Document 6526590
Document 6526590
&At?. PL: - . 1 . : :I. u. Arkansas Public Service Commission * > F & .. 7 ;IRI. Docket Summary Cover Sheet (For all dockets other than Rate Cases, "TDI1,'IC" and I1TFlfEDo&d 43 FM '12 Must be filed with each new docket med at the C o d s s i o n STYLE OF D O C m {Stylemay be changed by Secrcrary of Commission) Docket Number: In The Manex ofthe A p p l d o n of Aireeasf LLC For Ismanee of a Certificate ofPubijc Convenimce and Necessity to Provide Intrastate Compctitive LocaI Exchange And IntcrcxchangeTelecommunications Services D O C W DESIGNATOR: U A R 0P RELATED DOCKETS: Nature of Action: (See smnd sheet) PEIITIONERIINITIATIG PARTY* AireCast, LLC a l a South Arkansas Telephonc Company Fiber ATTORNEYS' NAME. ADDRESS. PHONE. FAX AND E-MAIL J. Mark Davis Wright, Lindsey 6:Jmings, LLP 300 West Capitol Avrmuc, Suite 1300 Little Rock, AR 7 2 0 1-3699 FhoncNo. 501-371-0808 403 West Main Street Hampton, AR 71744 Telephonc: (870) 942434 Far;: (870) 942-7013 FBXNO.501-376-9442 Email: I +f theminitiating panv 's not a iun- Email: I re r'dc ai d e a andamai n t e c Pursuant to Rule 2 . 0 3 0 ) of the Commission's RuIes of Practice and Procedure, please provide name, address, phon& far, e-maiI of at least one,but not more than two names io appear on theSen.Ice List for this docket J. Mark Davis, Wright, Lindsey & Jennings, LLP,200 West Capitol Avenue, Suite 2300,Little Rock, AR 72201-3699, Phone No. 501-37 I-0608,Fax No. 501376-9442; Email: jmda\is@lj.eorn Write a brief staremat, limited to the space provided hcrcia describingthe case that you are filing. Plwse provide enough infomation to assure that the name ofyour docket i s dear. AireCast, LLC is seeking a certifiwtc of public convenience and necessity to provide competitive Io& achange and interexchmgctelecommunications in Arkanszs. Form completed by: J. Mark Davis Date: December 6.2012 Representing: AireCast. LLC NATURE OF ACTION: Please choose at least one, but no more than three docket types UEC b 3 43 Pi! ‘I2 BEFORE TEE ARKANSAS PUBLIC SERVICE COMnOSSION IN THE MATTER.OFTEE APPLICATION OF AIRECAST, LLC FOR ISSUANCE OF A CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY TO PROVIDE INTRASTATE 1 COMPETITIVX L0C-G EXCHANGE AND 1 INTEREXCHANGETELECOMMUNIC,4TIOnTS i--=!HED ) 1 DOCKET NO, /Ad4FLI ) ) 1 SERVICES APPLICATION OF AIRECAST. LLC FOR A CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY AireCast, LLC d/b/a South Arkansas Telephone Company Fiber C‘Applicant’’ 01’ “AireCasf?), pursuant to Ark. Code Ann. 55 23-3-303and 23-17-409and Rule 7.06 of the Commission’s Rules of Practice and Procedure, U e s this application for a certscate of public convenience and necessity as a Competing Local Exchange Carrier for the provision of competitive local exchange and exchange access in Arkansas and submits the following information: 1. The fullname and address of Applicant: &recast, LLC d/b/aSouth Arkansas Telephone Company Fiber 403 West Main Street Hampton, AR 71744 Telephone: (870) 942-4344 Fax: (870)942-7013 Email: It is anticipated that applicant will do business as South Arkansas Telephone Company Fiber. 2. AireCast, LLC C‘AireCast”)is an.Arkansas Limited liability company authorized t o conduct business throughout the state of Arkansas. Pursuant t o Rule 7.06,Exhibit A is a cert5ed copy of the &des 1 1149159.~1 of Organization. The sole member of AireCast, LLC is TLB,Im, an Arkansas corporation. The Manager of fiecast, LLC is: David L.WeUs 403 West Main Sheet Hampton, AR 71744 Communications with respect t o this application should be addressed t o Applicant’s legal. counsel: J. Mark Davis Wright, Lindsey & Jellnings LLP 200 West Capitol Avenue,Suite 2300 Little Rock,AR 72201 Telephone: (501)371-0808 F a : (501)376-94& Email: 3. -4pplicant has entered an Interconnection and Resale Agreement with Southwestern Be11 Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Arkansas CAT&T Arkansas”), dated July 29,2012, which was approved by Commission Order No.3 in Docket No. 12-065-U. Applicant will provide the telecommunications services described below using its own facilities, as well as leased faciJities and resold services from -4T&T -Arkansas. All services will be provided in exchanges of AT&T kkmsas, as described in the maps and legal descriptions on B e with the Arkansas Public Service Commission, with respect to which the Applicant concurs. Internet Services: Access t o the Internet and hosted applications including a Web site on the Worldwide Web, email, and file transfer protocol (FTP) support. 