Document 6519715
Document 6519715
W Why Microso oft Dyna D amiccs CR RM?? Creeating wo orld-class customerr experien nces with Microsofft Dynam mics CRM Worrld-class cusstomer exp periences be egin with yo our people.. Whe en you give e them the right r tools to t boost their prod ductivity an nd amplify their impactt, you equip p your orga anization fo or success. And A that is exactly wha at Microsofft Dynamics® CR RM businesss software is designed to do. With h over 23,00 00 customerrs and more e than 1,400 0,000 users, you know you are a in good company with w your choice of Micrrosoft Dynamics CRM. The ttop reasons organizations choose Micrrosoft Dynam mics CRM to create world dclasss customer e experiences iinclude the following: • Leadership • Value • Familiarity • Choice • Cloud • Flexibility • Global • Insight • Partners • Solutions “Micrrosoft Dynam mics CRM ha as been esse ential to helpin ng us to imprrove our custo omer satisfacction levels a and to imple ementing an effective salles mana agement pro ocess. Microssoft Dyna amics CRM g gives us a sin ngle version of ou ur customer d data, which h has helped us re educe custom mer complain nts by 25% and rraise custom mer satisfactio on 15%.” UMAIR R CHAUDHARY Chief O Operating Officer Barclayys Bank LP, UAEE and Gulf B Boost your productivity with a native n Microsoftt Outlook experrience, guided processes, an nd inline data viisualization in Microsoft M Dynam mics CRM. LEAD DERSHIP CLOUD D With a strong balance sheet, consistent growth, a long-term mitment to inno ovation, and thousands of wo orld-class comm engin neers, you can be b secure in yo our choice of Microsoft. M Addittionally, Microsoft Dynamics CRM C has seen impressive momentum in the CRM C market and is recognized d as a leader in nd analyst firmss: the CRM industry byy many third-party experts an Microso oft has invested d over U.S. $2.3 3 billion dollarss to create a world-cclass cloud infraastructure. Miccrosoft Dynamics CRM Online e is a full -featured on-d demand CRM solution offered d at the 44 per user perr month and ru uns in geocompellling price of $4 replicatted data centerrs that are SAS 70 and ISO 27001 compliant. And yo u have peace o of mind knowin ng that Microso oft Dynamics CRM O nline is supporrted by a 99.9% % uptime financcially backed service level agreement. adrant for CRM Customer C Servicce Contact Cente ers • Garrtner Magic Qua • Garrtner Magic Qu uadrant for Sale es Force Autom mation • The e Forrester Wavve™ CRM Suite es Customer Service Solutionss • The e Forrester Wavve™ CRM Suite es for Midsized Organizations • The e Forrester Wavve™ CRM Suite es for Large Org ganizations • Ovu um CRM Decision Matrix “We selected Miicrosoft Dyna amics CRM ause it has a great reputtation in the beca industry. We esp pecially like the ease-of--use, flexib bility, ease of o customiza ation and the e strong repo orting capabiilities. We plan to expand our curre ent impleme entation by th hree-fold in the t comiing years.” CHRIISTIAN HOFF Senio or Associate Boozz Allen Hamilton n VALU UE When n considering fa actors that affe ect total cost off ownership (TCO))—such as licen nsing, services, training, deplo oyment, admin nistration, and maintenance— —Microsoft Dyn namics CRM is regarded by many customers c and industry analyssts as one of th he best vvalues in the industry. Organizzations like MittsubishiCaterpillar, ISS, Visio onShare, and Eq quinox have wo on awards for M implementatiions and the va alue they derive ed their ssuccessful CRM from Microsoft Dyna amics CRM. For more informa ation on these o to http://crm.d customer examples and others, go FAMIILIARITY Micro osoft Dynamics CRM providess you with a powerful set of CRM capabilities right within the natural n and fam miliar Microsoft® ® ook® client. An nd with over 500 million Outlo ook users Outlo world dwide, you can be confident th hat Microsoft Dynamics D CRM provid des your peoplle with a leadin ng CRM solution that works th he way they do. CHOIICE At the e end of the da ay organization ns want choice. Microsoft Dynam mics CRM offers a choice of on-premises, o on n-demand, and d partner-hosted solutions based on n the same arch hitecture and code base so you ca an select the be est model for your y organizatio on. Organ nizations can also access Micrrosoft Dynamiccs CRM from Outlo ook, a web brow wser, or any Intternet-enabled mobile device e. Simplly put, Microsoft Dynamics CR RM offers you choice. c FLEXIB BILITY In todayy’s ultra-competitive environment, organiza ations need the e ability tto rapidly reactt to change. Wiith point-and-cclick custom mization, role-baased forms, declarative design, and powerfu ul develop per tools, Micro osoft Dynamicss CRM can be e easily custom mized to supporrt your changin ng needs. Exten nd Microsoft Dynam ics CRM beyon nd customer management to manage other critical relationships w with partners, su uppliers, contra actors, assets, and oth her key elemen nts. GLOBA AL Microso oft Dynamics CR RM is used by customers globa ally in over 82 countriees, is available in n over 41 languages, and proviides full multicurrency cy and multi-language support.. Local staff and partners around the world can h help make yourr Microsoft Dyna amics CRM implem mentation world--class no matter where you do business. INSIGH HT Microso oft Dynamics C CRM provides yyour users with a range of insightfful business inttelligence capabilities includin ng real-time dashbo oards, inline datta visualization n, flexible reporrts, and indepth aanalytics, so yo our organization n can identify kkey trends and track keey performancee metrics. Let M Microsoft Dynamics CRM help p you turrn your data intto actionable in nsight. PARTN NERS Thousands of partnerss in over 82 cou untries sell, servvice, and supportt Microsoft Dyn namics CRM. W With their unique e expertise and skills, th hese leading paartners are a huge asset for your CRM projectt. Additio onally, the introd duction of the M Microsoft Dyna amics place, a cloud-b based repository of partner so olutions and Marketp commu unity insight, heelps you increasse the relevancyy and value of your M icrosoft Dynam mics CRM implementation. SOLUTTIONS Microso oft invests overr $9 billion annu ually in a wide vvariety of producttivity-focused ssolutions. Micro osoft Dynamics CRM incorpo orates many pow werful capabilitties from Micro osoft Office, Microso oft SharePoint® ® Server, Microsoft Lync™, Miccrosoft Dynamiics ERP, and oth her leading solu utions so you can maximize your M icrosoft investm ment and increa ase your producctivity. GET STTARTED TODA AY Try Micrrosoft Dynamicss CRM today: http:/// Explore the Microsoft Dy Dynamics CRM M Marketplace: http:/// Join thee Microsoft Dyna amics CRM Com mmunity: http:/// mmunities/crm--community.asp px MICROS SOFT MAKES NO WAR RRANTIES, EXPRESS, IM MPLIED, OR STATUTOR RY, AS TO THE INFORM MATION IN THIS DOCU UMENT. © 2010 Microsoft Corporation n. All rights reserved. namics, the Microsoft Dynamics logo, Outloo ok, and SharePoint are e trademarks of the M icrosoft group of com mpanies. Microsoft, Lync, Microsoft Dyn