Effect of Sample Preparation Method on Liquefaction of Sandy Soil
Effect of Sample Preparation Method on Liquefaction of Sandy Soil
Effect of Sample Preparation Method on Liquefaction of Sandy Soil S. R. Pathak Professor & Head, College of Engg. Pune, Shivajinager, Pune, India e-mail: hod.civil@coep.ac.in R. S. Dalvi Assistant Professor, College of Engg. Pune, Shivajinager, Pune, India e-mail: rsd.civil@coep.ac.in ABSTRACT An experimental investigation was carried out on clean sandy soil to gauge its liquefaction potential with different initial density (30%, 40%, 50%, 60% and 70%) and confining pressures (60kPa, 120kPa, and 240kPa). Tests were performed using Triaxial apparatus. Four different methods of sample preparation namely IS Code, wet tamping, moist placement and dry deposition methods were employed to test forty-five samples revealing considerable differences in undrained shearing responses produced under identical conditions of density and confining pressure. Samples prepared by IS code method have a greater resistance to liquefaction while those by moist placement and dry deposition have been found to be potentially liquefiable. Further, liquefaction resistance increases with increase in initial relative density and confining pressure for IS code, wet tamping method and moist placement method of sample preparation. Unstable zone is identified as the region that lies between the confines of effective stress failure line and the peak pore pressure line which is clearly seen in IS code and wet tamping methods, whereas in case of dry deposition and moist placement method effective stress failure line and peak pore pressure line coincide each other. KEYWORDS: sandy soil, liquefaction, density, confining pressure, instability INTRODUCTION Liquefaction of loose sand layers occurs due to sudden increase of pore pressures and corresponding decrease in the effective overburden pressure. Soil liquefaction and ground failures are commonly associated with large earthquakes. The soil loses its strength and behaves like liquid during dynamic loading. This natural phenomenon has been responsible for many damages - 1411 - Vol. 16 [2011], Bund. P 1412 in the world such as, 1964 earthquakes in Niigata, Japan and Alaska, Loma Prieta 1989, Kobe 1995 etc. Literature survey reveals that the main approaches for assessing liquefaction potential are based on analytical models as well as some experimental investigations. Experimental work has been carried out mainly using cyclic triaxial test in addition to few lab tests such as simple triaxial test, shake table test, shear wave velocity test etc. Majority of laboratory tests on granular soils, such as clean sand and gravels are performed on reconstituted specimens because obtaining samples of these materials in their undisturbed state or natural state is very difficult due to lack of ‘cohesion’. Various sample preparation methods have been developed based on moisture condition of the soil (eg. dry, moist and wet), the method of soil placement (e.g. pluviation, spooning or flowing ) and medium through which the soil is placed (e.g. air or water). Various studies have reported that liquefaction resistance of soil is greatly influenced by different sample preparation methods (Vaid et al.,1999, Ishihara 1993, Wood and Yamamuro 1999, Della 2009). According to Vaid et al. (1999), Kuerbis and Vaid (1988) water pluviation method is one of the popular methods of sample preparation. Pluviation in water has been shown to resemble the alluvial deposition process because the fabric that ensues upon water pluviation has been found to be similar to that of the naturally deposited alluvial and hydraulic fill sands. Also, resistance to liquefaction is higher in water pluviation method than dry deposition and moist placement method. Kramer and Seed (1988) also observed that static liquefaction resistance increased with increasing relative density and confining pressure. Since different methods of sample preparation exist (Papadimitriou et al. 2005,Wood et al. 1999 ), four basic methods of sample preparation have been employed in present work to study their effect on liquefaction resistance of sandy soil. Each of the sample preparation methods produce different initial structure of soil thereby changes liquefaction behavior of soil. A detailed laboratory investigation has been presented in the subsequent sections. EXPERIMENTAL WORK Forty five undrained triaxial tests were carried out on clean sand. Four sample preparation methods were used to prepare the sample namely IS code method, wet tamping method, moist placement method and dry deposition method. Material tested All tests carried out in this study have been performed on clean sand, characterized by the physical properties as summarized in Table.1. The