SELECTplus Custom Report Plymouth Health System RFP Analysis Information Systems, Data Management, Cardiology


SELECTplus Custom Report Plymouth Health System RFP Analysis Information Systems, Data Management, Cardiology
SELECTplus Custom Report
Plymouth Health System
RFP Analysis
Information Systems, Data Management, Cardiology
Tab 1
ECRI's recommended system based on the RFP
responses and our justification.
RFP: Response Score Summary
Tab 2
Summary statistics of the vendors' RFP responses regarding system
functionality are provided to facilitate a comparison.
RFP: Section 1 - Instruction to Bidders
Tab 3
Side-by-side comparison of the vendors' RFP responses
RFP: Section 2 - Equipment Requirements
Tab 4
Side-by side comparison of the vendors' RFP responses related to
system functionality.
RFP: Section 3 - Terms and Conditions
Tab 5
Side-by side comparison of the vendors' RFP responses related to
terms and conditions.
RFP: Quotations & Price Considerations
Tab 6
Side-by side comparison of the vendors' quotations and other
purchase considerations.
SELECTplus Annual Interest Chart
Tab 7
SELECTplus market share pie chart. This data is generated solely by
ECRI's SELECTplus member facilities.
Life Cycle Cost: Comparative Calculator
Tab 8
The estimated life cycle costs of the reviewed systems.
Life Cycle Cost: Cashflow Summary
The cashflow details for the life cycle cost calculation.
Anwesha Dutta
Sr. Healthcare IT Specialist
800-998-3274 x5174
Tab 9
ECRI recommends that Plymouth Health System consider purchasing a Cardiology Image and
Information Management System (CIIMS) from GE Healthcare. While most of the vendors are
offering highly comparable systems, according to the RFP responses and based on your anticipated
clinical needs & contractual requirements, we feel that GE is a suitable option for your facility.
Note: We feel that the Quoted Configurations and Pricing as given in the supplied
quotations are not adequately comparable and we recommend that you request new
Quotations from all the four vendors and re-assess your investment choices before you
make your final decision.
GE Healthcare
GE Healthcare has adequately complied with most of your terms and conditions and
technical specifications. GE has also provided all details necessary with regards to
system cost, implementation and training, warranty etc. GE Healthcare has offered your
facility Centricity for Cardiology. As per the RFP response, GE has presented the
maximum amount of information and has indicated that they will conform to most of your
technical and contractual requirements. As shown in the Response Score Summary, GE is
complied with 66% of your general terms and conditions and functional requirements.
The GE Centricity Cardiology System incorporates the fundamental features required for
cardiology image and information management. According to GE, this system offers multimodality
support for X-Ray angiography (XA), Ultrasound, Nuclear Medicine (NM), Magnetic Resonance (MR)
etc. GE offers Web access, remote and multiple viewing of images (capable of capturing images
from multiple cardiovascular devices at one time), and a central database to review and archive
procedural data. It can also acquire multiple DICOM images, waveforms and cardiac data at the
same time. Centricity offers standard clinical reporting and analytic tools and also provides optional
echo image acquisition capability from other platforms. According to GE Healthcare, Centricity for
Cardiology focuses on the complete integration of multi-vendor enterprise wide cardiovascular data
specially customized to the needs of a facility’s catheterization lab.
For ease of integration with your existing information systems, GE would be the appropriate
vendor of choice at this time. From an integration perspective, it will be easier for your facility to rely
on GE to integrate with your MUSE CV ECG data management system and interface as required with
your GE Centricity Radiology PACS. While the other vendors included in this report claim that they
can also exchange data with your existing GE information systems, maintaining a consistent vendor
for both ECG data management and CIIMS can reduce future information system acquisition costs,
simplify servicing, add more bargaining leverage when negotiating to resolve problems and obtain
upgrades, and facilitate training. Standardization will also facilitate smooth implementation and
However, from a financial perspective, your capital investment involved in the purchase of
Centricity Cardiology is significantly higher. While we typically do not make recommendations
based on price, it is important to note that the total capital purchase price of the GE Centricity
Cardiology System is considerably higher compared to the Philips' quoted Xcelera image and data
management system. It appears that GE has over-quoted the hardware and professional services for
both the Cardiology PACS and the Cardiology Data Management System(See Tab 6 - Quotations
and the Cost-Benefit Chart below). Hence, there is a difference of $400,295 in capital costs.
It is possible that in a RFP situation, some vendors may under-quote the hardware and professional
services and Philips' quotations may be reflective of a similar scenario. In that case, it is probable that
if your facility chooses Philips, Xcelera's final capital costs can be comparable with that of the GE
Centricity. Nonetheless, we recommend your facility to request quotations from these vendors and
verify with the manufacturers and your IT department that they are quoting adequate hardware &
implementation services. In addition, it will be helpful to assess the clinical training needs of your
users before you agree to a certain number of training hours being offered by the chosen vendor.
Although at this time GE appears to be more expensive, if your facility believes that benefits of relying
on GE will outweigh the additional costs involved in this purchase, GE can be considered the apt
choice at this time.
We consider the Philips Xcelera Information System as an acceptable alternative for
your facility.
The Philips Xcelera CIIMS is worthy of consideration as Philips will meet your technical requirements
as well as most of your contractual requirements. Philips has responded well to most of your
technical specifications and the Xcelera is functionally very similar to Centricity Cardiology. Philips
has also indicated that their system will integrate with your MUSE ECG data management system
and Meditech HIS.
From a capital acquisition perspective, selecting Philips will provide you with the most costeffective solution. Overall, the capital acquisition cost of purchasing the Centricity Cardiology System
relative to the benefits (from the perspective of functionality and contractual terms and conditions) is
the highest when compared to that of the other two vendors' systems considered in this report. On
comparison of the system quotations, it appears that financially, purchasing the Philips Xcelera
system is a more feasible option. Both the rankings from the RFP Response Scores and the CostBenefit ratio (based on only the first year cost of acquisition) show that selecting Philips will maximize
the value of your investment as shown in the chart below.
Cost vs Benefit
Response Score
According to the manufacturer, the Xcelera incorporates workflow management, clinical reporting
tools in addition to multimodality storage, archiving, and distribution of cardiac Cath, vascular, echo,
nuclear, IVUS, MR, and surgical C-arm images. Real-time comparative evaluation of exams, live 3-D
ultrasound exams, disease management and echo-focused measurements are some of its primary
features. This system also allows for the optional implementation of EasyWeb Cardio to use the full
functionality of the Xcelera system entirely through the Web without installing the client software on
any PC.
We are currently not making any recommendations concerning the McKesson and
ProSolv CIIMS.
McKesson has not responded to many requirements in your RFP and has also not provided the
actual quotations with line-item configuration and pricing of the proposed systems. ProSolv has not
responded to majority of the questions in Section 3 - Terms and Conditions. Because of lack of
comparable data, we are unable to make any strong recommendations about these two vendors'
systems at this time.
General Recommendations
When choosing between the various systems, there are a number of issues to consider:
The information system hardware configuration should be reviewed carefully before committing to
purchase. IS vendors historically under-quote on hardware in order to offer a more competitive price.
This often results in facilities having to pursue hardware upgrades just to obtain standard system
functionality. We recommend consulting with your hospital IS group or a third party to verify that the
quoted hardware will be sufficient to handle the projected system load.
The system should have a user-friendly, intuitive control of image review that mimics traditional
cinefilm playback. This should include continuously variable speed and direction control, similar to
that of cine film review machines. Ideally, the workstation should provide simultaneous display of cine
loops for comparison.
Workstations should: offer a frame rate of at least 30 frames per second; be able to store and play at
least 20 minutes of continuous cine data; allow markup and annotation to indicate and characterize
stenoses, stents, angioplasties, artherectomies, and other conditions/landmarks; provide tools for the
cardiologist to easily generate coronary anatomy images showing lesions schematically.
Ideally, a cardiology workstation should: be able to produce a 3-D image of a coronary arterial tree
and be able to display a 3-dimensional rotation of a beating heart for the simultaneous evaluation of
wall motion and perfusion.
The workstation should support a variety of basic manipulation features, including edge
enhancement, interpolated image zoom, rotation, flip, invert, and measurement tools. Additional
features should be available to support specific modalities and should be useful in general clinical
The ability to generate multi-media reports with selected medical images, cine loops, waveforms,
coronary anatomy images, as well as textual data should be available.
The ability of an information system to use HIPAA compliant transaction formats should be
considered a necessity.
Standardization and Networking
Maintaining a consistent vendor for all of the cath lab imaging and monitoring needs will reduce
equipment acquisition costs, simplify servicing, give leverage when negotiating to resolve problems
and obtain upgrades, and facilitate training. Standardization will also facilitate any future networking
Terms and Conditions
Include a mutually acceptable delivery time ARO in your purchase agreement. Include a mutually
acceptable payment schedule in your purchase agreement. Negotiate to withhold the final 20% of
payment until the equipment is installed, operational and has undergone a period of in-house
acceptance testing. The equipment should be shipped FOB Destination to limit your liability if the
product is damaged in transit. Freight charges vary with distance shipped, weight and value of
equipment. For the most cost-effective agreement, negotiate for shipping costs to be pre-paid and
absorbed by the vendor.
Be aware that out-of-pocket expenses incurred by the vendor when on-site for installation or training
are frequently billed to the client. If this applies to your agreement, negotiate for a mutually
acceptable limit (per day) for expenses like travel, lodging and, if applicable other out-of-pocket
expenses such as meals.
Have all unspecified terms and conditions verified in writing before committing to purchase.
