Document 6533016
Document 6533016
The 2008 Preqin Fund of Funds Review - Sample Pages The 2008 Preqin Fund of Funds Review Sample Pages © 2008 Private Equity Intelligence Ltd 1 The 2008 Preqin Fund of Funds Review - Sample Pages Contents: 1. Executive Summary 2. Data Sources 7 13 - Details of our online services 9. Review of the Performance of Fund of Funds - How have fund of funds performed? - Detailed analysis for fund of funds vs. primary funds - Fund of funds benchmark performance 3. Review of Fund of Funds Fundraising Market 17 4. Listings of Funds Closed 2006 - November 2007 31 5. Listings of Fund of Funds Currently Raising 43 11. Profiles for 200 Leading Fund of Funds Managers 6. Fund Raising Outlook for Fund of Funds 51 12. Analysis of LPs in Fund of Funds 10. Fund of Funds as Investors - - Fund of funds coming to market in the next 12 months 7. Fund of Funds Terms Analysis Detailed analysis of fund investments made by fund of funds managers - Who is investing in fund of funds? - Key investor types and locations examined 13. Investors to Watch - - Key terms and conditions 99 335 345 Institutional investors to watch in 2008 67 14. Listings of 250 key LP investors in Fund of Funds - 351 Including detailed investment plans and contact details 15. Index © 2008 Private Equity Intelligence Ltd 89 57 - Typical management fees, terms, carry etc. 8. Fund Terms Listings 75 - Fund of fund managers - LP investors 417 2 Executive Summary Executive Summary In the past few years the popularity of private equity Fig. A: Number and Aggregate Value of Fund of Funds Raised 2003-2007 YTD 140 115 120 fund of funds vehicles has grown dramatically. As fig. 95 100 A shows, the number and aggregate value of fund of funds vehicles achieving a final close rose consistently up until 2006, when a total of 115 funds 80 73 64 60 achieved a final close, raising an aggregate $41bn in commitments. Although at the time of writing there is still one month's worth of further fund closes before 40 41 34 28 22 26 20 7 we have a definite fundraising total for 2007, it is 0 clear that the market is not going to achieve the same high results as in 2006, with a total of $26bn 2003 2004 2005 No of Fund of Funds Raised 2006 2007 YTD Agregate Commitments ($bn) raised by 64 funds as of November 2007. However, historically Q4, and in particular December, is a the road seeking aggregate commitments of $46bn; been predicting. It could be the case that certain strong month for fund of funds fundraising, and it is this has now grown to an unparalleled 165 vehicles investors are waiting to see how events will develop likely that with a number of funds about to reach a seeking an aggregate $53bn in commitments. before making new commitments, and as such fund of funds managers may be finding it hard to achieve final close, fundraising might reach as high as $30 Although investor appetite for fund of funds vehicles the full commitments that they need to achieve a remains high, it is possible that the smaller and less final close on their latest vehicles, and are remaining Although fundraising has slowed somewhat since experienced institutions that traditionally make up a in the market for longer than they might have 2006, the increase in number of new vehicles on the large proportion of fund of funds investors have been anticipated. road has showed no signs of letting up. When The shaken by recent developments in the global credit 2007 Fund of Funds Review was published in markets, and the negative impact on returns within Tthe number of fund of funds on the road which have November 2006 there were a total of 113 vehicles on private equity that some market commentators have already held interim closes certainly suggests that 35bn by year end. © 2008 Private Equity Intelligence Ltd 3 Executive Summary this is the case. A total of 74 funds on the road have they had gained experience of the market in order to However, fund of funds are not only useful for already held interim closes, with the aggregate avoid the double layer of fees that are a feature of smaller and less experienced investors, and such target value of these funds currently standing at fund of funds vehicles. New investors are therefore vehicles have also proved to be valuable for larger $28.5bn - a massive 54% of the total amount being vital in order to ensure that the 'churn' of LPs through investors with more