurons to sink expelled K+ ions by the ganglion neurons during excitation. The research focuses on the locations, developmental expression, and function of Kir4.1 potassium channels in the inner ear and hearing, and also provides insight for understanding the pathogenesis of deafness induced by KCNJ10 mutations and deficiency. C3568 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 93 Principle of relative positioning of structures in the human body Institute of Morphological Research, North Sichuan Medical College, Nanchong 637007, Sichuan, China Buliang Meng1, Ailan Pang2 To study the effects of the L5 spinal nerve ligation (SNL) on the number of microglias in the rat spinal gray matter. 20 rats were subjected to unilateral tight ligation of the L5 spinal nerve (SNL group),13 rats were to sham-operation (shamoperated group). 7 and 28 days postoperation, the spinal cord L5 segment was removed,and the paraffin-embedded sections were prepared and stained with Iba-1 (microglia marker) immunohistochemistry. Microglia numbers in the spinal gray matter qualitatively observed on the operated side were compared with the contralateral non-operated side. Different degrees of increase in the microglia number was found on the operated sides compared with the non-operated sides, and the increase appeared to be more marked in the SNL group than the sham-operated group, especially at 7 days. The increase of the microglia numbers, which will be further studied with quantitative (stereological) methods, might result partly from SNL-induced neuropathic pain, partly from post-operational local inflammation. 1 Department of Human Anatomy Histology and Embryology, Kunming Medical University, Kunming 650500, Yunnan Province, China; 2Department of Neurology, First Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University, Kunming 650032, Yunnan Province, China The arrangement of various biological structures should generally ensure the safety of crucial structures and increase their working efficiency; meanwhile, other principles governing the relative positions of structures in humans have not been reported. The present study therefore investigated other principles using nerves and their companion vessels in the human body as an example. Nerves and blood vessels usually travel together and in the most direct way towards their targets. Human embryology, histology, and gross anatomy suggest that there are many possible positions for these structures during development. However, for mechanical reasons, tougher or stronger structures should take priority. Nerves are tougher than most other structures, followed by arteries, veins, and lymphatic vessels. Nerves should therefore follow the most direct route, and be followed by the arteries, veins, and lymphatic vessels. This general principle should be applicable to all living things. C3636 Xiaoguang Wu, Guangxin Miao Chengde Medical College, Sichuan, China To study the impact of TFHL on cerebral ischemia and its mechanism in rats. Eighty male SD rats were randomly divided into sham group, model group, TFHL group and Ginkgo leaf group. Chronic cerebral ischemia rat model was prepared by bilateral carotid artery ligation. Ginkgo leaf group was given gingko leaf 6.5 mg/kg, TFHL group was given hawthorn leaves flavonoids 140 mg/kg to lavage. PI3K and Akt protein expressions were detected by immunohistochemical method. Water content of brain tissue was detected by dry-wet method. Brain barrier permeability was measured by formamide method blood. Compared with the model group, PI3K and Akt proteins in Ginkgo group and TFHL group were significantly increased (P<0.05). The brain tissue water content and EB content were significantly decreased (P<0.05). TFHL has certain protective effect on ischemic brain injury. Its mechanism may be related to regulation of PI3K/Akt signaling pathway. Effects of spinal nerve ligation on the number of microglias in the rat spinal gray matter: a preliminary qualitative observation 1 1 2 Xiaoli Huang , Jing Chen , Zhengwei Yang , Bin Peng1 Co-culturing human mesenchymal stem cells and endothelial cells on silk scaffold promoting microvascular-like structure formation in vitro Guofeng Wei, Jiwen Wang, Xiangdong Li Second Hospital of Dalian Medical University, Dalian 116023 Effect of total flavones of hawthorn leaf (TFHL) on PI3K/Akt signaling pathway in brain tissue of cerebral ischemia rats C3678 C3696 Bioengineering three-dimensional (3D) tissue-like structure in vitro plays a central role in the field of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. In the past two decades, many advances have been made in reconstructing different types of 3D culture models in vitro; however, it is still challenging to generate some vascular-like structures within those cultures to address the issue of the limited mass transport during the 3D cultivation in vitro. This is important because the situation of mass transport within a culture system not only determines cells’ viability but also influences their functionality profoundly. In the present study, we reported a co-culture system with hMSCs and endothelial cells (ECs) incorporation on silk scaffold, in which more vascular-like structures was generated after one week of cultivation in vitro. An improved functionality of ECs was also observed evidenced by their enhanced uptake of acetylated-LDL. Thus, we concluded that the unique co-culture system could promote ECs differentiation and self-assembling in vitro. It might provide a robust tool for the vascularized-based tissue engineering in future. C3718 A study on morphological changes of degenerate nucleus pulposus cells in human Amei Chen1, Weiming Xu2, Mingyu Cui1 , He En1, Na Qin1 1 Department of histology Inner mongolia medical university the Affiliated Hospital Inner Mongolia Medical university 2 To detect the Morphological changes of degenerative cervical or lumbar disc herniation(DDH) . 34 Samples of DDH were The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 94 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• examined using HEˈ MASSON and TUNEL staining for assessing cell viability and apoptosis, respectively. In addition, SEM was used for assessing ultrastructural changes Nucleus pulposus Tissue rupture, vascularization and 60% apoptotic disc cells, fiber proliferation and cartilage cell proliferation in clusters ,some‘ballooned cells’were observedin DDH.The collagen fiber rupture and the relative contact fiber ring and structure denseness and proliferation of collagen fiber and active cell synthesis were observed in DDH under SEM. The primary pathological processes are tissue rupture and cells in clusters infiltration, and collagen fiber rupture and the relative contact fiber ring are the main reaction in IVD. some‘ballooned cells’ in the degenerated nucleus pulposus may be a pathway reaction of stress. C3781 Increased hypothalamus–pituitary trefoil factor 3(TFF3) expression may promote gastric ulcer healing in a rat model Jingfang Wu1,2, Junx Ren2,Li Li1, Fulu Gao1* 1 Department of histology and embryology of Hebei Medical University 050017,2 Hebei North University, HeBei Province,P.R.China. Previous studies suggested the hypothalamus–pituitary system (HPS) controls gastric contractions and aggravate stress-caused gastric ulcers.We hypothesized whether endogenous TFF3 in HPS can promote gastric ulcers heal.Young male rats were assigned to experimental gastric ulcer group,saline control group and control group.TFF3 expression in hypothalamus and pituitary of three groups were assessed by IHC,ISH,RT-PCR,and content of TFF3 in blood serum were detected by ELISA.TFF3signal was seen in the PVN, SON,neuropituitary and adenopituitary 24 hrs after gastric ulcers,increasing to its highest level on day 6.The transcriptional of TFF3mRNA also up-regulated in hypothalamus and pituitary and to its highest on day 6.Serum TFF3 levels showed the highest on day 6.We concluded HPS TFF3 which gradually increased may play a key role in gastric ulcer healing. C3820 Improvement of cerebral ischmia- reperfusion model making method in mice Guangyi Li, Jie Zeng, Juan Zhao Department of Human AnatomyˈChangsha Medical College Changsha 410219 China In the process of fabricating cerebral ischemia reperfusion model (MCAO) in mouse, we open the mouse cerebral blood vessel with silver needle instead of scissors and suture is dealt with insulating board rather than with paraffin or rubber as before. By using the improved technology to make cerebral ischemia reperfusion model in mouse (MCAO),it reduces the cerebrovascular injury and enhances the success of moulding ischemia reperfusion model in mouse (MCAO).The new advancement establishes an animal model which is more practical for clinical operation as well as more simple, stable and widely applied The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists C3851 Expression of the forkhead box protein P1 in minimal deviation adenocarcinoma of cervix Qin Yang, Wei Jiang Chengdu Medical Colledge, Suchuan China Mucinous minimal deviation adenocarcinoma (MDA) is a rare highly differentiated tumor of uterine cervix. Expression of forkhead box protein P1 (FOXP1) is considered to be associated with the progression of tumors. The purpose of this study is to detect the FOXP1 expression in MDA and evaluate its possible role in the diagnosis of MDA. 22 MDA cases and 20 control cases consisting of 10 cases of lobular endocervical glandular hyperplasia (LEGH) and 10 cases of normal endocervical tissue were included in this study. All available clinical data were collected and immuostaining for FOXP1,CEA, HMFG1, ER and PR .The nuclear/cytoplasmic expression of FOXP1 was found in 18/22 MDA cases while in 1/20 control cases, which showed statistical significance. The significant expression of FOXP1 in MDA may be helpful in the pathological diagnosis of cervical MDA. A widened observation range and further researches are needed to elucidate the potential mechanism. C3913 Effects of ovariectomy on noradrenaline signaling between the locus ceruleus and hypothalamus Wenjuan Wang*, Biao Jin, Ke Wang, Lihua QinƸ Department of Anatomy and Embryology, Peking University Health Science Center, No.38 Xueyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of ovariectomy on noradrenalinergic (NEergic) pathway from locus ceruleus(LC) to preoptic area of hypothalamus(POAH), to explore the possible mechanism of menopause. Eighteen rats were randomly, equably divided into SHAM group, OVX group and OVX+E2(estradiol-17beta) group. Two weeks after ovariectomy surgery, rats were given corresponding drug for four weeks. Frozen sections were detected by immunohistochemistry. Noradrenalinergic alpha1 receptors and dopamine beta hydroxylase fibers in POAH and the numbers of LC neurons and ER-Į-positive cells in LC were decreased in OVX group compared with SHAM group. After treatment with E2, LC neurons and ER-Įpositive cells in LC and dopamine beta hydroxylase fibers, noradrenalinergic alpha-1 receptors in POAH were increased (P>0.05). This indicated that ovariectomy had an effect on the noradrenaline signaling between LC and POAH . The change of noradrenalinergic synthesis and its alpha-1 receptors in the POAH may play a key role in menopausal symptoms. C3914 Effect of low oestrogen on neurones in the preoptic area of hypothalamus of ovariectomized rats Wenjuan Wang*, Biao Jin , Ke Wang, Lihua Qinᇞ Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 95 Medical College, China Three Gorges University; Yichang 443002, P. R. China Anatomy and Embryology Department, Beijing University Health Science Center, No.38 Xueyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China The purpose of this study was to investigate differences in the activation of hypothalamic thermoregulatory centers, brought about by low levels of circulating ovarian steroids. Ovariectomized and sham-operated rats were placed in different temperatures for 2 hours. C-Fos expression in preoptic area of the hypothalamus was detected by immunohistochemistry. Following exposure to warm and cold stimuli, stronger C-Fos expression was observed in preoptic area. There were markedly lower C-Fos-positive cell densities in the ovariectomized group compared with sham group in median preoptic nucleus at 4°C, 10°C, 33°C, and 38°C, in ventrolateral preoptic nucleus at 4°C and 38°C, in medial preoptic area at 25°C and 38°C, and in ventromedial preoptic nucleus at 4°C, 10°C, and 38°C. Depending on the temperature stimuli, C-Fos expression was different within different nuclei of the 2 groups. This indicates that temperature-sensitive nuclei in the preoptic area exhibit different activities during temperature stimulations following ovariectomy, possibly resulting in abnormal thermoregulation and menopausal symptoms. C3916 Because of high tumor incidence in the world, related research of anti-tumor drugs has been carried out widely and deeply, such as molecular targeted drugs, natural products and gene therapy etc... In the study of anticancer drugs, in addition to its main mechanism research, morphological changes induced by drugs in tumor cells are also important aspects. The morphology is mainly to use a variety of optical microscope, fluorescence microscope and electron microscope to observe the change of cell size, cell membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus and organelles, also can observe the changed situation of biological macromolecules by specific immunological techniques. It’s the key to use the electron microscope to identify the qualitative effects on cell apoptosis, which usually focuses on the changes of cell ultrastructure morphology, providing the direct evidence for the apoptosis occurrence. However, electron microscopy is rarely used in the quantitative effects on cell apoptosis; here we introduce one new method of selecting the copper grids by random and then counting the number of the apoptotic cells and finally applying for the statistical analysis of the certain apoptosis rate. C3997 Distribution of UT-B in the rat brain and changed expression after traumatic brain injury Role of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis in anxiety during menopause Xue Zhang, Hongkai Wang, Jianhua Ran Wenjuan Wang*, Ke Wang, Lihua QinƸ Department of Anatomy, Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing, 400016 Department of Anatomy and Embryology, Peking University Health Science Center, Beijing, China The bed nucleus of the stria terminalis(BNST) contains the highest concentration of noradrenaline(NE) and a large amount of serotonin(5-HT) in the brain. Both NE and 5-HT play a key role in anxiety. Our purpose was to observe the effect of ovariectomy on noradrenalinergic and serotoninergic fibers and their receptors in BNST, to investigate the possible mechanism of anxiety during menopause. Eighteen rats were randomly, equably divided into SHAM group, OVX group and OVX+E2(estradiol17beta) group. Two weeks after ovariectomy surgery, rats were given corresponding drug for four weeks. Frozen sections were detected by immunohistochemistry. The density of noradrenalinergic and serotoninergic fibers projecting to BNST and the numbers of Į1-adrenergic and 5HT1A receptor-positive cells in BNST decreased, and 5HT2A receptor-positive cells increased in OVX group compared with SHAM group. In OVX+E2 group, density of noradrenalinergic and serotoninergic fibers and numbers of Į1-adrenergic and 5-HT1A receptor-positive cells increased and 5-HT2A receptor-positive cells decreased. The change of NE, 5-HT and their receptors in BNST may be an important mechanism for menopause anxiety. C3983 One semi-quantitative research method with electron microscope Wenfeng Huang Urea transporters B (UT-B) is a specific membrane transporter in astrocytes with unavailable morphology research of UT-B. Immunohistochemistry and Western blot were performed to describe the cellular localization and expression level changes of UT-B after traumatic brain injury (TBI) for delving its function in brain. We mainly demonstrate that UT-B is expressed extensively both in neurons and glias in central nervous system. Moreover, UT-B is also expressed by neurons in cerebral cortex, substantia nigra, habenula, lateral inferior nucleus of thalamus and by glias in hippocampus as well as in the white-matter fiber tracts. The number of UT-B-positive neurons had been elevating over time, reaching the peak at 24h then decreased after TBI. Meanwhile, the intensity of immunoreactivity has been changing with the number of UT-B-positive neurons proportionally. The results indicated that urea concentration should elevate due to faster synthesis of polyamines after TBI. Thus, we infer that variation of UT-B expression in ipsilateral cortex near the site of injury after TBI is an adaptive modulation for constantly changing urea level. C4014 Loss of the myelinated fibers in the corpus callosum of the mouse model of schizophrenia induced by MK-801 Yun Xiu, Xiangru Kong, Lei Zhang, Fenglei Chao, Quan Qiu, Yuan Gao, Chunxia Huang, Sanrong Wang, Yong Tangγ The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 96 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• Institute of Life Science and Department of Histology and Embryology, Chongqing Medical University, P. R. China Previous MRI and DTI imaging studies have suggested that the corpus callosum (CC) volume and fractional anisotropy (FA) in CC were decreased in schizophrenia patients. However, the mechanism of these abnormalities has been less studied. In the current study, using the new stereological methods, ultrastructural changes of the myelinated fibers in the CC of schizophrenia animal model were investigated. The results demonstrated that there were a series of abnormalities of the myelinated fibers in the mouse model of schizophrenia, including myelin sheath lamellae splitting and segmental demyelination. The CC volume and the total length of the myelinated fibers in the CC of schizophrenia group were significantly decreased by 9.4% and 16.8% when compared to control group. In conclusion, the loss of the myelinated fibers in the CC of the mouse model of schizophrenia might contribute to the impaired white matter integrity of CC. C4015 months. Then, the behaviors of the mice from both groups were assessed with the Morris water maze, and the related quantitative parameters of the myelinated fibers in DG of hippocampus were investigated with the unbiased stereological techniques and electron microscope technique. The learning and spatial memory ability, the total length and total volume of the myelinated nerve fibers in DG of hippocampus in running mice were significantly higher than those in control mice. The results indicated that running exercise had positive effects on the myelinated fibers in DG of AD hippocampus, which might be one of the structural bases for the running-induced improvement of the learning and spatial memory ability. These results together demonstrated that running exercise could delay the progress of AD. C4076 Exercise protects the cognitive function and the white matter in APP/PS1 transgenic AD mouse The white matter changes are involved in the pathological process of depression Lei Zhang, Fenglei Chao, Lin Jiang, Chunni Zhou, Yi Zhang, Yun Xiu, Yuan Gao, Chunxia Huang, Jin Ma, Sanrong Wang, Yong Tang* Yuan Gao, Chunxia Huang, Lei Zhang,Yun Xiu, Fenglei Chao, Linmu Chen, Feifei Wang, Chuanxue Tan ,Jin Ma, Sanrong Wang,Yong Tangγ Department of Histology and Embryology, Chongqing Medical University Department of Geriatrics, the First Affiliated Hospital, Department. of Histology and Embryology, the Basic Medical College, Chongqing Medical University, P. R. China Previous neuroimage studies suggested that the white matter changes might be involved in the pathological process of depression. However, until now, there has been no study that has quantitatively investigated the white matte changes in depression. In the current study, the classic animal model of depression, chronic unpredictable mild stress (CUMS) model of depression was used, and the new stereological methods and electron microscope technique were used to investigate the white matter changes in CUMS model of depression. We found that the white matter volume, the total volume, total length and mean diameter of the myelinated fibers in the white matter of CUMS male rats were significantly decreased when compared to control rats. The present results indicated that the white matter changes were involved in the pathological process of depression. C4036 Running exercise increases the myelinated fibers in DG of hippocampus in APP/PS1 transgenic AD mouse Fenglei Chao, Lei Zhang, Chunni Zhou, Yi Zhang, Lin Jiang, Fulin Lv, Yanmin Luo, Qian Xiao, Qi He, Jing Ma, Yong Tang* Department of Histology and Embryology, Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing 400016, PR China In the current study, 6-month-old male APP /PS1 AD transgenic mice were randomly divided into running group and control group. The running group mice ran for four The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists Until now, whether exercise could delay the cognitive decline and structural changes in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) are not fully understood. Therefore, the effects of exercise on cognitive function and the white matter of male APP/PS1 transgenic mice were investigated. We found that compared to non-exercise group, the escape latency of exercise group was significantly shortened and the target zone frequency of exercise group were significantly increased in Morris water maze test. Furthermore, using the new stereological methods, we also found that the white matter volume, myelinated fiber volume and axon volume in the white matter of exercise group were significantly increased compared to non-exercise group. Our results suggested that exercise intervention could delay the learning ability decline and improve the memory function in APP/PS1 mice, and the effect of exercise on the white matter of AD might be one of the structural bases for the protective effect of exercise on cognitive function of AD. C4114 The anatomical exploration of the third cervical vertebra with the left side of compressive variation Lunli Xie , Ling Ting ,Qian Li, Lisheng Wen , Wei Liang ,Shuai Liu ,Changchu Wu. Changsha Medical University, Changsha, 410219, Hunan , China in the Human science and technology museum,we found a variation: structures of the third cervical vertebra ,and investigated it through the way of physical anthropology. The centrum,vertebral foramen,transverse foramen and the right zygopophysis are normal, but apparently,it has a extremely stenosic structures of the upper left joint incisure, the left zygopophysis with the smooth surface of joint and the evident osteoproliferation is looked like flatten. The results of Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 97 the upper and the lower surface of joint are respective that the radius vector: (20.00mm,16.20mm), the right: (11.00mm, 10.00mm), the transverse diameter: (25.3mm,24.20mm), the right (9.20mm,15.20mm). according to the Analysis of the results,the pathological changes: the left side of the variations are been compressive , those are also associated with anabatically bone hyperplasia and left intervertebral foramen stenosis of cervical. Last but not least we think it can provide the diagnostic values of the spine surgery and the rehabilitative testimonies C4128 Optimization and Application of pathology teaching methods vivid image, fun and scientific. Can enhance students' interest in pathology and learning initiative, cultivation of independent reading, expression analysis and problem solving skills. And these are exactly what college students lack C4130 Eternal memory Hanqun Liu, Yun Zhong, Chenwe Guo I, Liangliang Xiao, Changch Wu U, Yi Hao Department of PathologyˈInstitute of Basic Medical SciencesˈChangsha Medical UniversityˈChangsha 410219 ˈHunan China Yi Hao1, Yun Zhong1, Liangliang Xiao1, Chenwei Guo1, Jiao Yang1ˈXu Zhang 2 1 Department of PathologyˈInstitute of Basic Medical SciencesˈChangsha Medical UniversityˈChangsha 410219 ˈHunan China˗2Department of PathologyˈSchool of Basic Medical SciencesˈLanzhou UniversityˈLanzhou 730000ˈChina Traditional teaching method can make the students' enthusiasm decline, so the optimization of pathology teaching be imperative. Firstly, pathology is a bridge of basic medical research and clinical medical subject. Therefore, the basic concept and the pathological change is closely related to clinical pathological diagnosis. Secondly, pathology is highly experimental subjects. Experimental course books can be more intuitive representations of pathological phenomena, so that students deeply felt those theories and morphological terminology of the book is no longer so difficult to understand and voids. Thirdly, multimedia digital interactive system can be inserted into all kinds of pictures in the teaching of Pathology. In short, in the teaching of pathology call multiple channels to raise the enthusiasm of students, improve teaching methods, but also cultivate students' ability. C4129 The Case Teaching Method of Pathology Yabin Kang1, Yi Hao1, Yun Zhong1, Chenwei Guo1, Changchu Wu1, Weiping Li2 1 Department of PathologyˈInstitute of Basic Medical SciencesˈChangsha Medical UniversityˈChangsha 410219 ˈHunan China˗2Department of PathologyˈSchool of Basic Medical SciencesˈLanzhou UniversityˈLanzhou 730000ˈHunan China Through case analysis, we can cultivate students' mastery of knowledge and ability to solve clinical problems, enhance the practicability of pathology knowledge. Case method of teaching by the teacher first give a typical cases and for a number of problems, data a week in advance will be printed and distributed to students, let students use their spare time to prepare, collect and analysis data, students in the class around cases, combining with the textbook content, freestyle debate, induction, summarized by the teacher again. This method combined boring theory and real cases, teaching content, When we study pathology, we need to make full use of the specimens, and mastering the specimen is fixed, it seems to be fixed specimens is good just like the eternal memory. It not only show the original shape, and can be preserved, as a special memory. Importantly, it convey useful information to people, it seems to tell people this is a part of the lesions. Maybe you think that it is not worth mentioning, but it can help people better understand the disease, and even study it and conquer it. Take a step back, specimen fixed can help us remember some of the great man, like the great leader MAO Zedong. Because we respect him, love him, don't want him and away from us and want to always remember that he is just a fixed specimens gave us this opportunity. C4131 ADAM23’s expression and promoter methylation of correlation analysis in non-small cell lung cancer Jiao Yang1, Yi Hao1, Jun Zhang1, Juan Long1, Lun Song 2 1 Department of PathologyˈInstitute of Basic Medical SciencesˈChangsha Medical UniversityˈChangsha 410219 ˈChina˗2Department of Cellular ImmunologyˈInstitute of Basic Medical SciencesˈAcademy of Military Medical SciencesˈBeijing 100850ˈChina We use methods of immunohistochemistry and RT-PCR, for non-small cell lung cancer in 104 cases with benign lesions organization ADAM23 the specific expression of 16 patients with monitoring. Results: ADAM23 protein in non-small cell lung cancer positive rate was 38.5%, and suitable for tissue adjacent to carcinoma was 86.5%, the benign lesion tissue protein positive rate was 87.5% (P < 0.05). ADAM23 protein expression in non-small cell lung cancer specific not influenced by the patient's own age and gender, but and nonsmall cell differentiation degree, the actual situation of the lymph node metastasis and clinical staging have closely linked. Conclusion: ADAM23 expression levels in non-small cell lung cancer is relatively low, while ADAM23 in patients with lung cancer cells transfer has an important influence C4133 Effects of exercise on the neurons and synapses in the hippocampus of early APP/PS1 transgenic mice The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 98 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• Lin Jiang, Lei Zhang, Fenglei Chao, Chunni Zhou, Yi Zhang, Chuanxue Tan, Linmu Chen, Feifei Wang, Yong Tang* Dept. of Histology and Embryology, Chongqing Medical University, P. R. China Until now, there has been no study that has quantitatively investigated the effects of the exercise on the neurons and synapses of the hippocampus in early AD with the new stereological methods. In the current study, 6-month-old male APP /PS1 transgenic mice were randomly divided into running group and control group. The running group mice ran for four months. Then, the behaviors of the mice from both groups were assessed with the Morris water maze, and the neurons and hippocampus in hippocampus were investigated with the new stereological techniques. We found that compared to non-exercise group, the escape latency of exercise group was significantly shortened, and the hippocampus volume in the exercise group was significantly increased. The present results suggested that exercise could delay the decline in the learning and spatial memory ability of early AD. The coming stereological results might provide important structural bases for the exercise-induced function improvement of AD C4138 Stereological study of the effect of running exercise on the oligodendrocyte change in the white matter of APP/PS1 transgenic AD mice Yi Zhang, Lei Zhang, Fenglei Chao, Chunni Zhou, Lin Jiang, Linmu Chen, Chuanxue Tan, Feifei Wang, Yong Tang* Department of Histology and Embryology, Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing 400016, PR China Our previous studies found that running exercise had positive effects on the myelin sheaths and oligodendrocytes in aged white matter. However, it is unknown if running exercise has positive effect of the white matter of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). In the present study, fourteen 6-month-old male APP /PS1 transgenic mice were randomly divided into running group and control group. The running group mice ran for four months. Then, the learning and spatial memory ability of the mice from both groups was assessed with the Morris water maze. The anti-CNPase antibody was used to label the oligodendrocytes in the white matter, and the new stereological methods were used to estimate the oligodendrocyte number in the white matter. The stereological investigation is still being done. The coming results might provide a scientific basis for the future studies of the protective effects of running exercise on the pathological changes in AD white matter. C4153 Expression pattern of draxin in synchronized mouse vibrissa follicle cycle Yuchuan Jin, Ping Fan*, Wei Hou, Yuhong Su* The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists Department of Anatomy, Hebei Medical University, Shijiazhuang, Hebei province, China, 050017 To study the expression pattern of draxin in synchronized mouse vibrissa follicle cycle. A bee wax/rosin mixture was used to remove the vibrissa of draxin wild type female mice and induce follicle cycle synchronization. Eight-week-old mice were randomly divided into five groups each with six. The skin samples of time points including 5, 10, 16, 20, 25d after depilation were collected and subjected to HE and immunofluorescence staining. HE staining showed that after depilation, 5, 10 and 16d were at anagen stage, 20d was at catagen stage and 25d was at telogen stage. The immunofluorescence results demonstrated that draxin protein was localized in the dermal papilla (DP) throughout the follicle cycle. The draxin expression was intensive on 5, 10 and 16d, moderate on 20d and weak on 25d. Time points of 5, 10, 16, 20 and 25d after depilation are at stages of anagen, catagen and telogen respectively; Draxin expression exists dynamic changes during follicle cycle. C4184 Clinicopathological analysis of 89 glioblastoma Yiran Ni. Department of Morphology, Medicine school, Three Gorges University, Yichang ,443002,China To identify independent prognostic predictors of Glioblastoma by analyzing immunohistochemical data together with clinical features. 89 GBM patients were retrospectively analyzed. Immunohistochemical stain was performed to test the expression of GFAP, S-100, Vimentin, P53, Ki-67, MGMT, EMA and CK. Clinical features included survival time, age, gender, location & size were collected. All data were evaluated by the Log-rank test and Cox proportional hazards regression model sequentially. The average Ki-67 index was 34.8%. Positive rates of P53 and MGMT were 64.1% and 44.9% respectively. By Cox proportional hazards regression model, high Ki-67 index and positive expression of MGMT were demonstrated to influence prognosis independently. Although P53 positive was proved to be associated with Survival time, it can't be considered as an independent prognostic factor. GFAP, S100, Vimentin, EMA and CK failed to indicate any correlation with prognosis. The prognosis of GBM can ben predicted with Ki-67 index and expression of MGMT by Immunohistochemical study which is not only essential for the diagnosis but also could help to forecast the prognosis independently. C4190 Light and scanning electron-microscopic studies on the yak˄Bos grunniens˅spermatic cord Ligang Yuan, Yaling Qu, Bumin Huang, Danzeng Tian College of Veterinary Medicine, Gansu Agricultural University,China The mammals adapt to the high altitude plateau environment has its own unique mechanism.By use the methods of vascular proplasm and replica scanning electron Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 99 microscopic,we studied the angioarchitecture of the Yak (Bos grunniens) spermatic cord and its functional relationship.The results for the first time that:1)The convoluted testicular artery was embedded in the network of the venous pampiniform plexus and gave off branches to supply the epididymis;2)The testicular artery and pampinifotm plexus could be divided into three grades correspondingly; 3)The close contact between the convoluted testicular arteries and the pampiniform plexus over a wide surface area aids counter-current heat exchange and the existence of arteriovenous anastomoses gives evidence for a venousarterial androgen transfer in the area of the spermatic cord.From the above,the specific angioarchitectural characteristics of spermatic cord in Yak are very different with other mammals. parameters in the hippocampus were investigated with the new stereological methods and the immunohistochemical staining method. We found that when compared to the CUMS rats, the degrees of depression in CUMSE rats was significantly decreased. The capillary parameters in the hippocampus of the three group rats are being collected. Our preliminary result indicated that exercise could have positive effect on depression. The coming results of the capillary parameters in the hippocampus might provide some structural bases for the exercise-induced improvement of depression. C4228 Jianming Li, La Yang, Xuegang Luo, Xiaoxin Yan Effects of exercise on the capillaries in the white matter of CUMS rat model of depression C4261 Experimental microembolism induces perivascular axonal sprouting in adult guinea pig cerebrum Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology, Central South University Xiangya School of Medicine, Changsha 410013, Hunan, China Linmu Chen, Feifei Wang, Chuanxue Tan, Chunxia Huang, Yuan Gao, Yi Zhang, Jiang Lin, Chunni Zhou, Yong Tang* Dept. of Histology and Embryology, Chongqing Medical University, P. R. China Previous studies have shown the blood flow change in the white matter of depression patients. Running exercise has been considered as a behavioral intervention to have positive effect on depression. However, there has been no study investigating the effect of exercise on the capillaries in the white matter of depression. In the current study, Chronic Unpredictable Mild Stress (CUMS) rat model of depression was used. The male SD rats were randomly divided into CUMS group and CUMSE group (the CUMS model rats with exercise intervention). The behaviors of the two group rats were assessed with the behavior tests, and the various capillary parameters in the white matter were investigated with the new stereological methods. The capillary parameters in the white matter of the two group rats are being collected. The present results might provide scientific bases for the understanding of the pathogenesis of depression and for the future development of the depression treatment. In aged and Alzheimer’s disease (AD) human brains, neuritic plaques composed of ȕ-amyloid (Aȕ) deposits and dystrophic neurites are located in close proximity to cerebral vasculature. We have shown that plaque-associated perivascular dystrophic neurites exhibit increased ȕsecretase-1 (BACE1) expression in aged monkey and AD human cerebrum. In the present study we aimed to explore whether localized vascular microembolism could induce axonal and amyloid pathology in adult guinea pigs. One to 4 weeks following infusion of carbon particles of 200-300 micron in diameter via the common aorta, vascular leakage was detectable in the cerebrum by iron stain and albumin immunolabeling. Swollen axonal terminals exhibiting nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate diaphorase (NADPH-d) activity were found around the embolized cerebral blood vessels. Some perivascular axonal terminals were also immunolabeled for APP and BACE1. However, no apparent extracellular Aȕ deposition was found around the injured vasculature. These results suggest that experimental microembolism can induce axonal pathology with enhanced amyloidogenic potential. Supported by national natural science foundation of China C4300 Characteristics of the ȕ-endorphin immunoreactive cells in antral mucosa C4251 Effects of exercise on the capillaries in the hippocampus of CUMS rat model of depression Junxu Ren, jing Zhang, Mingguan Song, Haoyu Wang, Haiping Wang Chuanxue Tan, Feifei Wang, Linmu Chen, Lin Jiang, Yi Zhang, Chunni Zhou, Yuan Gao, Chunxia Huang, Yong Tang* Basic Medical College of Hebei North University, Zhangjiakou 075000, P.R.China Department of Histology and Embryology, Chongqing Medical University, P. R. China In order to determine the effects of exercise on the capillaries in the hippocampus of Chronic Unpredictable Mild Stress (CUMS) rat model of depression, the male SD rats were randomly divided into 3 groups, the control group, the CUMS group, the CUMSE group (the CUMS model rats with exercise intervention). The behaviors of the rats from the three groups were assessed with sucrose preference test, Porsolt’s test and open field test. The various capillary The present study was designed to investigate the characteristics of ȕ-endorphin (ȕ-EP)immunoreaction cells in antral mucosa by immune election microscope. Postembedding indirect immuno-gold labelling technique were used.Antral mucosa tissue obtained from patients with duodenal ulcer,gastric ulcer and gastric carcinoma respectively were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde and 0.05% glutaraldehyde in 0.1M phosphate buffer for 6h at 4 ć , followed by postfixation with 1% osmium tetroxide,embeded in Lowicryl K4M,ultrathin sections were double electron staining with ȕ–EP,SS antiserum as first antibody,the second The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 100 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• layer were 10nm & 15nm gold labelled-IgG respectively.Two cells were show high levels of positive signals,distributed among the gland cells and contacted with basement membrane.The nucleus of the cells were located in the center and nucleole can been seen,an abundant endoplasmic reticulum and mitchondria with higher dense ground plasm were found in cells.The secretory granules labelled with colloidal gold particles usually scattered in basal cytoplasma,about 200-250nm in diameter,round or ovoid shape and material of various electron density inside.The previous study had founed that Ȗ-EP were discovered to be mainly located in the gastric cells(G-cells) of epithelium.Gcells contain SS peptide,the SS is confined to be a subpopulation of the G-cells cytoplasmic granules.Since SS and ȕ–EP are known to be synthesized in the form of a common precursor,the results indicated that theȕ–EP immunoreaction cells were parts of G-cells cells. C4390 The effects of inhaled anesthetics sevoflurane on spinal nociceptive transmission Pei Zhou1, Wei Luo1, Cong Luo1, Changqi Li2, Ruping Dai1 1 Department of Anesthesiology, Second Xiangya Hospital, Central South University, Changsha 410011, 2Department of Human Anatomy and Neurobiology, Xiangya School of Medicine Central South University, Changsha 410013 Sevoflurane, the widely used anesthetics during surgery, is believed to involve in pain process. However, the underlying mechanism is unclear. Spinal p-CREB has been reported to contribute to pain transmission. The present study was aimed to explore the effects of sevoflurane on pain transmission through examining spinal p-CREB expression with immunohistochemistry. Intra-plantar formalin injection activated the spinal p-CREB expression immediately, reaching the peak level at 10min (p<0.001), and decreasing thereafter, but still higher than control at 1h post-injection (p<0.001). Sevoflurane anesthesia could inhibit spinal pCREB activation at 1h after formalin injection (p<0.001). However, sevoflurane alone induced the activation of spinal p-CREB (p<0.001). In persistent inflammatory pain induced by complete Freund’s adjuvant (CFA) intra-plantar injection, spinal p-CREB was also activated and maintained for 3h after CFA injection (p<0.01). However, treatment with sevoflurane in the first hour followed by withdrawal enhanced the activation of p-CREB at 3h post-CFA injection (p<0.001). Thus, the present study suggests that sevoflurane exerts different effects on pain transmission in different situations. In the naïve condition, sevoflurane activates spinal pain transmission; In contrast, in the inflammatory pain condition, sevoflurane inhibit the spinal pain transmission. Understanding the effects of sevoflurane on pain transmission would have the potential clinical application. C4438 Single-prolonged stress induces dysfunction of endoplasmic reticulum by investigating changes of GRP 78 and caspase 12 in a rat model of posttraumatic stress disorder The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists Bing Xiao, Fang Han, Yuxiu Shi * China Medical University 110001 Amygdala has been documented to have an important role in fear and emotional memory. In this study, we aim to find endoplasmic reticulum (ER) whether or not participate in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) by detecting GRP 78 and caspase 12 in basolateral amygdale after exposure to single-prolonged stress (SPS). A total of 80 healthy, male Wistar rats were selected for this study. The models of PTSD were created by SPS, which is an established animal model for PTSD. The expression of GRP78 was examined by immunofluorescence, western blot and RT-PCR. The expression of caspase 12 were examined by western blot and RT-PCR. The morphological change of ER was detected by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Evaluation showed that GRP 78 significantly increased after SPS stimuli and peaked at SPS 7 d (P<0.05). The expression of caspase 12 significantly increased after SPS stimulation and also peaked at SPS 7 d (P<0.05). Morphological evaluation showed that tumescent endoplasmic reticulum, endoplasmic reticulum vacuolization and degranulation of ER were found at SPS groups. Taken together, our results suggest that SPS induced GRP78 and caspase 12 upregulated and morphological changes of ER in the amygdala, which may play important roles in the pathogenesis of PTSD rats. C4520 The changes of the oligodendrocyte and myelin sheaths in the hippocampal formation of CUMS rat model of depression Chunxia Huang, Yuan Gao, Lei Zhang, Yun Xiu, Linmu Chen, Feifei Wang, Chuanxue Tan , Fenglei Chao, Sanrong Wang, Yong Tangγ Department of Physiology, the Basic Medical College, Chongqing Medical University, P. R. China Previous studies showed that the hippocampal volume was decreased in patients with major depression and in animal models of depression. The abnormalities in hippocampal structures may be one of the important neurobiological bases of depression. Researchers found reduced number of glial cells in the cortex and amygdale of major depressive disorder, while no change was found in the neuron numbers of these regions. Is it possible that in the hippocampal formation of depression, there is no significant death of neurons, but there exists the oligodendrocyte and myelin damage? Using the new stereological methods, we investigated the oligodendrocyte and myelin changes of the hippocampal formation of chronic unpredictable mild stress model (CUMS) rats. The present results might provide scientific bases for the understanding of the pathogenesis changes of depression and a new starting point for the future studies on the prevention and treatment of depression. IFAA2014-4-001 Fractionation and characterization of protein in Lumbricus rubellus powders Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 101 * Edy Parwanto, Suweino, Hardy Senjaya, Hosea Jaya Edy Department of Biology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Trisakti, Jakarta, Indonesia. * In order to find drugs from natural materials, earthworm powders (Lumbricus rubellus) can be used as a source of protein and antibacterial drugs. The purpose of this study do fractionation and characterization of protein in L rubellus powders based on molecular weight. Protein in L rubellus powders extracted gradually to obtain a rough extract/supernatant, precipitat and dialysat as final extract. Fractionation and characterization of protein in the crude extract, precipitat and dialysat is done by electrophoresis. In the dialysat fractions containing 2487 mg/mL proteins, and show four dominant types of proteins with a molecular weight of 12.2, 13.3, 14.6 and 29.2 kDa. IFAA2014-4-002 The Adipose Organ Saverio Cinti Dpt of Experimental and Clinical Medicine University of Ancona, Italy. * Both advanced glycation end products (AGEs) and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress play important roles in the development of various diseases. The concomitant presence of AGEs with ER stress in the same conditions suggests their crosstalk in the progression of diseases associated with oxidative stress. This study aimed to clarify the inflammatory consequence of AGEs-induce ER stress in human umbilical venous endothelial cells (HUVECs). The expression and activation of ER stress marker proteins GRP78, IRE1Į and JNK were detected by Western blot. The translocation of NFțB was revealed by Western blot and immunofluorescent staining. The mechanism of AGE-induced ER stress was also explored by interfering the effect of reactive oxygen species using NADPH oxidase 4 (Nox4) and antioxidant reduced glutathione (GSH). AGEs enhanced the expression of GRP78 and triggered the activation of IRE1Į and JNK in HUVECs. Nox4 siRNA or GSH attenuated AGE-induced expression of GRP78 and activations of IRE1Į, JNK. Nox4 siRNA, GSH and IRE1Į siRNA suppressed AGE-evoked nuclear translocation of NF-țB p65. This study confirms AGEinduced ER stress in HUVECs by focusing on ER stressenhanced inflammatory response through the activation of JNK and NF-țB. It further reveals the involvement of ROS in the mechanism of AGE-evoked ER stress. IFAA2014-4-004 Aqueous extract of melia toosendan induces A549 cell apoptosis via p53 Most of white and brown adipocytes, in spite of their different functions: storing energy (white) and thermogenesis (brown), are contained together in visceral and subcutaneous fat depots (adipose organ) . The reason for this anatomical mixture could reside in their plastic properties allowing them to convert directly each other under appropriate stimuli. Under chronic cold exposure white convert into brown to support the need for thermogenesis and under obesogenic diet brown convert into white to satisfy the need of energy storing. Adipocytes of mammary gland offers another example of plasticity: during pregnancy- lactation they reversibly transdifferentiate into milk-producing cells . The brown phenotype of the organ is associated with obesity resistance and drugs inducing browning curb obesity and related disorders. Type2 diabetes is associated to visceral obesity. Macrophages infiltrating the obese organ are responsible for the low-grade chronic inflammation dealing to insulin resistance and T2 diabetes. We showed that macrophages infiltration is due to death of obese adipocyte. We also showed that hypertrophic adipocytes have ultrastructural and biochemical signs of stress. Visceral adipocytes are more stressed than subcutaneous adipocytes and have a critical death size smaller than subcutaneous adipocytes, thus offering an explanation for the higher morbidity of visceral fat. Melia toosendan is an important drug in Mongolian medicine. Extracts of M. toosendan show biological activity, and the present study was carried out to investigate the anti-tumor properties of M. toosendan in A549 lung cells and to further examine the mechanisms underlying its activities. Inhibition of A549 cell growth by aqueous extract of M. toosendan was determined using an MTT assay. At a concentration of 2000 ȝg/ml, aqueous extract of M. toosendan strongly inhibited the growth of A549 cells at 48 and 72 h. In addition, A549 cell expression of Bcl-2 was reduced and that of Bax was increased with exposure to aqueous extract of M. toosendan. Overall, the results of this study provide evidence that M. toosendan deserves further investigation as a natural agent for treating and preventing cancer. IFAA2014-4-003 IFAA2014-4-005 Advanced glycation end products induce endothelial dysfunction in the development of diabetic microvascular complication Vascular endothelial growth factor as a consequential marker in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Lili Wu, Liqun Wang, Xiaohua Guo, Bo Chen, Qiang Li Anita Tuli1, Manisha Hansda2, Shashi Raheja3, Asha Gandhi4, Anupam Prakash5 Department of Pathophysiology, Southern Medical University. Guangzhou, China. 1 Yunpeng Tian1, Limin Yang1, Peng Sun1, Ruixia Bai2, Mingji Ren1, Pengwei Zhao1 1 School of basic medical science, Inner Mongolia Medical University,hohhot, PR china; 2Department of Clinical laboratory, Inner Mongolia People’s Hospital. Hohhot, PR China. * department of Anatomy, Lady Hardinge Medical College And Smt. Sucheta Kriplani Hospital, New Delhi, India; The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 102 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• 2 department of Anatomy, Lady Hardinge Medical College And Smt.Sucheta Kriplani Hospital, New Delhi, India; 3 department of Anatomy, Lady Hardinge Medical Collegeand Smt.Sucheta Kriplani Hospital, New Delhi, India; 4 department of Physiology, Lady Hardinge Medical College And Smt.Sucheta Kriplani Hospital, New Delhi, India; 5 department of Medicine, Lady Hardinge Medical College And Smt.Sucheta Kriplani Hospital,New Delhi , India. * To correlate the Serum Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) levels, Functional Dyspnoea Indices and thoracic diameters of the chest in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease patients and healthy individuals in the Indian scenario and establish the relationship between VEGF and Functional Dyspnoea Indices. The study comprised of two hundred subjects within the age group of twenty and sixty. Group A comprised of hundred healthy subjects and Group B were hundred known cases of COPD from the out-patient department of the Pulmonary Unit of the Department of Medicine. A detailed history was taken . Pulmonary Function Tests ,measurements of chest diameters, Chest X-ray and routine blood investigations including Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay for VEGF were done. S.VEGF levels were statistically significant between the controls and the cases of COPD ( p value < 0.001 ) A cut-off value of 122.5pg/ml was established using the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve. At this point it had a sensitivity of 78% and a specificity of 32%. The correlation between S.VEGF and Maximum Voluntary Ventilation(MVV) was statistically significant. (p value < 0.001) Levels of S.VEGF were more in COPD and showed a gradual increase with the severity of the disease. A value above the cut-off level can be considered to to be a case of COPD. VEGF can be used as a biomarker to detect early onset of COPD in population studies. IFAA2014-4-006 Bone surrogates for socket preservation: in vivo and in vitro studies Christiane Kunert-Keil, Tomasz Gredes Department of Orthodontics, University Medical Center, Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, Germany * Bone defects caused by different pathological processes such as bone resorption, inflammation, malformation, tumors or trauma are still significant clinical problem. For skeletal reconstruction allografts, callus distraction and mineral bone substitutes are widely used which differ in stability and support of osteogenic mechanisms. The amount of autologous spongiosa is limited and transplantation is often connected with pain, risk of infection or nerve damage. Therefore, numerous bone substitutes and bone scaffolds are still developed and explored. To date, diverse types of biomaterials for studying ossification and new bone formation were used, namely non-mineral and mineral based materials. The use of synthetic bioactive bone substitution materials is of increasing importance in modern dentistry as alternatives to autogenous bone grafts. New biomaterials must at first undergo in vitro and in vivo evaluations before clinical trials. The results of the in vitro and in vivo studies on the biocompatibility, ossification and bone regeneration of various types of biomaterials with different characteristics The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists should be addressed in this presentation. The focus of our research is the evaluation of the angiogenesis-osteogenesis interplay due to the fact that early angiogenesis and osteogenesis are crucial for healthy natural bone formation in an augmented region. IFAA2014-4-007 Desmosomes and extradesmosomal desmocadherinbased contacts as signaling hubs Jens Waschke Institute of Anatomy and Cell Biology, LMU Munich * Desmosomes are adhesive cell contacts providing mechanical strength required for tissue integrity of all epithelia including the epidermis and other tissues subjected to mechanical stress such as heart muscle. Desmosomes consist of desmosomal cadherins (or desmocadherins) as adhesion molecules which are coupled via adaptor proteins including plakoglobin and plakophilin. These connect with desmoplakin which serves as a linker to the intermediate filament cytoskeleton. The desmosomal cadherins desmogleins (Dsg) 1-4 and desmocollins (Dsc) 1-3 interact in homophilic and heterophilic manner and show tissue-dependent expression patterns: The most widely expressed pair Dsg2 and Dsc2 is present in all tissues bearing desmosomes whereas all other isoforms are largely restricted to complex epithelia. During the last decade evidence arose that desmosomal cadherins besides their adhesive properties orchestrate multiple signaling pathways and thus should be regarded as signaling hubs. Some data exist that especially extradesmosmosomal Dsg and Dsc molecules may serve this function which is required to regulate cell adhesion, cell survival, proliferation and tissue organization. In this SOBOTTA-symposium on cell contacts and signaling we focus on a few of these signaling contacts. Thomas Magin with his group recently elucidated that epithelial intermediate filaments of the keratin family not only anchor desmosomes within the cells but also are signaling platforms. Rudolf Leube will elaborate on adhesion and signaling mediated by Dsg2 in the heart as mutations can cause severe arrhythmo IFAA2014-4-008 The Prevention of colchicine induced sh-sy5y degeneration by the balance of MyD88/TRIF signaling pathway Sen Lin, Minghui Shan, Shurong Li, Bingyin Su Dept. of Anatomy and Histo-embryology, Development and Regeneration Key Lab of Sichuan Province, Chengdu, China * Parkinson’s disease(PD) is pathologically characterized by preferential degeneration of dopaminergic(DA) neurons. Although the etiology of PD remains unclear, it has been suggested that neurodegeneration might be regulated by immunological factors. Human neuroblastoma cell line SHSY5Y challenged with Colchicine(COL), one of the wellknown microtubule disruptor, has been used in this study as an in vitro model for PD. After TPA treatment for 5days, the SH-SY5Y cells were differentiated into neural cells which Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 103 identified by Immunohistochemistry with classic neuron marker ȕIII-tubulin. It was found that COL inhibits neurite outgrowth of SH-SY5Y cell, attenuates the release of DA and related metabolized products such as DOPAC, 5-HT, HVA, E and NE, which was detected by HPLC-EC method. MyD88 and TRIF are two important adaptors in TLR signaling pathway, may involve in neurodegenerative regulation. After treatment with agonist and antagonist of MyD88 and TRIF, It was found that low concentration of PolyI:C (0.5ȝg/ml, TRIF signaling pathway agonist) rescued the Tyrosine Hydroxylase (TH) activity which control DA synthesis and metabolism by Western blot and HPLC-EC detection. However, Pam3CSK4 and Zymosan (MyD88 signaling pathway agonist) functioned inversely. In sum, the results identified the balance of MyD88 and TRIF signaling pathway which are able to regulate neural degeneration. IFAA2014-4-009 Autophagy alleviates neurodegeneration caused by mild impairment of oxidative metabolism Ya Meng, Yue Yong, Zunji Ke IFAA2014-4-011 * Thiamine deficiency (TD) causes mild impairment of oxidative metabolism and region-selective neuronal loss in the brain, which may be mediated by neuronal oxidative stress, endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, and neuroinflammation. We hypothesized that autophagy might be activated in the TD brain and play a protective role in TDinduced neuronal death. TD-induced expression of autophagic markers was reversed once thiamine was readministered. Both inhibition of autophagy by wortmannin and Beclin1 siRNA potentiated TD-induced death of SHSY5Y cells. Intraperitoneal injection of rapamycin stimulated neuronal autophagy and attenuated TD-induced neuronal death and microglia activation in the submedial thalamus nucleus. TD inhibited the phosphorylation of p70S6 kinase, suggesting mTOR/p70S6 kinase pathway was involved in the TD-induced autophagy. These results suggest that autophagy is neuroprotective in response to TD-induced neuronal death in the central nervous system. Autophagy is neuroprotective in response to thiamine deficiency TD-induced neuronal death. TD caused neuronal damage and induced the formation of autophagosome, and increased the expression of autophagy-related proteins. This process provided nutrients for injured neurons. Wortmannin and knockdown of Beclin1 inhibited autophagy, and exacerbated TD-induced cell death, while activation of autophagy by rapamycin offered protection against TD neurotoxicity. IFAA2014-4-010 Biological properties of fish collagen for oral bone and soft tissue augmentation – An experimental study in vitro Marzena Dominiak2, Tomasz Gedrange1 1 Department of Orthodontics, Centre of Dentistry and Oral Health Carl-Gustav-Carus University, Dresden, Germany 2 Department of Dental Surgery, Silesian Piast Medical University, Wroclaw, Poland * Principal sources of medical collagen are pork, calf skin and bone, but now safer and alternative sources of active collagen, mainly from the skin of different fishes were found. The aim of the study was to evaluate the in vitro cytotoxicity of new collagen isolated from silver carp skin and the induction of endogenous collagen production by this collagen. For this human gingival fibroblasts were treated 96 hours with 1.0%, 0.5% and 0.1% experimental collagen formula to induce endogenous collagen production. The Sircol collagen and the MTT assay were used to measure the amount of collagen and cell viability. Fibroblasts incubated with 0.1, 0.5 as well as 1.0% of exogenous fish collagen showed a significant increase in the endogenous collagen production compared to the control group. Furthermore, only 1% collagen causes a significant decrease of the survival of treated fibroblast cells. In case of porcine control collagen membrane, decreased production of endogenous collagen and reduced mitochondrial activity to 69% was noticed. In this study it has been validated that fish collagen from silver carp skin is a safe material for tissue application. The experimental fish collagen is an innovative product which induces endogenous collagen in culture of human fibroblasts. Magnetic stimulation modulates structural synaptic plasticity in primary hippocampal neurons Jun Ma, Huixian Cui, Zhanchi Zhang Department of AnatomyˈHebei Medical University, shijiazhuang, Hebei province, China. * Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) is a neuropsychiatric tool that can be used to investigate the neurobiology of learning and cognitive function. Few studies have examined the effects of low frequency (61 Hz) magnetic stimulation (MS) on structural synaptic plasticity of neurons in vitro, thus, the current study examined its effects on hippocampal neuron and synapse morphology, as well as synaptic protein markers and signaling pathways. Similarly, both intensities of low frequency magnetic stimulation (1 Hz) activated brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and tropomyosin-related kinase B (TrkB) pathways, including the pathways for mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK)/extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) and for phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K)/protein kinase B (Akt). Specifically, low intensity magnetic stimulation (LIMS, 1.14 Tesla, 1 Hz) promoted more extensive dendritic and axonal arborization, as well as increasing synapses density, thickening PSD (post synaptic density) and upregulation of synaptophysin (SYN), growth associated protein 43 (GAP43) and post synaptic density 95 (PSD95). Conversely, high intensity magnetic stimulation (HIMS, 1.55 Tesla, 1 Hz) appeared to be detrimental, reducing dendritic and axonal arborization and causing apparent structural damage, including thinning of PSD, less synapses and disordered synaptic structure, as well as upregulation of GAP43 and PSD95, possibly for their ability to mitigate dysfunction. In conclusion, we infers that low frequency magnetic stimulation participates in regulating structural synaptic plasticity of hippocampal neurons via the activation of BDNF–TrkB signaling pathways. IFAA2014-4-012 The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 104 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• Homology study of plasmodium falciparum in malarial endemic area in west sumatra of the potential therapeutic targets on diabetic neuropathic pain sensitization. Nuzulia Irawati, Selfi R Rusjdi, Nora Harminarti IFAA2014-4-015 Medical Faculty of Andalas University, Padang, Indonesia * Malaria is still representing as the problem of public health in Indonesia. Plasmodium falciparum causing of malaria in this time have had variation or alleles which different each other among one area with other area. Mountain area (South of Solok) and south coastal area represent two endemic area of malaria in West Sumatra. The research was conducted about Plasmodium falciparum homology in a mountain area and a coastal area in West Sumatra, Indonesia. 