2014 Team Parent Manual T u s t i n


2014 Team Parent Manual T u s t i n
AYS O R e g i o n 9 6
Team Parent Manual
Everyone Plays
Everyone Helps
Table of Contents
Important Dates
Region Events
Additional Programs
Fields Information
Mayor’s Cup
Safety Information
Field Information
Team Banners
AYSO Re gion 96
Forms and Documentation
Thank you for Volunteering!
AYSO is made up of 100% volunteers. The AYSO Team Parent is a critical part of every team as they are
dedicated volunteers who provide valuable assistance in managing the team.
Please email the Regional Team Parent at tm@tustinayso.org with your contact information so that you may
receive region updates and important information.
Team Parent Duties
Review and update contact information from parents for each player
Facilitate communication between parents, coaches, and the region
Review and organize volunteer list (team and region) “How Can I Help Form”
Pass out uniforms and vote on team name
Review and update Shutterfly team site (will be generated by AYSO) to set up game, snack, chaperone (when
applicable) schedules and keep your team informed
Vote and collect for team banner (optional expense)
Remind parents of important dates (Picture Day, Kick-a-thon, Distribution Day, etc.)
Plan and collect for end-of season party (thank you gifts, etc.)
Ensure safety of players and set a positive role model as region volunteer
Region 96 Website
In addition to the team parent handbook, another valuable resource is the AYSO Region 96 website
which may be accessed at www.tustinayso.org.
Please direct your parents to also access the region website so that they become familiar with region news,
important dates, etc.
AYSO Re gion 96
The site is divided into five major categories; Players & Parents, Coaches, Referees, Team Parents,
and Special Programs. The popular links provided include: Schedules, Field Locations, Mudline, and
Important Dates
Saturday, September 6
Sunday, September 14
Saturday, September 13
Saturday, September 20
Saturday, October 25
Saturday, October 25
Saturday, November 15
Monday, November 17Thursday, November 20
Fall Season Begins
VIP Season Begins
Silent Saturday
Picture Day, Kick-a-thon (Columbus Tustin)
Referee Appreciation Day
Distribution Day
Picture Day Make-Up
Fall season ends
Mayor’s Cup (AKA Playoffs for U9-U14) begins
Mayor’s Cup Finals (U9-U14)
Contacts are listed on our web site under “Board of Directors/Contact Us”. First point of contact is your coach,
followed by your division coordinator then regional parent or region event staff.
AYSO Region Website: Go to “Board of Directors/Contact Us”
VIP Program Director– Tim Curry
Lower Division Director– Jon Schrank
Upper Division Director– Craig Shipcott
Regional Parent- Carla Tannehill
Regional Referee Coordinator- Tony Anderson
Games Scheduler– George Annen
Picture Day Coordinator- Dani Corona
Kick-a-thon Coordinator– Tricia Bregman
Marketing Director– Cindy Smith
Regional Registrar– Kelly Dobbin
Vice Commissioner– Quan Pham
Regional Commissioner– Jon Hersey
AYSO Re gion 96
Division Coordinator- Listed accorded by gender then division.
Region Events
Silent Saturday
Saturday, September 13
All Tustin Fields and Tustin Teams
Silent Saturday is a nation-wide movement in youth soccer to re-emphasize that the game is about letting the kids
play and have fun while minimizing the negativity and distractions that parents can provide from the sidelines.
Expectations of Coaches and Spectators:
Spectators are to clap only: no cheering, coaching, yelling, or screaming.
Coaches may only provide positional direction to players but no other comments to players on the field.
Players are encouraged to communicate to each other on the field and provide direction to one another. Players
on the sidelines are to clap and cheer freely in a positive manner, but not provide instruction to players on the
Picture Day/ Kick-a-thon/ Family Fun Zone
Saturday, September 20 ,8 am to 4 pm
Columbus Tustin Field
On this day, teams will be scheduled to take photos as a team and individually. Immediately following
photo session, teams will then walk over to designated field area to measure how far they can kick a soccer ball.
Player envelopes will be distributed by the team parent to place their photo order as well as
raise donations for the kick-a-thon.
This is the only fundraising AYSO Region 96 has in addition to sponsorships. Some of the ways our
organization uses funds from fundraising include: scholarships, field maintenance, goals, player uniforms,
referee uniforms, coaches training, referee training, equipment, and more!