2 Local Exchange Services: A full range of local exchange telecommunications seivices t o business, and governmental customers. Long Distance Services: InfzaLATAand InterLAT-4 toll, billed on a minute-of-use basis as well as unlimited packages, including voice and data. Switched Access Services: Switched equal access services, offered t o interexchange carriers WCs) and tall resellers, b a e d on a minute- of-use basis. Special Access and Private Line Service: Non-switched dedicated connections, including high capacity connections. These services a r e billed a t flat, non-usagesensitive, monthly rates at individual case basis (TCB)pricing. Applicant will also provide through its interconnection arrangement with Incumbent local exchange carriers operator services, 91M3911 Emergency Services, directory assistance, telecommunications relay services, directory white page senice, and toll-free calling services. 4. Aimcast’s financial documents will be fled pursuant t o Codmission protective order of non-disclosure as Exhibit B. AireCast is a newly formed limited liability company as the hancials show. -4ireGast will be financially backed by TLB, Inc., an Arkansas corporation, which is also the holding company for AireCast’s affiliated Z E C , South kkansas Telephone Company.The h a n c i d s of TLB, Xnc. will also be provided under pursuant to the protective order. 3 5, Biographies of Applicant's key management persollnel are attached as Exhibit C. These persons have extensive managerial and technical experience that will ensure the efficient delivery of the services Applicant proposes t o offer. 6. A proposed tariff/pricice list is attached as Exhibit D. Wherefore, AireCast, LLC respectfully requests that the Public Seivice Commission grant its -4pplication for a CertScate of Public Convenience and Necessiw as a Competing Local Exchange Carrier. Respectfully submitted, WRIGHT, LINDSEY & JENNINGS, LLP 200 West Capitol. Avenue, Suite 2300 Little Rock, AR 72201-3699 Telephone: (501)371-0808 Fax: (501)376-9442 Email: 16.Mark Davis (79276) Attorneys for AireCast, LLC 4 1149159*vI EXHIBIT A ARTICLES OF ORGANIZATION Charlie Daniels SECRITARY OF n A l E To All to Whom These Presents Shall Come,Greeting: I, Charlie Daniels, Secretary of State of hkiinsas, do hereby certify that the following and hereto attached instrument ofFvriting is a true and perfect copy of Articles of Organization of , - C A S T , LLC Bed in this office August 24,2010 In Testimony Whereof, 1 have hereunto set my hand and &ed my official Sed. Done at my 05ce in the City of Little Rock, this 24th day of August 2010. CONFIDENTIAL FINANCIAL DOCUMENTS (to be fded pursuant to protective order) 1149159-v1 EXHIBIT C Al€@CAST, LLC MANAGEMENT PROFILES David L. WeIIs President and General Manager of AireCast, LLC d/b/a South Arkansas Telephone Fiber.. Vice President and General Manager of South Arkansas Telephone Company Mr. WelIs has 40 years of experience in the teIecommunications industry, serving as the Vice President and General Manager for South Arkansas Telephone Company since December 1978. He is also the Chairman and CEO for South Arkansas Telephone Company. Mr. Wells has been active in t h e economic development of the state of Arkansas and specifically the southern portion of the state. He served in the Arkansas House of Representativesfrom 1979-1982.Mr. Wells has participated in many organizations related to not only telecommunications, but other areas as well. He has served on the ATA Board as well as being past president of that organization. In addition, Mr. Wells has sewed on the Arkansas State Chamber Board, the Arkansas Manufactured Housing Board and is a current member of the economic development group, The Golden Triangle. Lanq WeIls Vice President of AireCast, LLC d/b/a South Arkansas Telephone Company Fiber. Mr. Wells received a 8.S.B.A. in accounting from the University of Arkansas in 