Sample Search Collection


Sample Search Collection
Sample Search Collection
eLibrary Curriculum Edition
eLibrary Science
eLibrary Canada
eLibrary Elementary
(pp. 3-9)
SIRS Researcher
SIRS Government Reporter
SIRS Renaissance
SIRS Discoverer
SIRS Decades
SIRS Interactive Citizenship
(pp. 10-17)
World Conflicts Today
(pp. 18-19)
ProQuest Learning: Literature
History Study Center
Black Studies Center
(pp. 20-24)
ProQuest Historical Newspapers
ProQuest Platinum
ProQuest Professional Education
Ethnic Newswatch
The ProQuest training team is proud to present the updated collection of basic
searches to help get the most out of our K-12 digital learning resources. Be sure to
periodically check our K-12 website for the latest version at
and click on the tab for Training & Support.
Contents .........................................................................................................................................................2
eLibrary .........................................................................................................................................................3
eLibrary – Special Content........................................................................................................5
eLibrary Science....................................................................................................................................6
eLibrary Canada ................................................................................................................................7
eLibrary Elementary.........................................................................................................................9
SIRS Researcher ...................................................................................................................................10
SIRS Government Reporter.......................................................................................................11
SIRS Renaissance.................................................................................................................................12
SIRS Discoverer.................................................................................................................................... 13
SIRS Discoverer Math & Reading....................................................................................14
SIRS Decades...........................................................................................................................................15
SIRS Interactive Citizenship....................................................................................................17
CultureGrams ........................................................................................................................................18
World Conflicts Today .................................................................................................................19
Learning Literature........................................................................................................................20
History Study Center....................................................................................................................22
Black Studies Center....................................................................................................................24
Historical Newspapers Graphical Edition .............................................................25
Historical NewspapersTraditional Search Tips.................................................28
Historical Newspapers ................................................................................................................25
ProQuest Platinum..........................................................................................................................29
Professional Education................................................................................................................29
Ethnic NewsWatch.......................................................................................................................... 31
Basic Search (with natural language default)
- Gun Control
- Abraham Lincoln
- Crystals
- Anne Frank
Natural Language / Phrase Search
- How does the war in Iraq compare to Vietnam
- How do wind mills generate wind power
- “Young adult literature”
- “Stem cell research”
Advanced Search
- Keyword: “building fences” AND Mexico ; Document Title: immigration
- Boolean: “intelligent design” AND “theory of evolution”
- Document Title: Shiite Muslim (Transcripts only, then sort by date)
- Document Title: “science fair project”
- Highlight literary journals & books - click on magazine icon; type literature in search box
- New York Public Library Book of Popular Americana
- New York Public Library Science Desk Reference
- New Books
The Baby and Child Question and Answer Book
Dorothea Dix: Advocate for Mental Health Care
The Patient's Guide to Medical Tests
Pregnancy and Birth: Your Questions Answered
The Complete Home Medical Guide
Encyclopedia of Natural Healing
The Mosby Medical Encyclopedia
Unchained Voices: anthology of Black authors
Picture / Maps
- Picture: American Revolution (publication: Bridgeman Art)
- Picture: Saddam Hussein
- Maps: Native American
Video (click check box only under Audio/Video icon)
- Hurricane
- Blood Flow
- Skyscraper
- Inflation
- Baseball (baseball slang)
eLibrary Cont.
Topics & Websites
- World History → global timeline → Ancient Africa → Egypt → Timelines
- Science Æphysical science Æ chemistry Æ organic chemistry Æ spectroscopy Æ mass
- Biography Æ biographies by profession Æ explorers Æ explorers by name A-C Æ
Samuel de Champlain
- Mathematics Æ geometry Æ polygon basics
- Type Timeline (in search box) Æ women’s rights history
- Type Satire OR Parody
- Type Outline Maps
- Type Any state (i.e., Georgia) then select variety of sources such as almanac,
encyclopedia, etc.
