Physics (2007) Sample work program 2 Composite October 2012
Physics (2007) Sample work program 2 Composite October 2012
Physics (2007) Sample work program 2 Composite October 2012 Physics (2007) Sample work program 2 Composite Compiled by the Queensland Studies Authority October 2012 A work program is the school’s plan of how a course will be delivered and assessed, based on the school’s interpretation of the syllabus. The school’s work program must meet syllabus requirements, and indicate that there will be sufficient scope and depth of student learning to reflect the general objectives and meet the exit criteria and standards. The minimum number of hours of timetabled school time, including assessment, for a course of study developed from the Physics (2007) syllabus is 55 hours per semester. A course of study will usually be completed over two years (220 hours). This sample demonstrates one approach to a Year 11/12 composite work program, and should be used as a guide only to help teachers plan and develop their school’s work programs. The cycle of units is based on a Year A then Year B cycle or vice versa. Table of contents Course organisation (Year A) ....................................................... 2 Course organisation (Year B) ....................................................... 3 Course assessment plan Year A .................................................. 4 Course assessment plan Year B .................................................. 5 Context unit Year A ....................................................................... 6 Unit 3: Sight and seeing ..................................................................................... 6 Context unit Year B ....................................................................... 9 Unit 5: Amusement park rides ............................................................................ 9 Coverage of key concepts and key ideas .................................. 12 Sample Student Profile: Year A then Year B ............................. 14 Sample Student Profile: Year B then Year A ............................. 15 Course organisation (Year A) Key concept Motion #1 Force and Linear Motion 27 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 3 SI Units, Scientific Notation, Significant Figures, data logging equipment including infra-red photogates, Limits, Absolute and Relative Error, Precision, Accuracy, Manipulating first- and second-hand data, Graphing, Relationships, Manipulating equations, Linear Regression Measurement, scalar & vector quantities, addition & subtraction of vectors, Components of vectors, Graphical analysis of motion, Displacement, velocity, acceleration, Linear Kinematics and algebraic analysis of motion, 1 2 Energy (KEtranslational= /2mv , GPE=mgh), Mass, weight, normal force, Newton’s three laws (1 and 2 D) (F=ma), Momentum, Friction, air resistance, terminal velocity #2 Electricity 28 1 2 4 1 2 3 #3 Sight and seeing (context) 28 #4 Electromag -netism 27 Force Energy Semester 1/3 (55 hours) Semester 2/4 (55 hours) Length (hours) Possible content Unit 1 Atomic structure, Electric charge, Charging by conduction/induction, Triboelectric series, Coulomb’s 2 2 law (point charges) (F=kqQ/d ), Electric fields - uniform (E=kq/d ), non-uniform (E=V/d), Electric force (F=Eq), Electric potential and constant electric field (V=Ed, W=qV), Power (P=VI, P=E/t), Current electricity, Electrical conductors (including semi-conductors), Resistance, resistivity and Ohm’s Law (R=V/I), DC supplies, Series and parallel circuits, electric meters, Diodes - LEDs, LDRs, Capacitors, AC Supplies and use of the CRO, transformers and power supply design, AC voltage amplifiers 1 3 Waves 1D - wave types, characteristics (v=λf) (wavelength, period, frequency), transmission, reflection, standing waves, superposition, Waves 2-D – water waves, reflection, Snell’s law (n=sin θi/sin θr) and refraction, diffraction and wave interference, Dispersion, Light as a wave - Young’s double slit interference (sin θ=n.