CNC P ROCTOR M ANUAL Procedures for the Standardized Administration of the Clinical Nurse Leader (CNL) Certification Examination 5/27/2014 CON NTACT INFORMA N ATION Schro oeder Measurement Te echnologies (SMT) 25400 US Hwy 19 1 North e 285 Suite Clearrwater, FL 33763 Phon ne: (727) 738 8-8727 E-ma ail: Info@sm www m Testiing Centers: www.isoqu ualitytesting mission on Nurse N Certiification (CN NC) Comm One Dupont D Circle, NW, Su uite 530 Wash hington, DC C, 20036-112 20 Phon ne: (202) 463 3-6930 Fax: (202) 785-8320 www Copyright © 2013. Schroe eder Measurem ment Technoloogy, Inc. and tthe Commissioon on Nurse Certtification. All rights r reserved d. No part of th his publication n may be reprooduced or transmittted in any forrm or by any means, m electron nic or mechaniical, including g photocopy or o recording, or o any informa ation and retrieeval system, w without permisssion in writing from m Schroeder Measurement M Technology, T In nc. and the Coommission on N Nurse Certificatio on. 1 Contents About the Commission on Nurse Certification (CNC) ................................................................. 3 About Schroeder Measurement Technologies (SMT) ................................................................... 3 Proctors ........................................................................................................................................... 4 CNL Certification ........................................................................................................................... 4 Testing Conditions ......................................................................................................................... 5 Proctor Responsibilities ................................................................................................................. 6 Security ........................................................................................................................................... 6 Candidate Admission ..................................................................................................................... 6 Walk-Ins |Candidates who are not Registered............................................................................ 7 Checking Identification.................................................................................................................. 7 Prohibited Items ............................................................................................................................. 8 Personal Items................................................................................................................................ 8 Breaks ............................................................................................................................................. 8 ADA Accommodations.................................................................................................................... 9 Administering the Exam ............................................................................................................... 9 Conditions During the Exam....................................................................................................... 12 Misconduct .................................................................................................................................... 12 Suspicious Activity ....................................................................................................................... 13 Reporting Testing Irregularities ................................................................................................. 15 Loss of Internet Connection or Power......................................................................................... 16 Technical Issues ........................................................................................................................... 16 Appendices A: Irregularity Report………………………………………………………………………………..…17 B: Exam Comment Form……………………………………………………………………………….18 C: CNL Proctor Guidelines and Agreement…………………………………………………………19 D: Proctor Checklist……………………………………………………………………………………..21 E: Candidate Log………………………………………………………………………………………...22 F: Exam Preamble……………………………………………………………………………………….23 2 CNC PROCTOR MANUAL Procedures for the Standardized Administration of the Clinical Nurse Leader (CNL) Certification Examination GENERAL INFORMATION Thank you for agreeing to serve as a proctor for the Clinical Nurse Leader (CNL) Certification Examination. This manual is offered as a guide to administer the examination under standardized conditions. This manual stresses maintaining the security of the examination and allowing all candidates the opportunity to take the examination under identical, fair conditions. Anyone who will be involved in proctoring the examination administration should read and understand everything contained in this manual. All examination administrations are monitored by qualified proctors. In addition to reading this proctor manual, all proctors participate in mandatory training prior to administering an examination. All proctors are required to sign the CNC Proctor Guidelines and Agreement prior to serving as a proctor. Faculty and/or instructors (or anyone with a perceived conflict of interest) of CNL education programs may not serve