☼ Show list of resources by clicking on View Reference Desk Sources and highlight:
Financial Times World Desk Reference
DK Eyewitness Books
Spanish Language Publications:
- AP Spanish Online
- People en Español
- La Prensa (Panama)
- Agence France Presse Spanish
- Novedades (Mexico)
- American Heritage Dictionary
- (English to Spanish and Spanish to English)
English Publications for Hispanic Communities:
- Afro – Hispanic Review
- Americas (Latin America –English Edition)
- Hispanic Times Magazine
- Hispanic Review
- Latin American Politics and Society
eLibrary Cont. – Special Content Searches
Studymark (type in publication field)
- Algebra, Trigonometry, Calculus
Congressional Testimony (type in publication field)
- Put a check only in the Transcripts format box, type congressional in the publication box
Great Events of the 20th Century
- Type great events in the publication field
Lifestory Audio
- Put a check only in the Audio/Video format box, type Chickadee in the search box
Minor Scale
- Put a check only in the Audio/Video format box, type minor scale in the search box
Wall Street Words (Type in search box)
- Underwriter
- Vested Benefits
- Weak Dollar
Calendar of Literary Events ( check “select” all for all media types)
- Type 1884, 1926 , 1982 in search box
Multicultural Cookbook
- Type multicultural cookbook in the publication field, type any country name in the search
- Put a check only in the Transcripts format box, type NPR in the search box
DK Eyewitness ( check “select all” for all media types)
- Type Hurricane, Ocean, American Revolution in search box
Stack of Decades (Type Stack of Decades in the publication field)
- Enter year ending in zero between 1650 and 1990 in the search box
Shakespeare Quarterly
- Type Macbeth in the search box
MPI Video
- Put a check only in the Audio/Video format box, type Civil Rights in the search box
eLibrary Science
Publication Highlight
- The New York Times: Science Times (listed with magazines)
- American Science Leaders & DK Eyewitness
Simple Search / Natural Language
- Genus Artemia (scientific name for brine shrimp)
- How to grow mushrooms
- How to grow fern
Boolean / Advanced Search
- Keyword: experiment ; Document Title: hydroponics OR aquaculture (select article:
Classroom Hydroponics, scroll to the bottom and click on more documents like this)
- Keyword: Plant growth ; Document Title: Artificial light
- Keyword: Algae AND production AND commercial ; Date range: last year
Phrase search (put quotes around phrase)
- “Genetically modified food”
- “low carbohydrate diet”
- “forensic science”
Picture (click check box only under picture icon)
- Funnel Cloud
- Solar System
- Hurricane
Video (click check box only under Audio/Video icon)
- Hiccups
- Human Cloning
- Gene Sequence
- Inner ear infection
Topics / Websites
- Type Plant biotechnology; on the results page click on [search within this topic].
Enter keyword: artificial light
- Type: fern. Select fern>>pterophyta (ferns) (great website results)
- Type soil science. Select (1st hit) soil science>>advanced topics. Click on [search
within this topic]. Select the Boolean radio button and type keyword: organic AND
chemical AND fertilizer
- Eugenics
- Biology: Frog Dissection
- Health: Chickenpox Video
eLibrary Canada
Simple Search (with natural language default)
- politique canadienne (retrieve French articles by asking question in French)
- Canadarm
- Poundmaker
- Hockey
- Kyoto Protocol
- Curling
Natural language search
- How has technology effected globalization? (Limit to Canadian sources only or limit to
scholarly publication only)
- What is a musher?
- What three oceans border Canada?
- How far is the sun from the earth? Refine search to “in kilometers” then skip to best
part of first article
Boolean search / Advanced
- Pacific railway scandal within 30
- Keyword: Health care ; Document Title: Harper ; Publication: Maclean’s or National
Post ; select all newspapers radio button
- Boreal forest OR taiga (article 8, Biogeography, go to best part)
- Economics AND consumers OR producers, Canadian only
- Halibut treaty AND Britain
Phrase search (put quotes around phrase)
- “Pierre Elliott Trudeau”
- “Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race”
- “Queen Victoria”
- “Canadian Pacific Railway”
- “Canadian Rockies” (sort by pictures)
- Browse magazines
- MacLean’s (issues are loaded 5 days early)
Picture (click check box only under picture icon)
- Canada (publication: Canada Flag)
- Map – Canada population
Video (click check box only under Audio/Video icon)
Canada (sort by publication 3D)
- Search topic Canada → view topic trails that contain information about Canada
- Biography Æ biographies by profession Æ explorers Æ explorers by name A-C Æ
Samuel de Champlain
- Languages Æ Languages of the World Æ Alphabetical listing Æ A-G Æ French Æ
Lessons and Tutorials
eLibrary Canada Cont.
- Human rights (view result coming from the Canadian Encyclopedia)
Curriculum Edition- Criticism – Ibsen
- Reference – Asian Literature
- Multimedia – Canterbury Tales
- History Study Center – Henry Hudson
- Search: “ Hudson Bay”
- Study Units – Imperialism
- Browse Topics – Canadian History >> Canada 1945 –
- Journals – Canadian Journal of History (then search for information on medieval and
- Learning Literature – Roy Gabrielle, Margaret Attwood
eLibrary Elementary
Simple Search (with natural language default)
- Robots
- Rain Forest
- Ancient Egypt tombs (sort by pictures)
- Platypus
- Global warming
- Solar system (magazine sort and highlight activities in articles “Moving Through Solar
System” or “Make a Scale of the Solar System”)
Natural language search
- Type what is an ecosystem? in the search box
- Type what is pneumonia? in the search box
- Type how do animals camouflage? in the search box
Boolean search
- Dinosaurs AND Fossils
- Discovery Space Shuttle AND repair
- Hurricane OR tornado (refine further with a source title Weatherwise)
Phrase search (put quotes around phrase)
- “Martin Luther King”
- “Hubble Telescope”
- “butterfly garden”
Picture (click check box only under picture icon)
- Fireworks
- Dinosaur
- Space Station
Video (click check box only under Audio/Video icon)
- Healthy living
- Fact Machine
- Tropical Storms
- Tallest Bridge
- Volcano
- Great thinkers Æ science Æ Isaac Newton Æ biography
- Social Studies Æ archeology Æfeatured topics Æ hieroglyphs Æ understanding
- Sports & gym Æ sports Æ extreme sports Æ mountain biking
- Any state (ex. Georgia); select variety of sources such as almanac, encyclopedia, etc.