We recommend that you negotiate for service hours of at least 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through
Friday, local time for your facility (24 hours x 7 days for mission critical systems/components). You
should also have access to 24-hour phone support, 7 days a week. Often, service agreement
coverage excludes holidays; verify the terms of your agreement. You should negotiate for a
guaranteed response time of 2 hours for phone calls, regardless of the level of emergency, and a
response time of 24 hours for on-site assistance if it is required. Vendors often limit access to
support lines to one or two contacts at the client facility. Verify that in an emergency, any of your
employees can receive support from this hotline. We also recommend that you verify whether you
have unlimited emergency service calls. You should negotiate for the option to renew the contract at
a price increase of the lower of 3% per year or the CPI.
Vendors often offer service outside the scope of the agreement at an hourly rate. Negotiate for a
fixed rate for the length of the contract. Negotiate to be billed in 15-minute increments.
Note that many service contracts leave the decision of fault to the manufacturer when equipment
malfunctions. If this is the situation, the manufacturer may claim that damages were caused by user
error, in which case the hospital pays for repairs. You may wish to clarify that your contract provides
for an objective party to make determinations concerning fault.
Negotiate for at least one preventative maintenance visit annually. We recommend that you
negotiate to have all preventative maintenance performed whenever it is most convenient for the
hospital. We also recommend negotiating for an uptime guarantee of greater than 97%. This
guarantee should come with financial penalties, such as extension of contract or discount on
subsequent contracts, for noncompliance.
Your software support agreement should include any updates or enhancements, as the vendor
makes them available. These should include any enhancements or modifications to the software that
are necessary for federal, state or third party requirements.
Service contracts should include cancellation clauses that allow for termination of the agreement. A
cancellation clause is important because, in the event that the hospital sells or otherwise disposes of
any of the equipment listed under the service contract, the hospital will not be held responsible for
paying for service on equipment it no longer owns. Also, a cancellation clause will protect your facility
from a vendor who defaults by providing inadequate service or violating the agreement.
Overall Score of responses
The RFP responses have been summarized below by section. Within each section counts are shown for "Yes,
Complies", "Yes, Exceeds", "No, Does Not Comply," "No Response" and so forth. The scores are calculated as
(2*Yes) and turned into a percentage of the max possible score. It should be noted that while these scores provide a
fair way of discerning the different levels of compliance with your requirements, the reviewed systems are all
functionally highly comparable.
Overall Score
Ranking (%)
Section 1 - Instructions
Yes, Complies
Yes, Exceeds
No, Does Not Comply
Yes, but Custom Developed
No Response
Not Applicable
No, Not Available, Under
Section 2 - Tech Specs
Yes, Complies
Yes, Exceeds
No, Does Not Comply
Yes, but Custom Developed
No Response
Not Applicable
No, Not Available, Under
Section 3 - Terms & Conditions
Yes, Complies
Yes, Exceeds
No, Does Not Comply
Yes, but Custom Developed
No Response
Not Applicable
No, Not Available, Under
Total scores
Yes, Complies
Yes, Exceeds
No, Does Not Comply
Yes, but Custom Developed
No Response
Not Applicable
No, Not Available, Under Development
1.1 These Instructions to Bidders , Equipment Requirements , and No Response
Yes, complies
Terms and Conditions are for the furnishing, installation, start‑up,
calibration, and testing of medical equipment for [Insert name of
healthcare institution and its address], hereafter referred to as
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
1.2 Proposals will be evaluated on the basis of price; conformance No Response
to the Equipment Requirements and Terms and Conditions ;
equipment features, specifications, performance, and reliability;
seller experience; the experience of users with the equipment and
sellers; delivery and installation schedule; warranty terms; service
capabilities; user training and support services; projected five‑year
operating costs; financial proposals; and overall responsiveness to
this Request for Proposal (RFP).
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
The order in which the above selection criteria are listed is not
necessarily indicative of their relative importance. It is expected
that sellers submitting proposals will demonstrate extensive and
substantial qualifications, capabilities, and experience in
manufacturing, installing, and servicing the equipment sought,
including successful provision of similar goods and services to
comparable institutions.
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
No Response
BUYER intends to select a vendor on the basis of proposals
No Response
received in response to this RFP and any other information it
obtains from other sources regarding the equipment and the seller.
Site visits to seller installations may also be made by BUYER staff.
BUYER reserves the right to make its final decision independent of
any or all of the above factors.
Yes, complies
No Response
1.3 BUYER reserves the right to solicit service contract bids from
qualified independent service organizations, in the interest of
reducing its technical support costs.
No Response
Yes, complies
No Response
1.4 Proposals shall be delivered on or before [Insert day, month, No Response
year]. Four (4) copies shall be provided. Three (3) copies shall be
delivered to [Insert name, title, telephone number, and address
of appropriate contact at the healthcare institution]. One (1)
copy shall be delivered directly to Buyer's consultant [Insert name
and address of consultant, if appropriate]. Proposals will be
privately reviewed. Late, incomplete, or unsigned proposals not
conforming to the requirements of this RFP will not be considered.
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
No Response
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
2.1 The seller should inspect the existing facility and the
No Response
architectural and engineering drawings for the planned facility and
completely familiarize itself with all conditions affecting the
equipment specified in the Equipment Requirements . Failure to do
so shall not relieve the seller of any of the requirements contained
Yes, complies
No Response
No Response
2.2 Inspection of the facility and drawings may be arranged by
Yes, complies
No Response
No Response
1.5 The proposed installation date[s] for the medical equipment
is[are] [Insert day, month, year].
Yes, complies
[Insert name, title, telephone number, and address of
appropriate contact at the healthcare institution]
2.3 Sellers may contact [Insert name of appropriate contact] at No Response
any time between the issuance of this document and the due date
of proposals to BUYER; sellers are not to contact [Insert name of
healthcare institution] or any member of its staff directly. Failure
to comply with these communication procedures may disqualify the
Yes, complies
No Response
No Response
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
3.1 Price
The first section of the proposal shall be a line-item price quotation No Response
that separately lists all of the components for the proposed medical
equipment or system.
Installation costs should be included in the price for the proposed
medical equipment. Prices for first-year support (warranty)
services shall include all items defined under Warranty and
Support Services in Section Three Terms and Conditions . All
pricing is to be Installed (freight prepaid and included in price
proposal), including rigging and inside delivery. All pricing shall be
guaranteed firm, based on an order placed within 120 days of the
proposal due date and intended for delivery in accordance with the
proposed delivery schedule.
Each line item for each quotation must have the standard list price,
as well as a discounted price. This includes service and
3.2 The second section of the sellers' proposal shall include the
following information.
3.2.1 Installation and Schedule
A proposed delivery and installation schedule for each system, No Response
including time required for installation, start‑up, seller and
BUYER acceptance testing, and removal of existing equipment.
In addition, provide a list of any subcontractor(s) proposed for
the equipment installation, calibration, or seller acceptance
testing work specified herein.
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
No Response
Yes, exceeds
Yes, complies
No Response
Proposed equipment payment terms, including any cancellation No Response
fees and any alternatives that result in a cost saving to BUYER.
(Maximum acceptable payment upon receipt of all equipment is
70%; minimum acceptable payment to be held until final
equipment acceptance, as stipulated in Section Three, Item
8.0, is 30%.) Prepayment at the time of order placement is not
acceptable to BUYER.
Yes, complies
No, Does Not
No Response
3.2.2 Price Changes
A proposed method for determining price changes (if any) if a
delivery date longer than one (1) year from the proposed
delivery date is requested by BUYER.
3.2.3 Payment
3.2.4 Substitution
A proposed method that allows BUYER to substitute, at its
Yes, complies
discretion, new equipment introduced by the seller after the
award, but before delivery, that more suitably meets BUYER's
clinical requirements. Specifically address potential cost
differences. No substitutions shall be made, however, without
agreement by BUYER.
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
3.2.5 Planning and Layout
Yes, complies
Proposed equipment layouts should include all equipment
proposed as part of this bid (including all options). The seller
shall provide information on the conformance of the proposed
layouts with standard room sizes and layouts in published
product literature and discussions of the functional adequacy of
the designs (including provision of adequate space for normal
work activities [such as transfer and transport of stretcher
patients]). The seller shall provide a description and the costs,
if any, of installation planning, design, and construction services
provided by the seller.
3.2.6 BUYER Site Preparation and Obligations
A complete and detailed description of BUYER's obligations for Yes, complies
facility preparation that will be required for each system. This
shall include, but not be limited to, shielding, electrical,
mechanical (HVAC and plumbing), structural, and access
requirements. Provide a complete description of environmental
conditions required; ceiling, wall, and floor loading; and any
special utility and electrical power system needs. Include any
published site planning guides for proposed equipment and all
equipment space requirements.
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
3.2.7 Upgrades and Enhancements
A description of the seller's policy for newly developed
Yes, complies
hardware and software (if applicable); equipment and software
modifications for improved performance and reliability (if
applicable); and correction of design, component, or
manufacturing defects. Indicate if such modifications,
upgrades, and enhancements are no‑charge items and, if so,
for what period of time (e.g., warranty period only, extended
period, for the life of the equipment).
3.2.8 Training
A detailed description of the in‑service training to be provided Yes, complies
for the clinical personnel and technical training for biomedical
engineering or physics personnel. This should include a
description of program length and format, content, qualifications
of instructors, and written materials. This information should be
provided for both your firm's equipment and other firms'
equipment you wish to provide as part of this bid. It should
consider the need for refresher training and training for new
BUYER employees over the lifetime of the equipment.
3.2.9 Sourcing
A list of all (if any) original equipment manufacturer (OEM)
items not specifically manufactured by your firm but provided
as part of your firm's equipment systems included in this
No Response
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
A description of warranty contracts. Provide a copy of your
No Response
standard warranty. Provide a description of proposed warranty
terms including any partial (less than one year), pro rata, or
extended warranties.
