TC 2.1 Meeting Minutes February 8, 2005
TC 2.1 Meeting Minutes February 8, 2005
TC 2.1 Meeting Minutes February 8, 2005 AMERICAN SOCIETY OF HEATING, REFRIGERATING AND AIR-CONDITIONING ENGINEERS, INC. 1791 Tullie Circle, N.E./Atlanta, GA 30329 404-636-8400 TC/TG/TRG MINUTES COVER SHEET (Minutes of all TC/TG/TRG Meetings are to be distributed to all persons listed below within 60 days following the meeting.) TC/TG/TRG NO 02.01 DATE TC/TG/TRG TITLE Physiology and Human Comfort DATE OF MEETING Tuesday LOCATION 02/08/05 Orlando Winter Meeting Distribution: All Members of TC/TG/TRG plus the following: TAC Section Head: TAC Chair: Fred Lorch William Blanfleth Paul Cabot – Standards All Committee Liaisons As Shown On TC/TG/TRG Kimball Ferguson – Special Publications Rosters: Mark Hydeman – Professional Development Comm Spencer Morasch – Program Guy Perreault – Chapter Technology Transfer Jeff Spitler – RAC John Wells - Handbook Manager Of Standards Claire Ramspeck Manager Of Research & Technical Services Mike Vaughn ASHRAE TC 2.1 Physiology & Human Environment Draft Meeting Minutes Orlando Meeting February 8, 2005 Page 1 of 7 TC 2.1 Meeting Minutes February 8, 2005 ASHRAE TC ACTIVITIES SHEET DATE: February 2005 TC NO. TC 2.1 CHAIR: Jerry Sipes TC TITLE: Physiology & Human Environment SECRETARY: Alison Kwok Eric Adams James Bushnell John Carter Joe Deringer Chuck Dorgan Curt Eichelberger P. Ole Fanger Ralph Goldman Dick Hayter Jaap Hogeling Ray Horstman Ken-ichi Kimura Alison Kwok Paul Lebbin Hal Levin Amy Musser Bjarne Olesen Nick Rajkovich James Reardon Kenneth Roy Sitaraman Chandra Sekhar Peter Simmonds Jerry Sipes Jeffrey Spitler John Stoops Dale Tiller Diotima Von Kempski Email Carrier HVAC Consulting Service Deringer Group University of Wisconsin York International DTU Comfort Technology Kansas State University Netherlands Boeing Intl. Research Inst. On Human E University of Oregon KSU Building Ecology Group University of Nebraska-Lincoln DTU Einhorn Yaffee Prescott National Research Council Armstrong World Industries National University of Singapore X X IBE Consulting Engineers Price Industries OSU/ASHRAE RAC Liaison LBNL University of Nebraska, Lincoln DVK Air Vitalizing System X X X X X X Program/Handbook/ Productivity Affiliation Research Name TC TC 2.1 MEETING ATTENDANCE X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Page 2 of 7 Lily Wang Brian Warwicker Jim Woods David Wyon Email University of Nebraska, Lincoln The Building Diagnostics Research Institute DTU X X X X X X Program/Handbook/ Productivity Affiliation Research Name February 8, 2005 TC TC 2.1 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 7 TC 2.1 Meeting Minutes February 8, 2005 TC 2.1 Physiology & Human Environment Main Meeting Meeting Schedule • • • Main TC 2.1: 1:00-3:00 PM Tuesday – W/Scribe Research: 3:00 - 5:00 PM Sunday – W/Yeoman Handbook Program/Productivity: 5:00 – 7:00 PM Sunday – W/Yeoman Main Committee Agenda 1. Call to Order: 1:09 p.m. 2. Read Scope: TC 2.1 is concerned with the relationship of man’s living environment, as altered by air conditioning, heating, and ventilation systems to his comfort health and productivity. 3. Introduction of Members, Guests, and Liaisons Roll Call: Quorum: 9/11 voting members present. MEMBERS Jerry Sipes Peter Simmonds Alison Kwok Larry Berglund James Bushnell Jorn Toftum Eric Adams Paul Lebbin Amy Musser Ditima Von Kempski David Wyon PRESENT? X X X X X X X X INTERNATIONAL MEMBER X INTERNATIONAL MEMBER 4. Anaheim Meeting Minutes Approval: MOTION: approve Nashville minutes: Moved Musser, Seconded Adams Discussion: none. Motion Passed, 7-0-0 CNV (Chair Not Voting). 5. Liaison Reports No liaisons present. Environmental Health (Simmonds): moving in the right direction. Not much on the radar for thermal comfort. 6. Chair’s Report – Jerry Sipes From Chair’s meeting: • Paper to coordinate indoor environment from CIBSE. Energy calcs, ethics, underfloor a/c, smoking, health and productivity. Chair passes around paper for contact information. • REHVA: Association of professional associations in Europe (consulting engineers) means to communicate between European associations. Research subjects: indoor climate and energy in school buildings. Needs paragraph of what is intended by table. • E-Business: need new webmaster. Page 4 of 7 TC 2.1 Meeting Minutes February 8, 2005 Need to submit programs • • Orlando due August 6 Recording seminars: ASHRAE to sell. Online web access (pay). Buy $51. Nashville presentations to be offered free to members for this meeting only, as promotional. Announcements o Action Item Review Status: StatusText 7. Subcommittee Reports Programs – James Bushnell DENVER (June 2005): • Symposium Productivity, Nick Rajkovich, Chuck Dorgan