!Palestine <Sa3ette
!Palestine <Sa3ette
!Palestine <Sa3ette publisbeb big Hutborit\> No. 1 189 THURSDAY, 23RD APRIL, 1942 483 CONTENTS Page GOVERNMENT NOTICES Notice regarding the Importation of Cattle and Sheep Acting Appointments, etc. . Palestine Law Examination, 1942 Shorthand-Typing Examination for Government Officers Medical Licences granted ' Midwives' Licences granted Medical Licence cancelled E . F . M . Telegraph Service Notice of Intended Destruction of certain Records in the Magistrate's Court, Jerusalem Claims for Mutilated Currency Notes Tenders and Adjudication of Contracts Citation Orders Court Notice Court Summons Notices of the Execution Offices, Tel Aviv, Jaffa and Gaza - 485 485 485 485 485 486 486 486 486 ' 487 487 490 495 495 - - ־ - - - - ־ ־ ־ 495 RETURNS Financial Statement as at 31st October, 1941 Statement of Assets and Liabilities as at 31st October, 1941 Summary of Receipts and Payments for the Year 1940/41 of the Township of Natanya Summary of Assets and Liabilities as at 31st March, 1941, of the Township of Natanya Persons changing their Names _.. Quarantine and Infectious Diseases Summary NOTICE REGARDING COOPERATIVE SOCIETIES, ETC. CORRIGENDA . 498 500 502 503 504 505 508 - MILS. - • - - 505 (Continued) PRICE : 50 ־ - ־ ־ CONTENTS (Continued) Page. S U P P L E M E N T No. 2. The f o l l o w i n g s u b s i d i a r y l e g i s l a t i o n is p u b l i s h e d , i n Supplement t h i s Gazette: — N o . 2 w h i c h f o r m s p a r t of Order No. 47 of 1942, under the Palestine Orders in Council, 1922-1939, converting a certain Area of Land from the Category termed "Metrouke into the Category termed " M i r i " 675 Defence (Municipal Tribunals) (Amendment) Regulations, 1942, under the Emergency Powers (Colonial Defence) Order in Council, 1939, and the Emergency Powers (Defence) Act, 1939 676 Control of Photography (Haifa District) Order, 1942, under the Defence Regula tions, 1939 676 Notice under the Defence (Passive Defence Services) Regulations, 1941, appointing a Director for Passive Defence for the Lydda District 677 Defence (Control of Mills and Production and Sale of Palestine Standard Flour) (Amendment) Order (No. 2), 1942, under the Defence Regulations, 1939 678 Notice under the Safeguarding of Public Water Supplies Ordinance, 1937, declaring certain Areas to be Public Water Supply Areas 678 Notice under the Press Ordinance, granting a Permit for the Publication of a News paper (579 Order No. 48 of 1942, under the Urban Property Tax Ordinance, 1940, varying the Boundaries of the Urban Area of Ramallah (including E l Bira) .. - 680 Town Planning Permits (Galilee Regional) By-laws, 1942, under the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936 680 Galilee Regional (Town Planning Permit Fees) By-laws, 1942, under the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936 681 Notice under the Rabies Ordinance, 1934, declaring certain Areas to be infected with Rabies ־ r 682 Order under the Food Control Ordinance, 1942, prescribing the Maximum Wholesale Selling Price of Wheat Bran 682 Defence (Control of Meat) Order, 1942, under the Food Control Ordinance, 1942 683 Order under the Defence Regulations, 1939, revoking the Order made by the Controller of Supplies and published in Gazette No. 1175 of 5th March, 1942 685 Notice of Posting of Schedules of Claims in E l 'Abisiya, under the Land (Settlement of Title) Ordinance 685 Notification of Intended Settlement in respect of the Lands of certain Villages, under the Land (Settlement of Title) Ordinance 686 Noification of Commencement of Settlement in respect of the Lands of the Bureij Village, under the Land (Settlement of Title) Ordinance 687 Notice of Posting of Schedules of Rights to Land in certain Localities, under the Land (Settlement of Title) Ordinance 687 Defence (Control of Mills and Production and Sale of Palestine Standard Flour) (Amendment) Order (No. 3), 1942, under the Defence Regulations, 1939 688 Defence (Ice Cream) (Prohibition of Manufacture and Sale) Order, 1942, under the Defence Regulations, 1939 689 Notice under the Food Control Ordinance, 1942, requiring the Wholesale and Retail Dealers i n Meat and Fish to register at the Office of the Food Controller 689 Defence (Village Committees) Regulations, 1942, under the Emergency Powers (Colonial Defence) Order in Council, 1939, and the Emergency Powers (Defence) Act, 1939 690 Food Control (Allocation and Purchase of Commodities) Order, 1942, under the Food Cntrol Ordinance, 1942 693 Defence (Food Control) (Amendment) Regulations, 1942, under the Emergency Powers (Colonial Defence) Order i n Council, 1939, and the Emergency Powers (Defence) Act, 1939 695 Order under the Defence (Village Committees) Regulations, 1942, ordering that any Village Committee established in accordance with the Provisions of the said Re gulations to exercise certain Powers and perform certain Duties i n respect of Food Control, etc. 695 Trading with the Enemy (Specified Persons) (Amendment) Order (No. 3), 1942, under the Trading with the Enemy Ordinance, 1939 696 Order No. 49 of 1942, under the Animal Diseases Ordinance, declaring certain Localities to be Infected Areas, on Account of the Existence of Fowl Plague 709 Notice under the Land (Exproprition) Ordinance, regarding the Extension of the Factory of The Assis Palestine F r u i t Products Co. Bejerano Bros, at Ramat Gan 709 - - ־ - - - - - ־ - ־ 23rd A p r i l , 1942 T H E PALESTINE GAZETTE N o . 1189. 485 NOTICE. Importers of livestock are advised by the Eood Controller that as from 21st of A p r i l arrangements have been made whereby importation of cattle and sheep from beyond the boundaries of Syria, the Lebanon, Palestine and Trans-Jordan, shall henceforth be made exclusively by the M i l i t a r y Authorities on behalf of the Government of Palestine. I n the circumstances all import licences i n the hands of importers i n so far as they relate to cattle and sheep i n the areas i n which the M i l i t a r y Authorities w i l l effect their purchases, w i l l be cancelled as and with effect from the 1st day of M a y , 1942. Importers are hereby advised to make full use of their licences before expiry. The importation of buffaloes, goats, pigs and camels w i l l still be permitted under import licence. ! G. W A L S H Food Controller. 21st A p r i l , 1942. ACTING APPOINTMENTS; ETC. The Officer Administering the Government appointed: — lias M R . A . L . JONES, M . C . , Assistant Chief Mechanical Engineer, Palestine Railways, to act as Mechanical Engineer on the 31st March, 1942. M R . J . W. BROWN, Mechanical Engineer, Department of Public Works, to act as Chief Electrical and Mechanical Engineer, with effect from the ]3th A p r i l , 1942, until further order. SHORTHAND-TYPING EXAMINATION FOR G O V E R N M E N T O F F I C E R S . The undermentioned officers passed the Government Shorthand-Typing Examination held in Jerusalem on 15th A p r i l , 1942: — Name MISS MISS MISS MISS MISS A. A. H. Z. A. Department Judicial Legal Surveys Education (Probation) Legal OBSTREICHER BEDROSSIAN NITSSBAUM F . EMANUEL RABINOVITCH W. J. F A R R E L L D i r e c t o r of E d u c a t i o n . AHMAD E F F . H A M D I SABEK, Assistant Veterinary Officer, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, to act as Veterinary Officer with effect from the 15th A p r i l , 1942, until further order. 17th A p r i l , 1942. (U/946/38) NOTICE. TERMINATION OF A C T I N G APPOINTMENT. The acting appointment of M R . H . M . FOOT, O.B.E., Assistant British Resident, TransJordan, published in Palestine Gazette No. 1183 of the 2nd A p r i l , 1942, ceased with effect from the 14th A p r i l , 1942. RETIREMENT. M R . T. GRIFFITHS, Chief Accountant, Grade G, Department of Posts and Telegraphs, retired from the public service with effect from the 6th November, 1941, inclusive. MEDICAL LICENCES. I. Licence to practise medicine granted during the month of March, 1942, by the Director of Medical Services under section 4B(1) of the Medical Practitioners Ordinance. Licence No. D R . 3208 Name HENRY Address WIGDERSON Jerusalem II. PALESTINE L A W E X A M I N A T I O N , 1942. NOTICE. With reference to the Notice at page 203 of the Palestine Gazette No. 1169 of 19th February, 1942, it is hereby notified for general information that the examinations will commence daily at 2.15 p.m. and not at 2.30 p.m. as announced previously. M. ROSEN Secretary, L a w Council. : Licences to practise.medicine granted during the month of March, 1942, by the Director of Medical Services under section .4(2) of the Medical Practitioners Ordinance. Licence No. D R . 3209 D R . 3210 DR.3211 Name M A R T I N JAKOBOVITS FRITZ WEILER ISRAEL W E I S S Address Tel Aviv Qibuts Hazorea Kefar Barukh THE 486 MIDWIVES' PALESTINE Licence to practise midwifery granted during the month of February, 1942, by the Director of Medical Services under section 5 of the M i d wives Ordinance. M.705 Name Licences to practise midwifery granted during the month of March, 1942, by the Director of Medical Services under section 5 of the M i d wives Ordinance. M.706 M.707 M.708 Name Address D U L I E H ISSA MUSLIMANI . A K I L A H OMAR A K I L A H WADIA A . MAZAKIS J. H . 28rd A p r i l , 1942 (a) The address j (b) The use of any of the 3 numbered texts. 5. The list of texts available may be consulted upon application at the counter of any Post Office. 6. The service is available to all British Empire countries except Eire. ! 7. Telegrams must include the following particulars i n the address: — | ! (a) Regimental number (in the case of other ranks only) | (b) Rank ; (e) Squadron, Battery, Company or other section of the Unit. (d) Unit Haifa | Haifa Jaffa | i ! POTTINGER 4. The fixed charge for standard texts is 125 mils per telegram. This will include: — ! Jerusalem II. Licence No. J i Address ATTARA SHEINFELD N o . 1189. each additional word (no charge is made for the address or the indicator E F M ) . LICENCES. I. Licence No. GAZETTE j (e) Office of destination—or i n the case of an Expeditionary Force—the name of the "Force. 20th A p r i l , 1942. (Gaz/4/40) for Director, M e d i c a l Service*. 16th A p r i l , 1942. (Gaz/23/40) • 1 I NOTICE. DEPARTMENT W. J. VICKERS for Director, Medical Services. 