Researcher and Business Manager BIRTH 4 December 1988
Researcher and Business Manager BIRTH 4 December 1988
UPDATED: NOVEMBER 2012 UMAYMAH JATTIEM, BSocSci, UCT Researcher and Business Manager BIRTH 4 December 1988 CITIZENSHIP South Africa EDUCATION Bachelor of Social Science (in Environmental and Geographical Science, Sociology, and Gender Studies), University of Cape Town, South Africa, 2010 Certificate, Arc View 3.1 (GIS) Geographical Information Systems, University of Cape Town, South Africa, 2007 AFFILIATIONS Member of the International Association for Impact Assessment South Africa, since 2010 WORK EXPERIENCE Jan 2011 – Present EcoAfrica Environmental Consultants, Researcher and Business Manager Researcher for the Development of National Strategy for Coastal Awareness, Education and Training (AET) for South Africa, for the Department of Environmental Affairs (2013) Project Coordinator and Researcher for the Development of the 2nd Integrated Conservation Management Plan (ICMP) for Robben Island Museum (RIM) (2012) Research for Development of a Situational Analysis of Elandsbaai as a South African demo site for the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem (BCLME) (2012) Project Coordinator for the Development of the Conservation Management Plan for Baboon Point Provincial Heritage Site (PHS), Elandsbaai, for Heritage Western Cape (HWC) (2012) Project Manager and Researcher for Community Development and Land Acquisition Plan (CDLAP) for Ebenhaeser, for the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform (DRDLR) (2012) Project Manager and Researcher for Undertaking a Baseline Study for the National Khoi & San Heritage Route in South Africa, for the Department of Arts and Culture (2012) Research Assistant for Public Participation and Waste: Basic Assessment Report (BAR) for the South African National Blood Service (SANBS) Pinetown Campus, KwaZulu-Natal (2012) Co-developer of Courses in the Programme of Master of Science: Excellence in Environmental Management, courses included Environmental Management Systems, Waste Management Systems, and Water Resources Management, for Hamdan Bin Mohammed eUniversity, Dubai (2011) Research Assistant for EIA Screening and Waste Screening for the South African National Blood Service (SANBS) Roodeport Campus, Gauteng (2011) Research Assistant for EIA Screening and Waste Screening for the South African National Blood Service (SANBS) Pinetown Campus, KwaZulu-Natal (2011) Contributor to Translating the book Observations on Environmental Change in South Africa into Long-Term Policy Considerations for Sustainable Development, for South African Environmental Observation Network (SAEON) (2011) Coordinator for the Benguela Current Commision (BCC) Stakeholder Workshop for South Africa. Hosted By: BCC. Department of Environmental Affairs, South Africa. Cape Town (2011) Researcher for Human Development Framework and Guideline for Local Government in South Africa, for South African Local Government Association (SALGA) (2011) Researcher for the Development of a Local Economic Development (LED) Plan for Hamburg, Eastern Cape the South African Demonstration Site for DLIST ASCLME (2010 – 2011) Researcher for DLIST ASCLME (Distance Learning and Information Sharing Tool, Agulhas and Somali Current Large Marine Ecosystem) which covers 9 countries in the Western Indian Ocean and DLIST BCLME (Distance Learning and Information Sharing Tool, Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem) which covers 3 countries in the Benguela region, programmes (2010 – Present) Editor of the DLIST Newsletter for ASCLME and BLCLME regions (2010 – Present) Assistant Administrator for DLIST BCLME web-based platform (2010 – Present) Other duties at EcoAfrica include: Environmental assessments and desktop work of various kinds Social science research of various kinds Proposal and Report writing Office and Business Managing duties Jun – Dec 2010 EcoAfrica Environmental Consultants, Intern AWARDS 2010 Humanities Scholarship Award, University of Cape Town, South Africa INTERESTS Environmental Management, GIS (Geographical Information Systems), Climate Change, Vulnerability, Sustainable development and livelihoods, Human-ecological systems, Environmental Education, Coastal integrated management, Conservation, Environmental Rights, Environmental Assessments: Environmental Impact Assessment, Strategic Environmental Assessment, Environmental Management Programmes, Environmental Management Systems, Heritage Conservation and Development, and Ecotourism Development. PUBLICATIONS 1. Jattiem, U. 2010. Gender Mainstreaming and Women Empowerment in Local Contexts. INSPIRE 37(November):3-4. (JOURNAL) 2. B. McLean, D. Manicom, F. J. Odendaal, F. Lanshammar, J. Glazewski, J. Kingwill, L. Pasquini, M. Sowman, N. Sitole, U. Jattiem, Z. Tangawamira, J. C. Pauw (Ed). 2011. Combat Change with Change. Translating: Observations on Environmental Change in South Africa into Long-Term Policy Considerations for Sustainable Development. South African Environmental Observations Network (SAEON). South Africa. SELECTED CONFERENCES AND WORKSHOPS 2011 Local Climate Solutions for Africa Conference. Hosted By: ICLEI. Cape Town 2011 Workshop on National Environmental Management Act (NEMA) and the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Regulations 2010. Hosted By: Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning, Provincial Government of the Western Cape and IAIAsa. Stellenbosch, Cape Town 2011 Benguela Current Commission (BCC) Stakeholder Workshop for South Africa. Hosted By: BCC. Department of Environmental Affairs, South Africa. Cape Town.