1990. Mr. Wells has over 20 years experience in the telecommunications industry, having been employed by South Arkansas Telephone Company from June 990 to the present. Mr. Wells has sewed on the Board of Directors for South Arkansas Telephone Company a majority of the time of his employment. Mr. WeIls is active in his community, He is currently the vice president of the Grant County Museum Foundation Board. He has served a term on the Grant County Chamber of Commerce. Greg Ashcraft CFO and Secretarynreasurer, AireCast, LLC, dlbla South Arkansas Telephone Company Fiber. CFO and Secretaryflreasurer, South Arkansas Telephone Company Exhibit C Mr. Ashcraft received a BBA Arkansas in 1979. in accounting from the University of Central Mr. Ashcraff has 30 years experience in the telecommunications industry, having served as Chief Financial Officer of South Arkansas Telephone Company from 1982 to present. Mr. Ashcraft also serves as Secretaqmreasurer of South Arkansas Telephone Company. Mr. Ashcraft is very active in the telecommunication industry. Mr. Ashcraft works very closely with all the small independent telephone companies in Arkansas on policy development. He has held the following positions: Board Member of the Arkansas Telecommunications Association (January 1982 - Present), Chairman, ATA Budget and Audit Committee (Ten years), ATA 2ndVice President (1993,20051, ATA 1"Vice President (j994,2006), ATA President (I 995,2007), ATA Secretarymreasurer ( A 996, 2008), Awarded ATA's President's Award (I 991,I 997,2000,2002 & 2006), Steering Committee Member, Arkansas Intralata Toll Pool (I 990 - 1997), ProceduraI Board Member and Chairman, Arkansas intrastate Carrier Common Line Pool (1993 - Present), Appointed to Arkansas Broadband Council (ZOOS), Board Member of Connect Arkansas (2007- Present), Member of OPASTCO's Finance Committee (2009 - 2010), Appointed to Arkansas Lifeline Individual Verification Effort Corporation (2006 Present), President of Arkansas Lifeline Individual Verification Effort Corporation (2006Present), Appointed to Arkansas Deaf and Hearing Impaired Effort Corporation (2009Present), Secretavnreasurer- Arkansas Deaf and Hearing Impaired Effort Corporation (2009-Present), Testified at the Field Hearing of the US. Senate Committee on Commerce August 2007 Mark E Lundy Project Manager Mr, Lundy has over 25 year experience in engineering networks and communicationssystems. He has installed and deployed a multi-Megabyte network with over 3500 plus remote locations. These networks have included MPLS, point to point and point to multipoint Ethernet with multi-Megabyte service. Exhibit C Mr. Lundy has worked with Regional (multi-state) Health agencies to engineer and deployed multi-Megabyte to Gigabyte Ethernet service to their locations. Mr. Lundy has supplies and support Academic Medical University circuits. He also designed and deployed one of the first MPLS networks in Iowa. He has also designed and deployed network using T7,T3,D S 3 , 0 C 3 FCC licensed Microwave equipment. Mr. Lundy has also worked with 2-4year coIlege and Universities to deliver MPLS and connectivity to their locations. Mr. Lundy is currently Project Manager for South Arkansas Telephone Company MPLS fiber build for University of Arkansas, Fayetteville’s Arkansas Research and Education Optical Network (ARE-ON) project completing the fiber ring in south Arkansas from Hope to Monticello. Exhibit C E-IT D INITIAL TAXIFFPRICE LIST 1149159-vl AireCast, LLC dba South Arkansas Telephone Company Fiber UEC b 3 45 Pff '12 Arkansas P.S.C. Price List Title Page PRICE LIST OF AIRIECAST, LLC dba SOUTH ARKANSAS TELEPEONE COMPANY FIBER This tariff contains the description, re,.ulations and rates for the fiunishing of senrices and facilities for teIecommunications semiccs provided by LLC, dba South Arkansas Telephone Company Fiber with principal o f i w at 403 West Main Street, Hampton, A r b a s , 71744. This tariffapplies for service furnished within the state ofArkaasas and is on file with the Arkansas Public Senice Commission. Effective: Issued: David L.Wells, Manager 403 West Main Street Hampton, Arkansas 71744 1.1 Business Bundled Services The Company offers bunded services to business subscribers. BmdIes may