sophisticated private equity sought. With such a large number of funds having this cycle from indirect to direct investments does not programs. The majority of investors in fund of funds held an interim close and therefore being relatively leave new are relatively small in terms of total assets, with 32% far on in their fundraising process, the coming commitments to replace those of older investors that of investors having total assets of less than $1bn. months could see a recovery in fundraising. have chosen the direct route. However, a significant 9% of investors manage fund of fund managers without assets in excess of $50bn. Larger institutions can However, with so many funds now on the road competing with each other for the attention of In section 12, 13 and 14 of this year's Review we utilize focused fund of funds to gain access to potential LPs, the level of competition has never identify the key investors that will be providing capital markets where they may lack the expertise to invest been higher. Only those managers with the most to the industry over the course of 2008. As might be directly, such as fund type specific fund of funds, and focused fundraising strategies, and those managers expected, new and less experienced investors make vehicles focusing on specific geographic markets. able to identify the most promising potential new up the majority of the profiled institutions. Fund of They can also prove useful for LPs who usually entrants to the private equity asset class will be funds are the perfect investment solution for smaller make very large commitments to gain access to successful in closing their funds on target in 2008. LPs as they allow these investors to gain a funds which will only take smaller contributions from balanced, diversified portfolio of private equity their investors, such as smaller mid-market focused There is no doubt that these LPs are out there; new investments when they might lack the capital to funds for example. institutions are continually announcing their first achieve such results themselves. Although a fund of forays into private equity, with many of these new funds vehicle involves an additional layer of fees, The continued success of fund of funds managers as investors choosing to gain exposure via the fund of their use does enable investors with more limited a solution for both smaller investors seeking a funds route. Such investors are essential for the resources to gain access to private equity without diversified portfolio of investments, and for more health of the fund of funds market, as they will the need to recruit investment professionals and experienced managers as an expert in fund replace investors that have previously invested in undertake selection for specific fund types, is reliant upon their private equity through fund of funds vehicles, but themselves. later took the decision to invest in funds directly once © 2008 Private Equity Intelligence Ltd costly due diligence processes ability to provide strong returns to their investors and their ability to pick the best underlying funds. 4 Executive Summary Analysis undertaken for this year's Review shows Fig. B: Split of Underlying Fund Investments made by Fund of Funds Managers sorted by Fund Quartile Ranking that on both charges fund of fund managers are managing to outperform the market benchmarks, and are fulfilling their role as experts in due diligence 13% and manager selection. 31% Q1 Fig. B shows the split of underlying fund investments 25% Q2 made by fund of funds managers into their respective quartiles. This data is based on an Q3 analysis of 2,512 underlying fund investments made Q4 by 78 managers where Preqin holds information on 31% at least 10 sample investments. As the graph shows, fund of funds managers have indeed been successful in identifying the better performing vehicles, with a total of 62% of investments made exceeding the median, and 31% of investments are going to be increasingly competitive in the next quartile manager has only a 9% probability of seeing featuring in the top quartile. Conversely, only 13% of twelve months. The ability of fund of fund managers their follow on fund appearing in the top quartile, and investments featured in the bottom quartile. to demonstrate a good track record is therefore only a 26% chance of their follow on fund even going to be vital if firms are to be successful