Document 6524392
Document 6524392
(Date Filed / Received Stamp by CPUC) CALIFORNIA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION DIVISION OF WATER AND AUDITS Advice Letter Cover Sheet AL # 244-W Date Mailed to Service List: September 12,2013 Requested Effective Date: October 12, 2013 Requested Tier: • Replacing AL#: Authorization for Filing: Compliance Filing? •Yes D.13-09-005 Tier 1 •Tier2DTier3 Rate N/A Impact DNo % N/A The public has 20 days from Date Mailed (above) to Director protest this advice letter. If you chose to protest or respond to the advice letter, send Protest and/or Division of Water and Audits 505 Van Ness Ave. Correspondence within 20 days to: San Francisco, CA 94102 and if vou have email capability, also email to: water division(5), (see attached advice letter for more information and grounds for protest) Your protest also must be served on the Utility CPUC Utility Number: Company Name: Park Water Company WTA 314 WTB WTC WTD Address: 9750 Washburn Road City, State, Zip: Downey, CA 90241 Phone No. Fax No. Edward N. Jackson 562.923.0711 ext. 1212 562.861.5902 ed. iackson@parkwater. com Ellen M. Zimbalist 562.923.0711 ext. 1208 562.861.5902 Contact Name: •j SWR Email Address: Description: Park submits this advice letter to implement a Conservation Expense One-Way Balancing Account pursuant to Ordering Paragraph 11 of D.13-09-005. The tariffs affected are 1169-W, 1170-W, and 1171-W. (FOR CPUC USE ONLY) WTS Budget/Activity/Type Process as: ! ITier 1 20th Day Project Manager: Suspended on: Analyst: Extended on: Due Date: Resolution No.: Completion Date: Rev. 03/01/08 AL/Tariff Effective Date: DTier 2 • Tier 3 30th Day Advice Letter No. 244-W September 12, 2013 TO THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA Park Water Company (U 314 W) ("Park") hereby transmits the following revised tariff sheets applicable to water service in its service territory: Calif. P.U.C. Canceling Sheet No. 1169-W 1170-W 1171-W Title of Sheet Preliminary Statement, page 17 Preliminary Statement, page 18 Table of Contents, page 1 Sheet No. 1129-W Original 1168-W Purpose Park is seeking Commission authorization to modify its Preliminary Statement, to add Part T, to reflect the establishment and implementation of the Conservation Expense One-Way Balancing Account ("CEOWBA"). The purpose of the CEOWBA is to record the difference between the total dollars spent on conservation programs and the total authorized conservation program expenses. This advice letter is being filed in accordance with Ordering Paragraph No. 11 in Decision No. ("D.")13-09-005. Background and Discussion Ordering Paragraph No. 11 of D.13-09-005 directs Park to file a Tier 2 advice letter to modify its Preliminary Statement to implement the CEOWBA. Specifically, Ordering Paragraph No. 11 states, 11. Park Water Company is authorizedfile a Tier 2 advice letter to incorporate into its preliminary statement a capped one-way balancing account to track the difference between dollars spent on conservation programs and dollars collected in rates for conservation programs. The one-way balancing account shall be capped at $1,125,488 and shall cover the three-year rate case cycle. Water rates will not change as a result of this advice letter. PO Box 7002 9750 Washburn Road Downey, CA 90241 T 562 923 0711 F 562 861 5902 California Public Utilities Commission Park Water Company Advice Letter 244-W September 12, 2013 Page 2 Tier Designation Pursuant to D.13-09-005, this advice letter is submitted with Tier 2 Designation. Effective Date Pursuant to General Rule 7.3.4 of General Order 96-B, Park requests this filing become effective in 30 days pending disposition. Notice and Service In accordance with General Order 96-B, General Rules 4.3 and 7.2 and Water Industry Rule 4.1, a copy of this advice letter will be mailed or electronically transmitted on September 12, 2013 to competing and adjacent utilities and other utilities or interested parties having requested such notification. Response or Protest Anyone may respond to or protest this advice letter. A response supports the filing and may contain information that proves useful to the Commission in evaluating the advice letter. A protest objects to the advice letter in whole or in part and must set forth the specific grounds on which it is based. These grounds are: (1) The utility did not properly serve or give notice of the advice letter; (2) The relief requested in the advice letter would violate statute or Commission order, or is not authorized by statute or Commission order on which the utility relies; (3) The analysis, calculations, or data in the advice letter contain material error or omissions: (4) The relief requested in the advice letter is pending before the Commission in a formal proceeding; or (5) The relief