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
3.2.10 Warranties
3.2.11 Service Capabilities
A description of local and regional factory‑based service
Yes, complies
capabilities, including the number and qualifications of service
engineers, their training, their base locations, the locations of
backup service engineers, approximate response time for
emergency repairs (both during regular business hours and
otherwise), the location of primary and backup spare parts
locations, the time for delivery of parts after notification, and a
description of factory engineering backup capabilities.
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
No Response
Yes, complies
No Response
Yes, complies
No Response
No Response
3.2.12 Service Contract Information
A description of annual service contracts. Provide cost
information for preventive maintenance and equipment repair
service after regular business hours. Provide a description of
any cost-saving service options that include screening of
service calls and/or preventive maintenance by BUYER
biomedical engineering or other designees for postwarranty
years. Each vendor shall propose service agreements for a
five (5) year period including all agreement terms, conditions
and fees, minimum and maximum remedial maintenance
response time, credit given to BUYER if the selected seller fails
to meet guaranteed response time, availability of trained
technicians and parts, system hardware enhancements and
upgrades, software maintenance (if applicable), engineering
support, software license (if applicable), and any other factors
that should be considered by BUYER in evaluating the seller's
proposal. The price for each yearly period shall be clearly
indicated and binding. Service agreement options shall be of
four (4) types:
A. Full-service Package (24 hours)
1. Labor rate for 24-hour service
2. Parts
No Response
Yes, complies
3. Transportation charge for either personnel or
parts regardless of time of day
4. Overtime charges and the hours that would
B. Full-service Package (8 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
1. Labor rate for 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. service
2. Parts
3. Transportation charge for either personnel or
parts regardless of time of day
No Response
Yes, complies
No Response
No Response
Yes, complies
No Response
Yes, complies
No Response
No Response
No Response
No Response
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
No Response
No Response
No Response
No Response
No, Does Not
No Response
No Response
No Response
No Response
No Response
No Response
No Response
2. Provisions of A.2, A.3, and A.4 above
3. Assistance in troubleshooting and repair, when No Response
required, at reduced, specified labor rates.
No Response
No Response
No Response
No Response
No Response
No Response
No Response
Yes, complies
No Response
No Response
Yes, complies
No Response
4. Overtime charges and the hours that would
Sellers shall allow for some flexibility in the above service
schedules. For example, BUYER may require service
coverage from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.
C. First-screen Package
1. Hospital-trained personnel for first response
D. Time and Materials Service
1. The hourly charges for services provided during No Response
routine work
2. The point that overtime charges will begin to
No Response
3. Estimated replacement parts price list and
No Response
discount available.
Provide a description of ongoing user support services
available for all proposed medical equipment, including on‑site
services of applications specialists, telephone hotlines, etc.
3.2.13 Parts
Indicate the period for which replacement parts will be available 5 years
for the proposed medical equipment.
7 years
8 years
No Response
1996 Yes, exceeds
Yes, complies
No Response
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
Formal factory and on‑site acceptance test procedures that will Yes, complies
be used by seller personnel to inspect and test the proposed
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
3.2.14 Installed Base
Provide the delivery date for the first production model of the
proposed medical equipment. Provide a list of installations of
each system, identical to those proposed, including the date
each was put into use; limit this list to a maximum of fifty (50)
3.2.15 Preventive Maintenance
A description of preventive maintenance required for the
proposed equipment, including frequency.
3.2.16 Licenses
A copy of any software licensing agreements, where
3.2.17 Testing
3.3 Technical Specifications
The third section of the proposal shall include the following
information concerning the proposed equipment. Summary
product brochures alone will not be acceptable.
3.3.1 A listing of all equipment components to be provided.
No Response
3.3.2 Specification or data sheets for all equipment components No Response
to be provided, including weights and dimensions of all
components, environmental tolerances, and power and utility
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
3.3.3 A complete description of all specifications requested in No Response
Section Two Equipment Requirements . This response should
specifically reference each individual specification with a
statement of compliance or noncompliance. If noncompliance
is indicated, specify the proposed alternative.
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
3.3.4 One copy of each service manual to be provided for the
No Response
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
Yes, complies
3.4 The fourth section of the proposal shall include a list,
referenced by paragraph numbers, of any exceptions taken to the
Terms and Conditions or Technical Specifications . Where
blanks appear in the Terms and Conditions (Section Three of
this document), final terms will be based on negotiations with the
selected seller. This information must be provided.
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
3.5 The fifth section of the proposal shall include a brief
comparison, in text and/or matrix format, of the advantages of
your firm's equipment over your competitors' equipment and a
statement as to why BUYER should choose to purchase your
firm's equipment over competitive alternatives.
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
3.6 The sixth section of the proposal shall include a discussion of Yes, complies
your firm's quality assurance certification program [including, but
not limited to, ISO 9000].
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
4.1 BUYER will undertake its own independent precommissioning No Response
inspection to verify that equipment installation, performance, and
safety issues conform to the seller's specifications and
appropriate third‑party standards and guidelines [(e.g., ISO 9000
and 9001, etc.)], within [thirty (30)] days of turnover by the seller.
Following satisfactory inspection by BUYER or its designated
inspecting agency, payment of retainage will be authorized.
Yes, complies
No, Does Not
No Response
All quality assurance checks, inspection, and testing to be
No, Does Not
performed by the seller before delivery shall be performed at the Comply
manufacturer's facility. BUYER reserves the right to witness any
or all of these without prior notice to the seller. The seller will
provide BUYER with a schedule of any quality assurance checks,
inspections, and testing thirty (30) days before the delivery of the
proposed system. However, BUYER shall be under no obligation
to witness same, and failure of BUYER to witness any quality
assurance checks, inspections, and/or testing shall not in any
way relieve the seller of the obligation to fully comply with all of
the requirements, codes, and standards pertaining to the
proposed medical equipment.
Yes, complies
No, Does Not
No Response
4.2 During the manufacture and at the completion of the
Yes, complies
proposed medical equipment, the seller shall perform quality
assurance checks. The results of these checks shall be recorded
by the seller using its own reporting forms. Copies of the
assurance forms used by the seller are to be included in the bid
response. Results shall be submitted in three (3) copies to
BUYER before the delivery of the equipment to [Insert name of
healthcare institution]. Results shall be certified by a registered
professional engineer, or equivalent, and an officer of the seller.
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
4.3 All work in progress will be subject to verification, at any time, Yes, complies
by BUYER or its designee. Work‑in‑progress verification may
consist of observation of the seller's operations to determine that
manufacturing practices, materials, components, etc. meet the
requirements of the RFP or references contained therein.
BUYER will notify the seller of any and all observed deficiencies
that shall be cause for suspension of acceptance of the proposed
system until corrective action has been demonstrated. However,
failure of BUYER to note any deficiencies during
work‑in‑progress verification shall not, in any way, relieve the
seller of the sole responsibility for compliance with all relevant
requirements, codes, and standards pertaining to the proposed
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
5.1 If the proposed equipment does not conform to widely
Yes, complies
promulgated standards, such as ISO 9001 or 9002 or those of IEC,
NEMA, BSI, CSA, UL, VDE, JIS, etc., identify the specific
requirements that are not met. As a reference, the following is a
partial list that may be helpful:
American Academy of Pediatrics. Guidelines for monitoring and
management of pediatric patients during and after sedation for
diagnostic and therapeutic procedures {Policy statement}.
Committee on Drugs. RE9252. Pediatrics 1992 Jun;
American Association of Critical‑Care Nurses/American
College of Critical Care Medicine/Society of Critical Care
Medicine. Guidelines for the transfer of critically ill patients.
100200. Crit Care Med 1993 Jun; 21(6):931‑7.
American Heart Association. Instrumentation and practice
standards for electrocardiographic monitoring in special care
units {Standard}. Task Force of the Council on Clinical
Cardiology. Circulation 1989 Feb; 79(2):464‑71.
Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation.
Cardiac monitoring in a complex patient care environment
{Technology assessment report}. TAR3‑152‑EC. 1982.
Patient monitoring and data management {Technology analysis
and review}. TAR11‑152‑EC. 1985.
Association for the Advancement of Medical
Instrumentation/American National Standards Institute. Blood
pressure transducers General {Standard}. BP22‑152‑EC.
Cardiac monitors, heart rate meters, and alarms {Standard}.
2nd ed. EC13‑152‑EC. 1992.
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
Electronic or automated sphygmomanometers {Standard}. 2nd
ed. SP10‑152‑EC. 1992.
Safe current limits for electromedical apparatus {Standard}. 3rd
ed. ES1‑152‑EC. 1993.
Association for the Advancement of Medical
Instrumentation/American National Standards Institute/British
Standards Institution. Blood pressure
transducersCInterchangeability and performance of resistive
bridge type {Standard}. BP23‑152‑EC. 1986.
International Electrotechnical Commission. Medical electrical
equipment: Part 2: Particular requirements for the safety of
electrocardiographic monitoring equipment {Standard}. 1st ed.
601‑2‑27. 1993.
Intravenous Nurses Society. Monitoring {Standard}. J Intraven
Nurs 1990 Apr; (suppl.):S42.
5.2 The proposed unit should conform to all relevant requirements Yes, complies
of [national and local medical device regulatory agencies].
6.1 Stenographic, clerical, or similar errors in this document are
subject to correction.
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
7.1 For further inquiries, contact:
[Insert name, title, telephone number, and address of
appropriate contact at the healthcare institution]
Total scores
Yes, Complies
Yes, Exceeds
No, Does Not Comply
Yes, but Custom Developed
No Response
Not Applicable
No, Not Available, Under Development
1.1 This section describes basic equipment requirements for a No Response
new Cardiology PACS & Data Management System for Plymouth
Health System.