in their beating the median fund. Such success in manager selection shows that fund fundraising efforts. Our analysis shows that track managers are doing their job effectively, and with record future The 2008 Fund of Funds Review shows which new investors always looking to enter the asset performance, and new LPs need to take careful note managers have provided the best returns to class, they will continue to see fund of funds as a of new investors, and also identifies the best prospects for viable and profitable method of gaining entry to the investments. A first quartile fund of funds manager managers seeking investors for their new vehicles. asset class. However, as there are currently so many has a 53% probability that their follow on fund will Further sections identify which managers are on the managers on the road seeking capital, conditions also feature in the first quartile, while a bottom road, who has recently closed a fund, and who is © 2008 Private Equity Intelligence Ltd past is an excellent performance indicator when of selecting 5 Executive Summary likely to launch a new fundraising in the next twelve months. Also included are detailed profiles for fund of funds managers with individual investment plans for latest vehicles. Further sections include a chapter detailing typical terms and conditions for fund of funds vehicles, with listings showing specific details for actual funds closed in the past two years. Analysis sections on all aspects of the industry detail the latest trends and developments, making the 2008 Fund of Funds Review the most comprehensive source of information available today. We hope you enjoy your copy, and as ever we welcome any feedback and comments that you may have. © 2008 Private Equity Intelligence Ltd 6 Data Sources Data Sources Funds in Market: gives detailed information for over LP Interviews: in addition to the information from 1,200 new funds currently on the road, plus 760 Investor Intelligence, our analysts interviewed over The 2008 Fund of Funds Review has brought funds that have closed during the past year, and 270 LPs during the research for the Review, and together several of Private Equity Intelligence's data over 500 follow-on funds likely to launch during the their responses have given vital insights into their sources to give a unique perspective on the coming 12 months. Complete with details on the investment intentions and hence the prospects for worldwide market for private equity fund of funds. industry and geographic focus of each fund, and the fund of funds market in 2008. These include our market-leading online databases updated daily throughout the year, the database plus significant additional research commissioned provides its many users with an invaluable 'pulse' on GP Interviews: 250 GPs provided us with direct specially for the Review. the global market. feedback on their current and prospective fund raising activities for 2008, giving the most Performance Analyst: gives detailed financial Investor Intelligence: the premier source for LP comprehensive analysis ever undertaken of the information for over 10,000 private equity funds information worldwide, this unique online service has supply of the global fund of funds market. A globally, including net-to-LP performance data for detailed profiles for over 3,700 LPs globally, significant number of GPs also provided us with 3,600 funds. Specifically, the database lists 1,010 including 286 fund of funds managers, complete with access to their fund terms and conditions, for which fund of funds, with performance data for 441. information we are very appreciative. Performance Analyst is a unique resource that has allocations enabled us to analyse some of the key drivers of the investments current The Review is based upon the latest information global fund raising market. These include the investment plans and funds available, and key available as at the time of going to press in aggregate net cash flow that LPs have experienced contacts. GPs, placement agents and secondary December 2007. Private Equity Intelligence will from their private equity programs, and how these specialists use it as a vital resource for their fund continue to monitor the market during the course of net cash flows have varied by fund type and raising, sourcing the year, and to serve clients with our online geography; the 'overhang' of uncalled