56 blood samples of patients of Plasmodium falciparum malaria is isolated its DNA, amplified by nested PCR to get MSP1 sequences, K1, MAD20 and of RO33. Result of sequencing was analyzed with Blast NCBI. Of the examination done in the area was obtained approximately seven variant of MSP1 alleles block 2 pursuant to fragment length and nucleotide’s sequences. Blast NCBI is apparent based on analysis, Plasmodium falciparum from both area in the West Sumatra have the homology which close to Thailand Plasmodium falciparum more or less 75 %. In conclusion, Plasmodium falciparum in West Sumatra have the consanguinity to Plasmodium falciparum in Thailand. IFAA2014-4-014 The effects of galanin on neuropathic pain in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats Xiaofeng Xu1, Yunfeng Li2, Zhenzhong Li1 1 Department of Anatomy, Shandong University School of Medicine, Jinan 250012, China; 2Department of Cardiosurgery, Shandong University Qilu hospital, Jinan 250012, China. * Diabetic neuropathy is a common complication associated with diabetes and is frequently painful. However, mechanisms responsible for diabetic neuropathic pain are still unclear. Experimental evidence has shown that the galanin and its receptor are involved in pain sensitization. The present study investigated the role of galanin and its receptor system on neuropathic pain in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. The effects of galanin, galanin receptor antagonist M35, galanin receptor 1 agonist M617, and galanin receptor 1 agonist AR-M1896 on neuropathic pain were evaluated. The results showed that diabetic rats showed a significant mechanical hyperalgesia between 4 to 12 w. Galanin receptor 1 expression decreased in spinal dorsal horn (SDH) in diabetic rats. Galanin receptor 2 expression decreased in dorsal root ganglion (DRG) and SDH in diabetic rats. Intrathecal administration of exogenous galanin attenuated diabetic neuropathic pain, this effect could be blocked by pre-treatment with galanin receptor antagonist M35. Intrathecal administration of galanin receptor 1 agonist M617, but not galanin receptor 2 agonist AR-M1896, attenuated diabetic neuropathic pain. These results imply that galanin acts through receptor 1, but not galanin receptor 2, to exert analgesic effect in diabetic neuropathic pain and is one The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists The expression of vesicular glutamate transporter 3 and vesicular monoamine transporter 2 induced by brain-derived neurotrophic factor in dorsal root ganglion neurons in vitro Dong Liu1, Yunfeng Li2, Zhenzhong Li1 1 Department of Anatomy, Shandong University School of Medicine, Jinan 250012, China; 2Department of Cardiosurgery, Shandong University Qilu hospital, Jinan 250012, China. * The vesicular glutamate transporter 3 (VGLUT3) and the vesicular monoamine transporter 2 (VMAT2) are expressed in dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons and play an important role in packing the neurotransmitter into synaptic vesicles. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is one of the most profound known regulators of survival in the developing nervous system. Primary cultured rat DRG neurons were used to evaluate the effects of BDNF on VGLUT3 and VMAT2 expression in DRG neurons. The signaling pathways of the extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase 1/2 (ERK1/2), the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt, and the phospholipase C-gamma (PLC-Ȗ) involved in these effects were determined. The results showed that BDNF promoted neurite growth and growth-associated protein 43 (GAP-43) expression in a dose-dependent manner. BDNF induced VGLUT3 upregulation through activation of PLC-Ȗ signaling pathway. Although BDNF administration did not elevate VMAT2 levels, the block of PI3K/Akt or PLC-Ȗ signaling pathways could inhibit VMAT2 expression in DRG neurons in the presence of BDNF. The contribution of distinct VGLUT3 and VMAT2 transporter expression induced by BDNF might be one of the mechanisms that BDNF regulates neuropathic pain. These data imply that BDNF signaling system might be a potential target on modifying distinct transporter-mediated biological effects of primary sensory neurons. IFAA2014-4-016 Effects of neuregulin-1ȕ on growth-associated protein 43 expression in dorsal root ganglion neurons with excitotoxicity induced by glutamate in vitro Yunfeng Li1, Zhen Liu2 1 Department of Cardiosurgery, Shandong University Qilu hospital, Jinan 250012, China; 2Department of Anatomy, Shandong University School of Medicine, Jinan 250012, China. * Neuregulin-1ȕ (NRG-1ȕ) is a growth factor with potent neuroprotective capacity. Growth-associated protein 43 (GAP-43) is expressed in dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons and an indicator of neuronal survival in vitro. The purpose of present study is to evaluate the effects of NRG-1ȕ Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 105 on GAP-43 expression in DRG neurons with excitotoxicity induced by glutamate (Glu) in vitro. The phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt and extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase 1/2 (ERK1/2) signaling pathways involved in these effects were also determined. Embryonic rat DRG neurons were treated with Glu in the absence or presence of NRG-1ȕ and PI3K inhibitor LY294002 and/or ERK1/2 inhibitor PD98059. After that, GAP-43 mRNA and GAP-43 protein levels were analyzed by real time-PCR and Western blot assay, respectively. GAP-43 expression in situ was determined by immunofluorescent labeling. The results showed that the decreased GAP-43 levels induced by Glu could be partially reversed by the presence of NRG-1ȕ. Inhibitors (LY294002, PD98059) either alone or in combination blocked the effects of NRG-1ȕ. These data provide new insights of the actions of NRG-1ȕ in sensory neurons. IFAA2014-4-017 Insulin-like growth factor-1 attenuates apoptosis and protects neurochemical phenotypes of dorsal root ganglion neurons with paclitaxel-induced neurotoxicity in vitro Cheng Chen1, Yunfeng Li2, Zhen Liu1 1 Department of Anatomy, Shandong University School of Medicine, Jinan 250012, China; 2Department of Cardiosurgery, Shandong University Qilu hospital, Jinan 250012, China. * Paclitaxel (PT)-induced neurotoxicity is a significant problem associated with successful treatment of cancers. Insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) has neurotrophic effects on dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons. Whether IGF-1 has protective effects on DRG neurite growth, cell viability, neuronal apoptosis, and neuronal phenotypes and activates the extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase (ERK1/2) and the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt signaling pathways in DRG neurons with PT-induced neurotoxicity is still unclear. Primary cultured rat DRG neurons were used to assess the protective effects of IGF-1 on DRG neurons with PT-induced neurotoxicity. The results showed that PT exposure caused a decrease of cell viability and increase of the ratio to apoptotic cells which could be reversed by the presence of IGF-1. IGF-1 administration had protective effects on CGRP-expressing, but not NF-200-expressing, neurons with PT-induced neurotoxicity. Either the ERK1/2 inhibitor PD98059 or the PI3K inhibitor LY294002 blocked the effect of IGF-1. The results imply that IGF-1 may attenuate apoptosis to improve neuronal growth status of DRG neurons with PT-induced neurotoxicity. Moreover, these results support an important neuroprotective role of exogenous IGF-1 on distinct subpopulations of DRG neurons which is responsible for skin sensation. The effects of IGF-1 might be through activation of ERK1/2 or PI3K/Akt signaling pathways. IFAA2014-4-020 Effect of Lipoic acid on the release cytokines and chemokines in cultured astrocytes stimulated by lipopolysaccharide Jian Meng1, Minfang Guo1, Jiezhong Yu1, Yanhua Li1, Chunyun Liu1, Baoguo Xiao1,3 , Cungen Ma2* 1 Institute of Brain ScienceˈShanxi Datong Universityˈ Datong 037009˗2 Department of Encephalopathy and National Major Clinical Department of Ministry of Health, Third Hospital, Shanxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Taiyuan 030024; 3Institute of Neurologyˈ Huashan HospitalˈFudan UniversityˈShanghai 200025, China * To investigate the effect of Lipoic acid on the release of cytokines (TNF-Į, IL-1ȕ, IL-6 and IL-10) and the expression of chemokines (CCL2, CCL3, CCL5 and CCL20 mRNA) in cultured astrocytes stimulated by lipopolysaccharide. Primary cultured astrocytes were stimulated with lipopolysaccharides (LPS, 1ȝg/ml), and treated with Lipoic acid (LA, 100ȝg/mL). The production of nitric oxide (NO) was assayed by Griess method. The level of TNF-Į, IL-1ȕ, IL-6 and IL-10 in supernatants was quantified by ELISA. The expression of CCL2, CCL3, CCL5 and CCL20 mRNA was detected using RT-PCR. The production of TNF-Į, IL-1ȕ, IL-6 was increased, but the level of IL-10 was decreased in cultured astrocytes simulated with LPS, as compared with PBS control. LA treatment inhibited LPS-induced TNF-Į, IL-1ȕ and IL-6 production, and enhanced IL-10 secretion compared with LPS stimulation alone. In addition, LA treatment also supprresed the expression of CCL2, CCL3 and CCL20 mRNA in cultured astrocytes stimulated with LPS. LA inhibits neuroinflammatory response in activated astrocytes stimulated with LPS. Therefore, the neuroprotection of LA is partly due to the inhibition of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines derived from astrocytes. [Key words] lipoic acid; lipopolysaccharide; cytokines; chemokines IFAA2014-4-021 CD4+ T cells and neuroprotection: relevance to motoneuron injury and ALS Junping Xin1,2, Virginia M. Sanders3, Kathryn J. Jones4,5 1 Neuroscience Institute/Oncology Institute, Loyola University Medical Center, Maywood, IL 60153; 2Research and Development Service, Hines VA Hospital, Hines, IL 60141 3 Department of Molecular Virology, Immunology, & Medical Genetics, College of Medicine, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210; 4Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, School of Medicine, Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN 46202 5 Research and Development Service, Roudebush VA Hospital, Indianapolis, IN 4620. * CD4+ T cells are a group of immune cells that play a pivotal role in regulating immune responses. Accumulating data, including ours, indicated that CD4+ T cells mediate a neuroprotective effect following motoneuron injury and in the motoneuron disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or (ALS). Using a mouse motoneuron injury model (facial nerve axotomy, FNA), we have studied the mechanisms underlying CD4+ T cell-mediated neuroprotection, including CD4+ T cell activation, cytokine production, migration to the CNS (central nervous system), interaction with CNS resident cells, and regulatory functions in the CNS and periphery. FNA The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 106 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• induces immune response in both periphery and CNS compartments. While anti-inflammatory CD4+ T subsets are preferentially recruited into CNS to support injured motoneuron, pro-inflammatory CD4+ T cells are recruited into the peripheral site of axonal injury to mediate the inflammation required to promote debris clearance, as well as preparing a favorable environment for the neuroregeneration of surviving motoneurons. Thus, following nerve injury, CD4+ T cells develop contextually and exert their functions in a localization- and time-dependent manner. Currently, we are studying how an early-stage malfunctioning peripheral immune system contributes to target disconnection and motoneuron loss in ALS. We hypothesize that the neuroprotective CD4+ T cell response is dysregulated at one or multiple sites in the above discussed process, which in turn results in vulnerability of motoneurons to inflammatory damage and impaired functional recovery. IFAA2014-4-022 Age-related myofibre death in human skeletal muscle may be evident by the appearance of vacuolated myofibres Navneet Lal1, Philip Sheard1, Jon Cornwall2,3 1 Department of Physiology, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand; 2Faculty of Law, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand; 3Department of Anatomy, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. * Losses in lean muscle mass and strength with advancing age have been predominantly attributed to myofibre atrophy, whilst the role or existence of myofibre death is unclear. Recently, our laboratory discovered myofibres in elderly rodent muscles with Dystrophin Encircled Vacuoles and invaginations with Intracellular Localisation, which we refer to as DEVILs. These fibres resemble degenerating myofibres characteristic of the Autophagic Vacuolar Myopathies. Their prevalence in rodents strongly correlated with myofibre loss and age, and led us to inquire whether they were also evident in elderly human skeletal muscles. Immunohistochemistry was used to label dystrophin in frozen sections of normal elderly human (77yrs, male) vastus lateralis samples, and sections were viewed and imaged with a compound fluorescence microscope. We discovered vacuolated fibres with the same pathologic features and in the same characteristic peripheral location as we have seen in rodent muscles. Previous studies on muscle aging have employed muscle biopsy procedures which often exclude superficial myofibres and may be why the appearance of DEVILs in normal human muscle has not been documented before. The pathophysiological role of myofibre death in aging remains unknown; further studies are required to clarify our understanding. IFAA2014-4-023 XAV939 induces telomere shortening and apoptosis in neuroblastoma cells Shuling Bai1, Weijian Hou1, Jun Fan1, Hao Tong1 The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 1 Department of Tissue Engineering, College of Basic Medical Sciences, China Medical University, Shenyang 110001; PR China. * Telomeres, telomerase and tankyrase (TNKS) have a very important and special association with human senescence and cancer. The telomerase activity is abnormally high in cancer cells and accompanied with the over-expression of tankyrase 1 (TNKS1). TNKS1 is a positive regulator of telomerase activation and telomere extension in human body, and XAV939 is a small molecule inhibitor of TNKS1. The objective of this study is to investigate the apoptosis effect of XAV939 on SH-SY5Y cells, as well as the change of telomere length and telomerase activity, and explains the mechanism from this perspective. In the present study, we treated SH-SY5Y cells with XAV939 and RNA interference (RNAi) -TNKS1, then measured the telomere length using, detected the telomerase activity, observed the apoptosis and determined the invasive ability. The results showed that both XAV939 and RNAi-TNKS1 could shorten the telomere length, induce the apoptosis and reduce the invasion ability of SH-SY5Y cells, but had no effect on the telomerase activity. So we speculated that XAV939 induced apoptosis of SHSY5Y cells might via telomere shortening. More experiments should be conducted to clarify the exact mechanisms. These studies may contribute to cure malignant NB with multitarget therapy by small molecule drugs. IFAA2014-4-024 Injectable decellularized human adipose tissue extracellular matrix hydrogel scaffold for adipose tissue engineering Miao Yu, Shuling Bai Department of Tissue Engineering, College of Basic Medical Sciences, China Medical University, Shenyang, 110001, PR China. * The repair and filling of soft-tissue defects is the focal and difficult aspect in plastic and cosmetic surgery. Extracellular matrix biomaterials obtained by decellularization methods have demonstrated the potential for repair and reconstruction of soft tissue. The aim of the study is to develop an injectable human adipose tissue extracellular matrix hydrogel scaffold for repair of soft-tissue. Human adipose tissue obtained by liposuction was processed to remove both the cellular and lipid contents. Material obtained was tested to indicate that it retained a large amounts of components found in native adipose ECM while effectively eliminated both the cellular and lipid contents. The extracted ECM is further processed by freeze-dried, and ground to powders by milling. The powders obtained were dissolved by pepsin and hydrochloric acid to generate a thermally responsive hydrogel that selfassembles upon subcutaneous injection under normal body temperature. The hydrogel can support the growth and survival of adipose-derived stem cells in vitro. And it showed significant signs of adipogenesis by subcutaneous injected into the backs of nude mice after 8 weeks. The injectable hydrogel refined from human adipose is confirmed a promising biomaterial material that can be used for the filling and repair of soft-tissue defects. Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 107 136 and phosphorilated STAT3 could be detected in the MDSCs of ulcerative colitis and colitis associated colorectal cancer. Thus, TNFĮ-mediated miR-136 and initiated IL-6STAT3 signaling are involved in MDSC expansion in inflammatory environments. IFAA2014-4-025 The Role of PAF Receptor Antagonist on the Protection against Hypoxia Injury in Primary Cultures of Cortical Neurons IFAA2014-4-027 Jin Jia Modulation of the mitochondrial dynamics by clusterin in insulin–secreting beta-cells * We examined the protection of platelet activating factor (PAF) receptor antagonist--Ginkgolide B (BN52021) against hypoxia injury in primary cultures of embryonic rat cerebral cortical neurons. Embryonic rat cerebral cortical neurons were hypoxia cultured to establish the in vitro hypoxia cells model. MTT method was used to detect the activity of proliferation, and Flow cytometry were used to detect apoptotic cells. RT-PCR was applied to evaluate the bax and bcl-2 expression levels in hypoxia cultured neurons to examine the intervention of BN52021. MTT method showed that the cytoactivity of the Ginkgolide B treated groups increased and the number of apoptotic cells significantly decreased with increasing concentrations of BN52021 (P < 0.05). Flow cytometry detection showed that the apoptosis rate of hypoxia injury neurons were between 13.2%̚25.3%. After being treated with BN52021 at the concentration of 5 ȝg/mL, 10 ȝg/mL, 15 ȝg/mL, 20 ȝg/mL, 25 ȝg/mL, respectively, the apoptosis rate was between 6.0%̚11.3%. RT-PCR showed that the bcl-2 gene expression in treated groups was higher compared to the control group; in contrast, the bax gene expression was lower. The PAF receptor antagonist has a protective effect on hypoxia injury in primary cultures of embryonic rat cerebral cortical neurons. IFAA2014-4-026 TNFĮ-Mediated MiR-136 and Initiated IL-6STAT3 Signaling Are Involved in Expansion of Myeloid Derived Suppressor Cells in Inflammatory Environments Xue Wu, Siyue Mey, Rongcun Yang Nankai university school of medicine, nankai university, PR.China. 300071. * Chronic inflammation and tumor-associated factors are related to the increased accumulation of CD11b+Gr1+myeloid derived suppressor cells (MDSCs), which play a critical role in the development and progression of human diseases. But, the mechanism (s) of controlling expansion of MDSCs remains elusive. We herein demonstrate that miR136 effectively drive hematopoietic progenitors to differentiate into CD11b+Gr-1+MDSCs by regulating the expression of multiple transcription factors NFIA, GATA2, GATA3, PAX5 and C/EBPȕ. Interestingly, the expression of miR-136 may be upregulated through the binding of TNFĮmediated NF-țB transcription factor to miR-136 promoter region. Meanwhile, we found that the suppressive function of miR-136-mediated MDSCs is also dependent on the TNFĮinitiated IL-6-STAT3 pathway. Neutralizing IL-6 inhibited TNFĮ-mediated phosphorilation of STAT3 in MDSCs. Silencing STAT3 reduced suppressive ability of TNFĮmediated MDSCs in vitro and in vivo. High levels of miR- Yoen-ju Kwon1, Han-Sol Park2, In-Sun Park1 1 Department of Anatomy, School of Medicine, Inha University, Incheon, Korea; 2Metabolic Research Unit, Asan Institute for Life science, Seoul, Korea. * Mitochondrion is a dynamic cellular organelle showing a diverse morphological change in response to biological processes including energy metabolism and viability of the cells. Clusterin is an intriguing protein with a variety of biological functions, particularly in association with cytoprotection. Pancreatic beta cells produce and secrete insulin, but are susceptible to internal and external challenges, leading to hyperglycemia and diabetes. The present study aimed to elucidate the clusterin action on the profiles of beta cell mitochondria regarding to mitochondrial dynamics including their fusion/fission and autophage formation. Clusterin expression was regulated from by transfection of over-expression vector and siRNA, respectively using MIN-6 and INS-I cell lines which secrete insulin as well as clusterin simultaneously. Mitochondrial proteins which are associated with mitochondrial fusion and fission were monitored after clusterin over-expression and deletion, along with their morphological observation. We found that clusterin overexpression down-regulated the mitochondrial fusion factors including OPA-1, MFN-1, MFN-2. In contrast, the mitochondrial fusion proteins were up-regulated by knock-down of the clusterin genes. Although there was no significant changes in mitochondrial fission preoteins (Drp-1 and-2), LC3B, an autophagy marker, was decreased by clusterin over-expression, while being increased by clusterin deprivation. We have traced the expressions of OPA-1 and LC3B in the mitochondria and lysosomes by confocal microscopy, demonstrating a concurrent modification in the cytoplasm of the bet cells. We also found a significantly reduced autophages upon overexpression of clusterin, and their increased formation by downregulation of the clusterin. Taken together, these results suggest that clusterin is involved in cellular functions and viability by modulating mitochondrial dynamics, particularly by suppression of the mitochondrial fusion as well as inhibition of autophagy. IFAA2014-4-029 Heterochromatin Protein 1Ȗ safeguards histone H3K27me3 Feng Xiong1, Shuo Huang1, Tiantian Zhang1, Birong Wei2, Wei Shen3, Sujuan Ji1, Yufang Liu1, Qingzhong He1, Yue Ren1, Meili Zhang1, Wenhua Yu1, Qiao Zhang1, Ye Zhang1, Yue Huang1, Lan Li3, Pinchao Mei1 The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 108 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• 1 State Key Laboratory of Medical Molecular Biology, Institute of Basic Medical Sciences Chinese Academy of Medical SciencesˈSchool of Basic Medicine Peking Union Medical College, Beijing, China; 2Laboratory of Cancer Biology and Genetics, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD, USA; 3Laboratory of Germ Cell Biology, College of Animal Science and Technology, Qingdao Agricultural University, Qingdao, China. * Trimethylation of Histone H3 lysine 27(H3K27me3) is a hall mark of repressive chromatin, and is widely associated with silenced development genes. Temporal and spatial regulation of H3K27me3 is crucial for many critical aspects of development including Hox gene expression, X-chromosome inactivation, gene imprinting, cell identity, embryogenesis and tumorigenesis. The steady state level of H3K27me3 results from a continuous interplay between the opposing functions of its demethylases KDM6 (namely UTX and JMJD3) and catalytic polycomb complexes (PRCs) . Here we identify a wildly-conserved mechanism by which the global histone H3K27me3 level is stabilized. Mammalian heterochromatin protein 1 gamma (HP1Ȗ) safeguards histone H3K27me3 by suppressing the demethylation activity of UTX in an interaction-dependent manner. Unexpectedly, the methylated H3K9 binding activity of HP1Ȗ is dispensable for its suppression of UTX. In embryonic stem cells (ESCs), transient depletion of HP1Ȗ leads to a reduction of H3K27me3 at the transcriptional start sites of genes without altering the H3K4me3 levels. At embryonic day 11.5, primordial germ cells (PGCs) exhibit a sudden loss of HP1Ȗ that triggers global H3K27me3 demethylation through increased UTX activity. Our findings reveal that cross-talk between a histone H3K9me3 reader HP1Ȗ and H3K27me3 demethylase UTX contributes to the steady state level of histone H3K27me3 in mammalian cells, thereby delineating an unappreciated mechanistic cue in germ cell epigenetic reprogramming. IFAA2014-4-030 miR-34a promotes oxidative damage and senescence of primary renal glomerular mesangial cells by inhibiting autophagy-related gene 9A Jin Li, Xueyuan Bai, Shaoyuan Cui, Bo Fu, Guangyan Cai, Xiangmei Chen Department of Nephrology, State Key Laboratory of Kidney Diseases, Beijing, China. * Glomerular mesangial cells are an important type of residential cells in the kidneys, but their senescence mechanism is unknown. Autophagy is a protective mechanism for maintaining a stable intracellular environment and is closely associated with senescence and age-related diseases. The mechanism of regulation of mesangial cell senescence by microRNA-34 (miR-34) is not yet clear. In this study, we investigated the regulation mechanisms of mesangial cell damage and senescence by miR-34a. The results showed that in the mesangial cells from old rats, miR34a was significantly upregulated and its target gene Atg9a was significantly downregulated. Overexpression of miR-34a in primary mesangial cells from young rats downregulated The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists Atg9A and autophagosome formation marker LC3; upregulated p62/SQSTMI and polyubiquitin aggregates; increased the levels of oxidative damage products 8-OHdG, malondialdehyde (MDA), and protein carbonyl; increased the positive staining percentage of cell senescence marker SA-Egal; and increased formation of senescence-associated heterochromatin foci (SAHF). Transfection of Atg9a shRNA into primary cells from young rats produced cellular senescent phenotypes similar to that of miR-34a overexpression. These results suggest that miR-34a can inhibit autophagy function, increase oxidative damage, and accelerate the senescence of mesangial cells by downregulating Atg9A expression. IFAA2014-4-031 Fractionation and characterization of protein in Lumbricus rubellus powders Edy Parwanto, Hardy Senjaya Department of Biology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Trisakti, Jakarta, Indonesia. * In order to find drugs from natural materials, earthworm powders (Lumbricus rubellus) can be used as a source of protein and antibacterial drugs. The purpose of this study do fractionation and characterization of protein in L rubellus powders based on molecular weight. Protein in L rubellus powders extracted gradually to obtain a rough extract/supernatant, precipitat and dialysat as final extract. Fractionation and characterization of protein in the crude extract, precipitat and dialysat is done by electrophoresis. In the dialysat fractions containing 2487 mg/mL proteins, and show four dominant types of proteins with a molecular weight of 12.2, 13.3, 14.6 and 29.2 kDa. IFAA2014-4-032 Desmoglein-mediated signaling in pemphigus pathogenesis Volker Spindler Institute of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Department I, LMU Munich, Germany. * Pemphigus is a life-threatening autoimmune disease affecting skin and mucous membranes. Loss of intercellular cohesion as a consequence to autoantibodies directed against the desmosomal adhesion molecules desmoglein (Dsg) 1 and 3 results in blister formation predominantly within the epidermis and the mucosa of the oral cavity. Altered intracellular signaling after autoantibody binding is necessary for loss of cell cohesion, which is underscored by the notion that blistering can be prevented by modulation of intracellular signaling pathways. One of the key events is the rapid activation of p38MAPK. We recently demonstrated the existence of a complex of Dsg3, plakoglobin and p38MAPK which senses loss of Dsg3 binding. P38MAPK is activated in that complex after autoantibody binding, resulting in keratin filament collapse and depletion of Dsg3 levels. Interestingly, not only adhesion-disturbing signaling is elicited by binding of pemphigus autoantibodies to Dsg3. Keratinocytes also Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 109 respond by increasing the levels of the second messenger cAMP, which then limits p38MAPK activation and promotes intercellular adhesion. Similarly, the actin-binding protein adducin, which organizes the cortical actin lattice, is phosphorylated in a PKC-dependent manner, resulting in reduced Dsg3 depletion. Augmentation of these rescue pathways is an attractive approach for a specific treatment of this disease. IFAA2014-4-033 concentrations were reduced in the capped teeth but no differences were observed among the three cements. Dentinal bridging could be detected at both 30 and 60 days with each of the three cements and the pulps were still vital 60 days after capping. Meal duration significantly shortened after placement of the three different cements indicating a nociceptive response but there were no differences among the materials. In conclusion, calcium aluminate cements have similar properties to mineral trioxide aggregates and are a viable option for pulpotomy procedures. Fractionation and characterization of protein in Lumbricus rubellus powders IFAA2014-4-035 Edy Parwanto1, Suweino2, Hardy Senjaya3, Hosea J Edy4 Werner Gotz Periodontal stress – Cellular and molecular aspects Dental Clinic, Department of Orthodontics, Oral Biology Laboratory, University of Bonn, Germany. * 1 Biology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Trisakti, Jakarta, Indonesia; 2Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Trisakti, Jakarta, Indonesia; 3Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, University of Trisakti, Jakarta, Indonesia; 4 Pharmacy, Faculty of Natural Science, University of Samratulangi, Manado, Indonesia. * In order to find drugs from natural materials, earthworm powders (Lumbricus rubellus) can be used as a source of protein and antibacterial drugs. The purpose of this study do fractionation and characterization of protein in L rubellus powders based on molecular weight. Protein in L rubellus powders extracted gradually to obtain a rough extract/supernatant, precipitat and dialysat as final extract. Fractionation and characterization of protein in the crude extract, precipitat and dialysat is done by electrophoresis. In the dialysat fractions containing 2487 mg/mL proteins, and show four dominant types of proteins with a molecular weight of 12.2, 13.3, 14.6 and 29.2 kDa. IFAA2014-4-034 A rat model for testing materials to improve pain and healing for endodontic procedures Phillip Kramer1, Karl Woodmansey2, Robert White2, Carolyn Primus3, Lynne Opperman1 The periodontium is an area exposed to lifelong active stress factors such as biomechanical factors due to occlusion and mastication, inflammatory influences or hypoxia generated e.g. by systemic diseases or smoking. There is increasing evidence that for periodontal tissues such as the periodontal ligament (PDL) or the alveolar bone, stress-induced pathways on the cellular and molecular level are interconnected, and numerous molecules are involved in these signaling processes. Among these factors are cytokines, growth factors or factors related to apoptosis and hypoxia. Stress-induced signal transduction pathways can influence cellular functions e.g. proliferation, migration or adhesion, but they may also lead to the induction of regeneration phenomena. Many recent studies have shown that oxidative stress characterized by the accumulation of reactive oxygen species is an important catabolic co-factor, especially in correlation with inflammatory responses. Antioxidants are promising tools for treating oxidative stress-related periodontal dysfunctions. The main focus will be put on our own research i.e. the investigation of crossroads between biomechanics, inflammation, hypoxia and oxidative stress in human PDL and alveolar bone cells in vitro and in vivo. This research will give new insights into the etiology and pathogenesis of periodontal diseases like periodontitis, peri-implantitis or root and bone resorption. 1 Department of Biomedical Sciences, Texas A&M Baylor College of Dentistry, Dallas, TX 75246; 2Department of Endodontics, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Texas A&M Baylor College of Dentistry, Dallas, TX 75246; 3 Primus Consulting, 7046 Owl's Nest Terrace, Bradenton, FL 34203 USA. * IFAA2014-4-036 SAA regulate the expression of SR-BI and inflammatory factor through P38 mitogen-activated protein kinase in THP-1 macrophage Calcium aluminate cements have shown little affinity for bacterial growth, low toxicity, and immunogenicity when used as a restoration material, but calcium aluminate cements have not been tested in vivo in pulpotomy procedures. To address this question, a calcium aluminate cement (Quickset) was tested along with two mineral trioxide aggregates ProRoot® MTA and MTA Plus®. These cements were used as a capping agent following pulpotomy. Control rats had no pulpotomy, or the pulpotomy was not capped. Proinflammatory cytokines IL-1ȕ and IL-1Į were measured and histology was performed at 30 and 60 days post-capping. The nociceptive response was determined by measuring the lengthening of the rat’s meal duration. IL-1ȕ and IL-1Į Mingyan Zhu, Yu Wang, Yuanjie Xie, Zhifeng Long, Jinfeng Shi, Gaofeng Zeng, Zhongcheng Mo This study was to investigate effects of serum amyloid A (SAA) on expressions of scavenge receptor class B type I (SR-BI) and inflammatory factor in THP-1 macrophage. THP-1 cells were treated with SAA and P38 agonist (anisomycin) or inhibitor (SB203580), respectively. SR-BI expressions were examined by RT-PCR, Western blotting and cell immunohistochemical method. Inflammatory factor (MCP-1, TNF-Į, IL-1) were measured by ELISA. The results showed that SAA inhibited SR-BI mRNA and protein The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 110 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• expression, induced inflammatory factor in THP-1 macrophage compared with control groups (P<0.05). SAA and anisomycin increased phosphorylation of P38, decreased SR-BI expression, while upregulated inflammatory factor expression. SB203580 inhibited the phosphorylation of P38 and stimulated SR-BI mRNA and protein expression, while decreased inflammatory factor. Therefore SAA, anisomycin and SB203580 could regulate the expressions of SR-BI and inflammatory factor. That is to say the P38 MAPK signal pathway may play an important role in the regulation of SRBI and inflammatory factor expressions by SAA in THP-1 macrophage and suggest that SAA may sensitize atherosclerosis. (Correspondence author, zhongcheng Mo, Email: This study was supported by the National Natural Sciences Foundation of China (81100211) and the Science and Technology Plan Projects of Hunan Province (NO.2013SK3114). IFAA2014-4-037 Polymorphisme Gene TNF-Į -308G>A and TLR4 Asp299Gly in Down Syndrome Siti Nurhajjah1, Farmaditya EP Mundhofir2, Sultana MH Faradz2 1 Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine Andalas University, Padang, Indonesia; 2Division of Human Genetics, Center for Biomedical Research (CEBIOR), Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University, Semarang,Indonesia * Down Syndrome (DS) often have disturbance in their immune system leading to infection, morbidity and mortality. TNFĮ -308G>A and TLR4 Asp299Gly polymorphism were found to be associated with the increase of susceptibility to infection. The aim of this research is to determine the distribution and allele frequency of TNF-Į -308G>A and TLR4 Asp299Gly polymorphism among DS patients. There were 68 samples (34 DS and 34 control). The polymorphisms of both genes were examined using PCR-RFLP, NcoI restriction enzyme, and electrophoresis on 2% agarose gel. Polymorphism of TNF-Į -308G>A was found on 4,4% of the DS and 2,9% of the control groups. Polymorphisms of TLR4 Asp299Gly was found on 1,5% of the DS and 0% of the control groups. Polymorphisms in gene TNF-Į -308G>A and TLR4 Asp299Gly in this study were lower in DS patients as well as in control groups compared to other studies. The difference in ethnic background might be a well plausible explanation for the differentiation between polymorphisms on TNF-Į and TLR4 in Indonesian population compared to Caucasian population. IFAA2014-4-038 Heparanase upregulation associates with eNOS reduction in kidney ischemic/reperfusion injury and kidney fibrosis model in mice Nur Arfian1, Dwi Cahyani Ratna sari1, Santosa Budiharjo1, Djoko Prakosa1, Untung Tranggono2, Muhammad Mansyur Romi1 1 Department of Anatomy, Embryology, Anthropology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists Indonesia; 2Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia * Heparanase is an enzyme that degrades heparan sulphate and may play role in some kidney pathological conditions. We want to observe heparanase expression in kidney ischemic reperfusion (I/R) injury and kidney fibrosis model in mice. We performed kidney I/R injury model and fibrosis in Swiss background mice. Kidney I/R model was induced using renal pedicle clamping for 30 minutes and sacrificed the mice in day 1 (n=7). Kidney fibrosis model was performed using unilateral ureteral ligation in the left kidney (n=7) then sacrifice the mice in day 7 and 14. Sham-operation procedure (SO, n=5) was used as control. PAS and Sirius-Red stainings were used to quantify tubular injury score and fibrosis. Heparanase and endothelial Nitrite Oxide Synthase (eNOS) expression were quantified using western blot and reversetranscriptase PCR. Immunostaining was also done for heparanase. Kidney I/R injury and fibrosis induced an increase of tubular injury and interstitial fibrosis (p<0.05 vs SO). Immunoblot and RT-PCR results showed up-regulation of heparanase expression (p<0.05) and reduction of eNOS expression. Immunostaining revealed epithelial cells and interstitial cells as source of heparanase both in those models. We suggested that heparanase might contribute to the pathology of kidney I/R injury and kidney fibrosis. IFAA2014-4-039 Eicosapentanoic acid increases aquaporin-3 expression in human skin keratinocytes Yeun-Ja Mun1, Byoung-Kook Jeon2, Moon-Kyung Kang2, Won-Hong Woo2 1 BK21 Plus Team, Professional Graduate School of Oriental Medicine, Wonkwang University, Iksan, Republic of Korea 2 Department of Anatomy, College of Oriental Medicine, Wonkwang University, Iksan, Republic of Korea * Eicosapentanoic acid (EPA), an omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (Ȧ-3 PUFAs), protects against photodamage and photocarcinogenesis in mammals. Water movement across the plasma membrane can occur via two pathways: by diffusion through the lipid bilayer and by membrane inserted water channels (aquaporins; AQPs). At least 13 subtypes, denoted AQP0-AQP12, have so far been identified in mammalian cells. AQP3 is a water/glycerol transporting protein in basal layer keratinocytes of epidermis in normal skin. We have investigated the effects of EPA on AQP3 expression and the effects of EPA on ultraviolet (UV)induced AQP3 downޤregulation in cultured human skin keratinocytes. EPA treatment increased AQP3 gene and protein expression in human epidermal keratinocytes (HaCaT). Using a specific inhibitor, we observed that the effect of EPA on AQP3 expression was mediated by ERK activation. UV induced AQP3 down-regulation in HaCaT cells. EPA treatment attenuated UV-induced AQP3 loss and cell death. Collectively, the present results show that EPA increased AQP3 expression and protected against photodamage of UV through the induction of AQP3 expression. Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 111 identify its molecular targets, the expression of genes involved in apoptosis and cell cycle progression was analyzed by RT-PCR. Treatment of MCF-7 with A.indica extract differentially decrease the growth of MCF-7 cancer cells in a dose- and time dependent manner and were markedly altered c-myc oncogene expression. Conclusively, these results emphasize the chemopreventive ability of A. indica extract reduce the progression cancer cells by leading apoptosis. IFAA2014-4-040 Changes in 5-HT1AR in the amygdala in a rat model of post-traumatic stress disorder Dong juan Liu, Bing Xiao, Fang Han, Yuxiu Shi Department of Histology and Embryology,China medical university,Shenyang,China. * Changes in 5-HT1AR in the amygdala in a rat model of posttraumatic stress disorder Dong juan Liu • Bing Xiao • Fang Han• Yuxiu Shi* Department of Histology and Embryology, China Medical University, Shenyang, Liaoning Province 110001, China Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder that develops after exposure to a lifetreatening traumatic experience. The amygdala, one of the key regions in the limbic system of the brain, is known to have an important role in fear, rage and emotional memory. The 5-HT1AR is critically involved in regulating mood and anxiety levels. In this study, rats were randomly divided into 1d, 4d, 7d and 14d groups of single prolong stress and a normal control group. The expression of 5-HT1AR in the amygdala neurons gradually increased on 1d, 4d and 7d after exposure to SPS than the normal control group, and reached the peak at SPS 7d after SPS. There is also a change of ultrastructure in the amygdala neuron. Our results confirm that SPS induce changes of 5-HT1AR and morphological change of neuron in amygdala, which might be one of the important pathophysiological basis of fear, the anxious, frightened, and other abnormal emotional behavior in PTSD rats. IFAA2014-4-041 Alteration of c-myc oncogene expression and apoptosis-induced by Azadiracta indica L Juss extract. Dessy Arisanty1, Fauziah Othman2, Asmah Rahmat3, Zolkapli Eshak2 1 Department of Biochemistry, Medical Faculty of Andalas University, Padang, Indonesia; 2Department of Biomedical Science, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Putra Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; 3Department of Biochemistry and Nutrition, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Putra Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. * This study aimed at gaining insight into antiproliferative activity of ethanolic A. indica leaves extract by cell viability assay on human breast (MCF-7) cancer cells. A indica leaves extract decreased cell viability and inhibited cell proliferation. Result of MTT assay was 50.7 ȝg/mL of neem remarkably reduced cell viability of MCF-7 cells. Apoptosis cell death was determined using TUNEL assay. MCF-7 cell death elicited by the extract was found to be apoptotic in nature based the formation of nucleus condensation, sringkage of nucleus membrane and also DNA fragmentation which are a hallmark of apoptosis. In addition, ultrastructural analysis also revealed apoptotic characteristics which are the presence of chromatin margination and apoptotic bodies. There was an increase of apoptotic cells number from day 1 to day 3 post incubation with A. indica extract. Further, to IFAA2014-4-042 An Eph/Ephrin-Desmoglein 1 signalizing nexus that regulates keratinocyte adhesion and differentiatio Spiro Getsios1, Kathleen J. Green2, Samantha Y. Lin1, Cory L. Simpson2, Robert M. Harmon2 1 Department of Dermatology, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, USA; 2Department of Pathology, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, USA. * Desmoglein 1 (Dsg1) is a desmosomal cadherin whose expression is concentrated in the more differentiated, suprabasal layers of the epidermis. Autoimmune or infectious diseases where Dsg1 is targeted by autoantibodies or pathogenic proteases lead to skin blistering in the superficial layer of the epidermis, supporting its well appreciated role in maintaining robust cell-cell adhesion in the skin. More recently, we demonstrated that Dsg1 is also required for normal keratinocyte signaling that promotes differentiation via negative regulation of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)-extracellular signal regulated kinase1/2 (Erk1/2) pathway. Dsg1 inhibits Erk1/2 signaling, at least in part, by interacting with erbin and interfering with Ras complexes that act upstream of Erk1/2. As genetic and inflammatory skin conditions resulting in reduced Dsg1 expression are associated with impaired keratinocyte differentiation, a leaky epidermal barrier and metabolic wasting disease, we were interested in identifying signaling pathways that lead to an up-regulation of Dsg1. We discovered that ephrin ligands that engage the EphA2 receptor tyrosine kinase on adjacent cells enhance keratinocyte adhesion and differentiation via Dsg1. Therapeutic approaches that target this EphA2 signaling pathway may prove useful for restoring epidermal homeostasis in pathological conditions where Dsg1 levels are compromised. IFAA2014-4-043 Donor cell substitution and host cell adjustment following infusion of bone marrow cells David Brynmor Thomas University of St Andrews, Scotland. * The ability of infused bone marrow cells to repopulate the haematopoietic and lymphoid tissues of lethally irradiated mice has helped to promote the transplantation of blood cell precursors as a routine treatment for impaired haematopoiesis and encouraged interest in cell replacement therapy. This is now potentially the treatment of choice for any disorder that The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 112 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• can be precisely defined and attributed to a deficiency in the number or the performance of specific cells. It may utilize substitution of donor cells for the replacement of host cells which have been irreparably damaged or lost. Alternatively specific defects in viable host cells may be more effectively adjusted by exposure to and possible fusion with appropriate donor cells. In contrast to substitution of donor cells, adjustment of host cells allows relationships between cells and between cells and other tissue components to be preserved. It is now extremely important to take full advantage of the established experimental models which are available for the rigorous in vivo evaluation of cell replacement therapy, including methods which have provided valuable information about the adjustment of genetically compromised host cells, as well as methods which provide information about donor cell substitution and the properties of the self-maintaining populations of stem cells upon which donor cell substitution may be dependent. IFAA2014-4-044 A complex of curcumin-piperine protects articular cartilage from induced destructive changes in rat osteoarthritis model Mahmoud Orazizadeh, Layasadat khorsandi, Vahid Bayati, kheironesa Ahmadi Cell and molecular research center(CMRC),Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical sciences (AJUMS), Ahvaz, Iran. * Previous studies reported that 10% of world population with average age of 60-years suffer from Osteoarthritis (OA). This study has focused on the protective effects of curcuminpiperine complex in an animal OA model. Forty adult male rats were randomly divided in to 5 groups. To induce OA, 1mg Mono-iodoacetate (MIA) dissolved in 50μl saline and as control just 50μl saline injected in right knee joints. 14 days after injection of MIA, daily 200 mg/kg curcumin , 25 mg/kg piperine and curcumin-piperine complex were gavaged respectively for14 days. Then, the rats were sacrificed on day 29 post injection. Right knee joints removed ˬfixed and decalcified for histological studies. Standard immunohistochemistry (IHC) was carried out for evaluation of caspase-3, MMP-3 and MMP-13.Histological staining methods revealed that the curcumin- piperine complex decreased the MIA-induced destruction and fibrillation in cartilage surface. Caspse-3 and MMP-3 and MMP-13 downregulation in test groups was very significant. Compared with other groups these protective manifestations, especially in curcumin-piperine complex treatment, were clearly identified. These results indicated that curcumin-piperine complex could strongly protect articular cartilage against degenerative and apoptotic features in OA rat models. IFAA2014-4-045 Surfactant protein-H (SFTA 3) is a novel regulatory surfactant protein atthe ocular surfaceand in the tear film Friedrich Paulsen1, Felix Rausch1, Christina Jacobi2, Ulrike Hampel1, Lars Brauer1, Martin Schicht1 The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 1 Institute of Anatomy II, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany; 2Department of Ophthalmology, Friedrich-Alexander-University ErlangenNuremberg, Germany. * Surfactantproteins (SP) assisttheformationof a monolayer of surface-activephospholipidsatthe liquid-airinterface of the alveolar lining, play a majorrole in lowe ring surface tension of interfaces, andhavefunctions in immune defense. Recently, a putative newSP (SFTA3 or SP-H) was identified. By means of computational chemistryand molecular-biology wehavel ocalized and characterized SP-H. SP-Hexpression was analyzed in tissues of the ocular surface and in tear fluid. The regulation of SP-H transcription was studied in ocular surface cell lines after incubation with ocular pathogens. The protein concentration of SP-H was measured by ELISA in tears from patients suffering from dry eye disease (DED). The localization of SP-H in ocular surface tissues, sequence based prediction tools for posttranslational modification and molecular dynamic simulation srevea led that SP-H hasphysico chemical properties similar to the already knownSPs B and C. Stimulation experiments in cell lines with pathogens showed an increased expression of SP-H.In tears from DES patients SP-H concentration was increased. The resultsindicate SP-Has a new SPofthetear film whichrepresents an until now unknown SPclass. SP-H is regulated under experimental inflammatory conditionsand in casesof DED. D3542 MiR-19b Targets ABCA1 and Regulates Cholesterol Efflux in THP-1 Macrophage Lv Yuncheng1, 2, Tang Yanyan2, Yao Feng2, Zhao Guojun2, Yang Jing2, 3, Zhang Yi3, Chaoke Tang2 1 Laboratory of Clinical Anatomy, 2 Institute of Cardiovascular Research, 3 The 1st affiliated hospital, University of South China, Hengyang 421001, China; To investigate the effect of miR-19b on ABCA1 expression and intracellular cholesterol efflux. The combination of miR19b with ABCA1 3’UTR was analyzed with bioinformatics websites. MiR-19b binding to ABCA1 3’UTR was confirmed with Luciferase Reporter Assay. After transfected miR-19b mimics and inhibitor into THP-1 macrophage, ABCA1 expression was measured by Western bolt, cholesterol efflux was detected with liquid scintillator, and intracellular lipid droplet was stained with oil red O. miR-19b bound to the 3110-3116 sites within ABCA1 3’UTR, and their binding free energy was very low. MiR-19b potently inhibited the luciferase activity and macrophage ABCA1 expression. MiR19b dramatically suppressed macrophage cholesterol efflux, resulting in excessive lipid accumulation and foam cells formation. The exactly opposite results were observed by Anti-miR-19b in THP-1 macrophage. miR-19b targets ABCA1 and inhibits intracellular cholesterol efflux, causing excessive lipid accumulation in macrophage. D3590 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 113 Construction of eukaryotic expression vector pcDNA3-MAGE-1 and its stable expression in mouse Hepa1-6 cells Xiao Li1, Qingming Shi2, Maomao Chen2, Zeng Yu2* 1 Department of Anatomy, Chengdu Medical College, Chengdu610500, China.2Department of Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, Chengdu Military Region, Chengdu610021, China. Yaling Qi, Wenjie Zhao, Yan, Tan Hainan Medical University, Haikou, Hainan, China (571199) The MAGE-1 total length sequence was amplified from SMMC-7721 by PCR and linked to pcDNA3 to construct pcDNA3-MAGE-1. The expression vector was transfected into Hepa1-6 cells by lipofectamine, and then the positive clones were screened by G418. The expressions of mRNA and protein in positive clones were detected by RT-PCR and Western blotting.Cell growth and proliferation in Hepa1-6 cells and Hepa1-6-MAGE-1 cells were detected by MTT, then they were inoculated in the right back subcutaneous of mice. pcDNA3-MAGE-1 was constructed and transfected into Hepa1-6 cells, the expressions of MAGE-1 mRNA and protein were detected in Hepa1-6-MAGE-1 cells by RT-PCR and Western blotting, there was no statistical difference in cell proliferation between two groups. The mice were all infected with tumor in two groups, and there was no difference in tumor size. The eukaryotic expression vector pcDNA3-MAGE-1 is successfully constructed, and the Hepa1-6 cell line which can stably express human MAGE-1 gene is established with good proliferation and tumorigenesis ability. (Project supported by the natural science foundation of Hainan Province, No.310051) D3641 Xiao Li1, Qingming Shi2, Maomao Chen2, Yuanyuan Jia2* 1 Department of Anatomy, Chengdu Medical College, Chengdu610500, China.2Department of Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, Chengdu Military Region, Chengdu610021, China. As one of the most fatal cancer worldwide, hepatocellular carcinoma is one of the leading causes for cancer-related death. Besides multiple genetic and epigenetic changes of protein coding genes in hepatocellular carcinoma ,growing evidence indicated that deregulation of miRNAs can also contribute to hepatocellular carcinoma development by influencing cell growth, apoptosis, migration, or invasion. In our study, we investigated the role of miR-146b in hepatocellular carcinoma. The expression of miR-146b was up-regulated by miR-146b mimics transfection, or downregulated by miR-146b ASO transfection. Cell proliferation was assayed by MTT assay. MiRNAs expression were assayed by qRT-PCR. The role of miR-146b in hepatocellular carcinoma patients survival was revealed by Kaplan-Meier plot of overall survival. Lower miR-146b expression level in hepatocellular carcinoma tissues correlated with worse prognosis of hepatocellular carcinoma patients. In conclusion, MiR-146b were potential predictors of hepatocellular carcinoma prognosis and potential target of hepatocellular carcinoma therapy. The oncogene function of IKBKE D3647 Regulatory effect of Hsf1 on PLC/PRF5 hepatoma cells proliferation Qiying Jiang, Zhi Zhang, Yanzhong Hu Key Laboryatory of Cellular and Molecular Immunology, Institute of Immunology, Medical School of Henan University ˈKaifeng 475004,China MiR-146b promoted hepatocellular carcinoma growth D3642 The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) Project is a large-scale collaborative effort to characterize the genomic changes that occur in cancer. This project has profiled and analyzed large numbers of human tumors to discover molecular aberrations at the DNA, RNA, protein and epigenetic levels. Whole genome structural analyses reveal that one of these kinases, IKBKE (IKKepsilon), is amplified and overexpressed in breast cancer cell lines and patient-derived tumors. In this study, we investigated the role of IKBKE in many different type of cancer . Base on the prior explore on TCGA, we further study the oncogene role of IKBKE in many different type of cancer. We found that up or down regulation of IKBKE could altered the proliferation or cell apoptosis in many cancer cell lines. Our study may indicated the oncogene role of IKBKE in many other types of cancer. To explore the regulatory effect of Hsf1 on PLC/PRF5 hepatoma cells proliferation. By shRNA gene silencing technology ˈ constructed PLC/PRF5 hepatoma cell line of Hsf1 gene silencing.To detect the expression of Hsf1 protein in PLC/PRF5 hepatoma cells by Western blotting.Through MTT, plate clone formation assay and detection of cell cycle, it was studied the proliferation of PLC/PRF5 cell line. ShRNA-Hsf1 can significantly inhibit the expression of Hsf1 in PLC/PRF5 cells. It can induce PLC/PRF5 cells stopping at G1 phase of cell cycle, inhibit cell proliferation and colonal formation ;Silencing Hsf1 caused up-regulation of p53 and Rb proteins expression in PLC/PRF5 cells. Silencing Hsf1 is involved in up-regulation of p53 and Rb proteins expression, which results in inhibiting proliferation of PLC/PRF5 hepatoma cells. D3648 The function of Hsf1 in SV40T-antigen transformed HEK293T cell Qiying Jiang, Zhi Zhang, Yuanfang Ma Key Laboryatory of Cellular and Molecular Immunology, Institute of Immunology, Medical School of Henan University ˈKaifeng 475004,China Hsf1, a main regulator of the heat shock response in eukaryotes, can increase the survival in many pathophysiological conditions. To observe the function of defective Hsf1 expression in HEK293T cell. ShRNA of The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 114 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• human Hsf1 is constructed into the retroviral vector pLTHR generating the pLTHR-shRNA-hsf1. The shRAN is transiently transfected into HEK293T cells to silence the expression of Hsf1.Cell colony formation assay, MTT assay, Cell cycle assayare used to analyze the SV40T-ag transformed cell proliferation. The immunoblotting is used to study the protein expression of hsf1, SV40T-ag, p53, p21, hsp90, hsp70, hsp25.Defecience of Hsf1 expression can inhibit the cell growth. Defective Hsf1 could upregulate the protein expression of p53, pRb and SV40T-ag, and destroy the association between SV40T-ag and p53 or pRb, which result in growth inhibition of SV40T-ag transformed cells . D3649 Regulatory effect of Hsf1 on PLC/PRF5 hepatoma cells proliferation Qiying Jiang, Zhi Zhang, Yanzhong Hu Key Laboryatory of Cellular and Molecular Immunology, Institute of Immunology, Medical School of Henan University ˈKaifeng 475004,China To explore the regulatory effect of Hsf1 on PLC/PRF5 hepatoma cells proliferation. By shRNA gene silencing technology ˈ constructed PLC/PRF5 hepatoma cell line of Hsf1 gene silencing.To detect the expression of Hsf1 protein in PLC/PRF5 hepatoma cells by Western blotting.Through MTT, plate clone formation assay and detection of cell cycle, it was studied the proliferation of PLC/PRF5 cell line. ShRNA-Hsf1 can significantly inhibit the expression of Hsf1 in PLC/PRF5 cells. It can induce PLC/PRF5 cells stopping at G1 phase of cell cycle, inhibit cell proliferation and colonal formation ;Silencing Hsf1 caused up-regulation of p53 and Rb proteins expression in PLC/PRF5 cells. Silencing Hsf1 is involved in up-regulation of p53 and Rb proteins expression, which results in inhibiting proliferation of PLC/PRF5 hepatoma cells. D3654 Recombination and prokaryotic expression of hepatocellular carcinoma-associated antigen Cdc25C 1 2 1 Farong Mo , Shaoyuan Zhuo , Chengxiao Chen , Weigan Zhong2, Weixia Nong1, Tianming Huang1, Buguo Ma1 1 Department of Histology and Embryology, Guangxi Medical University, Nanning 530021, Guangxi, P.R. China; 2 Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Guangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Nanning 530001, Guangxi, P.R. China Cell division cyclin 25 homolog C(Cdc25C) is considered as a tumor-associated antigen (GenBank number: NM001790), which shows overexpression in HCC by RT-PCR method. In order to study the role of Cdc25C in HCC pathogenesis, we constructed the prokaryotic vector expressing human Cdc25C gene. Total RNA were isolated from human HCC cell line Bel-7404 as a template, and cDNA encoding the human Cdc25C gene was amplified by RT-PCR. The amplified PCR product, Cdc25C gene with 1442 bp, was cloned into The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists pMD18-T and pET-32a(+) vectors and sequenced. Next, pET-32a(+)-Cdc25C was transformed into chemically competent BL21(DE3), BL21(DE3)pLysS and Transetta(DE3) to express Cdc25C protein induced by 0.25mmol/L IPTG and ArtMediaTM protein expression medium, respectively. Finally, TRx-His-Cdc25C fusion protein around 73 kDa (TRx-His 20 kDa, Cdc25C 53 kDa) was identified by coomassie staining and tandem mass spectrometry( MS/MS). D3657 Effects of Buxue decoction-containing serum on the hematopoietic reconstructional function of lethally irradiated mice transplanted muscle satellite cells Xiaoling Wang1, Shuwu Zhao1, Yufang Chen2, Yuanyuan Wang2, Tao Wang1* 1.Department of Histology and Embryology, Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 300193, China. 