18th A p r i l , 1942. (Gaz/23/40) NOTICE OF INTENDED DESTRUCTION OF RECORDS UNDER R U L E 11 OF THE A R C H I V E S RULES, 1938, AS AMENDED. I j i , j I Notice is hereby given that I , A M I N NASR, Registrar, District and Land Courts, Jerusalem, intend to apply to H i s Honour the Chief Justice for authority under Rule 11 of the A r chives Rules, 1938, as amended, to destroy the following records i n the Magistrate's Court, Jerusalem. I | I j I NOTICE. DEPARTMENT OF POSTS AND TELEGRAPHS. E . F . M . Telegraph Service. It is notified for information that the E F M telegram service is now available to members of the public for the sending of telegrams to members of H i s Majesty's Forces i f stationed in a country to which the E F M service extends. 2. Standard texts only are permitted except in the case of telegrams to India where plain language must be used. 3. The rate for messages to India only is 125 mils for the first 6 words and 21 mils for JERUSALEM. | j | OF H E A L T H . Licence No. DR.1734 dated the 15th July, 1934, to practise medicine granted to M A X HESS has been cancelled on account of the death of the holder. NOTICE. DISTRICT A N D . L A N D COURTS, Objections, i f any, to the destruction of these records should be submitted to me within one month of the publication of this notice i n the Palestine Gazette, failing which such authority will be applied for. | Civil Cases. \ Y e a r 1 9 2 5 . — From No. 1 to 5651. Except cases Nos. 2, 14, 36, 66, 95, 109, 116, 161, 162, 179, 208, 227, 319, 320, 365, 370, 373, 397, 461, 486, 503, 624, 646, 648, 672, 674, 675, 676, 677, 678, 679, 680, 681, 713, 736, 741, 776, 863, 914, 944, 1004, 1055, 1102, 1105, 1109, 1110, 1117, 1165, 1226, 1251, 1263, 1272, 1301, 1352, 1373, 1374, 1375 to 1382 inc., 1402, 1414, 1515, 1544, 1546, 1568, 1591, 1604, 1615, 1621, 1629, 1633, 1635, 1637, 1639, 1663, 1689, 1699, 1703, 1761, 1732, 1733, 1738, 1754, 1759, 1774, 1809, 1871, 1908, 1916, 1969, 1978, 1989, 2023, 2026, 2039, 2087, 2095, 2096, 2098, 2108, 2110, 2113, 2115, 2127, 2128, 2133, 2136, 2153, 2213, 2239, 2254, 2261, 2262, 2264, 2317, 2327, 2350, 2367, 2421, 2424, 2438, 2517, 2565, 2572, 2602, 2635, 2703, 2704, 2705, 2706 to 2712 inc., 2763, 2803, 2811, 2853, 2866, 2922, THE •23rd A p r i l , 1942 3049, 3057, 3075, 3135, 3174, 3185, 3200, 3234, 3364, 3371, 3384, 3424, 3837, 3864, 3956, 3974, 4285, 4292, 4350, 4372, 4631, 4639, 4645, 4664, 4689, 4690 to 4693, 4696, 4900, 4928, 4932, 4966, 5145, 5149, 5164, 5196, 5223, 5241, 5295, 5300, 5430, 5441, 5442, 5443, 2949, 3167, 3346, 3817, 4237, 4608, 4687, 4844, 5050, 5206, 5414, 5527, 2954, 3170, 3363, 3827, 4275, 4623, 4688, 4860, 5091, 5217, 5429, 5576, Year 1 9 2 6 :— From No. 1 to 7178. PALESTINE 3137, 3246, 3550, 4109, 4466, 4672, 4699, 4982, 5197, 5311, 5462, 3160, 3253, 3623, 4182, 4495, 4684, 4770, 4999, 5200, 5407, 5469, 3164, 3310, 3625, 4214, 4580, 4685, 4830, 5040, 5202, 5411, 5476, 5550, 5598, 5602. Except cases Nos. 363, 443, 464, 704, 1086, 2844, 4163, 5163, 5799, 6431, 1209, 3300, 4461, 5165, 5912, 6633. Criminal Year 3497, 4658, 5275, 6144, 3620, 4686, 5379, 6176, 3692, 4935, 5391, 6207, 3796, 5043, 5397, 6226, 3961, 5061, 5501, 6328, 4129, 5084, 5656, 6339, Cases. 1 9 3 9 . — From No. 1 to 10973. Except cases Nos. 241, 251, 253, 255, 259, 263, 264, 285, 502, 506, 508, 564, 849, 889, 927, 1187, 1191, 1194, 1196, 1201, 1364, 1365, 1604, 1606, 1609, 1677, 1799, 1801, 1805, 2268, 2602, 2604, 2615, 2837, 3196, 3199, 3133, 3203, 3209, 3217, 3299, 3300, 3302, 3305, 3600, 3607, 3608, 3708, 3709, 3786, 3753, 3796, 3800, 3956, 3957, 3968, 3971, 4007, 4090, 4092, 4095, 4191, 4208, 4226, 4246, Number of N o t e Value N a m e of C l a i m a n t 0.739691 O.997920 500 Mils 500 Mils Eahel Tentzer, Tel Aviv F.655967 C.608889 500 Mils C.423699 LP.l C.628522/ 0.297838 C.555030/ D.056818 500 Mils C.413396 500 Mils D.104250 C.862213 ' D.804982/ D.029249 D.473593/ D.151021 F.405775 C.256461/ D.440336 D.783514 500 Mils 500 Mils 500 Mils Gorgia Ma'atouq, Jerusalem 500 Mils V Ottoman Bank, Jerusalem LP.l 500 Mils 1384, 1809, 1945, 2453, 2759, 2774, 2841, 3420, 4547, 5225, 6066, 4096, 4098, 4099, 4100, 4187, 4188, 4192, 4195, 4198, 4199, 4200, 4201, 4210, 4211, 4212, 4214, 4218, 4220, 4229, 4236, 4237, 4239 4241, 4242, 4249, 4251, 4409, 4411, 4412, 4782, 4783, 4786, 5407, 5409, 5412, 5424, 5425, 5426, 5438, 5441, 5446, 6323, 6324, 6327, 6854, 6855, 6856, 6876, 6877, 6878, 7112, 7113, 7116, 7432, 7433, 7438, 7619, 7620, 7621, 4189, 4202, 4223, 4243, 4405, 4406, 4419, 4477, 5393, 5398, 5418, 5422, 5429, 5431, 5432, 5978, 6027, 6030, 6686, 6687, 6691, 6865, 6866, 6867, 6881, 7109, 7110, 7122, 7125, 7126, 4400, 4401, 4404, 4413, 4415 4416, 4788, 4789, .5392, 5414, 5416, 5417, 5427, 5428, 5741, 5974, 4190, 4205, 4225, 4244, 4408, 4778, 5400, 5423, 5433, 6034, 6853, 6875, 6330, 6331 6857, 6863, 7111, 6879, 6880, 7127, 7117, 7118, 7439, 7441, 7612, 7614, 7615, 7618, 7709, 7748, 7750, 7752, 7900, 7901, 7951, 8277, 8281, 8284, 8334, 8335, 8336, 8337, 8338, 8839, 8840, 8841, 8844, 8845, 8846, 8848, 8849, 8854, 8855, 8962, 8963, 8966, 9127, 9128, 9129, 9130, 9429, 9434, 9438, 9441, 9442, 9444, 9447, 9449, 9484, 9794, 9796, 9798, 9802, 9804, 9806, 9813, 9829, 9852, 9853, 9854, 9858, 9862, 9864, 9886, 9887, 9889, 9892,10107, 10109, 10113, 10291,10292,10294, 10393, 10394, 10396, 10664, 10819, 5677, 5388, 5829, 8332. 487 G A Z E T T E N o . 1189. LP.l 500 Mils Akiva Mayer, Tel Aviv Toba Blumenfeld, Tel Aviv Messrs. Ltd., Messrs. Ltd., Eliahu Jacob Japhet & Co. Jerusalem Jacob Japhet & Co. Jerusalem Kaufman, Tel Aviv Sgt. William Davis, 43rd General Hospital, M . E . F . Chief Paymaster, A.I.F., on account of ÜK5, Lt. S. Fox, Finance Branch, A.I.F. Jeboshua Cohen, Tel Aviv Messrs. It. & W. Silberstein Bros., Jerusalem LP.l J.601634 Erich Rosenbaum, Jerusalem LP.l J.242597/ H.502480 LP.l The Anglo-Palestine Bank Ltd., Jerusalem Mustafa Sh. Saade, Acre F.867597/ D.369513 E.361477 F.108658 0.395732/ D.516975 C.217380/ C.783242 C.393560/ D.323911 D.086066/ D.283890 0.743119/ C.598492 0.369433/ D.439124 0.858987/ D.976835 D.944241/ D.466874 0.463236/ C.788758 0.783996/ D.402037 D.129979/ B.071481 0.467420/ D.746114 B.677780/ C.598420 D.259834/ C. 887668 C.588458 LP.l LP.l LP.l Barclays Bank (D.C. & O. Jerusalem. 500 Mils 500 Mils 500 Mils 500 Mils 500 Mils 500 Mils 500 Mils 500 Mils 500 Mils Barclays Bank (D.C. & O.), Jerusalem 500 Mils 500 Mils 500 Mils 500 Mils 500 Mils 500 Mils Dated this 15th day of A p r i l , 1942. • A. NASR Registrar, District Court, Jerusalem. A. L . P E T E R S Currency Officer. 13th A p r i l , 1942. (Gaz/14/40) (Gaz/39/40) TENDERS. PALESTINE CURRENCY I. NOTES. Payment "of the value of the following mutilated currency notes has been claimed by the persons named. Any other person wishing to submit a claim i n respect of any of these notes should communicate at once with the Currency Officer, Jei'usalem. DISTRICT COMMISSIONER'S GAZA DISTRICT. OFFICES, Tenders are invited for the supply of summer uniforms for 1942, for tax-collectors and messengers i n the Gaza District. THE 488 PALESTINE G A Z E T T E N o . 1189. ADJUDICATION Tenders, together with one complete unit of good quality only, i n respect of each tender should be submitted to the District Commissioner's Offices, Gaza, Room No. 39, not later than 10.00 on Thursday, the 30th A p r i l , 1942, in separate envelopes marked — (a) Tenders for Summer Uniforms for Tax Collectors; (b) Tenders for Summer Uniforms for Messengers. Summer SALIM ; \ | T H E PALESTINE JERUSALEM. POLICE FORCE, Tenders are invited for the supply of the following items required by the Palestine Police : — Summer 3. Tenders will not be accepted after Thursday, 1st May, 1942. Trousers 0.700 Shorts 0.440 ZALMAN D A V I D , Jerusalem. SP.Mils ! j Kalpacks ter, Jerusalem, Shoes, brown/black SF.Mils 1.250 | The contractors are bound to execute orders within three weeks of the receipt of a written I demand from the Head of the Department. A l l I articles must be i n accordance with the samples | kept at the office of the District Commissioner, ! Jerusalem, and must be fitted to the satisfaction j of the Head of the Department. 21st A p r i l , 1942. (Gaz/22/40) ADJUDICATION 0.200 S A L I M A B D AL JAWAD F A R R A H , Christian Quar- A. S A U N D E R S I n spec t o r - G e n e r a ! . (Gaz/42/40) SP.Mils 1.600 1.370 Clothing—Messengers. j ! Christian D A V I D BUCHMAN, Jaffa Road, Jerusalem. £P.Mils Jacket 1.100 Overalls, combination, drill, brown. Jerseys, woollen, brown. 2. Tender forms may be obtained from the Quartermaster, Russian Buildings, Jerusalem, and the sealed samples inspected. FARRAH, Boots, brown/black Shoes, brown/black (Gnz/29/40) HEADQUARTERS, A B D AL J AW AD Quarter, Jerusalem. | II. I F . M i Is 1.600 1.100 1.100 Jacket Trousers Breeches Government is not bound to accept the lowest or any tender. 17th A p r i l , 1942. C l o t h i n g — T a x Collectors. ZALMAN D A V I D , Jerusalem. Successful tenderers are required to produce a deposit to be fixed by the District Commissioner, Gaza District, to ensure proper compliance. The deposit will be refunded on satisfactory execution of the contract. E. B A L L A R D District Commissioner, Gaza District. OF CONTRACTS. W. R. M c G E A G H for D i s t r i c t Commissioner, Jerusalem District. OF CONTRACTS. R A T I O N S — B R I T I S H POLICE. CONTRACT FOR 1ST A P R I L , 1942, To 30TH SEPTEMBER, 1942. Reference F o r c e O r d e r 45/42. The contract for the supply of daily rations to the British police i n Palestine for the period A p r i l , 1942, to the 30th September, 1942, has been awarded to MESSRS. SPINNEYS' L T D . , Haifa, at the following rates: — 1st From 1st A p r i l , 1942, to 30th June, 1942 (a) £P.0.245 mils per ration supplied at contractors' stores, Jerusalem, Jaffa, Tel Aviv and Haifa. (b) £P.0.248 mils per ration supplied at police billets, Jerusalem, Jaffa, Tel Aviv and Haifa. 489 (c) £P.0.260 mils per ration delivered to British police billets at the following places: Tiberias Nablus Tulkarm Khirbet Beit L i d Natanya Qalqiliya J en in Hebron Enab Sarafand Artuf Ramallah Bethlehem Jericho Ramat Gan Petah Tiqva Ra'anana Sarona Ramie Saffourieh Lydda Beit Dajan Latrun Rehovbt Qatra Sarafand E l Kharab Kiryat Haim 'Atlit Zikhron Ya'aqov Majdal Kruin Hadera Shafa 'Amv Jelameh Gaza Majdal Beersheba 'Afula Nazareth Beisan Yajur Shatta Samakh Safad Faradiyeh Rosh Pinna Tabgha Nahalal Acre Rama Zubeid (d) £P.0.275 mils per ration delivered to places other than those mentioned in (a) (b) and (c) above. 