Airport surface water runoff: applications for on-line BOD analysis )


Airport surface water runoff: applications for on-line BOD analysis )
Airport surface water runoff: applications for on-line BOD
Jim Pickering*, Colin Genner* and Patrick Keller**
* Envitech Ltd., Lambourne Crescent, Llanishen, Cardiff CF14 5GF, Great Britain
** Stip Isco GmbH, Siemensstr. 2, 64823 Groß-Umstadt, Germany
The extensive surface area of airport runways generates large volumes of runoff water which
depending on the time of year can be heavily polluted from organics. Typically on-line TOC
analysers had been used for this type of application but this paper will describe how at Gatwick
Airport, London an on-line BOD analyser was tested successfully and installed. Following on from
the Gatwick installation, similar on-line BOD monitoring systems have now been installed at
Manchester, Birmingham, Stansted, East Midlands, Aberdeen and most recently Heathrow
airports. Furthermore, success with similar applications in Germany and the US has been achieved.
BOD on-line method, deicants, kerosene, runoff water
This specific field of application for BOD on-line analysis started at an airport in England in the
year 1995. The airport had to monitor the surface runoff water continuously. Depending on the level
of organic pollution, the surface runoff water is allowed to go direct into the local river, or must be
diverted to the local municipal waste water treatment plant. BOD was the parameter of choice,
primarily because the consent limit was expressed in BOD, but also the airport had poor experience
with TOC for the very same application. This paper describes the installation and the results of
STIP ISCO‘s BOD on-line analyser BIOX 1010 at Gatwick airport, London.
The application
Typically, the airport surface runoff waters can contain organic pollution in form of kerosene/oil
and, in winter during the deicing period, deicants such as glycol and konsin. Thus the organic load
and the matrix can vary greatly. Dependent on the actual organic load the surface runoff water must
be treated or can be send directly to the river, lake, or sewer system. The treatment of this runoff is
usually done in a local waste water treatment plant. In contrary to industrial waste water treatment
plants these are very often not equipped to handle high swings of organic loads and varying
composition. This situation requires careful monitoring of the runoff water in order to divert for
treatment or allow direct discharge. Furthermore, very importantly, on-line monitoring can help to
reduce the volume of surface water that has to be held by the airport since rapid measurement can
allow release much sooner than relying on laboratory analysis. Operating such an on-line analyser
as part of an automatic control system can result in significant cost savings in terms of size of
holding tank required and allowing much greater control of existing holding capacity.
In addition on-line analysis can also protect a treatment plants biomass and aids effective treatment.
The delay of 5 days for laboratory BOD analysis resulted in the need of a rapid method and hence
the BOD-M3 on-line BOD method was chosen to obtain results, which mirror the present situation
with a short time delay. Therefore, the STIP ISCO analyser BIOX 1010 was chosen.
The BOD-M3 on-line BOD method
The continuous short-time BOD-M3 measurement technique incorporates a procedure where microorganisms control the computer of the monitor [1]. The effluent sample is continuously pumped to
the instrument where it is coarsely filtered and then diluted by an automatic feedback control
system so that the internal immobilised biomass is fed with a constant level of waste sample. The
required dilution ratio of waste to dilution water is then used to calculate the BOD. Waste sample
concentration within the bioreactor is kept constant and at a low level to achieve a constant
3mg/litre oxygen consumption by the microbes. Thousands of small plastic rings within the
bioreactor provide a growth surface for the biomass which is in constant contact with the waste
sample and so is adapted to variations in the waste sample in the same manner as a biological waste
treatment system. Toxic shocks are rarely a problem due to the feedback dilution control system.
A key factor of the success of the BIOX BOD analyser is the large flows and large diameter pipes
for analysis. Typically a BIOX will be analysing 1000 times the volume measured by a standard
TOC monitor. This helps greatly to reduce any problems with blockages and ensures a true
representative sample is measured. In addition a simple sample preparation technique i.e. coarse
filtration with a 0.5mm mesh size with built-in autoflushing enables the BIOX-1010 to operate
almost without the need of maintenance.
Fig. 1: The BOD-M3 analyser BIOX 1010 for on-line monitoring
The measuring site’s specific factors
The BIOX requires a continuous source of organic material and nutrient in order for the
maintenance of the growth of the biomass. Typically this is supplied from the analysed sample and
hence there are no reagent requirements for the BIOX analyser. However in the case of an airport
application it was considered possible that at periods during the summer very low levels of
BOD/nutrients could be encountered. Hence tests were done to operate the BIOX sampling using
simply tap water and with an external dosing system to provide sufficient BOD and nutrients to
maintain growth. This was tested at Envitech's site.
