Field Employee Manual


Field Employee Manual
Major Revision
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ABBTECH Field Employee Manual
Receipt and Acknowledgement of Employee Manual
ABBTECH Mission Statement
Employment Applications and/or Resume
Employment Relationship/At Will Employment
Employee Referral Bonus
Equal Opportunity Employment
Work Rules, Regulations, and Policies
Personnel Data Changes
Employment Verification
Outside Employment
Employment Termination
Supplies; Expenditures; Obligating the Company
2.10 Expense Reimbursement
2.11 ABBTECH Travel Policy
2.12 Immigration Law Compliance
2.13 E-Verify
Discrimination & Harassment Policy
Public Image
Substance Abuse
Voice Mail, Email, Internet and Computer Use
Workplace Violence
Corrective Action
Solicitation and Distribution
Personal and Company Policy
3.10 Conflict of Interest
3.11 Code of Business Ethics and Conduct
Employee Classification
Pay Cycle
Paycheck Distribution & Cashing Procedures
Reporting Time Pay – Inclement Weather & “Acts of God”
Termination and Severance Pay
Mandatory Deductions from Paycheck
Wage Assignments (Garnishments)
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Policy on Improper Deductions
Group Insurance
Cobra Benefits
Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
Employee Leave
Worker’s Compensation
Unemployment Compensation
Jury Duty/Victims of Crime Leave
5.10 Military Leave
Location of Policies and Procedures and Forms
ABBTECH Contact List
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By signing below, I acknowledge that I have received a copy of the ABBTECH Field Employee Manual, and
acknowledge that I have read and understand the practices, policies, and benefits addressed in this Manual,
including the Acknowledgment, and agree to its terms and conditions. I acknowledge that if I have any
questions regarding the policies contained in this Manual, I will contact the Human Resources Department for
assistance and clarification.
I further acknowledge that the Employee Manual contains policies and
regulations, which apply to me.
I understand that the Employee Manual may be amended, modified, or eliminated at any time ABBTECH may
deem appropriate. I further understand that my failure to abide by the policies and regulations included and
referenced in this Employee Manual can result in disciplinary action against me, up to and including
termination of my employment with the Company.
I also understand that my employment is not guaranteed for any specific period of time and that nothing in this
Manual creates an express or implied contract of employment. I further understand and agree that my
employment with ABBTECH is at-will, meaning either ABBTECH or I may terminate the employment relationship
at any time, with or without cause and with or without notice.
By signing the RECEIPT AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF EMPLOYEE MANUAL I am confirming that I received,
reviewed, and understand the ABBTECH Field Employee Manual and all related policies and procedures as
Employee Referral Program Form (Section 1.6)
Affirmative Action Letter (Section 2.1)
USERRA Poster (Section 2.1, 5.12)
Promulgation Letter (Section 2.3)
Maintenance, Retention and Access to Personnel Files and Records G0029 (Section 2.4, 5.7)
Progressive Discipline Policy G0014 (Section 3)
Employee Expense Report Policy G0002 (Section 2.13)
Field Expense Report (Section 2.13)
ABBTECH Travel Policy G0012 (Section 2.14)
E-Verify Poster (Section 2.16)
Right to Work Poster (Section 2.16)
E-Verify Brochure (Section 2.16)
Harassment Policy and Procedures G0003 (Section 3.3)
Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace Policy G0022 (Section 3.5)
Computer and Telephone Monitoring Policy G0021 (Section 3.6)
Code of Business Ethics and Conduct G0032 (Section 3.10)
Time Reporting Policy and Procedure AC0003 (Section 4.1)
Your Healthcare Continuation Coverage under COBRA (Section 5.2)
Family Medical Leave Act G0025 (Section 5.3)
Introduction to the 401(k) Plan (Section 5.5)
Workers’ Compensation Insurance (Section 5.9)
I also understand that ABBTECH employee related information and policies may be found online in the New
Hires/Welcome Package and Benefits section of the Employees Portal at our website:
Employee Signature
Printed Name
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ABBTECH Field Employee Manual
Welcome to ABBTECH Staffing Services, Inc. We are pleased to have you as a member of our
ABBTECH family. Each and every employee is important to us. We appreciate feedback from any
employee whose suggestion could make ABBTECH a better company with better services.
ABBTECH’s goal is to be better, not necessarily bigger, provide a competitive income and benefits,
and a variety of job assignments for every employee. This Manual is designed to acquaint you with
ABBTECH and provide you with information about working conditions, benefits, and policies affecting
your employment.
The information contained in this Manual applies to all field employees of ABBTECH. Field employees
are defined as ABBTECH employees assigned to a contract for an ABBTECH client.
This Employee Manual contains general statements of ABBTECH policy. This Manual supersedes all
prior policies, procedures or memos as to subjects addressed in this Manual and all representations,
oral or written. You are responsible for reading, understanding, and complying with all referenced
policies and procedures as well as the provisions of this Manual. Our objective is to provide you with
a work environment that is constructive to both personal and professional growth.
ABBTECH may revise, update, modify and or cancel policies and procedures at any time without
prior notice. Such changes will be provided at the time of institution and will be effective on such
dates as determined by ABBTECH.
If you are uncertain about any policy or procedure, speak with your ABBTECH representative. No
individual supervisor or manager has authority to change policies at any time.
Note: Throughout this Employee Manual, masculine pronouns such as he, his, or him shall be
construed so as to include both sexes.
ABBTECH is a woman-owned small business with a highly trained and experienced staff with
cumulative work experience of more than 100 years in the staffing industry.
ABBTECH provides a full range of Information Technology, Technical, Professional and Administrative
positions throughout the United States.
Many of ABBTECH’s recruiters and sales personnel have worked in the staffing industry since 1970
supplying personnel to Fortune 500 companies, as well as medium and small businesses. Our clients
offer top paying temporary and career positions to qualified candidates through ABBTECH
experienced placement consultants who match their career objective to our client’s needs.
We provide employment opportunities in the following Job Categories: IT, Technical, Professional,
and Administrative. (See Section 1.6, Employee Referral Bonus)
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ABBTECH is here to serve our clients and employees with the highest levels of quality service. Our
goal is to ensure fairness, honesty, integrity and excellence in all areas of business. We will provide
the best services at a reasonable cost to our customers. We will exceed our client’s and employee’s
expectations while growing a responsible and respectable organization.
We rely upon the accuracy of information contained in the employment application and/or resume
and the accuracy of other data presented throughout the hiring process and employment. Any
misrepresentations, falsifications, or material omissions in any of this information or data may result in
your exclusion from further consideration for employment or, if you have been hired, disciplinary
action, up to and including termination of employment.
Employment with ABBTECH is “at will”, meaning that your employment can be terminated with or
without cause, and with or without notice, at any time, at the option of either ABBTECH or yourself.
You enter into employment voluntarily, and you are free to resign at any time for any or no reason.
Similarly, ABBTECH is free to terminate its relationship with any employee at any time for any or no
reason, except as otherwise provided by law. Therefore, neither this Manual nor ABBTECH’s policies
and procedures constitutes a guarantee that your employment will continue for any definite period
of time or end only under certain conditions. Nothing in this Manual or in ABBTECH’s Policies and
Procedures constitutes an express or implied contract of employment or warranty of any
compensation or benefits. No one other than ABBTECH’s CEO, President and Vice President has the
authority to make any exception to this policy, and any such exception by one of these individuals
must be in writing and signed by the CEO, President, or Vice President.
Employee Referral Program Form
Open positions will be posted on our website You are encouraged to
recommend and refer qualified candidates for employment with ABBTECH. If you know of someone
who would like to work with us, we will be glad to consider him or her for appropriate openings.
Notify your ABBTECH representative and be sure the individual mentions your name when contacting
ABBTECH. When you recognize an exceptional performer, refer him or her to ABBTECH. We will work
to earn their trust and respect. If ABBTECH hires any of your referrals for 90 days or longer, you will
receive a referral fee based on the level of the position, unless receipt of a referral fee is forbidden by
law, rules, or regulations. This policy may change from time to time. All ABBTECH employee related
information may be found online in the Helpful Links/Resources section of the Employees Portal at our
Affirmative Action Letter; USERRA Poster
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In order to provide equal employment and advancement opportunities to all individuals,
employment decisions at ABBTECH will be based on merit, qualifications, and abilities. ABBTECH does
not discriminate in employment opportunities or practices because of race, color, religion, sex,
pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions, national origin, age, disability, genetic
information of the individual or family member of the individual, marital status, veteran status, or any
other basis prohibited by federal, state or local law. This policy governs all aspects of employment
including recruitment, hiring, training, compensation, benefits, transfers, reductions in staff, rehires,
leaves of absences, promotion, discharge, and other terms and conditions of employment.