2. The authorised scale of daily rations to the British police in Palestine is as shown hereunder : — Meat Bread Bacon Milk Jam or marmelade Fresh vegetables Potatoes Sugar Tea Salt Pepper Mustard Dried fruits Flour Butter Margarine Cheese Oatmeal Onions Beans, peas, lentils (dried) Baking powder Curry powder 11 ozs. beef plus A oz. lard. ozs. 1 2/7 ozs. plus 4/7 egg plus 8/7 ozs. beef sausage plus 4/7 oz. ham sausage. 1/3 litre fresh in urban areas or 3 ozs. tinned in rural areas. I s ozs. of an approved quality. 10 ozs. of any two kinds i n season 12 ozs. If in short supply to be varied with rice and haricot beans as follows: — 8 ozs. potatoes three times per week. 4 ozs. rice twice per week. 4 ozs. haricot beans twice per week. 4 ozs. 2/8 oz. honey to be drawn in lieu of each oz. sugar not available. ־2 ־oz. ^ J oz. i n proportion of | oz. kitchen salt and \ oz. table salt. 1/100 oz. 1/100 oz. 8/7 oz.—per week. (To comprise a good assortment of figs, raisins and dates). 4/7 oz. 1 oz. or 2 ozs. margarine in lieu. 1 oz. 1 oz. (or i f not obtainable extra milk of equival ent food value to 1 oz. cheese). 8/7 oz. during the winter period. 1 oz. 1 oz. 1/7 oz. weekly. 1/7 oz. weekly. 14 NOTE. Where, through Government rationing scheme or shortages of supply the contractor is unable to supply the full quantities of any commodity listed above, he shall supply another commodity in lieu thereof, of an equivalent nutrative value. 3. A free issue of ice during the summer period is authorised by Government and is included in the British police ration contract at the following rates: — A t 20 mils per unit of 14 lbs. delivered to police billets in Jerusalem, Jaffa, Tel Aviv and Haifa. At 30 mils per unit of 14 lbs. delivered with rations elsewhere in Palestine. The rates per ration as shewn in this Force Order are subject to revision at the expiry of the first period of 3 months of the contract. 490 T H E PALESTINE CITATIONS FOR ORDERS G A Z E T T E N o . 1189. A l l persons claiming any interest must appear at the said place and time, otherwise such order will be made as to the Court seems right. OF SUCCESSION. I. IN T H E DISTRICT COURT O F T E L AVIV. Dated this 16th day of A p r i l , 1942. P r o b a t e F i l e N o . 89/42. Z. H A R A K A B I Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. In the matter of the succession of ISAAC A . Y A I R of Tel Aviv, deceased. Petitioner: (Gaz/18/40) SARA Y A I R of Jerusalem. Let all persons take notice that M R S . SARA Y A I R of Jerusalem has applied to the District Court, Tel Aviv, for an order declaring the succession to ISAAC A . Y A I R , late of Tel Aviv, deceased, and that the said application will be heard at Tel Aviv on the 7th day of May, 1942, at 9 a.m. IN T H E DISTRICT COURT I n the matter of ADOLF K A U F M A N N of Ramat Gan, deceased, as regards his m i r i property. Petitioner: through SELMA K A U F M A N N of Ramat Gan, D R . S . KOENIGSBERGER, Let a l l persons take notice that SELMA K A U F MANN has a p p l i e d to the D i s t r i c t C o u r t of T e l Aviv f o r a n order declaring the succession to m i r i immovable p r o p e r t y of ADOLF K A U F M A N N , deceased, a n d the said a p p l i c a t i o n w i l l be heard at at the said C o u r t on the 10th of May, 1942, at 9 a.m. (Gaz/18/40) II. OF T E L A V I V . P r o b a t e F i l e N o . 91/42. A l l persons c l a i m i n g a n y interest must a p pear at the said place a n d time, otherwise such order w i l l be made as to the C o u r t seems right. In the matter of D R . ISAAK C H A I M P A G I R S K I of Tel Aviv, deceased. D a t e d this 16th day of A p r i l , 1942. M R S . C H A J A F E I G A FELICCLJA P A G I R - SKI of Tel Aviv. Z. H A R A K A B I Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. Let all persons take notice that M R S . CHAJA FEIGA FELICCIJA PAGIRSKI advocate, Tel Aviv. Z. H A R A K A B I Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. Petitioner: OF T E L A V I V . P r o b a t e N o . 93/42. A l l persons claiming any interest must appear at the said place and time, otherwise such order will be made as to the Court seems right, IN T H E DISTRICT COURT 23rd A p r i l , 1942 has applied to the (Gaz/18/40) District Court of Tel Aviv for an order declaring the succession to D R . ISAAK C H A I M P A G I R S K I of Tel Aviv, deceased, and that the said application will be heard at the said Court on the 7th day of May, 1942, at 9 a.m. A l l persons claiming any interest must appear at the said place and time, otherwise such order will be made as to the Court seems right. i I Z. H A R A K A B I Registrar, District Court, TelA vir. IN T H E DISTRICT COURT O F T E L AVIV. I Pr. 94/42. In J Dated this 16th day of A p r i l , 1942. ־ V j : the matter of the succession to MRS. B R E I N D E L RABAU, called BERTA RABAU, née GLAS, of Ramat Gan, Bialik Street, House RABAU, deceased. P e t i t i o n e r : M A X RABAU of Ramat Gan, Bialik Street, House RABAU, through his attorneys D R . E . W. K L I M O V S K Y and D R . (Gaz/18/40) A. HOFFMANN, advocates of Tel Aviv. III. IN T H E DISTRICT COURT OF T E L A V I V . Pr. In the matter of R A H E L F R I D G U T , née 92/42. FRIDGUT, of Nahalat Yitshaq, deceased. Petitioner: M R S . SHOSHANA LINDEMANN, née FRIDGUT, of Nahalat Yitshaq, through D R . F . BADT, advocate of Tel Aviv. Let all.persons take notice that M R S . SHOSHANA LINDEMANN, née F R I D G U T , has applied ! ! to the District Court sitting at Tel Aviv for an order declaring the succession to the " m i r i " immov- Let all persons take notice that the said petitioner has applied to the District Court of Tel Aviv for an order declaring the succession to M R S . B R E I N D E L RABAU, called BERTA RABAU, j ! ! n é e GLAS, of Ramat Gan, Bialik Street, House RABAU, deceased, and that the said application will be heard at the District Court of Tel Aviv on the 10th day of May, 1942, at 9 a.m. ! A l l persons claiming any interest must appear at the said place and hour, otherwise such order will be made as to the Court seems right. j Dated this 16th day of A p r i l , ־1942. able property of RAHEL F R I D G U T , née F R I D G U T , of Nahalat Yitshaq, deceased, and that the said application w i l l be heard at the said Court on the 10th day of May, 1942, at 9 a.m. (Gaz/18/40) Z. H A R A K A B I Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv, 491 23rd A p r i l , 1942 VI. IN T H E D I S T R I C T COURT OP T E L A V I V . P r o b a t e F i l e N o . 95/42. A l l persons claiming any interest must appear at the said place and time, otherwise such order w i l l be made as to the Court seems right. Z. H A R A K A B I Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. In the matter of the succession of L E A (ELSA) LAPKO-STEIN of Tel Aviv, deceased. Petitioner: (Gaz/18/40) MOSHE STEIN. Let a l l persons take notice that the said petitioner has applied to the District Court of Tel Aviv for an order declaring the succession to LEA (ELSA) LAPKO-STEIN of Tel Aviv, deceased, and that the said application will be heard at the said Court on the 10th day of May, 1942, at 9 a.m. A l l persons claiming any interest must appear at said place and time, otherwise such order w i l l be made as to the Court seems right. Dated this 16th day of A p r i l , 1942. IX. IN T H E DISTRICT COUKT O F T E L A V I V . P r o b a t e N o . 99/42. I n the matter of the succession of N A H U M ROSEN- STARK of Tel Aviv, deceased. Petitioner: GITTA ROSENSTARK, represented by M R . M . TURBOVITZ, advocate, Tel Aviv. Let a l l persons take notice that M R S . GITTA ROSENSTARK has applied to the District Court of Tel Aviv for an order declaring the succession to M R . N A H U M ROSENSTARK, deceased,, and Z. H A R A K A B I Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. (Gaz/18/40) that the said application will be heard on the 12th day of May, 1942, at 9 a.m. A l l persons claiming any interest must appear at the said place and time, otherwise such order w i l l be made as to the Court seems right. Dated this 17th day of A p r i l , 1942. VII. Z. IN T H E D I S T R I C T COURT O F T E L A V I V . Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. P r . 96/42. In the matter of the succession of M E . MENDEL VASSERMAN of Benei Beraq, deceased. Petitioner: M R . CONSTANTIN VASSERMAN of K i r y a t Haim. HARAKABI (Gaz/18/40) X. IN T H E D I S T E I C T COURT O F T E L A V I V . P r . 100/42. Let all persons take notice that M R . CONSTANTIN VASSERMAN has applied to the District Court of Tel Aviv for an order declaring the succession I n the matter of N A H U M GOLDMAN of Tel Aviv, to M R . M E N D E L VASSERMAN of Benei-Beraq, Petitioner: de- ceased, and that the said application will be heard at the District Court of Tel Aviv on the 5th day of May, 1942, at 9 a.m. A l l persons claiming any interest must appear at the said place and time, otherwise such order will be made as to the Court seems right. Dated this 16th day of A p r i l , 1942. Z. H A R A K A B I Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. (Gaz/18/40) deceased. M R S . SHOSHANA GOLDMAN, repre- sented by her attorneys H . NOFECH-MOZES, R. I. MOZES, advocates of Tel Aviv. Let all persons take notice that M R S . SHOSHANA GOLDMAN has applied to the District Court of Tel Aviv for an order declaring the succession to N A H U M GOLDMAN of Tel Aviv, de- ceased, and that the said application w i l l be heard in the said Court on the 5th day of May, 1942, at 9 a.m. A l l persons claiming any interest must appear at the said place and time, otherwise such order w i l l be made as to the Court seems right. Dated this 15th day of A p r i l , 1942. VIII. IN T H E D I S T R I C T COURT OF T E L AVIV. P r . N o . 