Survey Methodology December 2005 Catalogue no.


Survey Methodology December 2005 Catalogue no.
Catalogue no. 12-001-XIE
December 2005
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Bustos: On the Correlation Structure of Sample Units
Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 233-238
Statistics Canada, Catalogue No. 12-001
On the Correlation Structure of Sample Units
Alfredo Bustos 1
In this paper we make explicit some distributional properties of sample units, not usually found in the literature; in
particular, their correlation structure and the fact that it does not depend on arbitrarily assigned population indices. Such
properties are relevant to a number of estimation procedures, whose efficiency would benefit from making explicit reference
to them.
Key Words: Census; Survey; Sampling; Sample units; Probability function; Mean; Covariance.
1. Introduction
In recent times, population and household censuses, as
we know them, have become more difficult to perform for a
number of reasons. Alternative ways of securing more
frequent information for the production of local, state and
national statistical results have been proposed. Continuous
large national surveys, among them those known as rolling
censuses, with large sample sizes and complex designs, are
being considered.
However, in order to produce results at the local
authority level the way a census does, different techniques
for estimation as well as for validation and, in some cases,
for imputation have to be developed and their efficiency
improved. One way of achieving greater efficiency consists
of taking into account all relevant information available. Of
course, this includes the stochastic properties of sample
In what follows, beginning from basic principles, we
derive a general explicit form for the probability function of
an ordered sample. We also show how that function, as well
as the inclusion probabilities, can be computed. Finally, we
give a general form for the correlation matrix of sample
units, which depends solely on inclusion probabilities, so
that linear and maximum-likelihood estimation procedures
can benefit from it.
2. The Basic Model
The basic model we start from represents the sequential
random drawing of n units from a population U formed by
N such units, and may be stated as follows. Let N and n be
two positive constants such that n ≤ N , and let V represent
an N × n matrix, whose components are each distributed as
Bernoulli random variables with, possibly, different parameters. Then,
VN × n
⎡ ϑ11 ϑ12
⎢ 21 ϑ22
= ⎢ ϑ31 ϑ32
⎢ M
⎢ϑ N 1 ϑ N 2
ϑN 3
L ϑ1n ⎤
L ϑ2 n ⎥⎥
L ϑ3n ⎥ .
O M ⎥
L ϑ Nn ⎥⎦
Also part of the model is the restriction imposed on each
column of V to add to one. In other words, we require that
∑ ϑIk = 1, for
k = 1, ..., n
I =1
be satisfied.
This is required because if the j th draw results in
population unit I being selected, then entry (I, j) takes the
value of one while all other entries of column j are equal to
zero. Note that this is equivalent to imposing a nonstochastic constraint on the behavior of all components of
the i th column of V, regardless of the sampling scheme.
Therefore, entries belonging to the same column do not
behave independently.
When sampling takes place with replacement (WR), the
sum of the elements of the I th row of the above matrix is
distributed as a Binomial (n, pI ) since each column is
distributed independently of other columns. On the other
hand, when sampling takes place without replacement
(WOR), the total of row I can take only two values: one, if
the I th unit is drawn at some stage, or zero, otherwise,
bringing us back to the Bernoulli case.
Disjoint subsets of rows may be formed according to
different criteria. For instance, when rows are grouped with
regard to their spatial vicinity, one could speak about
clusters or primary sampling units. When one or more
statistical indicators form the basis for the groupings, the
term strata is usually used.
1. Victor Alfredo Bustos y de la Tijera, Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Geografia e Informática, H. de Nacozari 2301, 20270, Aguascalientes, Ags.,
México. E-mail:
Survey Methodology, December 2005
Let us now define the inclusion probabilities as
π (Ik ) = P (population unit I in sample of size k )
= 0 if k = 0.
( n)
Note that π = π I , commonly refered to as the
inclusion probability for unit I.
