Document 6530759
Document 6530759
Scheme - G Sample Test Paper-I Course Name : Electronics Engineering Group Course Code : DE/ED/EI/EJ/EN/ET/EV/EX/IC/IE/IS/IU/MU Semester : Second Subject Title : Elements of Electronics Marks : 25 17215 Time:1 Hrs. Instructions: 1. All questions are compulsory. 2. Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks. 4. Assume suitable data if necessary. 5. Preferably, write the answers in sequential order. Q.1 Attempt any THREE 09 Marks a) Write the formula for capacitive reactance. State the effect of frequency on the capacitive reactance. b) Draw the circuit diagram of half wave rectifier. Describe the operation with input and output wave form. c) Draw the symbol and list the applications of PIN diode and Schottky diode. d) List specifications and applications of linear and non linear potentiometers Q.2 Attempt any TWO 08 Marks a) Compare air core and ferrite core inductor on the basis of constructional diagram and applications. b) Draw the constructional details of LED. Describe the operating principle. c) Draw the symbol of PN junction diode .Describe its working principle and list twoapplications of the same. Q3.Attempt any TWO 08 Marks a) Compare LDR and TDR on the basis of working principle, material used for construction, characteristics curves and applications. b) Draw the characteristics of Zener diode. List four applications of zener diode c) Compare center tapped rectifier with bridge rectifier on the basis of following parameter i) Number of diode used ii) PIV iii) TUF iv) Efficiency Scheme - G Sample Test Paper-II Course Name : Electronics Engineering Group Course Code : DE/ED/EI/EJ/EN/ET/EV/EX/IC/IE/IS/IU/MU Semester : Second Subject Title : Elements of Electronics Marks : 25 17215 Time :1 Hrs. Instructions: 1. All questions are compulsory. 2. Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks. 4. Assume suitable data if necessary. 5. Preferably, write the answers in sequential order. Q.1 Attempt any THREE 09 Marks a) Draw the circuit diagram of RC integrator. Sketch the output wave form for square wave input. Describe the operation of the circuit. b) State the Kirchoff’s Current Law(KCL) with suitable example c) Compare linear and nonlinear wave shaping circuits d) Draw the circuit diagram of half wave rectifier with shunt capacitor filter. Describe the operation of circuit with input output wave forms. Q.2 Attempt any TWO 08 Marks a) Draw the circuit diagram of bridge rectifier with series inductor filter. Describe the operation of circuit with input output wave forms. b) Draw the circuit diagram of positive clamper using diode. Describe the operation of circuit with input output waveforms. c) Three resistances each of 12Ω are connected in star. Convert it into equivalent delta connection Q.3 Attempt any TWO 08 Marks a) Draw the circuit diagram of positive clipper .Describe the operation circuit with input output wave forms. b) By using Maxwell’s loop current method calculate current in 3Ω resistance for the network shown in figure 1 Figure 1 hevenin’s eqquivalent ciircuit for thee network shown in figgure 2 c) Obbtain the Th Figure 2 Scheme - G Samplee Question n Paper Course Naame : Electtronics Enggineering Group G Course Coode : DE/E ED/EI/EJ/E EN/ET/EV//EX/IC/IE/IIS/IU/MU Semester : Secon nd ments of Eleectronics Subject Tiitle : Elem Marks : 100 172 215 Time: 3 Hrs. Instructioons: 1. All questions arre compulsoory. a witth neat sketcches wherevver necessaary. 2. Illusstrate your answers 3. Figuures to the right r indicatte full markks. 4. Assuume suitablle data if neecessary. 