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Westinghouse Acceptance of AP1000
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TITLE: Generic Assessment of the Impacts of Cooling Options for the Candidate
Nuclear Power Plant AP1000
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Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3
Generic Assessment of the Impacts of Cooling Options for the
Candidate Nuclear Power Plant AP1000
UKP-GW-GL-034, Revision 1
Westinghouse Electric Company LLC
P.O. Box 355
Pittsburgh, PA 15230
Copyright © 2010
Westinghouse Electric Company LLC
All Rights Reserved
Revision History
Generic Assessment of the Impacts of Cooling Options
for the Candidate Nuclear Power Plant AP1000
Description of Changes
Initial Submittal.
Incorporates new information on cooling water flow rate.
Revision 1
Generic Assessment of the Impacts of Cooling Options
for the Candidate Nuclear Power Plant AP1000
The attached “Generic Assessment of the Impacts of Cooling Options for the Candidate Nuclear Power
Plant AP1000”, RPS Planning and Development document number JER4078R080806TM, Revision: v. 4
FINAL provides information supporting the UK Generic Design Assessment of the Westinghouse
Electric Company AP1000.
Revision 1
Generic Assessment of the Impacts of Cooling Options for
the Candidate Nuclear Power Plant AP1000
Prepared by:
Brian Wibberley
Sally Kazer
Tessa McGarry
Reviewed by:
Andrew Clarke
Conrad House
Beaufort Square
NP16 5EP
01291 621821
01291 627827
Revision: v. 4 FINAL
26th October 2009
This report has been produced by RPS within the terms of the contract with the client and taking account of
the resources devoted to it by agreement with the client.
RPS Planning and Development Ltd. Registered in England No. 02947164
Centurion Court, 85 Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, OX14 4RY
A Member of the RPS Group Plc
Planning & Development
Introduction ........................................................................................................5
Background........................................................................................................................... 5
Legislation and Policy Applicable to the Marine Environment.............................................. 6
Generic Conservation Designations................................................................................... 11
Water Abstraction and Discharge....................................................................................... 22
Impact Assessment Method............................................................................29
Water Quality ...................................................................................................................... 29
Ecology ............................................................................................................................... 29
Generic Baseline ..............................................................................................31
Water Quality ...................................................................................................................... 31
General Biological Environment ......................................................................................... 31
Habitats............................................................................................................................... 32
Species ............................................................................................................................... 38
Effects of Cooling Options..............................................................................53
Possible Environmental Changes....................................................................................... 53
Marine Environmental Receptors ....................................................................................... 60
Possible Impact of the Intake and Discharge of Cooling Water on the Marine
Environment at the Generic Site................................................................................................... 62
Site Specific Study...........................................................................................77
Conclusion .......................................................................................................80
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Table 1.1 International and National Legislation .......................................................... 6
Table 1.2 Citation species for SPAs within 2km of the five existing nuclear power
stations. ................................................................................................................ 13
Table 1.3
Ramsar criteria for designation of a site as a Wetland of International
Importance (as on 29 March 2006). ..................................................................... 15
Table 1.4 Citation features for SACs within 2km of the five short-listed locations...... 18
Table 3.1 Description of the Annex I habitats likely to occur in the subtidal zone of the
generic site. .......................................................................................................... 33
Table 4.1 Common halogenated by-products of chlorination in seawater.................. 59
Table 4.2 Summary of the Habitats and Species Identified for the Generic Site........ 60
Table 4.3 Potential Effects on the Habitats and Species at the Generic Site as a result
of the Abstraction and Discharge of Cooling Water.............................................. 63
Table 5.1 Site specific work required........................................................................... 78
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Executive Summary
The core aim of the project is to develop a series of potential generic
environmental impacts on the marine and coastal environment and undertake
an assessment of these in relation to the AP1000 nuclear power station cooling
water system. The impacts are developed from the generic site conditions
defined by Aker Solutions (2008a and 2008b). The generic site conditions
have been developed using typical characteristics of sites at which nuclear
power stations currently exist around the UK coastline, comprising five coastal
and/or estuarine nuclear power stations.
These are, therefore, deemed to
represent ‘typical’ environmental conditions for likely future sites.
The project has involved the establishment of baseline environmental
conditions for the generic site, covering the following topics:
Description of the conservation designations likely to be found within
the vicinity of the generic site, (including an overview of the main
habitats and species likely to be found);
Description of the water abstraction and discharge process, together
with issues relevant to the Water Framework Directive and potential
mitigation measures;
Description of the likely existing marine water quality at the generic site;
Description of the likely existing marine biological environment at the
generic site;
Description of the likely environmental changes associated with the
abstraction and discharge of cooling water, (including the biocide
sodium hypochlorite) into the marine environment; and
Summary of the potential environmental impacts of such changes on
the existing marine biological environment.
The use of once through cooling systems, as proposed for the Westinghouse
AP1000, is consistent with Best Available Techniques (BAT) for applications
handling large amounts of low-level heat (10-25oC). Cooling water will be
discharged from the cooling water system approximately 13oC warmer than the
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intake. This heat will be dissipated as rapidly as possible by suitable design
and location of the discharge point.
The use of biocides during the warmer months of the year is essential to
prevent biofouling that will, if unchecked, reduce the efficiency of the cooling
system. Chlorine, in the form of sodium hypochorite, is widely used as a biocide
in cooling water systems. The level of sodium hypochlorite dosing required to
prevent biofouling can be minimised by using best practice design of the
cooling water system. Good design of the dosing and monitoring systems will
reduce the level of sodium hypochlorite dosing required still further. These two
factors will minimise the discharge of both residual oxidant and chlorination
byproducts to the receiving waters.
The proposed development has the potential to lead to a number of
environmental changes within the marine environment, with such changes
potentially having an impact on sensitive receptors.
The following
environmental changes were identified as:
Impingement of marine organisms at the intake and subsequent
Increase in water flow rate at the abstraction and discharge points;
Change in ambient temperature following the discharge of the cooling
water; and
Use and subsequent discharge of the biocide (sodium hypochlorite)
into the environment via the cooling water discharge.
The sensitive ecological receptors include a number of different habitats and
species that are likely to occur within the zone of impact and that may be
vulnerable to these environmental changes. Therefore, the study investigated
the possible significant effects that these environmental changes could have on
the receptors and discussed the mitigation measures to counter these effects.
It is important to recognise the implications of any changes in the context of
National and International legislation.
The study therefore sets out the
legislation relevant to this generic impact assessment with particular emphasis
on the Water Framework Directive. The Water Framework Directive aims to
protect ecosystems relating to water bodies and aims to achieve a status of
good or better for all water bodies in Europe by 2015. It sets Environmental
Quality Standards for pollutants that are potentially damaging to ecosystems.
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Applicants for new nuclear installations need to demonstrate the absence of
unacceptable impacts of their operations on the environment. To achieve this,
modeling of the cooling water discharge is normally required to allow the size
and location of the mixing zone to be identified and the impact on water quality
and ecology to be assessed. Modeling work will need to be undertaken during
the site-specific assessment, together with a range of other key studies
including: ecological baseline, fish and fisheries, chlorination trials, water
quality, sediment quality, bathymetry, currents and tides. Mitigation measures
will then be reviewed against the design proposal on a site-specific basis and
where possible demonstrate BAT.
Key mitigation measures can be summarised as follows:
Design and location of the abstraction point to minimise impact on
habitats and entrainment of fish;
Modelling, design and location of the discharge point to minimise
impacts on sensitive species and habitats;
Minimising the need for conditioning of the cooling water by best
practice design and choice of materials;
Best practice design and monitoring of the cooling water treatment
Blending of chlorinated and un-chlorinated streams to reduce residual
oxidant to a minimum.
In summary, the proposed scheme would incorporate a combination of Best
Available Techniques and mitigation measures into the design and operation of
the site to minimise environmental impact.
Such an approach would be
designed to ensure that the concentration of the biocide and the increase in
temperature compared to ambient would be anticipated to meet the required
standards outside the mixing zone. The required level of biocide is likely to be
met more quickly and within a shorter distance than the temperature standards.
What is not possible at a generic level is to determine the geographic extent of
the mixing zone, which will depend on site specifics and as such require sitespecific studies, including modeling. Within the mixing zone, it is likely that
habitats and species most likely to be affected will be those found on or in the
benthos and the planktonic assemblages.
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The UK Nuclear Regulators, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and the
Environment Agency (EA) have developed a Generic Design Assessment
(GDA) process. The process is designed to enable different designs for the
new generation of UK built nuclear power stations to be evaluated.
Westinghouse Electric Company (hereafter referred to as Westinghouse) has
submitted an application for its AP1000 nuclear power plant design, for
consideration under the GDA process.
The purpose of the GDA is to enable companies to submit information on
reactor design to the regulators, without the information being attached to a
particular site or project. Such an approach enables early examination of the
safety, security and environmental aspects of the design. To facilitate the
process, the UK Nuclear Regulators requested a generic site to be
established, against which the design could be assessed. Such a generic
site is intended, as far as practicable, to cover typical characteristics of a
potential UK nuclear power station site. The generic site, from which our
assessment has been developed for this current project, was developed by
Aker Solutions (2008b).
During the GDA process, Westinghouse has been requested by the
Environment Agency to provide a greater level of environmental information
regarding the potential environmental impacts of the abstraction and
discharge of cooling water from and to the marine environment. Specifically,
reference 3.1 within Table 1 of the EA’s guidance document ‘Process and
Information Document for Generic Assessment of Candidate Nuclear Power
Plant Design’ refers to ‘an analysis of the environmental impact of a range of
cooling options relevant to the generic site characteristics’.
This report therefore presents a generic Environmental Impact Assessment of
the AP1000 nuclear power plant design, with the assessment being restricted
to the potential impact on the marine environment at the generic site from the
cooling water abstraction and discharge during the operational phase.
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The generic site developed by Aker Solutions (2008 a and b) is based on a
combination of the environmental habitats, species and degree of
environmental protection found at five existing nuclear power station sites in
the UK.
Legislation and Policy Applicable to the Marine Environment
A number of articles of legislation and policy are applicable to applications for
development within or adjacent to the marine environment, together with a
number that are specifically focused towards power generation and nuclear
power in particular. In addition to these, there may also be site specific or
regional policies and byelaws that would need to be identified by a sitespecific study. A summary of the legislation that may apply is provided in
Table 1.1 below.
Table 1.1 International and National Legislation
EC Directive on the Assessment
of effects of certain public and
environment (85/337/EEC)
This directive is transcribed into UK legislation through the Town
and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment)
(England and Wales) Regulations 1999. The regulations require
certain developments to prepare an Environmental Statement as
part of the planning approval process.
EC Council Directive 92/43/EEC
on the Conservation of natural
habitats and of wild fauna and
flora (Habitats Directive).
The principle aim of this directive is to sustain biodiversity through
the conservation of natural habitats and wild fauna and flora in the
territory of the European Member States. These targets are
principally being met through the establishment of Special Areas of
Conservation. The EC EIA Directive states that EIA is mandatory
for Schedule 1 projects, and discretionary for Schedule 2 projects.
Schedule 1- Thermal power stations and other combustion
installations with a heat output of 300 megawatts or more
Schedule 2- Industrial installations for the production of electricity,
steam and hot water.
Conservation (Natural
etc. ) Regulations 1994
These regulations transpose Council Directive 92/43/EEC on the
conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora (EC
Habitats Directive) into national law. They introduce licensing
requirements (from DEFRA) for development that may affect
European species and amend planning legislation in conjunction
with PPG9 by introducing review procedures (with Local
Authorities) for development in close proximity to European Sites
(SAC, SPA) to determine whether they will have a significant
effect. A species disturbance licence may also be required if
species protected under the Regulations 1994 (as amended) are
EC Council Directive 79/409/EEC
on the conservation of wild birds
(Birds Directive)
To protect birds, their eggs, nests and habitats in the EU. This is to
be achieved by the protection of the birds’ potential habitats,
through the preservation, maintenance or restoration of a sufficient
diversity and area of habitats essential to the conservation of all
species of birds. These targets are principally being met through
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the establishment of Special Protection Areas (SPAs).
1981 Wildlife and Countryside Act
The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981(WCA 1981) consolidates
and amends existing national legislation to implement the
Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural
Habitats (Bern Convention) and Council Directive 79/409/EEC on
the Conservation of Wild Birds (Birds Directive) in Great Britain.
Amendments to the Act have occurred, the most recent being the
Countryside and Rights of Way (CROW) Act 2000 (in England and
Wales) and the Nature Conservation (Scotland) Act 2004 (in
Scotland). Consent from Natural England may be required under
the Act if a development is within a SSSI
EC Directive (96/82/EC) Control of
Major Accident Hazards
The EC Directive is transposed into UK legislation through the
Control of Major Accident Hazards (COMAH) Regulations 1999 (SI
1999/743) and the Planning (Control of Major Accident Hazards)
Regulations 1999(SI 1999/981). COMAH Regulations require
operators to implement certain management practices and report
to competent authorities. The Planning regulations require a
licence for the storage of listed hazardous substances.
Food and Environment Protection
Act 1985
The UK is signatory to the London Convention 1972 (prevention of
marine pollution) and the OSPAR Convention (1998) for the
Protection of the Marine Environment of the Northeast Atlantic.
The UK meets its requirements under these conventions by
licensing certain activities in the marine environment including
construction activities, extraction and disposal of materials. Under
part II of the Food and Environment Act (FEPA) 1985 the
Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, as the
licensing authority, has a statutory duty to control the deposit of
articles or materials in the sea/tidal waters. This includes sea
outfall pipes. A FEPA Licence is required for all construction below
MHWS from the Marine Consents and Environment Unit.
The Coast Protection Act 1949
This act sets out the legislative framework for the protection of the
coastline against erosion from the sea consent is required by the
Secretary of State for the construction alteration or improvement of
any works on under or over any part of the sea shore lying below
MHWS or the deposit or removal of any object or materials below
the level of MHWS. Under Section 34 of the Coast Protection Act
1949 (as amended principally by Section 36 of the Merchant
Shipping Act 1988) the consent of the Secretary of State for
Environment, Food & Rural Affairs is required for the following
• The construction, alteration or improvement of any works on,
under or over any part of the seashore lying below the level of
mean high water springs;
• The deposit of any object or materials below the level of mean
high water springs;
• The removal of any object or materials from the seashore below
the level of mean low water springs (e.g. dredging).
A dual application can be used if the proposal requires both FEPA
and Coast Protection Act consent
Water Resources Act 1991
The Water Resources Act sets out the responsibilities of the
Environment Agency in relation to water pollution, resource
management, flood defence, fisheries, and in some areas,
navigation. The Act regulates discharges to controlled waters,
which includes rivers, estuaries, coastal waters, lakes and
groundwaters. To obtain a permit to discharge to controlled
waters, consent is required from the Environment Agency.
Electricity Act 1989
This Act provides the core legislation for planning consents for the
construction and operation of generating stations within England
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and Wales. Under Section 36 of the Act, any energy installations
greater than 50 megawatts onshore and 1 megawatt offshore are
referred to the Secretary of State for Business, Enterprise and
Regulatory Reform.
EC Directive 96/61/EC concerning
integrated pollution prevention and
control (the IPPC Directive)
The IPPC Directive is about minimising pollution from various
industrial sources throughout the European Union. Operators of
industrial installations covered by Annex I of the IPPC Directive
are required to obtain an authorisation (environmental permit) from
the authorities in the EU countries. New installations, and existing
installations which are subject to "substantial changes", have been
required to meet the requirements of the IPPC Directive since 30
October 1999. Other existing installations must be brought into
compliance by 30 October 2007. The IPPC Directive is based on
several principles, namely (1) an integrated approach, (2) best
available techniques, (3) flexibility and (4) public participation. A
licence would be required from the Environment Agency.
The Water Framework Directive
The Water Framework Directive aims at maintaining high status of
waters where it exists, preventing any deterioration in the existing
status of waters and achieving at least “good status” in relation to
all waters by 2015.
EC Shellfish
The EC Shellfish Waters Directive, adopted on 30 October 1979,
aims to protect or improve shellfish waters in order to support
shellfish life and growth, therefore contributing to the high quality
of shellfish products directly edible to man. The Directive sets
physical, chemical and microbiological water quality requirements
that designated shellfish waters must either comply with
(‘mandatory’) or endeavour to meet (‘guideline standards’). The
Shellfish Waters Directive is designed to protect the aquatic
habitat of bivalve and gastropod molluscs, including oysters,
mussels, cockles, scallops and clams. The Directive does not
cover shellfish crustaceans such as crabs, crayfish and lobsters.
The Directive was transposed into national legislation in England
and Wales through The Surface Waters (Shellfish) (Classification)
Regulations 1997.
Water Act 2003
The Water Act 2003 will significantly change how water abstraction
and impoundment is regulated. It aims to improve protection of the
environment and to provide a more flexible process of regulation.
The Act is in three parts, relating to water resources, regulation of
the water industry and other provisions:
Part 1 (Abstraction and impounding – water resources)
Part 2 (New Regulatory Arrangements)
These clauses reflect a number of objectives that put the
consumer at the heart of regulation and to make it mire open.
