Document 6533846
Document 6533846
41I05SE2005 2.20097 POSTER 010 BRAZIL LAKE PROPERTY Assessment report on sample collection an- LOCATION: In the Northwest quarter of the south half of Lot 10, Concession V, Foster Twp. in the Sudbury Mining Division. Within The possible zone of radial dikes related to the Subury Norite body OGS map PI 512, near several past producing copper nickel mine properties OGS map P2602, near several past producing gold mines OGS map 2312, and 4 km. from the 16.2 million tonne fostung tungsten deposit OGS map 2311. ACCESS: West via Hwy 17 from Sudbury for 69 km to Hwy 6 then South for 5 Km then east for 7 Km on the Panache westbay road. At this point turn north onto a dirt road travel two Km to a bridge and an old camp. From here, a 2.5 Km northward foot trail leads to the property. PROPERTY: OWNERSHIP: One unpatented mining claim unit S1214966 in good standing. GEOLOGY: MINERALIZATION: 10007o by Mr. Gordon Salo PO. Box 36, Stn. B. Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. P3E4N3 Phone: 705-866-1437 Fax: 705-866-1684 E-mail: Website: The Merritt-Foster OGS map 2311 shows that the claim is underlain by Espanola Formation limestone and calcareous siltstone intruded by metamorphosed Nipissing Gabbro. Both units strike west and form the south limb of a regional syncline. The Brazil Lake Fault trends north through the property, but appears to have caused minimal vertical or horizontal displacement. The intrusion of Gabbro into the calcareous unit created a skarn-type alteration and quartz veining at the contact. Cobaltite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite and marcasite are present. The cobaltite and pyrite are found mainly in a dolomite tremolite-actinolite skarn zone, while the remaining sulphides are present in a 10 to 15 m wide quartz-carbonate (calcite, ankerite) vein. The vein strikes north with a near vertical dip. It runs for approximately 100 m but is covered by overburden at both ends. One high grade sample taken by K.D. Card of the Ontario Geological Survey in 1984 assayed 9.16 per cent cobalt and 3.56 per cent nickel. The site is well known by mineral collectors through out North America as cubic and pyritohedral cobaltite crystal specimens up to l" (2.5 cm) across have been obtained here. 2.20097 WORK HISTORY: 1954 ? Bullet Mining Co. Magnetometer survey with readings not contoured. 7957 Prosco Mines Ltd. "On the Karl Occurrence" Assays, magnetometer, electromagnetic and geological surveys. 1963 E. J. Maki. "On the smith claims" Three drill holes for a total of 305 feet, Pyrrhotite mineralization noted in the log for one hole. 1969 E. J. Rivers. Stripping and trenching. 7977 Dauphin Iron Mines Co. Ltd 12 drill holes for a total of 3176.5 feet with sulphide mineralization noted in drill logs for all holes. Assay data on one hole for Cu, Ni. 1976 J. J. Billoki Stripping and trenching. 1987 E. Stringer Stripping, trenching and drilling. The above work history was pieced together from a summary within Ontario geological data inventory folio GDIF 147 and OGS open file 5943 page 370. It is interesting to note that there is also an adit on the property that was driven about 27 meters into the main mineralized zone reportedly to mine and extract cobaltite specimens of up to one inch across (2.5cm). No one knows who completed this activity and when, most likely before the 1950's as the assessment