q-lon® door seals
q-lon® door seals
01.6675pgs 1-4:7schl40340 qlon pgs 1-4 2/26/08 11:21 AM Page 1 Q-LON DOOR SEALS ® SUPERIOR WEATHER PROTECTION BACKED BY THE SCHLEGEL STORM SHIELD GUARANTEE w w w. s c h l e g e l u s a . c o m We’ve got you covered 01.6675pgs 1-4:7schl40340 qlon pgs 1-4 2/26/08 11:21 AM Page 2 A World of Confidence Q-LON DOOR SEALS l a n o i t i d n o c Un ! e e t n a r a u G TThhee ther ior wea e super noise, provid , dust, fails to , snow in er or ra ev fts, ® Seal binds ra or s, d Do ar to te ON ance a rinks, If a Q-L d resist nd you aks, sh an se le l n it il io r w o protect hlegel wear; way, Sc ld, and y co an t, hea ance in . erform f charge loses p t free o ment se ked. replace s as No question Anywhere. e. im yt An Leverage your selling potential by calling out Q-LON Door Seal quality with the Schlegel Storm Shield Guarantee. Schlegel is the industry leader in world-class weather sealing for entry and patio door systems. Our dedication to quality, customer service and value provides sealing solutions you can trust with 100% confidence. Our Schlegel Q-LON Door Seals stand up to the toughest laboratory tests, and are unconditionally guaranteed to provide a lifetime of superior weather protection–an exclusive assurance of quality that gives your door systems an unsurpassed selling advantage. ntage of To take advatee, write: this guaran ms, Inc. Schlegel Syste 7 P.O. Box 2319 2-3197 w York 1469 Ne r, te es ch Ro GREAT SUPPORT—AND IT’S FREE! In addition, when you join the Schlegel Storm Shield program, we’ll provide you with point-of-sale materials and other promotional tools to help support you and call out the quality of your door systems. It’s simple. And it’s all free when you use genuine Q-LON Door Seals. Proven to stand up to real-world use and abuse for years, and backed by an unconditional guarantee, worldrenowned Q-LON Door Seals offer a world of value to any buyer –and a world-class selling advantage for you. THE APPLIED SCIENCE OF WEATHER SEALING For maximum, long-term performance in real environments, weather seals have to stand up to a variety of torture factors. The most significant of these factors is permanent compression set, or the permanent compression of weather seals caused by heating and cooling pressures exerted by door construction materials. 01.6675pgs 1-4:7schl40340 qlon pgs 1-4 2/26/08 11:21 AM Page 3 ® w w w. s c hsl ce ghel leugs ae.lc.ocmo m term, the reapplication of heat and pressure–which occur in real world conditions–commonly causes these products to soften and permanently deform. This is not the case with thermoset products, such as Schlegel Systems’ Q-LON Door Seals. These products harden by cross-linking to form a permanent threedimensional molecular structure that remains resilient even under extended and repeated exposures to heat and pressure. Because of this, Q-LON Door Seals have proven to be dramatically effective in door systems and superior in virtually every aspect of long-term efficiency. In short, they add world-class durability that benefits everyone from designers to end-users. QEBD 650 Performance so superior it’s guaranteed. Look for the Q-LON® brand name embossed on the skin. Resistance to compression set generally correlates with the type of plastic used in a weather seal. Some weather seals are made from thermoplastics, which are molded through the fusing of resins into a shape that is solidified by cooling. Though effective in the short QDS 650 THERMOPLASTIC PRODUCTS OFTEN WEAR AND DEFORM UNDER REAL-WORLD HEAT AND PRESSURE. Foamed TPE TPE with Slip Coating TPE Magnetic Wear Shrinking Permanently Crushed Brittle Permanent Compression Set 01.6675pgs 1-4:7schl40340 qlon pgs 1-4 2/26/08 11:22 AM Page 4 >9<; >9<; 1<<?@2.9@ 1<<?@2.9@ =R_S\_ZN[PRCR_`b`0\Z]RaVaV\[ =R_S\_ZN[PRCR_`b`0\Z]RaVaV\[ DRNaUR_VgNaV\[2e]\`b_RAR`a DRNaUR_VgNaV\[2e]\`b_RAR`a www.schlegelusa.com www.schlegelusa.com G#BED:EEHI;7BJ;IJI G#BED:EEHI;7BJ;IJI When they have have aa problem…until problem…untilthe thenext nextstorm. storm. Whenaadoor doorseal sealfails, fails,your yourcustomers customers may may not not even even know know they That’s to rigorous rigorous weather weathertesting testingto toensure ensurethat thatthey they That’swhy whySchlegel SchlegelSystems Systemssubjects subjects all all of of its its Q-LON Q-LON seals seals to provide superior, long-term sealing protection under the toughest environmental conditions. provide superior, long-term sealing protection under the toughest environmental conditions. The Thefacts factsspeak speakfor forthemselves. themselves. :EEHI;7B<7?BKH;FE?DJI0 :EEHI;7B<7?BKH;FE?DJI0 Exposed Exposed foam foam degradation. degradation. Film Part failure. failure. Film rips rips easily. easily. Part Film Film faded, faded, cracked; cracked; Film cracking Film visible very brittle, brittle, flakes flakesoff offeasily. easily. visible at 10x. very No No degradation. degradation. Exposed Exposed foam degradation at degradation cut ends. cut 9ECF;J?JEH 9ECF;J?JEH Partstill stillresilient. resilient. Part No Nocracking crackingatat 40x 40xmagnification. magnification. G#BED:EEHI;7B G#BED:EEHI;7B M;7J>;HEC;J;HJ;IJ?D= M;7J>;HEC;J;HJ;IJ?D= State-of-the-art weatherometer State-of-the-art weatherometertesting testingdemonstrates demonstrates conclusively that Q-LON seals outlast conclusively that Q-LON seals outlastand andoutperform outperform competitive seals competitive seals under under identical–and identical–andrealistic–conditions. realistic–conditions. For tough, For tough, high-quality high-quality sealing sealingbacked backedby byextensive extensivetest test results and an unconditional guarantee, nothing results and an unconditional guarantee, nothingadds adds more weather protection value to door systems than more weather protection value to door systems than Q-LON Door Seals. Q-LON Door Seals. Schlegel Systems, Inc. Schlegel Systems, Inc. 1555 Jefferson Road 1555 Jefferson Road Rochester, New York Rochester, New York 14692-3197 14692-3197 800.586.0354 Toll free 800.586.0354 585.427.9993Toll Faxfree 585.427.9993 Fax www.schlegelusa.com www.schlegelusa.com ©Schlegel Systems, Inc. 1/08 ©Schlegel Systems, Inc. 1/08 05.6675Guarantee 2004:Q-LON Guarantee 2004 2/26/08 3:16 PM Page 1 >9<; >9<; 1<<?@2.9@ 1<<?@2.9@ =R_S\_ZN[PRCR_`b`0\Z]RaVaV\[ =R_S\_ZN[PRCR_`b`0\Z]RaVaV\[ DRNaUR_VgNaV\[2e]\`b_RAR`a DRNaUR_VgNaV\[2e]\`b_RAR`a www.schlegelusa.com www.schlegelusa.com 8DBEA:I:HJEEA>:GD;LDGA9"8A6HHL:6I=:GH:6AH6C98DBEDC:CIH 8DBEA:I:HJEEA>:GD;LDGA9"8A6HHL:6I=:GH:6AH6C98DBEDC:CIH M[Wj^[h_pWj_edJ[ijH[ikbji M[Wj^[h_pWj_edJ[ijH[ikbji @PUYRTRY>9<; @PUYRTRY>9<; O;7HED; O;7HED; C@ C@ G#BED G#BED AUR0\Z]RaVaV\[ AUR0\Z]RaVaV\[ 9ECF;J?JEH 9ECF;J?JEH General GeneralAppearance: Appearance: Excellent Excellent Foamdelaminated delaminatedfrom fromliner. liner.40% 40%foam foam Foam degradation degradation ColorChange: Change: Color None None Bleaching Bleaching AmountofofColor ColorChange: Change: Amount None None Slight Slight O;7HJME O;7HJME G#BED G#BED 9ECF;J?JEH 9ECF;J?JEH GeneralAppearance: Appearance: General Less than than 1% 1% Less foam degradation degradation foam at exposed exposed ends ends at only only Foam Foamdelaminated delaminatedfrom fromliner. liner.70% 70%foam foam degradation degradation ColorChange: Change: Color None None Bleaching Bleaching AmountofofColor ColorChange: Change: Amount None None Slight Slight O;7HJ>H;; O;7HJ>H;; G#BED G#BED 9ECF;J?JEH 9ECF;J?JEH General Appearance: General Appearance: Less than 1% Less 1% foamthan degradation foam degradation at exposed ends at exposed ends only only Foam delaminated from liner. 90-95% foam Foam delaminated from liner. 90-95% foam degradation degradation Color Change: Color Change: None None Bleaching Bleaching Amount of Color Change: Amount of Color Change: None None Slight Slight 05.6675Guarantee 2004:Q-LON Guarantee 2004 2/26/08 3:16 PM Page 2 Storm Shield Guarantee ® for Q-LON Door Seals DISCLAIMER: This information is believed accurate by Schlegel Systems, Inc. In no event, however, shall Schlegel Systems have any liability whatsoever for inaccuracies or omissions contained herein. In all cases, details and values should be verified by the customer. These products are covered by various US and foreign patents. © 2008 Schlegel Systems, Inc. 05.6675Guarantee 2004:Q-LON Guarantee 2004 2/26/08 3:16 PM Page 3 The Best Performer in Sealing Doors from Drafts is Q-LON® Door Seal Eliminate drafts and leaks with door systems which include Q-LON door seal. Tests prove that under real world conditions, Q-LON door seal is at the top of its class. Use the top performance of Q-LON door seal in your door, it is the only door seal backed with the “no limits” Storm Shield warranty. Air Infiltration Air Infiltration at 0°F Q-LON Door Seal Closed Cell Foam TPE Magnetic Coated TPE Extruded Elastomer Imitation Product 0.087 cfm/fcp 0.883 cfm/fcp 0.120 cfm/fcp 0.128 cfm/fcp 6.811 cfm/fcp 0.131 cfm/fcp Testing to ASTM 283 “Standard Test Method for Determining the Rate of Air Leakage Through Exterior Windows and Doors