Accountable and predictable. This part also contains provisions
about competition in supply of water services.
Part 3 (Miscellaneous)
This part contains clauses that amend the Water Industry Act
1991, Environment Act 1995, Water Resources Act 1991,
Reservoirs Act 1975 and Environmental Protection Act 1990.
Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries
Act 1975 (amended by the
Environment Act 1995)
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Recognises the hazards of water intake and outfall structures.
Section 14 of the Act deals with the obligation of the owner to fit
and maintain approved gratings, whilst section 15 affords powers
to the regulating authority to fit and maintain gratings at its own
expense. Changes to the SFFA arise from the 1995 Environment
Act that defined fish farm intakes and outfalls as regulated
structures, placing the onus of proof of effectiveness on the owner
or occupier. It also became a regulation to provide a continuous
by-wash in any situation where screens are sited within a conduit
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or channel.
The SFFA applies only to the migratory salmonids Atlantic salmon
Salmo salar and Sea trout Salmo trutta, and technically to the
waters that host self-supporting populations of these species.
Locations where there is a policy of reinstatement of migratory
stocks are also covered.
Depending on the site specifics, additional consents may be required from the
landowner (e.g. the Crown Estate) and any Port or Harbour Authority.
The primary European legislation governing abstraction from and discharges
to water bodies is the Water Framework Directive, WFD. The WFD requires
member states to classify waters in a different way, using new and revised
environmental standards to assess whether the environmental conditions are
good enough to support biological activity. It requires member states to look
at the water environment as a whole, integrating water quality, quantity, and
physical habitat with ecological indicators. One of the main objectives of the
WFD is to achieve good ecological and chemical status. Water bodies of
good ecological status should deviate only slightly from the biological,
structural and chemical characteristics that would be expected under
undisturbed conditions.
The ecological classification system has five classes: high, good, moderate,
poor and bad. It uses biological, physico-chemical, hydromorphological and
chemical assessments of status, which can be defined as follows:
Biological assessment using numeric measures of plants and animals;
Physico-chemical assessment looking at elements such as temperature
and the level of nutrients which support biology
Hydromorphological assessment looking at water flow and physical
Chemical assessment within the ecological assessment, which refers
to polluting substances that could adversely affect ecology.
The chemical assessment within the ecological classification refers to polluting
substances that could adversely affect the ecology. These pollutant standards will
be set by the UK according to the procedure outlined in Annex V of the WFD.
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These substances are considered less harmful than the ‘priority’ polluting
substances referred to in the chemical classification.
The chemical classification system for surface waters, used for most polluting
substances, has only two classes: good, or failing to achieve good. Checking
whether water quality meets Environmental Quality Standards (EQS) for
substances listed in Annex IX (Dangerous Substances Directive and
associated daughter directives) and Annex X (WFD Priority List Substances)
assesses this. These standards are being set on a Europe-wide basis and
are considered a priority because of their high potential for adverse effect on
the receiving environment.
Depending on the site specifics, additional consents may be required from the
landowner (e.g. the Crown Estate) and any Port or Harbour Authority.
The Marine Bill, published in draft in April 2008, has the potential to affect the
application and licensing process for marine proposals. There are two main
purposes given for the draft Marine Bill, these being tackling climate change
and a need for better regulation. The current complicated nature of marine
licensing is noted in some instances as being a laborious and complex
In addition to the licensing aspects of the draft Marine Bill, the draft Bill also
investigated the issue of planning in the marine environment. The overall aim
of the draft Bill as regards planning was given as follows:
‘To create a strategic planning system that will clarify our marine
objectives and priorities for the future, and direct decision-makers
and users towards more efficient, sustainable use and protection
of our marine resources’
The UK Government published a White Paper titled ‘Planning for a
Sustainable Future’ in May 2007, followed by the Planning Bill in November
2007. The accompanying explanatory notes summarise the first 8 sections of
the Bill as creating
‘a new system of development consent for nationally significant
infrastructure projects’. Key to the new planning system is the
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establishment of an Independent Planning Commission (IPC),
which will decide on major infrastructure proposals from April
2009, subject to the Bill securing Royal Assent in summer 2008’
As part of the drive towards improved marine planning, a Marine Spatial
Planning Pilot has been undertaken in the Irish Sea (
The aim of the Pilot was to obtain a better understanding of the current
situation and information on marine planning, and to develop a pilot project to
test the feasibility and practicality of applying a marine spatial plan. A number
of benefits were identified as being associated with a Marine Spatial Plan, in
particular for the achievement of sustainable development.
1.2.10 On 10 January 2008, the UK Government announced its response to the
public consultation ‘The Future of Nuclear Power’, which essentially
considered whether it is in the public interest to allow energy companies to
invest in new nuclear power stations.
The announcement included the
publication of the White Paper ‘Meeting the Energy Challenge: A White Paper
on Nuclear Power’. The Secretary of State (SoS) confirmed that, as part of
the double challenge of addressing climate change and ensuring security of
supply, that nuclear power should ‘play a role in providing Britain with clean,
secure and affordable energy’.
Energy companies were invited to bring
forward plans to build and operate new nuclear power stations.
Generic Conservation Designations
Statutory designations
Typically there is a number of International and nationally designated sites
within close proximity to the generic site. These are highlighted below.
Special Protection Area (nearest site 300m)
All of the five existing nuclear power stations, upon which the generic site
conditions were described, (Aker Solutions 2008a and 2008b) had an SPA
within 2km of the proposed development site, the nearest being 300m from
the boundary.
Special Protection Areas (SPAs) are sites protected under the EC Directive
on the conservation of wild birds (79/409/EEC), more commonly referred to
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as the Birds Directive. Sites can be designated for a number of reasons,
primarily for the following:
Sufficient percentage of the overall population of a species making
regular use of the area within a season (e.g. breeding, overwintering,
on migration);
The area is regularly used by over 20,000 waterfowl or seabirds in any
season; and
Less specific criteria such as population size and density, species
range, breeding success, history of occupancy, multi-species area,
naturalness and severe weather refuges.
As at December 2007, there were 253 SPAs designated within the UK, with a
further 11 proposed. Of the designated sites, 72 have a marine component,
with these primarily located in the following types of area:
Marine areas and Sea inlets;
Tidal rivers, Estuaries, Mud flats, Sand flats and Lagoons (including
saltwork basins); and
Salt marshes, Salt pastures and Salt steppes.
It should be noted that work is currently underway to identify extensions to
existing coastal SPAs, together with wholly new SPAs, the latter being fully
Bird species within an SPA that make direct use of the marine environment
can therefore include groups such as waders, waterfowl and seabirds. In
particular, ducks, seabird nesting colonies, waders and wildfowl areas have
been highlighted as typically being present at or within 10km of the generic
site. The differing habitats and ecology of these groups mean that different
issues are likely to arise, however the key points will relate to sources of food,
roosting and breeding sites.
In the coastal and marine generic site, the water birds will utilise food sources
both intertidally (e.g. infaunal and epifaunal invertebrates or algae on
mudflats, sandflats, rock platforms or saltmarsh), and subtidally, feeding
primarily on epibenthic invertebrates on the seabed or pelagic fish species.
High tide roosting areas and potential breeding sites for water birds within the
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generic site are likely to occur within the sand dune, dune grassland and
saltmarsh habitat. Habitats and communities that are likely to be important
features of the generic SPA site are discussed in more detail in Section 3.3,
with potential impacts on the constituent habitats and species discussed in
Section 4.
As mentioned above all of the five existing nuclear power stations, upon
which the generic site conditions were described, (Aker Solutions 2008a and
2008b) had an SPA within 2km of the proposed development site. Of the
sites on which the generic site was based, Site E had two SPAs within 2km.
There are no specific identified species within the generic site conditions
technical report (Aker Solutions 2008b). It will be assumed for this
assessment that the SPA within the vicinity of the generic site will regularly
support internationally important numbers of waterbirds that feed, roost and
breed in the area since the habitats present at the generic site would support
all of these activities. A search of the SPA sites within 2km of the five existing
nuclear sites revealed the citation species likely to occur near the generic
proposed development site (Table 1.2).
Table 1.2 Citation species for SPAs within 2km of the five existing nuclear power
Annex 1 species (site qualifies under Article 4.1 of the Birds Directive
During the breeding season:
Common tern
Little tern
Little tern
Common tern
Mediterranean gull
Little tern
Marsh harrier
On passage :
Aquatic warbler
Sandwich tern
Over winter:
Bewick’s swan
Bar-tailed godwit
Bewick’s swan
Bewick’s swan
Golden plover
Hen harrier
Whooper swan
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Migratory species (site qualifies under Article 4.2 of the Birds Directive)
During the breeding season:
Lesser blackbacked gull
On passage:
Ringed plover
Ringed plover
Ringed plover
Over winter:
Black-tailed godwit
Grey plover
Pinkfooted goose
Assemblage qualification: A wetland of international importance (under Article 4.2 of the Birds
Over winter the
area regularly
supports 21,406
Over winter the
area regularly
supports 301,449
Over winter the
area regularly
supports 20,000
Assemblage qualification: A seabird assemblage of international importance (under Article 4.2 of
the Birds Directive)
During the
breeding season
the area regularly
supports 29,236
individual seabirds
* Site E incorporates the two SPAs that occur within 2km of the site.
The generic site condition report assessed that within 1km of the generic site
there would be one SPA, within 2 to 10km of the generic site there would be
two SPAs and within 10 to 20km there would be three SPAs (Aker Solutions
Ramsar Site (nearest site 290m)
1.3.10 Ramsar sites are areas designated under the Ramsar Convention 1971 and
consist of wetlands of international importance. In general, but not always,
Ramsar sites are geographically associated with SPAs.
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As at December
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2007, there were 146 Ramsar sites designated within the UK, with a further 7
1.3.11 The Ramsar Convention defines wetlands as being:
‘areas of marsh, fen, peatland or water, whether natural or
artificial, permanent or temporary, with water that is static or
flowing, fresh, brackish or salt, including areas of marine water
the depth of which at low tide does not exceed six metres.’
1.3.12 Further, it notes that such sites:
‘may incorporate riparian and coastal zones adjacent to the
wetlands, and islands or bodies of marine water deeper than six
metres at low tide lying within the wetlands.’
1.3.13 Sites can be designated as Ramsar sites based on their habitat and/or the
species or communities therein.
A site that meets any of the nine criteria
specified under the Ramsar Convention could be designated as a Wetland of
International Importance (Table 1.3)
Table 1.3 Ramsar criteria for designation of a site as a Wetland of International
Importance (as on 29 March 2006).
Basis of Criterion
A: Sites containing
representative, rare
or unique wetland
Contains a representative, rare, or unique
example of a natural or near-natural wetland
type found within the appropriate biogeographic
species and ecological
Supports vulnerable, endangered, or critically
endangered species or threatened ecological
Supports populations of plant and/or animal
species important for maintaining the biological
diversity of a particular biogeographic region.
Supports plant and/or animal species at a
critical stage in their life cycles, or provides
refuge during adverse conditions.
Specific criteria based
on waterbirds.
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Regularly supports 20,000 or more waterbirds.
Regularly supports 1% of the individuals in a
population of one species or subspecies of
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Basis of Criterion
Specific criteria based
on fish.
Supports a significant proportion of indigenous
fish subspecies, species or families, life-history
stages, species interactions and/or populations
that are representative of wetland benefits
and/or values and thereby contributes to global
biological diversity.
An important source of food for fishes,
spawning ground, nursery and/or migration path
on which fish stocks, either within the wetland
or elsewhere, depend.
Specific criteria based
on other taxa.
Regularly supports 1% of the individuals in a
population of one species or subspecies of
wetland-dependent non-avian animal species.
1.3.14 The types of marine and coastal wetland habitat anticipated to typically occur
within a Ramsar site within the UK include a variety of intertidal habitats, as
summarised below.
Those that have been highlighted from the technical
assessment to occur within the vicinity of the generic site are marked with ‘*’
(Aker Solutions, 2008b):
Permanent shallow marine waters*; in most cases less than six
metres deep at low tide; includes sea bays and straits.
Marine subtidal aquatic beds; includes kelp beds, sea-grass beds*,
tropical marine meadows.
Rocky marine shores*; includes rocky offshore islands, sea cliffs.
Sand, shingle or pebble shores*; includes sand bars, spits and sandy
islets; includes dune systems and humid dune slacks.
Estuarine waters*; permanent water of estuaries and estuarine
systems of deltas.
Intertidal mud, sand or salt flats*.
Intertidal marshes*; includes salt marshes, salt meadows, saltings,
raised salt marshes; includes tidal brackish and freshwater marshes.
Coastal brackish/saline lagoons*; brackish to saline lagoons, with at
least one relatively narrow connection to the sea.
Coastal freshwater lagoons; includes freshwater delta lagoons.
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1.3.15 Four of the five existing nuclear power stations on which the generic site was
based had a Wetland of International Importance within 2km of the proposed
development site, the nearest being 290m from the boundary.
Based on
these five sites it is assumed that the generic site will have one Ramsar site
within 2km, one site within 2 to 10km and two sites within 10 to 20km.
Habitats and communities that are likely to be important features of the
generic Ramsar site are discussed in more detail in Section 3.3, with potential
impacts on the constituent habitats and species discussed in Section 4.
Special Area of Conservation (nearest site 330m)
1.3.16 Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) are sites designated under the EC
Habitats Directive (Council Directive 92/43/EEC on the Conservation of
natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora), as transposed into UK
legislation. The Directive includes a requirement to set up a European wide
network of sites, referred to as ‘Natura 2000’, to protect certain habitats and
species listed under Annex I and II of the Directive respectively.
As of
December 2007, there were 614 designated SACs, SCIs or cSACs (the
various stages in the designation process) within the UK, with a further 8 sites
highlighted as possible SACs and 1 at draft stage.
1.3.17 Within the habitats and species highlighted across Europe by the Directive, a
more limited set of Annex I habitats are associated within UK marine and
coastal waters. These habitats can be found from the fully marine subtidal
zone (e.g. reefs) through to the coastal terrestrial zone (e.g. fixed dunes with
herbaceous vegetation). Annex I habitats that occur within the SACs within
2km of the site are listed in Table 1.4. Broad descriptions of all habitats likely
to occur up to 20km from the generic site can be found in Section 3.3.
1.3.18 Annex II species found within UK marine coastal waters are listed below. The
generic site condition assessment has not specifically highlighted any of
these species, however, based on the citation features of the SACs within
2km, it is assumed that Sea lamprey and Twaite shad will occur near the site
(Table 1.4).
Bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus);
Harbour porpoise (Phocoena Phocoena);
Grey seal (Halichoerus grypus);
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Common seal (Phoca vitulina);
Sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus);
Allis shad (Alosa alosa);
Twaite shad (Alosa fallax);
Otter (Lutra lutra); and
Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar).
1.3.19 Furthermore, there are two non-marine Annex II species that must be
considered as potential receptors in the generic site, based on the citation
features of the SACs within 2km of the site boundary. These are the Great
crested newt and River lamprey.
The Great crested newt preferentially
occurs in freshwater, although it can occur in coastal dunes and shingle. The
River lamprey is found in coastal waters and estuaries as well as rivers.
1.3.20 In light of the generic nature of this investigation, it is important to stress that
whilst many of these Annex II species are not being specifically assessed,
this does not preclude them from the possibility of occurrence at the proposed
location for the power plant. Indeed, particular importance would need to be
placed on the occurrence of all migratory species for a site specific study,
including Atlantic salmon and Allis shad, (not considered specifically in this
assessment), due to the potential negative impacts that may arise from any
development. For example, the warm discharge water has the potential to
cause a thermal barrier to migration, and the cooling water intake has the
potential to cause impingement and/or entrainment.
1.3.21 Annex I habitats listed in the citation details of the SACs within 2km of each of
the five sites on which the generic site has been based are summarised in
Table 1.4.
Table 1.4 Citation features for SACs within 2km of the five short-listed locations
Annex 1 habitats that are a primary reason for designation
Annual vegetation
of drift lines
vegetation of
stony banks
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Mudflats and
sandflats not
covered by
seawater at low
Mudflats and
sandflats not
covered by
seawater at low
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Large shallow
inlets and bays
Atlantic salt
vegetation of
stony banks
Salicornia and
other annuals
colonising mud
and sand
Atlantic salt
Shifting dunes
along the
shoreline with
Fixed dunes with
Humid dune
Annex 1 habitats present as a qualifying feature, but not a primary reason for designation
Sandbanks which
are slightly
covered by sea
water all the time
Sandbanks which
are slightly
covered by sea
water all the time
Coastal lagoons
Mudflats and
sandflats not
covered by
seawater at low
Atlantic salt
Embryonic shifting
Atlantic decalcified
fixed dunes
Dunes with Salix
repens spp.