We need YOU and all of our region volunteers to make this once-a-year event successful!
Distribution Day
October 25, 8 am to noon
Tustin Ranch Elementary
Participation trophies, player photo orders, coaches/sponsor plaques, and kick-a-thon prizes are
distributed this day to teams. One team representative will need to pick up team items, preferably the team
parent. Region volunteers will also need to help set-up, organize, distribute items, and then take-down.
AYSO Re gion 96
Following the kick-a-thon, families may participate in the fun zone located on the field. There will be
various vendors families may purchase items from as well as activities they may enjoy.
Referees are used in all games at the Under-10 division and older when standings are posted and games need a
referee to be official. At Under-8 and younger, scores are not recorded and standings are not kept, therefore
referees are not required. Coaches manage the game at the U5, U6 and U7 divisions. In the U8 division, the
coach or a referee may manage the game.
To encourage more parents to referee, Tustin AYSO has implemented a referee points policy affecting the U10,
U12 and U14 divisions. These referee points are added to the points earned by the team for their wins and ties in
the standings. Up to ten points can be earned, making the referee points equivalent to just over three wins.
Points are typically earned by officiating games and recruiting new referees. Only one point can be earned each
week, so it's important that you recruit referees early so they can earn the full amount.
For details on how the referee points are earned and recorded, please read the referee points policy on the Tustin
AYSO website. For more information visit Tustin AYSO website, click “Referees” tab.
Youth Referees
A great way to players to better learn the game and expand their fun in the sport is to become a referee.
It's also a great way for kids to earn community service hours. They must be at least 12 years old to
Becoming a Referee
To become a referee, no experience is required. The initial referee class will prepare you for
your first experiences as a referee which will be as an assistant referee. Many referee classes are offered,
please check the Tustin AYSO website for dates and times. Tustin AYSO will supply you
with the necessary referee equipment.
AYSO Re gion 96
Be aware that abuse toward youth referees is dealt with more seriously and subject to increased sanctions.
Additional Programs
VIP Program
AYSO VIP Program provides a quality soccer experience for children - and adults - whose physical or mental disabilities
make it difficult to successfully participate on mainstream teams.
These children are Very Important Players (VIP) in AYSO. We recognize that all children need to feel a sense of
belonging and acceptance. The VIP program offers that acceptance and carries our philosophy of Everyone Plays® to
new heights - giving everyone a chance to play. Tustin AYSO Website- “Special Programs”
Advanced Player Program (APP)
All Stars January-February): For U9-U14 players who played in the core program in the fall. Players for the All-Star
teams are chosen by coaches based upon their performance in games during the recreational season.
Spring Select March-May): A competitive season for U9-U19 players selected by the team’s coach. There is no
requirement that a player have played on an EXTRA or an All-Star team although many of the teams that participate in
Spring Select are comprised of players from EXTRA, All-Star or club teams.
EXTRA: This is the most competitive AYSO league. It is designed to give AYSO players an opportunity to participate
in a more competitive level of soccer play without the substantial increase in cost, time commitment, and travel required
of club soccer.
For more information, visit www.tustinsoccer.com.
U8 Graduation Series
This program is a special season held in January and February for U8 players designed to bridge the gap between the
Initial stage (U5-U8) and the Basic stage (U9-U12). During this season the players will play using U9 rules. Please visit
Winter Chill Skills
High intensity soccer skills training professional trainers from January through February. For more
information, visit www.tustinayso.org.
This is a club program for those players desiring to play at a higher level without the exorbitant cost of other
clubs in the area. PSC is a member of the Coast Soccer League (CSL). For more information, visit
Professional goalkeeping training is available on Friday afternoons at CT Track field. For more information,
visit www.tustinayso.org.
Friday Night Skills
High intensity soccer skills training (STEP) by Challenger Soccer Academy available on Friday afternoons at
TSP Soccer field. For more information, visit www.tustinayso.org.
AYSO Re gion 96
Pacific Soccer Club (PSC)
Fields Information
All AYSO teams are guests on school district and city of Tustin fields, therefore the region has the following
expectations of teams:
Player family that provides snack should also bring trash bag to collect and haul away trash or assign someone who
will be responsible for trash pick-up duty.
