Atrium 5 - Gulliver Schools
Atrium 5 - Gulliver Schools
SUMMER 2008 | A MAGAZINE FOR FRIENDS AND ALUMNI {the Green Issue} the atrium Head of School John Krutulis Senior Director, Institutional Advancement Ted Milford Director of Communications and Public Relations Jennifer Vaida Director of Alumni Relations Laura Sochet Keepax ‘85 Communications Specialist Nathalie Santa Maria Contributing Writers Laura Keepax ‘85 Nathalie Santa Maria Jennifer Vaida Jannet Jureidini Cristina Suarez Catherine Piccini ‘87 Kelly Josephsen the atrium Marian Krutulis - Founder Board of Trustees Jeffrey Bartel ‘84 - Chairman Sarah Nesbitt Artecona ‘83 Bill Kerdyk Dr. Roy Nirschel Emilio Nuñez ‘83 Abigail Watts-FitzGerald Libby Witherspoon ‘87 From the Communications Desk 4 A Message from Your Head of School 5 Meet Your Senior Management Team 6 Students Give Back 2007 - 2008 8 Student Profile - Bobby Adams 10 Faculty Profile - Andrea Perry 12 contents News Around Campus 2007 - 2008 14 Faculty Profile - Maria Gonzalez 16 Gulliver 2007-2008 Honor Roll 18 Save the Date 26 the atrium is published by the Gulliver Schools Office of Communications and Public Relations and is distributed free of charge to all friends and alumni of Gulliver Schools. Highlights From the Advancement Office 28 Alumni News 30 Contributions of photographs and articles are encouraged; however, items submitted will not be returned. Q & A with Suzanne Kennedy ‘87 32 Alumni Perspective - Catherine Piccini ‘87 34 54 Years of Excellence 36 Photo Gallery of 2007-2008 Alumni Events 37 Alumni Profile - Jeff Segal ‘91 38 Alumni Roll Call 40 Gulliver Schools is a private, not-for-profit, 501(c) 3 independent, coeducational, nonsectarian day school. From the Communications Desk Welcome to our greenest issue ever! At Gulliver Schools, we are very committed to doing what we can to protect our Earth, and we are pleased to report that our students are spearheading these efforts! Inspired by our desire to be more eco-friendly, and guided by equally eco-conscious teachers and sponsors, the Gulliver community is doing more than its fair share to educate and act. Take a look at some of these exciting initiatives: the South Miami Librarian sends all over-due book notices via e-mail the Academy fourth graders designed and printed reusable canvas bags and sold them to raise money for environmentally related charities our Prep Environmental Club regularly participates in beach cleanups and puts paper recycling bins in each classroom, which they collect every week the South Miami Campus has a rain barrel that collects rain water, which the students then use to water their vegetable gardens the Advancement and Executive Offices participate in their building’s “go green” efforts by collecting and recycling paper, plastic, and glass the International Baccalaureate students dedicated their 2007-2008 “Group 4” Project, a science requirement for their diploma, to investigating the impact of Gulliver on the environment the school’s maintenance department uses eco-friendly cleaning products through their science classes, students are reminded and encouraged to act on a personal level to conserve natural resources the architects designing Gulliver’s new Aquatic Center have several “Green Applications” in place. Among them are the following items: geothermal pool heating; a rooftop garden that lessens the atmospheric “heat island effect” of a conventional roof; white cement pool deck pavers, which also lessen the “heat island effect” and provide a cooler walking surface for bare feet; a solar-powered score board; and waterless urinals. For more information on the Aquatic Center, please see page 24. the Prep is introducing a new course for the 2008-2009 school year entitled “Environmental Systems IB SL.” The principal aim of this course is to allow students to gain a rigorous scientific understanding of the environment, while sensitizing them to the wider political, ethical, and economic issues they will ultimately have to face in their lifetime. On the communications level, all of our Highlights parent newsletters, our letterhead stationery, and yes, this atrium you are now reading, is Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) certified. The printers we use are triple certified, which means SFI, the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) Council, and the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) have verified their products and practices as being environmentally sound. SFI, FSC, and PEFC have certified that the paper we use is derived from sustainable forests and does not harm the environment. In addition, Gulliver opts to use vegetable-based or soy inks in place of petroleum-based inks, ensuring a comprehensively eco-friendly printing process*. This issue also highlights alumni who are taking active roles in preserving our environment. Printed throughout this issue are friendly reminders on ways that you too can become more eco-friendly, as it is action on the individual level that will have the most positive impact on our environment. We hope you enjoy our greenest issue ever! Jen Vaida, Director of Communications and Public Relations 4 the atrium - summer 2008 * When you’re finished reading this issue, you can place it in the recyling bin with your newspaper. It’s completely recyclable! Tips for “GOING GREEN AVOID LEAVING TAPS RUNNING OR LIGHTS ON WHEN THEY ARE NOT IN USE. N” A MESSAGE FROM YOUR Head T of School he past year has been a time of transition for Gulliver Schools. With Mrs. K entering an emeritus status, a new senior management team, and the development of several capital improvement initiatives on our campuses, there is a lot of momentum at Gulliver. I want to take this opportunity to assure you, however, that despite the changes taking place, the Gulliver you know and love will remain, welcoming new generations of students as well as the many graduates who come back each year to visit. Gulliver Schools became dear to my heart at an early age. As an alumnus, past parent, long-time Associate Director, and now Head of School, I pledge to honor the foundation my mother has built. While reading our current issue of atrium, you will see just how much we do at Gulliver each and every day. It truly is a thriving community of learners who are curious about the world in which we live. I am so excited about our “going green” efforts. Our students learn early on about the importance of giving back to the community and they now are helping to take care of our Earth. Gulliver wants to support these efforts, and I ask that you too join us - read the “Green Tips” throughout the publication and take an active role in preserving our environment. On the next few pages, you’ll also meet the Senior Management Team, who will work closely with me in ensuring Gulliver Schools continues its tradition of excellence. I am confident in their abilities, and together we will ensure that Gulliver keeps its place as the premier college preparatory school in South Florida. John Krutulis, Head of School the atrium - summer 2006 5 MEET YOUR Senior Management Team GLORIA BRACCIANO Senior Director, Provost Years at Gulliver: 1 Areas Under Her Guidance: Academics and Curriculum Development; Advisory Capacity for Athletics, Admission, Financial Aid, and Student Activities Located at: The Executive Office in Coral Gables Professional Associations: Senior Executives of Greater Miami; Advisory Board for U of M’s Sports Administration Program; Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce; Coral Gables Chamber of Commerce Prior Work Experience: Director of Public School Academics and Urban Partnerships for Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan Something Most People Don’t Know About Her: She currently has four kids in college! “All children can learn, and they rise to our expectations. So, we must set the bar high.” OTTO PAIER Senior Director, Risk Management and Operations Years at Gulliver: 24 Areas Under His Guidance: Technology; Safety and Security; Food Service; Transportation; First Aid Provision; Bookstores; After School and Summer Programs; Copy and Interoffice Mail; Contract and Facility Use Processing; Litigation and School Policy Coordination; Student Immigration; ADA and OSHA Compliance Risk Management Located at: The Academy Campus in Coral Gables Professional Associations: Presenter on Operations and Risk Management at regional and state SACS and FCIS conferences; Member of the American Camp Association Prior Work Experience: Math Teacher at Gulliver and at Columbus High School Something Most People Don’t Know About Him: He paid his way through college by working at a funeral home. “Education is what you take away, not what is given to you.” 6 the atrium - summer 2008 JOSÉ FUENTE Senior Director, Finance Years at Gulliver: 15 Areas Under His Guidance: Finance; Strategic Planning; Board of Trustees Liaison Located at: The Executive Office in Coral Gables Professional Associations: Registered School Business Official; Certified Public Accountant (CPA); Member of the Florida Institute of CPAs; Member of the American Institute of CPAs; Chairman of the Board of PAX Catholic Communications; President of the Hispanic Apostolic Movements in the Archdiocese of Miami Prior Work Experience: Partner in the Coral Gables firm of Riera & Fuente CPAs; Adjunct Professor of Accounting at University of Miami and Barry University Something Most People Don’t Know About Him: He hosts his own radio program on Saturday mornings at 8:30 on WACC 830 AM. “Always put the children first. You will never lose.” JAIME PROSPER Senior Director, Facilities and Construction Years at Gulliver: 12 Areas Under His Guidance: Architecture; Engineering; Legal Services; Landscaping; Internships; New Construction; Building and Zoning Issues Located at: The Prep House on the Prep Campus Professional Associations: Past President of the Execs of Greater Miami; State Certified General Contractor Prior Work Experience: Urban Renewal Developer in Upstate New York Something Most People Don’t Know About Him: He is a father of four girls! “Education is the catalyst for equality. It does not discriminate against race, creed, or color. An individual is only limited by the efforts and sacrifices that he or she is willing to make to obtain it.” RON HURST Senior Director, Controller TED MILFORD Senior Director, Advancement Years at Gulliver: 14 Areas Under His Guidance: Accounts Payable; Accounts Receivable; Collections; Payroll; General Accounting Located at: The Executive Office in Coral Gables Professional Associations: Certified Public Accountant (CPA); Finance Advisor for the Immaculada School Alumni Association; Member of St. Richard’s Catholic Church’s Education Committee Prior Work Experience: Controller for the Burger King Corporation Something Most People Don’t Know About Him: He’s half Cuban and fluent in Spanish. Years at Gulliver: 2 Areas Under His Guidance: Development; Parent and Alumni Relations; Gift and Event Planning; Communications and Public Relations Located at: The Advancement Office in Coral Gables Professional Associations: Member of the Screen Actors Guild; Coral Gables Chamber of Commerce; Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) Prior Work Experience: Director of Admission, Director of Advancement, and additional administrative positions at both the high school and college levels Something Most People Don’t Know About Him: He was a child actor who had speaking roles in several commercials and movies, including Cocoon: The Return. “It is important to recognize that all students have different learning styles and to celebrate it.” “We should educate the whole person – focus on mind, body, and soul – and strive towards producing individuals of character who will make this world a better place.” JAMES SANTORO Senior Director, Human Resources “Education is the critical factor in the development of children.” Years at Gulliver: 15 Areas Under His Guidance: Salary Administration; HR Compliance, Recordkeeping and Training; Performance Appraisals; Pre-Employment Screening; Recruitment; Employee Benefits/Relations, Events, and Recognition Located at: The Executive Office in Coral Gables Professional Associations: Member of the Greater Miami Society for Human Resources Management; Lifetime Designated Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR); Lifetime Achievement Award by the Greater Miami Society of Human Resources Management; Recognized as Human Resources Executive of the Year in Florida Prior Work Experience: Assistant Vice President for Human Resources Management for Sun Trust Operations Co. Something Most People Don’t Know About Him: He is a die-hard fan of the Rippington’s Smooth Jazz Band from California. the atrium - summer 2008 7 Gulliver Students GIVE BACK 2007-2008 NHS Work on the Reclamation Project The National Honor Society members worked on The Reclamation Project, a yearlong effort, alongside Miami-Dade County’s Environmental Department and Miami artist Xavier Cortada. The project is reclaiming the original Miami vegetation by helping replant mangrove seedlings on Virginia Beach and Bear Cut. Toys for Tots Drive Surpasses Goal For the past two years, Pinecrest Middle students have USE COMPACT contributed to the Toys for Tots charity. Pinecrest students elected to collect at least 60 toys in recognition of Toys For Tots 60th anniversary, and they proudly surpassed that goal. Many thanks to all of the generous and caring students who participated in this year’s toy drive. 