97/42. In the matter of the succession of MENASHE of Manchester, deceased. Petitioner: SELIM ALEXANDRA M A Y MENASHE of Man- chester, represented by M R . M A X SELIGMAN, advocate of Tel Aviv. Let all persons take notice that ALEXANDRA M A Y MENASHE has applied to the District Court of Tel Aviv for an order declaring the succession to S E L I M MENASHE of Manchester, deceased, and that the said application will be heard at the said Court on the 12th day of May, 1942, at 9 a.m. r (Gaz/18/40) Z. H A R A K A B I Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. XL IN T H E D I S T R I C T COURT OF HAIFA. P.R. 19/42. In the matter of the succession of Y A ' C U B H A B I B HAWA of Acre, deceased. Petitioner: M R S . ROSE HADDAD, widow of Y A ' C U B H A B I B H A W A , of Acre. Let all persons take notice that M R S . ROSE HADDAD, widow of Y A ' C U B H A B I B H A W A , has ap- 492 23rd A p r i l , 1942 plied to the District Court of Haifa for an order declaring the succession to the estate of Y A ' C U B HABIB H A W A of Acre, deceased, and that the said application will be heard at Haifa on the 4th day of May, 1942, at 9 a.m. XIV. IN T H E D I S T R I C T COURT O F H A I F A . Case H I M A B U NOUFEL of Nazareth, deceased. Let all persons take notice that M R . IBRAHIM K H A L I L A B U NOUFEL of Nazareth has applied to Dated this 10th day of April, 1942. the District Court of Haifa, through his attorney FOUAD B E Y ATALLA, for an order declar- K. SHEHADEH Registrar, District Court, Haifa. ing the succession to K H A L I L I B R A H I M A B U N O U - FEL of Nazareth, deceased, and the said application will be heard on the 20th day of May, 1942, at, 9 a.m. (Gaz/37/40) A l l persons claiming any interest must appear on or before the said date, otherwise such order will be made as to the Court seems right. XII. IN T H E D I S T R I C T C O U R T O F H A I F A . P.R. Dated this 16th day of April, 1942. 20/42. M. COTRAN Acting Registrar, District Court, Haifa. In the matter of the succession of SLIMAN B I N DA'OUD E L YOUSSEF of Kafr Yassif Village, deceased. (Gaz/37/40) of Kafr Yassif Let all persons take notice that M U R K O S , creditor of K R A Y I M XV. SHIHADI SLIMAN IN T H E D I S T E I C T DA'OUD, E L YOUSSEF, has applied to the District Court of Haifa for an order declaring the succession S L I M A N B I N D A ' O U D E L YOUSSEF of COURT OF N A B L U S . E s t a t e F i l e N o . 3/42. one of the heirs of the late S L I M A N B I N DA'OUD to 22/42. In the matter of the succession of K H A L I L IBRA- All persons claiming any interest must appear at the said place and time, otherwise such order will be made as to the Court seems right. P e t i t i o n e r : SHIHADI M U R K O S Village, Acre District. No. In the matter of YAAQOV GEVELDER, known also as JANCHEL GHIVELDER, of Even Yehuda, de- Kafr Yassif Village, deceased, and that the said application will be heard at the District Court of i Haifa on Monday, the 18th day of May, 1942, at 9 a.m. ceased, and In the matter of the application submitted by PESIAH FELDMAN, maiden name GEVELDER, represented by L . E C K E R , advocate of Tel All persons claiming any interest must apAviv. pear at the said place and time, otherwise such order will be made as to the Court seems right. J Let all persons take notice that PESIAH FELD! MAN has applied to the District Court of Nablus Dated this 13th day of April, 1942. J for an order declaring the succassion to YAAQOV M. COTRAN Acting Registrar, District Court, Haifa. (Gaz/37/40) XIII. i j I I i GEVELDER, known also as JANCHEL All persons claiming any interest must appear at the said place and time, otherwise such order will be made as to the Court seems right. AHMED EL KHALIL Registrar, District Court, Nablus. IN T H E D I S T R I C T C O U R T O F H A I F A . P.R. No. 21/42. In the matter of the succession of RAPHAEL, son GHIVELDER, of Even Yehuda, deceased, and that the said application will be heard on Monday, the 11th day of May, at 10 a.m. (Gaz/45/40) of ZADOK H A K I M , of Haifa, deceased. Let all persons take notice that VICTOR H A K I M of Haifa has applied to the District Court of Haifa for an order declaring the succession to RAPHAEL, son of ZADOK H A K I M , of Haifa, de- ceased, and that the said application will be heard on the 20th day of May, 1942, at 9 a.m. All persons claiming any interest must appear at the said place and time, otherwise such order will be given as to the Court seems right. Dated this 16th day of April, 1942. M. COTRAN Acting Registrar, District Court, Haifa. (Gaz/37/40) XVI. IN T H E D I S T R I C T C O U R T O F J E E U S A L E M . In the matter of the Succession Ordinance, and In the matter of DORA SALZMAN (also known as JOHANNA DORA SALZMAN, ceased. née K A D N E R ) , de- Let all persons take notice that ALFRED SALZMAN, through his attorneys D R . ALEXANDER J. A M D U R and D R . B . SHERESHEWSKY, of Jeru- salem, has applied to the District Court of Jerusalem, for an order d:claring the succession, to DORA SALZMAN (also known as JOHANNA DORA SALZMAN, née K A D N E R ) of Jerusalem, deceased, 493 III. and that the said application will be heard at the District Court, on the 30th day of A p r i l , 1942, at 9 a.m. IN T H E DISTRICT COURT OF T E L A V I V . F i l e N o . 112/42 A l l persons claiming any interest must ap pear at the said place and time, otherwise such order w i l l be made as to the Court seems right. In the matter (NELI) Dated this 14th day of A p r i l , 1942. of the absent M R S . NECHA SHIDLOW-FORSHIRM. In virtue of an order of the District Court, Tel Aviv, bearing date this day, I do hereby cite all and a l l manner of persons to appear in the said Court on the 3rd day of May, 1942, and show cause, i f any they have, why an order of administration i n respect of the absent M R S . A. N A S R Registrar, District Court, Jerusalem. (Gaz/39/40) NECHA (NELI) SHIDLOW-FORSHIRM should not be granted unto HADASSA SHIDLOW, as, in de fault thereof, the Court will proceed to grant the same accordingly. CITATIONS FOR ORDERS OF ADMINISTRATION. I. Dated this 15th day of A p r i l , 1942. IN T H E DISTRICT COURT O F T E L A V I V . Pr. I n the matter of SHMUEL SHALOM M I N T Z , known as SHALOM M I N T Z , deceased. In virtue of an order of the District Court, Tel Aviv, bearing date this day, I do hereby cite all and all manner of persons to appear i n the said Court i n ten days from the date of publication hereof, to show cause, i f any they have, why an order of administration of all and singular the movable property, rights, credits and mulk immovable property and miri im movable property of Z. H A R A K A B I Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. 57/42. SHMUEL SHALOM M I N T Z , known as SHALOM MINTZ, deceased, should not be granted unto SAMUEL SHAPIRO, advocate of Tel Aviv, as, in default thereof, the Court will proceed to grant the same accordingly. Dated this 15th day of A p r i l , 1942. Z. H A R A K A B I Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. (Gaz/18/40) ! | I V ־ IN T H E DISTRICT COURT OF J E R U S A L E M . | In the matter of the | GOLDIN, deceased. succession of MICHAEL ! J I | In virtue of an order of the District Court of Jerusalem, bearing date this day, I do hereby cite all and all manner of persons to appear in the said Court in ten days from the date hereof, and show cause, i f any they have, why an order of administration of all and singular the mov a b l e property, rights, credits and mulk im movable property of MICHAEL GOLDIN, deceased, should not be granted unto M R S . L E A GOLDIN, or M R . MORDECHAI LEVANON, advocate, as, in default thereof, the Court w i l l proceed to grant the same accordingly. (Gaz/18/40) Dated this 14th day of A p r i l , 1942. II. IN T H E DISTRICT COURT O F T E L A V I V . P r o b a t e F i l e N o . 101/42. \ ' | I A. NASR Registrar, District Court, Jerusalem. (Gaz/39/40) I n the matter of RACHIL GOLDBERG, deceased. Petitioner: LAZAR GOLDBERG. In virtue of an order of the District Court sitting at Tel Aviv, bearing date this day, I do hereby cite all and all manner of persons to ap pear in the said Court in ten days from the date of publication hereof, and show cause, i f any they have, why an order of administration of a l l and singular the movable property, rights, credits and mulk immovable property and miri immovable property of RACHIL GOLDBERG should not be granted unto LAZAR GOLDBERG, as, in de fault thereof, the Court will proceed to grant the same accordingly. CITATIONS I. ! (Gaz/18/40) IN T H E D I S T E I C T C O U R T O F T E L A V I V . I P r o b a t e F i l e N o . 90/42. In the matter of the appointment of a guardian over the minors U s i PAGIRSKI and ABA I J Dated this 17th day of A p r i l , 1942. Z. H A R A K A B I Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. FOR ORDERS OF GUARDIANSHIP. j I PAGIRSKI. Petitioner: M R S . C H A J A F E I G A FELICCIJA SKI of Tel Aviv. PAGIR In virtue of an order of the District Court of Tel Aviv, bearing date this day, I do hereby cite all and all manner of persons to appear in the said Court i n ten days from the date of publication hereof, and show cause, i f any they have, why an order appointing M R S . CHAJA F E I G A FELICCIJA P A G I R S K I of Tel A v i v as guard ian over the persons and property of the minors 23rd A p r i l , 1942 494 U s i P A G I R S K I and A B A P A G I R S K I should not CITATION. be granted, as, in default thereof, the Court will proceed to grant the same accordingly. IN T H E DISTRICT COURT OF H A I F A . C i v i l Case 73/42. In the matter of ISRAEL ROSENFELD, deceased, Dated this 16th day of A p r i l , 1942. and Z. H A R A K A B I Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. In the matter of the petition of H A N N A ROSEN- FELD of Haifa, under the Workmen's Compensation Ordinance. (Gaz/18/40) Let all persons take notice that the above petitioner has applied to the District Court of Haifa for an order declaring that the only de- II. I IN T H E DISTRICT COURT OF T E L A V I V . pendant of the deceased ISRAEL ROSENFELD is the N o . 98/42. i petitioner and that the sum of £P.250.— paid into this Court by NAMLIT L T D . on behalf of the In the matter of an application for the appointment of guardians over the minor children : j dependants of the deceased ISRAEL File ODETTE, VIOLET, V I V I A N and Esc J A C K MENASHE. 