under Specified Pressure and Temperature Differences Across the Specimen.” The comparisons above were derived by first testing for air infiltration performance of the virgin seals on a steel entry door. The laboratory-produced benchmarks were compared to air infiltration values for each seal after one complete temperature cycle (70°, 125°, 20°, 0°, -20°, -70°), with the door exterior then cycled a second time and air infiltration measured at 0°F. Results independently certified. Schlegel Systems, Inc. • 1-800-586-0354 • 1-585-427-9993 (fax) • www.schlegelusa.com 05.6675Guarantee 2004:Q-LON Guarantee 2004 2/26/08 3:16 PM Page 4 The Applied Science of Weather Sealing. The most difficult problem in designing windows and doors is to create systems for maximum long-term performance in real-world environments. Ironically, the most important component is the least expensive—weather seals. Torture factors Weatherstripping should perform through the service life of the window or door, sealing out air, water, dust and, noise—in spite of rain, snow, wind, sunlight, daily use and temperature changes. One of the greatest dangers is permanent compression set caused by thermal expansion and contraction of window and door construction materials. Heat expands these materials, which compresses seals. Cooling contracts the materials and releases pressure on the seals, which must spring back into positive contact or lose their effectiveness. The loss of functional height is quick and permanent. Material difference Resistance to compression set is a function of weatherstripping material. These include PVC, polypropylene, TPE and urethane foam. While they are all plastics, designers should be aware of the significant differences between the two main classes: thermoplastic and thermoset. Thermoplastic vs. Thermoset Thermoset products resist compression set better than thermoplastics because of the way each is made. Heat and pressure fuse thermoplastic resins into a shape that is solidified by cooling. But reapplying enough heat and pressure—which occur in real world conditions—softens and deforms them. This is not the case with thermoset products, which harden by cross linking, forming a permanent three dimensional molecular structure. Subsequent heat and pressure cannot soften and deform them. Of course other factors, often determined by window and door design, contribute to sealing performance. Schlegel can offer good guidelines, since we make all types of seals and test hundreds of window and door systems in our fenestration test lab. Is there a cure-all for compression set? No. But one comes close. Schlegel’s Q-LON® weather seals have proven to be dramatically effective in more and more Deformities under real-world window and door systems. These heat and pressure. multi-component seals are composed of a thermoset material core within a tough outer skin. Certified testing and widespread use show them to be superior in virtually every aspect of long-term efficiency. Brittle Most important–to everyone Wear from designers to end users— Q-LON seals demonstrate that the lowest cost component of a window or door system can add the most significant value. For specification assistance, test data and information on any Permanently type of window or door seal, conCrushed Shrinking tact the world’s leading source: Schlegel Systems, Inc. P.O. Box 23197 Rochester, NY 14692 1-800-586-0354 Permanent www.schlegelusa.com Compression Set Schlegel Systems, Inc. • 1-800-586-0354 • 1-585-427-9993 (fax) • www.schlegelusa.com 05.6675Guarantee 2004:Q-LON Guarantee 2004 2/26/08 3:16 PM Page 5 Door Seal Performance Comparison Q-LON Door Seals TPE Plastic Seals Excellent all temperature sealing performance Loss of sealing efficiency at low temperatures. Operates simply and easily Operates okay. Resists paint and varnishes Resists most paints. Stable in sunlight (UV stable) Some light-colored TPE’s will fade. Some compounds degrade in one to three years. Conforms to warped doors due to resilient reach characteristics. Less reach and lower compression means the seal will not conform to warped doors. Retains its shape and resiliency. Continues to perform Corner gaps grow as the seal “relaxes.” Bulb shape flattens and will take a set over time. Long lasting – maintains an attractive appearance. Becomes unsightly. Tacky surface at warm temperatures attracts dirt. Corner gaps over time. Header often sags. Q-LON Magnetic Door Seals Vinyl Magnetic Seals Excellent all temperature sealing performance Loss of sealing efficiency at low temperatures. Operates simply and easily Difficult to open and close. Resists paint and varnishes Paint sticks to vinyl. Oil based paints speed up plasticizer migration. Stable in sunlight (UV stable) Minimum performance. Superior reach accommodates door warping to provide continuous sealing under extreme conditions. Can not conform to shape of warped door, producing significant loss of sealing effectiveness. Retains its shape and resiliency. Continues to perform Plasticizer migration causes seal to crack and become brittle. Bulb shape flattens over time. Long lasting – maintains an attractive appearance. Becomes unsightly. Once plasticizer migration starts, dirt sticks to seal. Yellows. Corner gaps over time. Header often sags. Schlegel Systems, Inc. • 1-800-586-0354 • 1-585-427-9993 (fax) • www.schlegelusa.com 05.6675Guarantee 2004:Q-LON Guarantee 2004 2/26/08 3:16 PM Page 6 What’s the Difference Between Q-LON® Door Seals and Other Door Seals? ® Q-LON Open Cell Foam Technology vs. Closed Cell Foam Unlike Q-LON open cell foam, closed cell foam with thermoplastic skin gets sticky due to the escape of environmentally unsafe gas, which can cause operating problems. Because closed cell seals are made from thermoplastic material, they break down under the same forces of heat and pressure from which they were created. That’s why they take a compression set when exposed to heat. Dark colored entry doors and storm doors absorb heat which can easily raise the surface temperature of the door to over 140 degrees. As they age, closed cell foam seals take a compression set and become unable to fill the whole gap between door and jamb. This failure leads to drafts - and more callbacks. In testing, after 6,670 hours (cycled at 4 hours @ 76°F [24.4°C] and 4 hours @ 40°F [4.4°C]), closed cell foam became stiff and failed to recover after being compressed. The Q-LON Door Seal after the same test remained soft and resilient, easily able to fill the gaps in doors. ® And then there’s shrinkage. Some seals on the market have liners with a weak UV stabilizer, which makes the liner deteriorate quickly in sun and heat, causing the seal to shrink. When we tested an exterior door unit made by a leading manufacturer, we found jamb sections of the installed seal (NOT ours!) to be as much as 3/4" shorter, leaving huge gaps in the corners. Another seal was tested using a weatherometer, cycling at 4 hours @ 76°F [24.4°C] and 4 hours @ 40°F [4.4°C]). After 1,116 hours, the seal was cracking and nonfunctional. This is the same test in which the Q-LON Seal remained in great shape after 6,670 hours. AVERAGE TEST VALUES FOR Q-LON AND OTHER DOOR SEALS LINEAL SHRINKAGE % Q-LON Performance Q-LON door seals 0.10 Q-LON is… Knock-off door seals 1.10 11.0 times better TPE magnetic seals 0.40 4.0 times better Schlegel Systems, Inc. • 1-800-586-0354 • 1-585-427-9993 (fax) • www.schlegelusa.com 05.6675Guarantee 2004:Q-LON Guarantee 2004 2/26/08 3:16 PM Page 7 Q-LON® Fire Rated Door Seals Q-LON door seals have been the quality choice for door seal for over 20 years. Durable, UV-resistant, polyethylene cladding in a variety of colors is permanently bonded to resilient urethane foam to make seals that compensate for out-of-square installations. We guarantee performance to the homeowner with Schlegel’s Storm Shield Guarantee, a no questions asked warranty. Contact your Schlegel Systems representative today for samples and test reports which show how our seals meet or exceed industry standards, as well as information on the Storm Shield Guarantee. 