5. Prefferably, writte the answers in sequeential order.. Q.1 Attem mpt any TE EN 20 Maarks a) S State the Farraday’s laws of electrom magnetic innduction. Allso write itss formula. b) D Draw the neat labeled sketch of slu ug tuned indductor. Statee two functiions of it. c) D Define the teerm “Effecttive Series Resistance” R with refereence to capaacitor. d) D Draw the cirrcuit diagram m of bridgee rectifier annd label it. e) D Draw the cirrcuit diagram m of center tapped recttifier with π filter and label l it. f) D Draw the ideeal current source s and practical p cuurrent sourcee. g) S State the Kirrchoff’s Voltage Law along a with its formula. h) C Calculate thee supply vooltage of thee circuit shown in figure 1 i) W Write the fouur applications of zeneer diode. j) E Explain withh neat sketchh constructiion of PIN diode. d k) S State the coondition for integratioon with refference to RC integraator with neat n circuitt ddiagram. l) D Draw the circuit diiagram of shunt neegative cliipper withh input and a outputt w waveform. mpt any FO OUR Q.2 Attem 16 Maarks a) Describe D thee working of o LDR withh neat sketcch. State theeir four appllications. b) Draw D the characterisstics of Linear L and Logarithm mic potentiiometers. W Write fourr s specification ns of Potenttiometers. c) Draw D the coonstructionaal diagram of o Electrolytic Capacitoor. Explain the workingg d) List L the twoo specificatioons of capaacitors and tw wo dielectric materialss used in cappacitors. e) Draw D the coonstructionaal diagram iron core indductor and ferrite f core inductor. f) Describe D thhe working of PN junnction diodde with neeat sketch under u forw ward biasedd c condition. mpt any FO OUR Q.3 Attem 16 Maarks a) Enlist E four specification s ns of zener diode. b) Describe D co onstruction of o tunnel dioode with neeat sketch. List L two appplications. c) Describe D thee operating principle off Laser diodde with neatt sketch. d) Draw D the symbol s of Schottky diode. d Withh neat sketcch explain working principle p off S Schottky dio ode. e) List L differennt types of filters. Which filter is practicallyy preferred to t get pure DC outputt v voltage? Wh hy? f) State S the vallues of folloowing param meters withh reference to t half wavee rectifier i Ripple Faactor ii) Effiiciency iii) TUF i) T iv) Avverage valuee of DC outp tput voltage 16 Maarks mpt any FO OUR Q4. Attem a) D Draw the ciircuit diagraam of full wave w bridgee rectifier with w LC filtter. Explainn with inputt aand output wave w form. b) U Using colouur code ,wriite the colou ur codes forr following resistors ii) 560K K ± 5% ii)23 3.4K ± 10% % c) D Draw the circuit diagrram of seriees inductor filter with half wave rectifier. r Exxplain withh iinput and ouutput wave forms. d) IIn FWR VM= 10V, RL = 10 KΩ. Calculate VDC, IDC and a ripple factor. fa Referr followingg F Figure 2s Figuree No. 2 e) C Compare PN N-junction diode &Zenner diode. (F Four points) a) C Compare LE ED and Phooto diode..(F Four points) Q.5 Attem mpt any FO OUR 16 Maarks a) What do you y mean by b the term m wave shaaping circuit? Explainn why it is needed inn practical appplications?? b) Describe th he working principle off RC differeentiator witth neat sketcch. State the conditionn for differenntiator. c) Describe thhe working of Positive shunt clipper with neat circuit diaagram and innput/outputt wave formss. d) Draw the circuit c diagrram of RC integrator. i D Draw the in nput and outtput wavefoorms of RC integrator for f square wave w and triangular as input. i e) State the su uperpositionn theorem with w suitablee example. f) State the Thhevenin’s thheorem withh suitable example. mpt any FO OUR Q.6 Attem 16 Maarks a) Draw circuuit diagramss for negativ ve and posiitive voltagee clamping circuits. Show the input i and ouutput wavefform. b) Compare clipper c and clamper. (F Four points) c) Explain the followingg terms i) Active Network ii) Linear Network N iii) Bilateral Network iv) Unilaterral Networkk d) Calculate the value of currentt in 5Ω reesistance using u Nortoon’s theoreem for the network shhown in figuure no.3 Figuree No. 3 e) Calculate the t value off RL, so thaat power trannsferred is maximum in i the circuit shown inn figure no. 4 Fiigure No. 4 f) Write the m meaning terrm open circcuit and shoort circuit with neat diaagram.