Annex II species that are a primary reason for designation
Great crested
Great crested
Sea lamprey
River lamprey
Twaite shad
Annex II species present as a qualifying feature, but not a primary reason for designation
1.3.22 The list in Table 1.4 is not exhaustive, as it does not include the interest
features of SAC further afield. The generic site is assumed to have two SACs
within 2 to 10km of the site boundary and three SACs within 10 to 20km of the
site boundary.
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Sites of Special Scientific Interest (nearest site 180m)
1.3.23 Sites of Special Scientific Interest are areas that are designated under the
Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 for the protection of the best examples of
features of biological (flora and fauna), geological or physiological
importance. The designation is further strengthened by the Countryside and
Rights of Way (CROW) Act 2000, which improves protection for SSSIs in
England and Wales. For example, the Act allows for powers of prosecution of
wildlife crimes; enables conservation agencies to refuse consent for
potentially damaging activities; increases penalties for deliberate damage;
and places a duty on public bodies to preserve and enhance the integrity of
1.3.24 The generic site is assumed to have at least two SSSIs within 2km of the
boundary, six SSSIs within 2 to 10km and 25 SSSIs within 10 to 20km (Aker
Solutions 2008b).
The features listed are not repeated here due to the
extensive nature; however, key habitats and species would be included on
the SAC and SPA citations highlighted above.
National Parks (nearest site 13,000m)
1.3.25 National Parks were created in the UK in 1949 to conserve the natural beauty
of the British countryside. For each of the fourteen National Parks across the
country there is a National Parks Authority, which by law have a duty to:
Conserve and enhance the natural beauty, wildlife and cultural
Promote opportunities for the understanding and enjoyment of the
special qualities of National Parks by the public; and
Seek to foster the economic and social well-being of local communities.
1.3.26 The generic site is assumed to have one National Park within 10 to 20km of
the boundary (Aker Solutions 2008b). The terrestrial nature of National Parks
is such that habitats and species associated have not been included here.
Important Bird Areas (nearest site 250m)
1.3.27 Important Bird Areas (IBAs) are key areas that are recognised as
conservation priorities under one or more of the following three criteria:
Hold significant numbers of one or more globally threatened species;
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Are one of a set of sites that together hold a suite of restricted-range
species or biome-restricted species; and
Have exceptionally large numbers of migratory or congregating
1.3.28 The IBA Programme to designate a network of protected areas for birds
across the globe was established and run by Birdlife International. The aim of
the programme is to identify and designate new IBAs, monitor their status,
carry out conservation actions on the ground and advocate policy changes at
local, national and international levels. Birdlife International aims to achieve
legal protection for all IBAs in order to ensure their safeguard. The level of
protection depends on the country within which the IBA is designated.
1.3.29 For the generic site it is assumed that there is one IBA within 2km of the site
boundary, two IBAs within 2 to 10km of the boundary, and 3 IBAs within 10 to
20km of the boundary. These designations may be terrestrial or coastal in
nature; as yet there are no fully marine IBAs, but these are in the process of
being identified. Significant bird species and assemblages are included in the
generic site assessment through those listed under the SPA and Ramsar
citation information.
Local designations
Local Nature Reserves (nearest site 850m)
1.3.30 Local Nature Reserves are areas of natural habitat that are recognised
locally, (within a county or district), as having a value to both wildlife and
people. Representing a diversity of habitats, both terrestrial and marine, they
provide opportunities for education and research and allow enjoyment of the
landscape by local communities.
1.3.31 Local Nature Reserves are not protected by statutory legislation, but rather by
local authorities, which have the power to designate land as far as the low
water mark, and make byelaws to protect the area from damage by the
public. The power to provide and secure LNRs in Great Britain is provided by
the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949.
agreement with local landowners and occupiers of the land, the local
authority, in consultation with statutory authorities, may then undertake
management of the land, often through voluntary conservation organisations.
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1.3.32 The generic site is assumed to have one LNR within 2km of the boundary,
four LNRs within 2 to 10km of the boundary, and nine within 10 to 20km of the
Significant habitats and species associated with the LNRs are
included in the generic site assessment via those listed in the SAC, SPA and
Ramsar citations.
RSPB Reserves (nearest site 1042m)
1.3.33 The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) is a UK charity
organisation that works for the conservation of wild birds. One of the ways in
which it achieves this is through the establishment and management of nature
The reserves are established to protect key habitats for birds,
particularly threatened or rare species.
1.3.34 To date, there have been approximately 170 RSPB nature reserves
established across the country, and whilst these have no legal protection
themselves, they are more often than not protected through the coincidence
with other national or international designations, such as SSSIs or SPAs.
1.3.35 The generic site is assumed to have one RSPB designation within 2km, two
reserves within 2 to 10km and 2 reserves within 10 to 20km. Significant bird
species and assemblages are included in the generic site assessment,
through those listed under the SPA and Ramsar citation information.
Water Abstraction and Discharge
Overview of the Cooling Water System
To achieve a high overall energy efficiency when handling large amounts of
low level heat it is generally considered that the best available technique
(BAT) (IPPC BREF 2001) is to cool by once through cooling systems. The
AP1000 will be cooled by a once through cooling water system (CWS) and for
this analysis it is assumed that there will be no cooling towers. 7,540 million
BTU per hour of heat will be transferred by a flow of 600,000 US gallons per
minute (3,270,596 Cubic Metres per day) of seawater with an increase in
temperature of approximately 13oC between the inlet and outlet (based on an
inlet temperature range of 19 to 25 oC. Seawater will be extracted from the
sea by three pumps, passed through the heat exchangers, and returned to
the sea. For the generic site it is assumed that the discharge point will 150
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meters off shore at a depth of 5 metres below low water level. The mean tidal
range for the generic site ranges from 8.3 metres for spring tides to 7.08
meters for neap tides, with a coastal current of 0.1 metres per second. During
the warmer months of the year the cooling water will be dosed with a biocide,
sodium hypochlorite, to prevent biofouling. See para 1.4.16.
Cooling water abstraction and discharge –mitigation measures
The abstraction and subsequent discharge of the cooling water have the
potential to have a significant impact on the receiving waters and the local
ecology. These impacts are typically minimised by application of Best
Available Techniques, drawing on the IPPC BREF 2001 document. The
following measures are typically incorporated into the cooling water system at
the design stage.
The cooling water abstraction location is situated so as to minimise any
potential impact on habitats. It is designed to avoid disturbing sediments and
thereby avoids adverse impacts on the cooling system and the mobilisation of
A lesser thermal impact on the receiving waters, as well as overall energy
savings, may be achieved if alternative uses for some of the waste heat can
be found. Proximity to a potential heat customer can only be assessed on a
site-by-site basis. In view of the relatively low-grade heat available, and the
likely remoteness of the site, beneficial use of the waste heat may not be
The discharge location and design is normally based on extensive modelling
taking into account the location of sensitive habitats and fish migration
pathways etc.
Careful design is undertaken to ensure the maximum
dispersion of the thermal load whilst minimising the impact on ecology. There
are two broad engineering approaches. One is to aim for rapid initial mixing
and dilution, typically using diffusers to create a large volume of slightly
warmed water. The other is to allow the plume, which in most cases will be
buoyant, due to the lower density of the warm water, to rise virtually unmixed
to the surface and spread horizontally where it will lose heat to the
atmosphere and slowly mix downwards. In practice, subject to site-specific
design, both of these techniques are typically used to maximise the
dissipation of heat.
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It is considered BAT to reduce the need for cooling water conditioning by
reducing the occurrence of fouling and corrosion through proper design. A
number of physical methods are available to reduce biofouling, thereby
reducing the quantities of antifouling chemicals used. These minimise the
hypochlorite dosing required and reduce the concentrations of both the
residual oxidant and byproducts being discharged to the receiving waters.
Intake design should minimise the entrainment of fish, debris, organic
and inorganic material including suspended solids.
Stagnant zones and turbulence should be avoided and flow velocities
maintained at a high enough level to avoid fixation of organic organisms
(velocities higher than 2m/sec). Critical velocities depend on the type of
By using smooth surfaces and non-toxic coatings and paints which
reduce the fixation of the organisms, reinforce the velocity effect and
facilitating cleaning.
On-line or off-line cleaning.
Best practice design of the biofouling treatment system will also minimise the
required dosing of hypochlorite. The strategy is to prevent biofouling from
occurring, as once it does larger doses for long periods are required to
remove it once established. Best practice design will include;
Targeted dosing at locations with a high fouling risk such as the heat
exchanger inlet and outlet boxes.
Optimisation of chemical monitoring and controlled (automatic) dosing
to ensure the minimum required dose. Since the applied hypochlorite
concentration will decrease through the CWS, chemical monitors are
needed to ensure effective concentrations at critical points in the
Pulse alternating chlorination© which takes account of the variation in
residence times in different parts of the process. At different times and
different points the required levels of chlorine are dosed following the
patterns of the cooling water stream in the different process stages. At
the end of the process and before discharge of the cooling water,
stream dilution occurs by mixing the different process streams. Where
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only one stream is chlorinated and the other is not the total residual
oxidant in the former will be reduced by the chlorine demand of the
latter. TRO levels in final discharge waters of <0.1 mg/l are stated to be
achievable through use of this system.
Monitoring of biofouling to ensure efficacy of the system.
Impingement and entrainment of marine organisms
Mitigation measures to reduce the potential for impingement and entrainment
are also typically employed during operation. Impingement refers to the
unintentional capture of organisms on the fine travelling (drum or band)
screens, whilst entrainment is the uptake of organisms into the system and
subsequent movement through the system.
The risk of impingement and entrainment is related to the swimming ability of
a marine organism. Since swimming ability tends to be related to length, the
species most at risk are small mobile species or juveniles of larger species
that are unable to escape the intake currents. A review of fish entrainment
studies showed that 90% of the entrained fish were less than 200mm in
length (Stone and Webster 1992). In particular, smolts of diadramous fish
species are at risk as their migration route between fresh and seawater may
oblige them to move past the intake pipe.
1.4.10 Physical screening technologies are designed to provide a static barrier to
prevent entrainment of individuals through the system. The most commonly
used are traditional passive mesh screens for large fish and salmonids and
passive wedge wire cylinders for small fish and juveniles. The traditional
practice used at older power station is to backwash organisms off the screens
and put these to waste. However, modern plants have systems in place to
first prevent organisms from entering the CW inlet and second, to enable
organisms to be return to the sea via the CW discharge or a dedicated return
The Environment Agency’s Best Practice Guidelines for preventing
ingress of marine organisms for direct-cooled coastal and estuarine power
stations involves the use of acoustic fish deterrent (AFD) systems placed at
the CW inlet coupled with fish recovery (FRR) and return systems (Turnpenny
& O’Keefe 2005).
1.4.11 AFDs can be used to prevent the ingress of many of the hearing-sensitive fish
species, including herring and shad with a greater than 90% success rate.
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The majority of fish have an intermediate hearing sensitivity, and AFD
systems have a 50-80% success with these species. For those fish species
with no hearing sensitivity (e.g. elasmobranches, lampreys, and epibenthic
teleosts), the AFD system may have a less than 30% success rate as a
deterrent. FRR systems are therefore used to complement AFD systems by
intercepting and returning to the wild any fish that get past the AFD system.
The pairing of technologies works well because the fish that have less
sensitive hearing are generally robust and can survive handling on traveling
FRR systems are not an adequate fish protection measure by
themselves because survival rates of delicate pelagic species are generally
close to zero and it is these species that often make up the bulk of the catch
at coastal stations.
Water Quality Impacts
1.4.12 Once discharged, the cooling water will start to mix with the ambient water
body. Based on a temperature in the discharge water at 14oC above ambient,
the following dilution factors would be required to achieve lower rises in
7 x dilution
for a 2 oC difference
10 x dilution
for a 1.4 oC difference
14 x dilution
for a 1 oC difference
1.4.13 The UKTAG (UK Technical Advisory Group) has not yet recommended an
EQS under the Water Framework Directive (WFD) for temperature, deferring
this until the review of the first cycle of river basin plans. The UKTAG has
confirmed that the standards from the Freshwater Fish Directive (FFD) should
be protective of salmonid and cyprinid fish in rivers lakes and estuaries. The
validity of the “uplift” values of 1.5oC and 3oC in the FFD was less clear.
These aim to ensure that a step rise or a sharp gradient in temperature is not
a thermal barrier to fish. The UKTAG was unable to find good evidence of the
reality of such thermal barriers in rivers and estuaries, except when
temperature rises of more than 3oC or near the lethal limit occur. Member
states are required to designate areas of coastal waters needing protection or
improvement in order to support shellfish. The Shellfish Waters Directive’s
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2oC limit for a rise in temperature has sometimes been adopted as a standard
for marine waters generally, although it is a guideline only, for shellfish waters
designated under the Directive. The Directive sets no Imperative value for
temperature but environment agencies are under an obligation to endeavour
to observe the guideline value, as well as a principle of no increased
pollution. The 98th percentile temperature standard suggested in guidance
relating to thermal discharges into European Marine Sites is 21.5oC.
Dissolved Oxygen
1.4.14 The solubility of oxygen in water reduces with temperature. For seawater at
35 parts per thousand salinity, the solubility of oxygen at 15oC is 8.1 mg/litre.
At 30oC this reduces to 6.1 mg/litre. This may be further reduced by the
Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) that increases with increased temperature
depending on the nutrient levels and microbial activity present in receiving
The UKTAG has set standards for dissolved oxygen for marine
waters with 4.0 – 5.7 mg/l described as good, and greater than 5.7mg/l
described as high.
Cooling Water Biocide
1.4.15 In order to maintain efficient operation of the CWS, abstracted water is dosed
with a biocide to inhibit the settlement of biological organisms to the internal
surfaces within the system (biofouling)’. Biofouling is generally of two main
types: macrofouling (e.g. mussels) and microfouling (e.g. bacteria, fungi,
algae). The main effect of biofouling is reduction of heat transfer capacity and
increased energy losses due to increased frictional resistance. Where
exposed metal becomes biofouled, microbial induced corrosion can also
1.4.16 Biofouling normally only occurs with water temperatures above 10oC,
generally from March to November. When water temperatures are above
10oC, biofouling of the CWS will be prevented by dosing the cooling water
with a biocide. Current industry practice is to use chlorine, in the form of
sodium hypochlorite, which has the advantage over other biocides that
residues in the discharge will be reduced by the chlorine demand of the
receiving water. The use of chlorine gas has been rejected on safety grounds.
Chlorine generation by the electrolysis of seawater is suggested as an
alternative to sodium hypochlorite in the IPPC BREF 2001. Seawater contains
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small quantities of bromide, which will react with the hypochlorite to form
hypobromite and chloride. Both hypochlorite and hypobromite are extremely
effective in preventing and or removing micro and macrofouling. They react
actively with the nitrogen on compounds like proteins making them very active
against protein-based organisms. However, in order to ensure the heat
exchangers are kept clean it is inevitable that some excess hypochlorite will
be discharged to the receiving waters.
1.4.17 The primary reaction of hypochlorite/hypobromite is oxidative. Certain
inorganic and organic species are readily oxidised. This “chlorine demand”
must be satisfied before a residual will be available as a biocide. Although the
trihalomethanes and halogenated acetic acids. These will also be discharged
to the receiving waters.
Suspended Solids
1.4.18 Poor location of the site or design of the cooling water discharge point could
cause scouring of the sea bottom and resuspension of sediments. This can
remobilise historic contamination and cause the blanketing of habitats as the
sediment settles out elsewhere. The increased turbidity reduces light
penetration and hence photosynthesis.
Other potential pollutants’
1.4.19 Additional impacts on water quality may be caused by other water treatment
chemicals, corrosion, and leakage from other parts of the system and
possibly by discharges from other parts of the plant. As the need for
additional treatment chemicals will be site specific these are not considered in
this assessment. It is assumed that through best practice design and
selection of materials, corrosion and leakages will be kept to an absolute
minimum so that their impacts are unlikely to be significant. Discharges from
other parts of the plant will be monitored prior to discharge and will be subject
to separate consent and will therefore be assessed on a site-specific basis.
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Impact Assessment Method
Water Quality
The potential impacts on water quality are assessed by identifying the
pollutants that are likely to be present in the cooling water discharge, and the
concentrations are then compared against the relevant Environmental Quality
Standards (EQS) to assess their potential impact on the ecology. The EQS
indicate the quantity of a pollutant that can be present in the water
environment without causing immediate harm to the ecology.
The assessment of potential impact is restricted to the marine elements of the
operational phase of the potential development and specifically the CW
system and as such does not include reference to issues that relate to the
terrestrial ecology, or to issues that would be restricted to the construction or
subsequent decommissioning of the site.
Such assessments would be
required to be undertaken in any subsequent site-specific environmental
impact assessment. In particular, it should be noted that although terrestrial
habitats may lie within proximity to the power station, the restriction of the
assessment to the abstraction and discharge of cooling water means that no
communities or habitats above mean high water spring would be affected.
The approach to assessing the potential for impact from the discharge of
cooling water on the marine environment of the generic site, as described in
Section 3, follows the source-pathway-receptor method.