λ.d-1=X.l-1), Electromagnetic spectrum - frequency, period, EMS, Wave-particle duality of light, Optical instruments (Transverse waves), Concave and convex mirrors, lenses, focal length, lens formula (f-1=u-1+v-1) 1 2 3 1 2 Magnetic fields, Electromagnets, Maxwell’s screw rule, Electromagnet applications, Force on a current element (F=BIlsinΘ), Moving charge as a source of magnetic field, Electromagnetic induction, Electric motors and meters, mass spectrometer, particle accelerators, Faraday’s Law, Force on a moving charge (F=BqvsinΘ), solenoids, Lenz’s Law, Magnetic flux, DC and AC generators, Electricity generation, Power stations, Electricity networks, Transformers, Power Losses (P=VI=I2R), Phase, Alternate sources of energy (renewable, non-renewable) 2 | Physics (2007) Sample work program 2 (Composite) Course organisation (Year B) Key concept Motion #5 Amusement park rides (context) 30 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 SI units, Scientific Notation, Significant Figures, data logging equipment including infra-red photogates, Limits, Absolute and Relative Error, Precision, Accuracy, Manipulating first- and second-hand data, Graphing, Relationships, Manipulating equations, Linear Regression Measurement (Year 11 content, Year 12 revision content) First-hand data collection and analysis (including use of data logging equipment, software and graphing tools), Average and instantaneous velocity, acceleration (secants and tangents), Resultant forces (including resultant, frictional, normal, gravitational, centripetal), Newton’s laws of motion, 2 D 2 2 Projectile motion, Gravity, free fall and G-force, Kinematics equations (s=ut + 0.5 at , s=vt-0.5at , 2 2 v=u+at, v =u +2as, a=(v-u)/t), Inclined planes, Transfer of energy (GPE and KE) and energy conservation, Work, energy and power relationships (P=E/t), Loss of energy due to opposing forces such as friction and air resistance, Horizontal (uniform) and vertical (non-uniform) circular motion, 2 2 (ac=v /r, Fc=mv /r), momentum, collisions #6 Relativity 25 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 Einstein’s theory of relativity, inertial frames of reference, speed of light, Michelson-Morley 2 2 0.5 experiment, Time dilation (t=t0/(1-v /c ) ), the Earth-Rigel frame of reference, Twin paradox, -2 Astrophysics, Gravitational fields (F=Gm1m2d =mg), Gravitational motion, G-Forces (FN/FW), Kepler’s 3 -2 laws of motion (r .T =constant), Escape velocity, Slingshot effect, Satellite technology, Length 2 2 0.5 2 2 0.5 contraction (l=l0.(1-v /c ) ), Mass increase (m=m0/(1-v /c ) ), Sub atomic particles, The Big Bang #7 Quantum Physics 28 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 Standard quantum theory, Planck’s black body radiation (E=hf), Planck constant, photons, -1 -1 Photoelectric effect (E=hf-W), Compton Effect (p=hf.c =h.λ ) and light pressure, Bohr atom atomic spectra, principal quantum numbers, energy level diagrams, Bohr radius, ground state, Franck-Hertz experiment, spectroscopy, de Broglie’s wavelength, wave equations, fundamental forces, hadrons and leptons, fundamental particles, dark matter #8 Nuclear and Medical Physics 27 1 4 1 2 3 Strong and weak nuclear force, Ionizing particles (α, β, γ) decay, transmutation, strong/weak force, electron, proton, neutron, positron, neutrino; antiparticles, decay rate, activity, half-life, Becquerel, 2 decay series, disintegration constant, radioactive dating, Fission, fusion, mass defect (E=mc ), enriched fuel, moderator, control rods, waste, microscopy techniques, ultrasound, medical isotopes, Absorbed dose, dose equivalent, gray (Gy), quality factor, Sievert (Sv), Scintigraphy, radiopharmaceutical, radiation therapy, X-rays, tomography, MRI, PET Semester 2/4 (55 hours) Semester 1/3 (55 hours) Force Energy Length (hours) Possible content Context Queensland Studies Authority October 2012 | 3 Course assessment plan Year A Semester 2/4 (55 hours) Semester 1/3 (55 hours) Unit Length (hours) Assessment Category Criteria assessed Description #1 Force and Linear motion 27 #1 Supervised Assessment KCU, IP, EC Time allowed Year 11: 90 minutes Time allowed Year 12: 120 minutes Techniques: Short items, practical exercises, paragraph responses, short responses to unseen stimulus materials Access to resources: Closed Conditions: supervised #2 Electricity 28 #2 Extended Experimental Investigation KCU, IP, EC Time allowed: 4 weeks Year 11: 800–1000 words for discussion/conclusion/evaluation/recommendation Year 12: 1000–1500 words for discussion/conclusion/evaluation/recommendation Access to resources: Open Collaboration: Group or individual data collection, individual written scientific report Authentication: Teacher observation, journal (if used), declaration #3 Supervised Assessment KCU, IP, EC Time allowed Year 11: 90 minutes Time allowed Year 12: 120 minutes Techniques: Practical exercises, stimulus response Access to resources: Closed Conditions: Supervised #3 Sight and seeing (context) 28 #4 Supervised Assessment KCU, IP, EC Time allowed Year 11: 90 minutes Time allowed Year 12: 120 minutes Techniques: Practical exercises, paragraph responses, responses to seen stimulus materials Access to