'parte: M R . M A X SELIGMAN, advocate of Tel Aviv, whose address for service is 52, Nahalat Benjamin Street, Tel Aviv. J ! By virtue of an order of the District Court, Tel Aviv, bearing date this day, I do hereby cite all and all manner of persons to appear in the said Court in ten days from the date of publication hereof, and show cause, i f any they have, why M R . M A X SELIGMAN should not be appointed guardian over the minor children : ODETTE, VIOLET, V I V I A N and JACK ; " Anyone who is interested in this matter or who may wish to object to the issue of such order, must appear at the District Court of Haifa on or before the 21st day of May, 1942, at 9 a.m., otherwise such order will be made as to the Court seems right. Dated this 13th day of A p r i l , 1942. M. ! (Gaz/37/40) foult thereof, the Court will proceed to grant the same accordingly. CITATIONS Given this 17th day of A p r i l , 1942. (Gaz/18/40) IN T H E DISTRICT COURT OF T E L A V I V . i In the matter of JOSEPH K U D R I A N S K Y , deceased. : Petitioners: P r o b a t e Case III. IN T H E DISTRICT COURT O F J E R U S A L E M . In the matter of DORA SALZMAN (also known as KADNER), de- ceased, and In the matter of the appointment of ALFRED SALZMAN guardian over minor orphans. ALFRED A . J . A M D U R and SALZMAN, through D R . D R . B . SHERESHEAVSKY, advocates, Jerusalem. In virtue of an order of the District Court of Jerusalem, bearing date this 14th day of A p r i l , 1942, I do hereby cite all and a l l manner of persons to appear in the said Court in ten days from the date hereof, and to show cause, if any they have, why an order of guardianship should not be issued appointing ALFRED SALZMAN- as guardian over the minor children of DORA SALZMAN (also known as JOHANNA DORA SALZMAN, née KADNER), deceased, in accordance with the petition filed i n the said Court, as, in default thereof, the Court will proceed to grant the same accordingly. Dated this 14th day of A p r i l , 1942. A. N A S R Registrar, District Court, Jerusalem. (G-az/89/40) . OF PROBATE. ! 1. Petitioner: FOR ORDERS I. Z. H A R A K A B I Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. JOHANNA DORA SALZMAN, née COTRAN Acting Registrar, District Court, Haifa. MENASHE, children of S E L I M MENASHE, deceased, as, i n de- ROSENFELD who was killed by an accident arising out of and in the course of his employment for the said NAMLIT L T D . be paid out to the petitioner. i MEIR ( M A X ) PODLISHUK, N o . 72/42. retired mer- chant, 1, Balfour Street, Tel A v i v ; 2. Moshe Selzovsky, landlord, 9, Maze Street, Tel Aviv, both represented by D R . M . DUNKELBLUM, Y . I F R A E N K E L , S. PRATT and I of Tel Aviv. ' I j I : j ! : In virtue of an order of the District Court of Tel Aviv, bearing date this day, I do hereby cite all and all manner of persons to appear i n the said Court in 10 days from the date of publication hereof, and show cause, i f any they have, why the last will of JOSEPH KUDRIANSKY, deceased, should not be proved, approved and registered, and probate thereof granted to I j j H . BENTAL, advocates M E I R ( M A X ) PODLISHUK, named therein, and to M R . M O S H E SELZOVSKY, as, in default thereof, the Court will proceed to grant the same accordingly. E. MANI • for Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. (Gaz/18/40) ־ 11• IN T H E DISTRICT COURT OF T E L A V I V . Estate No. 93/42. In the matter of ADOLF K A U F M A N N , deceased. In virtue of an order of the District Court of Tel Aviv, bearing date this day, I do hereby cite all and all manner of persons to appear in the said Court in ten days from the date of 495 publication hereof, and show cause, i f any they have, why the last will of ADOLF KAUFMANN, deceased, should not be proved, approved and registered and probate thereof, granted to SELMA KAUFMANN, named therein, as, i n default thereof, the Court will proceed to grant the same accordingly. Dated this 19th day of A p r i l , 1942. Z. H A R A K A B I Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. (Gaz/18/40) COURT N O T I C E . IN T H E DISTRICT C O U R T O F T E L A V I V . Civil ADVERTISEMENT 104/42. OF PETITION. In the matter of the Companies Ordinance, and In the matter of the winding-up of " T H E H A SHARON PLANTATIONS LTD." Notice is hereby given that a petition for the winding-up of the above-named company by the District Court, Tel Aviv, was, on the 5th day of A p r i l , 1942, presented to the said Court by the A S H R A I B A N K LTD., represented by MESSRS. I. SHOHAT, D . K A D U R Y and D . MATUSSEVICH, ad- vocates, whose address for service is: — 40, Lilienblum Street, Tel A v i v ; and that the said petition is directed to be heard before the Court sitting at Tel Aviv on the 3rd day of May, 1942; and any creditor or contributory of the said company desirous to support or oppose the making of an order on the said petition may appear at the time of hearing by himself or his advocate for that purpose; and a copy of the petition will be furnished to any creditor or contributory of the said company requiring the same by the undersigned on payment of the regulated charge for the same. D. K A D U R Y Advocate. 40, Lilienblum Street, Tel Aviv. N O T E : Any person who intends to appear on the hearing of the said petition must serv« on or send by post to the abovenamed, notice i n writing of his intention so to do. The notice must state the name and the address of the person, or, if a firm, the name and address of the firm, and must be signed by the person or firm or his or their advocate, and must be served, or i f posted, must be sent by post i n sufficient time to reach the above-named not later than one o'clock i n the afternoon of the 1st day of May, 1942. D. K A D U R Y Advocate. COURT IN SUMMONS. T H E DISTRICT COURT O F T E L A V I V . C i v i l Case SUMMONS I N SUMMARY N o . 116/42. PROCEDURE. The Kupat-Am Bank L t d . , represented by M . Zeiger and A . Goldberg, advocates— Plaintiffs vs. Joseph Weissblech, of unknown residence— Defendant. To Mr. Joseph Weissblech, of unknown residence. Whereas the Kupat-Am Bank, L t d . , has instituted an action against you under part X X I , rule 241, of the C i v i l Procedure Rules, 1938, for the sum of £P.1,000.—, costs and interest, upon the claim set out i n the statement of claim, a copy of which with annexures is filed with the Court; You are hereby required within 30 days from the publication of this summons to apply for leave from the Court to appear and defend this action; Should you fail within the said period of 30 days to apply for such leave, the plaintiffs will be entitled to obtain an order for the amount or the right claimed together with costs. Application for leave to appear and defend this action shall be made by filing in the Court an application to that effect supported by affidavit showing that there is a defence to the action on the merits, or that it is reasonable that you should be allowed to appear i n and defend the action. Notice of such application together with a copy of the affidavit must be delivered by you to the plaintiffs. The day for the hearing of the application will be fixed at the time when the same is filed. Dated this 17th day of A p r i l , 1942. Z. H A R A K A B I Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. EXECUTION NOTICES. I. IN T H E DISTRICT COURT OF T E L A V I V . E x e c u t i o n F i l e N o . 3603/37. F I R S T NOTIFICATION OF SALE OF IMMOVABLE PROPERTY. The property described hereinafter of the Omanuth Company Limited is offered for sale in satisfaction of a first mortgage of £P.7,348.—, together with interest, costs and advocate's fees, due to the Agrobank L t d . The sale will take place at the Execution Office, Tel Aviv, within 30 days from the date of publication hereof. Bids will be accepted on every Tuesday, between 10 a.m. and 12 noon, after depositing 10 per cent, of the value of the property. SCHEDULE. 1. 2. 3. L o c a l i t y : Agrobank (Holon) Quarter. C a t e g o r y of l a n d : M i r i . D e s c r i p t i o n of p r o p e r t y : Parcels 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130 i n Block 7168; parcels* 123-130 are adjacent vacant building sites, constituting together with parcel 122 one block of plots surrounded by three paved roads. On parcel 122 is erected the building of the Omanuth Company Ltd. The building has for the greater part one storey, and for a smaller part two storeys. The area of the first storey is about 888 square metres, and that of the second storey — about 205 square metres. 496 T H E PALESTINE The first floor includes one large hall, and at rear end a group of rooms. Part of the hall, about 640 square metres, is entirely free of pillars and its height is 5.20 metres. The remaining part of the hall and the group of rooms have the usual height and the second floor is built thereon. The group of rooms includes the flat of the janitor, consisting of two rooms with an installation, a staircase and rooms serving as stores. There is a construction of stairs in the hall leading to the second floor. The whole building is intended for a fac tory. The second floor contains a group of rooms intended for office rooms, resting rooms, conveniences and showers for work men. A t present part of the large hall is used for tobacco storing and the rest of the building with its two storeys, except the janitor's flat, serve as stores of the Oma nuth Company. The area of a l l the par cels 123 to 130 inclusive is 4,744 sq. ms., of parcel 122 — 1,611 sq. ms. 4. 5. 6. Shares: In whole. Boundaries: Settled area. Assessed v a l u e of the w h o l e p r o p e r t y : On behalf of the Execution Office: £P. 7,508.— and on behalf of the mortgagor:— £P.9,776. 900 mils. G A Z E T T E N o . 1189. S o t i t h : Trumpeldor Quarter; East: Parcel 398; West: Junction of the south-western boundary. Parcel 88: N o r t h : Haj Ahmad Sonan; South: Road; East: Plot 67; West: Plot 69. 8. HARAKABI Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. III. IN NOTIFICATION : Jean Spagnolo, Jerusalem — M o r t g a g e e v. 1. Omar Eff. E l Bitar, as guardian over the minor heirs of the late Abdul Raouf el Bitar 2. Mrs. Zakia Khashid, widow of the late Abdul Raouf el Bitar i n her capacity as heir and one of the guardians over the minor heirs of the deceased Judgment debtors. II. E x e c u t i o n F i l e N o . 4810/40. SCHEDULE. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. L o c a l i t y : 57, Bar-Kochba Street, Tel Aviv. Class of p r o p e r t y : M i r i . D e s c r i p t i o n of p r o p e r t y : Two adjacent plots constituting one plot and thereon a house of 3 storeys, each storey contains one flat of 3 rooms, two terraces and appurten ances and one flat of 2 rooms, three terraces and appurtenances, and one room with conveniences on the roof. A r e a of l a n d : Parcel 88—255.51 sq.ms., parcel 399 — 23.64 sq. ms.; total — 279.15 sq. ms. Nos. of r e g i s t r a t i o n : Vol. 22, F o l . 140 and Vol. 46, Fol. 192. Block 6903, parcels 399, 88. Shares: In whole. Boundaries: Parcel ״399: N o r t h : Parcel 386; OF SALE. Between T H E DISTRICT COURT -OF T E L A V I V . The property described hereunder of Lea Voronov, the mortgagor, is offered for sale i n satisfaction of a second mortgage-debt of £P.200.