- Type outline maps U.S. in the search box
- Matter
SIRS Researcher
Basic Search – subject headings
- Presidential candidates
- Teen Smoking
- Same sex marriage
- Federal Reserve
- Race Discrimination
- San Andreas Fault
- Animal rights
Basic Search – keywords
- Pandemic influenza
- Death penalty or capital punishment
- Roberts and Supreme Court
- Disaster Plans
Advanced Search
- Government spending AND Iraq War
- Spitzer telescope AND spiral galaxy AND cosmic dust
- Carl Sagan (A) And Space (FT) Not Evolution (FT)
- American Medical Association AND Drug Advertising AND Moratorium
Advanced Search – Proximity Search
- Digital phones w/in 5 words of privacy
- Terrorism w/in 5 words of Islam
Advanced Search - Search Captions
- Dietary Guidelines
- Cosmic Ray
- Chandra Image
- Black hole
- Cartoon
Leading Issues
- School Violence
- Copyright infringement
- Capital Punishment
- Terrorism
Database Features
- Suggested Research Topics
- Spotlight of the Month
- Focus on Terrorism –Top stories, multi-media
- Today’s news- Updated hourly
- Maps of the world – World Historical – Beginnings of Historic Greece
- Maps of the world – US Historical – Coronado Expedition
SIRS Government Reporter
Basic Search – subject headings
- Presidential candidates
- US Supreme Court
- John Roberts
- Civil Rights
Basic Search – keywords
- Spying on America
- Low Income OR Poor
- Brain Death AND Organ Donation
Advanced Search
- Chemical Weapon* OR Biological Weapon* OR Anthrax
- Economics AND Consumers OR Producers
Advanced Search – Proximity Search
- Alternate w/15 energy
- Economy W/5 budget
Advanced Search - Search Captions
- 2005 Hurricane
- Gas Prices
- Social Security
Database Features
- Country Profiles – Background Notes – Iraq
- Federal Agencies – Central Intelligence Agency
- Historic Documents – Civil Rights Act, Bush’s (George W.) Presidential Address to the
Nation (2001), King’s (Martin Luther) “ I Have a Dream Speech” (1963)
- Presidential directory now include libraries, burial sites, families of presidents
- National Archive – Peace & Prosperity 1953-1961 – scroll down to 1st document (Elvis)
- Supreme Court – Landmark Cases – Civil Rights
Topic Browse
- US Supreme Court, privacy, expectation of privacy
SIRS Renaissance
Basic Search – subject headings
- Excavations
- fiction AND themes (click on subject heading Fiction, Themes, motives)
- Characters (click subject heading Characters and Characteristics in Literature)
- Indigenous peoples
- Music, 18th Century
- William Shakespeare
- Inca Architecture
Basic Search – keywords
- Opera singer and soprano
- Grimm Brothers
- Islam and Religion
- “Native Americans” AND Culture
Advanced Search
- Composers AND “Eighteenth Century”
- Renaissance AND Leonardo AND Painting
- Digital - Caption Search
- Picasso – Caption Search
- Literature Æ literary criticism Æ The Bronte Sisters
- Music Æ Rock and Roll Æ Four Rockers define Stone Age
- Philosophy & Religion Æ Science Æ Science Moves West
- Literature Æ literary criticism
Database Features
- Literary Corner Æ New Author Profiles Æ JRR Tolkien
- Literary Corner Æ C Æ Truman Capote
- Award Recipients Æ Literature Æ Caldecott, Webby Awards
- GlossaryÆ Impressionism
- Notable People Æ Visual Arts ÆPainters Æ Salvador Dali
- Recommended References Æ Philosophy & Religion Æ Contemporary American
SIRS Discoverer
Basic Search – keyword
- Mary Pope Osborne
- J.K. Rowling
- Du Bois
- Cloning Animals
- Economics
- Caffeine
- Iraq
- Giant Panda
- Young Mayor
- Stepfamilies
Basic Search – subject headings
- Safety
- Editorial Cartoon NEW
¾ Gas Prices
¾ Report Cards
¾ SUV vs. Hybrid
¾ Global
¾ Bird Flu
- Recycling
- Electricity
- Planets
- Archeology
Advanced Search
- Immigration (Title) and Mexico (Full Text)
- Poet and Slave and Africa
- Artic air and greenhouse gasses
- Fire AND prevention OR safety
Subject Tree Browse
- Browse Subject Tree Cultures & Holidays Æ Ceremonies & Observances Æ
Constitution Day
- Notable People Æ Sports Figures Æ Softball
- Kids Corner Æ Things to Make and Do Æ Maps
- Health and Human Body Æ Physical Conditions Æ Disease& Disorders Æ Celiac
Database Features
- Country Facts Æ CanadaÆ British Columbia
- Activities Æ Debate Æ Debate of the Week (See also editorial cartoon)
- Biographies Æ Condoleezza Rice, Maya Lin
- Fiction Æ myths, legends, folktales & fairy tales
- Photo Essays Æ Lewis & Clark
- Pictures Æ Giant Panda, Math – E – Magic, Plate Tectonics
