PROOF COVER SHEET Author(s): G. Bacchetta, G. Fenu, R. Gentili, E. Mattana and S. Sgorbati Article title: Preliminary assessment of the genetic diversity in Lamyropsis microcephala (Asteraceae) Article no: TPLB_A_717548 Enclosures: 1) Query sheet 2) Article proofs Dear Author, 1. Please check these proofs carefully. It is the responsibility of the corresponding author to check these and approve or amend them. A second proof is not normally provided. Taylor & Francis cannot be held responsible for uncorrected errors, even if introduced during the production process. Once your corrections have been added to the article, it will be considered ready for publication. Please limit changes at this stage to the correction of errors. You should not make insignificant changes, improve prose style, add new material, or delete existing material at this stage. Making a large number of small, non-essential corrections can lead to errors being introduced. 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Please spell out PCR and dNTPs at their first mention. Please spell out TBE at their first mention. Kindly specify whether it is r2 or R, as it differs in the note of Table V(B). Please provide the accessed date for the URL in the reference ‘‘Camarda 2006’’. Please provide the accessed date for the URL in the reference ‘‘Hammer et al. 2001’’. Please provide details for the values in bold in Table V(A). CE: PS QA: EP COL: PG: devia 17/8/12 13:38 TPLB_A_717548 (XML) Plant Biosystems, Vol. 00, No. 0, Month 2012, pp. 1–8 60 5 Preliminary assessment of the genetic diversity in Lamyropsis microcephala (Asteraceae) 65 10 G. BACCHETTA1, G. FENU1, R. GENTILI2, E. MATTANA1, & S. SGORBATI2 70 1 15 Centro Conservazione Biodiversita` (CCB), Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita e dell’Ambiente, Universita` degli Studi di Cagliari, V.le Sant’Ignazio da Laconi 13, I-09123 Cagliari, Italy and 2Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Ambiente e del Territorio, Universita` degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Piazza della Scienza 1, I-20126 Milano, Italy 75 20 25 Abstract Endangered species with small and isolated populations has been a key topic of conservation biology studies in the last decade. Lamyropsis microcephala is among the most significant narrow endemic plants in the Mediterranean region, lying on the Gennargentu massif of the Sardinia island (Italy). Due to heavy threat factors, this species has rapidly become threatened with extinction. The inter-simple sequence repeat technique was used to assess the genetic variation and structure of the 80 individuals growing in the four remnant localities known to date, with the aim to implement further conservation strategies. Results indicated a degree of differentiation among the four subpopulations, in particular for the Fonni one. The estimates of Nei’s genetic diversity (H) ranged from 0.0563 (Fonni) and 0.1104 (Bau ‘e Laccos). Analysis of molecular variance values showed that 53% of the total variation may be attributed to the individuals within subpopulations, while 47% is due to differences among subpopulations (P 5 0.001). Results also highlighted a scarce gene flow (Nm ¼ 0.503). 85 Keywords: Carduinae, inter-simple sequence repeats, narrow endemic, population genetics, Sardinia 30 Introduction 35 40 45 50 The theoretically founded aims of conservation biology within a biogeographic context are the preservation of members of a whole biota (individuals, populations, species, etc.) and the preservation of the functional ecological systems (Blondel 1999). Due to their evolutionary significance, the endangered species with small and isolated populations have been key topics of conservation biology studies in the last decade to understand the extinction mechanisms and avoid biodiversity loss (Beissinger 2000; Fre´ville et al. 2007; Abeli et al. 2009). Lamyropsis (Charadze) Dittrich is a genus of the Asteraceae family, member of the tribe Cardueae Cass., subtribe Carduinae Dumort (Greuter & Dittrich 1973), which comprises eight perennial species distributed from southern Europe eastwards to Southwest Asia (Mabberley 2008), most of which are geographically isolated (Ha¨ffner 2000). This genus, together with