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
1.2 The listing below of equipment and features is a brief, not
necessarily all‑inclusive, outline of equipment, software, and
features to be furnished and installed. It is intended to be a
guideline, rather than a complete itemization.
No Response
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
1.3 It is realized that each seller's product line may differ from
these specifications. As such, each seller is free to propose
variances from these specifications. It is required, however,
that, whenever a variance from these specifications occurs, the
proposed item meet or exceed the specified characteristics or
level of performance.
No Response
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
1.4 If a specific item or capability specified is unavailable, no
No Response
alternative should be proposed; the seller is free, however, to
comment on its future availability by providing details on its
design and development status, pending or current clinical trials
(if applicable), the planned start of manufacturing and deliveries,
and U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and/or European
Union (EU) premarket approval status (if applicable).
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
1.5 Installation and maintenance of the system shall be
Yes, complies
performed by an established service department with
factory‑trained field service engineers. On‑site response to
service calls by factory‑trained service engineers within [twentyfour (24) hours] is a mandatory requirement. Special emphasis
is to be paid to system Uptime.@
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
Yes, exceeds
1.6 The seller shall identify the appropriate power requirements Yes, complies
for the proposed Cardiology PACS & Data Management System,
in such a manner that they conform to the power delivery
characteristics of [Insert name of country in which healthcare
institution is located]. For example, 120 or 250 volts, 50 or 60
Hz, the appropriate power plug, etc.
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
1.7.2 Specifications/data sheets for all equipment
Yes, complies
components to be provided and a listing and description of
all major features and performance specifications,
including the following:
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
1.7 As indicated in Section One, Instructions to Bidders ,
paragraph 3.3 of this document, proposals should include the
following about each Cardiology PACS & Data Management
System proposed.
1.7.1 A listing of all equipment components, software
components, and accessories to be provided.
Manufacturer and model
Physical and environmental requirements
Physical dimensions and weight of all system
System electrical requirements (nominal and
maximum current ratings, line voltage, frequency,
and battery description)
Alarm types and sensitivities
1.7.3 A complete list of all available options for the
proposed PACS. Prices for each option listed are to be
included on price summary forms.
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
1.8.1 The operator's manual should contain a table of
Yes, complies
contents and an index, a description of the device's clinical
applications, a set of clear operating instructions (functions
and proper use of equipment), a description of all of the
unit's controls, and technical data.
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
1.8.2 The manual should contain any warnings necessary Yes, complies
to ensure patient and operator safety.
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
1.8.3 The manual should clearly explain the conditions of Yes, complies
the seller's warranty, detailing any specific exclusions, as
well as the seller's policies and procedures for returning a
defective unit.
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
1.8.4 The manual should list all recommended ancillary
supplies needed by the operator.
Not Applicable
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
Not Applicable
1.8.5 The manual should specify appropiate cleaning
methods, procedures, and agents.
Not Applicable
Yes, complies
Not Applicable
1.8 Operator's Manual
1.9 Service Manual
1.9.1 The service manual should contain a table of
Yes, complies
contents and an index; the seller's address and phone and
fax number for technical support; a list of all PACS' parts
with part numbers; block diagrams; safety test information;
disassembly and reassembly information; circuit diagrams;
and adequate documentation for the user to perform
inspection and preventive maintenance (IPM) procedures,
functional tests, and troubleshooting procedures.
(Required test equipment and step-by-step instructions for
performance testing [e.g., pressure calibration] should also
be included). If specialized tools or test equipment are
required, they should be listed here and generically
described. If they can be obtained only from the seller, the
list price must be provided.
Yes, complies
Yes, complies but Not Applicable
the service
manuals do not
contain some of
the information
listed above such
as circuit
2.1 The Cardiac PACS shall be a computer-based image
Yes, complies
storage and retrieval system capable of storing and recalling
images in digital format from several different diagnostic imaging
modalities.The system must also interface with GE Centricity
PACS which is our current radiology
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
2.2 The Cardiac PACS shall consist of image acquisition
Yes, complies
devices, a host computer, image-archiving devices, and display
stations that are connected by a communications network. Each
component of the network shall have a computer or processor to
control image transmission.
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
2.3 The seller shall specify which of the following are used by the
Cardiac PACS to acquire images:
Charge-coupled device scanners
Laser film digitizers
Direct image capture interfaces
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
2.4 The seller shall specify which type of computer system is
employed by the Cardiac PACS (e.g., IBM, Macintosh).
HP, Dell
Software only
2.5 The seller shall specify details pertaining to image storage:
No Response
No Response
Online capacity: bytes
1 TB
Archival capacity: bytes
plan to use EMC
Number of images that can be stored:
1024x1024 or
based on
dedicated storage
2.6 The compression ratio shall be specified by the seller.
Lossless ratio is 1:2 Lossless 2:1
for Cath & 10-15:1
for Echo images
Lossless 3:1
Yes, complies
2.8 The seller shall specify the following details pertaining to
image display:
Matrix size: by pixels
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
Screen size:
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
Region of interest resolution: by pixels
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
Multiformat display: Yes No
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
Color display: Yes No
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
Number of display stations supported:
Number of monitors per station:
2 in cath, 2 in
echo, and 1 in
Image access time from online: sec
Image access time from archival: sec
2 secs
5 minutes
1-10 sec
<1 minute
50 Unlimited
1 or 2 displays per
Dependent on
size of study
<3 sec
Dependent on
size of study
2-3 mins
Yes, complies
2.9 The seller shall specify all of the software features.
No Response
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
2.10 The seller shall specify whether the Cardiac PACS is or is
not DICOM 3.0 compatible.
No Response
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
2.11 The seller shall specify all available interfaces.
Yes, exceeds
Yes, exceeds
Yes, complies
2.12 The system security type shall be specified by the seller.
Yes, exceeds
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
Not Applicable
2.13 Electrical Safety
2.13.1 The unit should be provided with a line (power) cord of Not Applicable
acceptable durability, quality, length, and ampacity and should
be secured with adequate strain reliefs.
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
Not Applicable
2.13.2 The unit should include, or the seller should offer,
power plugs that are sufficient for the maximum voltage and
current of the unit.
Yes, complies
2.13.3 The chassis should be grounded and grounding
resistance should not exceed 0.15 ohm.
Not Applicable
2.13.4 If the unit is double insulated, it should be so labeled.
Not Applicable
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
Not Applicable
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
Not Applicable
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
2.13.5 Electrical leakage current from the chassis of the
Cardiac PACS should not exceed [500 :A per IEC 601-1 or 300
:A in the U.S. per NFPA 99-1993].
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
Not Applicable
2.14 Effects of Fluids
2.14.1 Patient and/or operator safety and system performance Not Applicable
should not be adversely affected by fluid spills.
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
Not Applicable
2.14.2 If the Cardiac PACS is affected, it should fail safely.
No Response
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
2.15 Overcurrent Protection
2.15.1 Loss of power to other equipment on the same branch Yes, complies
circuit due to internal equipment faults should be prevented by
using fuses or circuit breakers that are clearly labeled and
easy to replace or reset.
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
2.15.2 If fuses are used, a spare fuse should be provided in a System uses
labeled holder located next to the main fuse holder.
standard off-shelf
Permanent markings near each fuse holder should indicate
PC hardware
fuse ratings.
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
Not Applicable
2.16 Line Voltage Variation
2.16.1 The Cardiac PACS should operate satisfactorily at line System uses
voltages from -12.5% to +8% of the nominal line voltage of
standard off-shelf
Volts. [The seller shall specify the voltage.]
PC hardware
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
2.16.2 The Cardiac PACS should not be damaged by voltages System uses
from ‑21% to +12.5% of the nominal line voltage of Volts.
standard off-shelf
[The seller shall specify the voltage.]
PC hardware
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
2.17 Electromagnetic Interference (EMI)
Not Applicable
2.17.1 The Cardiac PACS's performance should not be
System uses
affected by EMI radiated or conducted through the power lines standard off-shelf
from another device.
PC hardware
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
2.17.2 If the Cardiac PACS is affected, it should fail safely.
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
System uses
standard off-shelf
PC hardware
2.18 Construction Quality
2.18.1 The Cardiac PACS should have no sharp edges.
Yes, complies
Not Applicable
System uses
standard off-shelf
PC hardware
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
2.18.2 All external components should be securely mounted.
System uses
standard off-shelf
PC hardware
Yes, complies
Not Applicable
2.18.3 The unit should be secure and provide adequate
protection against moving and electrically energized parts.
System uses
standard off-shelf
PC hardware
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
2.18.4 The unit should be well constructed with durable
materials to withstand typical abuse and cleaning.
System uses
standard off-shelf
PC hardware
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
2.18.5 Switches, knobs, and other controls should be designed System uses
for conditions of heavy use.
standard off-shelf
PC hardware
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
2.18.6 Wiring and tubing should be neatly arranged and
bundled, if appropriate.
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
2.18.7 Mechanical, electric, and pneumatic terminators,
Yes, complies
connectors, sockets, and solder joints should be designed to
prevent fluid penetration, incorrect connections, and mismating
of fitting and couplings.
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
2.18.8 Connections should be secure to resist accidental
System uses
standard off-shelf
PC hardware
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
System uses
standard off-shelf
PC hardware
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
2.19.1 The controls (i.e., switches, knobs, etc.) should be
System uses
visible and clearly identified, and their functions should be self- standard off-shelf
PC hardware
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
2.19.2 Device design should prevent misinterpretation of
displays and control settings.
System uses
standard off-shelf
PC hardware
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
2.19.3 Switches and controls should be protected against
accidental setting changes (e.g., due to someone brushing
against the panel).