2. Department of Nursing, Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 300193, China. Muscle satellite cells (MSCs) were believed to represent a committed stem cell population which could give rise to multiple lineages in a stem cell-like function, under the right environmental cues. However, it is unknown about the process of MSCs differentiation into hematopoietic lineages. To address this issue, herein, we investigated the effects of bone marrow stromal cells conditions medium containing drug-loading serum of Danggui Buxue decoction on the hematopoietic reconstruction of lethally irradiated mice transplanted MSCs in vitro and in vivo. Our experiments demonstrated that the conditioned medium promoted MSCs proliferation and expression of c-kit, CD45, bcl-2, EPOR mRNA, CXCR-4 mRNA, c-kit mRNA and CSFR mRNA. Moreover, the DNA PCR analysis suggested that the Y chromosome sequence on peripheral blood of mice was detected in the first 3 weeks, which confirmed the conclusion that the female receptor cells reconstructed from donor of hematopoietic male rat. D3675 Effects of dexmedetomidine on the expression and release of HMGB1 in macrophages induced by lipopolysaccharide Xiuqin Yue, Hongyan Gong, Xiaofang Li, Xiaoran ZHang, Guoze Liu, Jun Liu, Department of Anesthesiology, Xinxiang Medical University First Affiliated Hospital, Weihui 453100, Henan, China To explore the effects of dexmedetomidine on the expression and release of the high mobility group box-1(HMGB1) in mouse macrophage cell RAW264.7 induced by lipopolysaccharide(LPS)ˊ 24h after stimulated by LPSˈthe cell culture supernatant level of HMGB1 in LPS group was significantly higher than that in the control group(P<0.05); the cell culture supernatant level of HMGB1 in D2 and D3 group was significantly lower than that in LPS group(P<0.05);24h after stimulated by LPSˈthe HMGB1 mRNA expression in LPS group was significantly higher Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 115 than that in the control group(P<0.05);The HMGB1 mRNA expression in D2 and D3 group were significantly lower than that in LPS group (P<0.05). Dexmedetomidine can inhibit the expression and releasing of HMGB1 by RAW264.7ˈwhich may be play a role in protect of sepsis by LPS. D3684 Crocetin a novel chemopreventive agent against esophageal carcinoma cellsˈwhich provides a basis for biological functional study of IP08 gene. D3707 The effect of remote ischemic preconditioning on cyclooxygenase-2 expression following focal cerebral ischemia in rat Yongmei Zhao, Jie Yin, Feng Yan, Yumin Luo Sheng Li, Wei Jiang, Yue Zhou, Xiuyin Shen, Tao Luo, Lingping Kong, Huaqiao Wang* Xuanwu Hospital of Capital Medical University, Beijing 100053, China Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology, Zhongshan School of Medicine, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510080, China. * D3705 The objective of this study is to investigate the expression of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX2) in ischemia-reperfusion rats with remote ischemic preconditioning on˄RIPC˅in hindlimb in order to explore the mechanisms of RIPC on cerebral ischemic injury. Male Sprague Dawley rats were divided into sham group, middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) group and RIPC+MCAO group. MCAO operation was performed by using suture method. After 2 h ischemia and 24 h reperfusion, the expression of COX2 protein in ipsilateral hemispheres was determined by Western blotting. The results showed that the neurological deficit score and brain infarct volume in MCAO group rats increased significantly compared with those of sham group at 24 h after reperfusion, which were significantly decreased by RIPC+MCAO treatment (P < 0.05). At 24 h after reperfusion, the expression of COX2 protein in ipsilateral hemispheres of MCAO group rats increased significantly compared with that of sham group rats (P < 0.05) while the expression of COX2 protein in RIPC+MACAO group decreased significantly compared with that of MCAO group (P < 0.05). These results indicate that RIPC treatment protects against cerebral ischemic injury in rats, which might be related to the decreased expression of COX2 in the ischemic brain. Construction of a recombinant eukaryotic vector of Importin 8 and its expression in HeLa cells D3732 Crocetin is the main ingredient of saffron, has been proposed as a promising candidate for cancer chemoprevention. In this study we investigated the potential effects and the possible mechanism of Crocetin anticancer property in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma KYSE-150 cells. KYSE-150 cells were treated with Crocetin at various concentrations for 48h. The MTT assay showed that Crocetin had obvious antiproliferation effects on KYSE-150 cells in a concentration-dependent manner. Cell morphology changes observed by microscope and Hoechst33258 staining showed significant apoptotic changes. Expression of proapoptotic protein Bax and Cleaved caspase-3 were up-regulated detected by western blot. These result indicate that Crocetin exerts a notable chemopreventive effects against esophageal cancer through the inhibition of cell proliferation as well as induction of apoptosis. Human umbilical cord blood mesenchymal stem cells differentiate into neuron-like cells with the induction of serum-free medium Wenxue Fu1, Xiaohua Liu2, Xiangxin Che1, Aiqing Qi1, Hui Chen1, Xiaolin Huang1, 1 Department of anatomy, 2Affiliated Hospital ,Jiujiang University, Jiujiang 332000, China Wu Di, Wu Yan, Liu Xiao Feng, Lv Peng To construct a vector expressing fusion protein of Importin 8 (IP08) with green fluorescent protein in HeLa cells. The full length cDNA of IP08 was amplified using reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction, and cloned into green fluorescent protein vector phosphorylated enhanced green fluorescent protein (pEGFP)-C1 to construct recombinant expression plasmid pEGFP-IP08. Then, the recombinant plasmids were transfected into HeLa cells. The results showed that the expression of IP08 was observed and DNA sequence analysis demonstrated that the amplified IP08 gene was in concordance with that published on Gene Bank. Enzyme digestion and sequence analysis confirmed that the recombinant plasmid pEGFP-IP08 was constructed successfully. Furthermore, fluorescence microscopy revealed the fusion protein GFP-IP08 was mainly located in the nucleus of HeLa cells. We Concluded the IP08 gene was cloned successfully and the recombinant plasmid were constructed successfully. The fusion protein GFP-IP08 was demonstrated to be mainly located in the nucleus of HeLa Inner Mongolia Medical University, Hohhot 010059, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region,China In the basic and clinical research, people has paid much attention to the use of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). MSCs can differentiate into multiple lineages of mesoderm, endoderm and ectoderm. There are many induction methods of MSC differentiating into neurons with high rate have been reported. MSCs can be derived from different tissue sources, the most important one is umbilical cord blood (UCB). In this study, we have successfully isolated MSCs from human umbilical cord blood and characterized, the aim was to examine the capability of UCB-MSCs differentiating into neuron-like cells without using any reagents or growth factors. In order to cure neurologic diseases totally, the most pivotal factor is to get directed differentiated nerve cells. D3753 The effect of srGAP3 expression regulated by miR214 on sensory neurons regeneration The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 116 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• Xu Dong1, Jie An2, Haiying Zhang1, Xianfang Zhang1, Xinan Yi1 1 Institute of Neurosciences, Hainan Medical College, Haikou 571199, China; 2Department of orthopedics, Xiangya Hospital, Central South University, Changsha 410013, China Previous researches indicated that miR-214 expression was down-regulated in sensory neurons of dorsal root ganglion (DRG) after injury, and miR-214 was targeted to axon guidance factors (like Robo, srGAP). However, the role of miR-214 in this pathway was still unclear. Our study was aimed to detect miR-214 and srGAP3 expression in rat normal and injured DRGs respectively, transfect miR-214 Mimics or Hairpin Inhibitors into DRG primary cultures, and examine the changes of neurite outgrowth. Results were as follows: (1) miR-214 and srGAP3 could be expressed in the same neuron; (2) 1 to 7 days after sciatic nerve transection, miR-214 level was significantly decreased, while srGAP3 was increased and negatively related to miR-214; (3) compared with Hairpin Inhibitors and blank control, the quantity and total length of neurite were obviously upregulated at the Mimics concentration of 5nM for 2 days (p<0.05). These suggested that miR-214 could modulate sensory neurons regeneration, and this might be correlated with srGAP3. D3776 Cell-cell contact induces differentiation of MSCs into neuron-like cells Chaoxian Yang, Li Den, Xiaoqing Gao, Lan Wang, Yansheng Liao Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology, Luzhou Medical College, Luzhou 646000; Chengdu Medical College To study the influence of neuron contact on the differentiation o f mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) into neuron-like cells. MSCs and neurons of rat were co-cultured with or without direct cell–cell contact in vitro. Morphological change of MSCs was observed and neural marker proteins (ȕ-Tubulin, GFAP) were detected by immunofluorescence staining. Reverse transcriptionpolymerase chain reaction was used to investigate the expressions of Neuro-D and Ngn1 mRNA. After co-cultured with neurons for 7 days, part of MSCs had typical neuronallike phenotype, in addition, expression levels of Neuro-D and Ngn1 mRNA and the percentages of NSE and GFAP-positive cells in direct cell–cell contact group were higher than that in indirect cell–cell contact group (p<0.05). Direct contact of neurons can promote the differentiation of MSCs into neuron-like cells. D3783 Activation of ERK1/2 and PI3K/Akt by IGF-1 on GAP-43 expression in DRG neurons with excitotoxicity induced by glutamate in vitro Zhen Liu, Zhenzhong Li The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists Department of Anatomy, Shandong University School of Medicine, Jinan 250012, China. * Insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) is a neurotrophic factor and plays an important role in promoting axonal growth from dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons. Whether IGF-1 influences growth-associated protein 43 (GAP-43) expression and activates the extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase (ERK1/2) and the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt pathways in DRG neurons with excitotoxicity induced by glutamate (Glu) is still unclear. Organotypically cultured embryonic 15-day-old rat DRG were used to evlauate these effects. IGF-1 alone increased GAP-43 and its mRNA levels in the absence of Glu. The decreased GAP-43 and its mRNA levels caused by Glu could be partially reversed by the presence of IGF-1. IGF-1 rescued neuronal cell death caused by Glu. Neither the ERK1/2 inhibitor PD98059 nor the PI3K inhibitor LY294002 blocked the effect of IGF-1, but both inhibitors together were effective. To validate the impact of GAP-43 expression by IGF-1, GAP-43 induction was blocked by administration of dexamethasone (DEX). IGF-1 partially rescued the decreses of GAP-43 and its mRNA levels induced by DEX. IGF-1 may play an important role in neuroprotective effects on DRG neurons through regulating GAP-43 expression with excitotoxicity induced by Glu and the process was involved in both ERK1/2 and PI3K/Akt signaling pathways. D3784 Alterations in tyrosine kinase receptor (Trk) expression induced by insulin-like growth factor-1 in cultured dorsal root ganglion neurons Hao Li, Zhenzhong Li Department of Anatomy, Shandong University School of Medicine, Jinan 250012, China. * Insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) is a neurotrophic factor expressed in small dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons. Whether IGF-1 and its signaling pathways influence the expression of tyrosine kinase receptors TrkA, TrkB, and TrkC in DRG neurons remains unknown. Primary cultured DRG neurons were used to determine the effects of IGF-1 on TrkA, TrkB, and TrkC expression. The involvement of extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase (ERK1/2) and the effects of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt signaling pathways on IGF-1 were also evaluated. The results indicated that in primary cultured DRG neurons, IGF-1 increased the expression of TrkA and TrkB and their mRNAs but not TrkC or its mRNA. Neither the ERK1/2 inhibitor PD98059 nor the PI3K inhibitor LY294002 alone blocked the effect of IGF-1, but the use of both inhibitors together was effective. IGF-1 may play an important role in regulating the expression of different Trk receptors in DRG neurons through the ERK1/2 and PI3K/Akt signaling pathways. These results suggest that IGF-1 signaling might be potential target on modifying distinct Trk receptor-mediated biological effects. D3787 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 117 through ERK1/2 and PI3K/Akt signaling pathways. The contribution of distinct Trk receptors might be one of the mechanisms that IGF-1 rescues dying neurons from Glu excitotoxic injury. These data imply that IGF-1 signaling might be a potential target on modifying distinct Trk receptor-mediated biological effects of primary sensory neurons with excitotoxicity. Erythropoietin attenuates oxidative stress and apoptosis in Schwann cells isolated from streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats Ting Yu, Zhenzhong Li Department of Anatomy, Shandong University School of Medicine, Jinan 250012, China. * D3790 Diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) is the most common, least recognized, and most poorly understood long-term complication of diabetes. Currently, no effective treatment is known for DPN beyond tight glycemic control. High glucoseinduced oxidative stress and apoptosis in Schwann cells (SCs) are mechanisms that contribute to the development of DPN. In this study, SCs of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats and normal rats were exposed to high (35.6 mmol/L) or normal (5.6 mmol/L) glucose with or without erythropoietin (EPO, 10U/ml). Our data indicated that EPO improved cell viability and decreased apoptosis in SCs of diabetic rats in high and normal glucose culture conditions. EPO also attenuated oxidative stress by elevating the total glutathione (GSH) level of SCs and decreasing the intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) level. SCs from diabetic rats exhibited higher EPO mRNA and EPOR mRNA levels than normal rats, regardless of whether the SCs were grown in high or normal glucose culture conditions. EPO treatment seemed to have no significant influence on EPO mRNA and EPOR mRNA levels in SCs in normal and high glucose culture conditions. Our ¿ndings provide new insights into understanding the pathogenic process of DPN as well as novel pharmacological mechanisms underlying the therapeutic effect of EPO. D3789 Neuroprotective effect of insulin-like growth factor1: effects on tyrosine kinase receptor (Trk) expression in dorsal root ganglion neurons with glutamate-induced excitotoxicity in vitro Hao Li, Zhenzhong Li Department of Anatomy, Shandong University School of Medicine, Jinan 250012, China. * Neuroprotective effects of resveratrol on embryonic dorsal root ganglion neurons with neurotoxicity induced by ethanol Hongtu Yuan, Zhenzhong Li Department of Anatomy, Shandong University School of Medicine, Jinan 250012, China. * Studies have established that ethanol (EtOH) consumption results in damage to the peripheral nervous systems. Although the pathobiological mechanism is still unclear, oxidative stress is known to play an important role in EtOHinduced neurotoxicity. Because resveratrol (Res) is attracting increased attention due to its antioxidative properties, we investigated the neuroprotective efficacy of Res in ethanoltreated embryonic dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons in vitro. Organotypic DRG explants and a dispersed cell culture model were used to evaluate the effects of Res on EtOHinduced neurotoxicity. Res increased the number of extended nerve fibers and neurons that migrated from the DRG explants. Hoechst 33342 staining and terminal deoxynucleotidyl-transferase-mediated dUTP nick-endlabeling analysis showed that the EtOH-induced apoptosis was inhibited by Res. The effects of Res were blocked by the 5'-adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase inhibitor Compound C and the sirtuin 1 inhibitor nicotinamide. The elevation of oxidative/nitrosative stress, as measured by the amount of reactive oxygen species, malondialdehyde, nitrite, glutathione and superoxide dismutase activity, was also attenuated by Res. The data from the present study indicate that Res protects DRG neurons from EtOH-induced neurotoxicity. Res and its derivative may be effective for the treatment of diseases characterized by axonopathy and neuron loss induced by EtOH. D3791 Insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) may play an important role in regulating the expression of distinct tyrosine kinase receptor (Trk) in dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons. Glutamate (Glu) induces neuronal excitotoxicity of primary sensory neurons. It is not known whether IGF-1 influences expression of TrkA, TrkB, and TrkC in DRG neurons with excitotoxicity induced by Glu. Primary cultured DRG neurons with Glu-induced excitotoxicity were used to determine the effects of IGF-1 on TrkA, TrkB, and TrkC expression. The results showed that IGF-1 increased the expression of TrkA and TrkB and their mRNAs, but not TrkC and its mRNA, in primary cultured DRG neurons with excitotoxicity induced by Glu. Neither the extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase (ERK1/2) inhibitor PD98059 nor the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) inhibitor LY294002 blocked the effect of IGF-1, but both inhibitors together were effective. IGF-1 may play an important role in regulating different Trk receptor expression in DRG neurons Neurotoxicity of decabromodiphenyl ether on dorsal root ganglion neurons in vitro Peng Xin, Zhenzhong Li Department of Anatomy, Shandong University School of Medicine, Jinan 250012, China. * Decabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-209) is the predominant congener of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and is the most widely used PBDE globally and has been shown to cause developmental neurotoxicity. There are still many unknowns about the neurotoxicity of BDE-209 on primary sensory neurons. In the present study, primary cultured dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons were used to determine the neurotoxic effects of BDE-209. The dissociate cultured DRG neurons at 48 h of culture age were exposed to 0 ȝmol/L The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 118 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• (vehicle solusion), 10 ȝmol/L BDE-209, 20 ȝmol/L BDE209, and 40 ȝmol/L BDE-209, respectively, for an additional 72 h. The DRG neurons were continuously cultured in culture medium as a control. The results showed that BDE-209 inhibited neurite outgrowth and neuronal cell viability of DRG neurons. BDE-209 exposure significantly decreased the activity of antioxidative compound glutathione (GSH) levels. BDE-209 exposure caused apoptotic neuronal cell death. BDE-209 decreased growth-associated protein 43 (GAP-43) expression. It is concluded that BDE-209 exposure was able to interfere several intracellular processes and important protein expression. These in vitro neurotoxicity data will provide an opportunity to evaluate the risks of prenatal or postnatal exposure to BDE-209 on neurodevelopment of peripheral nervous system. D3792 Resveratrol relieves alcoholic peripheral neuropathy in rats Hongtu Yuan, Zhenzhong Li Department of Anatomy, Shandong University School of Medicine, Jinan 250012, China. * Excessive drinking can lead to alcoholic peripheral neuropathy (APN). Resveratrol (Res) has been suggested as an antioxidant and anti-inflammation agent. The effects of Res on APN and its underlying mechanisms were investigated by using an APN rat model. The result showed that Res (50 mg/kg) alleviated mechanical allodynia and thermal hyperalgesia in ethanol (EtOH)-treated rats. The microstructure changes were improved after Res administration in EtOH-treated rats. Res increased the levels of glutathione (GSH) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) and decreased the lipid peroxidation, nitric oxide (NO), tumor necrosis factor-Į (TNF-Į), and interleukin-6 (IL-6) production in sciatic nerve of EtOH-treated rats. EtOH treatment induced an elevation of serum levels of TNF-Į, IL6, and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) which could be inhibited by Res. Res may play an important role in relief of pathologic changes in the development of APN through increasing GSH and SOD production and decreasing lipid peroxidation, NO, TNF-Į, and IL-6 production in sciatic nerve and inhibiting TNF-Į, IL-6, and LPS secretion to serum. These findings provide rationale and experimental evidence for development of Res therapeutic strategy to alleviate APN. D3793 The effects of galanin on dorsal root ganglion neurons with high glucose treatment in vitro Xiaofeng Xu, Zhenzhong Li Department of Anatomy, Shandong University School of Medicine, Jinan 250012, China * The exposure of neurons to high glucose concentrations is considered a determinant of diabetic neuropathy. The extracellular high concentration of glucose can cause neuronal cellular damage. Galanin (Gal) participates in energy homeostasis and glucoregulation as well as processes The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists of sensory information. Using an in vitro model of high glucose-treated dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons in culture, the effects of Gal on intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) expression, cell viability, apoptosis, expression of Gal and its receptor of DRG neurons were investigated. The results showed that high glucose caused a rapid increasing intracellular ROS, decreases of cell viability, and upregulation of Gal and its mRNA. Exogenous Gal inhibited the effects caused by high glucose. Interestingly, high glucose caused downregulation of GalR1 and its mRNA and exogenous Gal could further decrease their expression, whereas expression of GalR2 and its mRNA was not affected in different experimental conditions. These results indicate for the first time that Gal and its receptor system are involved in high glucose-induced DRG neuronal injury. The contribution of exogenous Gal on neuroprotection appears to be quite significant. These data provide rationale and experimental evidence for development and further studies of Gal on therapeutic strategy for improving diabetic neuropathy. D3795 The effects of neuregulin-1ȕ on neuronal phenotypes of primary cultured dorsal root ganglion neurons by activation of PI3K/Akt Zhen Liu, Zhenzhong Li Department of Anatomy, Shandong University School of Medicine, Jinan 250012, China. * Neuregulin-1ȕ (NRG-1ȕ) signaling regulates neuronal development, migration, myelination, and synaptic maintenance. The neuropeptide- and neurofilament (NF)immunoreactive (IR) neurons are two major phenotypical classes in dorsal root ganglion (DRG). To assess the effects of NRG-1ȕ on DRG neuronal phenotypes, embryonic rat DRG neuronal culture model was established. DRG neurons were exposed to NRG-1ȕ (5 nmol/L), NRG-1ȕ (10 nmol/L), NRG-1ȕ (20 nmol/L), NRG-1ȕ (20 nmol/L) plus LY294002 (10 ȝmol/L) for 3 days, respectively, and then were processed for double fluorescent labeling of calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) or neurofilament-200 (NF-200) and microtubule associated protein 2 (MAP2). The percentage of CGRP-IR neurons and NF-200-IR neurons was counted. The expression of CGRP mRNA and NF-200 mRNA was analyzed by real time-PCR analysis. The percentage of CGRP-IR, but not NF-200-IR, neurons increased significantly in the presence of NRG-1ȕ compared with that in the absence of NRG-1ȕ. The levels of CGRP mRNA, but not NF-200 mRNA, increased significantly in the presence of NRG-1ȕ compared with that in the absence of NRG-1ȕ. PI3K inhibitor LY294002 blocked the effects of NRG-1ȕ. These results support an important role for exogenous NRG-1ȕ in induction of the distinct neuronal phenotype response by activation of PI3K/Akt in sensory neurons. D3797 The protective effects of resveratrol on Schwann cells with toxicity induced by ethanol in vitro Hongtu Yuan, Zhenzhong Li Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 119 Department of Anatomy, Shandong University School of Medicine, Jinan 250012, China. * D3801 Schwann cells (SCs) are the myelin forming cells in the peripheral nervous system, they play a key role in the pathology of various polyneuropathies and provide trophic support to axons via expression of various neurotrophic factors, such as nerve growth factor (NGF), brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF). Ethanol (EtOH) adversely affected both SCs proliferation and myelin formation in culture. Resveratrol (Res) has been shown to regulate many cellular processes and to display multiple protective and therapeutic effects. The protective efficacy of Res on EtOHtreated SCs in vitro was investigated in the present study. Res improved the cell viability and decreased apoptosis of the EtOH-treated SCs. The effects of Res were blocked by the 5'adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase inhibitor Compound C and the silencing information regulator T1 inhibitor nicotinamide. Res could increase the mRNA and protein levels of BDNF and GDNF in the EtOH-treated SCs. However, the EtOH-induced increase of NGF in the SCs is inhibited by Res. The data indicate that Res protects SCs from EtOH-induced cell death and regulates the expression of neurotrophic factors. Res and its derivative may be effective for the treatment of neuropathic diseases induced by EtOH. D3800 Capsaicin-induced activation of ERK12 and its involvement in GAP-43 expression and CGRP depletion in organotypically cultured DRG neurons Yunfeng Li1, Zhen Liu2 1 Department of Cardiosurgery, Shandong University Qilu hospital, Jinan 250012, China; 2Department of Anatomy, Shandong University School of Medicine, Jinan 250012, China. * Low concentrations of capsaicin (CAP) stimulate and high concentrations of CAP can be toxic to the primary sensory neurons of the dorsal root ganglion (DRG). CAP induces the phosphorylation of extracellular signal-regulated protein kinases 1/2 (ERK1/2) in DRG neurons. The effect of the activation of ERK1/2 by different concentrations of CAP on growth-associated protein 43 (GAP-43) expression and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) depletion in DRG neurons remains unknown. Organotypic embryonic 15-dayold (E15) rat DRG were used to determine the effect of different concentrations of CAP on GAP-43 expression and CGRP depletion. The results showed that GAP-43 and pERK1/2 protein levels increased at a low concentration (2 μmol/L) of CAP and decreased at a higher concentration (10 μmol/L). The number of CGRP-immunoreactive (IR) migrating neurons also decreased in CAP-treated cultures. The increase in GAP-43 levels and CGRP depletion could be blocked by the ERK1/2 inhibitor PD98059. These results imply that CAP at different concentrations has different effects on GAP-43 expression and CGRP depletion. ERK1/2 activation was involved in these effects in organotypically cultured DRG neurons stimulated with CAP. These data may provide new insights for further development potential therapeutic applications of CAP with moderate dose on neurogenic inflammation. CNTF regulates neurite outgrowth and neuronal migration through JAK2/STAT3 and PI3K/Akt signaling pathways of DRG explants with gp120induced neurotoxicity in vitro Huaxiang Liu1, Yanwen Bi2, Zhen Liu3 1 Department of Rheumatology, Shandong University Qilu hospital, Jinan 250012, China; 2Department of Cardiosurgery, Shandong University Qilu hospital, Jinan 250012, China; 3Department of Anatomy, Shandong University School of Medicine, Jinan 250012, China * HIV envelope glycoprotein gp120 is highly related to HIV infection-related peripheral neuropathy, but its mechanism of action remain incompletely understood. The therapy of this neuropathy remains a big clinical challenge for neurologists. The organotypically cultured dorsal root ganglion (DRG) explants were used to test the neurotoxic actions of gp120 and the therapeutic effcets of ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) on gp120-induced neurotoxicity. The results showed that gp120 exposure inhibited neurite outgrowth and neuronal migration from organotypically cultured DRG explants. HIVgp120 also inhibited growth-associated protein 43 (GAP-43) and its mRNA expression and induced apoptosis of the migrating neurons. CNTF administration improved neurite outgrowth, neuronal migration, and GAP-43 expression inhibited by gp120. CNTF also rescued neuronal apoptosis induced by gp120. Either Janus kinase 2 (JAK2) inhibitor AG490 or phosphatidyl inositol-3'-phosphate-kinase (PI3K) inhibitor LY294002 blocked the effects of CNTF. These data imply that CNTF improved neuronal status by promoting GAP-43 expression and inhibiting apoptosis through JAK2/signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) and PI3K/Akt signaling pathways of DRG explants with gp120-induced neurotoxicity. These data offered a new clue for elucidating the mechanisms of HIV infection-related peripheral neuropathy and facilitating the development of novel therapy. D3802 Different responses of galanin and calcitonin generelated peptide to capsaicin stimulation on dorsal root ganglion neurons in vitro Yunfeng Li1, Zhen Liu2 1 Department of Cardiosurgery, Shandong University Qilu hospital, Jinan 250012, China; 2Department of Anatomy, Shandong University School of Medicine, Jinan 250012, China. * Both galanin (Gal) and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) are sensory neuropeptides which expressed in dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons and are involved in nociceptive processing. Capsaicin (CAP) influences nociceptive processing via influencing the expression of sensory neuropeptides in primary sensory neurons. However, little is known about the alterations of Gal and CGRP expression at the same condition stimulated by CAP. In the present study, primary cultured DRG neurons were used to determine the The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 120 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• different responses of Gal and CGRP to CAP stimulation. After exposed to CAP (2 ȝmol/L), capsazepine (CPZ) (2 ȝmol/L) plus CAP (2 ȝmol/L), or extracellular signalregulated kinase 1/2 (ERK1/2) inhibitor PD98059 (10 ȝmol/L) plus CAP (2 ȝmol/L) for 24 h, the levels of Gal mRNA and CGRP mRNA of DRG neurons were determined using real time-PCR analysis. Gal and CGRP expression in situ was detected by immunofluorescent labeling. The results showed that CAP evoked increases of Gal and its mRNA and decreases of CGRP and its mRNA in DRG neurons. Administraion of either CPZ or PD98059 blocked the effects of CAP. These data indicate that Gal and CGRP shared different responses to CAP stimulation. Gal and CGRP may have different effects in nociceptive processing during neurogenic inflammation. D3805 The protective effects of insulin-like growth factor-1 on different subpopulations of dorsal root ganglion neurons with neurotoxicity induced by gp120 and dideoxycytidine in vitro Huaxiang Liu1, Yanwen Bi2, Zhen Liu3 1 Department of Rheumatology, Shandong University Qilu hospital, Jinan 250012, China; 2Department of Cardiosurgery, Shandong University Qilu hospital, Jinan 250012, China; 3Department of Anatomy, Shandong University School of Medicine, Jinan 250012, China * Peripheral neuropathy induced by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and antiretroviral therapy is not only difficult to distinguish in clinical practice, but also difficult to relieve the pain symptoms by analgesics because of the severity of the disease at the later stage. Hence, to explore the mechanisms of HIV-related neuropathy and find new therapeutic options are particularly important for relieving neuropathic pain symptoms of the patients. In the present study, primary cultured rat dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons were used to determine the neurotoxic effects of HIV-gp120 protein and/or antiretroviral drug dideoxycytidine (ddC) and the therapeutic actions of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) on gp120- or ddC-induced neurotoxicity. The results showed that gp120 and/or ddC caused neurotoxicity of primary cultured DRG neurons. Interestingly, the severity of neurotoxicity induced by gp120 and ddC was different in different subpopulation of DRG neurons. gp120 mainly affected large diameter DRG neurons, whereas ddC mainly affected small and medium diameter DRG neurons. IGF-1 could reverse the neurotoxicity induced by gp120 and/or ddC on small or medium, but not large, DRG neurons. These data provide new insights in elucidating the pathogenesis of HIV infection- or antiretroviral therapyrelated peripheral neuropathy and facilitating the development of novel treatment strategies. D3825 Diallyl disulfide-induced gastric cancer growth inhibition is associated with histone acetylation resulting in upregulation of p21WAF1 expression The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists He Hui1,2, Su Bo1,2, Su Qi1,2, Xiang Shu Lin2, Su Jian2,3. 1 Center for Gastric Cancer Research of Hunan Province, First Affiliated hospital, University of South China, Hengyang, 421001 Hunan, China; 2Key Laboratory of Cancer Cellular and Molecular Pathology of Hunan Provincial University, Cancer Research Institute, University of South China, Hengyang, 421001 Hunan, China; 3 Department of Pathology, The Second Affiliated Hospital, University of South China, Hengyang, 421001 Hunan, P.R.China Huston hypoacetylation is among the most common epigenetic modifications in cancers. Deregulation of histone deacetylation is implicated in the silencing of tumor suppressor genes, such as p21WAF1, in cancer development and progression. Histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors, which could reactivate epigenetically silenced genes by modulating histone acetylation, have been used for some cancer therapies in clinical trials. Diallyl disulfide (DADS), one of organosulfur constituents derived from garlic, has been identified as a potential inhibitor to reduce HDAC activity. We demonstrated that DADS increased acetylated histones H3 and H4 in gastric cancer cells in vitro, concomitant with upregulated p21WAF1 protein expression. These effects were consistent with DADS-induced G2/M phase cell cycle arrest. The results of in vivo experiments showed that DADS also caused G2/M phase arrest and growth inhibition of xenografted gastric cancer cells. Hyperacetylation of histones H3 and H4 induced by administration of DADS was accompanied by increased p21WAF1 protein levels. These data indicate that DADS can induce G2/M phase cell cycle arrest and growth inhibition of human gastric cancer cells in vivo and in vitro. The mechanism underlying these effects of DADS may in part due to increased p21WAF1 expression resulting from histone hyperacetylation. D3834 The expression of monocyte chemoattactant protein-1 in amygdala of mice with chronic inflammatory pain Yulin Dong1, Deli Cao2, Zhijun Zhang1, Yongjing Gao2, Hengjian Ni1 1 Dept of Human Anatomy, Medical School of Nantong University; 2Institute of Nautical Medicine, Nantong University, 226001 To observe the expression and cellular distribution of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1(MCP-1) and CCR2 in amygdala following complete Freund’s adjuvant (CFA) induced chronic inflammatory pain.ķMechanical allodynia and heat hyperalgesia were examined by behavioral test. ĸ The MCP-1 and CCR2 mRNA in amygdala were detected by real-time PCR. ĹThe cellular distributions of MCP-1-IR and CCR2-IR were checked by immunofluorescence doublestaining. ķ The ipsilateral hind paw withdrawal threshold and latency decreased significantly at 1 h after CFA injection (P<0.001), and maintained this low level for more than 7 days. ĸ The expression of MCP-1 mRNA in amygdala Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 121 increased at 1 day, reached its peak at 7 day (P<0.01), then continued to 14 day. The expression of CCR2 mRNA was similar to MCP-1. ĹThe MCP-1-IR and CCR2-IR cells were colocalized with the neuronal marker, NeuN. Conclusion The enhanced expression of MCP-1/CCR2 in amygdala may be involved in the maintenance of CFA induced inflammatory pain. D3877 Aȕ-Stimulated BMDCs combined with spleenderived cells attenuates learning and memory deficits and Prevents AD Pathology in APPswe/PSENldE9 mice D3839 Ruixi Li, Fei Wang, Yuwen Peng, Chunmin Liang Influence of the Astragalus Injection on perihematomal mitochondrial Mn-SOD and Cyt-c expression in Rats Shanghai Medical College of Fudan University, Shanghai, 200032, China Yi Qin, Guanghui Liu, Liang Liang, Jian Zhao Dept. of Anatomy, Ningxia Med. University, Yinchuan To observe Astragalus injection on perihematomal mitochondrial manganese superoxide dismutase (Mn-SOD) and cytochrome C (Cyt-c) in rats. SD rats were randomly divided into four groups, namely the normal group, sham operation group, model group and treatment group˗rat tail artery autologous blood was injected into the model established by cerebral hemorrhage, detected by xanthine oxidase perihematomal brain Mn-SOD activity; immunohistochemistry and Western blot analysis of brain tissue Mn-SOD, Cyt-c expression. The brain hemorrhage model group Mn-SOD activity and expression were higher than normal group and sham group were significantly lower (P <0.05), Cyt-c was significantly increased (P <0.05); MnSOD activity and Cyt -c expression was negatively correlated (P<0.05)˗astragalus treatment group Mn-SOD activity and expression compared with the model group in 3d, 7d is obviously increased (P <0.05), Cyt-c expression exists at each time point were significantly lower (P <0.05). Astragalus may by increasing perihematomal mitochondria Mn-SOD activity and expression, reduced Cyt-c release and improve mitochondrial dysfunction, thereby inhibiting perihematomal apoptosis. Anti-Aȕ immunotherapy could reduce amyloid plaques and amyloid-associated pathologies, attenuate learning and memory deficits in AD animal models. Immune senescence has been proved to play a crucial role in AD pathogenesis, which affects anti-Aȕ immunotherapy possibly. In the present study, an Aȕ1-42 -BMDCs treatment combined with intraperitoneal injection of spleen-derived cells from young mice was designed as a novel immunotherapy for AD in APPswe/PSEN1de9 transgenic mice. We demonstrated that this combined treatment elevated level of anti-Aȕ antibodies, ameliorated cognitive impairment, and reduced amyloid plaques in brain, while the treatment with Aȕ1-42 -BMDCs alone did not achieve these improvements. The combined treatment also increased CD68 positive microglial cells in the vicinity of amyloid plaques in brain, and the CD68 positive microglial cells could phagocytose Aȕ without increasing activated GFAP positive astrocytes. In conclusion, the Aȕ BMDCs treatment combined with spleen-derived cells from young mice improves the phagocytosis of microglia and prevents AD pathology more effectively compared with antiAȕ immunotherapy alone, which provides an opportunity to prevent the progression of AD. D3883 Effects of acute hypoxia on expression of 3-mst in rats medulla oblongata Nie Zheng D3869 Study on methylation of APC gene in bladder cancer Department of Human Anatomy Histology and Embryology of Chengdu Medical College.Chengdu Sichuan 610500 Yan Wang, Hongxin Yang, Xiulan Liu, Xiaodan Li, Xiaohong Yan Department of Cell biology; Inner Mongolia Medical University; Hohhot By the detection of the promotor methylation status of APC ˄adenomatous polyposis coli) gene in bladder cancer, to investigate the methylation status of the promoter of APC gene in the tissues of bladder cancer and its role in tumorigenesis. Methylation status of APC gene promoter was detected by methylation specific PCR in 30 bladder cancer tissues and paired adjacent non-cancerous tissues. APC promoter methylation was observed in 11/30 and 1/30 in bladder cancer and adjacent non-cancerous tissues, methylation of APC gene in bladder cancer increased significantly compared with adjacent non-cancerous tissues. Hypermethylation of APC is related to tumorigenesis, the detection of promoter methylation is beneficial for the early diagnosis and treatment of bladder cancer. To investigate the expression of 3-Mercaptopyruvate sulfurtransferase in medulla oblongata of rats and effects of acute hypoxia on their expressions. 14 Sprage-Dawley rats were randomly divided into normal control group,acute hypoxia group,Acute hypoxia models of rats were established. The expression levels of 3-MST were determined by RT-PCR and Western-blot in the medulla oblongata of normal group,acute hypoxia group. The RT-PCR results showed that 3-MST mRNA were detected in the medulla oblongata of normal control group.the expression levels of 3MST mRNA were significantly increased in the rats with acute hypoxia group(P<0.05), The Western-blot results showed that 3-MST protein also expressed in the medulla oblongata of normal control group, and the level of 3-MST protein expression was higher in the acute hypoxia group than that in the normal group (P<0.05). The expression of 3MST were existed in the medulla oblongata of normal rats.Acute hypoxia can up-regulated the expression of 3-MST in the medulla oblongata of rats. It suggests that H2S produced under action of 3-MST in medulla oblongata may The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 122 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• be involved in the respiratory response and protective effects of respiratory centers injury induced by acute hypoxia Molecular Genetic Analysis of p23 in vivo haplotype 5 were lower in asthmatics (9%) than in normal subjects (15.4%) in dominant model. These results suggest that the polymorphisms and haplotypes of ALOX5 gene may be useful for the predictive genetic marker for the risk of asthma. Chengzhe Piao D3906 D3885 Department of Anatomy, Yanbian University Medical College, Yanji 133000ˈChina P23 is a co-chaperone for the heat shock protein, hsp90, binding hsp90 and participating in folding of a number of cell regulatory proteins. To determine the role of p23 in tumorigenesis, we generated the p23-overexpressing HepG2 cell line and transgenic mice. p23-overexpressing HepG2 cell formed larger tumor mass than that of parental HepG2 cell upon injection into nude mice. Furthermore, several tumors including leiomyosarcoma, hepatocellular carcinoma and lymphoma spontaneously developed in p23 transgenic mice at average 18 months age. To verify the mechanism of p23mediated tumorigenic activity, we investigated the deregulated molecules in p23-overexpressing system. Interestingly, we found that p23 increased the level of Bcl-2 protein via reducing the ubiquitination of Bcl-2 independently of hsp90 and decreased the endogenous ROS level by antioxidants. In addition we also confirmed that H2O2-induced apoptosis is blocked by p23. The further results from the investigation toward the molecular mechanism will be presented. Sulforaphane protects rodent retinas against ischemia-reperfusion injury through activation of the Nrf2/HO-1 antioxidant pathway Meihua He, Hong Pan, Yan Zhang, Liju Luan Department of Anatomy & Embryology, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Peking University, Beijingˈ China The Association of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms of ALOX5 Gene with Its Gene Expression and IgE Synthesis in B Lymphocytes Retinal ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) injury is associated with many ocular diseases. Sulforaphane (SF) has cytoprotective effects against oxidative stress. This study was undertaken to determine whether SF has protective effect on retina neuronal cells subjected to I/R injury. Rats were injected intraperitoneally with either vehicle or SF (12.5 mg/kg) once a day for 1 week. Retinal I/R was induced by increasing the intraocular pressure (IOP) to 130 mmHg for 60 minutes followed by 24 hours or 7 days of reperfusion. I/R induced a marked increase of ROS generation, pronounced inflammation, apoptosis of RGCs and amacrine cells and thinning of the inner retinal layer (IRL), which were diminished or abolished by SF pretreatment. Moreover, SF treatment significantly increased the nuclear accumulation of Nrf2 and the level of HO-1 expression in retinas after I/R injury. An HO-1 inhibitor, ZnPP, diminished the protective effects of SF on I/R retinas. These results suggested that SF had protective effects on I/R retinas through the activation of the Nrf2/HO-1 antioxidant pathway. Chengzhe Piao D3930 D3886 Department of Anatomy, Yanbian University Medical College, Yanji 133000ˈChina The leukotrienes constitute a group of arachidonic acidderived compounds with biologic activities suggesting important roles in inflammation and immediate hypersensitivity, especially in the case of asthma. The 5lipoxygenase is a key enzyme catalyzing the formation of leukotrienes. Through direct DNA sequencing of ALOX5 gene on chromosome 10q11.2 for 24 chinese, we identified 29 polymorphisms. Among these, we choose 5 SNPs considering the location of SNPs, MAF and LD, and genotyped for these SNPs in 267 normal subjects and 725 asthmatics. In the analysis for the association of SNPs with the risk of asthma, we found that -754C>G on promoter region and +21757G>A on intron of ALOX5 gene were associated with asthma(p=0.001~0.041). The frequencies of common allele homozygote on -754C>G and +21757G>A were higher in asthmatic than that in normal subjects (dominant model, asthmatics vs normal subjects, -754CC; 89.7 vs 83.1%, +21757GG; 39.4 vs 29.3%). Furthermore, haplotype 1 and 5 of ALOX5 showed significant distortion of the haplotype distribution between normal subjects and asthmatics. (p=0.001~0.011). The frequency of haplotype 1 were higher in asthmatics (22.9%) than in normal subjects (14.6%) in recessive model. In contrast, The frequency of The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists Long Noncoding RNA-mediated regulation of BCL2 expression in Prostate cancers Ruitao Zhang1,2, Benyi Li2 1 Departments of Pharmacology, Medical science college of China three George University, Yichang 443000, China 2 Department of Urology, The University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS 66160, USA While the long noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs) constitute a large portion of the mammalian transcriptome, their biological functions has remained elusive. By comparing the mRNA and ncRNAs expression patterns of normal versus tumor tissue of the human prostate, we identified 4 ncRNAs associated with BCL-2 gene. These ncRNAs are overexpressed in prostatic tumors in comparison to matched non-malignant prostate compartments. Real-Time quantitative RT-PCR analysis indicated that the expression of BCL-2 mRNA and ncRNA-3 are highly over-expressed in parallel with a high degree of correlation in 9 prostate cancer cell lines (Correlation coefficient=0.732, P value=0.025), 22 prostate tumors (Correlation coefficient=0.954, P value=0.000) and 22 non-malignant prostate tissues (Correlation coefficient=0.914, P value=0.000). Our data revealed that Bcl-2 expression decreased dramatically following ncRNA-3 siRNA transfection. Taken together, our Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 123 data indicate that ncrNA expression is altered and might playing an important role in prostate cancers although further mechanistic study is desirable. D3946 PIGF protects cortical neurons in vitro from cerebral ischemia injury by activation of ERK 1/2 and induction of Bcl-2 Cong Gai, Hongmei Sun, Xiaogang Gong, Jing Feng Beijing University of Chinese Medicine Placental growth factor (PIGF) has been demonstrated to express in CNS and involve in cerebral ischemia injury. Our study explored the mechanisms about the neuroprotective effects of PIGF on cortical neuronal apoptosis caused by oxygen-glucose deprivation (OGD). OGD treated primary neurons were exposed to PIGF and inhibitors of phosphoinositide-3 kinase or mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK). The viability, apoptosis, levels of Bax, Bcl2, phosphorylated ERK1/2 and phosphorylated AKT were measured. The data showed OGD increased apoptosis and Bcl-2/Bax ratio, while PIGF mitigated OGD-induced decreases in neuronal survival, Bcl-2 expression, phosphorylation of ERK1/2 and elevation of Bax level. We found that only PD98059 reduced the ability of PIGF which protect neurons from OGD. These demonstrated PIGF anti-apoptotic effect against OGD is largely mediated via MAPK and Bcl-2. These also indicated the PIGF utility in preserving the viability of cerebral ischemia neurons. The positive expression of caveolin in myocardial capillary vessel Lin Pan1, Jianyan Wen2, Changan Yu3 1 Institute of Clinical Medical Sciences, China-Japan Friendship Hospital, Beijing,100029, China; 2Department of cardiovascular surgery, China-Japan Friendship Hospital, Beijing,100029, China; 3Department of cardiology, ChinaJapan Friendship Hospital, Beijing 100 029, China Caveolin is the major structural protein in caveolae and play important roles in angiogenesis. But the role of caveolin in myocardial capillary vessel is not quite clear. Thus we investigated the expression of caveolin in type 1 diabetes mellitus ( T1DM) rat heart. Formalin-fixed and paraffin embedded sections of heart from 9 months old T1DM rat were stained with Envision assay by using specific antibodies against caveolin. The caveolin was expressed in rat heart and the calibers of myocardial capillary vessel vary. Our results suggest that caveolin may play as a good capillary vessell marker during the angiogenesis in heart. Changes of advanced glycation end-product expression in the gastrointestinal tract of type 2 diabetic rats Pengmin Chen1, Jingbo Zhao2, Hans Gregersen2 Department of Molecular Biology, Institute of Clinical Medicine, China-Japan Friendship Hospital, 100029 Beijing, China; 2Mech-Sense, Aalborg Hospital, DK 9000 Aalborg, Denmark To investigate the levels of advanced glycation of endproducts (AGEs) and their receptor (RAGE) expression in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract in type 2 diabetic rats. GK diabetic rats and age-matched normal rats were used in the study. From 18 weeks old, the body weight and blood glucose were measured regularly.When rats arrived in 32 weeks old, the esophageal, duodenal, jejunal, ileal and colonic segments were excised. The AGE (N epsilon-(carboxymethyl)lysine and N epsilon-(carboxyethyl)lysine) and RAGE were detected by immunohistochemistry staining. The AGE and RAGE widely distributed in epithelial cells in the intestinal and colonic segments as well as striated muscle cells in the esophagus. RAGE also distributed in neurons in the segments. The location of AGE and RAGE distribution in the GI tract is same between Normal and GK groups. However the intensity of immune-staining for AGE in all segments and for RAGE in the neurons of small intestine and colon is stronger in GK group than in Normal group. D4082 Expression of Protein-disulfide isomeraseassociated 3 in pancreas and liver of Diet-induced Obesity’s Rat Shujuan Shi, Ying Cai, Jie Han, Qiming Wang, Derun Tian Department of Human Anatomy and Histology, Basic Medical College, Tianjin Medical University, China. D3968 D3970 1 The chronic disease which caused by obesity has serious risk in the developed world. Obesity induced endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress is resulted from the accumulation of misfolded proteins during stress conditions. Protein-disulfide isomerase-associated 3 (PDIA3) is an enzymatic molecular chaperone for ER. This study investigated the expression of PDIA3 in pancreas and liver of diet-induced obesity (DIO) and diet-resistant (DR) SD rat model by high fat diet feeding. We used immunofluorescence and western blotting to detect protein expression of PDIA3. The mRNA expressions of PDIA3 were measured by real-time PCR. The results demonstrated PDIA3 were significantly over expressed of DIO rats and down regulated of DR rats in pancreas and liver. Our results indicate that PDIA3 may contribute to the ERS by accumulating misfolded proteins in pancreas and liver of obese individuals. D4104 The effects of sedum lineare thunb alcohol extracton on NF-țB and cytokine in S180-bearing mice Qing Zhou, Xingling Cao, Leifan Lian, Haijuan Ma, Zhihua HuangCA Gannan Medical University, Ganzhou 341000, China Our previous study shows that Sedum Lineare Thunb (SLT) alcohol extract has antitumor effect on S180 bearing-mice. The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 124 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• However, the mechanism has been unknown. Our aims are to explore if its effect is through activating the NF-țB pathway and improving cytokines level. After S180-bearing mice model established, mice were divided into control group, model group, cyclophosphamide (CTX) group, SLT low and high dose groups, 10 per group, and administrated for 14 days. Use the tumor inhibiting rate to observe the anti-tumor activity of SLT. The expression of IL-10, TNF-Į, NF-țB/P65 and NF-țB/P50 in tumor tissue were detected by Western blot assay. The tumor inhibiting rate in the SLT group obviously higher than CTX group, the expression of IL-10, TNF-Į, NF-țB/P65 and NF-țB/P50 were increased significantly. Base on the results, activating the NF-țB pathway and then improving cytokines level is one of the mechanisms of the SLT antitumor effect on S180 bearingmice. D4106 The anti-tumor effect of ching on S180-bearing mice and its mechanism Xingling Cao, Lizhen Wu, Xinhui Luo, Qing Zhou, Zhihua HuangCA Gannan Medical University, Ganzhou 341000, China The antitumor effect of Ching on S180-bearing mice has been proved in our previous study, but its mechanism has been unknown. Our aims are to explore if its effect is through regulating immune function. The S180-bearing mice model was established and the mice were treated with Ching once a day, administrated for 14 days. After the last treatment, the thymus and spleen index were calculated, the levels of IL-6 and IL-10 in serum were detected by Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Flow cytometer were used to survey the percentage of CD3+ positive cells in the lymphocytes and the percentage of CD4+ or CD8+ cells in the T-Lymphocytes, and then calculate the ratio of CD4+/CD8+. The thymus index was up-regulated, while the spleen index was downregulated; the levels of IL-6 and IL-10 were increased; the percentage of CD8+ was inhibited yet CD3+ and CD4+ were improved significantly, and then CD4+/CD8+ was increased markedly in Ching treated mice. Taken together, regulating immune function is one of the mechanisms of the Ching antitumor effect on S180-bearing mice. D4140 N-acetylserotonin protects BRL cells from oxidative stress injury induced by hydrogen peroxide Shuna Yu, Hailiang Wang, Zhengchen Jiang, Cuihong Liang, Ruiyang Li, Wenbo Yu, Jiying Jiang Departments of Anatomy, Weifang Medical University, Weifang, Shandong 261053, China The aims of the present study were to elucidate whether Nacetylserotonin has protective effect on BRL cell line injury induced by H2O2. BRL cells were treated groups with different concentrations (50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 800, or 1000 ȝM) for 18-20 hours. Then the viability of BRL cells was measured by MTT assay. We found that 200 ȝM H2O2 caused cell viability to decrease by about 50%. Therefore we exposed BRL cells to concentration of 200 ȝM H2O2 for 18The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 20 hours to establish an oxidative stress injury model. To evaluate the most effective concentrations of NAS, H2O2induced BRL cells were treated with different concentrations of NAS (from 1 to 100 ȝM). We found that 20 ȝM NAS showed best protective effects. We show that H2O2 produced dramatic injuries in BRL cells, represented by classical morphological changes of apoptosis, decreased activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD), and increased levels of malondialdehyde (MDA). Administration of NAS significantly inhibited these H2O2-induced changes (p < 0.05), indicating that it inhibited apoptosis of BRL cells induced by H2O2. D4141 N-acetylserotonin protected the BRL cells from apoptosis induced by H2O2 through regulating the mitochondrial apoptosis signaling pathway Jiying Jiang, Hongxin Jiang, Zhengchen Jiang, Cuihong Liang, Ruiyang Li, Wenbo Yu, Hailiang Wang, Shuna Yu Departments of Anatomy, Weifang Medical University, Weifang, Shandong 261053, China In order to determine whether pretreatment with Nacetylserotonin(NAS) could reduce hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)–induced oxidative stress of BRL cells by inhibiting the mitochondrial apoptosis pathway, the oxidative stress injury model of BRL was made by 200 ȝM H2O2. We investigated the H2O2-induced oxidative damage to BRL cells with or without NAS using MTT assay, Hoechst 33342 staining, rhodamine 123 staining, and western blot. We show that H2O2 produced dramatic injuries in BRL cells, represented by classical morphological changes of apoptosis, decreased cell viability, increased expression of activated caspase-3, decreased ratio of bcl-2/bax, and loss of membrane potential (ǻȌm). Administration of NAS significantly inhibited these H2O2-induced changes (p < 0.05), indicating that it protected the BRL cells from apoptosis through regulating the mitochondrial apoptosis signaling pathway. D4176 Study on Neuroprotective Effect of 3'-DSS in Vitro Hai Xiao, Zhihua Huang CA, Liangdong Li, Jing ZengCA Gannan Medical University, Ganzhou 341000, China To study the protective effect of 3'-daidzein sulfonate sodium(3'-DSS) against glutamate induced neurotoxicity in primary cultured rat cerebral cortical neurons and PC12 cells. The injured models in vitro were established according the following steps. The cortical neurons were taken from newborn rats and used for experiments 7 days after culture, and PC12 cells were routinly anabiosised. The neurons and PC12 cells were randomly divided into 12 groups: control, glutamate (Glu, 4 mM), 3'-DSS (0.01, 0.03, 0.1, 0.3, 1.0mM), Glu+3'-DSS (0.01, 0.03, 0.1, 0.3, 1.0mM). The viability of cells was determined by MTT assay, the cell injury was measured by lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release assay. It’s showed that 3'-DSS significantly increased the viability of Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 125 cortical neurons and PC12 cells injuried by glutamate, while decreased the ratio of LDH release from primary cultured rat cortical neurons. Our studies have revealed the markedly neuroprotective effect of 3'-DSS against glutamate induced neurotoxicity in vitro. The protective machnism of 3'-DSS is partly performed will be our study target in the future. D4178 Triptolide inhibits the growth of human breast cancer cells by downregulating VEGF pathway Geng Wang, Xiaohong Lv, Jing Ma, Yafang Zhang* Harbin Medical University, China, 150086 Triptolide (TPL) is a key anti-inflammatory compound of the Chinese herbal medicine Tripterygium wilfordii Hook.f. (Celastraceae). Recent studies show that TPL inhibits the growth and proliferation of a wide range of human cancer cells. Here, we report that TPL inhibited the proliferation and migration of MDA-MB-231 and ZR-75-30 breast cancer cells in a time and concentration-dependent manner and decreased the expression of VEGF pathway in vitro. TPL significantly reduced the growth of breast cancer mouse xenografts, accompanied by an induction of apoptosis, reduction of VEGF pathway. Our data indicate that suppressing the expression of VEGF pathway may be one of the molecular mechanisms by which TPL induces apoptosis and inhibits the growth of human breast cancer cells. D4181 Dickkopf-1 is a Potential Target for the Treatment of Aging-related Disorders Yaoyan Dun, Ting Wang, Changcheng Zhang, Ding Yuan Medical Science College of China Three Gorges University Dickkopf-1 (Dkk1) is a potent inhibitor of the canonical Wnt signaling pathway. Recent evidence has suggested that an increased expression of Dkk1 is causally related to processes of aging-related neurodegeneration, including Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, brain ischemia and temporal lobe epilepsy. Furthermore, induction of Dkk1 precedes neuronal death in a series of cellular and animal models. Dkk1 is also involved in the process of aging-related inflammation, such as atherosclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis. As to aging, recent studies have found that Dkk1 induces epithelial cellular senescence in human reflux esophagitis and that expression of Dkk1 increases with age and its loss enhances neurogenesis in hippocampus. In the meanwhile, mice deficient in Dkk1 show enhanced spatial working memory. All the data indicate that antagonists of Dkk1 may be the potential anti-aging agents. D4182 Disruption of phosphoinositide-specific phospholipases CȖ1 contributes to extracellular matrix synthesis of human osteoarthritis chondrocytes Guoqing Zeng, Bing Zhang, and Chun Xia School of Medicine, University of Xiamen, Xiamen, Fujian, 361005. Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative joint disease. Here, we investigated the role of PLCȖ1 in human OA progression. Human normal and OA chondrocytes and cartilage were obtained from patients, and the expression level and regulatory mechanism of PLCȖ1 were detected. The data showed that PLCȖ1 had a higher expression in OA cartilage and chondrocytes, and the disruption of PLCȖ1 by its inhibitor and siRNA promoted ECM synthesis of human OA chondrocytes. Furthermore, the PLC-Ȗ1/IP3/Ca2+/CamK signaling axis, which triggered mTOR/P70S6K/S6 pathway, was dominated in PLC-Ȗ1-depended ECM synthesis. Therefore, PLC-Ȗ1 is involved in ECM synthesis of human OA chondrocytes, and the disruption of PLC-Ȗ1 contributes to ECM synthesis of human OA chondrocytes. PLCȖ1 may serve as a therapeutic target for the prevention of OA. D4207 Down-regulation of Wnt2 and its receptor Fzd9 mediated by Sox9 inhibits the proliferation and invasion ability of osteosarcoma MG63 cells Huancai Liu1, Yanchun Chen2*, Linlin Jie2, Leidong Pu2, Jie Ju2 1 Clinical College, 2.Department of Histology and Embryology, Weifang Medical University To investigate the role and mechanism on the proliferation and invasion of osteosarcoma cells (MG-63) by downregulation of Sox9 using small interfering RNA (siRNA). The siRNA against Sox9 was constructed and transfected into MG-63 cells. The expression of Wnt2 and Fzd9 was detected by Realtime PCR and Western blot at 24h and 48h after transfection with Sox9 siRNA. Cell proliferation was assayed by CCK-8 method. Cell scratch assay was used to detect the invasion ability of MG-63 cells. Compared with the control, the mRNA and protein levels of Wnt2 and Fzd9 were significantly decreased after transfected with Sox9 siRNA for 24h and 48h in experimental group. Cell proliferation and invasion ability in experimental group were significantly decreased. Down-regulation of Wnt2 and and its receptor Fzd9 mediated by Sox9 inhibits the proliferation and invasion ability of osteosarcoma cells, which may provide new gene targets for clinical treatment of osteosarcoma. D4212 Experimental study of high-efficiency immune modulators inhibiting proliferation and inducing apoptosis in HeLa cervical cancer cells by ERK1/2 signal transduction pathway Chunhua Song, Ruizhen Liu, Zhihua Zhang, Bao Yin, Huiying Chen, Xinfeng ChangCA Gannan Medical University, Ganzhou 341000, China Aim of this research is to observe the inhibitory effect of high-efficiency immune modulators (HEIM) in HeLa cervical cancer cells. HEIM influence on proliferation of HeLa cervical cancer cells which were cultured in vitro was monitored by MTT. Cell cycle and apoptosis were examined The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 126 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• by flow cytometry. Protein expression of Bcl-2, Bax, p-ERK and ERK1 was measured by Western blot. MTT showed HEIM had an effective inhibition on the growth of HeLa cervical cancer cells. Flow cytometry showed HEIM induced apoptosis blocking the cell cycle in G0/G1 period. Western bolt showed HEIM reduced ERK1 content, inhibited the generation of p-ERK, increased the expression of Bax and decreased the expression of Bcl-2. Experiments indicate HEIM may induce apoptosis via blocking ERK1/2 signal transduction pathway, inhibiting expression of Bcl-2, promoting expression of Bax, so as to exert its anti-tumor effect. D4222 Alterations of plasma ghrelin level in rats with acute myocardial infarction and the influence of human ghrelin on it Feng Han, Meixiu Li, Guozhong Tian* of miR-33s. The inhibition of C. pneumoniae-induced NF-țB activation could decreased miR-33s expression and enhanced ABCA1 expression. In addition, C. pneumoniae increased TLR2 expression, inhibition of which by siRNA could also block NF-țB activation and miR-33s expression, and promoted the expression of ABCA1. Taken together, these results reveal that C. pneumoniae may negatively regulate ABCA1 via TLR2-NF-țB and miR-33 pathways in THP-1 macrophage-derived foam cells, which may provide new insights for understanding the effects of C. pneumoniae on the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. D4238 Interleukin-1ȕ alters production of reactive oxygen species and related anti-oxidative enzymes in astrocytes Haoyun Zhang1, Hongmei Du2, Li Yu2, Yingjun Guan2* Department of Anatomy, Jiamusi University , Jiamusi 154007,China 1 To investigate the plasma ghrelin level of rats with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and evaluate the potential effects of ghrelin both from rats and human on AMI. Sixty adult male Wistar rats were randomized into five groups: normal control, sham control, AMI, AMI+ human ghrelin (25ȝg/kg, i.v.), and AMI+˷D-Lys3˹-GHRP-6 (a GHSR antagonist, 65ȝg/kg, i.v.). AMI was induced by ligating the left anterior descending coronary artery. Blood samples were obtained 24 hours after the surgery and plasma ghrelin were measured by ELISA. The data suggest that plasma ghrelin level was significantly increased 24 hours after MI,˷D-Lys3 ˹ -GHRP-6 increased it most (P<0.01 vs control) ,while human ghrelin decreased it (P<0.05 vs AMI) .There was no statistic difference between normal and sham control. We concluded plasma ghrelin level is increased 24 hours after MI in rats. Human ghrelin suppressed but GHSR antagonist elevated the circulatory ghrelin level in rats with AMI. The study may help to better understand the mechanism of GHSR-mediated cardioprotection. Neuroinflammation and oxidative stress are contributing factors of many central nervous system (CNS) pathologies. The pro-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-1ȕ (IL-1ȕ) plays important role in these pathological processes. Astrocytes, multifunctional glial cells, maintain CNS homeostasis and are the primary mediators of IL-1ȕ induced neuronal death. Using flow cytometry and wstern bolt, here we investigated the effects of IL-1ȕ on intracellular redox regulation of rat cultured astrocytes. Primary cultured astrocytes were treated with 10ng/ml IL-1ȕ for 24h, 48h or 72h. The results showed a time-dependent increase in reactive oxygen species production and a decrease in mitochondrial trans-membrane potential. After treatment with IL-1ȕ for 24h, downregulation of SOD1 protein expression was observed, but returned to basal level at 48h and 72h. No significantly changes in the protein level of glutathione peroxidase were detected. In summary, IL-1ȕ-mediated astrocyte inflammatory responses depend on the release of free radicals and may participate in neural insult induced by chronic neuroinflammation. D4229 Chlamydia pneumoniae inhibits ABCA1 expression and cholesterol efflux through a mechanism involving the activation of TLR2 and miR-33s Guojun Zhao1, Zhongcheng Mo2, Chaoke Tang2** 1 Department of Histology and Embryology, Guilin Medical University, Guilin, Guangxi 541004, China; 2 Institute of Cardiovascular Research, Life Science Research Center, University of South China, Hengyang, 421001, China ABCA1 is critical in exporting cholesterol from macrophages and plays a protective role in the development of atherosclerosis. This study was to determine the effects and potential mechanisms of C. pneumoniae on cellular cholesterol efflux in THP-1 macrophage-derived foam cells. C. pneumoniae significantly decreased cholesterol efflux and ABCA1 expression. Furthermore, we found that C. pneumoniae suppressed ABCA1 expression via up-regulation The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists Department of Anatomy, 2Department of Histology and Embryology Weifang Medical University, Weifang, China D4246 GPI-PLD inhibits the proliferation of hepatocellular carcinoma cells by down-regulation of PI3K-Akt signaling pathway Zhiying Yang, Chaochao Tan, Zhiping Yang, He Huang* Xiangya School of Medicine, Central South University, Changsha 410013, Hunan, China; Changsha Health Vocational College,Changhsha 410100, Hunan, China To clarify the effect of glycosylphosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase D (GPI-PLD) on hepatoma cells HepG2 and the possible regulation molecular mechanism. MTT, fluorescent staining and Western blotting analysis were applied to analyze the effect and molecular regulation mechanisms on GPI-PLD expression of hepatoma cells by GPI-PLD-transfected model. To further clarify the effects of Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 127 GPI-PLD on hepatoma cells in vivo, HepG2 were inoculated in nude mice model meanwhile. Compared with the control, PI3k-akt signaling pathway activity and proliferation of hepatoma cells were significantly inhibited in the GPI-PLD group. Nude mice model showed that the tumor growth, and tumor weight (1.87 ± 0.09g) of GPI-PLD group were significantly less than the control. AST, ALT, AFP serum concentrations in GPI-PLD group were significantly lower than the control groups. Results indicate that the growth, proliferation rate of HepG2 in GPI-PLD nude mice were significantly lower than the control groups, the degree of liver injury was significantly lower than the control groups, the results further illustrate GPI-PLD has a certain extent inhibitive effect on proliferation, even invasion, and significantly inhibited liver cancer cell proliferation and growth in vivo. ionic channels, and further regulates their membrane trafficking. Therefore, we hypothesize PICK1 interacts with Orai1. We cloned Orai1 and PICK1 gene from mouse brain tissue and sub-cloned them into Eukaryotic Expressed pRK5myc and pRK5-HA vector to construct pRK5-myc-PICK1 and pRK5-HA-PICK1, respectively. Then we co-expressed myc-Orai1 and HA-PICK1 in HEK293 and Hela cells. Both co-immunoprecipitation (CO-IP) and double immunostaining showed interaction and co-localization of Orai1 and PICK1. Our results proved Orai1 and PICK1 interacted in vitro. This indicates PICK1 is an Orai1 interacting protein. PICK1 may potentially regulate membrane trafficking of Orai1. D4250 Qiang Xu1 Huan Lan2* DJ-1 protects mitochondrial function by promoting AKT phosphorylation in dopaminergic SH-SY5Y cells D4259 PRR11 is a novel gene implicated in proliferation of breast cancer 1 Department of Histology and Embryology, Luzhou Medical College, Luzhou, China ; 2*Department of Myocardium Electrophysiology, Luzhou Medical College, Luzhou, China Yi Zhang1,*, Xiaogang Gong1, Hongmei Sun1,*, Zhenyu Guo1, Jinghong Hu2, Ling Ma1, Jing Feng1 1 Department of Anatomy,2Center for Scientific Research, School of Preclinical Medicine, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100029, China Loss-of-function DJ-1 (PARK7) mutations causes a subset of familial Parkinson disease. Numerous researches have supported the DJ-1 role in the protection of mitochondrial function. However, the mechanism of its protective function remains largely unknown. In present research, we transient transfected dopaminergic cell line-human neuroblastoma SHSY5Y with the plasmid pcDNA3-Flag-DJ-1. We present data that show the involvement of DJ-1 in modulation of AKT, a major neuronal prosurvival pathway induced upon mitochondrial function. Moreover, we provide evidence that over-expression of DJ-1 improves the mitochondrial complex I activity and ATP content in response to AKT phosphorylation. Taken together, these data suggest that DJ-1 is crucial for activation of AKT upon mitochondrial function, which serves as one explanation for the protective effects of DJ-1. D4258 PICK1, a Novel Calcium Release-Activated Calcium (CRAC) Channel interacting protein Proline-rich protein 11 (PRR11) is a novel gene we isolated and identified before, which is related to cycle progression and is abundantly expressed in the thyroid, cervix and other active tissues but weakly expressed in heart and brain. Breast cancer cells are characterized by enabling replicative immortality and accumulated DNA damage. However, whether PRR11 contributes to breast carcinogenesis remains unknown. In this study, we showed for the first time that PRR11 was an important molecule related to breast cancer. Our results showed that PRR11 was over expressed at both mRNA and protein levels in breast cancer tissues as compared with normal breast tissues and was associated with tumor grade. RNAi-mediated silencing of PRR11 caused S phase arrest, suppressed cellular proliferation, colony formation ability in breast cancer cells. Taken together, our results strongly demonstrated that this newly identified gene, PRR11, had a critical role tumorigenesis and breast cancer development, and might serve as a novel potential target in the diagnosis and treatment of human breast cancer. D4289 Observation of endothelial like cells in anterior marginal ear veins of rabbits via scanning electron microscope Huayong Chen1, Shuling Bai2 1 Peiling Cai, Ting Wang, Lijia Cheng, Shuo Yan, Wenjie Guo Department of Human Anatomy, Preclinical Medicine College of Yanbian University, Yanji 133000; 2Department of Tissue Engineering, China Medical University, Shenyang 110001 School of Medicine and Nursing, Chengdu University, Chengdu, Sichuan CRAC Channel mediated by Orai1 is the major source of extra-cellular calcium entry in non-excitable cells. Orai1 is a four-transmembrane protein localized in the plasma membrane. A single mutant (R91W) results in CRAC channel functional deficit and severe combined immune deficiency (SCID). However, the mechanism of transporting Orai1 to plasma membrane is still unknown. Protein that interacts with C kinase1 (PICK1) is a membrane protein, which binds a large number of membrane proteins including In this study, we prepared samples from anterior marginal ear veins of rabbits for scanning electron microscopy(SEM), and observed a novel structure of endothelial cells. As results suggested that this kind of cells were observed between endothelial cells of venous and basement-membrane. This kind of cells were in shape of oval and leaves, and the maximum long and wider diameter of this endothelial like cells were (8.32±1.04) μm and (2.79±0.68) μm respectively. The ratio of long and wide diameter was 1.45±0.22. The long axis of this cell was parallel to the vertical axis of venous, The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 128 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• and which were connected with linear structure appeared as string beads. The length of two adjacent endothelial like cells was (6.41±2.45)μm, and the linear structure pressed over other endothelial like cell. In conclusion, there was a novel kind of endothelial like cells in anterior marginal ear veins of rabbits, and this kind of cells were connected by linear structure. D4290 Structure of peripheral blood karyocyte clone in rabbit can inhibit the growth of U87 cells by induction typical apoptosis .The down-regulation of Bcl-2 and up-regulation of Bax and Bid may be involved in the mechanism. D4352 The different role of sonic hedgehog and Wnt3a in the transdifferentiation process of müller glial cells into photoreceptors Dandan Gu1, Kai Xiong1, Guomin Zhou2 1 Huayong Chen1, Shuling Bai2 1 Department of Human Anatomy, Preclinical Medicine College of Yanbian University, Yanji 133000; 2Department of Tissue Engineering, China Medical University, Shenyang 110001 Department of Integrative Medicine and Neurobiology, Institute of Acupuncture Research, Shanghai Medical College, Fudan University , 200032 Shanghai, RP China;2Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology, Shanghai Medical College, Fudan University , 200032 Shanghai, RP China Resveratrol Inhibits human glioblastoma U87 cell growth and induces its apoptosis Müller glial cells(MGCs) can de-differentiate, proliferate and differentiate into photoreceptors in vivo after be treated with Sonic Hedgehog(SHH) or Wnt3a. However, the manner in which the signaling pathways work is remain unknown. Here, we show that the two pathways play different roles in the transdifferentiation process of MGCs in vitro. Whether SHH or Wnt3a can induce the de-differentiation and proliferation of MGCs, and this effect can be prevented by inhibitors cyclopamine and DKK1. Furthermore, these SHH/Wnt3atreated MGCs can subsequently differentiate into neuron-like cells upon remove the two transcriptions and add RA(Retinoic acid) . However the proliferation manner is distinct. MGCs can proliferate only once after SHHtreatment, while they can maintain the self-renewal status with Wnt3a-treatment, expressing of progenitor-specific markers. Combinatorial application of sphere-culture, Wnt3a and SHH stimulation can improve the transdifferentiation efficiency of MGCs into photoreceptors. These results suggest that integrated use of different signaling pathways to regulate the activation of intrinsic MGCs might be the promising source for potential therapies for untreatable retinal degeneration. Yiling Huang, chengcheng You D4355 In this study, we observed particular structure of karyocyte clone in the while of culturing CD34 positive cells from peripheral blood cells in Japanese white rabbit. We applied five male Japanese white rabbits, and the weight of which were range from 2.50kg to 3.50kg.We extracted 5.00ml blood from post marginal ear veins , and cultured with 5.00ml 20%DMEM as well as 5.00ml lymphocyte separating medium. As results indicated that in third day, karyocyte clones were observed. In ninth day, karyocyte clones were connected in linear or arachnoid structure. These karyocytes were directly connected in form of single linear, some karyocyte clones emitted several linear structure to connect with other clones, and some clones emitted circle structure. In conclusion, between the karyocyte clone isolated from Japanese white rabbits had linear or arachnoid structure to link each other clone, and this kind of connection may contributed to cell signaling . D4310 Department of Pathology, Medical school of China Three Gorges University,YiChang 433002ˈHuBei, China Resveratrol(Res) is a phytoalexin which present in the skin of red grapes and other fruits. It is reported that Res exert antitumor activities at various stages of tumor initiation, promotion and progression .The aim of this experiment is to study the inhibition effect of Res on Glioblastoma U87 cell growth and to investigate the possible machanisam. U87 cells were treated with different concentration of Res˄0ȝMˈ 25ȝM ˈ 50ȝM ˈ 100ȝM ˅ .Cell growth inhibiotin was detected by MTT assay. Apotosis was determined using DNA ladder assay and flow cytometry. The molecular events of apoptotic cell death was evaluated with Western blotting. We found that Res can inhibit the growth of U87 cell in a dose and time dependent manner .There is tipical DNA ladder on DNA agarose electrophoresis.Tipical subdiploid peak can be detected after treated with Res for 12h. There was increased protein levels of pro-apoptotic Bax/Bid and decreased protein level of anti-apoptotic Bcl-2.we got the Conclusion that Res The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists Distribution and expression of MKP-1 in the brain of APP/PS1 double transgenic mice Yehong Du, Guiqiong He* Institute of Neuroscience, Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing, 400016, China The present study was aimed at investigating the distribution and expression of MKP-1 in the brain of APP/PS1 double transgenic mice, so as to clarify the relationship between MKP-1 and Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Immunohistochemical staining and Western Blot techniques were used to detect MKP-1 distribution and expression in the brain of APP/PS1 mice and their wild-type littermates. Results showed that MKP-1 was widely expressed in the brain areas, especially in the cerebral cortex, hippocampus, hypothalamus of the AD mice. The expression of MKP-1 in the brain of AD mice was gradually reduced with increased of age. MKP-1 expression in the brain of 8-month-old AD mice was significantly lower than of wild-type controls. The confocal laser scanning microscope showed that part of Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 129 MKP-1-positive substance co-existed with 4G8-positve senile plaques(SP). Taken together, our results suggest that the decreased expression level of MKP-1 in the AD mice brain maybe tightly related to SP formation and AD pathogenesis. with ginsenoside Rg3’s function. It provides possibility of CRABP2/FABP5 ratio broadly joins in fate determination of tumor cells and may hint available universal tumor target. D4385 D4371 Improved method to purify astrocytes in vitro The mRNA and microRNA expression profiles of human mesenchymal stem cell during adipogenesis Geng Chen, Xinhua Zhang*, Guohua Jin, Xiang Cheng, Lei Zhang, Xiaohui Lu, Jingjing Guo, Yi Hui Xiaoyuan Xu, Tao Wang, Ping Wu, Weidong Li Department of Human Anatomy, Nantong University, Nantong 226001, China Key laboratory of System Bio-medicine of Jiangxi Province, Jiujiang University, Jiujiang 332000, China Adult human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) from bone marrow are multipotent cells. We isolated hMSCs and introduced hMSCs into adipocyte, and we compared the mRNA and miRNA expression profiling at day 0(hMSC), 7, 14 and 21 during this process by microarray analysis. Different specific sets of mRNAs and miRNAs were identified for these differentiation time points versus d0. We focused the analysis of the three groups of different mRNA and miRNA transcripts: d7vsd0, d14vsd0, d21vsd0. We then produced the union of these groups and found 1001 changing mRNA and 56 changing miRNAs, from which we obtained 26 dynamic changes trends separately for mRNA and miRNA. According to the trends of miRNA and mRNA expression of correlation analysis (i.e. miRNA and mRNA trends type are completely opposite), we constructed the negative-correlation network between the miRNAs and their target mRNAs predicted by Targetscan 6.2. We discovered 77 pairs of miRNA and target mRNA that are negativecorrelated. This study improves our understand of the important negative-correlation regulation network between the miRNAs and its target mRNAs directing adipocyte differentiation, and potentially will provide theoretic support for the development, prevention and treatment of the disease like obesity, and type 2 diabetes mellitus. (This work was supported by the National Nature Science Foundation of China, No. 81160113) D4378 Rising CRABP2/FABP5 ratio participating in ginsenoside Rg3 anti-tumor effect Yuanshan Fu, Shaozhi Zhang, Xiu Shan, Xiaomei Yan, shuai Liu, Xuesong Yang, Qiu Yan College of Basic Medical Sciences, Dalian Medical University, Dalian 116044, PR China Glioma, a common type of primary brain tumor, exhibit varied responses to chemotherapy but effect of ginsenoside Rg3, a main component of Ginseng, is still unknown. Previous studies have proved that CRABP2/FABP5 ratio is a key point in anti-tumor process of all-trans-retinoic acid(RA) . U87 cell was cultured and treated with Rg3. mRNA and protein aiming for qRTPCR and Western Blot experiments were extracted from normal culturing cells and drug applicated ones. Results showed that CRABP2 increased after Rg3 treatment and meanwhile FABP5 decreased. CRABP2/FABP5 ratio is closely related with proliferation and differentiation of tumor cells especially in retinoic acid signaling pathway. Our research gave evidence that this change was associated not only directly with RA but also Aim to modify the method basing on differential-velocity adhesive time (DVAT) to get purer astrocytes in vitro. Cerebral cortex of neonatal rats was dissected and digested into single-cell suspension. Cells were plated into flask containing 10% FBS DMEM/F12 medium and maintained in 37 ºC for 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 or 60 min to let them adhere onto bottom. After that the floating cell were moved to a new flask. After 3 days culturing, the flask was shocked by force to remove the microglia and neurons. Immunohistochemistry showed that the purity of astrocytes varied according to the maintaining time in the flask. The longer the cells maintained, the higher the purity. However, the long maintenance resulted in small number of astrocytes we obtained. 40-min maintenance make >98% pure rate and about 5×105 cells per rat that is twice than 60-min. These results demonstrate as for rat astrocytes 40-min DVAT not only simplify operation and shorten the time of culture, but also improve efficiency to obtain high pure astrocytes for further research. D4394 Regulation of human importin 8 gene by transcription factor RUNX2 Jianjun Xiong, Xiaoyuan Xu, Weidong Li College of Basic Medical Science, Jiujiang University, Jiangxi Province, Jiujiang, 332000, China RUNX2 is a crucial regulator of osteoblast-specific gene expression and controls the expression of multiple target genes during osteoblast differentiation. However, genes regulated by RUNX2 are not fully clarified. In this study, we performed RUNX2 ChIP-on-chip in human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) and revealed IPO8 as a novel RUNX2 target gene. The 3300 bp of the 5’-flanking sequence of IPO8 was cloned and inserted into luciferase reporter vector pGL-3 Basic. Dual luciferase reporter assays showed that this fragment presented a strong basal promoter activity and the RUNX2 binding site located at position -496 bp to -501 bp was required for maximal IPO8 promoter activity in Saos-2 cells. Furthermore, ChIP assay confirmed that RUNX2 specifically binds to this DNA motif in the IPO8 promoter. In addition, knockdown of RUNX2 expression inhibited promoter activation as well as endogenous IPO8 transcription. Finally, IPO8 expression was synchronized with RUNX2 expression during osteoblast differentiation. Collectively, these results demonstrate that IPO8 is regulated by RUNX2 and may participate in osteoblast differentiation. D4425 The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 130 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• Trx/Txnip is the key element in Neuro-2A cell apoptosis induced by AGEs Yuanyuan Qiu, Hui Qi, Junli Liu, Haiying Ma and Li Kong* Department of histology and embryology, Dalian medical university, Dalian, China 116044. Advanced Glycation End products(AGEs)which are thought to be one of factors in diabetes and its complications. Thioredoxin (Trx) system is considered as a crucial role in cell defense against oxidative stresses. Thioredoxininteracting protein (Txnip), an endogenous inhibitor of antioxidant Trx, plays a vital role in diabetes and its complications. In this study, we investigated whether overexpression of Trx and shRNA-Txnip preserve the photoreceptor from apoptosis induced by Advanced Glycation End products (AGEs).Trx and LacZ overexpression cell line treated with AGEs and shRNATxnip administration Neruo-2A treated with AGEs were employed to study the role of Trx in Neruo-2A cell apoptosis and the mechanism. The results showed that (1) Txnip expression was significantly increased in Neuro-2A-LacZ group compared with Neuro-2A-Trx with the treatment of AGEs in both groups (P < 0.01) (2) Expression of Txnip in shRNA-Txnip group was lower than Neuro-2A-LacZ group with time-dependent manner(P<0.01). (3) The expression of Txnip was no significant difference between shRNA-Txnip group and Neuro-2A-Trx group with AGEs treatment (P>0.05).These results suggest that Trx can effectively inhibit up-regulation of Txnip expression mediated by AGEs, shRNA-Txnip interference has the same role. D4432 Effects of P38MAPK on acetaldehydeinduced proliferation and Apoptotic proteins expres sion in rat’s hepatic stellate cell Renyuan Zheng1, Qin Zhang1, Mingde Jiang 2 1 Chengdu Medical College, Chengdu 610083; 2Department o f Gastroenterology, General Hospital, Chengdu Military Co mmand, Chengdu 610083 Preliminarily study the effects of p38MAPK on proliferation and protein expression of bcl-2 in rat’s acetaldehy deinduced hepatic stellate cell, to provide Theoretical basis for the prevention of alcoholic liver fibrosis. Rats’hepatic stellate cells (HSC-T6) stimulated by acetaldehyde were incubated with diferent concentrations P38 signaling pathway inhibitor sb203580, The cell proliferation was evaluated by MTT,the distribution of Cell cycle was analyzed by flow cytometry (FCM),and the expression of bcl-2 protein was examined by SABC method. Results:The proliferation of HSC-T6 was inhibited by different doses of sb203580. The proliferation rate of HSC-T6 ,the expression of bcl-2 protein were signifi cantly reduced and the proportion of G0/G1 phase cells was Increased,S phase cells was decreased with the increasing of the sb203580 doses. Conclusion: sb203580 can inhibit the proliferation of acetaldehyde-induced HSC, which maybe related to the reduced expression of Caspase-3 protein and blocking the cells from G0/G1 phase to S phase. The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists D4451 Amyloid-beta accelerates the increase of the weight and blood sugar level of mice fed on high calorie diet Ying Feng, Wei Wu, Jia Zhao, Xue Zhou, Bin Luo, Guizhi Yang Department of histology and embryology, College of Basic and Forensic Medicine, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan, 610041, China To study the effect of Amyloid-beta on the blood sugar level of the mice fed on high calorie diet, C57/Bl6 WT and Alzheimer's disease transgenic APP/PS1 mice were fed with normal and high calorie diet for 5 months, respectively. The weight, the blood sugar level, insulin tolerance and glucose tolerance ability of the mice were monitored. Results: The increasing rate of the weight was accelerated for APP/PS1 mice than WT mice when fed on high calorie diet from 3 months on. The fasted blood sugar level of APP/PS1 mice was higher than that of WT mice when fed on high calorie diet for 25 weeks. APP/PS1 mice showed hyperglycemia. The insulin tolerance test result of high-calorie-diet APP/PS1 mice was also significantly different from the rest of the mice. Conclusion: the increasing Amyloid-beta level accelerated the weight and blood sugar change in APP/PS1 mice fed on high calorie diet. D4452 Screening of novel PPARgamma/RXR target genes by combining microarray expression profiling and ChIP-on-chip during adipocgenesis Xiaoyuan Xu, Jianjun Xiong, Ping Wu, Weidong Li Key laboratory of System Biomedicine of Jiangxi Province, Jiujiang University, Jiujiang 332000, China PPARgamma (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma) is known as the master regulator of adipocyte biology. We compared the mRNA expression profiling in human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) at day 0(hMSC) and 14 during adipogenesis by microarray analysis and performed a genome-wide search for joint target genes of PPARgamma and its partner protein retinoid X receptor (RXR) at d14 of adipogenesis by ChIP-on-chip. We obtained 101 intersection genes, which were annotated were summarized into 9 significant GO term in GO analysis 6 significant Pathway term in Pathway Analysis. In the distribution of the genes of the GO and Pathway Significant Analysis, nucleosome assembly made up the majority of the GO Analysis and the glycosaminoglycan biosynthesis made up the majority of the Pathway Analysis separately. We have screened target genes of PPARgamma/RXR during adipogenesis in a genome-wide manner, and provide an important resource for the study of PPARgamma function for regulating adipogenesis. (This work was supported by the National Nature Science Foundation of China, No. 81160113) D4458 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 131 Association between single nucleotide polymorphisms of BARD1 gene and susceptibility of thyroid carcinoma in Inner Mongolia region D4468 Increased expression of Dnmt3a correlates with oligodendroglial dysfunction in schizophrenia-like mouse Hongxin Yang, Lin Chen, Xiulan Liu, Yan Wang, Xiaodan Li Hanlin Tang1,2, Liang Zhang1,2, Jianqin Niu1, Subao Liu1, Xianjun Chen1, Xiyan Wu1, Xingshu Chen1§, Lan Xiao1 Department of Cytobiology, Institute of Basic Medical Science, Inner Mongolia Medical University, Huhhot 010059 China 1 To investigate the association between single nucleotide polymorphisms(SNPs) of BARD1 gene and susceptibility of thyroid cancer in Inner Mongolia region. A case-control study was designed to explore the genotypes of Pro24Ser(C/T), Arg378Ser(G/C), detected by PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) assay, in 56 thyroid cancer cases and 45 cancer-free controls. Sex and profession were related with thyroid cancer. The association between SNPs of BARD1 gene and risk of thyroid cancer was analyzed by unconditional logistic regression model. The frequencies of genotypes of Pro24Ser(C/T), Arg378Ser(G/C) of BARD1 gene showed significant differences between the cancer cases and cancer-free controls(P˘0.05). Compared with wild-type genotype Pro24Ser and Arg378Ser, they showed a low incidence of thyroid cancer with variant genotypes of Pro24Ser and Arg378Ser. SNPs of Pro24Ser(C/T), Arg378Ser(G/C) gene are associated significantly risk of thyroid cancer in Inner Mongolia region. Different BARDl mutations in thyroid cancer patients may increase their genetic susceptibility to thyroid cancerˊ D4462 Department of Histology and Embryology, 2The Seven Battalion of Student Brigade, Third Military Medical University, Chongqing 400038, China. * Alterations in DNA methylation has been found to be involved in pathogenesis of schizophrenia. In the present study we proposed to investigate the correlation of DNA methylation and oligodendroglial dysfunction in schizophrenia-like mouse brain. L-methionine was used to induce schizophrenia-like behavior which was detected by open field, Rota-rod test, social interaction and prepulse inhibition (PPI). LFB staining and electron microscope were used to investigate myelin integrate. QRT-PCR, Western blot and immunohistochemistry were used to detect expression of 5mC, Dnmt3a, Olig1/2, Sox10, PDGFRĮ and MBP genes in this model. The results showed decreased exploratory and social interaction ability, disruption of the PPI, which were correlated with abnormal myelin, increased expression of 5mC, Dnmt3a, and down-regulation of the myelin genes. These results suggest that DNA methylation may involve in oligodendroglial dysfunction in schizophrenia-like mouse. D4488 Clinical management of medulloblastoma depend on Molecular subgroups Smad4-overexpression Combined with Curcumin inhibit VEGF-C expression in HCT-116 Colon Cancer Cells Zhongxiao Lin, Ming Cai, Xiao feng Zhang , Huihuang Qiao ,Chuangen Ren, Xindong Yang, Jianwu zheng, Nu Zhang, Chengchun Chen Xuemei Li, Xinlei Li, Yafang Zhang Department of Anatomy, Harbin Medical University, Harbin, China Zhongxiao Lin,Ming Cai,Xiao feng Zhang , Huihuang Qiao ,Chuangen Ren,Xindong Yang,Jianwu zheng,Nu Zhang,Chengchun Chen Molecular studies from several groups around the world demonstrated that medulloblastoma is not one disease but comprises a collection of distinct molecular subgroups. Our current consensus is that there are only four core subgroups, which should be termed WNT, SHH, Group 3 and Group 4. Results from other analyses will form the basis for prospective multicenter studies and will have an impact on how the different subgroups of medulloblastoma will be treated in the future. In corroborating other studies that indicate the value of combining clinical, pathological, and molecular variables in therapeutic stratification schemes for medulloblastoma, we also provide the first outcome data based on a clinical trial and novel data on how molecular subgroups are distributed across the range of disease.we are ongoing to design a diagnostic kit to attribute patients to the four subgroups. we are also beginning to understand how aberrant cell signaling contributes to medulloblastoma development and answering the outstanding questions which signal pathways are crucial for tumour growth, and which display redundancy. Smad4 acts as a tumor suppressor, is closely related to tumors, also influences sensitivity of cancer cells to drugs. Curcumin has anti-tumor effects. Previous work from our laboratory has shown that VEGF-C expression increased in colon cancer tissues, it may be an useful clinically indicator for prognostic evaluation in colon cancer patients. The aim of this study is to investigate the biological effects of the combination of Smad4 and curcumin on VEGF-C expression in HCT-116 cells. Quantitative reverse transcription-PCR, western blotting were used to detect VEGF-C secreted by these cells overexpressing Smad4 and treated with curcumin. Results showed that overexpression of Smad4 inhibits VEGF-C mRNA and protein expression, reduces AKT phosphorylation, indicating that Smad4 modulates the VEGFC expression of HCT-116 cells via PI3K/AKT pathway. Curcumin does not affect VEGF-C expression alone in HCT116, but inhibit VEGF-C expression in HCT-116 colon cancer cell line stably-expressing Smad4, indicating that Smad4 enhances the sensitivity of the colon cancer cells to curcumin. These results suggest that Smad4 could become a new target for the treatment of colon cancer. The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 132 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• D4495 Effct of Scutellaria baicalensis Stem-leave Total Flavonoid on experession of Bcl-2 and Bax protein in rats during focal cerebral ischemia/reperfusion injury Congru Qi Chengde Medical College ,Chengde Hebei 067000 China To study the neuroprotective effect and molecular mechanism of Scutellaria baicalensis Stem-leave Total Flavonoid (SSTF) on ischemia/reperfusion injury. The rats with middle artery occlusion was described by Zea-Longa for 2h and reperfusion for 24h. Fifty male healthy SD rats were randomly divided into five groups:I,II,III and SSTF pretreatment group ˈ ischemia reperfusion group and sham-operation group each group. The immunodistochemical method and ISEL reaction were used to facilitate the quantities of Bcl-2 and Bax protein in the brain tissue. There were 8.87±4.38 cells in Bcl-2 immunostaining in the ischemia reperfusion group,9.97±4.41 cells in the SSTF-I group,13.01±5.02 cells in the SSTF-II group,12.98±4.89 cells in the SSTF-III group.There were 18.16±7.69 cells in Bax immunostaining in the ischemia reperfusion group,12.98±7.01 cells in the SSTF-I groupˈ 10.41±5.45 cells in the SSTF-II group,9.91±5.23 cells in the SSTF-III group (P<0.01).SSTF pretreatment can increased the expression of Bcl-2 protein,decreased the expression of Bax protein attenuated the neuronal injury in cerebral cortex caused by ischemic reperfusion. Ting Wang, Yanwen Dai, Changcheng Zhang, Jingzhi Wan, Ding Yuan Department of Pharmacology, College of Medical Science, Three Gorges University, Hubei 443002, China Chikusetsusaponin V (CsV) , is one of the main and specific components of saponins from Panax japonicus that have been reported to possess anti-inflammatory activities. This study aimed to investigate the anti-inflammatory effect of CsV on RAW264.7 macrophage cells activated by LPS. Cells were stimulated with LPS (1 ȝg/mL) and treated with CsV at different concentrations. The changes in the inflammatory profiles of RAW264.7-derived macrophages were determined. The results showed that CsV significantly inhibited the levels of NO, iNOS, TNF-Į and IL-1ȕ in LPSstimulated RAW264.7 cells with a dose dependent manner. Furthermore, NF-țB activation was signi¿cantly suppressed and the phosphorylation of ERK and JNK was also downregulated after CsV treatment. At the same time, the increased mRNA expressions of CD14 and TLR4 after LPS sitmulation were markedly reversed after CsV treatment in a dose dependent fashion. These results indicated that CsV attenuated LPS-induced inflammatory responses partly involvement of TLR4 mediated NF-țB and MAPK pathways. D4563 D4503 + Chikusetsu saponin V attenuates MPP -induced neurotoxicity in SH-SY5Y cells via regulation of Sirt1 and GRP78 pathways ,* Jingzhi Wan, Lili Deng, Ting Wang Ding Yuan Study of panax japonics saponin combined with 5fu on human cervical cancer caski cell Qianqian Yang, Shedan Luo * Department of Pharmacology, College of Medical Science, Three Gorges University, Yichang, Hubei 443002, China Some studies have reported that saponins from Panax japonicus (SPJ) exhibit neuroprotective effects. Whereas Chikusetsu saponin V (CsV) is one of the specific members of SPJ and whether it can exert neuroprotective effects remains unknown. Herein, we investigated the neuroprotective effects of CsV on MPP+-induced cytotoxicity in SH-SY5Y cells and possible mechanisms. The present results showed that CsV attenuated MPP+-induced cytotoxicity, inhibitted ROS accumulation and reversed mitochondrial membrane potential in a dose-dependent manner. Meanwhile, we found that levels of Sirt1 protein and Mn-SOD mRNA significantly decresed in MPP+-treated group but increased with CsV treatment in a dose-dependent manner. Furthermore, GRP78 and Caspase-12 expressions increased by MPP+ exposure, which was reversed by CsV treatment. CsV inhibited the MPP+-induced downregulation of Bcl-2 and upregulation of Bax in a dose-dependent manner and thus increased the ratio of Bcl-2/Bax. Overall, our data suggested that CsV exerted neuroprotective effects possibly via regulation of Sirt1 and GRP78 pathways. D4504 The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists Chikusetsusaponin V attenuates LPS-induced inflammatory responses involvement of NF-țB and MAPK pathways in RAW 264.7 macrophages China Three Gorges University,443002 To study the antitumor and induced apoptosis effects of Panax japonicus on Human Cervical Carcinoma Caski Cells. This result basis for Panax japonicus in in clinical practice. Inhibition effect of PJ on human cervical cancer Caski cell in vitro, this further proved PJ could restrains the growth of tumor cells. The effect enhanced when PJ used concomitantly with 5-Fu, it shows that the effect could be enhance of PJ combined with 5-FU on inhibiting proliferation and inducting apoptosis of Caski cells. PJ may exert its antiproliferative effect by inhibit DNA synthesis, changed cell cycle of Caski and Inducing Caski cells apoptosis, its mechanism may be relevant to the up-regulation of P53 and p21 protein expression as well as down-regulation of C-myc and C-fos expression. The study shows that PJ has the effect on inhibition of tumor cells, with its efficacy markedly enhanced when used concomitantly with 5-Fu. We can put it into explored further on PJ and PJ combined with 5-FU the mechanisms of up-regulation of P53 and p21 protein expression as well as down-regulation of C-myc and C-fos expression. D4565 Research of mechanism for human TGF-ȕsignal transduction pathway Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 133 Department of Histology and Embryology of School of Preclinical Medicine, Guangxi Medical University, Nanning, People's Republic of China * Shedan Luo China Three Gorges University , 443002 Yi Chang, China TGF-ȕ (transforming growth factor-ȕ) is a very important role in cytokines, with many physiological and pathological processes in the pathway of transduction in human body. TGF-ȕ regulate the biological behavior of many cells, including cell proliferation, recognition, apoptosis, differentiation and others in human body. To play its role, first , TGF-ȕ will bind to the receptor of TGF-ȕ type- II and type- I on the surface of cells, this makes the formation of receptor complexes; Then the type II receptor phosphorylated and then activate the type I receptor, and then type I receptor phosphorylated and then activate the Smad proteins, and then the activated Smad proteins enter into the nucleus of the cells, and other synergistic or inhibition of nuclear factor binding to these activated Smad proteins , this complexes can regulate target gene transcription. In recent years, many studies occurs in TGF-ȕ signal transduction pathway, these results are very important for the guide of medical research. So we make this review in this field. D4580 Regulation of p38MAPK signal pathway on Į 7AChR and LRP1 mediated the internalization of amyloid protein in hippocampus Kaige Ma1, Jia Lv2, Weina Yang1, *Yihua Qian1 ,*Qiumin Qu2 D4609 Expression and clinical significance of E-cadherin and Snail in colorectal carcinoma 1 Department of Human Anatomy, Histology and Embryology, Xi’an Jiaotong University College of Medicine, 76 Yanta West Road, Xi’an, 710061, China; 2Department of Neurology, The First Affiliated Hospital of Xi’an Jiao Tong University Yan Li, Fei Xu, Shen Liu, Lei Li, Ning Fan, Zhongkang Cui The characteristic pathological changes is the accumulation of amyloid beta protein (Aȕ) within brain, and intraneuronal deposition of Aȕ is one of the earliest pathological events in AD. Our preliminary studies suggest that Į7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (Į7nAChR) and low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein-1(LRP1) involve in Aȕ internalization. In this study, the results showed that the neuron internalized Aȕ in CA1 of hippocampus. The expression of Į 7nAChR and LRP1 increased significantly, also found that p38MAPK signaling pathway is activated in hippocampus. Furthermoreˈthe findings indicated that p38 MAPK inhibitor attenuated internalization of Aȕ as well as decreased the expression of Į7nAChR and LRP1. These results support that the regulation of Į 7nAChR and LRP1 mediated the internalization of Aȕ via p38MAPK signal pathway. D4592 ChIP-chip analysis for target genes of GCF2 transcription factor in a hepatocellular carcinoma cell line HepG2 Jinping Li, Naixia Cao, Bo Wu, Li Chen, Defeng Chen, Farong Mo, Li Sun, Xiaoxun Xie , Guorong Luo* GC-binding factor 2 (GCF2) is a transcriptional repressor that negatively regulates the activities of the genes enriching GC sequences in promoters. Since there are many genes enriching GC sequences in eukaryotic genomes, the objective of this study is to identify these targets of GCF2 on a genome-wide scale. Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) combined with DNA microarray analysis (ChIP-chip) was used in this experiment. The chromatin DNA in human hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) cell line HepG2 was obtained from ChIP procedures and these DNA was hybridized to Human 385k RefSeq Promoter Arrays. After hybridization, the microarrays were scanned and the raw data were extracted. A false discovery rate (FDR) score was used to identify peaks which represent significant positive enrichment, and the peaks with an FDR İ 0.05 were mapped to genomic features: transcripts. The genes corresponding transcripts were categorized according to their molecular functions. In this study, 1,375 targets of GCF2 were identified, and the molecular function analysis showed that the functions of these targets are multiple, including sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor activity, protein binding, and transferase activity. Our results suggest that GCF2 has plentiful targets and probably participate in the development of HCC by impacting different targets. Anatomy Department of Dalian Medical Univercity, Dalian 116044, China In this study we focus on the characteristics of E-cadherin and Snail in colorectal tumor specimens, precancerous lesions and relatively adjacent normal colorectal epithelium and to explore the guiding significance of clinical diagnosis and prognosis. We make tissue microarrays of 62 cases diagnosed of colorectal cancer without clear treatment of radiotherapy and chemotherapy resection specimens and 21 normal cases. The expressions and relationship between the pathological features of E-cadherin and Snail in colorectal rectal cancer tissues were analyzed using immunohistochemistry. In 21 cases of relatively normal tissues and 62 cases of colorectal cancer, E-cadherin reduced 28.6% and 83.9%, which has a significant difference (p < 0.01). 16 cases in 62 of colon cancer and 46 of rectal tumor specimens E-cadherin reduced 87.5% and 82.6% and there was no statistically significant difference (p = 0.649). Snail increased to 52.4% and 82.9%, which got a significant difference (p <0.05). While Snail in colorectal specimens increased to 93.8% and 78.3% ,no statistically significant difference (p = 0.166). E-cadherin expression in colorectal cancer was significantly reduced while Snail increased. We speculated that E-cadherin protein expression may be regulated by Snail. Two indicators can be used as potential molecular biomarkers for colorectal cancer diagnosis and malignancy degree evaluation. The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 134 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• D4614 The influence of andrographolide on cell apoptosis and expression of PCNA protein in A431 cell line Jing Shi Department of Anatomy Shanxi Medical University Fenyang CollegeˈFengyang 032200ˈChina To study influence of AD in A431 cells apoptosis. Cell morphology was observed by fluorescence microscopy, A431 cells apoptosis was detect by FCM, Rh123 staining detected mitochondrial membrane potential by FCM. A part of nuclear chromatin appeared typical apoptosis morphological changes after AD group acted A431 cells 24 hours. Early apoptosis,late apoptosis and necrosis rates was increased with various AD concentrations treatment for 24 hours.AD group mitochondrial membrane potential decreased significantly . Conclusions AD could induce A431 cells apoptosis and mechanism could be associated with decreasing mitochondrial membrane potential. D4622 The GCF2 mRNA expression in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cell Lines Riting Jiang, Jinping Li, Naixia Cao, BO Wu, Li Chen, Defeng Chen, Farong Mo, Li Sun, Xiaoxun Xie , Guorong Luo * Department of Histology and Embryology of School of Preclinical Medicine, Guangxi Medical University, Nanning; People's Republic of China GC-binding factor 2 (GCF2) is a transcriptional repressor that decreases the promoter activity of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). Recent reports have shown that GCF2 is possibly involved in the development of many tumors. The aim in this study is to investigate the GCF2 mRNA expression in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) cell lines BEL-7404, HepG2, SMMC-7721, QGY-7703 and normal liver cell line HL-7702. Reverse transcripase polymerase chain reaction ( RT-PCR) was used to detect the GCF2 mRNA expression in these cell lines above ˊ Our results showed that GCF2 mRNA was over-expressed in BEL-7404 HepG2, SMMC-7721 and QGY-7703; however, the lower expression of GCF2 mRNA was found in HL-7702 cells. These primary results suggest that overexpression of GCF2 mRNA may be closely related to the development of HCCˊ IFAA2014-5-001 Technology enhanced learning in medical school with special reference to anatomy Fariha Qureshi Anatomy, University of Health Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan * Arsenic is a teratogenic agent present in the environment as oxides and arsenate and humans are exposed to it through The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists contaminated drinking water, food, soil and air. This investigation was undertaken to evaluate protective role of Vitamin C and E against teratogenic injury produced by sodium arsenate in developing kidney of the mouse. Methods: Twenty-four pregnant albino mice of BALB/c strain, were randomly divided into 4 groups of 6 each: A1, A2, A3 and A4. Group A1 served as the control and received weight related distilled water by intra-peritoneal (I/P) injection, group A2 was given a single doses of 35 mg/kg on 8th GD whereas groups A3 and A4 were treated with Vitamin C and E by IP injection, 9 mg/kg/day and 15 mg/kg/day respectively, starting from 8th day and continued for the rest of the pregnancy period. The foetal kidneys were weighed and histological studies carried out including micrometry on different components of nephron. Results: Sodium arsenate toxicity manifested as an increase in weight of the kidneys, wider nephrogenic zone and significant reduction in the mean of number of mature renal corpuscles as compared to the control group (p<0.000). There were moderate to severe necrotic and degenerative changes in proximal and distal convoluted tubules; glomeruli were hypercellular, the Bowman’s spaces were obliterated. There was a statistically significant difference in mean diameter of renal corpuscles of group A2 when compared with groups A1, A3 and A4, (p<0.000). Conclusions: The findings implied that groups receiving Vitamin C and E along with sodium arsenate showed an overall improvement in all parameters, indicating the protective role of Vitamin C and E against arsenic induced teratogenicity in developing kidney and are safe to use during pregnancy without deleterious effect on human conspectuses in arsenic exposed areas. IFAA2014-5-002 Embryologist and Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) Current Trend Stephen W. Carmichael1, Marios Louka, R2 . Shane Tubbs 3 1 Department of Anatomy, 2St. George's University, St. George's, Grenada, 3Department of Pediatric Neurosurgery, University of Alabama Birmingham, Birmingham, AL, USA. * Embryology is the branch of biology that deals with the formation and early development of living organisms. An embryologist is a physician who specializes in embryology that is studies the beginning of life and the science of reproduction. Embryologists specifically study the culture of embryos in clinical or research laboratories. A thorough background in embryological principles leads to better understanding of anatomy, and pathophysiology. Developmental biologists need to understand the temporal and spatial relationships of the growing and transforming embryonic tissues. They do routine diagnostic services and therapeutic embryological procedures, like in vitro fertilization (IVF) in clinics and hospitals. Assisted reproductive technology (ART) is treatment or procedures that include the in vitro handling of human oocytes and sperm or embryos for the purpose of achieving a pregnancy. They commonly work alongside other doctors to help their patients with reproductive health issues and clinical research. IFAA2014-5-003 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 135 Dynamics of the peridental mandibular bone during prenatal development Ralf J. Radlanski, Herbert Renz, Camilla A. Zimmermann, Felix P. Schuster, Nyamdorj Tsengelsaikhan, Alexander Voigt. Dept. of Craniofacial Developmental Biology at CharitéUniversitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany. * Evolutionary origin and embryological patterning during formation of the human mandible may we well addressed from the past and current literature. Also, an abundance of molecular signaling pathways have been revealed by recent and contemporary research. The question. however, how the specific form (the Gestalt) of the mandible is created in each individual, has not been solved to our contentment, yet. Based on a collection of human embryos and fetuses ranging between 19 and 270 mm Crown-Rump-Length (CRL), which have been prepared as serial sections, the mandible with its related structures has been identified and reconstructed in 3D using the software AnalySIS (Olympus Berlin). Special focus has been laid on the bone remodeling sites, which also have been mapped in 3D. In the presentation, the changes in form of the peridental bone (ridges, septa, crypts, and alveoli) and the associated pattern of bone remodeling were mapped. The dynamics of peridental bone formation could be evaluated according to the disclosed bone remodeling pattern: Crypts and alveoli arise as a minute interplay between resorption at the bottom of the crypts and apposition at their bony margins. Furthermore, a migration pattern of the dental primordia could be elucidated. The molecular signaling behind this detailed behavior remains precluded so far. This discourse is seen to be a basic contribution to bridge the gap between our morphologically oriented research with the field of molecular signaling during morphogenesis. IFAA2014-5-004 Horizons in development McCracken Sharon A1, Rimmington Lucy A1., Hubbard Andrew R1, Bright Nicholas A1,3, Cockroft Neil1, Jefferson Timothy B1, Waldron Emma1 , d'Lacey Christopher1, Hottor Afedo1,4, Ahenkorah John1,4, Byrne Simon1, Ockleford Colin D1,2. 1 Department of Infection Immunity and Inflammation, University of Leicester Medical School, University Rd, Leicester, LE1 9HN, UK;2Clinical Anatomy Learning Center, Lancaster Medical School, Faculty of Health and Medicine, C14 Faraday Building, Lancaster University, Bailrigg, Lancaster LA1 4YB, UK;3Dept. of Clinical Biochemistry, Cambridge University, Addenbrooks Hospital, Hills Road, Cambridge, UK;4 Department of Anatomy, University of Ghana Medical School, Accra, Ghana * and are therefore potential targets for new pharmaceutical intervention to delay rupture. Maternal endothelium lining vessels that allow blood to enter and leave the intervillus space (IVS) and syncytiotrophoblast reflected onto the basal plate must eventually be united. We now believe that lining the IVS there are endothelial cells of maternal origin participating in a mosaic with trophoblast to form the IVS lining. Together they align as a monolayer. Endothelial cells are found extensively lining the basal plate. We show using in situ hybridisation that the endothelia are maternal genetically whereas the ectodermal trophoblast is genetically fetal. The chorionic plate is also a mosaic combining endothelial cells and trophoblast. This demonstration of an extensive allo-epi-endothelium appears to constitutes an exception to the embryological germ layer theory that has been unchallenged since the late 1800’s. IFAA2014-5-005 The occurance of congenital neurofibromatosis: A case report Churchill J. Ihentuge1, Ihuoma I. Agwu2 1 Anatomy and Neurobiology, Imo State University, Owerri, Nigeria; 2Platinum Medical Centre, Wellington Hospital, St. John's Wood London, NW8 7AJ * Neurofibromatosis is a disorder that affects the bone, nervous system, soft tissue, and skin. At least 8 different clinical phenotypes have been identified, and they are linked to at least 2 genetic disorders. In this study a congenital plexiform neurofibroma of the scalp and face was diagnosed in a patient who presented in a general outpatient department with history of multiple generalized skin nodular lesions with facial disfigurement and visual impairment dated from birth. There were multiple café-au-lait spots and a CT scan of the skull performed without contrast medium showed an extensive soft tissue tumour (25cmX15cm) affecting mostly the right side of the head and face with marked thickening of the skin of scalp as well as the right eyelid and nose. Histologically there was no evidence of malignancy. Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait, affecting approximately one in every 3000 children worldwide. NFI sometimes also appears in families with no previous history of the condition as a result of a new genetic mutation. In this case report there was some neurological deficit and subcutaneous lumps, but no associated family history was observed suggestive of features of Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1). IFAA2014-5-006 The prevalence of ankyloglossia congenital anomaly in riverine areas of south east nigerian population Churchill J. Ihentuge1, Ihuoma I. Agwu2, Hope K. Okechukwu3 1 Our discovery of rivet-like structures in the amnion that pin together key tissue layers is cause for optimism amongst medical scientists exploring causes of premature births following preterm rupture of the fetal membranes. These structures have the properties expected of nodal sites where growth and breakdown of strong sheets of collagen take place Anatomy and Neurobiology, Imo State University, Owerri, Nigeria; 2Platinum Medical Centre, Wellington Hospital, St. John's Wood London, NW8 7AJ; 3 Anatomy, Abia State University, Uturu, Nigeria * The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 136 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• This research was done to determine the occurrence of ankyloglossia developmental anomaly in Riverine Areas of South East Nigerian Population. 1640 newborn babies delivered in selected hospitals, health centers, maternity homes and traditional birth homes between November 2009 and October 2012 were used as sample population for this study. 