files system did not exist before that time. The rock dump resulting from the adits construction has been almost completed picked clean by rock hounds and specimen collectors resulting in material that looks more like a large pile of crushed driveway gravel than larger blast rock from a rock excavation. On the Internet a mineral dealer from Ohio on his Website actually has a cobaltite specimen for sale collected from this property. PRESENT WORK: A fie^ visit was made in an attempt to locate several old trenches and an adit that are reported to be on the property. The adit was found at the end of an old walking trail and about halfway up the side of a steep hill. A large rock dump exists at the mouth of the Adit and old mine workings. The tunnel measures about 2.25 meters wide by 2 me ters high and was driven into the rock face for 9 meters at 55" where it turns slightly and continues for an additional 18 meters at 35" giving it a total distance of about 27 meters (88'). At around 2/3 of the way inside a pile of sulphide bearing rock partially blocks the passageway and above evidence can be seen of a blocked up shaft that at one time may of led to the surface. On the surface immediately above can be found a large rock trench within a quartz vein cutting gabbroic rock and containing massive blocks of sulphides Po, Cpy and Pyrite up to a meter across. This trench that was the largest located on the property contained the only mineralization that seemed to be worth sampling at the time. Several other smaller excavations are located through out the area but are to overgrown and covered with overburden to permit sampling activi ties. Six grab samples were collected from the main trench and shipped to Intertek Testing Services in Val-d'or Quebec for multi element analyses. Tools and equipment used in this project included. A Ford F-250 four wheel drive pickup truck with a flat bed tandem wheeled trailer to transport our Argo 8 wheel drive ATV and numerous small hand tools such as hammer, sledge, grub hoe, shovel, axe etc. RESULTS: The samples assayed highly Anomalous values in the following metals. Samples GS-99-01 GS-99-02 GS-99-03 GS-99-04 GS-99-05 GS-99-06 Palladium 60ppb 156ppb 88ppb 1145ppb 352ppb <lppb Gold Conner 14ppb .11 "/o 14ppb .24 07o 26ppb .43 '/o 570 ppb .20 07o 68ppb 1.63 07o 14 ppb .006 "/o Nickel Cobalt .69 07o .1207o .68 07o .20 07o .57 07o .16 07o .57 07o .54 07o .26 07o .12 "/o .004 07o .006 07o Sample GS-99-01 90% Massive Pyrrhotite sample Very course grained with fragments of wall rock and 2 or 3% chalcopyrite. Sample GS-99-02 Similar to above with 90% Massive Pyrrhotite Very course grained sulphides with fragments of wall rock and 2 or 307o chalcopyrite. Sample GS-99-03 Similar to above with lyVo Massive Pyrrhotite Very course grained sulphides with 2Wo carbonate and 507o chalcopyrite. Sample GS-99-04 Sample composed ofSWo Massive Pyrrhotite Very course grained sulphides with a bluish tarnish, 5007o carbonate and trace chalcopyrite. Sample GS-99-05 Sample composed of 30% Massive Pyrrhotite with 6QP/0 quartz and VP/o chalcopy rite. Sample GS-99-06 Fine grained gabbro collected near main sulphide-quartz-carbonate vein area, no visible sulphides within the sample. REMARKS: Previous operators have sporadically examined this property with some what out dated survey equipment as compared to todays. The diamond drilling activity has most