Micturating Cystogram (MCU) Information for parents


Micturating Cystogram (MCU) Information for parents
Micturating Cystogram
Information for parents
Children’s Ward
Phone: 01625 661080 or 661084
X-Ray Department
Phone: 01625 661372
Appointment queries:
Phone: 01625 661372
Ref: 10291
Review: 08/2015
Micturating Cystogram ref 10291 Review 08/2015
What is a Micturating Cystogram (MCU)?
MCU is a test that makes it possible to look at your child’s bladder
using contrast liquid under X-ray.
Why is this done?
This test shows up any weakness in the tubes leading from the
bladder to the kidneys (reflux).
What is contrast?
Contrast is a clear liquid containing a
substance which enables us to look at
the urinary system (kidneys, ureters
and bladder) using X-rays.
The contrast passes quickly out of the
body in the urine, usually within 30
Your child is already on preventative treatment, Trimethoprim,
once at night.
You need to double your child’s dose (amount) the evening
before your child is due to have an MCU and then again in
the morning.
The evening after the treatment, your child should have
another double dose and then again the following morning
(making four double doses in all).
When this is completed you should revert back to giving the
normal dose of Trimethoprim at the usual time.
Micturating Cystogram ref 10291 Review 08/2015
What and where is this done?
Although the procedure is carried out in the X-ray Department, you
will be required to bring your child to the Children’s Ward before
your appointment time. This will allow your child to be given some
medication to make them sleepy and reduce any stress.
To carry out this test, we will need to insert a catheter (small
plastic tube) into your child’s urethra. A nurse or doctor will do this.
The medication will reduce the stress for your child, and allow us
to insert the catheter. Please speak to the referring doctor if you
have any queries.
In the X-ray Department
Your child will be asked to lie down on the X-ray table and the
bladder will then be filled with contrast (through the catheter),
which will show up on the X-ray.
When the bladder is full the catheter is removed and X-ray images
are taken as the bladder empties spontaneously. We will watch
what is happening on the X-ray monitor and images will be taken
at intervals during the procedure.
You will return to the Children’s Ward and when they are happy
that your child is fully awake you will be allowed home.
When do you get the results?
You will get the results from your child’s consultant at their next
outpatient appointment.
Advice for parents
When booking the appointment, please mention whether
your child has a heart condition so that special arrangements
can be made.
urinary tract infection for the two weeks prior to the test.
Your child should take antibiotics before and after the
examination according to the doctor’s instructions.
Micturating Cystogram ref 10291 Review 08/2015
Encourage your child to drink plenty of fluids for 24 hours
after the test so as to flush the bladder.
Your child may be a little sore when they go to the toilet for
the rest of the day, but this sensation will go away quickly.
Urine might be bloodstained in the 24 hours following the
test, but it will return to normal. If your child is unwell, such
as a fever, continuous blood-stained urine or blood clot, you
should ring the ward and discuss this with the nurse in
Remember, your child will feel more comfortable if a parent
or carer stays with them during the examination. However,
women who are pregnant should not stay in the room while
the X-rays are being taken.
Any queries
Children’s Ward
Phone: 01625 661080 or 661084
X-Ray Department
Phone: 01625 661372
Appointment queries:
Phone: 01625 661372
Micturating Cystogram ref 10291 Review 08/2015
Comments, compliments or complaints
We welcome any suggestions you have about the quality of our
care and our services.
Contact us:
Freephone: 0800 1613997
01625 661449
Textphone: 01625 663723
Customer Care, Reception,
Macclesfield District General Hospital, Victoria Road,
SK10 3BL
For large print, audio, Braille version or translation contact
Communications and Engagement on 0800 195 494.
Admission information
The trust accepts no responsibility for the loss of, or damage to,
personal property of any kind, in whatever way the loss or
damage may occur, unless deposited for safe custody.
Please leave valuables at home. If you need to bring personal
items that are expensive, for example micro hearing aids, please
be aware that you do so at your own risk
East Cheshire NHS Trust is
committed to ensuring ethat patients
and staff will always be treated with
dignity and respect. There will be no
age, disability, gender, race, sexual
orientation or religious discrimination
NHS Direct (part of NHS Choices)
is a 24 hr phone advice service
providing confidential health advice
and information. Phone: 0845 4647
(Textphone 0845 606 46 47)
Micturating Cystogram ref 10291 Review 08/2015