It is the policy of ABBTECH to comply with all the relevant and applicable provisions of the Americans
with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Americans with Disabilities Amendment Act (ADAAA). ABBTECH
will not discriminate against any qualified employee or job applicant with respect to any terms,
privileges, or conditions of employment because of a person’s physical or mental disability. ABBTECH
also will make reasonable accommodations for a known disability wherever necessary for employees
or applicants with disabilities, provided that the individual is otherwise qualified to safely perform the
essential functions of the job and provided that such accommodations would not impose an undue
hardship on the operations of ABBTECH’s business.
Management is primarily responsible for seeing that ABBTECH’s equal employment opportunity
policies are carried out, but all members of the staff share in the responsibility for assuring that by their
personal actions the policies are effective and apply uniformly to everyone.
If you have questions or concerns about discrimination in the workplace you are encouraged to
bring these issues to the attention of your ABBTECH representative or to your Human Resources
Representative. You can raise concerns and make reports without fear of reprisal. Any employee
found to be engaging in unlawful discrimination will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and
including termination of employment.
ABBTECH is committed to service and providing the client with the best qualified personnel for each
and every assignment. Our growth and future as well as yours depend upon appropriate conduct
and satisfactory performance from every employee.
You are expected to follow all work rules, regulations and procedures set forth by ABBTECH and
ABBTECH's clients while working on their premises. If you have a concern with compliance or are not
sure if policies exist, please call your ABBTECH representative immediately.
Promulgation Letter
All ABBTECH employees should be aware that ABBTECH's operations, activities, and business affairs
are confidential and must be treated as confidential. During the course of employment with
ABBTECH, you are likely to acquire confidential or proprietary information about ABBTECH. You are
required to handle such information in strict confidence and not to discuss it with anyone outside
ABBTECH or with any employees of ABBTECH who do not have a legitimate business reason and need
to know the information.
Employees are responsible for the security of all such information.
Information on ABBTECH’s databases and all other information on ABBTECH computers belong to
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ABBTECH and is confidential and proprietary to ABBTECH. Employees may not disclose this
information to anyone outside of ABBTECH without ABBTECH’s written authorization.
Similarly, during the course of your assignment to an ABBTECH client, you are likely to acquire
confidential and proprietary information about the client. You are required to handle all such
information in strict confidence and not to discuss it with anyone outside the client, or with any
employee of the client or employees of ABBTECH who do not have a legitimate business reason and
need to know the information. Information on the client’s databases and all other information on
client computers belong to the client and are confidential and proprietary to client. Employees may
not disclose this information to anyone outside of the client’s business without ABBTECH’s and the
client’s written authorization. Our customers entrust ABBTECH with important information relating to
their businesses. The nature of this relationship requires maintenance of confidentiality. Employees
are responsible for the security of all such information, and in safeguarding this information; ABBTECH
earns the respect and further trust of our clients.
ABBTECH employs staff members who support sensitive US Government contracts. These individuals
are informed of their responsibilities to the agencies and companies they are supporting.
Management fully supports federal regulations and policies designed to protect the sensitive
information and materials these employees have access to, and expects the employees to comply
with whatever additional policies and practices that they are briefed about by the agency or
company they are supporting.
You should also be aware of and sensitive to approaches by individuals outside of ABBTECH or your
department asking you questions about your work or place of work that seem beyond the normal
scope of appropriate inquiries. Do not provide information that you do not believe should be
disclosed, and report any such inquiries to your ABBTECH representative immediately.
Your employment with ABBTECH assumes an obligation to maintain confidentiality, even after you
leave our employ. In acknowledging receipt of this handbook, you are acknowledging your
understanding that you may not use or retain or disclose any ABBTECH or client confidential
information subsequent to your departure.
Employees who improperly use or disclose trade secrets or confidential business information will be
subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment and legal action, even
if they do not actually benefit from the disclosed information.
The protection of confidential business information and trade secrets is vital to the interests and
success of ABBTECH. Such confidential information includes, but is not limited to, the following
Client Contact Information
Candidate/Employee Contact Information
Client List
Target/Prospect Lists
Employee Roster
Compensation data
Financial information
Marketing strategies
Pending projects and proposals
Proprietary production processes
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Personnel/Payroll records
Pricing information
You may be required to sign a non-disclosure agreement with ABBTECH and/or ABBTECH’s client as a
condition of employment or continued employment. In such an event, the restrictions and
obligations set forth in your non-disclosure agreement shall be in addition to the restrictions and
obligations set forth herein.
Maintenance, Retention and Access to Personnel Files and Records (G0029)
It is your responsibility to notify the payroll department of any changes in personal data immediately.
Changes such as:
Legal name
Home address
Current telephone number
Number of dependents
Marital status
Change of a beneficiary
Military or draft status
Exemptions on your W4 tax forms
Email Address
Your personal data should be accurate and current at all times. Coverage or benefits that you and
your family may receive under ABBTECH’s benefits package could be negatively affected if the
information in your personnel file is incorrect. Address information should be current for prompt
delivery of payroll and tax information.
All Field Employees, W2 and Corp-to-Corp, are employees of ABBTECH and as such must request
employment verification from ABBTECH. No verification requests are to be made to the client.
All employment verification requests must be received by the Human Resources Department in
writing and accompanied by a signed release from the employee in question. The HR department
will make all reasonable efforts to respond within 2 business days.
You may hold outside jobs in non-related businesses or professions as long as you meet the
performance standards of your job description with ABBTECH and ABBTECH’s client. Unless an
alternative work schedule has been approved by ABBTECH, you will be subject to ABBTECH’s and the
client’s scheduling requirements, regardless of any existing outside work assignments.
ABBTECH and ABBTECH’s client’s office space, equipment, and materials are not to be used for
outside employment, and you may not perform duties for your outside employment during your
assigned working hours for ABBTECH.
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You may not begin employment with a new employer while out on an approved ABBTECH leave,
without obtaining written approval in advance from the Human Resources Department. Beginning
outside employment while on leave without advance approval may result in disciplinary action, up
to and including termination.
Employment separation is an inevitable part of personnel activity within any organization, and many
of the reasons for termination are routine. Below are a few examples of some of the most common
circumstances under which employment is terminated:
Resignation - voluntary employment termination initiated by an employee.
Contract Termination –Client terminates contract with ABBTECH earlier than expected due to
budget issues, changes in priorities, etc.
Assignment Completion - Requirements of assignment fulfilled.
Direct Hire - Contractor goes full-time with client.
Termination for Cause - involuntary employment termination initiated by ABBTECH or our client.
When you intend to terminate your employment with ABBTECH, ABBTECH requests that you provide
ABBTECH with at least two weeks’ advance, written notice. Employees who fail to do so may not be
eligible for rehire.
Since employment with ABBTECH is at-will, both the employee and ABBTECH have the right to
terminate employment at any time, for any reason, whether stated here or not, with or without cause
or notice. Nothing in this policy alters your at-will employment relationship with ABBTECH.
Upon termination of employment for any reason, you are required to return all ABBTECH and client
property, including but not limited to this Employee Manual, files, records, laptop computers, cellular
telephones, and keys. ABBTECH will take appropriate action to recoup it property or applicable
replacement costs. Furthermore, any outstanding financial obligations (i.e. advance travel, per
Diem, etc.) owed to ABBTECH, or the replacement costs of any ABBTECH- or client-provided
equipment you fail to return, will be deducted from your final paycheck, if permitted by applicable
Your benefits will be affected by employment termination as described in Section 5 of this Manual
and in the benefit summary plan descriptions and plan documents.
After termination employees are not kept on staff between assignments. It is the employee’s
responsibility to contact their ABBTECH recruiter to determine if there are any other assignments
available for them. Failure to do so may affect their unemployment benefits.
The establishment and maintenance of a safe work environment is the shared responsibility of
ABBTECH and its employees from all levels of the organization. ABBTECH will do everything within its
control to assure a safe environment and compliance with federal, state and local laws and with the
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Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations. Employees are expected to
obey safety rules and exercise caution and common sense in all work activities, and to keep their
work areas neat and free of potentially dangerous situations. You must immediately report any
unsafe conditions to your ABBTECH client representative and ABBTECH representative.