This approach
essentially requires the identification of the ‘source’ i.e. the cause of
environmental change, together with the ‘receptor’, which for the marine
environmental aspect of the current project relates to the habitats and species
identified in Section 3.
The ‘pathway’ refers to a linkage between the
environmental change and the receptor, without which no impact can occur
on that particular receptor.
The assessment of impact then takes into consideration issues such as the
geographic extent and magnitude of that change, and the sensitivity of the
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receptor to that change. However, it should be noted that given the generic
nature of the project, the quantification of effect, is most appropriately dealt
with in generic terms, particularly since site specifics such as geographic
extent cannot be determined with any great certainty for a generic study. As
such, a worst case scenario has been assumed, with the result essentially
being that all sensitive receptors identified in the baseline as being present at
the generic site are potentially linked by a pathway to the environmental
change, although some consideration is given to the limited potential for a
pathway to link the environmental change to transitional habitats (e.g. sand
The steps taken in the assessment of potential impact are as follows:
Identification of environmental changes associated with the discharge
of cooling water;
Consideration of the environmental receptors listed in Section 3;
Brief assessment of the potential effect of the direct and indirect
impacts associated with the environmental change on the receptors;
Summary of mitigation measures and best practice that are available (if
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Generic Baseline
Water Quality
The generic site is assumed to be a coastal site with the quality of the
seawater unaffected by either nearby rivers or major sewage treatment works
discharges. The temperature range is assumed to be normal for UK waters
and the salinity approximately 35 parts per thousand. Background water
quality is assumed to be good since the EQS is not exceeded.
General Biological Environment
The generic site being considered is coastal in nature, with one of the five
existing nuclear sites upon which the generic site is based being estuarine.
Coastal and estuarine sites typically incorporate a variety of habitats,
progressing from the subtidal, through the intertidal zone and progressively
through transition habitats into fully terrestrial habitats. In practice, natural
features, such as hard rock or cliffs, or anthropogenic structures, such as
harbours, farmland or roads, may disrupt such progression.
A general
description of the types of habitat that may be found at the generic site is
provided here, with these discussed in more detail in Section 3.3.
Near shore subtidal habitats, which are anticipated at the generic site, are
likely to be shallow (i.e. less than 50m deep). The type of habitats present
will primarily be a reflection of the physical conditions and potentially include
a variety of substrates, ranging from hard rock, through coarse gravels and
boulders to the finer sands and muds.
The finer sediments would be
expected to occur in the more sheltered areas.
The habitats present are key in determining the species that occur on or in
the habitat, together with the more mobile species that are dependant on that
habitat, for example for food or spawning sites. Species likely to be present
in the generic site are considered further in Section 3.4.
With progression from the subtidal into the intertidal zone at the generic site,
although the type of habitats may be similar, (i.e. a range in substrate types
from hard rock through coarse sediments to the fines), the species
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assemblages found (together with the more mobile species dependant on the
benthos) will reflect the additional challenges presented by the periodic
exposure/inundation regime characterising intertidal zones.
It should be noted from the generic site condition information provided (Aker
Solutions 2008a and b), that there are a number of intertidal substrates
highlighted that may occur within the vicinity of a proposed site. Although all
the habitats identified are anticipated to occur in the intertidal zone at the
generic site, those that are marked with an ‘*’ relate to substrates identified
for the foreshore only and not the backshore. Intertidal substrates that are
anticipated to occur at the generic site include the following:
Sand and gravel*;
Sand and mud;
Mud and gravel*; and
Made ground.
With progressive distance from the water, habitats at the generic site are
likely to change further, becoming transitional and potentially including typical
coastal or estuarine features, such as salt marsh and sand dunes. Such
habitats are characterised by salt-tolerant vascular plants and host different
groups of fauna, compared with intertidal habitats (see para 3.4.42).
A brief description of the typical ecology associated with the habitats listed in
the generic site condition report (Aker Solutions 2008b) is given below,
drawing on literature sources such as the Marine Life Information Network
(, the JNCC website descriptions of Annex I habitats
( and the UK BAP Atlas (
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Subtidal habitats
Limited information is available as regards the potential subtidal habitats that
would be anticipated to occur at the generic site. The best indication is from
the Annex I habitats that are listed in the SAC citation details for each of the
five existing nuclear sites, including both primary reasons for designation and
qualifying features (see Table 1.4), as the details given in the citation include
an overview of the subtidal habitats found at each site, (although it should be
noted that this is only for features listed as reasons for designation and hence
does not cover the entire subtidal of the site). The subtidal Annex I habitats
listed at the five existing nuclear sites, together with the habitats and
substrates typically associated with them, are summarised in Table 3.1.
Table 3.1 Description of the Annex I habitats likely to occur in the subtidal zone
of the generic site.
Annex I Habitat
Typical Habitats/Substrates Associated
The subtidal habitats found within estuaries are a function of several factors,
including sediment and salinity gradients, the geographic location of the estuary
and the strength of tidal streams. There is a tendency for the upper reaches to
be dominated by fine sediments (fine sands and muddy sands) and a greater
proportion of freshwater, with species present being tolerant of the low or
fluctuating salinity (e.g. oligochaetes). In areas of hard substrate, species are
typically restricted to green algae, some fucoids, barnacles and hydroids. As
the estuary becomes more marine (and hence more saline) in nature with
progression seawards, sediments tend to become sandier with a more marine
community, for example polychaetes and bivalves.
Large shallow inlets
and bays
Such habitats are typically created by the physical structure of the coastline,
which provides a greater amount of protection than a more open coastline.
Although habitat types may be superficially similar to estuaries, the influence of
freshwater is generally less. The habitats present are highly dependant on the
adjacent geology, i.e. whether the coastline is formed from soft or hard
substrate. For example, rocky coasts, or those that are more exposed, may
support kelp forests, with other areas having ephemeral algal/maerl
communities or seagrass. In more sheltered sites, substrates are more likely to
be dominated by sands and muds, with the communities present reflecting
these sediments.
In essence, there are two main types of reef considered under Annex I, namely
those where communities develop on rock or stable boulders and cobbles, and
those where the reef is created by animals, i.e. biogenic reefs. Rocky reefs are
very variable in structure and community composition, with the effect of waves
and tide being particularly prevalent in coastal areas. Biogenic reefs are
perhaps less variable, with the main species responsible for their formation in
the UK being mussels (Mytilus edulis), horse mussels (Modiolus modiolus), ross
worm (Sabellaria spp.), the serpulid worm (Serpula vermicularis) and cold-water
corals (e.g. Lophelia pertusa). Perhaps the most important factor behind the
majority of all Annex I reefs is the generally high level of diversity.
Sandbanks which are
slightly covered by
seawater all the time
Subtidal sandbanks included in this category in the inshore environment are
generally found in water less than 20m deep, with the sediment type and
prevailing physical conditions dictating the communities found. Within the UK,
there are four main types; gravelly and clean sands, muddy sands, eelgrass
(Zostera marina) beds and maerl beds (composed of free-living Corallinaceae).
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In summary, there is potential for a wide variety of habitats to be found in the
subtidal environment immediately offshore from the generic site option under
consideration. When considering these, it should be noted that the generic
site is coastal in nature, with an estuary located some distance from the
proposed site. The habitats highlighted can be summarised into the following
main groups:
Estuarine fine sediments (i.e. reduced salinity muds and sands);
Fully marine fine sediments (i.e. muds and sands);
Fully marine sands and gravels;
Estuarine (reduced salinity) hard substrates;
Fully marine hard substrates;
Reef structures (i.e. highly diverse communities);
Eelgrass beds; and
Maerl beds.
Intertidal habitats
The intertidal habitats considered here draw on the habitat types highlighted
in the generic site report, (Table 4.21 and 4.22 of Aker Solutions 2008b) and
referenced under paragraph 3.2.5 of the current report. A brief overview of
such substrate types is provided.
Intertidal sandy substrates often tend to occur in areas with a degree of tidal
or wave activity. In general, the degree of mobility of the sand combined with
the sediment grain size (i.e. fine/coarse sand or the addition of muds/gravels),
and parameters such as salinity and exposure, has a strong influence on the
species that are likely to occur. Although some sandy shores are barren,
primarily those where the sediment is particularly mobile, others host species
such as burrowing amphipods or isopods, together with polychaetes. Where
sediments become finer, bivalves may be present.
Intertidal gravels often occur adjacent to hard features such as sea defences
or in areas where wave or tidal action results in the sorting of sediment.
Species present generally relate to the driving process behind the habitat, for
example where gravels and algae accumulate in the lee of structures there
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maybe an associated amphipod fauna. On more stable coarse sediments,
particularly those on the sublittoral fringe or subtidal, a more diverse
community may be present, for example macroalgae, echinoderms and
Where the intertidal sediments are a mixture of sands and gravels, the
species present will tend to reflect the sand and gravel communities already
described, with the relative sand:gravel percentage, combined with the
physical environment conditions such as wave/tidal processes and the
salinity, influencing the community present.
Intertidal rock communities are influenced strongly by the degree of exposure
to air, for example those found lower on the shoreline or in rock pools tend to
be covered more frequently by the tide than those found further towards the
strandline. The reduced exposure to air tends to result in a more diverse
community structure. A wide variety of community types can be found on
rocky shores, as evidenced by the classic rocky shore zonation patterns.
Species such as barnacles and fucoids tend to predominate towards the
upper shore, with increasing numbers of species including red and green
algae, gastropods, crustaceans and anemones towards the low water mark.
Within rock pools and under overhangs, species such as Corallina, hydroids
or sponges may be found.
Intertidal muds are typically found in sheltered, often estuarine conditions.
The benthic community present tends to include numerous polychaete and
oligochaete species, together with bivalves and gastropods.
The habitat
often has a greater percentage of organic matter, sometimes supporting
surface vegetation, which on the lower shore may be green algae or on the
upper shore tending towards a more vascular plant community, such as salt
3.3.10 Intertidal habitats with a mixture of sands and muds would be expected to
hold a benthic community somewhere between those typical of sands and
3.3.11 Made ground refers to substrates formed by man made structures and as
such typically include features such as sea defences, slipways and harbour
walls. These tend to be hard structures, often vertical or at least steeply
Depending on the purpose of the structure, the surface may be
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relatively smooth (e.g. concrete harbour walls) or pitted (e.g. rip rap sea
The species present are in general similar to those found on
natural rocky intertidal surfaces, often tending to the more robust and
opportunistic species, although issues such as the degree of tidal exposure
and the complexity of the structure will also be important.
Coastal saltmarsh
3.3.12 Saltmarshes are intertidal, sediment-based habitats, which as salineinfluence environments are dominated by halophytic vegetation. Saltmarshes
develop above the mean high water level (MHWL) where there is little
movement in tidal waters so allowing settlement of sediment and subsequent
colonisation by saltmarsh plants.
3.3.13 In UK estuaries, saltmarsh habitats commonly form in association with other
coastal habitats, such as mudflats, which in combination offer a diverse range
of niches for exploitation by coastal and marine fauna.
saltmarshes are viewed as important habitats, both in their own right but also
to provide a refuge for birds at high tide, as fish nursery sites and, more
recently, as a form of coastal defence ( As such large
areas of saltmarsh habitat are protected by national and international
legislation (see Section 1.3). Species found in coastal saltmarsh habitats are
discussed further under ‘Vascular Plants’ in Section 3.4.
Vegetated shingle
3.3.14 Vegetated shingle is restricted in distribution, forming on substrates with a
particle size range of 2-200mm (
where the stability of the substrate is sufficient to enable the plants to
establish. Species found are typically tolerant of a degree of salt spray and
abrasion, including plants such as sea kale Crambe maritima and sea
campion Silene uniflora. The habitat is associated with diverse invertebrate
communities and may provide habitat for breeding birds. Vegetated shingle is
highlighted further in Section 1.3 under nature conservation.
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Sand dunes
3.3.15 Sand dunes are found at the upper end of the coastal environment, being
typically formed in areas where sufficient sand is available from the intertidal
zone, combined with an onshore wind. The term sand dune covers a variety
of features that can form under slightly different conditions, for example spit
dunes at estuary mouths or hindshore dunes, the latter occurring in exposed
( A wide variety of sand dune types
are protected through national and international legislation, as highlighted in
Section 1.3 under nature conservation. Plant species found in sand dune
habitats are discussed further under ‘Vascular Plants’ in Section 3.4.
3.3.16 Coastal wetland habitats include both freshwater and saline waterbodies, the
latter typically referred to as coastal lagoons. Such habitats include natural
and artificial water bodies, ranging from small ponds of less than 1hectare to
water masses (or groups of waterbodies) extending over 100’s of hectares.
3.3.17 Freshwater habitats found along the coastline are fully separate from the
marine environment and may be associated with habitats such as marshland,
reedbeds and woodland. Saline lagoons are connected to the sea through a
variety of routes to enable the saline intrusion (e.g. percolation, sluice gates
or overtopping). The communities present will be strongly influenced by the
degree of salinity within the water body, which can range from fresh through
brackish, fully saline to hypersaline. Saline lagoons in particular are noted for
unusual species that are rarely found elsewhere.
3.3.18 The communities present within such waterbodies can be divided into three
main groups:
Species that are essentially freshwater in origin;
Species that are marine or brackish in origin;
Species that are classified as specialist lagoonal species.
3.3.19 In addition to the vegetation and invertebrate ecology, both freshwater and
saline waterbodies provide important habitats for waterfowl, marshfowl and
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The generic site condition report highlighted a number of potential ecological
receptors as being present in the vicinity of the generic site (Aker Solutions
Ltd 2008b). The receptors most likely to be affected by the impacts from
cooling water abstraction and discharge that were highlighted in this report
are listed below, together with additional receptors that have been identified
during the course of this study, (i.e. by looking at likely conservation
designations and habitats present). The following list therefore includes all the
identified receptors, categorised according to their general biology:
Avifauna: (wading) bird (duck);
Mammals; marine and coastal mammals, including otter;
Fish: Benthic fish (flat fish), pelagic fish and migratory species of
conservation interest;
Intertidal benthic communities: bivalve molluscs, polychaete worms,
sea anemones/true corals, and crustaceans;
Subtidal benthic communities (not mentioned in the generic site
condition report but is considered in this assessment e.g. invertebrate
faunal communities, maerl);
Macroalgae; includes the brown, green and red seaweeds.
Plankton: Phytoplankton and zooplankton;
Vascular plants; seagrass, dune grass and salt marsh plants
Amphibians (terrestrial).
The generic site description provided in Aker Solutions (2008b) highlights the
potential presence of wading birds and ducks, with these groups considered
here. Seabirds are not highlighted in the Aker Solutions report, however it
should be noted that some nature conservation sites (notably SPA and
Ramsar) do include seabirds, (as highlighted in Section 1.3 on nature
conservation), and as such seabirds have been considered here.
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Wading birds and ducks, which cover a number of species, can be found in
large numbers on the intertidal and shallow subtidal around the UK coastline.
Waders, such as dunlin, godwits and curlew, tend to be typified by relatively
long legs and often a long slender beak, to enable the birds to find the benthic
species on which they feed within the muddy sediments along the intertidal
areas. Ducks, which together with geese and swans constitute the wider term
‘wildfowl’, are typically larger birds than the waders. Ducks can be broadly
separated into surface feeders, which rarely dive and are more typically
freshwater, and diving ducks (e.g. the common scoter and eider, both of
which are subject to nature conservation interest), which as the name
suggests dive under the water for food and dominate the coastal duck
Diving ducks feed on species such as small fish and benthic
invertebrates, often grouping into ‘rafts’ on the water surface. Shelducks can
Seabirds are of interest due to their listing in the designated sites on which
the generic site is based.
In particular, the following types or groups of
seabirds are noted in the SPA and Ramsar citations referenced in Section
Seabirds during the breeding season (with the assemblage being in
excess of 20,000);
Seabirds on passage; and
Migratory seabirds during the breeding season.
The JNCC monitor seabirds at sea and when breeding around the UK, with
reports published on the findings (e.g. Mavor et al, 2008).
The breeding
season tends to fall between mid to late spring and early to mid summer,
although Mavor et al (2008) noted a later than average breeding season in
2006 for several species, with laying in some cases extending into July. Low
breeding success is generally attributed to food availability (notably sand
eels). Nest sites and hence habitat requirements vary with species, with some
nesting in large colonies e.g. on rocky cliff faces or within burrows, whilst
others nest on the ground amongst the shingle.
Seabirds on passage or migration may use particular sites as a ‘stop over’
during migration between breeding and overwintering sites, using the site as
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an opportunity to feed and rest. The numbers of individuals in a given year,
At times of peak migration or
passage, bird numbers at a particular site can rise considerably, due to the
continuous nature of the arrival and departure of such species, (although
individuals may only be present for short periods).
Marine mammals include both cetaceans and seals, with the former being
wholly marine and the latter coming ashore to established sites at intervals
during the year e.g. for pupping and moulting. Marine mammals are covered
by a variety of articles of conservation legislation, with designated sites
highlighted in Section 1.3.
Additional legislation protects individuals. The
generic site description undertaken by Aker Solutions (2008b), which draws
on the information from the five existing nuclear sites, does not highlight the
potential presence of marine mammals within 10km of each site.