commitments activities. Being online and updated on a regular information services, publications like the Review, by type and location of fund; and the identities of the basis, Investor Intelligence provides the up-to-date and bespoke research projects. Please contact us if firms that are likely to hit the fund raising market with information that no printed directory can. you have additional information requirements that new follow-on funds during 2006. © 2008 Private Equity Intelligence Ltd on to assets private and investor under equity, GP relations management, previous relationships, and deal fund we can assist you with. 7 Listing of Funds Closed 2006 - November 2007 Fund Name / Firm Name Target Final Close (mn) Close (mn) Close Date Placement Agent Strategy Fund Type Preference 747 Stuyvesant Countries: US (100%) Primary (96%) Buyout (50%) and and Secondary Venture (50%) (4%) Countries: Japan (70%) and Other (30%) Daido Life Insurance, Mitsubishi Corporation Pension Fund and Mizuho Corporate Bank Jan-07 Not Used Primary (80%) Buyout (70%) and and Secondary General Special Sit. (20%) (30%) Regions: Europe (100%) South Yorkshire Pensions Authority 90 EUR Dec-06 Not Used Primary (70%) and Secondary Venture (100%) (30%) Regions: Europe (100%) South Yorkshire Pensions Authority 150 USD 150 USD Jun-06 Not Used Primary (100%) Venture (100%) Countries: US (100%) California Healthcare Foundation 100 USD 100 USD Apr-06 Not Used Buyout (25%) and Venture (75%) Dec-06 Buyout (60%), General Special Sit. (10%), Regions: West Mezzanine (10%) and Europe Venture (20%) London Borough of Hillingdon Pension Fund Jun-07 Buyout (60%), General Special Sit. (10%), Regions: West Mezzanine (10%) and Europe, Global Venture (20%) Baltimore Fire & Police Employees' Retirement System, New Zealand Superannuation Fund, Orange County Employees' Retirement System, Oxfordshire County Council Pension Fund and Teachers' Retirement Allowances Fund Dec-06 Not Used Other (20%), Buyout (40%) and Venture (40%) British Columbia Investment Management Corporation, PNM Resources Pension Fund and UBS Alternative Portfolio Jan-06 Not Used 200 USD 165 USD Jul-07 250 EUR 307 EUR 100 EUR A.I. Capital Japan II Alternative Investment Capital Mitsubishi Corporation Capital Access Capital Partners Access Capital Fund III - Technology Europe Access Capital Partners Accolade Partners II Accolade Partners Actis Umbrella Fund Actis Adams Street Non-US Partnership 2006 432 USD Adams Street Partners Adams Street Non-US Partnership 2007 695 USD Adams Street Partners Adams Street US Partnership 2006 Adams Street Partners Advanced Capital Private Equity II 100 USD 321 USD Dec-06 217 USD Oct-07 Advanced Capital Private Equity Partners Adveq Asia I C.V. Adveq Group © 2008 Private Equity Intelligence Ltd Sample LPs Primary (100%) Buyout (100%) 10 USD 747 Capital Access Capital Fund III - Mid Market Europe Geographic Focus Buyout (60%) and Primary (100%) Venture (40%) Any (25%), Buyout (50%) and Venture (25%) Regions: Asia, CDC Group and SVG Advisers Africa, Pacific Rim Regions: US, North America Regions: Europe (30%), North America (65%) and Other (5%) Regions: Asia (100%) UBS Alternative Portfolio 8 Listing of Funds Currently Raising Fund Name / Firm Name 747 Stuyvesant II 747 Capital Target Closings to Date / Expected Closings (mn) Size (mn) 100 USD First Close: 25 USD (Jun-2007), Final Close (Expected): (Jun-2008) Placement Agent Strategy Not Used Direct (20-20%) Buyout (100%) and Primary (80%) Abbott Capital Private Equity Fund VI Fund Type Preference Buyout (33%), General Special Sit. (33%) and Venture (33%) Abbott Capital Management Adams Street Non-US Partnership 2008 Adams Street US Partnership 2007 Any (20%), Buyout (40%) and Venture (40%) Adams Street Partners Adams Street US Partnership 2008 Advanced Capital Private Equity III Primary and Secondary 100 EUR First Close (Expected): (Nov-2007) Adveq Opportunity II Adveq Group AGF Private Equity Altius Associates Fund of Funds Altius Associates AMA Private Equity Fund of Funds GenSpring Family Offices First Close: 100 EUR (May-2007), Second 350 EUR Close (Expected): (Oct-2007), Final Close (Expected): (Jan-2008) Used but not specified 200 USD Not Used American Securities Capital China Fund American Securities Capital Partners 150 EUR First Close: 77 EUR (Oct-2007) © 2008 Private Equity Intelligence Ltd Not Used Regions: Europe (30%), North