likely tested the obvious mineralized quartz veining on the property and at only shallow depths. No IP geophysical or advanced survey work has yet been performed on the property and tile claims have never been backhoe trenched. The immediate area should definitely be investigated for signs of white albite alteration such a recently discovered zone on the Salo Lac Panache property contains abundant cobaltite proving to be a new type of host for such mineralization. Recent discovery of such alteration has uncovered cobalt mineralization which may indicate the presence of a deposit of potential economic significance. Albitization and associated mineralization appears to follow lithological contacts but it is also known to be spatially related to the regional faults in the area. The discovery of highly anomalous Palladium and Gold values warrants further investigation and prospecting of the gabbroic rocks on the northern half of the claim as well as its contact with the underlying Huronian sediments. The stratigraphy is more complex than previously indicated and lack of exposure makes interpretation and prospecting difficult. The property presents considerable potential for discovery of Cobalt, Nickel Copper, Platinum, Palladium and Gold. OF O 25 SO TS ISO ColieCTi'oO f T (0 p V Jb C* O JIT -i f 2 *A * -r x-* •y a* V tn c (T •5* p - V\ - ^ L to o . - in 5 C? - O) if i - 8 t/) 3 . j: r . \P C CO - \j 0 9 - P i T* * ? 0 7 P Or 2 A t c* 3 ?. > z v -r PA ** ' cy c. •V •} f\ 0 i^ -i (^ TV (T fr M ^T ^ (/l ^ 2 r P x- , 2 0 i i en ^ *^* C^ C- r (n o H 6* 0 ' r r m 0 •C7 2 3? on 0 •ri 1 •y t? Z 0 7C m ^ (/l MR. GORDON SALO 806 CONNAUGHT AVE. P.O. BOX 36, STATION B SUDBURY, ONTARIO P3E 4N3 + fi S?0 8p* p CP ro gLcr S a S. r O p ITS Rapport Lab Geochimie Geochemical Lab Report Intertek Testing Services i REPORT: C99-60714.0 ( COMPLETE ) REFERENCE: SUBMITTED BY: G. SALO DATE RECEIVED: 31 -MAR-99 j CLIENT: MR. GORDON SALO j PROJECT: NONE i DATE j APPROVED i i i i j i 990413 990413 990413 990413 990413 990413 ELEMENT 1 2 3 4 5 6 Au Pt Pd Ag Cu Pb i 990413 7 Zn i 990413 8 Mo NUMBER OF ANALYSES LOUER DETECTION Gold - Fire As.say Plat i run Palladium Silver Copper Lead 6 6 6 6 6 6 1 0.5 1 2 Zinc Molybdenum Nickel Cobalt Cadmium Bismuth 6 6 6 6 6 6 PPB PPM PPM PPM 2 1 1 1 1 5 PPrt PPM PPM PPM PPM PPM HF-HN03-HCL04-HCL HF-HN03-HCL04-HCL HF-HN03-HCL04-HCL HF-HN03-HCL04-HCL HF-HN03-HCL04-HCL HF-HN03-HCL04-HCL INDUC. INDUC. INDUC. INDUC. INDUC. INDUC. HF-HN03-HCL04-HCL HF-HN03-HCL04-HCL ID! IT m m tt m DI 4QMA iT WU* LUUr rLnaPIn 9 10 11 12 Ni Co Cd Bi i i i \ l 990413 990413 990413 990413 990413 14 15 16 17 18 Arsenic Sb Antimony Fe Tot Total Iron Mn Manganese Te Tellurium Ba Barium 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 0.01 5 25 PPM PPH Pa PPM PPM 5 DDU rrn i 990413 i 990413 i 990413 i 990413 i 990413 j 990413 19 20 21 22 23 24 Cr V Sn W La Al 2 2 20 20 5 PPM PPM PPM PPM PPM Aluminum 6 6 6 6 6 6 ! i i l i i 25 26 27 28 29 30 Mg Ca Na K Sr Y Magnesiun Calcium Sodium Potassium Strontium Yttriun 6 6 6 6 6 6 Gallium Lithium Niobiun Scandium 6 6 6 6 6 6 i 990413 31 Ga i 990413 32 Li i 990413 33 Nb i 990413 34 Se i 990413 35 Ta i 990413 36 Ti Tantalum Titanium ELEMENT 990413 37 Zr FIRE ASSAY-DCP FIRE ASSAY-DCP FIRE ASSAY-DCP INDUC. COUP. PLASMA SAMPLE TYPES INDUC. COUP. PLASMA INDUC. COUP. PLASMA ROCK 990413 990413 990413 990413 990413 990413 990413 990413 990413 990413 