Ry Redd's Cayce Past Life Report


Ry Redd's Cayce Past Life Report
Ry Redd's Cayce Past Life Report
Amanda M. Seyfried
December 3, 1985
6:00 AM (Precise birth time not known)
Allentown, Pennsylvania
Dadhichi Toth
Astrologer - Face Reader
Phone: 61 2 95851500
Report presented by : astrology.com.au
In the pages which follow, you will see descriptions of your character traits, relationship potentials
and challenges, as well as career potentials, and even more.
All or most of these sometimes intimate descriptions will be linked in some way with your past lives
and your experiences in the planetary realms between lifetimes (the interlife).
Yet, you may ask, how can this information best be used?
First, HELP YOURSELF. The enclosed uplifting commentary can only be truly beneficial if you
see it as a means of self-help and self-transformation. So to get the maximum practical benefit out
of each page of this report, focus on connecting what you read with what is going on in your life
Next, LOOK FOR PATTERNS. When you see repeated references -- for instance to similar
careers, pursuits or vocations -- you should consider these references seriously. They demonstrate a
positive karmic connection which you now have with these same career-related potentials from past
life endeavors. So, because of prior life success, these areas of expression should be easier for you to
find rewarding or to succeed in, as compared with in other areas.
Also, pay close attention to REMEDIAL MEASURES. For instance, you may be given an
affirmation to use in meditation (or a prayer). Or you may be given a crystal/gemstone to wear.
These means of balancing out challenging vibrations can indeed be very helpful, especially if used
in a hopeful manner.
Finally, this report is a synthesis of past life and planetary interlife interpretations originally given
clairvoyantly by Edgar Cayce, for individuals with your same planetary patterns at birth. So in
applying this report to your personal life, you should RESPECT INNER GUIDANCE -- through
dreams, meditation and past life regression for example -- as primary resources for this kind of
information; and most important, RESPECT YOUR FREE WILL! You alone must choose and
know what is really best for you.
Report presented by : astrology.com.au
Your birth chart interpretation is based on the positions of the planets at the time of your birth.
Astrologer Ry Redd calculated on computer the astrology charts for hundreds of people who
received readings by Edgar Cayce which contained astrologically based information. By studying
these astrology charts, Ry Redd determined what planetary influences were most likely responsible
for the readings by Edgar Cayce. In many cases the astrological basis of the Cayce readings appears
to be very straightforward. From this information Ry Redd was able to develop, in conjunction with
the computer programmers at Cosmic Patterns Software, an analysis of your birth chart as Ry Redd
believes that Edgar Cayce's psychic readings would have interpreted it. Ry Redd's research effort
was exhaustive and was conducted over many years, some of which was spent at the Edgar Cayce
library at the Association for Research and Enlightenment headquarters in Virginia Beach, Virginia.
For the benefit of students of astrology, these positions, along with other technical information, are
listed below:
Tropical Zodiac Standard time observed.
GMT: 11:00:00 Time Zone: 5 hours West.
Lat. and Long. of birth: 40 N 37
75 W 29
Sidereal Sun position is 17 deg. 34 min. of Scorpio
Sidereal Moon position is 24 deg. 19 min. of Cancer
Aspects and orbs:
Opposition :
Harmonious aspects are: Trine or Sextile
Inharmonious aspects are: Square or Opposition
Your Past Life Report begins on the following page . . .
Report presented by : astrology.com.au
Your Sun is conjoined with Uranus.
It is very probable that you experienced the Uranian dimension between earth lives. Almost
certainly the most influential of the latter was your lifetime in ancient Atlantis. Combined with your
soul sojourn in Uranus, the unusual in all forms -- especially entertainments such as sci-fi and
science fantasy -- are likely to be of special interest to you.
An extremist at times, you are exceptional, eccentric, peculiar to others and last but definitely
not least, a classic Atlantean and Aquarian Age individualist. Being strong-minded to the point of
too much self-sufficiency at times is also a description which applies to you.
These characteristics are all real efficiencies. With your extremist nature, they are genuinely
valuable, unique qualities which you can use for weal or woe this go 'round.
Know your ideal, letting your purposes and dealings with others always be creative and
constructive (for we are ever meeting ourselves: what goes out comes back). The main purpose for
our manifesting in the earth is for the glorification of God and not just for free thinking and
individualism, though we each manifest according to our own purpose.
In past lives, you probably were devoted to the cause of freedom, whether an American
pioneer or leader in women's rights like the American suffragettes in the nineteenth century, or
involved in such religious freedom movements as the early Christian Church's struggles in Rome or
being instrumental in behalf of the native uprisings when the Atlanteans overran ancient Egypt.
