PTY. LTD. Tel: (03) 9701 6007 Fax: (03) 9701 5712 A member of the Australasian Soil and Plant Analysis Council REPORT ON SAMPLE OF SOIL FILE NO : 140399641 DATE ISSUED : 26/03/2014 NORTH CENTRAL CMA CLIENT ID : CMA003 PO BOX 18 PHONE : 03 5448 7124 HUNTLY, VIC 3551 FAX : 03 5448 7148 E-mail: info@nccma.vic.gov.au SAMPLE ID : SITE 1 0.1- 0.2 (10 - 20 cm) REFERENCE : DEPTH OF SAMPLE (cm): REFERENCE PHONE : 10 to 20 ITEMS RESULTS DATE RECEIVED : 20/03/2014 ANALYSIS REQUIRED : Full (ST-1) DESIRABLE LEVEL PASTURE OATS (DRY Target Yield: 5.0 t/ha) pH(1:5 Water)† pH(1:5 0.01M CaCl2)† Electrical Conductivity† EC µS/cm TOTAL SOLUBLE SALT AVAILABLE CALCIUM† TSS ppm Ca ppm AVAILABLE MAGNESIUM† Mg ppm AVAILABLE SODIUM† Na ppm AVAILABLE NITROGEN AVAILABLE PHOSPHORUS† N ppm P ppm AVAILABLE POTASSIUM† K ppm AVAILABLE SULPHUR† S ppm AVAILABLE COPPER† Cu ppm AVAILABLE ZINC† Zn ppm AVAILABLE IRON† Fe ppm AVAILABLE MANGANESE† Mn ppm AVAILABLE COBALT Co ppm AVAILABLE MOLYBDENUM AVAILABLE BORON† Mo ppm B ppm TOTAL ORGANIC MATTER† OM % TOTAL ORGANIC CARBON† OC % 6 5.5 32 105.6 119.4 27 80.73 5.5-7.5 5.5-7.0 < 300 < 990 197 26 < 17 < 625 < 2063 197 26 < 17 1.12 4.02 31.707 1.5 22 20 37 7 - 10 39 30 31 7 - 10 0.12 0.09 28 4 0.1 0.1 0.15 0.01 0.01 2 3-5 > 30 > 20 0.5-0.7 0.1-0.2 0.4-0.6 3-4 1.5 - 2 3 4-6 > 30 > 20 0.5-0.7 0.1-0.2 0.6-1.0 3-4 1.5 - 2 † This laboratory has been awarded a Certificate of Proficiency for specific soil and plant tissue analyses by the Australiasian Soil and Plant Analysis Council (ASPAC). Test for which proficiency has been demonstrated are highlighted in this report. SWEP Analytical Laboratories 45 - 47 / 174 Bridge Road Keysborough VIC 3173 Australia Website: www.swep.com.au E-mail: services@swep.com.au Postal Address: P.O. Box 583 Noble Park VIC 3174 FILE NO : 140399641 LANDUSE: PASTURE PAGE NO : 2 ITEMS DESIRABLE LEVEL EXCHANGEABLE CALCIUM Ca meq/100 of soil EXCHANGEABLE MAGNESIUM Mg meq/100 of soil EXCHANGEABLE SODIUM Na meq/100 of soil EXCHANGEABLE POTASSIUM K meq/100 of soil EXCHANGEABLE HYDROGEN H meq/100 of soil ADJ. EXCHANG. HYDROGEN H meq/100 of soil CATION EXCHANGE CAPACITY CEC meq/100 of soil ADJUSTED CEC Adj.CEC meq/100 of soil EXCH. SODIUM PERCENTAGE ESP CALCIUM / MAGNESIUM RATIO Ca/Mg BASE SATURATION PERCENTAGE BSP ITEMS 0.45 0.17 0.27 0.06 0.74 0.17 < 0.06 0.06 0.2 0.2 < 0.17 1.15 1.15 23.48 2.65 86 PERCENTAGE OF ADJUSTED CEC K 65-70% 12-15% 0.5-5% 3-5% H 17 <20% Ca EXCHANGEABLE MAGNESIUM Mg EXCHANGEABLE SODIUM Na EXCHANGEABLE POTASSIUM EXCHANGEABLE HYDROGEN PREVIOUS APPLICATIONS ( IF APPLICABLE) t/ha LIME APPLIED t/ha DOLOMITE APPLIED t/ha Magnesium Sulphate kg/ha SWEP Analytical Laboratories 45 - 47 / 174 Bridge Road Keysborough VIC 3173 Australia DESIRABLE LEVEL 39.3 14.8 23.6 5.2 EXCHANGEABLE CALCIUM GYPSUM APPLIED <5 2-4 DATE OF APPLICATION Website: www.swep.com.au E-mail: services@swep.com.au Postal Address: P.O. Box 583 Noble Park VIC 3174 140399641 FILE NO : LANDUSE: PASTURE PAGE NO : 3 Deficiency and Excess Of Available Elements in The Soil Excess 100 80 60 20 Desirable Level 0 -20 Deficiency Percentage 40 -40 -60 -80 -100 Notes: - Phosphorus fixation effects if Iron is more than 300 ppm - Manganese will be