to be chair. ORLANDO: • Seminar: What’s New in Standard 55: (Hal Levin (lead), Peter Simmonds, Bjarne Olesen, Wayne Dunn, Gail Brager, Steve Turner. (Hal: well attended, majority of questions for Gail on adaptive model. Encourage another seminar. Suggestions for cosponsorship with 2.8 (Bldg. Sustainability). Dust, noise, are other questions CHICAGO (Jan. 2006): now is the time to schedule, submit program by Aug. 5 for symposium, reviews by April 1. • Seminar: Chair Hal. Call to be put out to 2.8 and 2.1. QUEBEC CITY (June 2006) • Seminar: Jim Bushnell (list of papers sent) ACTION ITEM: Hal Levin to send out call for participation for seminar in Chicago ACTION ITEM: Hal Levin to send out call What should be in Std. 55 User’s Manual by Feb. 18. • • Symposium: Amy Musser, RP 1128 Seminar: Jerry Sipes Research – Peter Simmonds Review Projects: URP #1332: Update ASHRAE Comfort Tool ($7,500), Charlie Huizenga. Discussed in the subcommittee meeting MOTION: approve URP #1332 to update ASHRAE Comfort Tool to recommend approval to RAC. Moved Simmonds, Seconded Bushnell. Discussion: Well-used by committee and practitioners. Will probably make money back in first printing of CD. Motion Passed, 9-0-0/unanimous RP-1160 “Limiting Criteria for Human Exposure to Low Humidity”-David Wyon • Needs projector. Needs room an hour earlier for the PMS. Alternative: use first 30 minutes of meeting to meet with PMS. Intent is to report on research and meeting with PMS is separate • final report submitted to ASHRAE. RP-1128 “Combined Effect of the Thermal Environment and Acoustics on Human Comfort in HVAC Controlled Buildings,” Amy Musser • Sipes will schedule 2:00pm for PMS meeting (Hal chair) Page 5 of 7 TC 2.1 Meeting Minutes • February 8, 2005 Built lab, recruited subjects, ran subjects, analyzing data presently. Will finish mid-May and sent report to PMS. PMS to discuss comments to final report at meeting. MOTION: no cost 6-month extension for RP-1128. Moved Simmonds, Seconded Lebbin. Discussion: none. Motion Passed, 7-0-1 RP-1257 “Indoor Environmental Effects on the Performance of School Work by Children • Tests of performance showed highly significant relationship. 15-25% effect on children’s ability to do school work related to air quality. Phase II will happen when there are more children or move to another school. Will study at least 3 levels of each factor (changing filter, reducing particulate through air cleaners). Extending work (at no cost), by adding Swedish classrooms. Work Statements: 1269 WS Occupant responses and energy use in buildings with moderately drifting temperatures. returned from RAC for the 3rd time. – Bjarne Olesen. RAC voted to approve, unanimously. MOTION: approve 1269 WS. Moved Simmonds, Seconded Lebbin. Discussion: none, will go out to bid Motion Passed, 9-0-0 RTAR missing: Energy Conservation, Air-conditioning and productivity in hot-humid tropical regions. David Wyon. Peter to track down again. MOTION: to approve amended long-range-research plan. Moved Simmonds, Seconded Wyon. Discussion: none. Motion Passed, unanimous; CNV (Chair Not Voting). Standards – Wayne Dunn (Peter Simmonds) SSPC 55 • • • • continuous maintenance to be worked on. (proposal for 3 classes, compliance, draft/turbulence, mandatory) Increase membership. New chair July 1 (Steve Turner) Balloted GPC 10-P. Will go out to public review. Hal encourages comments. Will send electronic copies to those who request. TC 2.1 committee will facilitate distribution Honors and Awards (Cliff Federspiel) Jerry Sipes reporting • 3 nominees, there was a clear majority Handbook – Larry Berglund (not present, no report) Productivity – Chuck Dorgan • No report. Webmaster – Jorn Toftum (not present, no report) • Discussion. ASHRAE has the site, format, need posting. Jerry to nominate Nick Rajkovich. Discussion of forum, Page 6 of 7 TC 2.1 Meeting Minutes February 8, 2005 Liaisons TAC Chairman – William Bahnfleth TAC Section Head – Fred Lorch Standards Liaison – Paul Cabot Special Pubs Liaison – Kimball Ferguson Professional Development Committee (EDUC) Liaison – Mark Hydeman Program Liaison – Spencer Morasch Chapter Technology Transfer Liaison – Guy Perreault RAC Research Liaison – Jeffrey Spitler Handbook Liaison – John Wells III Staff Liaison (Standards) – Claire Ramspeck Staff Liaison – Michael Vaughn Old Business none New Business • Renew roster. Jerry to roll off chair 6-30-05. Peter Simmonds to be chair; Eric Adams to be vice-chair; Gwelyn Paglia to be secretary. Jim Bushnell: Program; David Wyon, Diotima Von Kempski: International members; ALI coordinator? Alison Kwok on sabbatical; Amy Musser expects 50% attendance at future meetings; Next Meeting June 25-29, 2005 Denver, CO Adjournment 2:40P Page 7 of 7