Although not technically a marine mammal, as it inhabits freshwater habitats
also, the European otter (Lutra lutra) does occur within the near shore marine
environment within the UK, particularly in Scotland.
Where the species
occurs in the marine environment, it tends to feed in shallow, inshore areas,
however there remains a requirement for freshwater for bathing together with
terrestrial sites for resting and breeding holts. Suitable coastal habitats range
from sheltered inlets surrounded by woodland to more open areas of low-lying
coast. There is a general assumption that a high water quality is required
combined with an abundance of food sources (JNCC 2008).
Benthic species that live on or near the sea bottom will include flat fish such
as plaice, dab, flounder and sole, which feed on polychaetes, bivalves and
crustaceans. Flat fish spawn in coastal and offshore waters between March
and September.
Juvenile flatfish may spend up to two years in inshore
nursery areas before gradually moving to deeper waters, as they mature.
Benthic elasmobranch species may include skates and rays, which are
usually found in waters down to 60m. The diet of rays in UK waters consists
of a wide range of crustacea, nereids and fish, though rays are indiscriminate
feeders, the selection of food items being limited by the availability of potential
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prey species. Although rays generally remain faithful to an area and do not
migrate over large distances they often move offshore during the winter
returning to inshore and estuarine environments in spring to spawn, laying
their eggs between March and August, before moving back to deeper waters
in the summer.
3.4.10 Pelagic species are typically mobile and migratory species that are not closely
associated with permanent areas or structures. These species may be found
over a wide range of substrates including mud, sand, gravel and rock.
Mackerel and herring are the two main pelagic species landed by UK vessels
into the UK. Herring are often found in vast near-surface shoals covering an
area of several square kilometres offshore, and move to discreet localised
near-shore spawning areas. Atlantic mackerel make extensive migrations,
and consequently there are a variety of hydrographic features (including
temperature), which together with the abundance and composition of
zooplankton and other prey, likely to affect its distribution. Mackerel can be
extremely common and found in huge shoals feeding on small fish and
3.4.11 Other pelagic species typical of UK coastal waters include gadoid species
such as cod, whiting and pollock. These species typically spawn in offshore
waters between January and June. Larvae are then carried by currents for up
to two months before settling on the seabed in both coastal and offshore
nursery areas.
Young gadoids feed mainly on copepods but become
increasingly dependant on fish as they age, eating species such as herring,
capelin, haddock and cod. Bass in British waters are migratory, approaching
inshore waters in spring and summer where they spawn between February
and July. Young larvae then drift from the open sea inshore towards the
coast, and eventually into creeks, backwaters, and estuaries. These sheltered
habitats are used by juvenile sea bass for the next 4-5 years, before they
mature and adopt the migratory movements of adults and move offshore in
the autumn. Whilst bass are themselves not a protected species their nursery
areas may be designated through the application of byelaws. The European
sea bass is a predatory species feeding on mainly small pelagic fish such as
sardines, sprats, and sand smelts. They also feed on sandeels and other
bottom-living species, crustaceans, and squids.
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3.4.12 Protected species of fish within the coastal waters associated with the generic
site include twaite shad, river lamprey and sea lamprey. Salmon are also
protected by a variety of conservation legislation, however its presence has
not been highlighted at any of the 5 sites on which the generic site has been
based. Allis shad is an Annex II species, which is recorded from many areas
around the British Isles. This species must return to freshwater to spawn
above gravel substrates and discreet spawning areas are known within some
estuarine environments. Twaite shad are a schooling migratory species that
spend most of their life offshore, this species, however, must also return to
freshwater to spawn. Spawning locations are known within the southwest
and the Bristol Channel. River lampreys occur close to the coast throughout
the UK and Ireland, migrating upstream along many British and Irish rivers in
August to spawn.
Sea Lampreys occur offshore throughout the UK and
Ireland, migrating upstream in many British and Irish rivers in August to
3.4.13 Temperature provides an important cue for the initiation and location of
spawning, for example sea bass eggs are rarely found where the water is
colder than 8.5-9.0 Celsius, or in water warmer than 15 Celsius.
3.4.14 Many of the fish species found around shallow coastal waters are of
commercial importance. By weight, both demersal and pelagic species each
account for approximately 34 percent of total landings, whilst commercially
important shellfish species account for the remaining 32 percent of landings
(MFA 2006). Any future detailed impact assessment will therefore need to
consider the impacts on the commercial fish and shellfish fisheries near the
proposed development site.
Intertidal benthic communities
3.4.15 Species found in the intertidal zone are general tolerant to changes in
environmental conditions such as temperature, salinity, and exposure,
brought about by the natural dynamic nature of the intertidal zone.
species considered here are the receptors highlighted in the generic site
condition assessment and provide suitable indicators for possible impacts
that may arise from the abstraction of cooling water and subsequent
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3.4.16 One of the most common bivalve molluscs recorded in the intertidal is the
common mussel Mytilis edulis. Mussels occur from the high intertidal to the
shallow subtidal and are attached by fibrous byssus threads to suitable hard
substrata. Mussels can tolerate a wide range of environmental conditions;
inhabiting rocky shores on open coasts where they are attached to the rock
surface, and on rocks and piers in sheltered harbours and estuaries, where
they often occur as dense masses. Other common species, such as the
cockle Cerastoderma edule are found on soft substrate, inhabiting the surface
of muddy or sandy sediments, and burrowing to a depth of no more than 5
cm. This species is often abundant in estuaries and sheltered bays, where
population densities of 10,000 per m² have been recorded.
3.4.17 In sheltered sandy and muddy intertidal coastal habitats such as mudflats and
sandbanks there may be high concentrations of a number of polychaete
The ragworm Hediste diversicolor is one of the most common
intertidal polychaetes and is widespread along all British coasts where
suitable muddy substrata exist, particularly in estuaries.
Polychaetes can
inhabit a range of sediment types from soft silt to gravel and rocks. The
catworm Nephtys hombergii usually lives infaunally in muddy sand but may
also be found amongst gravel, rocks and occasionally Zostera beds.
3.4.18 The Honeycomb worm Sabellaria alveolata may be found on hard substrata
on exposed, open coasts with moderate to considerable water movement
where sand is available for tube building. This species is found intertidally,
typically on the bottom third of the shoreline, but also in the shallow sub-tidal.
This worm may construct densely aggregated tubes, which may form a crust
or a reef. Large reefs may reach several metres across and a metre deep.
Sabellaria alveolata does not have its own Species Action Plan but is covered
in its reef form by a Habitat Action Plan.
3.4.19 Hermit crabs such as Pagurus bernhardus and Anapagurus hyndmanni may
be found on a wide variety of substrates from rocky shores to fine muds and
Masked crab Corystes cassivelaunus and Angular crab Goneplax
rhomboides are typically found in burrows in soft muds and sand from the
lower shore and shallow sublittoral to about 100m. Prawns and shrimps such
as Palaemon serratus, Crangon crangon and Palaemon elegans are present
around the coast usually in groups, and inhabit a range of habitats. They are
typically found in crevices and under stones in intertidal pools, or subtidally
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(to a depth of 40m) on sandy and muddy ground. Crustaceans are likely to
be tolerant to an increase in temperature, although increased temperatures
may cause increased vulnerability to other stressors, such as low oxygen
levels and the introduction of chemicals.
3.4.20 Sea anemones commonly encountered on hard and rocky substrata within
the intertidal zone include snakelocks anemone Anemonia viridis, beadlet
anemone Actinia equine and strawberry anemone Actinia fragacea.
anemones encountered in soft sediment habitats around the UK coast include
tube anemone Cerianthus lloydii and daisy anemone Cereus pedunculatus.
Sea anemones live in a wide range of temperatures and so small increases in
temperature are unlikely to affect individuals or populations.
Subtidal benthic communities
3.4.21 Subtidal benthic communities typical of shallow inshore communities are
characterised by a high abundance of infaunal and epifaunal invertebrate
species. Annelids are usually the most numerically dominant and diverse of
the taxa, followed by crustacea, mollusca, and echinodermata. Other typical
groups found subtidally include porifera, cnidaria, bryozoans, tunicata,
platyhelminthes, nemertea, nematoda, sipuncula, chelicerata, phoronida,
hemichordate. Recent surveys conducted by RPS for sites along the south
coast of the UK have revealed that typically a shallow marine environment
may contain in the region of 500 different species of marine invertebrates,
(RPS 2006 & 2007).
3.4.22 Polychaete worms inhabit a diversity of habitats from estuarine inshore
habitats and hypersaline lagoons to deep offshore substrates. These species
live mostly within the sediment as ‘infauna’ and provide the basis of the food
chain for many higher marine species. They are also valuable biomonitors,
Environmental impacts can therefore be monitored through changes in the
species richness, abundance and community composition of the polychaetes.
3.4.23 Whilst most species of polychaete are not recognised as being of
conservation significance, the occurrence of high abundances of the tubebuilding polychaete Sabellaria spinulosa on mixed sediment may form an
important habitat. This species forms a low-lying ‘reef’ on the seabed by
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consolidating the sediment, which is subsequently colonised by a diversity of
infauna and epifauna, that may be absent from adjacent sandy-bottom
habitats see Section 1.3 on nature conservation, particularly SAC Annex 1
3.4.24 Bivalve molluscs are highlighted above as tending to occur within the finer
sediments in the intertidal and subtidal, although some species, notably the
common mussel (Mytilus edulis), can be found fixed onto hard substrates
while some occur on the surface of sediments, such as the native oyster
(Ostrea edulis).
Bivalve molluscs feed primarily by filter feeding and/or
surface deposit feeding. The process of filter feeding in particular means that
any contaminants within the water column have the potential to accumulate in
bivalve flesh, presenting a potential issue for the individual bivalve but also for
3.4.25 Sea anemones and true corals are within the subclass Hexacorallia (class
Anthozoa, Phylum Cnidaria). Hexacorals are attached organisms either as
solitary individuals (as in the anemones), in the colonial form (as with many
species of corals) or in aggregations. Sea anemones and true corals can
inhabit the lower intertidal (see para 3.4.20) to the subtidal zone and may be
most affected by changes in temperature, water flow and wave exposure
(Jackson 2008).
High temperatures can cause mortality of species or
reproductive inhibition, with effects dependant on the geographic distribution
of the particular species and the degree of change.
3.4.26 Crustaceans include species such as barnacles, shrimps, sand hoppers and
isopods, together with the generally larger species such as crabs, lobsters
and prawns. With the exception of barnacles, which filter feed from a fixed
position on a hard substrate, the majority of crustaceans are mobile and
generally feed on surface detritus or filter feeding or, in some cases, by
removing organic matter from the surface of individual grains of sediment.
3.4.27 Maerl is a generic name for several species of calcified red seaweed, in the
family Corallinacae, that grow unattached on the seabed.
Maerl grows
slowly, forming unattached nodules (thalli) on the seabed. Over long periods,
and in favourable conditions, maerl can form dense beds of up to 22,000
nodules per square metre (Birkett, 1998).
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3.4.28 Maerl beds in the UK are typically found in the sublittoral zone at depths of
less than 20m, extending up to the low tide level on either sand, gravel or
mud substrata. However, there are some records of live maerl at depths of
up to 40m (Jackson, 2007; Hall-Spencer, 2005). The most significant
environmental factors that influence maerl distribution are water movement
(current and wave action) and the interactive effects of depth and water
3.4.29 Other factors that influence the ecology of maerl beds include temperature,
water chemistry and substratum.
Whilst maerl has a wide geographic
distribution, the temperature can influence the species of coralline algae that
form the maerl bed and the composition of the associated flora and fauna
(Adey, 1973). Low salinity was once thought to favour maerl however, this
has since been disproved and maerl beds develop best in fully saline
environments, and indeed may be impaired by salinities less than 24psu
(King, 1982).
3.4.30 Maerl beds have considerable conservation value due to their importance as
a habitat for a wide variety of plants and animals, which live amongst or are
attached to its branches, or burrow through the top layer to inhabit the dead
maerl gravel underneath. Studies of maerl beds throughout Europe have
shown a disproportionately high diversity and abundance of species in
comparison with the surrounding sublittoral habitats (Keegan, 1974; HallSpencer, 2005; Birkett, 1998). Maerl beds are also importance contributors to
carbonate production (Barbera, 2003) and play a role in sustainable fisheries
through provision of nursery areas for fish and invertebrate species of
commercial importance, in particular queen scallops Aequipecten opercularis
(Kamenos, 2004).
3.4.31 There are three main maerl bed-forming species in the UK: Phymatolithon
calcareum, Lithothamnion glaciale, and Lithothamnion corallioides.
calcareum is the most widely distributed, occurring throughout British waters.
L. glaciale is a northern species, with its southern limits at Lundy Island in the
Bristol Channel, whilst L. coralloides appears to be restricted to the south
west. Problems with in situ identification of maerl bed forming species –
particularly in the case of L. coralloides – mean that the full distribution of
each species is uncertain ( The most extensive maerl
beds in the UK (and indeed in Europe) occur in Scotland, mainly around the
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western isles and Orkney, and in many sea-loch narrows. Smaller maerl
beds are also found off the southern and western coasts of the British Isles.
3.4.32 Due to the value of maerl beds in the UK, and the threats faced from
anthropogenic impacts, a number of candidate Special Areas of Conservation
(SACs) are in the process of being designated to protect this habitat. Whilst
maerl has not been specifically identified as a receptor in the generic site
condition report (Aker Solutions 2008b), it is considered here due to the
possible presence of suitable substrate in the subtidal zone (para 3.3.3) and
the high conservation importance of this habitat.
3.4.33 Plant species can be broadly divided into two main groups; the higher or
vascular plants, which have differentiated cells for different purposes, and the
lower or non-vascular plants, which include the bryophytes (e.g. moss and
liverwort) and algae. In the marine environment, algae are found both as
macroalgae (i.e. seaweed) and single cells (including phytoplankton).
Phytoplankton is discussed separately below, under ‘plankton’.
3.4.34 Seaweeds are the characteristic primary producers of rocky seashores. They
are physiologically adapted to exposed environments as most species inhabit
the intertidal zone and therefore are regularly exposed to air by the retreating
tide. The degree of tolerance to desiccation varies across species, leading to
distinct zonation laterally across the shore. The capacity of seaweeds to
withstand such regular changes in environmental conditions means that these
species are likely to be less vulnerable to changes in water temperature.
3.4.35 There are three Divisions within the macroalgae: Chlorophyta (green algae),
Phaeophyta (brown algae), and Rhodophyta (red algae). This classification is
based on the pigment within the tissues, giving the species their colour.
Green algae are often tolerant of difficult conditions, such as pollution or
reduced salinity, and are commonly found in the upper half of intertidal
regions, in brackish water, on beaches subject to freshwater runoff or in
splash zone rock pools. The brown algae comprise a diverse group and are
typically represent the largest of the three Divisions. Many of the species live
in distinct zones on rocky shores, but some species, such as kelp, flourish in
the shallow subtidal environment. Species within the brown algae are less
able to tolerate reduced salinities or higher temperatures. Red algae are
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usually relative small or moderately sized species, and can be fairly tolerant
of reduced light conditions (living under the canopy of other seaweeds as
epiphytes). The red seaweeds tend to be fairly intolerant to desiccation or
reduced salinities and are therefore found in permanent rock pools or in the
subtidal zone.
3.4.36 Due to their intolerance of changes in temperature compared to red and
green algae, the brown algae are considered here as an ecological receptor
most likely to be impacted by the cooling water discharge. The habitat in the
generic site comprises rock platforms in the foreshore and backshore of the
intertidal zone and therefore brown algae are likely to be present within the
zone of potential impact, (Tables 4.21 and 4.22 in Aker Solutions 2008b).
3.4.37 Plankton may be divided into two major groups: zooplankton and
phytoplankton. Both play an important role in the functioning of marine and
freshwater ecosystems, as plankton form the basis of most food webs.
Impacts on the plankton community can have a knock-on effect on organisms
further up the food chain, including top predators such as sea birds and
piscivorous fish. Any impacts on commercially important fish and shellfish
through disruption of the plankton community will also have economic
implications. Plankton can also have an important role in biogeochemical
cycles such as carbon cycling.
3.4.38 Phytoplankton is autotrophic or eutrophic algae, which as the primary
producers of the ocean provide the principal source of nutrition for organisms
such as the zooplankton. As primary producers, phytoplankton requires light
to photosynthesise and therefore phytoplankton abundance is highest in the
photic zone, where light intensity is greatest in upper waters. Phytoplankton
may be further subdivided with three orders of algae predominating; namely
the diatoms, the dinoflagellates and the smaller flagellates.
3.4.39 Zooplankton is the ‘animal’ constituent of the plankton. Zooplankton may be
categorised into two major groups, holoplankton and meroplankton.
Holoplankton are organisms that are permanent members of the plankton
where all developmental stages are retained in the plankton. Meroplanktonic
organisms are characterised by a temporary planktonic phase followed by
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either a nekton or benthic phase and may include the larval stages of fish
(Bamber & Seaby, 2004).