On game days at school sites, teams that are scheduled last on field have the responsibility to empty field trash
cans and place trash bags in main school trash bins. New trash can liners need to be placed in each can when
The new liners will be available in AYSO storage bins or from your division coordinator.
Sunflower seeds are NOT allowed on school grounds.
No dogs/pets are allowed on TUSD grounds.
No dogs/pets, alcohol or tobacco products allowed at AYSO events. No exceptions!
School Parking
Cars illegally parked in red zones, fire lanes, no parking zones, or handicap spaces are subject
to ticketing and/or towing.
School restrooms will be open and available to AYSO members on permitted practice and game days.
Exceptions: Tustin Ranch Elementary and Columbus Tustin where the park’s restrooms are available instead.
Field Closures/ Game Cancellations
In the event of inclement weather, please refer to the Regional Mudline at www.tustinayso.org.
Updates to mudline to reopen fields for practice are generally made by 12:00 pm.
Mayor’s Cup
This end-of-season regional playoff/ tournament for teams in division U-9, 10, 12 and 14 is used to
determine our region’s representatives to the Area 11Q Playoff. This playoff begins right after the end of
the regular season and concludes in early December.
Tournament Rules
Single elimination. All games are played using full regulation time. All games tied at the end of full time will
go immediately to kicks from the mark to determine a winner.
Trophies and Individual Awards
First and second place trophies are awarded to head coaches and medals are awarded to players. These
teams advance to the Area 11Q Playoff which is held in mid-December.
AYSO Re gion 96
Mayor’s Cup
Safety Information
First Aid Kit
Keep it with you and up to date with cold packs and other related items.
First meeting Safety Discussion Items
Shin guards are mandatory at practices and games. Socks go over shin guards.
Jewelry is not permitted at practices or games
Bring extra water to practices and games
Do not hang on goalposts
Please remind your parents to be punctual in picking up their children after practices and games
Adult-to-child Supervision
To maintain the recommended adult to child supervision ratio of 1:8 or less; that is one adult for every eight or
fewer children and two adults (one of whom may be the coach and one of whom should be of the same gender as
the group) present at all times. For the protection of both the children and the volunteer, no volunteer should
permit himself or herself to be alone with any child or group of children (except his or her own) during AYSOsponsored activities.
Emergency Treatment Authorization
A section is included on the Player Registration Form. Coaches MUST have the acceptable Emergency Treatment
Authorization forms with them at each practice or game (found on the bottom of Player Registration Form) with
an original signature.
Goal Safety
Movable soccer goals can tip over, causing injury or death. To help avoid these incidents, the U.S.
Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) urges consumers, school officials, soccer coaches, players,
and organizers to follow these safety guidelines:
Securely anchor or counterweight portable goals at all times.
Never allow anyone to climb on the net or goal framework.
Remove nets when goals are not in use.
Tip unused goals onto their goal face, or chain goals to nearby fence posts, dugouts, or any other
similar sturdy fixture.
Check all connecting hardware before each use. Replace damaged or missing fasteners immediately.
Ensure safety labels are clearly visible.
Fully disassemble goals for seasonal storage.
AYSO Re gion 96
As part of our mission, AYSO provide a safe playing environment for our players. We have found over the
years that a very high number of accidents involve goalposts - children playing on unattended goalposts,
improperly anchored goalposts which fall over, and goalposts with hooks to hold the nets rather than the
newer Velcro-secured goalposts.
Safety Information
The typical tip-over incident happens when a child or young adult climbs on or hangs from the crossbar of a
soccer goal, which was left unattended or improperly anchored. The heavy goal topples onto and injures the
individual. Even a gust of wind can topple a goal.
Dealing with Blood-Borne Diseases
The possibility of contracting a blood-borne disease such as AIDS or hepatitis-B through athletic activity is
AYSO guidelines and rules for when there is bleeding on the field state a player or official who is bleeding must
leave the field immediately receive medical treatment and may not return until the bleeding is stopped and the
wound is covered.
The guidelines advise that if there is blood on the uniform or clothing, the individual may not return until that
portion of the uniform or clothing is replaced or the blood has been neutralized with a disinfectant solution.
