Document 6527513
Document 6527513
UNIVERSITY OF BALTIMORE Academic Policy Cover Sheet (See Process for Academic Policy Development, Revision or Discontinuance) I INITIATING GROLIP IUNIT: I 1 I I 1 LAW 0 MSB q YGCLA X O UFS 0 Office of the Provost 9 CONTACT NAME: Peggy Potthast PHONE: 410.837.5342 POLICY TITLE: Graduate Chanae of Maior Policy APPLIES TO: LAW 0 MSB X Q YGCLA X O SPECIFIC PROGRAM (if applicable): graduate programs Fall 2008 PROPOSED IMPLEMENTATION DATE ISEMESTER: 1. New Policy DOCUMENTS REQUIRED (see box 2 below) AB - others as appropriate REVIEW IAPPROVAL SEQUENCE (see box 3 below) ABCDE - varies 3. Discontinuanceof Existirlg Policy AB ABCDE - varies Box 1: ACTION ITEM (check appropriate box) Box 2: DOCUMENTATION (check boxes of documents included) (may include documents in addition to required ones) A. AP Cover Sheet (this D. Additional Forms (as may be F. Other (please list) document) needed to support rocedures E. Samples of Similar Policies X B. AP Proposal Summary C. Procedures (as appropriate) F. Attorney General's Office Academic Policy Proposal Summary I INITIATING GROUP IUNIT: LAW q MSB q YGCLA X O UFS q Office of the Provost q CONTACT NAME: Peggy Potthast PHONE: 410.837.5342 POLICY TITLE: Graduate Change of Major APPI-IES TO: LAW O MSB X P YGCLA X P SPECIFIC PROGRAM (if applicable): graduate programs PROPOSED IMPLEMENTATION DATE ISEMESTER: Fall 2008 I. Statement of Purpose: This policy provides clear guidelines for graduate students who wish to change from one academic plan (major) to another. 11. Policy (including authority for policy waiver, exclusions, or sanctions, if any) can be attached if too lengthy for this box. See Attached. 111. Reason(s) for Proposed Policy To improve student service by clarifying the current policy about change of major (administrative change of major) especially regarding which programs permit this and which students are eligible to do this; to create wider options for the transfer of grades as well as credits. Academic Policy Proposal Summary (Page 2) INI'I'IATING GROUP1 UNIT: LAW MSB YGCLA X UFS 0 Office of the Provost CONTACT NAME: Peggy Potthast PHONE: 410.837.5342 POLICY TITLE: Graduate Change of Major PROPOSED IMPLEMENTATION DATE ISEMESTER: Fall 2008 IV. Current Policy (if proposal is a revision or discontinuance), including date of adoption if available, can be attached if too lengthy for this box. Students desiring to change degree programs must complete a change of program/specialization form available in the Office of Records and Registration. In transferring credits andlor grades between two University graduate programs, a student -with the approval of the director of the new program may: 1) transfer no gradeslcredits from the previous program 2) transfer both grades and credits of all courses from previous programs 3) transfer only credits and no grades. (Credits to be transferred must have carried a grade of "B" or better.) Please note: If the student changes from one program andlor major to another, hislher graduation requirements are those listed in the catalog that is current at the time helshe becomes a degree candidate in the new program or major. V. Other (who was consulted, definition of terms, etc.) The graduate program directors in the College of Liberal Arts were initially consulted about this policy and ways in which it could be improved. The process had been discussed at the Enrollment Management Workgroup Meetings. Change of Major Proposed new policy Graduate students in good academic standing [see section on Satisfactory and UnsatisfactoryProgress in this catalog7 may elect to change administratively fiom the current degree program to another degree program with certain exceptions. Students may not change administratively into the following majors, but must apply for admission to them: M.S. in Applied Psychology, M.F.A. in Integrated Design, M.F.A. in Creative Writing & Publishing Arts, Doctor of Communications Design, and Doctor of Public Administration. Students seeking an administrative change fiom one program to another must complete a change of program/specialization form available in the Office of Records and Registration. The student presents that form to the director of the intended new program. This program director in the College of Liberal Art. or graduate program adviser in the Merrick School of Business will review the student's qualifications and, when able to approve the change, sign that form which must also be signed by the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts or the graduate program adviser in the Merrick School of Business. In order to make a decision, the director or adviser of the new program may also require submission of any materials that are currently required for admission to that program and which are not already in the student's official file. The program director or adviser may accept into the new program a maximum of 12 credits in which the student has earned a 'By(3.0) or better grade. For those credits earned at the University of Baltimore and approved for credit in the new program the program director or adviser must decide either to accept all such credits with grades or to accept all such credits without grades on a case by case basis. Please note: If the student changes fiom one program andlor major to another, hidher graduation requirements are those listed in the catalog that is current at the time helshe becomes a degree candidate in the new program or major.
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