requested in the advice letter requires consideration in a formal hearing, or is otherwise inappropriate for the advice letter process; or (6) The relief requested in the advice letter is unjust, unreasonable, or discriminatory (provided that such a protest may not be made where it would require relitigating a prior order of the Commission.) A protest shall provide citations or proofs where available to allow staff to properly consider the protest. A response or protest must be made in writing or by electronic mail and must be received by the Water Division within 20 days of the date this advice letter is filed. The address for mailing or delivering a protest is: Tariff Unit, Division of Water and Audits, 3rd floor California Public Utilities Commission 505 Van Ness Avenue San Francisco, CA 94102 water California Public Utilities Commission Park Water Company Advice Letter 244-W September 12, 2013 Page 3 On the same date, the response or protest is submitted to the Division of Water and Audits, the respondent or protestant shall send a copy by mail (or e-mail) to us, addressed to: Edward N. Jackson Director of Revenue Requirements Park Water Company 9750 Washburn Road P. O. Box 7002 Downey, CA 90241 Fax:(562)861-5902 E-Mail: Cities and counties that need Board of Supervisors or Board of Commissioners approval to protest should inform the Water Division within the 20-day protest period so that a late filed protest can be entertained. The informing document should include an estimate ofthe date the proposed protest might be voted on. If you have not received a reply to your protest within 10 business days, contact this person at (562)923-0711, ext. 1212. Alist ofadjacent utilities either public orprivately owned and other interested parties who have been furnished a copy of this Advice Letter, is attached. Very truly yours, PARK WATER COMPANY EDWARD N^rACKSON Park Water Company Director of Revenue Requirements 9750 Washburn Road Downey, CA 90241 562.923.0711, ext. 1212 ed.iackson(a), ENJ/emz PARK WATER COMPANY REVISED Cal.P.U.C. Sheet No. 1169-W 9750 WASHBURN ROAD P. O. BOX 7002 DOWNEY, CA 90241 Cal.P.U.C. Sheet No. Canceling ORIGINAL 1129-W PRELIMINARY STATEMENT (Continued) 2. Accounting Procedure The following entries will be made monthly to the Credit Card Memorandum Account. a. The recorded costs and savings with providing credit/debit card payment services (debit or credit). b. T. Monthly interest expense calculated at 1/12 of the most recent month's interest rate on Commercial Paper (nonfmancial, 3-month), published in the Federal Reserve Statistical Release H.15, (http://www.federalreserve.gOv/Releases//H 15>NFCP>M3.txt), or its successor publication (debit or credit). Conservation Expense One-Way Balancing Account (N) 1. Purpose The purpose of the Conservation Expense One-Way Balancing Account (CEOWBA) is to track the difference between actual conservation program expenses and authorized conservation program expenses. 2. Applicability The following entries will be made monthly to the Conservation Expense One-Way Balancing Account: a. A credit entry shall be made to the CEOWBA at the end of each month to record 1/12 of the authorized conservation program expenses for years 2013, 2014, and 2015, as adopted in D.13-09-005. b. A debit entry shall be made to the CEOWBA at the end of each month to record monthly actual conservation expenses. (N) (continued) (To be inserted by utility) Advice No. 244-W Issued By LEIGH K. JORDAN (To be inserted by Cal. P.U.C.) Date Filed Name Decision. No. 13-09-005 EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT Title Effective Resolution No. ORIGINAL PARK WATER COMPANY _ Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 1170-W 9750 WASHBURN ROAD P. O. BOX 7002 DOWNEY, CA 90241 Cal.P.U.C. Sheet No. Canceling PRELIMINARY STATEMENT (Continued) T. Conservation Expense One-Way Balancing Account (continued) (N) 2. Applicability (continued) c. The net difference between the monthly actual expenses and the monthly authorized expenses shall be recorded as a monthly entry in the CEOWBA. If the amount in 2a. exceeds the amount in 2b., a positive entry shall be entered. If 2b. exceeds 2a., a negative entry shall be entered. d. Monthly interest expense calculated at 1/12 of the most recent month's interest rate on Commercial Paper (nonfinancial, 3-month), published in the Federal Reserve Statistical Release H.15, (http://www.federalreserve.gOv/Releases//Hl5>NFCP>M3.txt), or its successor publication (debit or credit). 3. Refund If at the end of 2015 the cumulative balance in the CEOWBA is positive (meaning the actual conservation expenses did not exceed the authorized conservation expenses, including interest calculations), Park shall refund the net positive balance to its customers. If the amount in the cumulative balance is negative at the end of 2015, then that balance shall not be recovered from customers. 