as proctors for the CNL examination. ABOUT THE COMMISSION ON NURSE CERTIFICATION (CNC) Established in 2007 as an autonomous arm of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing and governed by the Board of Commissioners, the Commission on Nurse Certification (CNC) promotes the highest standards of professional nursing care practice through the development, implementation, coordination, and evaluation of all aspects of the certification and certification renewal processes. ABOUT SCHROEDER MEASUREMENT TECHNOLOGIES (SMT) Schroeder Measurement Technologies (SMT) has been contracted by CNC to help in the development, administration, scoring, score reporting, and analysis of the CNC’s certification program. Schroeder Measurement Technologies has been providing comprehensive exam development and administration services to certification 3 organizations and licensing agencies worldwide since 1995. SMT provides computerbased testing (CBT) through their corporate affiliate Iso-Quality Testing, Inc. (IQT); IQT is a test administration company specializing in the delivery of CBT exams that are secure, high quality, user-friendly, and reasonably priced. IQT successfully delivers thousands of exams annually at over 300 sites throughout North America and around the world. PROCTORS The CNC and SMT are responsible for the development and continued maintenance of the CNC Proctor Manual. All authorized testing proctors are required to acknowledge receipt and review of the training manual by signing the Proctor Guidelines and Agreement form. This manual includes (but is not limited to): An overview of the proctor’s roles and responsibilities An overview of the exam administration process for the CNL exam An overview of exam security best practices An overview of the test administration policies and instructions A proctor script Procedures for inclement weather or other emergencies Procedures for monitoring candidates and reporting irregularities CNL CERTIFICATION The CNL is an advanced generalist clinician with education at the master's or postmaster’s degree level in a formal CNL education program. The CNL certification examination is a 140 multiple-choice, single-answer item examination offered in four (4) testing windows throughout the year. The exam is delivered via the Internet at authorized testing centers provided by SMT or approved schools of nursing with CNL educational programs. The examination is passcode-protected to ensure only eligible candidates authorized to attempt the examination are allowed to do so. Examination application forms, fees, deadlines, and other instructions are published in the CNL Certification Guide and on the website. 4 EXAM DELIVERY REQUIREMENTS The minimum computer requirements for the web-based examination are as follows: • • • • • • Pentium 3 computers (or higher) 64MB RAM IQT’s Secure Browser Lite Internet Explorer 7 or higher Internet access printer access Advise your LOCAL information technology staff about your planned testing over the Internet on a specific date, so they can advise you of any issues related to accessing the Internet on that date. Please understand that the public Internet is subject to delays and events that are beyond our control. However, SMT staff will work with you to resolve them as best we can to ensure you have the very best Web-testing experience! TESTING CONDITIONS To ensure that examination results for all candidates are earned under comparable conditions and represent fair and accurate measurement, test sites must meet the following criteria: Examination rooms will be quiet and free of disruption Rooms will have adequate and comfortable ventilation, lighting and temperature All exam administrations will be monitored by approved proctors Entrances/exits will be monitored/controlled and working fire exits will be available The test site will be compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Candidates will have access to restroom facilities The reporting location for candidates may be the actual room where the test will be given (such as the computer lab) or a central area where candidates will be checked in and then further directed to the location where the test actually will be given. NOTE: It is the responsibility of the CNL educational program to notify CNC of the test date, site, time, and proctor contact information. The program must select a date within a testing period and administration should occur between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. ET Monday through Friday to ensure that technical assistance is available. 