— together with costs and interest owing to Gitel Kopeika, the mortgagee. The sale will be held at the Execution Office, Tel Aviv, during 30 days from the date of publication hereof. Bids will be accepted on every Tuesday, between the hours of 10 a.m. and 12 noon, after deposit ing 10 per cent, of the value of the property. T H E DISTRICT COURT OF J A F F A . E x e c u t i o n F i l e N o . 267/41. HARAKABI Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. F I R S T NOTIFICATION OF SALE OF IMMOVABLE PROPERTY. The property is encumbered with a first mortgage in favour of The General Mort gage Bank of Palestine L t d . V a l u e assessed: £P.2,330.—. Z. Z. IN 23rd A p r i l , 1942 Notice is hereby given that an order has been issued for the sale of the rights and interests of the mortgagor i n the property described in the schedule below on conditions to be seen i n this office. Bids will be accepted i n this office for thirty days from the date of publication of this notice, daily (except on official holidays), be tween the hours of 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. SCHEDULE. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. L o c a l i t y : Barka (Gaza). B l o c k : 560. P a r c e l : 5. Shares: I n whole. A r e a : 115 dunums and 755 sq. ms. Assessed v a l u e : £P.3,819.915 mils. Description: M i r i land planted with citrus trees 7 years old, 80 per cent, orange trees, 20 per cent. Valencias. The property contains a well, motor engine and house of two floors, another house of two rooms, a third building of one room and a cattle fold. For further details reference may be made to the report of seizure. SH. MUHTADIE Registrar, District Court, Jaffa. •23rd A p r i l , 1942 THE PALESTINE G A Z E T T E N o . 1189. VI. E X E C U T I O N OFFICE, GAZA. F i l e N o . 334/40. IV. IN T H E DISTRICT COURT OF J A F F A . E x e c u t i o n F i l e N o . 3026/37. NOTIFICATION OF SALE OF PROPERTY. NOTIFICATION OF SALE. Between Judgment-creditor: Sabri Eff. El-Shawa, of Gaza. Judgment-debtor: The heirs of Haj Moham mad A l i Al-Jarjawi of Gaza. : Sadook Shelouch of Tel Aviv — Judment-creditor v. Saleh Abdul H a d i E l Wawi and others of Zarnoka — Judgment-debtors. Notice is hereby given that an order has been issued for the sale of the rights and interests of the judgment-debtor Saleh Abdul H a d i E l Wawi in the property described in the schedule below on conditions to be seen in this office. Bids will be accepted i n this office for 30 days from the date of publication of this notice, daily, (except on official holidays), between the hours of 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. i SCHEDULE. 1. L o c a l i t y : Zarnoka. (a) Block No. 3652, parcel 11; 2. (b) Block 3653, parcel 1. Shares: (a) —1/4; (b) — 1/4. A r e a : (a) — 23 dunums and 255 sq. ms.; (b) — 99 dunums and 664 sq. ms. 5. Assessed v a l u e : £P. 744.500 mils. 6. D e s c r i p t i o n : These two parcels are conti guous, 35 dunums thereof are planted with orange trees (8 years old). On the land there is a building with 2 rooms i n which thei׳e are a motor and a well. The rest is arable land of the miri category. ! 3. 4. For further details reference may be made to the report of seizure. SH. MUHTADIE Registrar, District Court, Jaffa. 1 ! | | \ I T H E DISTRICT C O U R T O F J A F F A . F i l e N o . 214/40. To the mortgagee : — Al-Sayyed Mahmoud Sa'd Salem Al-Masri of Qubeiba. : Take notice that on Monday, the 11th May, i 1942, at 4 p.m., possession will be taken of your property which is mortgaged to Bank Der Tempelgesellschaft, under liquidation, situated i n Qubeiba, Block No. 23, parcels Nos. 2, 7 and 11, preliminary to its sale by public auction. You are therefore required to appear at the said place and time accompanied by an expert appointed by you and at your expense (if you so wish), i n order to join the expert of the Exe cution Office i n assessing the property. In case of default, the transaction will be carried out in your absence. 7th A p r i l , 1942. Notice is hereby given that a l l the rights and interests of the judgment-debtors i n the property described i n the schedule hereto, will be offered for sale by public auction, within 30 days as from the delivery of the notice of sale by public auction, which will be made after the publica tion of this notice, in satisfaction of the judg ment-debt amounting to £P. 153.756 mils., with costs, i n accordance with the judgment given by the District Court of Jaffa, dated the 29th A p ril, 1940, i n case No. 436/35, as amalgamated with case No. 1 /40. Any person desirous of purchasing the said property should apply to this office for perusal of the transaction, and pay a deposit i n the sum of 10 per cent, of- the estimated value, or submit a bank guarantee for that amount. Upon the expiry of the said period, the pro perty will be provisionally adjudicated, and will later be extended for a further period of 15 days, whereupon the final adjudication will be made to the last bidder, unless the auction is extended for a further period. Land Registry fees and auction fees will be defrayed by the purchaser. SCHEDULE. V. IN 497 i | 1. F a r t i c u l a r s of t h e p r o p e r t y : A house situ ated i n Turkman Quarter, Gaza, registered in the Land Registry under Nos. 5 and 6 dated September, 329. It appears from the report of attachment that the house was demolished and replaced by a building of the following descriptions: — 2. A r e a : 208 sq. ms. The external walls are built of stone and cement blocks. One third of its roof is covered by tin sheets and wood and the other two-thirds by concrete on bridges and 16 cement pillars. On the north-western corner of this building there is a shop and a staircase. The shop is rented to Ibrahim Al-Yaziji for the current year. The other part of the building is composed of a single shop with two doors (opened) and a third (closed). It is rented as blacksmithery to Abd Salahi Abu Ra madan and partners for the current year. There is an old well i n the land used for the storage of cereals. This building is situated on the main Jaffa—Gaza—Khan Yunis Road. 3. B o u n d a r i e s : East: The land of the Palestine Rail ways and the .pavement of the Railway Station. West: The Jaffa—Gaza—Khan Yunis Road; South: Al-Swairki. 4. V a l u e assessed: £P.700.—. SH. MUHTADIE Registrar, District Court, Jaffa. 498 T H E PALESTINE G A Z E T T E N o . 1189. 23rd A p r i l , 1942 PALESTINE DR. S T A T E M E N T OF R E C E I P T S A N D P A Y M E N T S Receipts month October, RECEIPTS i n the of 1941 LP. 1. Customs 2. Port and Marine 3. Licences, Taxes, etc. 4. Fees of Court or Office, etc. 5. Posts and Telegraphs 6. Revenue from Government Property 7. Interest 8. Miscellaneous 9. Repayments of Loans from Public Funds 10. Land Sales Total Ordinary Revenue 11. 12. 18. mils LP. Advances Deposits Remittances Courts Imprests Investments Investments Adjustment Account Joint Colonial Fund Renewals Funds Total Receipts Balance on 20th April, 1942. m LP. LP. mils 1,048,493 24,979 724,860 308,307 328,062 28,278 64,139 146,524 62,001 1,370 468 839 838 866 108 949 002 498 427 840 1,274,358 32,847 863,482 368,665 388,088 43,134 86,856 147,504 70,719 3,823 544 381 033 415 815 596 507 980 564 477 542,462 432 2,787,018 830 3,279,481 262 161,910 375 161,910 375 542,462 432 2,898,929 205 3,441,391 637 721,853 380,101 10,220 124,487 655 588 884 000 3,780,802 3,104,764 64,408 888,640 58.164 588 981 582 060 227 4,502,656 8,484,866 74,629 968,077 58,164 243 519 466 060 227 540,000 000 1,640,968 815 250 875 2,180,968 815 250 875 718 14,706,569 277 211,525 975 693 14,918,095 252 2,819,075 430,903 i mils 076 542 200 549 707 647 505 482 137 637 559 12,887,498 211,525 1st April, 1941 m TOTAL (Gaz/14/40) LP. LP. TOTAL 225,865 7,867 138,621 60,357 60,026 14,855 22,717 980 8,718 2,452 Grants-in-Aid ~ Colonial Development Grants Railways Total Revenue Receipts from 1st A p r i l , 1 9 4 1 , to 3 0 t h September, 1941 2,749,979 975 944 503 12,599,019 499 GOVERNMENT. F R O M 1ST A P R I L , 1941, TO 31ST O C T O B E R , OR 1941. Payments i n the m o n t h of October, 1941 PAYMENTS mils LP 50,199 141 5,284 ! 718 989 974 1,270 679 9,972 220 1,690 795 1,283 277 654 691 1,490 698 44,871 694 160 700 25,600 060 28,893 775 2,097 129 9,057 212 23,326 268 10,178 689 2,250 127 8,636 737 1,890 027 2,039 299 26,243 856 165,580 442 28,652 233 15,076 817 22,866 742 14,442 422 655 733 5,698 882 mils LP. mils j 992 369 415 457 549 565 432 701 643 282 377 631 020 400 582 781 594 712 548 909 819 284 182 735 587 817 338 040 598 500 129,672 138 40,839 087 7,165 889 8,898 186 64,888 769 11,632 360 10,090 709 3,576 392 8,838 341 202,295 976 1,254 077 184,672 691 178,865 795 12,629 529 20,747 794 157,258 049 69,958 283 15,568 889 25,611 285 12,669 986 16,657 118 796,683 640 1,078,294 624 230,245 968 48,512 404 144,710 559 89,704 755 5,257 778 38,695 475 42,796 500 — — LP. 505,454 587 3,097,127 849 3,602,582 386 Posts and Telegraphs Extraordinary Public Works Extraordinary Trans-Jordan Frontier Force Extraordinary Railways Loans from Public Funds Colonial Development 11,352 24,009 059 609 38,171 807,801 038 380 49,523 331,810 097 989 Total Ordinary Expenditure 34. 85. 36. LP. TOTAL 79,472 35,054 6,175 7,622 54,916 9,941 8,807 3,021 7,847 157,924 1,093 109,072 149,472 10,532 11,690 133,931 59,774 18,318 21,974 10,779 14,617 770,440 907,714 201,593 33,435 121,843 75,262 4,602 82,896 42,796 1. Public Debt 2. Pensions 3. High Conimissioner 4. Accountant-General 5. Agriculture and Fisheries 6. Antiquities 7. Audit 8. Cooperative Societies 9. Custodian of Enemy Property 10. Customs, Excise and Trade 11. Defence 12. District Administration 13. Education 14. Forests 15. Grants to Local Authorities 16. Health 17. Judicial 18. Land Registration 19. Land Settlement 20. Legal 21. Migration 22. Miscellaneous 23. Police and Prisons 24. Posts and Telegraphs 25. Public Works Department 26. Public Works Recurrent 27. Secretariat 28. Statistics 29. Surveys 30. Trans-Jordan Frontier Force 31. 32. 83. Payments from 1st A p r i l , 1 9 4 1 , to 3 0 t h September, 1941 Total Expenditure LP. Advances Deposits Remittances Courts Imprests Investments Investments Adjustment Account Joint Colonial Fund Renewals Funds LP. . 