clean sand is classified as uniformly graded sand as per I.S. classification. The grain size distribution is as shown in Figure 1. The tests are conducted for different initial relative densities 30%, 40%, 50%, 60% and 70% representing loose, medium and dense conditions and for three confining pressures of 60 kPa, 120 kPa and 240 kPa. Table 1: Properties of sand emax emin 0.90 0.62 γmax kN/m3 16.65 γmin kN/m3 14.20 Gs 2.76 D50 (mm) 0.30 D10 (mm) 0.17 D60 (mm) 0.32 D30 (mm) 0.24 Cu Cc 1.82 1.02 Fines (% ) Vol. 16 [2011], Bund. P 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0.01 1413 0.1 1 10 Figure 1: Grain size distribution curve Sieve Sizes (mm) Figure 1: Grain size Distribution curve Test apparatus The apparatus used to perform isotropically consolidated undrained triaxial compression tests includes: Load frame (Motorized) 50kN capacity, triaxial cell stationary bushing, air water constant pressure system (Capacity 7 Kg/cm2) ,oil water constant pressure system (Capacity 16Kg/cm2) and data acquisition system for recording load, pore pressure and displacement. Method of sample preparation Triaxial tests were performed on cylindrical specimens admeasuring 38 mm diameter by 76mm in height (H/D=2.0). Wet tamping and IS code [IS. 2720 (Part 12)-1981] methods were used to prepare sand samples of initial relative density 30%,40%,50% and 70%. Dry deposition and moist placement methods were used to prepare the samples of 30%, 40%, 50% and 60%. IS code method is essentially similar to water sedimentation method put forth by Ishihara (1993). The sample was prepared by continuous rapid flow of soil in the membrane of triaxial cell filled with water. Wet tamping method used in the present work is different from the procedure laid down by Ishihara (1993) in respect of amount of water added into the soil while preparing the specimen. In this method, a known quantity of sand and water for the desired density was mixed. The mixture was placed in five layers by tamping each layer with the help of a hammer. Both these methods have already been discussed in detail in Pathak and Dalvi (2011). In dry deposition method quantity of dry sand for particular density was placed in the split mould in five equal layers (Figure 2). After each layer tamping was done with the help of specially designed hammer. Calibration was done for number of blows required to achieve the required specimen height. In moist placement method known quantity of sand corresponding to Vol. 16 [2011], Bund. P 1414 particular density and 5 % water content by weight were mixed properly to the desired density and mould was filled in 4 to 5 layers and tamped to the desired density. Figure 2: Photograph of dry deposition method TEST PROCEDURE After the specimens were prepared, porous stone and loading pad were placed and sealed with O-rings. Negative pressure of 25 kPa was applied to the specimens to reduce disturbance during removal of split mould and triaxial cell installation. When the cell was filled with water the negative pressure was removed. The confining pressure of 50kPa was applied to the specimens. In case of dry deposition and moist placement method saturation of the specimens was accomplished by flushing with carbon dioxide for 2-3 minutes after which water was slowly percolated through the specimen from the bottom. ‘B’ value of at least 0.97 was achieved for all the specimens. The cell pressure was then slowly increased to provide the desired effective confining pressure. Each sample was isotropically consolidated and loaded at the same axial strain rate of 1.2mm/min. For each of the effective confining pressure values, readings of load, deformation and pore pressure were recorded using data acquisition system during the tests. The same test procedure was used for conducting tests on various samples prepared by all sample preparation methods. The detailed test program is as given in Table 2. Vol. 16 [2011], Bund. P 1415 Table 2: Test Program Sr.No. 1 Method of sample preparation IS code method (IS) 2 Wet tamping method (WT) 3 Dry deposition method (DD) 4 Moist placement method (MP) Relative density (%) 30 40 60 70 30 40 60 70 30 40 50 60 30 40 50 Confining Pressures (kPa) 60, 110, 220 60, 130, 200 60, 120, 240 70, 140, 240 60, 100, 210 60, 100, 210 60, 110, 210 60, 110, 210 60, 120, 240 60, 130, 200 60, 120, 240 60, 120, 240 60, 120, 240 60, 120, 240 60, 120, 240 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The laboratory investigation in this paper shows the effect of sample preparation method on liquefaction behavior of clean sand. The investigation included total 45 tests on sandy soil at various relative densities and confining pressures. The effect of relative density and confining pressure on liquefaction behavior of the soil in each of the