In the case of an accident that results in injury, regardless of how insignificant the injury may appear,
you must notify your ABBTECH client representative and ABBTECH representative immediately.
Employees who violate safety standards, cause hazardous or dangerous situations, or fail to report, or
where appropriate, remedy such situations, may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including
termination of employment.
Only authorized persons may make purchases in the name of ABBTECH. No employee whose regular
duties do not include purchasing shall incur any expense on behalf of ABBTECH or bind ABBTECH by
any promise or representation without written approval. You may be required to reimburse ABBTECH
for any such unauthorized expenditure and/or may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and
including termination of employment for violating this policy.
Employee Expense Report Policy (G0002); Field Expense Report
Employees who expect to incur business related expenses for which reimbursement will be sought are
required to obtain prior approval for such expenses from their ABBTECH representatives. Expenses for
which reimbursement may be sought include mileage allowance, airfare, phone bills, and hotel
expenses. If prior approval has been obtained, employees must complete an expense report and
attach supporting documentation, such as receipts, and submit them to the Payroll Department on a
weekly basis, within two (2) weeks of incurring the expense, in order to be eligible for reimbursement.
ABBTECH Travel Policy
ABBTECH Travel Policy (G0012)
ABBTECH’s travel policy supersedes client guidance unless client rules are more restrictive. When
client rules are more restrictive, ABBTECH will issue a copy of the client regulations.
ABBTECH employs only United States citizens and those non-U.S. citizens authorized to work in the
United States in compliance with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986.
Federal law requires that each new employee, as a condition of employment, must complete the
Employment Eligibility Verification Form I-9 and present documentation establishing identity and
employment eligibility on the first day of employment. Failure to complete an I-9 within this timeframe
will result in termination of employment.
Former employees who are rehired must also complete the form if they have not completed an I-9
with ABBTECH within the past three years or if their previous I-9 is no longer valid.
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E-Verify Poster, Right to Work Poster, E-Verify Brochure
ABBTECH participates in E-Verify. E-Verify is an internet-based system operated by the Department of
Homeland Security (DHS) in partnership with the Social Security Administration (SSA) that allows
participating employers to electronically verify the employment eligibility of their newly hired
Federal law requires that all employers verify the identity and employment eligibility of all new
employees (including U.S. citizens) within three days of hire.
Employees are required to complete the Form I-9, and employees must provide employers with
documentation establishing both identity and eligibility to work in the United States.
For more information please visit the “Latest News” section of our website at or
the Department of Homeland Security at or contact USCIS at 1-888-464-4218.
Whenever people gather to achieve goals, they need some rules of conduct to help everyone work
together efficiently, effectively, and harmoniously. Some people have problems with “rules” and
“authority figures”, and past experience may have justified these thoughts and feelings; however, at
ABBTECH, we hold ourselves to a high standard of quality where rules and authority figures simply
assure that quality is maintained. By accepting employment with us, you have a responsibility to
ABBTECH and to your fellow workers to adhere to certain rules of behavior and conduct. The
purpose of these rules is to be certain that you understand what conduct is expected and necessary.
When each person is aware that he or she can fully depend upon fellow workers to follow the rules of
conduct, then our organization will be a better place to work for everyone.
The work rules and standards of conduct for ABBTECH acceptable business practices are important,
and the Company regards them seriously. All employees are urged to become familiar with these
rules and standards. In addition, employees are expected to follow the rules and standards faithfully
in doing their own jobs and conducting the Company’s business. Please note that any employee
who deviates from these rules and standards will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and
including termination of employment.
If ABBTECH’s client, to which the employee is assigned, provides employee with any type of
standards of conduct, rules, or other agreement, it is the employee’s responsibility to comply with
and to provide ABBTECH with said document within three (3) days of receipt.
While not intended to list all the forms of behavior that are considered unacceptable in the
workplace, the following are examples of rule infractions or misconduct that may result in disciplinary
action up to and including termination of employment.
Violation of any Company policy or procedure;
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Unsatisfactory work performance or failure to perform assigned duties;
Excessive absenteeism, tardiness, or leaving work early or any absence without notice;
Insubordination or other disrespectful conduct;
Possessing, distributing, selling, transferring, using or being under the influence of alcohol or
illegal drugs during working hours, while on Company or client premises, in a Company or
client vehicle, or while conducting any business-related activity;
Engaging in criminal conduct on Company or client premises, while in Company or client
vehicles, or while conducting any business-related activity;
Engaging in acts of violence, exhibiting threatening behavior, or making threats of violence
against anyone while on Company or client premises, in Company or client vehicles, or while
conducting any business related activity;
Harassing, threatening, intimidating, or coercing any Company employee or client at any
time, including during off-duty periods;
Unauthorized possession of dangerous or illegal firearms, explosives, or other weapons on
Company or client property, in Company or client vehicles, or while conducting any businessrelated activity;
Engaging in any act of sabotage against the Company or its clients;
Willfully or negligently causing the destruction or damage of Company property, or the
property of other Company employees, clients, suppliers or visitors;
Theft or unauthorized removal of any Company or client property, or the property of another
employee, a client or supplier, including documents;
Fighting on Company or client property, horseplay, or any other action that is dangerous to
others or to Company or client property or that disrupts works;
Failure to comply with safety or health rules, to cooperate in safety inspections or to promptly
report to the appropriate person any unsafe condition encountered during work or while on
Company or client premises;
Smoking in non-smoking areas or at non-designated times;
Engaging in sexual or other unlawful or unwelcome harassment, or otherwise violating the
Company’s or the client’s Harassment Policy(s);
Using ABBTECH or client equipment or property for purposes other than ABBTECH business
unless approved in advance by an appropriate Company or client representative;
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Unauthorized copying, disclosure, or use of confidential information about the Company or its
clients or any trade secrets, or otherwise violating any confidentiality or non-disclosure
Falsifying, misrepresenting or failing to provide complete and accurate information on
Company or client records, including employment applications, personnel questionnaires,
leave requests, work performance reports, time records, expense reports, or any other records,
forms or reports;
Unauthorized altering of Company or client records or other documents;
Making or publishing false, vicious, or malicious statements concerning other employees, the
Company, or its clients;
Immoral conduct or indecency on Company or client premises, in Company or client vehicles,
or while conducting any business-related activity;
Conducting a lottery or gambling on Company or client premises, or while conducting any
business-related activity;
Sleeping while on duty or failing to perform the duties of the position during working hours;
Engaging in excessive personal calls while on duty;
Recording by video, audio, camera, or other means, any conversations, images, or other
communications while on Company or client premises or while conducting any businessrelated activity without the knowledge and consent of all parties to the communication, and
without the prior approval of the Company and the client, if on-site at a client;
Permitting unauthorized individuals to enter and/or remain on Company or client premises;
Accepting employment with another employer while on an authorized leave of absence;
Failure to perform the duties of the position in a professional manner and to maintain civility in
the workplace;
Failure to cooperate with a Company or client investigation.
Progressive Discipline Policy (G0014)
The Company expects that you will be regular and punctual in attendance. This means being in your
work station, ready to work, at your starting time each day. Absenteeism, tardiness, and leaving work
prior to your scheduled departure time place a burden on other employees and on our clients.
If you are unable to report for work at your scheduled time for any reason, you must notify your
ABBTECH client representative and ABBTECH representative as soon as possible in advance, but in no
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event later than the scheduled start time (unless prevented by an emergency) . You are responsible
for speaking directly with ABBTECH’s client representative and your ABBTECH representative about
your absence or late arrival. It is acceptable to leave a voice mail. In the case of leaving a voicemail message, a follow-up call should be made later that day.
If you do not report for work for two consecutive days and ABBTECH is not notified of your status
(unless prevented by an emergency), ABBTECH may assume that you resigned, and you may be
removed from the payroll system and terminated.
If you become ill while at work or must leave the office for some other reason before the end of the
workday, you must inform your client representative and ABBTECH representative of the situation as
soon as possible before you leave.
If there comes a time when you see that you will need to work some hours other than those that
make up your usual work week, notify your ABBTECH client representative and ABBTECH
representative at least two days in advance. Each request for special work hours will be considered
separately, in light of your needs and the needs of our client. Such requests may or may not be
granted. No overtime may be worked without the prior approval of your client representative.
An employee who does not comply with this policy is subject to disciplinary action, up to and
including termination of employment.