- Maps of the World Æ Outline Æ Middle East
Discoverer for Math and Reading
Subject Tree Searches
- Kids Corner
¾ Things to Make and Do
¾ Math Activities and Puzzles
- Science
¾ Mathematics, Weights and Measures
¾ Fahrenheit and Celsius
¾ Numerical Prefixes
Database Features
- Math Activities & Puzzles
- Mathematricks
- Mixing Mixed Numbers
- Mighty Mathematicians
Web Sites
- Sesame street
- Go Math
- Math in Daily Life
- Algebra – Fun with Calendars
Subject Headings
- Math*
- Mathematics – Problems and Exercises
- Metric System
- Multiplication
- Ratio & Proportion
- Math Word Problems
- Fraction-Nition
- Decimal System
- Percents and Fractions
- Line Graph Activity
- Math – E – Magic
- Math Question
- Fractals Magnified
SIRS Decades
Note: “According to our best estimate 10% of the content in Decades is unique never before
digitized content……
• National Magazine: The Portal to Beauty
• Collier’s: The National Weekly: San Francisco in Ruins
• Colored American Magazine: The Negro’s Worth
• Scientific American: The Giant Airship of the Future
• Woman Citizen: Suffrage Maps of US
• Harpers Weekly: Marching on to Suffrage
• Science: Book Review, The Laws of Life: Principles of Evolution
• Musical America: Twilight Descends on the Gods of Tin Pan Alley
• Harper’s: What Portion of Income Should be Invested?
• Today’s Education: Famous American Women
• Woman Citizen: Rearranging Pa’s Things for Him
• Billboard: Duke Ellington and His Famous Orchestra
• Atlantic Monthly: Who Goes There?
• Scribner’s Magazine: Slave on the Block
• Christian Century: Electricity can Double by 1965
• Atlantic Monthly: Who Gets Paid What
Simple Search (with natural language default)
- Censorship
- Segregation
- Women’s suffrage
- Cartoon and justice
Boolean search
- Temperance and women
- Jazz or flapper
- Union and labor not soviet
- Baseball and segregation
Phrase search (put quotes around phrase)
- “Espionage Act”
- “Atomic Bomb”
- “ Supreme Court”
SIRS Decades Cont.
- Mark Twain
- Scribner Books
- Tsunami
Editorial Cartoon
- Censorship
- Supreme Court
- A Central Bank
Letter or Memo
- Is anything wrong with Sox
- Birth Control Attitudes
- Joseph Pennell
Literary Work
- W.E.B. Du Bois
- “That’s where the laugh comes in”
Map or Chart
- Who gets paid what?
- USS Nautilus
- Map of Korea
Original Document
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Federal Reserve Act
- Boston Glee Club
- I Want You for US Army
- Mark Twain
- Charlie Chaplin
- Rebel without a Cause
Works of Art
- Saturday Evening Post
- Winslow Homer
- Marc Chagall
Published Article
- Charlie Chaplin
- Text of Van Doren Quiz Statement
- Stop Being Afraid
- Eisenhower
Robert Frost
Henry Ford
Interactive Citizenship
What Citizens Need to Know About Government
- Chapter 4 – Presidency
Highlight links to the White House and updated presidential speeches
- Chapter 14 – Citizenship
Scroll through chapter:
14th Amendment
Ellis Island
Naturalization Process
US Citizenship and Immigration Services
Related Articles:
- US Visa Policy: Securing Borders and Opening Doors
- A Description of the Immigrant Population
Related Internet Sites
- Naturalization: Eligibility and Testing
- US Citizenship and Immigration Home Page
- Questions and Answers – US Visit - US Visit (good graphic)
- Bill of Rights
- Dual Citizenship
- Propaganda
What Citizens Need to Know About World Affairs
- Highlight chapter on Middle East with updated content on curren Afghanistan, Iraq and
Israel/Palestine content
- Chapter 2.8 – A Global Perspective on Human Affairs
- Chapter 8 – Trade
What Citizens Need to Know About Economics
- Chapter 11 – Money and Banking
Inquiry & Discovery Forms
(Locate these forms through Educator’s Resources, Curriculum & Training materials)
- Understanding Basic Knowledge
- Problem Solving
- Analyzing Graphs and Charts
- Map Skills
Culture Grams
NEW Provinces Edition
British Columbia
New Brunswick
Newfoundland and Labrador
Northwest Territories
Nova Scotia
Prince Edward Island
World Edition
New Reports:
East Timor
New Features:
Regional Introductions
Click Asia from world map view to see regional introduction
View regional map in PDF format
Kids Edition
New Reports:
Dominican Republic
El Salvador
States Edition Highlights:
County Outline Maps
Data Table Categories
Photo Gallery Search
- Greece
- Netherlands
- New Zeeland
K-12 Teaching Activities (PDF link at the bottom of every screen)
World Conflicts Today
Highlight Slideshows!
