Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church of


Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church of
June 23, 2013
Church of
Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Parish Office (914) 738-1449 ▪ Fax (914) 738-9454
Email . olph10803@msn.com - www.olph-pelhammanor.org
Rev. Robert J. DeJulio, Pastor
Rev. Abraham Vettiyolil, mcbs Parochial Vicars Rev. Oliver Offor
Weekend Associates
Rev. Edward T. Dowling, S.J., Rev. Stanley O’Konsky, S.J., Rev. Michael Greco, OFM, Cap.
Mr. Joseph McQuade Deacons Mr. Daniel Murphy
Mrs. Marianne Parker Parish Trustees Mr. Frank Barbieri
Mrs. Fabiola Brito Briseno, Administrative Assistant
Dr. Joseph Schippa, Music Director- Mrs. Elaine Ruggiero, Organist
Mr. Gabriel Gomez, Buildings and Grounds
Parish School
Pre-K – 8th grade
www.olphpelham.com ▪ (914) 738-5158
Mrs. Susan Cotronei, Principal
Religious Education Office
(914) 738-0670
Mr. Michael Hall, Director
Saturday . 4:00 - 4:45pm & by appointment
2nd & 4th Sunday of the Month at 1:30pm. Please call Parish
Office to make arrangements.
There is a six month planning period required.
Please make an appointment with one of the priests for further
Devotions to Our Lady
Rosary . Monday - Saturday . 8:40am
Miraculous Medal Novena - Monday . 9:30am
Weekdays: (Mon-Sat) 8:00AM and 9:00AM
Weekends: Saturday 5:00PM, Sunday 8:00AM, 9:30AM, 11:00AM, & 12:30PM
Memorial Day-Labor Day, Sat. 5:00PM, Sun. 8:00AM, 10:00AM, & 12:00 Noon
Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dear Parishioners:
The end of the school year brings with it a
natural break in the rhythm of parish life.
Schedules change, vacations are planned
and the thought of Labor Day seems to be
in the distant future.
This is also the time of year when
graduations take place and speakers
reflect not only on success and
achievement, but also on the realization
that along the way others have played a
great role in their life. The achievements
of the graduate are shared by many.
The same is true for parish life as well.
Week after week the most important thing
we do is come together for worship. This
defines us as a Christian community,
strengthens our relationship with God and
provides the network for us to face the
challenges of the coming week. When we
come together we do so not only for
ourselves, but also for one another. We
provide support and encouragement
through prayer.
There are many people in a parish who
take on roles which the church refers to as
ministry. They publicly perform functions
that help to enhance our worship
experience. Because they do their ministry
so well, we can easily tend to take them
for granted. As most people usually go to
the same Mass each week, they don't
always have a full appreciation of all the
people that function in the various parish
ministries that impact our communal
June 23, 2013
worship. Listed in today's bulletin are the
names of our parishioners who participate
in a liturgical role. We rely on them
greatly and value their willingness to
assume this responsibility.
As we come to the end of this school year
and prepare for the summer break, I
would like to wish each of you a
wonderful summer experience wherever
your travels may take you. I also want to
remind you that it can be a very
interesting experience to attend Mass in a
different place while you are away. If you
are looking for the nearest church, go to
Don't forget to plan to attend our two
events in September; the Parish Picnic on
September 8th, and the Golf Outing on
September 24th.
Rev. Robert DeJulio
Third Time
John Royce & Stephanie Courtien
John Santorella & Anya Taddeo
Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Monday, June 24
8:00 AM - Kathleen Hynes Cioppa,
John Hynes & John Cioppa
9:00 AM - A. George Haddad
Tuesday, June 25
8:00 AM - Achila & Catherine Mandarino
9:00 AM - Alex Papa
Wednesday, June 26
8:00 AM - Special Intention
9:00 AM - Rosemarie Landers
Thursday, June 27
8:00 AM - Cirilo Encarnacion
9:00 AM - Denise Hickey
Friday, June 28
8:00 AM - Rita Callahan
9:00 AM - Gustave Lantelme
Saturday, June 29
8:00 AM - Wilfredo Aguilera
9:00 AM - Charles Harther
The next scheduled cooking day for
our Parish Chefs is Friday, June 28th.