8 the atrium - summer 2008 FLUORESCENT LIGHT BULBS. Clothing Drive a Success Open Ears, Open Arms, Gulliver’s club whose mission is to help the underprivileged, wishes to congratulate the students, parents, faculty, and administrators who helped make the 2007-2008’s used clothing drive a success. Special thanks to Isabella Sanchez and her family for their generous donation, and to Jeffrey Blum ‘07, a Gulliver Silver Knight Award honorable mention, for his leadership in the club. Kids Help Kids Kids Helping Kids members went on their annual field trip to G.W. Carver Elementary School, where they hosted a holiday party for underprivileged kindergarten students. The children colored festive paper bags, made jinglebell bracelets, painted Santa hats, assembled puzzle books, and decorated sugar cookies. Water Polo Teams Give Back The Gulliver water polo teams participated in a Thanksgiving food drive. They purchased a list of food items requested by Charity Mission, decorated the bags for delivery, and then traveled to the Mission, where they helped the nuns distribute the bags to needy families. The following players participated in the food drive: Lars Nordt, Jacob and Matthew Friedland, Johnny Rebstock, Hunter Carrier, Zack Schottenstein, Carlos Alonso, Richard Aven, Trevor Reitz, Shelby Reyes, Ali McDowell, Katy Cutler, Taelor Moreno, Nathalie Cosmides, Kirstie MacIver, Julianna Sabo, and Monica Chaviano. In addition to the time and effort the team dedicated to this wonderful cause, Shelby Reyes, Ali McDowell, and Monica Chaviano collected additional money from students who were not able to participate. The money was used to purchase the food items, extra food bags, and decorations. National Junior Honor Society Sponsors Angel Tree Project With the help of their teachers, preschoolers at W.A. Chapman Elementary School in Homestead wrote letters to Santa asking him for toys and clothing. Members of the Gulliver National Junior Honor Society, with the help of the Academy Parents’ Association, the Sixth Grade Book Club, and the general student body, collected and wrapped over 300 gifts to fulfill the children’s wishes. Dressed as elves and reindeer, members of the NJHS delivered the gifts. Taking the role of Santa, “Tyler Claus” called preschoolers, one at a time, to pose on his lap for a picture. Each NJHS member was assigned a child to play with and assist in opening the packages. The generosity of Gulliver students and parents enabled these children to have a joyful day, one they certainly will remember for years to come. Baptist Buddies Gives Gifts to Families For the Baptist Buddies’ Community Service project, the students collected an assortment of gifts and donated the goods to two less fortunate families. The packages included food, toys, and clothes that were on the children’s wish lists in an attempt to make the 2007 holiday one of the most memorable of their lives. Elisha Grossman, Ashley Ferris, and Jenny Marrero accompanied Prep Teacher Margarita Morell to Little River Elementary School to deliver the presents to the two families. The smiles and hugs from the families made it all worthwhile. the atrium - summer 2008 9 {Student Profile} BOBBY ADA GULLIVER STUDENT BOBBY ADAMS’ POEMS ALLOWED HIM TO EXPLORE THE SAME CREATIVE WATERS AS CELEBRATED WRITERS, ARTISTS, AND ACTORS SUCH AS ROBERT REDFORD, ANDY WARHOL, SYLVIA PLATH, AND TRUMAN CAPOTE. obby Adams and these B at the national level,” says Chenet. masters of creativity are Additionally, Adams received a Gold Key One of the two poems Adams written about others with everyone. In alumni of the Scholastic Award at the district level for his poems, entered is called “I’m Exposed.” The “I’m Exposed,” Adams explained how Art and Writing Awards. which he wrote as an eighth grader. inspiration for the poem was a journal this affected him: “It was my life Overseen by the Alliance for Young Scholastic honored Adams in 2007 at into which he documented his every published to the cheat who stole it all.” Artists and Writers, the award program Carnegie Hall in New York City. His thought and secret over the course of a At the time of the incident, Adams recognizes talent as early as the seventh poetry in year. Falling into the hands of fifth grade was on medication for attention deficit grade. Washington, DC in the Departmental bullying classmates at his previous disorder. He says the medication Auditorium of the U.S. Department of school, Adams says he was exposed in constantly made him feel emotional and Education on October 3, 2007. a very public way. depressed, “[medication] it’s just the tip John Chenet, Adams’ English teacher at the time, discovered his talent also was displayed through it, it’s cool.” His peers shared secrets he had and encouraged him to enter the Adams describes his love for writing “I was very naïve at the time, of the iceberg. It really didn’t help me,” Scholastic Writing Contest. “Adams is poetry as, “something that deals with thinking no one could read it,” Adams he says. It was a difficult time during the first male and the fifth Gulliver middle feelings and emotions – almost like a says. “They read things that were really which he felt like an outcast due to the school student to win a Silver Key Award puzzle sometimes – and when you get painful.” harassment of his classmates. Adams News Around CAMPUS 2007-2008 GULLIVER SCHOOLS PARTICIPATED IN 52ND ANNUAL FCIS CONVENTION Gulliver Schools participated in the 52nd annual Florida Council of Independent Schools’ (FCIS) convention on November 15-16, 2007, at the downtown Miami Hyatt Regency hotel. More than 100 independent schools in Florida participated in 10 the atrium - summer 2008 the event, which had an attendance of nearly 2,000 teachers, administrators, and school heads. Gulliver’s Head of School John Krutulis chaired the event alongside Robert Goldberg, head of school at Pine Crest School - Boca Raton Campus. Gulliver’s participation at each annual FCIS conference has allowed its educators to learn more about enrichment and educational values. MS Veterans Day Assembly Hosts Retired Command Sergeant Major Retired Command Sergeant Major Gary Littrell was the guest speaker at the Prep’s Veterans Day Assembly on November 6, 2007. The dynamic speaker answered students’ questions about the wars in the Middle East. Sergeant Littrell also shared his experiences on the battlefield and his twosided insight about being a soldier. says he was going through mature reads, “Feelings should be left in the conflicts at a very young age. Thus, he mind not on paper, for eternity I have sought refuge in writing. been exposed by my emotion.” Conflict “He has the ability to use words in frequently motivates vibrant writers to such a way that meaning and feeling accentuate their craft; Adams hopes that emanate from them,” Chenet says. “I am by having his poetry “exposed,” he will so proud of Bobby and hope that he will inspire other young writers to explore the keep on writing in order to give wings to art of writing and clearly convey the his creative spirit.” positive lessons learned from every life The last lines of Adams’ poem experience. Sergeant Littrell is a member of the Congressional Medal of Honor Society and served as its president for two consecutive terms. He was awarded the Medal of Honor by President Richard Nixon on October 15, 1973. In the spring of 1970, Sergeant Littrell was one of four American advisers assisting the 23rd Battalion of the South Vietnamese Army who were looking for North Vietnamese Army units in the Kontum Province of Vietnam. On April 4, 473 South Vietnamese Rangers ran into a concentration of approximately 5,000 enemy troops. The battalion commander and one of the American advisers were killed. Sergeant Littrell was left in command when the two other American advisers were wounded. Over the next four days, Sergeant Littrell moved out with what was left of the battalion. With helicopter gunships guarding his flanks, Air Force fighters clearing a corridor to his front, and with his own battalion fighting off constant enemy ambushes, Sergeant Littrell moved the men five miles to link up with friendly forces. Of the South Vietnamese Rangers who had begun the battle, only 41 walking wounded survived – but the enemy had been virtually annihilated. The conference hosted University of Miami President Donna Shalala, Leonard Sax, M.D., Ph.D., the author of Why Gender Matters and Boys Adrift; and Michael Thompson, Ph.D., author of The Pressured Child: Helping Students Find Success in School, Life, Raising Cain: Protecting the Emotional Life of Boys, and other critically acclaimed books. As of July 3, 2007, only 109 of the 3,400 congressional medal recipients are still living (34 from WWII, 14 from the Korean War, and 61 from Vietnam). According to Sergeant Littrell, only four new Medal of Honors have been awarded in the last three years (only two from the Iraq war) because as our military becomes more technologically advanced, the criteria for the award is becoming obsolete. the atrium - summer 2008 11 In Remembrance LOST In Memory of Ralei Sealy SCHOOL MOURNS LOSS OF REMARKABLE STUDENT-ATHLETE RALEI SEALEY Have you ever experienced pain? Not the artificial pain But the pain and agony that burns deep in your veins? The pain that runs through your blood and digs piercing claws Into your beating heart And it becomes so frequent it haunts your dreams? To think you were with him just the day before. Laughing, joking, playing around. You never thought this would happen. It never came across your pulsing brain that something so fragile could be broken and cold in an instant. On Saturday, August 18, 2007, Gulliver Schools suffered the tragic loss of 15-year-old rising junior Ralei Sealey. A unique student and athlete, Ralei drowned during a visit to Key Biscayne with several friends. This triathlete, who ran track and was a member of the football and basketball teams, was a popular young man, adored by teachers and students alike. Gulliver’s first home football game was dedicated to Ralei. Gulliver Schools established a restricted fund, and donations were made to cover the entire cost of the funeral services. “Thank you” to everyone who contributed. Your generosity is very much appreciated. 12 the atrium - summer 2008 You wish you could have saved him. But you know someone had other plans for him. His time with us was well past overdue and now he is on to bigger and better things. That’s what you are supposed to keep telling yourself. To avoid the pain. To avoid the grief. But it doesn’t quench your thirst for answers. It doesn’t satisfy. The pain strikes you right where you held him in your heart And tries to bring you down. But you must stay strong Because you know he would have, He would have kept fighting till there wasn’t any life left in him. And that’s exactly what he did. Poem by: Justin Mills, Grade 12 Andrea Per rry SOUTH MIAMI CAMPUS LIBRARIAN CHEERS BROTHER ON AT SPECIAL OLYMPICS IN SHANGHAI Family is by far one of the most important things in life, and it is no surprise that when people have a supportive family they can accomplish extraordinary things. South Miami Campus’ (SMC) Librarian Andrea Perry knows this firsthand. She traveled to Shanghai, China, to cheer on her brother, Nicholas Perry, who competed in the Special Olympic World Games in October 2007. Nicholas, who began participating in the Special Olympics while in elementary school, has won numerous gold medals in local, state, and national competitions. This was Nicholas’ second time attending the World Games, an accomplishment of which his family is very proud. The 27-year-old competed as part of the invited athletes program, which is a new initiative by Special Olympics Inc. Ms. Perry is incredibly proud of her brother. “He trained twice a day everyday until the World Games. He was ready to be one of the 20 athletes representing Florida,” she says. Nicholas, who holds seven American records, met with coaches in Memphis, Tennessee, over the 2007 summer to prepare for the games. Meanwhile, Ms. Perry planned interactive lessons to expose South Miami Campus students to new ideas outside of the classroom, even while she was away. As the trip date approached, SrK students wrote encouraging letters to all of the athletes on Nicholas’ swim team. Families of the athletes wrote back to the students, thanking them for their kind words and support. Ms. Perry also created an online travel blog to document every aspect of her travels. SMC teachers displayed the blogs every morning on their Smart BoardsTM to read Andrea’s interactive questions and discuss students’ answers. Ms. Perry began her online quest in California, where she was born, and asked students to determine the distance between her native city, Chula Vista, and Los Angeles, where she landed before boarding another plane to China. The first student to turn in the correct answer was able to pick from the treasure chest, a South Miami treat! That was the first of several interactive assignments aimed at encouraging students to learn about geographical regions. While the South Miami students explored the world in the classroom, Ms. Perry completed her exhausting 13-and-a-half-hour flight to China. While there, she and her family experienced their first typhoon, but the Pacific hurricane didn’t put the games on hold. There were 165 countries represented in the World Games and over 7,500 athletes. Three out of the four USA gold medals for swimming were awarded to Nicholas for his 100 and 200 meter breaststroke and the team 4x100 meter medley relay – an impressive feat for any athlete! Nicholas also won a bronze medal for the 200 individual meter relay. The Special Olympics is an international non-profit organization dedicated to empowering individuals with intellectual disabilities to become physically fit, productive, and respected members of society through sports training and competition. The Special Olympics currently serves more than 2.5 million persons with disabilities in more than 200 programs in more than 160 countries, Nicholas proudly being one of them. The Special Olympics has given Nicholas a chance to excel athletically and teach others, such as Gulliver students, the importance of being physically fit and having good sportsmanship. Ms. Perry feels fortunate to have been there to support her brother, and as an added bonus, SMC students were able to “travel” halfway around the globe and share in her special journey. the atrium - summer 2008 13 News Around CAMPUS South Miami Campus Art Program 10 IN FLORIDA # Ranks South Miami Campus’s Art Program is ranked number 10 in Florida, During the 2006-2007 school year, the Gulliver Schools South Miami according to Artsonia, the world’s largest online kids’ art museum. Artsonia has Campus gallery showcased 483 pieces of artwork. This popular collection has recognized Gulliver’s Kathy Dunberg, art teacher for the South Miami Campus, been visited more than 20,911 times. Family members can purchase and the SMC art program for outstanding leadership in the area of arts keepsakes imprinted with the child’s artwork, and Artsonia will donate 15 education. The leadership award presented to Mrs. Dunberg honors teachers percent of their annual product revenue back to the school’s art program. The who go beyond the classroom walls to encourage family and community school’s online art gallery is available at involvement in arts education. The award also recognizes significant achievement in technology integration within the school’s arts program. Gulliver congratulates all of the following athletes, who signed letters of intent to play sports with colleges and universities around the country. Brief ceremonies were held throughout the school year to honor the athletes. Olivia Alvarez – University of Central Florida, Softball; Alexandra Aserlind – University of Connecticut, Swimming; Andrew Bonner – Fordham University, Football; Gregory Gomez – St. Thomas University, Baseball; Miguel Jimenez – St. Thomas University, Baseball; Erik Lichter – Northeastern University, Football; Brandon Marti – University of Miami, Football; Gulliver Prep’s champion bowling team ready to keep winning For a relatively young team, Gulliver bowlers have an endless drive for their sport and a star power not typically found at the high school level. The team has “ “ match, Koff bowled a 300 – a perfect game. “He is such a phenomenal bowler,” Coach Stewart says. “His level of skill is amazing to watch.” While Coach Stewart says some There’s always a smile, but behind their eyes kids may be - of both the boys and the girls - you can hesitant to join the Gulliver team detect a quiet intensity, a focused manner. It because of Koff’s clearly says ‘We are ready to win.’ success and experienced notable success in the past two seasons countless features in local print media, he also believes due to skilled coaching, dedicated team members, and it has helped the team overcome some of the common a bowling phenomenon by the name of Andrew Koff. misconceptions about bowling: that it is not “cool” or Koff, who is entering his junior year at the Prep, that it really isn’t a sport. Increased involvement and began bowling at the age of six. His early experience interest from both the student body and the outside with the sport is not one he remembers fondly, probably community made