at toxicity level if it reaches 500 ppm Actual Exchangeable Cation Percentage Exchangeable Sodium 5% 17% 15% 24% Exchangeable Calcium Exchangeable Magnesium 39% Exchangeable Potassium Exchangeable Hydrogen Desirable Exchangeable Cation Percentage 5% 5% Exchangeable Sodium 10% Exchangeable Calcium 15% 65% Exchangeable Magnesium Exchangeable Potassium Exchangeable Hydrogen SWEP Analytical Laboratories 45 - 47 / 174 Bridge Road Keysborough VIC 3173 Australia Website: www.swep.com.au E-mail: services@swep.com.au Postal Address: P.O. Box 583 Noble Park VIC 3174 FILE NO : 140399641 PAGE NO : 4 RECOMMENDATION 59 kg of Calcium is needed to raise the Available Calcium to 68% and/or Exchangeable Calcium to 65% GYPSUM REQUIREMENT LIME REQUIREMENT DOLOMITE REQUIREMENT MAGNESIUM SULPHATE 0.34 0 0 0 t/ha t/ha t/ha kg/ha or TOTAL FERTILISER REQUIREMENT (kg/ha) PASTURE OATS (DRY Target Yield: 5.0 t/ha) PASTURE with Trace Elements: COPPER ZINC COBALT MOLYBDENUM IRON MANGANESE BORON 0 kg/ha MAGNESIUM OXIDE N P K S 21 81 16 26 5 20 0 0 OATS (DRY Target Yield: 5.0 t/ha) 0.75 3 0.03 0 2 3.5 0.3 1.13 4.5 0.03 0 2 3.5 0.45 kg/ha kg/ha kg/ha kg/ha For this soil the CEC is less than 10meq/100g of soil, kg/ha therefore we advice the TOTAL FERTILISER kg/ha REQUIREMENT, including Trace Elements, be applied kg/ha on three separate applications over the season. - Gypsum Requirement is to increase the Calcium and Sulphur and decrease the Exchangeable Sodium and or the Exchangeable Magnesium in the soil. For best results, use only 'A-grade' Gypsum. We recommend that 25 kg/ha of Potassium should be applied after cutting of Hay. SWEP Analytical Laboratories 45 - 47 / 174 Bridge Road Keysborough VIC 3173 Australia Website: www.swep.com.au E-mail: services@swep.com.au Postal Address: P.O. Box 583 Noble Park VIC 3174 FILE NO : 140399641 LAND USE: PASTURE PAGE NO : 5 Desirable levels for Exchangeable Cations (Ca, Mg, Na, K and H) is directly related to the constant desirable level percentages (see pie graph page 3) and the soil's Adjusted CEC. The other elements vary in relation to the soil's CEC, landuse, leaching requirement and yield. If soil pH (water) is below 5.7, trace elements should not be applied until Lime and/or Dolomite applications have had time to raise the pH to this level. For soils with pH (water) of 8.0 or more, apply trace elements as foliar spray only. The recommendations for Gypsum/Lime/Dolomite/MgSO 4 on page 4 are essential to the process of achieving optimum soil balance. All other recommendations in this report (NPKS & trace elements) have been formulated on the assumption that the Gypsum/Lime/Dolomite/MgSO 4 have been applied and given sufficient time for their effects to develop. In most cases, six months will be required between application of cation balance correction and fertilisers, however, more time may be required in lower rainfall zones or dry seasons. In areas with shallow saline watertables and NO subsurface drainage, no Gypsum should be applied (even if recommended here) until adequate drainage can be provided. It should also be noted that the amounts recommended depend, in part, on the stated sample depth. For all required materials - Gypsum/Lime/Dolomite/Magnesium Sulphate/Magnesium Oxide (where surface application is necessary and irrigation is not available), the total application should be limited to roughly 2.5 t/ha per year. This limitation does not apply where materials can be cultivated or irrigated into the soil. Important note: For all reports that have landuse as "Pasture". If molybdenum is needed to be applied, then copper needs to be applied as well even if available copper is high. Copper and molybdenum are antagonistic to each other so if molybdenum is applied without copper, molybdenum will deplete copper leading to copper deficiency in animals. The main problem occurs when animals graze treated pasture soon after application. For this reason, if you are worried about applying copper when there is enough in your soil, you can apply molybdenum alone BUT you MUST keep animals off the pasture for at least 6 weeks (longer if there has been little or no rain). SWEP does not recommend or promote specific products, so all recommendations are given in kg/ha of actual nutrient. These must be converted into applications of fertiliser. For assistance in doing this, consult your local supplier. Items pH (1:5 Water) pH (1:5 CaCl2) Electrical conductivity (1:5 Water) Total Soluble Salts Exchangeable Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium Exchangeable Hydrogen Available Nitrogen Available Phosphorus Available Sulphur Available Copper, Zinc, & Cobalt Available Molybdenum Available Iron & Manganese Available Boron Total Organic Matter Total Phosphorus, Calcium, Magnesium Extractable Aluminium Total Nitrogen Chloride Available Silica ANALYTICAL METHODS Methods 4A1 4B1 3A1 Calculation from Electrical conductivity 15D3 or 15A1 Barium Chloride-Triethanolamine method* Copper-cadmium reductor column at a pH of 8.0 Olsen extractable, 9C2a KCl 40, 10D1 EDTA, 12B1 Ammonium Oxalate-Oxalic acid-di-iso propyl ether method of E.H. Mikhail (1981) 12C2 modified Walkley & Black, 6A1 Acid digestion 15G1 Dumas method, 7A5 5A1 Dithionite-Citrate method** NB. For available Iron and Manganese, SWEP uses the method developed by E.H. Mikhail (1980) due to the tendency for the stand ard EDTA method to produce erroneously high results. For numbered test methods: Rayment, G.E. & Lyons, D.J. (2011). Soil Chemical Methods - Australasia. CSIRO Publishing, 150 Oxford Street, Collingwood Vic 3066, Australia. *Peech, M., Cowan, R.L. & Baker, J.H. (1962). Soil Science Society American Procedures, A critical studyof the Barium chlorid eTriethanolamine and ammonium acetate methods for determining exchangeable Hydrogen of soils. Disclaimer: All results and/or recommendations in this report are made in good faith and are based on past and ongoing research by SWEP Pty Ltd. However, limitations such as the vagaries of climatic conditions mean that we cannot guarantee production of any crop by the use of this test and associated recommendations, and cannot be held responsible for any results obtained. SWEP Analytical Laboratories 45 - 47 / 174 Bridge Road Keysborough VIC 3173 Australia Website: www.swep.com.au E-mail: services@swep.com.au Postal Address: P.O. Box 583 Noble Park VIC 3174