COVER SHEET CHURCH NAME: St. Mary of the Assumption


COVER SHEET CHURCH NAME: St. Mary of the Assumption
St. Mary of the Assumption
5 Linden Place
Brookline, MA 02445
FOR WEEK OF (Sunday Date):
March 18, 2012
Cover is page 2.
FAX: 617-734-3001
Saint Mary of the Assumption Parish
The Catholic Com m unity of Brookline, M A .
St. Mary’s Church
3 Linden Place
Brookline Village
St. Lawrence Church
774 Boylston St. (Rt.9)
Chestnut Hill
Our Two Churches…
Fr. Brian Clary, Pastor
Fr. Robert Congdon, Parochial Vicar
Fr. Michael Harkins, In Residence
J. Scott Abercrombie, Jr., Senior Deacon
Jim Manzi, Permanent Deacon
Mr. Adrian Milik, Transitional Deacon
Pastoral Offices
Five Linden Place
Brookline, MA. 02445-7311
617-734- 0444
FAX 617-734-3001
Sunday Masses:
St. Lawrence Church - Sunday - 9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Anglican Use
St. Mary’s Church - Saturday - 4:00 p.m. Sunday - 8:00, 9:30 & 11:30 a.m.
Weekday Masses:
St. Mary’s Church
Monday through Friday 12:10 p.m. and Saturday - 8:00 a.m.
Sacraments of Initiation: Adults interested in receiving the Sacraments of Baptism or Confirmation or in
becoming Catholic should speak to Gail Corcoran. Parish Baptisms for children are celebrated the first Sunday
at St. Mary’s at 1:30 and other times by request at both St. Lawrence and St. Mary’s Churches. Parents are
asked to call the pastoral office to register prior to the program of instruction. Instruction is the last Sunday of
the prior month at 1:30 in the rectory.
Sacrament of Reconciliation: St. Mary’s - Saturday 2:45-3:30 p.m. or by appointment
Sacrament of Marriage: It is necessary to call the rectory nine months ahead of time
Pastoral Care of the Sick and Homebound: Please let us know if you or a neighbor are going to the hospital
or are homebound so that we can pray and visit you.
Eucharistic Adoration: Wednesday following the 12:10 Mass concluding with Benediction at 1:30
Religious Education Directors:
St. Mary’s Campus 617-734-0444 (K-10) and RCIA Gail Corcoran (X302)
St. Lawrence Campus 617-755-9014 (K-8) Pam Carroll
St. Mary’s School: Principal Maureen Jutras 617-566-7184
Remembering the Parish in your will is a wonderful way to thank God and to help Saint Mary’s Parish
St. Mary of the Assumption
Brookline, Massachusetts
We Remember in Prayer
Your prayers are requested for J. Scott Abercrombie,
Lois Anderson, Jason Attride, Rose Bell, Glen
Brodeur, Bob Butler, Dick Butler, Paula Cieplik,
John W. Clark, Francis Xavier Cleary, Frank
Connelly, Dot Critchley, Dorothy Dalton, Gerald
Dean, Gisa Delgado, Pat Devine, Jim Dewire,
Colleen Donahue, Terry Dooley, David Farrell, Meg
Ferrigno, Ethel Flanagan, Rita Foley, Michael
Gately, Jose Gomez, Joan Hamilton, Flemming
Iverson, Ethel Johnson, Christine Kelley, Kiran
Kenney, George Keough, Cameron Kerr, Joanne
Lambert, Ann Larkin, Allyn Lynch, Theresa Mahan,
Dr. Anthony Maiella, Anastasios Mallios, Eilis
McComiskey, Zarek Merza, Geraldine Miller,
Michael Mullarkey, Ann Mulligan, Peggy Mullins,
Janice Murphy Sweeney, Todd Quigley, Declan
Quinlan, Christine Reti, Michael Riley, Maeve
Rock, Bob Sachetti, Virginia Solomon, Joseph
Spinner, Nadege St. Paul, Jacob Sydney, Gene
Townsend, Dan Tynan, Sr., Rose Vaz, Bernard W.,
Brady Wein, Sister Doris Wiswell, Katherine
Zukotynski, the faithful departed, and those for
whom prayers have been requested.
Saturday, March 17
4:00 p.m. Donald J. Shea, Anniversary
Sunday March 18
8:00 a.m. Henry Grealish, Anniversary
9:00 a.m. Mary R. Sullivan, Anniversary
9:30 a.m. Leslie Fish, Anniversary
11:30 a.m. Joseph Malinn and Frank Malinn,
Tuesday, March 20
12:10 p.m. Nellie & Helen Mulvey, Memorial
Saturday, March 24
4:00 p.m. Beatrice Harrington, Anniversary
Sunday March 25
8:00 a.m. Pedro N. Arias, Memorial
9:00 a.m. Leahy Family, Anniversary
9:30 a.m. Ali Kennefick, Anniversary
11:30 a.m. Lawrence E. Varnum, Memorial
St. M ary’s P rayer R osary G roup
March 27 at 7:00 p.m. in the lower church
Sunday M orning R osary G roup
Every Sunday following the 11:30 a.m. Mass
Sacram ent of A nointing of the
Next on April 8 after the 9:00 and 11:30 am Masses.
Brown Bag Sunday This Weekend
March 17 and 18
2012 Boston Catholic Appeal
Thank you to all who have helped get our parish off
to such a fine start on this year's Catholic Appeal.