resources: Closed, stimulus given one week prior Conditions: Supervised #4 Electromagnetism 27 #5 Supervised Assessment KCU, IP, EC Time allowed Year 11: 90 minutes Time allowed Year 12: 120 minutes Techniques: Short items, practical exercises, paragraph responses Access to resources: Closed Conditions: Supervised 4 | Physics (2007) Sample work program 2 (Composite) Course assessment plan Year B Unit 30 Semester 2/4 (55 hours) Semester 1/3 (55 hours) #5 Amusement Park Rides (context) Length (hours) Assessment Category Criteria assessed Description #6 Supervised Assessment KCU, IP, EC Time allowed Year 11 and Year 12: 90 minutes Techniques: Practical exercises, stimulus response Access to resources: Closed Conditions: Supervised #7 Extended Experimental Investigation KCU, IP, EC Time allowed: 6 weeks Year 11: 800–1000 words for discussion/conclusion/evaluation/recommendation Year 12: 1000–1500 words for discussion/conclusion/evaluation/recommendation Access to resources: Open Collaboration: Group or individual data collection, individual written scientific report Authentication: Teacher observation, journal (if used), declaration #6 Relativity 25 #8 Supervised Assessment KCU, IP, EC Time allowed Year 11: 90 minutes Time allowed Year 12: 120 minutes Techniques: Short items, paragraph responses, practical exercises, short responses to unseen stimulus materials Access to resources: Closed Conditions: Supervised #7 Quantum Physics 28 #9 Supervised Assessment KCU, IP, EC Time allowed Year 11: 90 minutes Time allowed Year 12: 120 minutes Techniques: Practical exercises, paragraph responses Access to resources: Closed Conditions: Supervised #8 Nuclear and Medical Physics 27 #10 Supervised Assessment KCU, IP, EC Time allowed Year 11: 90 minutes Time allowed Year 12: 120 minutes Techniques: Practical exercises, paragraph responses, responses to seen stimulus materials Access to resources: Closed, stimulus given one week prior Conditions: Supervised Queensland Studies Authority October 2012 | 5 Context unit Year A Unit 3: Sight and seeing Time: 28 hours Overview: This unit focuses on the concepts of refraction, lenses and the application of these concepts to optical instruments e.g. binoculars, fibre optics, microscopes, telescopes, cameras. This allows students to investigate a small section of Optometry, by showing how these concepts are used to model and to correct human visual defects. Different types of spectacles and other applications (e.g. single vision lenses, graduated lenses, contact lenses, laser surgery) will be explored. Year 12 learning experiences are in green highlight. Energy Motion Force Key concepts and key ideas Possible content 1.4 1.6 3.1 Colour, spectral distribution Waves 1D - wave types, characteristics (v=λf) (wavelength, period, frequency) transmission, reflection, standing waves, superposition Waves 2-D – water waves, reflection Refraction, diffraction and wave interference Snell’s law (n=sin θi/sin θr), refractive index Total internal reflection, critical angle Dispersion, Light as a wave - Young’s double slit interference (sin θ=n.λ.d-1=X.l-1) Electromagnetic spectrum - frequency, period, EMS Wave-particle duality of light Optical instruments (Transverse waves) Plane and curved mirrors, convex and concave lenses, focal length, lens formula (f-1=u-1+v-1), magnification 6 | Physics (2007) Sample work program 2 (Composite) Possible learning experiences Review of the spectrum and primary colours Recall and interpret the nature of light Recall and interpret the terms: relative refractive index, Snell’s Law, magnification & lens equation, optical power Link and apply the concept of relative refractive index to change in speed of light Analyse and evaluate the complex scientific interrelationship between wave model for light and optical power of lens Link and apply algorithms to calculate unknowns using equations, e.g. Snell’s Law, relative refractive index, lens equation, magnification of lenses, optical power Perform experiments to confirm Snell’s Law and Young’s double slit interference and gather, record and process valid experimental data Present data in various forms, e.g. tabular, graphical Analyse and evaluate interrelationships found in experimental data, e.g. Snell’s Law Link and apply schema in order to construct ray diagrams for lens systems to demonstrate understanding of lens behaviour (Year 12s will attempt more complex and challenging problems) Motion Energy Force Key concepts and key ideas Possible content Possible learning experiences Human eye: lens-cornea system, retina: rods & cones, optic nerve and