5 EXAM ADMINISTRATION PROCTOR RESPONSIBILITIES Proctors at each test site will: manage candidate sign-in and verify candidate identity administer pre-approved ADA accommodations as directed by the CNC Director administer exam test forms according to CNC policy and procedures address any candidate or other test site issues as needed monitor candidates and conditions during the examination report any exam related incidents, irregularities, or security concerns directly and promptly to the CNC Director ensure quiet, secure, testing environment conducive to candidates having a positive and successful experience Proctors are not permitted to answer any questions related to the content of the examination. Proctors will provide each candidate with one (1) piece of paper to use as scratch paper and one pencil. The scratch paper must be collected at the end of the examination. SECURITY CNC will register each eligible candidate with SMT and SMT will generate a unique user ID and passcode for each eligible candidate. The unique user ID and passcode for each candidate will be sent to the designated faculty contact and authorized proctor to administer the examination to the candidates. It is critical that these user IDs and passcodes be maintained in a secure manner until the date and time the examination is administered. All eligible candidates at an approved school of nursing must attempt the examination at the same time. If this is not possible due to the number of candidates exceeding the number of computers available, two sittings may be scheduled back-to-back. Candidates may NOT discuss test questions, topic areas or scenarios, or possible answers either during or after the test administration with anyone, including faculty or other examinees. If you cannot arrange for all candidates to test simultaneously, you must inform CNC prior to the administration date. If a candidate is unable to attempt the examination with the rest of the group, it should be administered as soon as possible after the large group of candidates have tested, and within the testing window. As part of the check-in process, please have the examinee sign the Candidate Log (Appendix E). CANDIDATE ADMISSION When arriving at the test center, candidates should: 6 arrive approximately 20 minutes prior to the scheduled test administration time (Candidates who arrive more than 15 minutes after the scheduled testing time should not be admitted; additional time will not be given to accommodate late examinees.) present their Registration Confirmation email from CNC present a valid form of primary identification sign the candidate log attesting that they have provided valid identification and agree to keep the contents of the examination confidential WALK-INS |CANDIDATES WHO ARE NOT REGISTERED Proctors are NOT authorized to admit candidates who are not registered for the CNL examination by CNC (walk-ins). If an individual who is not registered requests admission to the examination, contact the on-site faculty contact and the CNC Director. CHECKING IDENTIFICATION Candidates have been advised to present a valid form of primary identification at the testing site. Acceptable forms of primary identification (photograph and signature required) include: government-issued driver’s license passport or passport card permanent resident visa military issued identification card Unacceptable forms of primary identification (photograph and signature required) include, but are not limited to: birth certificates social security cards student IDs employee IDs marriage certificates All identification must be valid and must be an original document. Candidates will not be admitted to the examination without proper identification. There will be no refund of the examination fee. Once you have verified the identity of the candidate, please have the candidate sign the Candidate Log (Appendix E) in the space provided. (The Candidate Log should be returned to CNC within 5 business days after the examination administration.) 7 PROHIBITED ITEMS The following items should NOT be permitted into the testing room: • • • • • • • • • electronic communications equipment such as cellular phones, pagers, Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), personal laptop computers radio or headset devices calculators purses briefcases hats (ceremonial or religious headwear is allowed) tobacco, food, or drink personal papers books, notes, or other resources and study aids PERSONAL ITEMS The following items may be permitted into the testing room, but should first be inspected by the Proctor: • • • eyeglasses eyeglass case watches Inspection Procedures: For eyeglasses: Any candidate who is wearing heavy framed eyeglasses should remove them in order to demonstrate that no wire is attached. If a candidate’s eyeglasses have an attached lanyard, the candidate should remove the lanyard to demonstrate that no wire is attached. For eyeglass cases: Any candidate that has an eyeglass case in a shirt pocket should remove the case and either place it in a pants pocket or leave it outside the testing room. For watches: For candidates wearing digital wristwatches, visually examine the watches to ensure that there is no camera lens and shutter button. If there is suspicion that a watch may not be a normal wristwatch, ask the candidate to remove it and place in his or her pocket. BREAKS There are no scheduled breaks during the examination session. Restroom Breaks Inform candidates of the locations of the restrooms closest to the testing room and that only restroom breaks are allowed during the examination (i.e., smoking breaks are NOT permitted). While candidates may take as many restroom breaks as 8 needed, each break should not last longer than 10 minutes. Also, only one candidate should be allowed to leave the testing room at a time. Candidates will NOT receive additional time to complete the examination for time lost during a break. Closely observe candidates after they have returned from a break – in particular, pay attention to determine if they have returned to the testing room with any prohibited