New Conflicts: Afghanistan
1) the latest from Iraq on the “surge” and credible reports that the United States is talking
to Iraqis it has for years called “terrorists”
2) an apparent breakthrough in the diplomatic struggle to get North Korea to dismantle its
nuclear weapons program
3) more about Hamas and its battle with Palestinian moderates
4) a growing scandal in Colombia over alleged links between high-ranking politicians and
paramilitaries who have confessed to mass murder
Select a Conflict
- Palestinian Territories
Click Developments on left sidebar and scroll down to
Read More
Note: Primary Source Document Link
1968 PLO Charter
Select Primary Sources on left sidebar
- 2003 Road Map to Peace
- 1978 Camp David Accord
Select Classroom Activities on left sidebar
- Questions and Activities
Select a Conflict
-Northern Ireland
Click Origins on left sidebar and scroll down to 2nd
Read More
Note: External Link to Website
None Dare Call it Treason Website
Basic Search
- 9/11
- Ethnic Cleansing
- Civil War
- Hunger
- Protest
Advanced Search
- September 11, 2001 (with the exact phrase)
- Democratic Unionist Party (with the exact phrase)
- Good Friday Agreement (with the exact phrase)
Learning Literature
Basic Search
- Bronte (shows works by all 3 Bronte sisters)
- Maya Angelou
- Jane Austen
- F Scott Fitzgerald
- Nathanial Hawthorn
- Charles Dickens
- Jack Kerouac
Criticism (if 3 or more words in title, put quotes around it)
- “Brave New World” (words in text)
- “Catcher in the Rye” (words in text)
- “Red Badge of Courage” (words in text)
- “How do I love Thee” (words in text)
- Animal Farm (words in title)
- JD Salinger (article author)
- Asian literature (words in text)
- Victorian poets (words in text)
- Spanish literature (words in text)
- American short story (words in title)
- Greek drama (words in text)
Multimedia (deselect the web box for all searches below)
- Bag of Bee
- Wife of Bafa
- Balances
- Shame
Literary Works
- “O, I am fortune’s fool” (in text field)
- “Autumn leaves falling” (in text field; deselect novels & plays)
- Twain (in author field)
- Wuthering Heights (in title field)
- Scarlet letter (in title field)
- Poe (in author field)
- Alcott (in author field)
Learning Literature Cont.
Study Pages
Shakespeare Pages
- Hamlet
Period Pages
- Renaissance
- Neoclassical
- Romantic
- Children’s Literature (scroll down for a list of children’s author’s)
Genre Pages
- Science Fiction and Fantasy
- Ballads and Songs
Literary Movement Pages
- Hip-Hop / Spoken Word poetry
- Hispanic American literature
- Native American literature
- Asian American literature
- The Inklings (Tolkien and C.S. Lewis, among others)
- Magic Realism (Garcia-Marquez, et al.)
- Post-Colonialism
Knowledge Notes
- George Orwell
Poets on Screen
- “Death Be Not Proud”
CUP Essays
Hemingway’s Short Fiction (Cambridge University Press)
History Study Center
Basic Search
- World religions
- Industrial revolution
- Civil war (shows American, Spanish, English, etc.)
Advanced Search
- Keyword: rise and fall ; Title: Roman Empire
- Keyword: enlightenment and democra* ; Title: Constitution
- Item Title: Any State (ex: Texas)
Study Units
- Browse: European history > European history, 1450-1600
- U.S. History (title searches):
o Early European settlement in the Americas
o Slavery
o The Wild West
o American Revolution
o Western Expansion
o Causes of the Civil War
o Reconstruction
o Prohibition
o The New Deal
o The Cold War
o McCarthyism
o Civil Rights movement
- World History (title searches):
o The Reformation
o French Revolution
o Colonialism
o The Industrial Revolution in Britain
o Causes of First World War
o First World War
o Russian Revolution
o The League of Nations
o Nazism
o Second World War
Historical Documents
- Voltaire (shows good results about Enlightenment in 18th Century Europe)
- Title: Witches of Salem
- Pacific Railway Act
- Browse: The Penguin Book of Historic Speeches
History Study Center Cont.