DATE APPROVED METHOD FIRE ASSAY FIRE ASSAY FIRE ASSAY HF-HN03-HCL04-HCL HF-HN03-HCL04-HCL HF-HN03-HCL04-HCL 1 PPB 5 PPB i i i j Chrome Vanadiun Tin Tungsten Lanthanum EXTRAaiON o.oi 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 pa pa pa PCT pa 1 PPM 5 PPM 10 2 5 5 5 PPM PPM PPM PPM PPM 0.01 Pa COUP. COUP. COUP. COUP. COUP. COUP. COUP. COUP. COUP. COUP. COUP. PLASMA PLASMA PLASMA PLASMA PLASMA HF-HN03-HCL04-HCL INDUC. INDUC. INDUC. INDUC. INDUC. INDUC. COUP. COUP. COUP. COUP. COUP. COUP. PLASMA PLASMA PLASMA PLASMA PLASMA PLASMA HF-HN03-HCL04-HCL HF-HN03-HCL04-HCL HF-HN03-HCL04-HCL HF-HN03-HCL04-HCL HF-HN03-HCL04-HCL HF-HN03-HCL04-HCL INDUC. INDUC. INDUC. INDUC. INDUC. INDUC. COUP. COUP. COUP. COUP. COUP. COUP. PLASMA PLASMA PLASMA PLASMA PLASMA PLASMA HF-HN03-HCL04-HCL HF-HN03-HCL04-HCL HF-HN03-HCL04-Ha HF-HN03-HCL04-HCL HF-HN03-HCL04-HCL HF-HN03-Ha04-Ha INDUC. INDUC. INDUC. INDUC. INDUC. INDUC. COUP. COUP. COUP. COUP. COUP. COUP. PLASMA PLASMA PLASMA PLASMA PLASMA PLASMA HF-KN03-HCL04-HCL HF-HN03-HCL04-HCL HF-HN03-HCL04-HCL HF-HN03-HCL04-HCL HF-HN03-HCL04-HCL HF-HN03-HCL04-HCL HF-HN03-HCL04-HCL HF-KN03-HCL04-HCL LOWER DETEaiON 6 5 PPM SIZE FRACTIONS 6 -150 EXTRACTION HF-HN03-HCL04-HCL NUMBER 6 METHOD INDUC. COUP. PLAS SAMPLE PREPARATIONS NUMBER CRUSH/SPLIT S PULV. PLASMA PLASMA REMARKS: ARSENIC CONCENTRATION MX WILL ENHANCE CADMIUM PLASMA RESULTS. PLASMA PLASMA PLASMA REPORT COPIES TO: 806 CONNAUGHT AVE. INVOICE TO: 806 CONNAUGHT AVE. INDUC. INDUC. INDUC. INDUC. INDUC. HF-HN03-HCL04-HCL NUMBER OF ANALYSES Zirconium NUMBER DATE PRINTED: 13-APR-99 o****************************************************************************** This report must not be reproduced except in full. The data presented in this report is specific to those samples identified under "Sample Nutter" and is applicable only to the samples as received expressed on a dry basis unless otherwise indicated i, *iJ.AHaj.J.l J,** MMKKIHAJ.A ........,..,..........,.................,,.......... ITS - Cbimitec - Bondar Clegg, 1322-B Harriett, Vtl-d'Or, P.Quebec, J9P 3X6, (819) 825-0178 Mi. AiAi mil AiiiA J.J.*lAiiliJ.J.iiA **H liijUiiAiii J, 6 ITS Bondar Clegg CMmitec CLIENT: MR. GORDON SALO REPORT: C99-60714.0 ( COMPLETE ) DATE RECEIVED: 31-MAR-99 Cu |:p|| Zn lit Mi PPM ||| DDtl rrn DDU WWo:-: DDU "m Cd mi GS-99-1 GS-99-2 14 |f|| 60 |t|| 1093 III! 68 ;|:||6901 3 flU 14 fll 156 111 2369 |||| 62 111:6805 GS-99-3 GS-99-4 GS-99-5 26 IHI 88 |||f 4287 ff|l 59 1115724 8 !||| 7 SiSSiS SAMPLE NUMBER GS-99-6 Rapport Lab Geochimie Geochemical Lab Report Intertek Testing Services ELEMENT Au 1||| Pd |X|| UNITS PPB i|| PPB fill ""'""'iii^: frjlV: As |H|Fe Tot DDU BDfeii^ "rn ppJBI;::: DATE PRINTED: 13-APR-99 Illlll HH Cr If! Sn 61 23 11 35 PROJECT: NONE 1 OF 3 Na lil Sr HI Ga 11 Nb B ! Ta DDU'-'DDU DJbitt-' rcSsPPM gPB:: DTT ri* i 690 illM.OO IIIM lHii 8 111*20 iHi ^ mm 1950 li|MO.OO ||!^sH:25 s||^| 33 1863 :S:*ijs*10.00 :s2SS*?