NOCN ESOL International Reading Level A1 Beginner Paper BB ESOL International


NOCN ESOL International Reading Level A1 Beginner Paper BB ESOL International
NOCN ESOL International Reading
Level A1 Beginner Paper BB
Sample Examination Task Sheet
ESOL International
Sample English Reading Examination
Level A1 Beginner
Instructions to learners
Check that you have the correct paper.
Please complete the information on your mark sheet.
Use black or blue ink. Do not use a pencil.
You may NOT use a dictionary.
There are 30 questions in this examination.
Answer all the questions.
Record your answers on the mark sheet.
Total marks available: 30
You have 60 minutes to finish the examination.
ESOL Reading Level A1 Beginner Paper BB V1.0
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NOCN ESOL International Reading
Level A1 Beginner Paper BB
Sample Examination Task Sheet
Match the picture with the correct word. Put the answer on the mark sheet.
a. books
b. clock
c. apple
d. eggs
e. shoes
ESOL Reading Level A1 Beginner Paper BB V1.0
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NOCN ESOL International Reading
Level A1 Beginner Paper BB
Sample Examination Task Sheet
Match the picture with the word. Put the answer on the mark sheet.
a. houses
b. cat
c. scales
d. running
e. mouth
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NOCN ESOL International Reading
Level A1 Beginner Paper BB
Sample Examination Task Sheet
Find the correct word to fill the gaps. Put your answer on the mark sheet.
How to make a cup of tea.
11. First, fill the …………… with water.
a. add
b. kettle
12. Next, …… a tea bag in a cup.
c. water
13. Then, add some …… to the cup.
14. After that, pour the boiling …… into the cup.
d. put
e. milk
15. Finally, …… sugar if you want it and stir.
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NOCN ESOL International Reading
Level A1 Beginner Paper BB
Sample Examination Task Sheet
This is about Tim and his family.
Choose the best word that fills in the gap. Put the answer on the mark sheet.
16. Tim is a chef and he works at the local ..................
a. shop
b. library
c. restaurant
d. park
17. He .................. going on holiday with his friends.
a. likes
b. learns
c. looks
d. listens
18. His wife, Jill, works in a bakery. She sells ..................
a. shoes
b. computers
c. clothes
d. cakes
19. His son, Karl, is eight years old and likes playing with a ..................
a. football
b. school
c. jumper
d. TV
20. Their favourite food is curry and ..................
a. raise
b. rice
c. rye
d. ruse
ESOL Reading Level A1 Beginner Paper BB V1.0
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NOCN ESOL International Reading
Level A1 Beginner Paper BB
Sample Examination Task Sheet
Read the text. Answer the questions on your mark sheet.
My name is Julia. I am 14 years’ old. I am still at school. My favourite
lesson is Mathematics. I am very good at it. I want to be a teacher.
At home I like to play on my games console. I like to play sports games
on the games console. I also play games with my little sister, who is
called Maria. She has lots of dolls and likes to pretend she is their
teacher. She gives names to the dolls. She reads books to the dolls.
I have lots of friends. We like to go to town at the weekend. First we go to the music
store. Then we go to the café and have a drink and a cake. Finally we love to look in
clothes shops.
21. What is Julia’s occupation?
b. teacher
shop assistant
d. pupil
22. Which day does Julia go to town?
b. Tuesday
d. Saturday
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NOCN ESOL International Reading
Level A1 Beginner Paper BB
Sample Examination Task Sheet
23. What are her favourite games on the games console?
b. sports
car racing
d. shopping
24. What does she do first in town?
Go to the music store
b. Have a drink and a cake
Look in clothes shops
d. Go to school
25. Why does she go to town?
She wants to play with her sister
b. She wants to look at clothes
She wants to be a teacher
d. She wants to go to school
ESOL Reading Level A1 Beginner Paper BB V1.0
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NOCN ESOL International Reading
Level A1 Beginner Paper BB
Sample Examination Task Sheet
Read the text. Answer the questions on your mark sheet.
Making Cup Cakes
1. Ingredients
100g Self Raising Flour
2 Eggs
100g Butter
100g Sugar
2. How to make them?
Put all the ingredients into a bowl
Mix well for two minutes
Put mixture into cupcake cases
Cook in the oven for 20 minutes at Gas Mark 5
When they are golden brown, take them out of the oven
3. Don’t forget:
Do not open the oven door until the cupcakes are golden brown because
 The cupcakes sink
 They are not ready
26. What is the above text?
Cooking instruction
b. Medicine instruction
Cleaning instruction
d. Washing instruction
27. How do you know they are ready to take out of the oven?
They sink
b. They are hot
They are golden brown
d. You mix them for two minutes
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NOCN ESOL International Reading
Level A1 Beginner Paper BB
Sample Examination Task Sheet
28. Which ingredients do you mix?
The butter and sugar
b. The flour and eggs
The flour, eggs and butter
d. The flour, eggs, butter and sugar
29. For how long do you put them into the oven?
Two minutes
b. Twenty minutes
Five minutes
d. For one hundred minutes
30. The instruction says that you must not open the oven door:
Unless they sink
b. To mix the cupcakes
If they are not golden brown
d. To bake the cupcakes
End of Examination
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NOCN ESOL International Reading
Level A1 Beginner Paper BB
Sample Examination Task Sheet
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