Maps and Reference
- Black death
- Title: Vietnam War
- Browse Knowledge Notes Æ Text Guide Æ Declaration of Independence
- Browse Knowledge Notes Æ Topic Guides Æ Great Depression
- Jacksonian democracy
- Cold War
- Title: Feminism
- Martha Washington
- Washington's Home
- United Nations Flag
- Coke Merchandise
- Carl Lewis
- Berlin Wall , Wailing Wall
- Hydrogen Bomb Test
- Russian Revolution
Highlights – Maps
Age of Discovery
1) Johan Ruysch’s Map of the World, 1507 (the first published map that showed any part of
the Americas)
2) Main Voyages of Discovery, 1492-1610
Native American
1) The Indian Wars, 1860-1890
2) The Big Horn Campaign
African American History
1) Slave Origins and Trade Routes in the Muslim World, c. 1000
2) The Slave Dispersion and the Triangle of Trade
3) The Underground Railroad
4) African American Battle Sites in the American Civil War
5) The Great Migration
6) African Americans Attending School with Whites in the South and Border States, 1954
7) Nation of Islam
8) Black Voter Registration, 1958 & 1965
1) Motor Cars by State, 1930
2) Radio by State, 1930
3) Tennessee Valley Authority
Presidential Elections
1) Presidential Election of 1860
2) Kennedy’s Victory Over Nixon, 1960
3) Presidential Election of 1992
Black Studies Center
Quick Search - “Rosa Parks”
• On the results page, note all of the hits by the various content types
• Show the result for “African Americans in the West” essay which talks about a
similar “Rosa Parks” event happening on a streetcar in California nearly 100 years
• Show the newspaper results – Any article after Dec 1955 will relate to Rosa Parks
and being taken off of the bus. Note the hit-term highlighting in the text.
• Journals show various articles about Rosa Parks or books reviews about the Civil
Rights Movement.
Author Search -Langston Hughes
• Click journals and Schomburg Studies on the Black Experience (Langston Hughes
wrote several articles for the Chicago Defender.)
• Show first article on “How US and Russia Treat Minority Groups”.
• Expand the list of results. Show the results for Hughes’ regular column “Here to
Keyword search - “Scottsboro Boys”.
• Show any of the Resources with a Key by them. These are Key Resources to the
Schomburg essays.
• Show the scholarly journal articles. Select “Supporting our Friends…” from the
Journal of African American History.
• Show newspapers. Select “…why Leibowicz balked on the Scottsboro Case.” Show
hit term highlighting. Good primary source document.
• Now show the full page for this article in PDF view. Interesting articles on Will
Rogers as well as article on foreign nations trying to grab Africa. Great map of
Keyword search- Scopes “Monkey Trial” and 1925
Show any of the Resources with a Key by them. These are Key Resources to the
Schomburg essays.
Show the timeline, 1870 – 1879 End of Reconstruction
Show resources”…the racial politics of knowledge”
Keyword search – Harlem Renaissance
Show any of the Resources with a Key by them. These are Key Resources to the
Schomburg essays.
Show multimedia “ Duke Ellington and his Orchestra perform at a dance in the
BSC Cont.