System uses
standard off-shelf
PC hardware
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
2.19.4 Controls should be sealed against penetration of liquids. System uses
standard off-shelf
PC hardware
Yes, complies
Not Applicable
2.19 Controls
2.20 Labeling
System uses
standard off-shelf
PC hardware
2.20.1 Labels and markings should be clear and legible.
System uses
standard off-shelf
PC hardware
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
2.20.2 Labels and markings should be durable enough to
withstand routine cleaning and normal wear.
System uses
standard off-shelf
PC hardware
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
2.20.3 Appropriate warning legends should be provided on the System uses
standard off-shelf
PC hardware
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
2.21 The Cardiac PACS should be easy to clean.
Not Applicable
System uses
standard off-shelf
PC hardware
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
2.22 The Cardiac PACS should be designed for easy access to System uses
serviceable parts.
standard off-shelf
PC hardware
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
Not Applicable
2.23 The Cardiac PACS should come with all necessary
installation hardware.
System uses
standard off-shelf
PC hardware
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
Not Applicable
2.24.1 The manufacturer shall provide HL7 or other compliant Yes, complies
interfaces that interface with GE Centricity Radiology PACS,
GE MUSE, and Meditech Magic 5.5
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
2.24.2 All interfaces will have been integrated within other
healthcare facilities and are not provided as "beta" or need to
be built
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
2.24.3 The manufacturer will provide references of healthcare Yes, complies
institutions that currently utilize proposed interfaces.
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
2.24.4 Any hardware and software specifications associated
with support and installation of the required interfaces will be
identified in manufacturer's response to this RFP.
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
2.24 Interfacing
Yes, complies
Total scores
Yes, Complies
Yes, Exceeds
No, Does Not Comply
Yes, but Custom Developed
No Response
Not Applicable
No, Not Available, Under Development
1.1 The seller shall furnish, deliver, install, start up, calibrate, acceptance No Response
test, and provide installation planning services, documentation, and
first‑year support services (as defined herein) for a new Cardiology PACS
& Data Management System for [Insert name and address of
healthcare institution] in strict accordance with these Terms and
Conditions .
No, Does Not
Yes, complies
No Response
1.2 Where specific terms of these Terms and Conditions are inconsistent No Response
with those of the seller or any subcontractor or original equipment
manufacturer (OEM) standard terms of sale or trade custom, then these
specific conditions shall prevail .
No, Does Not
Yes, complies
No Response
No Response
2.1 These conditions are for a Cardiology PACS & Data Management
system for [Insert name of healthcare institution], hereinafter identified
as BUYER, to be supplied by ____________________________,
hereinafter identified as SELLER.
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
2.2 Notices to be made by SELLER to BUYER under these conditions
shall be made to:
No Response
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
2.3 Any and all questions arising from these conditions or the
No Response
performance of SELLER shall be addressed to the above individual in
writing with specific reference to the paragraph and item in question. Any
changes, additions, deletions, or interpretations of these conditions will
not be binding upon BUYER unless obtained in writing. This includes any
and all portions of these conditions.
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
2.4 SELLER represents and certifies that it is a regular dealer in or
manufacturer of medical equipment.
No Response
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
2.5 SELLER represents and certifies that prices for the equipment have
No Response
been arrived at independently without consultation, communication, or
agreement for the purpose of restricting competition or any matter relating
to such prices with any competitor or other vendor.
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
2.6 SELLER represents and certifies that the prices for the equipment
have not been knowingly disclosed directly or indirectly to any competitor
or other vendor before the opening of proposals for the equipment.
No Response
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
2.7 SELLER represents and certifies that no attempt has been made to
No Response
induce any other company or person to submit or not to submit a proposal
for the equipment for the purpose of restricting competition.
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
[Insert name, title, telephone number, and address of appropriate
contact at the healthcare institution]
2.8 SELLER agrees to settle, at its own expense, any suit or proceedings No Response
brought against BUYER, so far as such is based upon a claim that any
part of the equipment furnished by SELLER constitutes an infringement of
any patent granted by a cognizant legal authority.
No, Does Not
No, Does Not
No Response
2.9 SELLER for itself, and for any and all parties acting through or under No Response
it, agrees not to file any liens or to make claims against BUYER's building
facilities or any part thereof or against any improvements erected thereon,
and further agrees to release the building facilities within which the
equipment is to be located and each and every part thereof from any lien,
charge, or claim of any nature whatsoever that it might otherwise at any
time have for equipment furnished or to be furnished or upon any other
grounds in any way connected with this order.
Yes, complies
No, Does Not
No Response
2.10 SELLER shall indemnify and hold BUYER harmless from and against No Response
all losses, claims, costs, expenses, damages, and liabilities (including
reasonable attorneys' fees) arising out of injuries to persons (including
death) or damage to property resulting from or pertaining to the
installation of equipment due to SELLER's negligence or willful
misconduct or that of its agents, subcontractors, or employees.
No, Does Not
No, Does Not
Yes, complies
2.11 SELLER shall provide, at its own expense, insurance to cover
No Response
[Worker's Compensation, Contractor's Public Liability, and Property
Damage Insurance] and any other insurances deemed necessary by
BUYER for the installation of equipment. The minimum limits of
insurance are attached to these conditions. Certificates of Insurance or
evidence of self‑insurance shall be submitted to BUYER before the start
of work by SELLER. SELLER must provide at least thirty (30) days'
written notice to BUYER of cancellation, reduction, or material changes in
its insurance coverage.
No, Does Not
No, Does Not
No Response
2.12 At any time, BUYER may, at its option, request SELLER to provide a No Response
two‑part performance and labor and material surety bond in the full
amount of this order for the satisfactory furnishing and installation of the
equipment. Said surety bond shall be made in favor of BUYER. SELLER
shall state separately the cost of the surety bond in its proposal. In the
event this option is exercised, the reasonable cost of the surety bond shall
be paid for by BUYER [SELLER].
No, Does Not
No, Does Not
No Response
2.13 SELLER certifies and warrants that the equipment shall meet or
No Response
exceed the applicable provisions of appropriate safety requirements, such
as the [U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 21 and the safety
standards established by and promulgated under the U.S. Federal
Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (P.L. 91 ‑596) as amended
and its regulations], in effect or proposed as of the date of this order.
Should said standards, etc. not be met, SELLER shall correct deficiencies
at its own expense; should SELLER fail to correct said deficiencies within
a reasonable period of time, then BUYER shall be entitled to make
corrections at SELLER's expense.
No, Does Not
No, Does Not
No Response
2.14 Any and all subcontractors utilized by SELLER in the completion of
work for this order shall be identified to and approved by BUYER before
the start of work.
No Response
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
2.15 SELLER agrees to furnish (where applicable) material safety data
sheets (MSDSs), or the equivalent, to BUYER.
No Response
No, Does Not
Yes, complies
No Response
2.16 SELLER acknowledges that it has read these conditions,
understands same, and agrees to be bound by same. These conditions
and this order shall supersede all proposals, whether oral or written, and
any and all negotiations, conversations, and discussions before same.
No Response
No, Does Not
Yes, complies
No Response
2.17 SELLER acknowledges that it has visited or will visit the location of
equipment installation or has otherwise familiarized itself with all
conditions affecting the installation of equipment. Failure to do so shall
not relieve SELLER of the obligation to cope with these conditions.
No Response
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
2.18 This order shall be contingent on continued approvals from
government planning agencies and BUYER capital budget committees.
Any and all payments made before delivery shall be refundable without
penalty or cancellation charge should approvals be withdrawn for any
No Response
Yes, complies
Partially complies No Response
2.19 Import tariffs or sales tax shall not be applicable to this order.
[BUYER shall supply SELLER with its tax-exemption letter.]
No Response
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
2.20 Stenographic or clerical errors in these conditions are subject to
No Response
Yes, complies
Partially complies No Response
2.21 These conditions and this order shall be governed by the laws of
[Insert name of country in which healthcare institution is located].
No Response
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
No Response
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
3.1.2 All equipment and accessories furnished by SELLER shall be No Response
part of SELLER's normal currently produced product line. Products
of other OEMs shall be furnished if specified in the Equipment
Requirements or with the written approval of BUYER.
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
3.1.3 There shall be no separate licensing fee for the use of
SELLER's software. In addition, no software licensing agreements
shall be interpreted to require a written nondisclosure agreement
from BUYER or its employees or other persons authorized by
BUYER to use SELLER's software.
No Response
Yes, complies
No, Does Not
No Response
3.1.4 All equipment and software in the systems must be the
products of a vendor that is a regularly recognized manufacturer of
medical equipment and that is currently engaged in the successful
production of systems of the type herein specified. While the
system may include the products or software of other OEMs as
noted above, all major subsystems and equipment must be
manufactured by SELLER itself and not be the products of others.
No Response
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
3.1.5 SELLER shall warrant all software supplied to be suitable for
use with the equipment.
No Response
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
3.1.6 All equipment provided according to the terms of this RFP
No Response
shall be of current production, new, and of first ‑rate quality.
Reconditioned or previously used equipment shall be unacceptable.
No, Does Not
Yes, complies
No Response
No Response
3.1 Equipment:
3.1.1 Equipment is defined to include all equipment, software, and
related accessories for the PACS as defined in the Equipment
Requirements included herein and as outlined in SELLER's
quotation number _______________ dated ________________.
3.1.7 If SELLER plans to halt production of its equipment referenced No Response
herein and to produce improved models before the delivery date,
SELLER shall notify BUYER of this fact and provide to BUYER the
option of upgrading its purchase.
