Application Cover Sheet for Standard Events Sponsored by SOPHE
Application Cover Sheet for Standard Events Sponsored by SOPHE
Society for Public Health Education Multiple Event Provider Number DC007 Application Cover Sheet for Standard Events Sponsored by SOPHE Name of Event: A Call to Action: Matching SOPHE Membership Expertise with CDC’s National Tobacco CPPW Tobacco-Funded Communities Date of Event: December 16, 2010 Name of Sponsoring Organization(s): Society for Public Health Education; Contact Person: Nicolette Warren, MS, CHES Address: 10 G Street NE, Suite 605 City: Washington State: DC Zip: 20002 Telephone: (202) 408-9804 Fax: (202) 408-9815 E-Mail: Please check to make sure that the following have been included in the application: A completed Distance Learning Event Cover Sheet The completed Distance Learning Event Application Form The Distance Learning Event Brochure-Must include appropriate wording for CHES credit Evaluation Tool(s) to be used (individual sessions and program if different) Within 30 days following the event you must complete and return the Provider Event Report Form and required paperwork to the chapter continuing education chair or designated person. If a National event to the National Office. After the application has been approved and a CE number assigned, the chapter or National CE contact will provide: Participant Roster form Certificate of Attendance Society for Public Health Education Multiple Event Provider Number DC007 Society for Public Health Education Standard Event Application Form for CHES Continuing Education Credits Directions: Complete all of the following information and attach the required materials as listed on the Distance Learning Event Application Cover Sheet. Return the completed form(s) to the CE Committee Chair at least 30 days before the Event. There must be a minimum of one (1) CHES on the planning committee and the event must be at least one hour in length. Calculate the total number of Continuing Education Contact Hours: Count the total hours for the event including all sessions but not including welcoming remarks, breaks, exhibits, poster sessions, meals, and receptions. This will be the rough number of hours and should be rounded to the closest quarter-hour. For example: two hours and fifteen minutes = 2.25 CECH, two hours and ten minutes = 2.25 CECH, two hours and thirty-five minutes = 2.5 CECH, and two hours forty-five minutes = 2.75 CECH. National Events will be given a National CE Event number once the completed materials are received and approved by the CE Committee. Chapter Events should be given a Chapter CE Event number when received and approved by the Chapter CE Committee. Part I Provider Information: Organizing name: Society for Public Health Education Address: 10 G Street NE, Suite 605 City: Washington State: DC Telephone: (202) 408-9804 Fax: (202) 408-9815 E-mail: Contact person: Nicolette Warren, MS, CHES Title: Director of Health Equity Address (if different): Phone/Fax/E-Mail (if different): Zip: 20002 Society for Public Health Education Multiple Event Provider Number DC007 Part II Event Planning Committee (must include at least one CHES): Member: Nicolette Warren, MS, CHES CHES #: 10135 Organizational affiliation: Society for Public Health Education Member: Rosemarie Matulionis CHES #: Organizational affiliation: Society for Public Health Education Member: Meaghan McHugh CHES #: Organizational affiliation: Society for Public Health Education Member: Laura Boyle CHES #: Organizational affiliation: Society for Public Health Education (Use separate sheet to list additional planning committee members) Part III Event Information: Event title: A Call to Action: Matching SOPHE Membership Expertise with CDC’s National Tobacco CPPW Tobacco-Funded Communities Date(s) of event: December 16, 2010 Location of event: Webinar [Web seminar] Type of event: conference directed self-study seminar x distance learning workshop other: Maximum number of CECH (1 CECH = 60 minutes) attainable by an individual at this event (includes conference, pre and post conference workshops but does not include poster sessions, business meetings, welcoming remarks, breaks, receptions, and exhibits): 1.5 Briefly explain how the need for this event was determined. SOPHE organized this webinar on tobacco prevention and control to provide information and training to public health educators. SOPHE identified CDC officials and SOPHE members to discuss the Communities Putting Prevention to Work project and resources. This single-session event will discuss evidence-based and successful approaches to tobacco prevention and control. This timely event will assist health educators in their professional development and increase their ability to serve as a resource person in health education. The presenter will cater this webinar to the target audience of public health educators, and will provide examples of opportunities for SOPHE members and chapters to implement evidence-based tobacco approaches. Society for Public Health Education Multiple Event Provider Number DC007 Check the area(s) of Responsibilities for Health Educators that are met by the session(s) behavioral/learning objectives. A single