personal items or display suspicious or unusual behavior. ADA ACCOMMODATIONS All CNL examination locations are compliant with the access requirements of the ADA according to school policies or IQT testing center policies. Candidates who require additional special accommodations (for example accommodations related to a visual impairment, the need for additional time or a separate testing area) must request the accommodation in advance as noted in the CNC Certification Guide. If any accommodation requests have been received and authorized by CNC, proctors will be notified in advance. Proctors are not authorized to approve any accommodation requests made on examination day. ADMINISTERING THE EXAM Preparation SMT will provide the Proctor Manual, the candidate user IDs and passcodes, the link to the multiple-choice tutorial, and the link to the Secure Browser Lite. The Secure Browser Lite is a specialized computer program that prevents candidates from accessing and running any other programs during the administration of the CNL examination. The Secure Browser will need to be downloaded on each computer that will be used for administering a CNL examination. Beginning the Exam On the day of the examination, the candidates will click on the Secure Browser Lite icon and enter their unique user ID and passcode that was provided by SMT into the appropriate spaces on the login screen. 9 Exam mple Login Screen: S Afterr candidatess have enterred the correct ID and p passcode, a screen with h preinstructions willl be provided. CANDID DATES SHO OULD STO OP when th his point is hed until the proctor is ready to be egin the tim med examina ation. reach Beg ginning th he Timed Exam | Reading R tthe Procttor Script Proce eed to read the followin ng paragrap ph aloud: Choice Cliniccal Nurse Leader “Welcome to thiss administration of the Multiple C o paper and d pencil hav ve been prov vided for Certiification Examination. One piece of your use during the examin nation and should s be reeturned to m me (the exam m proctor) a at the end e of the te est. You willl have three e hours to coomplete the exam. Plea ase read thee instructions on the t screen thoroughly before b you b begin. Once you have th horoughly nstructions you will beg gin the tutoorial. The pu urpose of th he tutorial iss read the exam in to fam miliarize yo ourself with how to nav vigate throug gh the systeem. You willl have five minu utes to comp plete the tuttorial. Your exam of 14 0 items willl begin imm mediately upon n the comple etion of the tutorial. t Du uring the ex xam, if you h have any com mments about the conten nt of any ite em, you shou uld click on the Commeent icon in tthe lower dle portion of o the screen n and type your y commeent in the boox that open ns. When midd finish hed entering your comm ment, click on o the “Sub bmit” button n at the botttom of the comm ment window w. If you ha ave complete ed your exam m and theree is time rem maining, you may m go back k and review w your respo onse until y your time ha as expired. D DO not click k the finish h button un ntil you ar re finished d with yourr exam. Ussing the navig gation grid on o the rightt side of you ur screen you u may at an ny time duriing your exam m review or change c yourr responses. You are alllowed as many restrooom breaks as needed, but each h break shou uld take no longer than n 10 minutees. Only onee person is 10 allowed to leave the testing room at a time. You will NOT receive additional time to complete the examination for time lost during a break. You may not ask to have your examination stopped or paused, but may terminate the examination at any time. If you elect to terminate the examination prematurely, it is YOUR responsibility to contact CNC to determine your eligibility to sit for future examinations. When you have completed the exam, return your paper and pencil to me (the exam proctor.) Please begin.” You should at this point instruct the candidates to begin their exams. When all candidates are ready to begin, instruct them to click on the “BEGIN” button. Candidates should all begin their examinations at the same time. Ending the Exam If candidates have completed the examination prior to the three-hour time limit expiring, they should be instructed to exit the testing room quietly. You must collect the scratch paper from each candidate as they exit the testing room. Candidates may not request that his/her examination be stopped or paused. However, a candidate may terminate his/her examination at any time. If a candidate cannot continue the examination, tell the candidate that it is his/her decision as to whether or not to stop the examination. If a candidate elects to terminate the examination, he/she may contact CNC to determine status for future examinations. At the end of the three-hour time limit the exams will automatically end, as the time is monitored by the computer. When a candidate has completed their exam they will need to click on the FINISH button and EXIT. You must collect the scratch paper from each candidate as they exit the testing room. Exam Results Examinees will receive automatic results at the exam site immediately following the exam; the examinee must click on the link that reads “View Results.” In addition, exam results will be sent to the examinee’s email address that was provided on