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
No Response
No Response
Yes, complies
No Response
No Response
3.2.2 All support services must be provided by full ‑time bona fide
employees working exclusively for SELLER. In‑service training
must be provided by qualified clinical instructors who are not sales
personnel. Repair services shall be provided by qualified service
engineers who are located within 300 kilometers of [Insert name of
city in which healthcare institution is located]. In addition to the
requirements of Section Three, Item 10.1.2, SELLER must have, or
agree to have by the time of first equipment delivery, a minimum of
[five (5)] qualified service engineers and a spare parts depot within
300 kilometers of [Insert name of city in which healthcare
institution is located]. The base location or locations for repair
technicians must be adequate to ensure a maximum two (2) hour
response time for emergency repairs both during and outside of
regular business hours. Upon a downtime of eight (8) hours, a
factory‑based technician will be routed to the site of the equipment
experiencing the downtime. Support services shall be performed by
service engineers acceptable to BUYER.
Yes, complies
No, Does Not
No Response
3.2 Support Services:
3.2.1 Support services are defined elsewhere in these Terms and
Conditions .
4.1 Award:
4.1.1 All prices for equipment and support shall remain firm for all
equipment proposed from the date of award, except as specifically
provided for elsewhere in these Proposed Terms and Conditions .
No Response
Yes, complies
No, Does Not
No Response
4.1.2 BUYER reserves the right to make an award for all of the
equipment and equipment options specified in the Equipment
Requirements and to exclude from consideration the indicated
support services.
No Response
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
4.1.3 BUYER reserves the right to request bids for postwarranty
service coverage for the proposed medical equipment from thirdparty independent service organizations.
No Response
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
4.1.4 BUYER reserves the unqualified right to reject any and all
proposals or to waive any formalities or technicalities in any
proposals in the interest of BUYER.
No Response
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
4.2.1 In the event that any material provisions of these conditions
No Response
are violated by SELLER, BUYER may serve written notice upon
SELLER of its intention to cancel this order, such notice(s) to
contain the reasons for BUYER's intent to cancel. Unless, within
[five (5)] days after the receipt of such notice by SELLER, such
violation (including delay) shall cease and satisfactory arrangement
or correction be made, then this order shall, upon expiration of said
[five (5)] days, be cancelled, and any and all payments made to
SELLER shall be refunded within [ten (10)] days either to BUYER or
Athird‑party@ leasing company (hereinafter identified as LESSOR),
said repayment to be made to the party that paid SELLER.
No, Does Not
No, Does Not
No Response
4.2 Termination:
5.1 Transportation and Shipment Requirements:
5.1.1 All equipment items shall be preserved and packaged in
accordance with the manufacturer's standard practices to avoid
damage to the system while in transport and shipment to its final
No Response
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
5.1.2 SELLER shall assume all responsibilities and incur all
liabilities for the equipment during transport and shipment. All
equipment shall be delivered Installed, freight prepaid and
No Response
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
5.1.3 No item of equipment shall be delivered to the site before such No Response
time that the facility is ready for immediate installation of the
equipment. All equipment shall be maintained under
manufacturer‑approved environmental conditions at all times.
[Forty‑eight (48)] hours' notification is required by BUYER before
delivery of its equipment.
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
5.1.4 If requested, SELLER shall prestage equipment before
No Response
shipment to BUYER. This shall include complete assembly,
interconnection, and testing of the system at manufacturer's facility.
Documentation of successful completion of such testing shall be
provided before shipment for review by BUYER or its designated
representative. The system shall not be disassembled for shipment
without BUYER approval of test results. SELLER shall provide as
part of its proposal the locations of prestaging and shall bear all
expenses for travel, lodging, etc. for two BUYER employees to
inspect prestaging.
Yes, complies
No, Does Not
No Response
No Response
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
5.3 SELLER shall be responsible for all unloading of equipment and
No Response
rigging into place of same; if required by local labor conditions or
agreements, SELLER shall coordinate any unloading of equipment and
rigging into place performed by others and shall pay the costs of any such
unloading or rigging into place.
Yes, complies
No, Does Not
No Response
BUYER shall have no responsibility to accept delivery of equipment on No Response
behalf of SELLER, nor liability for damages to equipment if it does
accept delivery on behalf of SELLER as a matter of courtesy or
convenience. SELLER shall be solely responsible for taking all
appropriate actions to ensure that equipment can be brought safely into
the facility and to the installed location. It shall be the sole responsibility
of SELLER to deliver all equipment in good condition; any equipment
damaged in shipping or delivery shall be the responsibility of SELLER,
which shall file any and all claims for damages with the carrier and shall
promptly replace all damaged equipment regardless of the status of
claims against the carrier.
Yes, complies
No, Does Not
No Response
5.2 All deliveries shall be made to [ Insert name of person responsible
for receiving deliveries].
5.4 All deliveries must be made before [3:00 p.m.]. At the discretion of
BUYER, SELLER may be requested to make weekend delivery.
No Response
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
5.5 Delivery shall not be later than [ Insert day, month, year].
No Response
Yes, complies
No, Does Not
No Response
Installation shall be completed not later than [ Insert day, month, year].
SELLER acceptance testing shall be completed not later than [ Insert
day, month, year].
At BUYER's sole option, delivery and installation may be deferred
without financial penalty or delay charge to BUYER. BUYER will notify
SELLER of its request for any such deferral not later than ninety (90)
calendar days before the scheduled shipping date. SELLER shall
provide written notice of the scheduled shipping date to BUYER at least
[forty‑five (45)] days before same.
5.5.1 If delivery and/or the completion of installation and/or the
No Response
completion of SELLER acceptance testing are delayed by SELLER
past the above dates, the warranty period shall be extended two (2)
weeks for each week delay or portion thereof in lieu of a financial
penalty to SELLER.
No, Does Not
No, Does Not
No Response
5.5.2 If delivery and installation of all or a portion of the equipment
No Response
on this order are deferred by BUYER past [Insert day, month,
year], SELLER may increase the price for equipment a maximum of
2% for each complete month of continued deferral by BUYER,
provided that such deferral has, in no way, been a result of acts by
No Response
No, Does Not
No Response
No Response
Yes, complies
No, Does Not
No Response
No Response
Yes, complies
No, Does Not
No Response
6.1.2 The final payment for this order shall become due only upon
No Response
execution by BUYER or its designee of its report constituting formal
notice of final equipment acceptance, as defined in Section Three,
Item 8.3, of this section of this document.
Yes, complies
No, Does Not
No Response
6.1.3 Payment may be made by BUYER or a LESSOR of its choice. No Response
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
6.1.4 There shall be no liability by BUYER or LESSOR to make any No Response
payments for equipment, except as noted in these Terms and
Conditions .
Yes, complies
No, Does Not
No Response
6.1.5 Payment for postwarranty support services shall be 25% of the No Response
annual support cost payable quarterly in advance of the applicable
quarterly period.
Yes, complies
No, Does Not
No Response
6.2.1 BUYER shall have the right of assignment of this contract to a No Response
LESSOR of its choice. Such assignment may be either in full or in
part and may be made without prior consent of SELLER.
Yes, complies
No, Does Not
No Response
6.2.2 SELLER shall not have the right of assignment of this contract No Response
either in full or in part without prior written consent of BUYER.
Yes, complies
No, Does Not
No Response
5.6 BUYER and SELLER shall agree in advance to the delivery route to
be used within BUYER's facilities. SELLER shall be responsible for any
required preparation along the delivery route and for any damages to
BUYER's facilities as a consequence of equipment delivery.
6.1 Payment:
6.1.1 Payments to SELLER shall be made according to the
schedule noted in Section One, Item 3.2.3. Invoices shall be
submitted in four (4) copies when requesting payment.
6.2 Assignment:
7.1 This portion of these conditions provides requirements for the
No Response
installation by SELLER of the equipment. With the exception of any items
specifically agreed upon to be performed by BUYER, SELLER shall have
the total responsibility for the assembly, installation, interconnection,
calibration, and start‑up of all equipment, including final electric power
connections and mounting of equipment.
Yes, complies
No, Does Not
No Response
7.2 Within thirty (30) calendar days following award, SELLER shall
No Response
provide BUYER with drawings detailing all electrical and other work (e.g.,
provisions for equipment mounting) to be performed by BUYER.
Following BUYER's approval of these drawings, BUYER or its designee
shall perform all work shown. Should SELLER omit or incorrectly state
any of the work to be performed by BUYER that does not become evident
until BUYER has started its work, then any necessary changes or
corrections shall be provided by BUYER at SELLER's cost; however,
BUYER shall be agreeable to making reasonable modifications to its work
up until the time of the start of equipment installation by SELLER,
provided such modifications do not result in an increased cost to BUYER.
All drawings shall be provided in five (5) copies plus one (1) reproducible
Yes, complies
No, Does Not
No Response
7.3 Before award of contract, SELLER shall provide to BUYER the
No Response
following information to assist both parties in defining what shall constitute
acceptable equipment performance. A standard test protocol shall be
described for the evaluation of performance and safety characteristics for
all equipment. This should include measurement of parameters as
described in the Equipment Specifications .
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
7.4 All work by SELLER in conjunction with equipment installation shall be No Response
in accordance with the applicable editions of all applicable national and
local codes and standards. [specify]. [In the United States, these codes
and standards include, but are not limited to, NFPA 70, National Electrical
Code ; applicable provisions of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)
Title 21; and any other applicable regulations.]
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
7.5 All installation work shall be performed by full‑time bona fide
No Response
employees working for SELLER or its authorized dealer or distributor, or,
if required by local labor conditions or agreements or at SELLER's option,
by qualified subcontractor(s) approved by BUYER, in which case SELLER
shall pay the costs of any such subcontractor(s). In any case, SELLER
shall have full control of all employees employed in installation work and
shall remove anyone who, in the sole opinion of BUYER, is unfit or guilty
of improper conduct.
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
7.6 All materials used shall be new and of first ‑rate quality. Any materials No Response
or work found to be defective or not in conformity to these requirements or
damaged shall be removed immediately, and new materials or work
substituted without delay.