two-hour event need only address one Responsibility. Assessing individual and community needs for health education. Planning effective health education events. Implementing health education events. Evaluating effectiveness of health education events. Coordinating provision of health education services. Acting as a resource person in health education. Communicating health and health education needs, concerns and resources. Part IV. SOPHE Contact: Please address all questions to and return all completed application materials and the Event Report Sheet after the event to: Name: Nicolette Warren, MS, CHES Title: Director of Health Equity Address: 10 G Street NE, Ste 605 City: Washington State: DC Zip: 20002 Phone: (202) 408-9804 Fax: (202) 408-9815 E-Mail: Please attach: Event Brochure (Must include appropriate wording about CHES credit). Evaluation Tool(s) (sample of both session tools and program tool if different). Individual Session Application Form(s) one for each session at the event. Within 30 days after the event the completed Event Report form must be sent to the Continuing Education Chair. The Provider Event Report form requires the completed typed information: Final Roster Sheets Summary of the evaluations Number of participants obtaining CECH Number of CECH awarded in total Fees for the credit hours awarded. Society for Public Health Education Multiple Event Provider Number DC007 Society for Public Health Education Individual Session Application Form for CHES Continuing Education Contact Hours Session Title: A Call to Action: Matching SOPHE Membership Expertise with CDC’s National Tobacco CPPW Tobacco-Funded Communities Please include complete data for all presenters (use the reverse side for additional speakers) Presenter # 1 Name: Rose Marie Matulionis, MSPH Current Position (Title): Senior Project Director Organization: Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE) Work Address: 10 G Street, NE Suite 605 Daytime Phone/FAX: 2-408-9804/202-408-9815 Email: Bio: Ms. Matulionis is SOPHE’s Senior Project Director, managing the Communities Putting Prevention to Work initiative funded by HHS. This funding supports SOPHE, as one of ten national organizations, to assist the CPPW funded communities implement prevention policy focusing on obesity and tobacco prevention and control. Prior to joining SOPHE, Ms. Matulionis served as the Executive Director of the Directors of Health Promotion and Education from 1996 to 2010; and as the Program Director for the Association of Teachers of Preventive Medicine from 1992-1996. Her work has included the Prince Georges County Health Department (MD), Office of Health Promotion, the Vermont Department of Health Office of Health Promotion; and the Vermont Department of Health and Human Services. Her areas of interest include prevention policy, implementation of evidence-based interventions, and training the public health workforce. Ms. Matulionis has co-authored several publications, articles, and curricula. She also serves as a trainer for community training related to competency-based policy skills, Shaping Policy for Health. Presenter #2 Name: Meaghan McHugh, MPH Organization: Current Position (Title): Project Manager Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE) Work Address: 10 G Street, NE Suite 605 Daytime Phone/FAX: 2-408-9804/202-408-9815 Email: Bio: Meaghan McHugh, MPH is the Project Manager for the Community Putting Prevention to Work (CPPW) initiative, with funding provided by HHS. Prior to joining SOPHE, Ms. McHugh served as Senior Program Coordinator for the Montgomery County (MD) Tobacco Use Prevention and Cessation Program. As a certified tobacco addiction specialist, Ms. McHugh has provided group and individual cessation counseling to adolescents, young adults and adults who wish to quit using tobacco. Before her work in tobacco control, Ms. McHugh has served as Senior Program Manager for Health Promotion at Special Olympics, Intl., Director for the DodgeJefferson Healthier Community Partnership, a community-based organization in Wisconsin and Director of Environmental Programs for the National Association of State Development Agencies. Meaghan McHugh received her Bachelors Degree in Economics from Holy Cross College and Masters in Public Health from Johns Hopkins University. *************************************** Presenter #3 Name: Laura Boyle Organization: Current Position (Title): Project Director Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE) Society for Public Health Education Multiple Event Provider Number DC007 Work Address: 10 G Street, NE Suite 605 Daytime Phone/FAX: 2-408-9804/202-408-9815 Email: Bio: Laura Boyle is the Project Director of Media for the Community Putting Prevention to Work (CPPW) initiative, with funding provided by HHS. Laura is a media specialist, seasoned writer, and senior editor of publications, promotional materials, press releases, technical proposals, and reports. In addition to developing high quality print materials, Laura has written and edited web copy for corporate websites as well as social media channels. She has extensive experience in reaching target audiences with appropriate messages that are culturally