4. Effective Date The CEOWBA shall have the effective date of January 1, 2013. 5. Termination The CEOWBA shall terminate on December 31, 2015, or when the surcredit (if applicable) expires, whichever is later. 6. Disposition Park will file a tier 2 advice letter with the Division of Water and Audits to dispose of any refunds (if applicable) recorded in the CEOWBA. (To be inserted by utility) Advice No. 244-W Issued By LEIGH K. JORDAN (N) (To be inserted by Cal. P.U.C.) Date Filed Name Decision. No. 13-09-005 EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT Title Effective Resolution No. PARK WATER COMPANY REVISED Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 1171-W REVISED Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 1168-W 9750 WASHBURN ROAD P. O. BOX 7002 Canceling DOWNEY, CALIFORNIA 90241-7002 TABLE OF CONTENTS The following listed tariff sheets contain all effective rates and rules affecting the charges and service of the utility, together with other pertinent information: C.P.U.C. Subject Matter of Sheet: Sheet No. Title Page 721-W 1171-W, 1167-W Preliminary Statement 722-W, 909-W, 1023-W, 1024-W, 954-W, 1149-W, 956-W, 957-W 988-W, 1123-W, 1067-W, 1070-W, 1071-W, 1114-W, 1124-W, 1128-W, 1169-W, 1170-W Service Area Map Los Angeles County 914-W, 499-W through 502-W Table of Contents (T) (C) Rate Schedules: 1150-W, 1151-W 1152-W, 1153-W 1154-W,965-W Schedule No. PR-l-R Schedule No. PR-l-NR Residential Metered Service Nonresidential Metered Service Schedule No. PR-4F Schedule No. PR-5 Non-Metered Fire Sprinkler Service Fire Flow Testing Charge Schedule No. PR-6 Reclaimed Water Service Schedule No. PR-9CM Construction & Other Temporary Schedule No. LC Schedule No. UF Late Payment Charge Surcharge to Fund PUC Reimbursement Fee Schedule No. SC Schedule No. CARW Surcredit California Alternative Rates for Water Schedule No. CARW-SC California Alternative Rates for Water Surcharge 1155-W 1156-W, 1157-W 1158-W Meter Service 848-W 937-W 899-W 1159-W,921-W 1160-W 723-W LIST OF CONTRACTS AND DEVIATIONS: Rules: No. 1 Definitions 636-W, 637-W No. 2 No. 3 Description of Service Application for Service 345-W,916-W No. 4 Contracts No. 5 Special Information Required on Forms No. 6 Establishment and Re-establishment of Credit 400-W 346-W 798-W through 800-W 347-W 1014-W, 1161-W 1136-W,802-W No. 7 Deposits No. 8 Notices No. 9 No. 10 Rendering and Payment of Bills Disputed Bills No. 11 Discontinuance and Restoration of Service 1097-W through 1100-W 609-W,610-W 803-W through 808-W 1017-W, 1162-W, 1163-W No. 12 Information Available to Public No. 13 Temporary Service 353-W, 354-W 355-W, 356-W (continued) (To beinserted byutility) Advice No. 244-W Issued By: LEIGH K. JORDAN (To be inserted byCal. P.U.C.) Date Filed Name Effective Dec. No. 13-09-005 EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT Title Resolution No. PARK WATER COMPANY ADVICE LETTER 244-W DISTRIBUTION LIST City of Artesia City of Paramount Water Department 18747 Clarkdale Avenue 16400 Colorado Avenue Artesia, CA 90701 Paramount, CA 90723 mdadian(S> San Gabriel Water Company City of Santa Fe Springs Water Dept. 11710 Telegraph Road Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 Attention: Dan Dell'Osa lindaguerrero(g) dadellosa(g), Suburban Water Systems Attention: Robert Kelly City of Bell Gardens 1325 N. Grand Avenue 7100 Garfield Avenue Suite 100 Bell Gardens, CA 90201 P.O. Box 6010 El Monte, CA 91734 Attn: Steve Steinbrecher Covina, CA 91724-4044 City of Cerritos Water Department Dominguez/California Water Service 2632 W. 237th Street 18125 Bloomfield Avenue Torrance, CA 90505-5272 Cerritos, CA 90703 Calif. Public Utilities Commission Bellflower Somerset Mutual Water Co. 10016 E. Flower Street Attention: Ting-Pong Yuen Division of Ratepayer Advocates P.O.Box 1697(90707) 555 Van Ness Avenue Bellflower, CA 90706 San Francisco, CA 94102 roberto(g> Attn: Daniel Armendaniz City of Commerce Water Department 2535 Commerce Way Commerce, CA 90040 California Water Service Company East Los Angeles District 2000 S. Tubeway Avenue Commerce, CA 90040 City of Norwalk Water Department 12700 S. Norwalk Boulevard Norwalk, CA 90650 Central Basin Municipal Water District 5252 Telegraph Road Commerce, CA 90040-2512 City of Compton Water Department 205 W. Willowbrook Compton, CA 90220 Ronald Moore, Regulatory Affairs Golden State Water Company 630 E. Foothill Boulevard San Dimas, CA 91773 City of Lynwood Water Department Attention: Joseph Kekula 11330 Bullis Road Lynwood, CA 90262 Ista North America Attention: Leroy Belew 4715 Viewridge Avenue, Suite 100 San Diego, CA 92123 City of Bellflower Attention: Jeff Stewart, City Manager 16600 Civic Center Drive Bellflower, CA 90706