Harassment Policy and Procedures (G0003)
ABBTECH is committed to providing a work environment that is safe, fair and free from discrimination
or harassment for all members of the ABBTECH team. ABBTECH has a responsibility under federal,
state and local laws to ensure that employees are not subjected to behavior that may constitute
unlawful discrimination or harassment. Not only is such behavior illegal it will not be tolerated here.
ABBTECH specifically prohibits discrimination against or favoritism toward applicants, employees,
clients, suppliers, and all other persons or organizations having a business relationship with ABBTECH
on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, pregnancy, childbirth or related medical
conditions, genetic information of the individual or family member of the individual, age, disability,
marital status, veteran status, or any other basis prohibited by applicable law. This policy applies to
all phases of employment, including recruiting, testing, hiring, upgrading, promotion or demotion,
transfer, layoff, termination, rates of pay, benefits and selection for training, travel and/or company
social events.
Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment has been defined generally as including unwelcome sexual advances, requests for
sexual favors and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature, whenever: (1) submission to the
conduct is either an explicit or implicit term or condition of employment; (2) an employee's reaction to
the conduct is used as a basis for employment decisions affecting that employee; or (3) the conduct
has the purpose or effect of interfering with the employee's work performance or creating an
intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment.
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No employee or applicant should be subjected to unsolicited and unwelcome sexual overtures, nor
should any employee or applicant be led to believe that an employment opportunity or benefit will in
any way depend upon "cooperation" of a sexual nature.
Sexual harassment is not limited to demands for sexual favors. It also may include such actions as: (1)
sex-oriented verbal "kidding," "teasing" or jokes; (2) repeated offensive sexual flirtations, advances, or
propositions; (3) continued or repeated verbal abuse of a sexual nature; (4) graphic or degrading
comments about an individual or his or her appearance; (5) the display of sexually suggestive objects or
pictures; (6) subtle pressure for sexual activity; and (7) inappropriate physical contact.
Sexual harassment does not refer to occasional compliments of a socially acceptable nature, or
consensual personal and social relationships without a discriminatory employment effect. It refers to
behavior that is not welcome and that is personally intimidating, hostile, or offensive.
General Harassment
Harassment on other grounds, including race, color, religion, national origin, pregnancy, childbirth or
related medical conditions, age, genetic information of the employee or family member of the
employee, disability, marital status, veteran status, or any other basis prohibited by federal, state or
local law is also prohibited. Prohibited harassment may include, but is not limited to, epithets, slurs,
derogatory comments or jokes, intimidation, negative stereotyping, threats, assault or any physical
interference with the employee’s normal work or movement, and other conduct that the individual
might reasonably find to be offensive and which is directed at an individual employee, his/her relatives,
friends or associates. Harassment may also include written or graphic material placed on walls, e-mail,
bulletin boards or elsewhere on ABBTECH premises, or circulated in the workplace that denigrates,
shows hostility or aversion towards an individual or group because of the characteristics identified
Scope of Policy
This policy prohibiting discrimination and harassment, whether sexual or of another nature, is not limited
to relationships between and among employees and prospective employees, but also extends to
interaction with clients, suppliers, and others having a business relationship with ABBTECH. No employee
shall ever subject any client, supplier, or other person having a business relationship with the Company
to sexual harassment or other unlawful harassment or discrimination of any nature, including that
conduct described above. Furthermore, no employee or applicant will be required to suffer
discrimination or harassment, including sexual harassment, by any client, vendor, or supplier. Any
unwelcome sexual overtures or other forms of sexual or unlawful harassment or discrimination advanced
by a client, vendor, or supplier should be reported immediately to your ABBTECH representative, Human
Resources, or anyone in ABBTECH’s management.
Complaint Procedure
ABBTECH encourages reporting of all incidents of discrimination and harassment, including sexual
harassment, regardless of the identity of the offender. While ABBTECH encourages individuals who
believe they are being harassed to firmly and promptly notify the offender that his or her behavior is
unwelcome, the Company also recognizes that power and status disparities between the offender and
the recipient of the offensive conduct may make such a confrontation difficult. Consequently, such
direct communication is not a requirement or prerequisite to filing a complaint.
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Notification Procedure
Any employee who feels that he or she is or has been subjected to illegal discrimination or
harassment in violation of this policy should immediately notify his or her ABBTECH
representative, Human Resources, or anyone in ABBTECH’s management.
Investigation of Complaint
ABBTECH will fully investigate all complaints, and will maintain confidentiality to the extent
possible given the Company's duty to investigate the complaint. Anyone who is found to
have engaged in illegal discrimination or harassment will be subject to appropriate
disciplinary action depending on the circumstances, including possibly termination of
Non-Retaliation for Complaint
No employee will be retaliated against for making a complaint or assisting with the
investigation of a complaint. Making a knowingly false complaint, however, may result in
disciplinary action, including possibly termination of employment.
ABBTECH is strongly committed to maintaining a workplace free of impermissible discrimination,
harassment or intimidation, including sexual harassment. All complaints will be taken seriously. If you
have questions, please speak to your ABBTECH representative, Human Resources, or anyone in
ABBTECH’s management.
A professional appearance is important. You should be well groomed and dressed appropriately for
our client’s business and for your position in particular.
The following items are examples of inappropriate working attire:
Flip Flops/Crocs
T-shirts with inappropriate or offensive words, gestures, pictures or advertising
Baseball Caps
Bathing Suits
Belly Shirts
Low-rise pants or jeans
Faded and/or ripped jeans
Workout Gear (sports bras, bike shorts, etc.)
Consult your client representative and/or ABBTECH representative if you have any questions about
appropriate business attire.
Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace Policy (G0022)
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ABBTECH maintains a drug-free workplace and intends that ABBTECH personnel be a drug-free
workforce. Employees may not use, possess, manufacture, distribute, dispense, transport, sell, or be
under the influence of or be impaired by illegal drugs or alcohol while on ABBTECH premises or while
conducting any business-related activity at a client site or any other place away from ABBTECH’s
premises. Such activities not only violate company rules, but also can adversely affect work quantity
and quality, jeopardize employee health and create an unacceptably dangerous work
environment. You may use legally prescribed drugs on the job only if they do not impair your ability
to perform the essential functions of your job effectively and safely without endangering yourself or
others. Employees in violation of this policy are subject to appropriate disciplinary action, up to and
including termination of employment.
Computer and Telephone Monitoring Policy (G0021)
ABBTECH and ABBTECH’s clients provide ABBTECH employees with various technologies to assist the
employees in conducting business for ABBTECH and its clients. ABBTECH’s and ABBTECH’s clients’
computer systems and other technology, including Internet access, the e-mail and phone systems,
are the property of ABBTECH and ABBTECH’s clients respectively, and should be used primarily for
conducting the business of ABBTECH and its clients. Employees are required to limit their non-business
use of technology to non-working time during their lunch hour and breaks, and such usage must not
interfere with the employee’s performance of his or duties for ABBTECH or its clients.
While ABBTECH understands that its employees may, on occasion, use its or its clients’ computer
system, access the Internet, and send and receive e-mail for personal matters, employees should not
have any expectation of privacy with respect to use of these systems. All messages created, sent, or
received, and all information accessed over the Internet, the intranet, or using ABBTECH’s and/or
ABBTECH’s clients’ e-mail systems or other computer systems are subject to monitoring without further
notice to employees. For privacy reasons, employees should not attempt to gain access to another
employee’s personal files, e-mail message, or voice mail messages without the latter’s express
permission. However, as noted, employees should be aware that, with respect to ABBTECH and its
clients, they do not possess any privacy rights in messages sent or received on the electronic mail
system, even though those systems may be password protected.
ABBTECH’s and its clients’ e-mail, Internet, and computer systems should be used in a completely
professional manner at all times. All e-mail communications, whether intended for internal or external
circulation, should be professional, polite, and appropriate for the work environment. The e-mail
system should not be used to solicit others for commercial ventures, religious or political causes,
outside organizations, or other non-job-related promotions. Furthermore, as ABBTECH strives to
maintain a workplace free of harassment and discrimination, ABBTECH prohibits the use of computers
and the e-mail system in ways that are disruptive, offensive to others, or harmful to morale.
ABBTECH’s Discrimination and Harassment Policy applies fully with respect to the use of the e-mail,
Internet, and other computer systems.