Carduus, Cirsium, Cynara, Ptilostemon, Galactites, Notobasis and Tyrimnus con- stitutes the Carduus–Cirsium clade, a geographically homogeneous entity with a centre of distribution in the Mediterranean area (Haffner & Hellwig 1999). Lamyropsis microcephala (Moris) Dittrich & Greuter has been considered one of the most threatened endemic of Sardinia (Arrigoni 1974), and it has been included under the critically endangered (CR) IUCN category in the national (Conti et al. 1992) and regional (Conti et al. 1997) Italian Red Lists. In 2005, it has been listed among the ‘‘Top 50’’ threatened plants species of the Mediterranean Islands (de Montmollin & Strahm 2005), in the IUCN Red List under the CR category (Camarda 2006; Fenu et al. 2011) and in the European threatened plant list (Bilz et al. 2011). A rapid reduction of its distribution area, due to increasing of tourist activities (ski area) and intense grazing, has occurred in the last decades (Bacchetta et al. 2007; Fenu et al. 2011). Such a reduction could lead to a loss of genetic richness of the individuals of the extant subpopulations, compromising species survival. Increasing habitat reduction and fragmentation 55 Correspondence: R. Gentili, Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Ambiente e del Territorio, Universita` degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Piazza della Scienza 1, I-20126 Milano, Italy. Tel: þ39 02 64482700. Fax: þ39 02 64482996. Email: ISSN 1126-3504 print/ISSN 1724-5575 online ª 2012 Societa` Botanica Italiana 90 95 AQ1 100 105 110 2 115 120 125 G. Bacchetta et al. may induce decline in the population size and genetic diversity (Cole 2003; Matthies et al. 2004; Leimu et al. 2006; Bruni et al. 2012), forcing wild plant populations with reduced fitness to pass the extinction threshold (Reed 2005). The aim of this study was to assess the genetic structure and the amount of genetic variation of L. microcephala within and among subpopulations of the extant four localities, and their gene flow, using inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) molecular markers. Materials and methods 130 135 140 145 150 155 Plant description Lamyropsis microcephala, a perennial rhizomatous herb, is a heliophile and mesophile species. The flowering season starts at the end of June and finishes in August, while the fruiting season begins at the end of July, finishing in September (Bacchetta et al. 2007). It grows on a glareicolous metamorphic substrata in catchment areas and small valleys subjected to long persistence of the snow and intense soil erosion. The vegetation community where L. microcephala grows is a perennial grassland, with hemicryptophytes and cushion chamaephytes being dominant, characterized as the endemic Carici–Genistetea lobelioidis vegetation class. In the European Habitat Directive (DIR 92/43/EEC), this vegetation type is endemic oro-Mediterranean heaths with gorse (code 4090) and the subtype Cyrno-Sardinian hedgehogheaths (code 31.75). The four known localities where L. microcephala grows are situated in the northern slope of the Monte Bruncu Spina in the municipality of Fonni and in the western slope in the municipality of Desulo (Table I). The average distance among localities ranges from a minimum of 588 m between Fonni (Lf) and Bruncu Spina (Ski) to a maximum of 2357 m, between Desulo (Ld) and Bau ‘e Laccos (Baa), as the crow flies. 175 Sampling operation Plant material was collected from the four localities, after obtaining the permits required by European and national laws for the species listed in the appendices of the Habitat Directive (DIR 92/43/EEC). Young leaves of L. microcephala were collected in 2008 in the two historical localities from 20 individuals of the Ld, randomly chosen throughout its area of distribution and from 9 individuals of the Lf one. Two new localities were recently discovered (Fenu et al. 2011); therefore, a new sampling was carried out by collecting from 12 randomly chosen individuals of the Ski and from 15 individuals of the Baa (Table I). Reduced individual sampling (nine individuals from the Lf), is due to the risk status of L. microcephala in order to avoid any kind of impact on the species as it grows in a very small surface area (200 m2). According to Brainholt et al. (2009), although sampling a high number of individuals per population is optimal, in conservation genetic studies rare species often have small sample sizes. This sampling strategy is based on the precautionary principle (Matsuda 2001) and has mostly been applied to CR species (both plant and animal: Brainholt et al. 2009; Ursenbacher et al. 2010), with small–medium population size and to species with clonal reproductive strategy, for which to assess the exact number of genets and ramets can be difficult (see Moreira et al. 2010; Smith & Waldren 2010). 