SAMPLE Your Health Matters PICC (Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter)
SAMPLE Your Health Matters PICC (Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter)
Physician Referral Service: 888/689-UCSF Your Health Matters PICC (Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter) ea Pl se Your doctor has recommended that you have a PICC (Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter). This may be due to your treatment requiring frequent administration of medications and/or fluids directly into your bloodstream, frequent blood tests, or difficulty gaining other IV access. rf E,M PLents Mocum SrAom D de or What is a PICC? N ia ed O A PICC (Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter) is a type of IV line that is made of soft, flexible material. It is inserted into one of the larger deep veins in your upper inner arm, usually just above the bend of your elbow, and then floated into a large vein above your heart called the Superior Vena Cava. ai M LY d an l: 5/ 41 51 PICC PICC line enters body here 54 Heart 20 4- Illustration taken from CancerHelp UK, the patient information website of Cancer Research UK: Why are PICCs used? • Hydration • IV antibiotics • Chemotherapy • Nutrition • Frequent blood tests ea Pl • Difficult IV access se • Long term IV therapy de or • Blood products (greater than one week up to 1 year) E,M PLents Mocum SrAom D rf Who inserts the PICC? PICCs are placed by specially trained nurses or physicians. Where does the procedure take place? N ia ed O Usually, PICC insertion is done in your hospital room. In certain situations, you will be taken to the Interventional Radiology Suite for this procedure. M LY d an How is the PICC inserted? ai •You will be asked to lie flat in bed and relax with one arm extended out to the side. The inserter will use an ultrasound probe to look at the deep vessels in your upper arm and mark the insertion site. You will be measured for custom fitting of your PICC line. l: 5/ 41 51 20 4- 54 •This is not surgery but it is a sterile procedure, so your arm will be cleaned and prepped and everything will be covered with sterile drapes. 2 •Lidocaine, a local anesthetic, is used to numb the insertion site. The lidocaine can feel like a bee sting and most patients report this as being the most uncomfortable part of the entire procedure. •Much like a regular IV, a needle is used to access the selected vein and is then removed when your PICC line is gently threaded into the vein. A special sensor device may be placed on your chest to help the inserter guide your PICC into position. ea Pl •Once in place, your PICC is secured to your skin with sutures or an adhesive device and covered with a sterile dressing. se •You can expect this procedure to last about 45 minutes to an hour. de or rf E,M PLents Mocum SrAom D •Finally, a chest X-ray will be taken to verify your PICC’s tip position is ok for use. Are there any risks during the insertion? N LY d an How is the PICC removed? ia ed O Possible complications that may occasionally occur during insertion include the following: veins too small, difficulty advancing into proper position due to anatomical issues, arterial puncture, bleeding, nerve irritation, and incorrect tip position. ai M When you no longer need your PICC it will be removed by a specially trained nurse or physician. It will gently be pulled out just like a regular IV and pressure will be held at the insertion site if there is any bleeding. Usually, this simple painless procedure takes a few minutes. l: 5/ 41 51 54 20 4- 3 PICC Line Do’s and Don’ts •Do wash your hands before handling your PICC •Do keep your PICC dressing clean and dry •Do cover your PICC before showering to keep it clean and dry •Do keep connection port(s) capped at all times se ea Pl •Do speak with your nurse or doctor if you have any questions or concerns •Don’t pull your PICC out yourself de or rf E,M PLents Mocum SrAom D •Don’t submerge your PICC in water (no swimming, hot tubs, etc) •Don’t allow blood pressures to be taken over your PICC •Don’t use any pins, scissors, or other sharp objects near your PICC •Don’t engage in strenuous activity or contact sports as your PICC may be damaged or pulled O N ia ed If you are being discharged from the hospital with your PICC, a member of your healthcare team will give you specific instruction on how to care for your PICC and who will be available to help if necessary. Be sure to keep any PICC information you receive with you at all times in case of emergency. The following chart lists some potential problems that may sometimes occur. Please contact your healthcare provider with any further questions. ai M LY d an l: 5/ 41 51 54 20 4- 4 Problem Possible cause What to do and how to avoid the problem •Fever, chills •Infection •Check temperature (normal 37°C or 98.6°F) se ea Pl •Tenderness, •Thrombus redness, or (blood clot) pus at site •Phlebitis •Swelling of (vein arm or at irritation) site •Call IV nurse or doctor •Avoid infection with strict hand washing •Do not push it back in! de or •PICC •Line not properly accidentally comes out secured completely rf E,M PLents Mocum SrAom D •Place a sterile gauze pad on the site and press down firmly until bleeding has stopped (2–5min) •Put sterile transparent dressing over site •Call IV nurse or doctor N ia ed O •Avoid by securing device at all times •Do not push it back in! M LY d an •External •Line has PICC length been increased partially pulled out ai •Place pressure on site if bleeding l: 41 5/ •Keep covered with sterile gauze/dressing 51 54 5 20 •Avoid by securing device at all times 4- •Call IV nurse or doctor •Whooshing sound in ear when flushing •Line may •Stop flushing and have moved clamp the line or migrated •Call IV nurse or doctor •May need X-ray and repositioning or replacement se ea Pl •New sensation in neck, chest, jaw, ear on PICC side when flushing de or •Line may be •Do not forcefully flush! clamped •Ensure clamp is open •Line may be •Check for visible kinks kinked in tubing rf E,M PLents Mocum SrAom D •Difficulty flushing or infusing medication •Line may be •Change caps as clotted directed •Call IV nurse or doctor N ia ed O •Avoid by flushing as directed after each use ai M LY d an l: 5/ 41 51 54 20 4- 6 PICC Information To be filled out by PICC Team member Patient Name: _______________________________________ Date of Insertion:_____________________________________ Inserted by:__________________________________________ se ea Pl PICC Lot #___________________________________________ rf E,M PLents Mocum SrAom D de or Vessel used:_________________________________________ Number of lumens: 1 2 3 Catheter size: 3 4 5 French Catheter trimmed at: _______cm N ed O External catheter length: _______cm ia Arm circumference: _______cm (measured 2cm above PICC insertion site) ai M LY d an l: 5/ 41 51 54 20 4- 7 Access our patient education library online at Notes ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ se ea Pl ______________________________________________________________ de or ______________________________________________________________ rf E,M PLents Mocum SrAom D ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ N ed O ______________________________________________________________ ia ______________________________________________________________ ai M LY d an l: 5/ 41 51 54 20 4SDGEN0270 Rev. 4/10