30th September, 1941 Balance on 0 c t o b e i > ( 1 9 4 1 — — — — — 19,118 408 115,748 684 134,867 042 559,934 613 3,558,348 901 4,118,288 514 882,051 305,402 29,886 124,565 088 325 088 000 — — 3,896,512 2,662,995 39,763 889,180 41,078 859 441 265 060 781 4,728,563 2,968,397 69,649 963,745 41,078 447 766 353 060 731 800,000 j 000 1,130,236 992 1,430,236 992 749 14,819,954 868 — — Total Payments 8 1 g f c — — — j — — — 114 12,168,115 2,151,839 j — 598,140 j 889 — — — — — — 430,908 944 — — — — 598,140 889 693 14,918,095 252 1 TOTAL LP. 2,749,979 508 12,599,019 A. L . P E T E R S Accountant General. 500 PALESTINE STATEMENT LIABILITIES LP. Mils OF A S S E T S A N D LP. Mils i RENEWALS 250,079 FUNDS DEPOSITS ! Special Funds General . . ־ . . . . 1,371,402 946 . 560,585 245 R E M I T T A N C E S COURT GENERAL 180 REVENUE BALANCE Balance at 1st April, 1941 1,931,938 191 6,566 345 ACCOUNT - Balance of Surplus and Deficit Account for period 1st April, 1941, to 81st October, 1941 (deficit) - 4,424,779 702 676,891 877 3,747,887 825 LP. 5,936,471 491 | ׳ 1 S U R P L U S AND Expenditure for the period 1st April, 1941, to 31st October, 1941 - 21st April, 1942. (Gaz/14/40) LP. LP. Mils 4,118,283 514 4,118,283 514 THE 23rd A p r i l , 1942 PALESTINE 501 G A Z E T T E N o . 1189. GOVERNMENT L I A B I L I T I E S AT 31ST O C T O B E R , 1941. LP. ASSETS CASH . . . . LP. Mils 598,140 389 2,134,268 742 15,054 088 765,526 608 . J O I N T COLONIAL F U N D Mils IMPRESTS ADVANCES Postmaster General - .30,680 505 General Manager Railways 57,418 805 677,427 298 . 2,119,118 974 Palestine Archaeological Museum Endowment Fund 249,379 422 4,945 204 50,038 064 2,423,481 664 LP. 5,936,471 491 LP. Mils 3,441,391 637 676,891 877 4,118,283 514 Sundry Accounts ־ - - INVESTMENTS General Balances . . . General Police Fund Jerusalem Water Supply Renewals Fund D E F I C I T ACCOUNT Revenue for the period 1st April, 1941, to 31st October 1941 Deficit LP. NOTE :—The Surplus and Deficit Account excludes the surplus or deficit of the Palestine Railways which is not incorporated in the Palestine Government accounts until the 31st March. The revised estimated net surplus for the year 1941-1942 is L P . 134,000. A. L . P E T E R S Accountant General TOWNSHIP OF NATANYA S U M M A R Y OP R E C E I P T S A N D . P A Y M E N T S FOR T H E Y E A R E N D E D 31 ST M A R C H , 1941. PAYMENTS RECEIPTS £P. £ P . Mils 3,771.243 1,172.409 1,599.004 642.212 636.414 0.500 181.902 732.350 1. Rates, Taxes and Water2. Fees and Licences 3. Education Tuition Fees Education Grant Vaad Leumi 4. Social A i d 5. Property 6. Miscellaneous 7. Loan from the President * 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. General Administration Public Health Ritual and Religious Services Education Public Security Donations and Contributions Social A i d Public Works Repayment of Loan to the President Miscellaneous Payment of Debts (Bills). 277.761 732.350 86.794 Total 1,293.226 711.087 633.266 2,662.937 321.984 141.165 906.187 218.977 254.323 711.472 772.689 8,627.313 8,736.034 Advances:May-Sharon Deposits Balance on 1st April, 1940 Mils Advances :May-Sharon Deposits Cash in hand on 31st March, 1941 Total 9,832.939 393.619 732.350 79.657 9,832.939 Examined and certified subject to satisfactory explanations being given in respect of those questions raised in the Audit Report dated the 12th December, 1941. •28th November, 1941. M. MILIKOVSKY. Accountant. 0. B E N - A M M I P r e s i d e n t of t h e T o w n s h i p of N a t a n y a . 24th February, 1942. M. J. FLANAGAN Municipal Auditor. TOWNSHIP SUMMARY OP NATANYA OP A S S E T S A N D L I A B I L I T I E S AS AT 31ST LIABILITIES MARCH, 1941. ASSETS IT. Mils Deposits 90.915 Excess of Assets over Liabilities 117.100 £P. Mils Balance at 31st March, 1941:- £ P . Mils Cash 5.156 Bank 74.501 79.657 Advances Total CONTINGENT 208.015 Total 208.015 JÊP. Mils LIABILITIES Bank Loans Private Loans Commitments 128.358 2,557.849 1,368.201 3,643.571 Total 7,569.621 Examined and certified subject to satisfactory explanations being given in respect of tho^e questions raised in the Audit Report dated the 12th December, 1941. M. 28th November, 1941. MILIK0VSKY Accountant. 0. B E N - A M M I P r e s i d e n t of t h e T o w n s h i p of N a t a n y a . 24th February, 1942. M. J. F L A N A G A N Municipal Auditor. 504 THE PALESTINE G A Z E T T E N o ; 1189. PUBLIC PERSONS for 23rd A p r i l , 1942 NOTICE. CHANGING THEIR NAMES. The following changes of names have been registered at the office of the Commissioner Migration and Statistics. Old Surname New Name Other j Surname names Name j Other names Nationality Address Beuven Alishayoff Beuven Palestinian Petah Tiqva F r i d a Sara Alishayoff Sara Palestinian Petah Tiqva Frida Alishayoff Frida Palestinian Petah Tiqva Zahavi Mazal Palestinian . Jerusalem Bernstein üchovsky Tuvia Dor Palestinian Palestinian Haifa Bosh Pinna Zur Brenner Cohen Shlomo Chaim Shimon Palestinian Palestinian Palestinian Afiqim Nahalal Sejera "Chajetas formerly Oringher Eiger Eliyahu Fortune (Mazal) Gutel Bernard Armand Salomón Heinz Sigmund Ernst Bertha B r u h a Haller Betty Palestinian Haifa Horst Rephael Eiger Mizrahi Palestinian Palestinian Haifa Jerusalem Eliyahu Eliyahu Eliyahu Eliyahu Eliyahu Eliyahu Eliyahu Feig Feig Feig Feig Feldman Shoshana Simha Shulamith Miriam Isachar Dina Eliahu Itzhak Ahuva Edna Sara Fania Mizrahi Mizrahi Mizrahi Mizrahi Mizrahi Mizrahi Mizrahi Pagi Pagi Pagi Pa ׳i Arazi Horst-Ichak liephael Elivahu Shoshana Sim ha Shulamith. Miriam Isachar Dina Eliahu Itzhak Ahuva Edna Sara. Fania Palestinian Palestinian Palestinian Palestinian Palestinian Palestinian Palestinian Palestinian Palestinian Palestinian Palestinian Palestinian Feldman Asaf Arazi A sai" Palestinian Fuss Gamliel Grun Grunbaum Gurvicius Hass Herskovits Ajdel Saleh Ziona Berthold Berta Reizel Hermán Fajgenbaum Gamliel Green Greene Fait Weitzner Amiry Ad i na Betsalel Ziona Berthold Berta Shoshana Abraham Palestinian Palestinian Palestinian Palestinian Palestinian Palestinian Palestinian Herskovits Sur a L e j a Amiry Sara Palestinian Kalekas Kalekas Kalekas Kopf Lerman Leihas Leja Chaimas Liselotte Beizea Gefen Gefen Gefen Herrmann Lerman Arje Leja Chaim Lea Shoshana Palestinian Palestinian Palestinian Palestinian Palestinian J erusalem Jerusalem Jerusalem J~ erusalem Jerusalem J erusalem Jerusalem Jerusalem Jerusalem J erusalem Jerusalem ShaarHagolan ShaarHagolan Tel A v i v Haifa J erusalem M.E.F. Tel A v i v Tel A v i v MitspeHayam MitspeHayam Tel A v i v Tel A v i v Tel A v i v Jerusalem NesherYagur AlishayoffMamón AlishayoffMamón AlishayoffMamón Azawy Berinsztejn Bichovsky Borensztajn Brenner Cahn ־ . ״ 23rd׳April, 1942 Old Surname THE PALESTINE New Name Other names Surname Marcus Sigismund Marcus Meisels Theodor Friedrich Lucia L u c i a n Otto Icek Ajzyk Cypa M a l k a Abram Mojsze Ghana M a t l a Siegfried Theo Symcha Moisejus Aliza Jakob Esfir Simcha Julius H a r m in Mirjam Beniumin Yaaqov Zewi Meysels Binyamini Nussbaum Nussbaum Barkay Segall' Segall Abrahami Abrahami Abrahami Artzi Artzi Artzi Tamari Tucherman Frish M.ois Sabitay Melamed Udoff Udoff Udoff Mila Sara Eithan Melamed Melamed Melamed Wajsberg Warjabedian Gecel Hripsime Wajsberg Warjabedian Weisz Willy Weisz Zilberfarb Zilberfarb Mordekhai Avital Zarecki Zarecki Meisels Meisels Met Met Met Met Nussbaum Nussbaum Rubinstein Segalis Segalis Skorupa Skorupa Skorupa Szatmari Szatmari Szatmari Tetelbaum Ser Turteltaub known as Frisch Udoff Meysels Meysels Binyamini Binyamini Binyamini QUARANTINE AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES SUMMARY. G A Z E T T E N o . 1189. Name Other names Nationality Shimshon Sigismund Theodor Friedrich Lucia L u c i a n Otto Yits-haq Tsippora Abraham Moshe Hanna Matla Pinchas David Simon Moshe Aliza Jakob Esther Simcha Julius Jehuda Hermin Mirjam Beniamin Yaaqov Zvi Moshe Shabetav Mila Sara Eithan Shabtay Eli ChrisiineLucine Willy Benjamin Mordekhai Avital Quarantine Restrictions. Palestinian Haifa Palestinian J erusalem Palestinian Palestinian Palestinian Palestinian Palestinian Jerusalem J erusalem Tel Aviv Tel Aviv Tel Aviv Palestinian Palestinian Palestinian Palestinian Palestinian Palestinian Palestinian Palestinian Palestinian Palestinian Palestinian ' Palestinian Palestinian Palestinian Palestinian Tel A v i v Petah Tiqva Petah Tiqva Sdeh Varburg J erusalem J erusalem Tel Aviv Tel A v i v Tel A v i v Tel A v i v Tel A v i v Tel A v i v Tel A v i v . Haifa Beit Alfa Palestinian Kefar H i t t i n Palestinian Palestinian Palestinian Kefar H i t t i n Kefar H i t t i n Kefar H i t t i n Palestinian Palestinian T.J.F.F. J erusalem Palestinian Jerusalem Palestinian Palestinian Haifa Haifa Place The following restrictions are at present in force:-- Cholera Cholera Smallpox Smallpox Smallpox Port Arrivals from Calcutta by air routes Arrivals from Allahabad by air routes Arrivals from Calcutta by air and sea routes Arrivals from Iraq by land and air routes Arrivals from Bombay by air routes Date restrictions enforced Address 2. Weekly Report of Infectious Diseases in Palestine. For week ending midnight 18.4.42 Against 5(35 Cerebro spinal Menin gitis Relap sing Fever 1 — 10.4.42 — 1 10.4.42 Haifa Yaba, Jenin SubDistrict Date notified 9.9.36 13.6.41 19.2.38 11.11.40 9.2.40 COOPERATIVE SOCIETIES ORDINANCE. ORDER OF LIQUIDATION AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In accordance with the powers vested i n me under sections 46 and 48 of the above Ordinance, I hereby order that " H A B A S A R " AGUDAT K A Z A V I M SHETUFIT BE PETAH TIKVA LIMITED shall be THE 506 wound-up and appoint PALESTINE ISRAEL SHAPAN, 23rd A p r i l , 1942 G A Z E T T E N o . 1189. IV. 30, Lilienblum Street, (P.O.B. 130), Tel Aviv, as liquidator. In the matter of the estate of L E I B U S H BERGER, Pursuant to paragraph 11(a) of the Cooperative Societies Regulations, 1934, notice is hereby given that all claims against the society must be submitted to the liquidator within one month of the publication of this notice. Notice is hereby given to the creditors of the late Leibush Berger that they should prefer their claims to the undersigned within fifteen clays from the date of publication hereof. deceased. E. L I V A Y AND MINKOWITCH Advocates, 40, Yehuda Halevi Street, Tel Aviv. A. F . N A Y T O N Registrar of C o o p e r a t i v e Societies. 