fovea, dissection of an eye Vision defects Lens maker’s equation Matching lenses to defects e.g. hyperopia, myopia, presbyopia and astigmatism Contact lenses Correction of defects using single vision lenses, graduated lenses, contact lenses, laser surgery Cameras, telescopes (terrestrial, Galilean, projectors and enlargers Microscopes of various types Students will experiment with convex and concave lens systems — they will vary the apertures to reduce chromatic aberration and will examine achromatic lens combinations Link and apply data from ray diagrams in order to generalise lens behaviour (Year 12 will attempt more complex and challenging problems) Explore the lens equation in terms of quantitative data in order to verify it using algorithms Compare and explain functions of various eye components, e.g. retina, rods and cones, optic nerve and fovea Systematically analyse vision defects in terms of eye structures Model lens-cornea function using lens equation including near and far points (Year 12s will attempt more complex and challenging problems) Dissect and identify structures in the cow eyeball Recall and interpret the lens maker’s equation Compare and explain optical power of lens systems from light ray and wave perspective Link and apply algorithms to calculate unknowns using equations, e.g. lens maker’s equation Identify vision defect’s effect on viewing given object and models using appropriate equations. Explore different scenarios in order to devise and predict appropriate lens to correct the defect (Year 12s will attempt more difficult situations) Compare and explain the structure of spectacles and contact lenses with respect to optical power Evaluate the impact of corrective lenses on other dimensions of vision Evaluate the use of different types of optical instruments in various situations, e.g. cameras, telescopes, microscopes, projectors (Year 12s will attempt more complex and challenging situations) Students will dismantle and examine a binocular microscope to appreciate how lens combinations can give a clear, magnified image Queensland Studies Authority October 2012 | 7 Unit 3 assessment: #4 Supervised assessment Time allowed Year 11: 90 minutes Time allowed Year 12: 120 minutes Techniques: Practical exercises, paragraph responses, responses to seen stimulus materials Access to resources: Closed, stimulus given one week prior Conditions: Supervised Criteria assessed: KCU, IP, EC The stimulus material will be a series of articles on different lenses or similar. 8 | Physics (2007) Sample work program 2 (Composite) Context unit Year B Unit 5: Amusement park rides Time: 28 hours Overview: This unit focuses on the variety of energy transfers, applied forces and motion on amusement park rides. Not only are there examples of horizontal motion such as the dodgems and the acceleration ramps (1-D and 2-D momentum, velocity, acceleration, G-Force), but vertical motion as well as uniform circular and non-uniform circular motion as well. The complex roller coasters illustrate each of these types of motion. The transfer of gravitational potential energy to kinetic energy can be examined in terms of the conservation laws, particularly with reference to transfers to ‘non-useful’ forms of energy such as heat and sound as a result of friction. Year 12 learning experiences are in green highlight. Force Energy Motion Key concepts Possible content 1.1 1.2 1.3 2.1 2.2 2.4 3.1 3.2 4.1 1.1 1.2 1.3 2.1 2.2 2.3 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Average and instantaneous velocity, acceleration (secants and tangents) Resultant forces (including resultant, frictional, normal, gravitational, centripetal) Newton’s three laws of motion, friction Gravity, free fall and G-force Simple harmonic motion Kinematics equations 2 • s=ut + 0.5 at 2 • s=vt-0.5at • v=u+at 2 2 • v =u +2as • a=(v-u)/t Possible learning experiences Recall and interpret the terms: velocity, acceleration, resultant forces, Newton’s Laws Link and apply algorithms, concepts, principles, theories and schema to solve complex and challenging problems of average and instantaneous velocity, acceleration and resultant forces (including resultant, frictional, normal, gravitational, centripetal). This may involve inclined planes as well as horizontal and vertical (uniform and non-uniform) circular motion Perform experiments to illustrate linear and circular motion in order to gather, record and process valid data for analysis Link and apply algorithms to calculate the velocity and range of projectiles Link and apply algorithms, concepts, principles, theories and schema to solve