*25 ?:^i;i 570 lip 145 pi 2016111: 45 ll|5725 i|f|| 37 llflMoOOO Uli^lO.OO |i|l|||k25 |||| 61 l|f|^20 68 :|i| 352 ||;!16267 ||i 99 fll 2565 111 6 Hi 1805 llfiH0 -00 lliN 111206 lHI 14 i PAGE liil *i ffii so in ITS - Chimitec - Bondar Clegg, 1322-B Hmicaaa, Vil-d'Or, P.Quebec, J9P 3X6, (819) 825-0178 sO.11 .16 ||p2||0.33 p||; imio.i5 mi 1411*10 mi :;|||||2.00 |f|i 62 |||| 14 |||; PPM Zr ITS Xapport Lab Geochimie Intertek Testing Services Geochemical Lab Report ™ PROJECT: NONE : CLIENT: m. GORDON SALO l REPORT: C99-60714.0 ( COMPLETE ) STANDARD NAME ELEMENT UNITS ANALYTICAL BLANK Nurrber of Analyses Mean Value Standard Deviation Accepted Value DATE RECEIVED: 31-MAR-99 Au Illl Pd PPB H|| PPB Ilil PRK;i; Cu iHl Zn iiilii boiis; PPM fiEJBjsPPM (rrH;:; Ni i|ii Cd HI iiiiiiii^ PPM i||||ion TB HvW;:;: x:x;x:x:: <1 nil *2 *i nil <1 mi i li i in 1 III 1 111 ill i lil ^111 *1 111 *i ill *1 i iii in *1- lil lin - ~ xi*i*i 5 Jll : : :vX*x : 5 II v.v.x.SvX ^ ill! 1 ill 1 111 i ill " .v.;.v.;.;Xx. 84 SSBS - m?* Number of Analyses 1 Illl 82|i|| 1 84 111 ~ lill - " -iiiiisS 83 llif •x; : : :*C;X 83 illl mm. - ||f| " iiiixl; " - lil v'xttv'x ill Illl xoi'X-:o Nunber of Analyses Mean Value Standard Deviation Accepted Value 111 ill " ivisii;:; . sgijjjj:;:j - iSvKv': " til?!* 111 - viv'&v1: lvl! 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MMI tlbiljF:-:DDy 1 pcriliiN bbii:::DO*i ffl^rrn m 111 :i 1 11 1 ill 1 3 li i 0.01 III 13 III 2 ^:ii^ m :[:;::ii:;:i::x':::: !:x: :::!::p: •••i-x-x-x- xyXv^x-: vXvXvXv K5 it XvXvX;: ill 155 111 <1 111 1 111 1 ill 1 illl 146 Ii!l41 illl 155 |1| -0 lil : : : :;:::::::::: i^i;iviii:iji v 146 ||||141 iiiii III " Sii^i X';X;X;X •viviv'iv1 : STD GEOCHEM STD 6 1 li sjijigjss! : : : : : : :::::x :: 82 li^JI fill - lil x^.x-x-x-x DCP STANDARD Mean Value Standard Deviation Accepted Value vXxXftX; tl ||| As H i!Fe Tot lilJii Te ^m ncai ''^^ rffl J9& /:v:v::: -; DATE PRINTED: 13-APR-99 siiiii; ITS Intertek Testing Services ifcpport V* Geochimie 01 Geochemical Lab Report i CLIENT: MR. GORDON SALO j REPORT: C99-60714.0 ( COMPLETE ) SAMPLE NUMBER DATE RECEIVED: 31-MAR-99 DATE PRINTED: 13-APR-99 PROJECT: NONE PAGE 3 OF 3 ELEMENT Au UNITS PPB GS-99-5 Duplicate <5 Sifs <5 <5 !li <5 li!! "5 ITS - Chimitec - Bondar Clegg, 1322-B Harricana, Val-d'Or, P.Quebec, J9P 3X6, (819) 825-0178 Dates Worked on Project: March 25, 1999. March 26, 1999. 2 days x 2 workers = 4 days Names and addresses of workers: Gordon Salo Po Box 36 Stn. B Sudbury, Ont. P3E4N3 Peggy Salo Po Box 36 Stn. B Sudbury, Ont. P3E4N3 Ontario Declaration of Assessment Work Performed on Mining Land Transaction Number (office use) wooin. OOP o)s Assessment Bias Research Imaging Mining Act, Subsection 86(2) and 88(3), R.S.0.1990 ^section 65(2) and 66(3) of the Mining Act. Under section 8 o) the Mining Act, thl asment work and correspond with the mining land holder. Questions about thl n Development and Mines. 3rd ROOT. 933 Ramsey Lake Road. Sudbuiy. Ontaifc 41I05SE2005 900 FOSTER 2.20097 Instructions: - For work performed on Crown Lands before recording a claim, use form 0240. - Please type or print in ink. 1. Recorded holder(s) (Attach a list if necessary) Name Client Number \ Telephone Number SALo Address P.O. Fax Number 066- Cllent Number Name ECEIVED Address Telephone Number ^ Fax Number FFR n 2. - following groups for this declaration. Type of workpefformedi-Gheck (*Q n u Geotechnical: prospecting, surveys, assays and work under section 18 (regs) Physical: drilling stripping, trenching and associated assays Work Type Rehabilitation OfficeUse 1 DateeWortt Performed D From 25 D*y 3 l Monih Qlobal Positioning System Data (If available) ... ^*f? | Ye*r 2. Co To D*y Township/Area 7 ' "^ | Month p* Q K, -T" g p MorQ-PlanNumber V \^^? | Yew ~T\JJ P , r "y Gr- i ^\\ Q (1C- Commodity Total S Value of Work Claimed , luOO NTS Reference Mining Division ^/, A jk K