840 were females and 800 males. The subjects were carefully examined within the first week of delivery for this tongue anomaly. Consent was also obtained from the subjects parents and ethical clearance observed. The result showed that out of the 1640 babies examined, 16 subjects were found with congenital anomalies and Ankyloglossia tongue anomaly had a prevalence of 0.37% of the studied population and 37.5% of those with congenital lesions. The male female ratio was 5:1 which is significantly (p<0.05) high than most reported cases. The reported prevalence of Ankyloglossia varies from <1% to 10.7%. The variation may be attributed in part to the lack of a uniform definition and objective grading system for tongue-tie. In this study, the incidence of 0.37% of the studied population is in line with previous studies but effort should be made to develop a standardized method of definition and grading of this important congenital anomaly. IFAA2014-5-007 Novel expression and functional implication of Rasrelated protein 1 during mouse spermatogenesis Wei Li1, Guangchao Zhao2, Tian Yang3, Jie Zhao1 1 Department of Human Anatomy, Histology and Embryology, Fourth Military Medical University, Xi’an, China2The 6th Cadet Squadron of the Brigade, Fourth Military Medical University, Xi’an, China; 3The 12th Cadet Squadron of the Brigade, Fourth Military Medical University, Xi’an, China * Genes involved in proliferation and apoptosis are clearly important for the occurrence of mature spermatogenesis. Herein, we provide compelling evidence for the expression and functional role of Ras-related protein 1 (Rap1), a member of the Ras superfamily, in the mouse testis. Quantitative analysis revealed that Rap1 expression gradually increased in the testis from 5 days postnatally, with maximum levels in adult specimens. At this age, Rap1 peptide was mainly immunodetected in mitotic spermatogonia within seminiferous tubules. Testicular expression of Rap1 showed stage-specificity, with peak expression values at stages IIVIII of the seminiferous epithelial cycle. In addition, significant up-regulation of Rap1 expression from spermatogonia was observed in the testes from mice suffering unilateral cryptorchidism. Finally, inhibition of Rap1 activity, by intraperitoneal injection of farnesylthiosalicylic acidamide, significantly attenuated the abdominal exposureinduced apoptosis in spermatogonia. Overall, our present results provide the first evidence for the potential involvement of Rap1 in the pathogenesis of the mitotic apoptotic process occurring in the cryptorchid testes. These data underscore a reproductive facet of this important small GTPase, which may operate as a novel modulator linking hyperthermal damage and male reproduction. IFAA2014-5-008 Withdraw The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists IFAA2014-5-009 Excess caffeine exposure impairs eye development during chick embryogenesis Zheng-lai Ma1, Guang Wang1, Xin Cheng1, Manli Chuai2, Kenneth Lee3, Xuesong Yang1 1 Department of Histology & Embryology, Medical College of Jinan University, Guangzhou 510632, China;2Division of Cell and Developmental Biology, University of Dundee, Dundee, DD1 5EH, UK;3Key Laboratory for Regenerative Medicine of the Ministry of Education, School of Biomedical Sciences, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong * Caffeine has been an integral component of our diet and medicines for centuries. It is now known that overconsumption of caffeine has detrimental effects on our health, and also disrupts normal fetal development in pregnant mothers. In this study, we investigated the potential teratogenic effect of caffeine over-exposure on eye development in the early chick embryo. Firstly, we demonstrated that caffeine exposure caused chick embryos to develop asymmetrical microphthalmia and induced the orbital bone to develop abnormally. Secondly, caffeine exposure perturbed Pax6 expression in the retina of the developing eye. In addition, it perturbed the migration of HNK-1+ cranial neural crest cells. Pax6 is an important gene that regulates eye development, so altering the expression of this gene might be the cause for the abnormal eye development. Thirdly, we found that reactive oxygen species (ROS) production was significantly increased in eye tissues following caffeine treatment, and that the addition of antioxidant vitamin C could rescue the eyes from developing abnormally in the presence of caffeine. This suggests that excess ROS induced by caffeine is one of the mechanisms involved in the teratogenic alterations observed in the eye during embryogenesis. In sum, our experiments in the chick embryo demonstrated that caffeine is a potential teratogen. It causes asymmetrical microphthalmia to develop by increasing ROS production and perturbs Pax6 expression. IFAA2014-5-010 Role of high mobility group Box 1 in hyperthermiainduced neural tube defects Li Yu1, Tianliang Zhang1, Li Wang1, Xue Yan1, Hui Zhao1, Xin Wang2, Yingjun Guan1 1 Department of Histology and Embryology,Weifang Medical University,shandong,China;2Department of Neurosurgery, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts, USA * Neural tube defects (NTDs) are a group of severe congenital malformations resulting from the failure of neurulation. Neurogenesis leads to the formation of the neural tube through neural stem cell (NSC) proliferation and differentiation, as well as neuron migration, maturation, and integration. High Mobility Group Box 1 (HMGB1) is a nuclear and extracellular protein that is implicated in the development and progression of neurulation. The present study was conducted to investigate the potential role of Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 137 HMGB1 in NTDs induced by hyperthermia. Using qRT-PCR, western blotting and immunohistochemistry analysis, the expression of HMGB1 in the neural tube between embryonic day 8.5 and 10 (E8.5-10) in hyperthermia-induced NTDs of golden hamsters were detected. HMGB1 was downregulated in NTDs groups induced by hyperthermia. We hypothesize that HMGB1 affects the morphology and function of embryonic NSCs. Then, a lentivirus vector with HMGB1 siRNA was constructed and used to infect embryonic NSCs. The downregulation of HMGB1 expression by RNA interference was confirmed by qRT-PCR and western blotting analysis. The knockdown of HMGB1 in embryonic NSCs significantly suppressed NSC proliferation, thus decreasing the size of neurosphere colonies. These findings suggest that hyperthermia negatively affects neural tube development through suppression of HMGB1 to slow NSC proliferation. IFAA2014-5-011 Semaphorin 3A signaling regulates the entry of sacral neural crest cells to the hindgut Cui Fang Wang, Wood Yee Chan School of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. * The majority of the enteric nervous system is derived from the vagal neural crest, and in the post-umbilical gut, a second contribution of cells from the sacral neural crest to enteric neurons has also been established. Previous studies on mouse sacral neural crest cells (NCCs) have shown a “waiting period” before they enter the hindgut. As sacral NCCs always migrate on neuronal processes, we hypothesized that semaphorin 3A (Sema3A)-neuropilin-1 signaling regulates the entry of sacral NCCs by inhibiting the extension of neuronal processes into the hindgut. Using immunofluorescence localization and in vitro culture, we found that Sema3A was expressed in the mouse hindgut epithelium and the mesenchyme adjacent to pelvic ganglia, while its receptor, neuropilin-1, was expressed by sacral NCCs. Sacral NCC migration was retarded in a culture medium containing Sema3A. When a hindgut segment expressing Sema3A was co-cultured with pelvic ganglia, both the extension of neuronal processes and sacral NCC migration were suppressed. These findings suggest that transient expression of Sema3A in the hindgut during the waiting period regulates the entry of sacral NCCs into the hindgut at E11.5 to E13.5. This work was supported by a Direct Grant for Research 2013.1.076, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. IFAA2014-5-012 The potential roles of Slit/Robo1 signaling on neural tube formation and neural crest cells migration Guang Wang1, Yan Li1, Xiaoyu Wang1, Zhe Han2 , Manli Chuai3, Lijing Wang2, Kenneth Ka Ho Lee4, Jianguo Geng5, Xuesong Yang1 1 Department of Histology and Embryology, Key Laboratory for Regenerative Medicine of The Ministry of Education, School of Medicine, Jinan University, Guangzhou 510632, China;2Institute of Vascular Biological Sciences, Guangdong Pharmaceutical University, Guangzhou 510224, China;3Division of Cell and Developmental Biology, University of Dundee, Dundee, DD1 5EH, UK;4. Stem Cell and Regeneration Thematic Research Programme, School of Biomedical Sciences, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong;5. Department of Biologic and Materials Sciences, University of Michigan School of Dentistry, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA. * Neural tube is the primary rudiment responsible for the development of the central nervous system, while neural crest cells are derived from the edges of developing dorsal neural tube. It is well-known that development of neural tube has close interaction with the migration of neural crest cells. Slit/Robo1 signaling was initially identified as a chemorepellent that regulated axon growth cone elongation, but its mechanisms in controlling neural tube development and neural crest cells migration are currently unclear. After we detected the cell cycle, neural crest cells migration, dorsal and ventral gene differentiations with the chick and transgenic mice models. We propose that Slit/Robo1 signaling regulates neuroepithelial cell proliferation and differentiation in a time dependent fashion: (1) Slit/Robo1 signaling activates proliferation and inhibits differentiation during the onset of neural tube development and disturbance at this developmental stage will create neural tube defects. (2) Slit/Robo1 signaling will be biased towards promoting cell proliferation in the neural tube as the neural folds start to close by activating the dorsal neural tube genes, Pax7 while inhibiting ventral neural tube gene, Shh. (3) The highly regulated spatiotemporal expression pattern of the dorsalventral neural tube genes ensure that the neural tube develop in a normal manner. IFAA2014-5-013 Horizons in development Sharon A. McCracken1, Lucy A. Rimmington Andrew1, R. Hubbard1, Nicholas A. Bright1,3, Cockroft Neil1, Jefferson Timothy B1, Waldron Emma1, D'Lacey Christopher1, Hottor Bismarck4, Ahenkorah John4, Byrne Simon1, Ockleford Colin1,2 1 Department of Infection Immunity and Inflammation, University of Leicester Medical School, Leicester, UK; 2 Clinical Anatomy Learning Center, , Lancaster UniversityMedical School, Lancaster , UK;3Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK;4Department of Anatomy, University of Ghana Medical School, Accra, Ghana * Our discovery of rivet-like structures in the amnion that pin together key tissue layers is cause for optimism amongst medical scientists exploring causes of premature births following preterm rupture of the fetal membranes. These structures have the properties expected of nodal sites where growth and breakdown of strong sheets of collagen take place and are therefore potential targets for new pharmaceutical intervention to delay rupture. Maternal endothelium lining vessels that allow blood to enter and leave the intervillus space (IVS) and syncytiotrophoblast reflected onto the basal plate must eventually be united. We now believe that lining The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 138 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• the IVS there are endothelial cells of maternal origin participating in a mosaic with trophoblast to form the IVS lining. Together they align as a monolayer. Endothelial cells are found extensively lining the basal plate. We show here using in situ hybridisation that the endothelia are maternal genetically whereas the ectodermal trophoblast is genetically fetal. The chorionic plate is also a mosaic combining endothelial cells and trophoblast. This demonstration of an extensive allo-epi-endothelium appears to constitute an exception to the embryological germ layer theory that has been unchallenged since the late 1800’s. IFAA2014-5-014 Neonatal chronic exposure to PFOS elicited the spatial memory deficits in rats Jing Cui Ningxia medical university * Some recent evidence shows that the environment contaminant exposed early in life maybe related to the cognitive deficits. Perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) is widespread exist in the environment, but the underling toxicity mechanism in CNS is still unclear. To detect the effect of chronic exposed to low dose PFOS on learning memory ability, 10d male SD rats were randomized into control, model group. The model was established by injection of PFOS, while Control group with normal saline. All group rats were administrated continuously for 12 weeks. Morris water maze test was performed to detect the working learning and memory ability. The escape latencies on the 12 week in model group were significantly longer and the probe times in the platform quadrants were significant less than in controls. In comparison with model group, the escape latency of pretreatment with LBP(Lycium barbarum polysaccharide) group on the 12 week was significantly cut down and the probe times in the platform quadrant was significantly increase. PFOS exert stronger neurotoxic effects on spatial memory of neonatal rats which may be related to related neurons loss leading to neurodegenerated process. IFAA2014-5-015 Gene and environment interactions during early cortical development and consequences for longterm neurological disease. Zoltan Molnar Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom * Cortical development is a complex amalgamation of proliferation, migration, differentiation, and circuit formation. These processes follow defined timescales and are controlled by a combination of intrinsic and extrinsic factors. A number of cognitive disorders or conditions are elicited as a result of disrupted cortical development. The critical window for the manifestation of a neurodevelopmental disorder is prolonged, and there is the potential for a complex interplay between genes and environment. Inflammation and stress, have been The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists linked to neurodevelopmental disorders, and it may be that a better understanding of the interplay between genes and environment will speed progress in this field. In particular, the development of the brain needs to be considered in the context of the whole materno-fetal unit as the degree of the metabolic, endocrine, or inflammatory responses, for example, will greatly influence the environment in which the brain develops. This presentation shall emphasize the importance of extending neurodevelopmental studies to the contribution of the placenta, vasculature, cerebrospinal fluid, and to maternal and fetal immune response. These combined investigations are more likely to reveal genetic and environmental factors that influence the different stages of neuronal development and potentially lead to the better understanding of the etiology of neurological and mental disorders such as autism, epilepsy, cerebral palsy, and schizophrenia. Reference: Stolp et al., Front Psychiatry. 2012 3:50. IFAA2014-5-016 Immunocytochemical peculiarities of the human foetal pituitary cells Andy R.M. Chirculescu1, Mihail G2., Coculescu, John F. Morris3 1 Department of Anatomy, Ch Davila University, Bucharest, Romania and University of Oxford, United Kingdom; 2 Department of Endocrinology Ch Davila University, Bucharest, Romania; 3Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics, University of Oxford, United Kingdom * We present here our results about the peculiar immunoreactivity (ir) of pituitary cells, concerning colocalisation of hypophysial hormones in the human foetus aged 16-22 weeks: growth hormone (GH) or prolactin (PRL) with the two gonadotropes (FSH and LH). To understand better the significance of these pituitary cells showing such a colocalisation, we tested also ir for sex determining region Ybox 2 (SOX2) - marker for stem cells and annexin 1 (ANX1) - marker for the pituitary folliculo-stellate cells (FS). The results revealed positive cells, mostly in the periphery of the gland and lining the cleft, for both ANX1 and SOX2. Testing the reaction of cultured TtT/GF and TPit cell lines for SOX2, we found a colocalisation with ANX1 for about 50% of cells. These data suggest that in the human foetal pituitary there are some less differentiated cells, after the main cell lineage differentiation is usually considered to be finished. These may represent de-differentiated, precursor, progenitor or stem cells, which may survive during ontogenesis and into the adult and at least part of them is also ANX1 ir+, typical for FS cells. Such cells may activate occasionally, to produce a plurihormonal adenoma. E3543 The expression of Insulin-like growth factor-ĉand its receptor during development of rat embryo brain Xiaohua Jiang1, Xijin Wei1, Lili Ju2, Deyi Duan2, Yan Zhou2, Quanyuan Xu2 * Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 139 1 Hebei United University, Tangshan City, Hebei Province 063000. 2 Beijing Institute for Brain Disorders, Capital Medical University; Key Laboratory for Neurodegenerative Disease of the Ministry of Education; Beijing 100069 To study temporal expressions of Insulin-like growth factorĉ (IGF-ĉ) and IGF receptor1 (IGF-1R) in the developing brain of rat and explore their functions in nervous system development. IGF-ĉand IGFR-1 mRNA level (from E10.5~ E18.5) were detected by Real-time PCR. (1) IGF-ĉmRNA from E10.5 to E18.5 were 1, 2.6, 13.4, 15.5, 9.2, 51.5, 4.6, 3.5 successively. There were two peaks of IGF-ĉmRNA expression on E14.5 and E16.5. (2) The relative quantities of IGF-1R mRNA from E10.5 to E18.5 were 1, 1, 1.5, 2.2, 1.5, 1.5, 1.8, 0.24, 0.24, 1.3 successively, and the level remained relatively constant . E3545 PDGFRĮ expression in the different brain regions of the rat at different postnatal time Xijun Wei1, Lili Ju2,Deyi Duan2, Yan Zhou2, Quanyuan Xu2, Xiaohua Jiang 1* stomach and intestines. Nestin showed negative or weak positive expression in the neural cells of the intermuscular nerve plexus of esophageal tissues, while nestin positive expression was detected in the neural cells and fibers of the intermuscular and submucous nerve plexus in the stomach, and in all layers of the intestine. MAP-2 and nestin regulate the development of the digestive tract tissues in human embryos. E3570 GRTH regulated noncanonical signaling pathways sustains adult spermatogenesis in mice Li Li1, Wei Guo2, Xiujun Zhao1 , Yan Jiang1, Fulu Gao1 1 Department of Histology and Embrylogy, Hebei Medical University, Shijiazhuang, China 2Reproductive medicine center, Hebei research institute for family planning, Shijiazhuang, China Expression of microtubule-associated protein 2 (MAP-2) and nestin in the developing digestive tract of human embryo Non-obstructive azoospermia (NOA) is one of the major disorders which cause male infertility, but the mechanism of this disease is largely unknown. In the present study, three missense mutations of GRTH gene were detected in 237 human patients with non-obstructive azoospermia (NOA), indicating a strong association between GRTH mutation and NOA. GRTH is a male-specific gene of the DEAD-box family of RNA helicase involved in translational-associated events during spermatogenesis,and is specifically expressed in Leydig cells and germ cells of rat ,mouse and human .To examine the noncanonical pathways on sustaining adult spermatogenesis of this gene in spermatogenesis, GRTH was knocked down in vivo in adult male mice using intratesticular injection of small inhibiting RNA (siRNA). We found that inactivation of GRTH resulted in massive germ cell death and only SCs were present in most of the seminiferous tubules which was very similar to NOA in humans. In investigating the potential mechanism for this, histological studies revealed that the spermatogenesis was arrested in GRTH deficient testes. In vitro studies demonstrated that GRTH was essential for cell survival in spermatocytes. Further studies found that the spermatocytes survival associated genes (stat3 ) and MAPK signaling genes (ERK1 and p38) were downregulated in GRTH deficient spermatocytes, and that the expression of ERK1 ,stat3 and p38MAPK was regulated by GRTH. Our findings suggest that GRTH is important in spermatogenesis by regulating the survival of spermatocytes via ERK1 and p38 signaling pathway and that GRTH mutation is one of the genetic causes of NOA in humans. Liu Xuehong, Zhang Yong E3625 1 Hebei United University, Tangshan City, Hebei Province 063000. 2 Beijing Institute for Brain Disorders, Capital Medical University; Key Laboratory for Neurodegenerative Disease of the Ministry of Education; Beijing 100069 To study expression of platelet-derived growth factor receptor Į (PDGFRĮ) in the different brain regions of the rat at different postnatal time. Extracting mRNA and protein from cerebral cortex, hippocampus and cerebellum on postnatal 7(P7), 14(P14) and 28 days(P28). PDGFRĮ mRNA level was detected using Real-time PCR and PDGFRĮ protein level was analyzed using Western Blot. In cerebral cortex, PDGFRĮ mRNA on P14 is higher than P7 and P28, but PDGFRĮ protein increased gradually from P7 to P28 (the expression level on P28 is 2 times higher than that on P7). In hippocampus, PDGFRĮ mRNA and protein levels kept steady relatively from P7 to P28. But in cerebellum, PDGFRĮ mRNA and protein all decreased gradually from P7 to P28. PDGFRĮ maybe have an different ole in different brain-regions. E3552 The influence of bilateral symmetry of human being with diseases Department of Histology and Embryology, School of Medicine, Shaoxing University, Shaoxing City 312000 , China To explore the role of MAP-2 and nestin in human embryonic digestive tract of developmental stages. Immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization were used to detect the expressions of MAP-2 and nestin in the esophageal, gastric and intestinal tissues of human embryos during the second, third and fourth month of development(n=16). In the second to fourth months of gestation, MAP-2 expression were detected in the neural cells and fibers of the intermuscular and submucous nerve plexus in the esophagus, Ou, Ming Cheh1, Ou, Dennis2, Pang, Chung Chu3, Ou, Yi Jen3 1 Taipei City Hospital, Taipei City, Taiwan, 2Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA, 3Su Women Hospital, Taipei City, Taiwan The studies of the snapping shrimp show that the contralateral snapper claw of the snapping shrimp affects the development of the new claw after the claw is lost in order to The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 140 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• achieve a bilateral symmetry in both shape and fiber composition of bilateral claw (Development, 1987). The exposure to conspecific mutual interactions of other snapping shrimps also triggers such claw transformation. Ou MC (Ming-Cheh) decrescendo phenomenon invoked by interaction of bilateal parts of human body (hand to body) shows to decrese the abdominal pain in 78 of 81 women with acute abdomen (Am J Emerg Med, 2012). Such phenomenon shows to improve or cure a fairly broad cross-section of illnesses for 38 patients including infections in 13, musculoskeletal diorders in 16, degenerative diseases in 3, oncogenic disorders in 4 and acute injury in 2 (CEM London, 2013, Natrual Science, 2014). Interestingly, the Ou MC decrescendo phenomenon is capable of being invoked by either the patient or the therapist. E3640 Expression change of Hes1 in the neuroepithelial cells of neural tube defects induced by hyperthermia Xue Yan, Hong Jiang, Hui Zhao, Wenjing Liu, Tianliang Zhang, Li Wang, Li Yu* Department of Histology and Embryology, Weifang Medical University, Shandong, PR China Neural tube defects (NTDs) are common congenital malformations that result in infant mortality or severe disability. Hairy and enhancer of split homolog-1(Hes1) has an important role in regulating cellular differentiation and proliferation during embryonic development.However, it is unclear whether Hes1 is involved in hyperthermia-induced NTDs.The present study was conducted to investigate the potential role of Hes1 in NTDs induced by hyperthermia. Using western blotting analysis and immunofluorescence, the expression of Hes1 in the neural tube between embryonic day 8.5 and 10 (E8.5-10) in hyperthermia-induced NTDs of golden hamsters were detected. Our data showed that the protein levels of Hes1 were decreased in NTDs groups during NTDs formation, especially at E8.5 and E9.5. Hes1 immunoreactivity was diffusely distributed in the cytoplasm of neuroepithelial cells and mesenchymal cells. The staining intensity of Hes1 immunoreactivity in the neuroepithelia of each NTDs group was weaker compared with control groups, especially at E8.5 and E9.5. Hes1 was related to the development of the neural tube, and the decreased expression of Hes1 may play an important role in hyperthermia-induced NTDs. E3677 Competing endogenous lincRNA-RoR plays a critical role in the network of microRNAs and core transcription factors Oct4, Nanog, and Sox2 in human embryonic stem cells Yue Wang, Houqi Liu Research Center of Developmental Biology, Histology and Embryology Department, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai, 200433, China Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) have an unlimited potential to be propagated in culture in an undifferentiated state (selfThe 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists renewal). The transcriptional and epigenetic networks controling ESC self-renewal are the focus of intense interest, due to their obvious therapeutic potential as well as exceptional relevance to models of early development. In our current study, we are addressing the large intergenic noncoding RNA (lincRNA)-mediated epigenetic regulation of human embryonic stem cells self-renew and differentiation. Using both bioinformatic and experimental approaches, we showed that linc-RoR shares microRNA-response elements with the transcripts of these core transcription factors (TFs), e.g., Oct4, Sox2 and Nanog, and linc-RoR prevents these core TFs from microRNA-mediated suppression. Using gene knockdown and overexpression approaches, we also showed that endogenous linc-RoR is essential for human ESC selfrenewal whereas ectopic linc-RoR blockes ESC differentiation through the regulation of microRNAs and these core TFs. We suggest that linc-RoR forms a feedback loop with core TFs and miRNAs to regulate ESC maintenance and differentiation. These results may provide insights into the functional interactions of the components of genetic networks during development and may lead to new therapies for many diseases. E3689 Bioengineering functional 3D tissue-like model of human mammary gland to study its organogenesis, development and neoplastic transformation Xiuli Wang, Guofeng Wei, Wei Liu, Hong Xu Dalian Medical University, Dalian China 116044 Three dimensional (3D) breast tumor models play an invaluable role in providing important insights into breast cancer. Currently, heterotypic co-cultures of epithelium are available for the study of cell-cell and cell-extracellular matrix interactions. However a lack of more complex and sustainable models involving more than two cell types still persists. This is important, as increasing evidences have shown the critical role played by the microenvironment in establishing normal mammary tissue architecture and its aberrant behavior during carcinogenesis. To address this issue, in the past a few years, our laboratories have been focusing on bioengineering more complex functional 3D tissue-like models of human mammary gland through coculturing human mammary epithelial cells, fibroblasts and stem cell-derived adipocytes in a MatrigelTM/collagen mixture on porous silk scaffolds. By using these models, we have demonstrated that stromal cells not only influence epithelium proliferation and differentiation, but also induce its morphogenesis and neoplastic transformation. Thus, these models are the most physiologically relevant surrogates of human breast tissue that recapitulating its architecture, functionality and even carcinogenesis. E3867 Discovery of hPH20 and hSPACA1immunocontraceptive epitopes and their effects on fertility in male and female mice Xuemei Chen, Xiaodong Liu, Xiuhua Ren, Xuewu Li, Li Wang, Weidong Zang* Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 141 Department of human anatomy, Basic medical college of Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, Henan , China Current research concerning human antisperm contraceptive vaccines is focused on delineating infertility-related epitopes to avoid autoimmune disease. We constructed phage-display peptide libraries to select epitope peptides derived from hPH20 and hSPACA1 using sera collected from infertile women harboring antisperm antibodies. Following five rounds of selection,positive colonies were reconfirmed for reactivity with the immunoinfertile sera. We biopanned and analyzed the chemical properties of four epitope peptides, which were named P82, Sa6, Sa37, and Sa76. Synthetic peptides were made and coupled toBSA. We used the BSA conjugated peptides to immunize BALB/c mice and examine their effect on fertility in female and male mice. The peptides generated a sperm-specific antibody response in female and male mice that caused a contraceptive state. The immunocontraceptive effect was reversible. These peptides may find clinical application in the specific diagnosis and treatment of male and female infertility and contraceptive vaccine development. E4066 The expression of nestin in human fetal kidney Liping Dong, Guanlan Liu, Wenqi Luo, Changchu Wu, Heng Yuan Changsha Medical University, Changsha, 410219, Hunan ,China Through research expression of nestin in human fetal kidneyˈ investigating function of nestin during kidney development. 3-8 months old fetal kidney tissue were obtained and fixed for paraffin sections as usual. Immunohistochemical staining was used to determine the expression and distribution of nestin in fetal kidney. Nestin was expressed in kidneys of 3-8 month human fetal and mainly located in renal corpuscle and blood capillary while no positive signals could be observed in renal tubule. Nestin was expressed in normal human fetal kidney. As gestational age increases, the amount of nestin expression decreased. So these cells may be a class of not fully differentiated cells. (Correspondin author:Yuan Heng ) E4120 The effect of BMP-4 on the development of ovarian follicular in mouse models of chemotherapyinduced POF. Immunohistochemistry and western-blot analysis were used to detect BMP-4 protein in ovaries of two groups. Immunohistochemical analysis showed that BMP-4 expression was strong in primary oocytes, thecal cells and granular cells of primordial follicles and primary follicles, especially primordial follicles. BMP-4 expression was not detected in atretic follicles. Compared with normal control ovaries, BMP-4 expression was lower in ovaries of treated group. These data suggests that BMP4 may have positive effect on folliculogenesis. E4247 Hedgehog activity is mediated by Gli2 and involves SLRP regulation in the developing intestine He Huang, Junhao Mao* Department of Histology and Embryology, Xiangya School of Medicine, Central South University, Changsha, China 410013; Department of Cancer Biology, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA 01605, USA. The Gli family of transcription factors is thought to collectively mediate Hedgehog (Hh) signaling in mammals. However, the function of different Gli proteins in gut development remains uncharacterized. Here, we genetically dissected the contribution of Gli-mediated transcriptional activation and de-repression in embryonic intestinal growth and patterning. We found that removal of the Gli3 repressor is dispensable for intestinal development and does not play a major role in Hh-controlled gut development. However, we found that Gli2 activation is able to fully rescue the Smoothened (Smo)-null intestinal phenotype, suggesting that the Gli2 transcription factor is the main effector for Hh signaling in the intestine. Furthermore, to understand the molecular mechanism underlying Hh/Gli function in the developing gut, we identified a subset of the small leucinerich glycoproteins (SLRPs) act downstream of Hh signaling in the embryonic gut mesenchynme. Functionally, we show that Osteoglycin, a SLRP protein, inhibits Hh-induced differentiation towards the smooth muscle lineage in C3H10T1/2 pluripotent mesenchymal cells. Taken together, our present study demonstrates for the first time the genetic roles of Gli proteins in the developing intestine and identifies SLRPs as the novel regulators of smooth muscle cell differentiation. E4292 Knockdown of DLG leads to abnormality of photoreceptor development in Drosophila Hui Wu, Yanling Shen, Huan Huang, Tian Yin, Pan Li, Wenqi Luo Zhiying Yang, Xuegang Luo, Hongsheng Li* Changsha Medical University, Hunan, 410219, China The aim is to explore the effect of Bone Morphogenetic Protein-4 (BMP-4) on the development of ovarian follicular in mouse models of chemotherapy-induced Premature Ovarian Failure (POF). 32 normal female mice, five-weeksold, were chosen and randomly divided into treated group and normal control group respectively. To model premature ovarian failure, cyclophosphamide was infected into abdominal cavity of mice sterilized with busulfan into subcutaneous tissue. Morphological changes of ovarian were detected by hematoxylin and eosin staining. Department of Pharmacy, Changsha Health Vocational College, Changsha, Hunan 410100, China; Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology, Central South University Xiangya School of Medicine, Changsha, Hunan 410013, China. Department of Neurobiology, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA 01605, USA Drosophila is a good model for study of the visual system. In the present study, we attempted to record and examine the ERG (electroretinogram) from the fly Drosophila in a pilot screen and found a gene named DLG (discs large), which, when was knockdown from photoreceptor, leads to The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 142 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• signal pathway. Thus, we conclude that GalT is a key component that controls invasion process of endometrial carcinoma cell through the integrinȕ1-mediated signaling pathway in vitro. photoreceptor abnormality. Abnormality in the DLG mutant is characterized by shrunk and disrupted ultrastructure, much less “capitate projection” and abnormal arrangement of glia by electron microscopy. Our finding suggests that DLG may play an important role in the photoreceptor development of Drosophila. E4443 E4306 The expressional changes of proNGF signal in neural tube defects Developmental origin of the posterior pigmented epithelium of the iris Xiaobing Wang, Kai Xiong, Dandan Gu, Songtao Wang, Jing Chen, Guomin Zhou Department of Anatomy, Embryology and Histology, School of Basic Medical Sciences, FudanUniversity, Shanghai 200032, China It is well known that, during development, the inner layer of the optic cup gives rise to the posterior iris pigment epithelium (IPE) and the neural retina (NR), the outer layer becomes the anterior IPE and the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). In our study of human fetal iris development, this was not the case. In the study, the expression patterns of Otx2 and Mitf were comparable, while those of Otx2 and Sox2 were complementary. Furthermore, the morphologic development of IPE and RPE was identical during the early embryonic developmental period. Our data suggested that the twolayered epithelium of the iris comes from the outer layer of the optic cup. The posterior PE of iris is the inward-curling anterior rim of the outer layer of the optic cup. This study provided an explanation for why IPE cells are an appropriate substitute for RPE cells. E4428 ȕ1, 4-galactosyltransferase-1promotes invasion capability by integrin-mediated signaling pathway in human endometrial cancer cells Ting Gong1.2, Jianhui Fan1.2, Li Kong*3, Ying Kong*1.2 1 Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Dalian Medical University, 2Liaoning Provincial Core Lab of Glycobiology and Glycoengineering, 3Department of histology and embryology, Dalian 116044, China As an adhesion molecule, ȕ1, 4-galactosyltransferase-1 (GalT) plays a crucial role in the development and progression of cancer. The role of GalT on invasive ability of endometrial carcinoma has not been elucidated. Hence, we investigated the effect of GalT on invasion in HEC-1A cells and RL95-2 cells. GalT level was detected by RT-RCR, Western blot and immunofluorescence. GalT was overexpressed and downregulated in HEC-1A and RL95-2 cells respectively, and cell invasive ability was analyzed by invasion assay. Moreover, the integrinȕ1-mediated signal transduction pathway was detected by Western blot. Herein, we found that GalT expression was lower in HEC-1A cells as compared to RL95-2 cells. The upregulated expression of GalT increased the invasion of HEC-1A cells through increasing the integrin ȕ1 level and activating FAK/AKT signal pathway, while ERK pathway was not found to be activated. In contrast, down-regulation of GalT decreased the invasion of RL95-2 cells through down-regulation of integrinȕ1/FAK/AKT/ERK The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists Jin-wei Yang1, Liyan Li2, Jianhui Guo1, Yongsheng He2, Xiaobing Guo2, Mengxi Guo2 1 First people’s hospital of Yunnan province, Yunnan Kunming 650032, China; 2Kunming Medical University, Yunnan Kunming 650500, China ProNGF-induced apoptosis requires the participation of sortilin as a necessary p75NTR co-receptor, compared with that NGF combined the high affinity receptor TrkA and exert survival role. Apoptosis occurs in the development of neural tube, but less is known about the underlying mechanism. We report here the expressional changes of proNGF signal pathway in Neural Tube Defect in rats which subjected to All-trans-retinoic Acid. The results showed proNGF, Sortilin and p75NTR were all detected in normal and NTD from E14d to E21d, the proteins were widely distributed in various periods of different structure. RT-PCR showed that the level of proNGF, Sortilin and p75NTR mRNA were all up-regulated in the NTD. Taken together, proNGF signal might be involved in the development of neural tube. proNGF, Sortilin and p75NTR mRNA in the experimental group more than in that of control group, part of the time could be reduced, suggestive that AA leads to apoptosis decreased by decreasing proNGF and lead to NTD. E4444 BDNF stimulates the survival, expansion, and differentiation of human spinal cord Neural Stem Cells by Wnt/ȕ-catenin Signaling Pathway Liyan Li1, Jianhui Guo2, Jinwei Yang2, Jin Ru1, Yongsheng He1, Jia Liu2 1 Kunming Medical University, Yunnan Kunming 650500, China; 2First people’s hospital of Yunnan province, Yunnan Kunming 650032, China BDNF has critical function in promoting survival, differentiation and proliferation of Neural stem cells, but its downstream regulation mechanism is still not fully understood. In order to explore whether BDNF can play a role by Wnt/ȕ-catenin pathway in human embryonic spinal cord NSCs, we successfully cultured hESC-NSCs and found the number, area and differentiation of NSCs were increased after transfected by pIRES2-ZsGreen1-BDNF plasmid. Expression of Wnt, Frizzled, Dsh were up-regulated in by Real-time PCR and Western blot, particularly GSK-3ȕ downregulated. Results were contrary after RNA interference. The expression of PLC-Ȗ and CaM rarely own the statistically significant. So we hypothesize that GSK-3ȕ may be key factor between BDNF and Wnt/ȕ-catenin signaling pathway. Number and size of NSCs were decreased after using BIO (GSK-3ȕ inhibitor). This study has reavealed that BDNF might contribute to survival, proliferation and differentiation Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 143 of hESC-NSCs in vitro by triggering the Wnt/ȕ-catenin pathway, key factor maybe GSK-3ȕ. The effect of excitatory amino acid transporters 2 on abnormal behavior of offspring influenced by prenatal stress E4445 The role of BDNF on development of rat embryonic spinal cord and relationship with Wnt signal pathway Bo Zhao*, Shuang Zhou, Luoyan Sheng Department of Pharmacology, Medical Science College of China Three Gorges University, Yichang 443002, China * Jianhui Guo1, Liyan Li2, Jinwei Yang1, Jin Ru1, Yongsheng He2, Jia Liu1 1 First people’s hospital of Yunnan province, Yunnan Kunming 650032, China; 2Kunming Medical University, Yunnan Kunming 650500, China To investigate the relationship of BDNF and Wnt signal pathway in rat embryonic spinal cord neurons and neural stem cell. We cultured rat neurons and NSC, BDNF protein and BDNF antibody were used, and the quantity, measurement of neuronal soma area and neurite length, and the differentiation rate, number, area and activity were detected in this two cells. Wnt, Frizzled, dishevelled, GSK-3ȕ, ȕ-Catenin, c-myc and Cyclin-D1 mRNA were detected by RT-PCR. The results showed that BDNF can promote rat embryonic spinal cord derived neuronal survival, axonal growth, proliferation, differentiation of neural stem cells, and its mechanism might be through inhibiting the expression of Wnt signaling pathway, the key factor maybe the GSK-3ȕ, and the stimulation of nucleus targeted cyclinD1 gene transcription. Prenatal stress (PS) can lead to abnormal behavior of offspring and increase the incidence of mental illness. Previous researches have shown that levels of glutamate and its receptor expression are closely related to the occurrence of this phenomenon. However, the extracellular glutamate concentration mainly depends on the excitatory amino acid transporter (EAATs). Furthermore, recent study has demonstrated that the expression levels of EAAT2 in different brain regions of 1 month PS offspring rats have changed. Our study found that the expression of EAAT2 of 2 month PS offspring rats was increased in comparison to 1 month PS offspring rats. These phenomena have illustrated that the expression of EAAT2 of PS offspring rats could show time dependence or reversibility. Therefore, the expression of EAAT2 may play an important role in the development of mental illness of offspring rats influenced by PS. E4513 E4446 Identification of crucial reprogramming genes in induced pluripotential stem cells and nuclear transfer cloned embryos BDNF stimulates the survival and growth of human spinal cord neurons by Wnt/ȕ-catenin Signaling Pathway Lian Duan, Zhendong Wang, Jingling Shen, Zhiyan Shan, Lianhong Jin, Lei Lei Jin Ru1, Liyan Li1, Jianhui Guo2, Jinwei Yang2, Yongsheng He1, Jia Liu2 Department of Histology and Embryology, Harbin Medical University, Harbin, China 1 BDNF has critical function in promoting survival and growth of neurons, but its downstream regulation mechanism is still not fully understood. In order to explore whether BDNF can play a role by Wnt/ȕ-catenin pathway in human embryonic spinal cord neurons, we successfully cultured hESC-NC and found the number and cell viability were increased after transfected by pIRES2-ZsGreen1-BDNF plasmid. Expression of Wnt, Frizzled, Dsh were up-regulated in by Real-time PCR and Western blot, particularly GSK-3ȕ down-regulated. Results were contrary after RNA interference. The expression of PLC-Ȗ and CaM rarely own the statistically significant. So we hypothesize that GSK-3ȕ may be key factor between BDNF and Wnt/ȕ-catenin signaling pathway. Number and viability were decreased after using BIO (GSK-3ȕ inhibitor). This study has reavealed that BDNF might contribute to survival and growth of hESC-NC in vitro by triggering the Wnt/ȕ-catenin pathway, key factor maybe GSK-3ȕ. Somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) are widely used in biological research and regenerative medicine. In order to improve reprogramming efficiency and better understand the mechanism of SCNT, we investigated whether the crucial reprogramming genes which had main effects on iPSCs reprogramming also play important roles in SCNT reprogramming. Through integrating gene expression information from microarray databases and published studies, two co-upregulated gene lists from miPSCs and mESCs comparing with the somatic cells were obtained. Thirty-two genes which related to heterochromatin, embryonic development and cell cycle were selected from our co-upregulated gene datasets, and were examined the expression level in the iPSCs and SCNT embryos by qPCR. The results demonstrated that some crucial reprogramming genes in iPSCs were also important for SCNT reprogramming. The network of gene interaction performed with the differential expressed genes between SCNT and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) displayed that these genes were related with the chromatin organization, heterochromatin, transcriptional regulation and cell cycle. E4505 E4514 Kunming Medical University, Yunnan Kunming 650500, China; 2First people’s hospital of Yunnan province, Yunnan Kunming 650032, China Effects of dimethylsulphoxide on asymmetric division and cytokinesis in mouse oocytes The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 144 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• Dongjie Zhou, Xinghui Shen, Na Zhang, Tong Li, Xi Wu, Lei Lei biomechanics of neck injury are important to fracture occurrence. Department of Histology and Embryology, Harbin Medical University, Harbin, China IFAA2014-6-002 Dimethylsulphoxide (DMSO) is used extensively as a cryoprotectant and as one of the most common solvents for several water-insoluble substances. However, the effect of DMSO on mouse oocyte meiotic maturation remains unknown. The present study investigated that asymmetric division and cortical reorganization when oocytes were exposed in DMSO. We observed DMSO causes failure of asymmetric division during in vitro maturation, and oocyte polarization was not established due to the failure of an actin cap formation and spindle migration. Moreover, an analysis of the mRNA expression levels of genes related to asymmetric division revealed that no significant difference in expression of these genes was observed between the DMSOtreatment group and the control group. Furthermore, after two sperm heads injection to two “blastomeres” of 2-cell-like M Ċ oocyte respectively, the embryo had ability to extrude the second polar body respectively and start to cleavage. We conclude that the permeable cryoprotectant such as DMSO affect asymmetric division and DMSO disrupts cytokinesis completion through failure of cortical reorganization and polarization. IFAA2014-6-001 Prevelance of hyoid fractures in cases of fatal upper body trauma EN L'Abbe1, SA Symes1,2, KE Stull1 1 Department of Anatomy, University of Pretoria, Private Bag x323, 0007, Arcadia, South Africa;2Department of Applied Forensic Sciences, Mercyhurst College, 501 E. 38th St. Erie, PA 16546 * Hyoid fractures remain problematic in forensic science. The hyoid, thyroid and cricoid cartilages are examined in manual/ligature strangulations and hangings. Several authors anecdotally imply that injuries associated with hyperflexion/extension of neck are more likely to fracture the hyoid than strangulation or hanging. This study assessed the relationship of hyoid fracture with cause of death, sex, age, bone union, and presence/absence of haemorrhage. A total of 265 hyoid bones associated with motor/pedestrian vehicle accidents (79/71), fall from heights (39), strangulations (12), and hangings (64) were assessed during and after autopsy. Only 56 were female with an equal distribution among age categories. Logistic regression tested the probability of obtaining a fracture. Fractured hyoids comprised 9% of the sample. Fractures were in the middle to distal portion of the greater horn and associated with a manual strangulation; 4 falls; 5 PVAs; 6 hangings; and 7 MVAs. Cause of death, sex, and bone fusion did not increase the probability of fracture. Persons older than 50 years had an increased likelihood of hyoid fractures than younger persons. Presence of haemorrhage increased the probability of bone fracture. Results are inconsistent with current literature. The The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists Outer and inner canthal distances: a scenario of relationship with blood pressure and body mass index among Hausas of Nigeria. Magaji G. Taura, Lawan A. Alhasan, Musa H. Modibbo, Musa Abubakar Department of Anatomy Faculty of Medicine Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria The study was designed to investigate the relationship between the outer canthal distance (OCD), inner canthal distance (ICD), blood pressure (BP), body mass index (BMI) and gender among Hausas of Nigeria. The study population consisted of 120 males and 75 females. Direct surface anthropometry was employed to measure the canthal distances, height and weight. Blood pressure was also measured using standard protocol. An independent t test and Pearson’s correlation were used to investigate the gender differences and relationship respectively using SPSS version 20. The result shows sexual dimorphism in all the variables except for the BMI. Only outer canthal distance shows significant relationship with BMI (r= 0.22, P = 0.002) and systolic blood pressure (r = 0.194, P= 0.007). It was suggested that, most of the study variables exhibit sexual dimorphism and only the outer canthal distance shows significant relation with BP and BMI IFAA2014-6-003 Variation of facial features among three African population groups: The implication for adult male stature Magaji G. Taura, Lawan A. Alhasan, Musa H. Modibbo, Musa Abubakar Department of Anatomy Faculty of Medicine Bayero University Kano, Nigeria * Stature is one of the parameters that show a correlation with facial features. The aim of the study was to compare the facial features of subjects from three African countries based on different categories of heights in adult males. A total of 473 participants comprising 220 Nigerians, 143 Ugandans and 110 Kenyans were compared. 3 paired and 11 unpaired facial features were measured using surface anthropometry. Statistical tests used were ANOVA and Benferoni post hoc using SPSS version 20. The result shows that adult subjects from Nigeria and Uganda, Nigeria and Kenya with height < 161 cm showed statistically significant difference in skull height, upper facial height and exophthalmometry value on both sides. A similar pattern was observed in adult males. This trend was also noticed in the third group. In addition to the above the two east African groups (Kenya and Uganda) show additional variation in five other variables. It was suggested that adult stature plays a role in the anthropometry of facial features. Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 145 IFAA2014-6-006 IFAA2014-6-004 Facial anthropometry: A reflection of ancestral diversity among Africans Paleopathology and the history of infectious disease: a global perspective on tuberculosis Jane E Buikstra Lawan H. Adamu,Magaji G. Taura,Musa H. Modibbo,Abdullahi Gudaji Center for Bioarchaeological Research, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ * Department of Anatomy, Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria * This paper will first examine skeletal evidence for disseminated TB in the Americas prior to the “Era of Exploration”. We then consider this American tuberculosis in the context of traditional models that derive human tuberculosis from the bovine form in the Eastern Mediterranean, beginning approximately 8,000 to 9,000 years ago. Such models for the history and co-evolution of our species and Mycobacterium tuberculosis have largely ignored the American expression. Since the 1990s, however, molecular evolutionary models based on contemporary Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex strain variation have revolutionized our perspective. The antiquity of ancestral forms for both tuberculosis and humans are proposed to have existed for perhaps millions rather than thousands of years. The most parsimonious current global history for TB places its origin in Africa, then spreading to South and Southeast Asia. Subsequent dispersal to Europe and increased virulence characterized the pathogen carried around the globe in the 15th century, which continues to plague 21st century global health. The origins of the forms documented in the ancient Americas, however, remains enigmatic, as discussed in this presentation. The aim of the study was to compare the facial anthropometry of Nigerians and two East Africans population groups. A population size of 611 consists of 267 Nigerians, 154 Ugandans and 190 Kenyans were selected. A surface anthropometric measurement of 13 facial variables was recorded. One way analyses of variance (ANOVA) followed by Benferoni test were used for the comparison using SPSS version 20. The result shows that in both males and females upper facial height (UFH), total facial height (TFH), had significant variation among the three countries. Head length (HL), skull height (SH), lower facial height (LFH), outer canthal distance (OCD) had significantly varied between Nigerians and Ugandans; Nigerians and Kenyans. A Similar observation was made for head width (HW) in males. Inner canthal distance (ICD) and bizygomatic distance (BD) show differences only between Nigeria and Kenya in males and females respectively. The paired facial variable also shown to vary between the three countries but this also depends on the gender. In conclusion, the differences observed may be due to genetic and environmental factors. Although, only few variables show differences between Ugandans and Kenyans IFAA2014-6-007 Comparison between anthropometric characteristics of upper limb in residents of Qazvin, Iran and Dera Ghazi Khan,Pakistan IFAA2014-6-005 Biomechanics and behavioral reconstruction in bioarchaeology and human paleontology Ghazale Moshkdanian1,2, Fatemeh Moghani Ghoroghi1, Maryam Shiasi1, Gholamreza Hasanzadeh3, Noushin Alaghebandha4, Ali Dehbashi pour4, Mohammad Abrar Abbas4, Omran Heydar Zeid4, Mohammad Barbarestani3 Christopher B. Ruff Center for Functional Anatomy and Evolution, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, USA * Biomechanical principles were first used to interpret long bone morphology almost 400 years ago, but anthropologists have applied these principles to bioarchaeological and human paleontological remains for only about a tenth of that time period, i.e., a little over 40 years. Since then, however, use of this approach to help reconstruct behavioral patterns of past human populations has grown exponentially. Topics addressed have included the effects of changes in subsistence strategy, differences in terrain and physical environment, sexual dimorphism in behavior, and longer-term variation in locomotor behavior, including the acquisition and perfection of terrestrial bipedalism. Variation in body shape has also been explored in this context. A number of examples of each of these applications are given from recent and on-going work. These include a study of more than 2000 European skeletons dating from the Upper Paleolithic through the 20th century, a comparison of limb strength proportions among early hominins from South and East Africa, and a new structural analysis of the well-known Trinil Homo erectus (?) femora. 1 Ph.D Student of Anatomy, Anatomy Department, Faculty of Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran;2Member of Scientific Council, Anatomical Sciences Research Center, Kashan University of Medical Sciences, Kashan, Iran;3Professor, Anatomy Department, Faculty of Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran4M.D, Faculty of Medicine, Qazvin, University of Medical Sciences, Qazvin, Iran *barbarestani The aim of this study was to evaluate anthropometric characteristics of the length of upper limb, arm, forearm, brachial index and hand’s length and width in the adult residents of Qazvin, Iran and Dera Ghazi Khan,Pakistan. This cross-sectional investigation was performed on 300 adult inhabitants (180 males and 120 females) of Qazvin, Iran and 356 residents (181 males and 175 females) of Dera Ghazi Khan, Pakistan aged 18-55 years. Participants were selected randomly and did not have any physical deformities or any previous history of trauma. Measurements were performed in an anatomical position. According to our results brachial The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 146 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• index in males from DG Khan (96.38±8.33) were significantly higher than those of Qazvin (78.73±6.39) (p<0.05). Among Qazvin and DG Khan residents; mean±SD arm length was 36.8±2.37 and 28.1±2.44respectively. Which shows a significant difference (p<0.05). Whereas there were no significant difference between female measurements of these regions. The result of the present study showed that the mean dimensions of length of upper limb, arm, forearm, and hand’s length and width of Qazvin residents, Iran were higher than DG Khan and the most of the other accomplished studies. IFAA2014-6-008 Importance of assessment of skeletal pathology in forensic anthropological cases Maryna Steyn * Analysis of trauma observed in skeletal remains has become one of the routine tasks requested of forensic anthropologists. However, many skilled osteologists lack the ability to assess and interpret bone pathology. There seems to be very little cross fertilization between the fields of palaeopathology and forensic anthropology (and even forensic pathology), although correct interpretation of pathological changes to bones is of the utmost importance as it has the potential to not only lead to a personal identification, but may also elucidate something of the living conditions and health status of the individual prior to death. This is of special importance in cases of child abuse, as has also recently been shown in high profile cases. A review of the forensic anthropological literature revealed very few cases dealing with pathology on bones, as cases describing skeletal pathology are mostly published in the bioarchaeological literature. Also, there are some gaps in our knowledge with regard to the expression of disease in modern individuals, for example chronic infectious disease in the post-antibiotic era. Here we show some examples of forensic anthropological cases with signs of pathology. Recent misconceptions that cribra orbitalia is a condition that no longer occurs in modern societies are also addressed, and several examples of this condition in recently living individuals are demonstrated. More emphasis should be placed on identification of pathological conditions in the training of forensic anthropologists. IFAA2014-6-009 Going global: patterns of health and lifestyle in the past Clark S. Larsen Anthropology, Ohio State University, Columbus, United States This paper explores patterns of health and lifestyle based on the study of human remains from archaeological contexts. Ancient human remains are an essential record of past life conditions, reflecting economic and other circumstances affecting physiological stress, growth and development, and health generally. In addition, skeletal remains provide The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists important perspective on behavior and lifestyle, especially as expressed by skeletal morphology and degenerative conditions. This paper explores key economic transitions and accompanying changes in health and lifestyle, drawing on research from large regional investigations, including the History of Health Project, a large collaborative research program focused on the study of health over the last 10,000 years of human evolution. This paper documents health and behavioral changes based on dental and skeletal indicators (dental caries, periodontal disease, osteoperiostitis, and osteoarthritis). The results of the study show (1) general increase in prevalence of pathological conditions reflecting declining quality of life, and (2) fluctuating prevalence of osteoarthritis, but mostly involving a pronounced decline during the last several centuries of history. The former is consistent with increased emphasis on consumption of carbohydrates and population crowding. The latter reflects behaviors associated with increased use of labor-saving technology in the industrial/modern era. IFAA2014-6-010 Skeletal Manifestations of Child Abuse and Neglect Ann H. Ross * Forensic anthropology is an applied subdiscipline of biological anthropology that relates to medicolegal death investigations. It is considered its own discipline by many practitioners and researchers as it has evolved from the examination of isolated or individual cases to having a strong research schema. It is extremely important for a forensic anthropologist to have expert knowledge in many aspects of skeletal biology and human biological variation in order to be able to correctly asses, assist the medical examiner in making identifications, trauma reconstructions and other scientific recommendations or determinations that will ultimately have a legal consequence. In addition, many forensic anthropologists testify on their findings in court and it is imperative that the forensic anthropologist does not overstep their bounds or overstate their findings as they would have a detrimental effect on the case outcome. Cases that exemplify the breadth of work in child abuse investigations will be discussed. An important aspect of forensic casework is that new research is often driven by questions that arise from this casework. IFAA2014-6-011 Diagenetic alteration of human bone from the Crown Mines, South Africa Stacey L. Lander,Desire M. Brits,Margot J. Hosie School of Anatomical Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, 7 York Road, Parktown, 2193, Johannesburg, RSA * Archaeological human skeletal remains were rescued and exhumed from the Crown Mines historical cemetery in Johannesburg. Due to poor preservation, estimates of age, sex, ancestry and stature could not be accurately assessed from morphological criteria. In such circumstances, histology has Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 147 been shown to be a helpful technique for acquiring additional information. The assessment of the histological alterations associated with poor bone preservation, also known as diagenesis, may lead to more accurate interpretations of the above estimates. The aim therefore was to describe the histological integrity of the bones and to assess the chemical interactions between bones and the soil during diagenesis. Fifty femora were selected and midshaft cross-sections were manually ground to describe the histological integrity using light and polarized microscopy. Five additional midshaft cross-sections were manually ground and assessed using Scanning Electron Microscopy – Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy. Histologically, a variety of microcracks, infiltrations, inclusions and staining were qualitatively identified however no biodegradation was present. Chemically, there were a number of elements (Fe, Al, K, Mn, Ca, P, Na and Mo) that were altered due to diagenesis and a transfer of elements from the soil to the bone and vice versa were shown. Overall, the preservation of the bone microstructure was good, allowing for future histological assessment to improve the accuracies of estimates, such as age-at-death. IFAA2014-6-012 Characteristics of 3D digital modeling of facial type features of attractive deutromelayu women in Indonesia Ulfa Elfiah1, Magda R Hutagalung2, David S Perdanankusuma2, Toetik Koesbandriati3, Agus Windharto4. 