Endangered Species Act Why You Should Attend: Accreditation


Endangered Species Act Why You Should Attend: Accreditation
Species Act
11.5 VCLE Credits
April 25 & 26, 2013  YWCA  Honolulu, HI
12.0 Credits
Why You Should Attend:
11.5 Credits
11.5 Credits
Who Should Attend:
Attorneys/Legal Staff
Government Regulators
Consultants and
Developers and Land
Tribal Officials
Those Involved in the
Complex Procedures
Governing the
Endangered Species Act
5 Easy
Ways to
In our first Endangered Species Act conference to be held
in Honolulu, ESA practitioners and agency officials
will provide the latest and most important information
you’ ll need to understand and comply with the ESA.
This conference will help attorneys, businesses and
government staff to understand the objectives of the
ESA, its complexities, and its potential impacts. It will
also provide practical insights and an opportunity to
network with experts and colleagues.
Join our Program Co-Chairs, Lisa A. Bail of Goodsill
Anderson Quinn & Stifel, and Frederick W. Tucher of
the NOAA Office of General Counsel, along with the
outstanding faculty they have assembled.
Connect with us at:
Online: www.TheSeminarGroup.net
Fax: 866-435-3444
Email: info@TheSeminarGroup.net
Phone: 206-463-4400 / 800-574-4852
Mail: PO Box 523, Vashon, WA 98070
Get the free
mobile app at:
Endangered Species Act ~ Honolulu, HI
Thursday, April 25 & Friday, April 26, 2013
9:00 Introduction and Overview
Lisa A. Bail, Program Co-Chair
Goodsill Anderson Quinn & Stifel
Frederick W. Tucher, Program Co-Chair
3:30 Enforcement of the Endangered Species Act
and the Marine Mammal Protection Act
State and Federal Initiatives for Criminal Prosecution
Florence T. Nakakuni
NOAA Office of General Counsel
Office of the U.S. Attorneys, District of Hawaii
George Phocas,
Resident Agent-in-Charge, Pacific Region
9:10 Opening Ceremonial Chant
Ulalia Woodside, AICP, Regional Assets Mgr.,
Natural/Cultural Resources Unit, Land Assets Div.
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Kamehameha Schools
9:15 The Federal and State Endangered Species
Act (ESA): Overview of Policies and
Practical Application
4:15 Administrative Process
Habitat Conservation Plans; Consultation
Lasha-Lynn H. Salbosa, Conserv. Initiatives Crd.,
Division of Forestry & Wildlife.
Department of Land and Natural Resources, State of Hawaii
Similarities and Differences between the Federal
and State Act; The Listing Process; Recovery Plan
Process; Takings
Kristi Young,
Deputy Field Supervisor, Pacific Islands Ofc.
Linda L.W. Chow,
Deputy Atty. Gen., Land-Transportation Div.
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
5:00 Adjourn
Office of the Attorney General, State of Hawaii
Frederick W. Tucher,
Section Chief, Pacific Islands Section
Friday, April 26, 2013
NOAA Office of General Counsel
9:00 Introduction and Overview
10:00 Break
10:15 Litigation Update
Program Co-Chairs
Case Law Update
Lisa A. Bail
Goodsill Anderson Quinn & Stifel
ESA Listing & Consultation; Hawaiian Endangered
Species & Ecosystems; Species Ecosystem Protection;
Strategies for Saving Hawaiian Species & Ecosystems;
Distinct Population Designation; Case Studies
Jonathan Price, PhD, Asst. Prof.,
Dept. of Geography & Environmental Sciences
Goodsill Anderson Quinn & Stifel
10:00 Break
10:15 Economic Impact on Business,
Landowners and Government
David Z. Arakawa, Exec. Dir.
University of Hawaii, Hilo
12:15 Lunch (on your own)
1:30 Operating Agencies and Regulators Panel:
Protecting Species on State and Federal
Land; Recovery Planning; Avoiding
Jeopardy; the Hawaii Endangered Species
Recovery Committee
• U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
• Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources
Department of Land and Natural Resources, State of Hawaii
• U.S. Navy, Environmental Division
Kristi Young,
Deputy Field Supervisor, Pacific Islands Ofc.
Scott Fretz, PhD, Maui District Manager,
Division of Forestry & Wildlife.