45 minutes CL ASSIFIED .570" (14.5mm) REACH ® *QEB-M570 90 minutes CL ASSIFIED .670" (17.0mm) REACH .670" (17.0mm) REACH *QDS-M670 .385" (9.8 mm) REACH *QEBD-M670 .650" (16.5mm) REACH ® .825" (20.9mm) REACH QDS-375 .650" (16.5 mm) REACH .740" (18.8mm) REACH QEBD-650 QEBD-825 QEBD-730 QDS-650 180 minutes CL ASSIFIED ® 1.313" (33.4mm) .385" (9.8mm) REACH .218" (5.5mm) QFS-375 1.688" (42.9mm) *Q-LON Corner Seal When used with metal jambs .512" (13.0mm) REACH QEBD-500 .407" (10.3mm) 1.750" (44.5mm) .375" (9.5mm) When you need fire rated profiles to meet safety requirements, look to Schlegel Systems for a wide choice of door seals. All Schlegel’s Gasketing and Edge Sealing Materials for Fire Doors have been positive pressure tested for both categories H and J (*indicates a positive pressure tested rating for Category J only, not H. All others are rated for both H and J). Category H Edge Sealing System and Category J Gasketing for use with Category B wood doors rated 20 minutes fire tested without hose stream and Category B wood and plastic-covered composite doors rated up to 90 minutes. Also for use with Listed steel frames and/or Classified steel covered composite, hollow metal doors rated up to 3 hours. These seals comply with the requirements of Underwriters laboratories UL 10C and UBC 7-2-97, GVYI, file #R14384. Seals Also meet standards for GVWZ and GVWZ7 (Canada) for neutral pressure. Schlegel Systems, Inc. • 1-800-586-0354 • 1-585-427-9993 (fax) • www.schlegelusa.com 05.6675Guarantee 2004:Q-LON Guarantee 2004 FAQ 2/26/08 3:16 PM Page 8 Are Q-LON Door Seals… …UV resistant? Of course. Tested up to 5,000 Kj/m2 with no visible degradation (higher than the industry standard). …Solvent resistant? Yes, both the liner and the foam. …Fire-rated? Yes. Q-LON Door Seals are UL rated. Underwriters Laboratories test criteria UL 10C and UBC 7-2-97, GVYI, file #R14384. …Long-lasting? Yes. For the life of the door. Q-LON Door Seals have been used since the early 1970s, and we have never seen nor heard of a significant problem in the field. Storm Shield Guarantee Program Our Storm Shield Guarantee Program has, since 1990, been a very welcomed P.O.S. tool for door manufacturers. Schlegel System’s “no questions asked” replacement program provides a value-added feature that homeowners look for in their purchase process. At the back of this manual is a copy of the Door Seal Guarantee Certificate. Underwriters Laboratories and UL are registered trademarks of Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. Schlegel Systems, Inc. • 1-800-586-0354 • 1-585-427-9993 (fax) • www.schlegelusa.com 05.6675Guarantee 2004:Q-LON Guarantee 2004 FAQ 2/26/08 3:17 PM Page 9 Do Q-LON Door Seals Resist Compression Set? Q-LON Door Seals are made to fight compression set under real world conditions. Thermal expansion and contraction in doors, which occurs as the result of seasonal and daily temperature swings, causes most other seals to become permanently deformed. The leaf action and thermoset urethane foam construction of Q-LON Door Seals resists compression set. What BENEFIT does this give to your customer? DURABLE seal which maintains contact A with the door, yielding lower air infiltration and resulting in reduced call backs and happier customers. FEWER DRAFTS The proof is found in: • Thermal testing • Years of complaint-free field use Try freezing a piece of Q-LON door seal yourself. You will see that the part stays soft and resilient, even in your freezer. AVERAGE TEST VALUES FOR Q-LON AND OTHER DOOR SEALS Compression Set % Q-LON Performance Q-LON door seals 5 Q-LON is… Knock-off door seals 17 3.4 times better Closed-cell foam seals 13 2.6 times better TPE compression seals 25 5.0 times better TPE magnetic seals 50 10.0 times better Schlegel Systems, Inc. • 1-800-586-0354 • 1-585-427-9993 (fax) • www.schlegelusa.com 05.6675Guarantee 2004:Q-LON Guarantee 2004 FAQ 2/26/08 3:17 PM Page 10 What is the Thermal Performance of Q-LON Door Seal? The BEST there is. Q-LON Door Seal absolutely outshines any other door weather strips we’ve ever tested. (And we’ve tested them all.) Comparative test data and test reports are available on request. Q-LON Door Seals are outstanding performers in thermal cycling tests. Thermal testing involves exposing a door to temperature cycles ranging from 140°F (60°C) down to -20°F (-28.9°C). This testing simulates seasonal changes, essentially accelerating the service life of the door to measure the performance of its components. We strongly recommend a test of your doors in our fenestration test lab so you can see the Q-LON Door Seal advantage for yourself. Look for the Q-LON name. Q-LON is embossed lightly on the durable outer skin to be certain your jambs have the genuine performer. ® Schlegel Systems, Inc. • 1-800-586-0354 • 1-585-427-9993 (fax) • www.schlegelusa.com 05.6675Guarantee 2004:Q-LON Guarantee 2004 FAQ 2/26/08 3:17 PM Page 11 Do Q-LON Door Seals Absorb Water? Compressed: No Uncompressed: Very, very little. And besides, this has no impact on performance. When we created Q-LON Door Seal, we wanted the best possible resistance to compression set (memory). Materials research led to open cell thermoset foam, which takes its shape through an environmentally safe chemical reaction which occurs during the manufacturing process. We believe our customers’ performance requirements for superior door sealing, memory, and resistance to shrinkage is the important factor. And we stand behind Q-LON Door Seals with our “no questions, no fine print, no limits” warranty. Even closed cell foam absorbs water. Closed cell foam is like masses of tiny inflated balloons. While these balloons do initially resist water infiltration, their cellular structure is such that they break down and flatten over time and usage. And when the balloons break, memory is gone, and water can be absorbed. Closed cell foam’s initial resistance to water is of little value compared to the ability of Q-LON Door Seal to seal gaps from air infiltration over the life of the door. Q-LON DOOR SEAL TEST DATA Water Infiltration: Passed water penetration tests at 25 mph (40km/h) and 34 mph (55km/h) ASTM E-331 standard test method. Water Absorption: No visible effects in degradation; water absorption negligible after being submerged in water for 24 hours and then exposed to -30˚F (-34˚C) for one week. Compressed 50% upon removal from the freezer. (Tested at Schlegel Testing Laboratories.) Schlegel Systems, Inc. • 1-800-586-0354 • 1-585-427-9993 (fax) • www.schlegelusa.com 05.6675Guarantee 2004:Q-LON Guarantee 2004 FAQ 2/26/08 3:17 PM Page 12 What’s the Difference Between TPE Plastic Magnetic Seals and Q-LON Magnetic Door Seals? Q-LON Magnetic Door Seals offer unparalleled performance in sealing steel doors. Most TPE magnetic seals are made from low performance elastomers which flatten and can lose their memory quickly – often in less than a year. Q-LON Magnetic Door Seals however, combine the magnetic sealing you want with the quality you expect from Q-LON Door Seals. You won’t need to worry about memory loss or performance problems. TPE magnetic seals do not conform well to the contours of the door. This is even more of a problem when the door is improperly hung, or the door opening is out of square. And it’s a huge problem in cold temperatures, when steel doors typically contract and warp. Flexible, resilient Q-LON Magnetic Door Seals, on the other hand, are designed with enough reach to seal in the coldest weather – year after year after year. Schlegel Systems, Inc. • 1-800-586-0354 • 1-585-427-9993 (fax) • www.schlegelusa.com 05.6675Guarantee 2004:Q-LON Guarantee 2004 FAQ 2/26/08 3:17 PM Page 13 What is the Recommended Gap Between the Stop and Face for Q-LON Door Seals? For a ® 2-1/8" rabbet application, the distance should be 3/8" to 5/16". Use QDS-650, QEBD-650, QEBD-730, QEBD-825, or QDST-675 Q-LON Door Seals, depending on your application. QDS-650 QEBD-650 QEBD-730 QEBD-825 QDST-675 For magnetic sealing applications, use QEB-M570, QDS-M670, or QEBD-M670 Q-LON Magnetic Door Seals. QEB-M570 QDS-M670 QEBD-M670 1-15/16" rabbet application, the distance should be in the range For a of 3/16" to 1/4". ® Use the QEBD-500 or QDS-375 Q-LON Door Seal. QEBD-500 NOTE: QDS-375 These measurements are based on a door panel thickness of 1-3/4". Contact the Schlegel Fenestration Lab for information on other door panel widths. Schlegel Systems, Inc. • 1-800-586-0354 • 1-585-427-9993 (fax) • www.schlegelusa.com 05.6675Guarantee 2004:Q-LON Guarantee 2004 FAQ 2/26/08 3:17 PM Page 14 What Colors and Lengths are Available for Q-LON Door Seals? Color Selection: Black, Bronze, White, Beige Lengths: Q-LON Door Seals are sold in all the common lineal lengths, including 37", 82", 86", 97" and 144". Our cut length tolerance is ±1". Custom Lengths: We can also produce custom lengths based on your requirements. Contact your SCHLEGEL Sales Representative for more information. Schlegel Systems, Inc. • 1-800-586-0354 • 1-585-427-9993 (fax) • www.schlegelusa.com 05.6675Guarantee 2004:Q-LON Guarantee 2004 FAQ 2/26/08 3:17 PM Page 15 Does the Q-LON Door Seal Accommodate Kerf Variations? If you find that the QDS 650 Q-LON Door Seal can be pulled out easily, do the following: • QDS 650 Remove the Q-LON Door Seal from the kerf and measure the width of the kerf insert area. This width should measure between .125" and .135", which is our specification. • When this dimension approaches .135", we suggest specifying a 1/8" kerf with the jamb supplier. • Or consider using QEBD 650. Our high performance door seal, that fits a wide range of kerfs from .120” to .150”. Schlegel Systems, Inc. • 1-800-586-0354 • 1-585-427-9993 (fax) • www.schlegelusa.com 05.6675Guarantee 2004:Q-LON Guarantee 2004 FAQ 2/26/08 3:17 PM Page 16 How is the Q-LON Door Seal Installed at the Jamb Corners? Schlegel recommends that the header piece of the door seal be miter cut over the jamb piece. Or miter cut the jamb piece over the header. The miter joint seals better for lower air infiltration and fewer drafts. The objective is to square-cut one section so that the adjoining mitered piece will overlap. Header Jamb Miter Joint Schlegel Systems, Inc. • 1-800-586-0354 • 1-585-427-9993 (fax) • www.schlegelusa.com 05.6675Guarantee 2004:Q-LON Guarantee 2004 FAQ 2/26/08 3:17 PM Page 17 When Do I Need Corner Seals? Q-LON Corner Seals are used to seal the ends of the door bottom to provide a continuous perimeter seal. Corner Seals are made of the same high-quality foam and liner as our Q-LON Door Seals. Schlegel Systems, Inc. • 1-800-586-0354 • 1-585-427-9993 (fax) • www.schlegelusa.com 05.6675Guarantee 2004:Q-LON Guarantee 2004 FAQ 2/26/08 3:17 PM Page 18 What Do I Do If My Customer Has Hinge Bind Problems? If you encounter hinge bind problems with the Q-LON Door Seal, look for one of the following conditions: 1. The rabbit size may have been made too small, either in the jamb molding or in the hinge location. See FAQ “What is the Recommended Gap Between the Stop and Face for Q-LON Door Seals” for alternative profiles. 