the Gulliver bowling team a common because all he had to show for it was a broken elbow. mention at morning announcements and pep rallies Fortunately, this childhood injury didn’t keep him out of during the 2007-2008 school year. And with an upthe sport of bowling, and he began competing in and-coming girls’ team, who during their first year tournaments at the age of 10. By 14, he was already placed second in their “straight to district finals,” the sky winning individual tournaments. In 2006, Koff was an is the limit for these Gulliver student-athletes. In integral part of the Gulliver team that competed in the addition to their district triumph, the girls made it to the state championships. Then, on September 21, 2007, state championships, where they placed 25th out of in the Gulliver versus Treasure Coast High School 300 participating teams. Nicole Martinez – Appalachian State University, Soccer; Ashley Moore – Howard University, Tennis; Douglas Papy – Fordham University, Football; Clayton Patchen – Presbyterian College in South Carolina, Lacrosse; Adrian Puig – University of South Florida, Baseball; Andres Pumariega – Mercer College, Golf; Shelby Reyes – University of Maryland, Water Polo; BEFORE PURCHASING NEW SCHOOL SUPPLIES, DO AN INVENTORY OF WHAT YOU ALREADY HAVE AND USE IT FOR THE UPCOMING SCHOOL YEAR. Perhaps supporting the theory that some inclinations or skills have a genetic component, rising sophomore Ana Koff (yes, that is sister to Andrew) serves as captain of the girls’ team. She and fellow teammate Corly Groves, a rising senior, say that they are in it for the enjoyment of the sport and for the friendly competition. “There are times when Coach Stewart wants us to be serious – and we are when we need to be. But we really have a great time too,” says Groves. Coach Stewart says he is glad the bowlers enjoy the sport. “It probably has a lot to do with how quickly they continue to improve. I am so proud of them,” he says. “And you should see them when they go out to compete. There’s always a smile, but behind their eyes – of both the boys and the girls – you can detect a quiet intensity, a focused manner. It clearly says ‘We are ready to win.’” Alexander Scharf-Garcia – Wagner College, Football; Caroline Skjong-Nilson – Marist College, Swimming; Gene Swindel – Virginia Tech, Basketball; Donovan Varner – Duke University, Football. the atrium - summer 2008 15 MARIAGONZA W alking into room F13 on the Academy Campus, it is clear that Middle School English Teacher Maria Gonzalez has made her classroom her second home. The moment you step through the door, it is like walking into a living scrapbook. Amidst a colorful room, filled with tokens of years of teaching and learning, sits her desk, autographed It’s a very satisfying feeling, to know that you were able to make a difference and be significant in a young person’s development “ “ work, including projects on 9/11, censorship essays, and poems speculating on mankind’s origins, is fascinating, and it is evident that Gonzalez’s classroom is a place where, through literary study, the students learn to make sense of the world and understand their place in it. She inspires them to think outside the box, challenge their own preconceived notions and ideas of the universe, and become activists. After a few minutes in conversation with Mrs. G., as her by students who have had Gonzalez as a teacher. The walls come alive with newspapers articles, excerpts from magazines, lovingly perused novels, and student work. This students affectionately call her, it is easy to understand why she is one of Gulliver’s most popular teachers. Her rapport with her students is practically unparalled. Case in point: when Bret Voith ’07 was honored as a Presidential {Faculty Profile} Mrs. G, in Her Own Words On Literature: I love literature. It tells us who we are and our role in the world, whether it was written four years ago or 400 years ago. I think that by understanding how literature is a reflection of our life and of the human experience, it empowers students and gives them a love of learning. On the Middle School Student: There is a huge difference from when they are in fifth grade and who they become in eighth. Part of the challenge is that deep down they are still children, but they are on the brink of adulthood. As a middle school teacher, you walk a fine line – the students still like and want 16 the atrium - rules; within those rules, however, you must give them freedom to discover this newfound adulthood they are seeking. Being fair, open, and having a great sense of humor always works. The students need to know that you care about them on the individual level and that you appreciate them for who they are. On Being a Teacher: It’s a vocation. I love what I do and I love the children. I’m always challenged by my job. I’m always thinking. I want to share what I learn with my students. Sample Reading List: • Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury – a novel about being an individual and what happens when summer 2008 censorship takes over • 1984 by George Orwell – dystopian sciencefiction; this is the students’ favorite…it’s symbolic and dark, and you can literally see them come to the realization that this is an “adult book”; they are amazed at how much they know • Lord of the Flies by William Golding – students LOVE this novel, and it’s an excellent opportunity to bring sociology into the classroom • White Fang by John London – looks at the individual; nature versus nurture Scholar and asked to identify the one teacher who had the most impact on his educational career, it was Gonzalez, his eighth grade English teacher, whom he selected. She also was the first teacher he told about his acceptance into Harvard. “It’s a very satisfying feeling, to know that you were able to make a difference and be significant in a young person’s development,” she says. Though Gonzalez admits to challenging her students “to the max” and making them work “very, very hard,” her classroom is a safe haven for many, a place where she says they can “express themselves and not worry about sounding or looking silly, as they sometimes fear they do.” Perhaps it is the love and dedication infused in her by the many generations of students she has taught, or perhaps it is her love and passion for people and her desire to understand them, that students sense. Whichever the case, they take to her almost immediately. ALEZ Interestingly enough, Gonzalez never planned on being a teacher. Relocating from Havana, Cuba, to Spain, and eventually to the United States in 1970, she had her sights set on medicine, or perhaps archeology. She discovered her love for education during her college career, when she also discovered that her maternal grandmother had been a renowned educator in Cuba. Gonzalez earned her education degree from Florida International University, specializing in reading and learning disabilities. Following university study, she lived in the Dominican Republic and New Jersey, teaching and traveling with her husband, a doctor. After settling in Miami in 1988, she joined the Gulliver teaching faculty, starting out in a seventh grade classroom. Through the years, Gonzalez has helped write the middle school English curriculum currently in place and pioneered the implementation of the school’s two separate English classes, one for literature studies and one for writing and grammar, which students take in grades five through eight. In 1996, she became the middle school English department chairperson. With over 13 teachers, it is the largest academic department at Gulliver Academy. Gonzalez also teaches five eighth AWARDS, ACCOMPLISHMENTS, AND AFFILIATIONS: Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers Honoree (multiple recognitions) Deaver Award for Excellence in Teaching (2000) National Honor Roll of Outstanding American Teachers Inductee Cambridge Who’s Who Outstanding Women in Education Honoree 2007 Presidential Scholars Program’s Teacher Recognition Award Recipient Gulliver Academy’s Excellence in Education Award Winner National Council of Teachers of English Member Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Member International Reading Association Member National Council of Teachers of English Member subtleties of the novel and appreciate the artistry behind it. Later during the school year, students revisit Darwinism when they read Jack London’s White Fang. They learn about Pavlov, naturalism, and about how a harsh environment brings out latent primitive instincts in man. Through this litterature, students become acutely aware of the human experience, their own amazing strengths, and their ability to adapt and survive. According to Gonzalez, this helps them become more confident as people and as thinkers. “Reading novels,” she says, “is my looking glass, the way I make sense of people and the choices they make. My students and I discuss that. We discuss people and history, and we question, we constantly question.” During these discussions, Gonzalez often utilizes the Socratic Method, a method of philosophical inquiry in which one speaker continues to ask the other a simple, central question: Why? The International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (IBMYP) grade Honors and Enriched Level English classes and is, along with fellow Middle School English Teacher Mark Zipse, the co-sponsor of the Gulliver Academy National Junior Honor Society. Juggling multiple responsibilities with facility and ease, Gonzalez says that as long as she can come back into the classroom and “think with the students,” she is happy. A life-long learner, she believes her teaching success is due mostly to her own passion for literature. In fact, ask her about literature and she will engage you in a passionate discussion about the novels she reads with her students, making it a point to stress the importance of understanding history and writers’ influences. Take for example H.G. Well’s The Time Machine, which her eighth graders read. Before students begin the novel, they learn all about Darwinism, by which Wells was greatly influenced. In the novel, the protagonist, referred to only as The Time Traveller, goes far into a future where mankind has evolved into two species, and where only the fittest have survived. By understanding that Wells was a supporter of evolution at a time when it was not a popular theory, students, Gonzalez says, are better equipped to understand the “Through these dynamic discussions, students are able to question their opinions, arrive at a conclusion or level of understanding with which they are comfortable, and hopefully, at the end of the day, be great thinkers,” she says. And at the end of the day, that is all she wants, really -- for her students to be great thinkers. Her classroom is all about that. Hanging from the ceiling in F13 is a sign that reads: “Knowledge is Power.” These three words epitomize Gonzalez’s view of education and what she, through her creative teaching strategies and “think outside the box” mentality, strives to impart to her students. During the 2009-2010 school year, Gulliver will implement the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme, one of three programs offered by IB. (IBMYP) is designed for students ages 11-16. Gulliver Schools already offers its Preparatory students the ability to pursue the prestigious IB Diploma, and the school enjoys an unprecedented 97 percent pass rate. Gonzalez has taken on additional responsibilities with regards to the implementation and execution of the IBMYP at the Academy Campus. In her role as IBMYP Curriculum Coordinator, she will ensure that the curriculum the school offers is consistent with the IB learner profile, areas of interaction, and the Gulliver educational philosophy. Mr. Juan Carlos Garcia will be the IB Coordinator for the Middle Years Programme, and Mrs. Jan Patterson will be the IB Coordinator for the high school. About the IBMYP According to the IB Website: “This period (ages 11-16), encompassing early puberty and midadolescence, is a particularly critical phase of personal and intellectual development and requires a programme that helps students participate actively and responsibly in a changing and increasingly interrelated world. Learning how to learn and how to evaluate information critically is as important as learning facts. It is a programme of international education designed to help students develop the knowledge, understanding, attitudes and skills necessary to participate actively and responsibly in a changing world.” For more information on IB programs, please visit Gulliver Honor Roll 20 • Fifth grader Aidan Kahl’s “Correct Mistakes While We Have Time” Hopes of 2008 essay was selected and published in the Miami Herald on December 30, 2007. • The National Achievement® Scholarship Program named senior Iman E. James as one of the 1,600 Black American finalists in the 44th annual scholarship competition. • Fifth grader Elizabeth Herr’s “Worldwide Wishes” Hopes of 2008 essay was selected and published in the Miami Herald on December 30, 2007. • The Preparatory Dance and Drama Club sponsored the fifth Annual Aids Benefit in February to raise funds for Broadway Cares/Dancers Responding to Aids (DRA), an organization that makes a difference in the lives of those who inspire talented performers and share a love for the arts. • Mr. Keating’s Middle School Band earned its second-consecutive five-year Superior award from the Florida Band Master’s Association. Every five years, the program receives an award for its consistency in achievement. Sixth graders Marcos Alvarez and Joshua Barkow placed in first and second (respectively) at the National Geography Competition • Prep sophomore Martin Arostegui earned his 104th world record for fishing. He has become the fourth person ever to achieve this record and the first non-adult ever to do so. • Sixth grader Darby Herkert’s oil pastel was selected as a finalist in the Beaux Arts Competition. Thomas Reeves (8), Amanda Rockwell (8), and Brooke Rosenberg (7) for their Ensemble Act Big Brain of Bradly Simms. • Nu Alpha Delta Dance Honor Society’s first publication featured poems from Gulliver alumni and the photography of senior Jordan Mermell. • The following five middle school music students participated in the Florida All-State Ensembles: Katherine Greenberg, Alexander Liu, Devon Mederos, Sean Miranda, and Joelle Mouhanna. • Middle School Drama student Leonardo Manrique (7) received Critics’ Choice for his Solo Mime act of Toy Story. • Senior Erik Lichter was selected as the Miami Dolphins high school player of the week in 2007 and was honored during halftime on the game played on September 30, 2007. • Prep engineering program will receive continued funding from MIT-InvenTeams for the autonomous wheelchair invention. • Prep student Sabrina Rishmague and Teens Team Up Against Cancer helped sponsor the Michael Fox Foundation Holiday Party and collected over 1,800 toys to donate to ill children. • Prep theater students received Superior ratings during the District One-Act Festival for Solitaire. • Prep student Christina Fernandez has designed several school event programs, club shirts, and website mock ups for her independent study class. • Middle School Drama Superior ratings were awarded to large group musical (grade 6) for Peter Pan; Alec McKenna (8) for a monologue; Daniela Aguilera (8) for a monologue; the one act students for Tech and Acting; Rachel Millhauser (8), Natalia Smith (8), Gabriel Colon (8), and S t e p h e n Schwartz (8) for I Love You, You’re Per fect , N o w Change. • Critics’ Choice awards went to Thomas Boswell (7), Amanda Garcia (8), Alec McKenna (8), PACK LUNCHES IN REUSABLE CONTAINERS. 