Incident Reports
We hope that everyone enjoys a safe and incident free season. However, accidents and injuries do happen. If a
player is injured at any time during practice or a game, you must complete an incident report and forward it to
Safety Director. This form is found on our website, www.tustinayso.org under Safety.
Soccer Accident Insurance (SAI)
AYSO Re gion 96
SAI serves as a secondary form of medical and/or dental insurance should an accidental injury occur during
specified AYSO activities and effects. Full-Excess Policy (also called “secondary” and pays on a usual &
customary basis): The injured person must submit their medical bills to their primary healthcare insurance plan
prior making a claim under the SAI policy. This form can also be found our website, www.tustinayso.org under
Team Banners
Banners are OPTIONAL!
This is a team decision as it is a team expense. Typically, all lower division (U5 thru U8) teams have banners. Most
U10 teams have banners and then it lessens from there. The banner cost would be divided among the amount of
players on the team and then purchased.
If your team decides on a banner, please keep in mind the following:
• Teams should have a team banner no later than Picture Day.
• Recruit a banner parent on the team to organize the making of the banner as well as putting it up and taking it
down for every game.
• Banners should include the team’s name, each player’s first name and number, name of coach, assistant coach,
team parent(s), and sponsor (if you have one).
• Try to incorporate team colors and the team name theme as much as possible.
• When choosing team name, standard AYSO guidelines state that there be no reference to race, nationality,
religious affiliation, and/or violence.
• If the team does have a banner stand, one will need to be purchased adding to the cost of the banner.
Region 96 Preferred Vendor – ProBanners – See flyer at the end of this manual.. www.probanners.com
Team Name
VERY IMPORTANT – when choosing your team name, standard AYSO guidelines state that there be no
reference to race, nationality, religious and violence. Please choose your team name responsibly.
Team Parties
Parties are good for celebration and team building. There is no guideline as on location so it’s best to
discuss with team regarding location and player availability.
Pizza Parties: Call ahead and make a reservation. They get booked quickly.
Potluck: Have it at one of Tustin’s great parks or at a parent’s home. Post on team site.
End-of-season party is also a good time to show appreciation to coaches, referees, and other parent
volunteers for their efforts for the season by giving them “thank you” gifts. Try to keep the cost low. You
may divide the total cost of the gift and divide it among the amount of players you have or collect $5 to
$10 per player to purchase gifts.
Gift cards to local restaurants
Team photo in frame with signatures on matte
Soccer equipment
Tustin AYSO gear- will have at Kick-a-thon event
Soccer ball signed by players (purchase case for it)
Soccer tickets to a Galaxy or Chivas game
AYSO Re gion 96
Coaches Gifts
Forms & Documentation
Sponsorship Program Flyer
Kick-A-Thon Flyers
Picture Day Flyer
California Pizza Kitchen Flyer
E-waste Recycling Event Flyer
ProBanners Flyer
AYSO Re gion 96
Shutterfly Flyer
Everyone Plays
Everyone Helps
Sponsorship Program
Team Sponsor
$150 cash donation receives:
Plaque with team picture
Company/Name printed on a team banner
Bronze Sponsor
$300.00 goods, services or cash donation receives above benefits plus:
Company logo/name on sponsorship banner displayed at all registration events
and Kick-A-Thon
Silver Sponsor
$600.00 goods, services or cash donation receives above benefits plus:
Flyer insert in team manager’s manual for distribution to all players
A Y S O Re gi on
Tusti n
9 6
P.O. Box 217
Tustin, CA 92781
Contact: Cindy Smith 714.832.4039
Email: marketing@tustinayso.org
Gold Sponsor
$3,000 goods, services or cash donation receives above benefits plus:
Rotating web ad on Tustin AYSO website
Platinum Sponsor
$5,000 goods, services or cash donation receives above benefits plus:
Exclusive product flyer in team manager’s manual for distribution to all players
Static web ad on Tustin AYSO website
Diamond Sponsor
$9,000 cash donation receives above benefits plus:
Logo imprint on either jersey sleeve or shorts
Picture Day and Kick-A-Thon Volunteers
Thank you for volunteering for the Picture Day and Kick-A-thon event to be held September 20th.
Below you will see the time shifts that are available. You will be able to sign up for one of the shifts via
VolunteerSpot.com (you will receive an invite email from events@tustinayso.org)
Contact Dani Corona, pictureday@tustinayso.org, or Region Staff, events@tustinayso.org with questions.