3.4.40 The UK is surrounded by continental shelf therefore the phytoplankton
assemblage is generally dominated by diatoms and dinoflagellates and the
zooplankton is dominated by crustaceans, mainly copepods.
3.4.41 The local abundance, distribution and population dynamics of plankton varies
horizontally, vertically and seasonally. They are mainly influenced by light,
nutrient concentrations, the physical state of the water column e.g.
temperature stratification, depth, tidal mixing and salinity, and the abundance
and taxon of other plankton. During winter the abundance of phytoplankton
and zooplankton is very low. In spring the abundance of phytoplankton rises
sharply and is followed by a corresponding bloom in zooplankton.
summer the abundance of both has peaked, after which numbers start to
decline. During autumn, the abundance of phytoplankton continues to fall but
the zooplankton show a second distinct peak in abundance, although it is
smaller than the peak in spring (Batten et al., 1998). The seas around the UK
all follow this seasonal pattern but it may occur later at higher latitudes, as
there is less light available early in the year.
Vascular plants
3.4.42 In the marine and coastal environment, vascular plants are found along the
upper shore, intertidally and subtidally. In the upper shore, the key examples
include marram grass, with specialised species occurring in sand dune
environments and salt marshes. In the intertidal and subtidal zone, vascular
plants are restricted to the sea grasses, of the genus Zostera (eelgrass),
which in the UK includes the dwarf eelgrass Zostera noltii, narrow-leaved
eelgrass Zostera angustifolia, and common eelgrass Zostera marina (in order
of zonation from upper shore to mid/lower shore, to the sublittoral zone).
3.4.43 Sand dune vegetation changes over time due to succession, with grazing
being an important factor influencing community composition. Mobile sand
dunes and semi-fixed sand dunes support very few species, the most
characteristic being marram grass Ammophila arenaria.
As the dune
stabilised over time the community changes and species such as the heather
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Calluna vulgaris and creeping willow Salix repens argentea characterise the
habitat. These fixed dunes and heaths are considered threatened habitats.
3.4.44 Sand dune communities vary geographically. Lyme grass Leymus arenarius
is increasingly common in northern Britain, growing alongside marram grass
in mobile dunes; whilst wild thyme Thymus polytrichus is characteristic of
south-west England; and common juniper Juniperus communis occurs on
dunes only in two locations, both in Scotland. Most fixed dunes contain a wide
variety of flowering plants particularly orchids and these plants in turn support
many insects such as butterflies, moths, burrowing bees and wasps.
3.4.45 The lower edges of salt marsh communities are comparatively species-poor;
often with only the common salt marsh-grass Puccinellia maritima present.
However, further up the salt marsh a wide variety of species may occur
including red fescue Festuca rubra, Sea rush Juncus maritimus, and in salt
pans there may be salt marsh flat-sedge Blysmus rufus and slender spikerush Eleocharis uniglumis. Turf fucoid Fucus cottonii is common on grazed
3.4.46 In east and south east England low to mid-marsh communities predominate,
owing to extensive enclosure of the upper marsh. In contrast, the salt
meadows of north west England and south west Scotland are dominated by
extensive areas of grazed upper marsh communities characterised by
Common salt marsh grass and Saltmarsh rush Juncus gerardii. Swamp
communities are particularly common in the upper marsh in southwest
England, while Juncus maritimus communities are characteristic of Welsh
saltmarshes, and transitional common reed Phragmites australis communities
are common in south-east Scotland. Some characteristic plant species of
southern saltmarshes are absent from Scotland, while others such as seapurslane Atriplex portulacoides have a restricted distribution in northern
Britain. Saltmarshes are a valuable habitat for wildfowl and waders as well as
a habitat for many Biodiversity Action Plan priority species such as ground
beetles Amara strenua, saltmarsh shortspur Anisodactylus poeciloides and
the narrow-mouth whorl snail Vertigo angustior.
3.4.47 Seagrass meadows are highly productive submerged or semi-submerged
plant communities, inhabiting sheltered sandy or muddy substrata in tidal and
subtidal marine and estuarine environments to a maximum depth of about
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10m. In Britain there are three species of eelgrass in the genus Zostera the
largest of which is common eelgrass Zostera marina.
Z.marina typically
occurs in the shallow sublittoral zone to a depth of approximately 4m –
although with sufficient light penetration it can occur up to 10m deep – and is
primarily found in fully marine environments. Mature Zostera plants have a
high tolerance to salinity changes and occurrence of Z.marina in low salinity
environments is thought to stimulate flowering shoot production (Davison and
Hughes 1998).
3.4.48 Many factors interact to promote seagrass growth, but key to their productivity
are temperature, underwater irradiance and nutrient availability. Seagrass
growth exhibits distinct seasonality, with productivity increasing from spring
through to summer as temperature increases, and then dropping back down
from autumn through to winter (Taylor, 1995; Lee, 2007).
Light levels
underwater are directly linked to the growth and survival of seagrasses
(Taylor, 1995; Lee, 2007), to the extent that decreases in light availability
have been linked to extensive losses of seagrass beds worldwide (Taylor,
1995; Lee, 2007; Short, 1984; Short, 1996).
3.4.49 Zostera beds in the UK experienced an extensive decline in the 1920’s due to
an outbreak of ‘wasting disease’. Historical evidence suggests that recovery
did not start until the 1950’s and in some areas, such as estuaries in the
south and east of England, recolonisation has not occurred (Tubbs, 1995).
This slow recovery may be linked to the increase in coastal development in
the UK: as a shallow, near shore habitat, seagrass beds are particularly
vulnerable to coastal activities such as dredging and excessive nutrient
loading (Davison, 1998).
3.4.50 The habitat in the generic site is likely to support all three communities of
vascular plant. Sand dune habitat is assumed to be present all along the
upper shore in front of the proposed development site and coastal saltmarsh
is present near the wetland habitat between 10 and 20km from the site
boundary (Figure 3.4 in Aker Solutions 2008b). Whilst seagrass has not been
specified, it is considered likely to occur in the intertidal zone given the
presence of soft sand substrate (see 3.3.5). Similarly, it is also assumed
likely to occur in the subtidal zone based on our assessment of possible
subtidal habitats present (see 3.3.3).
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3.4.51 The occurrence of wetland habitat within the generic site may attract several
species of amphibian, most of which inhabit freshwater but some being
tolerant of brackish water.
3.4.52 The review of statutory designations near the generic site revealed that for
two of the five existing nuclear sites, great crested newt occurred within 2km
of the site boundary.
Due to its highly protected status (as an Annex II
species under the Habitats Regulations 1994 and Schedule 5 species under
the WCA 1981), this species was cited as one of the reasons for designation
of a Special Area of Conservation.
3.4.53 Great crested newts inhabit a wide variety of habitats, including farmlands,
ponds, dunes, hedges, woodlands and brownfield sites.
The breeding
season starts early in the year, when the newts move to suitable wetland
habitat to begin their courtship. In February and March the eggs are laid on
the fronds of aquatic plants, the leaf being folded over in order to protect the
eggs. After hatching the newts spend the summer in their aquatic habitat
feeding on a range of aquatic invertebrates, before finally leaving the water in
August and September to move to their winter hibernacula on land.
Protection of these great crested newt metapopulations should therefore
encompass a network of connected suitable habitats, including the migration
corridors between these habitats.
3.4.54 Suitable habitat for great crested newts occurs within 2 to 10km of the generic
site (Figure 3.4 of Aker Solutions 2008a).
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Effects of Cooling Options
Possible Environmental Changes
The proposed development has the potential to lead to a number of
environmental changes within the marine environment, with such changes
potentially having an impact on sensitive receptors.
The assessment
presented here is limited to changes associated with the marine aspects of
the operational phase of the proposed development i.e. the abstraction and
subsequent discharge of cooling water, and as such does not include
changes that would be anticipated to result from the construction stage.
These would be appropriately dealt with at the site-specific assessment
The potential environmental effects considered in this section are as follows:
Impingement of marine organisms at the intake and subsequent
Increase in water flow rate at the abstraction and discharge points;
Change in ambient temperature following the discharge of the cooling
water; and
Use and subsequent discharge of the biocide (sodium hypochlorite)
into the environment via the cooling water discharge.
The process of abstracting cooling water at the intake point has the potential
to lead to two direct effects, namely impingement and entrainment, (see para
1.4.8). The risk of impingement can be minimised through the use of
screening and behavioural deterrents that prevent organisms from entering
the system and the use of recovery and return systems to allow entrained
organisms to be returned to the wild. These best practice procedures are
discussed in more detail in paragraphs 1.4.8 onwards. The residual impacts
after application of these technologies will depend on the organisms present
and location of the intake pipe.
The discharge of the cooling water is likely to lead to an increase in water
flow rate, as a direct result of the water being discharged but potentially also
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indirectly from the thermal plume.
The details of the effect on the
hydrodynamics would depend on specifics such as the tidal conditions and
bathymetry and as such would require site specific modelling to determine the
extent and significance of the effect. However, there is the potential for the
increased flow rate resulting from the cooling water discharge to re-suspend
sediments, depending on its location, although as noted in paragraph 1.4.18
such resuspension would most likely result should the discharge point be
poorly sited or designed. Such re-suspension may result in remobilisation of
historic contamination and, depending on the amount of sediment, lead to a
reduction in light penetration and hence photosynthesis and cause
smothering of habitats as the sediment settles out elsewhere. Re-suspended
demand due to
decomposition of organic matter. These effects would be minimised by
optimising the location and design of the discharge.
In order to further inform the assessment of potential impact at the point of
discharge, additional information on the anticipated change in temperature
(including the change compared to ambient, the rate of decrease towards
ambient and the potential extent of change) together with information on the
biocide usage (seasonality of dosing, mixing of different cooling streams,
concentration at discharge, rate of decrease in concentration and the
potential extent of change) are required. It should be noted that any such
changes would comply with best practice/ statutory requirements as
The information presented here draws on the information
presented in Section 1.4.
The UK Marine SAC website ( lists the direct effects
of thermal discharges as follows:
Change to the temperature regime of the water column, and perhaps
the sediment, of the receiving environment;
Lethal and sub-lethal responses of marine organisms to the change in
temperature regime;
Stimulation in productivity in a range of organisms; and
Reduction in the dissolved oxygen saturation.
Potential indirect effects of temperature are highlighted as follows:
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Changes in the distribution and composition of communities of marine
organisms comprising European marine sites (particularly estuaries);
Localised changes in bird distributions usually in response to increased
macroinvertebrate or fish food supplies close to thermal discharges.
Specific guidance, including regulatory limits, is available for UK waters on
the temperature change permissible for certain types of designated waters.
Such legislation stems from EC Directives, with water bodies covered
including shellfish-designated waters and salmonid and cyprinid freshwaters.
However, no statutory standards exist for estuarine and coastal waters in
The most relevant interim guidance was developed for use by
regulators when assessing thermal discharges to estuarine and coastal
Natura 2000 sites. Of particular note is the guidance WQTAG160 (Habitats
Directive Technical Advisory Group on Water Quality, 2006) which states that
the thermal discharge must not cause the temperature to increase by more
than 2°C, (Maximum Allowable), at the edge of the mixing zone. It also states,
inter alia, that:
‘While estuarine organisms survive at temperatures as high as the
maximum daily annual temperature recorded, survival is likely to
depend on the duration of the high temperature being short and
followed by lower temperatures. Therefore the discharge should not
prolong the duration of the natural temperature to a degree that would
begin to have negative impacts on the biota.”
As a result, the WQTAG guidance sets a threshold level for assessing
potential impact on an SAC of 21.5°C as a 98 percentile at the edge of the
mixing zone. The guidance assumes that salmonids are the organism most
sensitive to thermal impact and that the thresholds cited aim to protect these
species. As such, it is likely that such a uniform standard is over-protective of
some interest features or of aspects of the non-designated general ecology,
particularly intertidal areas.
4.1.10 It is understood that the UK Technical Advisory Group (UKTAG on the Water
Framework Directive (WFD) is currently working on UK environmental
standards and conditions for marine and freshwaters. However, the Phase 1
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report (UKTAG WFD, 2008a) highlights that temperature is to be considered
in subsequent reports.
4.1.11 In addition to the direct effects of a change in temperature, it should be noted
that the solubility of oxygen in water decreases with increasing temperature.
Seawater that is saturated with oxygen will lose some of its dissolved oxygen
as it warms. At the normal ambient temperatures of UK waters the reduction
in oxygen solubility is around 0.2mg/litre per 1oC increase in temperature. The
saturation concentration of seawater at normal UK ambient temperatures is
around 8 mg/l. Beyond the immediate mixing zone, the 2oC change permitted
under the WQTAG guidance would relate to a 0.4mg/litre drop, i.e. to 7.6mg/l.
Such a change in dissolved oxygen is unlikely to have a significant impact on
flora of fauna and as such is not considered further.
4.1.12 It should be noted that to accurately determine temperature changes both
inside and outside the mixing zone (together with the extent of the mixing
zone itself), site specific modelling would be required. The need for sitespecific studies is discussed further in Section 5.
4.1.13 An increase in water temperature may also have the secondary effect of
increasing the rate of oxygen consumption by bacteria and other
microorganisms digesting organic matter. This is the equivalent of an
increase in BOD. The effect is likely to be minor as BOD levels in clean
seawater will be very low.
As such, potential effects of BOD are not
considered further at this stage.
4.1.14 The UK Technical Advisory Group (UKTAG) on the Water Framework
Directive (WFD) published revised proposals for environmental quality
standards for Annex VIII substances in June 2008 (UKTAG WFD, 2008b).
Chlorine is one of the substances that have been evaluated to date. It should
be noted that the report commented that ‘aquatic organisms tend to be more
sensitive to chlorine at higher temperatures’, which implies that the heated
cooling water could lead to in-combination effects. The proposed standard
relates to short-term exposure only, with a compliance statistic of 95
percentile. The standard given is 10μg/litre (total residual oxidant).
4.1.15 The term ‘total residual oxidant’ refers to the sum of free and combined
residual oxidant and hence includes both chlorine and bromine compounds.
The standard was set as a result of the available literature on the sensitivity of
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early life stages of fish to chlorine. For example, the UKTAG report (2008)
cited that for the larvae of both plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) and sole (Solea
solea), an LC50 of 28μg/litre TRO has been reported. The combination of a
relatively large dataset on the acute effects together with the relatively short
persistence of free residual oxidant in marine water resulted in an EQS set at
10μg/litre TRO, as a maximum allowable concentration.
4.1.16 The UKTAG reviewed the EQS for chlorine according to WFD guidance
taking account of predicted no effect concentrations (PNEC). The identified
PNECs for chlorine and total residual oxidant in seawater were found to be
much lower than the current EQS. However, they were based on limited
ecological data and therefore gave rise to a considerable degree of
uncertainty in the extrapolation of the data. In addition analytical methods are
not currently capable of measuring to the required levels. For these two
reasons the UKTAG recommended the existing EQSs should be adopted until
these issues can be addressed. It should be noted that it is likely that the
EQS level will be reduced in the future.
4.1.17 Assuming best practice, a remaining TRO concentration of 50μg/litre at
discharge should be achievable (based on mixing of chlorinated and
unchlorinated streams prior to discharge). This will rapidly be dissipated by
the chlorine demand of the receiving water as well as dilution effects. The
EQS for TRO will therefore be met very close to the discharge point, the exact
distance being dependant on the chlorine demand of the receiving water. The
TRO plume is likely to be very much smaller than the thermal one. Even
without the effects of the chlorine demand of the receiving water, dilution is
likely to take the TRO below the current EQS of 10μg/litre before the
temperature difference falls to 2 oC.
4.1.18 A mixture of chlorinated and brominated compounds will be formed by the
chlorination of the cooling water and the reaction of the chlorine with bromide.
In chlorinated seawater brominated species normally predominate. Whilst
brominated species are generally more toxic they also breakdown more
rapidly in the environment. Trihalomethanes and halogenated acetic acids are
the most common byproducts formed. Brominated phenols will also occur in
the presence of phenol i.e. where other industrial discharges exist.
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4.1.19 The quantities of by products formed will be related to the applied chlorine
dose, not the residual concentration of oxidant. Key factors in by-product
formation are the concentration of organic carbon (normally humic and fulvic
acids), temperature, pH and contact time and hence will be site specific.
4.1.20 There are no EQSs for these chlorination byproducts. Compounds with
significant halogen content often partition into organic matter and biota.
Byproducts that have the potential to accumulate in sediments and biota can
be identified by examining data on their log Kow and Bioaccumulation Factor
(BF), where these are available. The log Kow is a measure of the relative
solubility in octanol and water. A log Kow of greater than three indicates a
potential to partition to organic matter. A BF of greater than 100 also implies
that a chemical is likely to bioaccumulate. Table 4.1 below lists the most
bioaccumulation factors. Only tribromophenol demonstrates potential to
4.1.21 Based on the lowest reliable No Observed Adverse Effect Level for
reproductive/developmental study in rats, and using conversion factors from
the Appendix VII of the European Commission’s Technical Guidance
Document, an EAL/EQS for marine predators such as fish eating mammals
has been derived. This gave an EQS for saltwater for secondary poisoning of
5.85 g/l for tribromophenol. This level is unlikely to be exceeded even
immediately at the outfall.
