Document 6539263
Document 6539263
X-RAY SPECTROMETRY X-Ray Spectrom. 2004; 33: 281–284 Published online 29 January 2004 in Wiley InterScience ( DOI: 10.1002/xrs.722 Characterization of x-rays emerging from between reflector and sample carrier in reflector-assisted TXRF analysis† Kouichi Tsuji∗ and Filip Delalieux Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka City University, 3-3-138 Sugimoto, Sumiyoshi, Osaka 558-8585, Japan Received 14 October 2002; Accepted 10 July 2003 The possible application of an Si reflector, which is placed just above the sample carrier in total reflection x-ray fluorescence (TXRF) analysis, was investigated. The x-rays that were emitted from an Mo tube and passed between the Si reflector and the Si sample carrier were analyzed with an Si drift detector. In our experimental setup, the angle between the reflector and the sample carrier can be changed by adjusting the inclination of the reflector. The intensity of the x-rays that emerged from between the two Si surfaces drastically changed depending on the reflector angle. At a proper reflector angle, this intensity showed a maximum and, in addition, the Compton peak in the x-ray spectrum was suppressed. When this x-ray beam was used for excitation of TXRF signals, the highest intensity of x-ray fluorescence emitted from the sample was detected, indicating that these experimental conditions are useful for the enhancement of TXRF intensities. Copyright 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. INTRODUCTION Total reflection x-ray fluorescence (TXRF) is a powerful technique for trace analysis on flat samples such as Si wafers.1,2 TXRF instrumentation has been improved considerably since its first introduction in the 1970s. To improve detection limits even further, it is important to increase the TXRF intensity while maintaining a low background. In the field of micro x-ray fluorescence (µ-XRF), capillary optics such as monocapillaries and polycapillaries have been developed to obtain micro x-ray beams.3 X-rays are totally reflected on the inner surface of each capillary, and are thus focused to a small area. We considered that a similar idea could be applicable to TXRF analysis in order to obtain a primary x-ray beam with a higher intensity. In the case of TXRF analysis, the cross-section of the primary beam should be a line. Therefore, we have proposed the use of a flat reflector, which is placed above the sample carrier in TXRF analysis.4,5 It is to be expected that the primary x-rays will be multiply reflected between the reflector and the sample carrier, resulting in an intense ribbon-shaped x-ray beam. Cheburkin and Shotyk proposed a simple TXRF setup that consisted of two flat plates (short reflector and longer sample carrier).6 The reflector was placed on a special spacer 50 µm, fixing two plates parallel to each other. When the distance between the two plates is very small, i.e. less than a few hundred nanometers, coherent propagation of x-rays is Ł Correspondence to: Kouichi Tsuji, Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka City University, 3-3-138 Sugimoto, Sumiyoshi, Osaka 558-8585, Japan. E-mail: † Presented at the European Conference on EDXRS, Berlin, Germany, 16–21 June 2002. Contract/grant sponsor: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. produced in this waveguide.7 Egorov and Egorov studied the fundamentals of waveguide resonators and their analytical applications.8,9 However, the experimental condition of the distance between two plates of several tens of micrometers is still interesting from the point of view of actual application to x-ray analysis. Sanchez called this device an ‘x-ray beam guide’ and applied it to TXRF and grazing emission XRF.10 In our experimental setup, which has been reported on before,5 the angle between the reflector and the sample carrier can be adjusted. Therefore, this device could be called a ‘tapered waveguide’ or ‘tapered beamguide’. It is important to know the energy distribution of the x-rays that emerge from the beamguide in order to evaluate their suitability as an XRF excitation source. Therefore, in this paper, we report analytical results for x-rays that emerge from between the two Si surfaces by using an Si drift detector (SDD), which is placed parallel to the sample carrier. EXPERIMENTAL The experimental setup is shown in Fig. 1. An Si wafer, which was cut to a size of 30 ð 80 mm and pasted on a Cu holder, was used as a reflector.5 One end of the reflector rests on a sample holder, while the other end is attached to a vertical linear positioning stage using two bars. The angle between the Si reflector and the Si sample carrier is adjusted by changing the inclination of the Si reflector. An Al foil spacer was previously used so that primary x-rays irradiated the sample with strong intensity. In this work, this spacer was not used to focus the primary x-rays on the exact sample position. The TXRF signal of the sample, placed on the Si sample carrier, is measured with a pure Si energy-dispersive x-ray (EDX) detector. In addition, the primary x-rays, which pass between the reflector and the sample carrier, are analyzed with an SDD. SDDs are a new Copyright 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 282 K. Tsuji and F. Delalieux Figure 2. Mo K˛ intensities as a function of the tilting angle of the sample (corresponding to the x-ray incident angle). The measurements were performed at different reflector angles (0.076 and 0.051° ). Figure 1. Experimental setup for reflector-assisted TXRF analysis. The x-rays that emerge from between the reflector and the sample carrier are measured with an SDD. and promising type of x-ray detector.11,12 One of the unique advantages of SDDs is that they can be operated at very high count rates of more than 106 counts cm2 s1 . Therefore, this detector is suitable for the analysis of the strong primary X-rays in our study. A circular sensitive area of 5 mm2 is also sufficient for the measurement of the primary x-ray beam, because the width of the ribbon-shaped x-ray beam is several tens of micrometers. The energy resolution of the SDDs has been improved to be <150 eV at 