Now let ϑo j represent the j th column and ϑ I o the I th
row of matrix V. Therefore, based on the following
f (ϑo1 , ϑo2 , ϑo3 , ..., ϑo n ) = f (ϑo1 ) f (ϑo 2 | ϑo1 )
f (ϑo3 | ϑo1 , ϑo2 ) ... f (ϑon | ϑo1 , ..., ϑo n −1 )
we can write the joint probability function of the elements of
V as:
f (ϑo1 , ϑo2 , ϑo3 , ..., ϑon ) = ∏ ⎢∏ ( π (Ik ) − π (Ik −1) ) ϑIk ⎥
k =1 ⎣ I =1
= ∏ ⎢∏ ( p I( k ) ) ϑIk ⎥
k =1 ⎣ I =1
From here, step-by-step inclusion probabilities, in WOR
sampling situations, may be recursively computed, as is
shown in (7), below.
p I( k )
if k = 1
( k −1)
⎪ p I( k −1) ∑ p J
if k > 1.
( k −1)
J ≠I 1− p J
Note that (7) enables us to compute the desired probabilities at two different moments: first, when no draw has
actually occurred, which explains why we average over the
whole population, and secondly, when the result of the
previous draw is known, at which time the probability of the
J th population unit, say, entering the sample equals one and
all other probabilities for that draw are equal to zero. Hence,
at least in theory, we can compute the inverse of the so
called expansion factors or weights for one stage sampling,
or stage by stage in multistage sampling. Clearly,
π (In ) = ∑ pI( k ) .
subject to
k =1
∑ ϑlk = 1, k = 1, K, n
If we define the joint inclusion probabilities as
⎛ population units I and
π (IJk ) = P ⎜
I =1
⎧1, WOR
∑ ϑ Ik ≤ ⎨n, WR
k =1
(k )
I = 1, K, N ;
(k )
then we have that they can also be computed as follows:
(k )
( k −1)
and here p , defined as p = ( π − π
), stands for
the probability that population unit I is included in the
sample at the k th draw. The above function is useful for
calculating the probability of any ordered sample of size n.
Clearly, when the order of inclusion can be ignored, the
probability of a given sample would be obtained by adding
the n! values obtained through (4).
3. The Implications of Sampling on the Stochastic
Properties of Population Units
E (ϑIk ) = pI( k ) = (π(Ik ) − π(Ik −1) )
and therefore, we can write
⎡ p1(1)
⎢ (1)
⎢ p2
E[V ] = ⎢ p3(1)
⎢ M
⎢ p (1)
⎣ N
p1( 2 )
p2( 2 )
p3( 2 )
p N( 2 )
p N(3)
L p1( n ) ⎤
L p2( n ) ⎥
L p3( n ) ⎥ .
M ⎥
L p N( n ) ⎥⎦
n−1 ⎛
π (IJn ) = ∑ ⎜⎜ p I( j ) ∑ p J( k ) + p J( j ) ∑ pI( k ) ⎟⎟.
j =1 ⎝
k> j
k> j
For example, in simple random sampling WR
(SRS/WR), expressions (7), (8) and (10) result in (7.1), (8.1)
and (10.1),
p I( k ) =
when k ≥ 1
π (In ) =
n−1 ⎛
π (IJn ) = ∑ ⎜⎜ p I( j ) ∑ p J( k ) + p J( j ) ∑ pI( k ) ⎟⎟
j =1 ⎝
k> j
k> j
⎛ n − j n − j ⎞ n(n − 1)
= ∑⎜ 2 + 2 ⎟ =
N ⎠
j =1 ⎝ N
While in SRS/WOR we get expressions (7.2), (8.2) and
(10.2), instead.
p I( k ) =
when k ≥ 1
Statistics Canada, Catalogue No. 12-001
Bustos: On the Correlation Structure of Sample Units
π (In ) =
n−1 ⎛
π (IJn ) = ∑ ⎜⎜ p I( j ) ∑ p J( k ) + p J( j ) ∑ pI( k ) ⎟⎟ where J ≠ I
j =1 ⎝
k> j
k> j
⎛ n− j
n − j ⎞ n(n − 1)
= ∑ ⎜⎜
N ( N − 1) ⎟⎠ N ( N − 1)
j =1 ⎝ N ( N − 1)
Let us now consider the row vectors ϑ I o . Then, for the
covariance matrix between different rows, we get
⎡− p I(1) p J(1)
L − p I( n ) p J( n ) ⎦⎥ n × n
− p I( 2 ) p J( 2 )
whenever I is different from J.