Your strong interest in the psychic and esoteric is such that you yourself are likely to be
clairvoyant. In the years to come, if you parallel the natural development of your higher psi faculties
with studies of parapsychology, psychological astrology and mystical traditions, you will become
more and more attuned.
These advancements are encouraged provided they are used for giving help, understanding and
knowledge to others rather than for self-glorification. If used for the latter, your psychic abilities
would become a stumbling block not only to yourself but also to many others who seek your
counsel. [934-1, 3948-1, 1742-2, 2487-1, 487-1]
Your Sun is sextile Jupiter.
From Jupiter you have a broad expanse of experience to call upon which give you abilities to
be generous (once you have developed generosity to yourself). As a result, you are helpful, mindful
and considerate of others, while being understanding and an aid to many in a wide variety of
situations. You are well balanced between idealism and rationalism. That is, an ideal must be
reasonable in order for you to embrace it.
As a counselor, you should be successful in helping others express themselves in whatever
situation they are in. While you will do well in any field you choose -- once you find yourself and
Report presented by : astrology.com.au
your guiding ideal in life -- another area of fulfillment for you lies in writing devotional
compositions, as aids to meditation and inner worship.
It is likely that your ease of higher self-expression on such a broad scale is rooted in a past life
wherein you were one of "Jupiter's Children." Famous, even quite powerful, your soul history could
well range from being a member of royalty to a moralist, whether priest or priestess.
Therefore, your visionary abilities are as broad as they are extraordinary. You should be
somewhat active in the business world although your efforts will not be routine or rote, nor will they
usually conform to the rules. Yet you are precise and expect very definite results from individuals,
groups and relations.
From your likely experience in the dimension of Jupiter between earth incarnations, there is a
flexible expansion of intellectual or mental and financial, material conditions. That is, you are able
to adjust yourself to and attract to yourself commercial associations involving large business deals
centered on considerable sums of money.
You are also able to adjust to professional concerns of vital importance to organizations and
individuals. In these associations, you are quite competent in being very definite, active and
accurate. (You also are better able than most anyone to be discrete and to keep a secret.) This has
also helped to focus your ability to use your resources wisely, especially in ways which best further
your ideals.
Your religious philosophy, counseling/healing and other humanitarian service abilities are
rooted in past lives where you reached your present efficiency and nobility of purpose as a result of
MERIT (not chance, not destiny). Do keep in mind that with greater spiritual possibilities come
greater obligations. There is more required of you than you are probably aware, just as you are likely
to be more advanced in soul evolution than you think. Keep your body, mind and soul pure, letting
no question arise within as to whether you are doing the best you know how to do. God requires
nothing more, and nothing less. [338-2, 500-1]
Your Moon is in an inharmonious pattern with Jupiter.
Upon reentering the earth plane to begin your present life, you chose a time when Jupiter was
in a challenging pattern with respect to the Moon's orbit around the earth. This symbolized and
helped bring into your awareness the need to overcome the more difficult side of your soul
experience in the interlife dimension of Jupiter and in past lives when you were involved with
"Jupiterian" individuals.
For instance, you may attract to you souls who treat you like you treated them in previous
lifetimes. These people (who are likely to be in prominent positions today, just as they were in the
deep past) mirror your personal yet cosmic history by presenting to you opportunities to meet
yourself as you were then. The influences of Jupiter open up opportunities for you to choose to
pursue activities dealing with groups and the public.
Report presented by : astrology.com.au
Yet using YOUR thoughts and actions as examples for others, you may be guided in the way
and manner as to sway the emotions and thoughts of the many. Especially will this be so if
presented as an expression of Christ's love, of His activity. For the time is fulfilled when many must
and will become as channels, as emissaries, for the teachings which are the foundation of Him who
gave those promises to all people, "Love me; keep my commandments."
As an example of a more challenging karmic pattern, overborrowing and extravagance
concerning otherwise ample financial resources could bring you losses, as could placing your faith
in the wrong people or wrong causes. Here, setting the highest ideals you know can be invaluable.
All you need do is use your free will to apply these ideals with modesty and humility.
While likely to be friendly and indulgent rather than antagonistic toward others, you may still
have tendencies toward procrastination -- and even laziness at times -- which may well be valuable
balances against stress and tension.
Also, be cautious about self-indulgence in eating and drinking, as this may bring you
difficulties with your liver. [1156-1]
Your Moon harmoniously aspects Uranus.
You are bringing into your present life highly original talents and concepts from your long ago
lifetime in Atlantis. Your former soul sojourn in the unusual, individualistic dimension of Uranus
carries your Atlantean talents and positive karma with others over into the present. This gives you
brilliant, inventive, creative and inspirational leadership abilities in spiritual yet scientific,
progressive and enduring "New Age" philosophical movements.