2. The hinge rabbets may be positioned incorrectly, either on the door panel or the door jamb. Hinge placement is key to providing the proper sealing reveal when the door is closed and locked. In this case, the hinges may need to be reset in the door or jamb. 3. The door panel may exceed 1-3/4" in width. Contact the Schlegel Fenestration Lab for product application assistance. After checking these conditions and if they cannot be corrected, check the profile spec sheets for alternative profiles. For a sealing gap less than 3/8" use QEBD-500. For a sealing gap larger than 3/8" use QEBD-825. Schlegel Systems, Inc. • 1-800-586-0354 • 1-585-427-9993 (fax) • www.schlegelusa.com 023.6675profiles:7schl40340 Schlegel profiles 2/26/08 3:24 PM Page 1 PROFILES 023.6675profiles:7schl40340 Schlegel profiles 2/26/08 3:24 PM Page 2 023.6675profiles:7schl40340 Schlegel profiles DOOR SEAL 2/26/08 3:24 PM Page 3 S U R FA C E ® Q-LON QDS 375 DOOR SEAL (ADHESIVE BACKED) SUPERIOR WEATHER PROTECTION BACKED BY THE SCHLEGEL STORM SHIELD GUARANTEE QDS 375 PRODUCT APPLICATIONS Compression Seal/Swing Door MATERIAL Polyethylene Clad Urethane Foam STOP WIDTH .500" (12.7mm) COMPRESSION Recommended 50% Minimum 20% Maximum 60% COMPRESSION SET Less than 5% when compressed to 50% of its original reach for 22 hrs. at 158˚ F (70˚C). INSTALLATION Profile seals the strike side, hinge side and header. FIRE RATING Category H Edge Sealing System and Category J Gasketing for use with Category B wood doors rated 20 minutes fire tested without hose stream and Category B wood and plastic-covered composite doors rated up to 90 minutes. STANDARD PACK 37" (.94m), 96" (2.44m), 120" (3.05m) 300 pcs./carton, all other lengths 150 pcs./carton. COLORS Black, white, bronze, beige COLOR/LENGTH PART NO. COLOR/LENGTH PART NO. Black 37" (.94m) Black 81" (2.06m) Black 86" (2.18m) Black 96" (2.44m) Black 120" (3.05m) White 37" (.94m) White 81" (2.06m) White 86" (2.18m) White 96" (2.44m) White 120" (3.05m) U9832T03700 U9832T08100 U9832T08600 U9832T09600 U9832T12000 U9833T03700 U9833T08100 U9833T08600 U9833T09600 U9833T12000 Bronze 37" (.94m) Bronze 81" (2.06m) Bronze 86" (2.18m) Bronze 96" (2.44m) Bronze 120" (3.05m) Beige 37" (.94m) Beige 81" (2.06m) Beige 86" (2.18m) Beige 96" (2.44m) Beige 120" (3.05m) U9834T03700 U9834T08100 U9834T08600 U9834T09600 U9834T12000 U9836T03700 U9836T08100 U9836T08600 U9836T09600 U9836T12000 NOTE: Other lengths available upon request. Tolerance +/- 1" (25.4mm) CD UP TO 90 MINUTES Covered under Storm Shield Guarantee program. Guaranteed for the life of your door. CD = COMPRESSION DIRECTION ACTUAL SIZE ©Schlegel Systems, 2008 2/08 023.6675profiles:7schl40340 Schlegel profiles 2/26/08 3:24 PM Page 4 Q-LON QDS 375 DOOR SEAL (ADHESIVE BACKED) ® QDS 375 Q-LON Door Seal is made of an open-cell urethane foam core and clad in an embossed polyethylene, U.V. stablized, paint-resistant liner for kerfless applications. LINEAL SHRINKAGE % COMPRESSION SET Q-LON PERFORMANCE Q-LON door seals 0.10 — Knock-off door seals 1.10 11.0 times better TPE magnetic seals 0.40 4.0 times better % Q-LON door seals Knock-off door seals 5 17 Q-LON PERFORMANCE — 3.4 times better Closed-cell foam seals 13 2.6 times better TPE compression seals 25 5.0 times better TPE magnetic seals 50 10.0 times better PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS FEATURE BENEFIT Highly engineered embossed polyethylene liner Resists paints and varnishes. Long lasting. Maintains an attractive appearance. UV stabilized Stable in sunlight (UV stable). Tested up to 5,000 Kj/m2 with no visible degradation. Resilient urethane open-celled foam Shape and resiliency are retained over time. Offers excellent all-temperature sealing performance. No corner leaks. Seal conforms to uneven surfaces. Applied to surface with Pressure Sensitive Adhesive No kerf required. Mounts to any surface with high quality adhesive. Q-LON DOOR SEAL TEST DATA WATER INFILTRATION Passed water penetration tests at 25 mph (40km/h) and 34 mph (55km/h) ASTM E-331 standard test method. WATER ABSORPTION No visible effects in degradation; water absorption negligible after being submerged in water for 24 hours and then exposed to -30˚ F (-34˚ C) for one week. Compressed 50% upon removal from the freezer. (Tested at Schlegel Testing Laboratories.) Schlegel Systems, Inc. 1555 Jefferson Road Rochester, New York 14692-3197 800.586.0354 Toll free 585.427.9993 Fax www.schlegelusa.com © Schlegel Systems, Inc. 2/08. Schlegel and Q-LON are trademarks. 023.6675profiles:7schl40340 Schlegel profiles DOOR SEAL 2/26/08 3:24 PM Page 5 S U R FA C E ® Q-LON QFS 375 DOOR SEAL (ADHESIVE BACKED) SUPERIOR WEATHER PROTECTION BACKED BY THE SCHLEGEL STORM SHIELD GUARANTEE QFS 375 PRODUCT APPLICATIONS Compression Seal/Fire-Rated Door MATERIAL Polyethylene Clad Urethane Foam STOP WIDTH .500" (12.7mm) COMPRESSION Recommended 50% Minimum 20% Maximum 60% COMPRESSION SET Less than 5% when compressed to 50% of its original reach for 22 hrs. at 158˚ F (70˚ C). INSTALLATION Profile seals the strike side, hinge side and header. FIRE RATING Category H Edge Sealing System and Category J Gasketing for use with Category B wood doors rated 20 minutes fire tested without hose stream and Category B wood and plastic-covered composite doors rated up to 90 minutes. Also for use with Listed steel frames and/or Classified steel covered composite, hollow metal doors rated up to 3 hours. These seals comply with the requirements of Underwriters Laboratories UL 10C and UBC 7-2-97, GVYI, file #R14384. STANDARD PACK 39" (.99m) 300 pcs./carton, all others 150 pcs./carton. COLORS Black, white, bronze COLOR/LENGTH PART NO. Black 39" (.99m) Black 86" (2.18m) White 39" (.99m) White 86" (2.18m) Bronze 39" (.99m) Bronze 86" (2.18m) U9862T03900 U9862T08600 U9863T03900 U9863T08600 U9864T03900 U9864T08600 CD = COMPRESSION DIRECTION CD NOTE: Other lengths available upon request. Tolerance +/- 1" (25.4mm) UP TO 3 HOURS Covered under Storm Shield Guarantee program. Guaranteed for the life of your door. ACTUAL SIZE ©Schlegel Systems, 2008 2/08 023.6675profiles:7schl40340 Schlegel profiles 2/26/08 3:24 PM Page 6 Q-LON QFS 375 DOOR SEAL (ADHESIVE BACKED) ® QFS 375 Q-LON Door Seal is made of an open-cell urethane foam core and clad in an embossed polyethylene, U.V. stablized, paint-resistant liner for kerfless applications. LINEAL SHRINKAGE % COMPRESSION SET Q-LON PERFORMANCE Q-LON door seals 0.10 — Knock-off door seals 1.10 11.0 times better TPE magnetic seals 0.40 4.0 times better % Q-LON door seals Knock-off door seals 5 17 Q-LON PERFORMANCE — 3.4 times better Closed-cell foam seals 13 2.6 times better TPE compression seals 25 5.0 times better TPE magnetic seals 50 10.0 times better PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS FEATURE BENEFIT Highly engineered embossed polyethylene liner Resists paints and varnishes. Long lasting. Maintains an attractive appearance. UV stabilized Stable in sunlight (UV stable). Tested up to 5,000 Kj/m2 with no visible degradation. Resilient urethane open-celled foam Shape and resiliency are retained over time. Offers excellent all-temperature sealing performance. No corner leaks. Seal conforms to uneven surfaces. Applied to surface with Pressure Sensitive Adhesive Mounts to any surface with high quality adhesive. Q-LON DOOR SEAL TEST DATA WATER INFILTRATION Passed water penetration tests at 25 mph (40km/h) and 34 mph (55km/h) ASTM E-331 standard test method. WATER ABSORPTION No visible effects in degradation; water absorption negligible after being submerged in water for 24 hours and then exposed to -30˚ F (-34˚ C) for one week. Compressed 50% upon removal from the freezer. (Tested at Schlegel Testing Laboratories.) Schlegel Systems, Inc. 1555 Jefferson Road Rochester, New York 14692-3197 800.586.0354 Toll free 585.427.9993 Fax www.schlegelusa.com © Schlegel Systems, Inc. 2/08. Schlegel and Q-LON are trademarks. 