America (65%) and Other (5%) Any (100%) Regions: North America (100%) Buyout (100%) Regions: Europe (100%) Regions: North America, Europe Primary (80100%) and Secondary (020%) Buyout (60-70%) Regions: North America Buyout (100%) Regions: West Europe (100%) Regions: Greater China (100%) 50 USD First Close: 30 USD (Nov-2007) 600 USD First Close: 150 USD (Sep-2007), Final Close (Expected): (Mar-2008) Auda Capital V Auda Advisor Associates Regions: North America (100%) Buyout (60%) and Venture (40%) 200 USD Asia Select Capital Growth Fund Monaco Capital Partners Direct, Primary (60-100%) and Secondary 150 USD First Close: 48 USD (Oct-2007) Amanda IV West Amanda Capital Regions: Global (25%) and North America (75%) Regions: North America Adams Street Partners AGF Private Equity Holding Europe V Regions: North America (100%) Regions: Europe, Global Adams Street Partners Advanced Capital Private Equity Partners Geographic Focus Used but not specified Direct, Primary (100%) and Secondary Buyout and Venture Regions: Greater China (50%), Countries: India (50%) Buyout (70-80%), Regions: Europe (50%), Distressed Debt, General Countries: US (50%) Special Sit. and Late Stage 9 Review of the Performance of Fund of Funds sourced by independent sources but some data Fig. 38: Fund of Funds Synthetic IRR come directly from them e.g. marketing materials 40 highlighting relationships with established fund 30 etc. The sourcing of the data may create a bias in this information towards the upper quartiles but we do not believe that this has a great impact. Synthetic IRRs When comparing the performace of different fund of Synthetic Pooled IRR managers, sample investments from their website, 20 10 0 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 -10 -20 funds it is vital to take into consideration the strategy being employed by the manager in question in terms -30 25% Buyout - 75% Venture 100% Venture of fund types. Most managers invest the majority of 75% Buyout - 25% Venture 100% Buyout 50% Buyout - 50% Venture their fund of funds vehicles in buyout and venture funds and usually also have a small allocation to underlying fund types. Ideally each fund of funds fund of funds generally commit to funds over a range other fund types. Certain managers choose to should of vintages, and assumes that each fund of funds concentrate their investments in only one fund type, benchmark reflecting its investment strategy. be examined against a tailor made commits to funds over a three year period, with 50% of commitments made in the first year, 30% in the such as venture, early stage or distressed debt. Whatever the strategy followed, each fund of funds Using extensive cash flow data for 1,500 private second year and 20% in the third year. The graph has a specific weighting between venture, buyout equity funds, Preqin has created a 'synthetic' fund of therefore illustrates how funds with different mixes of and other types of funds. Venture, buyout and other funds benchmark that adapts to any allocation mix underlying fund types should perform if they type of private equity funds have generated different between venture, buyout and other funds. Fig. 38 achieved median performance for its specific mix of average returns, and therefore fund of funds shows the net pooled IRRs generated by the model fund types. For example, a fund of funds with a performance should be measured by taking into for different allocations between the different type of vintage 2000 following an allocation of 75% to account the fund's specific allocation to different funds. The model takes into account the fact that buyouts and 25% to venture should have © 2008 Private Equity Intelligence Ltd 10 Fund of Funds as Investors Fig. 42: Fund of Funds Managers - Regional Breakdown Fig. 43: Attitudes of Fund of Funds Managers to First-Time Funds 9% 11% 15% North America Yes 52% 39% Europe 60% 14% No Consider Asia and Rest of World Spin offs only First-Time Funds A considerable 39% of fund of funds managers are smaller than their counterparts in North America and to be found in Europe. These managers supply Europe; aggregate allocations from this region approximately a quarter of the aggregate committed equate to only a 1% share of the total capital Fund of funds are often seen as an invaluable capital to private equity of this investor group. With allocated to private equity by this investor