4.1.22 The UK Marine SAC website ( lists the potential
effects of biocide use on European marine sites as follows:
Toxicity to invertebrates at concentrations above the EQS; and
Risk of bioaccumulation.
4.1.23 The WFD prohibits the discharge of List 1 substances, e.g. cadmium and
mercury, and requires that discharges of List two substances be reduced to
as low as practicable. Although there is currently no data on the potential for
discharge of metals within the cooling water, it is assumed that the main
source will be from corrosion or from discharges from other parts of the plant.
Corrosion should be minimised through a combination of design and selection
of materials and therefore discharges from this source should be minimal.
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Discharges from other parts of the plant should be subject to separate
Table 4.1 Common halogenated by-products of chlorination in seawater
Log Kow
Bromoacetic acid
Dibromoacetic acid
Tribromoacetic acid
Bromochloroacetic acid
3.2 (estimated based on
log Kow)
Bromodichloroacetic acid
Chlorodibromoacetic acid
Halogenated phenols
24 (estimated based on
log Kow)
27 (estimated based on
log Kow)
83-513 (measured in
Brachydanio rerio)
3.2 (estimated based on
log Kow)
7 (estimated based on log
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JER4078 v.4 FINAL
Log Kow
14 (estimated based on
log Kow)
9 (estimated based on log
Marine Environmental Receptors
Sections 3.3 to 3.4 highlight the marine habitats and species that are
predicted to occur at the generic site, with these habitats and species
representing the potential ‘receptors’ for any environmental change resulting
from the intake and discharge of the cooling water. The receptors identified
draw on the generic site conditions defined by Aker Solutions (2008), together
with the habitats and species for which the SAC, SPA and Ramsar sites in the
five existing nuclear power stations, upon which the generic site conditions
were described, were designated (as highlighted in Section 1.3). To enable a
broad scale assessment of potential impact to be made, a summary of the
broad marine environmental receptors identified through both routes is
provided here, essentially drawing on the habitats and species which are
listed as a primary reason for SAC, SPA and Ramsar site selection at the 5
sites on which the generic conditions are drawn, together with the habitats
and species highlighted specifically for the generic site. The information is
presented in Table 4.2. These are amalgamated to provide a final list for
consideration in the impact assessment in Table 4.3 in Section 0.
Table 4.2 Summary of the Habitats and Species Identified for the Generic Site.
SAC/SPA/Ramsar habitats and
Broad habitats and species
Breeding birds
Birds on passage
Amalgamated list
Overwintering birds
Migratory birds
Assemblage of wetland birds
Assemblage of seabirds
bays/permanent shallow marine
Estuaries/Estuarine waters
RPS Planning & Development
26th October 2009
Subtidal habitats (including fully
marine and reduced salinity
muds and sands and hard
substrates, fully marine sands
Subtidal habitats and species
JER4078 v.4 FINAL
SAC/SPA/Ramsar habitats and
Broad habitats and species
Amalgamated list
Subtidal sandbanks
and gravels, reef structures,
eelgrass beds and maerl beds)
Seagrass beds
Together with
Subtidal benthic communities
(includes polychaetes, bivalves,
sea anemones and true corals,
crustaceans and maerl)
Plankton (includes
Macroalgae (includes
brown and red)
Rocky marine shores
Intertidal habitats (including sand,
gravels, hard rock, muds and
made ground)
Sand, shingle or pebble shores
Intertidal habitats and species
Mudflats and sandflats/intertidal
mud, sand or salt flats
Together with
Annual vegetation of drift lines
Vegetated shingle
Vegetated shingle
Salicornia etc, Atlantic salt
meadows/intertidal marshes
Coastal saltmarsh
Shifting dunes, fixed
humid dune slacks
Sand dunes
Sand dunes
sand dune and
saltmarsh plants)
Covered in separate sections on
subtidal habitats and species
(seagrass), sand dunes and
Great crested newt
Amphibians (great crested newt)
Great crested newt
Sea lamprey
Fish (including benthic species,
elasmobranchs, pelagic species
and migratory species)
Mammals (otters)
Intertidal benthic communities
(includes bivalves, polychaetes,
crustaceans, sea anemones)
Perennial vegetation of stony
River lamprey
Twaite shad
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JER4078 v.4 FINAL
Possible Impact of the Intake and Discharge of Cooling Water
on the Marine Environment at the Generic Site
The possible impacts that may be associated from the effect of the
environmental changes listed in Section 4.2 on the environmental receptors
listed in Table 4.2 are summarised in Table 4.3. It should be noted that
designated sites have not been assessed as stand alone sites; rather the
assessment is based on habitats and species, which includes those that are
listed as the reasons for site designation.
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JER4078 v.4 FINAL
Limited potential for direct impact, with
any such impacts occurring should
sediments/benthos be disturbed
No direct effect on seagrass beds likely
Fish eggs, larvae and small juveniles
stages within the plankton will be at risk
from entrainment within the system,
necessarily preclude their survival within
the system. In general, it is likely that
whilst there may be some mortality of fish
larvae, although the scale of the impacts
may only be small. The potential to
survive the entrainment will depend on
the sensitivity of the species, for example
species such as clupeids are more
vulnerable to damage. In addition,
survival will depend to the site-specific
stressors such as the system design,
temperature and biocide regime (Fawley
Subtidal habitats and
Seagrass beds
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If possible, careful timing of
the application of the biocide
to avoid key fish spawning
times for sensitive species.
No indirect effect on plankton likely
JER4078 v.4 FINAL
None required
None required
See mitigation/best practice
under plankton and fish
Measures/Best Practice
No indirect effect on seagrass beds likely
Potential for indirect impact exists for
benthic species with a planktonic larval
stage or, potentially, for benthic species
that feed on plankton. Direct impacts on
plankton are discussed separately.
The potential for indirect effect on
avifauna would arise should prey items
be affected directly or indirectly. The
potential for impact on such prey items is
considered separately under subtidal
habitats and species, plankton and fish
No direct effect on avifauna likely
Marine Organisms
Potential Effect on Receptor of Environmental Change
Marine Environmental
Generic Site
Table 4.3 Potential Effects on the Habitats and Species at the Generic Site as a result of the Abstraction and Discharge of Cooling
No direct effect on vegetated shingle
No direct effect on saltmarsh likely
No direct effect on sand dunes likely
No direct effect on wetlands likely
No direct effect on great crested newt
Vegetated shingle
Sand dunes
Great crested newt
No indirect effect on great crested newt
No indirect effect on wetlands likely
No indirect effect on sand dunes likely
No indirect effect on saltmarsh likely
No indirect effect on vegetated shingle
No indirect effects on intertidal habitats
and species likely
No indirect effects on macroalgae likely
No direct effects on intertidal habitats and
species likely
Intertidal habitats and
RPS Planning & Development
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No direct effects on macroalgae likely
Potential Effect on Receptor of Environmental Change
Marine Environmental
Generic Site
None required
None required
None required
None required
None required
None required
None required
JER4078 v.4 FINAL
Measures/Best Practice
The potential for indirect effect on otters
would arise should prey items be affected
directly or indirectly. The potential for
impact on such prey items is considered
separately under subtidal habitats and
species and fish
Indirect effects of impingement and
entrainment will depend on the survival
rate of ichthyplankton through the system
and subsequently the overall change to
plankton survival in the environment. The
potential for such direct effects on
plankton are discussed separately in the
The potential for direct effect on otters
relates to impingement on the intake
screen. However, as otters can swim at
speeds of at least 1m/s (Garcia de Leaniz
et al, 2006), the potential for such direct
effects is considered low, provided
adequate screening is provided
RPS Planning & Development
26th October 2009
Fish most at direct risk of impingement
are smaller species or juveniles of larger
species that are unable to escape the
intake currents.
In general, there is
unlikely to be impingement to fish at
velocities less than 0.35ms-1 (Turnpenny
The species of mature fish
entrained will largely be dependent on the
mesh size (Turnpenny, 1981). Smolt of
diadromous migratory fish, including
Twaite shad and lampreys may also be
particularly vulnerable if the intake pipe
lies across their migratory path.
Potential Effect on Receptor of Environmental Change
Marine Environmental
Generic Site
JER4078 v.4 FINAL
Provision of 50mm-spaced
bar screens at the intake
Consideration of mitigation
for impact on migratory
species will need to be
undertaken on a site-specific
basis, since the potential for
impact will depend on the
degree of water quality
change and/or the width of
Acoustic fish deterrent (AFD)
systems placed at the CW
inlet can be used to prevent
the ingress of many of the
species, leaving mainly the
bottom-living fish to be
returned via the travelling
screen fish return route.
Use of fish screens.
Measures/Best Practice
No direct effect on most subtidal habitats
and species likely, however, Sabellaria
spinulosa beds are sensitive to strong
fragmentation of the reef and loss of
associated communities.
environments with low currents and tidal
flux. Increased water flow may therefore
cause erosion of the seagrass bed.
No direct effect on plankton likely
Direct effects may occur if the water flow
rate is strong enough to dislodge the
basal discs from the substrate. However,
studies of Fucus species have shown that
these are attached strongly to rocks in
order to withstand wave action (Hill 2005)
therefore they are considered to have
only a low intolerance to increased water
Subtidal habitats and
Seagrass beds
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None required
None required
No indirect effect on macroalgae likely
JER4078 v.4 FINAL
Careful site selection of the
point of discharge, to avoid
areas of seagrass beds
spinulosa beds.
None required
Measures/Best Practice
No indirect effect on plankton likely
No indirect effect on seagrass beds likely
No indirect effect on subtidal habitats and
species likely
The potential for indirect effects on
avifauna would arise should prey items or
food sources be affected, directly or
indirectly. The potential impact on such
prey items is discussed separately,
primarily under subtidal habitats and
species, intertidal habitats and species
and fish.
No direct effect on avifauna likely
Increase in water
flow rate
Potential Effect on Receptor of Environmental Change
Marine Environmental
Generic Site
No direct effect on saltmarsh likely
No direct effect on sand dunes likely
No direct effect on wetlands likely
No direct effect on great crested newt
No direct effect on fish likely
No direct effect on otters likely
Sand dunes
Great crested newt
No indirect effect on otters likely
No indirect effect on fish likely
No indirect effect on great crested newt
No indirect effect on wetlands likely
No indirect effect on sand dunes likely
No indirect effect on saltmarsh likely
No indirect effect on vegetated shingle
Indirect effects may occur through
changes in the fecundity of species that
have a planktonic larval stage thereby
affecting recruitment. This is discussed
under direct impacts on plankton.
No direct effect on vegetated shingle
Vegetated shingle
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Some intertidal habitats and species (e.g.
those characteristic of littoral mixed
sediment) are associated with weak tidal
stream and therefore may be vulnerable
to increases in water flow rate leading to
a change in sediment characteristics and
composition. Epibenthic species are most
vulnerable and possible effects may be
removal of individuals by the outfall water
to deeper, less suitable environments, or
disruption to the feeding apparatus of
suspension feeders leading to reduced
food consumption. Overall these effects
could lead to a decrease in species
richness in the community and a possible
shift a community that is permanently
inundated with seawater.
Potential Effect on Receptor of Environmental Change
Intertidal habitats and
Marine Environmental
Generic Site
None required
None required
None required
None required
None required
None required
None required
JER4078 v.4 FINAL
Site-specific benthic survey
determine the specific risk to
the habitat. May be possible
to incorporate modifications
to the design/layout if a
Measures/Best Practice
The maximum allowable temperature
change beyond the mixing zone is 2oC.
As reflected in a wide geographic
distribution, most habitats and species
are tolerant of or have only a low or
intermediate intolerance to temperature
changes. Possible direct effects include
reduced growth and fecundity of
individuals, and early spawning leading to
a reduced survival of larvae during their
planktonic stage.
The may also be
potential for the establishment of species
that require slightly warmer conditions,
whether native or alien to the UK.
Subtidal habitats and
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26th October 2009
It should be noted that an increase in
temperature may enhance the toxicity of
the chlorinated cooling water. The effect
of this would be greatest on species
already at the limit of thermal tolerance
(Capuzzo 1979). Impacts associated with
the biocide are discussed separately.
Indirect effects may occur from increased
mortality of zooplankton or a shift in the
community composition of plankton,
which would consequently alter the
abundance and species composition of
subtidal benthos whose reproductive
cycle involves a planktonic stage. In
addition, temperature could affect the
microbial activity in the sediment thereby
altering the depth at which the anoxic
layer occurs (Hill 2007).
The potential for direct effect on avifauna
would arise should prey items be affected
directly or indirectly. The potential for
impact on such prey items is considered
separately under subtidal habitats and
species, plankton and fish.
The maximum allowable temperature
change beyond the mixing zone is 2oC.
Although bird species are likely to
physically feel the change in temperature,
potentially prompting some to move from
the site. Unless the site is particularly
important for the species or the area
affected to that extent is large, the direct
effect is unlikely to be significant
Change in Ambient
Potential Effect on Receptor of Environmental Change
Marine Environmental
Generic Site
JER4078 v.4 FINAL
Site specific benthic survey
determine the specific risk to
the habitat. May be possible
to incorporate modifications
to the design/layout if a
Careful site selection of the
point of discharge, to avoid
key areas used by birds
Measures/Best Practice
It should be noted that an increase in
temperature may enhance the toxicity of
the chlorinated cooling water. The effect
of this would be greatest on species
already at the limit of thermal tolerance
(Capuzzo 1979). Impacts associated with
the biocide are discussed separately.
Indirect effects may occur through a
decrease in water clarity arising from
plankton blooms.
This could effect
seagrass beds by reducing light
availability for photosynthesis and
consequently reduce seagrass growth
{Lee et al. 2007). Increased temperature
may also promote the growth of epiphytes
and ephemeral algae, whilst decreasing
abundance of important grazing mollusc
species, thereby also reducing light
The maximum allowable temperature
change beyond the mixing zone is 2oC.
geographic distribution and therefore may
be tolerant to a gradual rise in
temperature. However, at rapid elevated
temperatures there may be some thermal
stresses on plants. The degree to which
this will occur will depend on issues such
as species and the local environmental
conditions to which the plants have
Potential Effect on Receptor of Environmental Change
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Seagrass beds
Marine Environmental
Generic Site
JER4078 v.4 FINAL
Careful site selection of the
point of discharge, to avoid
areas of seagrass beds
Measures/Best Practice
It should be noted that an increase in
temperature may enhance the toxicity of
the chlorinated cooling water. The effect
of this would be greatest on species
already at the limit of thermal tolerance
(Capuzzo 1979). Impacts associated with
the biocide are discussed separately.
It should be noted that an increase in
temperature might enhance the toxicity of
the chlorinated cooling water. The effect
of this would be greatest on species
already at the limit of thermal tolerance
(Capuzzo 1979). Impacts associated with
the biocide are discussed separately.
Early spawning of fish and invertebrates
induced by thermal plumes could lead to
increased mortality of zooplankton as the
environmental conditions for survival may
be less than suitable.
The maximum allowable temperature
change beyond the mixing zone is 2 C.
Sudden elevation of temperature may
have an effect on brown algae causing
reduced growth and fecundity, particularly
those at the upper temperature limit of
their geographic distribution. Species of
green algae may be more tolerant to a
chronic temperature increase (2oC) (Budd
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The maximum allowable temperature
change beyond the mixing zone is 2oC.
Since plankton has no mechanism for
selective avoidance of unfavourable
areas they are sensitive to effects of
thermal plumes. Possible effects may be
a shift in community composition to
dominance by exotic species. Also, as
water temperature raises the rate of
phytoplankton biomass increases. This
accelerated response can lead to a
decrease in water clarity and increase in
Biological Oxygen Demand as bacterial
activity required to decompose the algae
is accelerated. Changes in planktonic
communities are particularly important as
these effects could have consequences
for species higher up the trophic web.
Upper thermal limits for plankton will vary
between and within species, i.e.
geographically, with temperate species
potentially more vulnerable to extremes
of temperature.
Potential Effect on Receptor of Environmental Change
Marine Environmental
Generic Site
JER4078 v.4 FINAL
Measures/Best Practice
The maximum allowable temperature
change beyond the mixing zone is 2 C.
Limited potential for a direct effect on
saltmarsh, due to the position of
saltmarsh on the shore, however it should
be noted that temperature can affect
seasonality of growth and as such should
the footprint of change be sufficient the
issue may require consideration
No direct effect on sand dunes likely
No direct effect on wetlands likely
Sand dunes
No indirect effect on wetlands likely
None required
None required
No indirect effect on saltmarsh likely.
However, it should be noted that an
increase in temperature may enhance the
toxicity of the chlorinated cooling water.