18 the atrium - summer 2008 • Prep senior Rachel Losada competed in The Miami Man Triathlon on Sunday, November 11 and placed in fifth. The triathlon included a .6 mile swim, 22 mile bike, and 6.6 mile run. • Prep athletes Rachel Losada and Andrew Richter placed first at the Escape to Miami 2007 triathlon co-ed relay. The swim was 1.5K, biking was 40K, and the run was 10K, all sections longer than what they have trained for on their Gulliver athletic teams. • Senior Danielle Arostegui was the selected recipient of the 2007 National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Achievement Award for writing. • Thirteen committed, scholarly Middle School students entered into the 2008 National Geography Competition. Marcos Alvarez, Joshua Barkow, Damian Bleiberg-Faust, Cody Diamond, Michael Hans, Michael Hollihan-Sarmiento, Angelica Krauss, Emilio Lamar, Michael Lefkowitz, Marianna Lovo, Eric Milton, Ravi Patel, and Andrew Simko participated in the exciting and stimulating academic contest. • The following prep athletes were selected for the Miami Herald’s All Dade First and Second Team for swimming: Trevor Reitz, Jackson Leonard, Caroline Skjong-Nilsen, Alexandra Aserlind, Clara Smiddy, Alexandra McDowell, Kirstie MacIver, and Abby Mears. • Lars Nordt, German Olano, Hunter CarrierParmenter, Sam Amedia, Juan Rafael Alvarez, Robert Ballerd, Andrew Smiddy, Samuel Smiddy, Chandler Anderson, and Alexandra Hoffman were selected for the Other Teams for the Miami Herald’s All Dade Teams. • Sabrina Rishmague and the Teens Team Up Against Cancer club students helped sponsor “A Celebration of Life,” a luncheon honoring those who have assisted The Children’s Cancer Caring Center Inc. • The following Prep athletes were selected for the Miami Herald’s All Dade Team for Cross Country: Katherine Battle and Carrie Davis. • Andrew and Ana Koff were selected for the Miami Herald’s All Dade Team First Team for Bowling. 007-2008 • The following Prep athletes were selected for the Miami Herald’s All Dade 3A-1A Defense First Team for Football: Erik Lichter, Brandon Marti, Frank Crawford, and Ricky Robinson. • Artice Kellman and Frantz Telfort were chosen for the Honorable Mention list for the Miami Herald’s 3A-1A Football All Dade. • The Miami Herald chose Douglas Papy, Andrew Bonner, Conner Vernon, Darian Mallary, and Donovan Varner as members of the 3A-1A Football Second All Dade Team. • Andres Pumariega and Juliene Olmo were selected as members of the Miami Herald’s First All Dade Team for Golf. • The Miami Herald’s All Dade Other Team for Golf includes Caroline Herald, Chris Ingham, Joseph Kalbac, and Matthew Robles. • Johanna Lerner, Mary K. Mark, and Jaimee Vega were selected for the Miami Herald’s 3A-1A All Dade Other Team for Volleyball. • Prep Dance teacher Gerri Caruncho was placed in the Cambridge List of Who’s Who in September 2007. • First grade teacher Kim Cunningham recevied her Master’s degree in reading. • Academy English Department Head Maria Gonzalez was selected as Cambridge Who’s Who Among Executive and Professional Women in Teaching and Education. • Senior Michael Meyer was the top scorer for Gulliver Prep during the David Essner Math Contest sponsored by the University of Miami. • Academy Performing Arts Department Chair Robert Keating was inducted into the Phi Beta Mu Band Directors Association Fraternity. • The Gulliver Prep Dance Team competed in the American Dance Alliance State Competition and received special recognition for Outstanding Team Technique. The team also competed in the Florida Dance Team Director’s Associations State Championships, was named State Champions in Hip Hop, earned straight superior ratings, and received several awards. • Gulliver Prep Thespians Christina Piña and Patrick de Ledebur received Critics Choice during the District Eight Individual Events Thespian Festival. • Gulliver’s 2008 Silver Knight Nominees are Jeffrey Blum, Mathematics; Gonzalo GonzalezDelPino, General Scholarship; Nicole Herman, Journalism; Michelle Menegay, Vocational Technical; Sara Moufarrij, Foreign Language; Samantha Reetz, Debate; Catherine Solares, Science; and Alana Usategui, Athletics. • Prep Girls Soccer Team is ranked ninth in the NSCAA/adidas® poll in Florida. • Stephanie Jackson, Assistant Principal of Academy Lower School, completed her Education Specialist Degree in education leadership. • Gulliver Prep Jazz Ensemble received 3 out of 3 Superior ratings for the sixth consecutive year during the district competition. • Department Head of the Learning Center and Primary and Lower School Reading Resource Janet Zdon completed her Education Specialist Degree in reading and special education. • Fourth grade teacher Karen Fay added the special education endorsement to her certificate. • Gulliver Boys Bowling Team won first place in the 2007-2008 FHSAA Academic Team Champion Awards Program. Girls Bowling Team won third place. • The Prep’s String Ensemble received 4 out of 4 Superior ratings for the seventh consecutive year during the district competition. • Gulliver Prep Concert Band received a Superior rating at the district festival. Elisha Grossman, Melissa Wong, and Erin Mundy are proud of their dance trophies. The Sundancers pose for a quick photo during the ADA State Competition • The Gulliver Prep Girls Water Polo team won its 200th straight game on Saturday, March 1, 2008. This is the longest high school water polo winning streak in the state! • The following students were honored during the Miami Herald Athletic Awards: Alyssa Baron, Female Athlete of the Year (nominee); Ricky Robinson, Male Athlete of the Year (nominee); Nicole Carpio, Girls Cross Country Athlete of the Year; Andrew Koff, Boys Bowling Athlete of the Year; Erik Lichter, Football Defensive Player of the Year; Kristen Davis, Girls Soccer Athlete of the Year; Nicolas Rodriguez-Fraile, Boys Soccer Athlete of the Year; Alyssa Baron, Girls Basketball Athlete of the Year; Ben Pelton, Lacrosse Athlete of the Year; Shelby Reyes, Girls Water Polo Athlete of the Year; Chris Jackman, Boys Tennis Athlete of the Year; Sara Buchholz, Softball Pitcher of the Year; Manny Soutullo, Girls Soccer Coach of the Year; Jorge Dieppa, Boys Soccer Coach of the Year; Rich Ehinger, Girls Basketball Coach of the Year; Garrick Robinson, Lacrosse Coach of the Year; and Kelly Mulligan, Boys Tennis Coach of the Year. • Gulliver Schools won the Miami Herald’s 3A-1A Girls Overall Champion and 3A-1A Overall Athletic Champion Awards. the atrium - summer 2008 19 Coach Dieppa Selected for FACA Hall of Fame THE FLORIDA ATHLETIC COACHES ASSOCIATION (FACA) HAS SELECTED COACH JORGE DIEPPA FOR ITS 2008 HALL OF FAME. The induction ceremony took place on January 12, 2008. Coach Dieppa was presented with two plaques, one of which will be displayed at the Gulliver Prep Campus. Over the course of his 20+ year career, Coach Dieppa has led the boy’s varsity soccer team to 17 district, seven regional, and four sectional titles. He also has taken his team to the State Finals seven times, winning the State Championship title in 1992, 1999, 2000, and 2007. Although he retired as head coach in June 2008, Dieppa will continue working with the team, ensuring its success for the seasons ahead. 20 the atrium - summer 2008 RECYCLE YOUR TECHNOLOGY. DELL, HEWLETT PACKARD, APPLE, A IBM, AMONG OTHE OFFER RECYCLING PROGRAMS. In addition to coaching soccer at Gulliver, Coach Dieppa also coached golf, and track and field for many years. During his tenure coaching golf, he won six district titles, three Dade County Championships, and made six state final appearances. In 1998, Coach Dieppa also coached David Deal to an individual state championship. Coach Dieppa’s five years as head coach of track and field also reflect his athletic talents. The track and field team won a conference championship under his guidance. Currently, he AND RS, G Congratulations To Our 2008 Gulliver Lifers Below is a list of 2008 graduates who attended Gulliver Schools from kindergarten through twelfth grade: Robert Adler Marc Alvarez Katya Ariano Danielle Arostegui Alex Berron Hunter Carrier Julian Corash Tiffany Domenech Farah Douyon Ian Jacobs Kristen Khoury Rachael Losada Nicole Mesko Michael Meyer Lillian Munn Nicholas Papadam coaches the pole vault and long jump athletes. Coach Dieppa’s accolades and talents extend beyond Gulliver as well. He has served as the FACA District Soccer Chairman for two years, holds a certificate for 500 high school wins throughout his career, and earned an All-American Coach Award in 2000. In addition, Coach Dieppa is a member of the United States Soccer Federation, the Soccer Coaches Association of America, the Florida High School Activities Association, the National High School Coaches Association, and is co-founder of the Dade County Soccer Coaches Association, for which he has served as vice-president and secretary. Jonathan Rebstock Christian Riviera Brandon Robbins Brooke Rosen Jacqueline Russo Steven Solowsky Alexandra Stone Nick Sylver Kelly Thornton Alana Usategui K. Devon Watts-Fitzgerald Colin Watts-Fitzgerald Samantha Williams During the summer, he works at the Miami Museum of Science, where he teaches classes in architecture, robotics, rocketry, and sport fishing. Because of Coach Dieppa’s love for soccer, he has worked for Soccer Marketing and Promotions and was involved in promoting and managing the United States Gold Cup, World Cup ’94, the Olympics, La Copa Latina, and major events held at the Orange Bowl. We salute and celebrate Coach Dieppa’s accomplishments and dedication to Gulliver Schools and the South Florida community. Congratulations, Coach! the atrium - summer 2008 21 News Around CAMPUS Parent Connection Seminars Focus on Healthy Lifestyles SEDUCTION HAPPENS Studies show that media influences young Peter D. said as he discussed a Photoshop-altered people, so why not educate young people about image of Cindy Crawford in Cosmopolitan media literacy? In December 2007, the Parent magazine. Connection committee did just that by hosting Dr. Peter D. challenged students’ and parents’ Peter DeBenedittis, a.k.a Peter D., a graduate of perception about the number of adults that DePauw University who travels the nation talking consume alcohol. Both groups believed that the about how media messages can promote majority of adults drink alcohol. When he asked that destructive behaviors in the minds of today’s youth. the According to Dr. DeBenedittis, by the time children parents do not drink are 18 years old, they have watched 100,000 alcohol stand up, at least alcohol ads that send subliminal messages. On one third of the audience December 3, Peter D. captivated Gulliver parents rose. with a visual presentation at Pinecrest Prep; on percentage of parents December 4, he addressed the critical thinking and responded at the parent presentation. Peter D. media literacy topic with students from the Prep and used this surprising demonstration as tangible Pinecrest Prep Campus. Through video, photo, and evidence of the power and influence of advertising. lecture presentations, Peter D. addressed topics His mission was to make students and parents relating to body image and alcohol. “They want you more aware of the seductive tactics advertisers use to think that there is something wrong with you, in luring consumers to buy and use their products. The whose same summer 2008 science department, organized Sex and Sensibility Seminars for Prep and Pinecrest Prep students. On “ Finalists and Commended Students in the 2008 National Merit® Scholarship Program Announced the atrium - Connection committee, in cooperation with the use your head (get information), use your heart (values and boundaries), and be safe (physically, emotionally) ultimately convincing you to buy their product,” 22 The Prep Parents’ Association Parent “ students SEX & SENSIBILITY SEMINARS January 10, 2008, the juniors and seniors, and on January 11, 2008, the freshmen and sophomores were invited to discuss critical decision-making issues regarding sexuality, intimacy, and relationships. The seminars, which were age specific, were conducted by professional sexologists Marilyn Volker and Alex Moreno. The sessions were fast paced, concise, and to the point, Gulliver Schools proudly acknowledges and congratulates Danielle Arostegui as the winner of the 2008 National Merit® $2500 Scholarship. Jeffrey P. Blum and James Lomonosoff were named semifinalists. Gabriel Alvarado, Gonzalo Gonzalez-Del Pino, Iman E. James, Ana Luiza P. Leite, Lynx M. Marks, Stephen F. Ravndal, Todd L. Shore, and Kelsey D. Watts-Fitzgerald also were commended in the 2008 r addressing all of the students’ questions and providing science classes on both days, and students were resources that use focused decision-making formulas grouped based on gender. Adults were excluded such as: use your head (get information), use your from the sessions in hopes of fostering more heart (values and boundaries), and be safe (physically, relevant and candid discussions. emotionally, and sexually). These informative seminars took place during National Merit Program. More than 1.4 million juniors in nearly 21,000 high schools were entered in the program by taking the 2006 Preliminary Sat/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT®), which serves as the first step in the yearly screening process. The nationwide pool of semifinalists includes the highest scoring students in each state. To become finalists, students must have an outstanding academic record throughout high school, be endorsed and recommended by the school principal, and earn SAT scores that confirm the student’s earlier qualifying test performance. TAKE YOUR OWN BAGS TO THE GROCERY STORE. IF YOU TAKE PLASTIC BAGS, USE THEM UNTIL THEY ARE WORN OUT. the atrium - summer 2008 23 News Around CAMPUS 2007-2008 Inspirational SrK Teacher and Writer Publishes Poetry Book connection between common people,” says Taylor, A TYPICAL EVENING FOR INES TAYLOR INCLUDES FLIPPING THROUGH A RANDOM SECTION OF THE BIBLE, READING SEVERAL PASSAGES, AND MEDITATING TO HER LIFE ESCAPES CD. before reading one of her favorite passages entitled Destiny, which describes and illustrates the possibilities teachers see in their students. “I hope I’m depositing a little piece of me into all of my students so they can carry on my legacy once I’m not around,” she says. Whether she encourages good manners, trains excellent readers, or coaches the next NBA star, each child takes something from Taylor, for It’s what she calls “detaching.” Immediately after which she is very grateful. But now that she’s reaching dedicating some time to herself, she picks up a journal a larger audience beyond the classroom, Taylor hopes and jots down her emotions, ideas, and reflections. On her readers will take a piece of her, too. analyzing and rationalizing situations into words. In addition to writing, Taylor focuses on learning to be still and finding quiet time. “Being able to disconnect August 1, 2007, approximately a year and a half after “Poetry naturally lends itself to emotions,” says helps me in dealing with children and a lot of people,” first beginning to document these