Rapid Sample Preparation and HPLC-ESI- TOFMS Analysis of Derivatized Amino Acids Introduction
Rapid Sample Preparation and HPLC-ESI- TOFMS Analysis of Derivatized Amino Acids Introduction
Rapid Sample Preparation and HPLC-ESITOFMS Analysis of Derivatized Amino Acids Introduction A wide variety of analytical methods for the analysis of amino acids have been developed over the years, however there is still a need for faster methods as well as for more sensitive multi-analyte methods. These needs may be fulfilled by decreasing sample preparation time, speeding up chromatographic separations, and by choosing detectors that provide improved sensitivity over wide mass ranges. In this work a fast and simple sample preparation method involving sample clean up and derivatization, was combined with a fast HPLC-ESI-TOFMS separation and detection method for the analysis of 39 amino acid standards. In this example, the fast acquisition speed and full mass range detection of LECO’s Unique® LC-TOFMS in combination with the automated Peak Finding and Deconvolution algorithms provided by LECO’s ChromaTOF® software were used to detect coeluting compounds. This reduces the burden of the chromatographic system to resolve all components, which can be difficult when analyzing very complex samples, and allows for faster analysis times. This approach is expected to be useful for applications where screening or profiling of large numbers of amino acids is required. Conditions LC Conditions (Agilent 1100 HPLC) Column: 2.1x100 mm, 3 µm Pinnacle™ II C-18 Restek Corporation Run Time: 15.00 minutes Flow Rate: 0.500 mL/minute Mobile Phase A: 10 mM ammonium formate Mobile Phase B: 10 mM ammonium formate in methanol Gradient Conditions: Time %B 0 minutes 40% 2 minutes 40% 13 minutes 80% 15 minutes 80% 5 minute re-equilibration time Injection Volume: 5 µL Column Temperature: 35oC MS Conditions (Unique LC-TOFMS) Source: High Flow +ESI Data Acquisition Rate: 4 spectra/second Electrospray Voltage: +3.50 kV Nebulizer Pressure: 400 kPa Desolvation Temperature: 350oC 7.00 L/minute Desolvation Gas Flow (N2): Interface Temperature: 105oC Nozzle Voltage: 110V Skimmer Voltage: 56V Form No. 203-821-296 8/06-REV0 LECO is a registered trademark of LECO Corporation 1 Sample Preparation Amino acid standard mixtures and internal standards were obtained from Phenomenex and combined into a single standard mix for analysis. The standard mixtures contained the following 36 amino acids, each with a starting concentration of 200 nmol/mL glutamine(GLN), arginine(ARG), serine(SER), citrulline(CIT), 1-methylhistidine(1-MHIS), 3-methylhistidine(3-MHIS), glycine(GLY), 4-hydroxyproline(HYP), glycine-proline dipeptide(GPR), sarcosine(SAR), alanine(ALA), gamma-aminobutyric acid(GABA), betaaminoisobutyric acid(BAIB), alpha-aminobutyric acid(ABA), proline(PRO), methionine(MET), ornithine(ORN), valine(VAL), aspartic acid(ASP), histidine(HIS), glutamic acid(GLU), lysine(LYS), tryptophan(TRP), leucine(LEU), isoleucine(ILE), phenylalanine(PHE), aminopimelic acid(APA), cystathionine(CTH), cystine(C-C), tyrosine(TYR), alpha-aminoadipic acid(AAA), threonine(THR), asparagine(ASN), delta-hydroxylysine(HLY), prolinehydroxyproline dipeptide(PHP), thiaproline(TPR) The internal standard mix contained the following 3 amino acids each at a starting concentration of 200 nmol/mL Homoarginine(HARG), d3-methionine(d3-MET), homophenylalanine(HPHE) Sample preparation consisted of a fast SPE step (ion exchange in packed pipet tips) followed by derivatization with propyl chloroformate and subsequent clean-up by liquid-liquid extraction. The entire procedure was accomplished in under 15 minutes total using the Phenomenex EZFast™ Kit for amino acids. The derivatization protocol resulted in amino acid species with greater chromatographic retention, resulting in improved separation of polar amino acids. The derivatized amino acids may also show improved ionization in +ESI due to blocking of acidic functional groups. Sample preparation involved the following steps. • 100 µL of amino acid standard mix (80 to 100 µL) was spiked with 100 µL of the internal