include one or more Local Exchange Iinesltrunlcs, Long Distance services, combinations of Call Management services, voice mail, broadband Internet access, digital video sentices, a d o r Voice Over htemet Protocol (VOIF) where technically feasible. Rates for Business BundIed Services do not indude a charge for an w e n t or other Customer premises equipment unless noted otherwise. Business Bundled Sentices are provided utilizing dedicated facilities to insure service quaIity. A. n e Local-Onlv Bundle $ 560.002 Includes: - b c a l Exchange service - Twelve (12) Lad Lines - All CaU Management Services3 - Unlimited LATAWide LocaI Calling - 2400 Minutes domestic Long Distance - Additional domestic Long Distance Minutes - $O.lOl&ute, 2417 s 250.00 B. The Bundle I $ 399.002 Includes: - Local Exchange Service - Five (5) Local Lines - All Call Management Sentices - Unlimited LATAWide Local Calling - 1000 Minutes domestic Long Distance - Additional domestic Long Distance Minutes $0.1 Qlminute,247 - 1.5 mb htemet Service s - - Up to 25 Email Addresses w/ Postini, spam, & virus BIocking One (I) Static IP Address lOOMb Storage Space 1GbTmfm Rate applies to domestic direct-dided calls ody. 'Additional lines at the same location are $21-25 per month, per line. 3SeeCall Management Services, Section 1.14. Issued: . Effecti\*e: David L.Wells, Manager 403 West Main Street Harnpton, Arkansas 71744 350.00 ~ E C t; South Arkansas Telephone Company Fiber PRICE LIST (continued) 1.1 3 wmi#~.~.~.~rice~ist Ori,oinal Page 2 -D 1'--' ..-i- Business Bundled Sellices [continued) C. The Bundle 2 $ 705.002 Includes: - L a d Exchange Service - Twelve (12) Local Lines - AU C ~ Management U ~ervices~ - Unlimited LATAWide Local Canins - 2400 Minutes domestic Long Distance - Additional domestic Long Distance Minutes D. $ 250.00 5 250.00 $0.1 O/minute, 2417 1.S mb Internet Service Up to 25 Email Addresses w/ PoStini, Spam, & ViruS Blocking One (1) Static IEj Address l O O M b Storage Space 1GbTmfa TheBundIe3 $ 905.00' Includes: Lad Exchange service T w ~(12) v ~ Local L k e ~ AU Call Management Services3 Unlimited LATAWide hcaI calling 2400 Minutes domestic Long Distance Additional domestic Long Distance Minutes SO.lOlminute,2417 - 3.0mb Internet Service - Up to 25 Email Addresses w/ Postini, Spam, & Virus Blocking - One (1) Static IP Address - 1O O M b Stomze Space - IGbTran~fm - Rate applies to domestic directdialed calls only. 2Additionallines at the same location are $212 5 per month, per line. 3SeeCall Management features, Section 1.14. Effective: Issued: David E. Wells, Manager 403 West Main Street Hampton, Arkansas 71744 AireCast, LLC dba South Arkansas Telephone Campm&pib$r 1.1 3&&i@.S.C. Price List Original Page 3 Business Bundled Services (continued) E. The Bundle 4 $ 131S.002 Indudes: - h c a l Exchange sentice - TWmty-fOW (24) h ~ aLlh e ~ - All Call Management Services3 - Unlimited UTAWiide Local Calling - 4800 Minutes domestic Long Distance - Additional domesticLong Distance Minutes 60.1 Olminute, 2 4 7 - 3.0 mb Internet Senice - Up to 25 Email Addresses w/Posthi, Spam, & Virus Blocking - OX (I) Static IF Address - IOOhfb Storage Space - IGbT-fa $ Rate applies to domestic directdialed calls only. 'Additional lines at the same location are $212 5 per month, per line. 3SeeCall Management Services, 1.14. Issued: Effective: David L.Wells, Manager 403 West Main Street Hampton, Arkansas 71744 250.00 A R K Pf. + AireCast, LLC dba South Arkansas TeIephone Company Fiber PNCE LIST (continued) 1.1 Business BundIed Senices (continued) 1.1.2 "CF L - ,.,:J. Arl&isasP*S!&Price 1';;y) b51 Call Management Services' include, but are not limited to, the following: Anonymous C d Rejection Call Block Call Forwading Busy Line Call Forwarding Busy Line Multiparh Call Fomarding Don't Answer Call Fonvarding Don't Answer Multipath Call Retum Call Retum, denial of per activation Call Selector Call Tracing Call waiting Caller ID - Basic Caller ID- Deluxe wlo ACR, per h e , Multiline Hunt Groups Caller I D- DeIuxe with ACR Calling Number Delivery Blocking, Permanent Enhanced Caller ID with Call Mmagement {with ACR) Enhanced C d w ID with CalI Management (with CFDA) Prefmed Call Forwarding Remote Access Call Forwarding VariabIe