Employees may not download or use material from the Internet or other sources in violation of
software licenses, copyright and trademark laws. Employees may not load any software on ABBTECH
or its clients’ workstations or servers without the prior approval of the Director of IT. Furthermore,
employees may only use software on local area networks or on multiple machines according to the
software license agreement. ABBTECH prohibits the illegal or unauthorized duplication of software
and its related documentation.
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Employees should notify their ABBTECH representative upon learning of violations of this policy.
Employees who violate this policy will be subjective to disciplinary action, up to and including
termination of employment.
ABBTECH has a Zero-Tolerance Policy regarding acts or threats of workplace violence committed by
or against employees. Therefore, any employee found in violation of this policy will be subject to
disciplinary action, including immediate termination.
Prohibited conduct includes, but is not limited to:
 Attempted, threatened, or accomplished physical injury to any other person;
 Behavior that creates a reasonable fear or expectation of the infliction of injury;
 Behavior that subjects another individual to extreme emotional distress;
 Possession, exhibition or the use of any weapon on ABBTECH’s or its client’s premises or
while engaged in ABBTECH business.
Reference: Progressive Discipline Policy (G0014)
ABBTECH expects employees to follow established policies, procedures, work rules and standards of
conduct. When employees deviate from these policies, procedures, rules and/or standards,
ABBTECH may use a program of progressive discipline. Progressive discipline typically follows a
pattern of increasing levels of discipline based on the increasing seriousness of the infraction or
repeated infractions.
The usual sequence of progressive discipline includes an oral warning, a written warning, probation,
and finally termination of employment. In deciding which initial disciplinary action would be
appropriate, an ABBTECH representative will consider the seriousness of the infraction, the
circumstances surrounding the matter, the employee’s previous record, and the input of ABBTECH’s
client. ABBTECH reserves the right to skip any or all levels of discipline and immediately terminate
employment at its sole discretion.
While ABBTECH will use this Progressive Discipline Policy when it deems appropriate, this policy does
not alter the at-will employment relationship between you and ABBTECH, meaning that either you or
ABBTECH may termination the employment relationship at any time, with or without cause or notice.
Nothing in this Employee Manual or any other policies or procedures constitute a guarantee that
employment will continue for any specific period of time or end only under certain conditions.
Nothing in this Employee Manual or in any other policies or procedures constitutes an express or
implied contract of employment or warranty of any compensation or benefits.
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Solicitations for activities including signatures, charitable contributions, merchandise purchases, gifts,
birthdays, and all other purposes, must be conducted during your non-working time. Solicitation of
one employee by another is prohibited while either person is on working time. Working time is all time
when your duties require that you be engaged in work tasks, but does not include your own time such as meal periods, scheduled breaks, and before and after work.
Distribution of non-work related literature, leaflets, cards, notices, advertisements, or any other nonwork-related material is prohibited in working areas. Under no circumstances may items be posted
on a bulletin board or ABBTECH’s intranet without being reviewed and approved by Human
Resources. Additionally, posted materials are not permitted in common areas, including but not
limited to, halls, lounges, meeting rooms, break rooms, or restrooms.
Using ABBTECH stationary, supplies, or equipment for non-work related matters is prohibited.
Non-employees are not permitted to enter ABBTECH’s premises for purpose of making solicitations or
distributing literature or any other written materials. For purposes of this policy, the ABBTECH’s
premises means inside ABBTECH’s facilities and on ABBTECH property.
Employees violating any of the above rules may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including
termination of employment.
ABBTECH or client owned business material, supplies and equipment are for the express use of
business related activities. Personal use of ABBTECH or client property is prohibited.
While employees may bring personal items to work, ABBTECH will not be responsible, nor will it
reimburse employees, for lost or stolen items.
ABBTECH reserves the right to inspect desks and other areas, including private property, such as
handbags and briefcases brought onto ABBTECH’s or its client’s premises.
Any activity, practice or act which conflicts with the interests of ABBTECH is prohibited, and should be
reported to your ABBTECH representative.
Code of Business Ethics and Conduct Policy (G0032)
ABBTECH’s Written Code of Business Ethics and Conduct covers a wide range of business practices
and procedures. While it does not address each and every business ethics issue that may arise, it sets
out basic principles to guide all employees (staff and field), officers, agents, representatives,
subcontractors and corp-to-corp’s (collectively referred to as ABBTECH representatives throughout
this policy) of ABBTECH regarding business ethics and conduct requirements.
representatives must conduct themselves accordingly and seek to avoid even the appearance of
improper behavior. ABBTECH representatives are required to know and follow all policies that are
applicable to their work.
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If you need help, you can contact ABBTECH’s Vice President of Operations and Business Ethics and
Conduct Specialist. In a case where it may not be appropriate to discuss an issue with your
supervisor, ABBTECH representative or local management, call 703-450-5252 x211 which will put you in
direct contact with the Threase A. Baker, Vice President, Operations and Business Ethics Specialist at
ABBTECH headquarters. If you prefer to write, address your concerns to:
ABBTECH Staffing Services, Inc.
Dulles Int'l Airport
PO Box 20098
Washington, DC 20041
ATTN: Threase A. Baker
Vice President, Operations
You may report violations of ABBTECH’s Business Ethics and Conduct Policy in confidence and without
fear of retaliation; however, making a knowingly false complaint may result in disciplinary action, up
to and including termination of employment. If your situation requires that your identity be kept
secret, your anonymity will be protected to the greatest extent possible, given ABBTECH’s need to
investigate the matter. You may call the confidential ABBTECH “We are Listening Line” at 703-4505252 x212; you are not required to identify yourself on such calls. As provided above, ABBTECH does
not permit retaliation of any kind against ABBTECH representatives for good faith reports of suspected
The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) provides minimum wage, overtime pay, record keeping, and
child labor standards. There are two classifications of employees concerning the FLSA.
 FLSA Exempt: Employees who are subject to only certain state and federal wage and
hour laws. Determination of FLSA status is based on the level of responsibility of the job.
Exempt employees do not receive overtime pay.
 FLSA Non-Exempt: Employees who are subject to all provisions of state and federal
wage and hour laws. For example, non-exempt employees are eligible for, and will
receive, overtime pay when working more than 40 hours during a given work week.
ABBTECH will also comply with all aspects of applicable state and local law regarding the payment
of overtime and exempt/non-exempt classifications.
Time Reporting Policy and Procedure (AC0003)
All employees are required to accurately record time worked on a weekly basis in accordance with
the procedures set forth below.
Time worked is the time actually spent on a job(s) performing
assigned duties. Actual working hours are set by the client.
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Your time sheets are the only way the Payroll Department knows how many hours you worked and
how much to pay you. You are responsible for you time sheets. Remember to record your time
promptly and accurately.
Authorized personnel will review time records each week. Any change to your approved time record
must be approved by your client representative. Questions regarding the timekeeping system or
timesheets should be directed to the ABBTECH Payroll Department.
Timesheets are due into the ABBTECH office no later than 10am Monday on the week following
your timesheet-ending week (unless instructed otherwise due to a holiday).
You are required to have your timesheet correctly and completely filled out including signature
by the client and yourself. Under no circumstances are you to sign for the client.
By signing your timesheet, you are verifying that the reported hours are complete and accurate.
You may not change the hours on the timesheets after the client has reviewed and signed the
timesheet without written authorization from the client. When necessary and/or appropriate,
you may be required to submit both the client timesheet and the ABBTECH timesheet.
Failure to submit your timesheet on time, and/or failure to comply with the above guidelines may
result in a delay in processing your paycheck.
Altering, falsifying, tampering with timesheets, or recording time on another team member’s
timesheet, or allowing others to record time on your timesheet may constitute fraud, forgery or
embezzlement, and will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.
We make every effort to avoid errors in your paycheck. If you believe we have made an error, call
the ABBTECH Payroll Department immediately. They will take the necessary steps to research the
problem and to assure that any necessary correction is made properly and promptly. Exempt
employees who believe that ABBTECH has taken an improper deduction from their pay should also
follow the procedures set out in ABBTECH’s Policy on Improper Deductions from Pay.
No employee may be asked, nor may an employee perform, “off-the-clock” or “donated” work
without pay. Employees are required to report all time worked. Violations of this policy should be
reported to the Human Resources Department. Failure to comply with this policy may result in
disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.
Non-exempt employees are entitled to receive overtime pay for all hours worked over 40 hours in a
workweek, and/or as may otherwise be required by applicable state and local law. No overtime
shall be worked without the prior approval of your client representative. Employees will be paid
overtime at the rate of one and one-half times the employee’s regular hourly rate, unless otherwise
required by applicable state or local law.