the certification application. Exam results of pass/fail are based upon approximately 130 scored items; pre-test items and are not scored but used for the development of future exams. Reporting Please return the Candidate Logs with student signatures, any Examination Comment Forms, and any Irregularity Reports to the CNC office: Commission on Nurse Certification One Dupont Circle NW, Suite 530 Washington, DC 20036 11 MONITORING OF CANDIDATES CONDITIONS DURING THE EXAM All examinations must be administered securely. Proctors are responsible for both the standardized administration and security of the examination. You should stay in the testing room during the administration to ensure that candidates never compromise the security of any examination, either by using notes, having discussions or attempting to copy or remove examination materials from the testing room in any format. Proctors will monitor the conditions inside and outside the testing room to make certain all candidates are afforded an equal opportunity to take an examination under satisfactory conditions. If unsatisfactory conditions inside or outside the testing room arise, they should be remedied as soon as possible. An example of an unsatisfactory condition outside the testing room would be excessive noise from other candidates or staff, or equipment. Unsatisfactory conditions must be reported to the CNC Director within 24 hours of the examination administration. Please remember to document any deviation from standard conditions as a testing irregularity (a form is provided at the end of this manual). When monitoring candidates, if you observe any suspicious candidate activity, that may indicate cheating or the recording of examination content, watch the candidates carefully to verify the suspicious behavior. For instance, if candidates appear to be staring down into their laps or at their keyboards excessively, they may be looking at notes they have slipped into their laps or even under the keyboards. Suspicious candidate activity must be reported to the CNC Director within 24 hours of the examination administration. MISCONDUCT The following actions by candidates during the examination will constitute misconduct and result in an automatic dismissal from the examination, cancellation of scores, and forfeiture of examination fees: Failure to adhere to testing site examination restrictions Creating a disturbance, being abusive, or being otherwise uncooperative Bringing restricted materials into the testing area Using electronic communications equipment such as cellular phones, PDA’s, or pagers Gaining unauthorized admission into the examination testing area Attempting to take the examination for another individual 12 Possessing books, notes, or other resources and study aids Attempting to remove, or removing scratch paper from the testing site Recording or attempting to record examination questions or making notes Giving help or receiving help or being suspected of doing so during or after the examination Eating, drinking, and smoking are prohibited in the testing sites Discussing test questions, topic areas or scenarios, or possible answers, either during or after the test administration, with any other person(s) which includes faculty, other examinees or potential candidates SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY In spite of warnings that they will be monitored during the examination session, some candidates may still attempt to cheat. The following candidate actions may be evidence of candidate cheating: • • • • Candidates whispering or talking during the examination. Candidates appear to be exchanging notes with one another, or answering by some form of “code system.” Candidates appear to be using notes – either in written or electronic format. Candidates switch seats during the examination. Another form of cheating may involve the recording of examination content by one candidate to be shared later with another candidate. Because the examinations are administered over a secure computer network, there are no physical examination booklets that candidates could be tempted to remove from the testing room. However, examination content could still be removed from the testing room in a variety of methods: • • Candidates could write down examination content and remove it from the testing room. This is why you must not permit candidates to bring any personal papers into the testing room. Since miniature recording devices are so widely available and affordable, it is possible for candidates to sneak such devices (e.g. voice recorders, cameras, video recorders) into the testing room and attempt to remove examination content by these means. Also, recording devices can be hidden in many everyday personal items, such as hats, pens, watches, eyeglasses, and perhaps even jewelry. This is why we provide procedures for careful inspection of allowable personal items that candidates may take into the testing room. Due to the “high stakes” nature of the examinations, as well as the significant investment in developing these examinations, it is critical that security of examination content be maintained at all times. 13 The following candidate actions may be evidence of a candidate recording examination content: • • • Candidates are reading out loud or whispering examination content. Candidates appear to frequently adjust their eyeglasses, watches, or other personal items. Candidates are observed to possess prohibited materials (such as personal papers or devices). 