023.6675profiles:7schl40340 Schlegel profiles DOOR SEAL 2/26/08 3:24 PM Page 7 S U R FA C E ® Q-LON QDST 675 DOOR SEAL (ADHESIVE BACKED) SUPERIOR WEATHER PROTECTION BACKED BY THE SCHLEGEL STORM SHIELD GUARANTEE QDST 675 PRODUCT APPLICATIONS Compression Seal/Swing Door MATERIAL Polyethylene Clad Urethane Foam COMPRESSION STOP WIDTH Recommended 50% Minimum 10% Maximum 60% .600" (15.2mm) COMPRESSION SET Less than 5% when compressed to 50% of its original reach for 22 hrs. at 158˚ F (70˚ C). INSTALLATION One profile seals the strike side, hinge side and header. FIRE RATING Category H Edge Sealing System and Category J Gasketing for use with Category B wood doors rated 20 minutes fire tested without hose stream and Category B wood and plastic-covered composite doors rated up to 90 minutes. STANDARD PACK 37" (.94m) 300 pcs./carton, all other lengths 150 pcs./carton. COLORS Black, white, bronze, beige COLOR/LENGTH PART NO. Black 37" (.94m) Black 82" (2.08m) Black 85" (2.16m) Black 97" (2.46m) White 37" (.94m) White 82" (2.08m) White 85" (2.16m) White 97" (2.46m) Bronze 37" (.94m) Bronze 82" (2.08m) Bronze 85" (2.16m) Bronze 97" (2.46m) Beige 37" (.94m) Beige 82" (2.08m) Beige 85" (2.16m) Beige 97" (2.46m) U3232T03700 U3232T08200 U3232T08500 U3232T09700 U3233T03700 U3233T08200 U3233T08500 U3233T09700 U3234T03700 U3234T08200 U3234T08500 U3234T09700 U3236T03700 U3236T08200 U3236T08500 U3236T09700 CD = COMPRESSION DIRECTION CD NOTE: Other lengths available upon request. Tolerance +/- 1" (25.4mm) UP TO 90 MINUTES Covered under Storm Shield Guarantee program. Guaranteed for the life of your door. ACTUAL SIZE ©Schlegel Systems, 2008 2/08 023.6675profiles:7schl40340 Schlegel profiles 2/26/08 3:24 PM Page 8 Q-LON QDST 675 DOOR SEAL (ADHESIVE BACKED) ® QDST 675 Q-LON Door Seal is made of an open-cell urethane foam core and clad in an embossed polyethylene, U.V. stablized, paint-resistant liner for kerfless applications. LINEAL SHRINKAGE % COMPRESSION SET Q-LON PERFORMANCE Q-LON door seals 0.10 — Knock-off door seals 1.10 11.0 times better TPE magnetic seals 0.40 4.0 times better % Q-LON door seals Knock-off door seals Q-LON PERFORMANCE 5 17 — 3.4 times better Closed-cell foam seals 13 2.6 times better TPE compression seals 25 5.0 times better TPE magnetic seals 50 10.0 times better PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS FEATURE BENEFIT Highly engineered embossed polyethylene liner Resists paints and varnishes. Long lasting. Maintains an attractive appearance. UV stabilized Stable in sunlight (UV stable). Tested up to 5,000 Kj/m2 with no visible degradation. Resilient urethane open-celled foam Shape and resiliency are retained over time. Offers excellent all-temperature sealing performance. No corner leaks. Seal conforms to uneven surfaces. Surface mounted with Pressure Sensitive Adhesive No kerf is required. It can be applied to any surface with this high quality adhesive. Extended reach design The seal conforms to warped doors. Q-LON DOOR SEAL TEST DATA WATER INFILTRATION Passed water penetration tests at 25 mph (40km/h) and 34 mph (55km/h) ASTM E-331 standard test method. WATER ABSORPTION No visible effects in degradation; water absorption negligible after being submerged in water for 24 hours and then exposed to -30˚ F (-34˚ C) for one week. Compressed 50% upon removal from the freezer. (Tested at Schlegel Testing Laboratories.) Schlegel Systems, Inc. 1555 Jefferson Road Rochester, New York 14692-3197 800.586.0354 Toll free 585.427.9993 Fax www.schlegelusa.com © Schlegel Systems, Inc. 2/08. Schlegel and Q-LON are trademarks. 023.6675profiles:7schl40340 Schlegel profiles DOOR SEAL 2/26/08 3:24 PM Page 9 KERF Q-LON QEBD 500 DOOR SEAL ® SUPERIOR WEATHER PROTECTION BACKED BY THE SCHLEGEL STORM SHIELD GUARANTEE QEBD 500 PRODUCT APPLICATIONS Compression Seal/Swing Door MATERIAL Polyethylene Clad Urethane Foam KERF WIDTH KERF DEPTH .125" (3.2mm) .438" (11.1mm) COMPRESSION RABBET DEPTH Recommended 50% Minimum 10% Maximum 60% 1-15/16" (49.2mm) COMPRESSION SET Less than 5% when compressed to 50% of its original reach for 22 hrs. at 158˚ F (70˚ C). INSTALLATION Profile seals the strike side, hinge side and header. FIRE RATING Category H Edge Sealing System and Category J Gasketing for use with Category B wood doors rated 20 minutes fire tested without hose steam and Category B wood and plastic-covered composite doors rated up to 90 minutes. Also for use with Listed steel frames and/or Classified steel covered composite, hollow metal doors rated up to 3 hours. These seals comply with the requirements of Underwriters Laboratories UL 10C and UBC 7-2-97, GVYI, file #R14384. STANDARD PACK 37" (.94m) 250 pcs./carton, other lengths, 125 pcs./carton. COLORS Black, white, bronze, beige COLOR/LENGTH PART NO. COLOR/LENGTH PART NO. Black 37" (.94m) Black 82" (2.08m) Black 86" (2.18m) Black 97" (2.46m) White 37" (.94m) White 82" (2.08m) White 86" (2.18m) White 97" (2.46m) U9932-03700 U9932-08200 U9932-08600 U9932-09700 U9933-03700 U9933-08200 U9933-08600 U9933-09700 Bronze 37" (.94m) Bronze 82" (2.08m) Bronze 86" (2.18m) Bronze 97" (2.46m) Beige 37" (.94m) Beige 82" (2.08m) Beige 86" (2.18m) Beige 97" (2.46m) U9934-03700 U9934-08200 U9934-08600 U9934-09700 U9936-03700 U9936-08200 U9936-08600 U9936-09700 CD = COMPRESSION DIRECTION CD NOTE: Other lengths available upon request. Tolerance +/- 1" (25.4mm) UP TO 3 HOURS Covered under Storm Shield Guarantee program. Guaranteed for the life of your door. ACTUAL SIZE ©Schlegel Systems, 2008 2/08 023.6675profiles:7schl40340 Schlegel profiles 2/26/08 3:24 PM Page 10 ® Q-LON QEBD 500 DOOR SEAL QEBD 500 Q-LON Door Seal is made of an open-cell urethane foam core and clad in an embossed polyethylene, U.V. stabilized, paint-resistant liner for kerf applications. LINEAL SHRINKAGE % COMPRESSION SET Q-LON PERFORMANCE Q-LON door seals 0.10 — Knock-off door seals 1.10 11.0 times better TPE magnetic seals 0.40 4.0 times better % Q-LON door seals Knock-off door seals 5 17 Q-LON PERFORMANCE — 3.4 times better Closed-cell foam seals 13 2.6 times better TPE compression seals 25 5.0 times better TPE magnetic seals 50 10.0 times better PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS FEATURE BENEFIT Highly engineered embossed polyethylene liner Resists paints and varnishes. Long lasting. Maintains an attractive appearance. UV stabilized Stable in sunlight (UV stable). Tested up to 5,000 Kj/m2 with no visible degradation. Resilient urethane open-celled foam Shape and resiliency are retained over time. Offers excellent all-temperature sealing performance. No corner leaks. Seal conforms to uneven surfaces. Dual durometer insert Allows for easy insertion and maximum retention. It is removable without damaging jamb or seal. Q-LON DOOR SEAL TEST DATA WATER INFILTRATION Passed water penetration tests at 25 mph (40km/h) and 34 mph (55km/h) ASTM E-331 standard test method. WATER ABSORPTION No visible effects in degradation; water absorption negligible after being submerged in water for 24 hours and then exposed to -30˚ F (-34˚ C) for one week. Compressed 50% upon removal from the freezer. (Tested at Schlegel Testing Laboratories.) Schlegel Systems, Inc. 1555 Jefferson Road Rochester, New York 14692-3197 800.586.0354 Toll free 585.427.9993 Fax www.schlegelusa.com © Schlegel Systems, Inc. 2/08. Schlegel and Q-LON are trademarks. 023.6675profiles:7schl40340 Schlegel profiles DOOR SEAL 2/26/08 3:24 PM Page 11 KERF Q-LON QDS 650 DOOR SEAL ® SUPERIOR WEATHER PROTECTION BACKED BY THE SCHLEGEL STORM SHIELD GUARANTEE QDS 650 PRODUCT APPLICATIONS Compression Seal/Swing Door MATERIAL Polyethylene Clad Urethane Foam KERF WIDTH KERF DEPTH .125" (3.2mm) .438" (11.1mm) COMPRESSION RABBET DEPTH Recommended 50% Minimum 10% Maximum 60% 2-1/8" (54mm) COMPRESSION SET Less than 5% when compressed to 50% of its original reach for 22 hrs. at 158˚ F (70˚ C). INSTALLATION One profile seals the strike side, hinge side and header. FIRE RATING Category H Edge Sealing System and Category J Gasketing for use with Category B wood doors rated 20 minutes fire tested without hose stream and Category B wood and plastic-covered composite doors rated up to 90 minutes. STANDARD PACK 37" (.94m) 300 pcs./carton 82" (2.08m) 150 pcs./carton 86" (2.18m) 125 pcs./carton 97" (2.46m) 125 pcs./carton 120" (3.05m) 125 pcs./carton 144" (3.66m) 125 pcs./carton COLORS Grey, black, white, bronze, beige COLOR/LENGTH PART NO. COLOR/LENGTH PART NO. Grey 37" (.94m) Grey 82" (2.08m) Grey 86" (2.18m) Grey 97" (2.46m) Grey 120" (3.05m) Grey 144" (3.66m) Black 37" (.94m) Black 82" (2.08m) Black 86" (2.18m) Black 97" (2.46m) Black 120" (3.05m) Black 144" (3.66m) White 37" (.94m) White 82" (2.08m) White 86" (2.18m) U8331-03700 U8331-08200 U8331-08600 U8331-09700 U8331-12000 U8331-14400 U8332-03700 U8332-08200 U8332-08600 U8332-09700 U8332-12000 U8332-14400 U8333-03700 U8333-08200 U8333-08600 White 97" (2.46m) White 120" (3.05m) White 144" (3.66m) Bronze 37" (.94m) Bronze 82" (2.08m) Bronze 86" (2.18m) Bronze 97" (2.46m) Bronze 120" (3.05m) Bronze 144" (3.66m) Beige 37" (.94m) Beige 82" (2.08m) Beige 86" (2.18m) Beige 97" (2.46m) Beige 120" (3.05m) Beige 144" (3.66m) U8333-09700 U8333-12000 