While we don't yet have the results of the first two
weeks, we were encouraged by the number of
pledges we have received. In addition to pledges,
we have collected a significant amount of cash
($1,611). We appreciate these donations very much
and understand there can be a number of reasons for
donating this way. However, we are appealing to
those who have given cash to pick up a card in the
back of the church and fill it out indicating that you
have made a onetime cash donation. You can drop it
in the collection plate next week or leave it at the
Pastoral office. This is important because it will
help us measure the number of families participating
in the Appeal. This year we want to count all
participants toward our goal of 250 families.
St. M ary’s A fghan G roup
Will meet today, March 18 at 1:30 in the school
cafeteria. New members are welcome.
Novena To St. Anthony
For The Unemployed
Tuesdays following the 12:10 pm Mass
St. Mary’s Book Club
The March selection is 'Mariette in Ecstasy' by Ron
Hansen for the meeting on March 26th at 7:00 p.m. in
the Rectory. All are welcome.
Easter Flowers
There is a custom of offering donations for flowers
in memory of our loved ones. Please drop your
offering in the collection or drop it by the rectory by
April 2 to have the names included. Envelopes are
at the entrances of the Churches.
Will be selling girl scout cookies at St. Mary's on
Sunday, March 25, after all three masses. If you
would like to donate GS cookies, our troop will be
delivering donated cookies to the Brookline Food
Pantry. Thank you for your support.
Donations for Haiti
Once again, we are collecting items to be donated to
the people of Haiti. We ask that these donations be
returned by March 28th. There are sheets in the rear
of the church with specific items listed.
these items would be most appreciated.
Any of
Fourth Sunday of Lent
Religious Education News
St. Mary’s Campus
Sunday, March 18th: Class.
Sunday, March 25th: Class. Grade 3 participates in
the 9:30 Mass.
Palm Sunday, April 1: Class, students participate in
the Entrance Procession with palm branches at the
9:30 Mass
Confirmation Rehearsal: Friday, March 23, 7 pm
at St. Lawrence Church for all candidates and their
Confirmation: 3 pm at St. Lawrence Church; all
students and sponsors must arrive to the lower
church by 2:20 pm.
Thank you to the following students from the 4th
grade who participated in last Sunday's 9:30 Mass
and a special "thank you" to their teachers Brigitte
Benitich, Joe Bizup, Deb Donahue and Robert
Donahue. Grace Bizup, Jasmine Benitich, Gabrielle
Boyd, Sidonee Brown, Christian Carrigg, Victoria
Castel, Christopher From, Sarah Gleba, Enrique
Gonzalez, Nicholas Grimes, Pilar Hincapie, Aliza
Keegan, Nicholas Maheras, Peter Maheras, Sean
McNamara, Sophia Pechan, Juliana Quiceno, Lena
Schorge, Sofia Regojo, Paulina Shea and Aidan
St. Lawrence Campus
March 18th: Class.
Friday, March 23rd: Stations of the Cross together
with a light dinner of soup and bread at 6:00pm
March 25th: Class
St. M ary’s M en’s G roup
Will meet on Thursday, March 29 at 7:00 p.m. in the
lower church. The reflection, presentation and
discussion will be led by one of our members and
will be titled “Lent and Fasting – Then and Now.”
A warm invitation is extended not just to the
members of the Men’s Group, but to all men of the
parish to attend this meeting. Come prepared to
participate in and contribute to the discussions and,
so, help all of us to better prepare for the solemnity
of the Holy Week celebrations and the glory, the joy
of the Easter celebrations.
The Light is On For you
Archdiocesan Lenten Program of Reconciliation
at St. Mary’s from 6:30–8:00 p.m. Wednesday
evening in the lower level reconciliation room.
March 17/18, 2012
Lenten Mass Schedule
Monday through Friday at 12:10 p.m.
Saturday at 8:00 a.m.
Stations of the Cross
Every Thursday Evening
At 6:00 p.m. at St. Lawrence Church
Stations of the Cross
Every Friday Evening except March 23
At 7:30 p.m. at St. Lawrence Church
Stations of the Cross and Benediction Anglican Use
Soup and Stations of the Cross
Friday, March 23 – 6:00 p.m. –St. Lawrence
Mary’s Way of the Cross – St. Mary’s Friday,
March 30th – 6:30 p.m.\
Special Invitation
All are welcome to join with Court Brookline #488,
Catholic Daughters of the Americas on Friday,
March 30th at 6:30 p.m. for Mary’s Way of the Cross
with Pat Devine as Mary. Fr. Robert Congdon will
be providing Marian music for meditation. A
Lenten dinner will follow in the lower church.
Silence is Indispensable for Prayer:
Benedict XVI concluded a series of catecheses
dedicated to the prayer of Jesus. Addressing the
10,000 pilgrims gathered in St. Peter’s Square, the
Pope explained that the first of these aspects
“concerns accepting the Word of God. Interior and
exterior silence are necessary in order to hear that
Word” be said. Yet, “our age does not, in fact,
favour reflection and contemplation; quite the
contrary it seems that people are afraid to detach
themselves, even for an instant, from the spate of
words and images which mark and fill our days”.
However, “the Gospels often show us…Jesus
withdrawing alone to a place far from the crowds,
even from His own disciples, where He can pray in
silence”. Moreover, “the great patristic tradition
teaches us that the mysteries of Christ are linked to
silence, and only in silence can the Word find a
place to dwell within us”. “This principle”, the Holy
Father went on, “holds true for individual prayer, but
also for our liturgies which, to facilitate authentic
listening, must also be rich in moments of silence
and of non verbal acceptance…Silence has the
capacity to open a space in our inner being, a space
in which God can swell, which can ensure that His
Word remains within us, and that love for him is
rooted in our minds and hearts, and animates our