The effect of this would be greatest on
species already at the limit of thermal
tolerance (Capuzzo 1979). Impacts
associated with the biocide are discussed
No indirect effect on sand dunes likely
None required
JER4078 v.4 FINAL
Measures/Best Practice
No indirect effect on vegetated shingle
It should be noted that an increase in
temperature may enhance the toxicity of
the chlorinated cooling water. The effect
of this would be greatest on species
already at the limit of thermal tolerance
(Capuzzo 1979). Impacts associated with
the biocide are discussed separately.
Indirect effects may occur from increased
mortality of zooplankton or a shift in the
community composition of plankton,
which would consequently alter the
abundance and species composition of
intertidal benthos whose reproductive
cycle involves a planktonic stage.
No direct effect on vegetated shingle
Vegetated shingle
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26th October 2009
The maximum allowable temperature
change beyond the mixing zone is 2oC.
Habitats and species are generally
tolerant to changes in temperature as
experienced during the regular tidal cycle;
however, acute rises in temperature may
have negative effects. For example, a
temperature rise of >3 C has reportedly
caused early spawning in cirratulid worms
causing high mortality of larvae (George
1964). In addition, at critical temperature
levels the effects could be mass mortality.
Studies of Cerastoma edule show a
range of 31-35 C, with an ability to
acclimatize to an ambient change of 10 C
(reviewed in Marshall 2004).
Potential Effect on Receptor of Environmental Change
Intertidal habitats and
Marine Environmental
Generic Site
No direct effect on otters likely
The potential for direct effect on otters
would arise should prey items be affected
directly or indirectly. The potential for
impact on such prey items is considered
separately under subtidal habitats and
species and fish.
Early spawning of fish species due to an
increase in ambient temperature could
have knock on effects for next generation
communities. Increased mortality of fish
eggs in the plankton would reduce the
abundance and diversity of fish species
the following season. Indirect effects
may occur through enhanced uptake of
biocides, this is considered below.
JER4078 v.4 FINAL
Careful site selection of the
point of discharge, to avoid
key areas used by otters
Consideration of mitigation
for impact on migratory
species will need to be
undertaken on a site-specific
basis, since the potential for
impact will depend on the
degree of water quality
change and/or the width of
Measures/Best Practice
No indirect effect on great crested newt
There are concerns that thermal plumes
from cooling water could present a
‘thermal barrier’ to some species of fish
and large crustaceans, notably salmon,
although there is no compelling evidence
of its occurrence.
Local behavioural
changes have been observed in some
species, e.g. bass are attracted to the
discharge at Fawley, with the area
designated a bass nursery site (Pickett et
al, 1995), however other species not
suited to the temperature may avoid the
RPS Planning & Development
26th October 2009
The maximum allowable temperature
change beyond the mixing zone is 2oC.
Great crested newts are ectotherms and
rely on external heat sources to raise
their body temperature to a level that
allows activity.
However, extreme
temperatures, below 18 C and above
24 C, have been found to disrupt sex
determination (Wallace & Wallace 2000).
As the species typically does not occur in
salinities greater than 12 mm (Wallace,
1991), being more commonly associated
with freshwater environments, it is
unlikely that they will be affected by
coastal development.
Potential Effect on Receptor of Environmental Change
Great crested newt
Marine Environmental
Generic Site
Most habitats and species show high or
intermediate intolerance to biocides.
characterising species, decline in species
richness, productivity and fecundity of
organisms resulting in a shift towards a
opportunistic species. The plume is likely
to be buoyant and therefore may have
limited impacts on subtidal benthic
communities except in the localized area
of the discharge.
chemical contaminants in their tissues,
physiological decay of plants or inhibition
of photosynthesis (Tyler-Walters 2006).
Subtidal habitats and
Seagrass beds
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26th October 2009
Indirect effects may occur if biocide
contamination causes high mortality of
important grazers, which help to keep
macroalgal communities in check: effects
may then occur through overgrowth of
algae leading to reduced light availability
and consequently reduced photosynthetic
Indirect effects of biocide may be through
a decrease in abundance and diversity of
prey species e.g. plankton.
changes are discussed separately.
The potential for direct effect on avifauna
would arise should prey items be affected
directly or indirectly. The potential for
impact on such prey items is considered
separately under subtidal habitats and
species, plankton and fish. However, it
should be noted that the potential for
bioaccumulation of breakdown products
could not be ruled out at this high level.
No direct effect on avifauna likely
Potential Effect on Receptor of Environmental Change
Marine Environmental
Generic Site
JER4078 v.4 FINAL
Careful site selection of the
point of discharge, to avoid
areas of seagrass beds
Careful site selection of the
point of discharge, to avoid
key areas used by birds
Measures/Best Practice
Biocides used in cooling water by
invertebrates, with most habitats and
species showing a high or intermediate
For invertebrates, the
chronic toxicity of chlorine has been
investigated only in molluscs and
crustaceans. Direct effects include an
effect on shell deposition in bivalves, loss
of characterising species, decline in
species richness, productivity and
fecundity of organisms resulting in a shift
towards a community dominated by more
opportunistic species.
No direct effect on vegetated shingle
Intertidal habitats and
Vegetated shingle
None required
Indirect effects of biocide may be through
a decrease in abundance and diversity of
prey species e.g. plankton.
changes are discussed separately.
No indirect effect on vegetated shingle
JER4078 v.4 FINAL
Measures/Best Practice
No indirect effect on macroaglae likely
Indirect effects of biocide may be through
a decrease in reproductive capacity of
marine fauna and flora with a planktonic
life stage.
Biocides used in cooling water by
definition are toxic to marine algae,
however limited information is available to
assess the degree of potential impact in
the wider environment
RPS Planning & Development
26th October 2009
Biocide may cause direct toxic effects on
plankton with Lethal Dose (LD) levels
varying interspecifically.
are considered to be particularly
sensitive. Detailed analysis of LD levels
for different species is beyond the scope
of this report. The scale and significance
of impacts will depend on the time of year
the biocide is administered.
Potential Effect on Receptor of Environmental Change
Marine Environmental
Generic Site
No direct effect on wetlands likely
Direct contact with biocides is likely to
incur toxic effects on individuals.
Possible effects may be gill-damage,
physiological damage and mortality.
Limited data is available to assess the
effect of sodium hypochlorite on fish.
Effects of direct uptake that have been
recorded and to relate to gill damage and
reduced oxygen consumption (Cappuzo
1979) and effects on fry and eggs.
Studies have investigated the lethal
effects levels for various species of fish
that may be compared against No
Probable Effects Levels.
analysis of these levels is beyond the
scope of this report.
Great crested newt
None required
Indirect effects of biocide may occur
through impacts on the subtidal habitats
and species. For example, a decline in
species diversity and abundance of
available prey resources for fish species.
Similarly, deterioration of important
habitats for fish, such as seagrass beds,
may have an impact on fish nursery
areas, causing reduced survival of
juvenile fish.
None required
None required
None required
JER4078 v.4 FINAL
Measures/Best Practice
Indirect effects may occur through
deterioration of suitable habitats such as
wetland areas.
No indirect effect on wetlands likely
No indirect effect on sand dunes likely
Limited potential for an indirect effect on
saltmarsh, due to the position of
saltmarsh on the shore, however it should
be noted that saltmarsh species may be
affected by the breakdown products of
the biocide, should the dispersion extend
to areas of saltmarsh
No direct effect on sand dunes likely
Sand dunes
RPS Planning & Development
26th October 2009
Limited potential for a direct effect on
saltmarsh, due to the position of
saltmarsh on the shore, however it should
be noted that temperature can affect
seasonality of growth and as such should
the footprint of change be sufficient the
issue may require consideration
Potential Effect on Receptor of Environmental Change
Marine Environmental
Generic Site
The potential for direct effect on otters
would arise should prey items be affected
directly or indirectly. The potential for
impact on such prey items is considered
separately under subtidal habitats and
species and fish. However, it should be
bioaccumulation of the breakdown
products could not be ruled out at this
high level.
Provided the requirements of any consent
to discharge are met, it is anticipated that
the discharge of biocide poses limited
potential for direct effect on otters
Potential Effect on Receptor of Environmental Change
RPS Planning & Development
26th October 2009
Marine Environmental
Generic Site
JER4078 v.4 FINAL
Careful site selection of the
point of discharge, to avoid
key areas used by otters
Adherence to
Measures/Best Practice
Site Specific Study
The current project relates to the potential environmental impacts associated
with the abstraction and discharge of cooling water from a nuclear power
station at a generic site. The approach enables the potential environmental
impacts of the cooling water aspects of the AP1000 nuclear power station
design to be identified and assessed, highlighting where mitigation measures
can be applied and where there may exist potential for direct and indirect
As discussed in Section 4.1, the use of a generic site causes difficulties when
considering issues such as the potential scale and magnitude of
environmental change. In essence, it is difficult to assess both the possible
size of the change and extent of the footprint of that change; both factors
having a strong influence on the potential for impact and the degree of
significance of that impact.
For example, it has not been possible to
determine whether the footprint of change is sufficiently large to extend to a
key sensitive receptor, nor whether the size of the change would be sufficient
to cause a measurable effect. The approach taken in the current project is a
‘worst case scenario’ and may therefore overstate the potential impact in
some cases, primarily by assuming that the footprint of change is sufficient to
reach all receptors, with the exception of some of the transitional habitats and
species, (these are noted in Table 4.3).
On a site-specific basis, these issues are dealt with in a number of ways. In
particular, a number of studies would be required in order to improve the
understanding of the sensitivity of the receiving environment), together with
studies to more accurately determine the likely scale and magnitude of the
environmental changes.
The types of site-specific work that would be
anticipated to be required are highlighted in Table 5.1 below.
RPS Planning & Development
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JER4078 v.4 FINAL
Table 5.1 Site specific work required
Site Specific Study
Purpose of Work
Ecological survey
To describe the existing baseline. The extent of the
survey would be dictated by issues such as the
anticipated footprint of the impact, together with
some sites to provide a control and the presence of
protected habitats and/or species. The extent of
such a survey is therefore likely to include both
subtidal and intertidal sampling, with a potential
requirement for survey of transitional habitats
Fish survey
To describe the existing baseline. To provide data
on the species present, including issues such as
presence of juveniles, to inform the impact
assessment and to assess how best to use
mitigation measures
Water quality survey
To describe the existing baseline. Data would be
required both to inform the subsequent impact
assessment but also to enable modelling of the
predicted change
Chlorination trials
To allow better modelling of the residual oxidant
and by-product concentrations
Sediment quality survey
To describe the existing baseline. In particular, for
areas where there is potential for sediments to be
disturbed by the increase in water flow at the
abstraction and discharge points.
Bathymetric survey
Data on the bathymetry of the site would be
required to enable the dispersion and dilution of the
resulting plume to be modelled, in particular the
scale and extent of the mixing zone
Current meter profiling
Data such as current speed and direction would be
required to enable the dispersion and dilution of the
resulting plume to be modelled, in particular the
scale and extent of the mixing zone
Tidal data
Data on the tidal profile of the site (e.g. range and
excursion) would be required to enable the
dispersion and dilution of the resulting plume to be
modelled, in particular the scale and extent of the
mixing zone
The dilution and dispersion of the resulting
discharge would require modelling, to enable the
magnitude and extent of the mixing zone to be
determined and to better inform the impact
assessment process. Such modelling would need
to take into consideration issues such as seasonal
changes (e.g. in background temperature or
storminess), spring/neap cycles together with the
influence of the discharge pattern such as when
biocide is applied and the influence of such
measures as mixing the cooling streams
Detailed design of the cooling water system
To ensure the optimum design following BAT whilst
taking account of specific site conditions
It should be noted that the information provided in Table 5.1 is indicative only
and that site specifics, such as presence/absence of migratory species,
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proximity to designated sites etc would need to be taken into consideration. It
is likely that any survey programme would need to be drawn up with input and
discussion with the appropriate regulator and/or statutory advisor.
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The baseline environmental assessment of the generic site has identified a
number of habitats and species, including both those that are common to the
UK together with a limited number that either occur less frequently or are
subject to a greater degree of legislative protection. In particular, the baseline
review highlighted the number of designated areas in the vicinity of the
generic site, ranging from locally designated and non-statutory sites to a
number of internationally protected sites, the latter including SAC, SAP and
Ramsar sites. The presence of such sites brings with them the requirements
of the Habitats Directive and the need to address the issues that this raises.
It should be noted that the generic site does not include all the habitats and
species that may occur at a specific site, once one is selected, with any such
future site requiring a site-specific assessment.
The assessment of the
generic site does, however, offer information on the type of habitats and
species that are likely to be found, with much of the information applicable to
other habitats and species. For example, the issues around potential impact
on Twaite or Allis shad, both migratory fish, are very similar to those that
would affect salmon, should salmon be present.
The Water Framework Directive (WFD) requires the classification of water
bodies by examining ecological, chemical and physical elements. One of its
main objectives is to achieve good ecological and chemical status. Water
bodies of good ecological status should deviate only slightly from the
biological, structural and chemical characteristics that would be expected in
undisturbed conditions.
The WFD, either at European or member state level, sets Environmental
Quality Standards for a range of pollutants including temperature. If these
EQS are met the quantities of the pollutants should not be sufficient to cause
harm to the local ecology.
The impact assessment considered the operational effects of the abstraction
and discharge of cooling water, together with the associated requirement for
biocide, with the environmental effects therefore restricted to the following:
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Impingement of marine organisms at the intake and subsequent
Increase in water flow rate;
Change in ambient temperature following the discharge of the cooling
water; and
Use and subsequent discharge of the biocide (sodium hypochlorite)
into the environment via the cooling water discharge.
Once the baseline environment and the type of environmental change
predicted had been described, the potential effect of that change on the main
environmental receptors could be assessed. As site specific factors such as
the scale and magnitude of the change can not be predicted for a generic
site, a worst case scenario was assumed that all potential receptors present
were potentially linked by a pathway to the environmental change (although
some consideration of potential pathway was made when considering
transitional habitats).
While making the assessment of potential effect, the mitigation measures that
are inherent in the design were taken into consideration.
Key mitigation
measures can be summarised as follows:
Design and location of the abstraction point to minimise impact on
habitats and entrainment of fish;
Modelling, design and location of the discharge point to minimise
impacts on sensitive species and habitats;
Minimising the need for conditioning of the cooling water by best
practice design and choice of materials;
Best practice design and monitoring of the cooling water treatment
Blending of chlorinated and un-chlorinated streams to reduce residual
oxidant to a minimum.
The assessment of potential effect identified a limited number of habitats and
species for which there is a greater potential for significant impact, although it
should be noted that application of the mitigation measures described above
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should, in most cases, limit such impact outside the immediate mixing zone.
The habitats and species highlighted are as follows:
Depending on the importance of the site chosen for planktonic
spawning fish species, there may be benefit in consideration of timing
the biocide dosing intervals outside key spawning times, (if possible);
Although best practice procedures will be followed to minimise the risk
of impingement and entrainment, their effectiveness with depend on the
species present and the location of the intake pipe. Residual impacts
will therefore need to be assessed on a site-specific basis and
mitigation determined at this stage, depending on what species is
Some habitats and species are more sensitive to an increase in flow
rates resulting from the abstraction/discharge process, e.g. seagrass
Site specific surveys should be carried out to assess the
presence of such habitats and species, to enable the final design to
avoid such areas where feasible;
The change in ambient temperature beyond the mixing zone will be
within the 2oC limit and as such effects are likely to be limited. Where
effects do occur, these are most likely on sessile species such as the
intertidal and subtidal benthos and seagrass, or species that have
limited opportunity to avoid less favourable areas such as the plankton.
Such effects have the potential to have implications both for predators
and species that are affected at early stages in their lifecycle. Potential
impact on fish would require careful assessment. It should, however,
be noted that this assessment does not involve modelling of the plume,
and as such the geographic extent of the cooling water prior to reaching
the 2oC above ambient, and hence the extent of any mixing zone, is
broadly unknown; and
In a similar manner to the potential effect of the increase in
temperature, the effect of the discharge of the biocide outside the
mixing zone is likely to be minimal, due to the adherence to the
required standards. Within the mixing zone, the main potential risk is
again for sessile species such as the intertidal and subtidal benthos
and seagrass, or species that have limited opportunity to avoid less
favourable areas such as the plankton. Such effects have the potential
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to have implications both for predators and species that are affected at
early stages in their lifecycle. Potential issues around the extent of the
mixing zone are not considered to be as great for the biocide as for the
temperature, due partly to the chemical processes involved but also the
mixing of the cooling water streams to ensure a low concentration of
biocide at the point of release.
In summary, the proposed scheme would incorporate a combination of best
available techniques and mitigation measures into the design and operation
of the site to minimize environmental impact.
It is noted that the
concentration of the biocide and the increase in temperature compared to
ambient would be anticipated to meet the required standards outside the
mixing zone. The required level of biocide is likely to be met within a shorter
distance than the temperature. What is not possible at a generic level is to
determine the geographic extent of the mixing zone, which will depend on site
specifics. Within the mixing zone, it is likely that habitats and species most
likely to be affected will be those found on or in the benthos and the
planktonic assemblages.
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