180 185 190 195 200 205 DNA isolation and PCR amplification Genomic DNA was isolated from about 0.1 g of frozen leave tissue using DNase plant mini kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany), as specified by the 210 manufacturer. The DNA was suspended in 150 ml of AE buffer (Qiagen). 215 160 Table I. Number of sampled and total individuals of Fonni (Lf), Desulo (Ld), Bruncu Spina (Ski) and Bau ‘e Laccos (Baa) subpopulations of L. microcephala. Code Sample size Population size (ramets)* Population area (m2)* Fonni Lf 9 2,066 200 Desulo Ld 20 1,990,000 240,000 Bruncu Spina Ski 12 5,196 600 Bau ‘e Laccos Baa 15 116,875 12,500 Locality 165 170 Note: *Data from Fenu et al. (2011). Central coordinates (datum WGS84) 40801.3260 09818.2550 40801.0090 09817.7080 40801.1820 09818.3050 40800.8320 09819.5500 N E N E N E N E Elevation m (a.s.l.) 1,580–1,590 220 1,450–1,820 1,625–1,637 1,450–1,590 225 Genetic diversity of L. microcephala 230 235 240 245 250 The PCR was carried out in a 25-ml total reaction volume, including 30 ng total genomic DNA, 106 reaction buffer (Qiagen) and 10 mM of 17/18 bp primers (Table II), 0.3 mM dNTPs in equal ratio and AQ2 1 U of Taq DNA polymerase (Qiagen). The ISSR primers used are reported in Table II. Top Taq DNA polymerase was used at 1 U per reaction. The ISSR-PCR amplification was performed in a Mastercycler Gradient thermal cycler (Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany) under the following temperature profile: 948C for 5 min to denature, 42 cycles at 948C for 40 s to denature, 558C for 40 s to anneal, 728C for 90 s to extend and finally 1 cycle at 728C for 7 min. The ISSR products were separated by electrophoresis in 2% MetaPhor agarose gel run with TBE AQ3 buffer. Amplifications were performed at least twice and only reproducible bands were taken into account for further data analysis. Photographs (Gel Doc 2000 Biorad, USA) of the ethidiumbromide-stained gels visualized by ultravoilet light illumination were taken. Data analysis 255 260 265 270 Each amplified DNA band was scored using the binary system that recorded the presence (1) or absence (0) of the band. The binary matrix was analysed using the software POPGENE version 1.32 (Yeh et al. 1997) assuming Hardy–Weinberg disequilibrium. Genetic diversity was estimated according to the following parameters: the percentage of polymorphic bands (PPB%), Shannon’s index (Sh), Nei’s gene diversity (H) and the gene differentiation coefficient (GST) according to Nei (1973). The level of gene flow (Nm) was measured following the equation Nm ¼ (1/GST 7 1)/2 (Nei 1973). To visualize genetic relationships among subpopulations, a dendrogram was constructed on the Table II. ISSR primers, number of total reliable bands (NTB) and NPB with PPB for each primer used in this study. Primer 275 280 285 UBC808 UBC811 UBC818 UBC822 UBC825 UBC826 UBC827 UBC830 UBC834 UBC862 Total Mean Sequence (50 ! 30 ) (AG)8C (GA)8C (CA)8G (TC)8A (AC)8T (AC)8C (AC)8G (TG)8G (AG)8YT (AGC)5 NTB NPB PPB% 11 13 15 12 10 9 6 9 12 7 104 10.4 7 9 12 10 4 4 3 9 8 1 67 6.7 63.64 69.23 80.00 83.33 40.00 44.44 50.00 100.00 66.67 14.29 64.42 3 basis of the unweighted pair-group method average (UPGMA) and Nei’s genetic distance by using the software POPGENE. Principal coordinates analysis (PCoA) was performed to investigate and ordinate associations between subpopulations with Dice genetic distance matrix. Such analysis was carried out by using the software PAST version 1.94 (Hammer et al. 2001). Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) was performed using Genalex software, version 6.1 (Peakall & Smouse 2006) to estimate the genetic structure and degree of genetic differentiation within and among the subpopulations of the four localities. The test of significance for the AMOVA was carried out on 999 data permutations. To analyse the patterns of genetic variations along bioecological gradients, Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r) was calculated, between Nei’s genetic distance and the biotic/abiotic factors related to the four localities. The following bioecological data were obtained from Fenu et al. (2011): minimum, mean and maximum value of altitude of the localities, slope and aspect number of ramets, percentage of reproductive ramets, number of capitula per ramet and area (mq). The significance of the genetic and geographic distances matrixes was tested by the Mantel test, using 999 random permutations. Both analyses were carried out with the PAST program. 290 295 300 305 310 315 Results The 10 selected ISSR primers generated a total of 104 reproducible bands, with size ranging from 200 to 3000 base pairs across all samples of the four subpopulations, with an average of 10.4 PCR products per primer. The number of polymorphic bands (NPB) was 67 (64.42%). The primers UBC830 and UBC822 exhibited the highest level of variability, yielding 100% and 83.33% of polymorphic bands, respectively (Table II). At the subpopulation level, the PPB ranged from 14.42%, for both Lf and Ski, to 36.54% for the Baa (Table III). As for the genetic diversity distribution among the four subpopulations, the estimates of Nei’s genetic diversity (H) ranged from 0.0431 (Ski) and 0.11 (Baa; Table III). In addition, Shannon’s diversity index showed a similar trend. Nei’s coefficient of gene differentiation (GST) was 0.4984. Results also highlighted a scarce gene flow between the studied subpopulations (Nm ¼ 0. 5033, Table III). Nei’s distance index, based on UPGMA dendrogram (Figure 1(A)), revealed a differentiation of the Lf from the others ones. The Ski and Baa are grouped in a separate cluster. 320 325 330 335 340 4 345 350 G. Bacchetta et al. Table III. Statistical analysis of genetic diversity in L. microcephala subpopulations (number in parentheses are standard deviation); NPB, number of polymorphic bands; PPB%, percentage of polymorphic bands; na, observed number of alleles; ne, effective number of alleles; H, Nei’s genetic diversity; Sh, Shannon index; GST, gene differentiation coefficient; Nm, gene flow. Level NPB PPB% Lf Ld Ski Baa Species Mean 15 36 15 38 67 34.2 14.42 34.62 14.42 36.54 64.42 32.9 ne na 1.1630 1.3804 1.1442 1.3654 1.6442 1.3288 (0.3714) (0.4882) (0.3530) (0.4839) (0.4811) 1.0983 1.1593 1.0692 1.1824 1.2285 1.1422 (0.2621) (0.2898) (0.1991) (0.3085) (0.3276) H 0.0563 0.0982 0.0431 0.1104 0.1404 0.0866 (0.1420) (0.1609) (0.1179) (0.1718) (0.1749) Sh 0.0840 0.1542 0.0666 0.1696 0.2233 0.1348 (0.2049) (0.2354) (0.1760) (0.2507) (0.2484) GST 400 Nm 405 0.4984 0.5033 410 355 415 360 420 365 425 370 430 375 435 380 385 390 395 Figure 1. (A) The UPGMA dendrogram of the four subpopulations computed using the Nei’s genetic distance based on ISSR data. (B) PCoA based on Dice genetic distances. The first two principal coordinates explained 34.32% and 16.13%, respectively, of the molecular variance. The elliptic lines indicated 95% confidence intervals. Abbreviations: Lf, Fonni (square); Ld, Desulo (cross); Ski, Bruncu Spina (dark grey circle); Baa, Bau ‘e Laccos (grey triangle). In PCoA based on Dice distance between all pairs of samples, the first two principal coordinates explained 34.32% (eigenvalue 0.195) and 16.13% (eigenvalue 0.092) of the molecular variance (Figure 1(B)). The AMOVA values (Table IV), obtained by ISSR data, showed that 53% of the total variation is attributed to the individuals within while 47% is due to differences among subpopulations (P 5 0.001). Significant correlations according to Pearson’s correlation (r) were found between Nei’s genetic distance and two bioecological parameters: minimum value of altitude and slope (Table V(A)). 