group as a source of capital to fund managers raising their first €40 management, whole. Managers are distributed around the globe, fund. As fig. 43 shows, 60% of fund of funds Netherlands-based AlpInvest is the third largest from Alternative Investment Capital in Japan, to managers will definitely provide backing to a first- private equity fund of funds manager in the world. Grupo Guayacán in Puerto Rico. Macquarie Funds time fund. Only 14% will not invest in an emerging AlpInvest manages the private equity assets of the Management Group, with over A$50 billion in assets manager, although an additional 11% will not make a two largest Dutch public pension funds, ABP and under management, is the largest private equity fund commitment to a first-time fund unless the team has Pensioenfonds PGGM. of funds manager to be found outside North America spun out of an existing entity. Though on the surface and Europe. The Australian manager currently has banks and corporate investors look to be better billion in assets under The remaining 9% of fund of funds managers are to A$7 billion committed to private equity, 80% of which be found in Asia and the Rest of World region. is through primary commitments to funds and 20% However, these managers are generally much acquired through secondary transactions. © 2008 Private Equity Intelligence Ltd 11 Profiles for 200 Leading Fund of Funds Managers Access Capital Partners Raised (mn): 1,176 EUR Tel: +33 (0)1 56 43 61 00 121, Ave des Champs-Elysées, Paris 75008, France Established: 1999 Fax: +33 (0)1 56 43 61 01 Access Capital Partners (Access) is an independent fund of funds manager specialising in investment in European mid-market buyout funds and technology funds. The firm offers distinct European mid-market buyout fund of funds and technology fund of funds as well as advisory Philippe Poggioli services and can design, implement and manage tailor-made fund investment programmes. Dominique Peninon Access Capital Partners has built relationships with European and North American clients such Agnès Nahum as pension funds, insurance companies, banks and family offices. Cecile Croissant Access Capital Fund II - Mid Market Europe Fund Types: Buyout (70%) and General Special Sit. (30%) Regions: Europe (100%) Strategies: Primary (80%) and Secondary (20%) Invest First-Time Funds: Spin-Offs Fund Investments (Total): 15 to 20 Access Capital Fund II - Technology Europe Fund Types: Venture (100%) Regions: Europe (100%) Strategies: Primary (70%) and Secondary (30%) Invest First-Time Funds: Spin-Offs Access Capital Fund III - Mid Market Europe Fund Types: Buyout (70%) and General Special Sit. (30%) Regions: Europe (100%) Strategies: Primary (80%) and Secondary (20%) Invest First-Time Funds: Spin-Offs Fund Investments (Total): 15 to 20 Access Capital Fund III - Technology Europe Fund Types: Venture (100%) Regions: Europe (100%) Strategies: Primary (70%) and Secondary (30%) Invest First-Time Funds: Spin-Offs Fund Investments (Total): 15 to 20 © 2008 Private Equity Intelligence Ltd Contacts Managing Partner Managing Partner Managing Partner IR & Communication Director Closed: 2001 Access Capital Fund II (ACF II) is divided into two separate fund of funds vehicles, Mid Market Europe and Technology. ACF II Mid Market Europe will primarily invest in mid-market buyout funds although it does have an allocation to special situation and sectorial funds. All funds ACF II Mid Market Europe will commit to will focus exclusively on investment in Europe. Up to 20% of capital could potentially be used in secondary transactions, but such investments will be made on an opportunistic basis. Access Capital Partners will not generally invest in first time funds, unless the team managing the fund has an impressive prior performance track record as a combined entity. Closed: 2001 Access Capital Fund II (ACF II) is divided into two separate fund of funds vehicles, Technology Europe and Mid Market Europe. ACF II Technology Europe will focus 50% of its capital on investment in European early-stage funds and 50% in European late-stage funds. Up to 30% of capital could potentially be used in secondary transactions, but such investments will be made on an opportunistic basis. Access Capital Partners will not generally invest in first time funds, unless the team managing the fund has an impressive prior performance track record as a combined