Gas Sample Probes Series GAS 222 Types with down stream filter §


Gas Sample Probes Series GAS 222 Types with down stream filter §
Gas Sample Probes Series GAS 222
Types with down stream filter
The GAS 222 series are modular designed, but they are
manufactured and delivered as one unit according to your
The principle offers the opportunity to meet application
specific requirements without the disadvantages of a
pure building set.
These probes are suitable for gas streams with dust loads
up to 2g/m³. They consist of an integrated down stream
filter which can be changed without tools.
§ modular design
§ combined insulation and protection
§ down stream filter element can be
changed without tools
§ weather protection shield for one
hand operation
§ easy mounting
DE 46 0006
Bühler Meß- und Regeltechnik GmbH
D - 40880 Ratingen, Harkortstr. 29
Tel.: + 49 (0) 2102 / 49 89-0 Fax: + 49 (0) 2102 / 49 89-20
Please, study the following descriptions and drawings.
We would be pleased to make you a special offer if the
existing program does not meet your requirements.
Probes unheated
GAS 222.10
At this simple unheated probe the filter can be changed
with an easy 90° turn of the handle.
GAS 222.11
Similar to GAS 222.10 but with shut off valve between
probe pipe and down stream filter. This configuration
allows to separate the filter chamber from the process
The shut off valve can be equipped with an pneumatic
Probes with self regulating heater
GAS 222.15
Similar to GAS 222.10 but for applications requiring heated
sample tubes. The filter chamber is completely covered
with an insulation jacket. The sample tube connector is
also covered by the insulation to avoid cold spots.
A self regulating heating element keeps the temperature at
about 180 °C. A low temperature alarm provides operational control.
This probe can not be exposed to heavy weather.
GAS 222.17
Similar to GAS 222.15 but with additional weather
protection shield.
Probes with regulating heaters
GAS 222.20
Basic components similar to GAS 222.10 but for applications requiring heated sample tubes. The filter chamber is
completely covered with an insulation jacket as well as the
sample tube connector. The temperature can be adjusted
in a range from ca. 60 up to 200 °C by an electronic
controller. Target and actual temperature are shown on a
display, high and low temperature with alarm outputs. The
entire unit is covered by a weather protection shield.
222.20 EX
222.20 DH
222.21 EX
GAS 222.21
Similar to GAS 222.20 but with shut off valve between
probe pipe and down stream filter. The shut off valve is
also completely covered by the insulating jacket and can
be optional equipped with a pneumatic actuator.
Steam heated
GAS 222.20 DH
Similar to GAS 222.20 but with steam heated pipe spiral.
The pipe spiral is covered with an insulation jacket.
The entire unit is covered by a weather protection shield.
Filter elements
The probes will be delivered without filter element to
accommodate the filter for your application.
! sintered stainless steel 5µm
! sintered ceramic 3µm
! pleated stainless steel 10µm (long service life)
! filter cotton especially for Diesel waste gas
! microglasfibre with silicat-binder, deposite grade
> 99,99% at 0,1µm
Probes for hazardous area
GAS 222.20 EX
Similar to GAS 222.20, but with self regulated explosion
proof heater, explosion proof terminal box and weather
protection shield.
EEx de IIC T2
GAS 222.21 Ex
Sample probe similar to GAS 222.21, but with self
regulated explosion proof heater, explosion proof terminal
box and weather protection shield.
EEx de IIC T4
The extension can be choosen out of different materials
appropriate for your application.
It is be connected to the fitting at the flange.
Without the filter element the probe is completly
accessable for cleaning of the extension.
Calibration gas port
To enable a very realistic calibration procedure the
calibration gas should be injected directly into the probe
(Preferrably upstream the filter).
Such a calibration gas port is available in the flange or
shortly behind the shut off valve.
This port is also available with a valve for a process with
high pressure, having a fitting for a tube 6mm diameter.
Order information:
Alll probes will be delivered with flange gasket and screws.
At order you must indicate:
1) probe type
2) extension and in case, adder
3) down stream filter
4) additional options, as declared on bottom of page
46 222 10
GAS 222.10
46 222 11
GAS 222.11
46 222 15
GAS 222.15
115-230VAC 50/60Hz
46 222 17
GAS 222.17
115-230VAC 50/60Hz
46 222 20
GAS 222.20
230VAC, 50/60Hz
46 222 22
GAS 222.20
115VAC, 50/60Hz
46 222 20DH
GAS 222.20DH
46 222 21
GAS 222.21
230VAC, 50/60Hz
46 222 25
GAS 222.21
115VAC, 50/60Hz
46 222 20EX
GAS 222.20EX
230VAC, 50/60Hz
46 222 21EX
GAS 222.21EX
230VAC, 50/60Hz
46 222 001
Extension 01, Ø12x2 L-1000 mm, 1.4571 bis 600°C
46 222 0011
Adder for extension 01, Ø12x2 L 1000-2000 mm, 1.4571 bis 600°C
46 222 002
Extension 02, Ø24x2,5 L-1000 mm, ceramic/1.4571 bis 1600°C
46 222 0021
Adder for extension 02, Ø24x2,5 L 1000-1500 mm, ceramic/1.4571 bis1600°C
46 222 006
Extension 06, Ø12x1 L-1000 mm, Hastelloy C4/1.4571 bis 400°C
46 222 004
Extension 08, Ø21,3x2,77 L-1000 mm, Inconel 600/1.4571 bis 1050°C
46 222 016
Extension 12, Ø20x1,5 L-1000 mm, 1.4571 bis 600°C
46 222 017
Extension 13, Ø15x1,3 L-1000 mm, Kanthal/1.4571 bis 1400°C
46 222 018
Extension 14, Ø18x4 L-1000 mm, Kanthal-Super/1.4571 bis 1700°C
46 222 3032
Adder for extension, unheated
46 222 3033
Adder for extension, heated, 230VAC, 50/60Hz
Note: At order of this adder you must attach “G” at the end ot the part-no. of the probe
(part-no. 4622220G bzw. 4622221G)
Down stream filter
46 222 010
sintered stainless steel, retention rate 5µm
46 222 026
sintered ceramic, retention rate 3µm
46 222 011
pleated stainless steel, retention rate 10µm
46 222 032
microglasfibre with silicat-binder, deposite grade > 99,99% at 0,1µm
with re-usable stainless steel end covers
46 222 0321
spare filter element microglasfibre without end covers
46 222 163
element for filter cotton especiallly for Diesel waste gas incl. Filter cotton
46 222 167
filter cotton, 100g package
Further options
46 222 014
ANSI flange 3", 150 lbs
46 222 309
calibration gas port ø6
46 222 311
calibration gas port ø6 with valve
Dastec S.R.L.
Representantes / Distribuidores Exclusivos:
Hipólito Yrigoyen 850, piso 3° Of.335
C1086AAN Buenos Aires - Argentina
Tel.: (54-11) 4343-6200 // 4331-2288
Fax: (54-11) 4334-3120
we reserve the right to amend specification