standard mix. • Sample was loaded (approx 80 to 100 µL) onto a pipet tip packed with ion exchange resin. • Retained free amino acids were washed and then released from resin. • Free amino acids were then derivatized with propyl chloroformate and liquid-liquid extracted in a biphasic aqueous/iso-octane mixture. • 150µL of the organic phase containing the derivatized amino acids was transferred into a vial and organic solvent was removed under a stream of nitrogen (<10 minutes). • Sample was re-dissolved in 7 µL of a 2:1 methanol/10mM ammonium formate solution and stored in freezer until analysis by LC-TOFMS (no longer than 3 days). Results The combined amino acid standard contained a total of 36 amino acids and 3 internal standards. Using the fast gradient described, 33 of the 39 possible compounds could be detected by +ESI LC-TOFMS. The lack of detection of the remaining 6 amino acids was attributed to poor ionization in the ESI source or poor compound stability. To simplify identification of all components, the automated peak find feature in ChromaTOF was used to locate all peaks, including all coeluting analytes. The extracted ion chromatographic (EIC) trace of all found peaks is shown in Figure 1 with the complete peak table shown in Table 1. Assignments of isomeric amino acids were made by comparison of retention order to Phenomenex literature (application ID 14770). Form No. 203-821-296 8/06-REV0 LECO is a registered trademark of LECO Corporation 2 TYR CTH C-C APA LEI/ILE PHE TRP LYS PRO IS-d3MET MET ORN VAL ASP ABA BAIB GLU SAR HYP GLY IS-HARG 1MHIS/3MHIS ARG SER CIT GLN ALA GABA GPR/THR IS-HPHE HIS Due to poor resolution of the isomeric pairs 1MHIS/3MHIS and LEU/ILE these compounds were reported as single peaks. In addition, THR was found to exactly coelute with GPR and so could not be automatically found. However, this compound could be detected by manual inspection of the mass spectral data which effectively increases the total number of amino acids detected to 34 compounds. Of the remaining unidentified compounds in the sample, several major and minor peaks were determined to be introduced during the derivatization process while the remainders are thought to be low level sample impurities or degradants. Figure 1. EICs for all found peaks including 34 derivatized amino acids. Form No. 203-821-296 8/06-REV0 LECO is a registered trademark of LECO Corporation 3 Table 1. Peak List of Identified Amino Acids Peak # 12 13 18 19 21 22 27 31 32 39 41 43 47 49 51 54 55 56 58 60 62 64 65 69 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 Name GLN ARG SER CIT IS - HARG (NH4) 1MHIS/3MHIS GLY HYP GPR (THR coelute) SAR ALA GABA BAIB ABA PRO IS - d3-MET MET ORN VAL ASP HIS GLU LYS TRP LEU/ILE PHE APA IS - HPHE CTH C-C TYR (NH4) R.T. (min:sec) 03:09.6 03:12.7 03:49.2 03:53.8 04:03.6 04:04.8 04:41.0 05:13.2 05:32.6 06:38.9 07:22.1 07:34.8 07:59.3 08:23.5 08:45.8 09:06.2 09:09.6 09:39.4 09:49.9 09:55.9 10:12.5 10:23.8 10:25.7 10:46.1 11:06.7 11:10.6 11:55.0 12:05.0 12:19.9 12:33.1 12:41.8 Unique Mass 275.1609 303.2028 234.1349 304.1892 334.2017 298.1780 204.1288 260.1522 301.1765 218.1421 218.1450 232.1569 232.1597 232.1570 244.1597 281.1644 278.1444 347.2150 246.1741 304.1797 370.2001 318.1972 361.2365 333.1843 260.1890 294.1736 346.2199 308.1896 479.2436 497.2024 413.2314 Conclusion By combining a fast and easy sample preparation method with a fast HPLC-TOFMS analysis, a rapid screening method for 34 amino acid standards has been developed. To simplify compound identification, an automated peak find algorithm was used to identify all peaks in the chromatogram, including many highly coeluting compounds, and assign correct masses for each peak. This approach is expected to find utility in amino acid profiling/screening applications where rapid, automated, and easy-to-use methods are desirable. ® Delivering the Right Results Form No. 203-821-296 LECO Corporation • 3000 Lakeview Ave. • St. Joseph, MI 49085 Phone: 800-292-6141 • Fax: 269-982-8977 • info@leco.com • www.leco.com ISO-9001:2000 • No. FM 24045 8/06-REV0 LECO is a registered trademark of LECO Corporation 4