Yes, complies
No, Does Not
No Response
Specifications of ranges of acceptable performance shall be provided for
each parameter in the protocol. This information will be used by SELLER
and BUYER in the future to assess acceptability of equipment performance
and to monitor effects of recalibration, tuning, or equipment modifications.
All quality assurance and measuring equipment necessary to carry out
this test protocol shall be properly calibrated and shall be provided by
SELLER during the testing program.
7.7 SELLER shall be responsible for all damages due to its own
No Response
operations, to all portions of its equipment, to BUYER ‑owned equipment,
and to all adjoining property while installation is in progress; shall provide
in connection with installation all legally required safeguards required as a
means of protection against accidents; and shall remove from the
premises, at its expense, all materials and refuse caused by its work,
including all packing materials, crating, etc.
Yes, complies
No, Does Not
No Response
7.8 SELLER shall apply for, receive, and pay the cost of all permits
required for installation work.
No Response
Yes, complies
No, Does Not
No Response
7.9 Upon receipt of the equipment, SELLER shall completely unpack and No Response
inspect the equipment. Upon completion of this delivery inspection, any
equipment failing this delivery inspection shall be repaired or replaced
before proceeding with equipment installation. During this delivery
inspection, BUYER or its designee shall have the option to inspect
equipment on its own.
Yes, complies
No, Does Not
No Response
7.10 Upon satisfactory completion of the delivery inspection, SELLER
No Response
shall immediately begin installation. Installation work shall proceed in one
continuous operation at least eight (8) hours per day and forty (40) hours
per week, excluding weekends and holidays. Upon completion of
equipment installation, assembly, interconnection, calibration, and
start‑up, SELLER shall test the equipment as to its proper functioning,
with all test results recorded in writing. This shall constitute SELLER
acceptance testing.
Yes, complies
No, Does Not
No Response
7.11 BUYER shall have the option of assigning up to two individuals
No Response
(physicists, engineers, and biomedical equipment technicians) at any one
time to observe any or all of SELLER acceptance testing and to discuss
the progress and results of this testing with representatives of SELLER.
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
7.12 Upon completion of SELLER acceptance testing to the satisfaction of No Response
SELLER's written test protocols and written test results shall be
presented, accompanied by certification of their accuracy, to BUYER.
Should any of the equipment or software fail to pass SELLER's testing, it
shall be repaired or replaced at once. The date of the submission of
these results of SELLER's testing shall be the turnover date. The
submission of written test results shall be a firm requirement.
Yes, complies
No, Does Not
No Response
7.13 Notwithstanding any other tests, SELLER shall complete any and all No Response
procedures for and provide documentation on any and all tests required
by any and all national or local governmental agencies or accrediting
agencies requiring tests of the equipment.
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
8.1 Starting with the turnover date as defined above for each system,
No Response
BUYER or its designee shall have the greater of twenty (20) successive
working days or thirty (30) calendar days to review the results of SELLER
acceptance testing and to conduct its own acceptance testing to confirm
the proper functioning and clinical performance of equipment, including
any and all characteristics stated in the Equipment Requirements , in the
SELLER's published specifications, or in the SELLER's proposal, plus any
and all requirements of applicable international, national, or local
standards pertaining to the equipment and its installation. In the event
that BUYER fails to complete BUYER acceptance testing within this
period, BUYER will accept this equipment without the benefit of its own
testing. If the equipment or software fails to pass this acceptance testing,
SELLER shall have the lesser of ten (10) successive working days or
fourteen (14) calendar days to provide necessary replacements or repairs
to bring the equipment or software into compliance.
No, Does Not
No, Does Not
No Response
No Response
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
8.3 For each system, final equipment acceptance will not occur until all
No Response
equipment supplied has operated at a minimum effectiveness level
(defined in Section Three, Item 10.1.3) as defined below for forty ‑five (45)
successive calendar days. Upon satisfactory completion of forty ‑five (45)
successive days of equipment operation at a minimum effectiveness level
listed below, BUYER shall, within five (5) working days, notify SELLER in
writing of the occurrence of final equipment acceptance. The date of final
equipment acceptance shall be the date for final equipment payment.
Yes, complies
No, Does Not
No Response
No Response
Yes, complies
No, Does Not
No Response
No Response
Yes, complies
No, Does Not
No Response
BUYER or its designee shall then have the greater of ten (10) successive
working days or fourteen (14) calendar days to again conduct acceptance
testing. If the equipment or software fails to pass this repeat acceptance
testing, the cost of any and all subsequent testing shall be borne by
SELLER at a cost of [U.S.$125/hour].
8.2 Upon satisfactory completion of BUYER acceptance testing, BUYER
shall, within five (5) working days, execute its equipment testing report
and forward a copy of same to SELLER, constituting BUYER's formal
notification of preliminary equipment acceptance. The date of execution
of this report shall be the preliminary acceptance date for the equipment
and the start of the first ‑year warranty and support period.
Minimum Effectiveness
Equipment Type Level
[PACS] [98]%
8.4 After successful preliminary equipment acceptance, BUYER will
authorize two-thirds of the retainage of the equipment. Upon successful
completion of final equipment acceptance, BUYER will authorize the
payment of the final one-third of the retainage.
9.1 SELLER shall warrant the merchantability of its equipment and
further warrant its particular fitness as a medical apparatus.
9.2 SELLER shall warrant all software supplied to be suitable for use
No Response
with all systems and equipment supplied. SELLER shall warrant
equipment and software to be free from defects for a period of one (1)
year from the preliminary equipment acceptance date and shall correct
any defects without costs for parts, software, travel, or labor (within or
outside of normal working hours) to BUYER or any third‑party LESSOR.
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
9.3 SELLER shall guarantee the availability and sale directly to BUYER No Response
or its designee of spare parts, schematics, parts lists, troubleshooting
manuals, operator's instruction manuals, and all other technical data for
the life of the equipment and that replacement of defective parts or
other equipment maintenance by BUYER or its designee will not affect
warranty conditions.
Yes, complies
No, Does Not
No Response
9.4 SELLER shall guarantee the availability of spare parts and repair
No Response
service for a period of [seven (7)] years from the date of final equipment
acceptance as defined in these Proposed Terms and Conditions .
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
No Response
No Response
10.1 First‑year Support (Warranty)
10.1.1 The following first-year support services as defined below shall No Response
be provided in satisfaction of, in lieu of, or in addition to SELLER's
normal warranty and user training and initial support services for new
equipment installations:
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
No Response
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
10.1.3 The following effectiveness level provisions shall apply to the
No Response
medical systems during the warranty and subsequent support periods.
Uptime is defined as the state when the system is working and/or
available for use to BUYER's satisfaction. Downtime is defined as the
state when the system is not operable due to breakdown,
performance of repairs, or failure to perform according to
specifications. The period of downtime shall be from notification of
the manufacturer's service representative until the equipment is
returned/presented to the designated BUYER representative properly
functioning and ready for use. Scheduled routine preventive
maintenance, scheduled upgrades of equipment or software, and
external failures (i.e., air conditioning or power loss) shall not be
considered downtime. The effectiveness level is computed by
dividing the total amount of uptime in hours by the sum of the uptime
in hours and the downtime in hours.
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
In‑service training
Repair and replacement of defective equipment
Scheduled inspection/preventive maintenance
Software upgrades
Applications support
10.1.2 For the duration of the warranty, SELLER shall guarantee a
response time of one‑half (2) hour or less by telephone and two (2)
hours or less on‑site for the duration of the warranty. Failure to
provide prompt service in accordance with these terms will result in a
one (1) week warranty/service contract extension for each incident.
For the duration of the warranty and subsequent support periods, the
following minimum effectiveness levels are required. The effectiveness
level shall be calculated monthly, both for 24 ‑hour‑a‑day system
availability and for system availability during the standard hours of
department operation in effect at that time. For each calendar month
during the warranty period that the effectiveness level is not achieved,
the system warranty or service contract shall be extended by one (1)
month for each percentage point beneath the target uptime level.
Lifetime Percentage
Equipment Effectiveness Required
[PACS [99]%
10.1.4 SELLER must provide discounted charges, for the lifetime of the No Response
systems described in this document, for any and all parts and materials
needed to repair and maintain the systems in the event that BUYER
decides to maintain the systems itself or to use a third ‑party service
No Response
Yes, complies
No Response
10.1.5 Preventive maintenance work on the previously described
systems shall be performed at predetermined times convenient to
No Response
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
10.1.6 SELLER must provide, at no additional charge, any and all
equipment service programs, such as remote diagnostics, if available.
No Response
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
10.1.7 SELLER shall provide expected life-span projections for the
quoted equipment.
No Response
Yes, complies
No, Does Not
No Response
No Response
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
10.2 In‑service Training
10.2.1 For each system, immediately following preliminary equipment
acceptance, SELLER, any subcontractors acting on SELLER's behalf,
and any OEM acting on SELLER's behalf shall conduct in ‑service
training sessions for BUYER's clinical staff at SELLER's own expense.
This training shall be scheduled at the convenience of BUYER.
In‑service training shall be for an appropriate, standard period for the
medical system. In‑service training shall include, but not be limited to,
training services for nurses, physicians, and technologists. Following
the completion of training, SELLER shall, if requested, certify that
trained personnel have completed SELLER's training program.
All clinical training shall be at BUYER's facilities unless otherwise
agreed upon, in which case SELLER shall bear all necessary travel,
lodging, and related expenses.
Indicate the availability and charges for technical training for
maintenance and service for engineering personnel that would include
full factory service training courses, including tuition, accommodations,
travel, and expenses, to be provided by SELLER for the equipment
[Full warranties for all equipment shall remain in place until, at least,
training for the in-house engineers has been completed.]