Condoleezza Rice
Tiger Woods
Eldridge Cleaver (key resource)
Martin Luther King
Medgar Evers
Louis Farrakhan
Phyllis Wheatley
Harriet Tubman
Nelson Mandela (multimedia video)
Muhammad Ali
Colin Powell
W.E.B. Dubois
Frederick Douglass
“Jim Crow”
“Harlem Renaissance”
“African Americans” AND Military
“The Black Press”
“affirmative Action”
“Race relations”
Black AND athlete
Civil Rights
Black Women
Interracial Marriage
Reconstruction (timeline)
Discrimination AND Employment
Discrimination AND Sex
Discrimination AND Race
Plessy v. Ferguson
Brown v. Topeka (Board of Education)
Black Power
Black Nationalism
Blacks AND Native Americans
• Prejudice
Historical Newspapers Graphical Edition
Basic Search
- Beatles
- Mount Rushmore
- Albert Einstein
- Henri Matisse
- women’s suffrage
- mark twain
- Babe Ruth
- Iraq and “George Bush” and “Saddam Hussein” (before 1991)
- Television (check out the articles 1900-1919)
Display Ad (check only Display Ad in Article Type area)
- toothpaste
- Coca-cola and Santa (limit 1930s) → Coca-cola and Santa and Christmas (all dates)
- Sears and dresses
- Mercedes Benz
Front Page (check only Front Page box in Article Type area)
- “walk on moon”
- Kennedy (Document Title) ; President and Dallas (text) ; limit 1960s (Nov 1963)
- Hiroshima and atom
- Titanic (narrow date to April 1912)
Editorial Cartoon
- Prohibition (all newspapers available)
- Vietnam (NY Times only)
- Gold (LA Times only)
- George W. Bush
- Gore Vidal
- Theodore Roosevelt
What Happened On:
- Have students search on grandparents or great-grandparents birth date
- Industrial Age Æ Automobile & Henry Ford
- Great Depression Æ Personal Impact of Depression
- Turbulent ‘60s Æ Rise of Rock-N-Roll
Book Reviews (check only Review box, page numbers beginning with BR are NYT Book
- “sun also rises” and Hemingway
- “East of Eden” and Steinbeck ; Date: Between 9/1/1951 and 9/30/1952
- F Scott Fitzgerald AND the Great Gatsby ; Date: before 1935 ; Article Type: Review →
Article: Scott Fitzgerald Looks Into Middle Age
Historical Newspapers Cont.
150 Years of The New York Times - Key events search ideas
• US Population 23 million
• Pony Express
• Chicago fire
• Grasshopper plague
• Emancipation Proclamation
• Gettysburg
• Whiskey Ring
• Geneva Convention
• Panic of 1857
• Little Big Horn
• Telephone
• Light Bulb
• Great Railroad Strike
• Coca Cola
• Huckleberry Finn
• Separate but equal
• Pro Football
• X-Rays
• Vaudeville
• Quantum theory
• San Francisco earthquake
• Model T
• Titanic
• Income tax
• Prohibition
• Babe Ruth
• Women’s suffrage
• Insulin
• Al Capone
• Stock market crash
• New Deal
• Social Security
Bonus Army
Duke of Windsor
Jesse Owens
“Who lost China?”
• Brown v Board of Education
• Army-McCarthy hearings
• Polio vaccine
• Sputnik
• Berlin Wall
• Cuban missile crisis
• Woodstock
• Roe v Wade
• Watergate
• Patty Hearst
• Watts riot
• I have a dream
• Kennedy, Oswald, Ruby
• Man on the Moon
• Legionnaire’s Disease
• NYC financial bailout
• Jonestown
• Embassy hostages
• Subway Vigilante
• Exxon Valdez
• Fall of communism
• Rodney King
• Don’t ask, don’t tell
• Oklahoma City
• O.J. Simpson
• Clinton impeachment
• US population 250 million
HNP Traditional Version – Search Tips
New Indexed Fields: Column, Dateline, Page
Search Methods
• Basic – Find articles based on keywords in the citation and article text. Also limit by newspaper and date.
Additional tools located in More Search Options.
• Advanced – Find articles by searching specific fields, including: citation and article text, citation and
abstract (equivalent to headline and lead paragraph), article title, article text, author, article type. Also
limit by newspaper and date.
• Publication – Browse a specific day’s paper, or front pages of successive days.
• AND – gold and California – looks for both terms within entire article
• OR – Tammany Hall or Boss Tweed – looks for either term within entire article
• AND NOT – Mississippi and not river – looks for terms to not both occur within entire article
• WITHIN – constitution w/10 amend – searches within specified number of words (1 to 50)
• System searches two words together as a phrase
i.e. – Federal Reserve finds Federal Reserve
• Use quotes for phrase searching of 3 or more words
i.e. – “as you like it” finds as you like it
• 3+ word phrase with no quotes – system uses an implied AND between words
i.e. – boston tea party will be searched as boston AND tea AND party
Word Variants
• Truncation *
i.e. – amend* – will find amend, amended, amendment, amending, etc.
• Wildcards ?
i.e. – Gettysb?rg – will find Gettysburg, Gettysberg
• Plurals/singulars found automatically
i.e. – woman will find women – children will find child
• British spelling and other variants not automatically found. Search for both terms.
i.e. – (labor or labour)
Author Field
• Within operator is implied
i.e. – Mark Twain and Twain, Mark will find the same thing
Article Types
• Article, Birth notice, Classified ad, Comic, Display ad, Editorial article, Editorial cartoon, Fire loss, Front
page, Legal notice, Letter, Lottery numbers, Marriage, Obituary, Photo Standalone, Real estate
transaction, Review, Stock quote, Table of contents, Weather
Display Options
• Citation – bibliographic details for the article
• Article Image – article displayed in PDF format using Adobe Reader
• Page Map – the article appears in context of the entire page, displays in special format to allow browsing
through the issue page by page, or jumping to articles found on a page.