reflections, Taylor Taylor. The 14-year Gulliver teacher, who dedicates her says Taylor. She has learned that everyone, not just published her first book, The Invisible You. The book book to her three sons, admits that her favorite part of teachers, needs to find quiet time and personal balance. compiling The Invisible You “Society consistently encourages and rewards us for was the way it allowed her to being busy and being looked at as a go-getter. Being discover her own thoughts able to be still on queue is a talent, and it makes for and spirituality. better workers,” Taylor says. She also mentions that life “ “ Poetry is the language of the heart. It creates a spiritual connection between common people. In her book, Taylor discloses that most of our should always be the way it is in kindergarten: work, sleep some, and explore a lot! “Everything we see with the natural eye is includes poetry, essays, reflections, and a blank writing lives are broken down in phases that are often quickly section where readers can document their own forgotten. She includes a reflection section where she temporary. It’s important to cherish the special thoughts. highlights her emotions and describes what life stage moments that don’t come that often, like catching On Thursday, October 18, 2007, the Academy she was in at the time she wrote that entry. While it’s glimpses, and be thankful,” says Taylor. Whether hosted Taylor in the Media Center to read from her new important to decipher the feelings and senses we you give thanks for your health, talents, career, or book and share some of her fondest memories. “Poetry experience through emotions, Taylor says the first step loved ones,” she concludes, “being thankful is is the language of the heart. It creates a spiritual to becoming an excellent poetry writer is better how you’ll find joy.” 24 the atrium - summer 2008 Football Team Competes in 7on7 adidas Tournament The Gulliver Raiders competed against 12 high schools nationwide for the adidas 7on7 National Championship title in Los Angeles (L.A.), California on July 18-19, 2007. Gulliver took its top football players to represent Florida alongside Plant City High School (Tampa, FL) in the competition. The players went head to head against 25 teams in June at the regional 7on7 tournament at Florida International University and placed in second, earning them an allexpense paid trip to L.A. for the national competition. Now in its second installment, the adidas 7on7 Tournament has become proving ground for top high school players across the country. Participating players were Douglas Papy, Conner Vernon, Alexander Scharf-Garcia, Daniel Rodriguez, Darian Mallary, Brandon Marti, Erik Lichter, Donovan Varner, Ahmed Bayouth, Artice Kellam, Frank Crawford, Jorge Sanz, and Michael Strauss. Coaches Sims, Butler, and Robinson, and Athletic Director Mark Schusterman led the team to L.A. In his second season as head coach, Sims has made large strides for Gulliver’s football program. The 2007 season ended in 8-2, and the team made it to the regional playoffs. Skype Online Videoconferencing Each year, Gulliver teachers that was explored is Skype, a free in Alabama and Georgia to compare share information with their distance become more and more skilled at online tool that allows communication weather facts. The students then partners. incorporating technology into with others in locations around the recorded and shared these weather Middle School teachers had their curriculum. The 2007- world. Through the use of a computer, facts using online collaborative charts several ongoing Skype projects as 2008 year brought new an Internet connection, and a and graphs. well. Their classes Skyped with a opportunities to gain ALWAYS new skills with our technology BUY REUSABLE existing resources and to experiment with MUGS, fresh, emerging BATTERIES, PENS, technologies. One of the RAZORS, new technologies ETC. webcam, students are able to see and Several Lower School teachers former classmate who moved to talk to other students through the and classes collaborated with other China and with a member of the Skype connection. Several Gulliver Skype partners for projects such as Peace Corps working in Africa. Sixth teachers already have established distance and grade geography students used communication with Skype partners cooperatively authored stories. In Skype to connect with a member of and worked on a variety of projects addition to Skype during the 2007- CARE International as he made site with their students. 2008 school year, classes used online visits to CARE projects around the collaborative web tools like Google world. Gulliver kindergarten teachers and classes collaborated with partners literary circles and Zoho to record and the atrium - summer 2008 25 Save The Date! JOIN US - AUGUST 1-3, 2008 Fun family events are being planned, including children activities, an outdoor class reunion lunch, our evening Alumni Bash, and much more. Room rates are $169 per night. Please call the Ocean Reef Club at 800.741.7333 and mention the Gulliver Schools reunion weekend to recieve a special rate. For more details, visit To RSVP, contact Jeanine Sanchez at or call 786.709.4081. 26 the atrium - summer 2008 Alumni of Note Estrellita Sibila, class ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT Ivan Mladenovic ‘02 Years at Gulliver: Ivan attended Gulliver from senior kindergarten through twelfth grade. He’s a lifer! School Activities: A well-rounded athlete, Ivan played basketball, and soccer. He served as the director, of 1997, is an attorney with Weiss, Serota, Helfman, Pastoriza, Cole and Boniske PL, in Coral Gables. She is the first attorney in Miami-Dade County and the third in the State of Florida to producer, and anchor for RaiderVision, and played in the earn the credential of Leadership in Energy and band. Environmental Design Accredited Professional from the Favorite Class: His favorite class was video and film with Mr. Ernsberger and Mr. Sylver. United States Green Building Council. Education: Wanting to pursue his interest in film, Ivan received a bachelor of science degree in communications from the University of Miami, specializing in video/film and English. Last Time at a Gulliver Campus: Ivan frequently visits the Gulliver campuses to chat with his former Meg Gilbert Durshimer ‘80: In Memory of Mrs. Machado teachers. He was just at the Prep Campus in March 2008. First Job: While in high school, Ivan managed to participate in athletics, play in the band, produce RaiderVision, and work 60 hours a week as a commissioned sales manager at Sound Advice! Career: Ivan is currently the vice president of The M Companies. One of the company’s biggest ventures is YourBuyer Worldwide, for which Ivan has been brought on as the director of business development. Besides generating sales, his major project with YourBuyer Worldwide is to market YB green, a new brand of residential and commercial substainable products which will be sourced globally to achieve the best price. Family: His step-brother Max is currently a student at Gulliver Academy. He also has a half-brother, Stefan, and is partnered with his father in The M Companies. Current Interests/Activities: Ivan initially moved to California to pursue a career in film. He switched to real estate in hopes of financing films in the future. In addition to his film aspirations, Ivan says his family is extremely important to him. “I want to be able to help everyone in my family. I try to play the glue and help everyone move forward.” Role Model: Ivan says that, without a doubt, his parents are his role models. “They embody everything I want to be one day,” he says. Life Philosophy: Don’t worry, be happy. “I despise pessimism,” Ivan says. I’m an ultra-optimist.” Favorite Gulliver Memory: Of all his wonderful Gulliver memories, Ivan most fondly remembers the Senior Skit his senior year. “It was one of the best ones ever!” he says. Although it has been 27 years since I last walked the halls at Gulliver, I remember with fond affection the eight years I spent as a Raider. So it was with sadness that I read about the passing of Mrs. Machado, my former Latin teacher. To be honest, we students weren’t always very kind to Mrs. Machado. She seemed much older than our other teachers and was a little hard of hearing. Our favorite prank was to have someone go to the back of the classroom and speak through his or her hands so that it sounded as if a voice was coming from the loudspeaker, then have that person say, loudly, “Mrs. Machado, can you come to the office?” Off she’d go, with us locking the door behind her. Granted she only fell for it once or twice but it was enough to remember. Clearly, she had a good sense of humor. I didn’t realize it at the time, but my mastery of Latin helped me become a pro at grammar, vocabulary, spelling, and writing, and led to a thriving career in journalism, education, and counseling. I know that Mrs. Machado played a large role in all of those successes. She always encouraged me to do my best and never had an unkind word for me, even when I did not put forth my best effort. I still have the yearbook in which she wrote, “To a small one who is also a great one.” If anything, she was – and always will be – the great one. For more information on The M Companies, e-mail or call (305) 218-2000. the atrium - summer 2008 27 F I N E C U S T O M J E W E L R Y Project Commencement Date: Februa Become A Gulliver Schools Corporate Partner Pictured with John Krutulis and Mrs. Krutulis are (left to right) lead donors Debra and Richard Ginsberg, Barbara and Robert Gintel, and Gloria and Alfredo Sesana. The Gintel Family Foundation pledged their one million dollar gift in honor of Mrs. K, who they say has had a profound effect on this community. The Sesanas feel equally proud to be able to give to this project. “Gulliver has been so good to our children, to our family. We are happy to do this for the school,” says Mr. Sesana. Help us support our mission of providing a superior collegepreparatory education to students whose needs encompass a wide range of natural abilities. Gulliver Schools is a 501(c) (3) private, not-for-profit, independent, coeducational, nonsectarian day school, and has been a fixture in the South Florida community for over 75 years. The school has graduated some of the country’s best and brightest, and continues to promote the importance of educating not only future leaders, but also responsible world citizens. The Corporate Partners Program opportunity requires a $10,000 annual tax-deductible contribution for a three-year commitment. As part of the Corporate Partners Membership, each company will receive the following: • Placement in our annual report and the atrium magazine, mailed to over 8,000 households • Corporate recognition in our monthly parent news magazine, Highlights, mailed to over 2,000 households each month during the school year (11 issues) • One 4ft x 5ft weather-resistant professional athletic sign displayed at one of our athletic fields • One Corporate Gold Sponsorship Package for our annual Golf Classic, which includes listed sponsorship in the golf classic brochure and other Gulliver Schools Survey Results promotional literature, complimentary lunch, golf, and dinner for four For more information about becoming a corporate partner, contact the advancement office at 28 the atrium - summer 2008 786.709.4076 or e-mail Gulliver Schools is accredited by five agencies: Southern Association of Independent Schools (SAIS), Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS), Florida Council of Independent Schools (FCIS), the Florida Kindergarten Council (FKC), and the Commission on International and Trans-Regional Accreditation (CITA). Accreditation or certification by these five agencies assures the Gulliver community and the college and university network that Gulliver Schools meet rigorous standards regarding curriculum, teacher credentials, safety, health, governance, and finances. These five groups’ approval is of paramount importance to the school’s academic credibility and integrity. Gulliver Schools and these Highlights from the Office of Institutional ary 2008 Scheduled Opening: 2009 agencies highly value input from students, teachers, parents, and professional staff. Accordingly, in February and March of 2007, the school requested that its community complete a brief survey. The survey was administered to four Gulliver groups: students in grades five through twelve; parents; academic employees dealing with instruction from grades prekindergarten through grade twelve; and employees not involved with academic instruction. The first three surveys, those for students, parents, and academic employees, solicited responses on items integral to their lives at Gulliver: quality of education; communication; climate and environment; teachers; administrators; guidance; academics; library; technology; student discipline and the honor code; bullying and harassment; dress code; safety and security; athletics, arts programs; activities; and food. The final survey, for the noninstructional personnel, did not Advancement include instructional concerns, but did include factors relevant to their positions: environment; food; harassment; safety; and administrators. The survey results were anonymous and could not be traced to the respondent. We are pleased to report that the results of the survey were positive. Broad conclusions are as follows: • On the whole, teachers were most positive about Gulliver Schools, followed by the parents, then by the students. • Parents and teachers strongly agree that Gulliver Schools provides a challenging college-preparatory education. • Opportunities abound for – and the vast majority of Gulliver students are involved in – extracurricular activities, such as athletics, visual and performing arts, and clubs. • People feel safe at Gulliver Schools. the atrium - summer 2008 29 Alumni News Lucas Sullivan and dad Matt help honor firefighter/paramedic Ron Erbel whose actions on the afternoon of November 17 helped save the boy’s life after he trapped by his neck in an electric door on his family’s boat. Christmas came early this year for LucasS Sarah Artecona ‘83 Promoted to Chief Assistant to UM’s CFO The University of Miami announced that Sarah Nesbitt Artecona has been promoted to Assistant Vice President and FIREFIGHTER RON ERBEL, JAMES PATTON HONORED FOR SAVING 2-YEAR-OLD BOY’S LIFE wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy. We really do thank everybody that was involved,” Sullivan said. Lucas’ “terrible accident” unfolded on what should have been a day filled with fun, Sullivan said. While on his family’s boat that Saturday, Lucas By Kelly Josephsen Assistant to Senior Vice President and CFO Joe Natoli. In her In an emotional ceremony last year, longtime became trapped at the neck in an electric door. new role, her responsibilities include assisting with strategic and Key resident Ron Erbel became the first local Family members tried desperately to free him, but tactical business issues, reviewing business plans, participating firefighter/paramedic couldn’t pry the door open. in institutional planning, providing integrated policy analysis, department’s highest honors, the bronze star; while Patton and Erbel, who was off duty at the time, developing projects for the division, relationship building, and fellow islander James Patton was presented with a were next door, and heard screams and cries for communication planning. special proclamation from Mayor Robert Vernon. help coming from the Sullivan boat. They raced to earn one of the Artecona joined the University nearly seven years ago, and However, as both men would doubtless agree, toward the commotion, but by the time they arrived, has served in increasingly responsible roles, most recently as the greatest prize sat perched in his dad’s arms, little Lucas, still trapped, had fallen unconscious and Associate Vice President in the University Division of looking not quite sure what all the hoopla was stopped breathing. Communications. She has a strong background in project and about. They immediately joined the efforts to free issues management and knowledge of the local community. Erbel and Patton were honored during a Lucas, and when the door wouldn’t budge, Patton She is the former Vice President for Investor Relations for Tuesday, December 4, 2007, Village Council jumped off the boat and found a piece of wood the MasTec and Communications Director for Miami-Dade County. meeting for their efforts in saving the life of 2-year- size of a railroad tie to use as a lever. He was able Artecona also is a member of the Gulliver Schools’ Board old Lucas Sullivan on the afternoon of Saturday, to pry open the door just wide enough that family November 17. Lucas attended the meeting with his members could release Lucas from its hold. of Trustees. She and her husband reside in South Miami. dad, Matt, who said he is forever grateful to Erbel and Patton. 