When sampling takes place WR, and therefore, p I( j ) =
pI ∀ j = 1, ..., n, the covariance matrix for the I th row
vector is given by
Cov(ϑ I o , ϑ I o ) =
k =1
k =2
= ∑ p I( k ) = π (I1) + ∑ ( π(Ik ) − π(Ik −1) ) = π(In ) .
1′ ϑ = ϑ1 + ϑ 2 + ϑ 3 + ... + ϑ N = n.
From (14) and (15), well known propositions (16) and
(17) follow immediately,
E[ϑ′] = (π1( n ) , π (2n ) , π (3n ) , K , π (Nn ) )
π1( n ) + π (2n ) + π3( n ) + K + π (Nn ) = n.
For the second order moments, we get
Cov(ϑ I , ϑ J ) = Cov(1′ ϑ I o , 1′ ϑ J o )
p I qI
pI q I
⎥ .
M ⎥
p I q I ⎥⎦ n× n
= 1′ Cov(ϑ I o , ϑ J o ) 1 = −∑ p I( k ) p J( k )
k =1
Cov(ϑ I o , ϑ I o ) =
− p I(1) p I( 2 )
p I( 2) (1− p I( 2) )
( 2) ( n)
− pI p I
− p I(1) p I( n ) ⎤
− p I( 2 ) p I( n ) ⎥
. (12.2)
p I( n ) (1− p I( n ) )⎦⎥ n× n
Let ϑ represent the N – dimensional vector which results
from adding the columns of V. Clearly, the components of
this vector may be expressed as the product of ϑ I o by a
vector whose components are all equal to one. In other
⎛ T ⎞
⎛ ϑ1 ⎞ ⎜ ϑ1o 1 ⎟
⎟ ⎜ T ⎟
⎜ ϑ 2 ⎟ ⎜ ϑ 2o 1 ⎟
ϑ = ⎜ ϑ 3 ⎟ = ⎜ ϑ 3o 1 ⎟ .
⎟ ⎜
⎜M ⎟ ⎜ M ⎟
⎟ ⎜ T ⎟
⎝ ϑ N ⎠ ⎜ ϑ N o 1⎟
Statistics Canada, Catalogue No. 12-001
⎧ − np p
= ⎨ ( n) I J(n ) ( n)
⎩(π IJ − π I π J ) WOR ,
which clearly indicates that the covariance is never positive.
In turn, the variances are given by
In a WOR setting the above covariance matrix becomes
⎡ p I(1) (1− p I(1) )
(1) ( 2 )
⎢ − pI pI
(1) ( n )
⎣⎢ − p I p I
⎛ n
E (ϑ I ) = E (ϑ I o 1) = E ⎜⎜ ∑ ϑ Ik ⎟⎟
⎝ k =1 ⎠
From (1.2), we get the non-stochastic restriction:
Cov(ϑ I o , ϑ J o ) =
⎡ p I qI
⎢ 0
⎢ 0
⎢ M
⎢ 0
Some distributional properties of these sums may be then
obtained directly from those of the rows or the columns of
matrix V.
For instance, their expected values are given as
Var (ϑ I ) = Var (1′ ϑ I o ) = 1′ Cov(ϑ I o ) 1
⎧ np q
= ⎨ ( n )I I ( n )
I )
⎩ I
Another important consequence of (15) has to do with
the second order moments of the stochastic vector ϑ .
0 = Var(n) = Var(1′ ϑ) = 1′Cov(ϑ)1 = 1′C1.
Clearly, the diagonal elements of matrix C, the
covariance matrix of ϑ , are not all equal to zero. Therefore,
randomly drawing a fixed-size simple introduces a
dependency in the population units which results in non-null
covariances implying that matrix C is singular. Otherwise, it
is impossible for (20) to be satisfied.