• Page Image – the article appears in context of the entire page it is from, displays in PDF format to allow
for printing, enlarging, saving, etc.
Delivery Options
• Print – Use ProQuest Print button. Advanced Adobe Reader print tools are also available.
• Email – Available for article images. You can deliver the citation (plain text) or the image (formatted
attachment). Formatted citations are available.
- Marked List – Email article images and/or citations in a batch. Export to bibliographic software.
Download a Research Summary of links to articles, searches and newspape
ProQuest Platinum
Basic Search
- Mexican president elect ; Date: Last 12 months
- Iraq Constitution
- Discovery Space Shuttle
- Skin and Stem Cell Research
- Gasoline prices
- Vaccine and Autism (Limit to scholarly journals)
- Bill Clinton (More Search Options Æ Document Type Æ Review; Book Review)
- King Tut (More Search Options Æ exhibit review)
- NoBu (More Search Options Æ Restaurant Review)
Advanced Search
- Iraq war (Citation/Abstract) → more search options → Document Feature: graphs or
- Website or web site (Document Title) → more search options → Document Type:
- Graphic design (Document text) W/3 earn* (Document Text)
- Mandatory retirement AND high court justice (both Citation and Document Text)
- Costa Rica (Document Title) AND Travel (Section)
- Student achievement AND athletics (both Citation and Document Text)
- Teenagers → jump to: Literature → jump to: Novels → view documents
- Magellan (Look up A-Z) → point out m. Fidelity Funds, history of m., m. Venus probe,
explorer Ferdinand m., GPS, Strait of m.
- Alternate energy sources (suggested topics)
- Genocide
- Browse subject directory Æ Social Issues & PolicyÆ Criminal Justice Æ Crimes &
- Browse subject directory Æ HealthÆ Health & FitnessÆ Diet & Nutrition Æ Diet
Publication Search
- Washington Post (click on title, then show today’s news loaded by 10am ET)
- New York Times (click on search within publication tab and type a current event topic)
- Watercolor New York (great graphics)
Smart Search
- Type New Orleans in quick search box Æ in ‘suggested topics’ box click on ‘next’ Æ
New Orleans Louisiana (location) AND Geographic profiles Æ Gone with the Water
- Exxon profit Æ in ‘suggested topics’ box click on ‘next’ Æ Exxon Mobil Corp
(company/org) AND Financial performance Æ (select any recent document)
Professional Education
Basic Search
- differentiated instruction
- cognitive style
- rubrics (can also choose educational evaluation from Smart Search topics)
- bullying (choose scholarly journals)
- “academic standards” AND NCLB
- standards based instruction
- sports AND student achievement
Advanced Search
- education policy AND bush AND budget (all Citation and Abstract)
- graduation rate AND urban OR rural
- educational vouchers AND legislation (also works well as a topic search)
- academic standards (look up topics A-Z)
- evaluation (suggest topics selected)
- evaluation (look up topics A-Z)
- browse subject directory Æ EducationÆ InstructionÆ Special education Æ Gifted
Publication Search
- education week (click on title, then show latest issue)
- school library journal (click on search within publication tab and type technology)
ProQuest Professional Education Sample Questions:
- How can I include a discussion of bioterrorism in the classroom for social studies and
- What is the latest issue of Education Week available? List the articles in that issue.
- What tools are available for evaluating writing skills?
- What are the most current issues on standards based instruction?
- What is the effect of sports participation on student achievement?
- What are some methods for increasing science fair participation?
- What recent statistics are available for the use of technology within schools?
- How have online microscopes been integrated into science classes?
- What are some resources to address bullying at school?
How can I help parents understand Rubrics?
Ethnic NewsWatch
Warsaw Pact
Cond* Rice (* is truncation –searches Condi or Condoleezza)
System always looks for two words directly adjacent to each other.
“Persian Gulf War”
Best way to search for a three+ word phrase
hate crimes w/25 jew*
(* is truncation – will find jew or jewish)
w/25 searches for one word/phrase within 25 words of the second term/phrase
voting and Hispanic
AND searches for term/terms within 250 words of each other
System searches the search term(s) in the title/headline of the article
source(Middle East Policy)
so(Russian Life) and Putin
System will search just the source field (publication) for the word(s) in parentheses.
Smart Search – Type racism in search box. Click Racism & Discrimination in Smart
Search box, Blacks, show results and then click Alert
Within Connector
You can use any number from 1 up to 999. The number corresponds to the number of
words between search terms…e.g. – w/1 – w/25 – w/60 – w/999
The Symbol * is for truncation
this will “open-end” a search term
e.g. – terror* will find the words: terror – terrorist – terrorized – terrorism - etc.
The system will look for both singular and/or plural forms of search terms:
career will also find careers / children will also find child
The system will automatically look for both English as well as British spellings:
labor will also find labor / color will also find color
Please forward any searches you would like to see in this document to