You are inclined to be very spiritually oriented, both outwardly and inwardly, but usually not
at the same time. Great emotional influences also appear in your experience, but with an inclination
outwardly to be cold and reserved rather than intensely emotional, yet having a great deal of
emotion inwardly.
You have considerable power to heal others through the strong action of your touch and
counsel, the genius of your teaching and the magnetism of your personality. You are likely to have
an extraordinary life full of extremes and unexpected changes.
Through your keen, virtually psychic level of intuition and mental alertness, you will probably
make a distinct opportunity out of every obstacle you encounter by willfully converting each
stumbling block into a steppingstone toward the Light. Such a positive approach to life is uniquely
your own and is something that you certainly should share with others in need of upliftment and
inspiration. [1089-3, 1958-1, 633-2]
Your Mercury is conjoined with Saturn.
You have considerable depth of mind yet have the exceptionally challenging experience -from your Saturn indwelling -- of continual changes in life. One day every indicator of success will
Report presented by : astrology.com.au
be present regarding a given relationship or endeavor and the next day it will appear to dissolve.
This is probably karmically rooted in your finding many individuals in whom you have placed your
faith or confidence to have shaken that faith by letting you down.
With application of your will, you can turn this into a distinct opportunity which can prove
very beneficial for not only your soul development but also your overall material success. Because
you are so ambitious, your characteristic inclinations toward hard work and persistence should
guarantee this for you. [195-14, 2328-1]
Your Mercury is conjoined with Venus.
You have high intellectual abilities together with a strong home loving and artistic
temperament. You have a cautious, resolute and tenacious mind, reserved and self-controlled as far
as feelings for others is concerned. You are interested in people, are a good conversationalist and
companion, and a wholesome influence on most groups. Your entrance into groups or
companionships with others is even more beneficial to them than to you. You would make an
excellent creative writer or designer, being interested in all forms of the arts, especially music, color
and form.
In fact, your intellectual, artistic abilities are very likely to be considerably above average.
Therefore your potentials especially in the literary field are exceptional. Commercial applications of
your mental abilities in law and advertising are also encouraged.
The love influence in its highest or noblest sense is primary for you. Were others to criticize
you for allowing what they perceive as carnal love to be influencing you excessively --your
experience of "love at first sight" for example -- you do little condemning in return. Although you
and many others see the sacredness of such physical expressions, your love expressions are likely to
be mostly on the level of speaking kindly and having generosity, a gentleness of manner and
trueness of spirit. You are more likely to fall in love with a beautiful evening, and to find much
wonder in the moon, the planets and stars. The beauty of nature, with its clouds, lightening, thunder
and other natural voices are for you -- though maybe hard for others to understand - - an especially
rewarding, stabilizing influence.
Attraction to and by the beautiful and handsome in the opposite sex will often influence you a
great deal. If other past life indicators point to challenges in this area of your personal life, they are
most likely to deal with the influences of passion, on both the mental and purely physical levels.
That is, your feelings, desire, and sensation -- all elements of passion -- may at times be overactive,
even impulsive. There is also some danger of jealousy and misplaced trust in love relationships. This
may actually be due to a mild aversion of forming close relationships, because of past life
associations needing self-healing in the present.
Moreover, it may often be difficult for you to hear from others, or yourself express through
stories, jokes or the like, that which is considered coarse or crude. However, having considerable
mental concentration powers as well as charm you can control and disguise your feelings when you
feel the need. [1136-1, 2612-1, 2386-1, 1792-1, 234-1, 305-3, 1637-1, 304-5, 3271-1, 2124-3, 1716Report presented by : astrology.com.au
1, 1991-1, 1230-1]
Your Venus is conjoined with Saturn.
Saturn brings many changes, some of them traumatic ones at times. At other times, Saturn
brings steps toward greater responsibility and maturity. As to which of these alternative courses
prevails, it depends on how you may have failed to apply your will in the past as well as how
constructively you apply your free will in the present. For instance, friendships may often be
stronger ties for you than business or family relationships, yet you probably have lost them when
you didn't want to and couldn't get rid of some when you wanted to!