30 the atrium - spring 2009 “It was real touch-and-go for a while, and I As that was happening, Erbel was calling 911; he identified himself to the operator as a paramedic, and then provided emergency medical care as the Matt Sullivan and 2-year-old son Lucas hug longtime Key Biscayne resident James Patton after Mayor Robert Vernon read a proclamation in Patton’s honor as Lucas’s grandfather, former Council member Ray Sullivan, looks on. (This article is reprinted with permission from The ullivan frightened Sullivans waited for an ambulance to arrive. By the time it got there, Erbel had been able to revive Lucas to consciousness. The Key Biscayne FireRescue crew continued medical treatment, and rushed Lucas to the hospital, while Key police officers helped calm family members, including the Sullivans’ other young son. direct impact on the successful and full recovery of young Lucas.” As for the Sullivan family, their praise for Erbel and Patton knows no bounds. Life and Times of Key Biscayne, Florida.) Erbel indicated his efforts were simply what any resident of tight-knit Key Biscayne would do. The longtime Key Biscayner, who served as a volunteer firefighter in the Village for 17 years before joining the professional department when it was formed “(Lucas) was stuck for quite a bit of time, but 15 years ago, said it can be difficult being both a resident because of the heroic efforts of Jim Patton and Ron and firefighter/paramedic, as more likely than not he’s Erbel and my father, he was able to get out of “ “ and direct assistance in this save in no small way had a Islander News, The This is my community, and you are my family. going to know the people he’s treating. that door,” said Matt Sullivan. “The paramedics “When I show up on a call, you’re family, and I think arrived quickly, and we were at Jackson Trauma that’s what makes it very unique, Key Biscayne,” he said. Center within 30 minutes.” “This is my community, and you are my family.” As for Lucas, he would rebound quickly at the Matt’s father, former Council member Ray Sullivan, Erbel thanked Gilbert for the bronze star – which the hospital, and was home with his family by Thanksgiving, smiled at his son and grandson as he added, “I am so Chief noted was a “first-of-its-kind” honor in the Village just days after his frightening ordeal. grateful for what the Village has done for my family.” – adding receiving such an award from the place he calls Council members, Village officials, and Lucas’ An emotional Ray Sullivan reminded fellow Key grateful family lined up to proclaim that the happy ending Biscayners not to sweat the small stuff: “If your streets was in large part due to Erbel and Patton. are a little dirty, if there are a few piles of dirt here and As the Village’s proclamation to Patton, read by there, it shouldn’t bother you one bit, because what’s Vernon, stated, “Your quick response and actions had a really important, we have out here. Everybody was so direct effect on the successful and full recovery of the 2- responsive to this particular incident, I can’t tell you how year-old boy.” blessed our family feels for Meanwhile, Fire-Rescue Chief John Gilbert quoted a commendation letter to Erbel: “Your quick response home is very special to him. Matt Sullivan, Lucas’ father, graduated from Gulliver in 1987. what the Village has done for us.” the atrium - summer 2008 31 QA & with Suzanne Kennedy ‘87, Protocol Coordinator & Genetic Counselor GULLIVER ALUMNA SUZANNE KENNEDY IS PRESIDENT OF FLORAVISTA, A COMPANY DEVOTED TO NATURAL LANDSCAPES AND BOTANICAL ENVIRONMENTS. BY CONSERVING, ENHANCING, AND EDUCATING OTHERS ABOUT NATIVE PLANT SPECIES, KENNEDY AND FLORAVISTA HELP CREATE LANDSCAPES THAT ARE BOTH ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY AND BEAUTIFUL. What inspires you to do the work that you do? Earth’s biodiversity is incredible and continues to amaze me. I go outdoors to get inspired… there are countless species to observe. What kinds of projects are you currently working on? The features on the outside of a building, tree inventory and viability, wetland function assessment for conservation, the devising of a land management plan, and designing around the natural resources. Ripping out what already adapted to their site and replacing it is wasting money. A landowner doesn’t have a biology education. I try to inspire the landowner to do earth-friendly design, and I educate them about what is important for us to design around to preserve our resources. 32 the atrium - summer 2008 What’s your typical day on the job? Basically, it’s either field work or office work. Field work means going out in Florida wetlands and collecting data, such as inventory of plants, wildlife species, and wetland quality. Office work involves analyzing that data. What would you say is your favorite part of the job? Being outdoors in remote natural forests to study the habitats, definitely. Least favorite, or most challenging? Dealing with certain people who avoid educating themselves about environmental conservation. But most people are willing to learn. Another least favorite is working in an environment where a developer tried to fit too many houses in a space. I enjoy being out in the field, but in some conditions it’s hard to collect the data. When it’s 95 degrees and there’s mosquitoes and it’s thorny, it’s much harder to get the job done. So, what’s the worst month weatherwise for you? August is the worst. It’s swampy and has the most mosquitoes. How often does your work and personal life intersect? Very often and I find that fulfilling. My work is also what I believe in. A lot of people hate their jobs, but I really enjoy what I do. class and loved that more. So, I changed my major. It’s come full circle. I give architects my advice. I talk to them about green building. I get to dabble in architecture and design. I do landscaping design with plants instead of concrete. selection of native Florida trees, shrubs, and wildflowers to attract birds, butterflies, amphibians, and other interesting fauna. A picnic bench gathering place can be made in the middle where students can sit outside for class on a nice day. “ A LANDOWNER DOESN’T HAVE A BIOLOGY EDUCATION. I TRY TO INSPIRE THE LANDOWNER TO DO EARTH-FRIENDLY DESIGN, AND I EDUCATE THEM ABOUT WHAT IS IMPORTANT FOR US TO DESIGN AROUND TO PRESERVE OUR RESOURCES. “ I know that you are a certified arborist (a tree health and care professional). What is your favorite kind of tree or plant? That’s difficult. I’m fond of several thousand plants species. Native to Miami and Florida, it would be the Gumbo Limbo tree. This tree grows in front of a house in Ocean Reef, where Gulliver Schools holds its reunions. I’m glad the homeowners preserved it. It’s clearly visible how it enhances the landscaping and adds aesthetic and sales value to their property. Being a native tree, it doesn’t require irrigation or pesticide chemicals. Think back to your high school days. Did you ever imagine you’d be where you are now? Never. I thought for sure I was going to be an architect. I was president of the architecture club. During my senior year, I was given the opportunity to take AP Botany and I thought, “Who wants to study plants? How boring.” (laughs) What changed your mind? I went to Rhode Island School of Design and studied architecture and it wasn’t my calling. There was just so much concrete. I took liberal arts classes and, by chance, took a Florida Ecology class. I loved it. Then, I took a Botany What kinds of things can Gulliver and its community do to become “greener?” There are several things. First, incorporate earth friendly concepts into the curriculum. Gulliver can protect and conserve natural resources on the campus site and use native plants. Also, make sure all the utilities are Energy Star (energy efficient products) and conserve water use. Plant native greenery that doesn’t require water. Create a small outdoor learning environment that has a The number one plan should be education. Florida’s natural history is fun. It’s important for people to know and it’s interesting to learn. *Gulliver Schools is, in fact, taking many steps to become more eco-conscious. Read “From the Communications Desk” on page 4 to see all the school is doing in an effort to “Go Green.” Our Academy Campus has a pond and habitat for our birds and our South Miami Campus boasts a beautiful Hardwood Hammock cared for by the SMC family. USE WATER-BASED LATEX PAINTS OVER SOLVENTBASED PAINTS WHEN PAINTING YOUR HOME. NEVER USE LEAD-BASED PAINTS. For more information visit the atrium - summer 2008 33 Alumni Perspective Catherine Piccini ‘87 This is Prague, and I am an American who lives here. Many people have asked me what it is like to live in a foreign country since my husband and I moved here a few years ago. To that question I can only reply that living in the Czech Republic is quite unique and unlike living in western countries. Growing up in Miami, attending Gulliver, I learned to appreciate diversity. Gulliver was a true melting pot. Not only did the student body consist of citizens from all over the world, but the curriculum introduced us to foreign culture as well. In Mrs. Garcia’s humanities class, I had my first taste of classical art. I fell in love with antiquity, and I could not wait to have a closer look. From her first class, I wanted to live in Europe. The decision to move abroad is different for everyone. We decided to move to Prague because my husband is from the former Czechoslovakia. Would I recommend moving across the ocean to everyone? No. But if you are adventurous and have the energy, then I would say yes. Making the move from tourist to resident can be exciting and frustrating at once. For example, as a tourist one might find it charming that Czech people often still do “business on a handshake.” As a resident, that charming custom can become a source of aggravation when you realize that many people are “shaking with both hands.” Those narrow, medieval streets that you strolled on your vacation are not so picturesque when you need to find a parking space. The ancient cobblestones that pave the lanes lose some of their 34 the atrium - summer 2008 romance after you sprain your ankle on them. However, none of this keeps me from enjoying my life here. Whenever you move, you have to make adjustments. I think in order to really enjoy any new city, the key is in not expecting it to be similar to what you have left behind. If you are constantly comparing your new environment to your old, you can only be met with disappointment. You have to celebrate the differences. I never had a castle at the end of my street in Miami. In fact, I don’t think any of my friends did either. Prague is a wonderful city. People here are very optimistic about the future of the Czech Republic, and that spirit exudes from them. There are so many opportunities for young people that just didn’t exist 15 years ago. Residents of Prague certainly have that frontier mentality: everything is possible if you have the drive to blaze your own trail. So, what is it like to live in a foreign country? I lack of ocean, and a couple suppose living in Prague is not so different from other things, it’s exactly Miami, except for the language and the culture. Okay, the same. In fact, it’s the weather is pretty different as well, and then quite there’s the food, the people, business ethics, journey. bureaucracy, and the history. But aside from those few things, and the two thousand years of history, the an exciting EAT LOWER IN THE FOOD CHA FRUIT AND VEGET PRODUCTION REQU LESS ENERGY TH MEAT PRODUCTI AIN – TABLE UIRES HAN ON. Other Alumni News Dear Friends, Classmates and Fellow Alumni: Looking back over the years, I’ll never forget my first day walking into the Alumni House and thinking about re-connecting with my friends and classmates. I was excited to catch up and hear all of the wonderful news and share great memories. Since then, I have had such a great time not only keeping in touch with my classmates, but also building new friendships with alumni from all class years. That is the highlight of this job. It has been a real treat planning, and organizing events, and meeting so many accomplished Gulliver graduates. There are many generous and supportive alumni always willing to help when I have called on them, so thank you. Many of you have given your time to come and speak with the students about your careers, volunteered to sponsor social and networking events, participated in our half-time shows, presented academic awards, offered internships, and even granted fulltime positions to other alums. I always have said Gulliver alumni are a special group of people willing to help each other out. The continued success of the alumni association depends on all of your support. I want to thank Mrs. K and John Krutulis for giving me the opportunity to grow and develop the alumni association into what it is today. Mrs. K always said I was perfect for this job because I had the “gift of gab.” They always are supportive of the alumni and come to every function they can. I also want to thank the Gulliver faculty and staff who have helped me out over the years. Their assistance is greatly appreciated. Although my tenure at Gulliver is shifting gears and I will be returning to the classroom, I will continue to support the wonderful alumni family of whom I have grown so fond. The upcoming Alumni Get-Away Reunion Weekend will be the last event I plan as director of alumni. I will return A MESSAGE FROM YOUR NEW ALUMNI DIRECTOR After serving as Dean of Students at the Prep for 24 years, I took on a vastly different role as Gulliver’s first Director of School Relations in 2004. That new role afforded me the opportunity to work closely with one of our most important resources, our parents. Through the Gulliver Schools Parents’ Associations, I have been