entity. Closed: 2005 Access Capital Fund III (ACF III) is divided into two separate fund of funds vehicles, Mid Market Europe and Technology Europe. ACF III Mid Market Europe will primarily invest in mid-market buyout funds although it does have an allocation to special situation and sectorial funds. All funds ACF III Mid Market Europe will focus exclusively on investment in Europe. Up to 20% of capital could potentially be used in secondary transactions, but such investments will be made on an opportunistic basis. The fund of funds will typically commit approximately EUR 10 - 15 million to any fund and will invest in 15 to 20 funds in total. These funds will provide ACF III Mid Market Europe's investors with exposure to 300 to 400 European privately-held companies across 6 to 8 European countries. Access Capital Partners will not generally invest in first-time funds, unless the team managing the fund has an impressive prior performance track record as a combined entity. Closed: 2006 Access Capital Fund III (ACF III) is divided into two separate fund of funds vehicles, Technology Europe and Mid Market Europe. ACF III Technology Europe will focus investing up to 50% of its capital on investments in European early-stage funds and 50% in European late-stage funds. ACF III may invest up to 30% of capital could potentially be used in secondary transactions, such investments are however made on an opportunistic basis. ACF III will typically commit EUR 10 million to any fund and will invest in 15 to 20 funds in total. These funds will provide ACF III Technology Europe's investors with exposure to 300 to 400 European privately held companies across 6 to 8 European countries. Access Capital Partners will not generally invest in first time funds unless the management team have an impressive track record and history within the industry. 12 Profiles for 200 Leading Fund of Funds Managers Sample Investments Fund Vintage Type Location Size (mn) Vintage Type Location Size (mn) ISIS Equity Partners IV 2007 Buyout UK 238 GBP Fund Perfectis II 2005 Buyout France 122 EUR Litorina Kapital Fund III 2007 Buyout Sweden 150 EUR Sovereign Capital II 2005 Buyout UK 275 GBP 2005 Venture Germany 150 EUR Mercapital Spanish Private Equity Fund III 2007 Buyout Spain 550 EUR Wellington Partners III Technology Fund Reiten & Co Capital Partners VII 2007 Buyout Norway 256 EUR Close Brothers PE Fund VII 2004 Buyout UK 359 GBP TLcom II 2007 Early Stage UK 200 EUR ** MCH Iberian Fund II 2004 Balanced Spain 160 EUR ViewPoint Growth II 2007 Buyout Germany 140 EUR ** Segulah III 2004 Buyout Sweden 21 Centrale Partners III 2006 Buyout France 330 EUR Gresham III Fund 2003 Buyout UK 235 GBP Amadeus and Angels Seed Fund 2006 Early Stage UK 10 GBP Innovacom 5 2003 Early Stage France 120 EUR Chequers Capital XV 2006 Buyout France 600 EUR Northzone IV 2003 Early Stage Norway 78 EUR Gresham IV Fund 2006 Buyout UK 340 GBP Chequers Capital 2002 Buyout France 300 EUR Northzone V 2006 Early Stage Norway 175 EUR European Acquisition Capital Fund III 2002 Buyout UK 225 GBP STAR II 2006 Buyout UK 1,000 USD Langholm Capital Partners 2002 Buyout UK 242 EUR Advent Private Equity Fund IV 2005 Venture UK 128 GBP Nmas 1 2002 Buyout Spain 175 EUR Amadeus III 2005 Venture UK 162 GBP PolyTechnos Venture Fund II 2002 Early Stage Germany 130 EUR Banexi Ventures 4 2005 Early Stage France 130 EUR ACT 2001 Venture Capital Fund 2001 Venture Ireland 170 EUR Carlyle Europe Technology Fund 2005 Buyout US 222 EUR Avlar BioVentures Fund II 2001 Early Stage UK 62 GBP Gilde Buyout Fund III 2005 Buyout Netherlands 600 EUR Close Brothers PE Fund VI 2001 Buyout UK 202 GBP Innkap IV 2005 Venture Sweden 113 EUR Gilde Buyout Fund II 2001 Buyout Netherlands 530 EUR Vintage Status Size (mn) 2,350 SEK Funds Managed Fund Called % Benchmark IRR Distributed (%) DPI Rem. Value (%) RVPI Multiple (X) FOFs Synthetic Date Reported Net IRR (%) Access Capital Fund II - MMBO 2001 Closed 153 EUR 81 50 104 1.54 19.5 12.33 26.41 30-Jun-07 Access Capital Fund II - Technology 2001 Closed 123 EUR 76 16 94 1.1 4.99 12.33 0.67 30-Jun-07 2005 Closed 307 EUR 22.5 15 128 1.43 2006 Closed 90 EUR 20 Access Capital Fund III - Mid Market Europe Access Capital Fund III - Technology Europe © 2008 Private Equity Intelligence Ltd 101 30-Jun-07 30-Jun-07 13 Listings of 250 Key LP Investors in Fund of Funds Bryn Mawr College Endowment Endowment Plan