Document 6521158
Document 6521158
RHAM FOOTBALL 2073 CAMP OVERVIEW: Overnight team experience to promote 'Team'concept. Activities to include teamproblem solving that are mentally and physically challenging. We will form into small break-out groups to encourage communications skills and "buying-into" Sachem Team Football. A great deal of time will also be placed on positional skill development and team drills. We have scheduled a dynamic speake'r for Friday, parent's night. There are continual presentations regarding character building, life-goals, and address the challenges and preparation for success that this season affords us. As always we will stress pa rticipatio n-fu nd a menta ls-fun-success. WHEN: WHERE: August 22,2013, at 5:00 pm Parents will drop their player off at the Harrford County 4H Camp located at 247 South Road, Marlborough, CT. WHY: WHO: Preparation for success COST: WHAT WE Mandatory for all RHAM HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL PLAYERS (grades 9-12), Att RHAM football coaches, statisticians and managers 5L50.00 per player PROVIDE: Sleeping accommodations, meals, RHAM sport-packages, instruction, fun meaningful activities. SCHEDULE: Thursdav, Auoust 22 5:00 prn 5:01pm 5:15 pm 5:45 pm 5:00 pm 6:15 pm 7:15 pm 7:30 pm Arrive at 4H Camp Assemble on grounds in back of pavilion Cabin assignments inside pavilion Camp ru Ies/competition rules Trivial pursuit for log choices Take persona! gear to assigned cabins Wash for dinner Report for dinner - sit with cabin assignments Kitchen Patrol: Cabin Evening presentation Film 9:15 pm 9:30 pm Hammon's Rule #1: Life isn't Break-it-Down fair: Deal with it! Good night Fridav. Auqust 23 5:30 am 5:15 am Good morning (clean cabins & wash up for breakfast) Breakfast 2: lf it ain't working: Do something different! Corollary: If it is working: Don't fix it! Hammon's rule 7:15 am KP: Cabin 7:45 am Be on the field in position - 9:45 am core strength Cool Down/ Sachem (BFSIStretch 10:00 am Break it down (snack/fruit) Shower and 10:30 am Break out groups by cabins Coaches explain the Challenge Problem. lntroductions/bios of players, what 11:30 am pm 1:45 pm 2:00 pm 2:10 pm 3:00 pm 3:15 pm 4:30 pm 4:40 pm 1:00 they are hoping from camp/season etc Swim & Pottawattamie Challenge Team canoe wars - shallow water contest where each team consisting of two canoes attempting to sink their opponent's two canoes. Can't touch .ano" with paddles or hands and no ramming is allowed. Lunch KP: Cabin Warm up Offense vs. Defense 3 scrimmages (Thud Only) Break it down Keltic War Games: Log-Rock tosses, Chariot Races, 4-Way Tug of War Break it down (fruit) Hammon rule 3: Breathing is good: get perspective Break into Offensive Position Groups: QB's, WR/TE, Go to assigned rooms with coach (es) Ol and RB's Goal setting: games/season (Realistic/Achievable) 5:15 pm 5:45 pm Wash up for Dinner 6:00 pm Supper is served 6:55 pm KP: 7:00 pm Speaker: Lieutenant Colonel - Rhode lsland State Police; (Thayer Redman is our back-up speaker) Parents are invited Discuss speaker/s points - What does it mean for us - DO RIGHT RULE Think about some things, attitudes, habits (1 public, 2 private) you want to get rid of. - write them down, keep them to yourself, put them into your pocket Break it down/Good night 8:30 pm 9:00 pm 9:30 pm Open Swim Cabin All Set up for Parents too Saturdov, Auaust 24 5:30 am am 7:15 am 7:30 am 9:45 am 10:00 am 10:15 am 5:15 Breakfast KP: Cabin 10:45 am Warm/Up - Positional Break Out Sessions (Defensive Agenda) Sachem Stretch Break it down Defensive positions break-out sessionsl go to assigned rooms/areas Set goals for season/games (Realistic/Achieva ble) Make more slips of bad things we want to get rid of. These are collective issues (not the private ones). Coaches should keep these. Public issues for a meeting to be held later in camp. Meet in Main Pavilion to memorialize Offensive and Defensive goals. 11:00 am Keltic War Games Continue (Chicken Fights) Open Swim pm 1:15 pm 12:30 Lunch KP: Cabin 2:15 pm Warm/Up Stretch - Special Teams Kick Off, Kick Return, Punt, Punt Return, Field Goal Wing Gun lmplementation 2:30 pm Positional Break Outs 3:15 pm Break-it-Down (snack) 3:30 pm Cabin meetings (strategies for success) 1:30 pm Plan for finals of the Keltic War Games Finals Tug of War 4:00 pm Big Relay. Log Carry, Rope Climb, Rope Cross, % mile run, Swim, Truck tow. 5:00 pm Break it down/wash up for supper 6:15 pm Supper 7:15 pm KP Cabin 7:30 pm Showers 8:00 pm Main Pavilion Evening Program Team mate comments drill Fillthe coffin Funeral Pyre/and dedication of the logs Break it down. Good Night 9:15 pm 10:30 pm Sundav. Auoust 25 6:30 am Good Morning/Clean Cabins for inspection (Points for competition) 7:15 am Breakfast 8:00 am KP Cabin 8:15 am Warm ups Defensive Posiiions 9:00 am 9:30 am Defensive Calls Blue/Gold Thud scrimmages 10:15 am Break it down 10:30 am Canoe war finals 12:30 pm Lunch 1:15 pm KP Cabin 1:30 pm summiri/Picfea and ready to leave 2:00 pm Pick Up by parents What to Brins to Camp: 1. Sleeping bag or 4 blankets 2, 3. 4, 5. 6. 7. 8. 9, Soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, shampoo, deodorant Towelsfor beach and shower Workout clothes for 5 sessions One set of casual clothes, sweatshirt orjacket Pillow, pillow case Comb or brush Swim suit Shoes, trainers and cleats (no bare feet) devices (see forms note) 10, Medicine or medical 11. Great Attitude! Don't Brins!!!!!!!! L. 2. VEHICLES Bad Attitude 3. 4. Electronics Jewelry
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