You will be sent an e-mail requesting sign-up and then a confirmation email will be sent to you. Please note that
one three-hour shift will credit only one team. If you have multiple children playing then you will need to choose
one team to get the volunteer credit for your time. In order for this event to be successful we need 2 parents from
each team to volunteer for this day.
Check-in Table
Bounce houses
6:45-8:45(set up)
6:45-8:45 (set up)
An alternate opportunity to fulfill your volunteer duties is Saturday October 25. This is the
Distribution Day and we be held at Tustin Ranch Elementary.
Picture Day and Kick-a-Thon Volunteers
Thank you for volunteering for the Picture Day and Kick-A-thon event to be held September 20th.
Below you will see the time shifts that are available. You will be able to sign up for one of the shifts via
VolunteerSpot:.com (you will receive an invite email from events@tustinayso.org)
Contact Dani Corona, pictureday@tustinayso.org, OR Region Staff, events@tustinayso.org with
You will be sent an e-mail requesting sign-up and then confirmation email will be sent to you. Please note that one
three-hour shift will credit only one team. If you have multiple children playing then you will need to choose one
team to get the volunteer credit for your time. In order for this event to be successful we need 2 parents from each
team to volunteer for this day.
Check-in Table
Bounce house
6:45-8:45(set up)
6:45-8:45 (set up)
An alternate opportunity to fulfill your volunteer duties is Saturday October 25. This is the
Distribution Day and we be held at Tustin Ranch Elementary.
AYSO Region 96, Tustin
Tom Scaglione’s
Annual Kick-A-Thon
Picture Day ƒ Family Fun Zone
Saturday September 20, 2014
Columbus Tustin Middle School
Irvine Blvd. & Prospect
8am – 4pm
This is Tustin AYSO’s exclusive fundraising event.
¾ Collection envelopes are provided for all donations.
¾ Must have a minimum of $10 in donations to be eligible for the 1st, 2nd or 3rd place
Longest Kick Trophies in each Division. Winners’ pictures will go on AYSO Website.
Prize levels are cumulative.
The more you collect in donations the more prizes you earn!
Eligible in Kick-A-Thon for Trophies
AYSO Sports Bottle with removable ball
$10 Go-Bananaz!! Frozen Yogurt certificate
AYSO Hooded Sweatshirt & Player’s Name and
Picture on the AYSO Tustin website
$50 Dave & Buster’s Certificate & Player’s Name
and Picture on the website
Teams with 100% participation of $10 or more per player and at least $200 team total
collected get a soccer ball Piñata & candy
The top team in Fundraising gets a choice of a team event with either Funtopia (Indoor
Climbing Center) or GamezOnWheelz Indoor/outdoor Laser Tag
$10 Frozen Yogurt Certificate
AYSO Water Bottle with removable
Foam ball
$50 Dave & Busters Card
Hooded AYSO Sweatshirt
Soccer Ball Piñata
& 5.75lb bag of Candy
Top Fundraising Teams Gamez on Wheelz Laser Tag Fun
guns shoot a harmless Funtopia offers a unique interactive climbing experience! Climb buildings, conquer the giant slide, or jump to a trapeze suspended twenty feet above the ground. In Santa Ana
infrared beam... no projectiles, no mess, no pain or bruising. It is totally safe and just good clean fun! Our missions are all gender and age neutral and can be played either indoors or outdoors in daylight or at night. Fundraiser in support of:
Tustin AYSO Fundraiser
Thursday 09/4/2014
Valid at the following location:
California Pizza Kitchen
3001 El Camino Real
Tustin, CA 92782
At the Market Place
Recycling Event
Saturday, September 20, 2014
Columbus Tustin Middle School
At the front door
17952 Beneta Way
8:00 am – 4:00 pm
During AYSO
Kick-A-Thon & Picture Day
Help the environment and get that last bit of “stuff” out of your
valuable space.
All proceeds from the recycled products and materials will benefit the
Columbus Tustin Middle School Math
& Science Magnet Program.
For more information, email: dckollias@yahoo.com
AYSO Re gion 96
old electronics
computer parts
cell phones
small appliances
old tools
scrap metal
car batteries
old car parts
small motors
paper & plastic