Calendar Pay Period / Weekly
Payday is every Friday, unless Friday is a holiday in which case paychecks will be distributed on the
preceding workday. Some holidays or closings may cause additional shifts to the pay schedule.
ABBTECH is on a one-week arrears pay cycle.
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For the convenience of employees, paychecks will be directly deposited to the checking or savings
account you specify. If you do not authorize direct deposit, we will mail paychecks to you at the
address on record in the Payroll Department. Paychecks will not, under any circumstances, be given
to any person other than the employee without written authorization from the employee.
ABBTECH has an Employee Self-Service Web Site provided to us with our payroll services. This web site
allows you to review your pay stub in addition to other pay-related information.
Please contact the Payroll Department if you have any issues or questions.
Reference: iPay Online Instructions
Unfortunately, non-exempt employees will not be paid when work is not available due to
circumstances not within ABBTECH’s control, unless otherwise required by state or local law; the
following are examples of such circumstances:
Operations cannot commence or continue due to threats to employees or property or when
recommended by civil authorities.
Public utilities fail to supply electricity, water, or gas, or there is a failure in the public utilities or
sewer system.
The interruption of work is caused by an “Act of God” (inclement weather, fire, flood,
earthquake, avalanche, etc.) or another cause not within ABBTECH’s control.
ABBTECH does not pay severance pay. When you leave ABBTECH, you will only be paid for actual
time worked based on signed and approved client time sheets.
ABBTECH is required by law to make certain deductions from your paycheck each time one is
prepared. Among these are the following deductions: federal, state, and local income taxes and
your contribution to Social Security/OASDI (Old Age Security and Disability Insurance) and Medicare
withholding. ABBTECH will itemize these deductions on your check stub.
The amount of the deductions may depend on your earnings and on the information you furnish on
your W4 form regarding the number of dependents and/or exemptions you claim. Any change in
name, address, telephone number, marital status or number of exemptions must be reported to HR
and Payroll Departments immediately, to ensure proper credit for tax purposes.
We hope you will manage your financial affairs so that we will not be obligated to execute any
court-ordered wage assignment or garnishment against your wages. However, whenever court-
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ordered deductions are to be taken from you paycheck, we will notify you. We are required by law
to comply with any such wage assignment/garnishment.
Multiple garnishments may subject an employee to disciplinary action, up to and including
termination of employment.
It is ABBTECH’s policy to pay its exempt employees under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) on a
“salary basis,” such that exempt employees will regularly receive each pay period a predetermined
amount that is not subject to variation due to the qualify or quantify of the work performed. The
purpose of this policy is to provide exempt employees with a general understanding of what it means
to be paid on a salary basis and to communicate the mechanism by which exempt employees may
raise any questions regarding any deductions from the employee’s salary.
Deductions from Pay:
While generally exempt employees will receive a predetermined amount each pay period, the FLSA
permits reductions from that salary in certain circumstances:
When an exempt employee performs no work for an entire workweek.
When an exempt employee is absent for one or more full days for personal reasons.
When an exempt employee is absent for one or more full days because of sickness or disability.
To offset amounts received by the employee as payment for jury fees, witness fees, or military
For violations of safety rules of major significance.
For suspensions without pay for one or more full days for disciplinary violations involving
workplace conduct rules.
During the exempt employee’s initial or final week of employment, provided the employee
works less than a full week.
Complaint Procedure:
As noted, ABBTECH is committed to observing the salary basis requirements of the FLSA. However, in the
event an exempt employee believes his or her salary has been improperly reduced, the employee
should follow this procedure to ensure any such reduction was not unlawful.
Notification Procedure. Any exempt employee who believes that ABBTECH has made an
improper deduction from his or her salary should immediately (or as soon as possible) notify the
Human Resources Department in writing of the date of the payroll in which the reduction
occurred, the amount of the reduction, and the reason given on the pay stub (if any) for the
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Investigation of Complaint. Human Resources will investigate all complaints and will make a
determination as to whether the deduction from salary was lawful. The result will be
communicated to the employee in writing. If Human Resources determines that ABBTECH has
made an improper pay deduction, ABBTECH will reimburse the employee the amount of the
improper deduction and will take steps to ensure that such improper deduction does not
occur again in the future. If Human Resources determines that ABBTECH’s reduction of salary
was lawful, the employee may appeal that decision to the President who shall review the
matter and make a final decision as to whether the deduction was permissible under the FLSA.
Non-Retaliation. No employee will be retaliated against for making a complaint or assisting
with the investigation of a complaint. A knowingly false complaint, however, may result in
disciplinary action, including possibly termination of employment.
ABBTECH is strongly committed to avoiding improper pay deductions. All complaints will be taken
seriously. If you have questions, please call Human Resources.
Employees shall be eligible to receive such employee benefits as ABBTECH may from time to time
provide to similar employees, which benefits may be modified, amended or discontinued, in whole or
in part, at any time by ABBTECH in its sole discretion. A summary of the benefits currently provided by
ABBTECH are set forth below. Please review the benefit plan documents for more detailed
information. In the event of conflict in language or interpretation between official plan documents
and the summaries in this Employee Manual, the terms of the official plan documents will govern.
ABBTECH is interested in the health and well being of both you and your family. A comprehensive
health and life insurance program is available for you and your family. We provide group insurance
underwritten by a national insurance carrier. ABBTECH has negotiated a reduced cost to you for
these group benefits. All benefits are 100% employee funded.
You are eligible to enroll in your choice of health insurance benefits from the first day of work. You
have 30 days from the first day of work in which to enroll. If you enroll at any time during your first 30
days of employment, coverage will be retroactively applied back to your first day of employment.
You will be responsible for payment of health insurance premiums from the first day of work.
If you elect coverage ABBTECH will deduct this amount from your paycheck. Any employee that fails
to enroll in health insurance within the first 30 days of work waives their right to coverage until the
company’s next open enrollment period unless you experience a qualifying event. A qualifying
event is generally defined as any event that changes the employee’s benefit status. Such changes
include but are not limited to: marriage, divorce, birth of a child, death of spouse or dependent as
well as loss of coverage. If you decline enrollment for yourself or your dependents, including your
spouse, because of other health insurance coverage, you may in the future be able to enroll yourself or
your dependents in ABBTECH’s plan, provided that you request enrollment within thirty (30) days of the
event that causes you to seek new coverage. Additionally, if you have a new dependent as a result of
marriage, birth, adoption or placement for adoption, you may be able to enroll yourself and your
dependent(s), provided that you request enrollment within thirty (30) days after the marriage, birth,
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adoption or placement for adoption.
contact Human Resources.
To request special enrollment or obtain more information,
Loss of coverage due to termination of employment is covered in the section regarding COBRA.
Open enrollment information and dates are listed on the Benefits area of the Employee Portal on the
Company website:
Your Healthcare Continuation Coverage under COBRA
The Federal Consolidated Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) and, where applicable, state law
gives you and your qualified beneficiaries the opportunity to continue health insurance coverage
under the ABBTECH health plan when a “qualifying event” would normally result in the loss of
Some common qualifying events are resignation, termination of employment, or death of an
employee, divorce or legal separation and a dependent child no longer meeting eligibility
ABBTECH provides each eligible employee with a written notice describing rights granted under
COBRA and, where applicable, state law at time of hire. The notice contains important information
about your rights and obligations.
Introduction to the 401(k) Plan
The 401(K) plan offers ABBTECH employees a unique opportunity for savings, financial growth and
favorable tax treatment.
Eligibility occurs after 12 months of continuous employment. Currently ABBTECH does not offer a
matching program.
G0025 - Family Medical Leave Act
ABBTECH will grant up to 12 weeks of family and/or medical leave during any 12-month period to
eligible employees in accordance with the federal Family and Medical Leave Act (“FMLA”).
ABBTECH will also grant up to 26 weeks of leave during a single 12-month period to eligible
employees who are the spouse, child, parent or next of kin of a covered service member to care for
a covered service member with a serious injury or illness under the FMLA. FMLA leave is unpaid,
except that employees will be required to use accrued paid leave, short term disability benefits, and
long term disability benefits (if available/applicable and approved in accordance with the benefit
requirements) in conjunction with their leave. Employees are limited to a combined total of 26
workweeks of leave for any FMLA-qualifying reason during a single 12-month period. In addition to
the federal FMLA leave discussed above, ABBTECH will comply with all aspects of applicable state
family and medical leave laws.