5.9 keV, which is sufficient for the analysis of the primary x-ray spectra. In addition, the SDD is a compact detector because it offers excellent spectroscopic performance at 15 ° C, avoiding the use of liquid nitrogen; therefore, it is easy to include in an already existing experimental setup. A rotating Mo anode tube was operated at an acceleration voltage of 30 kV and at a tube current of 90 mA. X-rays emitted from the Mo anode were monochromatized by a W/C multilayered monochromator. The incident angle of the primary x-rays was changed by tilting the sample, which was fixed on a large goniometer. A detailed description of the goniometer performance has been given elsewhere.13 After truncating the x-ray beam with a slit, a beam with a width of ¾0.3 mm was obtained to irradiate the sample. An Si wafer 20 ð 70 mm2 was used as a sample carrier. The samples analyzed consisted of thin layers, which were deposited on the Si sample carrier by vacuum evaporation. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION First, Mo K˛ intensities were measured by the SDD as a function of the incident angle of the primary x-rays. During the measurements, the reflector angle was fixed at 0.076° and 0.051° . As can be seen from Fig. 2, the curve of the Mo K˛ intensities shows a maximum. The tilting angle Copyright 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. is just the reading from a goniometer in this figure. This result indicates that the transmission efficiency between the reflector and the sample carrier is highest at this angle. Therefore, the following experiments were performed at this incident angle. Figure 3(a) and (b) show the spectra obtained for the xrays that emerged from between the reflector and the sample carrier. It is found that the Mo K˛ x-ray intensity depends on the reflector angle . The Mo K˛ intensity was plotted as a function of (Fig. 4). The Mo K˛ intensity curve has two maxima at approximately 0.75 and 0.02° . As discussed in a previous paper,5 at the reflector angle that corresponds to the first peak, part of the x-rays are reflected on the reflector surface and are focused towards the slit between the two plates, which leads to the high Mo K˛ intensities. The second peak in Fig. 4 is expected to be caused by more complicated processes. One of the most likely processes is multiple reflections between the reflector and the sample carrier. Usually, once the x-ray beam is totally reflected on the sample carrier, the x-rays proceed away from the sample carrier. However, the application of a reflector allows these xrays to propagate by totally reflecting between the two plates and to concentrate on the actual sample position. Since the angle is very small (about 0.02° ), this geometry would be close to the waveguide geometry. In addition to the Mo K˛ intensity, attention should be paid to the shape of the x-ray spectra in Fig. 3(a) and (b). It is clear that for smaller reflector angles , the Compton peak shifts to higher energies and its intensity decreases. Eventually, it becomes difficult to recognize the Compton peak near 0.02° . The Compton peak occurs as a result of inelastic scattering. The energy shift relative to the original (Mo K˛) spectrum depends on the scattering angle; large energy differences occur at larger scattering angles. The decrease in the Compton peak intensity indicates that the xray beam propagates by forward scattering, including total reflection. A monochromatic x-ray beam without Compton radiation is very suitable as an excitation source for application to TXRF analysis. Therefore, TXRF analyses were performed at X-Ray Spectrom. 2004; 33: 281–284 Characterization of x-rays in reflector-assisted TXRF Figure 5. Intensities of Au L˛ x-rays, which were emitted from an Au thin film on an Si sample carrier and which were detected with an EDX detector in the TXRF configuration (i.e. mounted perpendicular to the sample surface), as a function of the reflector angle . TXRF intensities show a clear angle dependence, which compare well with the results obtained with the SDD. At angles larger than 0.05° , the Au L˛ x-ray intensities do not depend on the reflector angle. As can be seen from Fig. 5, x-ray intensities decrease by around 0.03° , which corresponds to the angle dependence of Mo K˛ in Fig. 4. The Au L˛ intensity drastically increases at about 0.02° , where the Compton peak has almost disappeared and the Mo K˛ intensity increases again, as shown in Fig. 3(b). CONCLUSIONS Figure 3. Spectra (measured with an SDD) of the x-rays that emerge from between the Si reflector and the sample carrier at different reflector angles: (a) wide range (0.01–0.18° ) and (b) narrow range (0.01–0.09° ). A novel reflector-assisted TXRF setup has been proposed. To characterize the actual x-ray beam used as excitation source for x-ray fluorescence, the x-rays that emerged from between the reflector and the sample carrier were analyzed using an SDD. It was found that a monochromatic x-ray beam without a Compton peak was obtained for small angles between the reflector and the sample carrier. When this x-ray beam was used for excitation of TXRF signals, the highest intensity of X-ray fluorescence emitted from the sample was detected, indicating that these experimental conditions are useful for enhancement of the TXRF intensities. Acknowledgements Filip Delalieux was supported by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). Part of this work was financially supported by a grant-in-aid from the JSPS. REFERENCES Figure 4. Mo K˛ intensities as a function of the reflector angle . different reflector angles on an Au thin layer which was deposited in a circle (10 mm in diameter) on the Si sample carrier. The incident angle of the primary x-rays was fixed at a reading value of 1.32° (maximum in Fig. 2). The Au L˛ intensities are plotted as a function of the reflector angle. The Copyright 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 1. Yoneda Y, Horiuchi T. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 1971; 42: 1069. 2. Aiginger H, Wobrauschek P. Nucl. Instrum. Methods 1974; 114: 157. 3. 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