U8333-14400 U8334-03700 U8334-08200 U8334-08600 U8334-09700 U8334-12000 U8334-14400 U8336-03700 U8336-08200 U8336-08600 U8336-09700 U8336-12000 U8336-14400 CD = COMPRESSION DIRECTION CD NOTE: Other lengths available upon request. Tolerance +/- 1" (25.4mm) UP TO 90 MINUTES Covered under Storm Shield Guarantee program. Guaranteed for the life of your door. ACTUAL SIZE ©Schlegel Systems, 2008 2/08 023.6675profiles:7schl40340 Schlegel profiles 2/26/08 3:24 PM Page 12 ® Q-LON QDS 650 DOOR SEAL QDS 650 Q-LON Door Seal is made of an open-cell urethane foam core and clad in an embossed polyethylene, U.V. stabilized, paint-resistant liner for kerf applications. LINEAL SHRINKAGE % COMPRESSION SET Q-LON PERFORMANCE Q-LON door seals 0.10 — Knock-off door seals 1.10 11.0 times better TPE magnetic seals 0.40 4.0 times better % Q-LON door seals Knock-off door seals 5 17 Q-LON PERFORMANCE — 3.4 times better Closed-cell foam seals 13 2.6 times better TPE compression seals 25 5.0 times better TPE magnetic seals 50 10.0 times better PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS FEATURE BENEFIT Highly engineered embossed polyethylene liner Resists paints and varnishes. Long lasting. Maintains an attractive appearance. UV stabilized Stable in sunlight (UV stable). Tested up to 5,000 Kj/m2 with no visible degradation. Resilient urethane open-celled foam Shape and resiliency are retained over time. Offers excellent all-temperature sealing performance. No corner leaks. Seal conforms to uneven surfaces. Fully wrapped insert Offers maximum protection against wood preservatives. Q-LON DOOR SEAL TEST DATA WATER INFILTRATION Passed water penetration tests at 25 mph (40km/h) and 34 mph (55km/h) ASTM E-331 standard test method. WATER ABSORPTION No visible effects in degradation; water absorption negligible after being submerged in water for 24 hours and then exposed to -30˚ F (-34˚ C) for one week. Compressed 50% upon removal from the freezer. (Tested at Schlegel Testing Laboratories.) Schlegel Systems, Inc. 1555 Jefferson Road Rochester, New York 14692-3197 800.586.0354 Toll free 585.427.9993 Fax www.schlegelusa.com © Schlegel Systems, Inc. 2/08. Schlegel and Q-LON are trademarks. 023.6675profiles:7schl40340 Schlegel profiles DOOR SEAL 2/26/08 3:24 PM Page 13 KERF Q-LON QEBD 650 DOOR SEAL ® SUPERIOR WEATHER PROTECTION BACKED BY THE SCHLEGEL STORM SHIELD GUARANTEE QEBD 650 PRODUCT APPLICATIONS Compression Seal/Swing Door MATERIAL Polyethylene Clad Urethane Foam KERF WIDTH KERF DEPTH .125" (3.2mm) .438" (11.1mm) COMPRESSION RABBET DEPTH Recommended 50% Minimum 10% Maximum 60% 2-1/8" (54mm) COMPRESSION SET Less than 5% when compressed to 50% of its original reach for 22 hrs. at 158˚ F (70˚ C). INSTALLATION One profile seals the strike side, hinge side and header. Inserts easily in most out of spec kerfs. FIRE RATING Category H Edge Sealing System and Category J Gasketing for use with Category B wood doors rated 20 minutes fire tested without hose stream and Category B wood and plastic-covered composite doors rated up to 90 minutes. STANDARD PACK 37" (.94m) 300 pcs./carton 82" (2.08m) 150 pcs./carton 86" (2.18m) 125 pcs./carton 97" (2.46m) 125 pcs./carton COLORS Black, white, bronze, beige COLOR/LENGTH PART NO. Black 38" (.97m) Black 82" (2.08m) Black 86" (2.18m) Black 97" (2.46m) White 38" (.97m) White 82" (2.08m) White 86" (2.18m) White 97" (2.46m) Bronze 38" (.97m) Bronze 82" (2.08m) Bronze 86" (2.18m) Bronze 97" (2.46m) Beige 38" (.97m) Beige 82" (2.08m) Beige 86" (2.18m) Beige 97" (2.46m) U7132-03800 U7132-08200 U7132-08600 U7132-09700 U7133-03700 U7133-08200 U7133-08600 U7133-09700 U7134-03800 U7134-08200 U7134-08600 U7134-09700 U7136-03800 U7136-08200 U7136-08600 U7136-09700 NOTE: Other lengths available upon request. Tolerance +/- 1" (25.4mm) Covered under Storm Shield Guarantee program. Guaranteed for the life of your door. CD = COMPRESSION DIRECTION CD UP TO 90 MINUTES ACTUAL SIZE ©Schlegel Systems, 2008 2/08 023.6675profiles:7schl40340 Schlegel profiles 2/26/08 3:24 PM Page 14 ® Q-LON QEBD 650 DOOR SEAL QEBD 650 Q-LON Door Seal is made of an open-cell urethane foam core and clad in an embossed polyethylene, U.V. stabilized, paint-resistant liner for kerf applications. LINEAL SHRINKAGE % COMPRESSION SET Q-LON PERFORMANCE Q-LON door seals 0.10 — Knock-off door seals 1.10 11.0 times better TPE magnetic seals 0.40 4.0 times better % Q-LON door seals Knock-off door seals 5 17 Q-LON PERFORMANCE — 3.4 times better Closed-cell foam seals 13 2.6 times better TPE compression seals 25 5.0 times better TPE magnetic seals 50 10.0 times better PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS FEATURE BENEFIT Highly engineered embossed polyethylene liner Resists paints and varnishes. Long lasting. Maintains an attractive appearance. UV stabilized Stable in sunlight (UV stable). Tested up to 5,000 Kj/m2 with no visible degradation. Resilient urethane open-celled foam Shape and resiliency are retained over time. Offers excellent all-temperature sealing performance. No corner leaks. Seal conforms to uneven surfaces. Dual durometer insert Allows for easy insertion and maximum retention. It is removable without damaging jamb or seal Q-LON DOOR SEAL TEST DATA WATER INFILTRATION Passed water penetration tests at 25 mph (40km/h) and 34 mph (55km/h) ASTM E-331 standard test method. WATER ABSORPTION No visible effects in degradation; water absorption negligible after being submerged in water for 24 hours and then exposed to -30˚ F (-34˚ C) for one week. Compressed 50% upon removal from the freezer. (Tested at Schlegel Testing Laboratories.) Schlegel Systems, Inc. 1555 Jefferson Road Rochester, New York 14692-3197 800.586.0354 Toll free 585.427.9993 Fax www.schlegelusa.com © Schlegel Systems, Inc. 2/08. Schlegel and Q-LON are trademarks. 023.6675profiles:7schl40340 Schlegel profiles DOOR SEAL 2/26/08 3:24 PM Page 15 KERF Q-LON QEBD 730 DOOR SEAL ® SUPERIOR WEATHER PROTECTION BACKED BY THE SCHLEGEL STORM SHIELD GUARANTEE QEBD 730 PRODUCT APPLICATIONS Compression Seal/Swing Door MATERIAL Polyethylene Clad Urethane Foam KERF WIDTH KERF DEPTH .125" (3.2mm) .438" (11.1mm) COMPRESSION RABBET DEPTH Recommended 50% Minimum 10% Maximum 60% 2-1/8" (54mm) COMPRESSION SET Less than 5% when compressed to 50% of its original reach for 22 hrs. at 158˚ F (70˚ C). INSTALLATION One profile seals the strike side, hinge side and header. Inserts easily in most out of spec kerfs. FIRE RATING Category H Edge Sealing System and Category J Gasketing for use with Category B wood doors rated 20 minutes fire tested without hose stream and Category B wood and plastic-covered composite doors rated up to 90 minutes. STANDARD PACK 37" (.94m) 250 pcs./carton, other lengths, 125 pcs./carton. COLORS Black, white, bronze, beige COLOR/LENGTH PART NO. Black 37" (.94m) Black 82" (2.08m) Black 85" (2.16m) Black 97" (2.46m) White 37" (.94m) White 82" (2.08m) White 85" (2.16m) White 97" (2.46m) Bronze 37" (.94m) Bronze 82" (2.08m) Bronze 85" (2.16m) Bronze 97" (2.46m) Beige 37" (.94m) Beige 82" (2.08m) Beige 85" (2.16m) Beige 97" (2.46m) U6432-03700 U6432-08200 U6432-08500 U6432-09700 U6433-03700 U6433-08200 U6433-08500 U6433-09700 U6434-03700 U6434-08200 U6434-08500 U6434-09700 U6436-03700 U6436-08200 U6436-08500 U6436-09700 NOTE: Other lengths available upon request. Tolerance +/- 1" (25.4mm) Covered under Storm Shield Guarantee program. Guaranteed for the life of your door. CD = COMPRESSION DIRECTION CD UP TO 90 MINUTES ACTUAL SIZE ©Schlegel Systems, 2008 2/08 023.6675profiles:7schl40340 Schlegel profiles 2/26/08 3:24 PM Page 16 ® Q-LON QEBD 730 DOOR SEAL QEBD 730 Q-LON Door Seal is made of an open-cell urethane foam core and clad in an embossed polyethylene, U.V. stabilized, paint-resistant liner for kerf applications. LINEAL SHRINKAGE % COMPRESSION SET Q-LON PERFORMANCE Q-LON door seals 0.10 — Knock-off door seals 1.10 11.0 times better TPE magnetic seals 0.40 4.0 times better % Q-LON door seals Knock-off door seals 5 17 Q-LON PERFORMANCE — 3.4 times better Closed-cell foam seals 13 2.6 times better TPE compression seals 25 5.0 times better TPE magnetic seals 50 10.0 times better PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS FEATURE BENEFIT Highly engineered embossed polyethylene liner Resists paints and varnishes. Long lasting. Maintains an attractive appearance. UV stabilized Stable in sunlight (UV stable). Tested up to 5,000 Kj/m2 with no visible degradation. Resilient urethane open-celled foam Shape and resiliency are retained over time. Offers excellent all-temperature sealing performance. No corner leaks. Seal conforms to uneven surfaces. Increased reach characteristics Seal conforms to warped doors. Dual durometer insert Allows for easy insertion and maximum retention. It is removable without damaging jamb or seal Q-LON DOOR SEAL TEST DATA WATER INFILTRATION Passed water penetration tests at 25 mph (40km/h) and 34 mph (55km/h) ASTM E-331 standard test method. WATER ABSORPTION No visible effects in degradation; water absorption negligible after being submerged in water for 24 hours and then exposed to -30˚ F (-34˚ C) for one week. Compressed 50% upon removal from the freezer. (Tested at Schlegel Testing Laboratories.) Schlegel Systems, Inc. 1555 Jefferson Road Rochester, New York 14692-3197 800.586.0354 Toll free 585.427.9993 Fax www.schlegelusa.com © Schlegel Systems, Inc. 2/08. Schlegel and Q-LON are trademarks. 