While you are reserved for the most part in your outward expression of feelings, you are still
very emotional in nature, with a tendency to seek satisfaction of your Venusian love urges in a
calculating, self-gratifying sort of way. You are also very determined, with the ability physically and
mentally to carry forward to completion almost any undertaking. You will consistently find -- as you
have experienced more than once --that to have a habit of being more optimistic than the occasion
seems to warrant will help you a great deal in making life more worth living, more enjoyable and
Your influence among other people has counted for them far more than you have ever given
yourself credit for. Your love of the home and family life may have been misinterpreted and
misunderstood by some of these same individuals. You may pray at times that you no longer feel so
restricted by your obligations in these relationships, or at least that you can more cheerfully accept
these responsibilities as spiritual blessings to strengthen your patience. Such experiences and duties
have probably left you feeling as though you are not appreciated or loved. You also may be
attracting people to you from past lives who cause you to suffer due to their selfishness. This in turn
is likely to have inhibited your emotionally, making you very cautious about expressing your
You may quite successfully redirect your creative energies in the direction of your career,
becoming highly skilled in sales, management, executive secretarial positions, or in commercial art
and advertising. The business world would be a good outlet for your parsimonious, responsible
efficiency in money matters (traditionally Saturn contracts finances as well as love, money and
affection, all of which are ruled by Venus).
Another type of work which would well channel your caring and organizing abilities is that of
supervising healing/nurturing related endeavors such as practical nursing, home health care, natural
preventive medicine and involvement with exercise centers or spas. [904-1, 2329-1, 1522-1]
NOTE: The Zodiac signs of the Sun and Moon are analyzed below. First they will be analyzed in the
Tropical zodiac. If the positions are different in the Sidereal zodiac, then they will also be analyzed
in the Sidereal zodiac. Also, if the Sun and Moon are in the same zodiac sign, then only the Sun
position is interpreted; the Moon position, being the same as the Sun position, does not need to be
interpreted in this case.
Report presented by : astrology.com.au
Your Sun is in Sagittarius (Tropical zodiac).
Great expanses of space, including the seemingly endless expanse of oceans, are likely to call
to you, and in them you probably find some of your most quieting and comforting experiences. In
your past lives, then, under circumstances when great expanses and very broad spaces brought you
the most insightful and contemplative experiences of your mental being, it was then that spiritually
you probably gained the most.
For example, traveling long ago as a Spanish, English or even Japanese settler, pioneer or
explorer, you may have crossed the oceans in search of a better world. You were then part of a
strong sea-faring culture which frequently set out --over a period of many centuries -- to explore,
invade and often defeat enemies and cultures usually much greater in strength and size.
Jupiter is the planet which rules or symbolizes the heart of Sagittarian energies, supplying you
with a broadly courageous -- though at times daredevil -- quality. Yet underneath this often exciting
exterior lies a calm but calculating mind. Another characteristic experience is one or more past lives
involving a lot of movement, change and separation from your family and your cultural roots.
In your deeper meditations you might recall urges and impressions of migrating at the time of
the Deluge of Atlantis (commonly called the Great Flood), to other, safer lands to begin a new life
and a new age of history.
Your more intimate, personal relationships often may not be as harmonious as you would
really like for them to be. This challenge is rooted in past lives when, as in the present, you were
somewhat inclined to prefer partnerships capable of enduring considerably different interests
through a great deal of diverse activity. [1740-1]
Your Moon is in Leo (Tropical zodiac).
Leo symbolizes the consciousness wherein there is strength, creativity and virility, as well as a
certain headstrong or willful nature in how you apply yourself in relationship with others.
For instance, reading biographical or historical novels about European royalty, daydreaming
about the courts of Kings and Queens of modern Europe or ancient times and other grandeurs of the
past may bring to your conscious mind memories of previous incarnations when you were at the
forefront of things. Hence to this very day there probably remains within you considerable inner
strength along with a strong feeling for behind-the-scenes intrigues as well as a powerful sense of
individualism. These qualities are probably connected with your past life experiences involved -directly and indirectly -- with leaders of society and government.
You are also likely to have an above-average interest in the great artistic and spiritual
accomplishments of the grand cathedrals and great churches of Britain and Europe, as well as the
ancient temples of the Mediterranean world.
Report presented by : astrology.com.au
In addition, you may have been one of the higher-ranking Vikings who, like other royalty, also
had an exciting lifestyle. And in far earlier times, during and after the last days of Lemuria and
Atlantis, you may have been among the Incan pyramid builders in the mountains of South America,
the Mayan plains of Central America, and of course, Egypt, the land which is virtually synonymous
with great pyramids.
The Sun is the ruler or symbol of Leo, and represents strength and soul force. So, from the
Sun's influence and the past life experiences summarized here, you are inclined to have a special
sense of pride and dignity which, depending on how you apply your will and the ideals you have set
for yourself, can either enhance or hinder your relationships with others (and hence either advance
or retard your soul growth this lifetime). [533-20, 2905-3]
Your Sun is in Scorpio (Sidereal zodiac).