1 Department of anatomy, Jember University, Surabaya, Indonesia;2Department of Plastic surgery, Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia;3Department of Anthropology, Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia; 4 Departement of Industrial Design, Institute Technology of Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia that a most attractive face had a triangular shape, while attractive and less attractive faces had an oval shape. Conclusion: 3D digital modeling of the female face could serve as an instrument for characterizing attractive faces visually and could play a significant role in differentiating the Indonesian face from those of other races. IFAA2014-6-013 Stature estimation from facial anthropometry of igbo people in abakaliki area of south-eastern nigeria Edwin O1. Ewunonu, Chike I.P. Anibeze2 1 Dr. Edwin Ojims Ewunonu, Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki- Nigeria;2Prof. C.I.P. Anibeze, Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki- Nigeria The aim of this study is a to estimate the height of adult Igbo people of South-Eastern Nigeria resident in Abakaliki from some facial parameters. The facial length, bizygomatic diameter, bigonial diameter, Nasal Lenght and Nasal Breadth of a randomly selected sample of 669 males and 331 females whose age-range falls within 12 years to 45 years were measured directly with a pair of metal spreading calipers following International Standard Techniques. The results show that all the three parameters correlated positively (p < 0.01) with stature. The bizygomatic diameter showed stronger correlation with stature (r = 0.55) than the other parameters. Also, regression analysis showed that the bizygomatic diameter gives better prediction of stature (±SEE = ±6.63). This could be useful in forensic investigations. IFAA2014-6-014 The assessment of posttraumatic survical time Hans H. De Boer1, Lida E. Van der Merwe2, George J.R. Maat3 Currently Indonesian plastic and reconstructive surgeons and other practitioners still do not have our own baseline clinical templates/data which constitute the average craniofacial complex of our patients to be used as reference points for example in craniofacial surgery , thus referring instead to Caucasian anthropometric and cephalometric measurements. This research objective was to create a 3D digital modeling of Indonesian facial types, which would provide useful reference points promptly, accurately and efficiently, in facial aesthetic and reconstructive plastic surgery and other interdisciplinary fields. The method used was an applied study using anthropometric data attained from 17-25 year old students without history of facial surgery and orthodontics as basis for the formulation of a 3D digital modeling for Indonesian facial types. The first step was to distribute questionnaires to obtain the public’s criteria of attractive faces. Direct and indirect anthropometric measurements were performed. Analyzed results were inserted into 3D modeling programs to create a digital geometry outline of Indonesian facial types. An expert then interpreted these images before concluding the result. These results described distinctive parameters between most attractive, attractive and less attractive groups in 3D outline profiles including the forehead, nasal bridge, the relationship of the positions between upper and lower lips and between lips and chin. Frontal 3D showed 1 Barge's Anthropologica, Dept. of Pathology, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands;2Barge's Anthropologica, Dept. of Anatomy, Embryology and Physiology, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands3Barge's Anthropologica, Dept. of Anatomy and Embryology, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, The Netherlands The posttraumatic status of ante mortem fractures in human dry bone remains is generally defined as being either ‘healing’ or ‘healed’. However, a detailed ‘dating’ of the related posttraumatic time intervals would be desirable, since that would aid in the assessment of the medical status of victims at the time of their death. Within forensic pathology practice, fresh tissue healing phases of soft tissue wounds are routinely used as an intrinsic parameter for the length of the posttraumatic time interval. This principle should also be applicable for bone tissue injuries, since bone tissue response also follows a strict time-dependent developmental sequence. In theory, the lack of soft tissue in human dry bone should hamper the application of such an approach. Recent research shows however, that combined radiological and histological analysis of traumas in human dry bone, complementary to routine The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 148 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• gross anatomical interpretations, reveals healing features indicative for distinct posttraumatic time intervals in a consistent way. The approach allows for such a 'narrow' estimation of the posttraumatic time interval, that reconstruction of trauma sequence in case of multiple traumas becomes possible. Also revelations on living conditions, medical care and cause of death of victims might come within reach. IFAA2014-6-014 The assessment of posttraumatic survical time Hans H. De Boer1, Lida E. Van der Merwe2, George J.R. Maat3 1 Barge's Anthropologica, Dept. of Pathology, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands;2Barge's Anthropologica, Dept. of Anatomy, Embryology and Physiology, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands;3Barge's Anthropologica, Dept. of Anatomy and Embryology, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, The Netherlands The posttraumatic status of ante mortem fractures in human dry bone remains is generally defined as being either ‘healing’ or ‘healed’. However, a detailed ‘dating’ of the related posttraumatic time intervals would be desirable, since that would aid in the assessment of the medical status of victims at the time of their death. Within forensic pathology practice, fresh tissue healing phases of soft tissue wounds are routinely used as an intrinsic parameter for the length of the posttraumatic time interval. This principle should also be applicable for bone tissue injuries, since bone tissue response also follows a strict time-dependent developmental sequence. In theory, the lack of soft tissue in human dry bone should hamper the application of such an approach. Recent research shows however, that combined radiological and histological analysis of traumas in human dry bone, complementary to routine gross anatomical interpretations, reveals healing features indicative for distinct posttraumatic time intervals in a consistent way. The approach allows for such a 'narrow' estimation of the posttraumatic time interval, that reconstruction of trauma sequence in case of multiple traumas becomes possible. Also revelations on living conditions, medical care and cause of death of victims might come within reach. IFAA2014-6-016 A comparative study on four morphological indices of human population genetics of Hakka people living in China Dapeng Zhao1, Lianbin Zheng1, Yonglan Li2, Keli Yu1, Xinghua Zhang1 1 Tianjin Key Laboratory of Animal and Plant Resistance, College of Life Sciences, Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin, China;2College of Life Sciences and Technology, Inner Mongolia Normal University, Hohhot, China * The Hakka is one special population with most worldwide distribution and far-reaching influence in anthropological history. Guangdong Province and Jiangxi Province in China are two important migratory nodes in Hakka history as well as main settlements nowadays. The comparison of four morphological indices of human population genetics (including thumb type, palmar digital formular, fingernail type and plantar digital formular) was conducted between two groups, 520 Hakka individuals (343 males,177 females) from Jiangxi Province and 203 Hakka individuals (68 males,135 females) from Guangdong Province. The main results were listed as follows: (1) there were no significant sex differences on the frequencies of four indexes for each group; (2) a significant differences between palmar digital formular and plantar digital formular as well as between fingernail type and plantar digital formular occurred in Jiangxi groups rather than in Guangdong groups; (3) for each sex, there were no significant differences on all indexes between two focal groups; (4) compared with other 10 ethnic groups, the frequency of straight thumb showed a relatively lower level whereas the frequency of the long-shaped and square-shaped fingernail and the big toe displayed a middle level. Our findings are discussed in light of Hakka historical and genetic considerations. IFAA2014-6-017 Ethnic inequalities and sex differences in body mass index among Tibet minorities in China: implication for overweight and obesity risk Dapeng Zhao1, Yonglan Li2, Lianbin Zheng1 1 Tianjin Key Laboratory of Animal and Plant Resistance, College of Life Sciences, Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin, China;2College of Life Sciences and Technology, Inner Mongolia Normal University, Hohhot, China. * Obesity becomes a growing epidemic throughout the world, spreading from developed countries to developing countries. The prevalence of overweight and obesity among Chinese adults has increased greatly in the past two decades. In the present study, we for the first time investigated overweight and obesity level of Tibet minorities in China. These groups live in remote villages at the south slope of Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China. For each ethnicity, the total people number is less than 10 thousands. Given that body mass index (BMI) is commonly used as a good indicator of human overweight and obesity, we adopted BMI to evaluate overweight and obesity level of three ethnic minority groups (Deng, Lhoba, Monba) in Tibet, China. We found that males showed significantly higher scores than females on body weight and stature whereas there was no significant sex difference on BMI for each ethnicity. Both sex and ethnicity were significantly associated with the distribution of BMI classification. The prevalence of overweight and obesity level of Lhoba ethnicity generally (18.42%) is higher than that of Monba (17.65%) and Deng ethnicity (6.29%). We provide the first evidence on the status of overweight and obesity level among Tibet minorities. Measures to prevent, reduce or treat overweight and obesity of these ethnic minority groups are urgently required. IFAA2014-6-018 The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 149 Digit ratio (2D:4D) and handgrip strength in Dai ethnicity Dapeng Zhao, Zhuoyue Chen, Yuan Wang, Keli Yu, Xinghua Zhang, Lianbin Zheng Tianjin Key Laboratory of Animal and Plant Resistance, College of Life Sciences, Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin, China * The ratio of the length of the second finger to the fourth finger (2D:4D) in humans is considered as a putative marker of prenatal exposure to testosterone, and has been adopted as one common tool to evaluate the effect of prenatal hormones on physical ability such as handgrip strength. In this study, we for the first time investigate 2D:4D and handgrip strength on adult participants of Dai ethnicity and explore the relationship between digit ratio (2D:4D) and handgrip strength. We examined 2D:4D and handgrip strength of 138 males and 142 females in the Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan province of China. We found that the mean 2D:4D in females was higher than that in males for each hand. Males displayed significantly higher handgrip strength than females for each hand. Handgrip strength decreased with age for both sexes. We found no significant correlation between 2D:4D and handgrip strength in both hands for each sex. Our findings suggest that 2D:4D is not related to handgrip strength at this Dai population. Future studies with larger samples and various physical fitness indices should be undertaken to verify if similar results are found. IFAA2014-6-019 Age-related changes of the second metacarpal length in chimpanzee age 0 to 43.6 years Tetri Widiyani1, Bambang Suryobroto2, Yuzuru Hamada3 1 Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, Indonesia; 2 Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor, Indonesia; 3 Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University, Inuyama, Aichi, Japan exhibited an initial increase in bone length with age. Bone length accelerated for the first 8 years of age. Sexual difference in bone length, which was greater in males than in females, has been apparent significantly since 13 years of age (post-adolescence stage). Several chimpanzees of both sexes showed a pre-adult growth spurt at around age 7 years. There was a wide-age inter-individual variation in the growth spurt. Bone length maturated at about 13 years of age. After maturation until old age, bone length tended in plateau for both sexes. IFAA2014-6-020 Musculoskeletal stress markers on long bones: CT based validation Julia Abramov1, Nathan Peled2, Israel Hershkovitz1 1 Department of Anatomy and Anthropology, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University, Ramat-Aviv, Israel; 2 Department of Radiology, Carmel Medical Center, Haifa, Israel. Musculoskeletal stress markers (MSM) occur on sites where a muscle, tendon, or ligament attaches to the periosteum. Many researchers use these stress markers in order to reconstruct past lifestyles and habitual activities, under the assumption that the marker intensifies with increased loading on the musculoskeletal system. However, this assumption is not evidence-based, to the present there is no study that examine, in living individuals, the association between the rate of expression of MSM and muscles’ density and size, making the usage of MSM a doubtful tool. In the current study, we examine CT scans of the upper and lower limbs of adult males and females (age 20 to 40 years). In the upper limb, the muscles studied were the biceps, pectoralis major and deltoid and the MSM was the deltoid tuberosity. In the lower limb we studied the gluteus maximums and the adductor magnus and the MSM was the linea aspera. For the muscles, we recorded muscle density, degree of fatty infiltration, and muscle cross-sectional area. MSM were evaluated using the volume rendering procedure, and the scoring system followed Hawkey and Merbs (1995). This study aims to provide a scientific basis for the usage of MSM in anthropological studies. IFAA2014-6-021 Withdraw. Knowledge about growth and development in a variety of non-human primate species are essential in deciphering the evolution of biological characteristics of human. The first and major interest in the evolution of growth and development of human is whether non-human primate species have an adolescent growth spurt corresponding to that of human. Adolescence growth spurt in linear dimensions is not a universal feature of anthropoid primate ontogeny. Here, we report on the age-related changes of the mid shaft second metacarpal length for chimpanzees aged 0 to 43.6 years based on radiogrammetry. Cross-sectional and longitudinal studies were established with a relatively larger number of samples. A total of 482 radiographs of chimpanzee's proximodistal left hands were used for the study. They were taken from 68 females and 49 males. Some chimpanzees were x-rayed more than once to provide longitudinal data. We found chimpanzee IFAA2014-6-022 Facial fatness as a complicating factor in forensic facial reconstruction Carrie A. Clarke, Alan G. Morris, Louise J. Friedling Department of Human Biology, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa * A reasonable assumption in facial reconstruction is that a significant proportion of the variation in facial tissue thicknesses comes from anatomical differences between populations. However, we do not know how much of this normal variation is caused by including the full range of The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 150 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• individual obesity or slimness. Current population standard soft tissue thickness data used in facial reconstructions ignores the variation between individuals which, in theory, could be greater than the variation between populations or sexes. The aim of this study is to test if facial tissue thickness is due to the amount of sub-cutaneous fat, sex or racial origins. One of the objectives is to help develop more consistent methods for facial reconstruction in forensic cases by giving us critical information that will help us understand how variation in soft-tissue thickness affects the accuracy of these reconstructions. Methods currently used do not give a true reflection of the individual because they ignore the variation in fatness. The study has two stages. Stage 1 determined a corrective value for the non-linear distortion found between LODOX® images and the actual physical tissues, using cadaver heads. Stage 2 is using use measurements taken from LODOX® images of volunteers and physical measurements. IFAA2014-6-023 Fracture pattern analysis: a forensic perspective Haim Cohen1,2, Israel Hershkovitz1, Tatiana Sella Tunis 1, Bahaa Medlej1,4, Dan Stein1, Tamar Brosh3 1 Department of Anatomy and Anthropology, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel 2 Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, RappaportTechnion Faculty of Medicine, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israe;l 3Laboratory of Fine Measurements, Dental School of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University, Israel; 4The National Center of Forensic Medicine, Ben Zvi 67, Tel Aviv, Israel * Fracture pattern analysis explores the topographical features of a fracture surface and fracture lines. Most studies that looked into fractures were more concerned in revealing the mechanical properties of the bones and less on the incidence that lead to the fracture. Fracture analysis in the forensic setting are of major importance in reconstructing the cause and manner of death in cases like homicidal assault, suicide, falls, child abuse and road traffic accidents. The general objective of the study was to reveal the association between fracture pattern and impact velocity and direction and to examine the effect of bone morphology on fracture pattern. In order to achieve the research objectives femoral pig bones were fractured by impact load (Instron POE 2000) in 3 point bending configuration while changing impactor velocity and direction related to the long axis of the bone. Fracture analysis was carried by measuring the fracture line length and number using Microscribe® G2X 3D digitizers. Fracture lines length and number are significantly associated (p<0.02) with the impact velocity and direction. Significant positive correlation exists between bone length and fracture line (r=0.47). IFAA2014-6-024 The human chin: Its structure and function Tatiana Sella-Tunis1,2, Rachel Sarig1,2 , Bahaa Medlej1,3, Haim Cohen1, Dan Stein 1, Alexander D. Vardimon2, Israel Hershkovitz1 The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 1 Department of Anatomy and Anthropology, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel; 2Department of Orthodontics, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel ; 3The National Center of Forensic Medicine, Tel Aviv, Israel. * The chin is a uniquely modern human (Homo sapiens) trait and is absent in other members of the Homo genus or any known non-human primates. The formation of the chin and its function is still obscure and not understood. The purpose of the study is to gain insight on the structural characteristics of the chin and to locate the facial features associated with its size and shape, these in order to reveal its function and variation in modern humans. The study was carried out on CT images of 438 healthy individuals. No differences were found in the chin parameters, except for the chin width, between the genders. Also, we did not find significant changes in the chin parameters after the age of 18 years. Symphyseal inclination to the mandibular plane and the antegonial notch were found as strong predictors for chin projection in males (R2= 0.544, Pv< 0.001). In females, symphyseal and lower incisors inclination to the FH, mandibular body angulation were found to be among the strongest predictors (R2= 0.726, Pv< 0.001). Our results suggest a complex relationship between chin morphology and major anatomical features of the face and skull. IFAA2014-6-025 Age-gender related anthropometric values and cranio-facial indices- a study in Malaysia Swamy B Kaki1, Suwaiba ABD Hadi2 1 Faculty of Medicine, Mahsa University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; 2Faculty of Medicine, University Sultan Zainal Abidin, Kuala terengganu, Malaysia. * Cranial indices serve as an indicator of brain size which is a determinant of the intelligence of a population. The aim of this study was to assess the craniofacial indices of children and adolescents in Malaysia. This cross sectional study was conducted on healthy primary and secondary school children. Anthropometric measurements including weight and height of the subject and Cephalometry which includes the head length, height and breadth as well as face length and width were measured for each subject. A total of 419 subjects (203 male and 216 female) participated in this study. Mean age of the participants was 12.51 ± 2.82 years. Male subjects were significantly taller (p=0.04) and had greater head height (p=0.004) and breadth (p<0.001) as well as greater face length (p<0.001) when compared with female subjects. Only facial length was significantly different between genders in the age groups (p=0.001). Lifestyle and ethnicity have an important role in determining the head size of children and adolescents. IFAA2014-6-026 Obesity, biomarkers and mortality in multiethnic cohort of older women in the US Zhao Chen Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 151 Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, US * Obesity is a known risk factor for increased total mortality and cause-specific mortality. The objective of this study is to better understand the relationship between BMI, waist circumference and mortality in different ethnic groups of older women and to study the underline biological mechanism of this association. Data on anthropometric measurements and mortality from over 160,000 women in the Women’s Health Initiative were used. Biomarkers including anabolic and catabolic factors were assessed in a subgroup of women (n = 1000). Age-adjusted mortality rates were calculated by age and ethnicity. Cox proportional models were used to assess the relationship between mortality, BMI and waist circumference after adjusting for confounders. The relationship between biomarkers, BMI and waist circumference was studied using general linear models. The results from this study suggest a J shape relationship between mortality and BMI, and a linear relationship between mortality and waist circumference. Optimal BMI and waist circumference vary by age. Inflammation may contribute to the association between obesity and mortality, especially central obesity and mortality. IFAA2014-6-027 Occipito-frontal circumference (OFC) and body mass index (bmi) in children; any correlation? Muhammad A1. Musa, Abdullahi D Zagga1, Mohammed Danfulani2, Jibrin D. Usman1, Abubakar Bello1, Hamid Ahmed3 1 Department of Anatomy, College of Health Sciences, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria;.2Department of Radiology, College of Health Sciences, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria;3Department of Pediatrics, Usmanu Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital, Sokoto, Nigeria;. * Head measurements such as occipito-frontal circumference and body mass index are very useful tools used by pediatricians and other caregivers of infants and young children as it helps them to recognize common certain abnormalities at an early stage. The aim of this study was to investigate if any correlation exists between occipito-frontal circumference (OFC) and body mass index (BMI) of children resident in Sokoto, Nigeria. A total of 153 children (89 males and 64 females) aged 2 - 8 years were recruited for this study. The occipito-frontal circumference (cm), body weight (kg) and height (cm) of the study participants were measured and body mass index calculated using internationally accepted standards according to sex. Pearson’s product-moment correlation coefficients between variables were computed using Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet. A total of 58.17% males and 41.83% females participated. The overall mean age of the study participants was 4.47±2.17. The mean OFC was 49.07±2.35 in males and 49.64±2.21 in females and this difference was not statistically significant (p > 0.05). The mean BMI in males and females was 13.98±2.65 and 14.44±1.95 respectively. A strong positive correlation was observed between OFC and BMI in females and a strong negative correlation between the two variables in males. From this present study, there is a correlation between OFC and BMI in both males and females. Routine OFC evaluation and body mass index calculation in children can be of clinical importance in determining the timing and etiology of certain illnesses. IFAA2014-6-028 Characterization of a tumor suppressor sequence from 18th to 19th century mummies Michal Feldman1, Rina Arbesfeld1, Ella Sklan2, Gila Kahila Bar-Gal3, Israel Hershkovitz1 1 Department of Anatomy and Anthropology, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel 2 Department of Human Microbiology , Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel 3The Koret School of Veterinary Medicine, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot, Israel * Yearly, over 1 million people are diagnosed with colorectal cancer. This neoplasia of the large intestine begins as small, benign clumps of cells (adenomatous polyps) which over time become cancerous. The few reports on tumors in ancient specimens are based mainly on the presence of specific bone lesions or histological studies. Considering the enormous lifestyle and environmental changes human society has undergone in the last centuries, the ability to compare the spectrum of ancient mutations to the modern spectrum seems important for the understanding of the etiology and evolution of neoplasia. Mutations of the Adenomatous polyposis coli gene (APC) are strongly linked with the development of colorectal adenomas and carcinomas. In our research we examined 18th to 19th century naturally preserved mummies that were found in sealed crypts in the town of Vác, Hungry. The preservation level enabled comparison between APC gene fragments isolated and sequenced from the ancient tissue and modern published APC gene variants. A partial sequence of the APC gene from 3 different individuals who lived in the 18th century was characterized. One individual was found to be homozygous to a miscoding mutation possibly associated with a predisposition to the development of multiple colorectal adenomas and colorectal cancer. Our data, indicating the presence of a cancer predisposing mutation and possibly cancer in a person from the 18th century combined with future ancient DNA data may provide a fuller picture of cancer epidemiology and cancer evolution in historic and modern times IFAA2014-6-029 Kinetics of gait, postural balance and body mass index during the first, second and third trimester of pregnancy Héctor Silva Mella1; Alexis Caniuqueo Vargas2 ; José Fernandes Filho2 ; Guissela Quiroz Siever2 ; René Rivas Valdebenito2 1 Universidad de La Frontera, Chile 2Universidad Autónoma de Chile, Chile The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 152 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• The pregnancy is characterized by a set of changes in physiological, psychological, emotional and mechanics that can affect health. The objective of this investigation was to analyze the kinetics behavior of gait, postural balance and body mass index (BMI) by trimester the pregnancy. The methodology was not experimental, comparative and correlational. The samples were 25 women between 20 y 30 years, selected under a criterion not probabilistic. The gait y postural balance, were evaluated from the behavior of the reaction force to the floor by pressure center, in gait platforms and postural oscillograph respectively both manufacturing Artoficio. IMC we calculated from the weight and size measured by estadiometer, Seca brand model 700. The results show for the march significant differences (p<0,05) in the power in the support phase and push, tread duration left foot and work in the pushing phase between the different trimester of pregnancy, for the postural balance significant differences were found in follow up condition and front view of posturography static (p<0,05) for trimester, addition, significant differences in IMC. It was concluded that the significant increase in IMC could generate alterations in the gait kinetics in the respective sub phases the support phase and postural balance in the conditions of front view and eyes closed. Zhi Cheng, Lianbin Zheng, F3564 F3602 The affection of rural urbanization of chaoyang district, beijing to young lumbar disease incidence tendency Tao Jing, Shengyi Wu Department of anatomy and biomechanics, Capital University of Physical Education and Sports, Beijing, China 2012 human body science graduate, Capital University of Physical Education and Sports, Beijing, China In this paper, 100 young adults were randomly selected from each one of three streets of Chaoyang District, Beijing. Testees were separated into two groups, city and countryside, and participated in a necessary sit and reach test conducted in accordance with the provisions of the China Physical Fitness Surveillance Center. The completion rate of testees from countryside group is 65%, while approximately 46% from city group passed the test. This result implied that a considerable part of young adults’ lumbar spine action could not reach normal feasible domain, and testees from city group showed a more significantly disorder of lumbar vertebra than those from countryside group. Another survey conducted meanwhile showed that the city group had a lumbar disease incident rate 32%, much higher than that of countryside group, 16%. So probably completion of sit and reach test is closely related to risk of lumbar disease. We assume that rural urbanization, lack of exercise, fast food based diet, may be factors in rejuvenation and an increasing tendency of lumbar disease. So we recommend the application of healthy lifestyle and scientific methods of physical exercise, which can effectively prevent or control young lumbar disease incidence, thus improve national physique. F3601 Validity of multiple indicators on predicting percent body fat in an adult chinese population The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists College of Life Sciences, Tianjin Normal University, Binshui West Road 393, Tianjin 300387, China Overweight and obesity are risk factors causing cardiovascular and metabolic disease of adults and adolescents. Our study attempted to be in comparison with validity of multiple indicators on body fat distribution pattern of Chinese. Results showed that there was a higher significant correlation between PBF and body measurement values (skinfold thickness and body circumference) for both males and females. Moreover, the values of BMI, BAI and WHtR were high correlation with age in both males and females. Males showed much higher correlation between excessive central fat indexes (WC and WhtR) and advancing PBF in the period of adulthood than the females, and it mean that the fat deposition of females mainly concentrate in the extremities. For the partial correlation analysis, BMI was better predicted PBF than other indexes in both men and women. When all of these indicators were considered together, we conclude that Chinese has been created serious overweight and obese problem, and BMI is a better indicator of PBF in Chinese population. Correlation analysis on statures and weight of rural han adults with latitude Lianbin Zheng, Keli Yu, Wei Deng, Shi Rui, Jingping Bao, Xinghua Zhang College of Life Science, Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin Key Laboratory of Animal and Plant Resistance, Tianjin 300387 18 indicators, including stature, weight and others, were measured from 16,501 rural Han adults in 36 areas across China from 2009 to 2013, and 6 indexes were calculated. The results shown that heights of head, face, trunk and lower limbs all increased with latitude, and they commonly promoted the positive correlation between stature and latitude. And with the increase of latitude, Chinese rural Han’s body fat gradually increased, fat volumes of chest and enterocoelia visceral organ gained, all of the trunk breadth, trunk skeletal weight, thickness of female’s triceps skinfold, subscapular skinfold, supraspinale skinfold and medial calf skinfold increased, thickness of male’s biceps and back subcutaneous fat gained, male’s thigh bone and female’s upper arm bones became heavier, and male’s upper arm muscle developed gradually. Variations of all the factors above commonly lead to the positive correlation between body weight and latitude in rural Han F3603 Body weights in chinese populations Yonglan Li, Shunhua Lu, Yuling Li College of Life Science and Technology, Inner Mongolia Normal University, Hohhot 010022 The body weights of 26,954 Han Chinese adults in 67 areas across China were measured from 2009 to 2013. The results Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 153 showed that: In China the 3 areas (North China, Northeast China and Jianghuai Plain) were with the greatest body weight. Chinese Han who located in areas of HangJiahu were the general level, and similar to southwestern dialect groups. The mean values of body weight in Hunan Han and Fujian Han were greater than other Han groups in southern China. The body weight increased with the increase of height, bones diameter, subcutaneous fat of limbs and trunk, chest circumference and abdomen circumference. The reasons that Northern Han men were heavier than southern Han men are Northern Han men were taller, with larger waist circumference and thicker back subcutaneous fat. The heights, upper limb bones, chest circumference and abdomen circumference, and subcutaneous fat of limbs and trunk of Northern Han women were larger than rural Southern Han, which the reasons that the body weight values were larger than southern Han women. F3604 Body statures in Han populations of china Lianbin Zheng, Keli Yu, Rui Shi Xinghua Zhang, Wei Deng Xue Song, Jinyuan Tian College of Life Science, Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin Key Laboratory of Animal and Plant Resistance, Tianjin 300387 The body statures of 26,952 Han Chinese adults located in 67 areas across China (16,501 in rural areas and 10,451 in urban areas) were measured between 2009 and 2013. The results showed that currently the majority of rural Han populations were of "medium" statures, whereas most urban populations were of "ultra-medium" statures. In the 20–44 year age group, about 11% of rural males, 40% of urban males, and 30% of urban females were “tall” in stature, whereas no “tall” rural females were identified within this age group. However, male and female populations in the Jianghuai and Jianghan plains in central China were taller than some of the northern Han populations. In recent years, a significant increase in the body size of Han people has been noted. The composition of genes involved in stature traits of Han populations across the country has provided the genetic foundation for the varying statures of different Han populations. the tibia. Two osteotomy were made on the proximal and distal metaphsis of the tibia, and the bone transport were made at a speed of 1mm/d for each osteotomy site. The follow up ranged from 10~36 months (averaging 16 months). All the soft tissue of the legs healed while all the tibia defects were reconstructed. The discrepancy of the two legs were within 2 cm. Two-site osteotomy of bone transport is effective and will accelerate the healing of large defects of the tibia and soft tissue. F3844 Free vascularized leg perforator flap for the wounds of the extremities Yongqing Xu The Affiliated Ortopedic Hospital, Kunming General Hospital of PLA, Kunming 650032,Chian To evaluate the locating effects of a portable ultrasound for leg perforator flaps, and the clinical effects of leg perforator flaps for the wounds of the extremities. Since December 2009 to March 2011, 31 cases of soft tissue defects of the extremities were treated with free vascularized leg perforator flaps in our center. A portable ultrasound were used for the locating of the perforator arteries of the leg before the operations. These flaps include 24 cases of the fibular artery perforator flaps (4 with simultaneous fibula transfer), 3 cases of the posterior tibia artery perforator flap, 2 cases of the medial gastrocnemius artery perforator flap, and 2 cases of the lateral gastrocnemius artery perforator flap. The flap size ranged from 15×8cm to 1×1.5cm. The caliber diameter of the perforator artery ranged from 0.2mm to 1.8mm. The wounds included 21 cases of the hand, 5 cases of the forearm, and 5 cases of the leg. The coincidence rate intraoperatively of the portable ultrasound was 96.8%. All the flaps survived and the wounds healed uneventfully. The donor site of the flaps were either closed directly or closed with partial split-thickness skin graft. The portable ultrasound is an effective, reliable and accurate instrument for locating the leg perforator flaps. The leg perforator flaps have the advantages of convenient harvest, satisfactory thickness, less donor site morbidity, and high survival rate. F3845 The clinical analysis of effects on adult femoral head necrosis by transplantation of pedicled iliac bone graft with ascending branch of lateral femoral circumflex artery F3843 Two-site osteotomy bone transport for large segmental defects of tibia and soft tissue Yongqing Xu Yongqing Xu Othopaedic Research Institute of Kunming General Hospital, Chengdu Military Command, PLA, Kunming 650031, China. The Affiliated Ortopedic Hospital, Kunming General Hospital of PLA, Kunming 650032, China To do two-site osteotomy of tibial bone transport of for large defects of the tibia and sort tissue and evaluate its role in accelerating the bone union and soft tissue healing. From May 2009 to May 2011, 6 cases of large tibial and soft tissue defects were treated in our institute. The cases were all open fractures of Gustilo IIIB, with an average of 34.5y. The causes include 5 cases of accidental trauma, 1 case of machine crashing. The size of soft tissue of the anterior leg ranged from 8cm×4cm to 24cm×11cm ˈ and the defect length of the tibia defect was from 8~18cm. After debridement, the half-ring external fixator were used to fix To study the treating methods on femoral head necrosis of Ċ and ċ stages. 65 patients were observed by operative treatment, and their curative efficacy were observed by follow-up. The excellent and good rate was 87.69%. but the curative effect was obviously higher in the Ċ stage(97.22) than in the ċ stage of femoral head necrosis(75.86%). The implantation of pedicled iliac bone graft with ascending branch of lateral femoral circumflex artery is effective to femoral head necrosis, espeicially to the Ċ stage. The The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 154 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• treating methods is worthy of being recommended in clinical treatment. Physical characteristics of han in china and allen's rule F3864 Xinghua Zhang, Lianbin Zheng, Keli Yu, Wei Deng, Jingping Bao The fat distribution characteristics of Zhuang middle-aged and elderly people Xiufeng Huang, Rongyao Wei Institute of Anthropology,You Jiang Medical College for Nationalities,Baise Guangxi,China To obtain the fat base value and the fat distribution characteristics of Zhuang middle-aged and elderly people.We randomly selected 625 healthy middle-aged and elderly people whose parents are zhuang.We detected all subjects with body composition analyzer and concluded the total fat,fat free mass(FFM),visceral fat level and the total body fat ratio,limb and trunk fat content and fat ratio.The FFM,total fat and body fat rate had statistical significance difference compared to male and female the same age(P<0.05).Visceral fat level compared to male and female 50~ and 60~years old group difference were statistically significant(P<0.05),and the rest had no statistical significance(P>0.05).In addition to 50~ and 70~ years old group trunk body fat mass differences were statistically significant(P<0.05),and the other parts of body fat mass and rate were not differences.The fat distribution of Zhuang middle-aged and elderly people were gender and age change differences. F3866 Chinese Han’s physique variations and bergmann’s rule Lianbin Zheng, Keli Yu, Rui Shi, XinghuaZhang, Jinping Bao College of Life Science, Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin Key Laboratory of Animal and Plant Resistance, Tianjin300387 Physique indicators of 16501 Han adults in 36 districts of China were investigated to discuss the pattern how the physique values changed with mean annual temperature, and to analyze the causes. Results showed that: male’s stature and weight had a negative correlation with mean annual temperature while female’s stature didn’t relate to it, but female’s weight had a negative correlation with it. With the mean annual temperature’s fell, male’s lean body mass increased, chest breadth and circumference, and the maximum forearm circumference also increased. The speed of chest circumference’s increase was quicker than that of the stature value’s increase. Female’s fat mass and lean body mass increased both. The trunk breadth and circumference, the four limbs’ circumferences (except for the biceps circumference) and back subcutaneous fat thickness increased, female’s chest also became thicker. Chinese rural Han’s physique variations accorded with the Bergmann’s rule. Genetic difference is the main factor that caused the Chinese Han’s physique variation with mean annual temperature. F3868 The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists College of Life Science, Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin Key Laboratory of Animal and Plant Resistance, Tianjin 300387, China Study on the variation rule of Morphological Characteristics of 16,501 Han Chinese adults in 36 areas with different mean annual temperature. Research found: Nasal depth and morphological ear length are linearly increase as the mean annual temperature goes down, which is not consistent with Allen's Rule. Upper extremity length, forearm length and stature-upper extremity length index are positively correlated with mean annual temperature. Maximum forearm circumference and forearm length-girth index (and upper arm length-girth index in female) are negatively correlated with mean annual temperature. Variation rule of upper limb morphology is basically fit Allen's Rule. The larger thigh in male makes the lower limbs larger as mean annual temperature goes down. Lower limbs are stout a little. Variation rule of lower limb in male is not fit Allen's Rule obviously. The lengths and circumferences of lower limbs in female are not obviously different as mean annual temperature goes down, which is not consistent with Allen's Rule. F3871 Genetic polymorphisms of 12 X-STR loci in guangxi maonan population Lining ZhouˈYaochun QinˈJichun Gongˈ Qiongying Deng Department of AnatomyˈGuangxi Medical Universityˈ Nanning 530021ˈP.R.China To investigate the genetic polymorphism of 12 short tandem repeat(STR) loci on the X chromosome of Maonan groups in Guangxi Province. The 12 X-STR loci were amplified by using AGCU X12 STR PCR amplification Kit, following analyzed by 3130 genetic analyzer. The numbers of alleles in the 12 X-STR loci were 4ǃ5ǃ10ǃ7ǃ9ǃ6ǃ5ǃ11ǃ3ǃ7ǃ 8 and 6 ˈ respectively. The genotype frequencies were in accordance with Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. A total of 34 haplotypes were detected in DXS10159-DXS10162DXS10164 loci ˈ and 28 haplotypes were detected in DXS101-DXS7424 loci. The haplotype diversity reached 0.9714 and 0.9228, respectively. The combined power of discrimination was 0.9999995 in males and 0.99999999 in females, and the combined mean exclusion chance was 0.999998 in the trio cases and 0.99986 in the duo cases. The 12 X-STR loci were highly polymorphic in Guangxi Maonan population and it is powerful for individual identification, paternity testing and population genetics. F3890 A study on the physical characteristics of barags in china Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 155 Yonglan Li, Junrui Zhang, Pengfei Li College of Life Sciences and Technology, Inner Mongolia Normal University, Hohhot 010022 Barags is a branch of Mongoloid ethnic groups in China. 86 items of physique indices of Barags adults (196 males and 204 females) were investigated in 2013. Results showed: In Barags, the rate of eyelid folds was high, and the rate of Mongolian folds was 40%; their nasion heights were medium, ala nasi heights were medium and with lower bridge of the nose. They showed straight nasal dorsum and prominent zygomatic, and most of their lips were thin; hair was black; eyes were brown; skin was yellow, and their chins lordosis were obvious. The most obvious body features of Barags were the big weights, the means of chest, abdomen, hip and thigh circumferences were larger than all other groups of Chinese. Their subcutaneous fat was thicker. The physical characteristics of Barags were closest to Buriats and Tuvas. The physical characteristics of Barags belong to a medium type between the Baykal of the North Asian type of Mongoloid and the Central Asian type, which contain the European race’s features. F3892 populations, Jianghuai dialect groups’ stature is the tallest. Gan dialect groups’ stature was shorter. In urban Han populations, the statures of Northeast China dialect groups are of top shape. Gan dialect groups was shorter. In males, Wu dialect groups and dialect groups in Northeast, North China, Northwest, Jianghuai district and the Min dialect groups in urban are with ultra-medium statures, others belong to medium stature or sub-medium stature groups. Since half a century, in rural males, rural females and urban males, statures of south ethnic groups and central ethnic groups have experienced a relatively greater increase compared with north ethnic groups. In urban females, statures of north Han Chinese have experienced a relatively greater increase compared with south Han Chinese. Compared with European males, speed of Chinese males’ statures increased closely to theirs in recent 50 years. F3954 The study on multiple linear regression equations of percentage body fat in tibetan adolescents Hua Zhong1ˈHailong Zhang2ˈHuanjiu Xi2ˈQiang Fu 1 1 Department of Anatomy, Tibet University Medical College, Lhasa 850000˗2Department of Anatomy, Liaoning Medical University, Jinzhou 121000, China. Physical anthropology study on Mosuo Yonglan Li, Xiaolu Ni 86 items of physical indices of Mosuo (total: 386 including 179 males and 207 females) were investigated in Yunnan, China in 2013. Results showed: The most remarkable physical characteristics of Mosuo are they have higher stature. Mosuo has higher frequency of eyefold of the upper eyelid (69.4%) and lower percentage of mongoloid fold (21.0%). The nasal root height is medium-type; the height of ala nasi is medium-type; the nasal bridge is lower; most of lobe types are round; upper lip skin height is middle. The nasal profile is straight type; the zygomatic projection is not very prominent; thicknesses of lips are filmy; and have brown eye color. Mosou have the basic Mongoloid characteristics. Length, breadth and height of head-face, stature and weight of female Mosuo are obviously larger than Mongoloid South Asian type ethnic groups, while nose breadth and lip height are smaller than South Asian type ethnic groups. Mosuo are Upper-middle Stature type. Overall physical characteristics of Mosuo are belong to Mongoloid North Asian ethinc groups, and mostly close to Mongolian ethnic groups in northern China. Since few studies reported on the evaluation of the percentage body fat(%BF) of Tibetan adolescents by Anthropometrical Measurements, this study is to establish evaluational equations. 1,154 (male 532, female 622) 10-19 years old Lhasa-Tibetan adolescents were selected to measure kinds of indicators manually. Combined with Bioelectrical impedance analysis to get the percentage body fat, the equations were established. Equations for the Male: %BF 10y-13y)= 19.119+0.536×weight(kg) +0.235 ×abdominal skinfold(mm)-0.207×height(cm) +0.267× subscapular skinfold (mm), %BF(14y-16y)=54.841+0.350× mid-axillary skinfold(mm)-3.761×age(y)+ 0.273× weight, %BF (17y19y)=-17.553+0.351× weight(kg)+ 0.131× abdominal skinfold (mm) +0.374× biceps skinfold (mm)+0.090 × waist circumference(cm). Equations for the Female: %BF (10y13y)=14.195+0.520×weight(kg)-1.086 ×age(y) +0.193× medial calf skinfold(mm)-0.184×chest circumference (cm)+0.204×thigh circumference (cm)-0.196× calf circumference (cm)+0.066×waist circumference(cm), %BF (14y-16y)=-47.740+0.576×weight(kg)+2.807×age(y), %BF (17y-19y)==62.023+0.710×weight(kg)-0.452× height(cm) +0.074×subscapular skinfold(mm). The above equations were verified to be reliable, which can be provided to study Tibetan adolescents’percentage body fat.9 F3894 F4001 College of Life Sciences and Technology, Inner Mongolia Normal University , Hohhot 010022 Body statures of chinese dialect group in china Genetic polymorphism of mitochondrial DNA in the Tibetan group of Lhasa Keli Yu, Lianbin Zheng, JIngyuan Tian, Xue Song, Jingping Bao Tao J.L.1 He S.1 Liu R.Z.1 Pei L.G. 1 Xi H.J.2 College of Life Science, Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin Key Laboratory of Animal and Plant Resistance, Tianjin 300387 1 Teaching and Research Section of Anatomy,Nanyang Medical College,Nanyang 473061; 2Institute of Anthropology, Liaoning Medical University, Jinzhou 121001,China The statures of 26,952 adults of 11 Han ethnic groups were measured in China. The results showed that: In rural Han The purpose was to obtain mtDNA genetic information,enrich the Tibetan group genetics data.Using The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 156 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• PCR-RFLP technology analyzed mtDNA sites such as 663,9bp,13259,5176, 12406,4831,10394,9824,4715,3391, 5417 and 10310 of 186 Lhasa Tibetan.This study got 14 haplogroups of Tibetan group. The frequency of D(17.4%),M9(10.5%),M(14.0%) and A(12.8%)are higher than others.Tibetan and kazakhstan,Mongolian and uyghur converged,at the same time converged with liaoning and shandong han together. Guangdong han,yunnan han and southern minority assembled together.Europe crowd alone.The haplogroups of Tibetan belongs to Asian population.The national characteristics of Tibetan are similar with the northern origins minorities,minorities in northwestern,it means the origin of Tibetan is diversity.The reach of Haplogroups can improve the accuracy of forensic individual identification. F4003 Analysis of measuring methods of Hanˈs digit ratio in HeNan Tao J.L.1ˈ Pei L.G.1ˈ Liu R.Z.1ˈ He S.1ˈ Xi H.J.2 1 Teaching and Research Section of Anatomy,Nanyang Medical College, Nanyang 473061; 2Institute of Anthropology,Liaoning Medical University, Jinzhou 121001, China To discuss exact measuring methods of digit ratio by comparative analysis.1245adluts of the Han nationality in HeNan were selected randomly and their ratio of second,third,forth and fifth finger length˄2D,3D,4D,5D˅ were measured respectively using vernier caliper˄Z˅and X-ray(the length from midpoint of the proximal end of the proximal phalanx to the top of distal phalanx(X1)and to the fingertip (X2), then compared the differences of methods.2D:4D of right hands have sexual difference using three methods and the same phenomenon have been found in left hands using Z;The sexual difference of 2D:4D and 2D:5D in both the left and the right hands have been found using X1;The sexual difference of 2D:5D in right hands and 2D:4D in left hands have been found using X3.There exists sexual differences in both the 2D:4D of right hands and the 2D:5D of left hands and the three methods can be applied to the 2D:4D,2D:5D. F4179 A paleoanthropologiacal study of human skeletons from shimao city in Shenmu,Shaanxi. Liang Chen1, Zhouyong Sun2, Jing Shao2 1 Heritage College of Northwest University 2Shaanxi Provincial Institute of Arcaeology In this article, the human skeletons unearthed from Houyangwan site of Shimao city,in shenmu county,shaanxi provincine. It counts 7 people,including of 2 men ,4 women and an infant. The morphological features of crania show that the racial type is closely related to the modern East Asiatic Mongoloids.An analyses of limbs shows that the people have platymeric type femurǃplatymeric type or mesocnemic type tibia and stout humerus.It hints that Shimao people were engaged in heavy labor,such as porters.The ancient pathology reveals there have no dental caries in Shimao people.It means The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists the diet of Shimao people had low proportion of plant.Ayoung woman suffered from Spondylolys,the reason was probably cause aslo by the heavy labor. F4218 Physical characteristics of the han ethnic groups of northern China dialect Wenhui Li, Huanjiu Xi, Fu Ren, Hong Zhao, Chengzhi Li, XiaWang The Biological Anthropology Institute of Liaoning Medical University To investigate the physical characteristic of the Han ethnic groups of Northern China dialect. 4399 adults (2185 males, 2214 females) were investigated in the province of Liaoning, Hebei and Shanxi. 58 measured, stature and 39 indices were assessed. Compared with other groups in China, the physical characteristics of the Han ethnic groups of Northern China dialect were preliminarily analyzed. According to the average of body index, the males and females were long trunk, hyperbrachyskelic type, broad distance between iliac crests, medium shoulder breadth (the next were broad shoulder breadth). The females were broad chest circumference, and males were medium chest circumference. The typical physical characteristics were high-sized stature, ultra intermediate were next. The circumference and skinfold thickness of urban males were larger than rural males. The results of cluster analysis show that the physical characteristics of the Han ethnic groups of Northern China dialect were similar with those of Russ, Tuvas, the Han ethnic groups of Jianghuai dialect and Chuzhou in Anhui. F4221 The head facial features of the Han ethnic groups of Northern China dialect Wenhui Li, Huanjiu Xi, Youfeng Wen, Yang yang The Biological Anthropology Institute of Liaoning Medical University To study the head facial features of the Han ethnic groups of Northern China dialect. 4399 adults (2185 males, 2214 females) were investigated in the province of Liaoning, Hebei and Shanxi. They had the high percent of eyefold of upper eyelid and the low percent of mongoloid fold. The opening height of eyeslits was medium, and a half of the subjects had the eyeslit at a horizontal level. The middle type of nasal root height , zygomatic projection and facial horizontal plane was more. The nasal base was level. The maximal diameter of nostrils was oblique position. The highest rate of skin color was yellow, hair color was black and eye color was blackbrown. According to the average index of head and face, the males and females were hyperbrachycephaly type, hypsicephalic type, acrocephalic type, mesorrhiny type and hyperleptoprosopy type. The head facial features of the Han ethnic groups of Northern China dialect receive the joint influences of the ethnic groups of the South Asian type and the North Asian type. F4223 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 157 Craniofacial asymmetry study on young male Han nationality in Liaoning province based on Euclidean Distance Matrix Analysis Lian Du1, Haitang Qiu1, Haixia Liu1, Yixiao Fu1, Tian Qiu1, Hua Hu1, Huaqing Meng1, Yong Tang2*, Qinghua Luo1* Bo Zhu, Fu Ren, Shuang Qi, Qingyun Ma, Chengzhi Li, Hong Zhao Mental Health Center, The First Affiliated Hospital, Dept. of Histology and Embryology, Chongqing Medical University, P. R. China Institute of Biological Anthropology, Liaoning Medical University, JinZhou 121000ˈChina To study craniofacial asymmetry on young male Han nationality in Liaoning province using Euclidean Distance Matrix Analysis(EDMA), and to provide basic data for facial recognition and craniofacial approximation. VG Studio 2.2 MAX software was used for collecting 3D coordinates of 104 young male Han nationality whose native place was in Liaoning province. Afterwards, we compared the left side of face with the right side of face by using EDMA method. EDMA results showed that there was significant form difference between the left side of face and right side of face. Analysis also showed that there were 234(89%) FDM ratios in 0.95̚1.05, 30(11%) ratios were outside the range. Our study showed that the face of young male Han nationality in Liaoning province was asymmetric, and the ratio is 11%. Besides, the results also showed that the left side of face was most commonly dominant for asymmetry. Multiple regression analysis of linear and angular measurements in the craniofacial regions of Chinese people based on MRI You Shi, Peiling Cai, Wenjie Guo Department of Anatomy, School of Medicine and Nursing, Chengdu University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610036 Chengzhi Li, Fu Ren Institute of Biological Anthropology, Liaoning Medical University, Jinzhou 121001,China The purpose of this study was to get the mean values of the cephalometric variables ,and to analyze the effects of gender, age, and body parameters, such as height and weight on the linear and angular measurements in the craniofacial regions of Chinese people. All the subjects underwent threedimensional MR scan,and then the MRI data of 250 individuals (86 males, 164 females) were imported into VG Studio MAX 2.2 software.Each linear and angular measurement in the craniofacial regions was performed on the VG Studio MAX 2.2 software directly.The mean values of Gn—V, Tr—Op, G—S—Prn, S—Prn—Gn, for men were 246.62±5.66 , 178.07±7.94 , 130.36±8.13º, 117.92±5.49º ,and for women were 234.41±7.14 ,170.52±7.24 ,137.61±7.37º,120.32±5.97º. Each result showed distinct difference between male and female (all P<0.05). Multiple regression analysis showed that most of the craniofacial measurements of Chinese people were significantly correlated with height,weight,or age.The multiple regression equations constructed can be used for anthropometric analysis and forensic inference. Changes of cognitive performance and amplitude of low-frequency fluctuation after a single electroconvulsive treatment of major depressive disorder F4269 Study on growth development of Han nationality people through measuring the lips F4224 F4245 Amplitude of low-frequency Àuctuations (ALFF) has been shown to reÀect cerebral spontaneous neural activity, and the effect of a single modified electric convulsive therapy (MECT) on cognitive function and underlying mechanism in major depressive disorder (MDD) is still unclear. The present study was designed to explore how a single MECT affects cognitive function with Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) and cerebral function with ALFF. We recruited 13 firstepisode, treatment-naive patients. We found improved cognitive performance and decreased ALFF in right cerebellum, right frontal lobe, and left cingulate gyrus after MECT. Reduced total numbers of errors were positively correlated with the ALFF of the right Frontal Lobe before MECT. Our results suggested that the three areas above might play a critical role on MECT in MDD, and the ALFF in right frontal lobe might be a potential predictor for the variation of cognitive function after MECT. In order to explore the influence of gender and age in lip development, we measured 10 lip indicators of 4,308 Han Nationality individuals with the age from 2 to 25 years old. The results showed that all 10 indicators of the lips had no significant differences between male and female under 12 years old. Seven indicators including height of lip and 3 indicators including red lip began to appear significant gender differences with higher values in male group than female, since 13 year-old and 18 year-old, respectively. The growth curves of 6 indicators including height of lip rose slowly with the ages increasing, and also there were no obvious changes among different age groups. No significant peak of growth and development was observed, either. Meanwhile, growth curves of 4 indicators including height of lower lip increased rapidly and there were 1 or 2 peak of growth and development. F4270 Study on growth development of han nationality people through measuring the ears You Shi, Wenjie Guo, Peiling Cai Department of Anatomy, School of Medicine and Nursing, Chengdu University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610036 In order to explore the influence of gender and age in ear development, we measured 4 ear indicators of 4,308 Han Nationality individuals with the age from 2 to 25 years old and analyzed correlation of development through comparing The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 158 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• with the width and height of face. Data showed that ear width, ear temporal horn I and II of male were significant longer than that of female since 5 years old, and ear length of male was significant longer than female since 9 year-old. 4 growth curves about development of ear rose faster before 7 years old, which were positively correlated with the development of facial width and height that means development of ear consistent with that of face. However, growth curves of ear increased slowly after 8 year-old, development of ear did not keep the same steps with facial growth but lag behind. F4387 Advances in research on the role of MRI in the occlusal reconstruction Qingyun Ma, Fu Ren, Xin Li, Chengzhi Li, Bo Zhu, Shuang Qi The Biological Anthropology Institute of Liaoning Medical University Occlusal rehabilitation by changing the patients with longstanding low bite and the original bite state, is able to rebuild both a new occlusion and jew relationship and plays a crucial role in restoring occlusal function and improving facial form accordingly. Present methods of occlusal reconstruction includes physiological and morphological mode. In recent years, X-cephalometry which is a measurement between fixed points on the plane has been applied to clinical and formates a further quantitative index with the development of imaging. However, X-cephalometric radiography measurement is built on an image base of two-dimensional plane, while the maxillofacial is a complex three-dimensional structure and as a result there are many disadvantages of deformation, amplified, overlapping. With the application of MRI and three dimensional reconstructions technology, the teeth and maxillofacial three-dimensional imaging and measurement have become possible, and, at the same time the relevant parameter measurement is more accurate and convenient. F4389 Liaoning Han adults in urban and rural skinfold thickness variation year groups of females between urban and rural areas. 