20th A p r i l , G. 1942. (Gaz/2/40) NOTICES. J The f o l l o w i n g n o t i c e s a r e p u b l i s h e d a t t h e r i s k of t h e a d v e r t i s e r s a n d t h e i r p u b l i c a t i o n does n o t i m p l y any c e r t i f i c a t e as t o c o r r e c t n e s s or a u t h o r i t y . V. I j I. j i D A D I S F L O U R M I L L S AND ICE-FACTORIES Co. L T D . Notice is hereby given that M r . Youssef Kodsi is appointed under the articles of the above company as sole managing director with full power to sign for the company on all documents, bills, cheques and agreements. ! i KAUFMANN Notice is hereby given that the directors of the above company are : 1. 2. 3. 1. 5. Mrs. Irma Kaufmann, M r . Erwin Kaufmann, M r . Heinz Kaufmann, Mrs. Ellen Levy, M r . Willy Mainz. The sole signature of Mrs. Irma Kaufmann or the joint signatures of any other two directors shall bind the company. VI. II. BEERSHEBA CARS MORTGAGING L T D . HENRY Co. L T D . (Under Creditors' Winding Up) LIMITED. Notice is hereby given that the managing director of the company is M r . Henry Zimerman and his sole signature shall be binding upon the company on every document and instrument whatever. Notice is hereby given that the final general meeting of the above company and final meeting of creditors will be held at the offices of Messrs. Saba and Co., Auditors, Jerusalem, on 25th May, 1942, at 11 a.m. and 12 noon, respectively, for the purpose of laying before the two meetings an account showing the manner i n which the winding-up has been conducted and the property of the company disposed of, and also for determining, as the creditors of the company may direct, the manner in which the books, accounts and documents of the company and the liquidation shall be disposed of. S A B A AND Co. Liquidators. ZIMERMAN VII. L E V A N T CONTRACTORS AND TRADERS L T D . ! At an ordinary general meeting of the members of the abovenamed company duly convened and held at the registered office of the company, at 13, Ahad Haam Street, Tel Aviv, on the 24th day of March, 1942, the following resolution was duly passed: — RESOLVED : — III. JACOB PERLSTEIN L T D . Notice is hereby given that at the first general meeting of Jacob Perlstein Ltd. held on the 7th March, 1942, the following were elected as directors of the company : | i I | j ! Abraham Merimsky Yitzhaq Perlstein. The joint signatures of the said directors upon any document whatsoever made on behalf of the company shall be binding upon the above company. 1. That the following persons shall be the directors of the company : M r . Z. A . Chelouche M r . L . Halpern M r . A. Ganz M r . S. Porecki M r . B. Porecki M r . J . Porecki Mr. E . Feinzilber. 2. That any two directors may jointly sign on behalf of, and bind, the company. j ' L. H A L P E R N C h a i r m a n of t h e M e e t i n g . 25th March, 1942. 507 XII. VIII. SH. NORTHERN TRANSPORT COMPANY I N ACRE SUB-DISTRICT L T D . O H . K O O K AND C O . L I M I T E D . Notice is hereby given that the directors of the said company are: — Sh. Ch. Kook Abraham Friedman Franz Samson Offenburg Arie Kook. The joint signatures of any two of the said directors shall bind the company in all its tran sactions including all transactions in the Land Registry and other Government Departments and Military Authorities. At the annual general meeting of the North ern Transport Company in Acre Sub-District Ltd., held at Tarshiha on the 1st of February, 1942, the following persons were elected directors of the company for the year 1942 : 1. Kamel El-Qadi —־C h a i r m a n 2. Michael Naser — V i c e - C h a i r m a n 3. Othman Fuad — M e m b e r 4. Michael Elias M o u s a — M e m b e r 5. Mohammad Mahmoud El-Daqqaq — Member 6. Abdul Qader Sirhan — S e c r e t a r y . 12th A p r i l , 1942. The signatures of the chairman or the vicechairman together with the secretary, shall be binding upon the company in all its legal trans actions. IX. ISRAEL IDELSON L T D . George Eff. As'ad Khader was elected as aud itor of the company. Notice is hereby given that the directors of the company are: — Mr. Israel Idelson Mr. Z v i Diner. The signature of M r . Israel Idelson alone, or the signatures of Messrs. Z v i Diner and Reuven Goldberg jointly, shall bind the company i n all its transactions, including all transactions in the Land Registry and other Government De partments and Military Authorities. X. NEAR EAST CORPORATION. Notice is hereby given that the Palestine Branch of the "American Near East Corpora tion" is managed by M r . Leon Weichselbaum in the capacity of manager, M r . Abraham Emanuel Vromen as sales' manager and M r . Heinz Oppenheim as assistant manager, and that they have full authority to act on behalf of the corporation with regard to all business pertaining to the corporation i n Palestine, Trans-Jordan and Syria, including the enter ing into contracts and other deeds, the opening of bank accounts and the representation of the corporation before any Government Depart ment, the collection of moneys or suing therefor, the hiring and dismissing of employees, etc. The signatures of any two of the abovementioned persons on any contract, obligation, deed, cheque or other documents in matters per taining to the business of the corporation i n Palestine, Trans-Jordan and Syria are binding on the Corporation. L E O N WEICHSELBAUM — I ; | | j I | 6th March, 1942. AMERICAN XIII. ARIEL Manager ABRAHAM EMANUEL V R O M E N — S a l e s 7 HEINZ OPPENHEIM—Assistant Manager. COMPANY L I M I T E D . Notice is hereby given that at the general meeting of the abovenamed company held on 3rd March, 1942, the following persons w ere elected the dirctors of the company: Dr. Samuel Ariel M r . Jozef Szufmann. It was resolved that the joint signatures of the two directors will bind the company on a l l contracts, bills, cheques and any other transaction. T It was further resolved that the two directors may appear before any Government or muni cipal and public institutions and at any Land Registry in the country and sign in the name of the company on all documents and also ac cept or make transfers, accept or make mort gages or charges, and in general to do any act necessary and sign any document that may be required by the Land Registry in Palestine. XIV. " A S S A P " LIMITED. (in voluntary liquidation). A l l the creditors who have not yet submitted their claims are hereby required to submit them to the liquidators within 21 days from the date of publication of this notice at the following address: I, Shvo, advocate, 54, Ahad Haam Street, Tel Aviv. H. GOTSHAL \ Linnirfntnrs I. S H V O i L l « m d a t 0 ) S • Manager. XV. JOSE S. TESSONE AND C O . L T D . XI. PALESTINE ULTRA W O R K S LIMITED. Notice is hereby given that the sole signature of M r , Walter Richter shall bind the company. Notice is hereby given that under the Articles of Association of the above company M r . José S. Tessoné is the only director of the company, and that his signature alone on all documents shall bind the company in all matters and for all purposes. THE 508 PALESTINE CORRIGENDA. I. Palestine Gazette No. 1180 of the 26th March, 1942. Page 381, line 32, for ' Rosenberg Horsl M i c h a e l " read ' Rosenberg llorst Michael". 1 1 II. Palestine Gazette No. 1185 of the 9th A p r i l , 1942. Page 446, left column, notice regarding the incorporation of the "Sherf Soap Factory Co.". The name of the company should read " S h e r f Soap F a c t o r y C o . L t d . " and not as published. III. Palestine Gazette No. 1169 of the 19th February, 1942, G A Z E T T E N o . 1189. A l l notices prepaid. and 23rd A p r i l , 1912 advertisements must be It is notified for general information that notices intended for publication in the Pales tine Gazette should be addressed, together with the appropriate publication fees, direct to the Government Printer, P.O.B. 293, Jerusalem. Notices operative will not submitted of registration of Companies,: Co Societies, Trade Marks and Patents be accepted .for publication unless through the appropriate Registrar. Orders with regard to the administration of the estates of deceased persons or probate of wills, and any orders issued under the Com panies Ordinance, or in accordance with any other Ordinance or Order of the Court, and notices of registration and dissolution of part nerships will not be inserted unless passed for publication by the Court or Registrar. Page 203, right column, Notice of Intended Destruction of Records of the Magistrates' Courts, Tel Aviv, for No. "13531" read "14531". Notices of dissolution of partnerships will not be accepted unless signed by the partners named therein or by their legal representatives. NOTICE. The signature or representative character of a signatory must be verified by a declaration made by an advocate. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. The Palestine Gazette may be purchased, at current prices, through all booksellers and news-agents in Palestine or from the Govern ment P r i n t i n g and Stationery Office, P.O.B. 293, Jerusalem. The subscription rates are as follows: — Yearly Half-yearly £P.3.000 mils. £P. 1.750 mils Abroad £P.2.000 mils. Palestine £P. 1.200 mils Applications accompanied by remittances (Cash, Postal or Money Orders only) should be made to the Government Printer, P.O.B. 293, Jerusalem. ADVERTISEMENTS. The following are the authorised publication rates for notices and advertisements in the Palestine Gazette: — For every | of a column 625 mils. or part ther eof and not Exceeding £P.1.250 mils. column exceeding Exceeding and not £P. 1.875 mils. column exceeding Exceeding and not £P.׳2.500mils. exceeding column - A notice of dissolution of partnership not signed by all the partners or by their legal representatives must be accompanied by a sworn declaration made by an advocate to the effect that the notice is given i n pursuance of the terms of the partnership to wliich it relates. The following notices and advertisements will be published in the Gazette at the risk of the advertisers and w i l l not imply any certi ficate as to correctness or authority: Notices from Liquidators of Companies, etc. Notices concerning meetings, appointments of Directors, redemption of bonds and kind red matters from Companies or Cooperative Societies. No notice or advertisement concerning a Company or Cooperative Society, other than a notice published by Order of the Court or of the Registrar, will be inserted unless it is accompanied by a declaration of an advocate that to the best of his knowledge the statement made in the notice or advertisement is true. P R I N T E D AT THE GOVERNMENT P R I N T I N G PRESS, JERUSALEM.