440 Mantel test revealed a non-significant correlation 445 between the genetic and geographical distance matrixes (Table V(B); r2 ¼ 70.3553; P 4 0.05). AQ4 Discussion 450 Reduced genetic diversity is often found in populations of endemic and rare plant species (Cole 2003; Shao et al. 2009; Viana e Souza & Lovato 2010). However, evidences that high genetic variability may be retained by rare or narrowly distributed species 455 are also reported, especially in perennial species with Genetic diversity of L. microcephala Ellstrand and Roose (1987) reported that many clonal species show a higher genetic variability than their population size might suggest. The L. microcephala subpopulations, ranging from the two slopes of the Mount Bruncu Spina as a whole (Bacchetta et al. 2007), were probably a unique population in origin, then spatially fragmented during the last century into four localities, distant from 588 m to 2357 m (minimum distance), from each other. This phenomenon was due to human activities such as building of a ski run (1972–1973) and overgrazing (Fenu et al. 2011). At present, these four subpopulations could be considered only partially isolated: (a) spatially as the large Ld is located on the south-western Bruncu Spina slope, while the other ones are situated on the north-eastern slopes (Figure 1); (b) genetically, also due to the mainly clonal reproductive characters of the species (Diana Corrias 1977), that may favour reproductive isolation also of closed localities, as detected by a low level of gene flow. In any case, the low Nm value could be due to nature of ISSR makers that generally score a lower rate of polymorphism with respect to other types of markers (see Ci et al. 2008). We cannot exclude residual genetic exchanges among subpopulations as some species belonging to Carduinae subtribe close to Lamyropsis (e.g. Cynara and Cirsium) are mostly recent habitat fragmentation (Ge et al. 1997; Ayres & Ryan 1999; Luan et al. 2006; De Vita et al. 2009; Gentili et al. 2010). In comparison with other species of the same family, on the basis of ISSR markers, the present study shows that L. microcephala conserves a moderate level of genetic diversity at the total population level (PPB ranging from 14.42% to 36.54%; mean 32.9%; Table III). In particular, a PPB% comparable to that present in L. microcephala was found in the widespread Cirsium arvense populations (PPB ranging from 33% to 67%; mean 46.7%), belonging to the same Cardueae tribe (Hettwer & Gerowitt 2004). In Cirsium hillii, genetic differentiation among populations was low, along with the presence of private alleles in some populations and low gene flow (Freeland et al. 2010). On the other hand, a work on Carduus acanthoides (a ruderal species) revealed weak evidence of inbreeding within populations and very low genetic differentiation among populations (Mandak et al. 2009). Our data confirm previous papers reporting that not all rare species, often present with small populations, have a scarce level of genetic diversity (Ranker 1994; Wang et al. 2006). In particular, Mameli et al. (2008) detected a medium–high amount of genetic variability for another remnant Sardinian endemic belonging to the Asteraceae family (Centaurea horrida Badaro`), while 460 465 470 475 480 5 515 520 525 530 535 540 485 Table IV. The AMOVAs of the studied localities of L. microcephala based on 999 permutations. Abbreviations: df, degrees of freedom; SSD, sum of square deviations; MSD, mean square deviations. 490 Source of variation df SSD MSD Estimated variance Total variance (%) P-Value Among localities Within localities Total 3 52 55 180.183 235.626 415.808 60.061 4.531 4.081 4.531 8.612 47 53 100 50.001 50.001 545 550 495 AQ7 Table V. (A) Results of Pearson’s correlation between genetic diversity and 10 bioecological variables taken from Fenu et al. (2011). (B) Results of Mantel’s test between the genetic (under the diagonal) and geographical (m; above the diagonal) distance matrixes. A 500 505 555 Pearson’s r P-Value Density No. of ramets Reproductive ramets (%) No. of capitula per ramets Area (mq) Altitude (min) Altitude (max) Altitude (mean) Slope Aspect 70.22 n.s. 0.38 n.s. 0.19 n.s. 0.72 n.s. 0.33 n.s. 70.96 0.04 0.22 n.s. 70.58 n.s. 70.97 0.03 70.39 n.s. 560 B Code 510 Lf Ld Ski Baa Lf Ld Ski Baa – 0.0919 0.1767 0.171 588.11 – 0.1036 0.08 268.86 565.69 – 0.0241 2,042.34 2,357.07 1,862.91 – Note: R ¼ 70.3553; P ¼ 0.876. 