Resident Geologist — ^ District ^(jt di bil x j. J. Please remember to: - obtain a work permit from the Ministry of Natural Resources as required; - provide proper notice to surface rights holders before starting work; - complete and attach a Statement of Costs, form 0212; - provide a map showing contiguous mining lands that are linked for assigning work; - include two copies of your technical report. Person or companies who prepared the technical report (Attach a list if necessary) 3. Name Address Name Telephone Number LO Oo e. o. Fax Number Telephone Number Address Fax Number Name Telephone Number Address FaxNumber 4. l 2 .20 Certification by Recorded Holder or Agent G-ofct)Ot^ , do hereby certify that l have personal knowledge of the facts set forth in (PlMNwM) this Declaration of Assessment Work having caused the work to be performed or witnessed the same during or after its completion and, to the best of my knowledge, the annexed report is true. Signature of R nt's Address 0241 (OM7) Zooo. Telephone Number SG Fax N OMT. -Li l 5. Work to be recorded and distributed. Work can only be assigned to claims that are contiguous (adjoining) to the minin land where work was performed, at the time work was performed. A map showing the contiguous link must accompany thi* form. Mining Claim Number. Or If work was done on other eligible mining land, show in this column the location number Indicated on the dalm map. Number of Claim Unit*. For other mining land, list hectares. Value of work performed on this dalm or other mining land. S26,825 eg TB7827 16 ha eg 1234567 12 eg 1234568 2 S 8,892 ^VLWGG ~ — -~ — — l Uoo. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Value of work applied to this dalm. N/A 0 Value of work assigned to other mining claims. Bonk. Value of work to be distributed at a future date S24.000 12,825 S24,000 0 0 S 4,000 0 S4.892 \,Coo. —— — ~ — 7 8 ~ ~ e 10 11 14 — 15 •h. 12 13 1 Column Totals SAUO l,(*oo. (PiMFulNanw) ijSoo. —— —— ., do hereby certify that the above work credits are eligible unck subsection 7 (1) of the Assessment Work Regulation 6/96 for assignment to contiguous claims or for application to the claim where the work was done. Signature olRecorded Hoktewr Agent Authorized In Writing JJorviLs- Si3U^. 6. Date Instruction for cutting back credits that are not approved. Some of the credits claimed in this declaration may be cut back. Please check (*0 in the boxes below to show how you wish to prioritize the deletion of credits: D a D D 1. Credits are to be cut back from the Bank first, followed by option 2 or 3 or 4 as indicated, 2. Credits are to be cut back starting with the claims listed last, working backwards; or 3. Credits are to be cut back equally over all claims listed in this declaration; or 4. Credits are to be cut back as prioritized on the attached appendix or as follows (describe): B .20097 Note: If you have not indicated how your credits are to be deleted, credits will be cut back from the Bank first, followed by option number 2 If necessary. For Office Use Only________*-_______ Received Stamp DECEIVED FEB O 3 2 0241 (03/97) GEOSCIENCE ASSESSMENT OfFICf————— Deemed Approved Date Date Notification Sent Date Approved Total Value of Credit Approved Approved for Recording by Mnlng Recorder (Signature) Ontario Transaction Number (office use) Statement of Costs for Assessment Credit Ministry ol Northern Development and