methods of sample preparation has been discussed with the help of graphs in the following sections. Effect of confining pressure Figures 3 (i), (ii) and (iii) display the results of deviator stress vs % strain for different sample preparation methods at confining pressures of 60kPa,120kPa and 240kPa typically for 40% relative density. It is evident from these plots that as the confining pressure increases deviator stress also increases. This is in consonance with the findings of Kramer and Seed (1988), Yamamuro (1997) and Della et al. (2011). All the methods of sample preparation in the present work primarily lead to similar trends, but the maximum value of deviator stress is found to be more in IS code method than the corresponding values in other three methods. Peak value of deviator stress was found to increase from 150kPa to 600kPa for confining pressure of 60 kPa (Figure 3(i)), 200kPa to 850kPa for confining pressure of 120 kPa (Figure 3(ii)) and 200 to 800kPa for confining pressure of 240 kPa (Figure 3(iii)). In case of higher confining pressures (120 and 240 kPa) clear peak has been observed for IS code method and wet tamping method at 6 to 8% of strain. In dry deposition and moist placement method, no specific peak deviator stress has been observed. At higher % strain (20%) steady state has been reached particularly for moist placement method as observed in Figure 3(ii) and (iii). At confining pressure of 240 kPa peak value of deviator stress has been observed to be nearly same Vol. 16 [2011], Bund. P 1416 (800 kPa) for both IS code &wet tamping methods whereas for moist placement and dry deposition methods the value observed is of the order of 200kPa. As peak deviator stress is higher in IS and wet tamping method at higher confining pressure, liquefaction resistance offered by sand is higher than moist placement and dry deposition method. Deviator Stress VS %Strain 700 σ’3=60 kPa Deviator Stress (kPa) 600 500 WT 400 IS 300 MP DD 200 100 0 0 5 10 15 Strain % Figure 3(i): Deviator stress vs % strain for RD=40%. (σ’3=60 kPa ) Vol. 16 [2011], Bund. P 1417 Deviator Stress (kPa) Deviator Stress vs % Strain 900 800 700 σ’3=120 kPa WT 600 500 400 300 IS MP DD 200 100 0 0 10 20 30 Strain % Figure 3(ii): Deviator stress vs % strain for RD=40%. (σ’3=120 kPa ) Deviator Stress VS % Strain 900 Deviator Stress (kPa) 800 σ’3=240 kPa 700 600 WT 500 IS MP 400 DD 300 200 100 0 0 5 10 15 20 Strain % Figure 3(iii): Deviator stress vs % strain for RD=40%.(σ3=240 kPa) Vol. 16 [2011], Bund. P 1418 In the present work out of all four sample preparation methods IS code method has offered higher resistance to liquefaction while lower resistance to liquefaction has been observed in moist placement method. This may be attributed to the amount of water in sample preparation in IS code being much more than that in moist placement method due to which samples are generally more compressible during consolidation than moist placement method. Thus the different method of sample preparation produces different initial fabric under a particular confining pressure. Figure 4 shows effect of confining pressure on the deviator stress at failure for loose state of soil (RD=30%). It is noticed that as the confining pressure increased, peak value of deviator stress at failure is also increased for wet tamping method, IS code method and moist placement method. Thus as effective confining pressure increases, increase in deviator stress is an indication of more liquefaction resistance offered by soil or increase in load carrying capacity of soil. Similar observation was reported by Della (2009). Such behavior has not been observed for dry deposition method. This could be attributed to different soil fabric developed as dry sand is used at the time of sample preparation. Also at higher confining pressure soil sample is more disturbed than lower confining pressure thus may be incapable of carrying load. 1200 Deviator S tress at Failure(kP a) MP Method WT Method 1000 I.S. Code Method 800 DD Method 600 400 200 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Effective Confining Pressure(kPa) Figure 4: Deviator stress at failure vs effective confining pressure.