The menu consists of egg salad, rye
bread and sliced tomatoes.
should be brought to the Church office
not later than 1:00PM where it will be
picked up and delivered to St.
Gabriel’s Church. Please remember
that all meals are for a minimum of 20
people. For information, call Geri
Engstrom @ 738-1141.
June 23, 2013
Religious Education Program
Please note: We are in the process of
registering new students in grades K-8.
Please call the CCD office at 738-0670 for
more information.
Re-registration forms have been mailed to all
families enrolled in the program. Please
return this information by June 19th.
OLPH School is currently accepting
applications from qualified students for
the 2013/14 school year. If you are
interested in information or want to
schedule an appointment for an
interview, please call the school at 914738-5158
Electronic giving is now available
at OLPH?
Your donations may be
made via credit card or through
your bank, and you can pre-plan
for the entire year. Information
may be obtained at Parish Pay.com
September 8, 2013
1:30PM to 4:00PM
September 24, 2013
Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time
June 23, 2013
Eucharistic Ministers
Anne Marie Greco
Aida Miller
Angelo Acocella
Angelo Matera
Ann Murray
Anne Greco
Anne Palmieri
Annette Kiamie
Chris Cohen
Chris Tully
Dr. Frank Castellano
Ernestine Hess
Frances Massaro
Gene Argentina
James Arden
James Ferguson
Jeannine Foxx
Joan McCartney
Joe Liberatore
Joe Nunziata
John Sandrowicz
John Settineri
Josh Conroy
Loretta Illustrato
Margaret Devlin
Margaret Sisto
Margaret Spagnuolo
Mary Werner
Maryalice Barnett
Matt McDermott
Pat Duffy
Paul Brisson
Peter Durning
Regina Glynn
Thomas Dobbins
Alfred Greco
Bernard Dengler
Bill Foxx
Brenda Morra
Carolyn Cassidy
Catharine Gregware
Charles O’Regan
David Logan
Edward Fogarty
John Malnati
Joseph Auletta
Joseph Keane
Joseph Morra
Ken Kraetzer
Lorri Gorman
Marianne Parker
Mark Gaffney
Mary Henson
Michael Nugent
Michael Silane
Peter Dolan
Robert Tracy
Sheila Cameron
Thomas Bona
Ann Kossowan
Barnie Dengler
Corinne Gray
Dave Logan
Frank DeSimone
Joan Connolly
Joe Dechiario
Joy Dechiario
Maria Argentina
Mary Gallina
Phil Klein
Rosalie DeLillo
Ruth Ann Hynes
Stephanie Ruggiero
Virginia Dedona
Angelo Prisco
Anthony Barbato
Bob Slater
Dan Jackino
Denise Grasso
Duncan Gray, Jr
Ed Graig
Frank Barbieri
Frank DeSimone
Frank Mondrone
Gianni Magnani
Greg Croston
John Burke
John Donahoe
Joseph Giamboi
Joseph Kinsella
Joseph Monaldo
Joseph Vitarello
Louis Deglomini
Louis Grasso, Sr
Mario Bulfamante
Martin Considine
Michael Messina
Nathan Bianco
Peter Durning
Peter Hoffman
Peter Mongello
Philip DiGilio
Richard Sperrazza
Robert Burns
Ted Michailoff
Tullio Migliarini
Altar Servers
AJ Rella
Ben Jones
Brendan Jones
Brian McFarland
Christopher Ciccarelli
Christopher Devine
David Monaco
Faith Auletta
Flavio Darini
Gabriella Nanna
Gina Marie Robbins
Jack Hickey
John Calvelli
John Settineri
Julien Johnson
Justin Johnson
Nicholas Keolamphu
Patrick McDermott
Peter Monaco
Robert Horowitz
Thomas Horowitz
Timmy Brisson
Whit Johnson
Woods Johnson