023.6675profiles:7schl40340 Schlegel profiles DOOR SEAL 2/26/08 3:24 PM Page 17 KERF Q-LON QEBD 825 DOOR SEAL ® SUPERIOR WEATHER PROTECTION BACKED BY THE SCHLEGEL STORM SHIELD GUARANTEE QEBD 825 PRODUCT APPLICATIONS Compression Seal/Swing Door MATERIAL Polyethylene Clad Urethane Foam KERF WIDTH KERF DEPTH .125" (3.2mm) .438" (11.1mm) COMPRESSION RABBET DEPTH Recommended 50% Minimum 10% Maximum 60% 2-1/8" (54mm) COMPRESSION SET Less than 5% when compressed to 50% of its original reach for 22 hrs. at 158˚ F (70˚ C). INSTALLATION One profile seals the strike side, hinge side and header. Inserts easily in most out of spec kerfs. FIRE RATING Category H Edge Sealing System and Category J Gasketing for use with Category B wood doors rated 20 minutes fire tested without hose stream and Category B wood and plastic-covered composite doors rated up to 90 minutes. STANDARD PACK 37" (.94m) 200 pcs./carton, other lengths, 100 pcs./carton. COLORS Black, white, bronze, beige COLOR/LENGTH PART NO. Black 37" (.94m) Black 82" (2.08m) Black 86" (2.18m) Black 97" (2.46m) White 37" (.94m) White 82" (2.08m) White 86" (2.18m) White 97" (2.46m) Bronze 37" (.94m) Bronze 82" (2.08m) Bronze 86" (2.18m) Bronze 97" (2.46m) Beige 37" (.94m) Beige 82" (2.08m) Beige 86" (2.18m) Beige 97" (2.46m) U1132-03700 U1132-08200 U1132-08600 U1132-09700 U1133-03700 U1133-08200 U1133-08600 U1133-09700 U1134-03700 U1134-08200 U1134-08600 U1134-09700 U1136-03700 U1136-08200 U1136-08600 U1136-09700 NOTE: Other lengths available upon request. Tolerance +/- 1" (25.4mm) Covered under Storm Shield Guarantee program. Guaranteed for the life of your door. CD = COMPRESSION DIRECTION CD UP TO 90 MINUTES ACTUAL SIZE ©Schlegel Systems, 2008 2/08 023.6675profiles:7schl40340 Schlegel profiles 2/26/08 3:24 PM Page 18 ® Q-LON QEBD 825 DOOR SEAL QEBD 825 Q-LON Door Seal is made of an open-cell urethane foam core and clad in an embossed polyethylene, U.V. stabilized, paint-resistant liner for kerf applications. LINEAL SHRINKAGE % COMPRESSION SET Q-LON PERFORMANCE Q-LON door seals 0.10 — Knock-off door seals 1.10 11.0 times better TPE magnetic seals 0.40 4.0 times better % Q-LON door seals Knock-off door seals 5 17 Q-LON PERFORMANCE — 3.4 times better Closed-cell foam seals 13 2.6 times better TPE compression seals 25 5.0 times better TPE magnetic seals 50 10.0 times better PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS FEATURE BENEFIT Highly engineered embossed polyethylene liner Resists paints and varnishes. Long lasting. Maintains an attractive appearance. UV stabilized Stable in sunlight (UV stable). Tested up to 5,000 Kj/m2 with no visible degradation. Resilient urethane open-celled foam Shape and resiliency are retained over time. Offers excellent all-temperature sealing performance. No corner leaks. Seal conforms to uneven surfaces. Increased reach characteristics Seal conforms to warped doors. Dual durometer insert Allows for easy insertion and maximum retention. It is removable without damaging jamb or seal Q-LON DOOR SEAL TEST DATA WATER INFILTRATION Passed water penetration tests at 25 mph (40km/h) and 34 mph (55km/h) ASTM E-331 standard test method. WATER ABSORPTION No visible effects in degradation; water absorption negligible after being submerged in water for 24 hours and then exposed to -30˚ F (-34˚ C) for one week. Compressed 50% upon removal from the freezer. (Tested at Schlegel Testing Laboratories.) Schlegel Systems, Inc. 1555 Jefferson Road Rochester, New York 14692-3197 800.586.0354 Toll free 585.427.9993 Fax www.schlegelusa.com © Schlegel Systems, Inc. 2/08. Schlegel and Q-LON are trademarks. 023.6675profiles:7schl40340 Schlegel profiles DOOR SEAL 2/26/08 3:24 PM Page 19 KERF ® Q-LON QEB M570 MAGNETIC DOOR SEAL SUPERIOR WEATHER PROTECTION BACKED BY THE SCHLEGEL STORM SHIELD GUARANTEE QEB M570 PRODUCT APPLICATIONS Magnetic Compression Seal/ Steel Swing Door MATERIAL Polyethylene Clad Urethane Foam KERF WIDTH .125" (3.2mm) KERF DEPTH .438" (11.1mm) RABBET DEPTH 2-1/8" (54mm) COMPRESSION Recommended 40% Minimum 10% Maximum 60% COMPRESSION SET Less than 5% when compressed to 50% of its original reach for 22 hrs. at 158˚ F (70˚ C). INSTALLATION QEB M570 seals the strike side and header. QEBD 650 seals the hinge side. FIRE RATING Category J Gasketing and Edge Sealing Materials for Fire Doors, Positive Pressure Tested UL rated for up to 20 minutes. STANDARD PACK 75 pcs./carton COLORS White, bronze, beige, black COLOR/LENGTH PART NO. White 37" (.94m) White 82" (2.08m) Bronze 37" (.94m) Bronze 82" (2.08m) Beige 37" (.94m) Beige 82" (2.08m) Black 37"(.94m) Black 82" (2.08m) U8233-03700 U8233-08200 U8234-03700 U8234-08200 U8236-03700 U8236-08200 U8232-03700 U8232-08200 CD = COMPRESSION DIRECTION CD NOTE: Other lengths available upon request. Tolerance +/- 1" (25.4mm) UP TO 20 MINUTES Covered under Storm Shield Guarantee program. Guaranteed for the life of your door. ACTUAL SIZE ©Schlegel Systems, 2008 2/08 023.6675profiles:7schl40340 Schlegel profiles 2/26/08 3:24 PM Page 20 ® Q-LON QEB M570 MAGNETIC DOOR SEAL QEB M570 Q-LON Magnetic Door Seals are durable, UV-resistant, polyethylene cladding bonded to resilient urethane foam. They are thermoset, hardened by cross-linking to form a permanent three-dimensional molecular structure that remains resilient even under extended and repeated exposure to heat and pressure. Rigorous torture testing ensures they will last longer than any competitive product. LINEAL SHRINKAGE % COMPRESSION SET Q-LON PERFORMANCE Q-LON door seals 0.10 — Knock-off door seals 1.10 11.0 times better TPE magnetic seals 0.40 4.0 times better % Q-LON door seals Knock-off door seals 5 17 Q-LON PERFORMANCE — 3.4 times better Closed-cell foam seals 13 2.6 times better TPE compression seals 25 5.0 times better TPE magnetic seals 50 10.0 times better PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS FEATURE BENEFIT Highly engineered polyethylene liner Resists paints and varnishes. Long lasting. Maintains an attractive appearance. Stable in sunlight (UV stable). Tested up to 5,000 Kj/m2 with no visible degradation. Special insert design Installs easily with automated insertion equipment and has superior retention in the kerf. Full extension when not compressed The fully extended foam design reaches out further than other magnetic seals. This offers resilient reach characteristics to conform to warped or out-of-square doors. Special “Z” design Allows for continuous positive contact and a tighter seal. The magnet stays in contact with the door surface and maintains contact as it is closed. Resilient urethane open-celled foam Shape and resiliency are retained over time. Offers excellent all-temperature sealing performance. No corner leaks. Q-LON DOOR SEAL TEST DATA WATER INFILTRATION Passed water penetration tests at 25 mph (40km/h) and 34 mph (55km/h) ASTM E-331 standard test method. WATER ABSORPTION No visible effects in degradation; water absorption negligible after being submerged in water for 24 hours and then exposed to -30˚ F (-34˚ C) for one week. Compressed 50% upon removal from the freezer. (Tested at Schlegel Testing Laboratories.) Schlegel Systems, Inc. 1555 Jefferson Road Rochester, New York 14692-3197 800.586.0354 Toll free 585.427.9993 Fax www.schlegelusa.com © Schlegel Systems, Inc. 2/08. Schlegel and Q-LON are trademarks. 023.6675profiles:7schl40340 Schlegel profiles DOOR SEAL 2/26/08 3:25 PM Page 21 KERF ® Q-LON QEBD M670 MAGNETIC DOOR SEAL SUPERIOR WEATHER PROTECTION BACKED BY THE SCHLEGEL STORM SHIELD GUARANTEE QEBD M670 PRODUCT APPLICATIONS Magnetic Compression Seal/Steel Swing Door MATERIAL Polyethylene Clad Urethane Foam KERF WIDTH .125" (3.2mm) KERF DEPTH .438" (11.1mm) RABBET DEPTH 2-1/8" (54mm) COMPRESSION Recommended 40% Minimum 10% Maximum 60% COMPRESSION SET Less than 5% when compressed to 50% of its original reach for 22 hrs. at 158˚ F (70˚ C). .400" (10.2mm) INSTALLATION QEBD M670 seals the strike side and header. QEBD 650 seals the hinge side. FIRE RATING Category J Gasketing and Edge Sealing Materials for Fire Doors, Positive Pressure Tested UL rated for up to 45 minutes. STANDARD PACK .670" (17mm) 75 pcs./carton .085" (2.2mm) COLORS White, bronze, beige COLOR/LENGTH PART NO. White 37" (.94m) White 82" (2.08m) White 85" (2.16m) Bronze 37" (.94m) Bronze 82" (2.08m) Bronze 85" (2.16m) Beige 37" (.94m) Beige 82" (2.08m) Beige 85" (2.16m) UB633-03700 UB633-08200 UB633-08500 UB634-03700 UB634-08200 UB634-08500 UB636-03700 UB636-08200 UB636-08500 .375" (9.5mm) CD = COMPRESSION DIRECTION CD .475" (12.1mm) NOTE: Other lengths available upon request. Tolerance +/- 1" (25.4mm) UP TO 45 MINUTES Covered under Storm Shield Guarantee program. Guaranteed for the life of your door. ACTUAL