privileged to experience, firsthand, our parents’ steadfast commitment of service to our school community. My close association with the Parent Connection Committee has allowed me to maintain a connection to our students and faculty through the various programs and speakers we provide. Additionally, I have been invigorated by my association with our wonderful alumni and by the energy and dedication that Laura Keepax has provided in establishing and building our Alumni Association. As I now assume the role of Director of Alumni and Parent Relations, I am excited by the opportunity to continue to develop and strengthen both of these valuable areas of our constituency. I look forward to seeing you all at Ocean Reef in August! to the classroom in the fall and look forward to teaching the students. So, I won’t be far and I will still attend alumni events. After all, that’s where my friends are. Linda Fitzgerald Director of Alumni and Parent Relations See you all very soon! Laura Socket Keepax ‘85 the atrium - summer 2008 35 54 Years of Excellence How Much do You Remember? Coed Football (1977) Cheering Crowd (1988) Football (1988) Homecoming (1993) Homecoming Week (1998) 36 the atrium - summer 2008 Seniors (2003) Homecoming October 2007 2007-2008 Gulliver Alumni Events Gallery Monica Pardo Maduro ‘97 and Jorge Maduro Danny Carvajal ‘04 and brother Christopher Melissa and George Riemer ‘85 and children Coach Delang with his players Melissa Schnur ‘97 and son Lonny Mimi Abe ‘04 and Lauren Vandenberg ‘05 Stewart Lundeen ‘06 and Mitch Lundeen ‘04 Josh Schwadron ‘00, Lara Shapiro ‘00, and Jared Schwadron ‘03 Gulliver private MOMA showing in NY Julie Fisher ‘85 and Emily White ‘79 Lacey Paker ‘99 and John Voith ‘03 Brannan and Liz Kunz Walker '87 Joy Mayers and Brittany Campbell, daughter of Lance and Lisa d’Adesky Campbell ‘84 Andrew and Sharon Donsky Corman ‘87 Melissa Schnur, Chris Bleakley ‘97, J.J. Diaz ‘97, and Ansley Elfmont Ross ‘97 Dr. Ed and Heike Krukowski ‘79 heading to alumni weekend Doug Bartel ‘87 and family Ashley Baxter, daughter of Jeff Baxter ‘84, relaxing by the pool Ashley and Jason Rosenthal ‘87, and Jon Tyson ‘87 Ocean Reef Get-Away Weekend August 2007 NY Alumni Event April 2008 Lacrosse December 2007 Addie Restrepo Munoz ‘87 and Matt Sullivan ‘88 “ Jeff Segal ‘91 I The mo being a with clien unmotiv them ho t’s 5:30 a.m. and Jeff Segal begins his day following year, Segal’s roommate was killed by a drunk and all at once, to the point where he began having with a large bowl of granola cereal, a driver and he began experiencing chronic migraines. trouble seeing, speaking, and walking. Segal laid out banana, yogurt, an orange, some coffee, a After taking a few semesters off, Segal accomplished mattresses around the house to catch his falls and cup of soy milk, and a smoothie. He enjoys his goals and graduated in 1998 with a bachelor’s challenged himself off the wheelchair for good. He also his typical breakfast while checking his e-mail and degree in human sciences, specializing in exercise lost 80 pounds over a one-and-a-half year period. taking a glimpse at the online newspaper headlines. By science and nutrition. 6:30 a.m., he is out of the door on his way to visit his “Before MS, I knew about most of the health Then in October 1998, Segal had what he problems out there but I felt immortal. I never imagined thought was a stroke. But the symptoms, although I was going to be living with one of them,” Segal says. The life of a personal trainer is vigorous and consistent with a stroke, were also signs of MS. Segal Now, he takes a shot of Copaxone, which demanding but well worth it, Segal says. When you was tested for MS, and when he was diagnosed with decreases MS progression over time, daily. Between think of a personal trainer, the first thing that comes to the disease, he was relieved, because, he says, the medicine and exercising, Segal has a grip on the mind may be Jackie Warner from Bravo’s series Work side effects of a stroke are far worse. disease and dedicates his time to teaching others how first client. Out, or big buff athletes, but certainly not a once All- “Initially I was relieved, then I had a two-year period Star Football player who now battles Multiple Sclerosis of denial after being diagnosed. It didn’t hit me until Segal is a certified personal trainer (CPT) and a (MS). When Segal, was first diagnosed with MS at the someone mentioned that I looked overweight. At the certified strength and conditioning specialist (CSCS). age of 25, he was... relieved. time, I was weighing 250 pounds and that’s when I He has completed over 360 hours of comprehensive made my big turning point,” says Segal. academic practical education and has been named a Yes, relieved. After graduating from Gulliver in 1991, Segal attended Florida State University, where In and out of a wheelchair for the first six months, he faced several setbacks. During his first semester, Segal soon became determined to considerably Segal’s house caught fire, and his dog of 14 years, improve his health. He struggled with balance Axle, dragged him out of the fire and saved his life. The problems and weakness which affected him suddenly 38 the atrium - summer 2008 to correctly eat and exercise. certified personal training specialist (CPTS) by Fitness and Student International. Selected as the National Strength and Conditioning Association’s Fitness Personal Trainer of ost challenging thing about personal trainer is working nts who initially are vated. I have to convince ow important exercise is. {Alumni Profile} “ the Year and Fitness Institute International Trainer of the Year in 2007, Segal was recently featured in a “The stronger you are going in to something, the stronger you are coming out,” says Segal. hard work,” says Segal. He aims at expanding his clientele and helping health and nutrition article in SHAPE magazine, and Segal doesn’t limit his business to people with trainers throughout the U.S. incorporate exercise has impacted lives through his motivational speeches MS; he is willing to work with anyone looking to programs for people with MS. In 2008, Segal attended around the U.S. positively change their health. the Personal Training Conference in Las Vegas and In 2004, Segal founded Balanced Personal “I do any personal training. I have a client who met with Mark Philippe, one of the top strongmen for Training Inc. Based in Boca Raton, the company recently had a heart attack, a few who are perfectly America’s Strongman Competition, to develop a enables Segal to pursue his dream of empowering healthy, and one with Lou Gehrig’s Disease,” says consulting and MS program at Philippe’s gym in Las others in all stages of MS and to provide pre and post- Segal. “Health is a lifestyle. I am an example of Vegas. rehabilitation services. He also is co-owner of someone who waited until he was sick to change my In addition to his passion for health and fitness, Personalize Your Fitness LLC., and is the wellness eating and exercise habits, and although I’m not a Segal is a proud family man. Segal has set a positive coordinator for the YMCA of Broward County. dietitian, I know nutrition is everything.” example for his two-year-old daughter, who seems to “The most challenging thing about being a Segal says he believes that diets have bad be following in her daddy’s footsteps. He admits to personal trainer is working with clients who initially are connotations, specifically because the implication is finding his little girl lifting two-pound dumbbells and unmotivated. I have to convince them how important that there is an end to them. He reinforces how doing squats without him ever asking her to do so. exercise is,” he says. important it is to plan one’s eating, otherwise, people Segal sets this scenario for all of his clients: overeat and become unbearably hungry. “I understand why I was diagnosed with MS. I can handle it,” he says. assume you will be in a car accident in three months. “People oftentimes link a drop in metabolism to A proud dad, an accomplished personal trainer, He uses this illustration to reinforce the fact that we age, which isn’t the case. A slower metabolism is and a distinguished public speaker, Segal has have a higher chance of survival and recovery if we eat linked to inactivity, so while exercise and staying fit take conquered each curve ball life has thrown his way, and and live healthier. a lot of dedication, the results certainly outweigh the insightfully inspires others to do the same. the atrium - summer 2008 39 Alumni Roll Call 1970s Helene Hollub ‘76 Helene married Raul Amores in November 2005. Frank Dostaler ‘77 Frank’s son Daniel is a senior at Gulliver and played on the football team. Renee Miller ‘79 Renne’s son Cooper is a junior at U.N.C.A. and her son Mickey is a junior at The Derryfield School. Denise Johnson Stephens ‘79 Denise just began her third term as the national treasurer for Women In Insurance and Financial Services. 1980s Roderick Dickinson ‘80 Rod is married and has two children and a dog. Alec Thyrre ‘80 Alec is a pilot for American Airlines. Seth Frank ‘81 Seth, his wife Shari, and their children, 10year-old Hannah and seven-year-old Alex, live in Highland Park, Illinois. Seth works for a New York firm managing corporate crises and strategic communications for public companies. Michelle Beck Viana ‘82 Michelle is the lead PIP Defense Secretary for Luks, Santaniello, and Perez law firm in Ft. Lauderdale. Kenneth Josefsberg ‘82 Ken and his wife have two daughters, 10year-old Natalie Rose and seven-year-old Stella Blue. Natalie is currently ranked sixth in the nation in rock climbing. Benjamin Klinger ‘82 Ben is a pilot for Net Jets Airline. Miguel Martinez ‘82 Miguel is married, has five beautiful children, and lives in Cooper City. 40 the atrium - Gonzalo Parodi ‘82 Gonzalo is an investment banker for Macquarie Bank LTD in Miami. He is a founding board member of Fundacion Manos Del Sur, a not-for-profit organization helping poor children in Latin America. He also is a trustee for the Miami Art Museum, Miami Art Central, a member of the Museum of Modern Art in New York, and a founding member of the Latin American Arts at the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston. Brian Pincus ‘83 Brian owns BP Productions, an advertising and production company in Miami. Carolina Quinonez ‘83 Carolina and David Dignan married on November 3, 2007, in Washington, D.C. Scott Rodrick ‘83 Scott has opened his 20th restaurant, Palmetto, out west and plans to expand to the Las Vegas market in 2009. Diego Rodriguez ‘83 Diego and his wife Jenny were married in 2002. They have two daughters, Isabella, three years old, and Alexa Renee, one year old. They are expecting their third child. Robert Salem ‘83 Rob and his wife celebrate 14 years of marriage and have two daughters, 11year-old Madison and nine-year-old Laurel. Ms. Marlene Alvarez ‘84 Marlene created and chaired the First Annual Highlands Culinary Weekend. She is also the chair elect of the Highlands Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors. John Balzola ‘84 John is a fashion and advertising photographer in Miami. Michael Kaminer ‘84 Michael is the assistant general counsel for Bluegreen Corporation in Boca Raton. summer 2008 Marco Rojas ‘84 Marco and his wife celebrated the birth of their second son, Santiago Ignacio, on October 31, 2007. Lisa Sochet ‘85 Lisa works for Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines International and has been promoted to senior account executive, product development and onboard communications for brand innovations, in the marketing department. Jonathan Baety ‘85 Jonathan is an assistant managing partner for New England Financial in Orlando. Lisa Coluccio Cearnal ‘85 Lisa is an employment specialist with Norwegian Cruise Line in Miami. Suzette Fandino Luzine ‘85 Suzette and her husband Edmund celebrated the birth of their daughter Veronica Pilar, on January 8, 2008. Alfred Fredel ‘85 Alfred is the media and marketing manager for Montclair State University in New Jersey and is also a member of the Free and Accepted Masons of New Jersey, Fidelity Lodge #113. Blair Loveland ‘85 Blair is the branch manager at Superior Bank in Clearwater. Elizabeth Meitin Perez ‘85 Ely works for Glaxo Smith Kline and her son Daniel is in sixth grade at Gulliver Pinecrest Middle Campus. Mark Brown ‘86 Mark is a senior trial attorney for the Department of Justice in Washington, D.C. He and his wife Marjorie are the proud parents of five-year-old Mark Jr., and three-year-old twins Matthew and Elizabeth. Alex and Niki, sons of Brigitte Nachtigall Altala ‘85 Alfred Fredel ‘85 speaking to student the music industry Alfred Fredel ‘85 and his son Christina Curl Speas ‘96, husband Ree Blair Loveland ‘85 catching the big one Christina Karman Rojo ‘87 speaking w careers in TV and acting Lynn Davis ‘86 Lynn and her husband welcomed their daughter Davis, born on January 4, 2007. Davis joins her two-year-old brother Paul, and they all live in Miami. Fiona Howe Rudin ‘86 Fiona and her husband Eric have two sons, eight-year-old Sam and five-year-old Nick. Jeffrey Schwartz ‘86 Jeffrey earned his M.B.A. in marketing from Regis University with a 4.0 GPA and is the vice president of Neoptx in Colorado, which manufactures and sells reading and magnifying lenses. Richard Shugar ‘86 Richard opened his own architecture firm called 2form Architecture in Eugene, Oregon. He received the People’s Choice Award from the American Institute of Architects. David Willner ‘86 David married in September 2006; he and his wife welcomed their first child in April 2008. Douglas Bartel ‘87 Doug and his wife Sherri have three children, seven-year-old Brett and fouryear-old twin daughters, Jordan and Brooke. ts about careers in Cole and Carli, children of Craig Schmidt ‘89 Family of Jon Lewis ‘87 Jessica Hillman-Waller Foti ‘04, parents, and husband Myles, son of Trisha Teale Bonilla ‘90 ed, and baby Elle Virgina Lolas Saba ‘83 and family Chris Derks ‘88 speaking to students about the FBI and forensic science Marion Schur Hardwick ‘03 and new baby Petra ‘80 and Peter Ferris ‘80 and son with students about Elizabeth and Spencer Taintor ‘92 and family Jeff Baxter ‘84 and son Lawson Mark de Langen ‘98, living in Curacao Skylar Marcee, daughter of Tiffany Smith-Maranto ‘93 Jonathan Lewis ‘87 Jon and his wife have two children, sixyear-old Jacob and two-year-old Isaac. David Millheiser ‘87 David is an attorney with Peter Miller and Associates in Miami. Eric Nadel ‘87 Eric has a U.S. Patent 5788648A number for a control, monitoring synchronisity, and coordination base linked to thought, motive, perspective, and sensory function. Aura Duque ‘88 Aura works for the Charlee Program in Miami. She and her husband have been married for ten years and have three sons, ages three, four, and six. Ramon Martinez ‘88 Ramon is a manager for Bay Care Health Systems in Tampa. He is responsible for the implementation of their new electronic medical record system. Christopher McClure ‘88 Chris and his daughter, Mila Alessandra, live in the Design District of Miami. Mila is in first grade at St. Philips Episcopal School. Matthew Sullivan ‘88 Matt and his wife celebrated the birth of their third child, Mia Catherine, on October 23, 2007. Renier Diaz de la Portilla ‘89 Renier works as an attorney for Gray Robinson law firm and is also an elected member of the Miami Dade County School Board after serving in the Florida Legislature. Debra Goodstein ‘89 Debra married in March 2008. Jennifer Hirt Beer ‘89 Jennifer lives in Weston with her husband and three daughters. Justine Mittelman ‘89 Justine is the associate director for the San Diego Opera in California. Jennifer Stepner Mullen ‘89 Jennifer just welcomed her first baby girl named Jordyn Mckenzie. 