(RD=30%) Effect of relative density The effect of relative density on liquefaction resistance of sand has been shown by plotting effective stress path for different initial relative densities. Figure 5(i) shows a typical p’-q plot for samples prepared by moist placement method at different initial relative densities 30%, 40% and 50% for confining pressure of 240 kPa. The effective mean stress p’ is defined as Vol. 16 [2011], Bund. P 1419 (σ1’+σ3’)/3, while q is given by the difference ((σ1’-σ3’). In case of moist placement method contractive behavior is observed for relative densities of 30% and 40%.However, for relative density of 50% dilative behavior has been observed. As the density changes from loose state towards dense state the resistance to liquefaction has been increased. Figure 5(ii) portrays a p’-q plot with IS code method of sample preparation typically for 240kPa.It is seen that none of the samples indicate contractive nature, implying that identical samples with relative density 30% when prepared with IS code method show the contrast behavior as compared with their counterparts when the moist placement method is employed for sample preparation. Such dilative nature in the water deposited state (under IS code method) may be ascribed to soil grains rolling down into stable positions at lower densities: cf. Terzaghi and Peck (1967) and Been et al. (1988).For wet tamping method contractive nature has been seen for loose state of soil (RD=30%) with lower value of confining pressure (60kPa).In dry deposition method contractive behavior has been observed for 30%, 40% and 50% relative densities (Figure 5(iii)). Thus samples prepared by IS code method showed dilative behavior for all relative densities for all confining pressures. For moist placement and dry deposition method as relative density increases from 30% to 60% soil changes its behavior from contractive to dilative. Moist Placement Method 400 σ3’=240kPa 350 q (kPa) 300 RD=30% 250 RD=40% 200 RD=50% 150 100 50 0 0 100 200 300 p'(kPa) Figure 5(i): p′-q plot for moist placement method. Vol. 16 [2011], Bund. P 1420 IS Method q (kPa) 900 800 σ3’=240kPa 700 600 RD=30% 500 400 RD=40% 300 200 RD=70% RD=60% 100 0 0 200 400 600 800 p' (kPa) Figure 5(ii): p′-q plot for IS code method Dry Deposition Method 300 250 σ3’=240kPa q (kPa) 200 RD=30% 150 RD=40% RD=60% 100 50 0 0 100 200 300 p' (kPa) Figure 5(iii): p′-q plot for dry deposition method. The values of deviator stress at failure for effective confining pressure 240kPa have been plotted for initial relative densities 30, 40, 50, 60 and 70% in Figure 6.It is observed that as the relative density increased, peak value of deviator stress at failure also increased for all sample preparation methods. Similarly, maximum value of deviator stress was reached in case of I.S code method. Samples prepared by dry deposition and moist placement method show nearly the same Vol. 16 [2011], Bund. P 1421 values of peak deviator stress. Thus as the relative densities increase, increased deviator stress values signify more resistance to liquefaction offered by the soil for all sample preparation methods. Kramer and Seed (1988) observed similar behavior for sample prepared using moist placement method. Deviator Stress at Failure (kPa) 1200 MP Method WT Method 1000 I.S Code Method 800 DD Method 600 σ3’=240 kPa 400 200 0 0 20 40 60 80 Relative Density (%) Figure 6: Deviator stress vs relative density Effect of sample preparation method The effect of sample preparation methods on effective stress path typically for 30% relative density and 120 kPa confining pressure has been shown in Figure 7. It is observed that sample prepared by IS code method and wet tamping method is more dense which shows dilative behavior because of amount of water at the time of sample preparation and rolling of soil grains into stable position. While sample prepared by moist placement method and dry deposition method shows contractive behavior. This could be because soil structure developed in these two methods has been comparatively loose than wet tamping and IS code method due to which higher pore pressure has been developed in the sample prepared. These differences in the behavior noted among the four methods of deposition, can be explained by the fact that the molecules of water contained in the structures prepared by moist placement method constitute some macrospores easily compressible at the time of the shearing of the sample and at the same time prevent the grain-grain adhesion from which the tendency of sample is to contract. This trend accelerates the instability of the samples which show a very weak resistance and even provokes the phenomena of liquefaction of the sand for lower densities and low confinement leading to the collapse of the sample. Vol. 16 [2011], Bund. P 1422 Effective Stress path (RD=30%) σ3’=120 kPa 350 300 q (kPa) 250 WT 200 IS 150 DD MP 100 50 0 0 50 100 150 200 p' (kPa) Figure 7: Effect of sample preparation method (Relative density =30% and confining pressure 120kPa) COMPARISON WITH PREVIOUS RESEARCH STUDIES Figures 8 (i) and (ii) show deviator stress vs % strain and excess pore pressure vs % strain respectively for relative density 40% and for confining pressure 240kPa. On the same graph results of Seed et al. (1988) and Lee (1965) have also been plotted. Seed et al. (1988) used moist placement method with 6-8% water content. While Lee (1965) conducted undrained test on soil sample of relative density 38%.It can be seen from both these figures that though the trend of variation is same especially for moist placement and dry deposition method, the values from the present research work are higher than those of the previous researchers. This could be because of the smaller sample size (38mm dia.) used in present work as compared with Seed et al. (1988) and higher effective size (D50)of soil used (0.3mm) than that used by earlier researchers. Vol. 16 [2011], Bund. P 1423 Deviator Stress VS % Strain (RD=40% ) σ3’=240 kPa Deviator Stress (kPa) 900 800 700 WT 600 IS 500 MP 400 DD 300 Seed at al (1988) 200 Lee (1965) 100 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 % Strain Figure 8(i): Deviator Stress vs % Strain (RD=40%) Excess Pore Pressure Vs % Strain (40%) Excess Pore Pressure (kPa) 200 150 σ3’=240 kPa 100 WT 50 IS 0 MP 0 10 20 -50 30 DD Seed et al (1988) MP -100 -150 Strain % Figure 8(ii): Excess Pore Pressure vs % Strain.(RD=40%) Vol. 16 [2011], Bund. P 1424 UNSTABLE ZONE Figures 9 (i) and (ii) illustrate effective stress paths for the moist placement method and wet tamping method, respectively, for all confining pressures typically with the relative density of 40%. In the present work the Mohr Circle at failure for each of the specimens was plotted and from the maximum shear stress value for each of Mohr Circle the p′-q values were deduced, which were then plotted on the p′-q diagram. The straight line joining these points with the origin is thus appropriately termed as the Effective Stress Failure Line, delineated in Figs. 9 (i) and (ii) as Kf line. Corresponding to each peak pore pressure points recorded during the tests, p′-q values obtained are plotted to draw the line passing through origin, which represents the peak pore pressure line. Thus the zone between the effective stress failure line and peak pore pressure line can be regarded as Unstable. Unstable zone in the present study is different than the instability zone proposed by Chu et al. (2003). It is seen from the figures that the unstable zone has been clearly identified in wet tamping method while in case of moist placement method peak pore pressure line and effective stress failure line are identical. This may be because large pore pressure has been developed in moist placement and dry deposition method (due to initial fabric of sample) thereby initiating liquefaction and ultimately failure of soil. However, in IS code and wet tamping method comparatively lesser pore pressure was developed the rearrangement of the soil particle could have taken place in unstable zone and thus dilation of soil was observed instead of liquefaction. It is evident from these observations that the zone between Kf line and peak pore pressure line termed as unstable zone can be effectively used in classifying the liquefaction behavior of soil. It could be stated that the soil samples for which Kf line and peak pore pressure line coincide each other are contractive in nature and those wherein this unstable zone is clearly identifiable show dilative behavior when tested in triaxial test. This behavior moreover depends upon method of sample preparation. Figure 9(i): p′-q plot for moist placement method (RD=40%) Vol. 16 [2011], Bund. P 1425 Figure 9(ii): p′-q plot for wet tamping method (RD=40%) CONCLUSION Consolidated-undrained triaxial tests conducted on clean sand in the present experimental work show dilative behavior for all relative densities under the IS code method of sample preparation as used in this study. However, samples prepared by moist placement and dry deposition method for 30% and 40% relative densities have shown contractive behavior. For all the samples tested in this work deviator stress is found to increase with % strain irrespective of method of sample preparation. However, peak value of deviator stress is higher in IS code method as compared with that of other sample preparation methods. Thus, method of sample preparation plays crucial role in assessing liquefaction behavior of clean sand when tested in undrained triaxial test. It is noticed that liquefaction resistance increases with relative density and confining pressure for all methods of sample preparation. The steady state was achieved and maintained over the greater strain range (20%) for dry deposition and moist placement method. Similarly, higher pore pressure has been developed in dry deposition method and moist placement method. Unstable zone could be clearly identified in case of IS code and wet tamping method indicating dilative behavior whereas it was not identifiable in case of dry deposition and moist placement method, thus showing contractive behavior. REFERENCES 1. 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