SIZE ©Schlegel Systems, 2008 2/08 023.6675profiles:7schl40340 Schlegel profiles 2/26/08 3:25 PM Page 22 ® Q-LON QEBD M670 MAGNETIC DOOR SEAL QEBD M670 Q-LON Magnetic Door Seals are durable, UV-resistant, polyethylene cladding bonded to resilient urethane foam. They are thermoset, hardened by cross-linking to form a permanent three-dimensional molecular structure that remains resilient even under extended and repeated exposure to heat and pressure. Rigorous torture testing ensures they will last longer than any competitive product. LINEAL SHRINKAGE % COMPRESSION SET Q-LON PERFORMANCE Q-LON door seals 0.10 — Knock-off door seals 1.10 11.0 times better TPE magnetic seals 0.40 4.0 times better % Q-LON door seals Knock-off door seals 5 17 Q-LON PERFORMANCE — 3.4 times better Closed-cell foam seals 13 2.6 times better TPE compression seals 25 5.0 times better TPE magnetic seals 50 10.0 times better PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS FEATURE BENEFIT Highly engineered polyethylene liner Resists paints and varnishes. Long lasting. Maintains an attractive appearance. Stable in sunlight (UV stable). Tested up to 5,000 Kj/m2 with no visible degradation. Special insert design Installs easily with automated insertion equipment and has superior retention in the kerf. Full extension when not compressed The fully extended foam design reaches out further than other magnetic seals. This offers resilient reach characteristics to conform to warped or out-of-square doors. Special “Z” design Allows for continuous positive contact and a tighter seal. The magnet stays in contact with the door surface and maintains contact as it is closed. Resilient urethane open-celled foam Shape and resiliency are retained over time. Offers excellent all-temperature sealing performance. No corner leaks. Q-LON DOOR SEAL TEST DATA WATER INFILTRATION Passed water penetration tests at 25 mph (40km/h) and 34 mph (55km/h) ASTM E-331 standard test method. WATER ABSORPTION No visible effects in degradation; water absorption negligible after being submerged in water for 24 hours and then exposed to -30˚ F (-34˚ C) for one week. Compressed 50% upon removal from the freezer. (Tested at Schlegel Testing Laboratories.) Schlegel Systems, Inc. 1555 Jefferson Road Rochester, New York 14692-3197 800.586.0354 Toll free 585.427.9993 Fax www.schlegelusa.com © Schlegel Systems, Inc. 2/08. Schlegel and Q-LON are trademarks. 023.6675profiles:7schl40340 Schlegel profiles DOOR SEAL 2/26/08 3:25 PM Page 23 S U R FA C E ® Q-LON REPLACEMENT DOOR SEAL SUPERIOR WEATHER PROTECTION BACKED BY THE SCHLEGEL STORM SHIELD GUARANTEE REPLACEMENT SEAL PRODUCT APPLICATIONS Replacement Compression Seal/Swing Door SEAL MATERIAL Polyethylene Clad Urethane Foam CARRIER MATERIAL Galvanized No-rust Steel Screws included. COMPRESSION Recommended 30% Minimum 10% Maximum 60% INSTALLATION Frame of wood or steel doors STANDARD PACK 15 sets 50 sets COLORS White, bronze FIRE RATING Category H Edge Sealing System and Category J Gasketing for use with Category B wood doors rated 20 minutes fire tested without hose stream and Category B wood and plastic-covered composite doors rated up to 90 minutes. COLOR/ LENGTH PART NO. STD. PACK White 82" White 85" White 85" Bronze 82" Bronze 85" Bronze 85" U83337K8200 U83337F8500 U83337T8500 U83347K8200 U83347F8500 U83347T8500 50/ctn. 15/ctn. 50/ctn. 50/ctn. 15/ctn. 50/ctn. NOTE: For 37" (.94m) x 85" (2.16m) doors. Can be trimmed for smaller openings. UP TO 90 MINUTES Covered under Storm Shield Guarantee program. Guaranteed for the life of your door. ©Schlegel Systems, 2008 2/08 023.6675profiles:7schl40340 Schlegel profiles 2/26/08 3:25 PM Page 24 ® Q-LON REPLACEMENT DOOR SEAL REPLACEMENT SEAL Replacement door seal for new, replacement or to retrofit installed doors. LINEAL SHRINKAGE % COMPRESSION SET Q-LON PERFORMANCE Q-LON door seals 0.10 — Knock-off door seals 1.10 11.0 times better TPE magnetic seals 0.40 4.0 times better % Q-LON door seals Knock-off door seals 5 17 Q-LON PERFORMANCE — 3.4 times better Closed-cell foam seals 13 2.6 times better TPE compression seals 25 5.0 times better TPE magnetic seals 50 10.0 times better PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS FEATURE BENEFIT Highly engineered embossed polyethylene liner Resists paints and varnishes. Long lasting. Maintains an attractive appearance. UV stabilized Stable in sunlight (UV stable). Tested up to 5,000 Kj/m2 with no visible degradation. Resilient urethane open-celled foam Shape and resiliency are retained over time. Offers excellent all-temperature sealing performance. No corner leaks. Seal conforms to uneven surfaces. Surface applied with powder coated metal bracket No kerf required. Mounts to any surface in any position. Q-LON DOOR SEAL TEST DATA WATER INFILTRATION Passed water penetration tests at 25 mph (40km/h) and 34 mph (55km/h) ASTM E-331 standard test method. WATER ABSORPTION No visible effects in degradation; water absorption negligible after being submerged in water for 24 hours and then exposed to -30˚ F (-34˚ C) for one week. Compressed 50% upon removal from the freezer. (Tested at Schlegel Testing Laboratories.) Schlegel Systems, Inc. 1555 Jefferson Road Rochester, New York 14692-3197 800.586.0354 Toll free 585.427.9993 Fax www.schlegelusa.com © Schlegel Systems, Inc. 2/08. Schlegel and Q-LON are trademarks. 023.6675profiles:7schl40340 Schlegel profiles DOOR SEAL 2/26/08 3:25 PM Page 25 S U R FA C E Q-LON CORNER SEALS ® SUPERIOR WEATHER PROTECTION BACKED BY THE SCHLEGEL STORM SHIELD GUARANTEE QCS PART NAME QCS PRODUCT APPLICATIONS Compression Corner Seal/Swing Door MATERIAL Polyethylene Clad Urethane Foam WIDTHS AVAILABLE 1.313" (33.4mm) 1.688" (42.9mm) *1.750" (44.5mm) COMPRESSION Recommended 25% Minimum 10% Maximum 50% COMPRESSION SET Less than 10% when compressed to 50% of its original reach for 22 hrs. at 158’F (70°C). INSTALLATION U16 Strike jamb and hinge jamb sill corners FIRE RATING Positive pressure tested for use with listed steel frames and/or classified steel covered composite, hollow metal doors rated up to 3 hours; wood and plastic covered composite doors rated up to 1-1/2 hours. U61 STANDARD PACK 1-1/2" (38mm) 2,000 pcs./carton 2" (51mm) 2,000 pcs./carton 96" (2.44m) 100 pcs./carton COLORS White, bronze, beige U76 *ln-house tests show 20% reduction in air infiltration and water resistance improved by 15%. UP TO 180 MINUTES Covered under Storm Shield Guarantee program. Guaranteed for the life of your door. ©Schlegel Systems, 2008 2/08 023.6675profiles:7schl40340 Schlegel profiles 2/26/08 3:25 PM Page 26 ® Q-LON CORNER SEALS QCS Q-LON Corner Seal is made of a modified cellular foam core and clad in an embossed polyethylene. U.V. stabilized, paint-resistant liner for taped applications in doors. COLOR/LENGTH PART NO. U61 PART NO. U16 PART NO. U76 White 1-1/2" (38mm) U6133T00150 U1633T00150 U7633T00150 White 2" (51mm) U6133T00200 U1633T00200 U7633T00200 White 96" (2.44m) U6133T09600 U1633T09600 U7633T09600 Bronze 1-1/2" (38mm) U6134T00150 U1634T00150 U7634T00150 Bronze 2" (51mm) U6134T00200 U1634T00200 U7634T00200 Bronze 96" (2.44m) U6134T09600 U1634T09600 U7634T09600 Beige 1-1/2" (38mm) U6136T00150 U1636T00150 U7636T00150 Beige 2" (51mm) U6136T00200 U1636T00200 U7636T00200 Beige 96" (2.44m) U6136T09600 U1636T09600 U7636T09600 NOTE: Other lengths available upon request. PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS FEATURE BENEFIT Highly engineered embossed polyethylene liner Resists paints and varnishes. Long lasting. Maintains an attractive appearance. UV stabilized Stable in sunlight (UV stable). Tested up to 5,000 Kj/m2 with no visible degradation. Multiple designs and lengths Can be made to fit any application. Offers a Hi-Performance seal (U76) Improved performance with in-house tests showing a 20% reduction in air filtration and a 15% improvement in water resistance. Resilient urethane open-celled foam vs. pile corner seals Offers repeatable performance, resists compression set, and won’t crush like textile dust plugs. U16 Schlegel Systems, Inc. 1555 Jefferson Road Rochester, New York 14692-3197 U61 800.586.0354 Toll free 585.427.9993 Fax U76 www.schlegelusa.com ACT U A L S I Z E © Schlegel Systems, Inc. 2/08. Schlegel and Q-LON are trademarks. 049.6675qlon back:7schl40340 qlon back 2/26/08 3:27 PM Page 1 [ ] The The Unconditional Guarantee! If a Q-LON® Door Seal ever fails to provide superior weather protection and resistance to drafts, rain, snow, dust, noise, heat, cold, and wear; or it leaks, shrinks, tears, binds or loses performance in any way, Schlegel will send you a replacement set free of charge. Anytime. Anywhere. No questions asked. © Schlegel Systems, Inc., 2008 To take advantage of this guarantee, write: Schlegel Systems, Inc. P.O. Box 23197 Rochester, New York 14692-3197 049.6675qlon back:7schl40340 qlon back 2/26/08 3:27 PM Page 2 Schlegel Systems, Inc. 1555 Jefferson Road Rochester, New York 14692-3197 800.586.0354 Toll free 585.427.9993 Fax www.schlegelusa.com © Schlegel Systems, Inc. 2/08. Q-Lon is a trademark.