As a matter of fact, it is possible to prove that the sum of
any row (or column) of C must be equal to zero, which is a
stronger statement. Given that the covariance between a
random variable and a constant equals zero, we get
Survey Methodology, December 2005
0 = Cov(ϑ I , n) = Cov(ϑ I , ϑ1 + ϑ2 + ϑ3 + L + ϑ N )
the presence of a set of random variables whose indices are
random themselves.
= C I 1 + C I 2 + L + C IN
= Var(ϑ I ) + ∑ Cov(ϑ I , ϑ J ) .
J ≠I
We have thus proven that in WOR sampling (22.1) holds.
0 = π (In ) (1 − π (In ) ) + ∑ ( π (IJn ) − π (In ) π (Jn ) ).
4.1 Mean and Variance for WR Sampling
For this case, the probability function of ϑ Ii is given by
P (ϑ I j = x ) = ∑ p I P (ϑ I = x )
J ≠I
I =1
The same statement can be proven algebraically by noting
∑ π (IJn )
J ≠I
= π (I n )
∑ π (Jn| I)
= ( n − 1) π
which is obvious once we realize that the conditional
probability involved represents the probability that population unit J enters a sample of size n − 1 for which (19)
also applies. Additionally, using (19) again, note that
∑ π(Jn ) = (n − π(In) ),
I =1
I =1
I =1
In turn, its variance is computed using the well known
In this case, we have
and therefore,
E (ϑ I j | I j = I ) = np I
0 = π (In ) (1 − π(In ) ) + ∑ ( π(IJn ) − π(In ) π(Jn ) )
and V (ϑ I j | I j = I ) = np I (1 − p I ) .
J ≠I
E (ϑ I j ) = ∑ pI E (ϑ I ) =∑ npI p I = n∑ pI2 .
V (ϑ I j ) = VI j [ E (ϑ I j | I j )] + E I j [V (ϑ I j | I j )].
J ≠I
( n)
The first two moments may also be obtained via a conditional argument. The mean of its distribution is given by
J ≠I
⎛ n⎞
= ∑ p I ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ p Ix (1 − p I ) n − x .
I =1
⎝ x⎠
( n) 2
− ( π ) + (n − 1)π
(n )
( n)
− π ( n − π ).
For WR sampling (21) implies:
V I j [ E ( ϑ I j I j )] = V I j ( np I j )
0 = np I q I + ∑ ( n(n − 1) p I p J − n 2 pI p J )
= n 2 [ E I j ( p I2 j ) − E I2 j ( p I j )],
J ≠I
= np I q I − np I ∑ p J
J ≠I
which is immediately seen to apply.
In any case, the most important implication of the above
results is that regardless of the sampling scheme, the
correlation matrix of the population random variables
ϑ1 , ϑ2 , ϑ3 , ..., ϑ N is singular. For the practical situations
described in the introduction, the most important implication of this fact lies mainly in the use made by many
model fitting and estimation procedures of the inverse of the
covariance matrix.
E I j [V ( ϑ I j I j )] = nE I j [ p I j (1 − p I j )]
= n[ E I j ( p I j ) − E I j ( p I2 j )]
and therefore
V (ϑ I j )
= n[ E I j ( p I j ) − E I j ( p I2j )] + n 2 [ E I j ( p I2j ) − E I2j ( p I j )]
= ∑ np I2 ⎜⎜1 + (n − 1) p I − ∑ np J2 ⎟⎟.