14 REPORTING TESTING IRREGULARITIES Occasionally, testing irregularities occur that affect a group of test takers. Such problems include, without limitation: administrative errors, defective equipment or materials, improper access to test content and/or the unauthorized general availability of test content, as well as, other disruptions of test administrations (e.g. natural disasters and other emergencies.). Examples of group irregularities could include mistiming, external distractions (e.g. the marching band practicing outside), or internal distractions such as noise or trouble with heating or cooling. Examples of individual irregularities could include your observation of potential cheating behavior, minor internal distractions affecting only one individual, or potentially relevant comments/complaints made to you by an individual candidate. After the irregularity has been handled, please make a record of the irregularity and send it to CNC within 24 hours of the examination administration, using the form provided in Appendix A. Please record important facts such as the date, time you noticed the event, the names of the candidates involved, any additional witnesses to the event, etc. 15 TROUBLESHOOTING LOSS OF INTERNET CONNECTION OR POWER If your site experiences a loss of power or a loss of Internet connection during the examination, please advise the candidates that the software saves the time remaining and selected responses up to the point of the power failure or loss of Internet connection and it is possible to restart candidates from the point that this occurred. Once power or Internet connection is restored, the candidates will simply click on the Secure Browser Lite icon and enter their unique user ID and passcode that was provided by SMT into the appropriate spaces on the log in screen. Please note candidates will see the instruction screen and tutorial prior to re-entering their exam. If examinees request a retake due to technical difficulties at the testing site, there will be a $50 fee per examinee – contact CNC’s Director for additional information. TECHNICAL ISSUES Should you encounter any technical issues during the examination, or if you have any questions, please contact the SMT Office by phone at 727-738-8727 or by e-mail at Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm EST. If a CNL exam administration issue occurs after normal business hours please call SMT’s emergency line at 877-779-EXAM (3926). This number is solely dedicated to the resolution of computer testing issues. All other inquiries should be directed to the office line during regular business hours. 16 APPEND P DIX A | IRR REGUL LARITY Y R EP PORT Clinical Nurse Leader L (C CNL) Certtification Examina ation _____________ ___________________________________________________ Examination Name: ___________ ution: ______ _____________ ____________ _____________ _______________________________________ Institu City/Sttate: _______ ____________ _____________ ___________________________________________________ Test D Date: _______ ____________ _____________ ___________________________________________________ Grou up Irregularitiess ming (please exxplain): ______ ____________ ____________________________________________________ Mistim _____ _____________ ____________ _____________ ___________________________________________________ Other (please explain): _________ _____________ ___________________________________________________ _____ _____________ ____________ _____________ ___________________________________________________ Irregularitties with Indiviiduals date’s Name: _ _____________ ____________ _________________ ID#: ______________________________ Candid Descriiption of Irregu ularity: ______ _____________ ___________________________________________________ _____ _____________ ____________ _____________ ___________________________________________________ Candid date’s Name: _ _____________ ____________ _________________ ID#: ______________________________ Descriiption of Irregu ularity: ______ _____________ ___________________________________________________ _____ _____________ ____________ _____________ ___________________________________________________ Procto or’s Name: ___ ____________ _____________ ___________________________________________________ Procto or’s Signature: ___________ _____________ ___________________________________________________ Mail to: Commission n on Nurse Cerrtification ∙ On ne Dupont Circcle NW, Suite 5530 ∙ Washingtton, DC 20036 8320 or Faxx to: 202‐785‐8 17 APPEND P DIX B | EXA AM CO OMME ENT F ORM NOTEE: Please note e the problem m number for each commeent and provid de a detailed explanation for which you have e a comment. Problem Number Comment on Content 18 AP PPEN NDIX C | CNL C P PROC CTOR R GU UIDE ELINE ES AN ND A GREE EMENT A pro octor shall: 1. Read and adhe ere to the guidelines of the e CNC Proctorr Manual – Prrocedures forr the Sttandardized A Administratio on of the CNL Certification Examination.. 