Rebecca M.K. Hommon,
Regional Environmental Counsel
U.S. Navy Region Hawaii, Joint Base Pearl Harbor
3:15 Break
The Role of Protecting Species and the Ecosystem;
Economic Reasons for Saving Species; Strategies;
Civil Suits; Citizen Suits
Lisa W. Munger
11:15 An Overview of Hawaiian Endangered Species
9:10 Environmental Perspective
Land Use Research Foundation
Elena Onaga,
Deputy Section Chief, Pacific Islands Section
NOAA Office of General Counsel
11:30 Special Presentation:
The Endangered Species Act – Challenges
for the Coming Decade
Climate Change; Orphaned Threats; “Triage” for
Difficult Species
Loyal A. Mehrhoff, PhD,
Field Supervisor, Pacific Islands Ofc.
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
12:15 Lunch (on your own)
1:30 Climate Forcing in Loggerhead Sea Turtles
Kyle S. Van Houtan, PhD
NOAA; Washington, DC
2:15 Break
Friday, April 26, 2013
2:30 Managing Interactions between Commercial
Fisheries and Marine Mammals –
Perspectives from the Commercial Longline
Industry and Federal Regulators
State vs. Federal Regulation – Jurisdictional
Questions; Economics vs. Resource Conservation;
Implementation on Private Property
Ryan P. Steen
Stoel Rives LLP
Lisa Van Atta, Asst. Reg. Admin.,
Protected Resources Div., Pacific Islands Reg.Ofc.
3:30 Native Hawaiian Perspective
ESA and Hawaiian Culture; Recent Hunting Conflicts;
Native Hawaiians Protecting Hawaiian Species
Ulalia Woodside, AICP, Regional Assets Mgr.,
Natural/Cultural Resources Unit, Land Assets Div.
Kamehameha Schools
4:30 Adjourn
Conference Information
Registration: Please mail or email your registration as soon as
possible since enrollment is limited. You may also register with a credit
card via phone, fax or online. Walk-in registrations will be accepted
subject to space availability. Please call The Seminar Group at (206) 4634400 or (toll free) (800) 574-4852, or fax to (866) 435-3444, or email:
Tuition: The tuition fee includes attendance at all sessions, coffee breaks,
and all course materials. Full Tuition: $795 per person; Special Government
rate: $695 per person; New Associate/Paralegal rate: $560 per person; Student
rate: $427 per person. Make checks payable to: The Seminar Group.
Save When Two or More Register: Save $50 each off of the
Full Tuition fee only when two or more register from the same organization
at the same time. Multiple discounts do not apply.
Course Accreditation: This course is approved for 11.5 hours of
VCLE credit by the Hawaii State Bar Association. The Seminar Group is
a State Bar of California approved MCLE provider; therefore, this course
is approved for 12.0 general CLE credits. This course has been approved
for 11.5 hours of Washington MCLE credit; and by the Supreme Court of
Ohio Commission on Continuing Legal Education for 11.5 total CLE hours
instruction. For information or accreditation in other states, please call The
Seminar Group at (206) 463-4400 or (800) 574-4852.
Substitution/Cancellation: You may substitute another person
at any time. We will refund tuition, less a $50 cancellation charge, if we
receive your cancellation by Friday, April 19, 2013. No refunds will be
given after this date. Please note that if you do not cancel by the deadline and/
or do not attend, you are still responsible for payment.
Course Materials: Each participant will receive a set of course
materials, prepared by the speakers especially for this conference, which will
be invaluable as a future reference. The course materials alone are available
for $225 which includes shipping and handling.
Homestudy Package: Our complete Homestudy Course, consisting
of a full DVD or Audio CD and the Course Materials, is available for $820.
This package may qualify for up to 11.5 VCLE hours of Hawaii continuing
legal education self-study credits and may qualify for self-study credit in
other states.
Seminar Location: The seminar will be held at the YWCA, 1040
Richards Street, Honolulu, Hawaii, 808-538-7061. Please call the venue for
directions/questions. A block of guest rooms has been reserved until 4/10/13
at the Aston at the Executive Centre Hotel. To reserve, call 800-949-3932
and mention The Seminar Group.
Endangered Species Act
Lisa A. Bail, Program Co-Chair, a partner with Goodsill Anderson Quinn &
Stifel, concentrates on environmental law, land use and commercial litigation.
She has assisted clients with understanding implications of Critical Habitat
Designations and submitting comments to U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
regarding same.
Frederick W. Tucher, Program Co-Chair, is the Section Chief, Pacific
Islands Section, NOAA Office of General Counsel. His practice focuses on
administrative law, environmental law, resource management law, and civil
litigation. Prior to joining NOAA in 2008, he served 25 years in the U.S. Coast
Guard, and retired at the grade of Captain.
David Z. Arakawa has served as Executive Director of the Land Use Research
Foundation of Hawaii, and a Manager with the Leeward Oahu Transportation
Management Association, since 2007. Prior to that, he was a Senior Vice
President with Hawaiian Airlines.