I =1
J =1
For the case of SRS, (24) above results in
4. The First Two Moments of Sample Units
Once the first and second order moments of the vector ϑ
have been established, we are in a position to determine the
corresponding moments for sub-vectors of different sizes
and whose components are randomly chosen, i.e., the
sample. To this end, let us define the random variables
ϑ I1 , ϑ I 2 , ϑ I3 , K , ϑ I r , where r represents the number of
different population units in the sample, and whose indices
I k , 1 ≤ k ≤ r ≤ n, can take the value I with probability
I . In other words, under the above conditions, we are in
E (ϑ I j ) =
1 N (n) 2 1 N ⎛ n ⎞
⎛n⎞ N n
(π I ) = ∑ ⎜ ⎟ = ⎜ ⎟
= .
n I =1
n I =1 ⎝ N ⎠
⎝N⎠ n N
While (28) yields
V ( ϑ I j ) =∑ n
I =1
1 ⎛
1 N
1 ⎞
− ∑ n 2 ⎟ = n ⎛⎜ 1 − ⎞⎟.
N J =1 N ⎠
N ⎝
4.2 Mean and Variance for WOR Sampling
For this case, the probability function of ϑ Ii is given by
P (ϑ I j = x ) =
1 N (n ) n
∑ π I ∑ ( pI( k ) ) x (1 − pI( k ) )1−x
n I =1
k =1
Statistics Canada, Catalogue No. 12-001
Bustos: On the Correlation Structure of Sample Units
while the covariance between brackets on the right-hand
side of (34) is easily seen to equal
and therefore
E (ϑ I j ) =
1 N (n)
∑ π I E (ϑ I )
n I =1
Cov(ϑ I j , ϑ I k |I j = I , I k = J ) = π(IJn ) − π (In ) π(jn ) .
1 N ( n) n
1 N
π I ∑ ( p I( j ) ) = ∑ ( π(In ) ) 2 .
n I =1
n I =1
j =1
E (ϑ I j | I j ) = π
( n)
( n)
and V (ϑ I j | I j ) = π (1 − π )
= EI j I k (π (Inj I)k ) − EI j I k (π (Inj ) π (Ink ) ).
E[V (ϑ I j | I j )] = E[π (Inj ) (1 − π (Inj ) )] = E[(π (Inj ) )] − [ E (π (Inj ) ) 2 ].
Hence, the variance is given by
⎛1 N
⎞⎡ ⎛ 1 N
= ⎜⎜ ∑ ( π(In ) ) 2 ⎟⎟ ⎢1 − ⎜⎜ ∑ ( π(In ) ) 2 ⎟⎟⎥.
⎝ n I =1
⎠ ⎣ ⎝ n I =1
1 N
(π(In ) ) 2
n I =1
Finally, adding these last two expressions we arrive at the
desired covariance
Cov(ϑ I j , ϑ I k )
Once again, in order to exemplify these results, let us turn
to SRS. Expression (30) becomes
⎛1 N
(π (IJn ) ) 2 − ⎜⎜ ∑ (π (In ) ) 2 ⎟⎟ .
n(n − 1) I =1 J =1
⎝ n I =1
In the SRS/WR (40) results in
Cov(ϑ I j , ϑ I k ) =
Cov(ϑ I j , ϑ I k ) =
N N ⎛ n( n − 1) ⎞
n( n − 1) I =1 J =1 ⎜⎝ N ( N − 1) ⎟⎠
J ≠I
Cov(ϑ I j , ϑ I k ) = Cov I j , I k [ E (ϑ I j | I j ), E (ϑ I k | I k )]
In this case, we have that
⎛ 1 N ⎛ n ⎞2 ⎞
− ⎜ ∑⎜ ⎟ ⎟
⎜ n I =1 ⎝ N ⎠ ⎟
n(n − 1)
− 2
N ( N − 1) N
⎛ n( N − n) ⎞
= −⎜⎜ 2
⎝ N ( N − 1) ⎠
Statistics Canada, Catalogue No. 12-001
while for the WOR case the covariance can be seen to equal
In order to establish the covariance between different
sample units we resort to a simple extension to (25),
E (ϑ I j , ϑ I k | I j = I , I k = J ) = π(IJn )
n(n − 1) n 2
− 2
=− 2,
4.3 The Covariance Between Sample Units
E (ϑ I j | I j = I ) = π (In )
⎛ 1 N ⎛ n ⎞ 2 ⎞ ⎡ ⎛ 1 N ⎛ n ⎞ 2 ⎞⎤
V (ϑ I j ) = ⎜ ∑ ⎜ ⎟ ⎟ ⎢1 − ⎜ ∑ ⎜ ⎟ ⎟⎥
⎜ n I =1 ⎝ N ⎠ ⎟ ⎢ ⎜ n I =1 ⎝ N ⎠ ⎟⎥
⎠⎣ ⎝
+ E I j , I j [Cov(ϑ I j , ϑ I k | I j , I k )].