1. Between men and women 12 body circumference and six items of skinfold thickness Correlation analysis shows that men and women each part of the circumference and fat Simultaneous development of basic.2. Body fat females higher than males.3. Liaoning Han skinfold thicknesses closer with Liaoning Manchu, large different with Caucasoid and Negroid. F4396 Detection study on obsolete bone of human by amplified DNA kit and modified phenol chloroform extraction Nuan Liu1, Guochang Xu1, Kai Xu2 1 Institute of Anthropology, Nanyang Institute of Technology; The People's Prosecution Court of the Henan Province. 2 To explore the detection effect on obsolete bone of human by amplified DNA kit and modified phenol - chloroform extraction. DNA of 30 adult bones was detected by traditional or modified phenol - chloroform method, fluorescently marked and multiplex amplificated by kits of Identifiler-plus, Minifiler and GodeneyeTM 20A. DNA content was detected by ND-1000 spectrophotometer, and genetic loci were detected and analyzed by special analyzer software. The average DNA content of human obsolete bone was 33.6±1.9 ng/ȝl by modified phenol - chloroform extraction, which was 10.2±1.6 ng/ȝl higher than traditional phenol - chloroform extraction. And 469, 262, 588 genetic locus were detected, while the latter were 307, 175, 436. DNA detection on obsolete bone of human by amplified DNA kit and modified phenol - chloroform extraction is effective. F4397 Study on trace DNA detection of human obsolete bone by miniSTR typing techniques and modified phenol - chloroform extraction Guochang Xu1, Yue Zhang2, Nuan Liu1 1 Institute of anthropology, Nanyang Institute of Technology˗ Chongqing Public Security Bureau. 2 Hong Zhao, Jing Zhou, Wenhui Li, Huanjiu Xi Institute of Biological anthropologyˈLiaoning Medical CollegeˈJinzhou 121000ˈChina To study the thickness of Han adults in Liaoning. A random sampling method was used to study six items of the skinfold thicknesses of the facial,biceps,triceps,subscapulac,suprailiac and calf on 1458 Han adults in Liaoning. Analysis of characteristics of its change with age, and urban and rural areas. 1. In the 20~ year group urban and rural areas six items of the skinfold thickness upward trend.With the age increased, six items of the skinfold thicknesses of males were downward trend, skinfold thicknesses of triceps and calf in females were upward trend.2.There was an extremely difference in the skinfold thickness of the facial,biceps,subscapular,suprailiac in the 60~ year group of males between urban and rural areas.3. There was an extremely difference in the skinfold thickness of the biceps,subscapular in the 40~ǃ50~ǃ60~ The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists To establish five loci multiplex amplification miniSTR system, and to improve forensic detection performance of the obsolete bone samples with the STR loci. The new five STR loci(D3S3053, D18S853, D12ATA63, D6S474, D9S1122) primers were designed and marked by FAM, TAMRA, TET, amplified by PCR and the fragment length analysized by the ABI3100xL genetic analyzer. 84 Henan Han blood samples of unrelated individuals, and 30 cases of obsolete bone samples were collected for testing. 5 loci were effectively amplified, the 5 miniSTR recognition rate(DP) of individual loci in the Han population of Henan was 0.8768~0.9623, the heterozygosity (H) was 0.7454~0.8934, and the polymorphism information content (PIC) was 0.7145~0.8214. The total 5 miniSTR loci DP was 0.999 996 72. The detection rate of remaining genetic locus of the 30 obsolete bones was 84.80% by Identifiler kit, and 60.25% by miniSTR method. The five miniSTR loci in Henan Han population is easily recognited as a individual identification and paternity testing, Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 159 which provides a new detection on DNA samples typing of obsolete bones. F4400 Body composition analysis of schoolchildren of Hui nationality in Nanyang city Guochang Xu1, Qing Wang2, Rongzhi Liu 1 Institute of anthropology, Nanyang Institute of Technology˗ Nanyang Medical College. 2 To Detect body composition of Hui schoolchildren in Nanyang city, and to explore the characteristics of body composition changes in the Hui population with ages. The human body composition was detected by the body composition analyzer of 1262 samples (641 males, 621 females) of Hui nationality in Nanyang city, and differences of age, sex, urban and rural were analysed by cluster analysis and principal component analysis. Weight and lean body mass of Hui boys of primary and secondary school in Nanyang city are highly correlated, while the female body weight are highly correlated with the lean body mass and fat mass. The schoolchildren of Hui nationality in Nanyang city have the unique characteristics of body composition in the Central Plains region. And the gender differences and urban and rural differences changes with ages. F4409 Youfeng Wen, Yang Yang Institute of Biological Anthropology, Liaoning Medical University in China To investigate the Han nationality adults’ somatotype and compare the differences between urban and rural in the north of China. Method: According the Heath-Carter method, 10 items of the somatotype were measured and the somatotypes were analyzed . In male ,the majoritysomatotype in Gansu and Hebei province is the endomorphic mesomorphy is ; in Henan and Shan'xi province is the mesomorphic endomorphy; in Liaoning urban area is the endomorphic mesomorphy ; however, in Liaoning rural province is the mesomorphic endomorphy. In female, the somatotype in the five provinces belong to mesomorphic endomorphy. Somatotype discrepancies have emerged in three sub-dialect areas of China dialect regions of northern China. But there also is certain genetic relationship in Han population of different areas. Correlation study between fat content and blood lipid of menopausal and non-menopausal women in Molao ethnic group of Guangxi Hongrong Yu1, Qiongying Deng1, Lining Zhou1, Xianyong Jiang1, Jichun Gong1, Jiangu Gong1 1 Department of anatomy, Guangxi Medical University, Nanning 530021, China F4485 Comparison of sitting height, chest circumference and leg length of children and adolescents at Qinghai-Tibet altitude with andes Huanjiu Xi1, Zhao Chen2, Wenhui Li1 , Youfeng Wen1, Hailong Zhang1, Yanjie Xiao1, Suwei Liu1, Linguo Pei3, Meizhi Zhang1, Po Lv1, Fu Ren1, Keqiang Huang4, Liping Ye1, Chunshan Li4 1Institute of Anthropology in Liaoning Medical University, Jinzhou Liaoning 121001; 2Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health, University of Arizona ,Tucson USA 857245211; 3Second Affiliated Hospital of Liaoning Medical University, Jinzhou Liaoning 121001 The study of Han nationality adults’ somatotype in the north of china F4449 This study aimed to investigate the correlation between fat content and blood lipid of menopausal and non-menopausal women in Molao ethnic group of Guangxi. With informed consent, 100 menopausal and 100 non-menopausal women were randomly selected to measure the fat content and the 18 corresponding indexes of fat by BIA. And blood samples were drawn for measurement of TC, TG, HDL-C and LDL-C. The Results show that visceral fat level, visceral fat area, waist hip ratio, fat content of lower limb, TC, TG, LDL-C of non-menopausal women are less than those of menopausal ˄P<0.01˅.The correlation analysis shows that TC were positive correlation with visceral fat content and waist hip ratio. With fat content, body fat rate, waist hip ratio, visceral fat content and subcutaneous fat, TG was positive correlation ˄ P<0.05 ˅ and HDL-C was negative correlation ˄P<0.01˅.And it indicates that the blood lipid level and fat content is closely related. The objectiveofthis study was to compare height ,sitting height , chest circumference of leg length ofchildren and adolescents at Tibetan Plateau with those at Andes in order to explore patterns and characteristics of growth and development ,to identify the differences in growth and development of children and adolescences between regions ultimately, findings from this study may be used to help improve health of residents and promote the growth and development of children and adolescents and to provide theoretical framework for high altitude medicine and anthropology. A total of 2813 healthy children and adolescents (men,1606 ;women,1207) aged 6-19 years old were recruited with informed consent .To be eligible for this study, participants had to be the ones who have lived and grown up in Tibet and both their paternal and maternal side of the family had to be Tibetan(for at least the past 3 generations). Their stature, chest circumference and leg length were measured. The comparison data on growth and development of children and adolescents in India, Peru, Bolivia , and Chile and like were abstracted from published studies .Papers with incomplete data, small sample size or outdated formation were not included in this study. Statistical analysis was done using SPSS13.0.The results have suggested that that children and adolescents from Tibetan plateau was taller than those from Andes. Weight of children and adolescents in two regions were close.In addition, chest and circumference was smaller in those at Tibetan Altitude than those at Andes .It is concluded that the growth and development of children and adolescents at high land followed similar patterns but also showed specific characteristics ,such as growth delay, lower growth level, The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 160 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• large chest dimensions .The growth and development levels of children and adolescents were better in Tibetan than in Andes .Those different physical features may result from multifactors such as hypoxia ,heredity, socioecological levels etc. F4509 Nutritional status of Miao nationality primary and middle school students in Guangxi Lin Xu, Jichun Gong, Songfeng Li, Lining Zhou, Qiongying Deng, Jiehua Chen, Zhengquan Zhou Department of Anatomy Guangxi Medical Universityˈ Nanning Guangxi, P.R China To understand the nutrition status of Miao nationality students in Guamgxi and to provide evidence for preventive measures ˊ By using stratified random sampling method 2003 Miao nationality primary and middle school students were selected. The body height and weight were measured by anthropological method and their nutritional status were appraised by weight-for-height standard recommended of Chinese students aged 7-22 years old ˊ The incidence of overweight, obesity and malnutrition was 4.44ˁ, 1.15ˁ and 118.37ˁ. The incidence of malnutrition of female was much higher than that of maleˈbut the differences in the incidence of obesity in male and female students was not statistically significant. This study shows that malnutrition coexisted with overnutrition(overweight or obesity)among Miao nationality students in Guamgxi. The results from this study suggest that the preventive measures of malnutrition should be focused on girlsˈand the overnutrition should be paid more attentionˊ F4557 The ethnic differences and correlation of body composition and bone mineral density: Comparative analysis of four minorities in GuangXi Dan Mo, Feifei Huang, Qiongying Deng Department of Anatomy, Guangxi Medical University, Nanning 530021, China The aim of this study is to investigate the ethnic differences and correlation in pre- and post-menopausal women’s body composition(BC) and bone mineral density(BMD) of four minorities in GuangXi. 860 Mulao, Maonan, Miao and Yao women’s BC were measured by TANITA-MC180(Japan) and BMD were tested by SONOT3000(Korea),respectively. The age, visceral fat area(VFA) and waist-to-hip ratio of the postmenopausal women were greater than premenopausal women within the same nationality(p<0.05).After adjusting age, the BMI, FM, %BF, trunk- fat mass, VFA, visceral and subcutaneous fat contents of Miao women were larger than the other groups (P<0.05); The detection rate of osteoporosis in Yao was lower than that of the other minorities and in postmenopausal women was obviously higher than that of premenopausal women(P<0.05); the age, menopausal status and FFM were significantly related to BMD(p<0.01). The differences and correlation between BC and BMD in four minorities’ women were expounded, which can provide The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists information for diagnosing osteoporosis. This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Grant No. 31160222˅ F4558 The association of body composition and blood lipids in Mulao, Maonan, Yao and Miao women Feifei Huang, Dan Mo, Qiongying Deng Department of Human Anatomy, Guangxi Medical University, Nanning 530021, China. * To investigate the association of body composition and blood lipids between pre-and post-menopausal women in the same and different ethnic groups. Body compositions of 862 Mulao, Maonan, Yao, and Miao pre-and post-menopausal women were quantitatively measured by bioelectrical impedance analysis. TC, TG, HDL-C and LDL-C were tested from blood sampling. Age, visceral fat area (VFA), waist-to-hip ratio(WHR), TC, TG of the postmenopausal women were greater than that of the premenopausal women within the same nationality. After age-adjusted analysis of covariance, FM, BMI, %BF, VFA and etc. of Miao women were higher than other groups. The highest TC and dyslipidemia detection rate appeared in Yao postmenopausal (P<0.05) women and the lowest LDL-C in Yao premenopausal (P<0.05) women. The correlation results indicated that menopausal status, nationality, WHR and trunk-fat mass were significant factors for blood lipids (P<0.001). The results expounded the association between body composition and blood lipids in four minorities’ women, which can provide a scientific basis for preventive care. ˄ This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Grant No. 31160222¬˅ F4577 The risk factors for dyslipidemia in Miao adult women of Guangxi, China Qiongying Deng, Hongrong Yu, Lin Xu, Jichun Gong, Lining Zhou, Xianyong Jiang Department of Human Anatomy, Guangxi Medical University, Nanning 530021, China. * To investigate the risk factors for dyslipidemia in Miao adult women of Guangxi, which can provide evidences for making preventive healthcare measures. Blood lipids of 244 Miao adult women were tested, and body compositions were measured as well as questionnaire survey were carried. And then according to the blood lipids level, the research objects were divided into dyslipidemia group and non-dyslipidemia group. Comparing with dyslipidemia group, the age, fat mass, protein, BF%, BMI, WHR, VFA, menopause status, menopausal years and the number of children in nondyslipidemia group were significantly lower. F4606 Investigation on body composition of adults in dalian area Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 161 Fei Xu, Yan Li, Wenchao Luo Institute of Biological AnthropologyˈLiaoning Medical CollegeˈJinzhou 121000ˈChina Anatomy Department of Dalian Medical Univercity, Dalian 116044, China Totally 1059(Male were 412 aged 18-77, female were 647 aged 19-80) of healthy Han nationality adults in Dalian area. Body composition was examined with BIA. Instrument were TANITA corporation MC-180 type. The mean and standard deviation: Total group male and female height were 174.0f 6.2cm and 162.2f5.6cm, weight were 77.6f12.9Kg and 60.5f9.1Kg, BMI were 25.6f3.7 and 23.0f3.3, body fat mass were 18.7f7.2Kg and 19.5f6.5Kg, body fat rate were 23.3 f 5.7% and 31.5 f 6.0%, fat free mass were 58.9 f 6.8Kg and 41.0f3.6Kg, muscle mass were 55.9f6.5Kg and 38.5f3.3Kg, bone mass were 3.1f0.3Kg and 2.4f0.3Kg, total body water were 39.6f5.3Kg and 29.3f3.3Kg, percent body water were 51.6f5.3% and 48.8f3.3%, intracellular water were 23.8 f 3.9Kg and 17.2 f 1.9Kg, extracellular water were 15.7f1.6Kg and 12.1f1.6Kg, the extracellular water rate were 39.9f2.3% and 41.3f2.1%, visceral fat rating were 11.4f4.2 and 5.5f3.1, basal metabolic rate were 1662.5f221.8kcal and 228.5 +120.7kcal. F4611 Investigation on Body Composition Among Children and Adolescents in Dalian Fei Xu, Yan Li, Yang Liu Anatomy Department of Dalian Medical Univercity, Dalian 116044, China Four classes from two of primary and secondary schools and one high school in Dalian were sampled, and 2027students aged from 6-18 years were systematically collected. The height and weight were tested, and body composition was examined with bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA). Weight and body composition were measured by a MC-180 type body composition measurement instrument made in Japan. Our research indicates that height, weight, body fat percent(PBF), fat mass(FM), lean body mass(FFM), muscles, bone mass, BMI and basal metabolism rate of the students increase from 6-18 years in Dalian, and the growth curves of boys and girls appear rising tendency, however the percentage of total body water decrease. The growth curves of PBF, FM and the percentage of total body water had two crosses, and crossover occurred around the age of 11. The growth curve of FFM muscles and basal metabolism rate shows a trend of parallel development at the age of 6 to 11, and bones growth curve was a overlapping curve between 6 and 12 years. The above data indicates an significant difference in growth trend after the age of 11-12 which reflect the growth and development characteristics of children and adolescents during their educational time. F4623 Circumference characteristics of Liaoning Han nationality adults Hong Zhao, Huanjiu Xi, Jing Zhou, Wenhui Li, Bo Zhu To investigate the circumference characteristics of Liaoning Han nationality adults. 12 girth items of 1458 adults of Liaoning Han nationality (480 urban adults, 978 rural adults), including head circumference, neck circumference, chest circumference, chest circumference at inspiration, chest circumference at expiration, abdominal circumference, hip circumference, thigh circumference, calf circumference, biceps circumference, forearm circumference, biceps contract circumference were measured with Stratified cluster sampling methods and compared with the other ethnic groups in China. The circumference characteristics of Liaoning Han nationality adults were analyzed. Liaoning Han nationality adult was in a state of growth in the 20-years old group of various body circumference values. The 30years old group maximum circumference of the head and limb circumference values decreased. The value of girth of neck and girth of chest was in an upward trend. The value of abdominal circumference and hip circumference was in a downward trend. The differences between urban and rural areas, in 60 years old group were of great significance. Shape analysis results: male stout men squat type was 60%, the city or the country 51%, urban women dumpy 46.6%, and rural women dumpy type 46.3%.The circumference values in the 20-year group were significantly different from those of the other age groups.Clustering analysis showed that, compared with other ethnic groups in China, the value of Liaoning Han adult was close to that of the northern ethnic groups. There exists the surrounded degree value of Liaoning Han nationality adults aged 60 years difference between urban and rural areas. The type size is stout in the majority, and the circumference degree value is closer to the north. IFAA2014-7-001 Topography and anatomy of the pancreas in case of chronic pancreatitis. Danir Kim1, Sergei V. Chemezov2, Natalia V. Zarishnyak1, Rustem E. Abubakirov1 1 Department of Normal and topographical anatomy operative surgery,West Kazakhstan State Medical University,Aktobe,Kazakhstan; 2Department of Surgery and Clinical Anatomy,State Medical Academy,Orenburg,Russia * Etiological factors don't completely explain explain the progression of different forms of chronic pancreatitis. The detection of this disease among patients suffering from alcoholism is possible only in 10 percent of cases. We assume that topography and anatomy of the pancreas matters in its occurence. Materials and methods. The study was conducted in JSC "Clinical and Diagnostic Center" in Aktobe. Were explored abdominal tomography of two groups of patients: a control group with no apparent pathology (n = 29 age 26 to 74 ears) and the experimental group with chronic pancreatitis in remission without complications with disease duration from 1 to 5 years (n = 30, age 33 to 76 years; secondary cholangiogenic - 66.6% alcoholic - 6,7%, idiopathic - 26.7%). We performed analyses of contours, structure, density, topography, and the anatomy of cancer. The results of the study. In both groups the contours of the The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 162 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• structure, density, and topography of cancer did not differ from each other and from standard rates. In the experimental group the pancreas was S and U-shaped (90%), in the control group - straight and hook-shaped (73.3%). The results of the experimental group showed an increase in the length of the pancreas and decrease in the angle between the head and the body for 1.3 times in comparison with control. Conclusion. A form, an increase in length and decrease in the angle between head and body can contribute to the stagnation of gastric fluid and become a contributory factor of the development of chronic pancreatitis. IFAA2014-7-002 Functional eyeball biometrics of medical university students in Aktobe Arsen N. Kaliyev, Sergei V1, Chemezov1, Natalia V. Zarishnyak2, Natalia Y. Zakelova1, Bagdat A. Djubaeva1 1 Department of Normal and topographical anatomy operative surgery,West Kazakhstan State Medical University,Aktobe,Kazakhstan; 2Department of Surgery and Clinical Anatomy,State Medical Academy,Orenburg,Russia * Studying at the university is a strong challence for the health of young people. Vision is particularly exposed to heavy loads, what increases the risk of developing serious diseases. Materials and methods. We conducted a sample survey among students of the Faculty of "General Medicine" in the medical university: 1st year studens: n = 58, 3rd year students: n = 44, which accounted for 10% of the total number of students in this faculty and course. Visometry was conducted according to the table Sivtsev table. Among patients with reduced visual acuity the ultrasound study of the eyeball was performed: measuring the anterior-posterior axis transverse diameter, anterior chamber depth, lens thickness (A-mode), lens structure, vitreous humor, retina, optic nerve (B-mode). The eyeball shape was determined according to the relative value of the anterior-posterior axis to the transverse diameter. The results of the study. Among the 3rd year students there were detected more cases of the low visual aquity (25%, n=11) than among the 1st year students (8%, n=5). Four students of the first course had a steady myopia with increase in the anterior-posterior axis by 0,94 ± 0,07 mm. Seven students of the third course the length of the anterior-posterior axis was increased by 1,33 ± 0,48 mm. Four students of the third course had peripheral frosted destruction of the retina and in one case - the protruding of the optic nerve. Conclusion. Fundamental violation of visual acuity of medical university students is the development of myopia, which is initially false - 1 course and then the real- 3 course. IFAA2014-7-003 Features of development of the fetus according to ultrasonic screening of photometry of pregnant woman urgency. Antonina A. Starodumova1, Natalia V. Zarishnyak1, Assel M. Kuchshanova2, Bagdat A. Djubaeva1, Sergey V. Chemezov3 The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 1 Department of normal and topographic anatomy with the couse of operational surgery, West Kazakstan Marat Ospanov State Medical University, Aktobe, Kazakstan; 2 Department of diagnostic, Clinic "Ajgerim", Aktobe, Kazakstan; 3Department of operational surgery and clinic anatomy, Orenburg Medical Academy, Orenburg, Russian Federation. * Ultrasound study allows to reveal the morphological features of the development of the fetus and placenta thickness plays an important role in forecasting the course of pregnancy. The analysis of 1200 protocols of ultrasound women with normal pregnancy took place (SCE “Oblast perinatal center”) in the I, II, III trimesters separated by age groups: I group – in age from 18 till 30 years (primipara, B – secundpara), II group – at the age of 31 years and older (A, B). The fetus were studied – crown-parietal size (CTD), biparietal diameter of head (BDH), front-occipital diameter (FOD), femus length, heart rate. As control parameters size of the fetus were used, presented in the standart tables of Strizhakova A.N. and co., 1990. The obtained data were processed using the statistical program Statistica 10 (USA, 2011). Results of the analysis. IN IA group in the second trimester revealed reverse weak dependence (Rs=-0,3, P<0.05) between biparietal and frontooccipital the size of the head, this dependence became central in the IIA group (Rs=-0.8; P<0.5). In the II A and B group in the third trimester biparietal size of the head in 1.3 times revealed fewer in comparison with I group. Inverse relation is established (Rs=-0.8; P<0,05) between size of fetus head and femur length in PA group in second trimester. In all groups during second and third trimesters the case of tachycardia is identified in 13.7% (170 heart stubs in a minute). Dolichocephalic from of the fetus head is formed during pregnancy, not during child birth. Identified tachycardia IFAA2014-7-004 SHape variation of suprascapular notch in south african scapulae David A Ofusori1,2, Onyemaechi O Azu2, Edwin C Naidu2, Jesse S Naidu2, Omobola A Komolafe 1 1 Optics and Imaging Centre, School of Laboratory Medicine & Medical Sciences, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa; 2Discipline of Clinical Anatomy, Nelson R Mandela School of Medicine, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa. * To classify the suprascapular notch in South African scapulae based on the shapes on gross examination. 172 dry scapulae from the Discipline of Clinical Anatomy, Nelson R Mandela School of Medicine, University of KwaZulu-Natal were examined for possible variation in the shape of the suprascapular notch. Four types of suprascapular notches were described. 23 out of 172 had no notch, 50 had “V” shape, 4 had “C” shape, 93 had “U” shape and 2 had “O” shape. This study demonstrates a variation in the suprascapular notch in the South African scapulae. This variation in shape may be contributory factors in the etiology of suprascapular nerve entrapment. Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 163 assess the reproductivity. Precision is expressed as the root mean squared standard deviations of the individual specimens (RMS-SD) and the corresponding coefficient of variation (RMS-CV). The 3D cartilages models were reconstructed with fine morphologies. The RMS-CV of the volume of femoral, tibial and patellar cartilages were 1.43% for time point 1 (t=1) and 1.28% for time point 2 (t=2), 2.32% (t=1) and 2.35% (t=2), 1.88% (t=1) and 1.75% (t=2) respectively. The result indicates that the registration-based semiautomatic segmentation is convenient and precise to reconstruct subject-specific 3D models of articular cartilages of the knee joint, which might be worthy of further research. IFAA2014-7-005 Digital production of anatomical casts using 3D reconstruction, rapid prototyping and mold technologies Xiangxue Kong1, Lanying Nie2, Lei Tang1, ujiao XiaoJ1, Fuyu You1, Jianyi Li1 1 Department of anatomy, Guangdong Province Key Laboratory of Medical Biomechanics, School of Basic Medicine Science, Southern Medicine University, Guangzhou, China; 2Editorial Board of Chinese Journal of Traumatic Orthopedics, Nan fang Hospital, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, China. * IFAA2014-7-007 Integrating geometric-morphometric analysis in human long bones studies Anatomical corrosion casts of human specimens have the advantages of rich appearance and clarity of the duct structures. However, their use is limited due to ethical concerns with obtaining specimens, and the inability to produce unlimited perfect replicas. In the study, a new strategy was explored to overcome these limitations through three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction, rapid prototype production, mold technology and Web-based 3D atlas construction. A lung corrosion cast and a fresh human cadaveric liver were CT-scanned. After image processing, 3D models of the lung cast, hepatic cast and its parenchyma were reconstructed. Shell molds of hepatic parenchyma were designed. The 3D models were then uploaded into a 3D printer to physically duplicate the models. Melted transparent jelly wax was poured into assembled parenchyma shell molds. After wax solidification, the shell molds were removed leaving RP casts. The physical models were CTscanned again for accuracy evaluations. It was found that the absolute deviation values of the ducts were 0.60 ± 0.50 mm and the absolute deviation values of hepatic parenchyma were 2.54 ± 2.25 mm. IFAA2014-7-006 Registration-based semi-automatic segmentation of articular cartilage of knee joint complementing MRI with CT data Lanying Nie1, XiangXue Kong2, Lei Tang2, Jujiao Xiao2, Jianyi Li2 1 Department of Traumatic Orthopedics, Nanfang Hospital, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, China 2 Department of Anatomy, School of Basic Medicine Science, Southern Medical University. * Hila May, Frank J Ruhli Center for Evolutionary Medicine (ZEM), Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, University of Zurich * Long bones morphology contains significant information on past and present human habitual activities. To reach the information concealed in the bones, a variety of methodologies focusing mainly on the bones’ cross-sectional properties are used. Geometric morphometric (GM) based on landmarks, curve and surface semi-landmarks preserves the geometry of the landmark configurations and thus permits to represent the objects' shape independently from its size, position and orientation. This method was vastly applied in cranium analysis. The aim of the current study was to establish a reliable protocol for characterizing the shape of the proximal femur. A 3D model of the surface of the proximal femora was reconstructed (Amira 5.4) from clinical CT-scans of three bones. A new GM protocol (Evan Toolbox 1.63) for the proximal femur was designed based on anatomical landmarks (N=10) and anatomical curves (N=6). Then, curve and surface semi-landmarks were placed (N=109 and N=233, respectively). Reliability analysis was carried out by performing PCA for the landmarks of the three femora (three times). The protocol was found to be significantly reliable as the distances between individuals were greater than the distances within the same individual. The implications of this method are of great importance for forensic and anthropological studies (e.g., sex and age identification, reconstruction of physical activity). Moreover, the ability to quantify the proximal femoral 3-dimensional shape may have important clinical implications (designing prostheses for femoral neck fracture, ect.). IFAA2014-7-011 The aim of this study is to develop a registration-based semiautomatic segmentation strategy to reconstruct the articular cartilages of knee joint complementing MRI with CT data. Series of CT and MRI data were obtained from 6 fresh cadaveric knee joints. The complex models “bone+cartilage” were reconstructed in MR data. After aligning coordination system with surface registration, the “bone+cartilage” models were introduced to CT data. With its tools of “calculatemask-from-object”, “Boolean-subtraction”, cartilages were segmented, 3D reconstructed and subsequently calculated their volumes. Each specimen was 3D reconstructed for 4 times by two observers in two time points independently to Varying features of indonesian deutromelayu female bodies and 3D digital model of attractive bodies Badriyatut Dini1, Magda R Hutagalung1, David P Kusuma1, Toetik Kusbandriati2, Agus Windharto3 1 Department of Plastic Surgery, Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia; 2Department of Anthropology, Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia; 3Sepuluh November Institute of Technology, Surabaya, Indonesia * The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 164 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• The objective of this study was to establish a database and formulation of attractive Deutromelayu female bodies based on the Indonesian beauty concept, describing varying body indexes of Indonesians to build a 3D digital model of the attractive Indonesian female body. This body standard and 3D digital model would be used as guidance for body contouring, increasing the accuracy, anatomically and anthropometrically and could also be used by other interdisciplinary fields. This was an applied study. The concept of the beautiful Indonesian female body was obtained by questionnaires that were distributed to a hundred male and female adults. Ninety two students 17-25 years old who never had any surgery underwent body anthropometry measurements and photography. These data were then assessed by expert and non expert juries and categorized into normal and attractive groups. The distinguishing factors between the two groups were determined statistically by t-test and discriminant test. Anthropometric and photographic data were used to make a 3D digital model of the attractive Indonesian female body by Poser and 3D Max programs. Criteria of body attractiveness were bright skin color, tallness, slimness, hour-glass body shape, muscular arms, medium-sized shoulders, hip, waist, breasts and buttocks, wide chest and slender legs. The distinguishing parameters included chest circumference, chest height, hip width, hip width index, and waist hip ratio (WHR) with p<0,05 by t-test, chest dimension index, waist hip ratio (WHR), triceps skinfold and leg length by discriminant test. The geometric outline of the bodies in each group could be compared linearly with stastitical results.The attractive 3D digital woman model was created by approximating the average values of attractive group and this showed bigger chest and breasts, narrower waist, firmer arms and more slender legs in comparison to those of less attractive ones. IFAA2014-7-012 Evaluation of facial symmetry-asymmetry relation to body cathexis: Preliminary results in Cagatay Barut1, Erol Aktunc2, Furuzan Kokturk 1 Department of Anatomy, School of Medicine, Bulent Ecevit University, Zonguldak, Turkey;2Department of Family Medicine, School of Medicine, Bulent Ecevit University, Zonguldak, Turkey . * Careful measurement of several bilateral traits in humans has revealed many differences. However, the asymmetries found in humans are often very small and subtle. Perfect symmetry of bilateral traits is said to represent ideal development, while asymmetry represents an inexact presentation of developmental design. Body cathexis is the degree of satisfaction for various parts of one’s body. This study was conducted to evaluate the relationship between symmetryasymmetry of face in relation to the degree of body satisfaction in a Turkish population sample. Anthropometric measurements of face were taken from 109 female and 107 male healthy individuals. Facial profiles were analyzed using 16 linear measurements (8 from left and 8 from right side) made with digital photographs taken from front. An asymmetry index is calculated for each pair of measurement with the following formula¥(R-L)2. The degree of The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists satisfaction for the body was assessed using Body Cathexis Scale (BCS). Pearson’s or Spearman’s correlation analysis was performed to determine the relationship between variables. There were no statistically significant correlations between asymmetry index values and total BCS scores in both genders (p>0.05). It can be suggested that there is no relation between facial symmetry-asymmetry condition and the body perception of healthy individuals. IFAA2014-7-013 3D model fusion in evaluation of facial anatomy for aesthetic asymmetry corrections in the region of nose and upper incisor midline Andrej Thurzo1, Martin Bohac2, Michal Miko3 1 Clinic of Dentistry and maxillofacial surgery, Medical faculty Commenius University; 2Clinic of plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery, Medical faculty Commenius University; 3Instute of Histology and Embryology, Faculty of Medicine in Bratislava, Comenius University. * The specific procedure was invented to create and analyse a virtual reproduction of in-vivo situation of specific anatomy in the region of nose, upper lip and upper incisor midline to achieve proper treatment planning for correction of midline shift and nose asymmetry in the smile. The 3D models were fused in Invivo 5.3/MD studio Anatomage, and generated from: 1. the face scan (Di3D scanner, resolution 0,1mm), OBJ file; 2. the dental model scanned by O3DM(resolution 0,05mm), STL file; 3. CBCT i-CAT scan(resolution 0,3mm) DICOM files. The fusion provided virtual 3D model of the region, relationship properties between face/smile asymmetry and upper incisor midline and philtrum asymmetries expressed in smile. The facial scan was used for nose-sagital asymmetry evaluation. The data from CBCT delivered matrix to map the facial scans and dental scans into virtual model. Dental optical scans were necessary to avoid artefacts caused by amalgam fillings on CBCT with lower resolution. The smile symmetry was also evaluated. Correcting the upper incisor midline shift to the canter of the face during lingual orthodontis often leads to visual amplification of the nose asymmetry. The relationship between soft and hard tissues was evaluated according to the fused 3D digital model. The region of the philtrum in the smile is essential in midline correction which must be considered prior to the treatment planning. IFAA2014-7-014 3D Reconstruction of human thorax Guillaume Péré1, Omar Bouhelal3, Vincent Delmas1, Jacques Moscovici 2, Christian Latrémouille1, Odile Plaisant1 1 URDIA EA4465, Université Paris Descartes, Sorbonne Paris Cité, Paris, France; 2Université Toulouse III, Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France; 3Vizua, Paris, France; * The goal of this work was to make a 3D reconstruction of the human thorax based on dissections. Six cadavers were Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 165 dissected following the same routine, one plane after the other beginning at skin level and finishing at mediastinum level. 17 planes were necessary to describe the right and left hemithoraxes. 25 to 40 pictures were taken for each plane with an Iphone 4S; a 3D mesh reconstruction using the pixels of the pictures (photogammetry) was performed with the software 123D Catch (AUTODESK) for IOS7. The volumes were downloaded on a PC and post-treated with Netfabb (3d systems), 3ds Max (AUTODESK), ZBrush (Pixologic), Photophop 5 (Adobe). The post-treated meshes were uploaded to Vizua CLOUD based platform web 2.0 ( allowing to label the structures, and realize a written and interactive presentation of the dissection with hyper realistic render. For example, go to Vizua is a communicative and pedagogic platform that offers the means to store, sustain and share the work done by researchers and transforms dissections and medical imaging techniques (CT-scan, MRI, etc) into a pedagogic tool. two-dimensional cross sectional imaging, the resident interventionist is difficult to identify the angle variation between vessels. Sometimes the interventionist neglects the blood vessel variation, the interventional proceduresmaybe failed. CT enhancement scanning images were got from the patient after one failed procedure. The DICOM format documents were imported into Mimics13.0 software, and then the digital 3D model was obtained. According to tissue layers, these 3D models of skin, fat, artery and bone are constructed. This model could be zoomed and rotated randomly and also could display the spatial positions and adjacent relationships of these variant structures, and the reconstructed structures could be measured in 3D space, then by these 3D model we may analyze why the interventional procedures failed. It also supplies the certain morphological reference for resolving the transfemoral variantblood vessel catheterization in clinic. The interventionist should consider the possibility about variation, and it will be helpful to increase the success rate. G3730 G3593 Proximal femur form 3D building and prosthesis design A finite element modeling of the human calcaneus considering the anatomic characteristics of bone trabecula Luo Bin Wenxin Niu1, Ming Ni2,3, Tienan Feng1, Tingting Tang3, Chenghua Jiang1 Shenzhen polytechnic medical technology and nursing college 518055 1 Proximal femur form 3D building and prosthesis design Luo Bin Shenzhen Polytechnic Medical Technology and Nursing This study of Chinese proximal femur through CT thin layer scanning, data collection of proximal femur anatomic structures, through the data format conversion and processing, using CAD/CAM software UG NX - for proximal femoral head and femoral neck and femoral medullary cavity for 3 d building, and the imaging of femoral head and femoral neck and proximal femoral medullary cavity measurement and statistics, analysis, and several parameters, such as using Mimics software reverse engineering, rapid establishment of individualized three-dimensional morphological structure, through rapid prototyping technology to produce the proximal femoral prosthesis. This prosthesis design includes three parts: prosthetic femoral head and femoral neck prosthesis and the femoral prosthesis handle. Femoral neck prosthesis connection prosthetic femoral head and femoral prosthesis handle, through screw thread connection femoral head prosthesis; Femoral prosthesis handle use fork, fork handle with femoral neck prosthesis by screw thread connection, the above two fork handle respectively through two locks up on either side of the needle should be fixed in the femoral bone, can prevent the loose prosthesis handle and slippage. Key words: proximal femur; Form; 3 d building; Prosthetic design Tongji University School of Medicine, Shanghai 201200 China; 2 Department of Orthopedics, Pudong New Area People’s Hospital, Shanghai 200065 China; 3 Shanghai Key Laboratory of Orthopaedic Implants, Shanghai 200001 China Finite element modeling and analysis were widely used to research foot-ankle biomechanics. But most studies treated the bones as solid structure and ignored the anatomic characteristics of bone trabecula. In this study, an intact calcaneus specimen of human cadaver was scanned using micro-CT and 3-dimensionally reconstructed. Two finite element models were presented as porous and solid models to compare the mechanical response under normal physiological environment. The results showed considerable differences of biomechanics between two models. The porous model was greatly stiffer than the solid model when they had the same mass. The strike lines of the bone trabecula represented the lines of force transferring. In the porous model, the stress or strain showed a more homogeneous distribution and its maximum value gave a more precise prediction for the fracture. Therefore, the biomechanical analysis of the calcaneus should consider the trabecular network. G3709 Apply to transfemoral catheterization by three dimensional reconstruction based on the CT enhancement scanning G3963 Gao An, Li Hong Anatomical study of three-dimension reconstruction model to simulate lag screw internal fixation for the sacroiliac joint Department of Anatomy, University of South China, Hengyang, China Weigang Yin 1, Haiqing Wang 1,2, Zengyuan Shi 2 , Rong Lin 1, Yiyong Chen 1 The interventional therapy commonly depends on the imaging diagnosis directly or indirectly. Only on the basis of The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 166 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• 1 Ningbo University, Ningbo 315211, China; 2.Department of Orthopaedics,The Affiliated Hospital of School of Medicine of Ningbo University, Ningbo 315020, China. To provide anatomic basis for operation of placing lag screw internal fixation for the sacroiliac joint through the line from posterior inferior iliac spine to tubercle of iliac crest. CT scanning data from 60 adults pelvis ˄ 30 males and 30 females˅were collected clinically and then imported into Mimics15.01 for 3D image reconstruction. Place needles from the intersection of the long axis of sacrum auricular surface and the pedicle axis of sacral 1, 2, 3 . The distances from screw entry points to posterior inferior iliac spine(D), the length of screw trajectory (M),as well as the angle between the pedicle axis and coronal plane(Į) and horizontal plane(ș) were measured,then compared with results between sides and sexual.(1) Three penetrated points that the needles through the outside of iliac wing on the line from posterior inferior iliac spine to tubercle of iliac crest. (2)There were significant statical differences between male and female in the M2,D1,D2,ȕ3( P<0.05). G4132 CT three-dimensional reconstruction of the orbital cavity channel and its clinical significance Shengqi Fu, Jianguo Yan, Pei Li Xinxiang Medical University, Xinxiang 453003, China To provide anatomical basis for clinical diagnosis of each other spread of the orbital cavity and its surrounding area diseases. 100 cases head were selected with no diseases, and scanned by spiral CT from canthomeatal line, all original images were transferred to the CT workstation. The position, shape and its adjacent structures of orbital cavity channel were observed and measured in the diameter. It were 13.72±1.56mm, 24.62±2.03mm, 28.16±1.03mm, 19.02±2.43mm and 6.20±0.44mm of the length of bony nasolacrimal duct, infraorbital canal, inferior orbital fissure, superior orbital fissure and optic canal in CT image separately. There were significant difference in the length and transverse diameter between the male and female of bony nasolacrimal duct, the length of male than that of the female was long, the transverse diameter of female than that of the male was coarse. The area of the middle part of optic canal was the smallest, it was the good location of optic canal stenosis. It has an important clinical significance for imaging diagnosis of the malignant tumor and inflammation. workstation, the pterygopalatine space communications were reconstructed by the multiplanar reformation (MPR). The position, shape and its adjacent structures of pterygopalatine space communications were observed and measured in the diameter. MPR reconstruction imaging could clearly display the position, shape and its adjacent structures of pterygopalatine space communications, including the pterygoid canal, foramen rotundum, sphenopalatine foramen, inferior orbital fissure, pterygomaxillary fissure, pterygopalatine canal, greater palatine canal, lesser palatine canal, palatovaginal canal and vomerovaginal canal. Pterygopalatine space communications were symmetrical of left and right sides, there were no significant difference in the diameter. Pterygoid canal, foramen rotundum, palatovaginal canal and vomerovaginal canal were located around the sphenoid sinus, which were slightly or obviously protruding into the sphenoid sinus. It was of important clinical significance for imaging diagnosis and endoscopic operation of pterygopalation space communications. G4143 The significance of magnetic resonance imaging in vertebral fractures and spinal cord injury diagnosis Huitong Liu 1,2,3, Ze Zhao 2, Xiang Wu 2, Zhang Yiyuan1*, Zhongquan Qi 1,3* 1 Fuzhou Second Hospital of Xiamen University; 2The First Affiliated Hospital of Xi’an Jiaotong University; 3Organ Transplantation Institute, Medical College, Xiamen University Multiplanar reformation reconstruction observations on the pterygopalatine space communications Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is one of the principal methods on spinal disease diagnosis. This paper investigated the value of MRI in vertebral fractures and spinal cord injury diagnosis retrospectively. The clinical and MRI data of 89 patients with spine trauma were retrospectively reviewed (69 males and 20 females, age from 15 to 68, with the average of 36). In these cases, a 1.5T MRI scanner was used diagnosing and providing detail information for the differential diagnosis. T1WI, T2WI and STIR were implemented on both sagittal and axial sections. Among the 89 cases, 3 patients were diagnosed as vertebral contusion, 5 patients as small fracture, 4 patients as Chance fracture, 33 patients as simple compressed fracture, 26 patients as burst fracture, 18 patients as vertebral fracture dislocation, and 43 patients as spinal cord injury. Attribute to the sensibility of MRI on hemorrhage and histology changes, the vertebral fractures and the spinal cord injury could get diagnosed accurately by their own imaging characteristic which was shown on MRI scanning. Vertebral contusion, fractures, protrusion, spinal cord injury and narrowing can be shown on MRI scanning clearly. Based on the advantages of MRI, it demonstrated a great significance on vertebral fractures and spinal cord injury diagnosis. Pei Li, Xinyin Fan, Shengqi Fu G4225 Xinxiang Medical University, Xinxiang 453003, China Too much open state finite element analysis of the te mporomandibular join G4134 To provide anatomical data for imaging diagnosis and endoscopic operation of the pterygopalatine space communications. 40 volunteers were selected and scanned by spiral CT from canthomeatal line, all original images were transferred to the CT three-dimensional reconstruction The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists Mingxu Sun, Fang Gu* Qingdao university medical college,Qingdao university medi cal college Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 167 To set up the dimensional finite element temporomandibular joint model with the status of too large opening, obtaining the articular disc’s mechanics situation. Use mimics and ansys software to deal with a volunteer CBCT date whose TMJ was healthy,and establish the finite element model.Determine the three-dimensional direction and strength of force that lorded into the model though the actual direction and cross-sectional area of opening muscle,Obtain the articular disc’s mechanics situation in too large opening. The finite element model of articular area has been set up. The articular disc’s maximum principal stress is located in intermediate zone of articular disc by measuring the too large opening, and the von mises’s maximum stress is locates in poster band of articular disc. At the status of too large opening, articular disc’s maximum compressive stress is located in intermediate zone of articular disc, suggesting that too large opening was related with the perforation on articular disc intermediate zone and temporomandibular joint disorder. State one-way stream-solid coupled analysis. Results displayed: left coronary within of blood mobile in vascular bent and the points fork Department exists II times stream, and return and the disturbance stream, complex of mobile phenomenon; blood velocity in tube cavity within is by Center to edge descending of laminar State; artery of tube wall pressure and tube cavity of diameter about, tube trail more big, tube wall pressure more low; left coronary in points fork Department and the bent Department of tube wall pressure and the wall surface cut force of changes are more active. G4421 The study of three-dimensional reconstruction of complex fractures of the humerus based on CT images Rong Wang, Zhi Zheng Information Engineering Institute, Gannan Medical University, Ganzhou 341000, P. R. China GA4279 Non-invasive showing the connectivity of the human insular lobe using diffusion imaging Yiyong ChenˈLin Li, Weigang Yin Medical school of Ningbo university, Department of Anatomy of Nanjing medical university, Medical school of Ningbo university To show and analysis the structural connectivity perspective of the insular lobe, 8 High-resoultion structural images(T1w) and High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging(HARDI) data sets from Human Connectome Project(HCP) were acquired and analyzed. The tractography, registration of the brain structure, analysis of the connectivity were performed using DSI-Studio and BrainSuite softwares. The results show there are the structural connectivity between insular lobe and the Pars opercularis, Superior frontal gyrus, Pars triangularis, Pars orbitalis, Primary motor cortex, Orbitofrontal area, Primary Somatosensory Cortex, Supramarginal gyrus, Angular gyrus, Temporal pole, Superior temporal gyrus, hippocampus, Parahippocampal gyrus, amygdaloid, thalamus, claustrum, putamen, Basal forebrain. Conclusions˖ highresolution T1 images and high angular resolution diffusion imaging data from HCP can be used to study the structural connectivity of the insular lobe; furthermore, the results can provide the basis for clinical research of insular lobe. To study three-dimensional reconstruction techniques in the complex fractures of the humerus classification value with Mimics software, and to provide a more objective and reliable basis for the diagnosis and treatment of complex fractures of the humerus. Collect 10 cases of complex fractures of the humerus CT scan images from the first Affiliated Hospital of Gannan Medical university, put these CT images into Mimics software, and complex fractures of the humerus were reconstructed. Results indicated that the three-dimensional model of complex fractures of the humerus were generated by mimics software, and the pathological anatomy features of complex fractures of the humerus could be presented completely on the three-dimensional images. The model of complex fractures of the humerus is established by Mimics three-dimensional technology, and it has great significance for clinical diagnosis, classification, preoperative assessment, and prognostic judgment of complex fractures of the humerus. G4453 The imaging measurement of KBD knees and its clinical significanc Huitong Liu 1,2,3 , Ze Zhao 2 , Xiang Wu 2 , Hui Qiang * , Yiyuan Zhang 1* 3 1 Fuzhou Second Hospital of Xiamen University; 2The First Affiliated Hospital of Xi’an Jiaotong University; 3The Second Department of Orthopedics, Shaanxi Provincial People’s Hospital. G4388 The computational fluid dynamics analysis of norm al left coronary artery and its main branch Ren G., Zhang L., Zhao C., Cao L., Gao J. Department of Anatomy,Hebei Medical University, Shijiazhuang, Hebei,PR China General collection a cases normal client who of heart coronary of CTA data, to DICOM format import MIMICS 14.0 in the established left coronary trunk and main branch of three dimensional digital model, then will model file import ANSYS Workbench 13.0 established of stream-solid coupled program within, respectively on tube wall and blood for network lattice divided and conditions set, then for has blink X-ray imaging measurement of Kaschin-Beck disease (KBD) knees in aged people which fit for total knee arthroplasty (TKA) and its clinical significance were investigated retrospectively. 93 cases were divided into KBD group, degenerative osteoarthropathy group and normal group. Their clinical and X-ray data (AP view) were reviewed. The indexes of femoral condyle diameter, tibial plateau diameter, angle PT and angle FT were measured by AutoCAD 10.0. In the normal group, male femoral condyle diameter is (7.34±0.35)cm, female is (6.64±0.25)cm; male tibial plateau diameter is (7.54±0.35)cm, female is (6.90±0.31)cm; male angle PT is (2.08±1.08)°, female is (3.25±1.64)°; male angle The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 168 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• FT is (4.63±0.60)°, female is (4.97±1.39)°. The data femoral condyle diameter of KBD group was different from the normal group obviously. The differences in tibial plateau diameter and angle PT between degenerative osteoarthropathy group and normal group were obvious. Compared with foreign data, the difference in angle PT an angle FT were both obvious. These Indexes showed well differences, and the imaging measurement of KBD knees has an important clinical significance. It will provide a theoretical basis for designing the knee prosthesis and increasing the accuracy, success rate and long-term efficacy of TKA. model is cut according to the gray values range of CT, and the materials are assigned correspondingly. 6, The part of model that affect results the least should be simply treated. The materials are assigned according to the values of CT, and this method is very simple and can be used in structural statics analysis. If compact bone, cancellous bone, paranasal sinus and mastoid antrum and so on are separated, materials properties can be determined, and dynamics of structure analysis, yield analysis, failure analysis and so on can be given. G4570 G4454 The patella related indexes of KBD knees measured by imaging method Huitong Liu 1,2,3, Hui Qiang2, Zhao Ze2,3, Xiang Wu3 Zhongquan Qi1, Yiyuan Zhang1* 1 Fuzhou Second Hospital of Xiamen University; 2The 2nd Department of Orthopedics, Shaanxi Provincial People’s Hospital; 3The First Affiliated Hospital of Xi’an Jiaotong University; This paper investigated the X-ray imaging measurement of Kaschin-Beck disease (KBD) knees’ patella which fitted for total knee arthroplasty (TKA) and its clinical significance retrospectively. The clinical and X-ray data (anterioposterior view) of 93 cases were divided into KBD group, degenerative osteoarthropathy group and normal group. The indexes of patella thickness, the longitudinal length of patella and the width of patella were measured by AutoCAD 10.0. In the normal group, male patella thickness is 2.05±0.27cm, female is 1.79±0.21cm; male longitudinal length of patella is 4.34±0.31cm, female is 3.82±0.42cm; male width of patella is 4.90±0.23cm, female is 4.31±0.43cm. Based on the data, we found that the difference of patella thickness between degenerative osteoarthropathy group and normal group was obvious; and the difference in the width of patella between KBD group and normal group was also obvious. Compared with foreign data, the difference in patella thickness and longitudinal length of patella were both obvious. The imaging measurement of KBD knees has an important clinical significance. It will provide a clinical basis for the knee prosthesis designing and increasing the accuracy and longterm efficacy of TKA. G4515 The construction and analysis methods of the finite element model of skull Changyi Zhao, Guoshan Ren, Xiping Zhang, Lei Cao Hebei Medical University, Hebei, China The construction of model: 1, The image sequences of the same person from CT and MR are combined to reconstruct the 3d model. 2, Cancellous bone and compact bone of the skull, paranasal sinus and mastoid antrum are segmented respectively to calculate a better mode though it needs more labor and expenses. 3, The model should be corrected by Geomagic Studio because this model will become larger after smoothing. 4, The skull model and skull specimens are corrected by comparison to obtain an accurate model. 