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Qualifying FMLA Events Include:
 Birth of a child, and in order to care for that child (must be taken within 12 months of the birth);
 Placement of a child for adoption or foster care (must be taken within 12 months of the
 The care of a spouse, child or parent with a serious health condition;
 The serious health condition of the employee that makes the employee unable to perform the
essential functions of the employee’s job;
 Any qualifying exigency arising out of the fact that the employee’s spouse, son, daughter or
parent is a covered military member on active duty;
 The care of a covered service member with a serious injury or illness if the employee is the
spouse, son, daughter, parent, or next of kin, of the service member.
Definition of Terms:
A “child” is defined as a biological or adopted child, a stepchild, or a legal ward, who is either under
the age of 18 or over age 18 and unable to care for him or herself because of mental or physical
disability. For purposes of care of a covered service member or leave due to a qualifying exigency,
the definition of child is the same as above except the child may be of any age.
A “parent” is the biological parent of an employee or an individual who stood in loco parentis to an
employee when the employee was a son or daughter. This includes an individual who assumed
“day-to-day” responsibility for a child. Parent does not include in-laws.
A “spouse” is a husband or wife as defined or recognized under state law for purposes of marriage,
including common law marriage in states where it is recognized.
A “serious health condition” is defined as an illness, injury, or impairment or physical or mental
condition that renders the employee incapable of performing the essential functions of the job and
 Any period of incapacity or treatment in connection with or consequent to inpatient care in a
hospital, residential medical care facility, or hospice;
 An absence for more than three calendar days requiring continuing treatment by a health
care provider;
 Any period of incapacity due to pregnancy or for prenatal care;
 A period of incapacity or treatment due to a chronic serious health condition which continues
over an extended period of time and requires periodic visits to a health care provider;
 Any periods of incapacity due to a permanent or long-term condition for which treatment is
not effective or any absence to receive multiple treatments by a health care provider for
restorative surgery or a condition that would likely result in more than three days absence if not
A “serious injury or illness” means an injury or illness incurred by a covered service member in the line
of duty on active duty that may render the service member medically unfit to perform the duties of
his or her office, grade, rank, or rating.
A “qualifying exigency” is any one of the following: (1) short-notice deployment; (2) military events
and related activities; (3) certain childcare and school activities; (4) financial and legal
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arrangements; (5) counseling; (6) rest and recuperation; (7) post-deployment military activities; and
(8) additional activities to address other events which arise out of the covered military member’s
active duty or call to active duty status, provided the employer and employee agree that such
leave shall qualify as an exigency, and agree to both the timing and duration of such leave.
A “next of kin” of a covered service member means the nearest blood relative other than the
covered service member’s spouse, parent, son, or daughter.
A “covered military member” for the purpose of leave related to a qualifying exigency is any active
duty member of the Armed Forces during deployment of the member with the Armed Forces in a
foreign country or a member of the National Guard and Reserves on active duty or call to active
duty status.
A “covered servicemember” is:
 A member of the Armed Forces, including a member of the National Guard or Reserves, who
is undergoing medical treatment, recuperation, or therapy, is otherwise in outpatient status, or
is otherwise on the temporary disability retired list, for a serious injury or illness.
 A veteran of the Armed Forces (including the National Guard or Reserves) who is undergoing
medical treatment, recuperation or therapy for a serious injury or illness that occurred at any
time during the five years preceding the date of treatment, recuperation or therapy.
To be an FMLA “eligible employee,” the following conditions must be satisfied:
 The employee must have worked for ABBTECH for at least 12 months (these months need not
be consecutive).
 The employee must have worked at least 1,250 hours during the 12 consecutive months
preceding the start of the employee’s requested leave.
 The employee must work at an eligible work-site. An employee works at an “eligible work-site”
if at least 50 employees, including part-time employees, work within 75 miles of that worksite.
Twelve Month Period. The 12-month period (during which up to 12 weeks of leave is available (and
additional periods required by applicable law depending on work location)) is a rolling 12-month
period measured backward from the date the FMLA leave is taken. The single 12-month period
during which up to 26 weeks of covered service member leave is available is measured forward from
the date the leave is first taken.
Total Leave Amount. Employees who are eligible to take leave to care for a covered service
member and other leave under the FMLA are only entitled to a combined total of 26 weeks of leave
in the single 12-month period.
Use of Paid Leave. ABBTECH requires employees to use all accrued paid leave, such as vacation
and sick leave (if available/applicable), to run concurrently with FMLA leave.
In the event the employee’s own illness or injury is covered by disability benefits or workers
compensation, the employee will not be permitted to use any accrued paid leave in a manner that
would result in double compensation. Employees must use accrued paid leave when eligible for
short-term disability and may only use it for the first seven calendar days of their total disability.
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Employee and Spouse Employed by the Company. In situations where both the employee and the
employee’s spouse are employed by ABBTECH, a total of 12 weeks of leave between both parties will
be granted for birth, adoption, foster care placement or care for a parent with a serious health
condition. In situations where both the employee and the employee’s spouse are employed by
ABBTECH, a total of 26 weeks of leave between both parties will be granted to care for a covered
service member with a serious injury or illness. If the leave is requested because of the serious health
condition of a child or of the other spouse or because of a qualifying exigency, each spouse is
entitled to 12 weeks of leave.
To utilize FMLA leave, employees must follow specific guidelines as provided by the Human Resources
Department, some of which are described below.
Requests for Leave. In the event of a foreseeable leave of absence, the employee must apply 30
days prior to the date on which the employee wants to commence his/her leave. If 30 days notice is
not possible, notice must be given as soon as practicable under the facts and circumstances. When
an employee becomes aware of the need for leave, it should ordinarily be practicable for the
employee to provide notice of the need for leave either the same day or the next business day. In
the case of unforeseeable leave, the employee must provide notice as soon as practicable and,
absent unusual circumstances, within the time period prescribed by the Company’s usual and
customary procedures for requesting leave. If the employee does not comply with these
requirements, FMLA-leave may be delayed or denied.
Certification. If the leave of absence is to the care for a parent, spouse or child with a serious health
condition or to care for a covered service member or because of the employee’s own serious health
condition, the employee will be required to provide a certification from the health care provider,
which is available from Human Resources. If the leave of absence is because of a qualifying
exigency arising out of the active duty status of a covered military member, the employee will be
required to provide a certification which includes a copy of the military member’s active duty orders
or other similar documentation. The required certification for qualifying exigency leave should also
set forth the reason for the leave and the amount and frequency of leave needed. This form is also
available from Human Resources. Employees may also be asked to furnish periodic reports on the
status of a continued serious health condition. If ABBTECH has reason to doubt the validity of the
certification, it may, at its own expense, require the employee to receive a second opinion from a
health care provider designated and approved by ABBTECH. If this opinion conflicts with the first
opinion, ABBTECH, again at its own expense, may request a third opinion from a health care provider
mutually agreed upon by both ABBTECH and the employee. The third opinion will be binding on both
ABBTECH also reserves the right to require an employee to provide documentation of the birth of a
child, the placement of a child for adoption or foster care, or the placement of a child with the
employee for whom the employee permanently assumes and discharges parental responsibilities.
Leave taken after the birth or placement of a child for adoption or foster care may be taken
intermittently or on a reduced leave schedule only upon approval by Human Resources.
Continuation of Benefits. ABBTECH will continue to provide the employee with coverage under the
Company’s group health plan(s) under the same conditions as if the employee had continued to
work. The employee will also be eligible for and subject to any new health plans or changes to the
existing health plans that take effect while the employee is out on FMLA leave. While the employee
is on FMLA leave, it is the employee’s responsibility to continue making premium payments in order to
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maintain insurance coverage(s). This may be done either through payroll deductions if there is
income or by personal check or money order, if ABBTECH is unable to payroll deduct the employee’s
portion of insurance premiums. At ABBTECH’s discretion, the Company may pay the employee’s
share of the premiums during FMLA leave and recover premiums upon the employee’s return to
work. In this case, when the employee returns to work, ABBTECH will recover the costs incurred for
paying the employee’s share of such insurance premiums by doubling the current insurance
deduction until the balance due is paid back.