565 570 575 580 585 590 595 600 605 610 615 620 625 6 G. Bacchetta et al. pollinated by bees, as well as butterflies and beetles. We hypothesized that such behaviour may also be valid for L. microcephala. Nevertheless, even if bees and other insects are able to fly for few kilometres (Pasquet et al. 2009), while the majority of betweenflower flies occur within, very few occur between even close plant localities. Moreover long-distance pollen flow is very difficult to assess also by genetic studies (Pasquet et al. 2009). Although the genetic distances among subpopulations were low, our results showed a marked distinction of the Lf one. In particular, according to PCoA, we found a clear relationship between Ski and Baa subpopulations but not between these and the Lf one. This pattern suggests the presence of recent genetic drift phenomena from the biggest Ld subpopulation (in a central position with respect to the others in the PCoA). The Ski and Baa likely have a common origin or history, probably due to extinction and colonization events and a recent spatial fragmentation. Even if Lf is located no far from the others ones, the scarce gene flow among subpopulations (Nm ¼ 0.5033; Table III) and the small size indicates a substantial isolation, probably due to the disrupted interactions with pollinators (Kearns et al. 1998; Jadwiszczak et al. 2011). On the other hand, the small size of Lf and Ski makes them extremely vulnerable to the effects of demographic, environmental and genetic stochasticity (Menges 1998; Holsinger 2000; Fre´ville et al. 2007). Despite the low number of subpopulations (determining a weak correlation), we found that subpopulations with lower slope inclination and reaching the bottom valleys (lower altitude) had higher size and genetic diversity. This pattern could be due to the following reasons: (a) growth sites with lower inclination are more stable from a geomorphologic point of view, with a reduced rock/debris fall activity and the presence of thicker soils with higher surface cover; (b) lower inclination favours persistence of snow cover, determining soil moisture persistence until late summer and, therefore, favourable conditions for seed germination (Mattana et al. 2009); (c) more favourable growing conditions may encourage a better reproductive biology. The Ld and Baa subpopulations are likely to have a higher plant viability in relation to suitability of habitat (Nicole` et al. 2011), consequently higher individual number and genetic diversity with respect to Lf and Ski. However, endemic or narrow distributed species with small populations may persist for long periods in biogeographic niches and avoid extinction due to their ecological specialization and clonal reproduction (Williams et al. 2009; Gentili et al. 2011). In conclusion, although the limited sample sizes (mainly for the Lf subpopulation), this study allowed a preliminary assessment of this species in the remnant localities where it lives to be carried out and highlighted the importance of their protection for the long-term conservation of this species. 630 However, a more exhaustive study should be carried out in order to quantify the extinction risk of this species and to plan correct conservation measures. Acknowledgements 635 The authors wish to thank the Regione Autonoma della Sardegna, for the financial support provided for the activities carried out by the Centro Conservazione Biodiversita` (Project Sardegna 03, ‘‘Tutela di 640 specie vegetali endemiche esclusive della Sardegna ad areale puntiforme ed a grave pericolo di estinzione’’). The authors are grateful to Prof. Gianni Barcaccia (Agripolis, University of Padova) for providing help- 645 ful critical comments on the manuscript. References Abeli T, Gentili R, Rossi G, Bedini G, Foggi B. 2009. Can the IUCN criteria be effectively applied to peripheral isolated plant populations? Biodivers Conserv 18: 3877–3890. Arrigoni PV. 1974. I tipi di vegetazione e le entita` floristiche in pericolo di estinzione nella Sardegna Centrale. Biol Contemp 3: 97–104. Ayres DR, Ryan FJ. 1999. Genetic diversity and structure of the narrow endemic, Wyethia reticulata, and its congener W. bolanderi (Asteraceae) using RAPD and allozyme techniques. 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