Laboratory experiments
During the first tests in the laboratory, artificially prepared samples were measured using the BODM3 as well as the standard BOD5 method. The obtained results point to a strong correlation of the
online BOD-M3 values to the real concentration of the sample. In contrary, the standard method
showed significant deviations particularly at high glycol concentrations. These type of results are
not unusual due to the inherent variables encountered within the laboratory BOD test.
Sample No
Fig. 2: Comparison of BOD5 and BOD-M3 at various concentrations
The results from the BOD-M3 test gave promising results. They give a clear picture about the real
glycol concentration over a wide range. This confirmed the approach to install the Biox 1010 at
Gatwick Airport. During the winter season, high glycol concentrations were to be expected.
On-site installation
At the very beginning of the installation in 1996 it was found that the BOD/nutrient levels were
always sufficient to maintain the biomass and so a control dosing system was not required. At other
sites this may be required but Envitech's tests did show such a system can be implemented without
any significant problems.
Low BOD concentrations were confirmed during the summer 1997. Between June and November
mainly values between 20-30 mg/l were obtained. The main source therefore was likely to be
kerosene. After the start of the deicing season the BOD values increased significantly to 150-250
mg/l BOD. The strong variations during the winter are based on dilution effects of the glycol
containing de-iceant. If there are heavy rainfall or snow events, the deicing component obviously is
diluted and lower values are observed. High values were achieved during cold weather and low
dilution by snow or water. As observed in the laboratory tests, the good correlation of the on-line
and the standard procedure at low concentration was confirmed. At higher BOD-levels greater
deviation is evident. A complete record of the BOD measurements between May and December
1997 is presented in figure 3.
Lab BO D
Fig. 3: Comparison of BOD5 and BOD-M3 at Gatwick Airport
As shown, the installation of a STIP ISCO analyser gave reliable results compared with the BOD
standard method. This is one factor to consider in deciding how to measure the runoff water. Other
important criteria are the response time and the reliability of the analyser. During the first years of
this operation the analyser has shown that overall 99% availability was realistically achievable. The
response time of the analyser is described below.
BOD mg/l
Fig. 4: Daily curve of a BOD-M3 at Gatwick Airport in November
At Gatwick after deicing the aircraft and the runway the runoff water flows by gravity to a large
holding pond. Under level control the runoff water is then pumped up to a balance tank where the
BIOX-1010 analyser takes its sample. The peak in the trace occurred as the large pumps were
switched on and resulted in a rapid concentration change within the balance tank. This was rapidly
detected by the BIOX analyser and hence gives a clear test of the speed of response of the complete
analyser and sample handling system.
Hence at Gatwick the BIOX-1010 has been used for 5 years as part of an automatic divert control
system which regulates the concentration of BOD that is diverted either for direct discharge or for
treatment at the local waste water treatment plant.
Operational experience
Realistically, the maintenance requirements have been between 30 minutes and one hour per week
maximum, with several weeks without any intervention at all. Typical maintenance activities are
simple things, such as cleaning an oxygen sensor, calibrate a peristaltic pump, and change tubes.
Since these simple procedures are under direction of the integrated process computer, they can be
successfully done even by non-trained personnel. In addition Envitech provides a remote
monitoring maintenance facility whereby the operation of the analyzer is checked using access via a
modem connection. This also reduces both downtime and running costs.
Realistic total yearly running costs for a STIP Biox-1010 BOD analyser for the described
applications amount to approximately 600 US dollars, for 24h/day, 7 days/week continuous
It was shown that the STIP ISCO analyser BIOX 1010 meets the requirements for airport surface
water runoff. High reliability, accuracy, low cost of operation and low maintenance point to a great
benefit [2,3, 4]. The environment as well as the biomass within the waste water treatment plant are
significantly protected using on-line analysers for continuous monitoring.
Based on the success of this first airport BOD application at Gatwick, several STIP analysers for
BOD have been installed for the same or very similar applications. At Gatwick itself an additional 4
analysers are planned for control at the local waste water treatment plant as well part of the
environmental control at a new fire fighting training facility. To date there are twenty STIP BOD
analysers in six British airports, and two in two German airports. Several US airports have shown
significant interest, and so has the AAA (American Airline association). First installations in the US
have now been completed. It is anticipated to have additional applications very soon.
1 Köhne, M., Siepmann, F. W., and te Heesen, D. (1986), A Comparison of the BOD5 and the
Continuous Short-Time BOD (BOD-M3), Korrespondenz Abwasser, No 33 pp. 787-793.
2 Minting, P. (2001). Technically speaking. In: Water and Waste Treatment Journal; May 2001,
3 Brown, M. (2001). Here comes BOD. In: Environment Business Magazine, March 2001, p.41
4 Pickering J. (2001). International Environmental Technology, Nov. 1999, Issue 9, pp. 17-18.