Document 6539261
Document 6539261
LIVE.INCAREGIVERPROGRAM- (SAMPLECONTRACT} EmploverlEmoloveeGeneral lnformation Employer: Mme Address Telephone- home (_) __.- work (___) RevenueCanadaEmoloverNo. Ernployee: Name Address Telephone- home(_)_ Job llescription ChildCare E ves Eno I Numberof Children I Aqesof Children ElderlyCare Eyes DisabledCare ,f lves Eno Eno Care/Responsibilities/Duties Describe: HousekeepingResponsibilities Describe: Eyes Eno Will6mployeebe'requiredtoprovidepetere? Eyes nno AdditionalResponsibilities? fl yes n no Description'ofthe house and household (nurnberof ,morTrs,housefiold members, etc.) Wages and UUorkinqGonditions Wagesand working conditionsnrusf rafiecf prwincial employrnentstandardsand prevailing wage rafes Gross Wage of $_______weekly _monthly Hours of work_A,vk Frequencyof pay _ weekly Day(alofi lwk _ biweekly (which days off) _ monthly Overtimerate /hr To be paid after hours Scheduleof hours The employeragreesto'providethe employeewith informationregardingwagesrrd types and approximate amountsof deductionsfrom'payWeeksof vacation with pay lyr Paid general Other leave Days of paid sick leave /yr Cost of roornand boar.d$ To be paid weekly monthly Accornmodation: FumishedPrivateRoom lyes Locked ,Eyes Eno PrivateBath I yes flno Elno MedicalCoverage Other Benefits AirfareIndudedflyes fino Details: E [ncometax deductionswill be taken at source EContributionswill be made by employerto CanadaQuebecFensionPlanand to Employmentlnsurance Durationof emphryment Terms of Separation: The Employerand Employeeagreeto abide by provinciallabourstandardsregardingwrittennoticeof terminationof employrnent.(lt is recommendedthat a copy of the relevantportionsof provinciallabourstandards be attachedas an appendix)Amendmentsto this contractmust be made in writinqand aqreedto by both oarties. Signature of Employer: Signature of Employee: I certify that the duties outlined above are aecurateand I have readthe undertakingand understandit. conect. I will abideby provinciallabourstandardsI will provide a Record of Employmenton termination of employmenl Signature Date Signature Date