⎛ n(n − 1) ⎞
n(n − 1) I =1 J =1 ⎝ N 2 ⎠
⎛ 1 N ⎛ n ⎞2 ⎞
− ⎜ ∑⎜ ⎟ ⎟
⎜ n I =1 ⎝ N ⎠ ⎟
Whereas (31) results in
⎜1 − ⎟.
N⎝ N⎠
J ≠I
1 N ⎛n⎞
⎛n⎞ N n
= .
⎜ ⎟ =⎜ ⎟
n I =1 ⎝ N ⎠
⎝N⎠ n N
= E I j I k (π (Inj I) k ) − [ E I j (π (Inj ) )][ E I k (π (Ink ) )]
V (ϑ I j ) = E (π (Inj ) ) − E 2 (π(Inj ) ) = E (π (Inj ) )[1 − E (π (Inj ) )]
EI j I k [Cov(ϑ I j , ϑ I k | I j , I k )]
V [ E (ϑ I j | I j )] = V (π (Inj ) ) = E[(π (Inj ) ) 2 ] − [ E (π (Inj ) )]2
Cov I j I k [ E (ϑ I j | I j ), E (ϑ I k | I k )]
whereas from (37) we get
from which we get
E (ϑ I j ) =
From (35) and (36), we obtain
= EI j I k (π (Inj ) π (Ink ) ) − E I j ( π(Inj ) ) EI k (π (Ink ) )
Using (25) again, we note firstly that
It should be stressed that for SRS, regardless of whether
it takes place with or without replacement, the correlation
coefficients are given by
Survey Methodology, December 2005
Corr( ϑ I j , ϑ I k ) =
( N − 1)
independently of the sample size.
Furthermore, we have that, as the value of n approaches
that of N in WOR sampling, both π(n
and π(n
IJ approach
one. In particular, when n = N , the values of expressions
(31) and (40) become zero.
5. The Correlation Matrix for Sample Units
Once we realize that none of the expressions in (28), (31)
and (40) depend on any of the arbitrary indices used to
differentiate population units, it should become clear that the
r × r correlation matrix for the random vector θ =
(ϑ I1 , ϑ I 2 , ϑ I3 , K, ϑ I r ), where r ≤ n, may be written as:
Corr (θ) = Rr (ρ) = ⎜ ρ
ρ ρ L ρ⎞
1 ρ L ρ⎟
ρ 1 L ρ ⎟.
M M O M⎟
ρ ρ L 1⎠
It should be noted that the elements of Rr (ρ) in (44)
depend only on the inclusion probabilities which, for any
sample size, may be fully computed from recursion (7), and
expressions (8) and (10). In other words, they do not depend
on any unknown population parameters to be estimated nor
on the values of the variables to be measured on the sample
6. Final Remarks
In theory, the efficiency of every estimation procedure
will experience some gain whenever explicit allowance for
the correlation between sample units is made. This would
certainly be the case for linear as well as for some instances
of maximum-likelihood estimation.
On the other hand, it should be emphasized that Rn (ρ)
may become singular as the sample size n approaches the
population size N; this is the case for SRS ( RN ( −1 /( N − 1))
as well as for WOR sampling in general. Therefore, numerically, many estimation procedures which rely on the inverse
or the determinant of R, rather than on the correlation matrix
itself, may also benefit from replacing the simplifying
assumption of independence between observations by a
more realistic one of correlated observations whenever
sample sizes are large relative to population sizes. Instances
where this can happen are given by some stages in multistage sampling (e.g., number of households in a block) and
by large country-wide surveys.
Statistics Canada, Catalogue No. 12-001