2. Not be a relative or have a conflict of intterest with anny candidate scheduled to o sit for the CNL exam at th he examinatio on site. 3. Protect the seccurity and confidentiality o of the examinnation and the confidentiaality of the dentity of the examination candidates. id 4. Verify the iden ntity of the exxaminee priorr to the exam m. Compare siggnatures on C Candidate Logg heet with govvernment IDs. Sh 5. Witness that t W he completio on of the CNL exam was byy the registereed examinee only. 6. Not discuss the e content of tthe examinattion with any candidate beefore, during, or after the ogistical instruuctions only.)) exxam administtration. (You may clarify lo 7. Administer the e examination n according to o the instructtions provided by CNC and d in acccordance with the Procto or Manual. 8. Refrain from d distracting acttivities duringg the examinaation. 9. Collect all exam mination matterials and retturn to CNC aas instructed. 10. Su ubmit all requ uired docume entation to CN NC (Test Adm ministration Irrregularity Reeport, Exam Comment Form m, and Candid date Log Shee et). 11. Never comment or make an ny type of asssessment of aa candidate’s performancee on the exxamination. 12. Never discuss the examinattion activities with anyonee else, except CNC staff or members of th he CNC Board d of Commissiioners. 13. Notify CNC imm mediately if u unable to servve as a proctoor. ubmit a W9 form to CNC h has instructed d. 14. Su 19 CNL Proctor Guidelines and Agreement I have read and agree to adhere to the proctor guidelines as listed. I understand that I am responsible for the security of the examination materials and confidentiality of the identity of the examination candidates. I agree to conduct the examination in accordance with the procedures outlined in the CNC Proctor Manual – Procedures for the Standardized Administration of the CNL Certification Examination and report any irregularities that occur during the exam administration. _____________________________________________________________ Printed Name of Proctor _____________________________________________________________ ___________ Signature Date _____________________________________________________________ Exam Site/Institution Mail to: Fax: Email: Commission on Nurse Certification One Dupont Circle NW, Suite 530 Washington, DC 20036 202‐785‐8320 (preferred) 20 AP PPEN NDIX D |P PROCT TOR CH HECK KLIST T o o o READ CNC PRO OCTOR MANU UAL NO LATEER THAN threee (3) BUSINEESS DAYS PRIO OR TO XAMINATION N DATE. EX NOTIFY CNC A N AND EXAM SITTE FACULTY IF UNABLE TO O SERVE AS P PROCTOR. CONFIRM REC CEIPT OF EXAM MINEE ACCESSS INFORMATTION FROM SSMT. If you do not receive the loggin information per examiinee, notify C wo (2) CNC at least tw business days prior to the e exam date. FFailure to nottify CNC may delay candidaate access to th he exam. COLLECT ALL C TEST ADMIN NISTRATION IR RREGULARITYY REPORTS A AND EXAMINEEE NOTE PAPER AFTER P R TEST HAS BEEEN ADMINISSTERED. PREPARE D DOCUMENTA ATION FOR SU UBMISSION TTO CNC. SIGNED PROCTTOR GUIDELIN NES AND AGR REEMENT RREGULARITYY REPORTS TEEST ADMINISTRATRION IR CA ANIDATE LOG G SHEET EX XAM COMMEENT FORMS A AND EXAMIN NEE NOTE PAP PER W9 Form as in W structed by C CNC SEND TO: Dana F. Reid Commiission on Nurse Certificatioon One Du upont Circle, NW, Suite 53 0 Washin ngton, DC 200 036 or @aacn.nche.e edu (preferred d) dreid@ e documents must be submitted to thee CNC no later than five (5 5) business PLEASSE NOTE: The days aafter the exam mination date e. QUESSTIONS? Contact the Comm mission on Nu urse Certificattion. Telephone: 202‐46 63‐6930, ext. 226 or ext. 242; e‐mail: or tlofty@ 21 APPEND P DIX E | CAN NDIDA ATE L OG CNL C Candidate Lo og Institu ution: ______ ___________ ____________ ______________________________________________ __ ___________ ___________ _______________________________________________ Date: ___________ Name (Prin nt) Signature 22 APPEND P DIX F | E XA AM PR Read d by examiinees prior r to Clinica al Nurse L Exam mination This test contain ns 140 multtiple-choice, single answ hours to complette the exam m. Imbe edded in this examinatiion are "pretest" questi exam mination for statistical purposes p on nly. These qu exam mination sco ore. You willl not be alerrted as to wh to each item as if i it impactss your score. It is highly h recom mmended yo ou work thrrough the tu beforre beginning g the exam. You will ha ave five min tutorrial is design ned to inform you how to navigate syste em and inpu ut your answ wers during g the exam. A tutorrial will not affect your test score. Read d each questtion carefullly and then decide whic Alwa ays pick the BEST answ wer. Your sccore is calcu questtions answe ered correctlly. You shou uld answer A comp pletely sure of the corre ect response e. Do not spe questtion. You wiill have the ability to re eturn to que exam mination. Ho owever, once e you have submitted s a returrn to it. e, but not alll, items on this examin nation refer Some appear at the be eginning of the t exam. Ittems referri on that read ds "Click He ere To View Case #". If butto butto on, the item m is stand-alone and doe es not refer will NOT N tell you u when one case ends and a the nex you will w have that an item is i referring to a new ca the blue b button. Some e items may y include scrroll bars on the right si sure to scroll all the way do own to confirrm you are u need to leave the room m during th he examinat If you mustt be surrend dered to the test site su upervisor un