Mines tuoom 000^5 Personal intonnation collected on this form Is obtained under the authority of subsection 6 (1) of the Assessment Work Regulation 6/96. Under section 8 of the Mining Act. this information Is a public record. This Information will be used to review the assessment work and correspond with the mining land holder. Questions about this collection should be directed to a Provincial Mining Recorder, Ministry of Northern Development and Mines, 3rd Floor, 933 Ramsey Lake Road, Sudbury, Ontario. P3E 6B5. Units of work Depending on the type of work, Dst the number of hours/day worked, metres of drilling, kilometres of grid line, number of samples, etc. Work Type \ COS p&eA'vVia ^e-po^X Cost Per Unit of work \ pr-e-pe-AoAvovN, Goo. 00 ?oo. 00 \ So.* e 2. p e r SON* s ^orZX^S'H ec^i Sa.*~p\i'**c Total Cost \ So, 00 Z ^OUMS s Associated Costs (e.g. supplies, mobilization and demobilization). Ar^o ^ ujWeX ^rlvt ATTM 7, ^o-^s F\oA \)-td -\*-**^e-r* v^V-tev 4ra^W4o-VA*!uosp6r M^l-Vi 6Le*^e-*i-V ^Wpp.v-t 0-SSex.^S ^ror (o 4*o S*J^r^i?\-cS. s*c--r.p^ei -Xo Lo^ *^ Qv*,eAoc.c. S*u-^p^e- V?A.^jS | ^\*taaiA** lo.pc, He,aS^vv tlA*^~n^''e*. Ji vi^U'x. \ -l x, Transportation Costs oou Nie.r\*c^^ vniieobc^e, .S o n Gft-s. -SoA FO 0&. ^.^^o u |s.*-o 2- Calculations of Filing Discounts: 1 88.00 z z.*0 2 o. 00 voo. 00 .30 ^^ ^ 2.0. 0 * ^o. <^0 Z S. ** So oe Total Value of Assessment Work FEB 0 3 2000 l so. o0 75.00 l M. 00 2Z. 00 ZD. 00 ATs/. Food and Lodging Costs 1 So. 00 "7 S. 00 ; ff 00. 00 GEOSWEWjf ASSESSMENT OrFICc 1. Work filed within two years of performance is claimed at 10007o of the above Total Value of Assessment Work. 2. If work is filed after two years and up to five years after performance, it can only be claimed at 50"Xo of the Total Value of Assessment Work. If this situation applies to your claims, use the calculation below: TOTAL VALUE OF ASSESSMENT WORK Total $ value of worked claimed. 0.501 Note: Work older than 5 years is not eligible for credit. A recorded holder may be required to verify expenditures claimed in this statement of costs within 45 days of a request for verification and/or correction/clarification. If verification and/or correction/clarification is not made, the Minister may reject all or part of the assessment work submitted. Certification verifying costs: l, G-ofcOofO SALO (please print fulmme) ., do hereby certify, that the amounts shown are as accurate as may reasonably be determined and the costs were incurred while conducting assessment work on the lands Indicated on the accompanying Declaration of Work form as (recorded holder, agent, or state company position with signing authority) . l am authorized to make this certification Signature 0212(0347) 300 9. Date Ministry of Northern Development and Mines Ontario Ministers du Developpement du Nord et des Mines Geoscience Assessment Office 933 Ramsey Lake Road 6th Floor Sudbury, Ontario March 21, 2000 GORDON RICHARD SALO BOX 36, STATION B P3E 6B5 SUDBURY, Ontario P3E-4N3 Telephone: (888) 415-9845 Fax: (877)670-1555 Visit our website at: Dear Sir or Madam: Subject: Transaction Number(s): Submission Number: 2.20097 Status W0070.00025 Approval We have reviewed your Assessment Work submission with the above noted Transaction Number(s). The attached summary page(s) indicate the results of the review. WE RECOMMEND YOU READ THIS SUMMARY FOR THE DETAILS PERTAINING TO YOUR ASSESSMENT