The employee’s regular health benefits will end when the employee indicates that the employee will
not be returning to work, or when the 12 or 26 weeks of job protected FMLA leave (and additional
periods required by applicable law) has been completed. However, the employee may elect to
choose medical continuation coverage (COBRA) under the group plan at the employee’s own
If an employee does not return to work after the period of FMLA leave ends, for reasons other than
the continuation of a serious health condition of the employee or the employee’s family member or
covered servicemember or other circumstances beyond the employee’s control, the employee will
be required to reimburse ABBTECH for the full cost of the employee’s medical premiums during the
leave period. If the employee returns to work, but for a period of less than 30 days and requires
another leave of absence for reasons other than a continued serious health condition of the
employee or the employee’s family member or covered servicemember or for circumstances
beyond the employee’s control, ABBTECH will require the employee to reimburse the Company for
the full cost of the employee’s medical premiums during the FMLA leave period.
Employees are not eligible to accrue paid leave benefits while out on a leave of absence under the
FMLA policy except during any portion of the FMLA leave for which accrued paid leave is used.
Employee Status After FMLA Leave. Upon returning from leave under this policy, the employee will
generally be entitled to be restored to the same position the employee held when the leave started,
or to an equivalent position with equivalent benefits, pay and other terms and conditions of
employment. In certain circumstances, ABBTECH may not be able to restore a “key employee”
(those employees who are among the highest paid 10% in the Company), to his/her prior position
because of serious and grievous economic injury to the operation of the Company and the injury is
not related to the employee’s FMLA leave.
Certification of Fitness for Duty. Prior to returning from a leave due to the employee’s own serious
health condition, the employee must obtain a fitness for duty certification from his/her physician. This
certification must be given to Human Resources on the day the employee returns to work.
Employment During FMLA Prohibited. Employees on FMLA leave may not be employed by or
perform significant services for any other entity. Failure to adhere to this requirement will result in
appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.
Employees should provide the maximum notice possible of intent to utilize FMLA leave. Contact
Human Resources to obtain the appropriate forms and specific details on the FMLA and state family
and medical leave.
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ABBTECH grants its employees leave based on which contract or client you are assigned to and the
state in which you are working. Following are the basic guidelines for employee leave. These
guidelines may differ or change depending upon which contract and client you are assigned and
the state in which you work. In the event of a conflict between what is stated in this Employee
Manual and what is provided in the client contract under which you are working, the client contract
will govern. ABBTECH will comply with all applicable federal, state, and local leave laws.
Generally, employees will receive one (1) week paid vacation after completion of 2,080 hours of
continuous employment unless otherwise provided under your employment agreement or applicable
state law.
Vacation leave cannot be taken before it is earned. Use of paid vacation must be approved in
advance by your ABBTECH representative and ABBTECH’s client. Upon reaching 2,080 hours,
vacation earned must be used within 6 months or an auto payout of remaining vacation will occur,
unless otherwise required by law.
Upon termination, unused earned vacation will be paid in a lump sum in your final paycheck, unless
sooner required under applicable state or local law.
The ABBTECH Payroll Department maintains a record of vacation days earned and used. Vacation
hours are earned based upon hours worked. You are responsible for verifying your paystub to make
sure the correct amount of hours worked appears.
Sick Leave
ABBTECH does not provide paid sick leave unless specifically provided under your employment
agreement or otherwise required by law. In the event your employment agreement provides for paid
sick leave, unused sick leave will not carry over from one year to the next, and will not be paid out at
termination, unless otherwise required by law. ABBTECH will comply with all applicable state and
local laws regarding paid sick leave.
All employees are eligible for the following paid holidays after completing 320 hours of continuous
employment, unless specifically stated differently in your employment agreement. In the event of a
conflict between what is stated in this Employee Manual and what is provided in the client contract
under which you are working, the client contract will govern. Eligible paid holidays are as follows:
New Year's Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day
The holidays will be observed on the day designated by common business practice. If the client for
whom you are working observes the holiday on a different day, you will observe the holiday on the
day designated by the client. If the client does not close for the holiday, you will be expected to
report to work.
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In order to qualify for holiday pay, you must work at a client site where the holiday is being observed
and must be actively employed by ABBTECH on the scheduled workday immediately before and
after the holiday unless approved by ABBTECH in advance. You are not eligible to receive holiday
pay when you are on an unpaid leave of absence, unless required by federal, state, or local law.
Workers’ Compensation Insurance
Workers’ Compensation is a program that protects employees from loss of pay due to work-related
illnesses or injuries. Although Workers’ Compensation laws vary by state, all states’ regulations provide
compensation, medical and rehabilitative benefits if employees become ill or injured as a result of
their job.
All accidents and injuries that occur on the job, no matter how slight, must be reported immediately
to your ABBTECH representative and/or ABBTECH Human Resources to ensure Workers’
Compensation benefits are covered. Notification is required by law and is necessary to ensure that
employees’ rights are protected.
Employees who are injured or become ill while on the job may be required to obtain a medical
release before returning to work.
ABBTECH pays a percentage of its payroll to the Unemployment Compensation Fund according to
ABBTECH’s employment history. If you become unemployed you may become eligible for
unemployment compensation, under certain conditions, for a limited time.
compensation provides temporary income for workers who have lost their jobs.
requirements vary by state, at a minimum you must have earned a certain amount, and be willing
and able to work. When your assignment with an ABBTECH client ends, failure to request another
assignment may impact your eligibility for unemployment benefits, although ABBTECH does not
guarantee another assignment.
You should apply for benefits through your local State
Unemployment Office as soon as possible. ABBTECH reserves the right to contest unemployment
benefits depending on the reason for the employee’s termination.
It is your civic duty as a citizen to report for jury duty whenever called. Employees will be granted
time off to serve on a jury. Employees will not be paid for jury duty leave unless otherwise required by
applicable law. A copy of the jury duty summons must be provided to your ABBTECH representative
prior to taking leave for jury duty, and proof of attendance is required upon return to work.
In accordance with applicable law, ABBTECH will grant employees who are victims of crimes unpaid
leave to be present at all criminal proceedings relating to the crime against the employee, unless
such leave will cause an undue hardship on ABBTECH’s business. Employees requesting leave for a
court appearance must notify their ABBTECH representative in advance of taking such leave and
must provide the ABBTECH representative with documentation concerning the court proceeding,
unless advance notice is not feasible. If advance notice is not feasible, the employee must provide
the employee’s ABBTECH representative with documentation concerning the court proceeding
within a reasonable time after leave has been taken.
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You will be granted time off for military service in compliance with the requirements of the Uniformed
Services Employment and Reemployment rights Act (USERRA) and, where applicable, state/local
law. To initiate a request for military leave, you are expected to notify your ABBTECH representative
as soon as possible when you are aware of the dates you will be on duty so that arrangements can
be made for your absence.
You may elect to apply any earned vacation time to the leave; however, you are not obliged to do
If you have any questions about a military leave of absence and/or your reemployment rights, please
contact the Human Resources Department.
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All ABBTECH employee related information may be found online at our website: Log in to the Employees Portal and click on Helpful Links/Resources. All
related policies and procedures can be downloaded as PDF. ABBTECH employees without log in
credentials may call and request them during ABBTECH business hours.
At any time during your employment you are welcome to contact the ABBTECH Human Resources
Department and request that a copy of the Employee Manual be mailed to you.
Corporate Headquarters
Maryland Office
Virginia Beach Office
45625 Willow Pond Plaza
Sterling, VA 20164
Toll Free:
(703) 450 - 5252
(877) 936 - 7569
(703) 406 - 9261
8201 Corporate Drive
Suite LL-10
Landover, MD 20785
(301) 772 - 3370
(888) 357 - 4965
(301) 772 - 3371
291 Independence Blvd
Pembroke 4, Suite 214
Virginia Beach, VA 23462
(757) 965-7474
(877) 343-7479
(757) 228-7308
Human Resources
45625 Willow Pond Plaza
Sterling, VA 20164
(703) 450 - 5252
(877) 936 - 7569
(703) 707 - 8817
(888) 442 – 9644
New Hire Paperwork Only
HR Manager:
Carol Bohls
Payroll Department
45625 Willow Pond Plaza
Sterling, VA 20164
(703) 450 - 5252
(877) 936 - 7569
(703) 430 - 9212
(703) 738 – 7445
Toll Free:
Security Office
45625 Willow Pond Plaza
Sterling, VA 20164
(703) 450 - 5252
(877) 936 - 7569
(703) 707 - 8191
Facility Security Officer:
Teri Diehl
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ABBTECH Field Employee Manual
Timesheets Only
Payroll Manager:
Kristie Scott