relevant and easy to understand. In addition, she has managed programs and projects with a regional or national reach. She is adept at developing and implementing marketing and communication plans with clear, measurable goals and deliverables. Laura has a master’s degree in public health and a master’s degree in international policy and practice. A certified health education specialist, Laura has experience and knowledge of health topics such as tobacco control and prevention, cervical and breast cancer, international health and development, child development and fetal alcohol syndrome, health literacy, and reaching special populations. *************************************** Presenter #4 Name: Rebecca Bunnell Current Position (Title): Program Director Organization: Center for Disease Control and Prevention/DACH/CPPW Work Address: 3005 Chamble Tucker Road Atlanta, GA 30341 Daytime Phone/FAX: 770-488-2524 Email: Bio: Dr. Rebecca Bunnell is the Program Director at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention/DACH/CPPW. *************************************** Behavioral Learning Objectives By the end of the session, the participant will be able to: Here are the learning objectives of the webinar: Participants will be able to: Describe the Communities Putting Prevention to Work Project and new tobacco control and prevention resources available Identify at least two activities communities implementation targets for the CPPW Project Communicate the importance of SOPHE’s role in the Communities Putting Prevention to Work Project and activities for SOPHE members involvement ********************************************************************************************* Webinar Agenda Time 1:00 PM 1:05 PM 1:27 PM 1:49 PM Activity Welcome/Introduction Presenter Laura Boyle Overview of Communities Putting Prevention to Work SOPHE’s Role in CPPW Opportunities for SOPHE Rebecca Bunnell Rose Marie Matulionis Meaghan McHugh Society for Public Health Education Multiple Event Provider Number DC007 2:25 PM members Opportunities for SOPHE chapters Questions/Answers 2:30 PM Adjourn 2:09 PM Laura Boyle Society for Public Health Education Multiple Event Provider Number DC007 A Call to Action: Matching SOPHE Membership Expertise with CDC’s National CPPW Tobacco-Funded Communities December 16 | 1:00pm ‐ 2:30pm ET _ Developed to inform SOPHE members and partners about the new initiatives around the CPPW grant provided by the Department of Health and Human Services. Speakers will present from 1:00pm‐2:25pm followed by a Q & A session. Presenters: Rebecca Bunnell Program Director, CPPW, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Rose Marie Matulionis, MSPH Senior Project Officer, CPPW Initiative, SOPHE Meaghan McHugh, MPH Project Manager, CPPW Initiative, SOPHE Laura Boyle, MPH, CHES, MIPP Project Director for Media, CPPW Initiative, SOPHE Check out National Health Education Week 2010 resources @ To Register: Registration Password: Fall2010 Please note – If you are unable to attend this webinar, it will be recorded and available on SOPHE’s Continuing Education Self Study page at: An application has been submitted to award up to 1.5 Continuing Education Contact Hours (CECH) for certified health education specialists (CHES). SOPHE, including its chapters, is a designated multiple event provider of CECHs by the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing. **Fees apply for CHES credits S O C I E T Y F O R P U B L I C H E A L T H E D U C A T I O N 10 G Street, NE Suite 605 Washington, DC 20002 Phone: 202/408.9804 Fax: 202/408.9815 Society for Public Health Education Multiple Event Provider Number DC007 A Call to Action: Matching SOPHE Membership Expertise with CDC’s National Tobacco CPPW Tobacco-Funded Communities Instructions for Evaluating the Webinar and Requesting Continuing Education Credit Your feedback is important to the Planning Committee and helps us continue to create a training program that meets your needs. It also allows us to consider new opportunities and content that adds value for participants. If you wish to receive Continuing Education Contact Hours (CECH), you must complete the necessary forms, and turn in your documentation with payment to the National SOPHE office. 1. Complete and sign the evaluation form. You must answer all questions to receive credit. 2. Mark the Participation Record indicating your attendance by placing an X in the box on the matrix next to the session title. Total the number of credits you earned in the column labeled “CECH” and write it is as the total credits for which you are applying. 3. To receive credit, complete and sign the Continuing Education Form. 4. CECH Fees are applicable. The fee for this event (1.5 credit hours) is: $10.50 for National SOPHE members, $21.00 for non-members. Checks or credit card (Visa, MasterCard, or Discover) payments will be accepted. Checks should be made payable to SOPHE. 