WORK. If the status for a transaction is a 45 Day Notice, the summary will outline the reasons for the notice, and any steps you can take to remedy deficiencies. The 90-day deemed approval provision, subsection 6(7) of the Assessment Work Regulation, will no longer be in effect for assessment work which has received a 45 Day Notice. Allowable changes to your credit distribution can be made by contacting the Geoscience Assessment Office within this 45 Day period, otherwise assessment credit will be cut back and distributed as outlined in Section #6 of the Declaration of Assessment work form. Please note any revisions must be submitted in DUPLICATE to the Geoscience Assessment Office, by the response date on the summary. If you have any questions regarding this correspondence, please contact STEVE BENETEAU by e-mail at or by telephone at (705) 670-5855. Yours sincerely, ORIGINAL SIGNED BY Blair Kite Supervisor, Geoscience Assessment Office Mining Lands Section Correspondence ID: 14692 Copy for: Assessment Library Work Report Assessment Results Submission Number: 2.20097 Date Correspondence Sent: March 21, 2000 Transaction Number First Claim Number Township(s) l Area(s) W0070.00025 1214966 FOSTER Assessor:STEVE BENETEAU Status Approval Date Approval March 20, 2000 Section: 9 Prospecting PROSP Correspondence to: Resident Geologist Sudbury, ON Recorded Holder(s) and/or Agent(s): GORDON RICHARD SALO SUDBURY, Ontario Assessment Files Library Sudbury, ON Page: 1 Correspondence ID: 14692 LEGEND HIGHWAY AND ROUTE No. OTHER ROADS TRAILS NAIRN TWP SURVEVFD LINES TOWNSHIPS, BASE LINES, ETC. S. MINING CLAIMS, PARCELS, ETC. UNSURVEYED LINES LOT LINES PARCEL BOUNDARY HINWG CLAIMS ETC. - RAILWAY AND RIGHT OF WAY UTILITY LINES - * *'jl r NON PERENNIAL STREAM FLOODING OR FLOODING RIGHTS $UBOIVISION OR COMPOSITE PLAN RESERVATIONS ORIGINAL SHORELINE MARSH OR MUSKEG WINES TRAVERSE MONUMENf DISPOSITION OF CROWN LANDS TYPE OF DOCUMENT SYMBOL PATENT SURFACE * MINING RIGHTS " .SURFACE RIGHTS ONLY " , MINING RIGHTS ONLY 0 0 Q LFASF, SURFACE 8. MINING RIGHTS " , SURFACE RIGHTS ONLY H *-^- )~ " , MINING RIGHTS ONLY LICENCE Of OCCUPATION **V.* ORDER-IN-COUNCIL Oc RESERVATION g) LaM Marth or Svtmp H Mail S V CANCELLED ® SAND 8, GRAVEL Q LAND USE PERMITS FOR COMMERCIAL TOURISM. OUTPOST CAMPS^ NOTE :MIMNG RIGHTS IN PARCELS WENTED ffOOt TO MAY B 1SM3 VESTED IN OBIGIHUL PATENTEE BV THE PUBLIC LANDS *CT R s O 1B70, C NAP- HO SEC. BS, SUB9CC 1. AREAS WITHDRAWN FROM DISPOSTION M.R.O- - MINING RIGHTS ONLY S.R.O. -SURFACE RIGHTS ONLY H.+S. - MINING AND SURFACE RIGHTS Cewription ^v \ Order No. Date Cfepoailior. (* Fa* *M l M WM WO 41/T* • CAL! 1:30 000 GRID ZONE'17 i w,jr" ~ tJts- 2.1 /f 14 B '- "••""•") l MOTU -t AM v w** eno*m ONTJMD *umn VOL. *r*o MV K iM4 K CON 3 j THE INFORMATION THAT APPEARS ON THIS MAP HAS BEEN COMPILED FROM VARIOUS SOURCES. AND ACCURACY IS NOT GUARANTEED. THOSE WISHING TO STAKE MINING CLAIMS SHOULD CONSULT WITH THE MINING RECORDER MINISTRY OF NORTHERN DEVELOPMENT AND MINES. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON THE STATUS OF THE l AN3S SHOWN HEREON TOWNSHIP FOSTER \ •nr~"\ - ^P ^ ' \ ^ Porcdptw Lot f f' ~n MN.R ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT ESPANOLA MINING DIVISION SUDBURY LAND TITUS/ MECtSTKV DIVISION V SUDBURY Ministryol Natural ' ti CURTIN TWP Brunch Ontario MOVEMBtS , 14*4 41I05SE2005 2.20097 FOSTER 200 M*nag*m*ni 6-3192