Linda L.W. Chow is a Deputy Attorney General in the Land-Transportation
Division, Attorney General’s Office, State of Hawaii. Her primary clients are
the Department of Land and Natural Resources, the Commission on Water
Resource Management and the Public Land Development Corporation.
Scott Fretz, PhD, Maui District Manager, Division of Forestry & Wildlife,
Department of Land and Natural Resources, State of hawaii, has worked with
endangered species and Hawaiian ecosystems for more than 20 years.
Rebecca M.K. Hommon, Regional Environmental Counsel, is an environmental
law and policy advisor to the Commander, U.S. Navy Region Hawaii, Joint Base
Pearl Harbor. She provides environmental compliance and planning advice to
U.S. Navy officers in Hawaii and the Mid-Pacific.
Loyal A. Mehrhoff, PhD, is the Field Supervisor, Pacific Islands Office, U.S.
Fish & Wildlife Service. He has worked on the Northwest Forest Plan in the
Pacific Northwest, and was the Director of the U.S. Geological Survey’s Pacific
Island Ecosystems Research Center in Hawaii.
Lisa W. Munger is with Goodsill Anderson Quinn & Stifel.
Florence T. Nakakuni has served as the U.S. Attorney for the District of Hawaii
since September, 2009. She has been employed by the U.S. Attorney’s Office in
Hawaii as an Assistant U.S. Attorney since 1985, and most recently had served
as the Chief of the Organized Crime and Narcotics Section, Criminal Division.
Elena Onaga is the Deputy Section Chief, Pacific Islands Section, NOAA Office
of General Counsel. Previously, she served as a civilian attorney specializing in
environmental law for the Army where she provided advice on environmental
and administrative law matters arising under the Endangered Species Act.
George Phocas is the Resident Agent-in-Charge for the Pacific Region, U.S.
Fish & Wildlife Service.
Jonathan Price, PhD, is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Geography
and Environmental Sciences, University of Hawaii at Hilo. He has done
research in Hawaii for over 10 years, focusing on mapping the distributions of
species and communities. He utilizes GIS to identify biodiversity hotspots for
native bird and plant species.
Lasha-Lynn H. Salbosa is the Conservation Initiatives Coordinator with the
Division of Forestry & Wildlife, Dept. of Land and Natural Resources, State of
Hawaii. She handles coordination and management of habitat conservation plans
and safe harbor agreements, pursuant to the State’s endangered species statutes.
Kyle S. Van Houtan, PhD, is the Leader of the Marine Turtle Assessment
Program with NOAA Fisheries and an adjunct researcher at Duke University.
His research and teaching addresses the problem of extinction and combines
field ecology, quantitative modeling, ethics, and theology.
Ryan P. Steen is a partner in the Environment, Land Use and Natural Resources
practice group of Stoel Rives LLP in the firm’s Seattle office. He focuses his
practice on environmental, natural resources, fisheries, and wildlife law, and
has extensive litigation experience involving the Endangered Species Act.
Lisa Van Atta is the Assistant Regional Administrator for the Protected
Resources Division of NOAA Fisheries Pacific Islands Regional Office (PIRO),
where her work focuses on implementation of the U. S. Endangered Species Act
and Marine Mammal Protection Act throughout the Pacific Islands Region.
Ulalia Woodside, AICP, is the Regional Assets Manager for the Kamehameha
Schools’ Natural and Cultural Resources Unit, Land Assets Division. Her
responsibilities include the land management of over 200,000 acres. Her team
is also responsible for the development and implementation of programs to
steward natural resources.
Kristi Young is the Deputy Field Supervisor, Programmatic Division, Pacific
Islands Office, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service.
PO Box 523 • Vashon, WA 98070
18850 103rd Ave. SW, Ste. 123
800-574-4852 • Fax: 866-435-3444
Endangered Species Act
April 25 & 26, 2013 • YWCA • Honolulu, HI
YES! Please register the following:
City:____________________ State:_______ Zip:_________________
Phone:______________________ Fax:________________________
I cannot attend. Please send me:
 Course Materials Only
Homestudy:  Video DVD & Materials  Audio CD & Materials
Conference Fees
 Single Registration  2 or more (one company)  Government Employee  New Assoc./Paralegal  Student
 Course Materials
 Homestudy
Payment Method
Payment of $_____________
 Check  Purchase Order
Or Charge my:
Exp. Date:_______________
*Multiple discounts do not apply
Card No:
April 25 & 26, 2013 ~ Honolulu, HI
Call 800-574-4852 or Register Online at www.TheSeminarGroup.net
Species Act
Credits Credits
: 11.5 V
HI CLE LE: 12.0 Cre dits
: 11.5 C edits
: 11.5 C