5. Mail or fax (preferred) the required items to: SOPHE Attn: A Call to Action: Matching SOPHE Membership Expertise with CDC’s National Tobacco CPPW Tobacco-Funded Communities 10 G Street NE; Suite 605 Washington, DC 20002 (202) 408-9804 (202) 408-9815 FAX Society for Public Health Education Multiple Event Provider Number DC007 A Call to Action: Matching SOPHE Membership Expertise with CDC’s National Tobacco CPPW Tobacco-Funded Communities December 16, 2010 Continuing Education Form and Participation Record Event # 01-155DL If you are applying for Continuing Education Contact Hours (CECH) you must complete all of this form and print and sign your name on the bottom of the overall evaluation form. The following information is REQUIRED for ALL participants requesting Continuing Education Contact Hours for CHES (please print): Name: Signature: CHES # Address City, State and Zip: Phone: Fax: Email: Credit Card Payment Information: Cardholder Name (if different from above): Billing Address (if different from above): City, State and Zip: Method of Payment: Visa MasterCard Discover Credit Card Number: Expiration Date Signature of Cardholder: Total: $ **************************************************************************** A Call to Action: Matching SOPHE Membership Expertise with CDC’s National Tobacco CPPW Tobacco-Funded Communities X (indicate participation by placing an “X” next to the session titles) Time CECHs “X” Below Tuesday, December 16, 2010 1:00-2:30 1.5 Welcome/Introductions Laura Boyle Overview of Communities Putting Prevention to Work Rose Marie Matunlionis SOPHE’s Role in CPPW Meaghan McHugh Opportunities for SOPHE members Laura Boyle Opportunities for SOPHE chapters Rebecca Bunnell TOTAL NUMBER OF HOURS REQUESTED for sessions attended (Participant to Complete) (Note: Round to nearest .25) Society for Public Health Education Multiple Event Provider Number DC007 A Call to Action: Matching SOPHE Membership Expertise with CDC’s National Tobacco CPPW Tobacco-Funded Communities Evaluation Form Date: December 16, 2010 Time: 1:00 PM -2:30 PM Event Number: 01-155DL 1.5 CECH for CHES Please complete this evaluation. If applying for continuing education credits you MUST complete all questions. For each of the following questions, mark (X) the column that best represents your opinion regarding this session. Use the rating scale of 1-5 (1=strongly disagree, 5=strongly agree) Learner Objectives As a result of this session, I am able to: 1. Strongly Disagree 1 2 Neutral 3 4 Strongly Agree 5 Describe the Communities Putting Prevention to Work Project and new tobacco control and prevention resources available Identify at least two activities communities implementation targets for the CPPW Project Communicate the importance of SOPHE’s role in the Communities Putting Prevention to Work Project and activities for SOPHE members involvement 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Rose Marie Matulionis demonstrated mastery of the topic. Rose Marie Matulionis was an effective presenter. Meaghan McHugh demonstrated mastery of the topic. Meaghan McHugh was an effective presenter. Laura Boyle demonstrated mastery of the topic. Laura Boyle was an effective presenter. Rebecca Bunnell demonstrated mastery of the topic. Rebecca Bunnell was an effective presenter. The session was timely in terms of current public health and health education practice. Please answer the following questions. 1. Suggestions for presentation improvement such as length, audiovisuals, handouts, materials, or what you would change about this session. 2. Additional Comments/Observations Thank you for your feedback! Society for Public Health Education, 10 G St. NE, Suite 605, Washington, DC 20002-4242 Society for Public Health Education Multiple Event Provider Number DC007 Certificate of Attendance A Call to Action: Matching SOPHE Membership Expertise with CDC’s National Tobacco CPPW TobaccoFunded Communities December 16, 2010 EVENT # 01-155DL NCHEC PROVIDER NUMBER DC0007 Name of Participant: CHES Number:__________________________________ Category I Contact Hours Completed: SOPHE is designated as a provider of continuing education contact hours in health education by The National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, Inc. This program is a designated event for CHES to receive up to 1.5 Category I CECH in health education. __________________________________________ SOPHE CHES Representative Society for Public Health Education Multiple Event Provider Number DC007 Society For Public Health Education, Inc. Provider Event Report Form (This form is to be submitted to the National SOPHE Office, with the enclosures listed below, NO LATER THAN 30 DAYS FOLLOWING THE EVENT. A duplicate of this form without fees must be sent to the National CE Committee Chair. A late fee of $50 will apply to all reports received later than 30 days.) NCHEC Provider Number: DC0007 I. Date of Report: Provider: Address: Contact Person: Phone: II. Event Number: FAX: 01-155DL Email: Event Date(s): December 16, 2010 Event Title: A Call to Action: Matching SOPHE Membership Expertise with CDC’s National Tobacco CPPW Tobacco-Funded Communities Location: Webinar #CECHs approved: 1.5 # CHES receiving CECH in attendance: Total # CECHS received by CHES at event: (multiply # approved X # CHES in attendance) III. Attach a completed final typed roster form. Please use the Roster Form that is supplied. Duplicate the pages as many times as needed for your complete participant