Tel: +1 610 526 5000 101 North Merion Ave., Bryn Mawr, PA 19010-2899, US Bryn Mawr College Endowment is a relatively small investor in private equity and has a target allocation of 5% to the Assets Mgd (mn): asset class. Fund of funds allows the endowment gain exposure to funds that it would not usually have access to. Bryn Mawr College Endowment has a relatively small investment team that benefits from the assistance and extensive knowledge of an experienced fund of funds manager. It has previously invested with Comonfund Capital, a fund of funds manager that was able to offer diversification by geography, strategy and fund manager style. In Q4 2007, it was expected that Bryn Mawr College Endowment would continue to invest in fund of funds in order to John Griffith achieve its target allocation to private equity and expand its investment portfolio. Tijana Stefanovic Jerry Berenson BUSS(Q) Superannuation Scheme CFO Business Analyst Private Pension Fund 1,200 USD P.E. Allocation (mn): 46 USD Niche Emerging Private Equity Manager Fund (2006), ING Private Capital Fund III (2005) Contacts David O'Sullivan CEO Dallas Ezzy Member Services Tel: +49 (0)30 896 01 591 Kurfürstendamm 111-113, Berlin 10711, Germany In April 2006, BVV set aside EUR 170 million for an initial investment in private equity and in March 2007, made two Assets Mgd (mn): private equity fund of funds commitments through two different fund of funds managers. BVV is attracted to fund of funds because this investment route improves the diversification in its investment portfolio and is less labour intensive compared to investing directly into a private equity fund. In 2008, BVV is expected to continue investing in private equity through fund of funds as it is still relatively inexperienced in the asset class, and yet to reach its target Ralph Dieckvoff allocation of 1.5% to the asset class. Rainer Jakubowski © 2008 Private Equity Intelligence Ltd Chief Administrative Officer Fax: +61 (0)7 3217 5212 BUSS(Q) invests a significant proportion of its private equity allocation in fund of funds vehicles. Fund of funds Assets Mgd (mn): managers it has invested with include ING Investment Management (Australia), Sovereign Investment Research, Quay Partners, Wilshire Private Markets Group and Rho Fund Investors. Through its partnerships with these Sample Investments: managers, it has exposure to a variety of different strategies across Australasia, Western Europe and North America. It invests in fund of funds in order to get access to global funds. P.E. Allocation (mn): 14 USD Contacts Tel: +61 (0)7 3369 1111 BUSS(Q) Fund Office, PO Box 902, Spring Hill, Queensland 4004, Australia BVV 751 USD 18,600 EUR P.E. Allocation (mn): Contacts Head of Private Equity CEO Portfolio Management 14 2008 Fund of Funds Review: Order Form The 2008 Fund of Funds Review is the leading source of information and data on private equity fund of funds vehicles available today: • Detailed analysis and comprehensive listings for fund of funds fundraising. • Comprehensive profiles for over 200 fund of funds managers, including sample investments, detailed investment plans for most recent vehicles plus fund by fund performance data for over 300 vehicles, including IRRs and multiples. Extensive analysis on fund performance and GP universe. • Profiles for over 200 investors in fund of funds, plus analysis on latest trends and section on most important investors to watch in 2008. • Analysis and listings on fund of funds fund terms and conditions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2008 Fund of Funds Review Order Form - Please complete and return via fax, email or post I would like to purchase the 2008 Fund of Funds Review: £775 + £10 Shipping $1,495 + $40 Shipping €950 + €25 Shipping $180 + $20 Shipping €115 + €12 Shipping Additional Copies £95 + £5 Shipping (Shipping costs will not exceed a maximum of £15 / $60 / €37 per order) Name: Firm: Job Title: Address: City: Post / Zip Code: Telephone: Email: Country: PAYMENT OPTIONS: Cheque enclosed (please make cheque payable to ‘Private Equity Intelligence’) Credit Card Visa Amex Card Number: Please invoice me Mastercard Expiration Date: Name on Card: Private Equity Intelligence - Fleet House, 8 - 12 New Bridge Street, London, EC4V 6AL w: / e: / t: +44 (0)20 7822 8500 / f: +44 (0)87 0330 5892 or +1 440 445 9595 © 2008 Private Equity Intelligence Ltd. /