10.2.2 Follow‑up (repeat) in‑service training shall be performed by
SELLER at no additional charge to BUYER at BUYER's request for the
first year after equipment installation. In the event that new software or
equipment modifications require additional training, supplemental
in‑service training shall be performed by SELLER at no charge during
the life span of the equipment.
No Response
Yes, complies
No, Does Not
No Response
No Response
Yes, complies
No, Does Not
No Response
10.3.2 During the support period, all documentation shall be updated by No Response
SELLER to reflect any revisions.
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
10.4.1 SELLER shall replace or repair all defective equipment and
No Response
software and shall correct any defects without charge for parts or labor
(both during and after regular business hours) during the support period.
No, Does Not
No, Does Not
No Response
10.4.2 SELLER shall provide a no‑charge replacement of any defective No Response
part that cannot be repaired or corrected to the satisfaction of BUYER
during the warranty or service contract period.
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
10.4.3 Any defective equipment or software that is replaced during the
support period shall be covered by a full warranty, regardless of the
term of the warranty on the existing system at the time of replacement.
No Response
No, Does Not
Yes, complies
No Response
10.4.4 Any part or system that requires repeated replacement (more
than two times) during the warranty period shall extend the warranty of
the entire system by one (1) month for each successive replacement.
No Response
No, Does Not
No, Does Not
No Response
No Response
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
10.5.2 Scheduled inspection and preventive maintenance shall conform No Response
to SELLER's published recommendations, as well as to the
requirements of applicable standards regulatory and accrediting
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
10.5.3 Preventive maintenance work on the previously described
systems shall be performed at predetermined times convenient to
BUYER. These times may include off-hours.
Yes, complies
No, Does Not
No Response
10.3 Documentation
10.3.1 SELLER shall supply BUYER with the following documentation
for the proposed system:
Four (4) copies of operator's instruction manuals
Two (2) copies of complete technical service manuals including detailed
troubleshooting guides, necessary diagnostic software, schematic
diagrams, and parts lists
10.4 Repair and Replacement of Defective Equipment
10.5 Scheduled Inspection/Preventive Maintenance
10.5.1 SELLER shall provide complete inspection/preventive
maintenance and calibration at scheduled intervals, as specified in
SELLER's proposal. Written reports shall be provided for each such
10.6 Software/Hardware Updating
No Response
10.6.1 SELLER shall supply software and upgrades to the equipment at No Response
no additional charge for the life of the equipment. These no ‑charge
upgrades shall include any circuit boards or other parts required if
software is added to enhance existing capabilities; in the event that a
new capability or parameter is added and equipment such as a module
or keyboard is needed, this may involve a charge, but the software
(including labor and travel to install software updates) will be provided at
no charge.
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
10.6.2 All software or hardware upgrades and any associated hardware No Response
to support them, shall be brought to the attention of BUYER within thirty
(30) days of their release by SELLER.
Yes, complies
No, Does Not
No Response
10.6.3 SELLER shall schedule any installation of software upgrades at a No Response
time that will have the least impact on the operations of BUYER and
shall obtain prior approval of this schedule from BUYER.
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
No Response
10.6.4 SELLER shall supply, at no additional charge to BUYER, any
hardware required to make the quoted systems comply with changing
safety standards and regulations.
No Response
No, Does Not
Yes, complies
Yes, complies
10.7.1 Second‑year and subsequent‑year support services shall be
identical to first‑year support services.
No Response
No, Does Not
Yes, complies
No Response
10.7.2 SELLER shall guarantee a response time at all other times of
one and one‑half (12) hours or less by telephone and two (2) hours or
less on‑site for the duration of any service agreement. Failure to
provide prompt service in accordance with these terms will result in a
one (1) week warranty/service contract extension for each incident.
No Response
No, Does Not
No, Does Not
Yes, complies
10.7.3 SELLER shall provide a list of all holidays and other
observances, during which any overtime charges would be incurred by
No Response
No, Does Not
Yes, complies
No Response
No Response
No, Does Not
Yes, complies
No, Does Not Comply
No Response
No, Does Not
Yes, complies
No Response
No Response
No, Does Not
Yes, complies
No, Does Not Comply
Upgrades and/or enhancements that add new capabilities or
parameters to the equipment included in this RFP shall be made
available to BUYER at a discounted cost of 70% of the actual list price
of the items, for a period of ten (10) years after purchase of the
10.7 Second‑year and Subsequent Support
11.1 SELLER guarantees the availability to BUYER the following
equipment and software options at the following prices contingent on
receipt of BUYER's order for any of these within twelve (12) months of
the final equipment acceptance date of [day, month, year]. [List if any.]
Between the end of the twelfth (12th) month after the final equipment
acceptance date and the end of the thirty ‑sixth (36th) month after the
final equipment acceptance date, SELLER may increase these prices a
maximum of the average consumer price index increase, or other
appropriate inflation indexes in the nation of origin of the equipment, for
the preceding twelve (12) month period or 4%, whichever is less, up to a
maximum of 4% per year.
11.2 Price protection shall also be provided on a Aunit ‑price basis@ if
BUYER elects to add additional items to or to change any items on this
(Substitute according to national/local law and practice.)
Workers' Compensation as provided by statute.
Employer's Liability of at least [U.S.$100,000 per person].
General Liability and Product Liability Insurance in an amount not less
than [U.S.$1,000,000] per occurrence in primary coverage, and not less
than [U.S.$4,000,000] per occurrence in excess liability insurance,
covering any and all damage to property or injury to persons arising
from or out of installation and/or operation of the SELLER's equipment.
Contractual Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability Insurance in an
amount not less than [U.S.$4,000,000] per occurrence and
[U.S.$4,000,000] aggregate, covering any and all damage to property or
injury to persons arising from or out of the performance of the work
under this agreement.
SELLER agrees to indemnify and hold harmless BUYER and its
employees from any and all claims, losses, judgments, damages, or
expenses (including reasonable attorneys fees) incurred as a result of a
defect or malfunction in the equipment.
SELLER will provide to BUYER on a semiannual basis a list of all open,
pending, and paid product liability claims related to the types of
equipment covered in this order.
No Response
No, Does Not
No, Does Not
No, Does Not Comply
Summary of quotations
Capital Purchase Details
Quoted system price:
Cardiology PACS
247,300.00 $
291,639.00 $
Professional services
110,300.00 $
73,750.00 $
Data not
Subtotal for Cardiology PACS
Cardiology Data Management
190,485.00 $
36,000.00 $
Professional services
25,000.00 $
30,900.00 $
Subtotal for Cardiology DMS
282,385.00 $
Total Capital Purchase Price
Discount information
Quoted discount
Data not
Equipment discount
Promotional/Special/Bottom-line discount
40% on selected items
SELECTplus discount range
21% to 38%
ECRI Recommended discount
Potential Savings
Service Contract Details
Percentage of system list price per year
SELECTplus average percentage of list
price per year
ECRI Recommended ($) price of service
Potential Savings
Data not
28% to 35%
6% to 24%
Not available
SELECTplus Annual Interest Chart CIIMS: 2004-05
The Annual Interest Chart is representative of data generated solely by requests for quotation analyses and
purchase orders provided by SELECTplus member hospitals from mid-2004 until October 2005.
Comparative Life Cycle Cost Analysis
John Smith
Plymouth Health System
Information Systems, Data Management, Cardiology
Note: You can overwrite the estimated costs
Fields marked with a
Vendor / Model:
Acquisition Type:
Life-cycle or Agreement Term (in years)
Warranty Period (in years)
must be filled in to activate columns.
Purchase Price
Residual Value
Rental / Lease
Annual (Calculated)
Fee per Use / Reagent Rental
Procedures (per year)
Consumable Cost
Inflation Rate
4.7 %
Cost for Year 1
Revenue for Year 1
Inflation Rate
4.7 %
Cost for Year 1
Cost per Test
Total Cost for Term
Revenue for Term
Profit for Term
Net Present Value (NPV)
Inflation Rate
4.7 %
Cost for Year 1
Bottom Line
Discount Rate 6.75 %
Copyright ECRI. 2002
Comparative Life Cycle Cost Analysis - Cash Flow Summary
Cash Flow Summary
Residual Value
Total Revenue
Fee per Use
- $
123,000 $
- $
- $
128,781 $
- $
- $
134,834 $
- $
123,000 $
128,781 $
134,834 $
- $
(1,005,374) $
(123,000) $
(1,128,374) $
(128,781) $
(1,257,155) $
(134,834) $
(1,391,989) $
(1,005,374) $
(1,005,374) $
Net Present Value (NPV)
Residual Value
Total Revenue
Fee per Use
Net Cash Flow
Cumulative Net Cash Flow
Total Costs
Cash Flow Summary
- $
48,419 $
- $
- $
50,695 $
- $
- $
53,078 $
- $
48,419 $
50,695 $
53,078 $
- $
(605,079) $
(48,419) $
(653,498) $
(50,695) $
(704,193) $
(53,078) $
(757,270) $
Total Costs
Net Cash Flow
Cumulative Net Cash Flow
(605,079) $
(605,079) $
Net Present Value (NPV)
Cash Flow Summary
Residual Value
Total Revenue
Fee per Use
Total Costs
Net Cash Flow
Cumulative Net Cash Flow
(305,400) $
(305,400) $
Net Present Value (NPV)
Cash Flow Summary
Residual Value
Total Revenue
Fee per Use
Total Costs
Net Cash Flow
Cumulative Net Cash Flow
Net Present Value (NPV)
Cash Flow Summary
Residual Value
Total Revenue
Fee per Use
Total Costs
Net Cash Flow
Cumulative Net Cash Flow
Net Present Value (NPV)