At times you may be considered by others as somewhat different, although on your own part,
when those of comparable mental ability are part of your experience, you are known as a soul with
nobleness of purpose and high-mindedness of principles. You are, in other words, one who is
ABOVE the ordinary and may go far in leading, directing and assisting many souls to reach a better
understanding of elemental, universal principles.
Long ago you may have been part of the once mighty Mongolian people of the ancient Gobi
desert, or among the culturally advanced Chinese. From such lifetimes as these, you have the ability
to perform what is expected of you and to do what is necessary without being held back by your
feelings or by considerations of a personal nature. This is a strength you inherited from one or more
past lives in these remote Asian cultures, whose people shared this self-denying trait.
Perhaps you were once a young Chinese woman who gave birth to many children, ran a large
household and pleased the master of the house. You may have done all this while quietly enduring
the agony of brutally bound feet which was once a rather cultural requirement of the true ladies of
ancient China.
Bear in mind that Mars is the planet of energy, power and war which rules or best symbolizes
the essence of Scorpio. It may not be surprising then, that you may have been a Mongolian warrior
who fought to the death for your tribal leader without hesitation or concern for your own injury or
Above all, in these Asian past life settings, you had dignity, as you learned to cope with harsh
conditions and challenges without wasting your energy on your personal needs.
A more recent incarnation among Native Americans like the plains Indians is also likely. Yet
whether your life was among Orientals or American Indians, your characteristic past life
suppression of individual feelings in sacrifice for the larger interests of your family, group or tribe
may in the present make you appear cold, insensitive or uncaring, when you are actually very caring
and compassionate. [2710-1]
Report presented by : astrology.com.au
Your Moon is in Cancer (Sidereal zodiac).
With the zodiacal sign and influences of Cancer, you are one who would do well in any
vocation or career where the classes and masses of people are the ruling factor rather than through
endeavors based on mere individual effort alone. Also, working with nature in producing or
growing things involved with fields, streams or woods, on one hand, or, on the other, helping to
bring fruit from the mental forces of groups (classes and masses) of people could bring you -- and
them -- many manifold increases.
As background for these urges and abilities, you may have lived in the Pacific Islands in
relatively recent times, or in the much more remote past in the legendary South Pacific sea culture of
Lemuria. However, whether you lived in relatively recent historical times or in the distant past, you
are very likely to feel a strong affinity with and an innate awe of water. Therefore, you are probably
happiest living near great bodies of water, like the ocean or large lakes or rivers.
With a rather special sensitivity to changing weather conditions, you have an intuitive
understanding of the power of nature. You may also tend to feel somewhat helpless about events in
your life, as if they were somehow predestined or meant to be.
At least one of your past lives was an intensely emotional one, probably lived during
matriarchal, close-knit cultures where the lineage was female and children were much more
dependent upon their mother or their maternal relatives. In the present, during particularly stressful
periods, you may have a tendency to return to this early past life pattern and feel you should not be
held totally responsible for your actions or shortcomings. Of course, with prayerful application of
your will, this tendency can be overcome. [304-5]
Report presented by : astrology.com.au
Your Past Life Decanates
According to an ancient Vedic astrology method still practiced in India, Past Life Planets
are realms in which you sojourned between earth lifetimes. They are identified through the
position of your sidereal Sun and Moon in the decanates (a decanate is a one- third division of a
zodiac sign; each is ruled by a planet). Any patterns involving these Past Life Planets are
therefore of special importance. Pay extra attention, then, to any sections of your Report which
interpret these planets.
NOTE: If your Sun and Moon are both located in a decanate which is ruled by the same
planet, then only the Sun position is interpreted; the Moon's decanate position, being the same
as the Sun's, therefore does not need to be interpreted.
Your Sun is in Pisces Decanate
Your sidereal Sun is in the decanate of Pisces, which is co-ruled by Neptune and Jupiter. This
points to prominent soul journeys in the interlife realms of Jupiter and Neptune, and to one or more
parallel lifetimes in which you were dedicated to spirituality, humanitarian, healing-oriented and
spiritual, mystical endeavors. Your experiences then may have brought you prominence or notoriety
in spiritual causes ranging from the Essenes and Gnostics around the time of Christ to Eastern
temples and ashrams and later, in medieval or modern monastic life.
Of likely special interest to you in your present life are mysticism, spirituality and most
movements toward Oneness and the mysteries of Life and Nature, including dreams and mystical
kinds of music and art. These interests and urges are intensified from lifetimes where the sea or
large bodies of water played a large role, as well as from your soul experiences between earth
incarnations in the realms of Neptune and Jupiter.
Report presented by : astrology.com.au