Sample Cells Dielectric- Conductivity- Impedance


Sample Cells Dielectric- Conductivity- Impedance
Sample Cells
Measurements on
cells for measurements with ultimate accuracy
broad frequency range from DC to 8 GHz
wide temperature range from -200 °C to +500 °C
measures low loss materials with extremely high
input impedance
modular system : all cells fit in one
common cryostat
Novocontrol Technologies
GmbH & Co. KG
Obererbacher Strasse 9
D-56414 Hundsangen
Phone: ++(0)6435 - 96230
++(0)6435 - 962333
New active sample cell ZGS
New technology
This new active sample cell has been designed particularly for the measurement of low loss
Conventional analyzers need BNC cables for the connection to the sample cell. Due to the
capacitance and losses in the BNC cables, the measured signal is damped so that it affects
the overall performance even with a high performance analyzer.
By the introduction of the new active sample cell ZGS NOVOCONTROL Technologies is offering
a practical solution for this problem.
In addition to the standard sample cell NOVOCONTROL Technologies offers a new concept in
which the dielectric converter with ultrahigh input impedance is integrated into the head of
the sample cell. The ultrahigh input is connected by 2 precision air-insulated extension lines to
the upper and lower electrodes of this sample cell.
This is a great advantage over the connection with BNC cables and leads to a higher overall
performance in the measurement of low loss materials.
As the output of the ZGS has a low impedance, the length of the connections by BNC cable to
the input of the analyzer is not critical. The ZGS can be used in combination with the new
frequency response analyzer ALPHA-AN.
Gold plated electrodes
The ZGS sample cell is equipped with a micrometer screw in order to move the upper
electrode upwards and downwards. In the lower electrode a precision RTD (Pt100) is mounted
to measure exactly the temperature of the material under test. The electrodes are machined
for ultimate flatness of 1 micron and totally gold plated. Therefore also thin films can be
measured accurately.
Wide impedance range
Although the ZGS active sample cell has been designed to optimize measurements of low loss
materials, it can be used over a wide impedance range.
The measurement of medium and high conductive materials the ZGS cell allows for
measurements down to the milliOhm range. The total impedance band ranges over 16
decades from 10 milliOhm up to 100 TerraOhm.
Wide frequency range
Due to the relatively high capacitance of BNC cables (~ 100 pF/m) it is difficult to use these for
measurements above 1 MHz.
The ZGS active sample cell does not have this limitation and can perform measurements up to
20 MHz.