Repeat Dialing Repeat Dialing, denid ofper activation Three-way Calling with Transfer 'See addan senice mttx and available packages, Section 1.3. Issued: Effective: David L.We&, Manager 403 West Main Street Eampton, Arkansas 71744 List -- ...::I. A R K P:,. AireCast, LLC dba South Arkansas Telephone Company FEM lkF I&" k Y c drkansarP&.C. Price List Original Page 5 'u d +c Fu '13 J PRICE LIST (continued) 1.2 FiiiD Stand-AIone Local Exchange Services 1.2.1 Businm LocaI Exchange Sentice Monthlv Rate Business Line Senice, per line $ 45.00 Hunting Service, per line $ 10.00 Monthly Rate Non-Recuning: Char% $ IOO.00 I - Non-Recuning Charge Data Transport Senice ICB ICB 1.2.3 Fast Packet T m q o r t Sentice ICB ICB 1.2.2 1.2.4 ISDN - Primary Rate Interface ICB EB 1.2.5 ChannelizedVoice Transport IC3 ICB Issued Effective; David L.Web, Manager 403 West Main Street Hampton, Arkansas 71744 PRICE LIST (continued) 1.3 FILED Call Management Services Jhtes: A. Packages’ Moxlthlv Rate $ 9-00 I. Any3Features 2. Any 4 Fames 3. Any5 Features €3. Enhanced Caller ID with ACR, per h e Non-Recurring Charge $ 12.00 fl 12.00 $ 15.00 $ 16.00 $ 20.00 s $ 10.00 12.00 ‘See list of available Call Management Services, Section 1.14. Issued: Effective: David LaWells, Manager 403 West Main Skeet Hsunpton, Arkansas 71744 PRICE LIST (continued) 1.4 -- 1 .,I t : i b !:D -L Directory and Opcrator Senices CharEe per CalI 1-4. I Directom Assistance - Local number requested - Non-local number requested 1.4.2 $ $ 0.60 0.60 Directow Assistance Call Completion - Each S 0.30 1.4.3 Owrator Senices Station-to-StationCollect Person-to-Person Collect Operator-Dialed Surcharge Busy Line Verification Emergency Intempt I .4.4 1.5 Directow Listings - First listing - Each add'l listing $ 0.70 $ $ TI 1.70 0.50 0.35 5 0.40 Per Month no charge $ 1.20 ISDN Basic Rate Interface BRI) T h e Company may provide ISDN BRI service to its Customers by resellins the sentice of the incumbent local exchange company; therefore, the Company's mtes and charges would be the same as those of the incumbent local exchange company. 1.6 ToU Restriction Toll Restriction is an optional central office service that restricts long-distance calling and is provided in addition to business Local Exchange Service: $17.55 $3.00 Efkctive: Xssucd: David L.Wells, Manager 403 West Main Street Hampton, Arkansas 71744 ARK P u r . -, . 3 * -- . 41. I.. AireCast, LLC dba South Arkansas Telephone 1.7 P.S.C. Price List Original Page 8 9001976 Call Restriction MmWy Per Business line equipped 1.8 N o n - R e c h n Charge No Chase s12.00 Miscellaneous Senice Charges N o n - R e c h o Charre Line Connection Charge First Line, per customer request Additional Line, each $64.00 S26.00 Line Change Charge First Line, per customer request Additional Line, each $25.00 $ 9.00 Sscondary Service Charge, per customer request $10.00 Premises Work Charge 1 15-minute increment or hction Each additionaI 1j-minunte increment $23.00 $I I .oo Expedite Charge, per Order ICB Missed Appointment C h q e , per occurrence 1.9 $350.00 Lout1 Number PortabiIitv Where applicable, the Company will assess on End User Customers a montbly Local Number Portability (LW) fee or fees to m v e r the Company’s costs of porting the Customer’s numberfs €mmits existins Carrier to the Company. Per month charm: Per line: Per PBX trunEc: $0.35 $3.15 Issued: Effective: David E.WelIs, Manager 403 West Main Street Hampton, Arkansas 71744 1.10 PIC Change Charge Business Per requested change, InbaLATA or InterLATA 1.11 $ 5.00 Late Pajment Charge A one-time Iate payment charge of 1.5% will be assessed on an unpaid balance. 1.12 Returned Check Charge A fee of $30.00 may be charged for each check returned for insufficient finds. 1.13 Arkansas UniversaI Access Fund (AUSF) Assessment The Customer will be assessed a monthly Arkansas Universal Service Fund (AUSF, or USF) charge that is determined by the Arkansas Public Service Commission. The Commission requires all telecommunications companies pruviding telecommunications services within Arkansas to contribute to the UAF in a proportionate amount to their gross end-user revenues fiom such services. Effective: Issued: David L.Web, Manager 403 West Main Street Hampton, Arkansas 71744