list. IV. Please attach a summary of the evaluation conducted at the conclusion of the event. V. Fee (check made payable to SOPHE): $ 1.50 X (Total #CECHs received - II line 5) Signature of Event Coordinator: = $ (amount enclosed) Society for Public Health Education Multiple Event Provider Number DC007 Post Event - Participant Roster Form Event Date: December 16, 2010 Event Number: 01-155DL Event Title: A Call to Action: Matching SOPHE Membership Expertise with CDC’s National Tobacco CPPW Tobacco-Funded Communities Number of CECH assigned to the event: 1.5 Total Number of CECH earned by CHES at the Event: CHES # Last Name First Name 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. This form may be duplicated as needed. CECH Earned Society for Public Health Education Multiple Event Provider Number DC007 CECH Event Review Form Name of Reviewer: Email Address: Name of Event: A Call to Action: Matching SOPHE Membership Expertise with CDC’s National Tobacco CPPW Tobacco-Funded Communities Date of Event: December 16, 2010 # CECH for CHES Requested: 1.5 Review Due Date: Please check YES or NO to indicate whether you believe each of the review criteria has been met satisfactorily for the event as a whole and for each individual session. Add any comments in the space provided. Overall Program: Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No 1. Membership on the planning committee meets requirements. 2. Appropriate wording appears on event materials. 3. Needs assessment has been conducted. 4. Agenda includes time frames. 5. Draft copies of evaluation forms are appropriate for this event. Comments: Individual Sessions: Session: Overall Evaluation only Yes No 1. Responsibilities/Competencies addressed. Yes No 2. Presenter information is appropriate and complete. Yes No 3. Objectives included. Yes No 4. Evaluation tool is appropriate for session. Comments: I approve this event for CECH for CHES. I approve this event for CECH for CHES, contingent on the following: I do not approve this event for CECH for CHES. Please email/fax/send this form to: Nicolette Warren Society for Public Health Education 10 G St., NE Suite 605 Washington, DC 20002 P: (202) 408-9804 F: (202) 408-9815 Email: Society for Public Health Education Multiple Event Provider Number DC007 CECH Event Review Form Name of Reviewer: Email Address: Name of Event: A Call to Action: Matching SOPHE Membership Expertise with CDC’s National Tobacco CPPW Tobacco-Funded Communities Date of Event: December 16, 2010 # CECH for CHES Requested: 1.5 Review Due Date: Please check YES or NO to indicate whether you believe each of the review criteria has been met satisfactorily for the event as a whole and for each individual session. Add any comments in the space provided. Overall Program: Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No 1. Membership on the planning committee meets requirements. 2. Appropriate wording appears on event materials. 3. Needs assessment has been conducted. 4. Agenda includes time frames. 5. Draft copies of evaluation forms are appropriate for this event. Comments: Individual Sessions: Session: Overall Evaluation only Yes No 1. Responsibilities/Competencies addressed. Yes No 2. Presenter information is appropriate and complete. Yes No 3. Objectives included. Yes No 4. Evaluation tool is appropriate for session. Comments: I approve this event for CECH for CHES. I approve this event for CECH for CHES, contingent on the following: I do not approve this event for CECH for CHES. Please email/fax/send this form to: Nicolette Warren Society for Public Health Education 10 G St., NE Suite 605 Washington, DC 20002 P: (202) 408-9804 F: (202) 408-9815 Email: Society for Public Health Education Multiple Event Provider Number DC007 CECH Event Review Form Name of Reviewer: Email Address: Name of Event: A Call to Action: Matching SOPHE Membership Expertise with CDC’s National Tobacco CPPW Tobacco-Funded Communities Date of Event: December 16, 2010 # CECH for CHES Requested: 1.5 Review Due Date: Please check YES or NO to indicate whether you believe each of the review criteria has been met satisfactorily for the event as a whole and for each individual session. Add any comments in the space provided. Overall Program: Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No 1. Membership on the planning committee meets requirements. 2. Appropriate wording appears on event materials. 3. Needs assessment has been conducted. 4. Agenda includes time frames. 5. Draft copies of evaluation forms are appropriate for this event. Comments: Individual Sessions: Session: Overall Evaluation only Yes No 1. Responsibilities/Competencies addressed. Yes No 2. Presenter information is appropriate and complete. Yes No 3. Objectives included. Yes No 4. Evaluation tool is appropriate for session. Comments: I approve this event for CECH for CHES. I approve this event for CECH for CHES, contingent on the following: I do not approve this event for CECH for CHES. Please email/fax/send this form to: Nicolette Warren Society for Public Health Education 10 G St., NE Suite 605 Washington, DC 20002 P: (202) 408-9804 F: (202) 408-9815 Email:
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