90s Federico Grande ‘90 Federico and his wife Annette have 14month-old twin boys, Alejandro and Nicolas, and are expecting their third child. Federico is an oral and maxillofacial surgeon in Stuart, Florida. Ricardo Lopez ‘90 Ricardo and his wife have a four-month-old and a two-year-old daughter. Dianne Lozano Diener ‘90 Dianne is a teacher in Miramar. David Renton ‘90 David and his family live in South Carolina. He is the director of minimally invasive surgery at the University of South Carolina. Vivian Figueredo ‘91 Vivian and her husband welcomed their son, Nicolas Alex Mavis, on September 11, 2007. Kathy Galindez Yannucci ‘91 Kathy has launched her website for Yoga exercise apparel at Kelly Gomez Messett ‘91 Kelly married Jeff Messett in January 2007. Continues on the next page the atrium - summer 2008 41 Alex Luty ‘91 Alex is vice president of IQ Electronic Interiors in Miami and works part time with the Miami Dolphins football team. Lamya Manzur ‘91 Lamya has her own dental practice in Miami. She and her husband have a son, Alexander, and are expecting their second child. Jeff Segal ‘91 Jeff was named the Personal Trainer of the Year by the National Strength and Conditioning Association for his dedication in training and rehabilitating people with Mulitple Sclerosis. Sonia Arraut ‘92 Sonia has been promoted to project manager for Sony Electronics in Miami. Elizabeth Greenfield Taintor ‘92 Elizabeth and Spencer celebrated the birth of their daughter Emma on July 15, 2007. Jason Hersh ‘92 Jason works for Right Now Technologies in Florida. He is responsible for speech recognition CTI and contact center integration consulting. Seth Eisinger ‘93 Seth and Wendy Brenes were married on February 10, 2007. Lara Marks Mark ‘93 Lara and Jeff Mark were married on May 5, 2007, and live in Castle Rock, Colorado. Wes Quesenberry ‘93 Wes is a securities trade desk representative for World Financial Group in Atlanta. Ameli Padron ‘93 Ameli is the head of human resources at Caixanova Bank in Miami. Lee Graham ‘94 Lee is a business planning manager for Hewlett Packard in Houston, Texas. Christopher Kavalir ‘94 Chris was promoted to lieutenant of Miami-Dade Fire Rescue. Stephanie Kirkpatrick Fealy ‘94 Stephanie does medical transcription for a periodontal company in Palm Beach. 42 the atrium - Tyler Master ‘94 Tyler and his wife welcomed their first child, Jake Tyler, in June 2007. Michael Oliver ‘94 Mike and his family live in Ft. Myers and he is an attorney with Becker & Poliakoff. Fernanda Pinzon ‘94 Fernanda started a new online ecofriendly boutique called New Born Mom. She and her husband German have a oneyear-old daughter, Gabriella, and are expecting their second child. Samantha Schosberg Feuer ‘94 Samantha and her husband have a oneyear-old daughter, Sophia Jordan. Samantha is an assistant state attorney for Palm Beach County. Elise Bialilew Coren ‘95 Elise and her husband Brad celebrated the birth of their son, Alex Matthew, on December 4, 2007. Monica Charur Macario ‘95 Monica and her husband welcomed their daughter, Isabella, in December 2007. Erick Ciocca ‘95 Erick is the project manager for Chase Construction Management Inc. in Miami. He is married and has a son. Vanessa Garcia Rojas ‘95 Vanessa and her husband celebrate the birth of their baby, Benigno Andres, born September 17, 2007. Benjamina Rowe Brown ‘95 Benjamina completed her residency in family medicine in June 2007. She also became board certified and works in a private practice. She enjoys life with her husband, Trevor, and her one-and-a-half year-old son, Owen. Javier Yaniz ‘95 Javier graduated with a degree in animal sciences and is attending classes at the University of Florida for entrance into the school of veterinary medicine. Christina Curl Speas ‘96 Christina and her husband Reed celebrated the birth of their daughter, Elle, on October 3, 2007. Joseph Feo ‘96 Joseph is general manager for Transamerica Trading Corporation in Miami. summer 2008 Alice Gabrieloff Wieder ‘96 Alice married Isaac Wieder on March 10, 2007. Jason Green ‘96 Jason is the owner of 2020 Companies in Dallas, Texas. Joseph Masinter ‘96 Joseph works for Handicapped Sales Workshop Inc. in Ft. Lauderdale. Ramon Pielago ‘96 Ramon is an investment representative for Lehman Brothers. Michal Raz-Russo ‘96 Michal lives in Chicago and is the creative director for the Belgravia Group. Samantha Tyson Schwartz ‘96 Samantha is a fifth grade teacher at Mater Academy in Miami. Jessica Atrio ‘97 Jessica is a resident at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York. Chad Freedman ‘97 Chad married his fiance Sherie in January 2007. Catalina Ochoa Perez ‘97 Kathy and her husband have two children, Daniel Andres, six months old, and Isabel, two years old. Monica Pardo ‘97 Monica married Jorge Maduro in February 2008. Shayne Shnapier ‘97 Shayne is a television producer in California. Danielle Azoulay ‘98 Danielle owns Broadway Fest, a theatre company that arranges for students to compete with other schools while learning the theater business from an insider’s perspective. David Concepcion ‘98 David is the chief of staff for the Mayor of the City of Hialeah. Mark De Langen ‘98 Mark is living in Curacao, Netherlands Antilles, and is the senior trading officer and relationship manager at Citco Banking Corporation, a company that provides custodial and trading services to the Hedge Fund Industry. Joshua Yavelberg ‘98 Josh is opening a new art studio at Lorton Work House in Lorton, Virginia. Bianca Alonso-Mendoza ‘99 Bianca lives in Pittsburgh and works as the associate creative director for Ronin Advertising Group. Andre Cardim ‘99 Andre is working on the I-595 expansion during the proposal phase with a chance of being transferred to Africa in 2008 to manage the finance department of a jobsite. Sebastian Grillon ‘99 Sebastian works for Southeast Property as a real estate broker specializing in commerical properties in Miami. Justin Hayes ‘99 Justin has entered law school after working with U.S. Senator Barbara Mikulski, Dem. Maryland. David Hew ‘99 David is the international director of marketing, sales, and public relations for Kamalame Cay in the Bahamas. He lives part time in London and the Bahamas. Kimberly Levy ‘99 Kim is practicing general litigation in the Washington office of Fulbright and Jaworski L.L.P. Sofia Sarria ‘99 Sofia is the regional marketing representative for Novis Pharmaceuticals in Miami. 00s Percy Avetrani ‘00 Percy started a risk management and wealth accumulation business and is a soccer coach at Strike Force for the U-11 traveling team. Ms. Kimberli Barrett ‘00 Kimberli is attending nursing school and is a personal trainer in Miami. Victor Diaz ‘00 Victor recently was appointed to the Board of Directors for Pridelines Youth Services. He currently is establishing a national magazine for a global market. Michelle Dieppa Montalvo ‘00 Michelle married Victor Montalvo on July 21, 2007. They operate their business, Memorable Video Productions, and Michelle also teaches at Greenglade Elementary School. Morgan Miller Caspi ‘00 Morgan opened her store, Morgan Miller Shoes, in Aventura Mall. Raul Placeres ‘00 Raul is the new head coach of the Gatlinburg-Pittman High School boy’s basketball team in Tennessee. Daniel Figueroa ‘01 Daniel was voted the most valuable player for the Spanish National Baseball Team. Paco Figueroa ‘01 Paco plays baseball for the Baltimore Orioles. Charles Koniver ‘01 Charlie works for IMG in Miami and coordinates the Sony Ericsson Open Tennis Tournament in Key Biscayne. Megha Mahajan ‘01 Megha is attending law school at Florida International University. Sean Respeto ‘01 Sean married his college sweetheart, Kim Allen, on June 26, 2007. He is a mechanical engineer and lives in Pennsylvania. Jason Ross ‘01 Jason received his law degree from Washington University. Peter Simon ‘01 Peter works as a commercial lending officer for Colonial Bank in Miami. Colonial Bank is sponsoring him to participate in the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce’s Leadership Miami Program. DO NOT DISPOSE OF TOXIC HOUSEHOLD WASTES, SUCH AS PAINT, PAINT THINNER, AND CAR FLUIDS, IN THE GARBAGE OR DOWN THE DRAIN. CHECK WITH YOUR LOCAL FACILITIES FOR PROPER DISPOSAL. John Valdes ‘01 John is in his third year of medical school at Tulane University. Jason Bunch ‘02 Jason married his fiance, Inese, on July 7, 2007. Shanan Flaxman ‘02 Shannon is the events coordinator for Strike Miami, a full-service entertainment company. Ivan Mladenovic ‘02 Ivan owns a consulting company that specializes in real estate and construction development. Jonathan Anderson ‘03 Jonathan graduated from Duke with a degree in history. He is a volunteer assistant coach for Duke University’s Baseball team. He contributed to the best record the team has had since 1998. Alexis Atkins ‘03 Alexis graduated magna cum laude from Bentley College in May 2007, earning a B.S. in management. She works as a software specialist at IBM in Coral Gables. Jessica Berrin ‘03 Jessica graduated magna cum laude from the University of Florida School of Telecommunications. Gregory Barnard ‘03 Gregory is an analyst for CIT Group in New York. Shayna Baer ‘03 Shayna is in her second year of law school at St. Thomas University in Miami. Jocelyn Hoffman ‘03 Jocelyn is a registered nurse and works in the pediatric and sugical departments at Miami Children’s Hospital. Anthony Jack ‘03 Tony graduated from Amherst and works as an alumni fellow for the university. Lauren Kirtley ‘03 Lauren is an assistant buyer for Macy’s in Miami. Douglas Koroglu ‘03 Douglas graduated from FAU in the summer of 2007 with a degree in political science with a minor in history. David Leibovitch ‘03 David and Emily Roberts ‘04 were married in May 2008. David also graduated from the University of Miami with a degree in math and physics. Jennifer Levin ‘03 Jennifer is attending law school at Florida International University. Jennifer Messina ‘03 Jennifer graduated from NYU and was president of the Policy Debate Team. She was presented with the Founders Day Award for outstanding scholarship, chosen as one of 20 debaters nationally to be named as an All American Debater by the Cross Examination Debate Association, and was inducted into the Red Dragon Society. She is attending law school at the University of Chicago, recently was chosen as a named scholar, and received the tiltle of Stonewall Fellow and a scholarship for her progressive work towards gender and LGBT rights equality. Carlos Musibay ‘03 Carlos is 1 of 6 finalists in the Miami Herald Business Plan Challenge Sylvia Raskin ‘03 Sylvia directs the Peer Advocate Program at Planned Parenthood Los Angeles. She promotes comprehensive education and community outreach among teens. Vicky Rodriguez ‘03 Vicky is seeking an M.B.A. in taxation from the University of Miami. Marion Schur Hardwick ‘03 Marion and her husband celebrated the birth of their son in August 2007; they also have a two-year-old daughter. Georgia Alvarez ‘04 Georgia published an article in This Old House magazine owned by Time Warner. Rebecca Bennett ‘04 Rebecca married in February 2008. She and her husband are expecting their first child in July 2008. Alejandro Fernandez ‘04 Alex is the host of a political talk show. He is the creator and producer of a new radio program for a major station in Miami. Jillianne Grayson ‘04 Jillianne graduated from Johns Hopkins University with a degree in biology. Jessica Hillman-Waller Foti ‘04 Jessica recently married Eduardo Foti in Miami. Robert Lowe, III ‘04 Bobby is attending a NOLS course in Baja, Mexico, where he will be backpacking, sea kayaking, and sailing. Emily Roberts ‘04 Emily and David Leibovitch ‘03 married in May 2008. Emily is a senior at UNC Chapel Hill majoring in biology and chemistry. Jorge Rodriguez ‘04 Jorge is majoring in political science at the University of Miami. Matthew Sinnreich ‘04 Matt launched his new website in October called Jenessa Sprague ‘04 Jenessa received a graduate college fellowship to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and is now working toward a doctorate in clinical psychology. Sophia M. Alvarez ‘05 Sophia studied abroad in Argentina during the fall 2007 semester. Leah Bueso ‘05 Leah studied abroad in Madrid, Spain, during the fall 2007 semester. Faequa A. Khan ‘05 Faequa spent a year abroad studying in Scotland. She is studying political science and plans on attending law school. Sarah Posnak ‘05 Sarah is spending her junior year studying at the University of Cordoba in Spain. Misha Rosenthal ‘05 Misha plays soccer for Northwestern University and was named to the second team for the All Big-Tens Team selected by the conference’s head coaches. He is one of the top goalkeepers in the country. He holds a 0.51 goals-against average record and ranks sixth in the nation. Charlotte Blake ‘06 Charlotte is a business major and plays soccer for Belmont University in Tennessee. Heather Walton ‘06 Heather is attending Philadelphia University and plays on the university’s womens soccer team. Beau Blumberg ‘07 Beau attends William and Mary College and teaches Yoga for its recreation department. Terry Claus ‘07 Terry is attending school and modeling for Next Model Management in Miami. Charles Freyre ‘07 Charles is attending Washington University in St. Louis and was awarded the 2007 Tau Kappa Epsilon Leadership Scholarship. Daniel Lage ‘07 Daniel is the contributing editor for the Harvard Crimson, Harvard University’s Newspaper. He interviewed an advisor of the John Kennedy Administration about the Cuban Missile Crisis. Alison Mantel ‘07 Alison is attending the University of Michigan and also is a key offensive player for the women’s water polo team. She scored her first hat trick against San Diego State and helped the team win. Cara Reitz ‘07 Cara is attending the University of Michigan and also is a key offensive player for the women’s water polo team. She has scored winning goals in her last two matches. Krizia Torres ‘07 Krizia is studying in Pittsburgh at Carnegie Mellon University School of Architecture. Bret Voith ‘07 Bret is attending Harvard University and plays on the men’s waterpolo team. He was voted rookie of the year and named to the Eastern All-Tournament Second Team. Gulliver Schools sends it condolences to the friends and family of the following Raider alumni who have passed away since summer 2007: CECILIA CONDE ‘82 September 2007 STATEN EVERHEART ‘03 September 2007 PAUL HILLMAN ‘83 November 2007 SEAN TAYLOR ‘01 November 2007 TROY TYLER BATTAH ‘02 March 2008 SHAWN TYLER ‘87 March 2008 SHAWNN EHRMAN WIEDER ‘83 May 2008 the atrium - summer 2008 43 a selection of student art Carolina Mayo: “Sickness” 12th Grade (2008 Scholastic Art Awards Gold Key Winner) Gulliver Schools Office of Communications and Public Relations 1500 San Remo Avenue, Suite 295 Coral Gables, FL 33146 Recycleable Alexandra Hernandez: “Birthday Surprise” 10th Grade Giulia Medina: “Nature’s Design” SMC First Grade Non-Profit Organization US Postage PAID Miami, Fl Permit No. 00667
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