5, The The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 3D bio-printing: Digital reconstruction of the human kidney Hao Ren*, Xiaoyue Zhai Dept. of Histology and Embryology, China Medical University 92, beier road, heping district, shenyang, P.R.China Over the past decade, we have completed the threedimensional reconstruction of the mouse kidneys: by using computer software to automatically registrate and align thousands of serial sections, and to track hundreds of renal tubules (published in the top kidney journal JASN (impact factor 9.8), and was used as cover. Internationally, the threedimensional reconstruction of human kidney is still lacking. We use these self-developed softwares to investigate adult human kidney. We aim on the emerging 3D bio-printing technology, and upgrade the three-dimensional database obtained, so that it can be compatible with the 3D bio-printer as well. In about ten years, when printing functional tissues and organs became possible, this study will provide a fine human kidney script for the bio-printer. Kidney transplant and organ rejection issues will be expected to exceed. In country like China with a large population, its significance is self-evident. G4598 Rapid finite element modeling of highly simulated bones using a combination of medical engineering software HuaJun Huang, Guodong Zhang, Yang Yang, Zhanglin Wu, Jing Xu, Wenhua Huang* Department of Anatomy, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, China To improve the speed and simulation quality of conventional finite element modeling of bones using combination of Mimics, Geomagic and Ansys. CT data of long, flat and irregular human bones were used for finite element modeling. The experiment compared conventional modeling, modified modeling and our improved modeling in terms of speed, success rate and simulation quality. In the improved modeling, 3D reconstruction was speeded up using “Three Dimensional Edition”, high quality surface meshing in Geomagic and volume restoration in Mimics ensure high simulation of geometric shape, mesh generation was conducted using Ansys command stream file. The improved modeling had the least modeling time and the least volume changes (P<0.05), and the total successful rate was as high as Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 169 100%. Our improved finite element modeling may require less time and workload, produce high geometric similarity and higher rate of success than the conventional method. G4618 The digital morphological study of lower cervical pedicle in children immunodeficient mouse models along with the mSOD1 mouse model, we have identified a component of the peripheral innate immune system that may be defective and contribute to ineffective T cell activation in the mSOD mice and subsequent MN death. IFAA2014-8-002 Effects of mango (Magnifera indica) leave extract on brain diabetes and its behavioural implications Shaojie Zhang1,3, Xing Wang1, Zhijun Li1,3, Yuanzhi Zhang 2,3, Shang Gao1, Zhiqiang Wang 1 Department of Anatomy ,Inner Mongolia Medical University, Inner Mongolia, Hohhot,010059; 2Department of Orthopaedics ,Inner Mongolia Medical University Hospital;3Center of Digital Medical To explore morphological characteristic and development regularity of lower cervical pedicle in children. MSCT date of cervical were collected from 60 healthy 4̚12 years old children, divided into three groups with each 20 cases, then imported into Mimics for reconstruction, measured pedicle width (PW), pedicle height (PH), the length of pedicle osseous channel (POCL), e angle and f angle of C3~C7 and calculate the PW / PH (I value) , Statistical analysis by group and segment. PW, PH, POCL and e angle general showed an increasing trend with increasing age. PW in each group showed a gradually increasing trend. PH, POCL and e angle had little difference between difference vertebra in each group. f angle had significant differences in each group. I value general showed decreasing trend. I value of C3~C7 changed from ˚1.0 to ˘1.0 in different groups. Different segmental pedicle morphology development regularity is obvious. IFAA2014-8-001 CD4+T cells, motoneurons and ALS Kathryn J Jones Anatomy and Cell Biology, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN, USA * Our laboratory has previously identified a role for the adaptive immune system in motoneuron survival after target disconnection by axotomy. Specifically, we have found that CD+T cells and IL-10 transiently support facial motoneuron (FMN) survival after facial nerve axotomy, with T cell activation occurring both peripherally by professional antigen-presenting cells and centrally by microglia. Astrocytes are also involved in CD+T cell-mediated neuroprotection through cytokine production and Th2 helper cell recruitment into the CNS. We have new evidence indicating that, in the animal model of ALS, the mSOD1 mouse, this neuroprotection model may be dysfunctional. By superimposing facial nerve axotomy-induced target disconnection on the pre-symptomatic mSOD1 mouse, we discovered that the microenvironment surrounding the FMN is constitutively dysregulated, as well as dysregulated following axotomy. Further molecular studies have demonstrated that FMN from mSOD1 mice respond phenotypically and positively to target disconnection by axotomy like their wild-type counterparts. Collectively, these data suggest that there may a component of immunemediated neuroprotection that is malfunctioning. Using W.G Balogun1, O.B Akinola1, A.E Cobham1, Y.A Kolawole2 1 Department of anatomy, university of ilorin, ilorin Nigeria; Department of zoology, university of ilorin, ilorin Nigeria * 2 Aside structural and molecular aberrations, cognitive loss have always been associated with both types of diabetes mellitus. In the present study, we report the effects of induced diabetes and its treatment with mango leaves on the histology, behavioural and oxidative stress status of the prefrontal cortex in adult male Wistar rats. Hyperglycaemia was induced in fasted Wistar rats with alloxan (150 mg/kg body weight; Group B). Hyperglycaemic rats were treated with 10mg/kg of mangifera indica and 20mg/kg of mangifera indica (Group C and D). A group of normoglycaemic rats were also treated with 20mg/kg of mangifera indica (Group E). The control was given feed and water ad libitum. At 28 days of treatment, novel object recognition test was done, prefrontal histology was studied by the haematoxylin and eosin techniques; and malondialdehyde (MDA) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) were assayed in prefrontal homogenate. Blood glucose was estimated by the glucose oxidase method. In contrast to the non-treated diabetic rats, blood glucose concentration were not significantly different between treated rats and control (P>0.05) at 28 days of treatment with mangifera indica. Tissue malondialdehyde and superoxide dismutase levels in the diabetic untreated group were statistically significant (P>0.05) when compared with the control. The untreated rats showed loss of short term memory with the novel object recognition test. Histologically, there was improvement in the treated group compared to the untreated group. These findings suggest that mangifera indica confers better protection against hyperglycaemia-induced oxidative stress and memory loss in brain of adult Wistar rats IFAA2014-8-003 Age-Related Differences and Relationships Between Elements in Human Amygdala and Other Limbic System or Basal Ganglia Yoshiyuki Tohno1, Setsuko Tohno1, Cho Azuma 2, Nutcharin Ongkana1, Pasuk Mahakkanukrauh1, Takeshi Minami 3, Patipath Suwannahoy 1, Kittikun Viwatpinyo1, Lining Ke4 1 Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand˗2Department of Anatomy, Nara Medical University School of Medicine, Kashihara, Japan˗3Department of Life Science, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Kinki University, Higashi-Osaka, Japan˗ The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 170 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• 4 Department of Anatomy, Histology, and Embryology, Fujian Medical University, Fuzhou, China. * To elucidate compositional changes of the amygdala with aging, we investigated age-related differences of elements in human amygdalae. In addition, the relationships between the amygdala and other brain regions were investigated from a viewpoint of elements. After ordinary dissections were finished, the amygdalae were removed from the cerebra of the subjects who consisted of 22 men and 23 women, ranging in age from 70 to 101 years. In addition, the hippocampus, dentate gyrus, mammillary body, caudate nucleus, putamen, and globus pallidus were also removed from the identical cerebra. After incinerating with nitric acid and perchloric acid, element contents were determined by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry. It was found that both the Ca and Mg contents increased significantly in the amygdalae with aging. To explore the relationships between the amygdala and either other limbic system or basal ganglia, the correlations between seven elements of the amygdala and hippocampus, dentate gyrus, or mammillary body, and between those of the amygdala and caudate nucleus, putamen, or globus pallidus were analyzed with Pearson’s correlation. It was found that regarding the four elements of Ca, P, Mg, and Fe, a close relationship existed between the amygdala and hippocampus, globus pallidus, or mammillary body. IFAA2014-8-004 Close relationships among the seven gray matters of the limbic system and basal ganglia with regard to the phosphorus content Yoshiyuki Tohno1, Setsuko Tohno1, Cho Azuma2, Nutcharin Ongkana1, Takeshi Minami3, Lining Ke4, Patipath Suwannahoy1, Apichat Sinthubua1, Pasuk Mahakkanukrauh1 1 Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand ;2Department of Anatomy, Nara Medical University School of Medicine, Kashihara, Japan ;3Department of Life Science, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Kinki University, Higashi-Osaka, Japan; 4 Department of Anatomy, Histology, and Embryology, Fujian Medical University, Fuzhou, China. * To elucidate compositional changes of the brain with aging, we investigated the relationships among seven gray matters belonging to limbic system and basal ganglia with regard to the P content. After ordinary dissections were finished, the hippocampus, dentate gyrus, mammillary body, amygdala, caudate nucleus, putamen, and globus pallidus of the gray matter were removed from the identical brains of the subjects. The subjects consisted of 22 men and 23 women. After the brain samples were incinerated with nitric acid and perchloric acid, the P content was determined by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry. It was found that there were extremely significant direct correlations among the P contents of all the hippocampus, dentate gyrus, mammillary body, amygdala, caudate nucleus, putamen, and globus pallidus of the gray matter. It is reasonable to presume The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists that the P content in the gray matter of the brain indicates the active cell density, namely, the number of active cells per volume. Therefore, there is a possibility that the active cell densities correlate well and directly among all seven gray matters of the hippocampus, dentate gyrus, mammillary body, amygdala, caudate nucleus, putamen, and globus pallidus. IFAA2014-8-005 Translational neuroanatomy in mouse models of autism spectrum disorders Michael J Schmeisser1, Constantin Mett1, Melissa Schaaff1, Daniela M Cochoy1, Stefanie Grabrucker2, Dominik Reim1, Sonja Halbedl1, Juergen Bockmann1, Andreas M Grabrucker2, Tobias M Boeckers1 1 Institute for Anatomy and Cell Biology, Ulm University, Ulm, Germany; 2WG Molecular Analysis of Synaptopathies, Neurocenter of Ulm University, Ulm, Germany * Shank1, Shank2 and Shank3 are scaffold proteins of excitatory synapses in the mammalian brain and essentially contribute to the anatomical integrity of the postsynaptic density. During the last decade, malfunction of Shank has been associated with several neuropsychiatric disorders including autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Therefore, we have generated Shank mutant mice (Schmeisser et al., Nature, 2012) and started to analyze neuroanatomical and neurobehavioral phenotypes. Importantly, one of the phenotypical hallmarks in these mutants is molecular and morphological disruption of glutamatergic synapses, varying throughout brain regions and neuronal subpopulations. To uncover the molecular origins of the morphological alterations and concomitant abnormal behaviors seen in our mutants, we are now using different kinds of methodological approaches including the Cre-lox system, cross-breeding of mutants and detailed molecular and morphological investigation of distinct brain regions. As primary goal of the aforementioned studies, we would like to bridge classical neuroanatomy with the translational medicine approaches of our time to uncover the patho-anatomical framework of synaptopathies such as ASD. IFAA2014-8-008 The orchestrating mechanism of survival or death of the neurons following ischemia stroke Chunhua Chen, Li Li, Zhao Jiang, Jianfei Lu, Changman Zhou Department of Anatomy and Histology, Peking University Health Science Center, Beijing, 100191,China * At least three distinct modes of cell death have been identified and implicated with the ischemic stroke process – they include necrosis, apoptosis, and autophagy. Delayed neuronal death is a hallmark feature of stroke and the primary target for neuroprotective strategies. This is evidenced by the fact that, even if cerebral blood flow is re-established quickly Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 171 enough to prevent immediate cell death after a stroke, many of the initially surviving neurons still die hours to days after reperfusion. Autophagy is an essential process for cellular metabolism and surviva, while on the other hand, it may also be involved in cell death, specifically orchestrating the effects in cerebral ischemia. Of the many pathophysiological events involved in this delayed neuronal injury, mitochondriaspecific autophagy, also known as mitophagy, has recently been shown to be a contributing factor. We showed that the HIF-1 and gene BNIP3 caused neuronal death by inducing mitochondrial degeneration. Our recent preliminary data from BNIP3 knockout mice showed that BNIP3 deficiency robustly reduced ischemia-induced mitophagy in neurons. BNIP3 appears, therefore, to be a regulator of mitophagy. In characterizing the BNIP3 pathway, we have obtained preliminary data showing that BNIP3 interacts with mitochondria by binding to the voltage-dependent anion channel. This work was supported by the 16)& (31271280 ). IFAA2014-8-009 The importance of peripheral nerve anatomy to a peripheral nerve surgeon sensations that serve as a protective function for warning animals of impending tissue injury. Itch and pain are similarly transmitted from the skin to the dorsal root ganglia (DRG) neurons, which send the information to the brain via the ascending projection pathway arising from the spinal cord. Itch and pain share so many similar characteristics that itch was once viewed as a sub-modality of pain. However, itch and pain are two distinct sensations: while pain evokes withdrawal responses, itch provokes scratching behavior. Moreover, itch and pain are antagonistic in nature. My laboratory has identified the first itch-specific peptide called gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP) in DRGs and its receptor GRPR in the spinal cord. Neurons expressing GRPR in the spinal cord is crucial for relaying itch but not pain information. The discovery of itch-specific GRPR+ neurons opens the door for elucidating the fundamental mechanisms by which itch and pain are independently transmitted from the spinal cord to the brain. In this talk, I will present anatomic, molecular and behavioral data to support the existence of a neural circuit dedicated to itch in the spinal cord. IFAA2014-8-011 Activation of FcİRI in nociceptive sensory neurons by IgE immune complex is involved in pruritus in a mouse model of allergic conjunctivitis Robert J Spinner * "Qu’ils n’oublient jamais que sans anatomie il n’y a point de physiologie, point de chirurgie, point de médecine” [‘may they never forget that without anatomy, there is no physiology, no surgery, no medicine’). Jean Cruveilhier, Anatomie descriptive, 1834 This quote from the famous 19th century French anatomist is as applicable now as it was in 1834. The basis of peripheral nerve surgery -- whether for entrapments, injury, or tumors/tumor-like conditions --is peripheral nerve anatomy. Entrapment is due to static and dynamic changes in anatomy affecting the nerve at predictable sites, typically within predisposed fibro-osseous or fibro-muscular “tunnels”. Surgery for nerve injury relies on anatomic bridges (i.e., nerve grafts) or creative bypasses (i.e., nerve transfers), the latter exploiting normal anatomy to utilize expendable (i.e., redundant) nerves, branches, or fascicles. The essence of safe surgery on benign nerve sheath tumors is the identification of the single fascicle involved in the tumor and preservation on the remainder of the parent nerve; for tumor-like lesions, we have become aware of the role of the articular branch in the pathogenesis of intraneural ganglion cysts as well as the nerve-territory sequelae in choristomas and hamartomas. New advances in peripheral nerve surgery relate to the old fashioned basics of anatomy. IFAA2014-8-010 Can we separate the itch and pain pathways? Zhoufeng Chen1,2,3 1 Center for the Study of Itch; 2Departments of Anesthesiology, Psychiatry and Developmental Biology; 3 Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO, 63110, U.S.A. * Fan Liu1, Lubin Xu2, Naze Chen2, Mo Zhou2, Haowu Jiang1, Xinhua Shen1, Zhiyong Chen1, Chunyan Li1, Bo Yuan1, Chao Ma1 1 Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology, School of Basic Medicine, Peking Union Medical College, Beijing, China; 2Peking Union Medical College, Beijing, China * Pruritus is a common symptom of allergic conjunctivitis. We established a mouse model of allergic conjunctivitis using oval albumin (OVA) and discovered an increased level of antigen-specific IgE in the sera of OVA-sensitized mice. Fc epsilon receptor I (FcİRI) was found to be expressed on the somata and axons of mouse trigeminal ganglion (TG) neurons and co-expressed with nociceptive neuronal markers IB4, CGRP and TRPV1. We hypothesize that IgE immune complex (IC) may directly activate FcİRI on sensory neurons, potentially contributing to itch. Calcium imaging showed that IgE-OVA IC, but not the antibody (IgE) or the antigen (OVA) alone, caused an increase in intracellular calcium level in dissociated TG neurons. Western blot and qRT-PCR of TG showed an increased level of FcİRIa protein as well as mRNA in sensitized mice. When challenged with different concentrations (0.1%~5%) of OVA, sensitized mice, but not naïve ones, exhibited an significantly increased scratching response toward the challenged eye, as compared to the vehicle or naïve mice. This effect cannot be blocked by pre-treatment of mast cell stabilizer or histamine receptor antagonist. These results suggest that activation of nociceptive sensory neurons by IgE IC may be directly involved in pruritus of allergic conjunctivitis. IFAA2014-8-012 An important question in sensory biology is how the brain differentiates itch from pain. Itch and pain are two major Histology of the interthalamic adhesion: A gray commissure? The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 172 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• Jorge Eduardo Duque Parra, Jose Fernando Marín Arias, álex Pava Ripol Ciencias Básicas, Universidad de Caldas, Manizales, Colombia .* Interthalamic adhesion is an incostant part of human diencephalon. Its function is still unknown and its histological nature its controversial, as its named by some as a gray commissure, although the term commissure is used to designate in the neuroanatomy field, white matter or set of nerve fibers interconnecting such regions each other, crossing the midplane. Samples of fresh human interthalamaic adhesions were collected, fixed with formalin (10%) and processed histologically using hematoxylin and eosin staining. Interthalamic adhesion is a component of the central nervous system and even inconstant, but when it exists it has histologic axons. Opposed to what some authors say, is a white commissure. Conclusion: The interthalamic adhession histologically presents mainly axons, what constitutes a true commisure, so it is not a gray commissure. IFAA2014-8-013 The true apparent origin of the glossofaryngeal, vagus and accessory nerves autophagy and apoptosis. It was also found had a significant increase after MCAO. However, the role of TMEM166 involved in this process is still unknown.To determine the role of TMEM166 following MCAO injury, 156 male C57 mice were randomly divided into 4 groups: Sham, MCAO (wild type), MCAO (TMEM166 knockout), MCAO+ Rapamycin (mTOR inhibitor, ip, 0.5ng in 0.5 ul 0.1% DMSO , 20min before MCAO), MCAO+ shTSC2 (mTOR activator,i.c.v, 5ul immediately after MCAO). TTC, neurological scores, mortality rate, brain water content, TUNEL staining, western blot and immunohistochemistry (Beclin-1, LC-3ˈ mTOR ˈ p-mTOR ˈ p70s6kˈ p-p70s6k) were conducted 24h following MCAO. The results show that TMEM166 knockdown inhibits autophagy and improves brain injury following MCAO in mice. Compared with untreatd c57 mince, rapamycin treated mice shows downregulation of mTOR and upregulation of TMEM166 by western blot and immunohistochemistry. Treatment with TSC2 shRNA increases the expression of mTOR and decreases the expression of TMEM166. This work was supported by the 16)& (31271280 ). IFAA2014-8-016 Functional and neuropathological consequences of concussive brain injury at adolescence Jorge Eduardo Duque Parra, Jhon Barco Ríos, Jhon Jairo Diaz Zapata Bridgette D Semple1, Raha Sadjadi2, Jaclyn Carlson2, Duan Xu3, Donna Ferriero4, Linda NobleHaeusslein5 * 1 To determine the precise place where the roots of the glossopharyngeal, vagus and accessory nerves emerge as an apparent origin in the oblongata medulla. 35 human brain stem that had been previously fixed in formalin solution (10%), and by direct inspection were examined and recorded the precise spot where the roots emerge from those nerves and compared with the information reported in the literature. In 100 % of brain stems studied it was found that the nerve roots emerge about 2 to 3 mm behind the pre-olivary groove, different from the information reported in the literature. There are different opinions related to the apparent origin of the glossopharyngeal, vagus and accessory nerves, which warrants a larger study to reach a general consensus on the precise spot where the roots of these nerves make their appearance. IFAA2014-8-014 TMEM166 knockdown attenuates ischemic-induced neuronal autophagy via mTOR pathway in mice Chutong Lin *, Yue Hou* , Li Li, Changman Zhou Department of Anatomy and Histology, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Peking University Health Science Center, Beijing, China *These authors contributed equally to this work Transmembrane protein 166 (TMEM166), also known as FAM176A, is located on chromosome 2p12. Recent studies have shown that over-expression of TMEM166 markedly inhibits the proliferation of tumor cells and induces both cell The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists Medicine (Royal Melbourne Hospital), University of Melbourne, Parkville, Australia; 2Neurological Surgery, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, USA 3 Radiology and Biomedical Imaging, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, USA;4Pediatrics and Neurology, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, USA; 5Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, USA * There is growing controversy surrounding the management of concussion in young athletes, with evidence suggesting that repeated concussions may result in cumulative and chronic neurological impairments associated with neurodegeneration. The adolescent brain may be particularly vulnerable to concussions due to ongoing maturation at this time, combined with a high risk of sports-related impacts. We have therefore developed a mouse model of repeated concussive brain injuries in the adolescent mouse, and characterized a single concussive injury or repeated insults (2 impacts, 48 h apart) across development. Acutely, injured brains lack any signs of cell death, brain deformation, axonal degeneration or neuroinflammation, indicating the very mild nature of this insult. However, behavioral assessments reveal transient subacute anxiety and a persistent, pronounced hypoactive phenotype which emerges over time, in the absence of any sensorimotor dysfunction. Of note, both single and repeated injuries at adolescence produce a similar profile of functional deficits, with no evidence for an additive effect. These data highlight the vulnerability of the adolescent brain to a single mild concussion which does not produce acute pathological hallmarks of injury. Our findings lay the groundwork for understanding injury mechanisms, with future studies Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 173 and the subpallium (striatum, pallidum, basal forebrain and preoptic area). 2) To restrict the classic term 'pons' to the pontine nuclei and crossing fibres, with a prepontine and retropontine hindbrain. 3) To correct linguistic improvements in the TA hardly accepted in the field (e.g., nucleus raphes posterior to nucleus raphes dorsalis). 4) To adopt Hirai and Jones (1989) terminology for thalamic nuclei with some minor modifications. 5) To implement new subdivisions for the subpallium and amygdala. 6) For the cerebral cortex, to add: Brodmann areas, newer subdivisions, and to update the section on association fibres in the light of all the new DTI data. The proposals will be made available on the IFAA Website ( by the time of the conference. planned to evaluate long-term neuropathology and potential neuroprotective strategies. IFAA2014-8-017 Anatomical influences in regulatory approaches to developmental neurotoxicity Antonio F. Hernandez Department of Legal Medicine and Toxicology, University of Granada School of Medicine, Granada, Spain * There is a growing concern about the risk of developmental neurotoxicity (DNT) from chemical exposures. The developing human nervous system may be highly vulnerable to chemical toxicity, as optimal brain development relies on cell proliferation, differentiation, migration, and cell-cell interactions occurring in a particular sequence and at the right time. Thus, exposure to environmental contaminants or pharmaceuticals during development may cause lasting neurological deficits. The major tool for assessing DNT is OECD Test Guideline 426, which comprises assessment of gross functional, behavioural and neuroanatomical abnormalities during postnatal development and adulthood. The latter includes a qualitative examination to identify evidence, type and range of severity of neuropathological alterations and a quantitative evaluation (morphometry) to ascertain treatment-related effects. All major brain regions are sampled and data are evaluated according to biological and statistical significance. Routine neuropathological procedures are used in concert with functional tests for the initial phases of risk assessment; thus, a multidimensional approached is currently made for a better interpretation of effects. The particular case of neonicotinoid insecticides will illustrate how neuroanatomical changes in experimental animals can influence a toxicological debate of public concern within a regulatory framework where current healthbased reference values are modified to better protect human health. IFAA2014-8-019 Terminological issues in neuroanatomy Hans J. ten Donkelaar1, Jonas Broman2, Luis Puelles3, Alessandro Riva4 IFAA2014-8-020 The effect of the sympathetic nerve on growth and metabolism of white adipocyte in PD model rat Xiangzhi Meng, Ruipan Zheng, Ying Zhang, Yan Gao Department of Human Anatomy, School of Basic Medicinal Sciences, Capital Medical University, Beijing , China * Weight loss is regarded as important non-motor system in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD). However, the exact mechanism is poorly understood. The Sympathetic nerve plays an important role in lipid metabolism and differentiation of fat cells. We investigated whether the sympathetic nerve is associated with the phenomenon .We found that retroperitoneal fat mass reduction in PD model rats which are induced by destroyed dopaminergic neurons in the nigro-striatal system with the 6-OHDA injection to middle forebrain bundle. Furthermore, we analyzed the markers of Sympathetic nerve and related genes in adipocyte differentiation by Western blot and Real Time PCR. We found that activity of the Sympathetic nerve is increased, and adipocyte differentiation is inhibited in PD rat. These experiments demonstrate that damaged dopaminergic neurons in the nigro-striatal system are associated with increasing the activity of the Sympathetic nerve from brain to white adipose tissue, promotion of lipolysis and inhibition of fat cell differentiation, ultimately results in decrease of retroperitoneal fat mass in PD model rats. IFAA2014-8-021 Neuroplastin 65 knock out improves the cognitive function and inhibits LTP of mice 1 Department of Neurology, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Nijmegen, The Netherlands 2 Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Linkoping University, Sweden;3Department of Anatomy and Embryology, University of Murcia, Spain;4Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Cagliari, Italy * Shuang Wu, Haibo Zhang, Liang Huang, Jing He, Qionglan Yuan Although in the TA of 1998, the number of neuroanatomical terms was greatly expanded over the PNA, many inconsistencies remained. The FIPAT Working Group Neuroanatomy suggests: 1) To use a more natural hierarchical classification of brain structures, for the forebrain the subdivision into a caudal prosencephalon, giving rise to the caudal diencephalon (pretectum, thalamus and prethalamus), and a rostral prosencephalon, giving rise to the hypothalamus (rostral diencephalon) and the entire telencephalon. The telencephalon is divided into the pallium Tongji University School of Medicine, Department of Anatomy & Neurobiology. * Neuroplastin 65 (NP65) Is a Brain-Specific and Glycoprotein Highly Existed in Synaptic Membranes, and Its Function Needs to Be Explored. NP65 (-/-) C57BL/6 Mice Were Obtained By Gene Targeting. The Present Results Showed that: Firstly, the Cultured Hippocampal Neurons from NP65(/-) Mice Expressed only MAP-2 but not NP65. Compared with wild type mice, the number of primary neurites of NP65 (-/-) Mice Was Significantly Increased, but the Longest Length and Average Length of Neurites of NP65(-/-) Mice The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 174 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• Were Significantly Reduced. Secondly, Nissl staining Showed that the Density of Hippocampal Neurons of NP65(/-) Mice Was Higher Compared With Wild Type Mice, GFAP Positive Cells Were Increased in NP65(-/-) Mice. Thirdly, Morris Water Maze Showed that Adult NP65(-/-) Mice Had the Shorter Escape Latency Compared with Wild Type Mice; in the Probe Test, It Showed Increased Crossing Over the Previous Platform Location Compared with Wild Type Mice. Fourthly, Passive Avoidance Test Showed that Latency of NP65(-/-) Was Longer than Wild Type. Finally, Long Term Potentioation(LTP) of Hippocampal Slices Showed that NP65(-/-) Induced the Excitatory Postsynaptic Potential (EPSP) but did not Maintain It. Conclusion NP65(/-) Effects Neurite Outgrowth of Hippocampal Neurons and Improves cognitive function and Inhibits LTP of Mice. IFAA2014-8-022 The local circuit in the cerebral cortex: Information processing and dynamical systems. Takeshi Kankeo Department of Morphological Brain Science, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan. * In spite of recent progress in brain sciences, the local circuit of the cerebral neocortex still remains elusive. Morphological works on excitatory cortical circuitry from thalamocortical (TC) afferents to corticospinal neurons (CSNs) in cortical areas are reviewed here. First, TC axons of motor thalamic nuclei have been re-examined by the single neuron labeling method. There are middle layer (ML)-targeting and layer (L) 1-preferring TC axon types in motor-associated areas. Second, L5 CSNs receive local excitatory inputs not only from L2/3 pyramidal neurons but also from ML spiny neurons, the latter directly processing cerebellar information of core-like TC neurons. In contrast, basal ganglia information is targeted to apical dendrites of L2/3 and L5 pyramidal neurons through matrix TC neurons. Third, L6 corticothalamic neurons (CTNs) are most densely innervated by ML spiny neurons located just above CTNs. Since CTNs receive only weak connections from L2/3 and L5 pyramidal neurons, the TC recurrent circuit appears relatively independent of the results of processing in L2/3 and L5. It is proposed that two circuits sharing the same TC projection and ML neurons are embedded in the neocortex: one includes L2/3 and L5 neurons, processes afferent information in a feedforward way and sends the processed information to other cortical areas and subcortical regions; and the other circuit participates in a dynamical system of the TC recurrent circuit and may serve as the basis of autonomous activity of the neocortex. IFAA2014-8-023 The contribution of innate immune response on synaptic physiology and cognitive function after traumatic brain injury. Josh M. Morganti1, Timothy D. Jopson1, Sharon Liu2, Lara-Kristie Riparip1, Cristian The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists Guanandique2, Nalin Gupta2, Adam R. Ferguson2, Susanna Rosi1 1 Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science Department of Neurological Surgery. * 2 Traumatic brain injury has been consistently linked with increased risk of multiple neurodegenerative diseases including dementia. Recent work with surviving patients, post-mortem tissue samples, as well as multiple animal models have demonstrated that the TBI-initiated innate inflammatory response in the brain can persist for years following the initial trauma. The innate immune system contains two subpopulations of monocytes defined by their cell surface expression of either CX3CR1 or CCR2. Although TBI has been shown to initiate a robust and protracted inflammatory response following the initial trauma, little is known regarding the relative contribution of either monocyte subpopulation to this neurodegenerative state. Herein, we have taken either genetic or pharmacological manipulations to delineate the effects of each subpopulation within the context of inflammation, macrophage polarization, synaptic physiology, and hippocampal-dependent cognitive function. Our studies reveal that blocking the accumulation of peripheral monocytes/macrophages through either genetic deletion (CX3CR1) or pharmacological antagonism (CCR2) abrogates TBI-induced pro-inflammatory response, alters macrophage polarization and abates disruption of synaptic function markers. Ultimately, our data show that both genetic deletion of CX3CR1 or pharmacological antagonism of CCR2 is sufficient to ameliorate TBI-induced cognitive dysfunction. Cumulatively, these findings provide novel therapeutic strategies for the prevention of TBI-induced neurodegenerative sequelae. IFAA2014-8-024 Alterations in the neural circuits from peripheral afferents to the spinal cord: Possible implications for diabetic polyneuropathy in streptozotocininduced type 1 diabetic rats Zhenzhen Kou, Hui Li, Yunqing Li Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology, K.K. Leung Brain Research Centre, The Fourth Military Medical University, Xi'an 710032, China. * Diabetic polyneuropathy (DPN) presents as a wide variety of sensorimotor symptoms. Changes in the neural circuits may occur in the early stages in diabetes and are implicated in the development of DPN. Therefore, we aimed to detect changes in the expression of isolectin B4 (IB4, the marker for nonpeptidergic unmyelinated fibers and their cell bodies) and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP, the marker for peptidergic fibers and their cell bodies) in the dorsal root ganglion (DRG) and spinal cord of streptozotocin (STZ)induced type 1 diabetic rats showing alterations in sensory and motor function. We also used cholera toxin B subunit (CTB) to show the morphological changes of the myelinated fibers and motor neurons. STZ-induced diabetic rats exhibited hyperglycemia, decreased body weight gain, mechanical allodynia and impaired locomotor activity. In the Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 175 DRG and spinal dorsal horn, IB4-labeled structures decreased, but both CGRP immunostaining and CTB labeling increased from day 14 to day 28 in diabetic rats. In spinal ventral horn, CTB labeling decreased in motor neurons in diabetic rats. Treatment with intrathecal injection of insulin at the early stages of DPN could alleviate mechanical allodynia and impaired locomotor activity in diabetic rats. The results suggest that the alterations of the neural circuits between spinal nerve and spinal cord via the DRG and ventral root might be involved in DPN. IFAA2014-8-026 injection of IC evoked action potentials and peripheral receptive field sensitization only in the C-nociceptive neurons, but not A-neurons. Theses results suggest that IgG IC may induce pain and hyperalgesia via direct activation of primary nociceptive neurons. IFAA2014-8-028 Myelin sheath injury in kaolin induced hydrocephalus: A light and electron microscopy study. Anatomic imaging in pediatric neurosurgery Olugbenga A. Ayannuga1, Temitayo M. Shokunbi2, Thajasvarie Naicker3 R. Shane Tubbs 1 Pediatric Neurosurgery, Children's of Alabama, USA * Modern imaging modalities offer a high resolution look into the nervous system of the pediatric population. The speaker will review current imaging methods and how these are used in a modern pediatric neurosurgical practice at a tertiary care center. Topics will include imaging of the craniocervical junction, imaging of the spine for congenital malformations, and routine imaging of of the hydrocephalic patient. Following the presentation, the attendee will have an improved knowledge of the common imaging modalities used in 2014 for the pediatric neurosurgical patient and what anatomy these modalities can highlight. IFAA2014-8-027 IgG immune complex induces hyperalgesia via specific activation of peripheral nociceptive neurons Haowu Jiang, Xinhua Shen, Zhiyong Chen, Bo Yuan, Tao Wang, Fan Liu, Chunyan Li, Yikuan Xie, Chao Ma Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology, Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, School of Basic Medicine, Peking Union Medical College, Beijing 100005, China * Pain and hyperalgesia often accompany antigen-specific immune diseases but the underlying mechanisms are not clear. Our previous studies demonstrated that dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons express Fc-gamma-Receptor type I (FcȖRI), and can be directly activated by IgG immune complex (IC), evoking an increase in the intracellular calcium level and neuronal excitability. In this study we explored the potential physiological function of this mechanism in pain sensation. IgG-IC was prepared by using ovalbumin as antigen and rat anti-ovalbumin monoclonal IgG as antibody. Pain-related behavioral tests showed that IC dosedependently produced thermal and mechanical hyperalgesia when injected intradermally into the rat hindpaw. The ICinduced behavioral effects can be blocked by coadministration of non-specific IgG, but not by mast cell stabilizer or histamine antagonist. In acutely dissociated DRG neurons, IC produced an increase in the intracellular calcium level and neuronal excitability only in the small-diameter, but not medium- or large-diameter DRG neurons. In-vivo electrophysiology in the rat DRG confirmed that intradermal Department of Anatomy and cell biology, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria; 2Department of Anatomy, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria; 3Optics and Imaging center, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa * In the central nervous system, myelin sheath derived from oligodendrocytes, provides insulation for axons and is responsible for saltatory conduction, an efficient way of nervous impulse transmission. Hydrocephalus is a disorder of production and or flow of CSF. We examined the severity and time profile of injury to myelin sheath in the cerebral white matter of rats with kaolin-induced hydrocephalus. Forty four juvenile rats were divided into 4 groups, each with control and experimental subsets. Hydrocephalus was induced with intracisternal injection of kaolin suspension (0.04ml of 200mg/ml). The brains were harvested 1, 2, 3 and 4 weeks post-induction. Two 1mm thick coronal specimens were obtained at the level of the optic chiasma, fixed in 10% formal saline and Karnovsky’s fixative respectively. 7microns thick paraffin sections from the former was stained with Luxol fast blue, while 1mm cube of the latter was processed for electron microscopy. Attenuation of myelin sheath with lamella separation was noted one week postinduction. Myelin debris was visible, two to three weeks post-induction, while focal myelin degeneration, myelin cast and loop formations were noted 4weeks post-induction. These changes and subcortical white matter thinning were directly related to increasing ventriculomegaly and duration of hydrocephalus. IFAA2014-8-029 Progression of mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum changes following kaolin induced hydrocephalus in juvenile rats Temitayo M. Shokunbi1, Olugbenga A. Ayannuga2, Thajasvarie Naicker3 1 Department of Anatomy, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria; 2Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria; 3Optics and Imaging center, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa * Mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum are important for neuronal function. The severity and progression of morphological anomalies of these organelles in hydrocephalus have not been extensively studied. Forty four juvenile rats were divided into 4 groups consisting of control and experimental subsets. Rats were induced by intracisternal The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 176 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• injection of kaolin suspension (0.04 ml of 200mg/ml) and were sacrificed by cervical dislocation after 1, 2, 3, and 4 weeks of induction. 1mm cube of the subcortical white matter region of the brain slices taken at the level of the optic chiasma and fixed in Karnovsky’s fixative were obtained and processed for electron microscopy. Dilation of the endoplasmic reticulum was an early feature of the anomaly. It got worse as duration increases. Depletion of endoplasmic reticulum was noted in the 4 weeks post-induction group. Dilation of mitochondria was sparse in the 1 week postinduction group. Intramitochondrial vacuolation, disruption/degeneration of the crista and a breach of the mitochondrial outer membrane were noted in the 2, 3 and 4 week post-induction groups respectively. In Kaolin-induced hydrocephalus in the rats, changes in the endoplasmic reticulum precede those in the mitochondria. However, the severity of the changes in both organelles is directly related to the duration of hydrocephalus. IFAA2014-8-030 MRI anatomy of the hypoglossal nerve correlated with cyosectional specimen and its possible neurosurgical implications Shuwei Liu1, Haiyan Tang1, Bo Sun2, Xiangtao Lin2, Yuan Leng1, Haitao Ge1, Yuchun Tang1, Lei Feng1 1 Department of Anatomy, Histology, and Embryology, Shandong University School of Medicine, Jinan, China 2 Department of MRI, Shandong Institute for Medical Imaging, Shandong University, Jinan, China * To study the sectional anatomy of the hypoglossal nerve using MRI correlated with cryosectional sections for providing anatomic data for neurosurgery. MR images were obtained from 34 adult volunteers examined with 3D-SPACE sequences, and 69 sets of serial cryosections of adult cadaver heads were prepared. Compared with the cryosectional specimens, the location, adjacent structures and recognition landmarks of the hypoglossal nerve were observed in the MR images. The cisternal segment of hypoglossal nerve was identified with certainty in 100% (34/34) obtained in transverse and coronary planes. The canal segment of hypoglossal nerve was identified with certainty in 100% (34/34) obtained in transverse, coronary and sagittal planes, of which the landmark was hypoglossal canal in the lateral basilar part of occipital bone. The cervical segment of hypoglossal nerves was identified with certainty in 76.5% (26/34) obtained in transverse planes, which was displayed in round dot with moderate and low signal intensity, and 20.6% (7/34) in sagittal planes. It passed through the medial of internal jugular vein, lateral of internal carotid artery, lateral of external carotid artery and medial of posterior belly of digastric, respectively. 3D-SPACE MRI depicts the intracranial and extracranial segments of hypoglossal nerve clearly, as well as the neurovascular relationship at the transverse, sagittal and coronary planes. Transverse and coronary sections are much better for showing the hypoglossal nerve. IFAA2014-8-031 The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists Distribution of neuropeptide S expression neurons in the rat brain: an immunohistochemical study Yufeng Shao, Chaoyu Dong, Jing Li, Min Zhang, Kun Fan, Xiangpan Kong, Yiping Hou Departments of Neuroscience, Anatomy, Histology, and Embryology, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, Gansu, China * Neuropeptide S (NPS) is a newly identified neuromodulator that selectively binds and activates Gs and Gq proteincoupled receptors NPSR. Our recent studies have demonstrated that NPS-NPSR system regulates of sleep-wake cycle, olfactory function, and anxiety. However, the precise location of neurons containing NPS in the brain is uncertain. The commercial anti-serums of NPS, Abcam (#ab18252) and Millpore (#AB9614), are recently available to make it possible to reveal the distribution of NPS expression neurons in rat brain using immunohistochemistry. The dense NPS immunereactive (-ir) neurons were found in the brain stem including the locus coeruleus (LC) and principal sensory trigeminal nucleus (Pr5). The moderate NPS-ir neurons were seen in the reticulotegmental nucleus of the pons (RtTg), mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus (Me5), motor trigeminal nucleus (5M), vestibular nucleus (Ve), periolivary nucleus (PON), abducens nucleus (6N) and facial nucleus (7). A few neurons expression NPS were located in the oral part of the pontine reticular nucleus (PnO), caudal part of the pontine reticular nucleus (PnC), parvicellular reticular nucleus (PCRt), trigeminal transition zone (5Tr), ventral part of the subcoeruleus nucleus (SubCV) and gigantocellular reticular nucleus (Gi). In conclusion, NPS-ir neurons are mainly found in the LC and Pr5 of the brain stem. IFAA2014-8-033 Neural networks in classification scheme of neurons from the adult Dusica L. Maric1, Ivan Grbatinic2, Bojana Krstonosic1, Nebojsa T. Milosevic3 1 Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, University of Novi Sad, Serbia; 2Clinic of neurology, Clinical center of Serbia, Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade, Serbia 3 Department of Biophysics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade, Serbia. * This study applies neural networks to both type of neuron classification, quantitative and morphological and determine whether the neurons of human dentate nucleus can be classified on four morphological types. Material was collected during 2011-2012 at the Department of Forensic Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Novi Sad (Serbia). The digital images of neurons were quantified with five parameters which describe four cell features. Almost 97% neurons are classified correctly belonging to one of the four types: a) neurons with small soma and short dendrites, b) neurons with small soma and long dendrites, c) neuron with large soma and short dendrites, d) neurons with large soma and long dendrites. The human dentate nucleus can be classified in four cell types according to the quantification of Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 177 their morphology. These types consist two neuron sets, small and large ones with respect to their soma with subtypes differing in dendrite length. They are most probably equally distributed throughout the dentate nucleus as no significant difference in their distribution is observed. IFAA2014-8-034 A comparative study on the effects of type i and type ii diabetes on learning and memory deficit and hippocampal neuronal loss in rat Morteza Behnam-Rassouli, Zeinab Momeni, Sareh Rostami IFAA2014-8-036 A 55 year old man with progressive neuralogic deficits (case reports) Dept. of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran. * Hardy Senjaya In addition to learning and memory impairments, diabetes may also brings about neuronal loss in different regions of the brain specially hippocampus. In this line, the present study was conducted to investigate the effects of type 1 (T1D) and type 2 (T2D) diabetes on cognitive function and hippocampal neuronal density in rat. Three groups of male Wistar rats (No=6) were regarded as control, T1D and T2D. Type 1 hyperglycemia (experimental type 1 diabetes) was induced by 60 mg/kg body weight of STZ injection and type 2 hyperglycemia (experimental type 2 diabetes) by 10% fructose treatment through drinking water. Two months after the induction of both types of experimental diabetes, learning abilities and memory retention of animals were measured using Morris Water Maze and shuttle box. All animals were perfused afterwards and their brains processed for stereological examination of hippocampal neuronal density. In parallel to significant decrease in learning and memory scores, T1D showed a meaningful reduction in hippocampal neuronal density, when compared to control group. In T2D, the reductions of cognitive scores as well as hippocampal neuronal density were not significant, when compared to control and T1D. Although both types of diabetes led to neuronal loss and spatial learning and memory dysfunction, these abnormalities were more obvious in T1D, while they are probably age-related and duration-dependent in T2D. IFAA2014-8-035 Propidium iodide (PI), a new candidate for Nissl body staining under the fluorescence microscope 1 2 the neurons were treated with RNase, the neuronal cytoplasmic granules disappeared in PI stained sections. The neuronal cytoplasmic PI positive granules were colocalized with all positive signals stained by the Nissl stain, a specific fluorescent dye for Nissl bodies. The shortage that PI could strongly stain glial nuclei could be overcome by the application of DNase before PI staining. Therefore, with DNase treatment, PI can be used to specifically stain Nissl bodies in neurons, and may serve as a low expensive and easy available fluorescent dye for a total neuronal cell count (NSFC 81171154, GJHS 20120621153317134). Departement of Anatomy; Faculty of Medicine;Trisakti University; Jakarta, Indonesia * At least 50 percent of the decline in functional abilities associated with the elderly is caused by nuerology conditions, particularly vascular dementia, such as occurs in Binswanger disease. Binswanger disease is a rare condition, characterized by acute strokes with symptoms and signs compatible with lacunar infarction. The disease onset is commonly between 55 and 57 years. The majority of patients with Binswanger disease have chronic hypertension and other putative factors including diabetes mellitus, polycythemia, thrombocytosis, hyperlipidemia, hyperglobulinemia and pseudoxanthoma elasticum, increased fibrinogen levels and the antiphospholipid antibody syndrome. We report the case of a 55 year old man, who suffered from involuntary movements of his right arm, slight hemiparesis on the right side, and also had dementia. He had a history of high blood pressure and labotary tests showed that he had diabetes mellitus. The brain magnetic resonance imaging showed irregular while matter abnormalities with multiple lacunar infarcts in the basal ganglia and pon. The clinical picture is characterized by acute strokes, followed by involuntary movement and also dementia. Therefore we decided to diagnose it as Binswanger disease. After discharge from hospital. Thepatient has not returned for follow up Keyword : Binswanger disease, irregular white matter abnormalities, multiple lacunar infarcts IFAA2014-8-037 Structural changes in the rabbit neural retina following monocular deprivation 1 Junfei Niu , Chunman Li , Haihui Wu , Eric YP Cho2, Xianling Feng1, Shihe Li1, Xiaomei Wang1, David TW Yew2, Ou Sha1 Philip Mwachaka, Hassan Saidi, Paul Odula, Pamela Mandela 1 School of Medicine, Shenzhen University Health Science Centre, Shenzhen, China; 2School of Biomedical Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China * Department of Human Anatomy, University of Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya. * Propidium iodide (PI), as a common fluorescent dye, is usually used for nucleic acids staining, which can react with both RNAs and DNAs. The PI positive signals in the nuclei are normally stronger than those in the cytoplasm in most of cells, such as the intestinal epithelial cells. In the present study, it was found that PI could clearly stain many large granules in the cytoplasm of large neurons in the rat trigeminal ganglia, dorsal root ganglia, and spinal cord. After Monocular deprivation results in anatomical and electrophysiological changes in the visual cortex in favor of the non-deprived eye. There is scarcity of information on the structural changes occurring in the retina as a result of monocular deprivation although it is considered as part of the nervous system. 16 rabbits that were deprived of light by suturing the lids of one eye were studied for 3weeks. At the The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists 178 Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH• end of each week, four animals were euthanized, their retina harvested and processed for light microscopy. Photomicrographs of the retina were taken and entered into Fiji software. The thicknesses of each layer of the retina and cell densities in the nuclear layers were measured. Neural retinal thickness in the deprived eyes reduced by 37%, with significant (p<0.05) reduction being on the rods and cones (51.4%), inner nuclear (50.3%), ganglion cell (39.7%), and inner plexiform layers (58.4%). Cell densities in the nondeprived eyes markedly increased while those of deprived eyes reduced. Among the non-deprived eyes, ganglion cell density increased by 116% (p<0.001), inner nuclear cell density by 52% (p<0.001), and outer nuclear cell density by 59.6% (p<0.001). Deprived eyes had more pronounced reduction in the ganglion cell density (62%, p<0.001). Conclusion: Monocular deprivation results in anatomical changes in the retina in favor of the non-deprived eye. IFAA2014-8-038 Ethyl pyruvate ameliorates 3-nitropropionic acidinduced striatal toxicity through anti-neuronal cell death and anti-inflammatory mechanisms Minhee Jang, Min Jung Lee, Ik-Hyun Cho Department of Convergence Medical Science, College of Korean Medicine, Kyung Hee University, Seoul 130-701, Republic of Korea. * The potential neuroprotective value of ethyl pyruvate (EP) for the treatment of the striatal toxicity is largely unknown. We investigated whether EP promotes the survival of striatal neurons in a 3-nitropropionic acid (3-NP)-induced mouse model of Huntington’s disease (HD). EP (5, 10, 20, and 40 mg/kg/day, i.p.) was daily injected from 30 minutes before 3NP intoxication (pretreatment) and from onset/ progression/ peak point of neurological impairment by 3-NP intoxication. EP produced a neuroprotective effect in dose- and timedependant manners. EP pretreatment of 40 mg/kg/day produced the best neuroprotective effect among other conditions. Pretreatment of EP significantly attenuated neurological impairment and lethality and prevented formation of lesion area and neuronal loss in the striatum after 3-NP intoxication. This neuroprotection afforded by EP was associated with the suppression of succinate dehydrogenase activity, apoptosis, and microglial activation. The suppressive effect of EP corresponded to the downregulation of mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) and nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kB) signal pathways, and mRNA expression of inflammatory mediators including tumor necrosis factor-alpha, interleukin (IL)-1ȕ, IL-6, inducible nitric oxide synthase, and cyclooxygenase-2 in the striatum after 3-NP intoxication. Interestingly, the intrathecal introduction of inhibitors MAPKs and NF-kB into control mice decreased the lethality after 3-NP intoxication. Our findings indicate that EP may effectively alleviate 3-NPinduced striatal toxicity by inhibition of the MAPKs an IFAA2014-8-039 The effect of acetylcholine on motility reaction in opisthorchis viverrini The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists Ratana Leksomboon, Banchob Sripa, Wannee Chaijaroonkhanarak, Jariya Umka College of medicine and public heath, 85 Ubonratchathani university, Varinchamrab, Ubonratchathani 34190 * The aim of this study is to determine the nerve fibers network of acetylcholine related to their effect on motility reaction in this carcinogenic parasite, O. viverrini. The motility was measured by an X-celligence system (Roche Inc.) that monitors cellular events in a real time without incorporation of labels by measuring electrical impedance across interdigitated micro-electrodes integrated on the bottom of tissue culture E-plates (see CELLigence/ ezhome.html ). The first step consisted of a background reading followed by a regular user defined reads at 10 sec were cultured in 180 μl RPMI media per well triplicate of the 96 well E-plate at 37oC with 5% CO2 and motility was monitored 30 minutes to obtain a baseline motility reading prior to addition of 20 μl of each testing solution (acetylcholine and inhibitor; serine) then the motility was monitored 45 minutes after addition of various test solution. The newly excysted juvenile O. viverrini (NEJs) chemotacxis experiment was performed in chemotactic chamber containing RPMI at 37oC. Sixty serine treated larvae were placed at the center of the chamber. Stimulator solution was dropped at one end of the chamber. Both cerebral ganglia were connected together by short transverse commissure. Each ganglion gave rostral and caudal group, each side of rostral group branched to supply the pharynx and oral sucker. However, eserine showed strong decreasing amlitude at high concentration as10-3M and 10-4M on adults (p<0.05). While all concentrations of eserine significantly declined amplitude of NEJs motility around early 15 seconds after treatment (p< 0.05). When placed 30 NEJs in to RPMI media containing eserine all larvae shrink their body immediately. They began motion again after washed out 15 minute. NEJs have motionless and could not moved to target point of 10-4 M bovine bile. The results of serine against the motility and chemotaxis experiment enhance the postulate that acetylcholine play a role to control the motility and movement to O. viverrini. IFAA2014-8-040 Curcumin treatment of oxygen and glucose deprivation in hippocampal HT22 cells promoting the phosphorylation of Cofilin expression Weijian Hou, Shuling Bai, Xiaohong Tian, Hao Tong, Yawei Yan, Miao Yu Department of Tissue Ingineering, College of Basic Medical Science,China Medical University, Shenyang, 110001, China * In order to explore the role of curcumin for oxygen Glucose deprivation in neuron cells, the experiments have been carried out by using cultured hippcampal HT22 cells. The design is divided into eight groups:1) normal controls;(2) simple OGD;(3) OGD + 0.05% DMSO;(4) OGD + 0.05% DMSO + Curcumin 5ȝM;(5) OGD + 0.10% DMSO (6)OGD+ 0.10% DMSO + Curcumin10ȝȂ; (7) OGD + 0.20% DMSO;(8) OGD + 0.20% DMSO + Curcumin 20ȝM. Annals of Anatomy,196S1 (2014) © Elsevier GmbH • 179 Cultured cells for 1.5 d, allowed the cells to reach 85% confluency. The cells were then serum starved for 12 h to synchronize the cells to the G0 phase of the cell cycle. Changed to sugar-free culture medium, cultured in hypoxic incubator (O2 = 1.0 ~ 1.5%) for 2 hours. Then remove them to conventional medium, under normal oxygen concentration cultured for 3 hours. The cells were collected and Western Blot experiments were performed by using the antibodies to detect Cofilin and p - Cofilin expression. As the results that p-Cofilin express significantly higher compared to OGD and OGD+DMSO groups, but Cofilin changes not obviously. This suggests that curcumin can promote the phosphorylation of Cofilin, may have important relationship with nerve cell skeleton movement. IFAA2014-8-041 The secretions of hippocampal HT22 cells in culture induced neuronal differentiation of mouse bone-marrow mesenchymal stem cells Weijian Hou1, Shuling Bai1, Xin Wang2, Shiyu Hao2, Xiaohong Tian1, Hao Tong1 1 Department of Tissue Ingineering, College of Basic Medical Science,China Medical University, Shenyang, 110001, China 2 Department of Biomedical Ingineering, College of Basic Medical Science,China Medical University, Shenyang, 110001, China. * To explore w