complex and challenging problems using kinematics equations in one and two dimensions (Year 12s will attempt more complex and challenging examples) Explore the scenarios involving the transfer of energy (GPE and KE) and energy conservation in falling objects and amusement park rides and justify recommendations Analysis of theme park rides in order to see the energy conversion throughout the rides, e.g. the Tower of Terror at Dreamworld Queensland Studies Authority October 2012 | 9 Motion Energy Force Key concepts Possible content Possible learning experiences Horizontal (uniform) and vertical (nonuniform) circular motion • ac=v2/r • Fc=mv2/r Cambered surfaces, friction Momentum Inclined planes Transfer of energy (GPE and KE) and energy conservation Work, energy and power relationships (P=E/t) Efficiency and simple machines Conservation of mechanical energy Loss of energy due to opposing forces such as friction and air resistance Energy changes and collisions (elastic and inelastic) Compare and explain the loss of energy due to opposing forces such as friction and air resistance and its relationship with conservation of energy Analysis and evaluation of the complex scientific interrelationships of work, energy and power in relation to amusement park rides Explore the power requirements of a roller coaster ride Link and apply algorithms for calculation of momentum, velocity and direction for 2-D collisions using vectors (Year 12s will attempt more complex and challenging examples) Recall and interpret the terms elastic and inelastic collisions Compare and explain elastic and inelastic collisions and identify examples of both in real life situations Use of technology (e.g. stopwatches, clinometers and accelerometers) to gather, record and process primary data and demonstrated use of data logging equipment in the extended experimental investigation Link and apply the concepts of the quantitative and qualitative effects of gravity including free fall and G-Force calculations and apply appropriate algorithms in complex and challenging situations (Year 12s will attempt more complex and challenging examples) Systematically analyse complex and unseen graphical representations of physical data involving amusement park rides to identify relationships within the data Analysis and evaluation of these complex interrelationships 10 | Physics (2007) Sample work program 2 (Composite) Unit 5: Assessment #6 Supervised assessment Time allowed Year 11 and Year 12: 90 minutes Techniques: Practical exercises, stimulus response Access to resources: Closed Conditions: Supervised Criteria assessed: KCU, IP, EC #7 Extended experimental investigation Time allowed: 6 weeks Year 11: 800–1000 words for discussion/conclusion/evaluation/recommendation Year 12: 1000–1500 words for discussion/conclusion/evaluation/recommendation Access to resources: Open Collaboration: Group or individual data collection, individual written scientific report Authentication: Teacher observation, journal (if used), declaration Criteria assessed: KCU, IP, EC Students will conduct an extended experimental investigation with the focus on either linear motion or circular motion. Queensland Studies Authority October 2012 | 11 Coverage of key concepts and key ideas Key concepts Key idea 1.1 1 2 3 1.2 1.3 1.4 Force Energy Motion Unit Unit Unit 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 6 7 2.1 2.2 2.3 12 | Physics (2007) Sample work program 2 (Composite) 2 3 4 5 6 1 1.6 8 1.5 2.4 5 4 7 8 Key concepts Key idea 1 2 3 Force Energy Motion Unit Unit Unit 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 2.5 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2.6 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Queensland Studies Authority October 2012 | 13 Sample Student Profile: Year A then Year B Name: Physics 20__ – 20__ Teacher: Sem Task # Assessment category 1 1 SA 2 EEI 3 SA 4 SA 5 SA 2 KCU Monitoring Interim L of A 3 4 6 SA 7 EEI 8 SA 9 SA Verification Interim L of A 10 SA Exit Exit L of A #1–5 Monitoring, #6–9 Verification, #6–10 Exit 14 | Physics (2007) Sample work program 2 (Composite) IP EC Sample Student Profile: Year B then Year A Name: Physics Sem 1 2 20__ – 20__ Teacher: Task # Assessment category 6 SA 7 EEI 8 SA 9 SA 10 SA KCU IP EC Monitoring Interim L of A 3 4 1 SA 2 EEI 3 SA 4 SA Verification Interim L of A 5 SA Exit Exit L of A #6–10 Monitoring, #1–4 Verification, #1–5 Exit Queensland Studies Authority October 2012 | 15 Queensland Studies Authority 154 Melbourne Street South Brisbane PO Box 307 Spring Hill QLD 4004 Australia T +61 7 3864 0299 F +61 7 3221 2553